lilithandlillies · 1 year
m.list kim namjoon.
[ key. ❃ ⇾ fluff; ☁ ⇾ angst; ☆ ⇾ smut ]
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hoebaring · 2 years
Open Books (47) | Kim Namjoon
An unpredicted switch of journals brings two strangers close. Strangers with similarly perturbing experiences, and beautifully healing souls. Abused, bullied, and traumatized, they help each other, and those around them break away from similar experiences, heal and grow gracefully. With thoughtful emotions, and ever growing minds, Y/n and Namjoon are delicate heroes. They understand the best in each other, and the worst, like open book
Tags/Warnings :- Child abuse, domestic violence, traumatized characters, bullying, self harm, mentions of toxic relationships, angst. I know it's dark but trust me it gets better! namjoonXreader, Namjoon and Y/n, A slow burn romance, fluff, strangers to friends, strangers to lovers, self love, healing, etc.
Cross posted on Wattpad
Written by Author G
Word Count :- 875 words
Masterlist   Previously Next
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The metal fence to the sparkling lake feels cold like the wind that bites at her skin, forcing her to cuddle into the warm covers of her coat, her breath a shiver in the depths of her chest as she waits for Bo-ra to arrive.
It's opening night at the Oxford exhibit and it worries Y/n. Contrasted to what one might think, it's not the seminar that worries her, but the fact that she isn't nervous that does.
Where has the nervous excitement that she felt up until earlier this morning gone? Where are the jittery hands and enjoyably nervous laughs? Where is the excited chit-chatter that she drove herself (and Bo-ra) mad with? She doesn't know.
And that in itself is driving her mad now. Oh, the irony! Y/n scoffs at the thought with a small laugh before turning to greet the scuffling of shoes that grows closer, dried leaves crunching tenderly under the weight of the person.
"Here's your hot cup of tea Miss" Bo-ra jokes as she hands over the beverage to the 'Miss' in question, shuddering slightly at the cold air that she comes in contact with once the warm drink leaves her hand.
"It's cold" Y/n comments, rolling her eyes with a smile when Bo-ra replies with a 'duh'.
A familiar quiet blankets the air around them and once again, Y/n's mind drifts off to the confusing feeling of calm that she's afraid of.
"Come on. Spill" Bo-ra demands with a knowing look.
"Spill what?" Y/n feigns innocence.
"You know exactly what." She replies, leaving no room for argument whatsoever, and the tone brings a small smile to her face.
The mere thought of being able to act so casually around someone who isn't blood-related; the mere thought of knowing that their friendship is way past the lines of formal etiquette, warms her heart like no other has.
It might seem silly, but it's moments like these that Bo-ra absolutely loves!
As a kid, she never had anyone to speak freely with. Never had anyone to playfully insult, goof around with and more.
Sure, she didn't have as terrible of a childhood as Y/n, but, who's comparing?
She still remembers the time she first met her, but of course, who wouldn't remember when it's your best friend that stumbles into your life?
Quite literally though, Y/n had stumbled into Bo-ra, allowing the pile of books she was carrying to scatter all over the floor. A small 'sorry' was uttered, and a 'here let me help!' with a smile was all it took for them to become friends.
Wow- They do have a lot of history.
Bo-ra smiles at the heart warming thought.
"What's got you smiling?" Y/n asks, wiggling her eyebrows so as to change the topic, not wanting to face the scary truth of why she is, well, not scared.
Bo-ra sees right through her act though. If she doesn't want to talk about it, then, why force her?
"You." Bo-ra truthfully answers with a smirk, laughing out loud as Y/n rolls her eyes with a genuine laugh, the alarming thoughts no where to be found now.
"Feeling any better?" Bo-ra asks Y/n as she realizes what exactly happened.
"You're amazing, you know that?" Y/n laughs.
"Seriously though, what's on your mind luv?"
"Hmm. It's about the exhibit. It's kind of stupid, but, to summarize it, I am nervous, because..I am not nervous..? Aghh I dont know!" Y/n groans, covering her face with her hands in the process, the cup of coffee pleasantly warm against her face.
"You can be really stupid at times, you know that?" Bo-ra asks with laugh, hitting Y/n on the arm before continuing "Isn't this the exact same thing that happened before our performance at the play back in 5th grade? You literally bawled your eyes out!"
"Oh my god- the one where I played the carrot!" Y/n exclaims, the trip down memory lane landing her at the time when she looked at herself in the mirror to be met by a girl dressed as a carrot, and another, dressed as half an apple.
Can you guess who the apple was?
"Exactly. And remember how well that one went? It just shows that-" Before Bo-ra can complete her sentence, Y/n, as usual, does it for her.
"I'm way too well prepared, or that I don't care at all"
"And I'm pretty sure it's not the latter because, you are nervous. Why? Cause' you're not..? You can be ridiculously silly at times darling" she replies with a shake of her head, the worry that filled Y/n's mind slowly clearing away like the misty fog around them.
"Yeah. I know, which is why it's a blessing that I have you by my side, Apple" Y/n rather lamely puts before cringing with a laugh.
"Ha ha- very funny. The apple in question, I remember, was missing a fricking half. Why? Because you changed it to a carrot in the last minute" Bo-ra grumbles out as Y/n doubles over with laughter.
"You looked pretty cute though"
"I know. Way better than you did" Bo-ra jokes, and that's all it takes for Y/n to pay her back for the hit on the arm earlier.
Yeah. They do have a lot of history. And they wouldn't have it any other way.
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wocfics · 5 years
A Little Caught Up (Part 4)
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Masterlist Reader x Namjoon x All Members eventually
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV -  Part V
Baby crib instructions were hard when you’re by yourself. Y/N had been sitting in the middle of the baby’s room for an hour, figuring out how to put the pieces together. Her IPad was propped up on the small table where her best friend was on Facetime with her, looking up the instructions for her on a website. “You’re doing it right, just make sure the pieces are laying flat….just like that!” She cheered her on. With a 7 month belly, she wore leggings and a baggy shirt, her curly up in a pineapple and out of her face. She had the fan blowing since it was hot and she hated being hot, especially in the summertime. Screwing in the pieces, she stood up and set everything up, checking around her to make sure there weren’t any other extra pieces sitting around and began putting everything else together. Her baby shower was last week so she still had to take things out and hang them up. The baby’s nursery was done beforehand thanks to her best friends who said they were dropping off just a few things but really they came in and painted the room and put the furniture in it as well, minus the crib since Y/N wanted to do that part herself.
The room was a light purple color and the furniture was all handmade from a woodshop that Y/N fell in love with when a magazine came in the mail. “Thanks for helping me out, I got it from here. You finish studying and I’ll text you later.” Y/N spoke to her friend as a knock came on the door. They hung up and Y/N made her way through her apartment and to the front door opening it to a delivery man with a few big boxes. She stared at them then at him. “Are you Y/N? These packages are for you.” He spoke while holding a clipboard. She could tell that the boxes had a few stickers on them and quickly noticed that there were purple and red hearts all over them and realized they were from the boys. Quickly signing her name, she smiled at the guy. “Thank you.” She nodded and began bringing the boxes inside, setting them down and dragged the last box in since it was a little heavy. Closing the door, she pushed them all into the baby’s room and began opening them, sitting down on a chair and opening them, seeing cards at the top first so she opened those up first and read them, keeping the group pictures of the boys to the side of her as she went through each card. 
They sent so many clothes, designer and regular alike. Of course she could tell who sent what since they all had a unique individual style. Jimin sent a few blankets for the baby and the others sent toys and small shoes. At least she wouldn’t run out of clothes right? The last box, the biggest and heaviest box, she opened it and pulled out a card and read it, it was from Namjoon. 
“Jimin said I should send something so I did. I hope it’s enough for the baby. I don’t know how to do these things so I just found a few things that I liked and put them in a box.” 
Attached to the card was a picture of him with a shirt, the shirt had a picture of the baby’s ultrasound on it but Namjoon wasn’t smiling, just making a heart with his arms. At least he tried. She put the card and picture aside and looked in the box, pulling out a small one and opened it, seeing a pair of brown little boots, they were definitely adorable. She stared at them and smiled before looking into the box further and pulling out A LOT of diapers, books and clothes. There was a small table inside as well, wooden. It was from Nakashima furniture which she knew was expensive. Taking it out, she set it by the chair she was sitting in and placed the small shoes on top. “See? He cares, look at all the nice stuff they got you. Let’s put it away and get some food huh?” Y/N rubbed her belly and began putting everything away. She knew it was a good idea to get extra clothing racks for the room since there were so many clothes of different sizes. After an hour of putting everything away and taking the boxes out, she came back inside and made herself a small meal and sat in the living room on the couch, watching a movie and smiling the entire time. The rest of this pregnancy would go by easily.
2 Months Later
“Just push for me, the baby’s almost out Ms. Y/N.” “She’s almost here Y/N! You’re doing so good!” The nurse kept a cold cloth on Y/N’s forehead while her best friend held one foot and another nurse held the other as she pressed your chin into her chest and pushed. Y/N was just at home, cooking dinner for her friends since you guys always got together once a week for movie night and the latest gossip and updates on each others lives. It was late and she was bringing them more iced tea when her water broke. The only ones that were panicking were her friends while she remained calm and went to shower, being the crazy person she was and grabbed the hospital bag. Y/N made it just in time to the hospital before the contractions started, which she took like a champ. 
The sound of crying made her lean back and cover her face, sobbing from hearing the sound she had been waiting for months for. She was here. After being cleaned off and Y/N was taken care of, she was swaddled and placed into her arms, she was beautiful with a head full of hair and medium toned skin, how Namjoon’s looks when he tans. This was definitely the best moment of hrt life for sure.
A few days after going home and getting the baby settled in with a schedule, Y/N finished the rest of her schooling online since she couldn’t be away from her daughter. Jimin and her friends helped pick out a name for her since Y/N couldn’t decide. Settling on the name YoungMi which meant prosperity, eternal and beautiful. A traditional Korean name and a name that Y/N loved as well. Over the next few weeks, she was the perfect baby, sleeping and eating without fussing except for the middle of the night which she would never complain about. The boys had a busy schedule but once Y/N sent Jimin a message telling him the news he was already booking her plane ticket a month in advance since he was serious about having him and the boys meet the baby. YoungMi had features like her of course but she saw so much of Namjoon in her as well. Her eyes, nose and even the small dimples were all features of him.Y/N packed your bags for that day when it was time to go to Korea and meet the boys and for her daughter to meet her father, even if he was still hesitating. 
That day was finally here a month later, the ticket came in the mail, you and Mi were already on the plane, of course she was asleep for the most part of the plane ride, only waking up to be changed and eat again.You had your own section in first class thanks to the boys and once you got to the airport, Taehyung sent you the information about who was picking up to bring to the dorms until you could find a hotel that you were okay with even though they insisted it was okay for you to stay with them and one of the boys would be more than okay to give up their room for you and the baby. 
The driver took you to a back road that must have been Big Hit and helped you out of the car along with the baby’s carseat. You grabbed the diaper bag and quickly made your way inside. Your hair was straightened so it sat under a baseball cap for now since it was warm out and you wore a pair of jeans and a blouse. Walking inside you waited as the two people spoke before you were escorted to the practice room. You could hear the music playing once the woman disappeared behind the door and shouted something before the music was cut off and you could hear running towards the door. Jimin’s head popped out of the door, smiling and opened it wide for you to walk in. “Y/N!!!!” Everyone yelled at once but quickly quieted when they saw the carseat in your hand. You smiled and quickly gave everyone a hug, seeing Namjoon linger in the back. A thin blanket covered the carseat so the sun wouldn’t get in Mi’s eyes so they couldn’t see her yet. “You made it. I’m happy you came, now we can meet YoungMi.” Jungkook spoke and they all stared at the carseat, hearing whining behind the green blanket. 
“C-Can I see her first?” You glanced up at Namjoon’s voice and you were honestly shocked as was everyone else. Your grip tightened on the seat before nodding and seeing a couch towards the back of the room, you walked over to it while Namjoon followed behind. He quickly jogged over into a small area and disappeared behind a door and came back, drying his hands and walking over to the couch You set the seat down and flipped the blanket over, unbuckling your daughter as she opened her eyes and stared at you. Namjoon mumbled something in Korean while staring at her and sat down next to you. You took off her little hat and fixed her hair and watched as he just stared at her. “Do you want to hold her?” You asked. He looked at you then back down at her and nodded, sitting back. You carefully handed her to him, placing his hands where they needed to be to support her and watched as the guys came and crowded around, taking pictures and mumbling. “So lovely.” Jimin smiled and snapped a picture of Namjoon and the baby with Jungkook’s camera. 
You could see the tears well up in Namjoon’s eyes and you looked away since you didn’t want to start crying either. “YoungMi. Kim YoungMi, hi. I’m your father.” He whispered to her and then repeated it in Korean. Wiping the tears that escaped your eyes, you sniffled a little and looked at him and Mi, seeing him make eye contact with you. “Thank you for this.” He nodded. You shrugged. “Thank Jimin, he put it all together.” Jimin beamed and the other guys were sniffling too. “I have jams now, right Namjoonie?” Jimin asked and everyone quietly laughed while YoungMi fell asleep on her father’s chest.
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gguklmjplto · 4 years
oooi gente, tudo bem? me desculpa pela demora. espero que gostem e se divirtam. qualquer coisa, minha ask ta aberta! um abraço! 🎭
REACTION — Você mais carente que o normal.
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Namjoon estava sentado no sofá, lendo o seu livro favorito quando você abriu a porta do seu apartamento. Ao vê-lo ali, toda a sua frustração causada pelo trabalho foram diminuídas.
Ele não tinha percebido sua chegada até você deixar suas coisas em cima da mesa e, praticamente, se jogar em cima dele em forma de um abraço apertado. E enchendo o rosto dele de beijos. Ele deixou escapar uma risada baixa com a sua atitude, normalmente você não agia assim. Mas ele tinha gostado.
— Boa noite pra voce também — Disse ele, em tom de brincadeira, enquanto fazia carinho pelo seu cabelo e aproveitando a sensação boa que era te ter perto.
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Após sair do banho e se vestir, você foi até o quarto para procurar seu namorado, já que estava sentindo saudades. Ao chegar lá, o encontrou deitado na cama com a atenção voltada para o que passava na tv.
Você se aproximou da cama e se deitou do lado dele, aproximando seus corpos. Jin colocou um dos braços ao seu redor e levou a mão ao seu cabelo, te fazendo cafuné. Pode se ouvir uma risada baixa do garoto quando você disse que tava com saudades.
— A gente passou o dia todo juntos, amor. Como você ainda ta com saudades? — Ele disse, implicando com você.
— A gente quase não se viu essa semana, Jin... Ah, fica quieto e me abraça, ta?
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Você tinha acabado de entrar no estúdio dele, foi levar um pouco de comida já que ele estava trabalhando desde de manhã. E esse era o motivo da sua inquietação o dia todo: estava sentindo falta de ter Yoongi por perto.
Então, no momento em que ele levantou para te agradecer pela comida, você o abraçou apertado. E beijava qualquer lugar que conseguia, do nariz ao pescoço. Yoongi soltou um sorriso, gostando do carinho e já imaginando o motivo.
— Desde quando você é carente assim? — Ele perguntou enquanto retribuia o abraço e te dando um selinho antes de voltar a trabalhar.
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Hoseok tinha voltado para casa depois da turnê do BTS há duas semanas, mais ou menos. E, ainda sim, você sentia saudades sempre que ele tinha que sair de casa. Ainda mais quando ele passava o dia todo no estúdio de dança, como hoje. Então, você decidiu ir visita-lo.
Ao chegar lá e entrar na sala, você conseguia ver ele ensaiando o que parecia uma nova coreografia. Assistiu por alguns minutos até que ele percebeu sua presença, sorriu e caminhou em sua direção, perguntando o que você fazia ali.
— Não dá pra ficar esse tempo todo longe de você, Hobi!
— Parece que alguém ta mais carente que o normal, ein. — Ele respondeu, implicando com você.
— Vou terminar de ensinar os últimos passos e vamos pra casa fazer o que você quiser, prometo! — Hoseok disse antes de colocar a mão em seu rosto e te dar um selinho.
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Jimin estava na sala, assistindo uma série qualquer que passava na tv. Seu foco estava totalmente no aparelho, até ele ouvir você o chamando.
Com isso, ele levantou e foi até o quarto, meio preocupado e perguntando o que você queria.
— Eu quero que você fique aqui comigo! — Você disse de maneira manhosa.
Ouvindo isso, Jimin abriu um sorriso ao falar que você tava mais carente que o normal, mas ele não achava isso uma coisa ruim.
Ele deitou perto de você, te abraçou e encheu seu rosto de beijos. Vocês ficaram assim pelo resto da noite, só aproveitando a companhia um do outro.
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Vocês estavam deitados no sofá, ele mexendo no celular concentrado e você tentando achar alguma coisa pra assistir na televisão. Ficou alguns minutos até perdeu a paciência com aquilo e bufou, irritada.
A única coisa que você realmente queria agora era um carinho do seu namorado. Por isso, você se aproximou dele até estarem abraçados e ignorou os pedidos, vindo dele, para você se afastar um pouco.
— Amor, eu to resolvendo umas coisas do trabalho, preciso me concentrar. — Não que ele não gostasse de ficar assim com você, longe disso. É só que ele precisava de ter total atenção no que fazia.
— Você ficou nele a tarde toda, é só um pouquinho, não vou te atrapalhar!
Ele riu com a sua carência repentina, se ajeitou embaixo de você e disse:
— Ta bom, acho que consigo fazer os dois.
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Fazia, mais ou menos, uma hora que Jungkook tinha dito que ia parar de jogar e, sem surpresas, ele ainda estava com os fones no ouvido e concertado na partida. Não que você não gostava que ele jogasse, o problema é ele tinha passado quase o dia inteiro naquilo, e você só queria um pouco de atenção. Ter passado o dia anterior todo com ele perto não era o suficiente.
Por isso, você entrou para o quarto de vocês e sentou no colo dele e o abraçou, sem avisar. O garoto tomou um leve susto mas retribui o abraço, te ajeitando em seu colo.
— Eu sabia que você não consegue ficar longe de mim, mas não sabia que era tanto assim. — Ele disse pra implicar com você, rindo em seguida. Você não disse nada pois sabia que, apesar da leve implicância, Jungkook se sentia da mesma forma com você.
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sincerelynamkook · 5 years
Sunday Morning
Namjoon x You
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 1552
Playlist: “Moments” by One Direction / “Suit Up” by Jonghyun 
Imagine waking up on a rainy Sunday morning expecting to wake up next to the love of your life but he’s not there...
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The rain drops creating a melody against your window wake you from your slumber on a sunday morning. You reach out your arm to the other side of the bed looking for his warmth. When you don’t find it you whimper and lift your head from under the covers. You barely open your eyes to look around the room for him, but when you realize he’s not in your bedroom you decide to get up and find him. 
You’re already coming up with scenarios in your mind of what he’s up to. “If he’s in his studio working on our day off I’m gona kick his ass” you think to yourself as you angrily put on your slippers and his black t-shirt that’s on the floor. You walk out to the room and bump into Monie who wants you to rub his belly. You entertain yourself with him for a few minutes until he’s had enough of you and then runs back out to the yard. 
You continue your trek inside the house, looking in the kitchen adorned with wooden and rustic elements. You don’t find him there but you make a quick stop for some coffee when you see he made some. 
You continue on your quest and go down to his studio but are surprised when you see the lights are off meaning he’s not there. “Hmm interesting” you think. You walk back upstairs and that’s when you hear a soft soothing sound coming from the second floor. You walk up the steps and realize the sound is coming from his office. You walk towards the door slowly, as to not make a sound, when you recognize the song playing. It’s the song you sang to him when you first told him “I love you”. The chorus of “Moments” by One Direction starts to play and you can hear him singing along in his soft voice. Your heart starts to beat faster as you remember that special day. 
You slowly open the door and peek inside. He’s sitting on his dark brown leather chair in the corner facing the window. His bare feet are resting on the matching ottoman. He’s in the grey sweatpants and white T-shirt that he was wearing last night before things got hot and heavy.  His right hand is holding a book open while his left hand is holding his mug of coffee. By the looks of it, it seems that he’s been up for a while seeing as he’s almost done with the book. 
He has a focused look on his face. His eyebrows are scrunched up together, jaw slightly clenched. He’s so engrossed in the information he’s learning he doesn’t notice you walk up behind him until you softly run your fingers over his jaw. He startles and turns to face you. 
“Morning my love” he whispers as he grabs your arm to bring you closer to him. You sit on his lap and kiss his jaw. 
“I missed you this morning.” You say as you cuddle closer to him. He wraps one arm around you, hand landing on your thigh. Kissing your forehead he says “you were sleeping so soundly I didn’t wana wake you. I know I must’ve worn you out last night.” You snicker, playfully slapping his chest. You feel the rumble of his laughter against your head that’s lying on his chest. 
“Read to me.” You tell him to which he asks you if you’re really interested in hearing about an art critic. 
“You could be reading the assembly instructions of Ikea furniture and I’d still be interested. Your voice is like a soothing lullaby” 
“Well okay then.” He clears his throat and starts to read in a very dramatic deep voice making you giggle. “Okay, how about this?” He clears his voice again and starts to read in a high pitched falsetto voice. 
“Stop, please,” you say in between laughter. He laughs with you and puts the book down. 
“Seeing as you’re now fully awake, what do you say we go make some breakfast?” He asks as he gets up from the chair while carrying you. 
“And by ‘we’ you mean ‘me’ right?” You taunt as he puts you down. “We just finished remodeling the kitchen, I don’t wana burn it down again” you say as you walk backwards out the office knowing he’s about to come after you. 
“Cmon! It was ONE TIME!” you hear him yell as you run down the stairs. He catches up to you by the time you make it to the kitchen and he picks you up from behind. You screech, knowing what he’s about to do as he walks you over to the sink. 
“Namjoon, don’t you fucking dare!” You protest, but fail to prevent what’s coming next.
Turning on the faucet, he grabs the small hose and starts to spray you. Laughing, you struggle in his arms trying to get out from his embrace. You manage to turn around only to notice how drenched you both are. You see Namjoon’s white t-shirt is stuck on him like second skin. His chest is heaving from the adrenaline and sexual tension between you. His arm is still wrapped around your waist. You feel him tighten his hold on you as he pushes you closer to him, so close your breaths start to intermingle with each other. 
With one hand still around your waist, he grabs your face with the other and gives you a heated kiss. Tongues start to dance to a rapid beat. Your hands instantly go to his Namtiddies, feeling his strength when he grabs your ass with his hands to pick you up and place you on the island. 
Your hands are now in his hair, legs wrapped around his waist. His sweatpants doing nothing to conceal the bulge in his pants. 
“Pants. Off.” You manage to get out in between kisses. He obliges, but doesn’t want to remove himself from you so he ends up struggling a bit. “Seriously bro.” You huff, pushing his chest a little so he takes a step back. You manage to help him remove his pants and you also remove your panties. 
Once your both naked, he doesn’t waste one second in beginning to taste your skin. You feel his soft plump lips kiss his way up from your calves, to your thigs, all the way to your center. 
At this point, you’re not sure if you’re wet from the water or from being so aroused. The moment you feel his tongue lick your core you throw your head back and let out a guttural moan. You can feel his smirk and that only makes you more wet. 
He licks and sucks with a rhythm, almost as if he was making music with your body. His strong veiny hands are wrapped around your thighs, holding you in place, squeezing you tightly everytime he hears you let out a moan. He’s rock solid, desperate to feel your walls clench around him but he loves having the taste of you in his mouth.
After giving your pussy enough attention with his mouth, he makes his way up your body, kissing your skin as he goes. Reaching your breasts, he takes one nipple in his mouth and sucks on it while his free hand squeezes the other. You’re feeling out of control with the overstimulation happening to your body. You run your hands through his hair, pulling it tightly until you hear that popping noise when he releases your nipple. 
“You. Now,” you say to him.
He thrusts his tongue into your mouth, making sure you taste yourself on his tongue. You moan as your hand squeezes in between your bodies to grab his dick and align it with you. He takes the hint and pushes into you, making you both gasp and moan loudly. 
He starts to thrust. Hard. Fast. Hard. Fast. He knows he’s hit your g-spot when he feels your nails biting into his back, leaving scratch marks that’ll last for days. 
“Baby, I’m close” you manage to whisper amidst his harsh fucking. 
“Good, cause so am I” he grunts. Grabbing your leg, he places it over his shoulder and with that better angle he has you cumming in no time. 
You both shout in relief, moaning gibberish. He falls on top of you and you both just lay on the island until you catch your breath.
Kissing your chest, he lifts himself and looks down at you. The look of complete and utter bliss on your face makes him smile, displaying those dimples that make you weak. He helps you get off the island and once your feet are on the floor he makes sure to hug you tight, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. 
“I love you” he soothingly says. 
“I love you too” you whisper in his ear as you give him a soft kiss on his neck. ‘“But if you think I’m cooking after that, you’re out of your mind.” 
He laughs that deep belly laugh, throwing his head back. The amount of joy radiating from both of you in that moment is enough to make anyone jealous. 
“Let’s go crash Jin hyung’s house and make him cook for us.” he says with a mischievous smile. 
“Now that’s music to my ears.” 
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euphoriadioxide · 6 years
Mouth-Washing Machine
“Joon!” I yelled, adjusting my hold on the laundry.
I waited for a few seconds only to hear no reply.
“Kim Namjoon!” I cried out once more, my patience running thin.
I tapped my foot against the floor impatiently, waiting for his reply.
“I swear to-“ I muttered under my breath before finally screaming.
(A/N: In case you didn’t know these are lyrics from RM’S mixtape song “Monster” 😂)
“OKAY OKAY I’M HERE!” Namjoon yelled, running to me with his hands raised in the air.
“Geez I thought zombies would have taken over the world before you got here,” I rolled my eyes, fighting the grin that threatened to take over my features.
“Well I’m here now,” Namjoon sighed. “Now what were you screaming at me for Y/N?”
“I need to rush to work. I’m already late by 5 minutes,” I checked my watch before shoving the pile of clothes in my arms into Namjoon’s.
“So I need you to do the laundry. I would do it myself after work but the pile is huge and it needs to get cleaned today.”
“I-but wait-Y/N this is too much at once I-“
“Detergent is somewhere next to the washing machine. It’s blue in colour you won’t miss it. I’ll be back in about 2 hours,” I called out, tugging on my coat and grabbing my things before rushing out the door.
“BYE JOON!” I sang, not bothered to hear his protests.
It’s only fair he did the laundry for once anyway.
*2 hours later*
I dropped my keys in the trinket tray and my bag the floor.
“Namjoon?” I called out, walking into the suspiciously quiet apartment.
Before I could call out for him again, a loud groan broke the silence of the apartment.
Curious, I walked towards the service balcony where the sound seemed to come from.
“Joon?” I said, slightly intimidated by the strange silence.
As I neared the balcony where the washing machine was, I heard another strangled groan and a strange squelching sound. The sound was like someone repeatedly pounding on a wet surface which made me feel all the more curious.
“Joon what the heck are you doing?” I laughed slightly, turning into the service balcony before halting in my steps.
Before my eyes was Namjoon sitting on the floor with his legs spread out, roughly running his hand back and forth.
There was a distinct mint smell in the air and the whole washing machine and the corner it was in was flooded with a mountain of bubbles.
“Namjoon. What. The. Fu-“
“Hire trucks because we need them!” Namjoon yelled, throwing the towel in his hand on the floor, causing a loud slapping sound.
“For what?” I cried in exasperation, allowing my hands drop against my sides.
“To... I don’t know pick up and collect all these bubbles,” Namjoon mumbled, a pout forming on his lips and his chin beginning to jut out.
“Okay let’s just start with what the heck did you do?” I sighed, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“I don’t know I put the detergent into the pocket like I was supposed to,” Namjoon groaned, handing me the blue bottle that was sitting in the bubbles.
I grabbed the bottle, inspecting the label before doing a double take.
“Oh my god Joon,” I forced out a laugh, raising my head to the skies.
“You put mouthwash into the machine instead of detergent.”
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xx-marinette · 8 years
50 Shades Of Complexity
Fic: Bts Fanfic Genre:not sure Character bases: my oc x namjoon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Toki can you please help me I can't quite get this design right" Jung kook said as he frowned over viewing his painting. "Hmm maybe its because you're trying too hard to perfect it. Just clear your mind and let your hand lead. Also its because you aren't using the nesscary color to flow into it. Use that one." Toki said as she pointed to one of the colors near him and he smiled looking at her. "Thanks Toki! Hey do you know when ChimChim and Jin are coming back?" Before Toki could respond to JungKook's question V came rushing in picking her up and twirling her around causing her to laugh and blush."V!!" "How are you shorty" V asked setting her back down gently "I'm fine and shush about my height mister! Anyways Kookie I think they said they will be late cause their out with J-hope as well" Toki said as she went towards the couch to sit down while V went to the kitchen. "Well then I guess its just four of us for dinner right?" Toki asked "Unfortunately no. Jk and I are gonna go out and meet up with Yoongi to discuss some things but Rap monster should be here soon" Tae said which caused Toki to pout "We haven't had one dinner together for over 6 months. Its lonely sometimes" she said bringing her knees to her chest and hugging them. "Awe T I know just our schedules clash sometimes I promise before ethe end of the year we will have one dinner together ok?" Jungkook said giving a small smile to her which caused her to smile and nod. "Its time lets go"Tae said as he grabbed his jacket and kissed top of Toki's head and Jungkook followed in suit saying their goodbyes. As time started to go bye and Namjoon still wasn't home and Toki was soon falling fast asleep on the couch waiting for him. She was snuggled up in Suga's big hoodie that he had given her for her birthday 2 years ago. Her phone was cuddled against her cheek and as Namjoon tried to call her she didn't seem to respond due to how much she was tired from the long hours she spent days prior with no sleep. Namjoon came home around 12 o'clock midnight and non of the boys had return which was usual. He seen her asleep on the couch and smiled seeing how she finally got sleep after so long. He walked over to her and sighed seeing how she was wearing a hoodie and short shorts only. "Damn it Toks" he muttered under his breathe as he carefully lifted her to take her to her room so she could rest properly. Namjoon looked down at her fast seeing her slowly open her eyes to see who was holding her and she gave a small sleepy smile "joon joon your home" she said sleeply and he chuckled lightly at her. She called him joon joon or nams nams because she loved giving nicknames that only she can call people. "Sorry if I kept you up Toks I just had a meeting run late" he tried to lie but even a sleeping Toki smirked at his noticable lie. "Joon joon the smell of achol doesn't leave easily even if you chew 4 gums" Toki mumbled as she cuddled against his chest. "Sorry Toks" Namjoon blushed at his awful lie and the fact she cuddled into his chest increased his blush. "Come on let's take you to your room and get you covered." "Nams can I sleep with you" Toks asked as she yawned trying to stay awake "If it gets you to rest sure" he said blushing as he carried her to his room and laid her down on his bed as he put the covers over her as he took his shirt off and pants putting on sweats and crawling in next to her. Toki cuddled against him and smiled feeling his bare chest agasint her soft cheeks. "Joon joon you never not wear a shirt...especially in front of me" Toki said blushing as she tried to stay awake. "Shh sleep Toks" he said and kissed her head and with that she was fast asleep snuggled against his chest. ~~~~~~~~~~~ The next morning Toki awoke to an empty bed and sighed as she read the note Namjoon had left saying he left to work with the boys and that he apologizes for his behavior last night. "Its been so many years and he still doesn't see it... I think its time to give up on him" Toki said as she got up and left Nams room closing the door and heading to her room to change. As she finished and walked out she bumped into namjoon who just returned home."Woah Toks where do you think your going in that outfit" Namjoon asked with a hint of anger in his voice. "Out. Don't wait up." She said and walked passed him and she said her goodbyes to the other boys. Although she knew she regret her plans she still went out in the little high waist shorts with a shoulder less tight white lace shirt and some black high heels that should wouldn't wear unless she wanted to get her mind off things in a way she knew wouldn't help but did so any way. As Toki met up with her friend and hung out Namjoon was at home angry and waiting up for her to scold her as if she was a child. Namjoon was over protective of people already but when it came to Toki you shouldn't even breathe near her unless you want someone to turn you into nothing. "Namjoon she is a grown women you don't need to be like this" Jin said as he patted his shoulder."if it was a concern she'd call even if she was pissed off. Besides what did you tell her?" "Is this guy still oblivious" Hobi asked sighing along with Tae. "What I did nothing wrong. And why are you all giving me a scolding look" Namjoon asked and pouted "One day he will understand "Suga said smirking and went back to writing down things. Causing Rapmon to put his head phones on and listen to music as he waited. Meanwhile it was 10 o'clock already and Toki was dancing and grinding on people already having people think she was excessively intoxicated and that cause her friend to call Namjoon. When Namjoon arrived he was furious to find young Toki grinding against some random guy as his hands were on her waist and kissing her shoulder. Namjoon stormed over and pulled her way causing the guy to get angry and Toki to whine and groan. "You're coming home this is not okay" Namjoon scolded and Toki scoffed."This isn't acceptable but you doing this is. Ha pretty petty don't you believe Namjoon" Toki said although her words were slurred and you can tell she was something else. Namjoon knew he was in deep shit when she said his real name but that didn't stop him from throwing her over his shoulder and taking her home. "Put me down! This isn't fair. I was having fun!" She yelled and pounded on his back. "Having fun is when your relaxing and have no care with friends not when a guy is trying to fuck you for one night" Namjoon yelled and with that the walk home was silent but once they made it back she stormed into her room slamming the door. This was gonna be the epic battle that will surely spiral out of hand.
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jungkookstatts · 2 years
University Superstar is 🤌🏻 Just so, SO good. I can do totally picture your JK 🫠🥴Thanks for sharing your immense talent with us🫰🏻 I’m an old ass fangirl and thought maybe if you ever decide to write asks that you could write about Namjoon with a much older artist or museum docent. 😏 I may or may not have had an exhibition or two 🖼️ and the idea that Kim Namjoon saw any of my pieces sends me… ⚰️
Kim Namjoon Drabble 1
[Summary]: Kim Namjoon is a frequent visitor at the museum you work at. In fact, he’s visited so often, he’s gained your museum's platinum gold card for passes on all exhibitions and the cafeteria’s sweet tea. You’ve come to realize that Namjoon is the biggest art nerd you’ve ever met outside of yourself when he started to find you after every exhibition and ask you questions about the artist. However, your subtle feelings for the man start to go a-wire when he beings to ask questions about you instead.
[Theme]: MuseumDocent!AU, Artist!AU, ArtNerdNamjoon!AU, Museum!AU, FriendsToLovers!AU
[Rating]: Fluffy fluff fluff; slice of life.
[Word Count]: 1,773
[A/N]: Hmmmm, this is going to be difficult. Mainly because I am only slightly younger than our golden maknae, Jjk. However, that doesn’t go to say that I haven’t read scenarios where Y/n was older than one of the members…but I also have not personally written any like that either. BUT! That doesn’t mean I can’t try. I hope this meets your expectations.
Besides, Namjoon in a museum makes me leek 🥬
[Masterlist] [Taglist]
You love this museum.
The smell of it, the look of it, the organization of it — you love it all. You love it so much, you’ve become a docent there.
Walking about the museum while you flaunt your knowledge on the various famous pieces, featured pieces, and sometimes, some of your own pieces, has been the source of your happiness for years now.
Your job never lets you down. In fact, you find that by the end of the day, your spirits have been lifted higher than what it was the last time you came home from work.
Especially nowadays.
Recently, a certain someone has been a part of nearly every single tour you have conducted within the past two weeks. He’s a tall man — sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the many old people and young children in the groups you guide. Not to mention, he's one of the most attractive people you have ever seen. Shaggy hair, brown eyes, and teeth that flash at you with every new piece of information you tell him, the man has somewhat stolen your heart. Even more so when he somehow finds you at the end of each guide to hound you for hours about the artists he found the most intriguing.
Kim Namjoon was his name, and given the many times he’s found you in the museum’s cafeteria after a guide, you’ve come to notice that the man has become such a frequent visitor he became eligible for the museum’s platinum gold membership card. Free sweet tea and admission to docent-guided tours, he took the upgrade and has since joined in on your groups.
There’s a pep and swing in your step as you make your way to work today. That twinge of nervousness you also contain shows as you shakily open the doors to the museum.
“You excited?” one of your best friends, Taehyung, asks. He’s smiling wide, clenching a pencil in his hand as he waits for your answer. You almost think he could be more excited than you with the way his eyes crinkle and his finger taps at the wood of the receptionists’ desk.
“You have no idea,” you laugh, swiping into the room that he stands in. You quickly clock in before you wipe your sweaty hands on the fabric of your skirt, hoping that your claminess goes away soon.
“I saw some of your pieces,” he faces you. “I still can’t believe those came from you! I know you’ve showed your pieces here before, but these are beyond anything I’ve ever seen you do. It’s like you went mad or something.”
You smile at his comment, a little blush forming on your face as you accept his compliment.
“That reminds me,” Taehyung grins once again. “A certain man by the name of Kim Namjoon is coming to your welcome exhibit. ‘Was the first to sign up.”
“I know,” you laugh. “He really likes art. It’s crazy how smart he is, too. I swear he grasps knowledge like a computer.”
“I dunno,” Taehyung purses his lips. “Seems he might like something else, too,”
“Stop it,” you shoot him a look. “Namjoon is an innocent nerd. Besides, I swear I’m like 10 years older than him.”
“Actually, 6 1/2,” Taehyung corrects.
“Point proven,” You observe while messing around with the computer in front of you.
“You do realize that there’s 5 other museum docents in this place, right?” your friend laughs. “Not to mention you usually conduct guides at the most inconvenient times for the general public. I doubt he’d come here and schedule tours with you if it meant he didn’t get to see you at any given moment during the week.”
“Have you ever thought of the possibility that maybe I'm just really good at my job?” you ask him teasingly.
“That’s not what I meant,” he laughs.
“I know,” you commence your teasing. “What I mean to say is, Namjoon is too… pure for that. I sincerely haven’t noticed a single flirtatious intent or ‘look in his eye’ during the multiple times he’s been here. Genuinely, he loves art and wants to know everything about it before moving on to learning about the next art style, time period, or artist he chooses to jump to next.”
“You could be right,” he looks to the door realizing that a customer has started walking up to the receptionist area. “Or he may have been asking me about you since before he started tagging along on your guides.”
You’re thinking about what Taehyung said all day.
He’s been asking about you? What specifically has he been asking about? And for how long has he been doing so before he started making an appearance at every guide you conducted?
Questions flood your mind, but excitement also overwhelms it.
Your exhibit has fully opened.
All your selected pieces for this have been displayed just like how you envisioned them to be. There's a crowd of people waiting to see what you’ve got, and best of all, Namjoon is there. He’s got a giant notebook in his hand, a cup of coffee in the other, and a big smile on his face as he spots you amongst the crowd.
You’re busy greeting critics, familiar faces, friends, family, and coworkers while you answer various questions and walk around the room explaining your art. You almost forget Namjoon is there until you get a free moment, and a tap on your shoulder sends a warm reminder that your eager art enthusiast has made it to your exhibit.
“I didn’t know you were an artist,” he smiles in awe while pointing to a painting near you two with the back of his pencil. “I have to say, though. Your pieces really make me think.”
“I’m no stranger to your questions, Namjoon. You know you can always ask me anything,” you blush.
“What was your muse?” he asks, still staring at the painting he pointed at. You have to turn around to look at which piece he’s talking about. Of course, this was one of your favorites out of all the pieces. You spent years on this one. Multiple trips to the same space out of the country, talks with natives, and fully immersing yourself like one. This one took the most thought and energy you’ve ever put into a piece. You’re flattered he’s mentioned this one out of all the others first.
“For this one, specifically? Or for the general theme of the exhibit?” you double-check.
“For this one — although, that was my second question,” he laughs. “I just happened to notice this one didn’t really match the theme. The rest all fall within a certain feeling, but this one caught my eye first.”
“I’m glad,” you banter. “This one is my favorite.”
“It’s mine, too,” he smirks, the warmness in his eyes flaming your entire body.
“As for the muse, it’s still hard to define,” you candor. “This one took the longest. So many stages of my 20s and mid-life crises and, well, life were all a mosh-pit of emotions on this one. I could only work on it in Iceland, too.”
“Yes,” you laugh at yourself. Saying it out loud, it sounded stranger than you thought it would. “So much inspiration came to me there. Before I knew it, I started saving the majority of my money just to travel there and work on this piece there.”
There's a pause. The business of the room engulfs you as the two of you look at your piece.
“I want to know you, Y/n,” he suddenly blurts out. You almost get whip-lash from how quickly you turn your head to face him once again. “You’re seriously such a talent to me. I want to know you and all your muses. What got you into art and art history and working here. All of it — I want to know it all.”
Now you’re seriously confused.
Maybe it was the way Taehyung told you that it was a likely possibility that Namjoon did like you despite your previous observations that he didn’t. Or maybe it's that glint in his eye that suggests that he truly wants to know more about you other than the fact that you work and present your art in the museum he frequently goes to. You don’t know. But you’ve always been opportunistic, so you take his mysterious sentiment into question.
“Namjoon, have you been talking about me with my co-worker?” you ask, that speed in your heartbeat making its way up your chest.
Namjoon blushes, smiling down at his notepad. “I knew that loser couldn’t keep his mouth shut,” he laughs to himself. “I have. But I promise, all good things.”
“Namjoon, I have to be honest. Taehyung did say some thi—”
“It’s all true,” he nods his head while looking back up at you. “Listen Y/n, as much as I love your tours, this was the one I wanted to go on the most. Your art, your voice, your presence —this is what I was the most curious about. All those questions about the artists I asked you about after those tours — I genuinely just loved listening to your passion. Hearing you talk about what you love and looking at you show off the work you put your soul into. I dunno, maybe I’ve developed a crush.”
Your heart beats out of your chest. Are you really that oblivious? You’re 6 1/2 years older than this man — you should know when a person has been crushing on you by now!
“Namjoon, I’m old,” you blurt, laughing at yourself. A part of you can't help but feel a little insecure about your age. One to two years and you're usually in the 'go' for a lot of romantic things and partnerships with others. But 6 1/2? That's more so unheard of nowadays.
“I could call you ajumma if you wanted,” he smiles teasingly.
“I’ll kill you,” you playfully threaten him. The flutter in your tummy is a little too overwhelming as he flashes his teeth at you, that look telling you that he’s really serious about this crush he’s developed.
“Seriously, Y/n, I couldn’t give a fuck about age,” he says. “I stand by the fact that I’d become gay and date a 570-year-old da Vinci if he were still alive today.”
“Art whore,” you laugh.
“So let me take you out,” he continues, simmering his laughter. “Coffee tomorrow at 10?”
You feel a strange weight lifted off your shoulders. Nodding your head at his question, you feel like you’ve maybe developed a new muse.
[A/N]: Ajumma (아줌마) - [N], a Korean term referring to a married or middle-aged woman; typically a woman of one's parents' age or older.
[End. Do not copy. Original work of @jungkookstatts , 2023] 
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hoebaring · 2 years
Open Books Announcement - I'm back!!
sorry for the silence you guys :( had a lot of tests this month. but great news! i'm back!! thankgod for winter holidays!!
You can expect multiple updates on Open Books this entire week! I'm gonna write non stop! Gosh i've missed this😣
OK THEN FOLKS, SEE YOU GUYS ON THE NEXT UPDATE (very soon, that it. very very soon)
Buy byeeee :))
Author G
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hoebaring · 2 years
33 question
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
oh yes! I do practice an art. Music has been a part of my life ever since I was a kid. I sing and play the piano and the way I feel about music is exactly how I'm able to write about Namjoon's thoughts about music in Open Books. So, yes, the art very much ties into my writing! I absolutely love singing, and music in general!😄
Author G <3
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hoebaring · 2 years
"She was grateful that she had them. Children like them. Broken, hurt & scarred. Yet wholesome, strong and beautiful."
Such a beautiful comparison.. open books is honestly my comfort fic at this point💗🥺
OML- You quoted my book? I'm oh soooo glad that you liked it darling.. and I'm even more grateful that it's able to serve to be comforting to you, because, that's what I'm aiming for when I write it:)
With love, Author G💖
sorry for the late reply, i've been kinda burnt out🤐
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hoebaring · 2 years
Open Books (37) | Kim Namjoon
An unpredicted switch of journals brings two strangers close. Strangers with similarly perturbing experiences, and beautifully healing souls. Abused, bullied, and traumatized, they help each other, and those around them break away from similar experiences, heal and grow gracefully. With thoughtful emotions, and ever growing minds, Y/n and Namjoon are delicate heroes. They understand the best in each other, and the worst, like open books.
Tags/Warnings :- Child abuse, domestic violence, traumatized characters, bullying, self harm, mentions of toxic relationships, angst. I know it's dark but trust me it gets better! namjoonXreader, Namjoon and Y/n, A slow burn romance, fluff, strangers to friends, strangers to lovers, self love, healing, etc.
Cross posted on Wattpad
Written by Author G
Word count :- 1.17k Words
Trigger Warning :- Mentions of panic attacks. Please take care.
Masterlist   Previously Next
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~ A Good Goodbye~
Y/n was glad she agreed to doing this. To be able to look at the very thing that triggered her first panic attack without having one, was progress. Who did she have to thank for this? Namjoon, and Bo-ra.
She was glad that she was able to keep herself from being triggered until now. But, there was still more.
"Do you want to try going inside?" Namjoon asks her, voice soothing as ever, but she doesn't seem to have heard him.
"Y/n-ah, you good?" He asks once more while tapping her on the shoulder, his hand giving her back a friendly pat, a smile accompanying it once she lets him know that she's doing 'surprisingly fine'. 
"Do you want to try going inside? Or is this enough for today?" 
"No. I'll try." Y/n smiles a warm smile as she takes his hand in hers, squeezing it as if to thank him. As if she was thanking him for initiating the conversation regarding starting something new. As Namjoon purchases the tickets to the ferris wheel, she recalls the conversation she had with him, and then Bo-ra. 
Out of the blue, Namjoon had asked her if she wanted to visit the ferris wheel, saying that he wanted to try and help her take steps towards healing, like she had done for him. Although she was nervous about doing so, once she told Bo-ra about it, she felt more confident. Bo-ra not only encouraged the idea of trying to face the vicious cycle of trauma, she gave her wonderful insight into the situation. 
Y/n was not in that kind of an environment anymore, so why was she holding onto the past? That was only a small part the heavy package that trauma carried along. But when one has friends like them, it becomes easier. Easier to survive, and live.
'Chill out, and enjoy. I know it's not easy, but please try luv. Alright?' Bo-ra's last phrase echoes in her ears.
"Y/n-ah. Let's go. It starts in two minutes." Namjoon calls out to her, a grin gracing his face once her eyes meet his.
"Yeah.. Let's go." 
'I can do this.. I can'
Every step she takes towards the cabin seems to resound dramatically, the footsteps imprinted in the sandy land signifying her progress towards better moments in life. 
Namjoon slides open the door to the cabin and once he steps inside, he extends his hand out to Y/n, motioning for her to grab it, the colorful fairy lights that decorate the inside of the cabin highlighting the beautiful smile etched on his face.
"Come on" Namjoon encourages. 
With a small smile, Y/n takes his hand and pulls herself into the cabin, closing the door afterwards with a dull thud.  A few moments later, the ferris wheel starts to move, and Y/n feels her heart rate speeding up.
'Not again. No!' 
This was supposed to be different! Something new..
"Hey Y/n! Come, look at this!" Namjoon exclaims, pointing to something out the clear glass walls of the cabin in an attempt to try and distract her.
Bo-ra had already asked him to distract her if her thoughts seemed to wander even for the slightest moment. He came to understand that things were not as easy as they seemed to be in her diary even after she had spoken to the precious book about having a 'new life'. There were many setbacks that she had to face. 
"Oh wow.. so beautiful" Y/n gasps, heart warming at the lovely sight of the lit up carousel on the ground below them, seemingly getting farther away from them the higher the ferris wheel rotates, much like the cluster of negativity that tainted her thoughts.
"I know right..?" Namjoon agrees. His eyes are, however, not on the roundabout, for they are fixated on something far more beautiful. Her..
The pleasant silence that they are oh so used to blankets the air around them cozily as Y/n continues to admire the scenery, the cabin they are in slowly making it's way down. The experience was coming to an end, and the realization that she was able to free herself from those memories, even if it was for just a few minutes, made her adrenaline rush. 
The giant wheel soon comes to a stop, and they step out, silence not broken by either one of them.
As they move away from the amusement park, Y/n revels in the pleasant feeling of freedom. Freedom from the usual return of horrific memories. Freedom from the anger that this particular memory brought back. Freedom from the trap her trauma laid down for her, waiting for her to walk in on something that would most definitely trigger the torturous emotion of sorrow and devastation.
It felt good to be truly free. Maybe not from all of her past, but a small part. And that was enough for now. She was alright with taking small steps. 
"Thankyou.." Y/n breaks the silence once they come to a halt on a small bridge, dried up leaves and flowers decorating the floor of the bridge prettily as the light from the setting sun glows down on the water under them, making it sparkle and glisten.
"You don't have to thank me Y/n-ah. You never have to.." Namjoon starts speaking, shaking his head as if to say 'no'.  
"And I promise that even though there may be struggles in life that I can't take away, I won't let you face them alone." He promises, his hand taking hers once he sees her eyes welling up, tears in them shimmer just like the river below, the smile on her face only serving to add more grace to her elegance.
The gratitude that fills Y/n knows no bounds. She would never have been able to live through all of those torturous times had it not been for her best friend. Bo-ra was definitely an angel sent into her world, and Y/n was immensely glad that she was given the opportunity to have met her.
"I'm so- I'm so grateful that I have you in my life Namjoon." Y/n utters out truthfully, pulling him into a warm hug. 
"Me too Y/n. Me too.."
The day could have gone horribly wrong. She could have had another panic attack, another disastrous trip down memory lane, but that did not happen. That did not happen because she is strong. Strong not because she just is, but because she is blessed with friends who are able to stay strong for her during her weakest times. And there is nothing more that Y/n needs than this to survive, live, and eventually let go with a good goodbye.
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