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kourtnidn replied to your post: Who wants to go to Italy with me?
Let’s do it! When? :)
Right meow!!
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evensongsforaserpent · 12 years
Woah, ok, this only took me forever to finish.
Rule 1: Post the rules. Rule 2: Answer the questions set by the person that tagged you and then ask your own 11 questions. Rule 3: Tag 6 peeps. Rule 4: Let them know that you tagged ‘em.
1. Which five people, alive/dead/fictional/real, would you invite to a dinner party?
I would definitely invite my dead musical boyfriends: Wolfgang A. Mozart, Franz Liszt, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Antonio Vivaldi, and, of course, Richard Strauss. 
After dessert, they would have a five-way death (re-death?) match over who gets my hand in marriage. 
2. If you could only listen to three albums for the rest of your life, which three would you choose?
Hmmmmmm. Probably Jessye Norman's recording of Strauss' "Vier Letzte Lieder". Red Hot Chili Peppers- Stadium Arcadium. Bryn Terfel- A Song in my Heart.
3. What is your favorite book of all time forever and ever?
I wish I had a definitive answer for this! Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris is probably my all time favorite because it's so damn funny. 
4. What is your favorite food?
5. If you could visit anywhere in the world for a week, free of charge, where would you go?
If it's free, I would travel somewhere exceptionally expensive. I'm going to say Moscow. 
6. If you had to trade lives with someone, who would you trade with?
Joyce DiDonato. Or Beyonce. It's kind of a toss up.
7. Weirdest turn-on?
If you also consider Vivaldi your dead musical boyfriend... errmmm... yeah.
8. You have to get a tattoo on your face: what is it, and why?
Something easy to cover up. Could I just get a freckle tattooed on my face?
9. Favorite alcoholic beverage?
Gin and tonic.
10. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Black because it's practical. 
11. Would you rather watch your parents have sex, or have sex in front of your parents?
Bahahaha omg this is disgusting. I'll go with the former. 
My questions for youuuuuu:
1. What's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to you?
2. If you could choose to play an instrument other than your primary one like a total prodigy (or switch your voice fach), what would you choose?
3. Favorite childhood memory?
4. Favorite guilty pleasure?
5. Which would you be: Witch, Vampire, or Shapeshifter?
6. Coffee or Tea?
7. You can marry one composer. Who would you pick?
8. If you could spend a day living inside your favorite story, what would it be?
9. How would you react if you received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts?
10. Most bizarre obsession. Go!
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elanchana · 12 years
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Tagging ALL the followers, part 4
If you missed the rest of the posts, click here
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pushthequorumbutton · 12 years
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jazzmilla answered your question: question: should I bring my arc reactor to SDCC in hopes of getting it signed by people on the IM3 panel?
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kourtnidn answered your question: question: should I bring my arc reactor to SDCC in hopes of getting it signed by people on the IM3 panel?
DO IT!!!!!! :D
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proudofcastielforever answered your question: question: should I bring my arc reactor to SDCC in hopes of getting it signed by people on the IM3 panel?
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Dooo itttt
Rule 1 - Post the rules.
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4 - Let them know you have tagged them.
Rule 5 - Tell the person who tagged you that you have completed it!
1. Do you own any animals? If so, what?
Sadly, no. I wish I did though
2. Favorite television series?
NCIS and Auction Hunters!
3. Have you ever wanted to travel around the world?
Of course! I gotta do America first. And I definitely want to go to Italy
4. Who did you last text?
Kourtni! :D
5. Are you a gamer? What was the last game you played and on what platform?
No, but I do like playing once in a while. Playstation 2
6. What are you looking forward to in the near future?
Getting a new car
7. Have you ever drawn fanart or written fanfiction?
...yes lol
8. Do you like instrumental music?
sure why not
9. Best April Fool’s joke you’ve performed?
I really havent done many. LOL But once years ago we tricked a coworker into thinking his car was hit in the parking lot. ooops lol
10. Have you ever performed in front of a crowd? (Sang, danced, ect…)
yes >.>
11. Pet peeves?
I have a lot lol but a big one is definitely when driving, and other people don't use their signal lights. UGH
Here are my 11 questions for y'all!
1) How tall are you?
2) Do you play any instruments. If so, for how long?
3) Do you remember your dreams?
4) How many times have you moved in your lifetime?
5) Your worst habit?
6) Most embarrassing thing in the past week?
7) Do you think farts are funny?
8) Best achievement for you so far in your life?
9) Coke or Pepsi (important)
10) Favorite concert you've been too?
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hot damn!
haha i think i may have outdone myself kourntni!
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epic as always
live texting haha
the best! 
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Tumblr Crushes:
Damn! lol
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Kourtni is back!
omg can we like live-text the next auction hunters episode??
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Tumblr Crushes:
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the texts sent between Kourtni and myself during that episode
pure awesomeness
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That tag game..if i understand it right
TAG GAME: This tag is to get to know the person behind the blog better. As with any tagging game there are rules: Rule 1 - Post the rules. Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones. Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post. Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1) What is your earliest memory?
 …not an exact one, but I do remember some stuff from Kindergarten
2) What book or series are you going to start next? And why did you pick that book/series?
… I’m not into reading. A sin I know lol
3) Favorite picture you have in your possession?
… The ones I took, that I framed on my wall. And the one of me with Brooks and Dunn
4) What song currently speaks to you the most and why?
… I’m not really sure
5) If you could have any profession in the world, what would that be?
… Photographer for sure
6) What’s the coolest or weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
… I’ve had a few uh nice ones…he. My dreams are all over the place. So my weirdest dream is the next one I have.
7) Favorite fruit?
… Oranges..or grapes..maybe watermelon
8) The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?
… The Beatles
9) Star Wars or Star Trek?
… I don’t watch either. (dont shoot!)
10) The item to your left is your only weapon in the Zombie Apocalypse, what is it?
… My cellphone. Holla!
11) Fight or flight? Why?
… Me, probably flight. I dont like to fight. Simple.
1) If you could visit any National Park, w/o money an issue. Which would you choose?
2) How many pets do you have
3) Siblings?
4) Most embarrassing moment in the past 2 weeks?
5) Do you play any instruments? If not, what would you like to play?
6) Fried dough: Powder or sauce?
7) End war or hunger?
8) Secret talent?
9) Favorite TV show?
10) Favorite celebrity crush, of the same sex?
11) Rather have tickets to the Daytona 500, Superbowl, World Series, Stanley Cup, or NBA finals?
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kourtnidn reblogged your link: trailors from tornado tossed around
Hard to believe this happened just south of me today… Oh weather in Texas during tornado season…
how was it where you are?
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kourtnidn reblogged your post: that was SO GOOD
That was great! Had so much fun watching & tweeting w/ y’all! :)
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