laurakrivera · 4 months
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern! 
I was tagged by @therentyoupay
La lluvia caía casi de manera torrencial./ Rain fell down, almost torrentially. 
Ramificaciones (Ramifications) / Fandom: Naruto / Ship: KakashiOC / M / Words: 112,836 / Chapters: 32/40 / Language: Spanish
2) The glow of the city lights filtered through the office's long curtains.
Accidentally / Fandom: ROTG & Frozen / AU / Ship: Jelsa / T / Words: 16, 346 / Chapters: 7/? / Language: English
3) Lo había estado observando por un rato./ She had been watching him for a while.
Algo en Serio (Something Serious) / Fandom: ROTG & Frozen / Modern AU / Ship: Jelsa / M / Words: 2734 / Chapters: 1/1 / Language: Spanish
4) Hunter sabía que la posesión de Belos había dejado un impacto, pero era la primera vez que veía cuanto. / Hunter knew Belos’s possesion had left an impact, but it was the first time he saw how badly so.
Marcas (Markings) / Fandom: The Owl House / HunterCentric/ G / Words: 599 / Chapters 1/1 / Language: Spanish
5) La tenían agarrada por ambos brazos. / They held her by both arms.
Aquella Sensación (That Sensation)  / Fandom: MCU / Ship: NamorShuri / T /Words: 1586 / Chapters 1/1 / Language: Spanish
6) Estaba en sus manos. (He was in his hands).
Ausencia (Absence) / Fandom: FMA / Ship: EdwardWinry / G / Words: 443 / Chapters: 1/1 / Language: Spanish
7) La ahora emperatriz Kougyoku terminaba cada día más exhausta que el anterior./ The now Empress Kougyoky finished each day more exhausted than the last.
Deseos Desvanecidos (Vanished Desires) / Fandom: Magi / Ship: Kougyoku/Sinbad / G / Words: 1289 / Chapters: 1/1 / Language: Spanish
8) Los bailes en palacio últimamente la incomodaban./ Lately the balls at the palace made her uncomfortable.
Miradas de Desconcierto (Disconcerting Looks) / Fandom: My Hero Academia / Ship: TodoMomo / G / Words: 1623 / Chapters: 1/1 / Language: Spanish
9) Rápido como el viento mismo, Koga encontraba su libertad exhilarante. / Quick as wind itself, Koga found his freedom to be exhilarating.
Espejismo (Mirage) / Fandom: Inuyasha / Ship: KougaKikyo / T / Words: 1555 / Chapters: 1/1 / Language: Spanish
10) Era un día de lo más tranquilo en la capital del oeste. / It was a very calm day at the West Capital.
Después del Trabajo (After Work) / Fandom: Dragon Ball Z / Ship: Future Trunks x OC / G / Chapters 1/1 / Language: Spanish
I mostly go by screen writing rules: Time and location first. 
When I’m not following that, I’m going straight to the main character’s dominating thoughts as they’re realizing an action.
In three cases I started straight at the action itself. 
My first lines aren’t particularly riveting or engaging, but I guess they’re a good way to start a paragraph or to put the reader in the mood. 
For the lines that started with rain and snow, said elements were actually important for what was happening in the scenes and they are recurring elements. In Ramifications the three most important scenes for the characters relationship to change occur under the rain. In Accidentally, the snow is the inciting incident for the story and come on, it’s Jelsa! There has to be snow. 
After Work was one of my first fanfics back in 2007, so the line was just as cartoony as I felt the show to be back then.
The most recent one shots all go straight to the character’s thoughts, since they are supposed to be quick reads I go straight to the emotional damage. For multi chapter fics I take my time. 
All in all, I guess I’m not doing so bad after all. 
I can’t really tag anyone here since the person who tagged me already tagged the other fanfiction writer I know here, but if anybody wants to try it feel free to do so. 
Here's the link to my AO3 profile https://archiveofourown.org/users/Larivera/pseuds/Larivera
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