#kotor mira
kotor-week · 20 days
KotOR Week 2024
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of Knights of the Old Republic: the Sith Lords, I want to celebrate with a week of prompts for artists, writers and every other creator in the fandom!
Any creations based on any character or place or event of the games or the world around them is applicable for this event! NSFW is allowed so long as it is put under a cut and properly tagged.
Day 1 (2nd December): Darth Revan
Day 2 (3rd December): The Jedi Exile
Day 3 (4th December): The Crew of the Ebon Hawk
Day 4 (5th December): The Mandalorian Wars
Day 5 (6th December): The Jedi Civil War
Day 6 (7th December): Post Game
Day 7 (8th December): Freeform
All these prompts are very wide and open, and mostly just inspiration, not something that needs to be followed, so if you want to make something entirely different, that would be completely fine!
Looking forward to see what people create!
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aveliney · 2 months
hi im not posting because of my crippling swtor addiction but heres Mira in dresses i drew a few months ago!!!
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hnnny · 8 months
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I would have killed the galaxy to preserve you. I would have let the galaxy die. You are more rare than you know, and what you have taught yourself must not be allowed to die.
And it is for that that I love you.
(Alternates under the cut):
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crunchyncrumbly · 1 year
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A revamp of a previous art I posted (dang how many years ago) :)
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jedi-holocrons · 4 months
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Mira the Model
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attonposting · 2 years
Just thinkin' about how showing your companions the Force in KotOR II is about healing, about teaching them to confront their traumas and cope with them in a healthy way, and on a Dark Side run, it's about yanking on that trauma and twisting it until it becomes all that they are.
Atton is a goddamn mess of a person. The war wrecked him and shaped him into a sadistic monster who committed mega war crimes until he met the one Jedi who forced him to see what he'd become. And instead of taking any responsibility, he bolted, coping by drowning out the world and doing his damnedest not to feel. The Exile forces him to stop running and confront himself – to face all those emotions he chopped up into little pieces and wore like masks, his guilt, his hate, his fear. I don't think Atton ever thinks of himself as a Jedi; him learning to use the Force is him learning not to be afraid of it, and himself, anymore. Atton decides he's going to finally try to do something with his life – maybe not for goodness' sake, but because he owes that last Jedi that much. And a DS Exile extinguishes whatever seeds of decency she planted, destroys his last remaining shreds of idealism, and convinces him not to fear himself in a much, much scarier way.
Bao-Dur is a genuinely good guy, but he's shackled by guilt. It's not straightforward, and it'd maybe be easier for him to deal with it if it was - Bao-Dur simultaneously regrets and doesn't regret what he did. He believes... not necessarily that Malachor had to happen, but that the war needed to end. But he's horrified that it was his hands and his mind that conceived the Mass Shadow Generator, can never banish the sight of so much death at his hand. And he can't reconcile how what drove him in the war was pure hatred, and the galaxy treats him like his service was a noble thing when he knows it was anything but. That rage hasn't left him even though he tried to move on and turn his hands towards kinder things. Through the Force, he's able to move on and at last find peace – but a DS Exile convinces him to give into his anger and let retribution rule him completely.
Mira is at her heart a scared little girl trying desperately to prove to herself that she's tough and capable – that she's over everything she's lost, that she's not alone and afraid. She tries not to care about anyone, because the galaxy certainly doesn't give a shit, but she does despite herself. A LS Exile teaches her how to come to terms with the things that hound her, and in that, find true strength. A DS Exile teaches her to cover up that fear by preying on others so that nobody ever has the chance to hurt her again, and convincing herself that hardness means strength until it becomes true.
Brianna has tried to find purpose in servitude, but she's isolated in an otherwise tight-knit unit. She's desperate to prove herself, but she's never good enough for anyone, and she knows why she continues to fail even as she's unable to let the source go. A LS Exile teaches her to transcend those concerns and be true to herself above all else – not only to follow her own path, but to find strength and value in herself, for the first time in her life. What Atris thinks, what her sisters think, is immaterial. A DS Exile doesn't free her from her mindset of servitude so much as twist her loyalties. That Brianna instead becomes convinced she's better than her sisters, better than Atris, and takes her anger out on her ex-family and beyond – becoming driven by scorn, seeing nothing but the failures of the Jedi to live up to their own standards.
Mical lost his future at a young age – something that probably saved his life, considering everything that happened in the following years, but which left him trailing in the shadow of the Jedi seeking answers nobody could give. He wants to believe in the Jedi Order, but recent history has left him with far too much evidence to the contrary. A LS Exile acknowledges the flaws of the Jedi teachings, even personifies those flaws through their history, but convinces him through their actions that their core still rings true and is worth striving for. A DS Exile utterly demolishes his faith in the same manner. Mical takes the Exile's fall as yet another betrayal by the Jedi, but it's the hardest hitting yet - this sheer debasement of the figure he idolized most. It finally extinguishes his idealism, even gnawing away at the compassion that defines him until he's yet another soulless cog in the Republic machine.
And Visas is already attuned to the Force, but a LS Exile gives her hope for the galaxy and teaches her of the beautiful little moments of connection and the greatness people can achieve together, where she'd become convinced that life was pain and the only thing any being could aspire to was an end to the suffering. What she witnesses is strong enough for her to come to terms with the death of Katarr and choose to keep going despite all that's happened. And a DS Exile... doesn't. They reaffirm her desolation and then give her the callous end she sought.
The Exile themselves went for ten years avoiding connections, and then the Force thrusts them back into the role of a leader – a role they've got decidedly mixed feelings about, when it was literally their empathy that caused their self-destruction in the Mandalorian Wars. Major YMMV on how you characterize your Exile's motives, but the way I saw it, a DS Exile isn't going to be hurt again. They're not going to get attached to their soldiers – they've made that mistake before and it brought them nothing. They know how to say the right words to get people to fight and to die for them, and that's all it is. And for a LS Exile... they know the danger of caring, but they won't allow it to stop them from living any longer, not after they've spent ten years dead to themselves. And it's the human connections they form that heals them, that allows for them to touch the Force once more.
Obviously a DS Exile is bad and they should feel bad. For a LS one, though - the Jedi Council's repudiation of your powers at the end of the game used to really bother me until this part clicked. You're all a bunch of broken people who find each other and learn to move on. Even if you're drawing them in with freaky black hole space magic, they are genuinely better off for your presence, and it's because of who you are as a person, not any way you've molded them through the Force.
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storageofdust · 1 year
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The Huntress
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kirnet · 2 years
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accumulated k2 sketches from the past few weeks
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moravel · 4 months
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jukeboxindie · 2 years
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when your companions are waiting for you to exhaust all of your speech options in EVERY SINGLE conversation
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kotor-week · 22 days
Hello KotOR fans 👋
I was thinking about celebrating KotOR and KotOR 2 with a week of prompts for artists and writers! I was thinking of maybe doing it around the 6th December when TSL was first released (20 years ago this year!) and I wanted to see what the general enthusiasm for something like this would be!
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sporadicsweetswitch · 20 days
Was playing my annual run through of KOTOR 2 and a friend who's only seen the clone wars and doesn't know the EPICNESS (*yeah I said it) of the early 2000's KOTOR series was watching. They asked why Bo Katan looked like that. I asked them to explain....they thought Mira Han was an early Bo Katan concept that had been changed (*kinda like Resident Evil changing Chris's face in RE7) and thought the game was post clone wars/pre-mandoloran series. The red hair and headband are the main reason for this confusion. Also, it didn't help that I put her in Mandalorian armour.
So onto the headcannon!
Mira who was confirmed to be a Mandalorian slave is actually an ancestor of the Kryze line and grew to be influential on how the Mandorlorians rebuilt themselves. No, I don't care that their 4000 year apart. Let me headcannon!
I also got to explain Canderous, Revan, Meetra Surik etc.... and now my friend is gonna play the games as well!! Gonna update her progress on this cause it's gonna be funny.
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hnnny · 1 month
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Surprise! I've improved a lot since--*checks date of old post*--April 28th, 2021?? Hello???
Listen, it's not hard to believe that I've been obsessed with this game and its characters for a long time lol
This was a heck of a lot of fun to draw though! I had to get creative with the composition to fit some of the characters I didn't originally include, but it was worth it lol
Here's an alternate version under the cut where Brianna and Mandalore aren't covering up the midground crew:
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jedi-holocrons · 7 months
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Happy Space Valentine's Day!
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