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sunspotmangafan · 7 months ago
There is literally no heterosexual explanation for anything kohei does and I love it
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Iseyama Kotai Shrine in Yokohama, Japan
Japanese vintage wooden postcard
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sunspotmangafan · 6 months ago
There’s two (well three but it can be summed up in two lol) pages from the manga that illustrate this so well!!
When we hear about Taichi from Maya’s perspective
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When we see Taichi through Kohei’s perspective.
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This is the most smitten man in all the world. He is so lost on Taichi is hurts. Taichi brings Kohei so much joy and he's just so bright even just thinking about him and that what confuses Maya. She sees the Taichi most of the world sees, the brash and rude and too loud and too big young man who doesn't fit into the place in the world he's supposed to because he takes up too much space... while Kohei sees someone who pulled him into the rest of the world and brought him joy he thought he'd lost.
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flesh-is-the-fever · 2 years ago
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Is there something you wanna tell me
Is there something that I should know
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chakotaybodypillow · 8 months ago
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bonguri · 2 years ago
20230714 Ise+Toba 1
20230714 Ise+Toba 1 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 内宮の参道。いつ行っても空気が締まってる。 @Naiku, Ise city, Mie pref. (三重県伊勢市 内宮)
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rheaitis · 2 years ago
[excerpt from] "The Song to Rain Clouds" by Kōtai-Āṇṭāḷ
Clouds spread like blue cloth across the vast sky Has Tirumal my beautiful lord of Venkatam, where cool streams leap come with you? Tears gather and spill between my breasts like waterfalls. He has destroyed my womanhood. How does this bring him pride?
Clouds that spill lovely pearls what message has the dark-hued lord of Venkatam sent through you? The fire of desire has invaded my body I suffer. I lie awake here in the thick of night, a helpless target for the cool southern breeze.
So easily they left me my lustre, my bangles, thought, sleep I am destroyed. Compassionate clouds I sing of Govinda’s virtues lord of Venkatam, where cool waterfalls leap. How long can this alone guard my life?
Clouds bright with lightning tell the lord of Venkatam upon whose lovely chest Sri resides that my supple young breasts yearn everyday for his resplendent body.
Great clouds rising into the sky climb high, rain hard on Venkatam scatter flowers brimming with honey. Ask the one who tore the body of Hiranya with his long nails flecked with blood to return the conch bangles he took from me.
Cool clouds heavy with water rise high and pour down on Venkatam, home of the one who took the world from Mahabali. Tell that Narana he entered me, consumed me, stole my well-being like a worm that feasts on a wood-apple Tell him of my terrible disease.
Cool clouds place the plea of this servant at the feet of the one with beautiful lotus eyes him who churned the ocean filled with conch. Beseech him to enter me for a single day to wipe away the vermilion smeared upon my breasts only then can I survive.
Dark clouds ready for the season of rains chant the name of the lord of Venkatam who is valiant in battle. Tell him, like the lovely leaves that fall in the season of rains I waste away through the long endless years waiting for the day when he finally sends word.
Rain clouds rising like great war-elephants over Venkatam what word has that one who sleeps upon the serpent sent for me? The world will say: ‘heedless that he was her only refuge he killed this young girl.’ What honour is there in this?
Kotai of the king of Puduvai, the peerless city, desired the one reclining upon the serpent and sent the clouds as her messengers to the king of Venkatam Those who place in their hearts these verses of Tamil sung by her of luminous forehead those who sing these words of Tamil will be with him forever.
[Venkatesan, The Secret Garland: Andal’s Tiruppavai and Nacciyar Tirumoli. New Delhi: Harper Collins, 2016]
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maruhi · 7 days ago
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皇大神社 Kotai Shrine
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sunspotmangafan · 6 months ago
I just adore Taichi chowing down on the rice and Kohei delicately eating away. They’re so different and it’s so lovely to see them interact and come together.
They somehow meld so well together.
Taichi’s sun to Kohei’s moon
Kohei’s calm to Taichi’s chaos
Kohei overthinks everything and Taichi acts before thinking.
Together they make a full idiot💖
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sunspotmangafan · 5 months ago
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This would be really cute for couples or besties!!
Both by Fumino Yuki
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Sean bienvenidos japonítasarqueológicos a una nueva entrega, en esta ocasión vengo a aclarar dudas sobre la diosa Amaterasu dicho esto comencemos. - Amaterasu aparece en los libros kojiki y Nihonshoki que son los más antiguos de Japón, dicha diosa simboliza el sol, la luz, la compasión y la verdad. Además Representa la casa real con la flor de crisantemo, también ha recibido otros nombres como: "Hirume" y "Mukatsuhime. Sus padres eran izanagi(dios creador de Japón) e izanami(diosa del infierno), izanagi al quedar contaminado de la tierra de Yomi fue a purificarse y al quitarse la ropa fueron naciendo los demás dioses y ella nació de su ojo izquierdo. Amaterasu gobernaba el Takamanohara y su hermano Susanoo era el dios del mar. - Amaterasu, estaba asustada por su hermano menor y decidió esconderse en una cueva profunda en Takamagahara llamada "Ama no Iwato" y bloqueó la entrada. Este es el famoso “Amaniwato no Kamigakure”, que el pueblo japonés sigue recreado como una de sus muchas tradiciones populares. - Como ya hablamos en otras publicaciones el sintohismo, es una religión autóctona de Japón que durante la era Meiji sería utilizada para clasificar lo japonés y de lo que no era japonés, los japoneses nunca dejaron el sintohismo de lado. La simbología de la bandera japonesa se remonta desde tiempos muy remotos. - La diosa Amaterasu tiene unos 5000 templos dedicados a ella y se llaman Shinmei Jinja. El templo se localiza dentro del santuario Ise Jingu, también conocido como (oise-san) y el templo se llama Kotai jingu. En la ciudad de Iwato en la prefectura Miyazaki se encuentra el santuario Amanoiwato donde se dice que Amaterasu fue establecida como deidad principal. Amaterasu lo podemos traducir como: Diosa del sol o como diosa solar. - 新作へようこそ、今回は天照大神の疑問を解き明かすということで、始めましょう。 - 日本最古の古事記や日本書紀に登場する天照大神は、太陽、光、慈悲、真実を象徴しています。また、菊の花で王家を表し、「ヒルメ」や「ムカツヒメ」などの別名も持っています。彼の両親はイザナギ(日本の創造神)とイザナミ(地獄の女神)でした。ヨミから大地を離れ、身を清めに行き、服を脱ぐと他の神々が生まれ、左目から生まれました。 アマテラスは高天原を治め、弟のスサノオは海の神でした。 - 弟を恐れたアマテラスは、高天原の深い洞窟「天の岩戸」に身を隠し、入口をふさいだ。これが有名な「天岩戸の神隠れ」で、日本人は多くの人気のある伝統の1つとして再現し続けています. - 他の出版物ですでに説明したように、神道は日本固有の宗教であり、明治時代に日本人とそうでないものを分類するために使用されましたが、日本人は決して神道を放棄しませんでした.日本の国旗のシンボルは、非常に遠い時代にまでさかのぼります。 - 天照大神を祀るお寺は約5,000あり、神明神社と呼ばれています。このお寺は伊勢神宮内にあり、通称「お伊勢さん」とも呼ばれ、皇体神宮と呼ばれています。宮崎県岩戸市には天照大神を主祭神とする天岩戸神社がある。アマテラスは、太陽の女神または太陽の女神として翻訳できます。 - Welcome to a new installment, this time I come to clarify doubts about the goddess Amaterasu, having said that, let's begin. - Amaterasu appears in the Kojiki and Nihonshoki books, which are the oldest in Japan, this goddess symbolizes the sun, light, compassion and truth. It also represents the royal house with the chrysanthemum flower, it has also received other names such as: "Hirume" and "Mukatsuhime. His parents were izanagi (creator god of Japan) and izanami (goddess of hell), izanagi when contaminated by the earth from Yomi she went to purify herself and when she took off her clothes the other gods were born and she was born from her left eye. Amaterasu ruled the Takamanohara and her brother Susanoo was the god of the sea. - Amaterasu, scared of her younger brother, hid in a deep cave in Takamagahara called "Ama no Iwato" and blocked the entrance. This is the famous "Amaniwato no Kamigakure", which the Japanese people continue to recreate as one of their many popular traditions. - As we have already discussed in other publications, Shintoism is an indigenous religion of Japan that during the Meiji era would be used to classify what is Japanese and what was not Japanese, the Japanese never abandoned Shintoism aside. The symbology of the Japanese flag dates back to very remote times. - The goddess Amaterasu has about 5,000 temples dedicated to her and they are called Shinmei Jinja. The temple is located inside the Ise Jingu shrine, also known as (oise-san) and the temple is called Kotai jingu. In the city of Iwato in Miyazaki Prefecture is the Amanoiwato Shrine where Amaterasu is said to have been established as the chief deity. Amaterasu we can translate it as: Goddess of the sun or as solar goddess.
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apothecaryscript · 4 days ago
Maomao(Jinshi) no Hitorigoto Episode 31: Master Jinshi’s Monologue / 猫猫(壬氏)のひとりごと 第31話 『壬氏さまのひとりごと』
Please note that the English lines are just my translation.
Jinshi “Sentaku’no Byo’no karakuri-made toite-shimau-towa… Tenarai-jo’mo, kusuriya’no jogen-doori’ni shita-tokoro, naka-naka umaku itte-iru… Yatara surudoi dosatsu-ryoku’o motte-iru-kuseni, do-iu wake-ka, kochira’ga sasshite-hoshii koto-niwa kizuite-kurenai… Haa… Do tsutaeru beki-ka… Fumi-ka… Iya, man’ga-ichi, dareka hoka’no mono’ga yonde shimattara taihen’na koto’ni…”
Jinshi “She even solved the tricks of the Shrine of Choosing… Also, things are going well at the school by following her advice. In spite that she has a profusely sharp insight, for some reason, she doesn’t seem to notice the things I want her to notice… (Sigh) How should I convey this…? A letter? No, if by any chance someone else were to read it, it would be a big problem…”
からくり(Karakuri): trick, mechanism, gimmick
やたら(Yatara/やたらと/Yatara-to、やたらに/Yatara’ni): profusely, too much
万が一(まんがいち/Manga-ichi): if by any chance, by any possibility, in case
Jinshi “…Soka! Dengon-to-iu te-mo aruna. …Iya, sore’wa chigau-naa… Yahari chokusetsu tsutaeru-shika nai-noka. Demo do-yatte kiri-dasu…? Uuun…”
Jinshi “I see! I could leave a message. …No, that’s not right… I guess I have to tell her directly. But how should I broach the subject…? Hmm…”
話を切り出す(はなしをきりだす/Hanashi’o kiri-dasu): break the news to, bring up a topic, broach a subject
Maomao (Jinshi-sama’ga hitori-goto’o… Kikeba ki’no doku, mireba me’no doku.)
Maomao (Master Jinshi is talking to himself… “If you hear it, it becomes poison to your mind, and if you see it, it becomes poison to your eyes.”)
聞けば気の毒、見れば目の毒(きけばきのどく、みればめのどく/Kikeba ki’no doku, mireba me’no doku): It’s a saying which means almost the same as “知らぬが仏(しらぬがほとけ/Shiranu’ga hotoke); Some things are best left unknown, Ignorance is bliss.”
Jinshi “A, Kusuriya!”
Jinshi “Ah, Apothecary!”
Maomao “Dozo otsuzuke-kudasai.”.
Maomao “Please continue.”
Jinshi “Dekiru-ka!”
Jinshi “I can’t!”
できるか!= そんなことできるわけがない: There’s no way I can do that.
Maomao “Watashi’wa jama’ni naranai-yoni shitsurei itashi-masu.”
Maomao “I’ll take my leave so as not to get in the way.”
邪魔(じゃま/Jama): in the way
Jinshi “A, Ma-Matte-kure!”
Jinshi “Um, w-wait a minute!”
Maomao “N?”
Maomao “Huh?”
Jinshi “Omae’ni, tsutaete-okitai koto’ga aru…”
Jinshi “There’s something I want to tell you…”
Jinshi (Do, Do-suru? Nanto tsutaeru? Hidoku odorokasete-shimau koto’ni nara-naika… Kore-made’no-yoni sesshitewa morae-naku-naru-noka… Do-shitara… Do-shitara…!)
Jinshi (Wh-What should I do? What should I tell her? I’m worried I’ll surprise her so much… Will she no longer treat me like she did until now? What should I do? What should I do…?!)
接する(せっする/Sessuru): interact, contact, approach
Jinshi “N…Gu, Nnnnnnngugu…!”
Maomao (…Haa… Shinshu’no yamai-ka?)
Maomao (…Sigh… Is this a new kind of disease?)
Maomao “Kusuri’o totte mairi-masu.”
Maomao “I’ll go get some medicine.”
参ります(まいります/Mairi-masu) = 参る(まいる/Mairu): Keigo(humble type) for “行く(いく/Iku): go, 来る(くる/Kuru): come” + ます(Masu): Keigo(Polite type)
Jinshi (N’a, nanto iu-beki-ka…!) “Gunuuuu…”
Jinshi (What should I tell her…?!)
Maomao “Jikai, ‘Kotaigo.’ Yakkai-goto’ga mata-mata maikonde-kuru…”
Maomao “Next episode, ‘The Empress Dowager.’ Once again, trouble comes flying at us…”
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sunspotmangafan · 6 months ago
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The joy he brings Kohei is. It’s beautiful.
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I love how they translated this from the manga!
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It's the way Taichi makes Kohei laugh and how he startles everyone around him with his merriment and joy and that's the real power of Taichi and their relationship and why they love each other so much. Because they each bring what the other doesn't have and it's beautiful.
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medicaldoctordana · 2 months ago
Was anyone going to tell me Chakotay’s given name was Amal Kotay or was I just supposed to find that out by watching workforce for the tenth time
Edit: is it a joke/lie because he’s undercover ???
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chakotaybodypillow · 8 months ago
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Kotay doodles :3
They don’t love you like I do pookie 😔❤️
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bonguri · 2 years ago
20230714 Ise+Toba 2 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: 内宮の別宮、風日祈宮の古殿地。覆屋が静かに次の遷宮を待っています。 @Naiku, Ise city, Mie pref. (三重県伊勢市 内宮)
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