#korn theerapanyakun
liesweliveby · 1 year
♫ + kinnporsche
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okay okay. so. imagine post-canon. kinn and porsche are still under korn's control. Everything™ is getting to porsche. "you're losing me" by taylor swift
"do I throw out everything we built or keep it?
I'm getting tired even for a phoenix
always rising from the ashes
mending all [his] gashes
you might just have dealt the final blow...
...do something babe, say something
lose something babe, risk something (you're losing me)
choose something babe
I got nothing, to believe
unless you're choosing me"
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lilitblaukatz · 8 months
KinnPorsche as not so random song titles
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+ bonus:
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Okay but like I have this idea of a KinnPorsche fic that starts with Gun disappearing pretty much when Pete was supposed to infiltrate the minor family
So that never happens and neither does the torture
And everyone is very wary cause they don't know what's happening, just that Gun seems to have vanished into thin air
Weeks go by
Months go by
Some (or most) of the bodyguards of the minor family just bolt, leaving Vegas and Macau exposed
While Korn is deciding if this is just an elaborate plan of his brother, a woman shows up and leaves a baby at the minor family compound, saying that he's Gun's child
They immediately run a DNA test and of course it's true
Korn decides that he's gonna grant the minor children protection in exchange of Vegas keeping Venice safe (Korn knows bodyguards talk and the baby is a Theerapanyakun and must be kept safe)
Vegas is furious, especially because Korn granting them protection pretty much means lending them the less competent bodyguards
So he refuses to take the deal unless Korn gives him at least one of his best men to be in charge of Venice's security
...enter Pete.
Vegas and Pete being an absolute disaster, like, the two people less qualified to be in charge of a kid
It's so bad that every single day a different Theerapanyakun, one of their significant others, one of their very close friends or one of the bodyguards is being summoned to help out
TanKhun flat out refuses the moment he steps in the house and the kid is crying, so he just walks out and promises to send cute fashionable outfits
Chay tries his best, but really, he's only ever been equipped to be a younger brother, so he ends up matching Venice's cries before Pete saves them both from their misery
Arm and Pol come together the first time, but while Arm gives it a try, once the baby is in his arms he gives him back immediately, feeling a surge of anxiety creeping in his body at the thought of being in charge of this very tiny human being. Ant then, the moment Pol takes the kid in his arms...Venice instantly falls asleep like he has finally found the place where he belongs in the world (Pete is impossibly jealous of his power, especially when Vegas mentions how much sleep he would be getting now if only Pol had been Korn's choice of Venice's head security)
Ken is called up by a desperate Pete who's been left alone for almost two days - Vegas is out in the field - and desperately needs a shower and a nap; the minute Ken steps in, Pete shoves the kid in his arms and disappears. A very confused Ken leaves the kid unattended for exactly fifteen seconds - he was checking that his gun had the safety on - and when he turns he sees Venice putting something in his mouth and he realizes right now and then that Vegas will have his head by the end of the day (it does not happen, but just because a very amused Macau puts him out of his misery after SOME time and informs him that his baby brother had just brought his empty fist to his mouth)
On one memorable occasion, even Chan is summoned to help out, and upon seeing Venice in the arms of the older bodyguard Pete just whispers a "daddy" with eyes full of devotion (Vegas is furious and shouts "I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH" before storming out, leaving Pete very curious about the whole reaction but also feeling vindicated after the Pol comment)
(Chan is never called again, despite being by far the best babysitter)
Big and Tay show up at the same time one day, having being called separately by Pete and Vegas. Their strategy is "divide and conquer", so while one is in charge of the food, the other is in charge of the diapers. By the time they're leaving, Pete and Vegas are eyeing them curiously when noticing how they're distractingly stealing glances at each other.
When Vegas is the one left alone with Venice, he doesn't even last 24 hrs before loosing it and going at Yok's, leaving the baby in the - fortunately - capable hands of the bar owner before he gets smashed. When an annoyed Porsche shows up to pick both Vegas and the baby up, Vegas makes him promise to not tell anything to Pete, "I don't want him to think I'm not responsible enough when one day we're gonna get kids of our own" and Porsche is just like "... WHAT" but there's no way he can get Vegas to elaborate when he's like that so he just leaves it (for now)
Unfortunately the next day Pete ends up finding out (but not because of Porsche...bodyguards talk) and he and Vegas enter a screaming match, which prompts Macau to call the only person they would have never called. When Khun Kinn shows up, they both are so stunned that they instantly shut up. Kinn picks up Venice, tells them he's gonna take him out for a couple of hours, which is all the time they are allowed to get their s*it together, and he walks out. (He regrets it instantly. Venice cries for the whole time, even when Kinn desperately calls for help and Kim shows up. They end up being both really, really bad).
In the end, when Gun shows up again to take the baby away with him, he finds that he won't be able to. A whole squad of babysitters, led by Vegas, with Pete and Macau by his sides, are ready to give him Hell if he even thinks about approaching Venice (who's safely sleeping in Pol's arms).
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live-from-flaturn · 1 year
New KimChay Just Dropped
“the face of all the world is changed” chapter 1 now on AO3! It’s another royalty au, please don’t sue me.
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Korn’s next words destroyed Chay’s lingering vestiges of calm entirely: “He’s been painstakingly trained to uphold the exceptionally high standards of my own personal staff, and I hope his service honors the House of Theerapanyakun.”
The Emperor clapped again, just once, and all the air in the throne room was suddenly sucked out through the open windows.
Because what emerged from between the fluttering material covering the litter was not a tiger cub or a trained bear or a couple of dancers meant to entertain them for the afternoon (as one may have expected from such a theatrical entrance). No, the first thing to appear from between the folded lengths of jewel-toned material was a set of hands. --- Kimhan was the youngest son of House Theerapanyakun, and his conniving, calculating Father wouldn’t have been merciful enough to let him land gently. What use was this whole humiliating experience as a punishment if Kim's new jailer was kind? 
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wordsoflera · 1 year
Cuts, Claws, and Corruption
an A/B/O VEGAS x PETE FIC by wordsoflera
”Vegas may be the devil but he kisses like a beggar”
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Chapter 10 has been added.
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aeternallis · 2 years
A Deep Dive: Kim’s Fight Scene in Yok’s Bar
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I’ve been thinking about this scene a lot lately, and I just have so many thoughts on it. 
Like low-key, but imo what makes this scene so mesmerizing yet also chilling at the same time is the fact that Kim never eliminates the possibility of Chay turning around at any time and witnessing Kim kill in order to protect him. 
Whereas Porsche tends to protect Chay by keeping him from seeing the reality of the mafia life (and tragically blindsides both himself and his brother because of it; Chay because he remains ignorant of his new environment and Porsche because his judgement of the risks in keeping Chay ignorant is impaired due to his overprotectiveness), Kim protects him only from the danger of it.
It’s an all around interesting narrative choice from BOC, especially considering that it’s Kim’s one fight scene in the entire series. 
I’ve seen many posts on here before of how Kim leaves the dead bodies for Chay like a feral cat or that he really took the mantra “nobody disturbs my man” up a notch or two, and while I definitely agree with all that on a surface level, I can’t help but think there’s so much more going on. Dare I say, maybe even a little manipulative? Hmm. 
Because for reals, there’s a reason why this fight scene makes such an impression on so many fans--the KimChay fans (including myself), in particular--and I think it’s because so much of the context of the fight, as much as the fight itself and the events leading up to it, reveals so much about Kim’s character post-break up w/ Chay. 
Like yes, there’s the aesthetic reasons and ofc, Jeff Satur and that beautiful face of his that looks like it was sculpted on a Saturday by the gods, but there’s just so much to be said in the way he’d fought and more importantly, ended the fight. 
@wildelydawn​ wrote up an amazing meta post  about how Kim fights, for which I highly recommend y’all read if you haven’t already. I definitely agree with the idea that Kim likes to play with his prey when he fights; he knows how to improvise and use his environment as sources of weapons, and he’s definitely got a bit of a sadistic streak going for him, lol. 
Now, where am I going with this? Well, let’s very briefly look at the events leading up to the fight: from the moment they break up in ep 11, to one of the very last scenes in ep 13 when Kim finds out that Porsche and Chay have left the tower, somewhere in between those events, Chay had become Kim’s singular goal and most important priority. Whereas before his goal had been to investigate Porsche and Chay’s connection to the Theerapanyakun family, directly after the break up is when this plotline falls through because his investigation hits a dead end at the temple. 
For me personally, methinks it’s the moment he finds out that Chay skipped his college interview in ep 12 and what a massive fuck up he’d just committed. As much as I adore him as a character, I don’t really think he knew the repercussions of his own actions until it was too late, alas. Ultimately, he’s not responsible for Chay’s choices, but he can’t deny that his previous actions influenced them. 
Whether it was wanting to confess his own feelings to Chay, or perhaps setting him straight because he skipped his college interview, or wanting to keep him safe, or even just to talk to him and clear the air--the point is, regardless of his reason(s), getting to Chay becomes his next target. And more than that, once Kim sets his crosshairs on a goal--especially on this one person he’s got a romantic attachment to--he is positively ruthless. 
You barely see it from how fast the camera cuts out, but if you pause at just the right moment, you can see how Kim’s expression is absolutely seething when Korn stops him from going to look for the Kittisawasd brothers (or perhaps even just Chay himself). 
This is the expression of someone who’s more than willing to obliterate anyone who gets in the way of him and his goal. This is an expression of utter resentment. This is the expression of someone who’s itching for a fight, because the universe dared to get in between him and his goal. 
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(Side bar: I’m pretty sure part of the reason Jeff got the role of Kim Theerapanyakun is because of how intense his method acting can be. He doesn’t have many roles under his belt just yet, but if you haven’t seen He She It, I recommend giving it a go. His acting in that mini drama is a little rough around the edges, but the raw intensity by which he plays the character of Mike definitely highlights some of Jeff’s natural talent. He knows how to act with his eyes and his entire body, and when given the right director to guide him, as we’ve seen when he portrays the role of Kim, he truly thrives in his role.)
Yet still, for all his anger at being prevented by his father from getting to his goal, he’s mindful enough to know that he can’t just go against his orders either. Korn is the enemy of an entirely different caliber, and Kim perfectly knows how and when to pick his battles.
But it isn’t until we see him in the next ep quietly watching Chay from the bar that another facet of his character growth is revealed to us: by this point in time, he’s comfortable in his feelings for Chay enough that he can finally allow himself to luxuriate in his presence, even whilst knowing he’s in the metaphorical dog house.
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His arms are propped up, his legs are loosely crossed, his body language is relaxed, whilst still very much aware of his surroundings. Keep in mind, this is the first time since the morning of the kidnapping that we see him perfectly content in Chay’s presence, now fully aware that there’s no reason for lies between them anymore. The only one left is the one he has to fix.
Yet, after all this time of trying to get ahold of Chay ( @bitacrytic​ wrote an interesting piece about Kim’s unsettling behavior when he realized Chay had cut him off, which I also highly recommend), why didn’t he take the opportunity to talk (or whatever it is he intended to do) when he was finally within sight? The camera shot of Chay talking to Yok on his phone, as well as of Kim sitting on the stool, lingers for a good 20-25 secs, so the audience is given a hint that Kim has been there for a while.
So why not take advantage of this chance?
And the answer to this question, I think, is what’s at the heart of the matter and basically defines the connotation of the entire fight.
Kim is not a fool, he knows for the time being he’s number 1 on Chay’s shit list. And because of this, it may be a stretch to say it, but I will anyway: perhaps off screen, from the moment he had him within sight, Kim may have realized that it would do him no good to talk to Chay at that moment. Not when there’s an imminent threat lying in wait, not when the heartbreak is still too raw for both of them. 
Most of all, Chay has no reason to trust him right now; it would just be a repeat of their disastrous confrontation in the club.
And he knows all too well that he cannot afford to sabotage what truly little standing he has left in Chay’s good graces. So he plays it cautious and takes the next best thing: he’ll bask in Chay’s presence, keep him company (albeit one-sided). If you scroll back up real quick and see his expression in the promotional image, it’s almost as if he’s thinking to himself, ‘keep your eyes on the prize--on him. he’s the only one that truly matters.’ 
But even so, Chay’s safety is his priority for the moment and there’s just so many reasons Kim is itching to vent some anger and frustration: the boy he loves has cut him off completely, Daddy is hatching up some plan again, besides the ongoing 4D chess game he’s got going on with all his sons, his investigation led him nowhere. Yet lo and behold, here comes some goons who not only disturbed his peaceful serotonin-gathering session (unbeknownst to Chay), but are also looking to either use the love of his life as leverage in a conflict that barely has anything to do with him, or just outright kill him. 
Really, no one can blame Kim for going a little overboard, not when these poor suckers basically offered themselves to him on a silver platter. Lol 
While I won’t go too deep into analyzing the physicality or choreography of the fight itself, I’d like to instead focus on all the things Kim chose/chose not to do, which again, says so much about his character and brings me back to my overarching thesis for this long ass rant: Kim never eliminates the possibility of Chay turning around at any time and witnessing Kim kill in order to protect him.
Kim doesn’t call out for Chay to run: this makes sense, it’s a practical choice; he doesn’t want these men to draw their attention on Chay. So long as they’re focused on him, so long as he distracts them--he can kill them one by one. 
Kim doesn’t draw the men away from the bar: an interesting choice that seems like it never crosses Kim’s mind. He’s more than agile enough to have led them away from where they’d entered, yet he keeps them all inside. 
Kim didn’t wait for them outside: another interesting choice. Arguably, it would have been more efficient for him to have taken some bodyguards and do a stake out. Further still, it’s also arguable this choice is more an emotional one (he wants Chay where he can see him, dammit), but that’s up for debate. 
Kim waits until the last possible second to use a gun: a risky choice, but he pulled it off quite well. He doesn’t go for the gun until the goons have him surrounded within Chay’s vicinity, so he goes for fast kills to end the fight even if it’s not his personal preference. Imo, it’s very obvious throughout the fight that he finds some satisfaction in twisting limbs and breaking bone, so good on him that he got to indulge for a bit. 
And finally, immediately right after the fight, he never tries to pull this one over Chay’s head: 
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This one is pretty self-explanatory, I think. Hahaha. 
But after Kim shoots the last man, he doesn’t linger for too long. Which again, why doesn’t he take advantage of yet another chance that’s fallen onto his lap to talk to Chay? The danger has been dealt with for now, after all. Why not at least attempt at some sort of clean up, maybe pile the bodies on one corner so Chay doesn’t trip over them? :’D If not to talk to Chay, why not at least linger in the shadows, to make sure Chay is all right (he’s bound to turn around eventually)? 
Instead, he walks away, still panting a bit from the fighting and without a doubt, from the adrenaline rush. His body language is hard to read because his silhouette is blurred, but it’s at this point that BOC could have easily concluded this scene. 
They could have left this scene as is, and made the aftermath of the fight as vague as possible, because for what it’s worth, it would have still accomplished one of the main points for KimChay: Kim’s priority is Chay’s immediate safety. 
But it’s not the end of the scene. BOC made damn sure that we would see the aftermath, and with it--the changed dynamic between these two characters and the very implications of it. They didn’t leave it vague whatsoever, they pretty much shoved it in our faces. 
This scene--this f*cking scene RIGHT HERE--blows wide open a potential trajectory of KimChay’s love story if/when we ever get a season 2.
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I think for the first and only time in the show, this shot of Kim sitting on the stairway, enjoying a cigarette after a murder spree, mind you—is the first time we see him fully stripped away of any pretenses in not only the way he loves and protects someone, but how far he can get lost within his own emotions when he has no reason to hold back. He doesn’t even look the least bit concerned for Chay’s emotional well-being, because that’s not his priority when he chose to leave those men lying on the bar’s floors. 
If anything, in this specific situation, not holding back benefits him greatly. 
For the first time, his character in the show is explicitly elevated to the same level of batshit insane as Kinn and Vegas, perhaps even beyond them.
We’ve seen how WiK had won over Chay, of how tender Kim could be with him, but the fight in Yok’s bar and the conclusion of it afterwards, demonstrates how far Kim’s sharpest, most deadliest aspect of himself—Kimhan, will go in order to win back Chay. Even in trying to get Chay within his orbit once more, he remains just as calculating: he doesn’t let his own gut instinct (actually wanting to talk with Chay) get the better of him; he uses the situation, in this case--even Chay--to give himself the best advantage. Can you imagine how terrifying that is? 
It’s no wonder Korn calls him the strongest, yet most dangerous of the Theerapanyakul heirs: regardless of whether Kim holds back or not depending on the given situation, he remains just as sharp, just as deadly, just as cunning. In the first KP novel, Korn presents a question to the readers indirectly: in their world, is love a weakness or is it strength?
For Kim, the answer is obvious: it’s a weakness, but he won’t allow it to be one for himself or for Chay. 
And due to all this, there’s only one conclusion I can come up with as to what this shot of Kim sitting on the stairway outside Yok’s bar was trying to accomplish:
Kim—this conniving, devious, gorgeous motherfucker—absolutely wanted Chay to see the dead bodies now littering Yok’s bar.
In fact, I can even argue that he seemed to have been waiting for confirmation that Chay saw his “present.” That he had all the time in the world to make sure his bae got a good look at his kills.
Why, you ask? Simple. Kim trusts Chay’s backbone made of steel. He trusts him to be able to handle it. Why else would he let himself enjoy a smoke after killing 6 people in 6 mins? Why doesn’t he look concerned?! Why not give Chay some comfort, goddamn...! We know this fucker is in love w/ Chay, the dumbass was crying over his polaroids earlier that day. //sobs 
But in all seriousness...Kim has firsthand experience of going up against it, doesn’t he? He himself saw how determined Chay could be when he cut himself off entirely from Kim, both from when he pulled his hand away in the club and then blocking his number a day or two later. I don’t necessarily think it’s that Kim overestimated Chay’s love for him, but rather he initially underestimated Chay’s resilience in keeping him away after breaking his heart so terribly.
This son of a bitch (affectionate) sobbed his pathetic heart out after finding out Chay blocked his number, probably took a good look at himself (and Chay’s cute polaroids), and came to one conclusion: “yeah, Chay can handle me. I can go all in now.”
In fairness, Chay’s steadfastness can only improve and strengthen from here on out. Kim--although in love with Chay, but does have his moments of volatile moods and cold verbal wit--is not an easy person to love, as Chay is slowly finding out the hard way. He must be able to confidently call Kim out when the latter needs to be reminded to respect him, that Chay will not take any of his shit. 
Ironically enough, in creating an original story for these two characters in the show, it also brings them closer to the dynamic they have in the novel, imo. I myself have only read parts of the novel, and because we barely see KimChay in the book, it’s hard to tell how much closer show!KimChay is to novel!KimChay, but there’s hints of some similarities here and there in terms of character dynamics. Make of that what you will~ 
Let’s play Devil’s Advocate for a hot sec though, and address the rebuttal: “but won’t this only drive Chay further away from Kim and a life in the mafia?”
My answer to that is: will it though? Chay has more reasons to stay in the world Porsche forced him to enter than he ever has in leaving it. BOC cemented this fact when they decided to keep Namphueng alive, nevermind the fact that Chay’s one positive, healthy parental figure, is now the minor family head and as much as he’d like for it not to be true, he’s still in love with Kim. 
But to reiterate, Kim trusts Chay’s backbone made of steel in a way that Porsche doesn’t (again, due to aforementioned overprotectiveness, which also serves as the fundamental difference in how they both protect Chay). But the reasoning behind placing his trust in Chay isn’t entirely selfless either. 
He trusts Chay to be able to handle the disturbing scene of the dead bodies he left behind, because he has something to gain from it.
By leaving behind the dead goons for him to find, Kim inadvertently breaks another piece of Chay’s upright perception of the world, ensnares him further into Kim’s reality—and most of all, to Kim himself.
It’s a terrifying level of honesty (and wooing??) coming from Kim because it’s so brutal in its execution. What makes it even more frightening is that he’s genuinely doing this out of his desire to be with Chay. His priority during the fight is Chay’s safety, yes, but his overarching goal after their break up remains the same: to get Chay back. 
It drives home the fact that although Kim loves only a handful of people in his life, he loves them fiercely to the point of questionable insanity.
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airgiodslv · 5 months
March-April wrap-up, podfic edition! I was waiting for one last event to go live.
aftermath of an apology, written by Kisatsel Nirvana in Fire, Mei Changsu/Xiao Jingyan, rated T
Jingyan was leaning in, one fist clenched on the table, and Mei Changsu searched for something to say that could ease the terrible solitude that Jingyan carried like a weight, and was also true, and would not compromise the deception necessary to achieve their goal.
in yellow, written by shubaka KinnPorsche, Kim/Chay, rated G
fanfic trope combos: reunion + blind date for kimchay
A Rescue, written by 99_9 KinnPorsche, Chan & Kim, Kim & Kinn, Porsche/Kinn, Kim/Chay, rated T
Chan has never been good at sitting for long periods of time, but as the head bodyguard for Korn Theerapanyakun, it’s easy to disguise his afternoon restlessness while approving payroll as a spot inspection. He sticks his head into the cafeteria and catches Pete snickering at a mystery novel that Chan doesn't think is meant to be a comedy - he’s a good boy, but strange - and heads down to the pool to watch the rope escape tests.
Or, views on Kim Theerapanyakun, before and after everything.
gone fishing, written by snickerdoodlles KinnPorsche, Kim/Chay, rated T (featuring a full cast of Twitter user voices)
W I ꓘ ✓ @WiK hi this is p’wik’s boyfriend. i broke my ankle and am confined to the sofa to heal because my boyfriend’s terrible, so AMA until i get kicked off
stan first, live second @kerders @WiK wait you’re real???????
W I ꓘ ✓ @WiK @kerders idk if this is supposed to be a jab at me or imply p’wik would make up a boyfriend like a loser in high school
Chay does an AMA on the official Wik twitter. Kim's reputation may not survive.
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rainbowcolored7 · 4 months
How Do You Love? (1400 words) by rainbowcolored7 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun Characters: Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Korn Theerapanyakun, Korn Theerapanyakun's Wife, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat Additional Tags: Self-Reflection, Character Study, Canonical Character Death, Non-Graphic Violence, Grooming, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Harm, neither are graphic, nothing graphic here, except for my graphic desire to know mafia mommy's name, a short study on kinn Summary: The world Kinn grew up in was not kind, was not sweet, was not forgiving.
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reinathevocaloid · 6 months
My KinnPorsche Fic Rec List
(aka an ongoing list of my favorite fics)
take me back to the light by kurtstiel
Porsche is left reeling and in need of direction after the shooting. Kinn notices.
i'd probably still adore you (with your arms around my neck) by kurtstiel (and the entire i'm the one for your fire series)
Porsche experiences a drop after Kinn choked him to save him from the minor family. Kinn helps him through it.
all of me (is all for you) by kurtstiel
While Kinn is away on a business trip, Porsche gets his nipples pierced as a surprise for their anniversary. Kinn comes home earlier than Porsche expected.
the things i would do to you by kurtstiel
Porsche discovers what it means to have a size kink.
i see nobody, nobody but you by kurtstiel
Kinn catches Porsche arriving home on Vegas' motorcycle in Episode 5.
angiogenesis by captainkit
In which Porsche and Pete get a last chance at a normal life, Vegas gets another chance to prove himself, Tankhun gets justice and love and Korn dies. Maybe in that order.
landing on your paws by captainkit
Catboy vigilante Porsche, the fic
Intent to Cherish by iffervescent
A mouthy beta runs off with Kinn's watch. He goes to get it back.
A thousand jasmine blossoms bloom by iffervescent
The alpha warlord Kinn has swept down from the north, conquering every land in his path. There is only one way for Prince Porsche to guarantee his people's safety.
love on the water, love underwater by butterflylungs
A day off, a surprise trip, and the dreams they've had to let go.
tear out all of your tenderness by butterflylungs
Porsche wakes up blindfolded, bound to a chair and with the telltale signs of an oncoming heat simmering low in his belly.
fell in love with the fire long ago by butterflylungs
Porsche decides to play a game of teasing while Kinn is away on a business trip; it leads to very fun consequences.
you put a fever inside me by butterflylungs
Porsche riles Kinn up during a work meeting, and Kinn teaches him a lesson.
closer than your shadow by butterflylungs
Kinn doesn't like when other people touch what's his.
stuck when you get sweet by butterflylungs
Kinn takes Porsche home to continue what they started.
diesel is desire, you were playing with fire by butterflylungs
When Kinn is dosed with a strange drug, Porsche steps up to help.
haunt me when you're not around by butterflylungs
He turns his head back around and he comes to a sudden stop, so fast he almost trips face first into the gun pointed at him. Fear explodes in his chest before Porsche shoves it down, because he can’t afford to be scared. Because Kinn, standing in front of him right now, would smell the fear and jump on it. “Got you,” Kinn says, finger on the trigger.
All That for Just a License? by nuwildcat
Porsche really thought the titanium mag-lock cuffs were a good idea. Sure, Chay had lectured him at the price, but he swore they would come in handy on the job. To be fair they did...he just really wished he hadn't dropped the key.
Echoes in My Dreams by nuwildcat
It's been 10 years since the first Kaiju attack, humanity built the Jaeger program to fight them, and Kinn Annakin Theerapanyakun is one of the top Jaeger Pilots in the world. There's just one problem, none of his co-pilots have lasted past a year with him. Enter Porsche Pachara Kittisawat. Somehow this disaster of a bartender with no Drift experience shakes Kinn's understand of the Drift and changes humanity's fate at the same time. Well as long as Kinn doesn't kill him first.
mine to keep by nuwildcat
Porsche has dealt with almost every type of customer. The demanding ones, the rude ones, even the charmingly polite ones, but Kinn Theerapanyakul stands out from the rest. Trapped in a tiny plane, 80,000 feet above the Earth, Kinn’s attention is overwhelming. Eyes follow him like Kinn wants to devour Porsche. This time, Porsche might just let him.
How I Know You by nuwildcat
The looming shadow of the Dragon Throne has long been on Porsche's mind. The empire has swept closer and closer to his lands, snatching up smaller kingdoms and grinding them under its boots, all at the hand of one man: Prince Kinn. Now that army is on Porsche's doorstep, and he has a choice to make. He can't fight off the army, but he can protect his country if he consents to become Kinn's. For his kingdom, for his people, Porsche will sacrifice anything, but the real question is, what does he have to gain?
The Fangs of Frost by nuwildcat
Porsche was raised on tales of the sidhe by his mother, told faerie stories at night before bed about Kings and magic spears and a whole different world in the Underground. But they were meant to be stories, lessons in packages children could understand and listen to. This is not a story. One of these days, Porsche is going to have to learn not to be so damn curious. Not if the world is filled with beasts like this.
Cleaning Spells by nuwildcat
Porsche is a completely average magic user. He's great at cleaning up the bar quickly, drying dishes, and picking up after his brother. He's twenty-five and still hasn't manifested a Familiar, something he tries not to ruminate on. He's accepted the fact that maybe he will never Bond, no matter what Yok and Chay keep telling him. Porsche is just going about another completely average day... Until the fucking dragon shows up in his kitchen.
Silvered Perceptions by nuwildcat
Mama told Kinn about the Pull when he was little, weaving a tale of romance and destiny and putting a sparkle in his eye for the mystical shot at meeting someone perfect for him. For the longest time Kinn thought he wouldn't be lucky enough to know what that was like, till he crashed into a piss-soaked alley while running for his life. Things haven't gone quite like Mama said. There's a whole lot more attitude than Kinn expected, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued. Things aren't always what they appear to be at first sight… Now, if he plays his cards right, Kinn has a shot at getting the happiness his mother described. Kinn's always excelled at poker, but this game will test even his skills.
Beneath Black Sails by ahdriking
Long ago, Porsche's mother had left in search of a dream, never to return. Following in her footsteps, Porsche sets sail for the West Indies, nothing but a map in his pocket and hope in his heart to make a better life for himself and his brother. And then his ship is attacked by pirates.
Running From The Daylight by ahdriking
Stuck in the forest, handcuffed together, Kinn goes into rut.
Beautiful by ahdriking
“Do you see yourself?” Kinn whispers into his ear, so intimately it makes Porsche’s hair stand on end. “Do you see how beautiful you are?” Porsche closes his eyes and turns his head away once more. “Kinn–” “No,” Kinn says, his voice firm. He turns Porsche’s face back towards his reflection, his grip on Porsche’s chin unyielding. “Look. I want you to see. I want you to see what I see.”
Happy Birthday by ahdriking
Porsche is determined to bake Kinn a cake, no matter how many botched batters and burned bases happen along the way. He isn't expecting Kinn to come home early, catching him in the middle of entertaining himself while he waits for his latest attempt to rise in the oven. One thing leads to another, and Porsche ends up back at square one, forced to start the process from scratch. Only this time, Kinn is determined to make his life as difficult as possible.
Perfect Strangers by ahdriking
Porsche meets Kinn on a commercial flight. The airplane bathroom will never be the same.
Bad Behavior by ahdriking
“Why did you do that?” Kinn’s voice was thick. Kinn's hand tightened reflexively around Porsche’s throat when he wrapped his fingers around Kinn’s wrist, quickly finding the pulse point there. It hammered under his touch, a dizzying rhythm that matched Porsche’s own. It betrayed him, betrayed them both, their bodies unable to lie to each other. Porsche met Kinn’s eyes. “You know why.”
Consequences by ahdriking
"Put your hands behind your back." Porsche swallows around the lump that's formed in his throat, eyes darting up from the floor to meet Kinn's. Kinn stands before him with his arms firmly crossed over his chest, the expression on his face carefully neutral, though the black pits of his eyes burn with an intensity that makes Porsche shift uncomfortably. "I won't repeat myself." Porsche sets his jaw, curls his hands into fists, and forces a nasty smile onto his face. "Or what?"
got me hopin' you'll save me by mirrorofprinces (and the entire KinnPorsche: The Series (La Fortissimo) series)
Porsche clears his throat. “Khun Kinn, if that’s all, can I be dismissed?” “No,” Kinn says with a slight tilt of his head. “That was some of the worst shooting I’ve ever seen. It shouldn’t take my head bodyguard six tries to hit an easy target.” He glances over at his friends. “I’ll meet you in the living room. Porsche needs a gun handling lesson.”
smoke on your skin by mirrorofprinces
There is a small, dark part of Kinn that considers pinching Porsche’s nose shut and fucking his face to completion. Instead, he reaches for the crystal whiskey glass on his desk and takes a fortifying sip. “Enough.”
didn't know that you were cold 'til you felt my fire by mirrorofprinces
“You’ve done well,” Kinn adds, and the words warm Porsche through to his bones. “I just need one more thing from you,” he says, red eyes bright and luminous. “Anything,” Porsche hears himself say. The corners of Kinn’s mouth curl up into a smile, but nothing about it feels friendly.
squeeze a little, tease a little more by mirrorofprinces
Porsche knows he’s tucked up well under the desk, theoretically completely hidden, but all it would take is an accidental noise to give him away, or for a pair of wandering eyes at the exact right angle to catch a glimpse of his socked feet. The idea doesn’t entirely put him off.
our little remedy by mirrorofprinces
Porsche hesitates. Kinn snorts, grabbing a fresh towel off the rack behind him. “You let me shoot an apple off your head, but this is too scary? Get over here. I’ll do it myself.”
Good Enough to Breed by rainbowcolored7
Now this, almost a year into their relationship, Porsche was discovering one more unexpected thing about himself thanks to none other than his infuriating and handsome boyfriend. One more thing he needed to chew on and deconstruct before he brought it up to Kinn. Because self-preservation and pride aside, this new thing couldn’t be resolved without Kinn, if it was something that could even be resolved at all. Porsche had no idea.
you've got to beg to be proud by starstrung
Kinn and Porsche have a rule. Their work may take them to dangerous places. They might have to make hard decisions, be threatening, be charming, or a deadly mixture of the two. They always come home to each other.
'Know you're a gambling man by trevorishy
Kinn and Porsche make a bet.
The King’s Tree by LuckyDragon
Kinn was seven when he woke up one morning to discover a small silver circle on the back of his left wrist.
Even If Oblivion Be the Cost, Gladly Shall I Pay by LuckyDragon
The being waits patiently for the humans to bring him what he needs. He waits for the premium opportunity, the ideal candidate. Reality ebbs and flows around him, like the waves of the ocean, and time pours out endlessly in all directions.
Assumptions about you by Sirvaria
Porsche secretly likes it when Kinn manhandles him into submission, not that he would ever admit to that.
it’s my desire that you feed, you know just what i need (you got power over me) by vincerets
the one where Porsche gets hurt and Kinn loses his mind.
when it comes to that emotion by orphan_account
Porsche is used to taking care of himself, small scrapes and bruises are nothing, a gun to his head, lightly being hit by a car, he can handle it. He doesn’t need to call Kinn over every small infraction, especially when Kinn is so busy. Kinn would disagree.
imitating your seasons by orphan_account (sequel to when it comes to that emotion)
As soon as Kinn hears the words, ‘hurt,’ and, ‘Porsche,’ together, his world stops moving, his mind becomes fire, and his hands shake with the force of violent vengeful notions. But for Porsche, his touch is only ever tender.
You can make the blue sky blush by anonymous
Porsche is staring again. He can’t help it. It’s not news, really. Porsche’s obsession with Kinn’s hands. On a steering wheel, swirling a glass of bourbon, grabbing Porsche’s waist— Still, there’s something special, he’s starting to realize, about Kinn’s hands… holding a gun.
(I will add more to this list as I continue to gain more favs!)
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lilitblaukatz · 1 year
Maybe Kim should have asked
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At first glance this banter is meaningless. We saw the goons going from the minor family house on the rampage.
We would guess who sent them even without Kim's input. But there's no meaningless things in a good production such as KinnPorsche the series.
It is seemingly obvious it was either Gun or Vegas. But Gun offered protection to Porsche. But why would he need a leverage for Porsche? I don't know when Gun came to knowledge that Porsche is Napheung's son, but it was some time before the massacre. He already had a plan to look for Nampheung, because "He [Korn] told me that he killed everyone but look here are the two of you!". Gun is a creep, but he seemed genuinly concerned about Nampheung. He didn't want to harm her children, if it wasn't nesessary. In Porsche he saw a chance that Nampheung's alive too.
Now, Gun must have known that Porchay was nothing to Korn directly. Porsche was definitely something - and I think we saw only glimpse of his importance. Korn planned on taking over the minor family and he could appoint the head as he pleased. He chose Porsche. Korn seeked Porsche out, he aquired him as last chess piece - black queen (as on Theerapanyakul's blazon), he kept his mother (as real leverage???), he appointed him.
But Gun thought that Korn was dead. So, Kinn?
Enter Vegas. Vegas did just that. He just took Chay as a leverage against Porsche, to lure him in, so he could frame him and get rid of him a week or so before. Why would he need to split force to capture Chay again? Vegas didn't even know whose side Porsche would choose. But he knew, that Porsche is Kinn's heart, so he probably could try again anyway. And he of course knew where Porchay is. The last "but" is — such repetition is unlikely for the movie narrative.
As for Korn, he provoked all the massacre with his "death". He not only didn't give a damn if everyone would end up dead, starting with Tankhun and ending with Chay. He probably was interested in as many body count as possible. When diva announces that they retire from the stage, it is the biggest lie ever. All this declining health talk had some truth: Korn was preparing for his health to naturally decline. And he did it by trying to eliminate biggest threat to his reign - his family. He did it while he was actually in charge and in a good Form. Smart move!
So why if it's so obvious that probably Vegas did send those men after Chay (maybe on his father's demand), Kim tells us (who else!) that it is indeed obvious?
Maybe because it actually isn't? Maybe we guessed wrong?
I think it was Korn. And Kim, suspecting that the "death" was a trick, probably knew it too. How important Porsche was to his father.
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Oh, he will.
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misspoetree · 1 year
Okay, hold my marbles, the Tay headconnons, YOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Finally. FINALLY some good tea! I love that the agenda of Tay is more then he seems gets more followers\^.^/
Your hc's are so amazing, oh my gosh!!! :D
And after your nice invitation, I couldn't not rant about more XD
I mean, at first I was also absorbed with Tay's fashion and beauty (look at that man, he is GORGEOUS!) But exactly like you said, just beauty doesn't last in a world where everything is build to tear the lovely picture apart that covers your marks. If you only have the looks, you will also have the bottom place in the foodchain. But Tay... he is so much more. Because he survived, he is friends with Kinn and if not Kinn (pre Porsche, so still kinda asshole towards humans) then definetly Korn would've prevented Kinn from getting friends with persons way under his league. He has something and I think that is the brain.
To humbly add to your glorious pile of genius ideas and hc's, I think, I speculate, that sometimes Tay can tend to be a little paranoid. I mean, he is constantly looking out for himself, studies other people, he is aware about how he looks. That he looks like someone who can get taken out easily. So he knows he has to do everything to prevent that. The downside is, exhaustion, restlessness, anxiety and clinging on to the few "safe" things he has like Time, no matter the cheating, or his new found connection with Porsche. But it also has a few good sides.
For example, I think his situational awareness is at least at the same level as one of the bodyguards. He knows how to look for hidden dangers and sudden movements. Like you said, he reads people. He gets it. This goes for his daily life as well as his role within his friends.
Because in a dangerous situation, in an auction or deal that went south, he knows that nobody would try to go after Kinn as a hostage. They would kill him for a coin but taking him would be too dangerous, after all, nobody flipps off a Theerapanyakun in the face and lives to tell the tale. So instead, they would aim for Tay.
I think, Tay is indeed very aware of his surroundings. He knows how to look out for potential danger, how to look for escape routes or cover. But he is also aware of the persons around them.
He connects easily with Porsche and Chay in their home, he is used to talking with people. In a room full of people with power, a powder keg, that only needs a spark to ignite, I think Tay would be the one with a sweet smile. He knows how to talk with people and how to make them think their doing is their own idea. He is the one for whom people pull out chairs and offer a seat or a drink. And he knows how to react, how to dance on the tightrope of being friendly, innocent, a beauty in between the weapons and a pleasant company without promising them more (They want more, he knows they do and that everyone tries to but he has no intention on taking things in this way. All he does is creating a fantasy, a little part of peace that they want to have, that they want to watch and protect.)
He offers a sweet smile, a pleasant conversation and when the bullets start flying it gives him a meat shield of some guy who fell for his act and went to protect the damsel in distress.
Even if all of his doings just earns him a single second more, a second more is 3 new plans on how to get out of the situation with Tays dangerous mind.
Hey, lovely Anon! I’m so sorry that it took me so long to answer – I just needed a little moment away from Tumblr. <3
Thank you so much for the all the nice things you had to say about my headcanons – and thank you for your very interesting and inspiring thoughts on that matter! *_*
I love that you mentioned Korn, because yes, I also believe that he wouldn’t be very fond of Kinn having friends under his league. But I think that’s because he sees friendship more from the business side of things (surprise, surprise). Tay’s father is very influential and so is Time’s (as we learn from the conversation in episode 2). It would be incredibly stupid to not keep the connections to those families tight and personal. And what better way to do just that than to keep their children around?
That said, I don’t think Korn likes Tay very much. Or at least he wouldn’t if he ever saw Tay for what he really is. How effortless he can push Kinn in the direction he chooses. Because yes, like you said, Tay has a brain, but he also has a heart, and he knows how to use both of them (on Kinn). Just think about the hospital scenes in episode 7. Korn holds this whole metaphoric speech about apples and dull knives to get Kinn back in line. And what happens? Along comes Tay, takes one look at Kinn, drops a few words of easy wisdom…and all of Korn’s eloquent efforts are for naught. Ohhh, Tay is dangerous indeed. And wouldn’t that be another fun fanfic topic - Korn seeing the true danger of Tay for the first time? And being forced to...do something about that? Or at least consider doing something about it? Weighing Tay's influence on Kinn against the influence of Tay's family? 👀
And Tay being slightly paranoid, the restlessness of it, his situational awareness, clinging on to safe things – yes, yes, YES to all of that! 😍 It’s so juicy, I love it. Thank you for dropping all of that into my asks, very much appreciated!!!!! 🙏🏻
Also: you 🤝🏻@haahka🤝🏻@mortimerlatrice (#make him a monster (one who still knows how to love without being thought) - that tag?!?!!?!?) – making me want to write a dark arch for Tay so badly ahhhhhhh!!! 😫🙌🏻
Because: “All he does is creating a fantasy, a little part of peace that they want to have, they want to watch and protect. (…) He offers a sweet smile, a pleasant conversation and when the bullets start flying it gives him a meat shield of some guy who fell for his act and went to protect the damsel in distress.”
But despite all of this, despite the strong survival instinct and the manipulation, I do believe that Tay truly DOES care for people and that his warmth and compassion are genuine. And that makes the thought of Tay using another person as a meat shield even juicier, oh my God. Because right then, he doesn’t feel, he doesn’t think. He’s just acting. Reacting. Pure animal instinct. Getting out of the situation alive is all that matters. And he does. But sooner or later, he comes back to himself, slowly turns back into a human being and for the first time, he sees what he has done. Notices the sticky blood splattered across his arms and chest and face. Notices the corpse at his feet. The corpse of the man that jumped in front of him. “Better him than me,” he thinks, in the dissipating haze of adrenalin, just to recoil from himself in disgust a moment later. And then, the realisation truly sets in. Panic rising, rising, rising in his chest until his feet are moving on their own volition. Until he’s running just to get away, ignoring the calls of his name echoing behind him, drowned out by the voices calling him "Monster" in his own head. And maybe he runs to another monster, then. Finds himself at the door of a man that seems to glory in that title. And he knocks.
Oh. I might. I might just got an idea for a fic. 👀
(Look away @tumsa, Tay is still our sunshine boy who deserves the world and only happiness, and I still owe you an overdue message, I'm sorry! 🙈💕)
Anyways. Anon, thank you so much and I hope you see this! 😍🙏🏻
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domsaysstuff · 2 years
Kinnporsche Fic Rec List
For @kprecfest I wanted to rec the fics that I thought deserve actually a lot more love from this fandom (this is by no means a complete list, there is like waaay to many good fics in this fandom and way too little of me but it's just the little ones that I'm like how do they not have way more kudos and bookmarks??? When they're so good??? Also all of them are kinn x porsche)
Confusing Emotions by tessalane on ao3
Rating: E
Chapters: 14/?
Word count: 68,346
Summary: Porsche is a mafia baby even if he hates it and doesn't want to "lead the family business". He grew up knowing Kinn, but their families are enemies so they're supposed to be enemies. Yet Porsche can't help to be always drawn to Kinn, always somewhat finding themselves at the same place they orbit each other their whole life.
Why I love it: Listen, it's first of all very beautifully written, second just the first chapters of young Porsche and him discovering himself are just !!! Also the tension between Kinn and Porsche, the way Porsche wants to hate him but in the end he wants him in his life so badly, the way Kinn can't help but be kind to Porsche, can't help himself wanting to take care of him just aaaaahh
Trials & Tribulations by rainbowcolored7 (@rainbowcolored7 ) on ao3
Rating: E
Chapters: 3/3
Word count: 26,348
Summary: In which Kinn is a renowned lawyer for TK & Associates, as well as a certified bastard, and Porsche is his new assistant who isn't sure whether he'll scald him with hot coffee or fuck him before he decides to quit.
Why I love it: It's fun, it's heartwarming, it's smutty, it's well written, it's just so good guys. The friendship between Pete and Porsche there is fun and I enjoyed it, the Kinnporsche relationship wanted me to bite nails because like JUST FUCK ALREADY and then they did and dear god was like so fucking mindblowing.
speeding through all of these red lights by foreigncars on ao3
Rating: E
Chapters: 14/14
Word count: 76,033
Summary: Alternative version of canon where Porsche asks to work for Kinn instead.
Why I love it: listen it was written mostly based off the book that we shall not speak about but it's so so so good you might actually think it was more similar to the show. The characterization, OH MY GOD THIS KINN IS JUST SO *SCREAMS*, I've read this like three times and idk the relationship between Porsche and Kinn is so natural, the need to know each other, the companionship, the horniness, I fucking love it
your eyes are liquor, your body is gold by cherry_apples22 on ao3
Rating: E
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 7,140
Summary: Bottom Kinn agenda thrives. It's all smut and fluff.
Why I love it: it's so tender guys, so fucking lovely, the wording makes you just want to cry but also IT'S SMUT AND A GOOD ONE, Kinn gets to bottom AND stay in character??? Good for him, good for him
Thorns Cut Deep (Your Love is Deeper) by mortimerlatrice (@mortimerlatrice) on ao3
Rating: General Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Word count: 950
Summary: After removing themselves from Korn's influence, the Theerapanyakun and Kittasawat family share a meal and Kinn considers what it means to him.
Why I love it: it's fluffy, it's found family fluff?? Also the way Mort writes Kinn? So fucking on point I want to bite something but Kinn's thoughts on Porsche? The way Porsche is described as so kind and loving and warm and just sunshine makes me even more feral. This fic is adorable and warm and also a very good character study
Beach Day by Punchlove (@punchlove-blog) on ao3
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Word count: 1,287
Summary: Gentle story of a day at the beach for Kinn & Porsche and their kids.
Why I love it: FUTURE KINNPORSCHE AND KIDS FIC, it's fucking adorable, like aaaaaaaahh, so much fluff and just warmth and honestly do.yourself a favor and just read it because it's heartwarming and sweet
Price of a Life Well-Lived by verses (@vcrses) on ao3
Rating: E
Chapters: 1/2
Word count: 10,731
Summary: Or, Kinn had always known that he would be his father's ruin, and Porsche almost dying only sets his plans into motions.
Why I love it: oh my, where the fuck I even start? Maybe with Kinn's rage and all the delicious fucking angst? With Tay and Kinn's friendship? With the hate Korn festival? With absolutely fucking beautiful writing? With the PLOT THAT JUST ARGHHH or with all of it? It's like a masterpiece and I want to bite it
Fics that are part of the series and you should read them all (these are not strictly all kinn/porsche)
the space between you and me (connected like fate) by darkknight (@yilingbee) on ao3
Works: 4
Words: 47,225
Rating: all of them have rating E
Pairings: main Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, side KimChay
Describtion: Following episode 10, Porsche makes a decision which breaks both his and Kinn's hearts, are they simply fated to a life without one another?
Why I love it: every part broke my heart while exploring Kinnporsche's relationship in such a beautiful way, the writing is amazing, it beautiful, it's smutty, it's angsty and codependent but also so heartwarming at times, it made me want to rip off my heart and then stitched it together, also the way it potrays Chay's and Porsche's relationship?? Excellent, so, so, so good, also I love big brother Porsche and the focus on how Chay's and Kim's relationship could also impact Kinnporsche
Don't think about... by boysbeloving (@boysbeloving) on ao3
Works: 7
Words: 3,720
Rating: all of them have rating E
Pairings: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun/Reader, Mile Phakphum Romsaithong/Reader
Describtion: smutty ficlets that you WILL be thinking a FUCKING lot about after reading
Why I love it: it's smutty goodness, Daisy has such a way with words that just allow her to paint the perfect hot picture that gets you hot and bothered and it's just delicious smut, i still think about the suit and the ring ones so much in my daily life that I might explode
The Time of Their Lives (Dirty Dancing AU) by bye_pine_bye (@kin-kinn) on ao3
Works: 3
Word count: 64,345
Rating: first two M, the third one Teen And Up Audiences
Pairings: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Arm/Khun Tankhun Theerapanyakun
Is it finished?: no
Describtion: It's the Kinnporsche Dirty Dancing Au, every pairing gets their own spot in the light (armkhun getting a oneshot, vegaspete and kinnporsche multichapter stories) all of the works happen in the same universe
Why I love it: oh my god we could sit here until tmrw if i had to list all of the things but!! It's fluffy! It's fun!! It's also tender and a little (not a lot) angsty, kinnporsche are idiots in love, there is a lot of angst on vegas end with his abusive piece of shit father, there is pinch of smut, the writing is good and precise and detailed where it matters, it's comforting, it's always a treat to read
So yeah, that's my full list for now, I hope y'all will read them and give a lot of love to the writers because they deserve it!!!
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chibipandaao3 · 6 months
Price Paid
On-going | 4k | Rated T | Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Found Family,
The Theerapanyakun family had done business with the Chen foundations for decades. It was an established working partnership - Tony supplied weapons and the Theerapanyakun family supplied money in return. On the surface, things continued as normal. However, Tony's dealings had spread beyond weaponry and while Korn had morals, not everyone in the family did.
Inspired by @katerinaptrv
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wildelydawn · 1 year
No I have to enquire about the ChanKim. Like. Legally. Like no actually I need it. Hello. Hi. Please. More of your delicious thoughts. I'm obsessed with you and your beautiful brain forever btw 💌
HELLO HI, welcome to my ChanKim agenda.
I have only a single thought: that ChanKim is violent and/or manipulative towards each other. I don't have more thoughts for you.
I have two scenarios for you, if you want to read:
I. (tw: manipulation, implied sexual coercion)
“Do you wonder?” Kim whispers.
Chan says nothing. Averts his eyes like he does when the boy’s father gives him orders.
Boy. Not a boy. Kim hasn’t been a boy in years. At twenty three years old, the youngest son of the Theerapanyakun family is older. And more. Musician. Assassin. Model. Drug trafficker. 
A man. 
At nearly two decades his senior, Chan had watched him grow from petulant child to ruthless Mafia leader. Growth didn’t happen overnight; growth happened under Chan’s hand and discipline because Khun Korn could not be bothered to do it himself.
Chan had not realized that training Kim would result in Kim learning more than hand to hand combat. He could talk his way out of any scenario. Or worse, into. Chan recalls when Kinn deployed Kim and Chan to a client’s home. Kinn explained that the client had dues, and that the safe in his nightclub could pay for his debts handsomely if given the choice between it and his life.
Kim came back with the money and the deed to the club. And not a hair out of place, not a sweat broken.  The boy-turned-man had a predisposition to the art of manipulation. 
Chan should know. 
He’s being manipulated now. Kim’s been playing the long game. Chan figures he planted the seed years ago: insisting Chan spar with him when a younger bodyguard would be a better choice. Requesting Chan as his bodyguard and being obviously disappointed with Big’s appointment. Catching the man’s eyes, and if Kim’s lucky, his sleeve too. Just to remind Chan that smooth talking and violence were not the only traits that Kim developed over the years. Kim has a face, too. One that people like to look at, listen to, and that he could play it the minute Chan falters.
And now, Kim wants to go all in for whatever secrets his father has hidden in his study.
Chan expects the sleeve thing again: predictable. He has seen Kim’s dance before because it works. A touch. A pinch. Lean in, a mouth to their ear and then move away and leave them guessing and come back and pull on them, gently, let them believe that you see something they don’t, that you have answers they need. Offer them something sweet and intangible. Freedom. Purpose. Assurance. Peace. All of which are possible and fleeting, that secures them crawling back to you. Open the blinds. Close them. Check your phone, smile, put it away. He’ll tell you it’s okay. It’s safe now. You did good.
Chan doesn’t move, in case he does shoot Kim down, which would be the right thing to do. Chan will die amidst Korn’s chess game, but it’s a death he is contently anticipating. Korn had provided him with luxuries and pleasures, so Chan’s loyalties lie with Korn above all else, no matter how beautiful, young, spiteful, foolish, cunning, tempting Korn’s son appears.
But Kim doesn’t need to know that. 
“I wonder. I wonder all the time.”
II. (tw: blackmailing, violence, implied sexual assault/noncon)
Kim can feel eyes on his back. He knew coming back here would be a problem. But he has to know. Korn told him nothing besides his stupid resurrection plan that Kim holds little interest in. Unsatisfied, he crash landed into his father’s study, tearing open the books on the shelves, opening the locked drawer and finding no answers.
“Are you here to lecture me about how to keep a tidy room?”
Chan says nothing. So Kim keeps going. He takes out a knife and drags it across his father’s beloved arm chair. Worn stuffing and fabric explode out like a cartoon. Nothing. Next is the coffee table. Where was that tab? Ah yes, under, left hand side. Kim hits the switch, and another secret compartment within the table opens.
“You must know,” Kim drawls as he looks at the hideous globe on the shelf, hoping to beckon the man to slip out something. “Either Korn or Porsche told you.” He takes hold of it and lets it crash heavily to the ground. The ceramic shatters instantly. Hilariously, there is a kilogram of snow inside, but that’s hardly of interest.
“What do I know, Khun Kim?”
“Where they hid the brother,” Kim accidentally answers too quickly. 
But it’s over. The head bodyguard of the Theerapanyakun family has a smirk on his face. Chan has won. Kim can keep up the passive look, pretend that he has a fighting chance, but it’s over.
“I do know.”
Kim can get one more bite in though. It would feel damn good to do so. “Korn whispered it into your ear last night?”
In a flash, Chan pins Kim against the bookcase, his calloused hand around Kim’s throat. The wood digs painfully into his back and the furniture rattles alongside his bones.
“You should respect your father.”
“Does that include getting fucked in the ass by him?” Kim grits out. He’s not afraid. Chan has done much worse for far less. “Must be nice knowing all your needs are taken care of.”
Chan’s grip tightens. There’s no pain though. Something else, something so hideous runs through Kim as Chan’s face clouds over. 
“I can give you the location tomorrow, if you'd rather.”
Kim’s body goes numb and it is not Chan’s doing. Tomorrow is too late. Vegas and Gun will be here in hours. Kinn and Porsche will take up arms against him, and by the looks of his uncle’s army and his cousin’s idiocy, there is a very good chance none of them will make it out alive.
But Porchay can. Porchay can make it out alive. 
“Or you can behave,” Chan says quietly. “And when you’re done, I’ll give you the coordinates. And you can run off and play house with the brat for as long as you want.”
Kim closes his eyes; Chan loosens his hand; Kim, defeated, reaches for the guard’s dress pants. 
“It’s a pity you destroyed your father’s armchair. I quite liked bending you over it.”
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oceannacaldin · 1 year
Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun, Macau Theerapanyakun & Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakun
Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Past Abuse, (dys)functional siblings, Pete POV, Family Conflict, Conflict Resolution, Angst with a Happy Ending
When his health recovers enough, Korn decides that the best way to handle his family is to force them to meet for a family meal once a month. He plays the benevolent uncle with Vegas and Macau as he does with Porsche and Chay, and that’s how he starts to ask about Macau’s future. “You know that Pa was keen on us going abroad,” Vegas says politely, an edge in his voice. “I know how to handle it.” Little do they knows that that single sentence sparks an argument they can't escape from.
Soooo... Months ago, @chalkrevelations posted about Vegas and Macau starting to fight and I just went "Oh, I want to write that fic". I still feel like I twisted that idea until it reached another conclusion, but... credit back where it's due.
And thanks again @lake-river-ocean for the swift reread, it is deeply appreciated!
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