#korean tapas
asteriass · 10 months
I like the degree of Cheongryeo’s (outright) [From: Debut or Die] psychotic/unhinged tendencies
And I’m not strictly just referring to the full one unhinged things he does. Like, I mean just his way of carrying himself too on a “regular” basis.  He’s the type of guy who’d suddenly start laughing and then just randomly stop in the most off putting way (by that I mean he canonically does that).
The whole scene where he’s giving Moondae a car ride is amusing but also off putting, because in Moondae’s own words, “…He seemed a little psychotic” 😭. Like, the whole time they were in that car, Moondae is keeping check of the view ahead and around the car and making extra sure Cheongryeo doesn’t take his eyes off the road while driving ☠️.  Moondae did not want to be in that car lmao. Understandably so, due to the erratic nature of even Cheongryeo’s small actions:
Cheongryeo smiled and lightly tapped the steering wheel. Moondae: ‘I’d rather be the person driving.’  […] I only moved my eyes to glance at the rearview mirror but I could see Cheongryeo’s eyes staring at me. …Frankly, it was downright creepy.
Or that one point where Moondae blocked his number, and so Cheongryeo called Moondae’s company to get in contact with him again ☠️
It’s all little things, but definitely add to the fact that this man’s sanity is barely handing on lmao
[I really look forward to reading his future shenanigans in the Manhwa 💥]
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New announcement from Tapas!
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This Monday the update of the 8 special chapters of the side stories will begin!
These are the last chapters of the VADTD novel and they will have a discount that will last until Friday, March 29!
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For those who haven't bought all the chapters yet, this is your chance! 🤩
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wandering-tides · 1 month
CotHE is on Tapas now!!
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It finally has official english translations!!!
And it came out on my b'day🥳!! How come I didn't know sooner?!
This must be a gift from the heavens 💝✨
I am sooo happy right now~!
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essenceofarda · 4 months
"Girl falls into Middle-Earth fics are a type of isekai story"
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alicehattera03 · 11 months
Hello! I've been reading some of your fanfics and I loved them, especially about Villains Are Destined to Die. I really like your writing, and I was wondering, when you had time of course, could you write a fanfic/short story about Penelope being yandere/very possessive with Callisto, please?!
I just found a spoiler that mentions that she felt jealous and got drunk, but I wonder what would have happened if she was sober, would it just be comical jealousy or did she really feel a huge surge of possessiveness towards Callisto?!
Anyway, thank you for your beautiful writing!
Oh now THIS type of spoiler I can get behind...Anon, just for you, I'll make an exception because of how sweet you are ehehe
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She always made sure to use the title of "crown prince" in front of his name, or at the very least, "prince". She doesn't this time.
She steps across the floor, her nightgown a fluid movement across the white marble. "Callisto," she calls out softly.
Her voice wound into his ears and he feels possessed as he wraps her into his embrace, burying his face into the crook of her neck. He breathes in, her natural scent underneath the florals of her shampoo.
"Penelope," he whispers into her ear. Usually, she would melt into his arms, her ears burning red- but she was oddly rigid as she dug her fingers into his back.
"I hate it," she mutters quietly.
"...Hmm?" He leans back a little to look at her, raising an eyebrow as he rewinds that sentence. "Hate what?"
"I hate that they cling to you during balls, that I'm not declared your fiancee yet and that I have to wait by the sidelines as you return from war." She grinds her teeth, and her nails scrape down his back.
Her whisper was deadly sweet. "You're mine, Callisto. Mine. No one can take you away from me because you're the only person who will ever truly be mine."
He chuckles a little, finding her endearing as he places kisses onto her forehead and onto her eyelids, slowly making his way down her face to her neck as he smooths out her wrinkled brow. "Only yours, Penelope, my love."
She doesn't tell him of the intrusive thoughts that barrage her day in and day out, how she wished to aim her bow at the ladies who tried to flirt with him. How she wished no one would dare to go near him- and how she wished she could utilize the title of "Mad dog of Eckhart" in a way that was useful to her for once.
All he had to do was reassure her, and her fears would melt away. She wished that were true. She licks her lips and cards her fingers through his hair as she sighs, her body relaxing into his grip.
She decides she would never tell him of how she looked on with cold eyes at the lady that she tripped earlier that day. Of how she watched as her mirthful grin grew at the sight of that gaudy fan breaking under her heel and how red dyed the stream and nearby rocks.
Callisto was always so sweet to her. Her eyes wander to his neck. She touches him softly, just with her fingertips- sliding down as she presses her lips onto his skin.
She wondered how he would feel if she sent him into the next evening's ball with her bite mark adorning his neck.
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peculiarpeace · 3 months
Hello! My name is Charlie, and you may know me from my own comic, ABC. But! I also have another one, He's Just There, which is in development.
I currently have a team of four artists working on my second comic while I write. However, we need one more person to color, so that people aren't doing too much and get overwhelmed.
You're also welcome to help out with other jobs like lineart, backgrounds, character design, and even sketching! And I or other artists will fill in the gaps with color if you need a break or something else comes up.
This is a Webcomic to be published on Webtoon, and possibly Tapas, and is a long term project!
Whenever we get big enough, the plan is to start a patron, and if you choose to participate you will get any money that is made from profits of your own work! But this is entirely based off of comfortability, some artists may work on it while others don't. I will write for it! Any other opportunities for compensation will be distributed fairly and equally, but will always be your choice. Otherwise, for now this is an unpaid project.
Expectations Of This Role Are:
1. Communication, you MUST be able to communicate issues or problems that come up. You're welcome to give as much or as little information as you'd like on why, but if you need breaks, help, more time or information, or anything else you must communicate it as soon as you are able to!
2. Discord is needed
3. Discussion with me and art style sample to see if you fit the style and dynamic before any role is offered
4. Patience and the ability to work as a team: We all have lives, and so far as far as I know we're all highschoolers, so we need Patience as we try to navigate time and coordination. We also need each other to be supportive, helpful, engaged, understanding, hardworking, and a team player. You need to be able to work with other people.
5. You must be accepting of different communities! This comic represents as many as possible for us to accurately potray! (Unfortunately for example, that does not currently include indigenous people's. None of us are a part of these communities, and don't feel we have the accuracy or experiences to represent them.)
6. The ability to enjoy characters and worlds, help make it special and have fun. This is a great environment, and I'm sorry if this post was too serious or intimidating, that wasn't the intention. This environment is professional at times, but generally the point is to enjoy your work, and we definitely goof around our fair share.
My discord is @notaluma and you're more than welcome to DM if you're at all interested!
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jazzystudios82 · 27 days
Webcomic Recommendations: The Fantasie of a Stepmother/A Stepmother's Marchen ♡
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Summary: "The marchioness Shuri Von Neuschwanstein was just a teenager when her husband died, leaving her to manage his lands and raise his children–even though she was young enough to be their sibling. Despite her dedication to her duties, other nobles conspired against her, and her stepchildren rejected her as their mother, leaving her a hardened pariah in her own home. But when she leaves for a new residence during her eldest stepson’s wedding, the marchioness dies and wakes up in the past: on the day of her husband’s funeral! If Shuri is to live these seven difficult years all over again, she’s going to do things differently. Can she rewrite her own fairy tale ending this time around?"
Distributer: Seven Seas Entertainment
Source: Tapas
Creator: Spice&Kitty (Original Author) & Orka (Adaptor/Illustrator)
Genre: Fantasy, drama, second chances, family, romance
Status: Ongoing
Personal Rating: 3 out of 5 stars ⭐️ (so far)
Availability: Wherever books are sold
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random118x · 1 year
Zeke has my heart, so cute 🥰
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sweetsuenos · 1 year
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This person is mad because this manhwa calls capitalism a great evil and the fl uses her knowledge of it to scam her enemies lol
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paillow · 1 year
question abt rudbeckia’s brother
did the novel author ever state why he was the way he is with ruby? why he objectified/fantasized about/abused her so much even tho they were raised to treat e/o as siblings?
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Me while watching kdramas 😆
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asteriass · 6 months
The progression of the “Villainess” trope
Y'know, thinking about it, it's very ironic how a trope made to subvert one's expectations & give more depth to 1 dimensional villains in cliche novels by "humanizing" them more & providing their side of the story, eventually became oversaturated with cartoony villains & flat MCs. Thus, completely failing in its goal to "subvert expectations" as it too turned into mind numbing cliche, becoming the exact opposite of what the troupe initially aimed to achieved.
I am talking about "Villainess" series.
I remember seeing a twitter post a while back saying how a lot of the villainess stuff the authors & studios are putting out nowadays lack any sort of nuance when it comes to its characters. And how a lot authors simply switch the roles of the cast (Like: OG MC -> villain | OG villain -> MC) & call it a day. And I 100% agree with that.
This troupe kinda ended up becoming the dictionary definition of the saying, "You either die as a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain” lmao
What could've been an opportunity to write nuanced villains & morally ambiguous main characters, turned EXACTLY into the cliche it was pocking fun at.
In an attempt to reveal how the MCs of your typical cliche novels can also be in the wrong at times, flaws that the story & its (in-canon) fandom may purposefully ignore, the villainess stories ended up doing EXACT SAME thing EXECPT this time it's the "villains" doing it rather than the OG FL or OG ML of the “OG novel”. In an attempt to stop cliche villains from remaining cliche, while we did ended up getting slightly more nuance for the “OG villain” characters, in the process, the OG MCs turned exactly into those flat cliche villains.
Alot of villainess series poke fun at the troupes they themself use, but not in a satirical way.
So many villainess series poke fun at the OG novels for being problematic or stupid & the fandom of said novels basically ignoring its flaws & problems, only gushing over the OG FL. Which yea, is nice & all, but y'know... that's exactly what those villainess series do too. SO MANYY of them borderline have the FLs participating in literal slavery. & More often than not have a borderline colonizer ML. Not to mention the numerous which carry weird undertones of colorism, and many such other things. All the while, the fandom of these villainess series continue to ignore their glaring problems & flaws & instead just gush over the FL and ML.
And I'm not even saying this in a hating sort of way (well, aside from the series with issues of colorism, orientalism, etc). Moreover, this is all not to say that one can not enjoy such stories, because admittedly, there is indeed fun in just reading a simple and familiar story line. But this is all more me being intrigued by this trope’s almost ironic progression as companies rush their staff to produce something which they think will be able to ride the waves of the current trends, only for the vast majority to simply drown in a sea of mediocrity (with many even being canceled due to this)
[Though I mean, something as simple as villainess tropes won’t be the only one to go through this. Like a lot of Shakespearean works, a subversion of the classics & typical troupes back then, got turned into ones of those classics and by many are now considered cliche. And that's just scrapping the bottom of the barrel!]
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The 8 special side story chapters are out now!
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Hi fandom!
The 8 special side story chapters of VADTD have been updated on Tapas platform!
The price of the chapters are in sale (40% off) until this friday:
162 ink per chapter!
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neuron461 · 1 year
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knuckleduster · 1 year
rereading fools (the bl webcomic) is so annoying bc like halfway through the uploads on mangago switch from fantranslations to the official tapas translation which changes all the names to english names which is so annoying
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alicehattera03 · 1 year
I love...
MLs who glare at their rival/trash over their beloved’s shoulder as they kiss them, MLs who threaten their enemies/their beloved’s enemies and their face grows so dark only the glow of their eyes can be seen.
MLs that grow so furious, it shows outwardly as they shout for the guards to find them, to bring them to him- so he can tear the people who dared to take their lover away from them- limb from limb, but only after his beloved is safe by his side being peppered with kisses and loving words.
Bonus points if the ML gets slit pupils, fangs when he opens his mouth to yell, or gets angry veins on his jaw and neck as he begins the hunt for his loved one.
MLs who are always elegant and composed but becomes a rabid wolf when their beloved goes missing, MLs who lose their heart and soul when their beloved dies in their arms and burns the world down with angry tears running down their face.
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