#cezar de borgia
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#cezar de borgia#cesare de borgia#how to get my husband on my side#how to win my husband over#derrick eckhart#villains are destined to die#death is the only ending for a villainess#just drawing dmm#vadd
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When you are in the worst manhwa brother competition but your opponents are these mfs

#Cezar De Borgia#Derrick eckart#There was this disgusting mf from villainess turns the hourglass but i dont even see him as a brother figure#death is the only ending for the villainess#how to get my husband on my side#Things i'm reading
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question abt rudbeckia’s brother
did the novel author ever state why he was the way he is with ruby? why he objectified/fantasized about/abused her so much even tho they were raised to treat e/o as siblings?
#manhwa#korean webtoon#how to win my husband over#tapas#how to get my husband on my side#rudbeckia de borgia#rudbeckia van omerta#cezar de borgia#cesare de borgia
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#like no one freaking likes you ...just die#I am talking about cezar#he is such a creep ...the satisfaction when he got attacked by Izek...🤌🤌#how to get my husband over my side#manhwa#rudbeckia de borgia
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Ruby/yuu from how to get my husband on my side
Sure thing, I'm sorry if it's short because due to my lack of knowledge of the manhwa as well as the character, I based it from research of the characters personality so sorry if it's not accurate...

Rudbeckia de Borgia (루드베키아 데 보르히하, Rudeubekia de Boreuhiha) is the protagonist of How to Win My husband Over. She is the adoptive daughter of Pope de Borgia and the adoptive younger sister of Cezar de Borgia and Enzo de Borgia. Her biological mother, Carmen, was the Pope's second mistress. Rudbeckia is the wife of Iske van Omerta, the daughter-in-law of the Duke and Duchess Omerta, and the sister-in-law of Ellenia van Omerta.
Ruby!Yuu is soft-spoken and keeps a poised exterior, with their every word carefully chosen. They're polite to a fault, making even rude comments sound charming. However, they hide a deep loneliness and a yearning for connection beneath their composed surface.
While they appear delicate, Ruby!Yuu has an unwavering inner strength, born from the hardships they’ve endured. They rarely express anger openly, but when pushed too far, they reveal a surprisingly sharp tongue and a fierce loyalty to their friends.
Ruby!Yuu possessed a warm heart and often tends to the hurt and broken with gentle care. They have a knack for finding people in need of help, and sometimes, without words, they simply stay by someone’s side to offer comfort.
They're sense of justice and compassion is unwavering. They stand up for the downtrodden, even if it means risking their own safety. Despite their gentle nature, they can be fierce when it comes to protecting the people they care about.
Ruby!Yuu finds comfort in tending to plants and flowers, often visiting the botanical gardens or Ramshackle's garden in their free time. They see beauty in resilience, admiring flowers that bloom despite adversity, reflecting their own journey. They keep a personal journal full of resources and information on flowers It works as well as a diary.
Their wardrobe reflects a classic elegance with muted colors, lace, and embroidered details, looking both noble and understated. They prefer clothes that don’t attract too much attention but still carry a quiet grace.
Jade and ruby!yuu have an interesting relationship, both of them have a love for plants and are willing to listen to the other info dump about their passion, jade yapped about mushrooms meanwhile ruby!yuu yaps about flowers. It's a win-win situation
Have tea parties with riddle where they have formal conversation as well discussing topics latest towards the world as well in school. Riddle like rub!yuu kind a gentle demeanor in contrast the Adeuce and grim behavior
While Vil may view Ruby!Yuu with a sense of rivalry due to their grace, Ruby!Yuu admires him without resentment. They exchange subtle compliments, with Vil secretly appreciating their humility, and Ruby!Yuu respects his commitment to perfection. They also may share some fashion advice to the other party
Ruby!Yuu’s magic centers around defense, with spells that create shimmering, flower-like shields. These barriers are as beautiful as they are strong, made of translucent layers resembling petals that protect themselves and their friends with a delicate but unbreakable power.
Once Crowley ask ruby!yuu to accompany him to RSA to meet the headmaster there and during that time many princes or students have approached with the intention of getting to know them. This of course causes Crowley into a frenzy and quickly ends the meeting due to how many of the students are making ruby!yuu uncomfortable.
Crowley has become like a father figure towards them, even tho he may be a scum or an asshole, but he does grow to care for ruby!yuu like his own child
#twisted wonderland#not canon#twst scenario#disney twst#twst headcanons#twst wonderland#twisted wonderland yuu au#twst mc#twst x reader#twst yuu au#ruby!yuu#Rudbeckia de Borgia#How to Win My husband Over#manhwa!yuu
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What do you think of Cezar de Borgia?
To be honest, he's very... HANDSOME. Although I find his attitude unpleasant, because he's two-faced and sometimes I don't understand this guy in many aspects, he says he loves him or that he's fond of Rudbeckia, when did this abusive attitude start? Towards the beginning? I didn't see the novel, just the manhwa, but my opinion about the guy is that I like him for two reasons.
because of his slight history in the manhwa and because of his design, don't deny it, everyone likes him too even if he's evil.
I love him as a villain because he's manipulative, cruel and two-faced, he's a wolf in sheep's clothing, I wish there was a post about him, but I can understand everyone's opinion about this guy and why they hate him.

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”Crimele familiei Borgia”
O carte pe care aș uita-o și aș reciti-o de zeci de ori fără îndoială. Mi-aș dori să o pot reciti ca prima dată, cu sufletul la gură, cu inima cât un purice, neștiind ceea ce va urma, ci doar intuind. O carte plină de întorsături care te fac să țipi la personaj, pentru că greșește.
Această carte relevă o lume de mult trecută, dar care și-ar putea găsi, măcar pentru o parte din întâmplări, echivalentul în perioada contemporană.
Deși, la prima vedere a cărții s-ar putea crede că este o lectură în mare parte politică, pe mine chiar m-a dus cu gandul la serialul ”Reign” (Maria Stuart), totuși ascunde o poveste de dragoste dintre cavalerul Ragastens și Primevère, contesa de Alma. Povestea celor doi depășește toate granițele, fiind o dragoste la prima vedere care se continuă prin întâlniri întâmplătoare, până la lupta iminentă pentru a fi împreună. Astfel, observăm că mâna destinului joacă un rol crucial în povestea celor doi, fiind relevat faptul că destinul reprezintă o forță care nu poate fi învinsă nici de cel mai puternic și corupt tiran.
Lecția de istorie, dar și actualitatea pe care le-am observat în roman m-au făcut să mă îndrăgostesc iremediabil de poveste, încă de la primele pagini. Un plus este faptul că este scrisă într-o manieră ușoară de înțeles, astfel cartea fiind accesibilă oricui este pregătit să își ofere timpul, atenția și inima, care pe parcursul celor 311 pagini va fi cucerită.
Atmosfera în care această carte îl poartă pe cititor este una magică. Trecerile de la somptuoasele castele la hanurile sărăcăcioase se realizează brusc, astfel cititorul fiind trezit la realitate pentru a putea interpreta obiectiv acțiunea romanului. De asemenea, un contrast evident mai este cel dintre esență și aparență. Astfel, este evidențiată esența de criminali a familiei Borgia, formată din Lucreția, Cezar și Alexandru, și aparențele pe care aceștia le creează pentru a-și consolida puterea, de exemplu, mila, faptul că Alexandru părea slab și umil, etc.
Povestea este presărată cu multe detalii splendide care au ca scop fascinația și menținerea cititorului în transa lecturii din care poate ieși numai după isprăvirea epilogului.
Consider că , fiecare persoană trebuie să își facă loc în bibliotecă pentru această carte care spune o poveste plină de vitalitate, chiar prin intermediul odioaselor crime și conspirații.
”Dragostea ... singurul adevăr demn de a trăi și a muri pentru el ...”
Calypso Aimée ♍️
#CalypsoAimée#Borgia#crime#primevere#ragastens#dragoste#poveste#roman#carte#lucretia#cezar#alexandru#papa#Michel Zevaco
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