#koran pop
fwa1ryskai · 11 months
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🎀 hari #1 Senin 9 Oktober 2023 🎀
hari itu adalah hari pertama di mulai nya projek semua siswa turun ke lapangan untuk mengikuti Upacara sekaligus pembukaan projek profil pancasila yg bertemakan Bhineka Tunggal Ika, setelah selesai pembukaan kita semua naik ke kelas masing' dan langsung menyesuaikan tempat duduk dan pembagian kelompok, dan menuliskan pendapat tentang Bhineka Tunggal Ika dalam post-it dan ditempel di papan tulis untuk di diskusikan. Masing-masing kelompok memilih 1 post-it yang menarik.
🎀 hari #2 Selasa 10 Oktober 2023 🎀
kita semua Mendeskripsikan diri dalam padlet dan mengerjakan lembar “mengenal lebih jauh”, dimana kita meminta tanda tangan sesama teman secara cepat-cepatan, yang cepat dan selesai meminta tanda tangan teman duluan akan diberikan stiker penghargaan.
🎀 hari #3 Rabu 11 Oktober 2023 🎀
di hari ke 3 masing-masing murid membuat infografis tentang mengenal lebih jauh 38 provinsi yang ada di Indonesia. Masing-masing membuat infografis sesuai dengan absennya. Lalu setiap kelompok memilih 1 lagu daerah untuk dibuat menjadi gerak tarinya lalu di tampil kan ke depan teman' dan guru yg mengajar
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🎀 hari #4 Kamis 12 Oktober 2023 🎀
di hari ke 4 setiap kelompok Membuat “koran dinding” bertemakan Bhineka Tunggal Ika, setiap anggota kelompok mencari informasi' terkait dengan Bhineka Tunggal Ika tanpa melihat Internet lalu setelah mendapat informasi tsb kita tuliskan ke post it atau hvs berwarna yg sudah di siapkan dari rumah.
🎀 hari #5 Jumat 13 Oktober 2023 🎀
di hari ke 5 ini kita semua mengenal lebih jauh cerita rakyat daerah dan menjawab lembar soal mengenai cerita rakyat tentang ”Ajisaka” dan akhirnya bermusyawarah memilih 1 cerita rakyat untuk ditampilkan pada saat sebelum selebrasi oleh setiap kelas.
🎀 hari #6 Senin 16 Oktober 2023 🎀
seluruh siswa menjawab pertanyaan pemantik tentang cerita rakyat yang telah dipilih, dan menyusun susunan kepanitiaan untuk penampilan drama cerita daerah.
🎀 hari #7 Selasa 17 Oktober 2023 🎀
setiap bidang mem presentasi hasil kerja masing-masing bidang, menyiapkan dan mencari ide untuk pementasan drama. Membuat proposal dan mempresentasikan proposal laporan kerja.
🎀 hari #8 Rabu 18 Oktober 2023 🎀
setiap bidang menjawab pertanyaan pemantik mengenai kesiapan masing-masing bidang, membuat rincian tugas perbidang, menyusun naskah dan proposal. Berdiskusi dan bekerja sesuai dengan bidangnya. Terakhir, menampilkan hasil latihan hari itu.
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🎀 hari #9 #10 Kamis 19 - Jumat 20 Oktober 2023 🎀
Di hari ke 9 dan ke 10 seluruh siswa Melaksanakan gladi kotor dan gladi bersih, berlatih lagu daerah yang sudah dipilih, mempersiapkan properti dan latihan drama, menari lalu setelah selesai gladi kita semua membersihkan kelas.
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🎀 hari #11 Senin 23 Oktober 2023 🎀
Kelas 9-3, 9-6, 9-1 dan 9-2 melaksanakan pementasan drama cerita daerah yg sudah dipilih saat gladi, lalu setelah pementasan selesai di lanjut dengan membersihkan kelas masing-masing.
🎀 hari #12 Selasa 24 Oktober 2023 🎀
Kelas 9-8, 9-7, 9-4 dan 9-5 melaksanakan pementasan drama cerita rakyat yang telah dipilih dan kelas lain yg sudah tampil hari senin mengisi google-form apresiasi.
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🎀 hari #13 Rabu 25 Oktober 2023 🎀
seluruh siswa kelas 9 mengikuti kegiatan pawai keliling komplek Kodam, lalu setelah pawai kita membaca buku konseling dan setiap kelompok menyusun jurnal refleksi projek yg sudah dilaksanakan selama 3 minggu kurang.
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jhopepantiasuhan · 2 years
jhope album terbaru gempar
BTS Hiatus JHOPE Mengeluarkan Album Terbaru
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Dilansir dari media okeplay777 menunjukkan bahwa grup tersebut mungkin sedang hiatus, tetapi ketujuh anggotanya masih bisa bersinar dengan caranya sendiri. Hal itu terlihat dalam film dokumenter yang menampilkan "aktivitas"-nya sebagai artis, J-Hope in the Box. Serial tersebut dimulai hari ini, Jumat (17/2/2023), atau sehari setelah ulang tahunnya yang ke-29.
J-Hope in the Box dibuka dengan kutipan dari kisah Pandora, dan kotak kebahagiaannya. Rupanya, itu adalah "awal" dari pekerjaan panggung rapper di Lollapalooza pada 31 Juli 2022. Ia menjadi salah satu leader - yakni bintang utama festival musik tersebut. Sekitar waktu ini, dia membawakan lagu-lagu dari album solo pertamanya, Jack in the Box.
Namun, setelah film menghantamnya, penonton diminta untuk kembali, hingga tanggal rilis album. Tepatnya saat pesta mendengarkan yang diselenggarakan oleh J-Hope.
Sejak awal, publik yang tidak terlalu familiar dengan pria asal Gwangju itu diajak mengenal J-Hope sebagai seorang musisi. Itu diteliti dengan baik oleh elemen dalam aktivitasnya di Lollapalooza dan selama pesta. Dari penampilan para penari yang mengikutinya menonton layar di atas panggung. Jangan mengira J-Hope itu "lembut" karena dia dikenal dengan senyumnya. Untuk masalah yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan, itu mengungkapkan kesimpulan dan kritik. Sepanjang film, kita bisa melihat bahwa dia bersemangat dengan pekerjaannya. Bahkan itu diangkat di album. "Aku membuat pikiranku terbakar. Itulah yang kumaksud dengan membakar," kata J-Hope merujuk pada salah satu judul lagu. Dunia J-Hope sebagai idola K-Pop mungkin terlihat “jauh” bagi sebagian penonton, terutama yang bukan militer. Tapi di koran ini banyak sekali potongan-potongan manusia yang membuat sosoknya terlihat rendah. Ingat bahwa sebelum dia menjadi anggota BTS J-Hope, dia adalah seorang pemimpi bernama Jung Ho Seok.
Termasuk mengobrol dengan keluarganya di meja, saat dia mengeluhkan ibu dan kakinya yang bergerak lagi. Atau saat dia senang bertemu dengan idolanya, J. Cole. Juga saat dia menyapa dan tersenyum
J-Hope juga tidak malu untuk mengungkapkan kelemahannya di depan kamera. Ia mengaku sangat gugup tampil di Lollapalooza. Atau bahkan ketika dia meragukan kemampuannya sendiri.
“Tidak ada yang tahu apakah api akan dikendalikan. Haruskah saya membiarkannya terbakar atau haruskah saya menghapusnya sehingga yang tersisa hanyalah abu? ", dia berkata.
J-harapan di luar kotak
Novel ini pasti masuk dalam daftar "harus ditonton" ARMY karena berbagai alasan. Mulai dari obat nafsu (karena anggota BTS juga muncul dalam waktu singkat di film ini), dan perbedaan menarik dari penampilan J-Hope di Lollapalooza.
J-Hope in the Box dapat dengan mudah ditelan oleh non Army atau bahkan non "K-Popers". Novel ini tidak mengikuti formula “from zero to hero” yang mudah menarik simpati. Film ini menggambarkan perjuangan seorang superstar yang berjuang untuk membuktikan dirinya sambil melepaskan diri dari identitas yang diasosiasikan dengannya. Untuk keluar dari "kotak" yang mengelilinginya.
Dan J-Hope in the Box juga memberikan bukti bahwa kemampuan kreatif dan kreatif para musisi yang bekerja untuk mereka belum mati di jagat K-Pop.
Dari berita di atas yang menjadi buah bibir oleh pencinta kpop khususnya penggemar Bts (ARMY) ga kalah dengan game satu ini okeplay777 judi online gacor anti rungkat yang menjadi buah bibir bagi muda karna memberikan kemenang yang besar loh
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ramrodd · 8 days
Christian Reveals Super Villain Secret Origins! (feat Dr Bart Ehrman) (J...
James White and Bart "Giggles" Ehrman are a perfect excaple of the opposite sides of the same theological coin of the dialectical Marxism of the Jesus Seminar v the Pro-Life solo scriptura Calvinism of the Totaal Deparvity doctrine. There is reaally  not a dime's worth of diffference between them, theologically. Apostasy is the essentialy dimension of Giggle's business model. It's got nothing to do with Jesus: it's all about the bucks and political power he has accrued by claiming apostasy, Popularity has always bee a cricial issue for Giggles: he succumbed to the peer pressure of the Born Again warriors of Bill Bright's Campus Crusade for Christ in the wake of the Late, Great Planet Jesus movement of the 60s and became "Born Again" because all the cook kids in school were going Salvation Gospel in reaction to the Sex, Drugs and Rock-and-Roll anarchy of the Liberal anti-war and civil rights cultural revolution on campus. I'll give Giggles credit for bing diligent in his convictions and service as a pastor until he met Dale Martin and discovered that being a Gay Episcopalian was a lot more popular at Chapel Hill than a Calvinist drudge and Apostasy turned out to be a very profitable Branding decision.  His tell for when he is spouting absolute theological trash is when he begins to giggle about  elements of the literature of the Bible which don't fit his Marxist template which is to say, any appeal to the paradox of Jesus and the validation of the God Hypothesis by Resurrection. Like James White, he genraally denies the Holy Spirit as  contradiction  of the material nature of historic analysis. Marxism is sort of the anti-Gnostic inquiry where the supernatural manifest in NOAA weather reports is dismissed as superstious behavior. In any evernt, Giggle's Apostasy business model satisfies his need for ppularity and made him rich, personally, and a singular power in the field of PhD scholarship. I followed James Wright's insights regardint Islam, along with Bill Warner and Jay Smith, American Evangelicals have a high need to crusade against Mormons for reasons that are completely incomprehensible to me and, to some degree, Wright, Warner and Smith extend that prejudice to Islam, I didn't know much about Islam until I went to the Million Man March here in DC because I knew the Main Stream Media couldnt  get past their racism to give an accurate report of what he said, so I wtood witness on the Mall, virtually the only white guy to be seen except for some very nervous white Park Policemen around the Metro entrances. The most important thing I learned was the centrality of the number nineteen to the divine onature of the Meccan verses of the Koran and Khadijah, The Holy Spirit is all over the Koran, generally, identified by whereever 19 pops up, Sura 74:30 is the clerest portrait of the mind of The One in literature; Above it is nineteen. 19 is the literal Alpha and Omega of the mind of God as presented in Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 4:2  But that's another story. But. like all Pro-Life apologists and evangelical anti-Theist like the Jesus Seminar, he's ultimately boring,  And he's gone a bit native with the standard Muslim palm's length combed out chin whiskers. All these pro-and anti-Jesus freaks get locked into their little echo chambers as a consequece of the glass ceiling of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction, I mean, when it comes to the theology of James White or Bart "Giggles" Ehrman, it comes down to a choice between Tweedle Dee and Tweeke Dumber.
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placegrenette · 1 month
From the July 31st edition of Peter Leonard's Central Asia-focused Substack (which is good, you should subscribe):
A resident of Kostanay, a city in north Kazakhstan, submitted a complaint to the police about a popular singer who argued during an online stream that women spurning the hijab deserve to be beaten or killed. Saida Sisembayeva wrote in a Facebook post that she wanted the police to investigate if Ulangasyr Kami’s remarks constituted an actionable incitement to hatred and violence against women. Sisembayeva said that she filed the complaint to highlight the inaction of lawmakers speaking increasingly vocally about the need for upholding traditional values. It is unclear whether Kami, whose musical output consists heavily of upbeat synth-pop tunes, was speaking in earnest or if he was merely seeking to curry favour with a conservative crowd.
So I had to go hunting, but here's more, from Kazpress.kz (about which I know nothing):
A scandal has erupted in Kaznet over statements by Kazakh singer Ulangasyr Kami about the hijab. The artist believes that husbands kill their wives because they don’t have a headscarf, reports the NewTimes.kz news agency with reference to ZTB News. Kami said that he will insist that his wife wear a hijab. In addition, the singer emphasized that he does not consider a girl who does not agree with his conditions as his wife. “Even if a conscious girl’s head is cut off, she will not take off her hijab. I will also force my wife to wear a hijab. I don’t care. If the girl does not agree to this, then let her leave. If a woman behaves indecently, then it is better not to marry her. Husbands kill their wives because they do not wear a hijab,” the singer said. In turn, religious scholar Al-Farabi Bolatzhan considers such statements absurd. "His words justify murders - this is nonsense. Even if a woman bares her body without a headscarf, the Koran does not say that she should be tortured or killed. If he does not like such a wife, then he can simply divorce. Such statements make the singer an unspoken accomplice of rapists and murderers," Bolatzhan said. According to him, in Kazakhstan there are cases when girls are killed or beaten for reasons completely unrelated to their appearance. "The Koran says that if spouses cannot live together, then it is better to divorce. Islam does not approve of violence against women at all," he added.
I apologize for taking so long to bring y'all this. I saw the initial report, and wanted to have at least some context for it, and then got caught up in real-life things and didn't get back to Tumblr until this morning. (This is also why I haven't gotten back yet to the GAP reviews, or any of Ninety One's solo work; I felt like I had to get this out of the way first.)
Suffice to say the affectionate discussion of both Qami and his music, previously indulged in here, will not be continued.
(On a related note, if you're not already reading Alice Evans on how social and economic trends shape gender relations, including in Central Asia, you should be.)
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abyrondeans · 1 year
My Rap Editing Philosophy
The creator of The Sopranos said the film Goodfellas was his "Koran" in an interview. I have a similar philosophy about the Biggie lyric from "Juicy" that goes
"You never thought that hip-hop would take it this far
Now Im in the limelight 'cause I rhyme tight
Time to get paid, blow up like the World Trade"
As I listen to my rap songs, lyrics that "pop" out at my as being tight are likely to make it into the final song.
I also use a part of Mobb Deep's "Shook Ones, Pt. II" as essentially my North Star, or Koran, in rap, that I feel is a great example of a tight sequence of rhymes. The film 8 Mile, starring rapper Eminem, started with the song, to put in perspective how good it is. The sequence in the song starts with
"I'm only 19 but my mind is older
And when the things get for real
My warm heart turns cold"
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alileodevz · 2 years
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goodcryunicorn · 2 years
30 Rock // Jenna Maroney
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Name: Jenna Maroney (born Yustrepa Gronkowitz) Age: 35 - 46 Relationship: Single (verse depending) open for ships Sexuality: Bisexual Job: Actress Residence: New York, New York, U.S Faceclaims: Jane Krakowski Blog written by: @goodcryunicorn2​
Jenna's father, Werner Maroney, was a burger server in suburban Santa Barbara. Apparently, he spurned Jenna's mother Verna for a "curly-haired" surfer named Roberta. Jenna still says she will "always be his little girl." She apparently has a sister who peed in one of her eyes when she was little, which caused it to not open all the way. Jenna studied voice at Northwestern University where she first met Liz Lemon, while Jenna was also "slutting it up" to get car dealership owners to put her in their commercials. She later did theater work, including The Jenna Chronicles: A One-Womyn Show in 1996, Con Air: The Musical in 1997, and she participated in a Gangsta rap contest in 2000. In the musical version of Con Air, she appears to have played Rachel Ticotin's character. She was also once engaged to David Blaine. She won a Cable ACE Award for her work on HBO's Arliss. As the series premieres, Jenna is the main star of The Girlie Show, a sketch comedy series created by her friend Liz Lemon. Jenna's star billing is drastically reduced when Jack Donaghy is hired as a new network vice president and brings in Tracy Jordan, a popular, unpredictable and erstwhile comedic movie actor on the skids. On top of that, Jack decides that Tracy is more a priority than Jenna and orders the show's title changed to TGS with Tracy Jordan. The move has Jenna furious; not only is she left out of the loop, but she's disappointed to see Liz give in to Jack's demands. In addition she finds herself at the mercy of Tracy's mentally unstable antics, the writing staff's constant pranks, and Jack's enduring avoidance of her (his reason is that she is not promotable for the show). Despite all this, Liz assures Jenna that her future on the show is safe...for now. When she is not doing the show, she also does films, having wrapped up filming The Rural Juror written by John Grisham's brother Kevin Grisham, which she intends to promote until Jack replaces her appearance on Late Night with Conan O'Brien with Tracy. In "The Rural Juror", she mentions that The Rural Juror would be her first starring role in a film. Jenna sings as well, and she claims to be a popular Dance Pop superstar overseas, citing a track that became a major hit in a few territories in Europe (#1 in Israel and #4 in Belgium), "Muffin Top." Unfortunately no one in the United States gets a chance to see her perform the song because Liz has the number cut from the show without Jenna knowing - she performs the number after credits and without tape in the cameras. She also sings Whitney Houston's Greatest Love of All when the crew surprises her with a birthday party, which is interrupted by Cerie announcing her engagement, and again when Josh runs in announcing an antique car show out on the plaza. Some of her characters on the show are: "Pam, the Overly-Confident Morbidly Obese Woman", for which she must wear a fat suit and Paris Hilton where "most of the jokes were about the nose." Generally, she fits into the "dumb blonde" stereotype as well as the stereotype of actresses being air headed and self-centered. Off-camera, she is conceited, frequently lies about her age and uses her "sexuality" (i.e. flirting) to get her way with men. She tries to seem smart to her fans and to the general public, even going as far as telling Life and Style magazine her favorite book is the Koran. Sometimes her views get her in hot water with the public, even when she is misquoted; when Maxim asked her about her view on the Iraq War Jenna misheard and thought she was being asked about theater troupes rather than "the troops." When she saw the article afterwards - in which a quote "I hate the troops" was printed - she and Liz were forced to do damage control by placing her on Hardball with Chris Matthews (accidentally confusing Barack Obama with Osama bin Laden), followed by doing a number about America, but in both cases the damage was made even worse than before (the sparklers didn't spin, and they inadvertently showed swastikas).
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sunasterous · 6 years
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old art...
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kpopqueenjennie · 5 years
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Old west 4. resz
7. nap
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az egyik indikatora ennek a kirandulasnak, tobbek kozt az is volt, hogy Zsuzso mindig is szerette volna megnezni a Boneville-i sos siksagot. mindannyiunknak volt egy celpont az ut soran amit mindenkepp latni szeretett volna, Zsuzsoe ez volt. ugyan nem esett utba, de utolag azt mondom semmikeppen sem szabadott volna kihagyni. biztos sokan hallottak mar rola, ez a hely ahol az autos gyorsasasagi rekordokat szoktak felallitani, mivel kiszaradt tomeder (regen egy tenger voltak a salt lake-kel) szinte teljesen sik merfoldeken keresztul. a viz utan ottmaradt so mar csak bonusz.
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ket oras volt az ut salt lake city-bol, vegig az ut mellett a sobanyakban (morton) oriasi halmokban allt a so, es borzasztoan tetszett, hogy az ut melletti siksagot galerianak hasznaljak.
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maga sos siksag lelegzetelallito. olyan volt mintha nem is ezen a bolygon lennenk, ameddig a szem ellatott csak feherseg, meg a gyoker amerikaiak akiknek derogalt a parkoloba allni es rahajtottak autoval a sora :)
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azt mondjak a to kozepe fele akar masfel meter is lehet a soreteg vastagsaga. a szelein csak 2-3 cm volt de az is jol raragadt mindenre, volt ugyan lab moso, csak hat... nem mukodott.
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par merfoldre volt egy indan bufe es benzikut, csak mikor belepve megcsapta az orrunkat a curry szag esett le, hogy ez nem az az indian. mindenesetre Dodi kihasznalta az alkalmat, hogy vasaroljon egy peldanyt a wendoveri ujsagbol, 50 centert nagyon szorakoztato hirek voltak benne. amugy innen nevada csak egy kopes lett volna, de par oraval megdobta volna a menetidot, ugyhogy visszafordultunk salt lake city fele.
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innen eroltetett menet volt megint, 5 ora, keresztul egesz utah-n, le delre, javareszt elkerulve az autopalyat. mondjuk ha elore tudom, hogy milyen lesz az ut, lehet inkabb bevallalom azt az extra 45 percet, hogy megis a palyan menjunk, persze igy utolag mar mas, de emlekszem en azert kicsit be voltam szarva. nem mintha tortent volna barmi emlitesre melto, egyszeruen csak nem volt semmi. ketszaz merfoldon keresztul csak foldek es marhak es villanyvezetekeke es sinek. voltak ugyan varosok de kb mindenhova ki volt irva hogy no service, csak azon aggodtam, ha valahol lerohadunk isten tudja hogy keveredunk vissza a civilizacioba. 
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ettol eltekintve, nagyon siman telt a nap, viszonylag koran meg is erkeztunk hatch-be az aznapi pihenonkre, egy nagyon aranyos mom&pop motelben szalltunk, volt hozza klassz kis kifozde, ahol ugyan sort nem arultak (utah nagy reszet mormonok lakjak, akik nem isznak alkoholt, ezert az allamot sokszor dry state-nek is hivjak) ellenben nagyon prima szarvas burgert ettunk vacsorara. igaz a zsomlet kicsit megegettek, de ez legyen a legnagyobb baj.
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ezen a kornyeken is rengeteg egyeb latnivalo lett volna, peldaul a bryce kanyon, de ismet tudtuk, hogy a kovetkezo nap suru lesz, igy inkabb csak gyonyorkodtunk a tajban es a csillagokban. (marmint a tobbiek, mert en leginkabb aludtam)
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8. nap
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ami Zsuzsonak a sos siksag, nekem a yellowstone, az volt Dodinak a Zion nemzeti park, Marcinak meg a grand kanyon. ugyan kicsit elszamoltuk magunkat, nem tudtuk elore, de zionra siman szanhattunk volna egy egesz napot, megerte volna, de igy is talan a legsurubb megis egyben a legjobb nap volt, szoros versenyben azzal amit a badlands-ben toltottunk.
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koran indultunk, hogy koran odaerjunk zionba, a taj innentol kezdett vorosbe valtani, de mint kiderult meg igy sem eleg koran es egy kicsit jobban utananezhettunk volna a dolgoknak. mentsegunkre legyen mondva, amugy is kba mindent on the fly inteztunk, nagyjabol volt meg merre menjunk es kozben alakitottuk, neztunk vacsora helyeket, meg foglaltunk szallast. ha valaki netan tervezne, hogy ellatogat ide a jovoben, akkor azt ajanlom, hogy menjen nyitasra, vigyen eleg etelt es italt maganak, ha tud vigyen biciklit, ha lehet vigyen satrat es toltse kint az ejszakat, ha meg egyszer odakeveredunk valaha, mi biztos igy fogunk tenni.
a zion tulajdonkeppen nem mas mint egy kanyon, egyreszt attol kulonleges, hogy sokaig meg sem tudtak kozeliteni, a keleti bejarat egy hosszu alaguton vezet amit sziklaba vajtak, masreszt maga a latvannyosag a kanyon amit a virgin river vajt szep lassan bele a hegyekbe. a folyo partjan es kosobb mikor mar part nincs csak mindket oldalon szikla, a folyoban igen melyre lehet menni es olyan latvany es elmeny ami nem mindennapos. mutatom mire gondolok, a kep sajnos nem sajat, gondolom eddigre mar mindenki kitalalta, hogy idaig nem jutottunk be.
a terv az volt, hogy beautozunk a legutolso parkoloig es onnan a folyo parton megyunk egy orat befele aztan megfordulunk es vissza. mivel aznapra meg volt mit megnezni es haladni is kellett ez fert bele a napba, vagyis hat fert volna.
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mar a bejaratnal is nagy sor volt, amit sulyosbitott, hogy az alagutba is egyszerre csak egy iranybol engedtek be az embereket, plane hogy utana meg egy klassz szerpentin vezetett le magaba a volgybe. elerve a latogato kozpontot, ahonnan az ut vezet befele a kanyonba, kiderult, hogy tavasztol oszig shuttle busz viszi fel a turistakat a kozponttol odaig ahonnan mar csak labbal lehet tovabbmenni. emiatt a parkolo mar tele volt bent is, meg a deli kapuhoz kozeli kisvarosban sem lehetett helyet talalni. amig forgolodtunk lattuk, hogy amugy mennyi ember var a buszra es elgondolkodtunk, hogy lehet ez most ki fog maradni. egy orat kb eltokoltunk azzal hogy megprobaltunk megallni es kitalalni, hogy mi legyen, eddigre mar mindenkinek kellett pisilnie, ugyhogy kiraktam a nepeket a latogato kozpontnal en meg megprobaltam meg egyszer leparkolni. ezuttal szerencsem volt, kiszurtam egy csoportot akik keresztul vagtak a parkolon, jol kovettem oket es lecsaptam a helyukre. en is mentem a tobbiek utan, akik eddigre ugy dontottek, hogy inkabb menjunk ne vesztegessuk az idot, leven mar del volt. egy utolso pillantast vetve a varakozokra, lattuk, hogy kb meg egy busznyi ember varakozik, ugy latszott addigra lement az elso turnus. vegul abban maradtunk hogy elindulunk belefe es egy fel ora mulva megfordulunk. tudva hogy mit hagytunk volna ki, igen csak sajnalnam, ha nem indulunk neki, meg igy is, hogy csak a kanyon bejarataig jutottunk, csodaszep dolgokat lattunk, es termeszetesen nem fel ora utan fordultunk vissza.
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a busz vegig kanyargott eszaknak a patak menten, mindket iranyba a soforok tartottak idegenvezetest, mondtak egy csomo erdekes dolgot a parkrol, meg hogy mit erdemes megnezni. tobbek kozott van egy osveny ami felvisz a kanyon tetejere, erdemes rakeresni az is igen kivalo latvany.
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a buszon volt egy vicces plakat, hogy ne etessuk a mokusokat es jo is hogy lattuk, mert felerve szemermetlenul odajottek es koldultak. az egyetlen problema a zionnal hogy mivel lent vagy egy kanyon aljan, nehez olyan fenykepet csinalni ami megmutat mindent amibol latszik, mennyire szep.
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besetaltunk vegul valamennyit es abban maradtunk, hogy nagyon orulunk, hogy megis eljottunk es ha tudunk ide meg mindenkeppen visszajovunk es rendesen bejarjuk az egeszet.
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kifele menet volt egy vicces jelenet, pont elottunk ment egy ilyen luxus terepjaro, aminek a tetobalakan kilogva egy csaj szelfizett kb ot percen keresztul, emiatt jo lassan mentek es feltartottak mindenkit, de csak addig amig a ranger mogulunk le nem villogta oket, ugyanis az egesz parkban kotelezo a biztonsagi ov. nem tudom megbirsagoltak-e oket, de egy percre ra meg megaltunk az utolso kanyarban az alagut elott egy kepre, ahol Dodi talalt 50 dollart. igy bucsuztunk a ziontol, abban maradtunk hogy a penzt meg elsorozzuk ami azota sem tortent meg (khm-khm)
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itt meg lehetett volna par dolog amit szivesen megneztunk volna, peldaul a rozsiaszin homokdunek vagy barlangok, de mar igy is kesesben voltunk, ugyhogy egyenesen mentunk a grand kanyonhoz, mar csak azert alltunk meg, hogy lefenykepezzuk ezt a kedves kanadai vadjuh (bighorn sheep) csaladot,
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a grand kanyon nagy. hatalmas. gigantikus. befogadhatatlanul oriasi. minden akkora es olyan messze van, hogy eloben is eltartott egy darabig amig felfogtam mit nezek. 446km hosszu, a legszelesebb pontja 29km, a legmelyebb pontja 1857 m. a colorado folyo vajta bele a foldbe az utobbi ket milliard evben, magat a kanyont tobb nemzeti park is korul veszi. az igazi latvany delrol lett volna, de az kb egy napi kerulo es szerencsere, egyetlen ut azert vezetett befele utahbol is. eszakrol a kaibab nemzeti park hatarolja, ami megint igen csak a kedvemre volt az orias fenyokkel teli hegyek ovezte tisztasokon atvezeto utakkal.
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a kilato kore persze jo reg beepult az uzlet, nagy szallodaval, ettermekkel, de lehet peldaul 300 dollarert fahazat is berelni, kozvetlenul a grand kanyon peremen, a kanyonra nezo terasszal es hintaszekekkel. ha oreg leszek majd ide koltozom.
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akkora terrol beszelunk, hogy a helyben elhelyezett tabla szerint a fenti kepeken a tavolban lathato hegyek mar san franciscohoz tartoznak, ami azer innen meg jo messze volt. Marci kepes volt elhozni egy par kobanyait magyarorszagrol, csak azert hogy itt koccinthassunk, jutalom volt a nap vegen. amugy akkora volt a szel, csoda hogy le nem fujt minket a hegyrol.
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a colorado folyo nagyon szep meg ha innen nem is lattuk, visszafele nagyon sokaig melette vitt az utunk es allitolag vegig lehet raftingolni a grand kanyont is. nyugat fele es lefele vitt az utunk tovabb, hamarosan ha nem tudtuk volna mar lathattuk is hogy megerkeztunk arizonaba.
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varazslatos sivatagi tajakon autoztunk meg ket orat page-be az azanap esti szallasunkhoz es szamomra az ut legjobb fogasahoz ami meglepo modon egy salata volt, meghozza egy epres bazsalikomos, piritott kokuszpelyhekkel es brie krutonnal. mondjuk Marci pretzel bun-os rantott jalapeno-s burgere sem volt utolso.
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27 notes · View notes
slatestonemusic · 3 years
#BlackMuslimBusinessNetwork 📡 TUNE IN FAMILY! If you know any artist in the Nation Of Islam that may be interested in submitting their music/poems/instrumentals, please tag them or tell the to email us @ [email protected] @noi_chronicles @blackmuslimbusinesses Current Featured Artist: A.M7, Akbar Walks, Akilah Nehanda, AKNU, Aläz, Arian Nicole, Ashé Koran, Black Shawd, Brotha Kam, Brother Ammar, Brother Ben X, Da-Neek, Danielle Lee, Derreck 4Real, Devo X, FreeKidd Beans, Gat Turner, Goalden Chyld, Grayco, Hashim Hakim, Hecava Mecca, Jallow, Jasiri X, Jay Electronica, K-Rino, Lish 2X, Malika Rarkia, Maryam, Mic Drew, Mikal Stands, Min. Nuri Muhammad, Neelam, Nkenge 1x, No' Slavename, NuWorld, Ooyiman, Problem 13, Queen De, Rasul Muhammad, Robb C., Rukoo, Shaina X, T.M.D., The"Angel" Jibreel, Trai Blessed, Tyre Hakim, Umar The Successor, Young Khan Tha Don, Yung Bruh #NOIChronicles #TheNationStation #193.0 #Farrakhan #ElijahMuhammad #NationOfIslam #HipHop #RandB #Pop #NeoSoul #Music #LiveRadio #24/7 #YouTube #Poetry (at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXZLaDfFNLP/?utm_medium=tumblr
5 notes · View notes
wocfics · 5 years
Broken Record 2
Part 2
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Arranged Marriage Series
MYG x Poc Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff- Bipolar disorder, depression followed by fluff at the end.
Word Count: 3k+
The past few months spent with Yoongi have been...avoidable. Not on purpose of course but because he had been so busy with the comeback and you were busy running your store. You’d get home before he does usually and would cook something small, since he’d either show up or end up sleeping in his studio without, which meant you would just wrap up the rest of the food for him. You had only been in his studio once when he showed you just in case you would be wondering where he was if he didn’t come home. You would both leave around the same time every morning, either making breakfast or getting something on the way to work. You’d close down for a short lunch break, making sure to send him something to eat via takeout unless he sent a text saying that he had eaten already. 
You’d close the store around 8pm before heading home and taking a shower before starting on dinner. Depending on if he was coming home or not would determine how much you would make and usually you’d stick to something simple unless you were feeling adventurous and decided to cook something else. Although you were now living in Korea, you did cook non Korean food every now and then and even explored other cultures in culinary since you didn’t like eating the same thing all the time. 
Lately you had been into more hispanic dishes and remembered that you had Jungkook’s wife in your phone. The company said it would be good to have their numbers in your phone, especially for when the boys would be the busiest or away for long periods of time. She had sent you some recipes for the things she would cook and they helped. Of course you added in your own little things to tweak it just a little bit to your liking but kept them traditional. Yoongi didn’t seem to mind the different food either, or at least you haven’t heard him complain. You hadn’t really heard anything from him lately unless it was him sending you a text. That form of communication would have to stop soon, especially with the award show around the corner.
Right now, you were wrapping up the leftover rice and beans, putting them in a container and then going to put away the pork chops you had made in separate tupperware. Yoongi was already walking through the door and you checked the time, seeing that it was 10:45 pm. You wore pajama pants and a shirt, your hair was placed into two low braids and you currently had on a mud mask since you were in the middle of your skincare routine before deciding to put everything away. 
“How was practice?” You asked. You decided that speaking in Koran was your best bet since Yoongi was stingy but had also told you that he was uncomfortable speaking in English because he didn’t want to mess up. He has also texted you those words since he didn’t want to say it directly to you. Hearing him slide off his shoes and put his keys on the table, he walked into the kitchen and blinked a few times while staring at you, probably because of the mask before he walked over to the counter and saw the food you had wrapped up. “Sore. I’m tired and hungry. Thank you for cooking.” He put everything into a bowl and popped it into the microwave before leaning against the counter and staring more at your face. “Is that my mud mask?” He asked.
You shrugged and put away the rest of the food that he wasn’t eating. “You were barely using it, it’s the first time I’m using it.” You answered, lightly touching it to see if it was dry. “Yah! You can buy your own, I do use it which was why it was on my side of the bathroom counter. You have ten other products and you stole my sheet masks last week and didn’t even replace them. Buy your own.” He whined and you rolled your eyes. Okay yes, you used his face products but it’s only because he had fancier ones than you did and you didn’t know where he was finding all of the good stuff. 
“I only used a little and I always offer you my stuff to use. You barely use moisturizer and your skin is going to turn on you sooner or later. You’ll look like a cheese grater in a few years if you don’t use something more than just water and face masks.” You pointed out. He waved you off with his hand as you made your way down the hall and into the bathroom, going to wash off the face mask. Once you were done, you patted your face dry and finished up your skincare routine. It didn’t feel like marriage but felt more like you two were roommates, who had the same last name and shared the same bed. There were no date nights, no kissing which meant there was no sex. 
That didn’t bother you too much but the least he could do was let you listen to what he was working on or bring you coffee when he had free time during the day but then again, he didn’t even wanna share his skin care with you. After finishing your bathroom routine, you walked into the room and soon after he followed behind you, stripping out of his shirt and tossing it into the hamper. You checked your phone, going through your social media to keep updates on your family, ignoring the constant bad tweets about you now that you were married to someone famous.
You had your days where they would get to you, them talking about the way you looked or how you didn’t suit Yoongi but that was to be expected and you knew it came with the marriage. 
‘Ugh, they couldn’t have found someone skinnier? This girl is a cow.’
‘I went into her store once, I hated it. Everything looked vintage’
‘It won’t last. He’s gonna cheat on her with someone prettier, skinnier and wealthier.’
‘She’s only with him for his money. What a broke bitch.’
Clearing your notifications, you plugged up your phone and noticed he was out of the shower and dressed for bed already while you were so engrossed in your phone. Sliding under the blankets, you kept your back towards him and turned off the light once he was settled in. You couldn’t see it but Yoongi always stared at your back while you slept, seeing how your waist dipped in and back up around your hip area. He wanted to cuddle you, hold you and sleep with you in his arms but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He wanted to know more about you and he knew there was something you weren’t telling him, but he’d wait. Rubbing his face with both hands, he closed his eyes and soon you both fell asleep.
The following week came fast, you both had gotten up early, ate breakfast before showering and heading out to the BigHit building before going to the award show. Once there, your hair, done by yourself was pinned up while the older women there in charge of makeup started on you. You were already dressed. A dark blue two piece, beaded halter top and high waist flare skirt that stopped mid thigh with a pair of blue pumps to match. They gave you a light smokey eye with blue liner on the bottom and a nude lip. You brushed down the now blonde sew in you wore with dark roots and fixed it to your liking so that it wasn’t in your face too much. Once you were done and everyone else joined, you all piled into the car and off to the awards you went to.
Of course there’d be pictures. Instead of letting Yoongi hold your waist or your hand, you just stood close to him, placing a hand on his shoulder while you took pictures. You smiled in some but for some reason, your mood was slowly draining. You kept going back to the comments about you in your head and as much as you didn’t want to, they were dragging you down. 
Yoongi noticed your mood change but didn’t say anything. He just quickly answered any questions anyone had before ushering you both into the building for the show. When he went to touch your waist, you quickly moved his hands away and went to sit down. The entire show, you blankly stared at whoever was talking and whoever was performing. You clapped when everyone else clapped and kept forcing a smile on your face whenever the cameras would pan over to everyone you were sitting with. When the boys performed, you paid a little attention, wanting to be supportive, even though Yoongi annoyed the hell out of you sometimes, he was a great performer as well as the rest of the boys. 
Waiting for the rest of the awards to be over, you stood up once the lights began to turn on and everyone began to exit. Next stop, some after party but instead of going inside, you told Yoongi you didn’t feel good and decided to stay in the car. Nobody else noticed, or they did and didn’t stay back with you. While in the car, you tried taking deep breaths and rolled your eyes at yourself. “Please, not now.” You whispered to yourself. You didn’t know how long you were in the car for but you looked up once the door opened and you saw Namjoon and his wife enter and he didn’t look happy at all, followed by Jimin’s wife getting in, sitting right next to you with tears streaming down her face that she quickly wiped away before anyone saw. 
You couldn’t pay attention to them too much, they must have left because you were still in the car. Maybe if you went inside then everyone would have stayed longer and now you were angry with yourself for getting in the mood that you were in. Why did you have to be sad now? You didn’t say anything the entire ride, staying near the window until you all got back to the building and got into your separate cars. 
You said nothing the entire ride home, your thoughts consuming you. Maybe all of this would have been better if you said no to the marriage. Maybe Yoongi would be happier with someone else of his caliber. Maybe those comments were right and you were not good enough for him and he’d cheat on you with someone of a higher ranking, better looking, a traditional Korean woman that made a lot of money and knew how to keep him. 
Once you got in the house, you took off your heels and slowly walked into the room. “I’m going to take a shower. I’m exhausted.” Yoongi spoke up and you glanced over before nodding slowly. “I’ll just go in the other bathroom.” You whispered, barely audible and grabbed your towel before going out and into the bathroom down the hall. You were in and out of the shower within ten minutes and got dressed in the bathroom before heading back into the bedroom and simply crawling under the covers and pulling them up and over your head, wanting to just hide from everything and everyone. You didn’t feel like enough and now you were mentally exhausted from your feelings being all over the place today. You were happy when you woke up this morning and now you felt like everything was your fault and nobody wanted you around, you felt invaluable. 
Three days later
Stuck in the same position except to take a shower, you laid there, the covers now tucked under your chin. You had been in and out of sleep, the store closed and everything forgotten about. This has never happened for more than a day since finding everything out years ago but you never told anyone, just that you got into this “mood” sometimes and you didn’t know how to get out of it. 
Yoongi never said anything, he just let you be and even left a cup of water by the bed. He must have gotten fed up because when you heard the door being unlocked, you glanced at the clock on the wall and read that it was 4 in the afternoon and he usually didn’t come home until much later. He walked into the room, seeing you still in the bed and quickly pulled back the covers and pulled them off the bed. “Get up, we need to talk now.” He demanded, turning on the light and waiting for you by the door. “Come on. I don’t want you laying there anymore. You haven’t drank any water, your breath smells. I’m glad you showered but you need to eat and tell me what’s wrong so I can figure out how to fix it.” He spoke more soothingly now, not wanting to yell at you or anything.
Flinching back from the brightness of the bedroom light, you slowly sat up, tears welling up in your eyes when he told you your breath smelled and you pulled down the yellow shirt you wore with matching bottoms. “Can you please, brush your teeth first before we talk? It’ll save both of us, and come into the living room. I brought food.” He walked out of the room. Walking into the bathroom, you looked at yourself in the mirror and closed her eyes, you looked like shit. Even though all you did was sleep, you had bags under your eyes, your skin was beyond gross since skipping your skincare routine and your hair was still under the bonnet you decided to use, you didn’t even wanna know what was under it. Brushing your teeth, you were in the bathroom for five minutes, making sure to get every spot before scrubbing your tongue and even rinsing with mouthwash. 
You saw Yoongi sitting on the couch, takeout on the coffee table and a large cup of water. Your body felt weak after going three days without eating anything, let alone drinking anything. He quickly handed you the cup of water and told you to drink, which you did. Half the cup. Sitting down on the other end of the couch, he watched you carefully. “Tell me what’s happening with you? Manager Seijin Hyung said your store had been closed for three days and it’s unlike you. You haven’t eaten, your mood just...changed. What’s wrong, Y/N?” When he said your name, you lost it and finally cracked. You broke down and covered your face with the sleeves of the long sleeve shirt you wore. 
“Everyone was right in those comments, I’m not good enough for you. You’ll probably cheat on me with someone with more money, skinnier and better suitable for you and who doesn’t have depression. I’m doing a terrible job at being a wife, I fucking suck and I know you don’t like me either. I feel like nobody wants me here, none of the other wives like me, they don’t talk to me. People make fun of my store, everything would be better if I wasn’t here and maybe you’d have someone better than me.” You avoided eye contact with him, not wanting to see his face, afraid that he would be nodding his head in agreement or something. It was the opposite. His eyes slightly widened and he had more of a sad look on his face. 
He moved closer to you and turned her head towards him by moving your chin. You looked at him then looked down until he followed your eye movement and had you look at him again. “Y/N, why didn’t you tell me you were depressed?” He asked. You shook your head, balling your fists. “It’s just a part of it...I have bipolar disorder…” You never thought you would say it, although you had it, but now saying it, you didn’t know what he was going to think of you now. He gripped both sides of your face and forced you to look at him now. “Why didn’t you tell me about it? We may annoy the fuck out of each other, Y/N but you’re still my wife. We have to go through everything together and don’t think that I would leave you for someone else. I may pick at you about things but if I wanted to get rid of you I would have already done that by now. You’re hurting yourself by doing this alone, and you’re hurting your body by not eating or at least drinking some water. I knew something was wrong but I didn’t know it got this way until a few days ago. You have to tell me next time, but I’m glad I know now for future reference. Now, please eat.” 
He wiped the tears from your eyes with a tissue and let you go and motioned for you to eat. Now that you were looking at the food, you were starving and your mouth was salivating already. Picking up the lamb skewer, you began to eat. “Actually...that was mine, but you can have that one. I have more.” Yoongi chimed in and you looked at him. “I’m sorry.” You mumbled and he shook his head. “Just eat. Please.” He grabbed your cup and went to refill it with water. 
You ate rice, the tteokbokki he bought and the bulgogi beef. You put down your chopsticks and took the water from him when he handed you the cup and drank it all down. Holding it in your hand, you looked at him, seeing his honey blonde hair that he was now pushing away from his eyes and his bare face, you leaned over and hugged him, resting your head on his shoulder. “Come on, we’ll clean this up later. I’m tired and I want to lay down.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the room. 
This was all you wanted, he was holding your hand and although it wasn’t a kiss, it was enough for you for now. He climbed into the bed and pulled you along, pulling you close to him but you pulled away a little. “Wait, I don’t want to crush you.” You said quickly and he grew a look of confusion on his face. “What? What are you talking about?” He asked. 
“Yoongi, please. I weigh more than you and I’m not thin, my ass weighs more than both of your legs put together.” He pointed out. He rolled his eyes at you and pulled you down until your head was on his chest. “I don’t care how much you weigh, Y/N. I just want you to be healthy and comfortable with yourself. You’re not heavy and there’s nothing wrong with you. People just talk shit on Twitter because they know you’ll see it and get upset. We’re married, I won’t cheat on you. You’re beautiful, even if you are annoying and steal my stuff. I can sympathize with you because I get depressed as well. I may not show it but that’s because you only see me at night when I’m tired. I’ll stay in the studio instead of letting everyone see how down I am. Only Hobi can tell, but now that you know, maybe we can help each other.” 
Glancing down at you, he noticed you were now asleep. “Thanks for listening.” He chuckled lightly and lightly rubbed your shoulder before closing his eyes. This was all he wanted, you in his arms during nap time after a deep conversation. He was opening up and he loved that you shared what you feared the most about yourself to him. You reached for the blanket and pulled it up to the both of you and wrapped one arm over his torso. It may not be to other people, but this was absolute heaven for both of you.
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heathceccato · 4 years
New tune about life after death and understanding the universe. Some people use Christianity some Buddhism some The Koran and lots more. I guess we won't really know until we leave this beautiful Earth.
#music #soundcloud #blog #thoughts #indie #love #peace
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abyrondeans · 1 year
Some Rap I Wrote (sounds like it will be in a final track)
Heck, what I do, has probably been going on for generations, too
A person reads the Koran, then says shame on you,
over and over to every person he knew
as they turn their backs, and he’s convicted too
no one ever quotes it again, they just pass through
its areas, and sometimes they see the tombs
but if you quote it, you’re asking for trouble
and the big kind, some people are befuddled
they read a book about it, and studied it in school
but they never read all of it, man in the end your a fool
if you haven’t, because if you have,
in your mind
you sit the priest next to the imam, and simply ask
how would you knew who’s telling the truth
about Jesus and his miracles, in the gospel
how the heck would you know, you ask each man
and you know why in Braveheart he said you’ll feel the back of my hand.
so I pop off some more rap, some more people get capped
some more people under attack, some more Russians get whacked
some more people hole up with liquor in the shack
put my rap tunes on, so they can relax
0 notes
lambangseptiawn · 4 years
Tentang Buku
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Foto di atas sengaja diambil untuk menggambarkan arah dari tulisan yang akan kalian baca. 
Buku itu bisa dibilang sebagai one of the most memorable books I have ever had. Tapi, sebenarnya antara gambar buku itu dengan tulisan ini tidaklah ada hubungan yang jelas. Tujuannya adalah agar menambah kesan dramatis, biar happening kalau anak muda zaman sekarang bilang. Juga biar tumblr-able.
Hari ini, dunia tengah memperingati hari buku sedunia. Buku-buku bersuka cita. Mungkin karena banyak orang yang sedang merayakan ulang tahunnya. Atau, mungkin juga karena mereka tau bahwa orang-orang itu akan segera membawa mereka keluar dari toko buku atau gudang penyimpanan akibat tawaran diskon yang barbar dan sangat menggoda. Entahlah.
Saya meyakini bahwa banyak orang memaknai hari ini dengan begitu istimewa, terutama bagi mereka para pecinta buku. Bagaimana tidak, bagi sebagian orang, buku adalah teman terbaik. Misalnya, siapa lagi kalau bukan buku yang cocok menemani kita ketika sedang sendirian menunggu pesawat di bandara? Atau, tidak ada rasanya yang lebih enak dipeluk ketika terlelap di kereta selain buku tebal yang kita bawa sebagai teman pengusir bosan di kala terjaga. Dan juga, ini yang paling penting, tidak ada hal lain nampaknya yang bisa mengalahkan nikmatnya aroma seduhan Pop Mie selain wangi buku baru maupun lama yang keluar dari halaman-halamannya ketika sengaja kita kibaskan sebelum mulai membacanya. Hmmm, ada lagi?
Saya tidak pernah mengeklaim bahwa saya adalah pecinta buku. Saya sadar diri dong, masih banyak orang-orang di luar sana yang benar-benar layak disebut sebagai book lovers. Hanya saja, saya sering merasakan hal aneh ketika dihadapkan dengan buku. Entah kalian merasakan yang sama atau tidak, saya terkadang lebih rela jika harus merogoh kocek hingga ratusan ribu rupiah demi beberapa buku daripada hedon beli ini itu. Rasanya mengalir saja begitu kalau untuk membeli buku. It is worth! Sama sekali tak ada rasa bersalah, meskipun beberapa bacaan itu bisa saja ludes kurang dari satu bulan pascapembelian. Apakah itu normal?
Terlepas dari normal atau tidak, melalui tulisan ini, saya ingin bercerita tentang perjalanan saya dalam mengenal buku. Setelah saya pikir-pikir, mungkin hal itu juga yang membuat saya stay cool dan rela mengeluarkan extra budget yang sebenarnya bisa saya gunakan untuk nongki-nongki ganteng (sebenarnya saya nggak bakat juga sih hahaha) daripada membeli buku. Selain itu, saya juga akan bercerita tentang genre buku favorit saya, dan mengapa saya rasa buku adalah hadiah yang sangat istimewa untuk diberikan kepada orang lain.
Bagaimana Saya Mengenal Buku
Saya tentu masih ingat zaman jahiliah ketika saya belum mengenal buku. Ini true story. Semenjak kecil hingga menginjak sekolah formal tingkat atas, saya jarang dan bahkan tidak tertarik membaca buku. Di rumah saya pun tidak ada buku-buku spesifik macam pengembangan diri maupun novel-novel remaja. Paling pol adalah buku-buku pelajaran yang wajib saya baca dan buku motivasi milik ibu saya. Tapi sayangnya, saya kurang tertarik untuk membaca buku motivasi itu karena memang tidak ada dorongan secara sukarela atau bahkan untuk sekadar mengenalnya.
Duabelas tahun mengenyam pendidikan formal, tentunya saya sudah khatam dengan jargon buku adalah jendela ilmu. Tapi, jika saat itu ada orang yang bertanya tentang buku favorit, saya pastikan tidak akan bisa menjawabnya. Pernah hal itu terbukti, ketika awal mula memasuki bangku kuliah. Dalam sebuah wawancara organisasi, salah satu senior bertanya apa buku favorit saya. Gelagapanlah saya. Tidak mungkin saya menjawab buku matematika, kimia, atau bahkan fisika semasa SMA dulu. Spontanlah saya menyebut satu buku milik ibu di rumah, “Dahsyatnya Sholat Dhuha”. Sang senior terpana. Di satu sisi saya menduga ia kagum dengan jawaban saya. Di sisi lainnya, sepertinya dia bisa menebak bahwa saya adalah mahasiswa baru yang kurang baca. Shame on me!
Percaya tidak percaya, perjalanan saya mengenal buku sebenarnya bermula setelah peristiwa itu. Ada beberapa faktor yang mendorong saya untuk mulai berkenalan dengan benda kotak yang digandrungi banyak orang itu.
Pertama, karena tuntutan studi. Ini mutlak. Tidak dapat disangkal bahwa saya harus membaca buku. Saya tentu tidak mau ketinggalan dengan kawan-kawan program studi yang begitu cakap dalam hal akademik. Tujuan saya saat itu sederhana; untuk bertahan. Hanya untuk bertahan, tidak lebih. Pasalnya, saya menyadari bahwa nikmat kuliah adalah karunia yang luar bisa dan tentu tidak boleh saya sia-siakan.
Sejurus kemudian, saya mulai rajin ke perpustakaan untuk meminjam buku-buku kuliah (waduh kalimatnya berat). Meskipun saya akui, banyak dari buku-buku yang dipinjam itu tidak selesai dibaca seluruhnya. Meskipun demikian, saya masih ingat sebuah buku yang begitu berkesan, judulnya adalah Perencanaan Kota Komprehensif. Saya masih terbayang betul membaca buku itu di sebuah kursi payung di depan gedung rektorat. Sembari mengisi break time kuliah, saya dulu memang suka ke tempat itu karena belum memiliki tempat bernanung. Maklum, masih mahasiswa baru yang cupu.
Buku itu menjadi berkesan karena ia membantu saya untuk memenangkan tugas berhadiah yang dibuat oleh salah satu dosen di kelas. Beliau meminta kami membuat tulisan pendek berupa opini tentang sebuah tema yang telah beliau sampaikan. Opini itu harus di-upload dalam kolom komentar facebook di sebuah post yang telah beliau sediakan. Tak disangka, saya terpilih menjadi satu dari dua orang dengan komentar terbaik dan berhak mendapatkan hadiah sebuah buku karangan beliau. Buku itu, percaya tidak percaya, adalah buku akademik pertama yang saya miliki semasa menempuh studi sarjana.
Faktor kedua yang mendorong saya untuk mendekati buku adalah lingkungan, dalam hal ini adalah orang-orang di sekitar saya. Misalnya, sebut saja Si Penenteng Koran. Sengaja saya pilih istilah itu untuk menggambarkan kebiasaannya menenteng koran di kampus. Saya kerap mendapati ia mampir ke koperasi fakultas untuk membeli koran harian ketika short break dan membacanya sambil menikmati jajanan pasar. Mungkin, itu adalah sebuah pertanda. Karena nyatanya, sekarang ia sedang berkarya di kantor surat kabar yang dulunya selalu ia tenteng kemana-mana. Tapi, selain menyukai surat kabar, kalian juga perlu tahu bahwa dia adalah pembaca buku kelas berat. Indeed, no worries!
Ada lagi, mereka yang saya sebut sebagai Duo Pou. Lag-lagi, istilah itu saya gunakan agar mudah mendeskripskian kegemaran mereka memainkan game yang pada saat itu sedang digandrungi banyak orang. Mereka berdua sangat dekat dan hampir selalu terlihat menenteng buku, bahkan ketika dalam agenda rapat event yang setidaknya selalu digelar setiap seminggu sekali. Saya kerap mendapati mereka membolak-balik halaman bukunya ketika orang lain sibuk dengan ponsel atau asyik mengobrol. Saya hanya menduga, mungkin itu adalah salah satu cara yang mereka pilih untuk mengusir rasa bosan dalam rapat. Gerak-gerik mereka kerap membuat saya penasaran. Saya kerap mencuri pandang untuk melihat apa yang sedang mereka baca. Anehnya, biarpun saya dapat membaca judul buku itu, tetap saja saya tak bisa menerka cerita yang terkandung di dalamnya karena judul-judul itu terdengar begitu asing. Shame on me, again!
Sebenarnya banyak lagi orang-orang yang saya temui dan mendorong saya untuk berkenalan lebih jauh dengan buku. Namun, tiga orang di atas nampaknya adalah para pionir. Meskipun mereka tidak sadar, tapi keberadaan mereka telah memberikan dampak kepada saya untuk mulai membuka diri pada buku. Semoga mereka bertiga selalu sehat.
Saat-saat kuliah adalah masa yang cukup sulit karena saya tidak mampu membeli buku. Pun jika saya punya uang, saya akan bingung ingin membeli buku apa. Akhirnya, saya mencoba untuk meminjam buku-buku yang dimiliki oleh ketiga orang itu sebagai upaya perkenalan. Ada dua buku milik mereka yang nyatanya selalu saya ingat.
Buku pertama, saya tidak terlalu ingat judulnya. Tapi, kurang lebih isinya terkait pembahasan bagian–bagian otak manusia yang mempengaruhi cara berpikir. Buku itu sangat tebal dan bersampul biru. Tak kuat saya menyelesaikannya, atau bahkan untuk sekadar memahaminya. Tak kurang dari dua minggu, saya kembalikan buku itu ke pemiliknya. Misi gagal!
Buku kedua memiliki ketebalan yang tidak kalah dengan buku pertama. Bedanya, buku ini lebih mudah untuk dipahami karena berisikan tentang catatan perjalanan. Judulnya adalah Meraba Indonesia. Buku itu selesai saya baca, dan saya sangat menikmatinya. Bisa dibilang, buku itu adalah cikal bakal yang mendorong saya untuk mulai menyukai cerita.
Semenjak membaca buku itu, saya mulai berani bereksperimen dengan meminjam buku-buku sejenis. Lambat laun, buku yang saya baca mulai bervariasi dan tak melulu buku akademik saja, mulai dari novel, memoar, sejarah, biografi atau bahkan esai-esai politik dan sosial-budaya yang kadang membutuhkan effort lebih untuk memahami maksudnya. Bisa dibilang, karena buku-buku itu, saat ini saya sudah sedikit memulai langkah menuju peradaban dan beranjak dari zaman jahiliah yang dulu dengan nyamannya saya tinggali.
Novel dan Cerita yang Bertumbuh
Buku Meraba Indonesia adalah milestone penting dalam upaya saya mengenal buku. Dan sebagaimana saya katakan sebelumnya, buku itu akhirnya membawa saya untuk lebih menyukai cerita. Maka, ketika saat ini saya memiliki kesempatan membeli tiga hingga empat buku, maka saya pastikan dua atau tiga diantaranya adalah buku cerita. Tentu, saya tidak mematok tema khusus saat memilih buku-buku itu. Bisa saja pada saat memilih, saya jatuh hati pada biografi. Atau, mungkin pula pandangan saya malah teralihkan untuk mengambil sebuah memoar.
Meski begitu, saya memiliki ketertarikan tersendiri pada novel sebagai sumber cerita terbaik. Alasannya kurang lebih seperti ini.
Pertama, menurut saya, novel itu bak peta yang akan mengarahkan saya kepada sebuah petualangan yang unik. Saya bisa saja tersenyum-senyum sendiri atau bahkan merasa takjup ketika mencoba mengimajinasikan apa yang disajikan oleh para novelis. Petualangan-petualangan yang mereka suguhkan memang terkadang liar, namun tetap bersahabat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga tak nampak asing untuk dapat dibayangkan. Bagi saya, membaca novel dapat memberikan sensasi refreshment yang menyegarkan. Cocok dibaca terutama ketika penat terhadap rutinitas (padahal rutinitas saya cuma rebahan).
Tapi, terkadang saya pun memiliki kendala untuk menikmati novel-novel terjemahan dibandingkan dengan karya novelis Tanah Air. Saya menduga ini semua karena kurang piknik. Shame on me, again and again! Saya beri contoh sebagai gambaran lebih jelasnya. Misalnya, saya merasa kesulitan jika harus membayangkan bagaimana suasana festival adu banteng di Spanyol yang begitu populer sebagaimana diceritakan oleh Hemingway. Berbanding terbalik, saya lebih mudah mengimajikan suasana pedesaan dengan gemericik aliran sungai ditemani cuitan burung di sekelilingnya sebagaimana dilukiskan oleh Ahmad Tohari, misalnya. Suasana yang terkesan sangat nyata, mudah dicerna. Mungkin itu semua karena saya memiliki pengalaman terkait sehingga dengan mudah dapat membayangkan secara detil. Sepertinya benar, saya memang harus mulai memperbanyak piknik!
Alasan kedua. Bagi saya, novel adalah cermin kehidupan yang dikemas dengan sederhana sehingga semua orang dapat dengan mudah memahami maknanya. Ambil saja contoh Andrea Hirata. Semua orang mengetahui bahwa beliau adalah novelis ulung yang selalu konsisten dengan tema khas tentang ketimpangan dan pendidikan. Di buku Guru Aini misalnya, permasalahan yang diangkat sangat klasik; gadis miskin cerdas yang ingin menjadi dokter namun terhalang oleh kondisi ekonomi. Boleh jadi, tokoh yang digunakan beliau untuk mengangkat permasalahan itu adalah imaji. Namun, potret yang ia ingin sampaikan kepada pembaca sangatlah relevan dan nyata adanya. Kasat mata, meskipun kebanyakan orang sering lupa.
Berbekal dua alasan itu, tidak berlebihan rasanya jika saya menggemari novel dan menyebutnya sebagai cerita yang bertumbuh. Bertumbuh yang saya maksud di sini adalah bukan hanya sejak dari dalam pikiran untuk mengarahkan pembaca menikmati berbagai pengalaman unik. Namun, juga pada hal esensial sejak dalam jiwa yang dapat menggugah kesadaran pembaca akan permasalahan-permasalahan sederhana yang mungkin saja sering diabaikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Jadi, jika ada orang yang keras hatinya, cobalah suguhi dia dengan karya sastra berupa novel agar hatinya menjadi lebih lunak. Dosen pemberi buku yang saya ceritakan tadi pernah berkelakar ketika mengetahui saya menenteng buku karangan Romo Mangun, “Biasanya kalo orang suka baca sastra, hatinya lembut. Tapi biasanya lho ya hahaha”.
Karena Buku Istimewa
Mau tidak mau, sooner or later, saya mulai menempatkan buku sebagai benda yang gorgeous. Tak aneh jika saya akan begitu gembira ketika ada kawan memberikan buku sebagai hadiah (terimakasih banyak, kalian tahu apa yang saya butuhkan). Saya pun berlaku demikian. Jika saya hendak memberikan sesuatu kepada seseorang, maka biasanya saya berikan buku kepadanya. Hal itu semacam sudah menjadi default dalam otak saya.
Tapi, mungkin kalian bertanya-tanya, kenapa harus buku? Hmmm, sebenarnya alasannya sederhana; karena buku itu istimewa. Melalui buku, saya ingin berbagi cerita agar mereka bisa menikmati kebahagiaan-kebahagiaan kecil terutama di kala penat. Saya pikir kebahagiaan kecil karena buku itu sederhana, namun bermakna. Sama seperti halnya ketika kita makan coklat yang tak lama kemudian akan menumbuhkan perasaan gembira dalam dada dengan sendirinya.
Saya juga merasa bahwa buku-buku itu akan selalu hidup. Jika dalam beberapa tahun ke depan buku itu akan pudar dan mulai usang, setidaknya isinya akan mengendap dalam pikiran karena mereka telah membacanya. Bahkan, jika nanti mereka sudah tidak membutuhkannya, saya yakin buku itu akan tetap bermanfaat untuk orang lain yang mereka minta untuk merawatnya. Siapa tahu, orang itu akan tergugah karena merasa menemukan bacaan yang tepat sehingga semakin mantap untuk memulai perjalanannya mengenal buku lebih dalam sebagaimana yang saya alami dulu.
Bagimana, sudah terjawab kan?
Terakhir, untuk menutup tulisan ini, ada satu hal menarik yang sampai saat ini saya pegang dan saya yakini dengan sungguh-sungguh. Dulu, salah seseroang pecinta buku pernah berkata pada saya bahwa sebenarnya bukan kita yang memilih untuk membaca buku apa, tapi sejatinya bukulah yang memilih kita untuk membacanya. “Biarkan buku yang memilih” katanya.
Hal itu mungkin yang mendorong saya untuk selalu membeli buku langsung ke tokonya. Dan benar, saya boeh saja punya rencana akan membeli buku ini. Tapi pada akhirnya, saya pulang dengan membawa buku itu karena tak tahan dengan aura dan godaan yang ia berikan. Tapi saya tidak pernah menyesal, karena saya percaya bahwa buku-buku itu telah memilih saya untuk membawanya pulang ke rumah. Buku memang tidak pernah salah dalam memilih pembacanya.
Saat ini, saya memanglah seorang pembaca buku. Tapi someday, saya pun juga berkeinginan untuk menulis buku saya sendiri. Apapun itu.
  Ditulis dalam rangka hari buku.
Yogyakarta, 23 April 2020.
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whileiamdying · 4 years
Wadjda - Le film
A winning, handsomely crafted story with a charismatic lead guaranteed to charm international auds.
Initially the biggest talking point about “#Wadjda” will be that a woman, Haifaa Al Mansour, has directed the first Saudi Arabian feature shot entirely within the kingdom. Once the novelty is processed, critics and the public will likely agree that the pic transcends mere surprise value and delivers a winning, handsomely crafted story with a charismatic lead guaranteed to charm international auds. Resembling kid-centered Iranian pics that tackle sticky topics via pint-sized protags, “Wadjda” uses a spunky girl to explore women’s limitations within Arabian society. A vigorous fest life is assured, followed by probable arthouse play. Screenings in Saudi Arabia are another matter, since the country has no cinemas. Especially interesting will be how the film plays in the neighboring United Arab Emirates, a nation with an avid multiplex culture and a slightly more relaxed view of women’s roles in society. Shooting had to be a difficult undertaking, no doubt helped by powerful supporters; Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal is given prominent thanks in the closing credits, and while Germany’s Razor Film is the main producing entity, backing comes from a range of global movie initiatives including The Royal Film Commission Jordan - RFC, the Abu Dhabi Film Commission, Sundance Film Festival and the Hubert Bals Fund. Al Mansour trained abroad and has award-winning shorts and a docu, “Women Without Shadows,” already under her belt, so although producers Roman Paul and Gerhard Meixner may have helped shape the pic along international lines, “Wadjda” feels geared to Arab and global auds. Repetitions of women’s constraints, already well established in the script, are likely meant for foreign viewers, though plenty of lines, including humorous ones, are included for local ears. Ten-year-old Wadjda (newcomer Waad Mohammed) and her mom (Reem Abdullah) live in a Riyadh suburb, with Wadjda’s affectionate father (Sultan Al Assaf) making only occasional visits from his parents’ house nearby. Mom suspects her in-laws are looking to marry her husband off again since she hasn’t produced a son, but he denies having eyes for anyone else. Mom talks of little else except pleasing her husband, yet Wadjda is preoccupied with asserting her independence on the playground with best friend Abdullah (Abdullrahman Al Gohani). Most of all, she wants a bike so they can race together, but girls aren’t allowed to ride bikes in Saudi Arabia for fear that they would compromise a woman’s virginity (and encourage freedom of movement in a country where women aren’t allowed to drive). A new green bike at the local toy store captures Wadjda’s fancy, and she’s determined to raise the $213 needed. Constantly scolded for lax girlish propriety by her headmistress, Hussa (Ahd), Wadjda surprises the school by enrolling in a Koran competition whose prize money will more than cover the bike’s purchase. Wadjda is constantly told she’s overstepping mandatory modesty; her voice shouldn’t be overheard by men, her head must be covered, she mustn’t listen to pop songs. Yet, delightfully, the girl is anything but contrite. Constantly banging into metaphorical walls erected around her gender, Wadjda’s blithe resolve protects her from bruises: With her irresistible combination of spunk and guile, she’ll achieve her goals. The adults around her aren’t so lucky, starting with her mother, whose fixation on her husband blinds her to much else (however, the pic foregrounds a loving relationship between mother and daughter). Another side of the coin is Hussa, a hardline hypocrite who compensates for her own frustrations by rigidly imposing Wahabi codes of behavior. With enormous sympathy for all, Al Mansour captures the isolation of Saudi women and their parallel lives of freedom at home and invisibility outside. A natural onscreen who was 12 at the time of shooting, young thesp Mohammed captivates with a palpable confidence: Her T-shirt proudly proclaims, “I am a Great Catch!,” and she is. Single-monikered Ahd is a believable scold, and while other thesps, including Saudi TV star Abdullah, are less comfortable in emotional roles, they maintain an authentic honesty. Visuals are clean and satisfying, revealing a confident fluency in compositions and lensing. The majority of the crew is German, but Al Mansour delivers a final product that thankfully doesn’t disguise its Arab origins under a generic internationalism. Although there’s a level of predictability to the finale, it acts as a gift not just to Wadjda, but to her audience. — Jay Weissberg, Variety
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