pahadithehre · 6 years
"I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man I keep his house." #smile #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 6 years
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." #get_Inspired #QoD #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
"I got some new underwear the other day. Well, new to me." #smile #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
chantwell - (chiefly Trinidad and Tobago, music) A (generally female) lead singer of traditional cariso music, or of a calypso band. Today is the Independence Day of Trinidad and Tobago. - n #vocabulary #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
"My Father had a profound influence on me. He was a lunatic." #smile #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
"Solitude vivifies; isolation kills." #get_Inspired #QoD #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
xerocracy - (informal) Political influence achieved by copying and distributing leaflets and similar material. - n #vocabulary #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." #smile #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
"A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." #get_Inspired #QoD #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
ex contractu - (law, postpositive) Of a legal obligation: arising from a contractual relationship. - adj #vocabulary #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
"The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values." #get_Inspired #QoD #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
Faustian bargain - (idiomatic) An agreement in which a person abandons his or her spiritual values or moral principles in order to obtain knowledge, wealth or other benefits. (idiomatic) A deal in which one focuses on present gain without considering the long-term consequences. German writer and statesman Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, whose play Faust is widely regarded as his magnum opus and the greatest work of German literature, was born on this day 270 years ago in 1749. - n #vocabulary #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
"A hospital is no place to be sick." #smile #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
"We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours." #get_Inspired #QoD #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
as ever trod shoe-leather - (idiomatic, archaic) As ever existed or lived. - phrase #vocabulary #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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pahadithehre · 5 years
"He was a bold man that first ate an oyster." #smile #koorbuddy
from KoorBuddy https://ift.tt/2yG3Ict
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