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fannyyann · 8 months ago
Jamie Kompon talking about how well Matthew treats everyone in the organization and how it changed the off-ice culture of the Panthers.
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 2 years ago
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Studebaker Champion Starliner Hardtop, 1953. A restomod Starliner built by JV Enterprises powered by a 427ci Eaton supercharged Chevrolet LS3 V8. The American Racing wheels are 18inch front and 20inch rear with Wilwood disc brakes and Kugel Komponents high-performance independent front and rear suspension. Below is an Art Fitzgerald illustration of an original Starliner for a set of U.S. Postage Stamps.
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finnesse · 9 days ago
gadjy's focus slipping in out of the conversation while sasha's listening to kompon... and then we have whatever's going on between aj and reino, interesting
FLA Panthers @ TOR Maple Leafs (March 13, 2025)
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ratatatastic · 7 days ago
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nosy kitties does include our 4th line hovering over kompon and his ipad
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kde-official · 7 months ago
Kan I Kuestion you on your Kapability to Kompetently Kommand Komponents of Konersation Kommensing with the Konsonant K?
Kill Kourself /j
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sztupy · 2 years ago
A kompon hazafelé egy nagyobb csapat részeg meg egy kisebb csapat gyerek összeveszett,
hogy mit énekeljenek, de úgy egy perc vita után sikerült megegyezniük.
Most úgy negyven ember énekli a Baby Shark-ot
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beyzben · 2 months ago
ya mosfetle ilgili bi konu videosu mu izlesem önce dedim girdim yazdım youtube'a adam 4 SAATLİK konu anlatım videosu çekmiş... helal olsun. tırnak kadar komponent başımıza ne işler açıyor YaRab
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tukangatapbocor · 8 months ago
Jasa Pengecatan Bekasi – Sedang mencari jasa kontraktor pengecatan rumah, kantor, ruko, sekolah atau gedung lainnya untuk daerah Cikarang, Bekasi, Jakarta dan Karawang ?
Kami hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda, Insya Allah amanah, murah, berkualitas dan bergaransi.
Pengecatan adalah aplikasi warna dalam bentuk cair pada permukaan sebuah objek dan kemudian membuat lapisannya menjadi mengeras.
Fungsi dari pengecatan :
Perlindungan dari benda tersebut terhadap karat,lumut, jamur, resapan air, dampak dari perubahan cuaca dalam jangka panjang dan lain sebagainya.
Memberikan warna pada permukaan benda, yang akan memperindah penampilan dari permukaan tersebut dan bahkan dapat sebagai identifikasi dari benda yang diberi cat tersebut.
Memberikan nuansa tertentu, misalnya benda aau ruangan dengan warna emas akan memberikan nuansa mewah, warna hijau terkesan sejuk dan asri, warna merah terkesan berani membangkitkan aura, dan kesan-kesan nuansa warna lainnya.
Menutupi kekurangan objek, misalnya yang semula permukaan kasar akan menjadi halus, permukaan dinding yang sebelumnya retak rambut menjadi rapi, permukaan yang kusam dan berjamur menjadi baru kembali setelah adanya pelapisan cat tersebut.
Jasa yang kami tawarkan untuk anda :
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A. Pengecatan Dinding / Plafon (Interior)
Nama PaketDeskripsiSatuanHargaPaket A1. Plamir dasar dan pengamplasan
2. Finishing cat dulux, mowilex sta (interior)
3. Upah pekerjam2Rp. 45.000,-Paket B1. Plamir dasar dan pengamplasan
2. Finishing cat jotun, sta (interior)
3. Upah pekerjam2Rp. 40.000,-Paket C1. Plamir dasar dan pengamplasan
2. Finishing cat catylac, vinilex, metrolite sta (interior)
3. Upah pekerja
m2Rp. 35.000,-Paket D1. Plamir dasar dan pengamplasan
2. Finishing cat paragon, decolit sta (interior)
3. Upah pekerjam2Rp. 30.000,-
B. Pengecatan Dinding / Plafon / Pagar / Genteng (Exterior)
Nama PaketDeskripsiSatuanHargaPaket A1. Plamir dasar, pengamplasan dan alkali
2. Finishing cat dulux weathershield, mowilex ext sta
3. Upah pekerjam2Rp. 50.000,-Paket B1. Plamir dasar, pengamplasan dan alkali
2. Finishing cat jotun exterior, sta
3. Upah pekerjam2Rp. 45.000,-Paket C1. Plamir dasar dan pengamplasan
2. Finishing cat catylac exterior, vinilex sta
3. Upah pekerjanm2Rp. 40.000,-Listplank1. Pengamplasan dan pembersihan
2. Finishing cat aqua politur, mowilex sta
3. Upah pekerjam1Rp. 40.000,-Genteng1. Pembersihan permukaan genteng
2. Finishing cat matex exterior, sta
3. Upah pekerjam2Rp. 60.000,-Pagar Besi Tempa1. Pembersihan permukaan pagar
2. Finishing cat sta
3. Upah pekerjam2Rp. 200.000,-Pagar Minimalis1. Pembersihan permukaan pagar
2. Finishing cat sta
3. Upah pekerjam2Rp. 100.000,-
C. Pengecatan Kusen / Kusen Pintu / Daun Pintu
Nama PaketDeskripsiSatuanHargaPaket kusen A
Cat duco1. Kompon plastic, pengamplasan dan cat dasar
2. Finishing spray cat Nippe atau sta
3. Upah pekerjam2Rp. 100.000,-Paket kusen B
Melamine1. Wood filler dan pengamplasan
2. Finishing spray politur dan vernis sta
3. Upah pekerja
m2Rp. 90.000,-Paket daun pintu A
Cat duco1. Pintu kayu standar uk 200x90 cm
2. Kompon plastic, pengamplasan dan cat dasar
3. Finishing spray cat Nippe atau sta
4. Upah pekerjam2Rp. 350.000,-Paket daun pintu B
Melamine1. Pintu standar 200x90 cm ; wood filler dan pengamplasan
2. Finishing spray politur dan vernis sta
3. Upah pekerjam2Rp. 300.000,-
Untuk pengecatan exterior gedung bertingkat setiap kenaikan level + Rp. 2000/m2 dan harga diluar pemasangan scafolding gedung.
Untuk harga pengecatan pagar, railling tangga, meubel, canopy dll berdasarkan design dan ukuran object yang dikerjakan.
Portofolio hasil pekerjaan kami bisa di cek Disini
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Hasil Survei :
1. Menentukan berapa banyak volume luas meter-nya.
2. Menentukan warna tempat/ruangan yang akan dicat.
3. Menghasilkan Rancangan Anggaran Biaya (RAB).
4. Menentukan waktu pelaksanaan proyek.
Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut hubungki kami :
Tpn/whatsaap 0821 2409 6605
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lovasoklonelkul · 8 months ago
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#947_24.03.23_a Visegrád-Nagymaros kompon / on the ferry between Visegrád and Nagymaros
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princesadivana · 1 year ago
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newlifeprojects · 1 year ago
lehet tippelni, hogy
elindultam-e mar :DDD dehogy, meg ossze sem pakoltam :DDDD
amugy almomban mauritiuson voltam, es az egesz egy rajzfilm volt, nagy hibiszkuszviragok, gyurusfarku makik, hihetetlenkek viz, motorso rev es kishajo vitt be a partrol a szigetre, egy fel pulyka volt nalam, a szallas regimodi, nagy belmagassag, kolonizmus-beli idoket idezo dekorral es butorokkal, az eloterben borzalmasan eros dohanyszag, de a szoba tiszta, bordo barsony agytakaro, regi radio, amit egybol be is kapcsoltam, a kutya is velem volt, ket agy volt a szobaban, az egyik dupla, azemberek mosolygosak es kedvesek, harmadnapra leegett a hatam, majd egy rajzterembe mentem be, ahol alapot es hatteret festettek, mondtam hogy regen ez nem igy volt, hogy a modell mondta meg, hogyan kell kineznie a kepnek, es miert toltenek egy egesz alkalmat azzal, hogy hatteret fessenek...
a kutyat a kompon egy lanyra biztam, mert at kellett cuccolnunk egy masikra, es sok volt a holmim, rekeszek es dobozok, meg a pulyka a hutoben, amin valaki nevetett, kikotesig nem is lattam a kutyat, izgultam erte, csuromvizesen maszott ki a padok alol, a porazt kulon adta oda a lany, es aztan meg el is kerte a cimem es elerhetosegem, hogy kompenzaljam a szivesseget este egy sor vagy koktel formajaban, valami szerzodes vagy beaadando essze sarkara probalta meg felirni a nevem es a szamom, de folyton elhibazta, csodalkoztam is, hogy ilyen buta ember hogyan jarhat egyetemre
lattam a naplementet is, turkisz-rozsaszin volt, es szinte narancsvirag-illatu
ha valaki ma delutan veletlenul grazban van, akkor osszefuthatunk egy kutyasimogatasra
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kafsho · 2 years ago
Nëse me të vërtetë te “Dranja” bëhet fjalë për një komponent simbolik, është e thjeshtë se Dranja- breshka shërben si simbol i vendasit, indigjenit, banorit autokton shqiptar dhe, për pasojë, duke veçuar te ky indigjen thjeshtësinë, modestinë, durimin, familjarizimin me natyrën, mospërshtatjen me civilizimin (në sensin e modernizmit), aftësinë për të mbijetuar.
[F]eminiliteti i Dranjes si efekt simbolik mbarëtekstual, jo thjesht lejon, por kërkon një destinacion për këtë feminilitet [...] ky destinacion është shfaqja dhe kërkesa e dëshirës për qënie të gjinisë tjetër, që, e shprehur në rrafshin formal, do të thotë se destinacion i simbolizmit është gjithsesi erotizmi.
Përforcohet edhe më kjo ndjellje e ndërsjellë mes erotizmit dhe simbolizmit edhe në një aspekt tjetër të tekstit ( që, madje, e paraprin erotizmin mes dy gjinive), që ka të bëjë jo thjesht me tërheqjen femër-mashkull, por me një dëshirë aseksuale për kontakt e afërsi mes breshkës dhe frymorëve të tjerë (dhisë, lopës, hardhucës, fluturës, gjinkallave). Kjo dëshirë është gjithsesi erotike, por sipas një mundësie tjetër të erotizmit: si një nostalgji për t’u shkrirë me botën, jo shpirtërisht-mistikisht, por sipas një “tendence laicizuese”, që karakterizon dëshirën femërore.
Rudian Zekthi, Erotizmi i “Dranjes”
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jaycutty · 2 years ago
So I met Phill the Stanley Cup handler, some random man who played junior hockey with Seabs, saw Jamie Kompon, and was walking in front of Oliver Moore (He was wearing his draft hat). I'd call that a successful event.
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ratatatastic · 7 months ago
"—in Game 7 when the puck is stuck in the corner...did that last forever? Were you like, 'Fuckin' McDavid's in front! McDavid's in front by himself!'" "Oh yeah, you wanna know why it lasted forever? So I was tired, so I'm like 'Fuck, I'm gonna change.' and there's 25 seconds left, I'd been out there for a minute-ten, I'm like, 'Let's make the smart fucking choice here, let me change. Get a fresh body out.' And Mikkola changed for me instead of Montour. And whether that was by design or not, that's two lefty defencemen with the mindset, 'let me get to that left side.' Forsling's already in there, then Mikkola comes straight off the bench straight into the pile, and then McDavid's alone out front. So we're all looking—for a second we're like, 'Holy shit, what's gonna happen here... hopefully Draisaitl doesn't make one of those ridiculous plays where he pulls it out of the corner and snaps it right to McDavid's stick.' But it ended up working out." "It worked out." "I know Jamie Kompon [Florida Panthers Asst. Coach] said that too, 'We had two left-shot defencemen out there at the same time. And like nobody is defending McDavid in front of the net.' But Mikkola—he did that a couple of times though! Where he just like all of a sudden, he was able to eat the puck along the wall to close out games." "Yeah, listen I don't blame him at all! For me as a right defenceman like..."
The Cam & Strick Podcast | 7.30.24 (x)
"You know, think about looking up at the clock and seeing—I think it was Connor [McDavid] and one other d-man [Ekholm] in front of the net when it was getting—fighting in the corner and we had nobody in front of the net! And we're all looking on the bench, we're like, '97's in the slot all alone...what are we doing here?'" "Best player in the world!" "It's funny looking at it now. I don't know who it was—Mikkola in the corner—he's like, 'That puck was not coming out, I can tell you that! I had that glued to the wall.' But yeah, you think about it now...the rest, it doesn't matter what the series was at—we won! And we're Stanley Cup Champions." "Exactly man!"
Empty Netters | 8.26.24 (x)
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*there were 2 dmen out by the net near McDavid he could either be referring to Ekholm or Bouchard in this instance but Ekholm is closer to the net
and also because i think its interesting after ekky's game 7 mikksy changing for him anecdote he talks about how he cant play on the left and refuses to do so its pretty good stuff XD
"I can tell this now! That's Sylvain Lefebvre [Florida Panthers Asst. Coach] our D-coach—called me when he got hired [2022.] So I'm on the phone with him, we're chatting and he's like, 'Would you ever play the left side?' I'm like, 'Absolutely not! That's a skillset I just don't have. I see the right side of the ice and that 200ft of rectangle on the right side of the ice. That's just kind-of where I'm comfortable.' So I'm like, 'No, please do not put me on the left side!' Yeah so..." "You can do it!" "That's the first conversation? 'Hey, listen! I've been thinking about some things, drawing some pairings out on a napkin—wanna put you on the left side.'" "'Want you to be goalie!'" "That's—No!"
The Cam & Strick Podcast | 7.30.24 (x)
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taylortruther · 2 years ago
Sometimes I check on TTB's blog to see what's up there, and now I'm seeing they are anticipating a Cruel Summer MV this month. Is that something legit or is it only part of the Konspiracy?
idk if there's a konspiracy komponent but many of us thought there was a secret cs mv that simply never saw the light of day due to covid. and it's because we all expected cs to be a single.
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rolmako · 5 days ago
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Inwestycja w detale? ...w rolnictwie? \🤔\ - Tak, ale tylko w te najwyższej jakości! \👌🏼\ Produkcja maszyn rolniczych to dziedzina, w której precyzja i dbałość o szczegóły odgrywają kluczową rolę. Jeśli nie wierzycie nam na słowo - przyjrzyjcie się z bliska naszym maszynom! Foto: CIĘŻKA BRONA ŚCIERNISKOWA U 671 Dzięki dbałości o każdy, nawet najmniejszy komponent - możliwe staje się tworzenie maszyn dopasowanych do Waszych wymagań i indywidualnych potrzeb. Jesteśmy dokładni nie tylko dla Waszej wygody czy dla samego designu danego modelu. Każdy element maszyny (tworząc spójną całość) odgrywa kluczową rolę w procesie optymalizacji uprawy gleby. \🌱\ Detale mają ogromne znaczenie także dla Waszego bezpieczeństwa. Starannie zaprojektowane i wykonane komponenty \⚙️\ minimalizują ryzyko awarii. Właśnie dlatego mówi się o naszych maszynach: "Niebieska moc - sprzęt bez kompromisów" \💪🏽\ …prosto z Wielkopolski! 🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 🔷 ROLMAKO ℹ️ www.rolmako.pl ✉️ [email protected]
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