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hoyotournament · 11 months ago
Prelims, Round 1: Sangonomiya Kokomi vs Kolenda Belobog
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rwpohl · 26 days ago
tatort 258: der mörder und der prinz, kaspar heidelbach 1992
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naijagospel · 3 months ago
[EVENT] CfaN & CAN in Partnership for a 5-Day Great Gospel Crusade with Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Abuja, Nigeria – Christ for All Nations (CfaN), in partnership with the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and independent churches in Abuja and Nasarawa, is thrilled to announce a powerful 5-day crusade featuring renowned Evangelist Daniel Kolenda.   CRUSADE DETAILS Date: November 6th – 10th, 2024 Venue: Peninsula Estate Site, Nyanya Gwandara Time: 4:00 PM Daily   This extraordinary event…
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pasinmusiclimitedcom · 3 months ago
CfaN Joins forces with CAN to host GREAT GOSPEL CRUSADE 2024
                         GREAT GOSPEL CRUSADE 2024   CfaN Joins forces with CAN to host GREAT GOSPEL CRUSADE 2024. CHRIST FOR ALL NATIONS (CfaN) PARTNERS WITH CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (CAN) AND INDEPENDENT CHURCHES TO HOST GREAT GOSPEL CRUSADE, A 5-DAY CRUSADE WITH DANIEL KOLENDA IN ABUJA   Abuja, Nigeria – Christ for All Nations (CfaN), in partnership with the Christian Association of…
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kolendahvac · 1 year ago
Regular Furnace Maintenance | Kolenda Heating & Cooling
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Kolenda Heating & Cooling emphasizes the importance of regular furnace maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Their dedicated team encourages clients to schedule routine furnace maintenance to keep heating systems running efficiently. Through thorough inspections, cleaning, and preventive measures, Kolenda Heating & Cooling helps in identifying and addressing any potential issues before they escalate, saving customers from costly repairs down the line.
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wagingmywarsbehindmyface · 1 month ago
Hi, Edith!! 💛 Here you go!
Polish version of the legendary RENT was a dream come true. This story is re-told all over the world & theatres. I’m so grateful and happy that I was able to revisit lives of these characters (Thank you, Poppy! 🩷) after seeing the og movie directed by Chris Columbus (���️) from 2005. The Polish cast rose to the challenge in every respect: musically, when it comes to acting, they just embody these people so well. It was quite easily to fit each actor to their roles. Jakub Wocial, Wojciech Bochra, Malwina Kusior, Kamil Olczyk, Krystian Embradora, Natalia Kujawa, Sabina Karwala, Michał Domagała, Vitalik Havryla, Łukasz Kamiński, Bartosz Łyczek, Sandra Naum, Justyna Kolenda, Anna Maria Wicka 👏👏👏 What’s interesting is that Jakub Wocial who played Roger is also the director of the musical alongside with Santiago Bello. I felt like crying after hearing the very first song! Experiencing all musical numbers is something else, it’s out of this world. I must also mention that costumes were epic and represented rebellious side of the characters. This story is set in specific time and place in the world, but still can be very universal and relevant. It is a tribute to art, individuality, friendship and the fight against exclusion to me. Man, I love art!! 🥹✨ Thank you, Jonathan Larson 💫
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mybeautifulchristianjourney · 2 months ago
You MUST Beware of These False Teachers You may know about Benny Hinn and Creflo Dollar, but do you know about Isaiah Saldivar, Daniel Kolenda, or Alexander Pagani?
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zawissius · 1 year ago
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Symphonie anyelskie abo kolenda, Jan Żabczyc, 1630 r.
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christophe76460 · 10 days ago
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Survivre dans le désert. (1)
“Dieu fit donc faire au peuple un détour par le chemin du désert…” Ex 13.18
Le peuple d’Israël aurait pu faire le voyage du pays de Goshen jusqu’au pays de Canaan en une douzaine de jours, en suivant la mer. Pourtant Dieu décida de leur faire traverser le désert. La Bible déclare : “Lorsque le pharaon laissa partir le peuple, Dieu ne le conduisit pas par le chemin qui passait par le pays des Philistins, même si c’était le plus direct. Dieu se dit en effet : “Le peuple pourrait éprouver des regrets en rencontrant la guerre et retourner en Égypte.” Dieu fit donc faire au peuple un détour par le chemin du désert.”(Ex 13.17-18) Son but était de préparer le peuple afin d’accomplir la mission qu’Il voulait leur confier, faire connaître Sa grandeur aux autres nations en obéissant à Ses lois et commandements (Ps 105.44-45). Le désert aux yeux de Dieu n’est pas un lieu de punition, mais un lieu d’apprentissage. Cette étape ne devait pas durer plus de deux ans, semble-t-il. 47 jours furent nécessaires au peuple pour parcourir la distance entre Goshen en Égypte et le Mont Sinaï, puis celui-ci resta environ 11 mois pendant lesquels Dieu donna les commandements à Moïse et diverses autres instructions. S’il ne s’était pas rebellé contre Dieu, le peuple n’aurait pas passé 40 ans dans le désert à tourner en rond. Notre tendance est de considérer toute traversée du désert comme une punition divine, mais ce n’est pas souvent le cas. Dieu affirme : “Mon fils, ne prends pas à la légère la correction du Seigneur et ne te décourage pas lorsqu’Il te reprend. Car le Seigneur corrige celui qu’Il aime : Il châtie tous ceux qu’Il reconnaît pour Ses fils.” (Hé 12. 5-6) Pour quelle raison ? “afin de nous faire participer à Sa sainteté.” (v. 10) Le rôle du désert est de nous former afin de nous faire ressembler davantage à Son Fils. Daniel Kolenda écrit : “Le but du désert est de nous élever à un nouveau degré d’autorité spirituelle. Il doit donc nous préparer en nous faisant suivre un apprentissage et en nous raffinant. Si nous résistons, nous passons à côté de cette promotion.” C’est ce qui arriva au peuple d’Israël. Il tourna dans le désert pendant 38 ans supplémentaires !
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yes-bernie-stuff · 10 days ago
Dimanche 12 janvier 2025 Survivre dans le désert. (1)
“Dieu fit donc faire au peuple un détour par le chemin du désert…” Ex 13.18
Le peuple d’Israël aurait pu faire le voyage du pays de Goshen jusqu’au pays de Canaan en une douzaine de jours, en suivant la mer. Pourtant Dieu décida de leur faire traverser le désert. La Bible déclare : “Lorsque le pharaon laissa partir le peuple, Dieu ne le conduisit pas par le chemin qui passait par le pays des Philistins, même si c’était le plus direct. Dieu se dit en effet : “Le peuple pourrait éprouver des regrets en rencontrant la guerre et retourner en Égypte.” Dieu fit donc faire au peuple un détour par le chemin du désert.”(Ex 13.17-18) Son but était de préparer le peuple afin d’accomplir la mission qu’Il voulait leur confier, faire connaître Sa grandeur aux autres nations en obéissant à Ses lois et commandements (Ps 105.44-45). Le désert aux yeux de Dieu n’est pas un lieu de punition, mais un lieu d’apprentissage. Cette étape ne devait pas durer plus de deux ans, semble-t-il. 47 jours furent nécessaires au peuple pour parcourir la distance entre Goshen en Égypte et le Mont Sinaï, puis celui-ci resta environ 11 mois pendant lesquels Dieu donna les commandements à Moïse et diverses autres instructions. S’il ne s’était pas rebellé contre Dieu, le peuple n’aurait pas passé 40 ans dans le désert à tourner à rond. Notre tendance est de considérer toute traversée du désert comme une punition divine, mais ce n’est pas souvent le cas. Dieu affirme : “Mon fils, ne prends pas à la légère la correction du Seigneur et ne te décourage pas lorsqu’Il te reprend. Car le Seigneur corrige celui qu’Il aime : Il châtie tous ceux qu’Il reconnaît pour Ses fils.” (Hé 12. 5-6) Pour quelle raison ? “afin de nous faire participer à Sa sainteté.” (v. 10) Le rôle du désert est de nous former afin de nous faire ressembler davantage à Son Fils. Daniel Kolenda écrit : “Le but du désert est de nous élever à un nouveau degré d’autorité spirituelle. Il doit donc nous préparer en nous faisant suivre un apprentissage et en nous raffinant. Si nous résistons, nous passons à côté de cette promotion.” C’est ce qui arriva au peuple d’Israël. Il tourna dans le désert pendant 38 ans supplémentaires !
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abfindunginfo · 23 days ago
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Welche Gefahren vom Einsatz von Atomwaffen aktuell ausgehen, wird insbesondere in Europa unterschätzt. Politiker und Medien tragen dazu bei. Atomwaffen in Deutschland - unterschätzte Gefahr Für das, was häufig als militärischer "Ernstfall" genannt wird, lagern die USA Atombomben in Deutschland. Auf dem Atomwaffenstützpunkt "Fliegerhorst Büchel" in der Eifel sollen bis zu 20 B61-Bomben stationiert sein. Jede einzelne hat eine maximale Sprengkraft wie 13 Hiroshima-Bomben. Einerseits schlagen Politiker wie Bundesverteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius und Medien Alarm, dass Deutschland bis spätestens 2029 "kriegsbereit" sein müsste, um "Putins" Bedrohung zu widerstehen. Andererseits ignorieren sie völlig die physikalischen, klimatischen und biologischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten, dass "Atombunker" und Vorräte an Lebensmitteln und Wasser für mehrere Wochen oder Monate keine Überlebenschance bieten. Die Überlebenden eines Atomschlags werden die ersten Opfer beneiden! Zu dieser Erkenntnis könnte eine Videoanimation beitragen, die auf dem Youtube-Kanal von Science Time unter dem Titel "The True Scale Of Modern Nuclear Weapons" ("Das wahre Ausmaß moderner Nuklearwaffen") veröffentlicht wurde. Innerhalb eines Monats griffen über 16 Millionen Besucher darauf zu. Das Video ist anschaulich wohl auch für jene verständlich, die die englische Sprache nicht beherrschen. Das Fazit: "Das wahre Ausmaß der modernen Atomwaffen zeigt, dass es in einem Atomkrieg keine Gewinner gibt - nur verheerende Verluste für die Menschheit." Ähnliches verdeutlicht unter anderem ein Artikel, der im Oktober 2022 im Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists mit dem Titel "Nowhere to hide: How a nuclear war would kill you - and almost everyone else" ("Nirgendwo ein Ort zum Verstecken - Wie ein Atomkrieg Dich töten würde - und alle anderen ebenso"). Der Arzt Prof. Dr. med. Klaus-Dieter Kolenda, hat ihn aktuell für die NachDenkSeiten übersetzt. Scott Ritter apelliert an Mitglieder des US-Repräsentantenhauses Scott Ritter, ehemaliger Spionageabwehroffizier des US Marine Corps und leitender UN-Waffeninspektor, gehört in den USA zu den entschiedendsten und aktivsten Verfechtern einer nuklearen Abrüstung. Gemeinsam mit Medea Benjamin und Code Pink versuchte er unlängst Mitglieder des US-Repräsentantenhauses zu dringendem Handeln zu bewegen, um einen möglicherweise drohenden Atomkrieg mit Russland abzuwenden. Ritter erklärte den Kongressabgeordneten die unmittelbare Gefahr, der die Welt derzeit gegenübersteht, die jedoch von den meisten US-Regierungs- und etablierten Medien auf gefährliche Weise ignoriert wird. Er traf sich mit den Abgeordneten Jim McGovern (D-MA) und Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) sowie mit Mitarbeitern von etwa einem Dutzend weiterer Mitglieder, darunter dem Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses Mike Johnson (R-LA) und den Abgeordneten Daniel Webster (R-FL), Roger Williams (R-TX), Clay Higgins (R-LA) und Delia Ramirez (D-IL). Im National Press Club in Washington moderierten Scott Ritter und Medea Benjamin Diskussionsrunden zur Gefahr eines Atomkonflikts und Möglichkeiten, ihn zu verhindern. Gibt es in Deutschland ähnliche Aktivitäten? Hat eine Friedensbewegung wie in den 80er Jahren keine Chance mehr in Deutschland? Die bisherige Reaktion auf die Petition "Gegen die atomare Bedrohung", die Bernhard Trautvetter an Bundesregierung und Bundestag am 15. 12. 2023 startete, legt diesen traurigen Schluss nahe! Teilen Sie diese Petition? Nachtrag vom 28. 12. 2024: "Die Überlebenden werden die Toten beneiden!" – Über den verordneten neuen Bunkerbauboom Nachtrag vom 30. 12. 2024: Özlem Alev Demirel, Jürgen Wagner: Frieden schaffen mit Angriffswaffen? (Broschüre zum Download)   Read the full article
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hoyotournament · 11 months ago
Prelims Round 1 Master List
Masterlist for the preliminary polls for characters starting with A-M
Durandal vs Eden
Corin vs Dehya
Clara vs Collei
Diona vs Dori
Guinaifen vs Hanya
Fu Xuan vs Furina
Ganyu vs Griseo
Bronya (HSR) vs Bronya Zaychik (HI3)
Bronya Zaychick (GGZ) vs Candace
Herta vs Himeko (HSR)
Carole Pepper vs Chevreuse
Hook vs Hoshimi Miyabi
Houraiji Kyuusyou vs Hu Tao
Beidou vs Black Swan
Fischl vs Fran
Fu Hua (GGZ) vs Fu Hua (HI3)
Asta vs Kamisato Ayaka
Lumine vs Lynette
Lilliya Olenyeva vs Lisa
Layla vs Li Sushang
Sangonomiya Kokomi vs Kolenda Belobog
Kirara vs Klee
Kiana Kaslana (HI3) vs Kiana Kaslana (ZGK)
Kiana (FM2TM) vs Kiana Kaslana (GGZ)
Kafka vs Kallen Kaslana
Jingliu vs Jyahnar
Huohuo vs Jean
Charlotte vs Keqing
Lynx vs March 7th
Amber vs Aponia
Anby vs Ai Hyperion
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najmiska · 26 days ago
warm winter wishes & happy holidays to you! (i'm not sure what you celebrate 🙈 but i hope you have a cosy winter! <3) ❄️🐎
Warm winter wishes to you too! I celebrate Kolenda, but to me personally, the whole of December is magical ✨
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riearchivistfornow · 3 months ago
English 7:30PM 2016.07.16
Get Real: Miracles
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
"Many morderm christians are not satisfied with christianity are not satisfied with Christianity as usual and he has allowed me to be part of it. They dont want to be spectators they want to be participants in the great work that God is doing today."
An extraordinary and wrlcome event that is unexplainable by scientific methods and is therefore attributed to a divine agency
Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,
A miracle is an outpouring of Gods' glory and supernatural power that leads to a change in earthly circumstances.
Miracles should be a part and parcel of a Christians life. The book of acts is our history, legacy and our destiny.
What should be happening all around us? We as Christians are expected to be living lives where miracles are happening all around us.
John 14:12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
Jesus performed miracles, signs and wonders; and He says that we will do more than He has done.
John 14:16-17 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
We can do the things that He has been doing, and even greater than that. These are a set up for Act 1:8, which says that you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. The advocate is the Holy Spirit, and through the Holy Spirit you will receive the power to do even greater things that Jesus has done.
When was the last time we experienced a miracle. When was the last time you experienced an impossible situation turn around into something possible.
Something is fundementally wrong because as Christians we should be seeing miracles everyday.
The 'trick' to a miracle is when there is a manifestation of Gods' glory and supernatural power.
For us to see miracles happening: 1) We have to build up our faith. We need to rely on God.
Hebrews 11:1 Faith is a substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Rely on God. Don't rely on your own power.
How close are you to God? If His glory and presence is manifested everywhere you go then miracles should happen around you. Wherever we go we need to want to see it wherever we go.
We have no need to "chase" miracles. Instead of chasing miracles, stay close to Jesus. When we stick close to Jesus, miracles will not be far behind.
"Miracles are not about us -- they are all about Jesus" – Daniel Kolenda.
We should come back to the source of all miracles, and that is Jesus. How can I serve God wherever I go? This will lead to miracles.
Are we praying everyday? Are we desperate for the presence of God in their lives?
Acts 3:12-13 When Peter saw this, he said to them: “Fellow Israelites, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk? The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus. You handed him over to be killed, and you disowned him before Pilate, though he had decided to let him go.
It is about God and His presence, and glory being manifested.
"Miracles are the easiest part of my job, because I do not perform them" – Daniel Kolenda
It is not by might or by power but by the Holy Spirit that miracles happen. We need to learn to rely on Him. It happens when we allow God to be near us and when we choose to be near and close to God.
Do we hear the voice of God? Do you hear God speaking to you?
Jesus says that "My sheep know my voice.", so if we do not hear or know His voice: we are not his sheep.
When we are in the presence of God, that is when He is able to use us.
2) We have to step out in faith. It teaches us to respond to God.
When you build up the faith and when you experience Him in your life, He will ask to respond to Him.
It was by faith that Abraham obeyed.
Hebrews 11:8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
"God doesnt need to work through man yet often chooses to work through man."
He wants to use us as His vessels.
Matthew 14:15-17 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.” Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.
Exodus 14:12-16 Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!” Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.
In both instances, a miracle took place.
But Jesus said "You feed them"
Jesus is God.
God wants to work through us. Moses was the vessel and the power still came from God.
Faith and fear cannot coexist. We either step out in faith or we step back in fear.
Hebrews 11:6 And it is impossible to please God without faith.
The Lord will challenge you to step out on faith as you grow in your faith.
Are we willing to step out in faith?
"What if I pray for a miracle and nothing happens?" You keep praying.
It is not about us, it is about God.
"Why doesn't God work here/in my life?" Are you asking God, another person or yourself that question?
Come back and ask yourself why it doesn't happen. His power is unlocked by us. Are we far away from God? Do we no longer know His voice? Are we living in sin?
Psalms 78:40-41 How often they rebelled against him in the wilderness and grieved him in the wasteland! Again and again they put God to the test; they vexed the Holy One of Israel.
Are we limiting God? Are we walking right with Him? Are we full of doubt? Are we living in sin?
Doubt is always a self-fulfilling prophecy
Exodus 14:11-12
Ask yourself: "Why isn't God at work more?" We are not hungry or desperate enough.
Proverbs 27:7
The Lord is calling us back to Him. To have a desperation to come back to Him, to have a revival in each and every one of our souls. We have to be desperate and hungry for God, the same way that any desperate man would try to get on a lifeboat.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
We need to usher in His manifestation and is presence. When we cry out more for God then we will see miracles happening all around us.
Do we want more of God? Do we want to desperately cry our for God? Do we want to so urgently feel His presence in our lives?
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interestwatch · 3 months ago
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aleksandraremian · 3 months ago
Kamila Kolenda
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