#koji news
kojiandrew · 3 months
andrew koji's project updates (as of 06/26/2024)
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Andrew Koji finished filming BLACK DOVES, a spy thriller TV series, with Keira Knightley earlier this year. He’ll be playing as Knightley’s love interest. The show is expected to be released on Netflix later this year.
Koji also finished filming an action short film called, KUNG FU KING, earlier this year with Bad Boys 4 antagonist, Jacob Scipio. No info on when it will be released yet.
He also wrapped up filming GANGS OF LONDON season 3 back in April. He’ll be playing as an assassin. No info on when it will be released yet... (I’m thinking either later this year or next year).
Filming for HAVEN, Amazon Prime’s contemporary heist thriller TV series, started around the end of May & is still being filmed in London. The show also stars Sophie Turner and Archie Madekwe. According to IMDB, Andrew Koji will appear in 5 out of 6 episodes and he’ll play as a financial investigator.
Still no updates on when WORTH THE WAIT, an indie rom-com, will be released yet. It seems they are still waiting for a distributor to buy the rights. Andrew Koji is paired up with Elodie Yung for this film and it also stars Lana Condor, Ross Butler, Sung Kang, & many more.
Filming for SIXTEEN, an indie action comedy film, has been delayed. Not sure when they’ll start yet. Koji will be playing as a professional hitman, who’s been reincarnated as a 16-year-old boy. Brett Chan, Warrior’s stunt coordinator, will be directing the movie.
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vulcansalute · 9 months
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ANDREW KOJI as Ah Sahm in WARRIOR (2019-) S03E10: A Window of F*cking Opportunity
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keyblack · 7 months
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Warlord sketches from the plane (Dais, Cale, and Sekhmet inspired by A Riddle by Lamplight bc I can't get enough of that fic)
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fearcanbeagift · 5 days
andrew’s recent posts on instagram are actually his way of expressing his frustration about the current hollywood film industry’s obsession with mass producing sequels and big franchise movies and not creating more original stories. it’s also about how the industry doesn’t cast him on roles where he can really showcase his acting abilities. if he let them typecast him, he will forever be stuck with one mediocre action movie franchise! in this essay i will…..
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n64retro · 1 year
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New Wave Bossa Nova Koji Kondo The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Nintendo EAD, 2000) Soundtrack (Disc 2)
Gifs by Legend of Zelda Blog & link-is-a-dork.
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robins-art-palace · 5 months
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Robot xisuma that's based off of @kojitheopossum design :)
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coveholdenmyluv · 1 month
I. Midoriya - New Beginnings
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Synopsis. Stained and calloused, the commission has nurtured your palms into silent artillery and trained you to fight the wolves they throw you in with. Not at all accounting for the possibility that you too might learn to bite the hand that feeds you.
- or alternatively - in which the hero commission recruits YOU to go undercover as a student in UA to keep a certain class, who already seems to be a magnet for trouble, in check…
It’s safe to say you get a little more than what your briefing covered.
A story of the finding of self love, a family, and a new beginning.
Series masterlist.
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Chapter warnings. Class A shenanigans at one point, reveal of reader’s quirk, this chapter is full of action idek if I did it justice, abuse of carotid artery to knock ppl tf out, not many warnings.
Chapter synopsis. It’s time to meet the trouble makers! You plan to show them that you are leagues above their skill level.
2| The Color of Vitality. 8.9K words
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The air felt stale, the room oppressive, and your uniform fit constrictively. Glancing around the office you stand in, you note the large mahogany desk before you, and you're drawn to the broad glass window behind it, or more specifically, the landscape it overlooks. It almost reminded you of the view you were more accustomed to in the HPSC headquarters, though you noticed you preferred this greenery over the latter.
City buildings consisting of cement and glass panes were replaced by vibrant lively leaves and chocolate colored tree trunks. The warmth that enters in the form of vivid rays of sunlight highlight the specs of dust that waft around your figure, and although the scenery was nothing short of mesmerizing, it surely was not aiding your current state.
Your limbs are jittery, and you can feel yourself begin to perspire, but your uniform was supposed to be a perfect fit, even tailored to your body specifically... so why did your collar feel as though it was getting tighter by the second?
You confirmed numerous times that all details were finalized, preparations taken care of, analyzed every file in scrutiny, and attended each meeting pertaining to your mission. Your objective was shallow, perhaps the most straightforward it has ever been - nothing more than keeping tabs on the students, blending in as one, guiding them on the paths that would best benefit hero society, and if they were to not fit that mould? Taking care of the situation immediately.
A mission that includes classmates, classes, and attending one of, if not the, most prestigious academy in Japan.
"Am I... nervous?" You mutter to yourself, bewildered by the mere possibility. "There's no way in hell. I've completed assignments that required hundreds of files to be ingrained into my subconscious, encountered countless life threatening situations, and I did so impeccably... So, why is such an elementary task making my stomach feel as if I've drunk expired milk?"
Heeding the crease forming itself between your brows, you gaze bounces off of the walls of the vacant room. It was clearly lived in, the personal touches had described so. Inspirational posters and golden plaques decorated the surfaces, giving clue to just how successful the institution has become over the years, which didn't surprise you, considering the first-rate list of alumni it held in its arsenal. Though, UA hadn't always had its names spoken about in such a favorable manner as it is now. It was once deemed a school for wistful teens with dreams bigger than they would ever become.
The drastic turnaround to those whispers was instantaneous, taking a sharp turn when the current principle rose to the vanguard. Those golden plaques with his name engraved within them spoke for themselves.
The silver door handle jiggles from behind you, and the abrupt swing of the door causes your posture to fix itself, surmising that the new arrival was surely the man himself. The pressure you felt on your back only furthers your thoughts, he feels exactly like you had thought he would, exuding power, competence, and business with every step he takes. You haven't even seen his face, but you were sure it was one that could make even the strongest of heroes lower their head when subjected to his stern gaze.
You prepared yourself, you had to, for you would not give him the satisfaction of knowing he had the same effect on you. You were not like the other students, no, you were far better.
You had years of experience in your arsenal and have undergone exponential training that even Endeavor himself would break a sweat at, or at least that's what you think. You are nowhere near the level of your new "classmates", if you could even consider them as such, and though this man would have no way of knowing this fact, you are going to make sure he heeds it.
You won't be intimidated and intend to stand your ground, not cracking under an ounce of pressure. You are your own army and he will know so by the time you have taken your leave in the abrupt meeting-
"Good morning and happy Friday, miss Aeron! It's an honor to have you as a new addition to our found family."
Turning your neck in surprise at the sound of his buoyant voice, your confusion only furthers when you find nothing in your line of sight. Was this a surprise attack? Your gaze bounces repeatedly off of the walls, attempting to catch sight of the suspect, but of course, your eyes hail nothing.
Unexpectedly, the chair to the desk in front of you begins to move, followed by two silky white paws anchoring themselves onto the edge of the desk and a body matching in color finally unveils itself. "I hope the walk here didn't bring you too much trouble in the task of navigating yourself to my office." Says the unique animal before you, sitting prettily on leather.
Completely taken off kilter, your breath staggers at the surprise of the fact that this small creature, who for some reason reminds you of your own furry companion at home, is the principal to the institute that practically breeds A-list heroes.
"No, I was fine. The signs you have displayed on your walls aided me well enough. And the pleasure is all mine, I assure you." You replied, disregarding the fact that you were lying out of your ass. You did get lost, in fact, three times. You thanked your past self for arriving earlier than the agreed upon meeting time, though he did not need to know that.
"I'm glad." He smiles warmly, "You can call me Principal Nezu, and let me welcome you to what is to be your new second home, UA High School! I assure you, we will do everything in our power to make your transfer from homeschool to public school go as smoothly as possible." He reassures.
"Thank you, Principal Nezu." Calling him such an infamous name felt weird to your tongue. "It's very much appreciated. Although, if you don't mind me asking, why summon me on a Friday? I was under the impression that I would be starting in the upcoming semester."
The principal only chuckles softly, his fur crinkling around his eyes as he does so. "My apologies, miss Aeron. Unfortunately, I am not the one at fault for that. Forgive me, the man can be very persuading." He informs you as one of his paws makes its way across the desk to press a sleek black button. "Let EraserHead know he can join us now, please and thank you." He speaks into a speaker.
'EraserHead?' You questioned internally, 'Why would he want me here, of all days? Surely such a successful underground hero and teacher wouldn't throw me into class on such a day just for the hell of it, right?'
For the second time that day, the door opens abruptly, though this time eerily slowly, nearly causing you to crawl out of your own skin. So far, your experience in this school has not gone how you had imagined it would. Your nerves wouldn't shut up and caused your posture to appear rigid, you hate this feeling of being on edge, as if you were awaiting to be attacked at any second. And though you've grown used to it, it has never been as intense as it is now.
The cause for your vigilance enters the room in the form of a tall and lanky male with under eyes hinting at his horrid sleep schedule, his unruly hair and uneven chin scruff portrayed his lack of care for vanity or societal expectations. In other words, he was truly the human personification of what the commission has relentlessly warned you of becoming, for how could a true hero ever be loved if not aided by what they had to display in regards to societal norms?
"I hope you don't mind, but EraserHead here enjoys torturing his students and, surprisingly, it makes for great training regiment, so I allow it! I'll allow him to explain the rest." Principal Nezu continues, gesturing to the man who places himself at your side.
As he shifts his body to face your own, you feel the weight of his piercing gaze on the side of your face awaiting you to do the same. "You can look at me, you know? I'm not medusa." His deep but smooth voice tells you.
The truth was, the man scared you.
Not for his intimidating presence or his lofty height, but for the fact that he was everything you strived not to be. He placed a seed of doubt into your mind. The president has always proclaimed that a hero not driven by the people was not a hero at all. You believe that to be true, or at least, you think you still do. Appearances and attitudes have everything to do with the people. But, this man was a teacher of heroism at the school gifted with the title of being the best at exactly that, heroism. UA would never allow someone not worthy of being deemed a hero to lay a foot on campus, right?
'This is so confusing.' You think to yourself, 'Madam President always speaks the truth, so for now, I'll be wary of this man.' You decide as you finally allow yourself to return the potent stare he wore. 'I'll add EraserHead to the list of people I need to find out more about. There's no way this guy is a true hero.'
"You can call me Mr. Aizawa." He begins, his heavily lidded eyes so dark that even black holes couldn't replicate the depth of which his irises held.
'I won't be doing that.'
"As of today, I am your homeroom teacher, and as your homeroom teacher it's part of my job to be honest with you. So, I'll give it to you straight." He continues, and that heavily lidded stare morphs itself into serpentine slits paired with a mischievous grin that drew chills to your spine. "You won't be participating in any actual classes today, instead, you'll be joining us in our practical exams for finals."
"Oh... what does that mean-"
"Where you'll be put to the test and go up against your new classmates." He finishes.
"...cOme again?" Your voice crack was almost humiliating.
The principal was not joking when he told you EraserHead enjoyed torturing his students. Unfortunately, the fact that you were merely a new addition does not exempt your from the same treatment.
'So this is UA. I should've known they wouldn't cut me any slack.'
"Think of this as a quirk apprehension test. I'll be watching from the sidelines and evaluating your performance. I simply need to see where you're at with the ability to control your quirk as well as your combat abilities." His statement was exactly that, a statement laced with finality, implying there was no argument to be had.
You were clearly taken aback by the news of what you were to partake in, having not been prepared to enter combat at all today, though you didn't mind the notion. In fact, you don't think you dislike it.
This is the perfect opportunity to claim your place above the class in regard to your abilities, by the end of today they'll know where they stand in this superhuman society - anywhere below your feet. It might have not been covered in your briefing, but you doubted the addition of informing these students of just what Vitality was capable of was not welcome.
This was beginning to excite you.
"Where do I suit up?"
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The sky was vivid and clear, with only a small amount of drifting fluffy clouds doing little to obstruct the intense rays of sunlight. Before a small building with only two automatic sliding doors acting as an entrance and exit, stood various teachers and students alike.
"Now, we will begin the practical exams." EraserHead begins, "Of course, it is very possible to fail this exam. So, if you want to go to training camp, don't make any stupid mistakes."
"There are a lot of teachers here..." Jirou hesitatingly mumbles.
Though, her teacher pays her no mind and continues his explanation, "I expect that you all have gathered your own information from outside sources as to what you will be doing."
Kaminari juts his fingers and creates finger guns, "We're fighting those big'ole metal robots! Like the ones from the entrance exam, right? Piece of cake!"
"More like s'mores! Fireworks and camp fires, here we come!" Ashido exclaims buoyantly.
"Actually!" Interrupts a voice from within EraserHead's scarf, still wrapped snugly around his neck, and a white paw emerges from between the lines of cloth. "For various reasons, the test will be entirely different this year." Principal Nezu announces, unveiling himself in the process, thwarting the teen's cries of enjoyment.
"Wait, Principal Nezu? You're changing things?" Yaoyorozu asks.
"From now on, we want to focus on hero work and person to person combat! So, what does that mean for you?" He ends the suspense by pointing a paw in their direction. "You students will be venturing the world of teamwork, and your opponents will be none other than your esteemed UA teachers! Well, secondly. Isn't that fabulous?"
"We're fighting the teachers?!" Uraraka shrieks in terror.
"Yes, additionally your partners and opponents have already been chosen and they were determined at my discretion." EraserHead continues flatly. "Based on various factors including combat styles, grades, and interpersonal relationships. Though, before you fight us, you'll have to complete the first test."
"The second is simply a chance to redeem yourselves when you inevitably fail the first." The principal adds gleefully. "After all, she won't have the burden of a handicap that the heroes do."
An aura of silence emerges onto the crowd of students, only being disrupted by an obnoxious growl.
"What'ja say about me?!"
Midoriya hesitantly lifts a finger in question. "Um, what exactly is the first test, Mr. Aizawa? And what does he mean, we'll inevitably fail?"
A mischievous grin forms across the instructors face, displaying the rare sight of his pearly whites. "That's a great question, Midoriya. The test is fairly similar to the second, only instead of working in pairs, you will all be working together as a class and there will be no escape route. Both require you to secure the handcuffs onto your opponents before the time runs out." He explains, and holds out the handcuffs in topic. "When it comes time to fighting against us teachers, we'll be wearing ultra compressed weights as a sort of handicap. Like the principal briefly mentioned before, your opponent for the first exam won't be given that burden."
"Wait, opponent? As in, we'll only have one opponent for the first exam?" Yaoyorozu asks dubiously.
"So, what you're alluding to is that, all the twenty of us have to do is apprehend one person?" Todoroki asks, uncertainty obvious in his tone. "I'm assuming it's not a teacher since we'll be fighting against you in the second test, and unless this is another pro we are speaking about, don't you think that's a bit unfair to them? What is their obvious advantage?" He adds.
"I appreciate the concern, pretty boy." Abruptly, almost startling the entire class, the sliding doors of the building frame your exit and entrance onto the platform they stand on. "But, I assure you, I can handle myself just fine."
Donning your all black body suit, with your matching fingerless gloves and combat boots, your eyes glide across the group before you, displaying mild distaste for the sight. Lime green, mimicking the abnormal color of your irises, accents litter your suit arbitrarily, decorating your boots, gloves, utility belt, and the grey detailed lines matching those of Hawks' own hero suit on your torso. Your hero alias was printed in small letters at the very edge of your long sleeves, leaving no question to whom its owner was.
"I thought I told you to wait for my signal, Aeron." EraserHead scolds, throwing a petulant frown your way.
Cocking your head, you retort, "Sorry to ruin your fantasy of a dramatic entrance, teach, but I think my idea was better. Just look at their faces." You jut your chin towards the students, "Plus, you were taking too long."
"I've told you plenty of times, it's Mr. Aizawa to you, Aeron. It'd do you well to learn respect."
"Wait a minute..." Ashido interrupts your conversation, "Aeron... give me a sec, I almost got it..." She squints her eyes at your face, inspecting it for an ounce of recognition.
Shifting uncomfortably, you glare back at the girl, taking her stance as a form of threat. "What are you looking at-"
"Oh wow! You're Aeron! Hawks' sister! Of course, there's no one else with that solar symbol on their face!" She exclaims, pointing at the green mark in the shape of a sun between your brows, a detail that the awakening of your quirk had brought along with it.
"I'm... what?-"
"Hold on," Kaminari comments, "You're telling me this uber hottie is related to the number three hero? They look nothing alike."
"Siblings don't have to look alike, dunce face." Bakugo reminds the boy. "Maybe she has a deadbeat that never came back with the milk."
EraserHead takes that as his cue to step in before this conversation turned too personal. "Whether or not she has a deadbeat does not concern any of you." He says in a stern voice.
"Yeah, I definitely don't have a deadbeat." You confirm, before you tilt your head and ponder to yourself, "Although, I'm sure both of them are dead." You add.
Todoroki hums in agreement, "I wish my dad was dead."
The awkward silence that follows after your failed attempt to withhold a short snort is deafening, though the dual toned boy hadn't seemed to mind. It seemed both of your brief trauma dumps were amusing to no one but yourselves.
"...I literally don't know how to respond to that." EraserHead utters.
"I'm not related to Hawks, by the way. Just close to the guy." You say, swiftly altering the subject.
"This is going to be just as much of a test for her as it is for you all. So, to answer your question, Todoroki; her advantage is the time limit. I'm sure that's all she needs."
"What is it that she is going to be tested on, sir? And, how does she pass?" Midoriya asks and for some reason, his voice births a scowl onto your lips.
"The first question is irrelevant for now, and as for the second, all that she would have to do is evade the handcuffs until time runs out. Either that or knock you all unconscious, quirk or no quirk." He answers.
The green haired boy places his chin between his thumb and index as he begins to mutter incoherently, "Knocking us unconscious with or without her quirk implies that her quirk holds the ability to knock us unconscious. Perhaps her ability is similar to Ms. Midnight's, in which she simply needs to approach a certain proximity for it to be effective? If that is the case then it will be difficult to get close enough to place the handcuffs on her, whether we go for her wrists or legs. Unless there is a way that we can somehow avoid being affected, just like how we could simply hold our breaths if Ms. Midnight was to be our opponent instead-"
"Shut the fuck up, Deku."
"Language." EraserHead states with a roll of his eyes, "Alright, we don't have time for this. You have two tests to get through, so let's get this over with. We've already prepared the stage, which means we're just wasting valuable time here, let's go."
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"All we have to do is put the handcuffs on her before the timer goes off. This could even be a one man job... so please, no extra shit, guys." Kirishima says, not without side eyeing some students in particular.
All twenty students have gathered in the location their teacher has designated as the battle field for their first test. You have already separated from the group and left for your own designated start location in the field. The class is simply awaiting the chime of the buzzer to indicate the commencement of the exam.
The ground chosen was decorated with empty buildings, houses, and what looked to be massive pipes interlaced within each other. All in all, it truly was a match made in heaven for your specific fighting style and you doubt your new instructor was ignorant in this fact. Of course, being blindsided by your presence meant that the class was not aware of such information, unfortunately for them.
"Speak for yourself," Starts Mineta, "All I'm gonna do is find a way to destroy her hero costume-" Though, the small teen is unable to complete his sentence as tape encompasses his lips.
"You are such a little scumbag." Sero scolds, obviously disgusted by his classmates intentions.
"It's just one person, how hard can it be? Plus! It's safe to say that we have more experience than the average Joe." Hagakure reassures, her invisible shoulders shrugging, not that anyone could tell so.
"Uh, do you guys live under a rock or something?" Kaminari asks sarcastically, "Sure there aren't that many photos of her online, bar some candids that the paps have taken, but there's been definite buzz about a young hero in training that's been seen to be real close to the number three. People are already guessing that she'll crack the top twenty within six weeks of her official debut! Some say that Hawks trained her himself!" He exclaims.
"I'm genuinely surprised, and a little worried, that some of you are this clueless." Ashido adds, "But, that's why I'm here! What would you guys do without me?"
"Can you two shut the hell up? I absolutely give zero fucks about who she's trained with, I'll annihilate her either way." Bakugo grits at his two classmates.
"No, Kacchan. It'd be stupid to just go in and attempt to cuff her. What we need to do is try to guess her quirk and then-"
"Did I ask for your opinion?!"
"No... but, Kacchan-"
"Listen idiot, we don't know what the hell her quirk is. Chances are, we won't be able to guess it. The best bet we have is to go in, scope out her abilities, and then work around whatever the fuck we find."
"But, that's the thing. I'm thinking that her quirk has to be similar to Ms. Midnight's, in which neither of them have to get too close. If we go in blind, we'll be wiped out in two seconds."
"Bitch, please. No damn extra could wipe me out."
"Kacchan! You shouldn't say-"
"I'm going in."
Unbeknownst to most of the group, being distracted by their own classmates, the blaring buzzer has already rung. Despite how deafening the sound seemed to be, it was as if it had never even existed with how the teens had blatantly ignored the signal, preferring to continue arguing and prohibiting each other from speaking.
Some akin to oil and water.
First, it was the simple swing of a leg, and in an instant, Koda was down. Sato and Hagakure were next, and in noticing the commotion, Ojiro sprung into action by swinging his tail at the attacker. Though, his efforts were all for naught as you swiftly dodged the large mass and knocked him to the floor with the use of your legs. He lands with a grunt and you seize the opportunity to climb atop of his body and strike his carotid artery to knock him unconscious. By then, a few more students had noticed Ojiro's tumble and moved to stop you.
Upon rushing towards you and activating their quirks, Iida takes the liberty of announcing your arrival. "She has arrived class!-"
Before the class representative could complete his warning, you arise from the ground and the dainty sun on your forehead begins to swell in brightness.
One by one, bodies fell slack onto the dirt.
"Night night." You said and with each step you took through the crowd, more students fall slump. - Aeron, one of the few students admitted into the hero course by recommendation.
Quirk: Vitality; she can basically do whatever she pleases with the energy around her. Including materializing and the taking or giving of physical energy. It is through sedulous training that she is able to control the amount and from whom she does or doesn't affect. Though she usually uses this quirk to aid her in combat, her main source of energy originates from the sun and moon. Range and drawbacks are unknown to any records. - Thirteen students remain unaffected due to their further proximity, and two of those students had yet to seize their bickering.
"What the fuck is that-" Kaminari begins, though interrupted by a boisterous shout.
"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami commands, stepping forward and allowing his shadow to materialize and grow in size.
Discharging your energy into your palm, you swiftly sculpt it until it resembles several green daggers and throw them head on to the dark entity. The light emitting from the small weapons forces Dark Shadow to hesitate upon noticing just how bright they seemed to shine, ultimately terrifying the poor thing and coercing it back to its owner with nothing but eyes full of lachrymose.
'Aww, it's kind of cute... kind of.' You entertain yourself internally.
The being thrusting itself into its owners arms disrupts the boy's eyesight, giving you a vivid opening that you don't miss. Kicking the center of his chest, your leg does not leave Tokoyami's body until the boy is laid on the ground and you've stolen enough of his energy to knock him unconscious.
Before you're given the chance to celebrate, another shout rings clear in your ears.
"One million volts!"
Holding his hands above his head, the electricity charging in Kaminari's palms is promptly brought down and released into the open air around him, not halting his assault until he feels his brain turn into mush. As he takes in his surroundings, albeit as thoroughly as his winded body could, he's startled to find... nothing?
"Time for bed, Chargebolt." You drawl by his ear, and the boy has no chance to protest as his body drops like deadweight.
To avoid his strong attack was simple really, you were the personification of the words agile and nimble on your feet.
Though again, before you're allowed to even think of thrusting a fist in the air in victory, another ambush rains down on you in the form of... tape? You forgot about that quirk.
The sticky but durable ribbon snakes itself around your waist snuggly, and you're pulled up into the air. Your assailant cackles without restraint at your yelp, and another piece of white tape attempts to glide its way over to you, though this one is accompanied by a pair handcuffs. Noticing its direct trail towards your left ankle, you avoid its path by simply moving your leg and grasping the tape around your waist to pull you forward and away. Now clear from the handcuffs you are to avoid, you enwreathe your wrist in the tape that lays in your palm and yank with all your might, pulling Sero in your direction.
"Hey." You greet. "Bondage isn't really my thing, to be honest. Or at least, I'd prefer it if I'm not on the receiving end."
"Ah, shit." He grits, before foregoing the tape that held onto the handcuffs and releasing the responsibility onto whichever classmate caught the object first. "You know, I didn't have much hope of succeeding in the first place." The boy admits.
"Smart on your part." You reply, and the unfortunate student falls unconscious at the touch of your palm.
Free falling back onto the large pipes that Sero had used to veil himself, you grab onto his body and hold him close as you stick your landing, only placing him as gently as you could manage onto the surface when you spot the handcuffs on the ground.
"Such an easy dub. Good job, Aeron, you're as sharp as ever. Oh, why thank you, Aeron." You mutter to yourself, and hop off of your post, aiming to grasp them into your safe hold.
All this garners you is another assault hindering your path to victory. Bright blue laser beams wipe the boastful grin off of your face and force you to dodge spurious attacks, though it seems the students don't deem that enough since sudden balls of acid begin to rain from the sky.
Not allowing yourself to be deterred, your body evades the ambush in the shape of your acrobatic talents. Growing tired of performing backbends midair, your eyes scour the battlefield for your assailants, before spotting a fluff of pink hair squatting atop of a small building, as well as the origin of the almost blinding bright beams of light that were being released arbitrarily. Neither of the two seemed to be putting much thought behind their attacks, so you gathered it shouldn't be too hard to make your way towards them. The boy at the bottom seemed to even have his eyes squeezed shut in fright.
"Closing your eyes leaves you with too many blind spots, surely you know that." You argue, figuring you might as well offer him the obvious advice. "Especially if you have your hands preoccupied behind your head like that. For instance," You begin, before you propel yourself off of the closest surface for a boost of speed, and swoop in behind the boy to strike at the back of his knees. "Your limbs should be your best friends during battle, never a hindrance. Your body is one of the only things in the world that you have complete control of, don't waste that potential, idiot." You chide.
Stealing his energy proved to be as easy as you had expected since he didn't put up much of a fight after you had him splayed on the ground, only uttering a faint, "Je suis... désolé..." as he succumbed to the calls of slumber.
"Don't apologize." You answer, shaking your head as you prepare to take down the remaining assailant.
Ashido remained on her post, mindlessly tossing out the acid that she materializes out of her palms. Sneaking up on the girl was out of the question since, unlike her classmate, her unique eyes were not hidden behind her eyelids. So you guessed there wouldn't be a problem with simply making your way towards her, evading her ambush as you went.
"Not fair! I thought aerobics was my thing!" Ashido whines, before she too displays her talents as she begins to dodge your own retaliating attacks. Though, her panicked frown suddenly morphs into an excited grin, "What's your favorite move? I love bridges, they're just so nice when my muscles feel too tight!" She exclaims.
Placing your hands onto the ground, you thrust your legs in her direction as an answer, aiming at her stomach. Of course, such a simple move did not phase the girl as she simply performs her own favorite maneuver instead.
She's fast.
"Wow! That was like an inverted donkey kick in the air! Your upper body strength must be through the roof!" She squeals in excitement, already having recovered her stance and repeatedly dodging your attacks. Back and forth, the both of you all but bounced off the surfaces around you, simply awaiting one of your quirks to finally land a hit on the other.
If this were to go on any longer, the rest of the students would be allowed time to gather and even conjure up a viable plan to defeat you.
'Okay, time to end this.'
Dropping low to the ground unexpectedly, counting on taking the girl off her guard, you sweep your legs her way and luckily, you catch her ankles, forcing the teen to fall on her back and she lands with a coherent 'ack'.
"Sorry Ashido, but endurance and aerial acrobatics are literally my entire brand." You tell her as you slowly drain her of her energy.
The girl sighs in defeat and nods her head, "Yeah, that's fine. I've gotta respect your talent. Maybe we can practice together sometime? You were amazing!"
"We'll see." You answer, before you decide to just put the poor girl out of her misery and will your quirk to work faster. Once she falls unconscious, you rise from your spot on the ground, "I really like your hero costume, by the way."
Taking the time to catch your breath, you place your hands on your hips, before you are forced to watch a tall and sturdy wall of ice emerge before you, effectively blocking your path towards the remaining eight students.
On the other side of the barrier stands a nervous Uraraka, nibbling on her manicured fingernails. "Holy crap, she's scary!" She exclaims.
"You've got to admit, that's a heavily versatile quirk." Kirishima comments.
"Though, it's her combat prowess that likely sets her apart from us. Whether it was Hawks or not, there's no doubt she's had professional training." Todoroki adds.
Yaoyorozu nods in agreement, "We'll have to be wary of her agility." She warns and looks toward the girl on the ground that had her earlobes placed on the surfaces around her. "Jirou, alert us if you hear her and from which direction she is coming from, alright?"
"Got it."
Midoriya stood only aways away from the ice with his chin in his fingers as he mutters, "It seems my hypothesis was correct, in which her quirk is very similar to Miss Midnight's. But, the main difference is that I don't see a way we could avoid the effects. The way it works is activated by either touch or proximity - when she approached Sero, he fell limp, but he did so slowly; When she grabbed ahold of him, he was immediately out. So, I'm guessing actual skin to skin contact speeds the process up dramatically, hence her fingerless gloves. In a battle of endurance, she's damn near indomitable. That being said, everyone has limits. We need to find out what those limits are and as fast as humanly possible-"
"Found ya, you damn human generator!"
Jirou nearly spasms on the ground due to her surprise, "How did I not hear her?!"
You stood on a huge pipe as the boy uses his explosions to grow closer to your form, and as you watch him, you wonder just how stupid he must be to charge straight towards you.
Unfortunately for you, he was anything but stupid.
"I hope you know, I have great aim!" He grits and throws the handcuffs, that you hadn't even realized he had in his possession, with the utmost precision that allows the detainers to curve in their path, making a bee-line towards your ankles.
Swiftly, you grab the small black staff attached to your hip and place both hands on either of its ends, pulling them apart and revealing a pair of nun chucks.
"That's great, kid. So do I!" You satirize, your tone almost sounding like you were mocking his attempt. Reeling your weapon back, you thrust it forward so that they collide with the cuffs, causing them to spiral like a pair of yo-yo's back to the aggressor.
Not expecting your quick reaction, Bakugo's eyes widen as he registers the objects barreling his way, having not foreseen a way to dodge in time. "Shit." A coherent crack, or was it a crunch?, could be heard at the moment of impact.
Music to your ears.
The blond grunts and ricochets towards the ground, having lost his momentum.
"Kacchan!" Midoriya yells, activating his own quirk and using it to bounce off of multiple surfaces to enhance his speed towards his classmate and reach for the boy.
Challenging his attempt, you jump off of the metal pipe you stand on and race him in his mission of grabbing his friend. Though, as you grow closer, you notice a change in the air. As if someone has suddenly applied pressure all around your body.
Throughout the time you've honed your own ability, you've grown sensitive to the energy that surrounds you. Energy is not specific to physical. Energy is a vague description of your quirk, therefore your abilities extend to far more than the manipulation of a persons state of consciousness. After years of extensive training, you've grown the aptitude of sensing auras. Specifically, the aura of power that comes with an individuals quirk.
And in those years, you've never felt anything that compares to that of Midoriya's.
Faltering in your attempt, your hand instinctively retreats back to your own body. "What the hell is with you-" You begin to utter, though you aren't given the chance to complete your sentence, before Midoriya notices your fumble and shoves Bakugo back towards the ground and into the safety of the care of his classmates, resolving to body slamming you onto the rough concrete below you.
Skidding harshly across the ground, you land on your back with a heavy weight settled atop of you, "Ouch, that's going to bruise." You wheeze in pain as your eyes sting with moisture. "You ever heard of a gentle touch?" You ask, though your comment was mostly to taunt the boy, considering you hadn't expected any of the students to actually take it easy on you. In fact, that would have probably offended you.
"I'm sorry," He utters and your surprised at the fact that he has the audacity to sound genuine. "But, if we can't find a path around your quirk, we'll have to force our way through it instead, and this is our only chance!"
"I didn't need your damn help, Deku!" Bakugo, unsurprisingly having a fast recovery, yells, already making his way towards you once again.
Not wanting to get tagged teamed, you activate your quirk in an attempt to deprive Midoriya of his consciousness, but you notice the significant delay in which you feel his energy flowing into yourself. The cooling feeling it is supposed to bring you is nothing but a mere draft of the wind. Why the hell is this taking so long? That doesn't matter now in this instant, touching the boy should speed up the process dramatically.
The second your palm is a centimeter away from his face, Midoriya takes ahold of both of your wrists and pins you to the ground.
"The physical technicality of your quirk, it means direct skin to skin, doesn't it?" He asks as he struggles to keep you beneath him, "Five percent!" He yells and his grip somehow tightens, causing your wrists to ache.
"No way... your power increased?!" You grit through your clenched teeth, still struggling against his restraints.
"It's amazing how well of a fight you are putting up against one fo- ehm, my quirk! Especially after I've ramped up to five percent!"
"And now you're mocking me? You've got some balls." You pant.
"No, I'm not mocking, I didn't mean it like that!"
"You know what? I don't mind acknowledging them personally."
The boy physically stutters, the green aura of light electricity surrounding him even dimming for a split second, "What does that me-"
Using your knee, you hit Midoriya in his crotch area, causing him to groan and his face to contort in pain as he doubles over. "Oh crap." He rasps.
Flipping him onto his back so that your positions are reversed, you shove your palm onto his face. "You left multiple weak spots wide open. Next time, make sure to restrain my entire body, otherwise you'll get this same outcome, rookie."
He lifts a hand and gives you a faint thumbs up in acknowledgement, before he succumbs into a deep slumber.
"What a dirty move!" Kirishima winces as the sight.
The hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention as you sense a presence growing closer and you act immediately by twisting your torso and planting a palm on the ground, coming face to face with your attacker.
"You lose." Bakugo says as he propels towards you with the handcuffs, yet again. "I won't miss this time!"
As he nears you, you swing your legs his way and wrap them around his torso. "What the hell?!-" He exclaims and goes to place the handcuffs around any limb he can reach, though he isn't successful seeing as you use your hold on him to drop you both onto the floor. Instead of stealing his energy, you decide to target the object of desire amongst the group of teens you are currently engaging in combat with.
"Nuh-uh, you are not stealing this victory from me again." The blond retorts, noticing your attempt and pulling the handcuffs away from your reach and above his head.
"I don't want to steal victory, I want to steal those handcuffs." You reply, grabbing the opposite end of the cuffs and yanking them away.
"It's the same thing, give those back and get off of me, you weight a ton." He insults, which has your jaw dropping in offense, and fights you for custody. Though, when he realizes your current objective is to simply pry them away so that you could run and hide them for an easy victory, he decides to deal you the same damage you had paid him just a few moments earlier.
"Ow! You asshole!" You cry as he lands a strike on your nose, "You know what? I change my mind." You decide, and lay your palm on his chest. He realizes you aim to steal his energy, and as a last ditch effort to thwart your attempt, he releases an explosion towards your face, though it only reaches your ear before he falls limp.
The ringing that the explosion deals you is enough to force a wince and a whine of pain out of you, causing you to roll off of his chest and clutch your head in agony.
"Midoriya and Bakugo?!" Mineta yells from afar, "You both had an uber hottie sitting on top of you and you decide to pass out?! You guys are so ungrateful!" He finishes, before getting interrupted by the sound of Jirou's sound waves which effectively shove you back and cause you to skid across the ground, yet again.
"Shit." You heave. "I'm over heating, and that sound wave Jirou just hit me with is not helping the pain in my damn head." You utter aloud, and decide it'd be best if you disperse the energy you've taken so far, as to halt the rise in temperature in your body.
And just as you're regaining your breath, a net gets thrown upon you.
Inspecting your surroundings, you notice Yaoyorozu approaching. "It's done." She announces, and suddenly a thick block of ice forms at your heels, enveloping you feet and rendering them immobile.
"Who the hell-"
"Everyone's got a limit." A cool and monotone says from behind you, and the rest of the students begin to surround where you sit. "I wonder if you've reached yours, Aeron."
'Baby Todoroki. I should've known he'd be the one to take a step back and think.'
Uraraka hands the handcuffs to Jirou who in turn hands them to Yaoyorozu, and the girl begins to open them for detainment. Once she reaches a close enough proximity, you slip your hands through the holes of the netting and offer your wrists in surrender.
She stares at them dubiously, questioning your motives and if she should trust that'd you'd be willing to hang up your coat and know when you're being held by the throat.
"Come on, it's not like I'll bite you." You purr, tilting your head and wiggling your wrists in invitation.
Deciding to take her chances, she moves to enclose the metal restraints around you. But, before she can render you harmless, you take ahold of her left hand and pull her towards you, twisting her arm so that her back presses up against you instead. Placing your palm onto her forehead, she goes unconscious.
Thrusting her aside and before any of the other students can reach you, you quickly pour as much energy as you could into your hands and repeatedly smash the ice around your ankles until it shatters around you, slicing and bloodying your knuckles.
Having the fastest reaction time out of the classmates left, Todoroki slides himself behind you and wraps his arm around your neck, slowly applying heat where his hand laid on your head. "Kirishima, Now!-" He begins.
Doubling over, the boy's body follows your direction allowing you to reach behind yourself and yank him forwards by the back of his hero costume. The puzzled teen falls before you, his bi-colored eyes questioning how the hell you were able to handle his entire body weight with a single arm.
"What? Never seen a girl with great arms?"
"Not recently, no-"
You don't allow the boy to finish his sentence, before you place your hand over his face and leave it there until he begins to snore.
"I'm slowing down," You notice, "I need to take care of the others quick."
You aren't given much else of a choice as Kirishima barrels in your direction. "You still have some left in you?!" He shrieks, and attempts to swerve your form in search for the handcuffs.
Standing from the ground, you materialize your energy into the shape of a spear and use the sharp blade to slice through the net that captured you, releasing yourself from their trap. Kirishima, shocked at your ability to liberate yourself, instead lands a punch on your stomach, causing you to groan but not deter.
Grabbing the arm he used to hit you, you pull the same maneuver you used on Yaoyorozu only instead of knocking him unconscious using your quirk, you strike his carotid and he falls to the floor.
Uraraka approaches you next from the sky, reaching a hand towards you. Once she makes contact, you feel your body grow weightless and your feet lift from the floor.
"Jirou! The cuffs!" She yells to the purple haired girl.
"Not so fast, cheeks." You counter and grab her arm to pull her close. "Making me float won't grant you victory, I'm a very adaptable girl."
"I didn't count on that." She retorts, "Gunhead Martial Arts!" She yells as she uses your grip to her advantage.
Twisting your arm, she forces your back against her chest, attempting to join your wrists behind your back. Noticing her technique, you swing your legs up above your head and find yourself upside down above the girl. Rotating your hand in her grasp, you force yourself against her back and strike her neck.
"Gotcha," You boast, and as she loses grip on her consciousness, so does her quirk with it's affect on the gravity, causing you to begin to plummet.
Grabbing hold of her body, you break both of your falls by rolling back onto the ground. As soon as you stand to your full height, Jirou tries her hand at apprehending you but fails miserably as you simply swipe your leg and pull the earth from under her. The impact having been enough to render the girl harmless.
You stay still and allow yourself a moment to catch your breath, inspecting your surroundings as you do so.
"Is that all of them? I feel like I'm missing one-"
"For the titties!" Mineta yells as he hurls his purple balls at you.
He runs towards you and a few of his balls attach themselves onto the bottom of your legs. Leaping from the ground, eyes trained on your breasts as one of his weapons lays in his hands, you realize he intends to latch himself onto you.
Reaching your hand out, you halt his attempt mid-way as you grab hold of his face and absorb his energy. Though before he can fully fall under your spell, he makes his last move and places the ball in his hand onto your arm.
"What was the point of that?" You ask between heaves.
Looking around you, you confirm that he was truly the last of the students left.
"This was... harder than I thought it was going to be. Surprisingly." You utter to yourself as Mineta swings loosely from your arm.
The sound of the microphone crackling loudly throughout the field makes you wince.
"All twenty students are down and with four whole minutes to spare! Aeron wins this round! Great job!" A voice that you recognize as Principle Nezu's, announces.
Smiling wearily at the praise, your eyelids begin to droop. "Yay..." You whisper in an attempt to celebrate your victory, before falling to the ground and laying against the girl with pink cheeks.
You too join your new classmates in a much needed rest.
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"She's joining our class?!" Class 1A exclaims in sync.
Aizawa had just broken the news to his students, all of which were now conscious.
You laid upon a bed in recovery girls room, amongst the many teens, snoozing your day away. The main side effect of your quirk was your constant need for naps, due to the relentless fluctuating trend of your body's energy. So it's no wonder why you're out cold after you single handedly defeated twenty heroes in training.
"Please, quiet down." He scolds the group, many of which were currently eating the calorie bar recovery girl had given them. "I know it's sudden, but that's just the way things are. Do your best to make her feel welcome. All of you."
"Well, it is pretty out of nowhere, but we can't deny that she rocked our shit."
"Language, Kaminari... but yes, yes she did." The teacher agrees. "You should all take this as even more motivation to pass your next exam that allows you to attend the summer training camp. Use this as an opportunity to better yourselves. Speaking of which, you have half an hour to prepare. I'll be in the teachers lounge if you need me." Aizawa informs them, before wearily dragging himself towards the door.
"Aww, she's adorable when she's sleeping! Way less scary." Uraraka squeals as she gazes at your drooling form.
"The sun imprinted on her forehead glows, like when she uses her quirk, while she sleeps." Midoriya points out.
"Does anyone have a sharpie?" Bakugo asks, glaring at your resting face in irritation.
Iida gasps before exclaiming, "Bakugo, you will do no such thing!" He then reaches into his pocket and hands the item he retrieved to the blond beside him. "Here, use a washable marker."
"I call dibs on going after him." Sero declares and causes everyone else to groan in despair, to which he simply sticks his tongue out in their direction. "Yeah, deal with it."
Tokoyami vehemently shakes his head in disagreement. "I will preform no traitorous act, I have too much respect for Aeron." He states.
"She probably wouldn't even be able to tell it was you, just blame it on Kaminari." Jiro offers, causing the blond in topic to whine coherently.
Tokoyami seems to mull the decision over in his head, debating if it was worth the risk, before finally deciding. "Fine, but only because she stepped on me earlier."
"The bitch broke my nose." Bakugo states angrily as he doodles devil horns onto your forehead. His nose had already been healed by recovery girl but that didn't mean he couldn't still be salty about your assault.
"I don't know, I'd say she fixed it." Todoroki mutters.
"Say that shit to my face Ice Spice!"
"Please use your inside voices class, we should let the girl have her rest." Yaoyorozu attempts to quell the rowdy group of students.
"She means you Bakugo, ribbit."
"Kacchan I thought you were making her evil, what is that- Kacchan, ew!"
"Bakugo please refrain from drawing anything inappropriate!" Iida reminds the boy as he chops the air, but to no avail.
Unbeknownst to his students, Aizawa stood just outside of the door observing the class's antics with a slight smile threatening to grace his lips.
From the moment Principal Nezu had informed him of the new student he would have to guide, he knew there was more to be known of the situation. He was wary and dubious, but as he gazes at your snoring figure being doodled on heavily by the teens surrounding you, he feels he has nothing to lose even more sleep about.
Perhaps it will take a while for you to find your place amongst the already large group of teens, but he doubts most of his students would ever mind aiding you in finding your place. And if you found that you didn't fit the moulding, he figured you could learn to make your own spot within. After all, there was no malicious intent being sensed by the man, or any need to watch his or his student's backs around you. In fact, the way the children seemed to be enamored and comfortable around you in such a short amount of time serves as further proof for his observations.
Though, he can't help but chuckle at the thought of the journey he is sure you have ahead of you. You clearly have a lot to learn.
"Never be the last one snoozing around teenagers, Aeron. You'll learn eventually." He mutters to himself.
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Fun fact: these chapters a couple of years old. I’ve had them pre written but they underwent many stages of heavy editing. Though, I still get really insecure sometimes, but that comes with the territory of writing fanfiction!
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deathbypufferfish · 10 months
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Haru aged up to a toddler! They had a small party with Mt. Komorebi family and friends to celebrate the little worm 🐛
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EXCLUSIVE: Lana Condor (To All The Boys franchise), Andrew Koji (Bullet Train), Ross Butler (Shazam! franchise), Sung Kang (Fast & Furious franchise) and Elodie Yung (The Cleaning Lady) are among those set to star in Worth the Wait, a romantic comedy marking the U.S. directorial debut of award-winning Taiwanese filmmaker Tom Shu-Yu Lin (The Garden of Evening Mists), which has wrapped production in Vancouver and Kuala Lumpur.
Others cast include Karena Lam (American Girl), Osric Chau (Supernatural), Ali Fumiko Whitney (The Road Dance), Ricky He (From), Kheng Hua Tan (Crazy Rich Asians) and Yu-Beng Lim (Rebel Moon).
An English-language indie set against the intercontinental backdrops of Seattle and Kuala Lumpur, which is said to be in the vein of Love Actually, Worth the Wait follows a year in the interconnected lives and romances of an all-Asian ensemble cast.
(via Deadline)
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petitcroc · 6 months
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kojiandrew · 2 months
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So it looks like Andrew Koji will be in all 6 episodes of Black Doves instead of just one, which some of us presumed ‘cause he gets killed off (not really a spoiler since it’s in the synopsis already & we knew who he is playing). I’m guessing his scenes will be shown sporadically throughout the season to lead Knightley’s character to find out who his character’s murderer is.
And I also included the screenshot of him in Haven in case you missed out on that info too. He’ll be in 5 out of 6 episodes.
Hopefully we’ll find out how many episodes he’ll be in for Gangs of London season 3 soon as well as a trailer.
I cannot wait for these shows to be released. ☺️
Source: imdb
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nobbykun · 3 months
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Artist - 吉川晃司 (Kikkawa, Koji) Song - にくまれそうなNEWフェイス (Nikumare Sōna New Face) [Eng. "New Face That Might Be Hated"] Release Date - April 1985
Listen 🎶
My blog: Showa Music Library https://nobbykun.tumblr.com/
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
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itxchis · 6 months
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NEW | Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Funko Pops
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moonsyrups · 2 years
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halloween: over christmas decorations: up house: new
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connorjesup · 2 years
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Let go already.
Kabe Koji Nekoyashiki Kun Desires To Be Recognized ep 8
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