#kohane is a small wolf
feral-bird-enjoyer · 2 months
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vivid bad dogs
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hiii its richie
pov: this small ass thing who fits in the palm of your hands turn into a wolf the size of a small horse to Beat your a ss
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also she's like a new werewolf probably. transfem kohane also bc :]
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theaddictedwatcher · 6 years
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Hello everyone!
I am very sorry for the delay of this article. I’m in an college exam period and sadly it doesn’t allow me enough time to write my articles. This week I am here to talk to you about a show that, for a change, is not a detective story but a sit-com. It is nearly as old as I am but I loved it the first time I saw it nearly 10 years ago on French television and I was glad when it was announced last year that we would get a new season that I am currently watching and loving. I am talking about Will & Grace.
So as usual, a short summary : Grace Adler -a interior designer- has no other choice but to move in with her gay best-friend after fleeing her own wedding. Will Truman -a business lawyer- doesn’t want to abandon his best friend but is scared their differences will make their cohabitation difficult. However, he lets her move in with him and they both witness their lives being turned inside out by the other’s interferences.
And also a brief technical presentation:
- Created by: David Kohan and Max Mutchnick.
- Music by: Jonathan Wolf.
- Main cast: Debra Messing, Eric McCormack, Megan Mullally, Sean Hayes, Shelley Morrison.
It is not going to be a very long article because I do not have much time to write it but as usual, I’m open for discussions, either you agree with me or not. I might however put a few spoilers in the article so I’m sorry if this bothers you. Just know that they are not major spoilers and that they will not change the way you’ll dive into the story.
I will start by the cohesion of the cast and the depiction of the main characters. Brief and possibly stereotyped portraits of the four main characters:
- Grace: Interior designer. Straight. Control freak. Loves to win. Loves food. Neurotic. Wants to find great love.
- Will: Business lawyer. Gay. Obsessive cleaner. Patient. Compassionate. Tolerant.
- Karen: Grace’s assistant. Straight. Rich thanks to her wedding. Alcoholic. Self-medicate. Carefree. Wild-spirited.
- Jack: Often change jobs. Gay. Confident. Free-spirited. Fleeting lover.
I really love the close relationships between all the characters -even the ones who at first did not like each other very much. Grace and Will met at Columbia University and never left each other’s side from then on. While in college, Will also met his first gay friend, Jack, who’s been in his life ever since. When Grace started Grace Adler Designs, she hired Karen to be her assistant and their relationship evolved from there. The four of them somewhat form a kind of small family, always there for each other and, most importantly, they love each other despite acknowledging each others flaws. I really love this aspect of the show because, to me, it is what friendship should be all about. Moreover, the two male characters -portrayed by Eric McCormack and Sean Hayes- are gay, they are best friends and no, they do not become a couple. They are best friends and that’s just that. They have been said to represent a very stereotyped image of gay men –mannered, inclination for clothing, loud...- and it was initially seen as a downside for the show. However, I believe that it was not intended to be felt as a lack of respect for anyone or make fun of gay people, it was just to increase the comical aspect of some scenes of the show. For example -and this is one in many, there are several times in the show where Will gives Grace much appreciated advice on what to wear and it gives way for both a blunt friend’s advice as well as a male perspective on the outfit. It is not because he is gay that he cannot realize what suits his best friend and what doesn’t advantage her. We can see that situation being reversed on a couple of occasions and I believe that it was done so not to say that “gay men” and women share the same love for clothes but rather to show that, no matter your sex or sexual orientation, you can give one of your friends’ clothing advice if they ask for it. In addition, the show was also really important -and it still is- because it gave visibility to the LGBT community which was -and still is- not represented enough.
I also really like the two girl’s and the two boys’ relationship to each other -Grace/Karen and Will/Jack. They have very different personalities and complete one another which is nice to see -though most people know that you don’t have to be the exact copy of someone for you to get along. However, the relations that appeal the most to me are the ones between men and women that is to say Will/Grace and Jack/Karen. Both couples are extremely close and -especially Grace and Will- barely manage to live without the other one. Their adventures always brings them together at some point and they always end up closer than they previously were. I love this sense that nothing can break them apart, no matter what obstacle or conflict they face, they will strive because they are together and that makes them stronger.
Moving on quickly, I just want to briefly mention the format of the show. Being a sit-com, the format of the show is composed of twenty-minutes episodes so it makes them quite easy to catch up or even to use them to fill-in while waiting for the train/bus or else. Personally, I like to watch at least one episode before going to bed as it allows me to fully relax and let go of my day’s trouble and stress. They make me laugh and change my mind from all the trouble that may have happened during my day and at the same time unknowingly sometimes make me reflect on current society issues (i.e. the web episode about the US Presidential election in 2016, the naturalization of foreigners, gay marriage...).
I believe I have more or less said everything I had to say about this amazing show so I will leave you now but don’t hesitate to come and talk to me about anything I wrote or even about a show you would like me to write upon.
Love you all,
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