#kogami x reader
hi!! i wanted to put in a psycho-pass request!! i really loved the kissing one (especially sugo's *fawns* 😳) do you have any dating/marriage hcs for kogami, ginoza, and sugo? 💜 thank you in advance!!
Psycho Pass Boys - Marriage Headcanons
Kogami is the ‘together separately’ kind of husband.
He loves and wants to be with his spouse, but also appreciates the time they have apart for their own hobbies and chores.
He feels that space is essential for a healthy relationship. Accept in bed.
Kogami rarely ever leaves them alone in bed, wanting to hold them and curl up with them. Even if he’s already asleep.
House Husband!
Gino likes being the domestic one. Since his father worked a lot (before his cloud) his mother took care of the house and taught him how to cook & do housework to help. He still feels close to her in a way.
Sets a routine for them which helps with keeping the house clean and organized.
Would not be interested in or marry anyone that Dime does not approve of. Must love dogs.
Probably the most effortless at being a husband.
It seems to be his natural state to be married and with someone. Sugo takes to married life almost like a duck to water, with very little ‘training’.
He would need to be dating someone for a while, before he would consider marriage, but when he does he’ll pop the question immediately.
The kind of husband that would make extra coffee or tea in the morning for his s/o, even if you’re not going to get up for a while. Buys his spouse little snacks or treats while he’s out because they like them. Flowers on a Wednesday kind of guy.
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thefoxtherapist · 2 years
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Kagari's kisses were always messy. He kissed like no tomorrow, though maybe in his opinion, there wasn't. Tongue and teeth, kisses interrupted by breathless laughter. He could romanticize this more than anything else in his life. A reckless lover, his kisses mirrored that.
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It wasn't that Ginoza didn't like kissing you, it was that the man was rather reserved about it. Like he had a limited amount of kisses. It took a lot of reassurance that that wasn't the case for him to become more free about the kisses he granted you. You quickly found the man loved his kisses. Only in private, of course.
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Akane was always in a rush, a busy person through and through. But she always made time to kiss you goodbye or kiss you hello. Like a daily ritual, she couldn't start or finish her day without a kiss from her beloved. Of course, if you were to point that out, her cheeks would quickly flush as she tried to wave it off.
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One might accuse Kogami of being a rough kisser. And sometimes they'd be right, okay, most of the time. For Kogami, relationships were dangerous. So he does what he can, opting to pretend that it doesn't mean as much to him as it does. Despite this, the way he grips his lover's face whilst kissing is nothing short of romantic.
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You almost expected Makishima's lips to be cold when he kissed you. But they weren't, rather, he was quite warm. Still, his kisses were all devouring. A leading man through and through, his lips against yours was no different a situation.
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4ngeldusstt · 2 years
F I R S T K I S S (Psycho-Pass)
A/N: im obssesed with kogami and i cant find any more fics??? I’ve already read and reread the ones that there are here but i ran out so im writing some mysef, please feel free to send me requests if you want to read more kogami cause i sure do. Hope you like this lil one i just wrote <3
Warnings: swearing, injury(? If i forget ant tell me please!
Word count: 399
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“Inspector, you and Kogami will go together, me and enforcer Kunizuka will go the other way” inspector Ginoza said.
Kogami and I get our dominators and make our way to the insides of the abandoned subway, he leads on the front and i go behind him. We run till we get to a what it seems a barely lit headquarters with oxidized barrels all around, “he has to be here.” Kogami says quietly as we lower with our backs against a wall. “Be careful Ko.” I whisper to him as i can tell his intentions by the look on his face. “I’ll find this fucker and i’ll take him down once for all.” As soon as he analyzes the view and sees it as safe he makes a motion sign with his finger signaling to me that we can move forward.
Quietly we run behind barrels trying to make it to the next wall, in one of this moments we feel shots aming against us, “fuck” i whisper as i feel one of those bullets hit against my thigh. We finally male it to the next wall “they hit me Ko, but i can move, i’m okay.” i say to him as he ties my leg with his tie trying to stop the bleeding. “We gotta keep running baby, can you do that for me?” He says looking up at me as he finishes with a tight knot, “yes, i can” i answer and he gives me a half smile as he talks “good girl, now lets go.”
After a while of hide and seek with the shooter i reach my limit, the pain on my left thigh is unbearable making it impossible for me to walk any further, i see Kogami contacting inspector Ginoza trying to get assistance for me, he carries me to a safe spot behind a barrel where i can wait before help gets to us. “You’ll be safe here, it wont take long okay?” Kogami says as he holds the side of my face softly, leaving a soft short but loving kiss on my lips. “Be safe, i got your back from here.” I look up at him with a small smile to let him know i’ll be fine on my own. “I know you will.” He returns the smile as he gets up making his way to find the fucker that shot you.
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sophiria · 2 years
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Pairings: Ginoza x fem!reader || Kogami x fem!reader
Content warnings and tags: 18+, smut (vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, oral sex-female receiving), suggestive themes, smoking, hints of body worship, mild angst and hurt/comfort, mutual pining, implied pre-threesome and pre-poly, post-psycho pass season 3
Author’s note: written for @underratedcharactercorner​‘s Winter Wonderland collab! Thank you so much for hosting and letting me join <3
Words: just a bit under 3k
The tepid rays of sunlight filter through the windows as you brew the coffee for your guest. The rich-flavored aroma fills the air as the coffee starts to gurgle, mingling with the scent of tobacco emanating from the Spinel cigarette he's smoking. For a few moments, your gaze wanders from the Moka pot towards the vast blanket of snow adorning the winter scenery outside your house, and you take a deep breath as he lights up yet another stick.
"There's a place for you at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," Kogami tells you, taking a drag while your attention returns to the coffee pot. He pauses as you mix the hot beverage with a small spoon, and then he resumes speaking as you start pouring the coffee into two cups. "Come to work with me at the Suppressing Action Department."
You pick up the espresso cups and turn around to face him. Though his face looks stoic, his eyes twinkle with excitement. A tiny smile ghosts around the corners of your mouth as you reach his position, and he helps you by taking the tray out of your hands and then placing the cups on the table.
"Is it because of my ability to import luxury coffee brands?" You joke, though there's a slight wobble in your voice that doesn't go unnoticed by Kogami. "I've been out of the game for too long, Shinya."
He brings the cup to his lips as he holds the cigarette in the same hand. "You won't feel the same pressure we had at the Bureau," Kogami says, savoring a small sip of coffee as you take a seat next to him. "We play by different rules, and our crime coefficients are kept secret."
A flicker of hope flashes across your face as you look up at him. "Does it feel as if the Sibyl System doesn't dictate every aspect of your life?"
Kogami gives you a small smile. "Yeah, it kinda does." 
It's quiet for a few minutes, and as you start drinking the coffee, he finishes his cup. "I take it you're no longer an enforcer then," you ponder after a little while as you briefly look out the window. "You too left the old life behind."
Kogami lights up another cigarette. "I'm a special investigator now—or a tactical advisor. Whichever you prefer."
You turn your head towards him and notice the intensity reflected in his eyes. You've known him well enough to know that he's serious about the offer, though you have the feeling that there's still another matter he has to talk to you about.
"Is there something else I should know about before giving you an answer, Shinya?"
A brief pause, and then—
"Ginoza is a special investigator too. He's been working with me as my partner."
You bring a palm to the side of your neck. "Really? Your voice shakes just a bit, and then a light scoff leaves your lips. "It's been so long, I..." you hesitate, slightly shaking your head before gazing towards the ceiling. "After we parted ways during my stay at the Pass Correction and Medical Care Center, I told myself that I needed to forget about him."
(But you never did forget.)
Kogami inhales sharply. "You don't know what happened to him after that?" He asks you with a genuine surprise in his tone. "Gino never contacted you?"
A bitter smile surfaces on your lips, and your gaze wanders back to his face. "I sometimes ask myself if what we had was real or if I imagined it," you admit, a half-hearted laugh leaving your lips. "I haven't seen Nobuchika in over seven years. He never reached out to me."
Your clothes suddenly feel too tight, and you stand up from your seat to walk toward the sink. You start to rinse the coffee maker as Kogami angles his body toward yours. He stares at your side profile and sees how you're trying to get a hold of your emotions—your posture is hunched as if you're trying to protect yourself, and your hands are lightly trembling under the scalding water. Despite its warmth and that of the fireplace, your body is numb from the cold.
"Gino's hue deteriorated after you weren't a presence in his life anymore," Kogami recalls. "His crime coefficient went up to 140 after his father was killed during a mission. Then he went through rehabilitation, became an enforcer, and spent years as one."
You swiftly turn around towards Kogami, and he sees your lips parted in shock as your eyes reflect a whirlwind of emotions. Your mouth opens and closes a few times as you try to find the words, but all that leaves your lips is a choked gasp as tears well up in your eyes.
Your mind barely registers it when Kogami wraps his strong arms around you, one hand on your back and the other on the crown of your head. "We both failed you, and for that, I'm sorry," he says as he holds your body. "I was obsessed with revenge, and Ginoza with keeping the hue in check. We both lost sight of what was important, and you got caught up in the middle because of it."
You hiccup against Kogami's chest before raising your head to meet his eyes. His gaze mellows as he looks at you, and he leans down until his forehead almost touches yours. His dark locks tickle your skin, and a little noise between a sniffle and a chuckle leaves your lips. He lets out a rumble of amusement and takes your chin between his fingers before leaning forward. Your face heats up as he presses a light kiss on the corner of your lips, and you close your eyes as his lips linger on your skin.
When he leans back and you no longer feel his touch, your eyes flutter open. You see that he's staring behind you and out of the window, and the moment you notice the knowing look in his eyes, you do understand. Swallowing hard, you turn around to follow the line of Kogami's sight.
Your heart flutters as you gaze into a familiar pair of eyes, and you take in all the ways Ginoza has changed—his hair is longer now, pulled up in a ponytail, and he no longer wears glasses. He looks at peace with himself, carrying himself confidently as his steps bring him closer to your house, until he stops near your front door.
Time slows as you look into each other's eyes, yours filled with yearning and melancholy, his with longing and regret. Both of you tune out everything around yourselves and take a step forward, an invisible pull wanting to entwine your fates once more—though the moment breaks as soon as Ginoza glances toward Kogami. His eyes narrow as he studies his friend's actions, and your skin tingles as you feel Kogami's hot breath against your neck. He places one of his hands on the small of your back, and your cheeks burn as you feel him press an open-mouthed kiss on the nape of your neck. A blurring mix of embarrassment and arousal swirls within your belly as Kogami's lips linger in the same way they did on the corner of your mouth, and when he pulls away, Ginoza's eyes are brimming with conflicting emotions.
Kogami walks towards the front door and steps outside, lighting a cigarette on his way to Ginoza. The two friends glance at one another, and as you carefully look over them, Kogami tells Ginoza something you can't quite place before disappearing from your view and heading toward where his motorcycle is parked.
There's a standstill and then a soft murmur of your name. Your gaze finds Ginoza, who's taking another step toward your position.
"Nobuchika…" you half-whisper as he closes the distance between your bodies, "...what are you doing here?"
His watchful gaze softens. "I'm here for you," Ginoza says, and you're breathless as he cups your cheek with his hand, "and to make it up for the way I've pushed you away."
You sigh and slowly lean into his touch. "Kogami told me about what happened..." you murmur, placing your hand over his. "I'm so sorry about your dad, Nobuchika."
(You don't tell him that you're sorry about his coefficient, because you have the distinct feeling that he's more content now than when you knew him as an inspector, keeping what society deemed a healthy hue in check.)
He smiles sadly. "His death and becoming an enforcer made me realize that I needed to be true to myself," Ginoza admits. "I'm sorry I haven't reached out to you earlier."
You hold his gaze and confess your deepest fear. "I thought you'd forgotten about me."
He exhales. "Never," Ginoza replies, and it's both firm and soft. "I could never do that."
Your gaze is lenient and loving as you look up at him, and his cheeks flush. You intertwine your fingers with his and step back, turning around to lead him inside your house while the door slowly closes behind you.
There's an immediate shift in the air, and you let out a shaky breath as you feel Ginoza's chest nudge against your back. You say his name breathlessly, and he lets his forehead rest in the crook between your neck and shoulder. His silky, long locks brush against your cheeks, and you nuzzle his hair as he wraps his right arm around your waist.
You stay like that for a minute or so until he lifts his head and places his left hand under your chin, angling your face toward his. Your eyes widen slightly at the contact as understanding flashes in them. A bittersweet smile appears on his lips as you gently touch his leather-covered hand, and your vision blurs as you think about how much he must have suffered. His cybernetic hand can't sense your touch, but Ginoza can still feel the affection you hold for him—even after all this time, despite his lack of communication and the previous impossibility of reaching out while he was an enforcer.
"It's okay now," Ginoza tells you softly before brushing his lips against yours. Your lips part, and he captures your mouth in a deep kiss. Warmth spreads through you as his tongue swirls around yours, and you angle your body toward his. He wraps both of his arms around your upper body while your hands find his hair, and you explore each other's mouths until you pause to breathe in.
Then his lips are on your skin once more, tracing a path from your cheeks to your neck. He sucks the skin into his mouth, and your face heats up as small, breathy gasps leave your lips. Both of you are pressed against each other as you slowly walk back towards the bed in the middle of your open space, and you stroke his hair while his mouth is still caressing your skin, leaving slow, feathery kisses on your cheeks and neck.
"Nobuchika, can you sit on the bed for me?" You ask him softly, your hands in his hair and his mouth lingering on your jaw. "I want to see you."
His heart races at your words, and Ginoza raises his head until his gaze is level with yours. His face is flushed, and you smile at him before pressing a small kiss on his mouth. A quiet, blissful sigh leaves his lips, and then he complies, sitting at the edge of the bed.
His legs part for you, and you get in between, placing your hands on his chest. He's wearing a white shirt and dark tie after leaving his trenchcoat and suit jacket in the living room, and your touch is light as you undress him. Ginoza is unable to meet your eyes as his chest is left bare, and his entire body tenses as he waits for you to say something. 
His breath hitches as you bring your mouth over his shoulder to press a tender kiss on the skin near his prosthetic. Then one kiss turns into multiple ones, and your lips are warm and buttery-soft as you leave a trail of delicate kisses on his shoulders, collarbone, and neck while your hands are splayed on his chest.
When he wraps his arms around your waist and brings you close to himself, your lips meet once again. Your kisses are greedier, the hunger you both feel for one another seeping through as your tongues meld together. Then his hands are on yours as you slowly lower the waistband of your pants and undies until they rest just a bit under your ass, and you shiver as the crisp air hits your skin.
Your heart pounds as Ginoza drops to his knees and leans forward until his lips touch your stomach. He places languid kisses on it, and your entire body runs hot at the intimate gesture, full of both desire and devotion. His lips travel down, and you inhale sharply as his mouth lingers on your pelvis.
Goosebumps appear on your skin as his lips move south, and your body quivers softly when he reaches between your legs to give an experimental flick of his tongue against your clit. A breathy moan leaves your lips, and he begins sucking on your nub while he eases a slender finger and then two inside your wet slit. Your knees almost buckle, and you place your hands on his shoulders to balance yourself while his tongue circles your clit. You gasp as he reaches that special spot inside you, and your hips arch as the stimulation has you clenching around his fingers.
Tears of pleasure roll down your cheek as you ride the shockwaves of your orgasm, and your heart skips a beat as Ginoza starts placing small kisses on your inner thighs. He slowly pulls his fingers out of your sex while you're still feeling the aftershocks of your climax, and he brings them to his mouth. The erotic sight has you gazing at him with half-lidded eyes, and he smirks softly at the dizzy look on your face.
He stands up to sit at the edge of the bed, all while his hands are holding your waist, keeping your body close to his. You bite your lip as you notice the bulge in his pants, and it's your turn to smirk as you see the flush creeping up his neck and face.
Then you're back between his legs, helping him peel off his suit pants and underwear. You lick your lips at the sight of his aroused cock, and you wrap your hands around it. Ginoza trembles at your touch, and he mumbles your name in a pleading tone before helping you straddle him.
His body shudders as his cock is swallowed by your pussy, and he rests his hands over your back while you wrap your hands around his neck. The two of you hold on tight to each other's bodies as you ride him, and Ginoza pounds his hips at a frantic speed while breathing heavily and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Your walls begin to flutter as his nimble fingers reach your nub, and shaky moans leave your lips as the tension snaps and you pulse around him. His hips stutter as he pants, and when you breathe out for him to come inside you, he gives one last erratic thrust before his cock pulses, spilling himself inside you.
Your bodies are coated in a gossamer sheen of sweat as you disentangle and he slips out of you. Ginoza presses a light kiss on your forehead before standing up and going to the bathroom to retrieve a couple of towels. When he returns to you, he's gentle and careful as he cleans up the combined arousal from your body before doing the same with himself.
You both shower and return to bed, enveloped in fluffy bathrobes. Ginoza lays on his back before taking you into his arms. You place one hand on his chest, nuzzling his neck with your face while your legs interlace, and you're basking in each other's presence anew.
It's dawn when Kogami walks down the path toward your house. The soothing atmosphere of the Hokkaido village you live in quiets his thoughts, and he wallows in the fresh air. His boots leave footprints in the snow as he approaches the front door of your house, and once he reaches it, he types the code on the monitor next to the doorbell.
He's silent as he enters your space and walks stealthily until he stops at the edge of your bed. There's more than a hint of desire as he observes your figures sleeping soundly, and he lingers there for less than a minute before heading out.
His steps halt as he hears you calling out for him, and he slowly turns around. His eyes widen at the sight of you and Ginoza staring at him with a playful glint in your eyes, and his mouth goes dry the moment you extend your hand with your palm out in a gesture of invitation.
"Come join Gino and me in bed."
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psychopasss4 · 9 months
If loving you with all my heart is a crime,
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Then... I'm guilty.
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皆さん (Female Reader): "... "
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necropxlis · 2 years
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Ghost Story
Shinya Kogami x gn!Reader
TW: angst, psychological distress, Kogami throws a bottle close to your face.
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“Stop coming”
Those words rang in your ears. Echoing inside your head as you try to grasp the meaning behind them. Kogami, your long time boyfriend, would never tell you to leave.
“I’m sorry. Do you wanna repeat that?” You stuttered taking a step towards the man.
“Y/N don’t make this difficult-“ he started
Scoffing, you threw your hands in the air, “Of course I make everything difficult. Just because you don’t want to put me in “danger.” I’m not a child Shinya, I can handle myself.”
Kogami was growing frustrated with each second you continued to argue. You could tell this is not what he truly wanted, but he was stubborn. He always got what he wanted wether you liked it or not. Taking a swig of water, he tosses the bottle away and turns toward the wall. Kogami has been obsessing over Makishima Shougo ever since he lost his partner months ago. He claims that he’s the reason behind everything.
You believe him to an extent. You believe that Makishima has something to do with the death of his partner and the reason Kogami is now an enforcer. However, you don’t believe he is as smart as Kogami says. No man can turn themselves into a ghost story.
“Shinya, you need to stop. Don’t you see you’re obsessing over nothing? This person may not even be involved.”
A glass bottle flew past your head, crashing against the wall behind you. As you stood there wide eyed, Kogami was heaving with anger. Never before had he ever done anything like this. The Kogami you knew and fell in love with never made any sign of aggression towards you. This was the first time he even yelled at you. Guilt began building up inside of you.
You knew how much Kogami had suffered since he had been released from the rehabilitation center. You knew how his pride hurt after being reduced to Sybil’s hunting dog; how his once friend, now sees him as nothing more than a tool. All because he can’t handle the emotions of loosing someone.
Taking a step forward, you tried to reach for him, hoping he would allow you to comfort him. How could you be so stupid to let your pride come before his feelings?
“Shinya I-“
“I SAID LEAVE” he yelled angrily slamming his fist on his desk.
You lowered your hand and stood there for a moment considering your options. Knowing there was nothing more you could do, you walked out of Kogami’s room without looking back. Tears started to form in the corners of your eyes, but you wouldn’t cry here. Not out in the open where someone could see you. As you were walking towards the elevator, a door opened revealing Masaoka. He called out to you and begged you to stop, but you couldn’t. You could never come back here again.
-Present Day
It had been days since that fight. Days? Maybe it was months ago? Longer? You don’t know anymore. The concept of time has been lost. Ever since you broke the simulation and realized your four walls were nothing but a lie. The starch white walls littered with scratches were all you knew. Who caused them? Was it you? Why can’t you think straight?
Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. THINK!
-The Past
There was an incident in the building you work in. Apparently some psycho tried to assault one of your coworkers. Thankfully you went out to eat for your lunch break with a couple of your friends. Arriving back at the building, you noticed MWPSB vans littered around the area. Something tugged at your heart as you felt yourself walking towards a familiar figure. The spiky black hair that never seemed to be controlled no matter how much product was applied. A line of smoke trails in front of the figure.
All the signs led to Kogami.
Walking up to the figure, you were inches away from grasping onto his jacket, when he turned around to face you. The cigarette fell out of his mouth as he stared at you. There was no emotion behind his eyes and nothing showed on his face. The line of work Kogami is involved with he had to perfect his poker face. Nothing was said between the two of you. Words failed you in this moment.
You begged your brain to form a sentence, to say anything to break the silence, but nothing came. His steel eyes bore into your soul. He wasn’t pleased you were actually in front of him. After the argument the two of you had, he was perfectly content with never seeing you again. When the call came through that there was a potential crime happening in your building, he prayed you weren’t involved. Seeing you in front of him now, he was able to breathe easily, he just couldn’t let you see it.
“Enforcer Kogami, line up.” A man with green hair spoke.
That must be Ginoza. You’ve met him a few times back when Kogami was an Inspector. Kogami kept eye contact with you for a while before turning away. He handed his dominator to the inspector and walked into the back of the loading van. He looked at you one last time before the doors closed. Your heart breaking more and more the further the van traveled.
A shorter lady with brown hair brushed passed you. Something about her felt strangely familiar. Quickly reaching out, you grabbed her sleeve, causing her to stop. Turning around to meet you face to face, you noticed her brown eyes held a variety of emotions.
“You must be Inspector Tsunemori?” You asked.
Akane nodded and began to speak but you cut her off. Smiling so wide your eyes closed to give off a soothing grin.
“Watch out for Kogami for me?”
-Present Day
The creak of the hinges on the old door startled you. He had come to visit you once again. His white hair flowed as he effortlessly entered the decrepit room. With a voice like honey, you had once trusted him. The villain sang the song of the Pied Piper, and like a fool you followed. Kneeling down, the man swept some of your hair out of your face, forcing you to look at him. His golden eyes held so much promise, but there was nothing there for you. You were simply a pawn in his glorious game of chess. You hated to admit it but Kogami was right.
The ghost story was true, and now you’re in it.
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eclipseslayer · 24 days
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➭ Summary: It's Shinya's birthday and you offer to give him birthday head, and, of course he has to do this his way.
➭ CW: Deepthroating, Shinya smoking, Shinya offers you a cigarette.
➭ WC: 1k-ish
➭ A/N: Ahhh! First Psycho Pass fic! Also when I started this it was Shinya's bday, and I know when I finished this it wasn't any longer but... it's the thought that counts, right?
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"Birthday head, huh?"
Shinya chuckles, and a smirk tugs at his lips as his cigarette hangs loosely from his mouth, and ash bundles up at the end of it as he's lazy with smoking it. He tilts his head, looking down at you as you're settled between his legs, your hands pressed onto his thighs.
You slowly run your hands up and down his thighs while you look up at him. You blink slowly. "Yeah, c'mon, Shin. Just lemme give it to you."
Shinya raises an eyebrow, amused at your behavior. His hands already move to undo the buckle to his belt, but his words are definitely contradicting his actions.
"What makes it so special? You give me head anyway despite it being my birthday so... what makes it worthy of being "birthday head"?" He asks, and a small grin appears on his lips once he sees that he's annoyed you as your eyebrows are furrowed with your eyes shooting daggers up at him.
"Nothing, it's just head on your birthday," you say with a grin, being smart right back at him and he rolls his eyes.
He sighs and gestures to his lap with his hand. "Alright... go ahead, sweetheart. Not like I'm going to say no to some head anyway."
Shinya finishes unbuckling his belt, and he undoes the button to his pants, and pulls the zipper down. He sighs once he does, and your eyes widen once you see his hard imprint in his boxers. You grin, looking up at him as your fingers press a soft, delicate touch to his length.
"Hard already?" You tease, expecting him to be soft as this suggestion was brought onto him randomly, and he huffs, expelling the smoke from his lips as the end of the cigarette burns red.
"Yeah, yeah," he grunts. "Couldn't help it since you looked so good sitting down on your knees for me like that."
Your eyes widen at that, and you look up at him. He looks so greedy with a subtle smirk plastered on his face, and those dark, grey eyes narrowed onto you like shards of glass wanting to pierce your gaze.
The intensity of his gaze makes your face heat up, and the accompanying image of him smoking that damn cigarette has your thighs suddenly clench together, and, suddenly, to tie it all together, Shinya takes his hand and slowly runs his fingers through your hair and grabs a fistfull of it, tightening it so he can move your head.
"If you're gonna give me birthday head..." His words are sharp, almost mockingly, "...then I'm going to guide you the way I like it."
You swallow thickly, your eyes begin to prickle with that familiar wetness, saltiness as you're reminded of how Shinya likes to treat you from time to time—
Though, you have no time to think as you're quickly brought back to reality when Shinya pulls down his underwear just enough to pull his cock out. He groans as his long, thick length hits the air and he mumbles a curse word underneath his breath. Then, slowly, he guides your head toward his cock, and he reaches down with his hand and he wraps a tight fist around it before tapping your lips with the tip of his cock.
"Open up for me."
It's a simple command, and, you're good enough to listen and obey, so you do, and you open up so perfectly. Knowing what Shinya wants, you drop your jaw and let your tongue hang out and your eyes meet his.
He would've grinned at the sight if he didn't have that cigarette hanging in his mouth. The sight of you, being on your knees and having that pretty mouth of yours hanging open so dutifully has his cock hardening even more, and his tip leaks embarrassingly so.
"Yeah, just like that."
He groans again, and he slowly pushes his tip in past your lips and sighs as he leans his head back against the couch once he feels that warm, wetness envelope him.
You're quick to engage as your lips tighten around him, hollowing your cheeks like you usually do, and Shinya lets out a pleased hum.
He grips your hair again, and he starts to guide your head up and down his cock. Instantly, he feels as if rockets are shooting through his skull as pings of pleasure go off in his head. That tight , wet warmth has Shinya is a chokehold as he swallows thickly.
And you—your mouth feels so full of him, and your eyelashes flutter as you engulf him completely when he guides your head all the way down so your nose is pressed against his pelvis. You catch a whiff of his cologne—strong and heady—and it makes your head spin. You moan, and it reverberates around Shinya, making him open his mouth, thus dropping the burned out cigarette onto the floor beside you.
"Shit, girl." He huffs, needing to catch his breath for a moment before he suddenly continues. Quick movements are made with the punishing grip in your hair, almost as if it was in a staccato rhythm: One, two, three, four, five...—your nose hits his pelvis and gags flee your mouth as the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat, and God do you love it. The scene is a bit pornographic as saliva drools out of your mouth, wetting the fabric of his underwear that surrounds his cock and balls, and the sounds of your gags only add to that, but nonetheless, you love every bit of it.
You love gagging around him, and you love your mouth being so full that you can't help but roll your eyes to the back of your head as you take Shinya's cock like the good girlfriend you are.
You moan, and your breath staggers as you inhale his scent every time your nose hits his pelvis, which only adds to the sweet stickiness of your panties clinging to your pussy.
Fuck, and of course Shinya loves it too. He loves the sight of your spit gathering around his cock and muddying your pretty lips. He loves seeing the whites of your eyes as you take him. He loves knowing that you're probably getting turned on to all of this. He loves every bit of it, and, so much so that his breath is starting to get heavy and his balls are starting to tighten. He grunts and his mouth hangs open once again as he speaks.
"Gonna cum, sweetheart."
It's not a quick enough warning as you're too deep in pleasure when you're ripped away from your dreamlike state too quickly from being mouth-fucked as he rips your mouth off of him, and suddenly, thick ropes of his white seed hit your face, covering your mouth and cheeks, leaving you a bit dazed.
Shinya huffs, and he smirks, grinning as he takes a moment to breathe and collect himself. He runs his fingers through his thick, black hair and slowly lets go of your hair, chuckling as he sees the white mess he's made onto your face.
He reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out two cigarettes, handing one to you, and a shit-eating grin dons his face.
"Happy birthday to me, right?"
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trixiegalaxy · 1 year
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a fan fiction story where the two anime series, Show By Rock!! and Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains, are short of fused together. And you, the female readers, take the part of the main heroine from the anime "Show By Rock", Cyan Hijirikawa. (the first name is just replaced with "(Y/N)" which means "You're Name")
this will also be a Reader x Ryoken Kogami/Revolver story!
Story Link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/43978926/chapters/110579403
Story Plot;
(Y/N) Hijirikawa is a girl who loves music and is determined to join her school's band club, but her shyness makes it difficult for her to do so. Besides from that, (Y/N) is just a regular high school girl living in a regular world.
But that was until one day, she was playing a new card app game on her phone and was forcefully transported to another world where the card game "Duel Monsters" reigns supreme.
(Y/N) then finds out that she has been chosen to fight the mysterious "Dark Monsters" that threatens both Den City and the digital world "LINKS VRAINS". And (Y/N) can't return to her own world until she does.
After becoming LINKS VRAINS newest heroine "Cyan", (Y/N) somehow gets pulled into the fight against the hacker organization "the Knights of Hanoi" that also threatens LINKS VRAINS. Is there a connection between the Knights of Hanoi and the Dark Monsters? What adventures await (Y/N) during her mission?
find out all that happens in; YU-GI-OH! VRAINS: MELODY OF VRAINS
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sneezefiction · 1 year
not a single soul has asked me to write for psycho-pass. not one.
but i will most likely post a blurb tomorrow. a lil somethin.
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What about how they kiss and how they like to be kissed for the Psycho-Pass guys (you can choose which ones) Have you seen the movieWhat about how they kiss and how they like to be kissed for the Psycho-Pass guys (you can choose which ones)? Have you seen the movie??? :O Thanx!!
Psycho Pass Guys + kissing style
Shinya Kogami
Firm and direct.
Kogami isn’t really shy, or pussy foots around.
When he wants a kiss, he wants a kiss. Of course, if they are willing.
He pulls their whole body towards him and holds them close. It’s sort of a grounding thing when he can feel them against him when they kiss.
Nobuchika Ginoza
Shy and gentle.
His ‘kissing experience’ is basically non-existent before he became an Enforcer; not wanting to have to explain his father to anyone he got close to. And there isn’t much opportunity for kisses now that he’s on the other side of the fence.
Gino is meticulous. So, he wants to get it right. Unfortunately learning to kiss someone the right way is all trial & error.
He doesn’t want to hurt or scare them, and usually just lets them take the lead to teach him.
Shusei Kagari
Playful and persistent.
No one would disagree that Kagari’s love language is physical touch. He loves to hug, cuddle, be close to, and of course kiss his s/o all the time.
He’s constantly giving them little pecks on the cheek, head, or really anywhere he can get to. Sometimes multiple pecks in one go.
Like he’s storing up kisses for winter like a chipmunk or something.
Teppei Sugo
Passionate and unyielding.
Given Teppei’s usually calm, focused nature, it’s a surprise how powerful he is when he kisses, but it’s true. Perhaps his past in knowing things can slip away so easily that he wants to make sure that he takes full advantage of their moments when he kisses them.
He holds their face in his hands. Maps out their mouth with his tongue. Keeps kissing them until his lungs burn and physically must let them go.
Kisses them like every kiss might be their last, so he has to make the most of it.
Shogo Makishima
Sweet but deceptive
Shogo isn't a big kisser, in into physical touch.
He usually only kisses his s/o when he wants something or is trying to distract them from something he's done.
Like the rest of his personality he is able to manipulate them into thinking he loves them. He's good at it, and kissing. Using bits and pieces of affection to continue weaving his web of deceit and go about his plans with ease. Like a true psychopath.
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discodreaming · 11 months
HELLO! i've now opened my inbox for my followers/mutuals to talk to their favorite character!
you can send in random sentences, inbox prompts that you see on my blog or even confess your love!
please be sure to be respectful and kind to not only me but the muses.
this will be very much like roleplaying. to continue communication you can send in more inboxes or you can even link the inbox to a conversation to communicate with your beau/family/friend!
please do not request any minors/anthropomorphic in romantic or sexual ways, I'm begging you. i will only reply to the platonic/familial ones.
you may talk to at least 2 muses at once in one message, all to prevent being overwhelmed. this may change once i get comfortable enough to handle more.
all romantic and nsft inboxes or starters towards muses will require slow burn
all ships are multishipped but can be single shipped if you guys can build up their romance meter!
this will only be reader x character, oc x character i will put on either another blog or a different post.
* note: i will accept 5 oc x character in this post for the time being: 1/5
however for certain events i can bend these rules for you to get a romantic scene with your crushes!
or even just hanging out with your friends!
characters i will write for right now:
note: this list will change every now and then as i advance further into the shows or a character is requested more!
if you don't see a character you like here and would like to see me try my hand at playing them, don't be shy to tell me!
bold = characters I've played before
one piece! ( pre timeskip )
romantic options: nico robin, nami, sanji, zoro, usopp, buggy, sir crocodile, dracule mihawk, shanks, portgas d. ace
platonic options: chopper, franky ( may change ), luffy ( im currently on the pretimeskip )
up to debate: please ask !
rwby ! ( all season 9 ages )
romantic options: weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long, jaune arc, taiyang xiao long, raven branwen, qrow branwen, emerald sustari, sun wukong, neptune vasillias, james ironwood, winter schnee, mercury black
platonic options: ruby rose, nora valkyrie, lie ren, pyrrha nikos, penny polendina, professor ozpin, oscar pine, neopolitan
up to debate: salem, cinder fall
fruits basket !
romantic options: shigure sohma, hatori soma, ayame soma
platonic options: tohru honda, yuki sohma, kyo sohma
castlevania animated !
romantic options: trevor belmont, adrian 'alucard' tepes, sypha belnades
edens zero !
romantic options: rebecca bluegarden, weisz steiner, homura kogetsu, kris rutherford, shiki granbell, labilla christy
platonic: happy, witch regret, sister ivry, hermit mio, valkyrie yuna, elise crimson, justice
d.gray man !
romantic options: yu kanda, lavi, tyki mikk, howard link, cross marian
platonic: allen walker, lenalee lee, nea d. campbell, wisely kamelot
psycho pass !
romantic options: akane tsuneori, shinya kogami, nobuchika ginoza, shuusei kagari, yayoi kunizuka, shion karanomori, shogo makishima
platonic: tomomoi masaoka
owari no seraph
romantic options: guren ichinose, ferid bathory, kureto hiiragi, shinya hiragi, seishiro hiiragi, crowley eusford
platonic: yuichiro hyakuya, mikaela hyakuya, shinoa hiiragi, yoichi saotome, shiho kimizuki, mitsuba sangu, krul tepes
yuukou no moriarty
romantic options: william james moriarty, albert james moriarty, louis james moiarty, sherlock holmes, fred porlock, sebastian moran, mycroft holmes, james bond
fate/ ( /zero & /stay night)
romantic options: saber, kirei kotomine, gilgamesh, cu chulainn
platonic: shirou emiya, rin tohsaka, waver velvet
up to debate: kiritsugu emiya, irisviel von einzbern, archer emiya, tokiomi tohsaka, diamuid ua duibhne
please don't: shinji matou, ryuunosuke uryu
fairy tail
romantic options: lucy heartfilia, gray fullbuster, erza scarlet, mirajane strauss, laxus dreyar, gildarts clive, loke, elfman strauss, juvia lockser, fried justine, evergreen, bickslow, rogue cheney, sting eucliffe, kagura mikazuchi, aguria yukino, natsu dragneel, mystogan, cana alberona, gajeel redfox, erik, jellal fernandes
platonic: wendy marvell
record of ragnarok
romantic options: adam, jack the ripper, kojiro sasaki, qin shi huang, hades, beelzebub, hermes
platonic: souji okita
up to debate: the valkyries, nikolas tepes, thor, poseidon, apollo,
obey me
romantic options: lucifer, mammon, levianthan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor,diavolo, barbatos, simeon, raphael, solomon,
platonic: luke
up to debate: thirteen, mephistopheles
kingdom hearts ( kingdom hearts iii )
romantic options: terra, aqua, xemnas, zexion, saix, axel, demyx,
platonic: sora, kairi, riku, roxas, namine, xion, ventus, vanitas, ephemer, skuld, brain
genshin impact
romantic options: wriothesley, albedo, alhaitham, ayaka, ayato, baizhu, ajax, cyno, dehya, diluc, eula, ganyu, itto, jean, kazuha, kokomi, xiao, heizou, shenhe, kaeya, rosaria, yae miko, beidou, lisa, kaveh, zhongli, nigguang, neuvillette, yela, candace, thoma, yanfei
platonic: hu tao, venti, faruzan, sucrose, chongyun, freminet, layla, mika, fischl, collei, noelle, yun jin, barbara, xingqiu, amber, bennette, xinyan
up to debate: keqing, lyney, aether, lumine, wanderer, lynette, kuki shinobu, sara, kiara, gorou, mona, nilou, yoimiya, charlotte
please don't: klee, sayu, qiqi, diona, dori, nahida, yaoyao
final fantasy
romantic options: cloud strife, tifa lockhart, aerith gainsborough, zack fair, reno, rude, genesis rhapsodos, reeve tuesti, angel hewley, sephiroth, vincent valentine.
platonic: barret wallace, yuffie kisaragi
detroit become human
romantic options: connor, markus, gavin
platonic: kara, hank
devil may cry
romantic options: dante, nero, vergil
platonic: trish, nico, lady, v
jojo's bizarre adventure
romantic options: dio brando, joseph joestar ( part 2 & 3 ), caesar anthonio zeppeli, jotaro kujo ( 4-6 only ), rohan kishibe, bruno bucciarati, leone abbachio, narciso anasui, johnny joestar, gyro zeppeli, diego brando
debating: jonathan joestar, jolyne cujoh, weather report
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thefoxtherapist · 2 years
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Mall Date (Jett x gn!reader)
Starlight (Sage x gn!reader)
Kisses (Sova, Reyna, Yoru, Jett x gn!reader)
Latte (Jett x gn!reader)
Genshin Impact
Movie (ModernAu, Wanderer x gn!reader)
Flower Language (Sucrose x gn!reader)
Kisses (Kaeya, Diluc, Alhaitham, Heizou, Tartaglia x gn!reader)
a pirate's life (selkie!pirate!tartaglia x gn!reader)
fluffy headcanons (geochanterxgn!readerxpyroslinger)
Splash (Tartaglia x gn!reader soulmate au angst, secret santa gift)
After the War (Gorou x gn!reader, hurt/comfort)
Psycho Pass
Suck (NSFT, Kagari x gn!reader)
Kisses (Kagari, Kogami, Ginoza, Akane, Makishima x gn!reader)
SK8 The Infinity
Handholding HCs (Joe, Cherry, Reki, Langa x gn!reader)
Resident Evil
Welcome Home (trans!Leon Kennedy x transmasc!reader, nsft)
Persona Series
Kisses (Akira/Ren, Tae, Goro, Makoto x gn!reader)
Smooth Operator (Akira/Ren x gn!reader)
Stolen Coat (Shinjiro x gn!reader)
Dead By Daylight
Snowball Fight (Susie x gn!reader)
Affectionate (Frank x gn!affectionate!reader)
Masquerade (Danny Johnson x gn!reader)
Stardew Valley
Surprise Kisses (Sebastian, Shane, Leah, Abigail x gn!reader)
Wuthering Waves
Cuddling HCs (Scar, Jiyan, Calcharo x gn!reader)
Relationship HCs (Calcharo x gn!reader)
Finally Home (Jiyan x m!reader, fluff)
Wounded (Jiyan x m!reader, fluff)
Lenses (Jiyan x m!reader, fluff)
Birthday Kisses (Aalto x gn!reader, fluff)
Mute (Jiyan x gn!reader, fluff)
Dinner Date (Aalto x gn!reader, fluff)
Rain (Jiyan x gn!reader, angst)
Jealousy (Mortefi x gn!reader, fluff)
Injury (Jiyan x gn!reader, fluff)
Inexperience (Scar x gn!reader, suggestive)
Masked (Scar, Mortefi, Aalto x gn!reader, fluff)
Soft Moments (Geshu Lin x gn!reader, fluff)
Tan or Burn? (Aalto, Calcharo, Jiyan x gn!reader, fluff)
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psychopasss4 · 8 months
I have a million things to talk to you about. All I want in this world is you. I want to see you and talk. I want the two of us to begin everything from the beginning.
~Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
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This is what exactly most Kogami-chan's female fans want to say out loud.
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straye · 1 year
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SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muses so people know how shipping works on your blog.
tagged by. @reddragon-cowboy <3 thank you, beloved!!
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hmm, are we saying for this blog or within kogami’s canon? because within his canon, my otps for kogami are shinkane and kogino, TOPS. but OTPS on this blog? well, i'll definitely say that my ocxcanon take the cake : step up to the plate shinhiko ( @valkyrrhic ), ShinNiah ( @reddragon-cowboy ), ShinThana ( @vtriol ), and ShinPhilo ( @twilium ) for giving me the ships that i bolt to talk about and send memes and songs and the works for <3 I also love love LOVE the crossover ship I have with @greenskirt !!
it's stated in my rules that i'm really uncomfortable with adult x minor, so anything along that line really stinks. but if they're both adults, i'd say a ten year age gap or so will really make a stink for me because of the inevitable maturity gap. 30-40 is whatever, but early 20s-30s is bound to make me kinda 🤨
heavy petting, making out that includes moaning.
very much so. because Kogami is Kogami, It’s Hard to get close to him in general and he comes with a lot of baggage. i always feel like there's this expectation of me to make him readily available to people just because he's hot but I like working through his issues with each individual person.
oh ... i already named my oc ships. <3 but other characters that i love shipping with kogami from canon are kogami x risa, kogami x kagari.
you just straight up tell me you want to ship with me or ask me. i've got this big rule about consent and such : I’m not a mind reader. I can play tease and prolong the process until someone (you) speak up.
i'm a bit of both. i love love love love my ships but i'm ridiculously picky with them because i like people buying me and kogami dinner first before taking us home you know?
yes! contrary to my pickiness, i do believe kogami has a lot of love to give and i see him fitting into a lot of different dynamics.
Shinkane and KoGino.
just go : hey, i have this idea for a ship with kogami. plant seeds and scenarios in it and if i'm jiving with it, consider it done! i'm not impossible to discuss with. the worst thing i can say is no and propose an alternate outcome for our characters' dynamic. <3
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leyyvi · 9 months
Have you ever posted a full f/o list? Would you be comfortable telling us who you selfship with and if you are ok with sharing?
I don't think I have! Ofc!!!
Obviously Levi is number one but ALSOOOO Gojo is a close second. Which surprised me bc I always liked him but I wasnt like HORRIBLY DISGUSTINGLY down bad for him until s2 started tbh. Before that I've always been a Nanami Stan but he was too hard for me to draw and I never wrote anything for him bc he just sounded like Levi when I tried fhdjdfjfjsjdjf
Also I had the biggest obsession for Kogami from psycho pass (I mean I did before YEARS ago but it came back full force the entire time I was in Japan this year. A new psycho pass movie released at the time and bestie was deep in her pp era so ndfjfjdjdjfjf
Another one I don't talk about as much is Kuroo from haikyuu he was my MAN just before the Levi train smacked me in the face LOL I wrote SOOO many little Kuroo x reader blurbs but I just never posted them rahhhh
I think those are the main ones I'd actively think about fairly recently!! Ofc I could go into my whole mystic messenger era but I was a whore for most of the men and jaehee in that game so sdnckdjsjfjdnsnfnfn
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avenger-hawk · 1 year
Hi! What is exactly the popular one between a sunshine/extrovert character and cool/introvert character? Is it extrovert x introvert (sun x moon) or introvert x extrovert (moon x sun)?
I think I read hear that the most common one should have been sun x moon, since you said that most "sun" characters are tops, but I often see that it's usually sunshine characters that are usually bottoms?
First of all I think encasing pairing into these dynamics only makes the pairings boring and OOC. No wonder a lot of fanfics are uhh, boring and ooc, especially if authors and/or readers look at what's more popular to have more readers, instead at what they like lol...sorry. I had to say it since you asked my opinion.
What I wrote about sun and moon applies to Naruto and Sasuke because they are portrayed as sun (Naruto) and moon (Sasuke) and since yin/yang is mentioned too, and yin=passive while yang=active it becomes submissive/passive-moon-yin=Sasuke and dominant/active-sun-yang=Naruto. Not just because of some abstract parallel but because NAruto is dominant and active while Sasuke is passive. Not to mention it only takes a second to google yin yang and see what they correspond and do the remaining math for sun and moon. (I'm not saying this in a negative way against you ofc, I'm talking in general, sorry if it's badly worded).
idk what is more popular, again, because for me what matters is what is in character, so even if apparently ppl say Sas*naru is more popular than Nar*sasu it's still out of character and gross so who cares about popularity?
Besides, I'm not sure if you want to know which dynamic is more popular? Cause Idk what is popular because I am not up to date with new manga and anime. Or shows. But like I said when I look at 2 characters I don't always apply the same dynamic for top/bottom....My preference is extravert top/introvert bottom, but since I like complex angsty bullshit lol, I like 'sunshine' characters to have some darkness inside, and to not be really sunshine. Like Naruto himself, whose dynamic with Sasuke is interesting because he's not the ball of sunshine only.
But there are so many amazing pairings where this extravert/introvert thing doesn't even exist. Where both are introverts, or both extravert. Personally I ship a lot of pairings with both introverts, like Kakasasu, Itasasu, Juusasu. Or, in a different anime like Psycho Pass, I ship Ginoza x Kogami and both are introvert.
Back to introvert&extravert pairings though, what's popular for other ppl depend on other ppl, how strong they self insert in one or the other, how they thirst on one or the other, who knows. For me it depends on their personalities, like, ok, one is an extravert and one is an introvert, but which one is angstier? which one is more submissive? which one has a lower self-esteem? which one is more sacrificial? which one is more dominant? which one is more adaptable? which one follows the other? Which one defies the other, yet doesn't leave them because they hold the other in high esteem? All these characteristics are different from character to character and they make me 'see' which one is which.
For example, Bleach. Byakuya is introvert, Renji is extravert. Idk what's more popular but for me Byakuya is dominant and confident, and Renji, who follows (and at the same time defies) Byakuya and wants to be aknowledged by him, who's extravert and cheerful but has an angsty inner world and low self esteem, so he's more ready to 'submit' to the other.
On the other hand No.6, an anime I liked a lot for the plot, but whose pairing dynamic I find meh, cause extravert Shion is too unrealistically sunshine, while introvert Nezumi is cool, but seeing this extremely dominant top Nezumi with innocent sunshine bottom Shion, is just very boring and the only interesting part is when he goes berserk.
Or idk, Mo Dao Zu Shi (which I never finished and I should, lol to give you an idea of how behind I am with everything)...in the beginning I thought it was more natural that uh, Wei Wuxian was top and Lan Wangji bottom, but the more the story progressed the more the opposite seemed more natural for my perception. But again, I didn't finish and I didn't see which was popular.
Some characters I just can't see as bottoms, never. Like Naruto himself. Or I can't see as tops, like Sasuke.
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