#psyhco pass x reader
hi!! i wanted to put in a psycho-pass request!! i really loved the kissing one (especially sugo's *fawns* 😳) do you have any dating/marriage hcs for kogami, ginoza, and sugo? 💜 thank you in advance!!
Psycho Pass Boys - Marriage Headcanons
Kogami is the ‘together separately’ kind of husband.
He loves and wants to be with his spouse, but also appreciates the time they have apart for their own hobbies and chores.
He feels that space is essential for a healthy relationship. Accept in bed.
Kogami rarely ever leaves them alone in bed, wanting to hold them and curl up with them. Even if he’s already asleep.
House Husband!
Gino likes being the domestic one. Since his father worked a lot (before his cloud) his mother took care of the house and taught him how to cook & do housework to help. He still feels close to her in a way.
Sets a routine for them which helps with keeping the house clean and organized.
Would not be interested in or marry anyone that Dime does not approve of. Must love dogs.
Probably the most effortless at being a husband.
It seems to be his natural state to be married and with someone. Sugo takes to married life almost like a duck to water, with very little ‘training’.
He would need to be dating someone for a while, before he would consider marriage, but when he does he’ll pop the question immediately.
The kind of husband that would make extra coffee or tea in the morning for his s/o, even if you’re not going to get up for a while. Buys his spouse little snacks or treats while he’s out because they like them. Flowers on a Wednesday kind of guy.
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