#koga paladins
Lex: I know how you think. I'm the only man who can contain you.
Koga: Wanna know the only problem?
Lex: What's that Koga?
Koga: I'm already gone. Ha ha ha!
Lex: He's in the walls. He's in the GOD DAMNED WALLS!
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theyakate · 2 years
The Eternal Pyre
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knockmeoutbabe · 1 year
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I freaking love playing with groups like this. I probably had the biggest smile I've had on my face in like a week. Thanks for a fun night lmao
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magic-frying-pan · 11 months
Strix and Koga players when their team loses the objetive once
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lyellart · 1 year
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Made from the pure confusion this joke caused from friends.
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thryth-gaming · 3 months
Characters played in TTRPGs since 2000
I'm reposting this to my gaming blog. I'm updating it and I'm also going to mark which ones I've got Hero Forge minis of. I probably won't catch them all, there've been a few games in the last 23 years.
Definitely didn't catch all of them, but here's quite a few.
D&D 3.5
Angwiel - snake-person (elf mechanically) Sorcerer/Cleric
Jhessail Crackstone - wererat (hengeyokai mechanically) Paladin/Rogue
Kya'Rei L'Di'Shinabon - Drow Ranger/Cleric
Yroling Xian'ri - hengeyokai cleric
Teryna - human (reincarnated fox familiar) ranger
Medora - human sorcerer/disciple of Medusa (homebrew prestige class)
Lheru - hengeyokai (spider) druid
D&D 5e
Shui Baenre - half-drow Lore Bard acolyte (child of Liriel Baenre and Fyodor of Rasheman) - Phandelver
Aisha Yethtai - tiefling knight in silver battlemaster - Storm Giant's Thunder/Dragon Heist (Hero Forge mini exists)
Weary - tiefling monster slayer - Curse of Strahd (Hero Forge mini exists)
Zihu - Yuan-ti Celestial Warlock (ancient couatl) Acolyte - homebrew (Hero Forge mini exists)
Zohuital - Yuan-ti Celestial Warlock (lillend sisters) Hermit - homebrew
Ranveig - scourge aasimar soldier valor bard - homebrew (Hero Forge mini exists)
Kanti Messner - Changeling Lore Bard/Celestial Warlock (Book of Exalted Deeds) - homebrew (Hero Forge mini exists)
Aramis Hopps - Harengon Drunken Master/Mastermind Charlatan - homebrew
Caress Melani - Yuan-ti Ancients Paladin, Courtesan of Sharess - Phandelver/Hoard of Dragon Queen (Hero Forge mini exists)
Proper Ruin - Yuan-ti Battlesmith, Lyceum Scholar - Netherdeep, (Hero Forge mini exists)
Mariah the Blue - Variant Human Draconic Sorcerer city investigator
Nesali - yuan-ti archaeologist Beast Barbarian, full of anxiety and self-esteem issues - Candlekeep (Hero Forge mini exists)
Nishan Domine - yuan-ti mercenary Totem Barbarian, tranquil fury, battlefield redecoration
Teena Valle - halfling Inquisitive rogue... died to a vampire in one session
Karen Essakye - Seattle resident githyanki law student turned scout rogue stuck in Ravenloft
Pathfinder 1e
Ide Shika - Human Fighter/Chevalier - Rise of the Runelands (Hero Forge mini exists)
Ahriah - Tiefling Witch - Homebrew
Pathfinder 2e
Sevic Rasitoria - Fetchling Beastkin (Bat) - Swashbuckler (Gymnast), Anathema Vaults
Vihra of Charity - Vishkanya Scalekeeper, Witch (Faith's Flamekeeper), Season of Phoenix - Urban Fantasy merger of Season of Ghosts and Fist of the Ruby Phoenix
Fabula Ultima
Only - Rogue/Tinkerer/Wayfarer - An uplifted harpy trying to uplift her species.
Scion 1e
Sang-Yoon Koga - The Trickster Fox, Las Vegas magician, daughter of Susano'o.
Juri Como - Daughter of Benzaitan, The Great Mangaka, "Social Ninja", Expert at Obfuscating Stupidity (Hero Forge mini exists)
Delilah Samson - Child of Loki, shapeshifter, illusionist, ex-cop, private eye, assistant to Hel (in her guise as a mortal lawyer)
Sa - Dark avenger, brutal slayer of criminals. [redacted]
Scion 2e
Lily Watson - Child of Inari, brat, tomb raider, reckless and selfish
Hilde Sifgard - Child of Sif, youtube daredevil
City of Mist
Patricia Althius - war vet, PTSD, vampire vigilante, daughter to a family of war profiteers and generations of shady dealings. Rift of Count of Monte Cristo/Lamashtu (Hero Forge mini exists)
Random - lab rat, feral teen, Rift of the Movie Monster, non-binary and ace AF (Hero Forge mini exists)
Indira Yi - Rift of Arthur Dent, streaming journalist, improbably lucky.
Katrina Stnad/Voivode Valeria Draculesti/The Wallachian - doctor, martial artist, ex-terrorist. Steampunk/Dieselpunk game.
Irene Breholm - Divine Blood game, dhampir, sidhe, born to the Breholm Sorcerer family... kinda a big civilian dork in over her head.
Jocasta - Sorceress, librarian, daughter of a Greco-Japanese crime family who just wants out. Constantly getting kidnapped. (Hero Forge mini exists)
Hero System
Megumi Morisato, aka "Greyskin" - dimensional phaser, tank, really damn hard to bring down, geeky fangirl with lots of superhero historical knowledge and trivia. (Hero Forge mini exists)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Cadynce Baker / Nya'd'cebrac - demon of blessings and protection, one sister of a paired set of demons, her sister being the spear to her shield. Professional game designer. (Hero Forge mini exists)
BESM 3rd
The Wallachian - see Fate, that campaign started in BESM and moved to Strands of Fate later.
Himura Tai-Wen - NSFW campaign, oni lady with lots of girlfirends ended up ascending to higher plane of existence.
Water Tribe Swordsman whose name I forget in Avatar game
Keina Isawa - Oni shinto magician, wanted to be an idol singer, ended up a shadowrunner instead. (Hero Forge mini exists)
Lacey Chambers - human adept (social/pistol) spy, burned (Hero Forge mini exists)
Leyti - Finnish Changeling (foxlady) mystic adept, bar owner, fixer. uncertain on the name
Legend of Five Rings - 4th Edition
Moto Hotaru - born a scorpion, trained a shinobi, married a unicorn, became a diplomat, died to the Kargat, but tricked them into doing things that scuttled their operations in the area.
Chronicles of Darkness
Emma Terreal - Sin-Eater/Geist, bank accountant suffocated in a bank vault during a robbery. (Hero Forge mini exists)
Suzume Armitage - A young woman unknowingly a creation of magic.
Annika Walsh - engineer working on the space elevator
Key 13 - (Shadowrun setting with CofD rules) street samurai with experimental soul-active implants.
Monster of the Week
Niamh Miller - The Searcher, a teenager on the swim team who experienced a cosmic insight and is now eager to explore the supernatural.
Monster of the Week
Whisp, The Libram of Whispered Prayers - The Talisman, a sentient magical book who can take human form.
Persia Mason - The Changeling, a teenaged gorgon living at a secret agency for monitoring supernatural things. (Hero Forge mini exists)
D&D 5e
Meesha Canidae - Shifter Merchant Diviner, socially awkward but unaware of it. (Hero Forge mini exists)
Valaine the Morbid - Shifter Swarmkeeper Entertainer, a bat shifter with a swarm of bats she performs shows with
Yuina Kendrick - a bitchy jurogumo (custom lineage) from Urban Arcana who got stuck in Ravenloft... and deserved it.
Kori the Storyteller - dhampir Spirit Bard, a dreaming soul animating her comatose body.
Erased - Variant Human Sage Undying Warlock (angel of death), absent-minded scholar who accidentaly got her name erased from reality.
Eve Niah - Halfling Undying Warlock (amused lich) with a bone whip, weirdly very cheerful
Cael - wood elf gorgon sorceress, former servant with memory problems.
Mutants and Masterminds
Queen Snake - doctor, martial artist, ritual mage, awakened snake-like powers when an experimental treatment mixing magic and medicine was injected into her during a hostage event. (Hero Forge mini exists)
Serpent Princess - The Beacon, daughter of Queen Snake, very eager to be a great hero and huge flirt.
High elf sorceress pre-gen character, forget the name
Apocalypse World
Nameless - doctor and gunfighter with snake-like mutations, seeking revenge on the one who changed and maimed her.
Fight with Spirit
Maeve Dumas - born to a martial arts family, secretly part of a competitive dance team
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thrythlind · 1 year
Characters played in TTRPGs since 2000
I probably won't catch them all, there've been a few games in the last 23 years.
Definitely didn't catch all of them, but here's quite a few. Campaign
D&D 3.5
Angwiel - snake-person (elf mechanically) Sorcerer/Cleric
Jhessail Crackstone - wererat (hengeyokai mechanically) Paladin/Rogue
Kya'Rei L'Di'Shinabon - Drow Ranger/Cleric
Yroling Xian'ri - hengeyokai cleric
Teryna - human (reincarnated fox familiar) ranger
Lheru - hengeyokai (spider) druid
D&D 5e
Shui Baenre - half-drow Lore Bard acolyte (child of Liriel Baenre and Fyodor of Rasheman) - Phandelver
Aisha Yethtai - tiefling knight in silver battlemaster - Storm Giant's Thunder/Dragon Heist
Weary - tiefling monster slayer - Curse of Strahd
Zihu - Yuan-ti Celestial Warlock (ancient couatl) Acolyte - homebrew
Zohuital - Yuan-ti Celestial Warlock (lillend sisters) Hermit - homebrew
Ranveig - scourge aasimar soldier valor bard - homebrew
Kanti Messner - Changeling Lore Bard/Celestial Warlock (Book of Exalted Deeds) - homebrew
Aramis Hopps - Harengon Drunken Master/Mastermind Charlatan - homebrew
Caress Melani - Yuan-ti Ancients Paladin, Courtesan of Sharess - Phandelver/Hoard of Dragon Queen
Proper Ruin - Yuan-ti Battlesmith, Lyceum Scholar - Netherdeep
Mariah the Blue - Variant Human Draconic Sorcerer city investigator
Nesali - yuan-ti archaeologist Beast Barbarian, full of anxiety and self-esteem issues - Candlekeep
Nishan Domine - yuan-ti mercenary Totem Barbarian, tranquil fury, battlefield redecoration
Ide Shika - Human Fighter/Chevalier - Rise of the Runelands
Ahriah - Tiefling Witch - Homebrew
Fabula Ultima
Only - Rogue/Tinkerer/Wayfarer - An uplifted harpy trying to uplift her species.
Scion 1e
Sang-Yoon Koga - The Trickster Fox, Las Vegas magician, daughter of Susano'o.
Juri Como - Daughter of Benzaitan, The Great Mangaka, "Social Ninja", Expert at Obfuscating Stupidity
Delilah Samson - Child of Loki, shapeshifter, illusionist, ex-cop, private eye, assistant to Hel (in her guise as a mortal lawyer)
Sa - Dark avenger, brutal slayer of criminals. [redacted]
Scion 2e
Lily Watson - Child of Inari, brat, tomb raider, reckless and selfish
Hilde Sifgard - Child of Sif, youtube daredevil
City of Mist
Patricia Althius - war vet, PTSD, vampire vigilante, daughter to a family of war profiteers and generations of shady dealings. Rift of Count of Monte Cristo/Lamashtu
Random - lab rat, feral teen, Rift of the Movie Monster, non-binary and ace AF
Indira Yi - Rift of Arthur Dent, streaming journalist, improbably lucky.
Katrina Stnad/Voivode Valeria Draculesti/The Wallachian - doctor, martial artist, ex-terrorist. Steampunk/Dieselpunk game.
Irene Breholm - Divine Blood game, dhampir, sidhe, born to the Breholm Sorcerer family... kinda a big civilian dork in over her head.
Jocasta - Sorceress, librarian, daughter of a Greco-Japanese crime family who just wants out. Constantly getting kidnapped.
Hero System
Megumi Morisato, aka "Greyskin" - dimensional phaser, tank, really damn hard to bring down, geeky fangirl with lots of superhero historical knowledge and trivia.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Cadynce Baker / Nya'd'cebrac - demon of blessings and protection, one sister of a paired set of demons, her sister being the spear to her shield. Professional game designer.
BESM 3rd
The Wallachian - see Fate, that campaign started in BESM and moved to Strands of Fate later.
Himura Tai-Wen - NSFW campaign, oni lady with lots of girlfirends ended up ascending to higher plane of existence.
Water Tribe Swordsman whose name I forget in Avatar game
Keina Isawa - Oni shinto magician, wanted to be an idol singer, ended up a shadowrunner instead.
Lacey Chambers - human adept (social/pistol) spy, burned
Leyti - Finnish Changeling (foxlady) mystic adept, bar owner, fixer. uncertain on the name
Legend of Five Rings - 4th Edition
Moto Hotaru - born a scorpion, trained a shinobi, married a unicorn, became a diplomat, died to the Kargat, but tricked them into doing things that scuttled their operations in the area.
Chronicles of Darkness
Emma Terreal - Sin-Eater/Geist, bank accountant suffocated in a bank vault during a robbery.
Suzume Armitage - A young woman unknowingly a creation of magic.
Annika Walsh - engineer working on the space elevator
Key 13 - (Shadowrun setting with CofD rules) street samurai with experimental soul-active implants.
Monster of the Week
Whisp, The Libram of Whispered Prayers - The Talisman, a sentient magical book who can take human form.
Persia Mason - The Changeling, a teenaged gorgon living at a secret agency for monitoring supernatural things.
D&D 5e
Meesha Canidae - Shifter Merchant Diviner, socially awkward but unaware of it.
Valaine the Morbid - Shifter Swarmkeeper Entertainer, a bat shifter with a swarm of bats she performs shows with
Yuina Kendrick - a bitchy jurogumo (custom lineage) from Urban Arcana who got stuck in Ravenloft... and deserved it.
Kori the Storyteller - dhampir Spirit Bard, a dreaming soul animating her comatose body.
Erased - Variant Human Sage Undying Warlock (angel of death), absent-minded scholar who accidentaly got her name erased from reality.
Eve Niah - Halfling Undying Warlock (amused lich) with a bone whip, weirdly very cheerful
Cael - wood elf gorgon sorceress, former servant with memory problems.
Mutants and Masterminds
Queen Snake - doctor, martial artist, ritual mage, awakened snake-like powers when an experimental treatment mixing magic and medicine was injected into her during a hostage event.
Serpent Princess - The Beacon, daughter of Queen Snake, very eager to be a great hero and huge flirt.
High elf sorceress pre-gen character, forget the name
Apocalypse World
Nameless - doctor and gunfighter with snake-like mutations, seeking revenge on the one who changed and maimed her.
Fight with Spirit
Maeve Dumas - born to a martial arts family, secretly part of a competitive dance team
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zathong · 2 years
Paladins Tier List 2023 – Season 6
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Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Paladins tier list 2023. I will help you choose the best champions in the current meta.
Paladins pro tier list
Tier S:
Khan, Drogoz, Kasumi, Androxus, Barik, Azaan, Caspian.
Tier A:
Inara, Vora, VII, Lillith, Koga, Vatu, Fernando.
Tier B:
Lian, Viktor, Mal’damba, Corvus, Rei, Makoa, Bomb King, Cassie, Imani, Seris, Ying, Saati, Betty la Bomba.
Tier C:
Sha Lin, Strix, Willo, Furia, Zhin, Raum, Yagorath, Atlas, Ash, Io, Terminus, Torvald, Kinessa, Grover, Jenos, Pip, Evie, Lex, Talus.
Tier D:
Tyra, Vivian, Grohk, Maeve, Dredge, Ruckus, Buck.
Source: https://zathong.com/paladins-tier-list/
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big-robot-fan · 3 years
Paladins lore is unironically good and I will die on this hill (Even if it is stupid sometimes)
Like initially I thought the whole "Aico led Magistrate vs Resistance led by the 1,000 Hands Guild" thing was stupid. A massive park of Kogas lore is that he was betrayed by the 1,000 hands and hates them for it. Why would he follow Zhin once again, and why would Zhin let the exiled Koga return?
Then I realized that, despite the lowering of stakes, (Massive World Eating Worm -> Fantasy Racism being worse than usual) what the new resistance is fighting for is even more important than before. The Ska'drin are innocent victims of hate that has cost them EVERYTHING. Their homes, their culture, their history, and countless lives. The Ska'drin have had GODS stolen from them for NOTHING. Meanwhile the Thousand Hands have a history with the Ska'drin. Offering safety in the shadows and sharing ill-gotten gains in exchange for loyalty and lessons of their magic.
By comparison; The Magistrate have looted temples for runes and spells to reverse engineer into weapons, and when a kind Dwarf took in a young Ska'drin refugee the child had to steal from the scribes to learn his own history.
Something else Paladins does surprisingly brilliantly are God's/Deities/Higher Powers. The most mind blowing thing about them is how varied they are.
There are the Ska'drin deities of Makoa, (Who guarded the Temple Isles until he was stolen/kidnapped during the crystal war) Wekono, (Mother of Sorrow and Revenge) an unnamed Jaguar Deity, an unnamed Frog deity, and at least 1 more deity that is currently unknown.
There is Io, goddess of the moon brought to mortal levels in attempt to protect the earth. Jenos, who was mortal until he ascended into the stars.
There are also many entities that are god-like, such as the elemental spirits, (Grover, The ice elemental that gives Evie ice magic, and the weather spirits that bestowed lightning powers to Grohk) The Pyre, (Azaan, Furia) The Abyss, (Dredge, Seris, Raum, Androxus) and The Maw. (Vora, Yagorath)
What makes these gods interesting is how the different pantheons interacted with their followers.
The Ska'drin deities are very hands on, with Wekono literally going into battle alongside Mal'damba.
Io and Jenos however mostly observe, and only walk among the mortals when absolutely necessary (Although this might be coincidence from Io's damage from the moon shattering and Jenos exploring the cosmos following his ascension)
Abyssal Lords trick and deceive mortals into doing their bidding while Pyre Lords keep almost exclusively to themselves, only entering the realm to combat the Abyss and are completely unempathetic to their followers.
The Darkness/The Maw is on a completely different level to the other god-like beings. It can be best described simply as "The Heat Death of the Universe, but with more teeth." The Maw is unyielding and infinite. It's entities gaining power and mass the more they consume, to such a degree that past a certain point the only hope is to go back in time and try to snuff them out before they can ever get started. A realm wide assault against a single entity of the darkness and her harbringer, cultivating in an unrestrained attack from the strongest Pyre lord DEFEATED Yagorath, leaving her in the "Stage 0" state we see in-game. Let me reiterate: THE COMBINED POWER OF THE REALM, ABYSS, AND PYRE LEFT YAGORATH ON PAR WITH GODS.
While on the subject of The Darkness: Vora is a beautifully tragic character coping with the loss of everything she knows and the pain of being essentially abandoned by her goddess through a mask of a relentless anger and lust for power. She was a warrior tasked with preventing the seals of Io from being broken, unleashing the darkness within. When the Paladins and Magistrate brought war to the Shattered Desert she and her sisters in arms fought to the very end to defend the seals from foreign invaders. When the battle ended none were left standing, none except Vora. She had seen the destruction brought to the realm first hand. Surrounded by unanswered prayers and broken bodies without the "caring" goddess in sight, Vora rightfully felt betrayed by Io, so she betrayed the goddess right back. Opening the seals to unleash Yagorath, Vora was consumed with unending hate and swore to make the entire realm hurt as much as she has.
Of course, it is not that simple.
The anger is a mask... that occasionally slips to send forth warnings to those she can relate to. Warning Mal'damba that the gods are not to be relied upon (without knowing that Wekono is literally right there) and pleading with Grohk to take his tribe and run (Something so compassionate that Yagorath has to step in and remind Vora she's supposed to be the bad guy)
The most tragic thing is that Io did not abandon her followers. In her weakened state she stepped down from her lunar home to defend the Bazaar, a safe haven for all, led by her followers. In her fragmented state, she could not save both the town and the desert. She left the seals to the guardians and took to the Bazaar rooftops to stop the invasion. Io did not abandon her followers, but she abandoned Vora.
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horizonjv · 2 years
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Koga (Paladins)
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grays-matter · 4 years
I have officially reached 400+ hours and 140 account levels in Paladins and here's a summary of my thoughts: (it is currently Radiant Stars BP)
1. My aim is still mediocre at best
2. I have alot of fun in this game, win or lose. (Unless someone on the team is throwing or gone AFK then it isn't fun)
3. when I say I'm a flank main I really just mean I play koga and andro too much
4. I love playing corvus so much he's so fun with the loadout I'm running and full chronos on the Spreading Influence talent
5. When I'm playing literally any other character than flank " [flank] kill their sniper! " and if they don't that sniper is about to have a corvus or a raum up their ass depending on who I'm playing
6. I find it enjoyable to play healers as damage/flank but as also a secondary healer. Exterminate Furia is fun.
7. My favorite siege maps are Splitstone Quarry and Warders' Gate, my favorite onslaught maps are Marauders Port and Magistrate's Archives. I rarely play team death match but my favorite there would probably be trade district.
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Maeve, The Lost Hand by Koeve on Amino
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vlad-wakinyan · 5 years
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Shore Patrol Koga, bro!
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quin-weasel · 5 years
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I guess this can be the incentive for it? Idk I just want to see Pip hugging up to a shirtless man instead of a rabbit.
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lyellart · 4 years
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One escaped the Law
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jhindraven · 6 years
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Koga is sexy in a rat kind of way
flag credit by @urfaveisratkindasexy
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