#knurled pins
ushaprecision123 · 6 months
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gcpins · 5 months
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qsycomplainsalot · 2 years
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OSS T-13 “Beano” hand grenade
Sauce: liveauctioneers.com; Cowan Auctions
Designed by the Office of Strategic Service c.1944 for general issue to American recruits, briefly manufactured by the Eastman Kodak Corp. in time for D-Day. 255g of explosive out of a 340g total weight, percussive grenade design. The T-13 was an experimental grenade design meant to mimic the weight, size and handling of a baseball, making it easy for new recruits to handle and throw them. Instead of a safety lever, the T-13 had a knurled weighted cap held in place by your usual pin. With the pin removed, the cap was held in place by the soldier throwing the grenade like a knuckle ball with two or three fingers pressed on it. When thrown, the cap was released and dragged a nylon string behind it that pulled on a pressure sensitive arming device, at which point any shock would instantly set of the explosive charge. Although its basic principle was sound, the T-13′s percussive design proved to be its downfall. Like with literally all other similar percussion-detonated designs, which were common in the early days of WW1, accidental/premature detonations were very common in the field, and it is believed this grenade killed more GI’s than enemy soldiers. After that brief episode of disastrous field testing, all accounted for T-13 grenades were recalled and destroyed and all the documents pertaining to its design and use were classified.
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gunzlotzofgunz · 6 months
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BSA Small Frame Martini Model 12/15
In the Parker-Hale 1935 catalogue, the rifle is introduced as the " B.S.A. - PARKER MODEL 12/15".
The ammunition block is the second pattern, the "QL2", and affixes, without gunsmithing, to the action securing pin. The alloy block's split lug locates behind the knurled knob of the action pin. Comes fitted wuith period sling as well
This particular example circa early to mid 1950s and was proably in the last batch produced.
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bleachedjuice · 2 years
'To Whom The Bells Toll' pt.3
👹 oooggggaaa boogggaaa
Warnings: Foul language, and pure angst/ mutual pinning(cause im just slick like that)
Enjoy 😌🫡
Staring at the mirror, you felt like hurling your lungs out, 3 in the morning, and here you sat. Or well stood. Utterly aching for breath and not finding it, tears burning your eyes.
The call came to you just moments ago, awaking you from your futile tossing and turnings to try and rest in order to face a day of paperwork for today's morning and afternoon training.
They wouldn't allow you to go.The family got the news last night, after you filed proper paperwork in the middle of the night,and the government received it from Laswell... and then the family was almost immediately notified. But Laswell denied your request to go to her service. Claiming, "that there is bigger things at hand that need you to be here and present y/n. I can not allow you to leave, I'm sorry."
You remembered just grinding your teeth to the point that they still ached, or perhaps that's from your bruised tongue that now was sour and sore with aches from how hard you had bitten down on it whilst she had told you.
She was fucking sorry.
Scoffing you then glared at your disheveled self. Eye bags...hair a mess. And your eyes utterly bloodshot, either from crying in your sleep or the lack of sleep in your system now. Either way, you're livid and exhausted
Almost shoving the sink away from your body, you resumed into motion, away from that small snippet of time that held you, and now here you were. Trudging to your bed, aching, hoping. For any kind of relief that a small amount of sleep would give to you, even for a mere moment. Just a small relief from that reality you had to face in the longer hours of the mornings bitter attitude and feeling in your bones.
Your socked feet padded on the floor quietly, and once your bed came into view as you exited the private bathroom of your barrack, you slammed into its thin cushioning and felt yourself utterly groan into your pillow before a couple movements and later. And here you were. Passed out cold. Saving the last of your strength from yesterday for today.
And out you went, drifting yourself to a somewhat comfortable rest that caused your bones to stop aching the mourning grief that you now felt.
Awakening to your quiet hum of an alarm, you found yourself on autopilot, dragging yourself out of your warm cocoon and into the bathroo where you brushed your teeth and washes your face until you put on deodorant. And only then did you walk out and quiet literally yanked your clothes on, simple black sweats and a tight light clothed under Armour green tee-shirt, before stomping out of your barracks to retrieve the piles of paperwork from Prices office. Yours and Serenas dogtags clinking as you marched.
Your boots scuffed on the cold pavement of the tiles floor as congregating soldiers and privates slid past you in the halls, you were intimidating. Stared at. Gaucked at. Because of the way your face looked, knurled and angry. A scar that proved one thing, you where alive.
And Serena was not.
Groaning at the though, you shoved it down the throat of your brain and back into the pit of your stomach, and felt it sink in the dephs of your chest, making it difficult to breath let alone stand at the moment. And yet you swallowed it and held it and marched your way to Prices office.
Once arriving at the end of the hall, you stood at the dark wooded door. And knocked, your knuckles rapping against the wood three times in a rhythm. And then a low voice awnsered.
"Come in."
Letting out the breath you've been holding, you twisted the knob, almost retracting at how cold it was. Before entering, and there you stood, eyes locked with fucking König as he sat in one of the two chairs before Prices desk. Pursing your lips and narrowing your eyes at him, you then directed your attention to Price, your voice low and guttural. Like a snarling animal.
"Came for Laswells paperwork that she sent for me."
And you read Prices expression, stuttered, but coarse. An acknowledging look. He knew what it was like to lose men, soldiers. Brothers and sisters. He gave a slight tilt of his head that seemed to ask, 'Are you ok?' And you gave him a slight knod. And with one tilt of the head of König, who sat man spread with arms crossed, revealed that he noticed. Narrowing your gaze, you felt your hackles raise,more so the hair on the back of your neck stood right up. And so did your eyes. You could just feel them dilating as you snapped your gaze to him from the corner of your eye to Prices hand, which now held plenty of thick files that needed to be done. That Laswell needed done. Giving a short "Thanks, Price." You left and practically slammed the door behind yourself and slid through the halls like a snake, avoiding conversation, avoiding confrontation. just avoiding. Anyone and anything. And made your way to the kitchen. And with a sweet bliss of one thing going right in your life, your Case of 20oz coconut redbulls laid untouched. With a quick swipe, you held two in one hand, and your paperwork was in the other and solely slicked to the quietness of your "office" that they placed you in for the time being while being out here. Holding all the materials you'd need and file cabinets holding all the information you needed to have. A small corner office,tucked away from everyone and everything with a simple desk with three drawers on each side and a slim long one above the space your legs go, a bulletin board with maps and photos of a trace board you created whilst trying to connect certain things to certain people that you needed to find out. A filling cabinet behind your left side of the swivel chair that was in the room, an simple office chair, and then a lamp in the corner of the room and one on the desk And a simple cacti you placed on the desk to keep you company, placing your files down and then your redbulls you situated your seating in your chair and dove into a quick swig of a energy drink and then into the paperwork you went.
Rubbing your eyes, you then hummed in content, seeing that you now were done. But utterly miserable. Glancing at the clock you gazed at it, your visions blurred before a quick blinking moment stroked it away. 2:45pm.
Not bad. Gave you give or take two hours to have an hour and a half workout or two hours to yourself. With a quick stretch out of your seat, you slammed the rest of the remaining last redbull and tucked your chair in before organizing the folders and made your way to drop them at Prices office. Once doing that, quick and bitter exchange you made your way to the gym area, aching for a good workout to get your mind off of what happened the day before. Anything to get the feeling of her blood and breath off of your mind.
It seemed like eternity,your body aching with sweat and burning from the workout you had encased yourself into. And now here you were, pushing out the still remaining aggressiveness you had over yourself that seemed to never end.
And mid push up, you heard footsteps, and with a quick glance..König. Ignoring the presence of the mountain that had just entered the room, you then felt yourself feeling no use... three hours and no sign of your anger burning out. Nothing. Grunting, you then went to push yourself up only to hear quick steps your way, and before your reflexes could kick in due to the fogged up aggressiveness that haltered it. A knee firmly slammed you down and knocked the choked air out of you.
Laying your palms flat and gritting your teeth, you let out a hiss. You expected it to be someone tolerable. Someone close, Soap or even Simon.
"Get up ."
König. Glaring at him over your shoulder, you felt your nostrils flare as you spoke, guttural. Growling.
"Get. The. Fuck. Off. Of. Me."
"frech, get me off- "
Cutting himself off, he glowered down toward your ear, and before you could snap back at him, he wrapped his thick forearm around your throat, cutting your air off in a threatening, uncomfortable manner. Reminding you of the ice cold water enveloping you from the night before. Choking you.
"König I'll fuc-"
"Get me off, or else perhaps something like last will occur at the next mission, hm? A dead teamate and then an attack on your own personal? Fix it."
He seemed just as pissed as you. Maybe even more.
Sour nerve. You felt your eye lid twitch before a rumble of a yell erupted from you as you shifted your left knee up and used your palms to push up, thwaking your head back like a rearing mad horse, and struck him right on the head, and off your pushed him before you twisted and practically leapt on the man before colliding a harsh swipe at his chest with the base of your knuckle and gripped his shirt, your legs straddled his mid waist area as your used both your hands to hold his white shirt by the collar and gripped him up, your body to blinded by rage as you barreled down at his gaze, some red tint gleaming through his snipers mask.
"Do not think for one fucking moment that I don't utterly drown in last night's events. Her blood. Her breath. DO YOU FUCKING THINK THAT IT DOESNT FUCKING HAUNT ME?! EVEN FOR A MOMENT? ONE DAY ITS BEEN, AND YOUR ALREADY HOLDING IT OVER MY HEAD."
Your voice cracked with pain, hurt. You felt a burning sensation creep its way to your eyes.
"Do you not think for a moment that I want to go back in time to prevent it? Fuck you König."
Your eyes narrowed as your chest heaved, and you stared at his shocked expression before his gaze narrowed, and before you knew it he left hand had socked you and sent you sprawling as he threw you off of him with his hips and like a bear he was upon you,dragging you toward him by you upper knee area and under him he held you, only invoke you lunging at his loose held figure and sent him and you sprawling backwards, and with the momentum you thrashed forward with, and with him one reflex using his legs to push up, you both did a flip,and your back hit the ground with a thwack as he stared you as he held your shoulders down and his one leg pressed down on your knee. Holding you there. Hissing the words out to you like a panicked mother would to a child.
"Do not think for one moment Y/n that I don't see it. How you are today. I noticed it in Prices office."
And he lowered himself to your level, his gaze holding yours. Mere inches away from your noses touching. His bloodied spot spreading even more on his mask.
"So do not think that I want you to forget it. But now it is time for you to try and get better, to bot let it happen again. That is why I'm here now, that's why I'm here forcing you to feel it. To relive it."
And with a defeated huff, you glowered at him and thrusted your legs up forward and knocked his knee that held your legs down to the side with a swift sift of your weight before shoving him to the left before rolling ontop of him and straddled his hips before gripping his shoulders back at him.
"Do not think I will let that happen again."
And then you realized the position you were in, panting heavily against him. His one large, thick hand holding just above your knee area and the other flat palmed on the ground to brace his upper body. His gaze. And then you felt something below you.... You snapped off him like he had burned you before you spoke harshly, almost nervously at the mere moment.
"Your bleeding, go to med bay König."
"Hm. Fine liebling."
He spoke the last word that you didn't know with a tainting tone. And as you marched out of the gym door, he scoffed and got up,his pants suddenly feeling tight and his body too warm.
And then a mutter.
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The BEANO T-13 Grenade
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An experimental fragmentation grenade designed by the American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and manufactured by the Eastman Kodak company, late in WW2. The concept for the BEANO hand grenade was that a spherical grenade the size and weight of a common baseball would be effective in the hands of American troops. The designers believed that by emulating a baseball, any young American man should be able to properly throw the grenade with both accuracy and distance.
The final design for the grenade utilized a pressure trigger as well as an in-flight arming device. The grenade was designed to be thrown as a traditional baseball, and as such it was held with two fingers. Once thrown, the knurled cap at the top of the grenade detached from the body, and a length of nylon string unwound until a secondary arming pin attached to the far end of the cord was pulled, arming the grenade to detonate upon impact with a hard surface.
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tl;dr: they wanted every soldier to able to do this, but without having to be an actual baseball pitcher.
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boss323michalmiskovic · 3 months
Hello guys and rc cars and Gpm Racing fans we want show for world this : 4140 CARBON STEEL FRONT/REAR CVD SHAFT (88MM) WITH 7075 ALLOY WHEEL LOCK & HEX CLAW
Here you can order : https://www.gpmracing.com.hk/en/product-detail?id=5991&fid&cat&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3S87kRlZAHW7FqX9kz6oH7xtVlXWf7kElB6ujBy0zDCPv66IFXHlv4aZA_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw
Code for easy find on GPM website : TS088F/RS-B
Price : $66.90
Weight : 198g together
colors :
Packaging Includes:
Drive Shaft-2pcs
Diff Outdrive-2pcs
bearing 17x23x4-2pcs
bearing 8x16x5-2pcs
Screw Shaft M4x2.5x17-2pcs
Set Screws M4x5-2pcs
Wheel Lock-2pcs
Wheel Hex Claw-2pcs
Steel Pin 3x15-2pcs
Original Name / Part No:
Part location:
Front or rear drive shaft area
Product major functions & usage:
Transferring the power and leading the drive of the wheels.
Major advantages of upgrading to this part/product:
(1) Made with a quality light weight high tensile strength 7075 alloy for greater support and durability. Special capped design to prevent sand and dust during the drive.
(2) The wheel lock is lengthened, which can be easily disassembled. The internal knurling design can bite the wheel tightly and play a role in preventing looseness.
(3) The Drive Shaft was made by 4140 carbon steel for stronger stability and smooth driving performance.
(4) The complete set had installed with assorted accessories of reuqired #8654 and #7758
Suitable Model:
TRAXXAS-1/8 6S MAXX SLASH-102076-4
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screwmakingmachine · 4 months
flat head shaft knurled solid pin making machines manufacturer. [email protected] 
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screwmakingmachines · 4 months
Flat head turned knurled shaft pin nut making machine. +86 13724580178
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airsoftaction · 9 months
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shreddeddad · 10 months
Powerblock Pro 100 EXP Adjustable Dumbbells Preview (30 Pairs of Dumbbells)
➡️ Check out the Powerblock Pro 100 EXP dumbbells https://ShreddedDad.com/Powerblock
➡️ Use coupon code SHREDDED20 for a discount
➡️ Powerblock Pro 100 EXP dumbbells review https://shreddeddad.com/powerblock-pro-100-exp
— Powerblock Pro 100 EXP Specs —
➡️ Replace 30 pairs of dumbbells in a small space
➡️ Expandable so you can add weight as you get stronger
➡️ Stage 1: 5-40 lbs
➡️ Stage 2: 5 - 60 lbs
➡️ Stage 3: 5 - 80 lbs
➡️ Stage 4: 5 - 100 lbs
➡️ Color coded chart for easy weight selection
➡️ Quick weight changes with a magnetic pin
➡️ Weight can be changed off base making it easy to do drop sets
➡️ Urethane coated weight plates
➡️ Straight 38mm rubber grip or knurled handle
➡️ Micro adjustments in 2.5 lbs and 5 lbs
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➡️ Check out the Powerblock Pro 100 EXP dumbbells https://ShreddedDad.com/Powerblock
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Powerblock Pro 100 EXP Adjustable Dumbbells Preview (30 Pairs of Dumbbells)
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ushaprecision123 · 6 months
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viktec · 1 year
Hot-sale tool: 9pc Scraper, Hook and Pick Tool Kit This VT01118 is VIKTEC’s best-selling hand tool. Set includes four short picks with knurled, satin-finished steel shafts, four long picks and a scraper with black steel shafts. This tool is great for pin/clip picking, hose removal, and gasket scraping; it has an ergonomically designed handle for comfort, grip, and accuracy. You can visit our official website at any time for more details and the latest quotes: www.chinaviktec.com.
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platports4 · 1 year
How to Build a Ramp Bike
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Ramp bike is a great way to boost kids or adults up to speed on their bikes. It’s a portable ramp made of lego-like parts that can be stacked and built on top of each other. It’s also a great tool to help kids learn how to use a pedal bike. How to Build a Ramp
If you want to build a ramp for your bike, there are many different materials that can be used. You can use plywood, concrete, or even Skatelite. Whatever material you choose, it is important to plan the ramp carefully before building it. This will help ensure that it is safe and sturdy.
Start by excavating the area where you plan to build your ramp. Once the excavation is complete, lay a layer of compacted gravel over it to provide a solid base. Then, construct the frame of your ramp using 2x4 lumber. Make sure that all the pieces are evenly spaced and well-fitted. Once you have the frame built, proceed to step three.
To make the ramp deck, cut plywood into a rectangle that is 24 inches wide and 26 inches long. Afterwards, cut slots into the vertical supports and rear cross beam to hold the 23-inch board you cut earlier. Attach the 23-inch board to these slots and secure it with a screw. Materials
Bike ramps can be made from a variety of materials, including wood and metal. The material you choose should be able to withstand the impact of bikes going over it. It should also be sturdy and lightweight. It should also be easy to set up and take down.
If you’re on a budget, consider using a plastic ramp. These ramps are designed to be as lightweight as possible, but they’re still durable enough to hold up to a lot of abuse. These types of ramps are best for people who want to practice jumping, but don’t need a permanent setup.
A BMX or mountain bike ramp is ideal for those who perform tricks or just want to practice jumping in a safe environment. These ramps are typically made of sturdy materials and come in different sizes to suit different riding styles. They’re also more affordable than other types of ramps. You can build one from scratch, or buy a pre-made ramp. Design
When shopping for a ramp, look for one that is lightweight and easy to set up. Also, choose a ramp that is sturdy enough to hold the weight of your bike. If you’re unsure of which ramp to purchase, ask other riders about their experience with the ramp.
The MTB Hopper has several unique features that make it stand out from the competition. These include adjustable feet that grip the ground and a light-weight design. It’s also the smallest and easiest to assemble, which makes it ideal for beginners.
The OnRamp is a great option for mountain bikers who want to practice tricks and stunts in a safe environment. Its simple design is easier to install and remove than some other ramps. It also requires fewer parts than other ramps and uses a bolt-on system instead of a hitch pin, which can be removed with a wrench. The knurled high-traction rungs on the stairs also add to its safety and functionality. Installation
Modular ramp design allows one Ramp to serve multiple bike spots. No need for expensive, time consuming custom runnel design. Ramp sections are easy to install. Simply cut to length, attach the anchors, and you're done! *Verify your installation length by subtracting 5 from the module height. For example, an 8' modular ramp requires an 11" installation length. Please contact us for any additional questions.
Tools Needed: Tools listed below are required for installing the ramp bike.
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watchilove · 2 years
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A collaborative aesthetic in the metal! On the wrist, the 41.5mm titanium watch recalls classic Reservoir styles, with slightly curved lugs and a signature knurling on its unique crown placing the model in the fantastic canon of the brand. The case itself is clad in an under-the-radar grey DLC— the colour scheme courtesy of Label Noir— with a satin finish used throughout that adds to the model’s bold style. While Popeye isn’t specifically your traditional hero or an athlete, he’s never one to shy away from a person in need or a moment of action. Just the same, while this bold new Reservoir isn’t explicitly a sports watch, the dark look, satin, finish, and importantly 5 ATM or 50m of water resistance help make the timepiece a capable companion for the every day, with a grey nubuck leather strap with red & grey stitching and a matching grey DLC pin buckle adding that feeling. Beneath the anti-reflective sapphire crystal, the highlight of the Reservoir model is on display. Making smart use of a grey dial, a picture of Popeye in full charge is hand painted upon it. Faithful touches of colour in the image help make it quickly striking against its dark background, with bright white accenting in the comic-style indices assisting in the high legibility for the novelty. In classic Reservoir fashion, the dial features a 240° retrograde configuration, with the minutes displayed upon three-fourths of the surface and the running hours indicated in a prominent view via a bordered digital display at the comic icon’s feet. Popeye’s massive arm indicates the running minutes, sweeping from “00” to “60” and then snapping back again at the top of each hour. https://www.instagram.com/p/CmGpqHWrjWf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bleachedjuice · 2 years
'Pompeii ' pt3
Warnings: mentions of ptsd,war, and angst
Yeah, so just like the konig one, this is only to get one more part due to the fact that I wanted this to be a more so bitter sweet and cut to the chase type fic. But don't worry the longer ones are on their way
The blinding lights that seemed like the heavens gates opened up and beamed down onto your eye, utterly filling it with blurred circles and twos of everything. And then a snarl erupted from your lips at the blurred faces above you as you lunged upward with an impeccable view of the adrenaline swimming through you to fight at whoever was blurred in your vision until a harsh grip held your shoulders and utterly pinned you still back down against the beds groaning metal frame and mattress that seemed to drowning you. Everything burned. Everything rang. Everything was buzzing.
You were..
Your focus then snapped back into reality, almost like a whiplash, and then everything went...quiet. So utterly quiet...the calm before a storm it seemed.
And then you saw a pair of blue eyes boring down into your own.
It's been months and months of hunting down the rest of the cartel. And months and months more of rehabilitation due to your undying stubborness to stick with 141 even with a knurled face and one eye. And Ghost...no.. Simon was there every step of the way. You made it out of there barely alive, and they said, with a broken rib and almost a snapped spine... lucky they said. Lucky. But..it didn't take away your ability to shoot.. or even utterly be even perhaps a better soldier It seemed. Gave you an edge. And made you like a rapid dog with the wrong things.
And that just happened.
Price was smoking a cigar and got too close to you and then your blind spot, and once the smell hit you..
All you saw was the room filled with dirt and the smell of blood as you recoiled and swung yourself frantically in pain in the chair. Your vocal cords raw and pain stricken your eye tumbled to the floor and all you felt was excruciating pain and your face was pinned..and the smell of Burning flesh filled your nostrils as a cigar was all that was your other eye saw before it snapped shut as you reared around mad with pain..
it was too late for Simon, who was sitting right next to the two of you... and he watched as your pupil dilated and your scarred side of your face that now reveled quite the sight of some of your side teeth, including your lower jaw and upper,canines,gums,and tongue as well, and traveled up to the now empty and healed hole of an eye socket... roll into a snarl, more so your teeth baring as you twisted at Price and the white of your eye showed pure utter horror as strangled noise came out of you. Followed by a noise of a stool clattering the floor, Price yelling and the noise of a loud thud. You had whammed him right in his face, and Simon had almost ran out of his chair while the others checked on Price, and you practically reared out of your chair, panting harshly as you hit the tiled floor with a thud and Backed up like a spooked animal would frantically against the drawers of the kitchen. Your eyes were wide and horrored as you realized what you had just done. And then you saw the look in Prices' eyes change from being practically gobsmacked to a soft sorry look as he realized what had just happened.
Tears pricked your eyes as the images just utterly fluttered through your skull, and all you saw was Ghost veer into your vision.
And then he looked over his shoulder before snapping back to you as you spoke,
"Fuck! Price I'm sorry....I'm so sorry"
And then Price, as he was getting up, spoke, as he left the room, practically and evidently going to the infirmary to get it checked out with the knowledge that you had drawn blood,
"Easy kid, you didn't. There's nothing wrong, I should've known to stay away from ya on that side let alone with a cigar."
And with that He was gone.
And so was everyone else.
Just you and Simon.
And then, you felt yourself unable to even breathe, and as a harsh pant filled you lungs with gasps, a harsh hand gripped your chin to look him in his eyes. Your eye wincing as it struggled to focus on just one eye or let alone anything else in the room.
"Easy there, hey,Hey! Just look at me. I know you can still see my eyes through the mask. Focus there. You're fine. Your ok. I got you now. I got you."
And with a choked sound, you utterly just hugged the man, and you both sat there as you cried into his shoulder, and your breath returned..and you two sat there long after you had stopped crying, with you sniffling and him just sitting there holding you as he lowly whispered small words of encouragement and kindness? All you felt was the rumble of his chest as he spoke..his breath..his heartbeat
And slowly, by the steady and strong beat of the man that held you, you had been lulled to sleep.. and you found yourself with the best sleep you've had for months after the incident.
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