#knows how to do special fx make up and thats it
afro-elf · 2 years
[inside of a reality tv confessional] speaking of iwtv the only reason i haven't started it is because i find sam reid's face unnerving. no offense to him, he seems nice, but even without the amc contact lenses.... unsettling
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lanchang · 8 months
i just imagine mu qing to be in the ... headspace he was in when he thought !danxia! had just remorselessly slaughtered lqq's family, like: yeah he DOES really admire xie lian, he DOES think xl deserves admiration, but... hc really stains belief as to how much, really, and isn't that tiring, xl? don't you remember how expectations of you stressed you out when you were with US those many many years back ...? (<- teehee what if mq was like also in a situationship with fx at this time but like it's complicated and fx is understandably still hung up on jl atm. sorry dude hope you get to coparent. but no moral issues there technically just... more reason for mq to subconsciously want to see xl display this particular bad behavior. to point to. like, if xl did it,) and ANYWAY why can you handle hc's intense devotion where you never seemed able to handle ours? was it so special? so expertly done? hua cheng wasnt risking his cultivation method for YOU! etc in that line if thinking, perhaps. stuff that is more familiar to mu qing, although toxic, than his more recent acceptance that his ultimate goal is not self acceptance through the flawed other he imprinted on but friendship... but that said, there's so much time to think these things! putting mq under a microscope, truly.
omg so true actually youre right i take back what i said about mu qing not wanting him to feel bad he kinda would get off on it. the admirationnnnnn ahhhh yeah like mq does indeed admire him but he also has a thing for xl failing he likes when xl gets brought back down to earth with the rest of the imperfect flawed people. contrast hc who is simply ride or die no matter what. talking xl into cheating and proving that no relationship is perfect and safe would be such a win for mq AND he also gets to know hc is going through intense psychological torture its a win all round. plus i really do think mulian is the strongest most interesting relationship xl has because yeah hc was there and never left but he also had literally nothing to lose vs mq and fx who yes eventually left but did have a lot to lose and DID lose a lot!! and theyre still friends again after all this time!! and mq's world doesnt hinge on xl the way hc's does which is such an interesting difference because yes hc is always supportive and mq definitely is not lol BUT 1. that is a lot of pressure being someone's flawless idol and 2. idk how to say this in the right way but it kind of means more imo if someone doesnt necessarily need you but they still want you like xl is NOT mq's whole reason for carrying on in this world but he still admires and xl and wants to be his friend thats just more impactful because its a choice rather than an obligation. not that hc would consider his devotion an obligation but he would never make any other choice so personally it means less to me!! anyway i love the concept of mq in the situationship going hmm i need something for my complicated emotions and i think that something is further complications and validation through xl being imperfect that always does the trick
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thestartline · 4 years
“Shel’ter” #52 Spring 2020 - Stray Kids Interview
Introducing Stray Kids, the group the world is closely watching
They entered 2020 with the start of their world tour. They began their new year promising their big leap, and with that burning power, "Stray Kids” debuted in Japan. Their outstanding vocal and dance skills. And, their genius producing skills. The world did not miss the group that will take over the next generation of K-pop. 
Bang Chan
BC: I’m the leader, Bang Chan. My appeal point is... umm, what is it?
LK: His physical is crazy.
BC: Ah, really... Thank you!
Along with his dance skills which uses his physical strength, he is in charge of vocal, rap, and producing, the Stray Kids’ brain. 
FX: Hello, I’m Felix. My charming point is my freckles.
The members say “the most pure!”. From Stay’s he is called as the “pollution free boy” as he is so pure. The deep voice he omits which cannot be imagined from his sweet visuals are also one of his charming points.
HN: I’m Han in charge of rap. My appeal point is, do yo know the animal called the quokka? My face looks like it!
His comforting high tone voice is his special feature. A multiplayer who is capable of rap, vocal, as well as creating music.
IN: I’m the youngest makne, I.N.
Q. Is he the younger brother character?
Members: Not at all!
HN: I.N. is just so cute, that we pour all our love to him. I love you !
He is the youngest member, but as a man from Busan, he is also very diligent. He’s also very skilled at singing trot!
Q. It is your first time being on Shel’ter, but how was the photoshoot?
SM: The outfits were Disney themed, so it felt like I went back to my childhood. Looking at the clothes made me feel happy.
HJ: We took photos from a new angle today, so I’m excited to see how it turns out. 
LK: I also did some poses that I’ve never done before, so I wonder how it’ll turn out.
Q. Please look forward to it! What kind of fashion are you normally into?
LK: (Energetically) Training pants!
Members: Hahaha!
IN: It differs at the time, but I always want to wear cute outfits.
Q. Who is the fashionista in the group?
LK: (Again, with a lot of energy and raising his arm) Me!
BC: No, thats a lie.
LK: Yes...it’s a lie haha.
BC: Ahh, Han has great taste
HJ: It’s always “too much”!
HN: To explain the difference in fashion taste between the members and I, the members are dressing in the 21st century fashion, and I’m dressing in the 22nd century fashion!
Q. That’s super advanced!
HN: Yes, exactly haha.
LK: His fashion today was shocking as well... he was wearing wearing both leopard and checkered print! But apparently, those were pyjamas... 
Members: Hahaha!
Q. Who takes care of beauty the most?
HJ: (Looking at the other members) Probably, its I.N. right? He takes care of his skin a lot.
IN: I actually research on the newest beauty news, and try new ways to care for my skin as well. Oh, and I really like to change my hairstyle, and I have done a curly perm as well. I think I’ve done everything besides a bald head!
Q. According to the members, which hairstyle suited him the most?
HJ: Sakamori! (hairstyle when the top is tied and it looks like a water fountain)
BC: That I.N. was really cute!
IN: Hahaha!
Q. Even besides fashion and beauty, is there an item that you need for you to get hyper?
HJ: Bracelets! I always stack a couple.
IN: For me its rings. I always wear at least one everyday.
SM: I need white sneakers to complete my style!
FX: I don’t really have a lot preferences in terms of fashion, but I like bags!
CB: Ah, bags for me too! 
Lee Know
LK: I’m Lee Know. My charming point is my cute face.
BC: Thats a lie. (Sees LK looking at him with puppy eyes) Its a joke!
In contrast with his perfect visuals, his dynamic dance moves are charming. He is also quite cheeky during interviews.
SM: Nice to meet you, I’m Seungmin. I’m in charge of vocals, so my charming point is my cool voice.
Although he is the lead vocalist, his dance moves that showcases his sports ability cannot go missed. He is also great at aegyo.
HN: I need my phone to get hyper...
LK: Phone! Me too!
BC: I always have a lot of things with me so there are a lot of things I need, but if I have to choose one, it’ll be my computer which I make songs with.
--- Of course, because leader Bang Chan along with rapper Changbin and Han are part of 3RACHA, the unit which creates all of Stray Kids’ songs.
--- If you directly translate Stray Kids, it becomes “Kids that are Stray”, not to be seized by chosen standards, and to demonstrate the uniqueness and freedom. The album that such group has decided to debut in Japan with, “SKZ2020″ also happens to be their best album as well.
Q. What kind of album is it?
BC: The albums and and singles we’ve released so far are songs that define our group name and have a lot songs with different colours, so we really focused on making the setlist to show who we are. Out of all songs, the songs such as “Levanter”, “Double Knot”, and “My Pace” are songs that easily showcases our message, and we sang them in Japanese. Through these songs, we hope we can create a good time at concerts. Okay, clap your hands!
Members: (Clapping) Waaaah!
Q. Anything you payed attention to when singing in Japanese?
HJ: I rap, but I actually found it easier to do so in Japanese. In Korean, we have a thing called patchim and there isn’t as much in Japanese so I think it was easier. As it was my first time recording in Japanese, so there was some difficulty, but it feel a little strange.
Q. What it easy to express emotions as well?
HJ: I tried really hard when we recorded in Korean, so those feelings existed as a base. So when I sang it in Japanese, I thought of upgrading those emotions and expressing that.
CB: I’m Changbin. My charm point is my gap! (t/n: Gap refers to difference in someone’s appearance and personality)
As the main rapper, he is cool and performs his dark rap on stage, but off stage, he is cheeky and know for his cute character.
Q. Which song in SKZ2020 do you have special feelings for?
LK: Hellevator which implies our beginning is the perfect song for our Japan debut as well.
CB: The Japanese version of My Pace is a energetic and has a really good beat to it. Please listen to it, as it is a song I think that makes you think of running across the stage with our fans.
BC: Changbin says such good things! He’s cool!
SM: I remember singing I am YOU which everyone, so I have good memories
HN: I like Astronaut, as it is a song that makes you think of how adventurous it is, the more you listen to it. When you listen to it when you’re feeling down, it helps you feel better.
IN: My favourite song is MIROH. I love the melody!
FX: MIROH for me too! Its a song that allows me to be happy, and it is a song that gets STAY hyped as well, so I have good memories!
BC: Um... I like all songs so its hard to pick just one... for example, Grow Up is a song we always sing on stage with STAY, so I want to sing it in Japan as well!
HJ: Ahhh, its so hard to choose... As we are given the opportunity to debut in Japan, we would like to do many concerts in Japan. Through out music, I would like to communicate with the Japanese STAY’s, maybe with events such as street performances.
HJ: I’m Hyunjin. I’m in charge of dance. My cool visuals are my charming point haha.
Because of his sweet face, he had many fans even before his debut! Utilising his tall frame, his sexy dance is charming. 
!! Take out with credits; @yarn1003 on twitter !!
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forexcrypt-blog · 4 years
Summer Solstice Update
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Ok its a week late - sue me... everyone else is trying to. I have been busy with other stuff but things are hotting up on lots of fronts so I am adding a note to show I am still here. Half way through the year now and I must be ~20 weeks on from when this blog took a major turn. I repeat a lot of stuff - so again, I never intended this blog to be about scammers - it morphed after I found ProphetFX and Ashley Richards - scammers getting a lot of press and internet space written about them... Since, I have put serious dents into Ashley Richards (plus James Watts & Dan Legg + others) & ProphetFX (Edward Elford and Jack Alexander Harwood (FrontlineFX / TradehuntFX)). I definitely won't be on their Christmas card list. I have had severe abuse and harassment aimed at me since I blogged about these people - lets just lay down some facts; - I write the truth. All the evidence is posted for you to see - most of it is already in the public domain available via Google/Bing etc. You can verify it yourself. It is all true. - I am not a competitor of these shitheads. - I don't threaten or harass people. Good luck with your bullshit defamation claim - writing the truth is not defamation - no matter how you shameless warped cretins spin it. This is an investigative blog by someone that knows the retail forex industry inside out and is blowing the whistle on your bullshit instasham FX Lifestyles. For doing so, I have attracted some serious oddballs and my life is in danger from blogging about these people - they are scum. You wouldn't have half of them tarmac your drive - they are knuckle dragging scumbags - you only have to look at Instagram to see who and what these people are about. I only did one month of scammers/scams as you can see from the warning list - I only focused on Ashley Richards and ProphetFX. What did I find out? The FCA, Trading Standards, HMRC, OFCOM, IPSO and Action Fraud are so fucking useless they may as well not exist. They are absolutely fucking inept. I genuinely cannot get the words out to describe how fucking bad this lot are. A page full of 'useless fucking cunts' still won't cut it. We are nearly 20 weeks in on some of this stuff an what has happened from any UK regulator/agency? - NOTHING. I have put this stuff on a plate for them with all the evidence and we have seen NOTHING from any of them - in some cases they are simply ignoring me and/or not responding to their own complaints process. When I say the UK is fucked I mean it - THE UK IS FUCKED. Did you get that bit? THE UK IS FUCKED - nothing works - it is the wild west and if you are selling something online you can do what the fuck you like. It is easy to see why there is a scam epidemic in the UK. We have a culture among young people that it is OK to scam - they don't know any better and the UK regulators/agencies and social media companies are nowhere - it is a scammers paradise. Google reviews, Amazon reviews, Trustpilot reviews all contain thousands of fake reviews. Everything online is now fake and no one is stopping the fakery juggernaut. Hell even Conservative MP Grant Shapps was at it too https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/mar/15/grant-shapps-admits-he-had-second-job-as-millioniare-web-marketer-while-mp You can create a fake lifestyle in cyberspace and there is absolutely no one in the UK to stop you with nothing for 'normal' people to use/report to take them down - the scammers know it. Try reporting a profile on Instagram/Facebook - you can't even report them if they block you. You are met with bot agents and never a human. We are so far into absolutely fucketysphere, companies/people and scammers can do what the fuck they like - what are you going to do about it? Now of course, the UK Government/agencies/regulators blame Covid-19 for it all. As if the scammers infrastructure didn't already exist and scams magically sprung up as a result of Covid-19... Look at the cases I have raised on the blog - they have been going four plus years untouched. As far as I am aware, I am the first blogger/website to put a serious dent into these people - the trading forums are a mess at best given they are happy to house scams/scammers & BS 'Educators' for advertising revenue. This has won me a lot of interesting fans. I am getting take down requests every week - I have had special fans like Michael Watkins (theholistictrader) subject me to 12+ weeks of sustained harassment, doxing, DDOS attack, intimidation, threats, abuse (just to name a few) - all criminal acts which I have sent to North Wales Police four times - what have they done about it? NOTHING. For any prat telling me I don't have journalistic integrity because I don't reveal my name - that is why. People with a bit of money, especially one up from caravan dwellers - are not the most reasonable of sorts if their scam livelihoods are destroyed. What of the Media/Newspapers/Broadcasters/Producers/Journalists from the Ashley Richards fall out? I got multiple newspaper 'articles' taken down along with the BBC website 'article' & the BBC Programme "Young Welsh and Pretty Minted" featuring Ashley Richards taken down after 12 weeks of campaigning. - No apologies. - Not one correction. Utter cunts. They have simply buried this. As for IPSO (Independent Press Standards Organisation)? Fuck you too. Absolute fucking joke of an 'organisation'. I haven't had the time/bandwidth to keep on at the UK Agencies/Regulators/Newspapers/Broadcasters - it is a full time job - just for a few scammers - they are all fucking useless, all fucking jobsworths, all total cunts. You haven't seen the amount of emails and phone calls I have been putting in over ~20 Weeks just for these few select scammers - look what has happened - apart from the BBC takedown of Ashley Richards - NOTHING. We have utter cretins in the UK media (if you didn't already know). I repeatedly got the line, "It was a TV piece and we don't check the veracity... yak yak"... Well UK Media, you've just been done over by Ashley Richards, James Watts and Dan Legg - 20 year old scammers that have ruined your reputations and careers. So not only can you say you 'are a millionaire' online, you can also say you 'are a millionaire' to Local & National Newspapers, TV producers and TV Broadcasters and absolutely no one is checking you because thats what we love in the UK - nouveau riche Instagrat. Lets be fucking clear on these people - They are 'internet marketers' - they are not Forex traders. It doesn't matter if they sold weight loss diets, dating tips or Amazon affiliate courses - they just happen to sell you Forex Courses. In the case of James Watts he actually does sell Amazon affiliate courses. Everything they say is fake, everything is an instasham lifestyle - they cannot and never have traded Forex consistently profitably. They never made their money from actually trading Forex. Never, ever call these people Forex Traders. They sell bullshit Forex courses and/or sign you up to brokers get their huge broker affiliate commission via whatever means possible - you will never, ever make money with them. No one in retail forex makes money trading. So..... much of the same, me just repeating myself until everyone catches up with my depressing realism and cynicism. I appreciate people need a creditable full time UK scam/scammer reveal operation - people send me scams/scammers on a daily basis - the trading forums and social media are full of bitcoin/forex trading scams/scammers. I have always stated I would just do a few scammers to see where we got. The work involved in just doing the few scammers has been phenomenal - weeks and weeks of work (I have been doing what the FCA/Trading Standards/Action Fraud/HMRC/IPSO/OFCOM/ASA should be doing) - hundreds of hours - its a full time gig and I don't get paid for it so its not something I can offer at this stage - if I win the lottery maybe I could do some more... Read the full article
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thesportssoundoff · 7 years
Ten incomplete thoughts on UFC 216
Due to work, I missed the main card except for the main event which I managed to get home in time for. Anyways here’s what I got based off of the prelims and the FX card.
1-  Demetrious Johnson is our ugly baby
This is a Jerry Jones-ism so forgive me but I think it fits if you think about it. Have you ever seen a couple that just had a baby---and the baby's ugly? To everyone on the outside, the baby is absolutely hideous looking but to THEM, to those parents, it's the most beautiful thing ever because its THEIR baby. Demetrious Johnson is our ugly baby. For some fight fans and casual consumers, Demetrious Johnson is a midget who has boring fights against limited competition with a weird personality. He lacks a demographic, a definable fanbase by which an organization can capitalize on his gifts. He's destined to be the guy or the man who fight fans have no interest in. His mere PRESENCE on a card or an event signifies skippable to them. He is almost a fan repellant at this point. He is, in many ways, an ugly baby.
But he's our ugly baby. He's the best fighter in the world as of right now. Where as other see boring fights over limited competition; we see dominant performances vs good fighters who would be great in a world where he doesn't exist. Whereas they see the hit but don't get hit style as boring, we see endless activity through a variety of channels designed to minimize risk BUT still promote action. He finishes fights. He challenges himself to be better. His dominant reign has never featured two fights alike and while you can be bored with the dominance, it's still dominance. It's still one man dominating a host of opponents of various shapes, sizes and styles. All of which unique, all of which remind you that what you're seeing is special and what everybody else sees is irrelevant. Who gives a shit if he's an ugly baby, he's YOUR baby.
Mighty Mouse, in a climate where fighting often and fighting consistently on TV isn't really worth as much as it should, will never be respected for what he is. He's our ugly baby; the thing only we can truly appreciate. You just gotta go with it.
2- The Uniqueness of Combat Sports; Good and Bad; was on display.
We begin with the good. The 1 v 1 nature of MMA (and boxing and etc) makes it so much more free flowing as to the how and why we get the matchups. There is no set schedule---so when Derrick Lewis hours before the show can't go? You just get another guy on display! Out comes Walt Harris who had a fight scheduled previously who gets bumped up the card. That's the fun thing about MMA; it's never always laid out to perfection but 9/10, it ends up being just fine. Instead of not getting a Werdum fight, we get Werdum vs Walt Harris on like six hours notice. That's really cool.
And the negative? Well in no other sport would an obvious matchup not happen on account of money. The brackets are what they are, the Yankees and Red Sox don't immediately get to play one another in the ALCS. Who wins is who wins. Tony Ferguson vs Conor McGregor is the fight to make under all categories except for one----which happens to be the biggest one. At the risk of upsetting the Nate Diaz fans, imagine if the Lakers last year took the place of the Spurs to ensure that the NBA would garner the biggest ratings for their playoffs. It'd be stupid---but MMA is a stupid sport sometimes. So we'll sit and wait to determine whether the right title fight will take place or whether the most economical title fight will take place. Either one will do.
3- Mighty should SERIOUSLY think about retiring.
There's a theory that flyweight would've had a better chance of surviving had it not been for Demetrious Johnson, the aforementioned ugly baby of MMA. Let's test that. Mighty Mouse should seriously consider pulling a GSP. Just take off for a while, work on the Fox team/whatever network is next team and provide analysis from a distance. When the opportunity arises for him to come back aka when there's a title fight that makes sense, he should return. Let's see if HE is the problem of it the division itself is a problem.
4- Tony Ferguson is a once in a decade type fighter
No, I don't mean that in the sense that he's a prodigious athlete or some special draw. He's not Conor or Ronda or whomever else has been tabbed with such a label.  I'm talking about a guy who is a fighting freak; one of those fucked up type of guys who has these fights that the average human being couldn't fathom and even pro fighters would try to avoid. He began the third round shouting at Kevin Lee about how this was going to be his round and he legit just marched dude down, ate whatever fire was coming his way, got up from takedowns and then when shit got hairy on the ground, he went elbows into armbar into triangle. Tony Ferguson fights with this unrelenting confidence and this air of inevitability. "At some point, I'm going to get you. And when I do? You aren't going to do shit about it." Ferguson isn't just a great fighter, he's a savage sadistic will breaker. You don't see guys like that come along, not in today's MMA where fans think fighters play it safe more than ever before.
5- Greg Jackson had a bad night.
I didn't see any of the main card fights beyond the main event but this goes to the Duquesnoy and the Ray Borg fight. In the former, it felt like any adjustments after the first round were nil for Duquesnoy. Unorthodox only works when fighters are afraid of it and you execute it with near perfection. The unorthodox offense and footwork of Duquesnoy was figured out pretty quickly by Stamman and the adjustments were....I unno. MAYBE Duquesnoy got some great advice and he just didn't execute on it. His third round was abysmal from start to finish and outside of Stamman nearly giving him the fight by virtue of being an idiot, it was not the performance we expected from a top prospect. As for Ray Borg? WHEN has clinching with Mighty Mouse ever worked. I watched a bushel of Demetrious Johnson fights in a row and pointed out that the clinch is where he excels---so Borg clinched and wrestled. Even if Ray Borg isn't a good striker, you have a better chance of starting something on the feet. Furthermore, you HAVE to tell your fighter to never go for the neck on Mighty Mouse. Everytime he takes guys down, they chase that desperation guillo because he feeds it to them. Every single write up I read involved some form of "Borg chases a guillotine" but that never works. NEVER. The gameplan didn't seem to give Borg a single shot.  Also felt like Lando Vannata engaged far too much vs Bobby Green BUT I'm not gonna hold dude responsible for that.
6- I think Kevin Lee is making a right choice jumping up to 170 lbs
I made the comparison of Gray Maynard for Kevin Lee at 155 lbs. I think that's still apt---but I think Lee going UP in weight is the right idea. Kevin Lee said he weighed 185 lbs or more vs Tony Ferguson and so that gives you an accurate window of what MOST 155 lbers are weighing after rehydration and etc etc etc.  Lee will not be at that big of a size and strength disadvantage vs guys at 170 lbs. Look at how MOST 155ers who have moved up have been able to hold their own vs genuine welterweights. The difference is not that massive and so I figure Lee with better cardio will pop into that top 10 discussion.
7- I need a good reason why there's no 165 and 175 lb divisions
Just curious what the excuses are. I understand it might not curtail weight cuts but it can't hurt for sure. Unless you're going to tell me 185 lbers are going to try to kill themselves to make 175 lbs but if thats a concern, just establish a weight percentage rule. Weigh more than 15% of your intended weight class? Move up or move out! If you're concerned about MMA watering itself down then I mean are you not realizing the quality of talent between 155 lbs and 185 lbs? That's a stupid excuse. The quality of fights will improve because people aren't dying to make weight that intensely. You're at least TRYING something. Two more titles? 99% of you people don't even care who the champ is anyways if he's not a star so how does it impact your ability to enjoy MMA?
8- Brad Tavares is quietly becoming really good.
I've been harsh on Tavares because I feel like he's better than what he's put out recently. Over the past two fights though, he's shown some serious improvements. He's more aggressive while still being his usual composed and patient self. He's got a great jab, he can wrestle with just about anybody. In many ways it felt like he always knew his chin was a little questionable and so he fought to protect that. Recently though it feels like he's more aggressive than usual and that's a good thing. I just think he needs to get that finish which has eluded him so far in the UFC.
9- Magomed Bibulatov losing is a bummer.
Yes yes yes yes. I know. Try to hear me out here for a second will ya? The one thing we keep hearing about guys at 125 lbs is that they're all basically the same guy. The idea that they're all just fighters fighting the most boring guy in the world. Bibulatov had a teensy bit of buzz on him and John Moraga, a dude who at this point is your gatekeeper to the stars, smelted him. Woooof.
10- The Anik, Rogan and Cormier team seemed to have an idea of how to work together.
Don't know if it was the week or whatever the case may be BUT thesse guys were all on their game. Cormier seemed to fit in better and have a better understanding of what he should or should not be calling and their jokes actually seemed to work for once. Most of all, all three guys seemed to be in the zone with very little moments of  "Wow that was stupid!" Good night fo rthis new commentary squad.
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lady-une · 7 years
Get To know me tag
I was tagged by @jijagi
Rules: Answer 30 questions then tag 20 Blogs
Nicknames: Angel, Ang, Angie, and devil. lol an ex and my first love use to call me his little devil. we are still really good friends to do this day. he owns a piece of my heart always and forever and i his. we just arent meant to be together and we are totally fine with that.
Gender: Female
Star sign: Sagittarius 
Height: 5′4″
Time: 8:48 PM
Birthday: December 16th
Favorite bands: BigBang, Got7, linkin park
Favorite solo artists: Jay Park, Gray, Loco, Simon Dominic, G.Soul, Sik-k, Elo, San E, eminem, hoody....lets just say all of AOMG and H1ghermusic artist
Song stuck in my head: Overthinking by offonoff
Last movie I watched: The Crazies
Last show I watched: i was feeling nostalgic so i put on death note
When did I create my blog: years ago, lol i cant remember when but i just started actually using it a few months ago.
What do I post: Its usually bigbang or anything related to jay park and AOMG. i love reading so i always share what i come across. kind of hoping that people will do the same for me.
Last thing googled: The Tokyo Ghoul trailer, i wanted to show it to my daughter to see if she wanted to go see it with me.
Do you have other blogs: No
Do you get asks: not really, i think i have gotten maybe 2. but those two made my whole fucking day! i welcome all and any asks.
Why did you choose your URL: So back in middle school me and a group of friends would watch anime together after school. one of them was gundam wing. we all had a character we liked and took on that character in a weird totally immature way. I had Heero Yuy but I got selfish and took on Une as well because i could relate to her in some ways. Usually on social media i go by Angel_une but for my writing and here I changed it to lady_une. If you find an account that is under angel_une or lady_une its a high chance that its mine lol.
Following: 101
Followers: 44, lol thats low compared to what i have been seeing on this game.
Favorite colors: Black, red, blue, purple
Average hours of sleep: I mean i aim for 7 hours but i wake up roughly 4 times if not more at night. the times change except for that 3am wake up call, never fails. so lets say maybe 5 hours.
Lucky number: whats lucky numbers? whats luck? i am probably the most unlucky person.
Instruments: none, my parents refused to pay for that.
What am I wearing: my long gray tank dress
How many blankets I sleep with: 2 for now, i refuse to break out the winter blankets
Dream job: no job lol, but if i had to work let me do special fx makeup for some good movies or shows.
Dream trip: Korea and Japan are the first two stops for me. Japan was my first love but it got bumped to number 2. after that let me just travel around Europe for a bit.
Favorite food: i make some bomb fried chicken, so lets just say that. if not that then superman ice cream.
Nationality: American
Favorite song right now: gosh thats hard. i have a few so yeah. lets just say LuvUHater by San E, Tattoo by Elo, money dont lie by Simon Dominic, Habibi by Sik-k, Bang bang bang by bigbang, and naked by taeyang, oh and mic drop by BTS (i blame my daughter for my growing affection towards BTS). Doom DADA and Turn It Up by TOP.
Tags: i feel like everyone has already done this one soooo im only going to tag a few. @tears-of-orphans @aomgworldwide @bobbyseyesmile @park-jaybum @fantasyworldbb @s-tttop
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yellodisney · 7 years
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
Zach Galifianakis Denounces Celebrity Worship: This Is How We Ended Up With Trump
HOLLYWOOD, California Ill have the McWhopper, Zach Galifianakis jokes as he settles down into a booth at the Arbys on Sunset Boulevard at 10:30 a.m. on a Tuesday morning. They dont have Dr. Skipper, do they?
Along with his Baskets co-star Martha Kelly and co-creator Jonathan Krisel, Galifianakis is at Arbys to schmooze with Emmy Awards voters. Later, after speaking with a group of journalists, he will spend hours both taking and delivering drive-thru orders to lucky members of the Television Academy who will ultimately decide the FX shows Emmy fate.
Louie Andersonthe only actor on the show to win an Emmy for his portrayal of matriarch Christine Basketsstrolls in late wearing his signature dark blue dress shirt and bright red tie. Sorry, you guys, I was making fries, he deadpans.
The decision to hold the For Your Consideration day at Arbysas opposed to say, the lavish theater at the Ace Hotel where NBCs This Is Us held its event that same nightis a perfect reflection of this understated, irreverent show.
I mean, its just a TV show, have it in an Arbys! Galifianakis, who spends as much time as he can on his farm in North Carolina, jokes of these FYC events. God, this town and how it takes itself so seriously, it makes me sick. Were dumb actors! Thats how we ended up with Trump, celebrity worship.
This Arbys location is the same one the show has filmed in periodically over its first three seasons, including the third seasons Thanksgiving episode, which found a troupe of French clowns joining the Baskets family for a fast-food dinner. Anderson calls it one of the greatest moments in the shows history.
I know you probably think we shoot at Arbys headquarters, Galifianakis jokes. And I had been here a long time ago, as a customer.
Similarly, Anderson recalls coming to this Arbys drive-thru every night at 2 a.m. after performing at The Comedy Store in the mid-1980s. I got an Arbys special, two different types of fries, a Jamocha shake, and then Id drive though again, he says.
We wanted to show the dirtiness that TV doesnt show a lot, Galifianakis says of the decision to make this particular chain, which also became a frequent punchline on Jon Stewarts Daily Show, such a big part of Baskets. You dont really see real fast-food places being used. And unfortunately, the country has turned into this sort of fast-food mentality and we wanted to highlight that and show it.
Arbys was originally written into the pilot as a throwaway joke, but once they started writing the first season, they realized it could be a recurring location for the characters, including Galifianakis Chip, who has to keep returning to his job there after failing in his quest to become a successful clown.
How many questions will be about Arbys? Galifianakis wants to know before the press conference officially gets underway. You know, we have a show.
And that show just got picked up for a fourth season, despite what can generously be described as modest ratings. Galifianakis, who plays twins Chip and Dale Baskets on the show, explains that he set out to portray characters who were not exactly likeable, to use a favorite term of network executives. But three seasons in, he has started to allow them to approach something resembling redemption.
Over the course of the shows run, Anderson has undoubtedly become the breakout star of Baskets with his Emmy-winning performance as Christine. What could have been a one-note joke has evolved into a nuanced and emotional portrayal of a woman finding herself in her golden years.
While Christine may seem like the opposite of her artist, weirdo kid, Krisel says he strives to show that they are not so different. Shes sort of an artist in her own right, he explains. These types of ladies are magical, too. Its not just beautiful models who, like, romp through Paris. These are interesting, poetic lives, too.
All the silly, traditional, buttoned-up stuff in sitcoms is never happening in Baskets, Anderson adds, which is beautiful. When Anderson refers to himself as a really pretty woman, Galifianakis shoots back, Look, Louie, whatever you keep telling yourself
Families are messy and their problems arent fixed by one quirky line, Galifianakis adds. From the beginning, we wanted it to be a lot of things. And I think now that were going into our fourth season, we know the show better than we did during the first season.
Life isnt all jokes or all drama, he continues, noting that when he watches dramatic shows hes always hoping that someone will make a joke. I just havent seen a show like this that has dramatic elements and then goofy jokes. Galifianakis did admit later that hes never seen his fellow FX show Atlanta, which could be described the same way.
Christian Sprenger, who served as the director of photography for Baskets first season, notably left the show to do the cinematography for Atlanta, a fact Galifianakis still seems a little salty about.
Ive seen Atlanta and I love it, Martha Kelly chimes in. I just want to get that on the record.
This past season of Baskets was the first one produced without the participation of another FX auteur, Louis C.K., who co-created the show with Galifianakis and Krisel, but stepped aside after the revelations about his history of sexual misconduct. Galifianakis has described C.K.s exit as disruptive in a harmful way to so many people, chalking his behavior up to the poison of celebrity culture: The fact that someone can think that just because theyre loved, they can do what they want.
Anderson told The Daily Beast earlier this year that he was so sad and a little shocked by everything that came out about C.K., who had first pitched the idea of him playing Christine Baskets. Its still a very emotional thing for me, he said at the time. I feel bad for everyone involved. Its a terrible thing.
The recent season finale ended on a double cliffhanger of sorts. As the family counts down to midnight on New Years Eve, Chip gets an unexpected phone call from his estranged wife Penelope and Christines boyfriend Ken says he has a question for her. As her face lights up, the screen cuts to black.
Krisel and the cast confirm that they had no idea if they would be given the chance to make a fourth season when they decided to end it that way, but they all seem excited by the opportunity to continue the story.
That being said, they still dont know what they want to do next. Galifianakis and Anderson recently had dinner to discuss some storylines, and as Krisel says, There were some terrible ideas that came out of it.
I mean, the numbers on this show, Ive never looked at them, but Im imagining theyre below average, Galifianakis says with a laugh. Thankful for FXs ongoing support, he suggests that if the show had been on a broadcast network, People would have walked out of the pilot.
We really are lucky, Anderson adds.
So are the shows fans.
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/zach-galifianakis-denounces-celebrity-worship-this-is-how-we-ended-up-with-trump
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2xuD4TD via Viral News HQ
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abbbie-h · 6 years
- start with a script (always)
- producer manages the whole thing - not really creative more management // director is creative // costume designer // vfx // art department; build n design sets // casting // filming
- visual effects is post production // special fx during production as its filmed
very department has a storyboard of the film (should do) - helps everyone know what to dofirst unit (main director n main actors) vs second unit (secondary film crew n director n stunt doubles etc)
script is mainly for actors - only few lines about location n setting n what characters are doing - gotta think behind the actual transcript
storyboard is first step
some kind of subliminal convention mayb - in a fight scene good come in from left to right n bad from right to left (example)
director can check the set up - where its gonna film from // how to set it up for another take
convention of opposites - take something thats the exact opposite of what you’d expect n add it in - visual // sound (horror films & music choice)
think 3d when drawing figures !!!
use tony’s omlette idea - egg shape for the face // cheese traingle for body (torso and hips) // sausages for arms n legs
stick figures CAN work tho; make sure to use arrows and diff angles to show movement
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kelsusit · 7 years
Pc Desks And Workstations From Viking
Pc Desks & Workstations
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‘While men and women will tell you that SOLIDWORKS does not use a number of cores that usually, you (as a Pc user) do most of the time. The Computer software Licensing Service reported that the license policies for fast query could not be identified. Maintaining your workstations operating correctly is crucial to being in a position to execute these every day operations and our services will aid you to eradicate potential safety dangers such as viruses, spam and hackers as well as other threats to your general overall performance. On Queue Computer has been supporting legacy workstations just like the Z820 for over 25 years. No matter whether you’re an engineer designing intricate 3D models, designing complex mechanical subassemblies, performing Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD),calculating sophisticated geometry or even rendering higher resolution imagery.
Bloatware consists of all of these “trial” and extra computer software applications that are developed to tempt you into buying stuff that didn’t come with your Computer. (It really is worth noting that Macs do not have this issue). Hence the style procedure employing CAD includes transferring a designer’s concept into a formal geometrical model. Organize your desk so that you have enough space to comfortably carry out the different tasks in a day. Every single Mediaworkstation and server has the capability of displaying four, 4K displays at when, huge single displays or video walls. Technical and inventive professionals alike will appreciate the higher-resolution XGE and XGE24 graphics subsystems of Indy, which supply tremendous imaging, 2D, and 3D efficiency. The Laptop-Aided Design (CAD) curriculum supplies students each instruction and knowledge on both workstation and Pc primarily based CAD.
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That’s why ergonomics, the study and integration of human nicely-becoming principles into systems styles, has grow to be an integral portion of the creation of modern day workspaces. A Volume Shadow Copy Service element encountered an unexpected error. Unauthorized charges on credit cards are illegal, and Amazon must be taking each opportunity to maintain unauthorized charges off their customers’ cards, not make charging men and women illegally for Amazon’s mistakes a part of their company’s policy. If that is your predicament, the two added high-overall performance slots in the Z820 could be more critical to you than the marginal boost in processor speed more than the Z620. If replacing the tough drive cable does not operate, You can try unplugging your hard drive cable from your motherboard difficult drive controller port, and plugging it into an additional free port if a cost-free port exists to see if the other tough drive controller ports are broken, or functions at fixing your tough drive stability and overall performance difficulties.
The workstation-class applications the DL380z is meant to tackle are engineering, laptop aided design, digital media, oil and gas exploration, and other higher-end applications that need substantially far more computing and graphic power than the normal office applications. Z620 systems configured with E5-1600 series processors might not add a 2nd processor. Along with the subsequent generation Z-series workstations, HP today also announced seven new HP Z displays. They generate what they think are the finest custom workstations and claim to have the greatest technical assistance in the industry. Processing power is perhaps the greatest advantage workstations hold more than conventional PCs. Our HPs came regular with a Gigabit connection but we have been in a position to add 10GbE cards by means of the PCI slots, these PCI slots no longer exist on a Mac Pro.
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amazingviralinfo · 7 years
With three different projects launching in one day, including a virtual reality show, the comic actor who rose to fame in a drama is suddenly everywhere
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With so many channels and websites hungry for original work and so many comic actors making a dozen or more projects a year, it was probably inevitable that Rob Huebel would have a multiple-personality moment like the one hes having today.
This Friday afternoon, Huebel and writing partner Paul Scheer will premiere Interrogation, their virtual reality comedy short, at the Sundance film festival in Utah. In the short, which is Funny or Dies first VR project, the viewer sees the point of view of someone accused of a horrible crime, and Huebel and Scheer play the extremely bad police detectives.
Then tonight Huebel stars in two TV projects that will air at the same time 11pm ET on competing comedy networks. Comedy Central will air Crash Test with Rob Huebel and Paul Scheer, a roving comedy special where the audience travels around Los Angeles on a tour bus to see impromptu skits like Rob Corddry having a late-night yard sale, Natasha Leggero walking her dogs and Aziz Ansari pretending not to be Aziz Ansari.
At the same time, Adult Swim will air the season premiere of medical farce Childrens Hospital, on which Huebel co-stars as Dr Owen Maestro. (There is no apostrophe in Childrens because the childrens hospital where the show takes place is named after Dr Arthur Childrens. Its that kind of show.)
Huebel isnt fazed by the clash, saying that he doesnt see projects or even actors competing with each other today like they did in years past. For my thing to succeed, your thing doesnt have to fail. Theres enough business out there for all of us. Theres a lot more cooperation and cross-pollination, and that coincides with the explosion across all of these platforms. Theres Amazon, theres Hulu, theres all these other platforms that are looking for content now.
Once, many actors spent nine months a year on a single TV series and then made a movie during the three-month hiatus. Over the last decade, the TV landscape has shifted from network shows that make 22 episodes a season, to shows on cable and streaming that have shorter seasons, indie films for outlets like iTunes and Netflix, alternative programming like comedy specials and digital shorts for streaming-video sites YouTube, Funny or Die, and Nerdist. For in-demand actors like Huebel, that means a dizzying and overlapping blur of projects.
Over the last year, Huebel has made four films, been a regular on Childrens Hospital (now in its seventh season), worked as a recurring character on FXs The League, made many TV guest appearances, appeared in numerous comedy shorts and developed a pilot for Comedy Central that will tape in the next few months.
For all his comedic output over the last year, it is Huebels dramatic work on the first two seasons of Amazons Transparent that has raised his profile. On the Golden Globe-winning series about a retired college professors transition to a woman and the lives of her three adult children, Huebel plays Len, a nice guy in an unhappy marriage to one of them, Sarah played by Amy Landecker who leaves him for a woman.
Interrogation, a virtual reality show launching at Sundance. Photograph: Funny or Die
Huebel is someone whos now starting to get more dramatic opportunities as he should, said Jon Stern, a producer on Childrens Hospital who is also producing Huebels upcoming Comedy Central pilot. He can be very vulnerable as an actor where thats called for, and we often write him full of attitude and bluster on Childrens Hospital because its fun to watch him do that too.
Midway through the first season of Transparent, there is a scene in which Huebels character picks up his kids from dinner and sees Maura played by Jeffrey Tambor for the first time as a woman. He mocks Maura, he shows irritation, then anger, then visible pain that his world has changed, and he apologizes for lashing out. Its a complex performance, and Huebel is convincing both as someone deeply altered by the changes around him and as a disinterested stand-in for viewers who arent quite sure what to make of what theyre seeing.
When Mort transitions to Maura, that shakes the whole family and shakes all of these secrets out of everybody, Huebel said. My character is one of those people who has never had any interaction with a trans person and is really thrown off by it. A lot of people fall into that category, and that was me during the first season.
Amazon picked up Transparent for a third season that will begin taping mid-year. Until then, Huebel will get back to being funny. Hes getting ready to shoot his Comedy Central pilot, which is based on a series of sketches he made several years ago for Funny or Die with celebrities like Ben Stiller and Deepak Chopra.
Every week, I take a celebrity on a quest to go find a dead body that I know about, Huebel said. Its like Stand By Me without the stupid kids like Jerry OConnell. (Hes kidding; Huebel and OConnell are longtime friends.) Its never explained how I know about the dead body. Its kind of an Easter egg hunt.
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lanchang · 3 years
a trend I have seen is people writing fengqing w mq having an 800 yr old crush but I actually think it would be more impactful if fx is the one with messy mq feelings while mq pines impossibly after xl,like fx is kept up at night cause mq is pissing him off and making him feel warm and he doesn't know why,meanwhile mq is hating himself cause he dreams of holding xl's hand,I love the thought of them being messy teens w feelings
THIS IS SO MESSY IM OBSESSED!!! i love mess i love confusing homoerotic teenage friendships only getting messier and more painful with time like feng xin also having the thing of staying in the mortal realm a lot of the time during the 800 years so hes got the chance to either romanticize it all a bit like "well really mu qing's not that bad, he pisses me off but it was nice having him around, totally just as a friend or someone who also went through the fall of our kingdom, its fine really" OR he doubles down on hating him in his mind and only remembering the bad but then whenever they would run into each other in heaven and have one of their famous fist fights he's both right and wrong either way and he gets this funny feeling in his chest when he sees mu qing like all achey and floaty and hes like "this must be hatred and i dont know what to with it but i need him to look at me right now or else" and they do fight about something but he remembers that there are things he does like about mu qing and im not looking at the text rn to back this up im just thinking out loud but i like the idea that feng xin would actually laugh or at least want to laugh at the sarcastic things mu qing says to other people like maybe when its not directed at him (and maybe specifically at people fx doesnt like lol) he would actually agree. and thats POST-fall of xian le so god them as teenagers.... i think about it all the time like how their first meeting would have gone because like i imagine that at first mu qing was quite polite in the same way he is to everyone in early book 2 and probably suspected that feng xin was looking down on him the way the other disciples did and tbh feng xin was probably aware that mu qing was disliked and that could have put him on edge around him as xie lian's bodyguard OR he could have tried to be friendly only for mu qing to be suspicious and cold and reject him which leaves feng xin confused about why he's so upset about it... but either way!!! mu qing is clearly comfortable enough with both xie lian and feng xin in book 2 to talk to them the way he does... they were friends 😭😭😭 anyway yes god the mess god yes mu qing every day of his life wrestling with his feelings about genuinely admiring xie lian and feeling so special that he was chosen but also the difference between them that keeps mu qing at a distance AND affects the way that he is treated by everyone else so he resents it too but also he really does care about xie lian and wants more from him than he thinks he could ask for oh my god i just thought about him wanting to be xie lian's f-f-friend and i genuinely felt an ache in my chest i have to stop typing now
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
Zach Galifianakis Denounces Celebrity Worship: This Is How We Ended Up With Trump
HOLLYWOOD, California Ill have the McWhopper, Zach Galifianakis jokes as he settles down into a booth at the Arbys on Sunset Boulevard at 10:30 a.m. on a Tuesday morning. They dont have Dr. Skipper, do they?
Along with his Baskets co-star Martha Kelly and co-creator Jonathan Krisel, Galifianakis is at Arbys to schmooze with Emmy Awards voters. Later, after speaking with a group of journalists, he will spend hours both taking and delivering drive-thru orders to lucky members of the Television Academy who will ultimately decide the FX shows Emmy fate.
Louie Andersonthe only actor on the show to win an Emmy for his portrayal of matriarch Christine Basketsstrolls in late wearing his signature dark blue dress shirt and bright red tie. Sorry, you guys, I was making fries, he deadpans.
The decision to hold the For Your Consideration day at Arbysas opposed to say, the lavish theater at the Ace Hotel where NBCs This Is Us held its event that same nightis a perfect reflection of this understated, irreverent show.
I mean, its just a TV show, have it in an Arbys! Galifianakis, who spends as much time as he can on his farm in North Carolina, jokes of these FYC events. God, this town and how it takes itself so seriously, it makes me sick. Were dumb actors! Thats how we ended up with Trump, celebrity worship.
This Arbys location is the same one the show has filmed in periodically over its first three seasons, including the third seasons Thanksgiving episode, which found a troupe of French clowns joining the Baskets family for a fast-food dinner. Anderson calls it one of the greatest moments in the shows history.
I know you probably think we shoot at Arbys headquarters, Galifianakis jokes. And I had been here a long time ago, as a customer.
Similarly, Anderson recalls coming to this Arbys drive-thru every night at 2 a.m. after performing at The Comedy Store in the mid-1980s. I got an Arbys special, two different types of fries, a Jamocha shake, and then Id drive though again, he says.
We wanted to show the dirtiness that TV doesnt show a lot, Galifianakis says of the decision to make this particular chain, which also became a frequent punchline on Jon Stewarts Daily Show, such a big part of Baskets. You dont really see real fast-food places being used. And unfortunately, the country has turned into this sort of fast-food mentality and we wanted to highlight that and show it.
Arbys was originally written into the pilot as a throwaway joke, but once they started writing the first season, they realized it could be a recurring location for the characters, including Galifianakis Chip, who has to keep returning to his job there after failing in his quest to become a successful clown.
How many questions will be about Arbys? Galifianakis wants to know before the press conference officially gets underway. You know, we have a show.
And that show just got picked up for a fourth season, despite what can generously be described as modest ratings. Galifianakis, who plays twins Chip and Dale Baskets on the show, explains that he set out to portray characters who were not exactly likeable, to use a favorite term of network executives. But three seasons in, he has started to allow them to approach something resembling redemption.
Over the course of the shows run, Anderson has undoubtedly become the breakout star of Baskets with his Emmy-winning performance as Christine. What could have been a one-note joke has evolved into a nuanced and emotional portrayal of a woman finding herself in her golden years.
While Christine may seem like the opposite of her artist, weirdo kid, Krisel says he strives to show that they are not so different. Shes sort of an artist in her own right, he explains. These types of ladies are magical, too. Its not just beautiful models who, like, romp through Paris. These are interesting, poetic lives, too.
All the silly, traditional, buttoned-up stuff in sitcoms is never happening in Baskets, Anderson adds, which is beautiful. When Anderson refers to himself as a really pretty woman, Galifianakis shoots back, Look, Louie, whatever you keep telling yourself
Families are messy and their problems arent fixed by one quirky line, Galifianakis adds. From the beginning, we wanted it to be a lot of things. And I think now that were going into our fourth season, we know the show better than we did during the first season.
Life isnt all jokes or all drama, he continues, noting that when he watches dramatic shows hes always hoping that someone will make a joke. I just havent seen a show like this that has dramatic elements and then goofy jokes. Galifianakis did admit later that hes never seen his fellow FX show Atlanta, which could be described the same way.
Christian Sprenger, who served as the director of photography for Baskets first season, notably left the show to do the cinematography for Atlanta, a fact Galifianakis still seems a little salty about.
Ive seen Atlanta and I love it, Martha Kelly chimes in. I just want to get that on the record.
This past season of Baskets was the first one produced without the participation of another FX auteur, Louis C.K., who co-created the show with Galifianakis and Krisel, but stepped aside after the revelations about his history of sexual misconduct. Galifianakis has described C.K.s exit as disruptive in a harmful way to so many people, chalking his behavior up to the poison of celebrity culture: The fact that someone can think that just because theyre loved, they can do what they want.
Anderson told The Daily Beast earlier this year that he was so sad and a little shocked by everything that came out about C.K., who had first pitched the idea of him playing Christine Baskets. Its still a very emotional thing for me, he said at the time. I feel bad for everyone involved. Its a terrible thing.
The recent season finale ended on a double cliffhanger of sorts. As the family counts down to midnight on New Years Eve, Chip gets an unexpected phone call from his estranged wife Penelope and Christines boyfriend Ken says he has a question for her. As her face lights up, the screen cuts to black.
Krisel and the cast confirm that they had no idea if they would be given the chance to make a fourth season when they decided to end it that way, but they all seem excited by the opportunity to continue the story.
That being said, they still dont know what they want to do next. Galifianakis and Anderson recently had dinner to discuss some storylines, and as Krisel says, There were some terrible ideas that came out of it.
I mean, the numbers on this show, Ive never looked at them, but Im imagining theyre below average, Galifianakis says with a laugh. Thankful for FXs ongoing support, he suggests that if the show had been on a broadcast network, People would have walked out of the pilot.
We really are lucky, Anderson adds.
So are the shows fans.
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/zach-galifianakis-denounces-celebrity-worship-this-is-how-we-ended-up-with-trump
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2xuD4TD via Viral News HQ
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