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MEET BANG CHAN: KPOPに革命を起こしてるグループのオーストラリア育ちのリーダー
Stray Kidsのリーダーそしてプロデューサーのバンチャンは韓国国内で慕われてるアイドルだけではなく、KPOPというジャンルを新たな領域に進めている。
オーストラリア育ちのStray Kidsのリーダー・バンチャンはグループの作曲担当 - ハンとチャンビン - と共に、スタジオでどう自分たちの限界を超えられるか、または視聴者をコンフォートゾーンからどう押し出せるかを長時間かけて模索していた。「"토끼와 거북이"でそうしたんです、」と謝ってるように笑って話してくれた。토끼와 거북이は去年9月にリリースされたIN生のオープニングトラックだ。激しいドラムとベースのインストラメンタル、催眠術にかかってしまうようなボーカルはポップグループからは予想できないような曲だがそれこそがStray Kidsの音なのだ。バンチャンが言うように、「壁と境界線を打ち倒す」のはStray KidsのDNAに含まれているのだ。
バンチャンが所属している韓国の大手事務所の一つである、JYPEの練習生からStray Kidsを構成するメンバーを選ぶという機会をもらったときはまだ10代だった。さらに、練習生の頃からSoundCloudに自分たちに楽曲をアップロードしていたバンチャン、ハン、そしてチャンビンの3RACHAに新しいグループの作曲も託されたのだ。
インタビューに応じてくれたバンチャンは音楽番組で「소리꾼」を収録し終えたばかりだ。「소리꾼」はStray Kidsの正規2集NOEASYのリードシングルで、1ヶ月以内でおよそ世界中で100万枚で売り上げたアルバムだ。この記事を書いてる現在では、ARIAチャートには14位という位置にある。タイトルは "noisy" という言葉にかけてる言葉遊びで、Stray Kidsの音を "noise music (うるさい音楽) - 複雑な音の混ざり合い - と呼ぶのは彼たちの多様な音楽性を無視してることになる。
KPOPの仕組み理解してるバンチャンは、Stray Kidsがシングルをリリースすることで視聴者のリアクションが強くなっていくことも理解している。彼らの人気が高くなることで、これは増えるばかりだ。「音楽には正解はありません。全て好みです。僕たちはユニークで色々なことに試すのが好き、だからこそ僕たちについて意見が二つに分かれるのかもしれない。だけど、自分たちが好きな限り、同じように好きになってくれる人が世の中にいる。ウィンウィンな関係なんです。」
デビューから3年経った今、NOEASYは彼らのアイデンティティを証明してる。デビューしてすぐの頃は「自分たちの色、そしてジャンルを探していた」とバンチャンが教えてくれた。そこからはKPOP、そしてPOPを彼たちは自分たちの音楽で打ちこわしてきた。デビューシングルのDISTRICT 9はサイレンの音が楽曲に混ざっている。一年後にリリースしたMIROHはダブステップ、ポップ、そして自分たちの歌声でできている。そして부작용のコーラスの終わりには叫び声が鳴る。バンチャンによると、去年リリースしたGod's Menuを通して「Stray Kidsが何かを見つけることできた。自分たち音楽とアイデンティティが定着した。だけど、自分(バンチャン)はまだ自分を探している。」
バンチャンはポジティブな態度でよく知られているが、そのポジティブさがあまりもナチュラルなため、軽んじられることも少なくない。だが、Stray Kidsの音楽はバンチャンが自身を探すために作られたものも多く、彼の過去が描かれている。잠깐의 고요、Awaken、そしてHellevatorの歌詞では不安定な気持ち、10代ならではの不安なのが込められている。
子供の時はシドニー内を転々としていたと教えてくれた。三人兄弟の一番上で好奇心満載な子供だったらしい。「"Curiousity killed the cat" (「好奇心は猫を殺す」、好奇心が強すぎるといずれ身を滅ぼしてしまうということわざわざ)ってあるじゃないですか?僕は好奇心満載だったので、そのせいでよく叱られていました。」 子供の頃はテコンドーとサッカーをやっていて、7歳の時に水泳に出会った。水泳では数々のメダルをもらい、父親がスイミングクラブを設立することになったと話してくれた。
音楽は「いつもそこにあった存在」だと振り返っていた。彼の母親によると、出かけている時でさえ、いきなり歌い出すことが多い子供だったらしい。Air Supply、ABBA、マイケルジャクソンやフランクシナトラなどのポップ歌手が彼に多大なる影響を与えた。学校の合唱部に入部し、クラスの音楽ショーに参加するなど、自分の音楽とエンターテインメントへの愛情を確認することで真剣に取り組むようになったと言う。
練習生として過ごす間、迷っていた時には本当にこれが自分にあっている道なのか疑問に感じたこともあったと言う。「“アイドルになることは自分にとってあってないのかもしれない、水泳だったりサッカーを続けていた方がよかったのかもしれしない” と思うこともありました。すごい疲れてた時は、“自分はここに来るために10時間かけて、友達や家族と離れてやってきたんだ、色んなことを置いてきたのに、自分は戻るのか?” って考えました。それが前に進むモチベーションになったんです。後悔したくなかったから。」
2017年に待ちに待ったデビューのチャンスがやってきた。だが、そうするには他のStray Kidsメンバーとともにサバイバルショーを通らないといけなかった。自分の将来がかかっているサバイバルショーに挑んでいるバンチャンはとても真剣だった。チームを支えるリーダーのポジションを取りながら、メンバーを厳しく指導していた。メンバーのLee KnowとFelixが脱落する中、バンチャンは彼らを失望させたと泣いている場面もあった。
Stray KidsのマンネのI.N.が成人し、メンバーが全員大人になったStray Kidsは業界でも自立してることによってバンチャンは自分自身の役割も身についてきてる気がする、と述べていた。それと同時に、アイドルとして3年間活動してきて特に変わったことはないと言っていた。「僕は今も周囲が気になるし、他の人を優先する人です。変わったことと言えば、外面的なことです。パフォーマンス、ステージでの存在感、プロデューシング、歌、ラップ、そして僕の体です。」と「소리꾼」のMVで見せていた自分体について子供のように笑っていた。
作詞作曲をすることで自分の実力は上がっていると感じているが、そう口に出してしまうことを嫌がっていた。「こうやって話していいのかわからないんです、だって僕はまだ上達しないといけないことが多いから。」 バンチャンは自分を褒めることに抵抗を感じていて、他の人を褒めるが自分を見下していることが多いそうだ。「自分がも��とできるって自分に期待してるからかもしれない、」とバンチャンがゆっくり語った。「あとは、うーん、自分は本当に自分のことを愛していないからだと思う。自分のことが嫌いなわけではないんですけど、本当の自分をまだ探してる途中なんです。面白いですよね、自分のことを助けようと思ったことはないんです。それは他のメンバーがやってくれます、僕の業績を認めてくれて、僕のことを僕の代わりに褒めてくれる。本当に感謝してることです。」
Stray Kidsに与えられている自由のおかげでバンチャンは立派な作詞家とプロデューサーになっているが、今までも自分をチャレンジするために3RACHAに頼ってきた。5歳の時から受けていたピアノのレッスンの影響で規律を守ることが身についていて、それはプラスに働くこともあれば、ネガティブな要素もあると言う。「自分で作曲してるときに、“ここまでいっていいのか?ここと合わせないといけない” って限度を感じる時があります。チャンビンとハンは僕のことをたくさん助けてくれるんです。時々、僕たちもぶつかり合うこともあるけど、みんなが納得できるところを見つけることできる。そうすると新しいものが生まれて、打ち壊していけるんです。二人のおかげで、音楽で楽しめることを知りました。」
グループのメンバーのおかげで「本当の自分を見つける道を歩んでいける」と話していた。だが、バンチャンは今年リリースされたNOEASYではまた新たな扉を "The View" や "DOMINO" のような自信に溢れている曲で開いたのではないか。自分が思っているよりも、自分の道を辿れてるのかもしれない。���そうかもしれません。KINGDOM、特に신뚜두뚜두ステージではすごい気分��良かったんです、Stray Kidsとしてのアイデンティティが気持ちよかった。自由で何もかもが楽しい、そんな想像ができました。その時、“本当の自分はこうなんだ”と思えたんです。」
遠い未来について想像する不安もあるが、バンチャンは自分を信じて正しい道に進んでいる。「今から20年後、何が起きるかなんてわかりません。だから、今やらないといけないことをやって、宇宙が僕の未来をどうにかしてくれると思います。」と落ち着いた様子だった。Stray Kidsと同じステージに立ってるかもしれないが、彼は前に夢で見た幸せな気持ちにしてくれた思い出を教えてくれた。「ちょっと面白い夢だったんです... 小さな村みたいなところでした。そこに8つの家があって、僕たち一人一人自分の家に住んでて、すごい、すごい楽しく過ごしてました。」
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共同購入 規約
自分が欲しいと思ったものを少量で取り纏めてます。主にStray Kids バンチャン関連、場合によっては他のグループ(NCT・Aespa・GOT7・DAY6)の共同購入も検討します。
個人的に欲しいものを中心にお取り纏めしているため、リクエストは基本的に受け付けていません❌ どうしてもこの商品がほしいとという場合はDMもしくはメール��でお問い合わせください。検討いたします。
参加する場合はフォロー必須です。共同購入の進歩はTwitterでお知らせしますので、商品がお手元に届くまでyarn1003 (在庫販売に参加する場合はyarn_go )をフォローしてください。取引垢からの参加はお断りさせていただきます。よく見るアカウントのみから参加可能です。商品がお手元に届くまではTwitterのIDを変更しない・鍵をかけないでください。
在庫販売は以前からyarn1003をフォローしている方、そしてSTAYのみ参加可能です。在庫販売垢はyarn_go で行います。鍵垢・取引垢からのご参加は禁止します。購入希望者が多い場合は抽選とさせていただきます。抽選はアプリを使用します。当選した方のみにご連絡させていただきます。
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Men’s Folio 3月号 - バンチャン インタビュー 日本語訳
“Stray Kids” のような、ネガティブな響きがある名前のグループのメンバーであることは不思議に思えるかもしれない。KPOPに興味がない者からしてみれば、彼らは様々な問題を抱えている集団に見えるかもしれない。幸いにも、彼らはそうではない。彼らはForbesまでもが注目する、2021年にアメリカに進出すると期待されている韓国のKPOPグループの一つである。
「Oh wow! そんなことが起きたらとっても光栄ですし、僕たちが自分たちの音楽で世界中の人々と繋がれるいい機会になりますね!」とクリストファー・バン、もしくはStray Kidsのリーダーのバンチャンとして知られる彼が話す。
チャンは続けてStray Kidsの名前の由来について話してくれた - 世界中の若者、特に10代から20代前半のまだ自分を見つけられていない人々を繋ぐために生まれた名前だと���う。
「(Stray Kids) という名前は僕たちだけを表す名前ではなく、世界中にいる迷子、そしてSTAYを表す名前だと思います。」Stray Kidsが所属するJYPEとファンが一緒になって考えた公式ファンダム名の “STAY” は “stray” のrを抜いた言葉だ。その “r” はチャン、そして他のメンバーが自分たちの旅を続ける理由を意味している。
韓国のソウルフードといえば豚肉やサムギョプサルが浮かぶが、バンチャンの好物はラム肉だという。食事の話を続ける中で、バンチャンがビュッフェでたくさん食べるための秘訣を教えてくれた - ジャスミン茶。「僕は全くコーヒーを飲まないので、お茶を選びます。ビュッフェでたくさん食べた後に美味しいジャスミン茶を飲むと、不思議ともっと食べられちゃうんです。」と告白してくれた。
てんびん座に生まれ、金星に支配されているてんびん座の人は、芸術的、魅力的、外交的で平和主義として知られている - 全てバンチャンに当てはまっているようだが、本人は恥ずかしそうであった。「それは知りませんでした。けど、僕に当てはまってる気もします?僕が自分の隣にいたら、そういう特徴があるなって思うと思います。」と笑って言った。
てんびん座の人は虚栄心が強いと知られているが、必ずしも悪いことではない - いつも���見を気にすることも特徴の一つだ。だからバンチャンはカメラの前でも、オフの時でもかっこよくキメているのだろう。彼のアドバイスは人に惑わされず、自分に自信を持つことだという。
三兄弟の長男としてソウルで生まれ、幼少期はほとんどオーストラリアのシドニーで育ったバンチャンは13歳で韓国に移り住んだ。オーストラリアでJYPの現地オーディションに合格し、KPOPアーティストになるための練習を始めた。チャンの練習生活はほとんど耳にしたことがない - 長く、苦しかった8年間。そしてやっと、2017年12月にJYPEがStray Kidsのリーダーとしてチャンのデビューを2018年3月25日だと発表したのだ。
リーダーとして、チャンの責任は至ってシンプルだという - メンバーの優先順位がまずStray Kidsであること。「練習生の時に、色んなことを学びました。そのおかげで成長もできたんだと思います。だから、責任が大切だと考えるようになったのかもしれません。」とバンチャンが述べた。
2021年3月号のテーマは “Larger Than Life” だと伝えた。バンチャンが尊敬する、そしてlarger than lifeだと思う人を教えて欲しいと伝えたら、意外な答えが返ってきた。
twitter @ yarn1003
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BARFOUT! Stray Kids Interview Eng Trans
This March, Korea’s next generation KPOP group Stray Kids made their long awaited Japan debut. Also known as “SKZ”, and their fandom name being “Stay”, the number of Stay’s in Japan was evident from the full house concert they held last December at Yoyogi Gymnasium, but what struck out the most was their overwhelming performance. Everything was of the highest quality. But, during their MC moments, the members showed their innocent sides (as the average age of the members being 19.6, it makes sense), which was absolutely the cutest. While their lyrics and melodies can be somewhat sorrowful and serious, in a second, they can transform into a group singing catchy, pop songs; although it seems contrasting, for some reason, it all makes sense.
These boys will be releasing their first single “TOP - Japanese version” featuring the opening and ending songs for the popular web comic turned anime “Tower of God”. The heavyset, pressuring sound and powerful vocals in “TOP” , showcases a range of perspectives in one song, and the structure itself is wonderful. Its an extremely cool song. From the very start of the song, you can tell “SLUMP” is a masterpiece. There are many female Stay’s, but I would definitely like men to listen to this song too, as it is extremely powerful. By listening to this song, more male fans may surge.. it’s quite fun to think like that, as well.
“After I listened to this song, I began to think about whether we are going to do well, whether we chose and are moving along the correct road. And, I wondered if Stay’s are doing well and thought about that a lot.” (Felix)
BARFOUT: The feeling of going straightforward without looking back, going higher and higher was very evident from the powerful sound in “TOP”.
BC: As much as possible, I wanted to portray both Stray Kids’ message and the theme of the anime in the lyrics. “To not give up and to continue climbing up the stairs to your dreams” is the theme of this song.
CB: I thought the lyrics of “TOP” could include Stray Kids’ dreams to go to the top and our aspirations.
HN: I wrote the lyrics by including to the plot of “Tower of God”, which is trying to reach the top of the tower, our goals and aspirations, as well as our thoughts to continue accomplishing our dreams.
BARFOUT: “SLUMP” and “TOP” are both songs which seem to be behind the scene songs, songs which explore the anxiety that comes when you are walking towards something alone and shows the weaknesses of humans. I believe that Stray Kids are not only capable of showing their strengths, but can also convey their weakness in many of the beautiful ballads you produce, and that Stray Kids has a very ambivalent charm.
BC: Thank you. “SLUMP” and “TOP” are both songs which show Stray Kids’ charms. “TOP” is a song which only has power, but ”SLUMP” is contrasting, and this single has a good balance of both.
CB: We are like this too, but we all have times where we challenge our dreams with confidence and aspirations, but we might come against a wall or fail, right? We make songs with the hope that we can help people who are going through such processes, and hope they can feel better.
HN: For many people, whether they have a strong side, they also have a weak side as well. Stray Kids’ songs tend to express strength, but like many people, we are human and we have weaknesses too; we wanted to express that we are like everybody and are friends with everyone.
BARFOUT: The looped arpeggio sound of the guitar in “SLUMP” is very distinctive, yet there is a hint of sadness to it, and I believe this represents the character of this song. What did you feel the first time you listened to this song, and how did you think of singing it?
BC: A lot of things crosses my mind whenever I listen to “SLUMP”. If I try to explain this, its like taking a break on a long trip, and then after a while, beginning the trip again. We all go through hard times, and I think we all need to take some time off during those hard times to sort through our thoughts.
HJ: While the beat is powerful, it goes really well the lyrics which depict the inner feelings.
HN: When I first listened to the track, many emotions came into my mind. First, “weakness” came up. Its very lyrical, but the strong guitar in the chorus changes the atmosphere of the song completely. In contrast to that atmosphere, there is a feeling of crying out loud in the large scale sound, and I wanted to intertwine that in the lyrics and melody.
FX: After I listened to this song, I began to think about whether we are going to do well, whether we chose and are moving along the correct road. And, I wondered if Stay’s are doing well and thought about that a lot
IN: The first time I listened to this song, I got goosebumps, and I thought Han who wrote this song was really cool. As I listened to this song while reading the lyrics, I was reminded of the hard times I had when I was a trainee, and the times I struggled during recordings. I thought of these moments while I recorded this song.
BARFOUT: As it if your first time on this magazine, please introduce the member’s character and role in the group!
BC: I’m in Stray Kids’ leader. But, I can be like the youngest in the group at times, haha.
LK: I think I’m in charge of being the fresh one in the hyung line, haha.
CB: I’m in charge of being dark and spitting fire on stage, and trying to be cool on stage. Usually I can be a little of an airhead, and I also have the freshness of the youngest too, haha.
HJ: During performances, I stay concentrated the most, but during MC sections, I try to be natural and easygoing.
HN: I lighten the mood when the atmosphere between the members is a little dark, haha.
FX: Personally, I try to show my cooler side on stage as much as possible, but Stay’s tell me that I usually look warm.
SM: I’m in charge of vocals in our team! I like to take photos and sing. My personality is rather quiet. I always try to think positively!
IN: I’m the youngest in the group and in charge of vocals. I’m a maknae with not a lot of aegyo, haha.
BARFOUT: Lastly, there are currently many people who are anxious and worried right now. Please leave a message for your fans through this magazine.
BC: Stay! Because it is such a difficult time right now, we, Stray Kids, are always thinking about you! Right now, we are preparing many things for you, so please look forward to it, and we’ll see you soon!
LK: When the hardships and sufferings pass, I’m sure we’ll find that we have grown a lot more. Fighting, everyone!
CB: Because it is a hard time for all of us, if we all look out for one another, I believe we’ll be able to get over this a lot faster.
HJ: I believe many people are suffering right now, but lets stay spirited so that everything can soon go back to being normal! Fighting, everyone!
HN: There has been a lot going on, and many people are anxious and tired, but with everyone’s hard effort, I believe everything will get better. I hope everyone including the people around you can stay healthy, and accomplish everything they wish to accomplish, and we will do everything in our power to be some kind of strength to everybody. I’m always very grateful, and I will continue to work hard so show a good side of me!
FX: Stay! From the bottom of my heart, I’m always thankful that everyone watches over us, and please continue to look forward to us in the future!
SM: Please always watch out for your health and eat your meals! We are also taking care of ourselves, eating our meals, and preparing to meet everybody, so please always look forward to us and support us! Thank you so much!
IN: It is very difficult right now, and I would be very happy if our songs bring a little comfort to you. Please love us a lot, and all of us really loves you!
Translation may contain inaccuracies
!! Repost with credit @yarn1003 on twitter!!
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“Shel’ter” #52 Spring 2020 - Stray Kids Interview
Introducing Stray Kids, the group the world is closely watching
They entered 2020 with the start of their world tour. They began their new year promising their big leap, and with that burning power, "Stray Kids” debuted in Japan. Their outstanding vocal and dance skills. And, their genius producing skills. The world did not miss the group that will take over the next generation of K-pop.
Bang Chan
BC: I’m the leader, Bang Chan. My appeal point is... umm, what is it?
LK: His physical is crazy.
BC: Ah, really... Thank you!
Along with his dance skills which uses his physical strength, he is in charge of vocal, rap, and producing, the Stray Kids’ brain.
FX: Hello, I’m Felix. My charming point is my freckles.
The members say “the most pure!”. From Stay’s he is called as the “pollution free boy” as he is so pure. The deep voice he omits which cannot be imagined from his sweet visuals are also one of his charming points.
HN: I’m Han in charge of rap. My appeal point is, do yo know the animal called the quokka? My face looks like it!
His comforting high tone voice is his special feature. A multiplayer who is capable of rap, vocal, as well as creating music.
IN: I’m the youngest makne, I.N.
Q. Is he the younger brother character?
Members: Not at all!
HN: I.N. is just so cute, that we pour all our love to him. I love you !
He is the youngest member, but as a man from Busan, he is also very diligent. He’s also very skilled at singing trot!
Q. It is your first time being on Shel’ter, but how was the photoshoot?
SM: The outfits were Disney themed, so it felt like I went back to my childhood. Looking at the clothes made me feel happy.
HJ: We took photos from a new angle today, so I’m excited to see how it turns out.
LK: I also did some poses that I’ve never done before, so I wonder how it’ll turn out.
Q. Please look forward to it! What kind of fashion are you normally into?
LK: (Energetically) Training pants!
Members: Hahaha!
IN: It differs at the time, but I always want to wear cute outfits.
Q. Who is the fashionista in the group?
LK: (Again, with a lot of energy and raising his arm) Me!
BC: No, thats a lie.
LK:’s a lie haha.
BC: Ahh, Han has great taste
HJ: It’s always “too much”!
HN: To explain the difference in fashion taste between the members and I, the members are dressing in the 21st century fashion, and I’m dressing in the 22nd century fashion!
Q. That’s super advanced!
HN: Yes, exactly haha.
LK: His fashion today was shocking as well... he was wearing wearing both leopard and checkered print! But apparently, those were pyjamas...
Members: Hahaha!
Q. Who takes care of beauty the most?
HJ: (Looking at the other members) Probably, its I.N. right? He takes care of his skin a lot.
IN: I actually research on the newest beauty news, and try new ways to care for my skin as well. Oh, and I really like to change my hairstyle, and I have done a curly perm as well. I think I’ve done everything besides a bald head!
Q. According to the members, which hairstyle suited him the most?
HJ: Sakamori! (hairstyle when the top is tied and it looks like a water fountain)
BC: That I.N. was really cute!
IN: Hahaha!
Q. Even besides fashion and beauty, is there an item that you need for you to get hyper?
HJ: Bracelets! I always stack a couple.
IN: For me its rings. I always wear at least one everyday.
SM: I need white sneakers to complete my style!
FX: I don’t really have a lot preferences in terms of fashion, but I like bags!
CB: Ah, bags for me too!
Lee Know
LK: I’m Lee Know. My charming point is my cute face.
BC: Thats a lie. (Sees LK looking at him with puppy eyes) Its a joke!
In contrast with his perfect visuals, his dynamic dance moves are charming. He is also quite cheeky during interviews.
SM: Nice to meet you, I’m Seungmin. I’m in charge of vocals, so my charming point is my cool voice.
Although he is the lead vocalist, his dance moves that showcases his sports ability cannot go missed. He is also great at aegyo.
HN: I need my phone to get hyper...
LK: Phone! Me too!
BC: I always have a lot of things with me so there are a lot of things I need, but if I have to choose one, it’ll be my computer which I make songs with.
--- Of course, because leader Bang Chan along with rapper Changbin and Han are part of 3RACHA, the unit which creates all of Stray Kids’ songs.
--- If you directly translate Stray Kids, it becomes “Kids that are Stray”, not to be seized by chosen standards, and to demonstrate the uniqueness and freedom. The album that such group has decided to debut in Japan with, “SKZ2020″ also happens to be their best album as well.
Q. What kind of album is it?
BC: The albums and and singles we’ve released so far are songs that define our group name and have a lot songs with different colours, so we really focused on making the setlist to show who we are. Out of all songs, the songs such as “Levanter”, “Double Knot”, and “My Pace” are songs that easily showcases our message, and we sang them in Japanese. Through these songs, we hope we can create a good time at concerts. Okay, clap your hands!
Members: (Clapping) Waaaah!
Q. Anything you payed attention to when singing in Japanese?
HJ: I rap, but I actually found it easier to do so in Japanese. In Korean, we have a thing called patchim and there isn’t as much in Japanese so I think it was easier. As it was my first time recording in Japanese, so there was some difficulty, but it feel a little strange.
Q. What it easy to express emotions as well?
HJ: I tried really hard when we recorded in Korean, so those feelings existed as a base. So when I sang it in Japanese, I thought of upgrading those emotions and expressing that.
CB: I’m Changbin. My charm point is my gap! (t/n: Gap refers to difference in someone’s appearance and personality)
As the main rapper, he is cool and performs his dark rap on stage, but off stage, he is cheeky and know for his cute character.
Q. Which song in SKZ2020 do you have special feelings for?
LK: Hellevator which implies our beginning is the perfect song for our Japan debut as well.
CB: The Japanese version of My Pace is a energetic and has a really good beat to it. Please listen to it, as it is a song I think that makes you think of running across the stage with our fans.
BC: Changbin says such good things! He’s cool!
SM: I remember singing I am YOU which everyone, so I have good memories
HN: I like Astronaut, as it is a song that makes you think of how adventurous it is, the more you listen to it. When you listen to it when you’re feeling down, it helps you feel better.
IN: My favourite song is MIROH. I love the melody!
FX: MIROH for me too! Its a song that allows me to be happy, and it is a song that gets STAY hyped as well, so I have good memories!
BC: Um... I like all songs so its hard to pick just one... for example, Grow Up is a song we always sing on stage with STAY, so I want to sing it in Japan as well!
HJ: Ahhh, its so hard to choose... As we are given the opportunity to debut in Japan, we would like to do many concerts in Japan. Through out music, I would like to communicate with the Japanese STAY’s, maybe with events such as street performances.
HJ: I’m Hyunjin. I’m in charge of dance. My cool visuals are my charming point haha.
Because of his sweet face, he had many fans even before his debut! Utilising his tall frame, his sexy dance is charming.
!! Take out with credits; @yarn1003 on twitter !!
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“Ray” May 2020 Issue - Stray Kids Interview (Maknae line)
Cute like a puppy ❤︎ the mischievous vocal - Seungmin
Born on September 22nd, 2000. Blood type A. With his mid bass tone, he in charge of vocals. He is fluent in English, and served as the MC for Kpop shows for foreign viewers. He is serious and a good student, but at times, he breaks down according to the members...?!
BC: Seungmin is a puppy haha (In Japanese)
HN: A clever puppy, genius puppy!
BC: A very sensible and a genius puppy, Seungmin is bright and clever. He is knowledgable, and he accurately accomplishes everything that needs to be done.
Q. What is your charming point?
SM: My smile and singing voice. I’m also good at taking photos!
Q. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
SM: I immediately change my clothes.
Q. How do you switch up when you’re tired or feeling down?
SM: Sleep is the best medicine! But, at times when that doesn’t even work, I listen to music and change my mood. When I’m feeling down, I listen to sad songs on purpose and share the feeling.
Q. If you weren’t a singer, what do you think you would be doing?
SM: A university student thinking about the future. I would have been a university student, thinking about my own future. When I was younger, I played baseball, and there were a lot of things I wanted to do!
Q. Tell us something surprising about the members!
SM: Bang Chan hyung can do anything, but he is really bad at games. I can beat him even with one finger!
Q. What do you think is the most important aspect to accomplish a dream?
SM: Earnest thoughts. If you truly and seriously think about what you want to be and do, I think you’ll be able to get closer to your dream.
Q. Is there a place you’d like to go in Japan?
SM: Character shop! There are many cute characters in Japan, so I want to go to a character shop and do some shopping.
Q. Is there any Japanese piece you like?
SM: The ninja’s in “NARUTO” are really cool! The artists I like are “SEKAI NO OWARI”. I think they have a really pretty voice.
Q. What is a Japanese word you learnt recently?
SM: 「気をつけて帰ってください。」(”Please go home safely.”). I used it at the Japanese concert.
Q. If you become another member for a day, who would it be?
SM: I want to become Changbin hyung and shout! Changbin hyung has a really cool voice. He is a integral part of Stray Kids’ music.
The more you know, the more there is to know; the sweet and pure boy - Felix
Born on September 15th, 2000. Blood type AB. From Australia. From his cute and sweet visuals, his super deep voice rap and sharp movements cannot be imagined. His hobby is to play games.
IN: He’s really good looking. No matter what performance he does or whatever he sings, he always looks good, and any hairstyle suits him! “It’s magic!”, is what I think.
HJ: He has this atmosphere to him, and his facial structure makes him look noble. Yet, his actions are cute.
LK: He recently dyed his hair red, and when he stands on stage, along with his strong gaze, he is really cool.
Q. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
FX: I play games sometimes haha. I play games and wake myself up. These days I’ve been playing “Call of Duty” or RPG games.
Q. If you weren’t a singer, what do you think you would be doing?
FX: Probably something to do with music like piano or singing. I like gaming, but I don’t think I would have been a pro gamer. It becomes stressful when its something professional so. I want to have fun with games haha.
Q. How do you switch up when you’re tired or feeling down?
FX: Music is the best! Light music is relaxing. I used to listen to the sound of harps, but these days I listen to band music more. I like Coldplay these days.
Q. What do you think is the most important aspect to accomplish a dream?
FX: To understand yourself. To find the reason why you’re alive in this world. By looking for that reason, I think it is most important to understand who you are. I think that might make it easier to find happiness in your life.
Q. What made you the most excited recently?
FX: When I went to the dog cafe. I went alone to one last year in November. I used to be a cat person, but these days I can understand dogs and their actions so I’m really interested in them! I went for the first time with my mother, and it was so fun that I’m really into it now. I have a lot of memories with many puppies at different cafe’s now haha. I play with them while drinking something, pat them, feed them, and relax while I’m there,
Q. Is there any Japanese piece you like?
FX: i have a lot! I’m interested in anime’s like “Dragon Ball” and “NARUTO”
Q. If you become another member for a day, who would it be?
FX: Changbin hyung. He has a nice figure and he’s also muscular. I want to have Changbin hyung’s body and hold up things and people.
Q. What is a Japanese word you learnt recently?
FX: 「ぴえん」(t/n the pleading face emoji). A Japanese fan told me at a fansign! It sounds really cute so I remember it!
Q. What is something you always bring with you on foreign schedules?
FX: Charger with four ports. I charge my phone, earphones, game controller, and charger at the same time.
Q. What is your charming point?
FX: My freckles. I didn’t have that much when I was younger, but because I grew under the sun in Australia, it seems like I gotten more. There aren’t many people with freckles, and I think its something unique about myself! I also had a photoshoot with a Korean magazine before which I purposely didn’t put on any makeup and showed my freckles.
A genius multi-player that attracts the audience in a second - Han
Born on September 14th, 2000. Blood type B. Part of 3RACHA along with Bang Chan and Changbin, and while he is well known for his passionate and melodic tunes, his high tone is well received along with his lyric and song writing. Also humourous, and is known as the mood maker.
#七方美人 (t/n: the original saying is 八方美人 and refers to people who’s nice to everyone / tries to please everyone)
SM: In Korea, we call people who can do anything 八方美人 but because Han is lacking something, we call him 七方美人
CB: He’s lacking something, but we don’t know what that is haha.
HN: I really like it!
BC: Like this, Han is the mood maker. He makes his surrounding brighter.
HN: Everyone laughs just by looking at my face haha.
Q. What is your charming point?
HN: My face that resembles a squirrel. Squirrels are cute - I’m happy people call me that!
Q. What made you the most excited recently?
HN: When I was able to watch an anime from the start to the end in my bed at our dorm in Korea. Its an anime called “Himouto! Umaru-chan”. I really love anime!
Q. Anything you’re into these days?
HN: Um... to watch anime haha. I feel calm when I watch anime, and all the cluttered thoughts in my head goes away. “Himouto! Umaru-chan” is really funny, the main character is so cute!
Q. Is there any Japanese piece you like?
HN: Gibli is a legend! If its anime, definitely “Himouto! Umaru-chan” haha. Besides that, I like “Howl's Moving Castle”, “Spirited Away”, “My Neighbour Totoro”, “Castle in the Sky”... Gibli is a legend, everything is a masterpiece. If its an movie, “I want to eat your pancreas”. Its very sad and I watched it four times.
Q. What is a Japanese word you learnt recently?
HN: 「この番組は、ご覧のスポンサーの提供でお送りします。」(”This program is brought to you by these sponsors.”). I saw this a lot whenever I watched “Detective Conan”, and I got curious so I looked it up haha.
Q. If you weren’t a singer, what do you think you would be doing?
HN: I would have continued studying. I’m not great at studying, but my parents wanted me to study so. I didn’t have any dreams besides becoming a singer, so if I didn’t become one, I would have probably listened to what my parents wanted me to do.
Q. What do you think is the most important aspect to accomplish a dream?
HN: To have a precise goal. You need to have a specific goal to know how you will accomplish your goal. I think its important to have a plan to know how to accomplish it.
Q. Tell us something surprising about the members!
HN: Seungmin is actually quite silly haha. He has a very intelligent and wise image, but when his tension is at max, he does really silly stuff! He shouts in a loud voice, or he suddenly comes into the room and says “Aaaaah!” and leaves.
Q. If you become another member for a day, who would it be?
HN: I would want to become handsome Hyunjin, and see how the others watch him haha.
Thoughtful and the maknae loved by everyone - I.N.
Born on February 8th, 2001. Blood type A. The youngest who has the cutest smile is said by all members that there is no one sweet as him. He tends to lose things easily, and apparently, he has lost his wireless earphones 3 times.
HJ: He’s too cute! He’s always just cute!!
Q. What is your charming point?
IN: How my eyes droop when I smile. My long eyes are my charming point. I’m normally the youngest and loved, but when I’m on stage I don’t smile as much, so perhaps that gap might be a charming point as well? haha
Q. Anything you’re into these days?
IN: Coffee frappuccino. I’ve always liked coffee and normally drink americano, but the other day I wanted to try something new and ordered it. It was really good and I was surprised!
Q. What do you think is the most important aspect to accomplish a dream?
IN: To have fun. If you can have fun, you can be positive! If you can accomplish your dream, I think it is important to be happy.
Q. Is there any Japanese piece you like?
IN: Since I was young, I’ve always loved “Crayon Shin-chan!”
Q. If you become another member for a day, who would it be?
IN: Bang Chan hyung who has wide shoulders! He also has a lot of physical strength, so I want to know what it feels like to have wide shoulders. But, I think I enjoy being myself the most haha.
Q. What made you the most excited recently?
IN: When we were given our breaks! My home is in Busan, I look forward to going home and eating during the break. There are many good foods, and because there is the sea, it feels great too. I want to recommend Gwangalli Beach and pig gukbap!
Q. What is a Japanese word you learnt recently?
IN: 「これはなんですか?これはゼロコークです」(”What is this? This is Coke Zero”)
Q. Tell us something surprising about the members!
IN: Han hyung surprisingly doesn’t sleep a lot at night. He seems like he sleeps a lot, and its not like he doesn’t, but he’s the type to be on his phone at night and staying up late. And, Han hyung watches a lot of dramas, after Hyunjin hyung.
Q. If you weren’t a singer, what do you think you would be doing?
IN: A preschool teacher or a social worker I think.
Q. How do you switch up when you’re tired or feeling down?
IN: I don’t do anything specific, but I try to make some time to think and sort my head out on my own. I think it is best if you rest at times like that, so I make time to rest, and try to think positively as possible.
!! Take out with credits; @yarn1003 on twitter !!
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“Ray” May 2020 Issue - Stray Kids Interview (Hyung line)
Commonly known as “SKZ”, Stray Kids the group that needs to be payed attention in 2020 finally made their Japan debut after successfully holding their showcase at the Yoyogi National Gymnasium last year December! Spread across 10 pages, we will thoroughly analyse the 8 members!
Q, What makes Stray Kids unique?
LK: That all 8 of us have completely different colours. Depending on the members that are put together, the colours differ, and when all of us are put together, we are able to demonstrate an even larger amount of synergy.
CB: When many different colours are put together, it usually ends up black. However, in our case, it doesn’t become black but the colours we individually have can be seen.
IN: I also think another charm is the difference between how we are on stage and off stage! On stage, everyone is passionate and cool, but off stage, wre are very loud and cute.
Q. Tell us some memories from last year’s showcase!
BC: It was a performance not long after the official lightstick was released, but STAY’s were shaking the lightstick and I can’t forget that picture.
HN: I was really happy that they sang out songs with us!
SM: As the lyrics are in Korean, I think it was difficult for them to sing it, they sang along with us.
CB: I can’t forget everyone watching us as they shook the lightsticks.
Q. Is there a song you’d like to recommend from your Japanese debut album?
HJ: Double Knot. It’s a very powerful song, and when listening to it, you naturally feel as if you gain strength. If you want to feel like that, I recommend this song!
FX: My Pace has a good beat and is a song that gets you hyper, but the lyrics has the message “There’s no need to rush, it’s okay at your own pace”. Anyone can lose sight of their own pace, so I believe it is a song that can be understood by many people.
Q. Are there any activities or goals you’d like to accomplish through Japanese promotions?
FX: I’d like to go on variety programs, and also go around Japan!
LK: Would it be Han and Changbin that’ll be the most successful on variety programs? Haha
CB: I want to practise Japanese a lot, and do some free talking at a concert.
LK: Our goal is to have a dome tour! If we can stand on a dome stage, I want to prepare unit and solo stages and create a cool stage!
HN: We’re aiming to become artists that can have a good influence. We hope we can be like that for everyone!
Stray Kid’s back pillar! Reliable all-rounder leader - Bang Chan
Born on October 3rd, 1997. Blood type O. From Australia. Leader of the group, respected by everyone and organised. In charge of lyric writing, song making, producing, as well as rap, vocal, and dance.
SM: He’s very pale and looks like a vampire!
HN: (In Japanese) “A great leader”
CB: Even if there is no time, he’d try to get everything completed. Han and I would go “Ah, we can’t do it” and tend to give up, but he doesn’t do that. He also takes care of the mental sides of the members.
Q. Tell us something surprising about the members!
BC: Seungmin is really mischievous. He suddenly comes towards me and goes “Waaah!” and he often does really weird stuff haha.
Q. Is there any Japanese piece you like?
BC: The movie “My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday”. The general atmosphere of the movie is warm and I like that.
Q. If you become another member for a day, who would it be?
BC: I want to become Felix and play games! Because Felix is always doing games haha. I also want to savour that nice voice of his.
Q. What do you think is the most important aspect to accomplish a dream?
BC: Always think about the future, and live the present. Depending on how you live in the present, you future changes, You can’t go back into the past, so I look towards my dreams with an open perspective.
Q. What is your charming point?
BC: I’m very athletic. I used to swim and play football at Australia, I can do anything!
Q. How do you switch up when you’re tired or feeling down?
BC: I talk to the members. Even by just being with them, I can feel happier and joyful. When I talk to them about my worries or just anything in general, I feel a lot brighter. When I’m feeling down, Seungmin plays tricks on me but it does help me feel better haha.
Q. What is something you always bring with you on foreign schedules?
BC: My computer that I use to write songs. I always have it with me, and I make songs in foreign countries as well. I made some today too.
Q. What is a Japanese word you learnt recently?
BC: 「役に立つ」(”To be useful”). I learnt it in Japanese class, and I used it once.
Q. Is there a place you’d like to go in Japan?
BC: Osaka! Sana from Twice who is a senior at the company is from the Kansai prefecture, and she told me a lot of stories when we were trainees. I want to get to know the culture of Osaka!
Q. If you weren’t a singer, what do you think you would be doing?
BC: Either an athlete or actor. I used to go to a performing arts school in Australia. I got accepted through a music exam, but I was also interested in acting. Or, I would have been a football player or swimmer!
The 4D Ikemen who has charms that cannot be stopped - Lee Know
Born on October 25th, 1998. Blood type O. From his powerful performance, impressive dancing skills, and flowery appearance, he is nicknamed the “Dancing Gem”. On the other hand, he tends to say unique things and is called as a peculiar.
HJ: He is often teased and made fun of, but at times, he shows how helpful and caring he is and I’m amazed. Although he acts as if he doesn’t care, he has a heart. I think thats a nice quality of his.
FX: He is exactly the “brother”. During practise, he watches us warmly from the back. I’m still studying Japanese, and there are time when I fumble for words during ments, but [Lee Know] helps me secretly, and always supports me without large actions.
Q. What is your charming point?
LK: My entire existence. Please focus on me on stage when I’m sweating and getting sexier and sexier.
Q. What is the first you do after you wake up in the morning?
LK: I drink lactic acid bacteria! Apparently it is good to boost bowel movement and immunity. As I have gotten older, I feel like I get tired easily so I drink it these days haha.
Q. What is a Japanese word you learnt recently?
LK: 「リノさん、今何をしていますか?」(Lee Know san, what are you doing right now?). I take Japanese class at Korea, and I was learning this exact phrase haha.
Q. If you become another member for a day, who would it be?
LK: By elimination method, it’ll have to be I.N. haha. I also want to experience the love the youngest member receives. When I think I.N. is cute? Anytime when his eyes aren’t open! By that, I mean when only he is sleeping haha.
Q. What do you think is the most important aspect to accomplish a dream?
LK: To work hard. I believed chances will always come to everyone, but there is no use if you are not prepared to grab that chance. Thats why I think it is important to work hard to prepare to grab those chances.
Q. If you weren’t a singer, what do you think you would be doing?
I think I would be fishing from a water reservoir, fighting a battle with myself. Although I’ve never done it before haha.
Q. Is there any Japanese piece you like?
LK: I like everything! (In Japanese) I like anime the most, and I really like “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime”. Its about an corporate worker who dies and becomes reborn as a slime. Its fantasy but there is a love story as well, and its really great!
Q. Anything you’re into these days?
LK: CrossFit. I started it to diet, but I’m really into it now. I watch clips and experiment with it. Its difficult, but it helps me to release stress by adding weight to my body. I think its important to completely rest when resting, and to really go for it when you’re working out. Thanks to CrossFit, I’ve gained physical strength, and this helps me during performances as well.
Q. How do you switch up when you’re tired or feeling down?
LK: I do pushups. After about 5 sets of 10 pushups, my body gets warmed up. It makes me feel better when I’m banking up my muscles.
Q. Is there a place you’d like to go in Japan?
LK: Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium. There are both whales and sharks so I’ll like to see them! Okinawa is famous for its beaches, so I’ll like to go there as well.
“I love dark” but a rapper filled with cute charms - Changbin
Born on August 11th, 1999. Blood type O. Known for his super fast rapping, he is a skilled rapper. Along with Bang Chan and Han, he is part of the producing unit “3RACHA”. He also has a cute side of being teased by the younger members.
BC: Changbin had a really big heart! (In Japanese)
SM: He’s a reliable brother.
BC: Yeah, he’s younger than me but he seems older sometimes. Although he can be quite mischievous at times haha.
CB: Yeah, I like pulling tricks.
HN: We all ignore you though.
BC: He’s annoying haha. (In Japanese)
Q. What is your charming point?
CB: The difference between me on stage and everyday life. On stage, I seem charismatic and give off a dark image, but off stage I’m completely different! I’m usually bright and easy to engage with.
Q. How do you switch up when you’re tired or feeling down?
CB: These days I’ve been trying to talk to the members. I recently realised its better not to bottle it up by myself. I talk to my sister or with the members. I talk the most to Seungmin. Seungmin really relies on me, and although he is younger, he is also reliable and gives me good advice.
Q. What is something you always bring with you on foreign schedules?
CB: Vitamins and apple juice. I need to take care of my health. It’s really good for the body if you drink apple juice in the morning”
Q. What do you think is the most important aspect to accomplish a dream?
CB: Its important to think about why you want to accomplish that dream in the first place. Its also important to have the mindset “I’m moving towards my goal”, to not be swayed by others, and to trust the passion you have in yourself. Along with STAY’s, I want to have this mindset and accomplish my dreams!
Q. If you weren’t a singer, what do you think you would be doing?
CB: I think I’d be playing around. Even then, I think I would have been making music. When I was younger, I wanted to be the president, a scientist, and a elementary school teacher. I was interested in many occupations, but I never thought about it carefully.
Q. Is there any Japanese piece you like?
CB: If its anime, I like “Crayon Shin-chan” and for music, I like ONE OK ROCK’s “Clock Strikes”!
Q. Tell us something surprising about the members!
CB: Han is actually really clean. He showers a lot. And, he’s really clever! He doesn’t seem as if he’s thinking much, but he’s thinking really deeply and also really imaginative. He’s thinking a lot, and that allows him to write the lyrics to a song in an hour.
Q. If you become another member for a day, who would it be?
CB: Hyunjin. He’s tall and good looking. If I were him, I would be walking around holding a mirror haha.
Q. Is there a place you’d like to go in Japan?
CB: To a ryokan. When we did a concert in Japan, my parents came and went to a ryokan without me. They sent me pictures, and I was really envious!
Q. What is a Japanese word you learnt recently?
CB: 「ぴえん」(t/n the pleading face emoji). At a fan sign, a Japanese fan told me!
Behind his cool visuals, there is a passion and hard work - Hyunjin
Born on March 20th, 2000. Blood type B. The “visual centre” that all the members agree on. His speciality is dance, and along with Lee Know and Felix, he is part of “Dance Racha”. A hardworking dancer.
FX: His passion towards performances is amazing, and he is always thoroughly prepared. He really wants to show who he is, his own colour. Depending on the song, he is able to show his cute or sexy side, his skills get better and better each day!
LK: He is between cold water and hot water. Although he may seem cool, he is passionate and his heart is warm. With his cool exterior, he makes lukewarm water.
IN: He is like warm water. Because Hyunjin hyung is really hot! Really, he is always hot and sweating. He really is a warm person.
Q. What made you the most excited recently?
HJ: On New Year’s Eve, we had a party with all the members! In Korea, we all turn a year older on New Year’s, so we got together to celebrate I.N. who is now legal! We ordered and ate a lot of food. What I want to eat on my birthday? I want to have my mother’s seaweed soup!
Q. What is your charming point?
HJ: I’m a hard worker. I stand on stage because I work extremely hard. I really try to change the mood depending on the performance, so please pay attention to my dancing!
Q. Is there any Japanese piece you like?
HJ: “Inazuma Eleven”. It’s a football anime. I used to play football when I was younger and I loved playing it with my friends.
Q. How do you switch up when you’re tired or feeling down? HJ: I let it flow according to the time. I think most things can be resolved when time passes. I usually let things flow, but when its really hard, I watch a sad movie and cry watching it.
Q. What do you think is the most important aspect to accomplish a dream?
HJ: Hard work and the environment around you. I think I’m here right now because I had many older brothers and sisters who helped me when I was a trainee. There were a lot of things I wasn’t good at or didn’t like, and it was tough, I was able to come this far because there were many people that supported me.
Q. If you weren’t a singer, what do you think you would be doing?
Overwhelmed by my studies and I might have been stressed haha. I wanted to be a interior designer and used to study maths seriously. I wanted to design a house and live with my parents.
Q. Is there anything you’re into these days?
HJ; Listening to 80′s Korean music. I write lyrics, so I was interested in the lyrics of old songs. After listening to many songs, I realised there are really good songs, and I’m into it these days.
Q. If you become another member for a day, who would it be?
HJ: I want to become Felix and speak english fluently!
Q. Is there a place you’d like to go in Japan?
HJ: I want to travel Tokyo with my parents. I want to go to a CD shop and show them my photo and say “I’m here!”.
Q. What is a Japanese word you learnt recently?
HJ: 「なるほど」(”I see”). I think 「なるほど」is the word I hear most frequently in Japan.
!! Take out with credits; @yarn1003 on twitter !!
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NYLON JAPAN February Issue - Stray Kids Eng Trans
NYLON JAPAN February Issue - Stray Kids Eng Trans
The world based Stray Kids has appeared for the first time!
At the start of the year, I read a fortune telling column on some magazine, that I’ll have a new encounter during the latter half of the year. The new counter in the latter half of 2019 was with Stray Kids, and the fortune telling was true. The shock I had when I first saw Stray Kids. Their fluid but powerful dancing, vocals that captured anyone who listened to them, and their rap performance as goo as any hip hop artist. Anyone who sees their stage will for sure be captivated by them. For the first time, Stray Kids have appeared solo on a Japanese magazine, and on the cover of NYLON guys. After their debut in Korea in 2018, they quickly went on a very successful world tour, showcasing their popularity and significance not only within Asia but all over the world. They have finally announced their long awaited Japanese debut in March of 2020. As for a boy group which is world based, this might be something normal. We will introduce Stray Kids who will surely become the icon of all boys group, through their fortune tellings and special photoshoot by NYLON JAPAN.
Lee Know
Known for his powerful and flexible dance. From his beautiful sculpted face, he is named the “Dancing Gem” by the fans. From Korea.
Fortune SKZ2020 >> Lee Know
The year which will determine which direction to go forward to. Your surroundings might be surprised by your decisions in March. Your childish side will need to be toned down. There may be a possibility that you’ll wish to pursue something on the world level in August. Need to be cautious of your responsible nature and how you may try too hard at times. On your own pace, have fun both personally and officially!
A skillful rapper known for his dark voice. Also highly regarded for his lyric writing. Often teased within the group. From Korea.
Fortune SKZ2020 >> Changbin
Your heart will be filled with happiness in 2020. During the winter, you will be concerned with your surroundings more than yourself which might be troubling, but by April, you will find a peaceful solution. From May will be a time to learn, and there will be more areas which will need to be understood. By September, you may possibly try something new! If you feel stuck, try relying on I.N.!
With his sweet face, he is a visual that everyone admits. A dancer that leads Stray Kids. From Korea.
Fortune SKZ2020 >> Hyunjin
Anyone who sees you will understand its a happy year for you. If there is anything you wish to try, try saying it out loud! If it is accepted, April may become a fun month for you to delve into it. June and July may be a little challenging, but from August onwards, you will be once again surrounded by everything you love.
The youngest in the member in charge of vocals. A natural airhead that is loved by the members. His dimples when he laughs is his charming point. From Korea.
Fortune SKZ2020 >> I.N.
Your life will become richer, and you will step into something new. Early in the new year, a big offer might come your way, signaling your luck. During the spring, you will be strapped to something with history and order but think of it as a learning period! By September, you will be someone who is highly regarded. Your free spirit will always be by your side.
In charge of rap but also a skilled vocalist; an all rounder. Part of “3RACHA” along with Bang Chan and Changbin. From Korea.
Fortune SKZ2020 >> Han
A year which you might have a lot of responsible jobs coming your way, but always remember that you will be one smiling at the end. From January, you might be caught up on the past, but your goal is April! You will have new ties in surprising places, and if you want to be acknowledged, set your goal for September and you will succeed.
Bang Chan
The leader of Stray Kids and the brain of the group. In charge of writing lyrics and songs as well as producing. From Australia.
Fortune SKZ2020 >> Bang Chan
2020 is a year that might change things dramatically. From the start of the year to March, you will be able to rest. If you are sensitive to your surroundings, many new supporters will appear and you will have a strong wind to push you through in June. On the other hand, by September, you might possibly change tracks and be greatly successful. Your heart will be delicate so you will need the support of your members.
Mostly in charge of vocals. His skills earned him second place in his companies audition. Also speaks English well, and is an intelligent character. From Korea.
Fortune SKZ 2020 >> Seungmin
The hobbies and fun things you are absorbed in might become part of work for you, a lucky sign. From January, your luck with personal relations seem great as well. By spring, captivating job offers will come your way. In August, some difficult things might occur, but if you believe it is a chance for you to step up and endure it, you will be able to uncover a new self that you didn’t know about.
With his cute visuals, but extreme deep voice, he is well known for his gap. Pay attention to his sexy rap and sharp dance moves! From Australia.
Fortune SKZ2020 >> Felix
Both personally and officially, you will be happy. Be generous to yourself! There will be a lot of changes in January, but March and April will bring new chances and allow you get on board. You might be able to reach for something you have always been dreaming about in August. Be sensible in November to not be scolded at.
In the cold and brisk breeze, reminding me of winter’s arrival, I met Stray Kids in Seoul, Korea. They entered the set still looking sleepy. During the waiting times, they played with the cats on set, or teased each other, showing the natural sides of the group, the average age of the members being 19 years old. Different to the powerful faces they have on stage, another reason as to why they are popular. A little different to their normal styles, with the colourful outfits and ennui concept. Feel their first story through NYLON JAPAN.
Q. Firstly, please tell us how you feel about today’s shoot.
Bang Chan: As it is our first appearance on NYLON JAPAN, we are very honoured just by that. It has created a new precious memory for me.
Lee Know: Today’s set is a famous shooting area! I have always wanted to come here, so I am very happy to be here on such wonderful opportunity.
Changbin: It is a derelict amusement park, and it was great to be able to shoot in the unique atmosphere. I was able to have fun by feeling like I was back in my childhood.
Hyunjin: From the styling, it had a different feeling to our other photoshoots. Personally, I had a lot of fun as the costumes were different to usual styles.
Han: It’s been a while since we had a location shooting! As it is surrounded by mountains and trees, the air was good and I had a great time from the morning.
Felix: As we began filming from the morning, I felt refreshed and because we were with the members, I had a great time!
Seungmin: I have actually seen a Japanese photo book before, and it was interesting because I was wearing something similar as to what the model was wearing in the photo book. There were many cats in the set, and it was really funny to see Lee Know taking care of the cats because he seemed like a butler.
I.N.: The shoot was fun, but because I heard it was the ruins of an old amusement park, I was a little scared at first. However, the air was nice and I was able to shoot with a good feeling.
Q. You wore outfits with a lot of colours today, but do you have any styles you are liking recently?
BC: Always black! I think its my colour. All black fashion, I usually like to wear monotone looks.
LK: I actually am not really interested in fashion... I used to think about it before, but these days I like to wear whatever is most comfortable.
CB: As winter is approaching, I want to wear things that make me seem softer, or things that are large and relaxed styles.
HJ: I usually wear cute sweats, hoodie t-shirts, and big sweatpants so I think I’ll like to wear warmer things for the winter.
FX: Its getting quite cold recently, so I like wearing a fur hood outer these days! I like to feel the warmth from my outers.
HN: I don’t really prefer any fashion styles, but my style is quite showy compared to the others. The costume I wore today was colourful and I liked it, I want to keep trying lots of styles.
SM: I often like to wear long padding downs, long coats, trench coats, and long outers in general. Coats that go to my knees are warm and I like them. I was happy because my costume for today was a long coast as well. Its my style!
IN: I’m interested in street fashion these days, I used to like clothes that fitted my body, these days I like wearing wide pants, kind of like a newtro (new and retro) style.
Q. What is your favourite (pop) culture?
BC: I have always liked games, but recently, I’ve been busy and haven’t been able to do it much. But whenever I have a little time, I always want to do it... its a stress reliever for me!
LK: I watch a lot of films. Recently, I watched a film released in 2003 called “A Tale of Two Sisters” with Han. It was a horror film, but it was really great!
CB: I’m into music and YouTube. I’ve been listening to senior Kpop artists such as TVXQ and Super Junior, groups I was into when I was younger. On YouTube, I watch funny contents with fresh ideas.
HJ: I’m really into an artist called “Leellamarz” these days, I’ve only been listening to them. I have always been the type to only focus on one thing when I’m into it.
HN: I like band music, so I’ve been listening to “One Ok Rock”, and recently, I’ve been listening to an English band called “Young Blood”. It’s great.
SM: Listening to band music is a hobby of mine. After listening to DAY6 senior’s songs, I listen to a lot of rock bands these days. It’s great fun to listen to the vocals, keyboard, and bass individually. I don’t know many bands so I’m still learning. The band I began to like recently is “Green Day”. I think their music is fun and good. (Bang Chan began to sing Green Day) If I’m ever going to play any instruments, I want to try the melody parts like the guitar, keyboard, or piano!
IN: Rather than watching movies, I like reading reviews other people wrote. I like to compare my own thoughts to how other people found it. I look for many reviews and enjoy reading them.
Q. Then we’ll move onto questions about music. Unlike other groups, Stray Kids can self produce their songs which is a strength, but is there anything you pay attention to or focus on?
BC: We create our own songs and weave it into the concept, making a performance. And, I think it is the most important part about self producing is to definitely put our message into our songs. We believe it is our strength to be able to tell our message from the bottom of our hearts, and Stray Kids cannot exist without that, which is our self producing.
HN: As Bang Chan said, we like to make songs that our fans can understand, but what we focus on is having others relate to us. We try to incorporate all the feelings, anxiety, and experiences that people our age might feel into our lyrics, and we really try to have other people relate to us.
Q. What do you think are the problems of the people in their 10′s have?
HN: There are a lot of young people now that don’t know what to do with themselves now, right? They are facing who they are on the insides, but they aren’t sure. So, I focus on putting in the feelings of not knowing what to do, or not knowing which way is the right way in the lyrics.
Q. Next, I’ll ask a question your beauty. Please tell us the secrets on how you stay good looking all the time
HN: Honestly... I was born good looking so... hahaha! There isn’t anything. Next, fashionista Changbin!
CB: I think its better if you don’t stress if you want a nice or gentle look. Its important to think positively all the time!
BC: To take in nutritional food once every day! There’s no point if your body isn’t healthy!
SM: Rather than being good looking, I think it is important to keep in mind the feelings I had towards music when I started as a Stray Kids member. A straightforward heart!
FX: When I’m on stage playing with the members or performing, or when I am communicating with the fans, I think thats when we look the best.
HJ: Isn’t how good we look on stage the true style for us? Even when we make a little mistake during practise, we practise until we go on stage and make sure the outcome is a 100%. We can accomplish that because we try that hard. We heighten ourselves to the best version of ourselves, and as professionals, we showcase the perfect version on stage. I believe that is how Stray Kids maintain our good looks,
LK: I used to go on diets and care about how I look on the outside, but now I’m focusing on who I am, trying to face my own heart.
IN: Who I am on camera and off camera, me on stage and off stage, I try to make sure its all the same me. My definition of good looking is whoever that can be truly who they are, wherever they are. I always try to maintain that mindset!
Q. Okay, so how you maintain your good looks differs. How about a easier question now - please tell us anything that you specifically focus on in terms of eating habits
HJ: I always make sure if there are no eggplants in my meals! I really don’t like eggplants. The members always try to make me eat eggplants, so sometimes I eat them without noticing.
BC: There is something that I specifically focus on. It’s table manners. To not make noise when I’m eating, if I blow my nose I make sure I won’t trouble the people around me. It’s also important to chew a lot during meals, so I try to chew a lot.
SM: I don’t eat dinner the day before a shoot. Instead, I eat everything I want to eat for breakfast and lunch! I’m the type to lose weight if I don’t eat, so I make sure of how much I eat the day before.
HN: On off days, there are days where I don’t eat properly, but I have decided to eat something I really want to eat deliciously once a day! Within the group, I don’t have a lot of likes and dislikes, and I think I eat a lot. Even if I bloat the next day, there’s no point if I have no strength! Really, its an excuse though haha.
FX: I’m starting to like eating spicy foods! But, when I eat spicy foods, my body doesn’t handle it too well. I get stomach aches. Days before I have schedules, I refrain from eating spicy foods.
IN: I don’t snack at night! I really bloat easily.
Members: Han is a night snacker, so I.N. always says he’s envious of him!
IN: When I began snacking at night, I can’t stop. I eat the next night too... I can’t stop myself. So I made a promise with myself to stop. I allow myself to snack at night about twice a month!
BC: I try not to snack at night, but I usually can’t help myself and end up eating.
LK: To work out, I’ve been taking a lot of protein lately. I eat whatever I want to eat and take in proteins. I heard about green tea diet before and I was drinking Green Tea frappuccino but it was no use... But, salad and hamburger is good for dieting. Because its filled with carbs, proteins and vitamins, right?
Members: That’s Lee Know’s excuse!
CB: I should take care of what I eat, but I don’t. There is one thing I do focus on, though. I don’t eat cold food and cold drinks. Cold food isn’t good for the body... But, if there are only cold food, I warm it up in my mouth before I drink it in. It’s good for digestion too.
Q. The key content for this month is “fortune telling”, but have any of you had your fortune told before?
LK, HN, IN: We have!
Nylon: Did you believe the results from those fortune tellings?
IN: I was told 2015 won’t be a good year, but 2016 will be better...
HN: At that time, I.N. and I were part of a project. We went to a fortune telling together, and we were told “August will not be a great month” and August was really crazy. I was scolded all the time! Even the smallest things I was scolded for... I should only look at the positive things from a fortune telling, haha!
LK: I was told that my luck will go up when I’m around 30...
Members: Hahaha! How many more years do you have to wait?
IN: I actually don’t believe in fortune tellings. My parents went to a fortune teller before, and the fortune teller told them their son will either become a judge or a prosecutor. Thats why I didn’t believe in it... but, when I went with Han when I was a trainee, I thought fortune tellings are quite nice, so now I believe in half of it?
Q. A lot of the readers of NYLON JAPAN are people who treasure their individuality. Please give an advice or message to those who have dreams and ambitions.
IN: Don’t care about what other’s say about your individuality, and work on your own pace!
BC: There probably are people around you that accept your individuality, and people who relates to you and became your friends. I think it is important to be able to push on for what you enjoy.
HN: I want the people to talk about how happy and blessed they are. Even having a dream is a big part of happiness. I hope your dreams will come true!
Q. The theme for NYLON JAPAN’s 15th anniversary is “NEW POWER NO BORDER”, but is there anything of this that you relate to?
FX: NEW POWER NO BORDER! (in his native accent)
BC: We always say our greeting by saying “STEP OUT!”. This “step out” means “stepping out of the borders”. With our own style, and our own music, we want to step out of the borders! This “Border” means “border” right? That’s something I relate to.
Q. What do you want to tell the youths?
HN: There are people with dreams and people without dreams. Those who have dreams may stumble at some moments, and hard times may come along. But, if you can get over those hard times, your dreams will definitely be accomplished. For those who do not have dreams, don’t worry and look at who you are carefully. It’s not late when you find interest in something new, and I hope you’d be able to have some space for that in your heart. “Those who are talented cannot surpass those who try, and those who try cannot surpass those who have fun.” Even at the hardest times, trying your best won’t backstab you, and whatever you are doing, having fun is the best. I really want to tell them those words!
BC: It’s a little simple, but “Just enjoy!” Even at difficult situations, I think the winners are those who stay laughing. If you can have fun, good times will come. You’re still young, and life is long so “carpe diem” !
IN: Even if you can’t see the future, don’t worry about not being able to see, and it’ll be good if you focus on where you are now.
Members: Those are words for us too
Q. Within your busy schedules, what stimulates you?
LK: This is obvious, but STAY’s are a biggest motivation! This is a fact!
BC: We’re really busy and there are so many things to get done, but interestingly, when I’m talking to the members, I think “maybe the future is bright?”. I feel like I don’t have to worry. The members help me. The existence of a group is good for the energy too. We can take care of each other and stimulate each other!
Q. I didn’t think you’d enjoy this as much. Now, the interview has come to an end. Lastly, you announced your Japan debut! Please tell us how you are feeling about your Japan debut
BC: It has been about a year and a half since we debuted as Stray Kids in Korea, but we are “debuting again” in Japan, which is a new feeling. Everything is new and exciting! We really can’t wait for our Japan debut! We’re all very motivated! Fighting!
Japanese to English Translation by @yarn1003 (skz acc on twit)
!! Please give credit when reposting !!
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DAY6 Interview w/ With Online Part. 2
Asking DAY6 members multiple “this or that” questions!
Do all members have the same fashion taste for women?!
Question 1: Women’s fashion sense, which one do you prefer?
WONPIL: I like both, but I like how the outfit in A moves in the wind.
YOUNG K: I think outfit B seems a lot more comfortable? The outfit won’t get caught onto things, and there would be no need to worry.
What is the surprising thing Jae wants to do on his last day on earth?
Question 2: If the world was to end tomorrow... Would you want to A) Eat good food or B) Buy a lot of things you want to buy?
DOWOON: I don’t really want to eat anything, but I really want to eat something that I want to eat on that day!
WONPIL: I would eat hottoek!
YOUNG K: If the world was going to end tomorrow, I want to use all my money and eat a lot of things bit by bit.
SUNGJIN: I want to eat my mother’s cooking I think
WONPIL: Oh, I would like that too!
JAE: For me, its B. If the world was going to end tomorrow, I want to use all my money and rent a aeroplane, and fly the whole day. It would feel great, I think.
Question 3: If you are working a office job, would you rather A) Work at a boring but stable job or B) Might be risky but a job you wish to pursue
JAE: “Might be risky”, how much of a risk does that mean? At the very least, I hope I can eat. I think work is done to keep living.
YOUNG K: By having an stable job, I’m the type to seek happiness and fun in my hobbies. If thats not the case, I think the things that were supposed to be entertaining becomes a pain as soon, as its considered a job. SUNGJIN: In life, there is a lot more time spent on working than your private life. I don’t have the confidence in being able to sacrifice so much time on things I don’t enjoy. And, I believe that if you have the passion and work hard for the things you love, everything will work well in the end.
DOWOON: I think so, too.You shouldn’t do things that you don’t want to do. I think that sums it up pretty well? If you think of it like that, it’s pretty simple right.
WONPIL: If you have an office job and can receive a stable salary, you can buy what you want, and even if you might feel its boring at the start, I think it will get a lot more interesting as you continue it.
Why does Sungjin want to be a cool beauty?
Q. If you are born as a woman, which would you want to be? A) A cool beauty or B) A younger sister-like sweet type
SUNGJIN: I normally don’t like things that are bothersome, haha. If I’m a younger sister-like cute type, the people around won’t leave me alone, and they’ll always be taking to me. So, if I’m a cool beauty and have a metal like barrier, nothing bothersome like that won’t happen right? Oh, is this too realistic...?
YOUNG K: The reason why I chose both A and B is because it doesn’t matter how I’m born. Depending on how I dress myself, I can, for example, show myself as a cool beauty, but I can also be cute. I would like to change depending on the day, and I want to be many different sides of myself everyday. So to all women out there, I hope they’ll try to find the many different sides of their own selves and not be caught up on characters.
Original article
Eng to Jap translations @dalomls
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DAY6 Interview w/ With Online Part. 1
Thorough Investigation on JYP’s 5 member boy band DAY6!
Since their debut album “The Day” in 2015 ranked second in the American Billboard World Album chart, this 5 member boy band DAY6 has been shown love from all around the world. In Japan, their song “If ~また逢えたら~” was chosen as the theme song for the TV drama “リピート~運命を変える10か月~” in 2018 and debuted grandly. As of now, they are touring over 26 cities and throwing over 31 concerts in Asia, Australia, America, Russia, and Europe on their “DAY6 WORD TOUR ‘GRAVITY’”. And on the 4th of December, they will release their long waited second best album, “The Best Day2″. We have interviewed the DAY6 that took off from Korea to the world!
Behind their “cool band member” faces, they are actually all “boys”?!
Please tell us about what each of you are in charge of in the band, and a hobby from your personal life!

Young K: I’m in charge of bass, vocal, and rap. My hobby these days is cooking. The other day, I made 500 grams of truffle oil pasta and ate it all alone (lol!)

Dowoon: I’m in charge of the drums. In my private life, I like to go on a drive alone. I can make my mind empty when I’m driving!

Sungjin: I’m in charge of guitar and vocals, I’m Sungjin! I also like to go on a drive. And, I really like to eat good food. Something that I ate that was really good recently was dak-bokkeum-tang. Everyone, please try it!

Wonpil: I’m in charge of the keyboard, the synth, and vocals, I’’m Wonpil. My hobby is playing games. I like playing difficult RPG games.

Jae: I’m Jae who’s in charge of the guitar, vocal, and rap. My hobby is playing sports. I really like playing basketball. It helps me relieve stress!

Thank you for telling us. Is there anything that the members are into recently?
Young K: Games. I can do it for a long time without thinking. Sometimes I don’t realise and keep playing for like 2 hours. I have to try not get the members scold me! Dowoon: I like going on drives, so I’m always searching up cars... If I find a cool car I go “so cool!” Sungjin: For me its shopping! I bought a lot of bags recently! I only use one, but I tend to buy a lot more... Wonpil: These days, I’m into two things. First, its our new album.... Sungjin: Really?! It’s not games? (lol) Wonpil: Yes, games (lol). I heard there is a new release of one of my favourite games, so I can’t wait! Jae: These days I’m into working out my muscles. But the muscles around my breasts keep on getting bigger, and my muscles around my shoulders don’t.... What should I do if my body shape becomes weird haha
Even if the band grows, they care about friends from their hometown.
If you can have a break for one month, what would you want to do?
Sungjin: I want to go on a trip. Doesn’t matter where. I want to eat good food! Dowoon: I also want to go on a trip with good friends. I want to drive at wherever we are at, and tell them about whats been going on. Driving with old friends, even thinking about it makes me happy! Young K: I want to go on a trip too! I want to go to Iceland to see the beautiful scenery because I have never been. Jae went last year! Wonpil: I want to write songs. And, I used to live in Incheon, but I want to go back and hang out with my old friends.
Jae: I want to write songs too! Its been 4 years since I began to write songs and lyrics as a DAY6 member, but songwriting for me has always been something that helps me feel refreshed.
We definitely did our best. How it will be received, I’m looking forward to it.
Please tell us about how your new album has been finalised.
Young K: We definitely did our best. There are a couple of songs from our old albums that are in this album, but “Finale” and “Kiminara” are songs that are in the album for the first time. “Finale” was written 2 to 3 months ago, but the album was completed with the two songs, so that was interesting. “Kiminara” is actually a song that was written a while ago. This was a challenging song, so I was very happy to have been able to put it in this album. Sungjin: It’s been a while since we were able to put in new songs and create an album, so we are excited to see how everyone will react. It’s a lot happier compared to the songs we’ve released until now, and the album covers too are shot in a brighter setting.
For the readers of WITH, please recommend a song they should listen to when they don’t feel like they want to go to work in the morning!
Young K: “Time of Our Life” is a song that gives you energy, but the lead song “Finale” is also a bright song filled with energy. If you listen to it in the morning, I think you’ll be able to wake up feeling great! Jae: “time of Our Life” has a very nice sound, and the band-like live sounds will make you feel positive. If you listen to it in the morning, you’d feel a lot more excited! Sungjin: I recommend “Hurt Road”! Personally, I tend to look at the reality when I don’t feel great, and this helps me to comfort myself. If you listen to this son, I think you’ll feel a little more calm and comforted.
Orignal article
Eng to Japanese translations @ dalomls
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DAY6 Interview with Billboard Japan
JYP Entertainment has released groups such as 2PM, GOT7, and TWICE into the public. From the company, the first band artist group DAY6 has released their second Japanese best album “THE BEST DAY2″. Because of their unique differences, the 5 member band has the mindset of “Try it first”, and has tackled various genres, gaining fans from all over the world. For the band, this album is an achievement and also includes original Japanese singles. Now we’ll like to see how this band called DAY6 works, and through the interview we’d like to get to know the 5 members better.
When there are a lot of choices, we first try all of them.
As it is your first time on Billboard Japan, will you please introduce yourselves?
Sungjin - I’m Sungjin. I’m in charge of the guitar. I like songs that overflow with emotions, regardless of the genre. For example, Bruno Mars. I also like artists with a nice voice.
Jae - I play the guitar, I’m Jae. I think this is the same with many people, but I’m the type that their music taste changes depending on the time. These days I’m listening to a lot of artists under the “88rising” label. Like Joji and Lexie Liu.
Young K - I’m Young K. I’m in charge of the bass. I like punk rock, hip hop, and pop music.
For example?
Young K - Hmm, if its punk rock, I like SUM 41 or My Chemical Romance. If its pop, I like Maroon 5 or Coldplay. I like music that has a pretty melody.
Wonpil - I’m Wonpil. I play the keyboard. I also don’t listen to only one genre but lots of genres, but out of them, I really like Coldplay. I think their sound is very unique.
Dowoon - I’m in charge of the drums, I’m Dowoon. I like songs which the vocals and the track matches well. I like the Korean artists Narae Lee.

Everyone has different music tastes, but how has that variety influenced your work as a group?
Jae - We both write our songs and lyrics, but we also work with various songwriters. So not just within our members, but we have many occasions where we are able to come to contact with many different sounds, which gives us the ability to master it, I believe. Even when we are writing our own songs, we are able to think of many different ways. When we are writing one song, we all like something on our own, and we put the spotlight on different areas, which allows us to broaden our music.
Sungjin - I think because each member has their own preferences, DAY6 can challenge many genres. And, when we are listening to a particular type of song, what one personally cannot feel can be felt by another member, and as we share this feeling, we learn a lot.
When DAY6 was first established, what sort of ideal image did you have in mind?
Young K - Since we were first established, we did not have one fixed genre, and that it still continuing today, but as for where we were headed, we wanted to be a band which can engage with the audience. When we saw a band communicating with the audience and singing songs with them, we though “we want to be a band like that”.
When there are so many genres, it also means there are as many choices, and it might make you feel lost at times. At times like that, how do you find the best solution?
Young K - When there are a lot of choices, we first try all of them. Once we create a lot of things, we talk to the members of the team we work with, and in the end, we are left with the good things.
In October, you released your 3rd Korean Album “The Book of Us; Entropy”. Please tell us your response.
Sungjin - When I listened to the album before it was released, I though “Did we try to many genres?” but there were a lot more people who found that appealing. I once again felt that it was important for not only us to judge, but to first create something we think that is good, and then have a lot of people judge for us.
Wonpil - In July, we released our mini album “The Book of Us: Gravity”, but the difference in happiness after we completed a full album is difference. This full album really incorporates songs from many genres, and I’m happy to have been able to show the fans a new side of us.
Was there a specific theme or concept?
Dowoon - Our last mini album “The Book of Us: Gravity” was the first in the series, and “The Book of Us: Entropy” is the second. The “Gravity” in “The Book of Us: Gravity”, means that we are pulling each other to one another, and represents the start of a relationship between two people. The “Entropy” in “The Book of Us: Entropy” represents disorder, and this album depicts the change in the relationship.
Does this “The Book of Us” series still continue?
Dowoon - I believe so. I think it will continue.
We want to be a band that can connect with many people.
This time, your Japanese 2nd album “The Best Day2″ has been released. Please tell us how you have improved or changed from your last album, “The Best Day”
Sungjin - We have released many albums in Korea, and every time we have challenged various genres, which birthed a lot of songs. We were able to collect much of those songs in “The Best Day2″, and we were also able to add in our original Japanese Songs “Finale” and “Kiminara”, which I believe shows a different colour of us.
What was the process for creating “Finale” like?
Young K - We talked about our most recent album “The Book of Us: Entropy” earlier, and the songs in this album was created in a short amount of time. “Finale” was one of the songs created in this period. The image was the curtain of a concert falling down, and I created it with the intent of overflowing energy.
Sungjin - If we are talking about the message portion, the word “Finale” on its own means “the end” or “curtain fall”, but we imagined the curtain call after a concert, and the message of hoping for human relationships to have a happy ending is in the song.
How about the second song “Kiminara”?
Young K - This song is very bright, and full of energy. I think the lyrics of this song has something similar to the lyrics of “Finale”. “You can make me happy”, “I’ll can trust my future with you” are lyrics that are full of hope.
Both songs mention “Kimi” (You), and seems to be a song sent to someone very close, but to all of you, who is the “Kimi”?
Jae - First of all, the members of DAY6. And of course, to the fans who enjoy our music, and make their hearts one with us during our concerts.
Sungjin - Perhaps “Kimi” is not the right term, but on a larger scale, I think it is the people who leave a good influence on DAY6. This might be family, friends, and the staffs.
What made both songs have similar or the same themes?
Sungjin - In most cases when we write songs, we first and foremost think of wanting to help someone, to be someone’s strength, so I think the songs came out of a natural process.
Young K - And, the songs we’ve released in Japan so far has been quite dark or had some sadness in it, so we wanted to put in a hopeful message this time.
We believe that is a very happy message for the Japanese fans. Is there anything in particular that you remember from your Japanese activities?
Young K - When we performed at Summer Sonic 2017. That was before we debuted in Japan, and we performed on a outdoor stage. The people who were walking behind us stopped and listened to our music, and there were people who had fun with us, which was very memorable.
Wonpil - The Japan tour was very memorable. Back then, it had been a while since we had performed at a live house, and the fans were very close to us and sang with us. It made me very emotional.
Now for the end, please tell us what you would like to challenge even more, your goals and ambitions if you have any.
Jae - We want to continuously create music we want to do, and become a band which can connect with more people. I want the band DAY6 to grow even bigger, and to have more chances to perform.
Sungjin - In terms of challenge, I believe the songs we have created till now has all been a challenge, so as we have been doing now, I hope to challenge ourselves in the future as well.

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Jap to Eng trans @dalomls (twit)
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The 20 Best K-pop songs of 2019 - SKZ訳
若さとは未知の領域へと進み、自分の行動全てを疑い常に自分が誰なのかと不安になることである。そのような昂った、困惑してる状況では時には沈んでいく方が楽にも思えてしまう。こういった潰されるような不安定な気持ちを2019年で誰よりもうまく表現した曲はStray Kidsの激しい “Side Effects” である。
Stray Kidsは正真正銘ボーイズグループでありながら自分たちだけの独創性を持っている。“Side Effects” は彼らが求められている期待などを覆す曲であるが、だからといって苦悩を歌った曲ではない。とても挑発的であるが、大人になることで生まれる葛藤への答えを探している曲だ。実際のイメージを映し出すことによって “Side Effects” は怖いもの知らずなのである。激しい振り付けは暴れて逃げ出すような動きを描き、振り付けがコンセプトを物語っている。叫び声や吠え声、そしてサビである “頭が痛い” は絶叫療法に似ているが、そのエネルギーはかき消すことができない。“Side Effects” は最後の最後まで輝く、無視できない存在なのだ。
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Stray KidsはKPOPの現状を震えさせている
韓国のポップバンドStray Kidsはラップトップの前でSkypeインタビューのために集まっていた。画面に映るメンバーは薄暗く、雨が重いニューヨークでは空が灰色になっていた。彼らに似合ってるバックドロップだ:2017年に正式デビュー前にリリースした “Hellevator” からEDM調の最新シングル “MIROH”、このKPOPグループは似てるような異世界を感じさせるバックドロップを使い、超高層ビルやトンネルなどをMVに取り入れ、逃げるか周囲を圧倒するかのストーリーを描いてきた。
このコンセプトー自由を手にれるーはグループの中心にあるコンセプトであり、彼らの現実世界にも関係してくるコンセプトである。このグループのリーダーであるバンチャンはメンバーが所属する親会社のJYPエンターテイメントかた一人一人のメンバーを自ら選んだ。これはKPOPのような業界では極めて珍しく、普通だったら会社の幹部に任されることである。Stray Kidsは自分たちで音楽から全てを作っていて、これもまたKPOPグループとして珍しい行動である。彼らの音楽は若い彼らがベースとなってる - 怒りやまどろこしさ、高ぶる感情とどうしようもない底辺 - それとともに、自分の変わっていくアイデンティティにも自問している。
全体としてStray Kidsは親しみやすい、子供のように騒がしい面と持っているグループとして知られているが、たったの12ヶ月で数え切れない新人賞と5つのEPは彼らの実力を物語っている。彼らはStray Kidsと言うサバイバル番組によって構成され、番組内では短い期間で作詞作曲に加えて完璧なパフォーマンスを強要された。これは全てJYPEのCEOであるパクジニョン氏に厳しく審査された。グループのうち2人、フィリックスとリノ、は番組中に脱落することになったが、最終話で他7名と一緒に9人としてデビューすることになった。フィリックスは慣れない韓国語のせいで脱落することになった。彼は未だにその痛みを忘れていない。「自分の韓国語については未だに考えます。もっと勉強して、直そうとしています。」
フィリックスのやる気はStray Kidsが韓国のバラエティー番組に出演してる際に見える。少々内気であるフィリックスはカメラタイムを短くされていたが、最近では努力して勉強してた甲斐もあって、今までファンに伝わってた魅力も出せるようになってきた。「メンバーのおかげです」と明るくフィリックスは言っていた。逆に短い練習期間を過ごしたリノはストイックな姿勢を見せた。「あの時の審査があったから今の僕がここにいるんだと思うんです。それから努力してきたし、今も続けて努力をしています。」と彼は小さな笑顔を浮かべながら言った。
彼ら独特の荒い音は始めにリリースされた “Hellevator” によって紹介されたが、鳴り響く激しいEDMを効かせた正式デビュー曲の “District 9″ はKPOP界での彼らの名前を固めた。ミュージックビデオでは、メンバーはまるで病院のような監獄から通学バスを使ってタイトルのDistrict 9へと逃げていくが、彼らはまだ何かを探し続けている。「自分が誰かわからない、イライラする、いつも不安で仕方ない/答えてくれ、そして理解できるように答えてくれ」とヒョンジンが激しくラップをしている
彼は絶える間も無く去年リリースした3つのEPから最新のEPClé 1: MIROHでも旅を続けている。旅を続ける話によってミニマリストでエルクトロニカ調である3rd Eyeや明るいポップのGet Coolを取り入れながら新しい挑戦に挑んでいる。NOT!という曲では「システム」から抜けたことを祝っていて、「ユニーク」であることの強さを強調している。Stray Kidsにとって、「彼ら対僕たち」というコンセプトより、曖昧でありながらも自分たちの物語を大事にしている。「僕たちは自分たちのことを他に比べたりしないんです、」とボーカリストのスンミンが英語で教えてくれた。「My Paceという曲では、僕たちは他の人の功績なんてどうでもいい、Stray Kidsの道について歌ってるんです。」
Stray Kidsは深いところに訴えかけてる音楽を作り出しているが、彼らが選んだ道についてまた新たな質問が浮かぶ:彼は「システム」から抜け出したことによって、また新しい「システム」に入ってしまったのだ。彼らが今いるアイドルのシステムは彼らが抜け出したシステムよりはるかに厳しく、新しいシステムの中で突き進むことによって知名度やお金に近づいていくことになり、そうすることで自分たちのアイデンティティを失くす可能性も出てくる。そう考えると矛盾をしているのではないか。バンチャンは少し話をやめ、「まぁ正直、“システム”っていうよりかは“業界”って言った方が合っていて、僕たちの決断です。前のシステムから抜け出すために、アイドルになることを選び、そしてKPOPを通して自分たちが伝えたいメッセージを表現しています。」
Stray Kidsのように構成されてるグループは、自由に制作をしながら着々と成功していくのは珍しく、アイドル業界で何かの変化を起こすのでは?バンチャンはこの質問に対し眉を寄せ、「そうかもしれません。」と自分でも考えなら答えた。「結局は人がどう受け止めるかだと思いますが。」
最近のStray Kidsは内面について語っていて、新しいEPを聞いているとそれがさらに伝わってくる。バンチャンによるとClé 1: MIROHは「9人一緒だからとても自信がある」と説明していて、その自信のおかげで大胆不敵な一面を見せるBoxer、MIROH、そしてVictory Songなどが出来上がった。Victory Songではハンが自信が溢れるように「くつろいでる勝者、笑顔になる/俺みたいな人はない」とラップしている。
以前のEPに比べると自問をしている曲は少ないが、バンチャンは「ChronosaurusやMaze Of Memoriesのような曲を見てもらうと、緊張感や不安、迷ってる感情などが書かれてます。」という。Maze of Memoriesはくらいヒップホップで、ラッパーチャンビンの感情が出されてる。「僕が歌手になる夢を持っていた時、」と彼は英語で話し始めた「僕の夢を支えてくれなかった人たちがいて、とても悲しかった。なので当時の感情をこの曲に入れました。」
これからのStray Kidsは今までやってきたことを続けるつもりだという - 人間の中で生まれる質問や感情、難しく苦しい話、うつ、不安、そしてつきまとうネガティブな思いは彼らが実際に経験してきたことばかりで、そのようなトピックに訴え続けるという。グループの作詞作曲チームの3RACHAはこの一年でスタイルを完成させただけではなく、I.N.によると、スピードもあげたそう。「すごい速いです!」と笑顔で話してくれた。
3RACHAがSoundCloudに投稿していた日々はもう過ぎてしまったが、彼らの中心であるため、デビュー前に制作した曲を残している。元気でポップな曲もあるが、心に響く激しい曲などもあり、例えばBroken Compassは今回のEPのMixtape#4として収録されている。
作詞作曲チームだけが進化している訳ではない。喧嘩や緊張で追われてた練習生たちは今になってStray Kidsというパフォーマーになったとヒョンジンは言う。サバイバルショーの間はバンチャンに頼っていたが、今のStray Kidsはもっと安心したのだろうか、責任感をもつようになったのだろうか。「みんなが勝手に話せるように部屋を出ますね!」とバンチャンが冗談を言った。チャンビンは「NO!」と叫んでいて、ボーカリストのウジンはカメラに近づき「番組を撮影してる時、バンチャンは本当によくしてくれました。当時はいつでも彼を頼りにして追っていました。」と話してくれた。
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Stray Kids: 成長、挑戦、そして自分との戦い
Stray Kidsは自分たちの道を歩んでいる。そして、その他者のルールに従わない姿勢がこの青年たちの魅力である。“District 9” でデビューを果たしてからKPOPの中でも大胆な曲をリリースしてる。District 9は青年達の怒りをヒップホップ、ロック、そしてEDMを混ぜた曲調で表していて、すぐさま注目するべきルーキーグループのステータスを手に入れた。
むき出しの感情を自分たちの音楽で表現するのは彼らの才能であり、大人になる一歩手前であるファンたちを世界中から集めている。グループを象徴する音は一つのジャンルで表しきれない - もはや彼らの『存在』であり、それはとても真剣なものである。
「Stray Kidsの音楽は誰もが共感できるもので、辛い時に助けてくれるような音楽です」とリーダー・バンチャンが電話越しにいう。グループは初めてのソロアメリカツアーの準備をしている。「エネルギーいっぱいでしょ?」と彼は続けて言った。
そして、そのエネルギーは彼らの最新曲である “Miroh” でさらに感じられる。韓国語の「迷路」“미로”(ミロ)を元に、活気溢れる曲は(メンバーのバンチャン、ハン、そしてチャンビンによって作曲され)様々な音、リズム感、掛け声、そして動物の鳴き声が含まれている。フックは非常に印象的であり、スタジアムステージなどにぴったりな曲だ。“苦しくないさ / この荒いジャングル野中” とバンチャンが歌う、“呼び込んだのは俺だから / I’m okay.”
「 “MIROH” は本当に大きな挑戦だったんです」 と21歳の歌手かつプロデューサーは話す。「俺たちが年を重ねていくことによって挑戦をすることが増えていく、経験を増やしていって自らをチャレンジするんです。」
メンバーのバンチャン、ウジン、Lee Know、チャンビン、ヒョンジン、ハン、フィリックス、スンミン、そしてジョンインが年を重ねることで音楽も成長していく。一つ前の “I Am” シリーズでは思春期の視線からの 「アイデンティティ」 に集中していた。自分は誰?自分は誰になろうとしてるの?そしてなんでみんなも私みたいに目的がないような、怖い感情を抱いてるの?彼らの最新リリース “Clé 1: MIROH” ではこのような質問を前提にファンと向き合っている。大人になることで新しく手に入れた自信とともに前が見えない思春期の怖さに突っ込んでいっている。もちろん、多少なブラバドも見える。“Boxer” は 「アンニョン 僕はどこにでも飛んでいける少年だ」 という歌詞で始まる。
デビューから長くも短い期間で、Stray Kidsは4つのEPとデビュー前のミックステープをリリースしていて、収録されているほとんどの曲はメンバーによって作曲されている。3RACHAの3人がプロデュース担当することが多いが、メンバーの全員が作曲することを勧められている。
「自分たちで作曲していることで自分たちの純粋な気持ちを伝えやすく、最大の武器の1つなんです」 とバンチャンが言う。「俺たちからのメッセージで、みんなに贈りたいものなんです。」
「自分たちを表現するにはファンをどう思ってるかと表現するのが簡単なんです」 とラッパーでありバンチャンと同じオーシーであるフィリックスが続けた。「もっと正直なんです」 とバンチャンが結論する。「Stray Kidsにとってすごい大事なことです。」
Stray Kidsの原点はバンチャンであり、韓国の芸能事務所・JYPEの元で練習生として活躍していた練習生を集めて結成された(Stray Kidsのロゴまでもバンチャン作である)。アイドルサバイバル番組の「Stray Kids」 でファンは始めてオーストラリア出身のリーダーバンチャンに出会った。サバイバル番組ではチームワークを試される試練や審査をくぐり抜けて、9人でのデビューを目指した。デビュー前の曲 「Hellevator」 の制作のシーンや、まだ定かではない夢に向かって勤しむメンバーの様子が見られる。サバイバル番組の途中でメンバーのフィリックスとリノは脱落と宣言されたが、最終話で引き戻され、“9 or none” (9人か0人)というモットーをさらに強いものにした。
彼らはいつもなにかを作っている。そして煮詰まるときなどは年相応の行動をとるという。バンチャンは空気を吸いに行ったり、映画(クリード)、アニメ(ワンピース)を見る。フィリックスはビデオゲーム、そしてEDM。「My Paceを聞くことが多いです」 とも言っていた。
「空いてる時間があればパソコンで新しいものを作ってます。」 とバンチャンは言う。「飛行機の中でも。飛行機の中で音楽を作ることが多いです。去年ニューヨークに行く飛行機で “I am YOU” を少し作りました。最終的にはそれも取り入れたにで、結構満足です。」
そうなると、普通とは異なるプレッシャーも生まれてくる。「 “この曲は好かれるのか?” や “ファンはこの曲を好きになってくれるだろうか?STAYがこの曲を気に入ってくれるだろうか?” というような考えも湧いてきます。」 とバンチャンは言う。「全員を満足させるのは一生かかる挑戦です。」 その目標を掲げながら一年目で見せてきたペースを続けるのは難しい挑戦である。
なので 「時間」 というテーマは新アルバム “MIROH” の中に存在する概念なのである。最終曲の “19” はメンバーハンによって作詞作曲されたムーディーかつ個人的な曲だ。“19”は子供からを大人になる難しい道のりを描いている。“잠깐의 고요” はヒップホップトラックで、夢を追うことで出くわすかもしれない困難などが歌われてる。ゆったりと暗く始まる曲調だが、だんだんと悪夢のような苦しさになっていき、最後は “Never give up” というフレーズが繰り返されて終わる。そして “Chronosaurus” という 「時間」 を恐れている曲もある。
「“Chronosaurus” を書いてる途中、時間とは常にプレッシャーがまとわりついてるものだと思いました。例えばテストを受けていても絶対に制限時間があるし、働いてても提出期限がありますよね。」 とバンチャンが語った。
「時間をコントロールできる超能力が欲しいです」 と笑っていた。「けど時間は止められるものではなくて、それでもずっと自分の人生にあるもんです。ならもういっそそれに慣れるしかないかなって。」
包みなくファンにグループの方向性を明かす態度は、日常的に様々な苦しみ - 個人のデッドラインや迷路に迷い込むなど - を味わっているファンから感謝されている。「自分だけじゃないんだよっていうメッセージを伝えたいと思いました、」とリーダーがニュージャージーでの初ステージでファンに言った。2時間のコンサートは若いグループのディスコグラフィーを追いながら、Stray Kidsの話を初めから観客に見せていた。
デビュー直後のシングル、”Hellevator” や “District 9″ は怒りや不安 - 社会のプレッシャーによって押さえつけられてしまいがらも自分の道に進むティーンたち - それと真逆な “My Pace” はエネルギー満載で気分を向上させるような曲で、b-sideの “Voices” は個人の中にある不安を描いてる。”I am YOU” はファンのための曲であり、”Get Cool” は瞬間を生きる楽しさを歌にしている。最後までアルバムを聴くと、全てが見えてくる: 彼らの音楽はファンへの『鏡』なのだ。自分たちの中に存在する不安や辛い感情、それをファンの物語と重ねて見せている。
「声の使い方を覚えました。新しい曲を収録する時、3RACHAに教えてもらうことで成長することができました。それだけじゃなくて、グループの一員になってから自分自身についても学んでいます。Stray Kidsと一緒にいることで自信がつきました。自分が本当は誰か認識できるようにもなった。最近は何も怖くありません。」とフィリックスが語ってくれた。
Stray Kidsの一員になってから自分がどう変わったかと言う質問に対して、バンチャンは「まだ答えがない」と答えた。「今までずっと、自分が誰か追求してきました。正直言うと、自分が誰かまだ100%わかっていません。」
このような物事への視線、人生を様々な人と共有している体験として認識することが、Stray Kidsを次世代の『声』にしているのだ。自らの体験を晒すことで、自分の道を作り、その道を歩むことで新しいことを習得することを主張している。
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“Please don’t expect me to always be good and kind and loving. There are times when I will be cold and thoughtless and hard to understand.”
— Sylvia Plath
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