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In Australia we don’t have guard dogs, we have guard spiders... On the front verandah to have my morning coffee and find this Huntsman. Not specifically sure the exact type as it’s estimated that around 155 huntsman spider species are found throughout Australia in the family ‘Sparassidae’. They usually live under rocks and cracks in tree bark, but will quite often wander indoors, into both homes and vehicles. They move extremely quickly, at almost lightning speed, travelling at top speeds of around 30 body lengths/second. Huntsman spiders are aptly names as they are roam around and hunt for prey, foraging rather than web building. Their diet is made up of insects (and other invertebrates) and occasionally even small lizards. Huntsman spiders rarely bite humans since they rely on their speed to evade most predators. They are generally a non-aggressive group of spiders and will run away given the chance. The bite of a Huntsman spider is only mildly toxic and of pretty low risk to humans. However, a large Huntsman would have large fangs and therefore can deliver quite a deep painful bite. Most bites to humans are a quick defensive nips, usually without injecting venom but it would still hurt! If you do find a big spider in your house or in your car, it may shock you but please just remain calm! It isn’t going to hurt you and is probably much more afraid of you! Use a small container or something similar and try to scoop the spider up into the container and release it outside or if it is close to the door gently prompt it outside with a newspaper or a broom. Alternatively you could just leave it be! Perhaps it will rid your house of any bugs or it will just move back outside on its own if there is nothing for it to hunt. #huntsman #spider #nature #wildaustralia #naturalaustralia #australia #huntsmanspider #sparassidae #eightleggedfreak #funfactswithnate #knowitallnate #nowyouknow #rockstarnate #aussie #native #staya (at Batemans Bay, New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrLsyJxFhrm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aagdieygpf2f
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Feeding time for the Geckos!!🦎🦎 Say hello to the Marbled Gecko (Christinus marmoratus). They are nocturnal, insectivorous lizards native to Australia and found from northeastern New South Wales to southwestern Western Australia. They are commonly found living in aggregations (or clusters) of up to 10 individuals, mainly containing only one male. Most geckos are observed to engage in territorial behaviour, it is surprising that these guys don’t. It has been suggested that this could be related to mating success, increased vigilance and protection, or simply attraction to high-quality habitat. (Or they are just like me and exist as the token gay boy in a social group of lesbians haha) They are well adapted to a variety of habitats and dwell in deep burrows during the day in summer and under rocks, in their clusters, during the colder months. They carry fat reserves in their tails, which they will detach when threatened, to aid in escape. They will regenerate their tail fully but it takes about 8 months. Fully regenerated tails are can be recognised by an abrupt change in skin colouring and pattern at the point of the original fracture. (One of these guys has lost his tail before because his new tail has yet to develop the black marbles pattern and is lighter than the rest of his body) Geckos and legless lizards are the only reptiles that can vocalise with tweets or chirps (other reptiles just hiss). However these guys will rarely vocalise unless under attack where they will squeak and squeal. I won’t lie, I really love these guys and I want to catch one but it’s illegal to have one as a pet without a permit, so I won’t be doing that. #funfactswithnate #wildaustralia #nature #australia #aussie #native #knowitallnate #nateknowseverything #nowyouknow #adventuresofrockstarnate #rockstarnate #didyouknow #lizard #lizards #gecko #marbledgecko #christinusmarmoratus (at Tottenham, New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsnWpyPlFOG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=89raj1wm6yl
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I could hear them but I couldn’t see them... I waited patiently, then finally caught a glimpse of the, more often heard and rarely seen, bellbird! The bell miner (Manorina melanophrys), is a species of honeyeater native to south-eastern Australia. Their common name refers to their high-pitched, bell-like, “ping” sounding call. The birds feed primarily on the dome-like coverings, or “bell lerps", of certain psyllid bugs that feed on eucalyptus sap from the leaves (creating the “bell-lerps” from their own honeydew secretions to protect themselves) Bellbirds live in large complex social groups, or colonies, consisting of smaller clan groups. The clans are made up of several monogamous breeding pairs with non breeding individuals that serve as nest helpers, who assisting to feed and raise the young of the breeding pairs. They can be quite aggressive towards other birds, especially larger birds, with the clans hanging up to drive other birds from their territory. #funfactswithnate #bellbird #bellminer #manorinamelanophrys #wildaustralia #nature #australia #native #bird #camouflaged #ping #birdcall #heardandnotseen #knowitallnate #nateknowseverything #nowyouknow #adventuresofrockstarnate #rockstarnate (at Tathra, New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqqe8rMlbai/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uumhwgvbl5mt
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“Dear God, make me a bird. So I could fly far. Far far away from here” In Indigenous Australian dreaming legend there was a disabled girl who was bullied for being different and prayed to become a beautiful bird so she could fly free. Her father consulted the tribal elders and her wish was granted, and she was transformed into the beautiful Rainbow Lorikeet... I feel ya sis!! #funfactswithnate #knowitallnate #nateknowseverything #rainbowlorikeet #parrot #familiar #wildfamiliar #rainbow #lorikeet #handfeeding #featheredfriend #newfriend #animalsarebetterthanpeople #nature #wildaustralia #birds #feathers #airsign #messagesfromtheair #messagesfromspirit #rockstarnate #adventuresofrockstarnate (at Tathra, New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqpFhvsFuXf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e8ptgzo2coyw
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Hello curious Echidna! This one actually stopped traffic to cross the road to the beach! They are native to Australia and New Guinea. Armed with sharp spines for defence also having very strong front limbs and long sharp claws for digging into any and termite nests to feed on the eggs and larvae of the insects. They are also able to burrow very quickly to escape danger. The Short-Beaked Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) is a monotreme; being one of the only living mammals that lay eggs, along with the Platypus. Echidnas suckle and carry their young in a pouch until the babies develop spines and grow too big. Interestingly Echidna’s cannot sweat and avoid the extreme heat of the day, being more active in the morning and evening; they will even take a swim to cool down! They’re named after a creature from Greek mythology who was half-woman, half-snake, as they share qualities of both mammals and reptiles. They are very cool creatures indeed!! #funfactswithnate #echidna #tachyglossusaculeatus #nature #wildaustralia #monotreme #aussie #knowitallnate #adventuresofrockstarnate (at Tathra, New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqT1dPXFQIe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14ijru5q71hom
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