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putovanja-i-osecanja · 2 years ago
Srpski Notr Dam
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Na nešto manje od petnaest kilometara od Knjaževca, na obali Trgoviškog Timoka, smešteno je selo Donja Kamenica.Na prvi pogled, selo nalik desetinama drugih staroplaninskih sela: uzani most koji vodi preko mirne reke i prašnjavi put koji se nastavlja dalje ka centru sela – Bairu. Ipak, Donja Kamenica ni kom slučaju nije obično selo.Seoskim trgom dominira neobična građevina – misteriozna Bogorodičina crkva za koju se pretpostavlja da je nastala krajem XIII ili početkom XIV veka. Ne smete propustiti priliku da uživate u njenoj lepoti. Teško je reći kada je lepša – u proleće, kada procveta predivni vrt ili u jesen kada priroda oboji sve u boje ruja. Lepa je i zimi, kada će vas neodoljivo podsetiti na prizore sa starih razglednica. . . .
serbia #serbiaphoto #srbija #instaserbia #serbianature #obidjisrbiju #srbijauslikama #instagramsrbija #mojasrbija #serbiatravel #serbiatourism #myserbia #vidisrbiju #seeserbia #turistickaorganizacijasrbije #upoznajsrbiju #lepotesrbije #beautyserbia #discoverserbia #turizamsrbija #istrazisrbiju #exploreserbia #visitserbia #posetisrbiju #dozivisrbiju #knjazevac #donjakamenica
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fovarosiblog · 2 years ago
Tudtok mondani egy olyan applikációt, amivel szöveget képről be tudok olvastatni, és le is fordíttatni angolra? Egy kiállítás cirill betüs szerb szövegeit fordítanám le vele angolra.
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weirdgoogleearth · 3 months ago
Castle House
A very fancy house along this highway in Serbia. You could even say it’s as fancy as a castle! Name: Castle House Lat, Long: 43.6792178,22.2902382 Location: Knjazevac Municipality, Serbia
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kachcha · 4 years ago
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Traditional clothing from Knjaževac, Serbia
Народна ношња из Књажевца
Instagram: kachcha
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vlada019 · 7 years ago
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U Knjazevcu trenutno pocinje da pada kisa, a trenutna temperatura iznosi -4.3°C .Vozacima i pesacima savetujemo dodatan oprez zbog pojave poledice #knjazevac #fotovesti #knjazevackevesti #vreme #kisa #sneg
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caramizie-vrajitoare · 4 years ago
Headcanon: Massacre of Knjaževac
Žvezdana and Peter went to the local school to read and write with the other children. Occasionally, the other children would pick on them for being Romani. Žvezdana would stick up for herself and for her brother– pushing or punching the other children. Peter would sometimes run around quickly and pull the hair of the girls that made fun of his sister. More than once they received harsh punishment for starting fights. This never deterred the two. They were a team.After school they would run home to play soccer with their Romani friends. Although, the other Romani children complained that Peter had an unfair advantage.
However, during the winter when food was especially scarce, Dejan made a desperate decision. His twelve-year-old children were at home starving and he simply couldn’t watch them suffer anymore. He stole a loaf of bread from the store. He was caught just four blocks away… Dejan was imprisoned.
In retaliation, a mob from Knjaževac marched into the Romani village and set fire to it. Wanda had been playing in her room when a molotov cocktail was thrown into the room. The curtains caught fire and soon the shack was engulfed in flames. Fear spiked through her and she began to panic. She was screaming for Dejan, Marija, or Peter– anyone.
Peter had been playing on the other side of the village when the mob attacked. He heard the screams and the shacks going up in flames. He ran as fast as he could back to his home. He found his sister collapsed on the floor, her head bleeding from a cut on her forehead from where the roof had collapsed on her. He managed to dig her out before the fire consumed them both.
He tried to find Marija, but it was too late. He found her body laying on the ground two houses away. She had been killed trying to protect the village and her home.
Peter ran as fast as he could and got them out of there.
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loudlyshralebiser · 7 years ago
Snima se, snima! Uskoro!
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yahoonewsphotos · 7 years ago
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Depopulation turns Serbia's villages into ghost towns
Repusnica was once a bustling village on the slopes of Mount Stara Planina in Serbia. Now its bars lie empty, its houses stand shuttered and nobody walks its streets.
Authorities declared the village near the border with Bulgaria closed in 1998 due to depopulation caused by mechanization of the economy, the closure of state factories and an exodus from Serbia linked to the Balkan wars of the 1990s.
In many nearby villages, the population has dwindled and sometimes just an elderly couple or a single person is left. Schools, clinics, veterinary stations and shops are closed. Visitors are rare. Roads are peppered with potholes.
"Some people left, moved away ... to seek better living standards. The village was neglected and ignored especially when it came to infrastructure," said Rade Bogdanovic, a retired veterinarian in Kalna, which is part of the Knjazevac municipality that also includes Repusnica.
"Only the elderly stayed behind, the parents of those who left, and over time they grew older and died," he said as he stumbled across rubble to reach his dilapidated former office. He said Kalna's population had shrunk from 4,000 to 1,000.
Between 2002 and 2011, Serbia lost more than 377,000 people or 5 percent of its population of around 7 million, according to the census. Numbers have fallen in 86 percent of the country's 4,600 villages, according to the Serbian Academy of Science. A similar situation exists in some other countries in the Balkans and southeastern Europe.
In the past 50 years the eastern Serbian municipality of Knjazevac fell by half to 30,000 people. "We now have a population in line with what we had after World War One," said Marija Jelenkovic, a municipal official.
In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s around a million left to seek jobs in the West. An estimated 700,000 people left Serbia during the Balkan wars of the 1990s.
The outflow continued after the fall of President Slobodan Milosevic in 2000. A transition to a market economy saw many state factories close and a trend towards smaller families has seen the average age rise to 42 according to the 2011 census, up from 40 in 2002.
The Serbian government has sought to tackle the problem by improving infrastructure and offering incentives to younger people to stay in villages. The effort is yet to yield results.
In 2015, a human rights official appointed by parliament said the country should ask migrants flooding through the Balkans from the Middle East to settle in empty villages but the idea was abandoned. (Reuters)
Photography by Marko Djurica/Reuters
See more photos of Depopulation turns Serbia's villages into ghost towns and our other slideshows on Yahoo News.
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webbkamera · 5 years ago
Knjazevac › South-West: Central
Webcam by Dejan Ilijic
Europa, Serbien, Knjazevac
from Senast adderade webkameror https://ift.tt/2mi097f
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hebergement-francophone · 7 years ago
Que vous réserve la location de vacances en Serbie durant l’hiver ?
Envisager la location de vacances en Serbie pendant l’hiver vous garantit d’agréables surprises. Rivalisant de beauté avec les monts enneigés des Alpes, les paysages serbes méritent aussi le détour surtout en hiver. De plus, les montagnes jouissent d’un excellent enneigement. Quelques stations de ski vous permettront de partir à la découverte de la Serbie dans un environnement exceptionnel.
Optez pour la découverte des monts Kopaonik pendant votre location de vacances en Serbie
Découvrez Kopaonik grâce à la location de vacances en Serbie
Vous souhaitez profiter de votre location de vacances en Serbie pour passer un inoubliable week-end insolite en famille ? Rejoignez la station de ski de Kopaonik. Lové entre deux sommets dépassant les 2 000 mètres d’altitude, au sud de Kraljevo, Kopaonik est la plus célèbre station serbe. Ses 200 jours d’ensoleillement lui ont également valu le surnom de « la montagne du Soleil ». C’est une station complète proposant une soixantaine de kilomètres de pistes aux skieurs.
Kopaonik est la plus grande et station de ski de Serbie
Comme durant vos dernières vacances à la montagne dans les Alpes, vous pourrez y faire du ski alpin. Snowboard, promenades en ski safari, parapentes et parc de loisir seront également au rendez-vous. Vous pourrez même vous mettre au ski de fond et parcourir les forêts de sapins et vallées enneigées.
Découvrez la Serbie avec Échappées belles
Envie de skier sur le plus haut sommet du mont Midžor ?
Vous rêvez de dévaler les pentes enneigées du Grand Balkan ? Quittez votre location de vacances en Serbie et dirigez-vous vers la station Babin Zub. Situé sur la montagne Stara Planina, à l’est du pays, ce domaine skiable vous garantit des vacances au ski inoubliables. Considérée comme la plus haute montagne à l’est de la Serbie, Stara Planina se trouve à une cinquantaine de kilomètres de Knjazevac.
Découverte du Babin zub, un sommet dans le massif de Stara Planina, dans le sud-est de la Serbie
Recouverte d’un manteau de neige 5 mois sur 12, Stara Planina est la mieux indiquée pour les amateurs de ski alpin. La station Babin zub, occupant l’un des sommets de la montagne, bénéficie d’une centaine de pistes skiables. Ainsi, cette petite étoile montante de la Serbie vous promet d’inoubliables vacances de ski en Europe de l’Est.
L’article Que vous réserve la location de vacances en Serbie durant l’hiver ? est apparu en premier sur Location-Francophone.
from Le blog de Location-Francophone – Location-Francophone https://www.location-francophone.com/blog/location-de-vacances-en-serbie/
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putovanja-i-osecanja · 2 years ago
Sa bajkerima
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U Knjaževcu nailazim na grupu bajkera iz Holandije koji su na proputovanju kroz Srbiju…nisam mogao da ne zastanem i pozdravim se sa njima, ipak zna se šta je bajkerski kod. O mašinama bolje i da ne pišem jer ni jedna nije ispod 1200cc. Zadivilo me je to što svi oni zajedno mnogo bolje poznaju našu zemlju i lepote nego i mi sami. Krenuli su putem Stare planine i nastavljaju dalje u obilazak ostatka Balkana. Uz pozdrav se rastajemo…ja dalje nastavljam prema Donjoj Kamenici jer me tamo čeka nesto kao iz bajke. Ostanite sa nama i saznajte šta… Inače put do Knjaževca je delom katastrofalan, 50 nijansi sivih, delom dobar, krivudav, preko litica i veoma zahtevan za vožnju. U sl. objavama prikazaću i to. . . .
serbia #serbiaphoto #srbija #instaserbia #serbianature #obidjisrbiju #srbijauslikama #instagramsrbija #mojasrbija #serbiatravel #serbiatourism #myserbia #vidisrbiju #seeserbia #turistickaorganizacijasrbije #upoznajsrbiju #lepotesrbije #beautyserbia #discoverserbia #turizamsrbija #istrazisrbiju #exploreserbia #visitserbia #posetisrbiju #dozivisrbiju #knjazevac
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fovarosiblog · 1 year ago
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2023-ban eljutottam egy csomó helyre. Voltam Lisszabonban és Tavira környékén. Voltam Spanyolországban egyszer Madridban, egyszer pedig Oviedoban és egy fél napot Bilbaoban is. Brüsszel csak egy átszállás miatt van ott, ahogy Bukarestből is igazából csak egy Bukarest és a reptér közötti szállodáig jutottam. De voltam Nis mellett, Knjazevac-ban is, bár Belgrád csak másfél óra volt. Erdélyben még év elején voltam, Marosvásárhelyen és Székelyudvarhelyen is. És voltam Ljubljanában és Mariborban is. Németországban csak Frankfurtban voltam, a többi csak átszállós, átutazós helyszín a térképen. Az év végén még Nápolyban is retteghettem egy kicsit a helyi maffiától. Európán kívül nem jártam idén sem sehol. Szóval 2023-ban nagyon sok helyre eljutottam, nagyrészt munka kapcsán. De azt továbbra is tartom, hogy nyaralni ilyen nyugati demokráciákban szeretnék.
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kachcha · 4 years ago
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Details from Serbian traditional clothing from Knjaževac
Детаљи књажевачке народне ношње
Instagram: kachcha
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vlada019 · 7 years ago
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Trenutna temperatura u ski centru iznosi - 6°C dok visina sneznog pokrivaca iznosi 37 cm.Sto se tice puta do Stare planine svi putni pravci su prohodni i spremni da prime brojne turiste za predstojeci vikend. #staraplanina #skijanje #knjazevac #babinzub #vreme #ski #renta #skirenta2d
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webbkamera · 7 years ago
Knjazevac › South-West: Књажевац
Webcam by Dejan Ilijic
Europa, Serbien, Knjazevac
from Senast adderade webkameror http://ift.tt/2FvkMEy
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travelserbia · 9 years ago
Knjaževac http://wheretoserbia.com/around-zajecar/knjazevac/ Name Knjaževac dates form 1859. And town got it after Knjaz Miloš Obrenović, Serbian ruler. Before that Otoman rulers called it Gurgusovac. River Timok runs true it. Distance from Niš is about 60km, from Zaječar 40. It is in Zaječar county, in east Serbia. History of Knjaževac...  
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