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annascraftsroom · 1 year ago
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Knitted on a Knittax knitting machine. A shawl/lap blanket. Cozy to have in the sofa at night.
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blog-sguera · 1 year ago
30.352 — CNCiv., sala D, octubre 11-977. — Lotitto, Carlos A. c. Knittax Argentina, S. A
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2ª Instancia de 1977 — Buenos Aires, octubre 11 de 1977 — ¿Se ajusta a derecho la sentencia apelada?
El doctor Quiroga Olmos dijo:
1° Carlos Alberto Lotitto por medio de este juicio, promovido contra Knittax Argentina, S. A, persigue la restitución de un automóvil "Peugeot 404", Dominio 172.547, motor 72.221, y la oportuna inscripción de la transferencia a su nombre.
La emplazada, por su parte, requirió el rechazo de la pretensión.
La sentencia de primera instancia rechazó la demanda interpuesta, con imposición de costas.
Disconforme con el fallo apeló Lotitto quien, en su expresión de agravios de fs. 293/9, contestada a fs. 300/306, requirió la revocatoria del fallo.
2° Los litigantes basan su derecho a través de lo que resulta del convenio de compraventa, agregado a fs. 215/6, en donde las cláusulas 42 y 5a resultan en cierto modo contradictorias.
Estoy plenamente de acuerdo con la interpretación del contrato realizada por el juez a quo.
Es norma corriente de hermenéutica que las cláusulas de un convenio no deben interpretarse aisladamente, debiendo procurarse su armonización, haciendo prevalecer la real intención de las partes para lo cual constituye un valioso aporte la conducta observada por los interesados antes y con posterioridad al contrato.
En el caso que tratamos surge claramente que la entrega del rodado y su posterior
enajenación, "en condiciones inferiores a las vigentes en plaza" lo fue teniendo en consideración mientras durara la relación laboral y "como una colaboración para el mejor desempeño de las funciones del empleado", por lo que resulta justificable que, en supuestos como el presente, la "empresa" se hubiera reservado la facultad de requerir la devolución del automóvil.
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knittedbymachomen · 5 years ago
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#Repost @lorettanapoleoni with @get_repost ・・・ This is the first part of a beautiful story from an online magazine Shine.cn There should be no gender gap in knitting or other handicrafts,” said Pan, 34, a male knitter and knitwear entrepreneur in a village in the southern province of Guangdong. At age 6, Pan learned knitting from his mother, who like other women in their village handcrafted clothing for a foreign trade company in the 1980s and 90s. By the time he was 10, Pan had become quite accomplished and could knit a woolen sweater with ease. “I have liked knitting since my childhood,” said Pan. “The voices of doubt have always been there. Many people said that I was like a girl. I was embarrassed at the very beginning, but now I don’t care what people say about me.” While his teenage schoolmates were engaged in rough-and-tumble play after class, young Pan knitted and chatted with his mother and his neighborhood ayi. But as the 21st century dawned, those happy memories seemed a distant past. Handmade items were being replaced by machine-made goods, and knitting circles all but disappeared. Leaving his hometown, Pan studied pharmacy at university. However, he wasn’t really interested in his major, so undertook to learn Japanese on his own and later worked as a Japanese translator for a foreign company after graduation. In 2009, he had the idea of starting a business related to his hobby of knitting. He opened a Taobao store called Panwallzer and tested the market for handmade knitwear in his off-work hours. To his surprise, there were many people nostalgic about handcrafted clothing. In the first year, he earned thousands of yuan a month, higher than his existing salary. Determined to press on, Pan quit his job and returned to his hometown. His parents weren’t exactly overjoyed about his plans. #knittingbymachomen #maleknitters #maleknitting #sticka #knittaz4life #knittaplease #brooklynboyknits #knittax #knitta #knittaddict #maleknittersofinstagram #maleknittersaretakingover #maleknitting_cologne #maleknittersoftheworld https://www.instagram.com/p/B57mZDYHcsn/?igshid=135xt2i7iryzo
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espacioclaudelina · 2 years ago
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Se acuerdan de la máquina de tejer KNITTAX? Acá encontré un instructivo. Hoy se venden usadas, y decir la marca ya es suficiente para saber que hablamos de ella! Short pants, maxis, minis, sweaters, bombalana…todo lo tejía la KNITTAX. La usaste? Tuviste una? Contame @maquinadetejerknittax #maquinasdetejer #knittax #tejido #knit #knitting #knittinglove #amorporeltejido #yotejo #espacioclaudelina (en Buenos Aires, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjoutn5OP1h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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utilindoartesanias · 4 years ago
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⏯️ https://youtu.be/-i1YDSI3bzo ¿No tenés suplemento? Podés hacer elásticos igual!!! . . #knittax #knittaxargentina #tejeramaquina #tejido #aprenderatejer #puntosypuntadas #quédateencasa (en La Plata, Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEeq3VOpJ24/?igshid=1o2wx29g2zz7b
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knittedbymachomen · 5 years ago
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#Repost @lorettanapoleoni with @get_repost ・・・ TAKANBABE, Miyazaki -- An 81-year-old woman here has made 165 pairs of colorful socks and 160 crochet dishcloths that she hopes will help keep victims of October's Typhoon Hagibis warm this winter. Fist part of the story. Minomo, who grew up in a handicraft-loving household, has been knitting items such as sweaters for her family since marrying her husband Masato, 88, when she was 23. Her crochet socks are especially popular with her friends, to the point that she has to start preparing in summer to hand them out in time for winter. After Typhoon Hagibis tore through the Kanto, Tohoku and Shinshu regions in eastern, northeastern and central Japan, she felt heart-broken seeing images on TV of an elderly person with dementia hanging their head despondently while staying at a school gym serving as an evacuation center. At that time, Minomo already had 35 pairs of socks she was planning to drop off at a nearby care facility for the aged. Thinking that the winter cold would set in earlier in the devastated areas, she got her family to drive her to a craft shop in a neighboring city where she bought a bunch of yarns. She began kitting with a goal of making 100 pairs of socks.#sticka #knittaz4life #knittaplease #knitta #knittax #knitting #knittersofinstagram #knittingaddict #knittingislove #knittingtohelp #knittaplease #maleknitters #knittingbymachomen #knittinginjapan #japanknitting https://www.instagram.com/p/B6N20smn2Uy/?igshid=1sx579i455bkm
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utilindoartesanias · 4 years ago
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✅ Buenas, les comparto mi patrón de corazón, para hacerlo con la técnica de #zigzag que enseñe la semana pasada. . 📣 PD: Por sino lo vieron, aquí les comparto el vídeo https://youtu.be/pnSrm9SeZhM . . . #zigzag #utilindo #tejido #knittax #tejer #patron #patrones https://www.instagram.com/p/CEXkX_UJpGD/?igshid=k6b04d543ut0
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utilindoartesanias · 4 years ago
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Diadema realizada con estrella de knittax, y falso elástico! . . . #knittax #tejido #diadema #puntosypuntadas #tejer #utilindo #amor #colores #invierno2020 #quedateencasa encasa https://www.instagram.com/p/CEATTrhJUWA/?igshid=efe9zxpvoqoj
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utilindoartesanias · 5 years ago
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El arte de tejer, es simplemente un placer 💆💆💆 . #arte #artesanias #artesaniasargentinas #crochet #knittaxargentina #knittax #love #beneficios #utilindo #colors #puntosypuntadas #tejidos #tejer https://www.instagram.com/p/B2QPGwFhVtI/?igshid=at93ptswfdah
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