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have-you-been-here · 4 months ago
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Tomb of Immanuel Kant, Königsberg cathedral, Kneiphof, Kaliningrad, Russia
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anglokonigsberger · 1 year ago
Fort Friedrichsburg
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Fort Friedrichsburg or Feste Friedrichsburg was a fort in Königsberg, Germany. The only remnant of the former fort is the Friedrichsburg Gate (Russian: Фридрихсбургские ворота, German: Friedrichsburger Tor) in Kaliningrad, Russia.
Construction of the fort began in 1657 during the Second Northern War by the order of Frederick William��of Brandenburg-Prussia. The fort was built in place of a tollhouse on the southern shore of the Pregel River at the western edge of Königsberg.[1] It was included within the new ring of Königsberg fortifications constructed from 1626 to 1634. Districts neighboring the fort were Vorstadt to the east, Nasser Garten to the southwest outside of the city walls, and Lastadie to the north across the river. Construction of the fort was resented by the constituent towns of Königsberg, especially Kneiphof.
Friedrichsburg was designed by Christian Otter, court mathematician and Albertina professor. Friedrichsburg's position allowed its cannons to defend the city from the west, monitor incoming traffic from the Frisches Haff, and suppress civil uprising. The fort originally consisted of earthwork, bricks, and ditches. The square-shaped structure included four bastions, nicknamed Smaragd, Perle, Rubin, and Diamant.
(Photos and writing are not mine, information and photographs about this location are more accessible than others on the map.)
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months ago
Events 4.13
1111 – Henry V is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 1204 – Constantinople falls to the Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade, temporarily ending the Byzantine Empire. 1455 – Thirteen Years' War: the beginning of the Battle for Kneiphof. 1612 – Samurai Miyamoto Musashi defeats Sasaki Kojirō in a duel at Funajima island. 1613 – Samuel Argall, having captured Pocahontas in Passapatanzy, Virginia, sets off with her to Jamestown with the intention of exchanging her for English prisoners held by her father. 1699 – The Sikh religion is formalised as the Khalsa – the brotherhood of Warrior-Saints – by Guru Gobind Singh in northern India, in accordance with the Nanakshahi calendar. 1742 – George Frideric Handel's oratorio Messiah makes its world premiere in Dublin, Ireland. 1777 – American Revolutionary War: American forces are ambushed and defeated in the Battle of Bound Brook, New Jersey. 1829 – The Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829 gives Roman Catholics in the United Kingdom the right to vote and to sit in Parliament. 1849 – Lajos Kossuth presents the Hungarian Declaration of Independence in a closed session of the National Assembly. 1861 – American Civil War: Union forces surrender Fort Sumter to Confederate forces. 1865 – American Civil War: Raleigh, North Carolina is occupied by Union forces. 1870 – The New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art is founded. 1873 – The Colfax massacre: More than 60 to 150 black men are murdered in Colfax, Louisiana, while surrendering to a mob of former Confederate soldiers and members of the Ku Klux Klan. 1909 – The 31 March Incident leads to the overthrow of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. 1919 – Jallianwala Bagh massacre: British Indian Army troops led by Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer kill approximately 379–1,000 unarmed demonstrators including men and women in Amritsar, India; and approximately 1,500 injured. 1941 – A pact of neutrality between the USSR and Japan is signed. 1943 – World War II: The discovery of mass graves of Polish prisoners of war killed by Soviet forces in the Katyń Forest Massacre is announced, causing a diplomatic rift between the Polish government-in-exile in London and the Soviet Union, which denies responsibility. 1943 – The Jefferson Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C., on the 200th anniversary of President Thomas Jefferson's birth. 1945 – World War II: German troops kill more than 1,000 political and military prisoners in Gardelegen, Germany. 1945 – World War II: Soviet and Bulgarian forces capture Vienna. 1948 – In an ambush, 78 Jewish doctors, nurses and medical students from Hadassah Hospital, and a British soldier, are massacred by Arabs in Sheikh Jarrah. This event came to be known as the Hadassah medical convoy massacre. 1953 – CIA director Allen Dulles launches the mind-control program Project MKUltra. 1958 – American pianist Van Cliburn is awarded first prize at the inaugural International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. 1960 – The United States launches Transit 1-B, the world's first satellite navigation system. 1964 – At the Academy Awards, Sidney Poitier becomes the first African-American man to win the Best Actor award for the 1963 film Lilies of the Field. 1970 – An oxygen tank aboard the Apollo 13 Service Module explodes, putting the crew in great danger and causing major damage to the Apollo command and service module (codenamed "Odyssey") while en route to the Moon. 1972 – The Universal Postal Union decides to recognize the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate Chinese representative, effectively expelling the Republic of China administering Taiwan. 1972 – Vietnam War: The Battle of An Lộc begins. 1975 – An attack by the Phalangist resistance kills 26 militia members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, marking the start of the 15-year Lebanese Civil War. 1997 – Tiger Woods becomes the youngest golfer to win the Masters Tournament. 2017 – The US drops the largest ever non-nuclear weapon on Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan.
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aurevoirlu · 2 years ago
La Ilustración era, según sus artífices, la única vía para liberar al hombre: una libertad que suponía el uso de la razón para no depender de las supercherías y los lemas establecidos, para ser verdaderamente independientes de los demás. A través de sus obras, Kant contribuiría al triunfo de un movimiento que terminaría dando lugar a las sociedades democráticas modernas.
Un día cualquiera un hombre sale de su casa a la hora de siempre. Camina absorto y cruza el río Pregolia en dirección a la isla de Kneiphof, dedicando a duras penas unas palabras de cortesía a una vecina que le saluda. Llega, por fin, a su destino: le espera su impresor. El hombre acaricia la cubierta, palpa su peso, abre sus páginas al azar, las bambolea y lee por encima algunas frases que conoce muy bien. Regresa a su casa con el tesoro, feliz, sintiendo una vez más que nada es imposible desde aquel lugar aparentemente alejado de París, la ciudad de las luces.
Immanuel Kant es bien conocido como uno de los máximos exponentes de la filosofía occidental. No es para menos: el filósofo y físico, oriundo de la localidad prusiana de Königsberg (actual Kaliningrado, Rusia), marcó un antes y un después en la historia del conocimiento universal. Kant, al fin y al cabo, fue un hombre comprometido con un proyecto que acabaría siendo trascendental para trazar el mundo tal cual lo conocemos: la Ilustración. Pero, ¿qué representó esta para aquel hombre que, hasta donde es posible saber, casi nunca salió de la ciudad que le vio nacer y morir?
La Ilustración, un antes y un después
Kant: «La Ilustración es la liberación del hombre de su culpable incapacidad, de la imposibilidad de servirse de su inteligencia sin la guía de otro»
Kant escribió un breve –aunque contundente– texto en defensa de este movimiento titulado, precisamente, ¿Qué es la Ilustración? Publicado en 1784 por el periódico alemán Berlinische Monatschrift, la obra se adscribe dentro del conjunto de sus escritos sobre filosofía de la historia, los cuales tendrían una influencia esencial en autores posteriores como Hegel, entre otros. Kant expone en esa obra una particular defensa de aquel movimiento de pensadores y científicos que, en conversación entre ellos, sugiere, estaban edificando una época dorada donde los dogmas religiosos comenzaban a ceder el terreno a la razón.
Así lo expresa Immanuel Kant desde el primer párrafo. «La Ilustración es la liberación del hombre de su culpable incapacidad. La incapacidad significa la imposibilidad de servirse de su inteligencia sin la guía de otro. Esta incapacidad es culpable porque su causa no reside en su falta de inteligencia, sino en la falta de decisión y valor para servirse por sí mismo de ella sin la tutela de otro», escribe el filósofo alemán. Es decir que, para Kant, la Ilustración representa la oportunidad de pensar por uno mismo y de asumir el derecho a equivocarse en el juicio. Frente a la palabra, que puede ser perniciosa, Kant nos ofrece la herramienta definitiva para defender el intelecto: la reflexión. Es un acto de rebeldía frente a la obediencia menesterosa y complaciente. El filósofo deja clara su percepción cuando escribe que «la pereza y la cobardía son causa de que una gran parte de los hombres continúe a gusto en su estado de pupilo
Ni siquiera los libros, con su recopilación del saber, pueden sustituir el razonamiento elaborado y libre de influencias. Este es, al fin y al cabo, el motor de ese conocimiento que termina recogiéndose en los futuros libros, no así la repetición ecuménica de lo que ya se cree saber. Los filósofos ilustrados, al fin y al cabo, tenían claro que todos somos iguales en nuestra condición humana: es esta premisa la que lleva a defender que la voz de cada semejante es valiosa si lo que ha de decir está construido conforme a la honesta búsqueda de la verdad.
Nuestra percepción del derecho, la dignidad y la naturaleza humanas, así como la separación de poderes, serían impensables sin la Ilustración
Kant defiende sin titubear que toda la sociedad está diseñada para favorecer la obediencia frente a la disidencia, si bien avisa de una paradoja deseable que nos ofrece la posibilidad de alcanzar la mayoría de edad intelectual que constituye el objetivo primario de la Ilustración: el buen Estado, a pesar de su tendencia a la obediencia, debe invitar a pensar –y, por tanto, a dudar– antes que a seguir el lema común y promover la idolatría. No obstante, esa misma libertad tiene limitaciones éticas que favorecen el bien común, por lo que es probable que la sociedad ilustrada, por más sabia, también sea más recta. Un contexto de esplendor racional que aún no ha llegado y que quizá, cabe imaginar, no lleguemos a alcanzar jamás en nuestra civilización.
La crisis del legado ilustrado
El autor de Crítica de la razón pura entendió la gran importancia de su momento histórico. Su trabajo, y el que realizaron otros pensadores y científicos como Newton, Leibniz, Voltaire o Thomas Paine, no iba a caer en saco roto: tras su paso, el mundo sería diferente. Nuestra percepción del derecho, la dignidad y la naturaleza humanas, así como la separación de poderes –que daría lugar al Estado moderno– y el imprescindible protagonismo de la ciencia en nuestras sociedades, serían impensables sin este esfuerzo colectivo.
Sin embargo, los tiempos en los que el espíritu ilustrado impulsaba el progreso humano parecen estar agotándose. Por esa razón, ante los contundentes desafíos del presente, como el cambio climático o el nuevo paisaje de la era digital, conviene revisar las palabras de Kant sobre qué significa ser libre y lo que representa ser un individuo en plenitud. Quizás sea necesaria una nueva Ilustración donde filósofos, pensadores y científicos junten energías en la búsqueda de un futuro que preserve el carácter humanístico y ético para la sociedad del futuro. La reflexión, cabe recordar, es el único mapa que nos permite huir de las sombras para admirar la verdad.
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mostly-history · 5 years ago
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Königsberg Cathedral (Kaliningrad, Russia).
This cathedral, situated on the island of Kneiphof in the Pregolya River, was built between 1330 and 1380 (work on the frescoes inside continued until the end of the century).
According to legend, mermaids live in the Pregolya River.  Kneiphof, one of Königsberg's first settlements, was located on this island, and its first coat of arms had an arm rising from the river and stretching out a crown.  Other coats-of-arms showed mermaids as well. On the spire of the cathedral is a mermaid weathervane, and it has been said that its tail points to the place where a drowned person could be found.
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kenigsberginprussia · 6 years ago
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1 сентября 1255 года по указу Великого магистра Тевтонского ордена Поппо фон Остерна был заложен первый камень на Королевской горе. С этого момента началась история замка и трех городов у его подножия, которые мы знаем как Кёнигсберг.
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orlovdmitry · 4 years ago
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Прекрасный Калиниград, 2021.
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ros-print · 4 years ago
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Вывеска должна быть крутой и оригинальной, прям как эта 😉 @iplatinum_store #вывескакалининград #калининград #рекламакалининград #iPhone #айфоны #айфон #signage #signmaking #ledsign #лайтбокс #объемныебуквы #кениг #остров #kneiphof #konigsberg #konig #koenig #наружнаярекламакалининград #световаявывеска #вывесканазаказ #рекламноеагентство #роспринт #rosprint (at Kaliningrad) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDB9QlzpOfp/?igshid=13rjzic9o8bb
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owedder · 6 years ago
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#93 dull winter @ kaliningrad, russia; january 2018
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rmonakhov · 3 years ago
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Ruben Monakhov.
charcoal and acrylic on coloured paper,
50x32 cm.,
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gekuximi-blog · 5 years ago
How to Choose Kaliningrad Visa
The debut of electronic visas can result in migration, criminogenic and other risks which are hard to calculate, or so the procedure is going to be carried out in stages.  An e-visa doesn't extend the validity period of a normal visa.  You ought to make sure you have all the required visas for the length of your travel.
If you're a citizen of a country on the next list, you are needed to get a Schengen visa in order to see the Schengen nations.  There are several sorts of Russian visa. You ought to keep the other part by means of your passport.
Only the headline was changed. Yes, there's no distinctive exception.   The list of countries whose citizens will have the ability to use e-visas is currently at the phase of formation and will later be accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation.
What Kaliningrad Visa Is - and What it Is Not Historically speaking, it hasn't been easy for tourists to go to Russia.  If you want to travel overland between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia, you'll need no less than a double-entry visa as a way to exit and re-enter Russia.  There are a number of different varieties of visas to go to Russia.
It will be essential to apply for a different kind of visa to be able to travel to other areas of Russia.  Nationals of 53 states are qualified for an e-visa.  My plan was supposed to receive a train from Gdansk to Kaliningrad.
The photo has to have no frames.  Flash reflection off the lenses, and tinted lenses aren't allowed (if you can, avoid heavy frames wear lighter framed glasses, if you've got them).  In regard to tourism, there are a couple things worth seeing.
When the application is finished, applicants should pay the fee and watch for a confirmation email.  The payment confirms the grade of the service.  Schedules are subject to change, it's advised to consult the business's website at.
The Foolproof Kaliningrad Visa Strategy For instance, a lot of the worldwide expatriate medical insurance businesses and expatriate banking providers are based in the united kingdom.  Automated banking machines can be found in all key cities and towns.  It is relatively good.
The Benefits of Kaliningrad Visa You will be liable for paying the price of the stay.  It's possible to submit the applicationhere but it's impossible to yet as ticket approvals have yet to be sent out yet.  Driving rules are usually the same as in most European nations, but a lot of them don't comply with the rules, particularly during rush hour in the city.
It's possible to have a boat cruise that stops over.  It's far better to purchase your ticket beforehand, seats are numbered.  If travelers want to learn more about the nation but don't want to experience the hoops of receiving an invitation letter or needing to go to a neighborhood embassy, they can make an application for a Kaliningrad visa instead.
The ideal way to learn more about the city is by bus.  The amber business is still a crucial company in the city and attracts thousands of visitors annually.  Kaliningrad is the sole Russian Baltic Sea port that's ice-free all year round and hence has an important part in maintenance of the Baltic Fleet.
If you're found intoxicated in a public area, you might be detained and might be taken to a sobering-up centre, where you might need to devote the evening.  It is essential that if you're preparing the trip by yourself, that you speak with the hotel regarding your invitation.  The region was known from classical antiquity as a principal source of amber in Europe.
| Kaliningrad Visa - Overview The photo must demonstrate the peak of your head and the surface of your shoulders.  Yes, there's no distinctive exception.  The list of countries whose citizens will have the ability to use e-visas is currently at the phase of formation and will later be accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation.
It is possible to submit the application here but it's not feasible to yet as ticket approvals have never been sent out yet.  You need a present-day U.S. passport with the right visa.  Those eligible won't be asked to pay a visit to an embassy or consulate and instead will just be asked to submit an application for a visa online.
Just about all embassies and consulates need medical certification you aren't HIV positive if you're planning to go to Russia on a business visa.  In 2019, citizens from eligible countries who intend to come to Russia will have the ability to find an electronic entry visa by completing an internet application.  If you intend to sightsee on your own you have to have a tourist visa.
Life, Death and Kaliningrad Visa Public transportation Tickets have to be validated at the beginning of any trip.  The visa, nevertheless, isn't valid for travel to other sections of the Russian Federation.  Driving rules are usually the same as in most European nations, but a lot of them don't comply with the rules, particularly during rush hour in the city.
It's possible to have a boat cruise that stops over.  You must be sleeping on the boat every evening.  The tour here makes it possible for you the chance to see several old structures that have survived from German times.
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Kaliningrad Visa The ideal way to learn more about the city is by bus.  The amber business is still a crucial company in the city and attracts thousands of visitors annually.  The island of Kant, previously known as the island of Kneiphof, is situated in the center of the Pregolya River.
If you're found intoxicated in a public area, you might be detained and might be taken to a sobering-up centre, where you might need to devote the evening.  A lot of the historic substance remains though, and there are plenty of districts and a couple of monuments from pre-war times.   The region was known from classical antiquity as a principal source of amber in Europe.
A Secret Weapon for Kaliningrad Visa As the amount of worldwide expatriates continues to rise, it's very likely that an increasing amount of international companies create specific goods, services and expatriate media to serve the requirements of this target group. You should also think about checking with your transport provider or travel company to make certain your passport and other travel documents satisfy their requirements. It isn't surprising that British businesses are also leading the way in regards to creating special expatriate services.
Historically speaking, it hasn't been easy for tourists to go to Russia.  If you intend to travel overland between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia and you're a visa national, you will have to have no less than a normal double entry visa so as to exit and re-enter Russia.  There are a number of different varieties of visas to go to Russia.
Foreigners entering Russia is going to be fingerprinted.  In addition, Taiwanese nationals are now able to use the e-visa system at the completely free port of Vladivostok.  Getting into Russia is easy if you're on a cruise or organized group.
You don't need to be a Member to come to a HU meeting, access the site, the HUBB or maybe to get the e-zine.  Traveller's cheques are frequently not accepted.  Schedules are subject to change, it's advised to consult the business's website at.
The photo has to have no frames.  You will require a personal invitation from those who receive you.  In regard to tourism, there are a couple things worth seeing.
| The photo has to have no frames.  You will require a personal invitation from those who receive you.  The paper that's completed on the government-approved blank will demand a long waiting time.
The debut of the Kaliningrad eVisa comes as changes start to get implemented with respect to Russia's visa system and modernizing the process for foreigners who want to go to the country.  Prior to applying for a Kaliningrad eVisa, it is going to be essential to verify that you're ready to apply.  Starting from July 1, it's going to be possible to go to the Kaliningrad region employing an electronic visa.
Foreigners entering Russia is going to be fingerprinted.  However, please be aware that it is only going to allow visa holders to pay a visit to Kaliningrad and doesn't offer entry to other pieces of Russia.  You are able to make an application for eVisa at Russia's MFA site.
You don't need to be a Member to come to a HU meeting, access the site, the HUBB or maybe to get the e-zine.  Traveller's cheques are frequently not accepted.  Schedules are subject to change, it's advised to consult the business's website at.
The Little-Known Secrets to Kaliningrad Visa For instance, a lot of the worldwide expatriate medical insurance businesses and expatriate banking providers are based in the united kingdom.  Automated banking machines can be found in all key cities and towns.  The general public transportation system is extremely great.
You will be liable for paying the price of the stay.  It's possible to submit the applicationhere but it's impossible to yet as ticket approvals have yet to be sent out yet.  Driving rules are usually the same as in most European nations, but a lot of them don't comply with the rules, particularly during rush hour in the city.
It's possible to have a boat cruise that stops over.  You must be sleeping on the boat every evening.  The tour here makes it possible for you the chance to see several old structures that have survived from German times.
The photo must demonstrate the peak of your head and the surface of your shoulders.  Obviously, there were not any borders then.  The list of countries whose citizens will have the ability to use e-visas is currently at the phase of formation and will later be accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation.
What You Should Do to Find Out About Kaliningrad Visa Before You're Left Behind There are many visa agencies that can give you with this business invitation.  You need a present-day U.S. passport with the right visa.   Those eligible won't be asked to pay a visit to an embassy or consulate and instead will just be asked to submit an application for a visa online.
Just about all embassies and consulates need medical certification you aren't HIV positive if you're planning to go to Russia on a business visa.  In 2019, citizens from eligible countries who intend to come to Russia will have the ability to find an electronic entry visa by completing an internet application.  You ought to keep the other part by means of your passport.
The Unexpected Truth About Kaliningrad Visa If you wish to get a sense of how Russians live outside Moscow and St Petersburg, it's an exemplary alternative.  The Kaliningrad Zoo is likewise an arboretum.  If museums aren't your thing take an opportunity to find your very own small bit of amber when walking along the Baltic Sea shore.
If you're found intoxicated in a public area, you might be detained and might be taken to a sobering-up centre, where you might need to devote the evening.  It is essential that if you're preparing the trip by yourself, that you speak with the hotel regarding your invitation.  If you're considering entering Russia by road, you are going to have to take an alternate route through a different nation.
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turixoco-blog · 5 years ago
What Everybody Is Saying About Kaliningrad Visa Is Dead Wrong and Why
You'll be arrested if you put in a restricted area, so it's imperative that you include all destinations on your visa application.  Schedules are subject to change, it's advised to consult the corporation's website at.  You will require a transit visa even if you're just passing through to change airports.
Kaliningrad Visa and Kaliningrad Visa - The Perfect Combination To have a tour ticket you have to order a tour program with the assistance of our business and give us a photo copy of your passport.   You will require a letter of invitation from a business registered in Russia.  You won't get a copy of this document.
Using Kaliningrad Visa The economy is just one of several tribulations plaguing the Kaliningrad district.  The main reason is because you're basically entering Russia twice.  If you intend to travel overland between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia, you'll need no less than a double-entry visa as a way to exit and re-enter Russia.
Flights aren't very pricey and you safe each of the hassles of handling transit visas. Starting from July 1, it's going to be possible to see the Kaliningrad region employing an electronic visa.  But if you'd like to do independent touring of Kaliningrad, you will require a Visa.
The goal of travel can be tourism, organization, or humanitarian factors.  When the application is finished, applicants should pay the fee and watch for a confirmation email.
As the amount of worldwide expatriates continues to rise, it's possible that an increasing amount of international business will create particular goods, services and expatriate media to serve the requirements of this target group. The e-visa process doesn't have any charge, so foreign nationals will have the ability to save costs normally connected with applying for non-electronic visas.  The conventional processing time for the Kaliningrad visa on the internet is 4 days, although in some instances this could take longer.
Type of Kaliningrad Visa There are lots of nations in Africa which are visa-free access for UK citizens.  English is understood by a lot of people.  DPRK nationals will be permitted to remain in the city for as many as eight days, it added, and won't be charged a consular fee.
A lot of the historic substance remains though, and there are many districts and a number of monuments from pre-war times.  The phenomenon was condemned by local Kremlin supporters as an indication of Germanisation.  It's not only that folks come and spend money, but in addition that actually people leave with a rather different impression of Russia.
Currently there are five bridges, the issue is solvable.  In this instance, please make sure your face is clearly visible from the base of the chin to the surface of the forehead.  The photo must demonstrate the surface of your head and the surface of your shoulders.
The Benefits of Kaliningrad Visa There are lots of border crossing points.  The island of Kant, previously known as the island of Kneiphof, is situated in the center of the Pregolya River.
| Kaliningrad Visa Can Be Fun for Everyone For England fans heading over for the last group game against Belgium, it is not anything that a budget flight to Gdansk and a quick bus ride can't solve.  It is essential that if you're preparing the trip all on your own, that you speak with the hotel regarding your invitation.  You need to depart and come back to the port with the tour, you don't have the choice to stay in St. Petersburg and come back to the ship by yourself.
You're able to produce the request remotely.  You will require a letter of invitation from a business registered in Russia.  You won't get a copy of this document.
Most Noticeable Kaliningrad Visa Any component of a visit to this nation is a risk.  Some airports may still require that you finish the migration card manually.  You're able to stay for as many as eight days.
While the proportion of migrants in the overall population of developed countries continues to rise, in addition, there are a growing number of expatriates from developed countries that move abroad for professional or private factors.  Yes, there's no exceptional exception.  All individuals from eligible nations, no matter their age, have to have an individual eVisa to be able to stop by Kaliningrad.
The Characteristics of Kaliningrad Visa It's well-known that global tourism is a huge tool to help achieve that end.  The region was known from classical antiquity as a chief source of amber in Europe.  The tour here enables you the chance to see several old structures that have survived from German times.
The economy is just one of several tribulations plaguing the Kaliningrad district.  The main reason is because you're basically entering Russia twice.  If you intend to travel overland between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia, you'll need no less than a double-entry visa as a way to exit and re-enter Russia.
Flights aren't very pricey and you safe each of the hassles of handling transit visas. If you want to travel overland between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia and you're a visa national, you will have to have no less than a normal double entry visa as a way to exit and re-enter Russia.  But if you'd like to do independent touring of Kaliningrad, you will require a Visa.
Type of Kaliningrad Visa He added that Trump's visit is going to be rescheduled whenever possible.  You don't need to be a Member to come to a HU meeting, access the site, the HUBB or maybe to obtain the e-zine.  For example, a lot of the worldwide expatriate medical insurance businesses and expatriate banking providers are based in the united kingdom.
You'll be arrested if you put in a restricted area, so it's imperative that you include all destinations on your visa application.  Schedules are subject to change, it's advised to consult the corporation's website at.  While seeking information about travelling to Russia, you may have heard that you have to register your visa.
Tips will clarify the significance of the questions you should reply.   When the application is finished, applicants should pay the fee and watch for a confirmation email.
Because of this you need to wait, after which you get nervous and get started searching for a different visa provider hoping for the very best.  The e-visa process doesn't have any charge, so foreign nationals will have the ability to save costs normally connected with applying for non-electronic visas.  The conventional processing time for the Kaliningrad visa on the internet is 4 days, although in some instances this could take longer.
| Type of Kaliningrad Visa UK citizens are most likely among the most well-travelled people I know.  English is understood by a lot of people.  DPRK nationals will be permitted to remain in the city for as many as eight days, it added, and won't be charged a consular fee.
A lot of the historic substance remains though, and there are many districts and a number of monuments from pre-war times.  Yes, there's no exceptional exception.  All individuals from eligible nations, no matter their age, have to have an individual eVisa to be able to stop by Kaliningrad.
Naturally, there weren't any borders then.  It isn't surprising that British organizations are also leading the way in regards to creating special expatriate services.  The payment confirms the grade of the service.
Using Kaliningrad Visa You find virtually every conceivable problem in Kaliningrad.   Kaliningrad region is known for its production of amber.  Indeed, Kaliningrad is a little enclave surrounded by the EU countries, therefore it is reasonable.
Indeed, in regards to tourism, Russia is apparently opening for business. The way the new e-visa rule will affect DPRK citizens who aspire to go to Saint Petersburg remains to be viewed.  Getting into Russia is easy if you're on a cruise or organized group.
You're able to locate a large number of souvenirs, necklaces, knick knacks and other jewelry made from amber in a various stalls and shops all over the city.  It is essential that if you're preparing the trip all on your own, that you speak with the hotel regarding your invitation.  You need to depart and come back to the port with the tour, you don't have the choice to stay in St. Petersburg and come back to the ship by yourself.
The 30-Second Trick for Kaliningrad Visa He added that Trump's visit is going to be rescheduled whenever possible.  You don't need to be a Member to come to a HU meeting, access the site, the HUBB or maybe to obtain the e-zine.  For example, a lot of the worldwide expatriate medical insurance businesses and expatriate banking providers are based in the united kingdom.
All communications concerning the condition of the visa (like the final approved visa) will be transmitted via email.  It will be essential to apply for one more kind of visa as a way to travel to other areas of Russia.  If you're a citizen of a country on the next list, you are needed to get a Schengen visa in order to see the Schengen nations.
The New Fuss About Kaliningrad Visa You're able to produce the request remotely.  You will require a letter of invitation from a business registered in Russia.  You won't get a copy of this document.
The goal of travel can be tourism, organization, or humanitarian factors.  When the application is finished, applicants should pay the fee and watch for a confirmation email.
Because of this you need to wait, after which you get nervous and get started searching for a different visa provider hoping for the very best.  If you're unclear about any facet of the entry requirements, or you require further reassurance, you're need to get hold of the embassy, higher commission or consulate of the nation or territory you're travelling to. The conventional processing time for the Kaliningrad visa on the internet is 4 days, although in some instances this could take longer.
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korrektheiten · 4 years ago
Königsberg - Öffentliches Leben findet wieder statt
PAZ:Nach langer Auszeit: Festival „Amber Weekend“ auf dem Kneiphof und Theatereröffnung http://dlvr.it/Rj8lM8
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kichatiy · 8 years ago
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kneiphof #kichatiy #tattoo #vbiproteam #vladbladirons #vladbladneedles @vladbladirons (at Love Life Tattoo)
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ericfruits · 5 years ago
Commemorating the devastation of Königsberg
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THE FATE OF Dresden during the second world war is well-known. A devastating allied campaign of air raids left the Baroque city centre in ruins; an estimated 25,000 people died, most of them women and children. Such attacks on German cities and towns were designed to ruin the country’s morale and affect their ability to wage war, but they were also carried out as revenge for the bombing of Guernica, Warsaw, Rotterdam, London and Coventry by the Luftwaffe. According to an analysis by the Centre for the Study of War, State and Society at the University of Exeter, approximately 410,000 German civilians were killed by allied air raids and 50% of inner-city buildings obliterated.
Königsberg, the capital of East Prussia, Germany’s easternmost region, was an oasis of peace for much of the second world war. Its destruction has been widely forgotten. From August 26th-27th 1944, the Royal Air Force conducted a bombardment; an even more ruinous raid of carpetbombing followed two days later. In “The Strategic Air Offensive against Germany 1939-1945” (1961), Sir Charles Webster and Noble Frankland observed that incendiary bombs destroyed or seriously damaged 41% of all buildings in the city and 20% of industrial buildings. More than 100,000 people were displaced by the strikes.
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Michael Wieck, a German-Jewish violinist born in 1928, reflected on the events in his memoir, “Witness to the fall of Königsberg” (1989). “Although I was longing for Hitler’s defeat...we lamented Königsberg’s fate from the bottom of our hearts,” he wrote. “At that moment began the ending of the 690-year history of Königsberg, began the dying of a city that lost all that was characteristic of it for all time.” The Altstadt (Old Town), Löbenicht and Kneiphof districts all lay in ruins including the castle, the university where Immanuel Kant had taught and the medieval cathedral (miraculously, Kant’s tomb at the cathedral survived unscathed). “The people of Königsberg shall never expunge these nights of terror from their memory,” Wieck said.
After the war, in 1946, Königsberg fell under Soviet rule and was renamed Kaliningrad; by 1948 all remaining German citizens had been expelled, and the region became a restricted military area. No foreigners were allowed to visit until the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Few relics of the Prussian era had survived and they were in poor condition. Ugly Soviet buildings stood on the wastelands left by the war.
Erna Moskal returns to Kaliningrad every year and is always struck by how much it has changed, particularly since the 1990s. She was 12 years old when the bombings happened and she is still haunted by her recollections of it. Her family survived the first attack in an air-raid shelter, though their house burnt down; she was sent to Rauschen, a spa town on the Baltic Sea coast, the next day. Her parents also survived the second raid, in which 4,500 people died, and the family left Königsberg for Hanover in January 1945. (Many also fled for fear of the approaching Red Army.) Since 2009 Ms Moskal has been living in Potsdam, near Berlin.
Now she is a member of the Friends of Kant and Königsberg, an international association founded by Gerfried Horst, a former lawyer, devotee of Kant and committed bridge-builder between Russia and Germany. Since 2008 the group has hosted a ceremony in the Gothic cathedral to celebrate Kant’s birthday. The Königsberg cathedral, as it is officially called, has been restored with Russian and German money and it is the best-known music venue in the city, hosting regular recitals.
It is where citizens of Kaliningrad, together with some 150 German guests including Mr Horst and Ms Moskal, will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Königsberg. On August 30th Igor Ronge, provost of the Protestant-Lutheran church of Kaliningrad, will hold a prayer in front of the cathedral followed by a piano recital by George Harliono. The young British pianist hopes that “through music we can bring people with different views together to ensure that such terrible things never happen again”.
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kenigsberginprussia · 6 years ago
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Перестроенный мост неожиданно стал центром деловой жизни. Именно сюда со всех концов света прибывали посыльные, чтобы передать указы, письма и прочие послания. И деловые люди стали ежедневно встречаться на Зеленом мосту, чтобы пообщаться, обсудить дела и новости, да и заключить торговые сделки. А где торговля, там и специальная площадка для совершения торговых операций. Так появилась Кнайпхофская #биржа. Подробно на теме кёнигсбергских бирж я уже останавливался ранее.
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