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shesamonkey · 1 year ago
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Old drawing of Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Klubba, Kruncha, Kannon and Klomp from Donkey Kong Country 2 parodying "El Dorado"
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vestaignis · 1 year ago
Zaanse Schans
Туристическая деревня мельниц Заансе Сханс в Голландии
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Туристическая деревня Заансе Сханс в Голландии – это музей деревянного зодчества под открытым небом. Здесь собраны уникальные постройки жилых домов, мельниц, которые были характерны для голландских поселений XVII-XVIII веков. С 1961 года их начали перевозить в этот населенный пункт из разных уголков региона, расположенного вдоль реки Заан, с целью воссоздать облик старинной голландской деревни.
Расстояние из Амстердама до Заансе Сханс всего в 15 км. Поэтому здесь всегда большой наплыв туристов. Цены на все товары и услуги в этой маленькой деревеньке такие высокие, как и в Амстердаме. Но с другой стороны, посещение этой деревеньки – самый удобный, легкий и дешевый способ познакомиться с сельским бытом этой страны, увидеть знаменитые голландские мельницы и другие достопримечательности.
The tourist village of Zaanse Schans in Holland is an open-air museum of wooden architecture. Here are collected unique buildings of residential buildings and mills, which were characteristic of Dutch settlements of the 17th-18th centuries. Since 1961, they began to be transported to this settlement from different parts of the region located along the Zaan River, in order to recreate the appearance of an ancient Dutch village.
The distance from Amsterdam to Zaanse Schans is only 15 km. Therefore, there is always a large influx of tourists here. Prices for all goods and services in this small village are as high as in Amsterdam. But on the other hand, visiting this village is the most convenient, easiest and cheapest way to get acquainted with the rural life of this country, see the famous Dutch mills and other attractions.
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stormdoors · 8 months ago
Soft Cabinets by Studio Dewi van de Klomp
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processes · 7 months ago
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Dewi van de Klomp
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clnclm · 8 months ago
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hyperspacereverie · 1 year ago
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Hyperspace's first Killable Things are finally here. Meet Blubun and Klomp!
These two species have a symbiotic relatioship and almost always come paired up with each other. Will you try to defeat Blubun first, despite Klomp's constant barrage of healing and defensive buffs? Or will you try and nuke down Klomp's hard carapace with magic first? Can you even bring yourself to hurt them at all? Tune in to find out once the demo is released...
Also maybe check out my Patreon where you can see exclusive devlogs and early concept art and more and help me get the game out faster pretty please
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nederlandsespoorwegen · 2 months ago
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worldtattoogallery · 1 year ago
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Tattoo artworks by © Theresa Klomp.
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puerto-nic0 · 9 months ago
dutch people be like ‘this ain’t veenendaal - de klomp… ain’t no hold em…’
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burgerdudes · 2 years ago
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🍔 Review № 628 ━ 📍 De klomp ★★★☆☆ • De Klomp is a gastropub located in the centre of Linköping. It has a charming beer hall feel to it, and their interesting beer selection is of course the main attraction. But they also have a short but ambitious food menu that includes a smash burger. The "De Klomps Burgare" contained cheddar, bacon, pickled onions, pickles, mustard and mayonnaise, and cost 195 SEK (18 USD) including french fries and a dipping sauce. • The burger looked very inviting when it arrived, with a glossy bun, great looking beef and loads of melted cheese. The smashed patties were surprisingly fluffy, but the crust was decent and they had been seasoned with just enough salt. However, they had overused the black pepper at too high heat, giving it a slightly burnt aftertaste. The yummy bacon was salty and smokey, with a slightly crispy texture. And the flavourful cheese had melted nicely. However, we hardly noticed their pickles at all, and both the mustard and the small amount of mayo were overpowered by the large amounts of pickled onions. Thanks to the umami heavy flavours, it worked very well with the burger itself, but it was a bit too dominant when we got too much of it in a bite. Their under-cooked french fries had a mealy centre and were a real disappointment. • De Klomp serves a decent pub burger that gets some things right, but there's too many small things holding it back from a higher grade. We'd definitely consider eating it again as a pub dinner during a regular visit, but we probably wouldn't return just to eat the burger. ━ @deklomp2.0 #burger #burgerdudes #linköping (at De Klomp - Linköping) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpmPTWGDe2J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brilmans · 1 year ago
Over oude Schotse shit
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Strandvakantie in Edinburgh
Begin deze maand vertoefde ik tot mijn verbazing in een zonovergoten Edinburgh. Niet het feit dat ik in de Schotse hoofdstad verbleef, verbaasde mij, dat was tenslotte ruim van tevoren gepland, maar dat het er suptropisch warm was, daar had ik niet op gerekend; dat bedenk je niet. 27 graden!
Gelukkig had ik voor vertrek, de baduitrusting staat standaard op de checklist, een zwembroek en een lichtgewicht badhanddoek tussen mijn poncho, regenbroek en zuidwester gepropt. Die kwamen nu mooi van pas. Mijn strandvakantie kon beginnen! Ik hoefde ik alleen nog maar een strand te vinden.
Na ampel speurwerk, Edinburgh is op z’n zacht gezegd geen echte badplaats, vond ik met behulp van Google Maps ergens langs de kustlijn van de Firth of Forth iets dat op een strandje leek. In Wardie Bay, tussen de golfbreker van Newhaven en die van Granton Harbour leek een strook zand zichtbaar. Omdat het op loopafstand lag, besloot ik erheen te gaan.
Wardie Bay
Bij aankomst bleek het grootste deel van Wardie bay ontoegankelijk. Een stijle zeedijk belemmerde de opgang. Ruim een kilometer verder dan gehoopt, vond ik uiteindelijk bij etablissement Old Chain Pier, van de oorspronkelijke pier was overigens niets meer zichtbaar, een doorgang. Om bij de zee te komen was nog wel het nodige klim- en klauterwetk vereist. Maar dat deerde niet. Ik wilde het strand op. Eenmaal onder aan de zeewering viel alles wat tegen. Het strand was amper dertig centimeter breed en het water ijzig koud.
Omdat ik het door alle inspanningen bloedverziekend heet had, nam ik een snel een plons, brrr, en maakte rechtsomkeer.
Terug in het vakantieverblijf bekeek ik de kaart nog eens aandachtig en vond waar het mis was gegaan: Ik had voor het strand nog ruim een kilometer verder moeten lopen. Het strand was geconcentreerd rond de pier van Granton.
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Een strand met historie
De volgende dag liep ik de opgang bij de Old Chain Pier voorbij en volgde de kustwal richting Granton. Halverwege trof ik een interessant informatiebord met de titel: Fossils, Feathers and Flowers. Volgens het bord was het door mij gezochte stukje strand een paleontologische vindplaats met een rijke historie. Grote namen uit de natuurhistorie bezochten Wardie bay om er te verzamelen. Louis Agassiz, Hugh Miller en Ramsey H. Traquair deden er geweldige vondsten. Veelal goed geconserveerde fossielen van beenvissen en haaien. Ook is er een amfibie gevonden. Veel van die vondsten liggen nu in het National Museums Collection Centre in Granton. Op een steenworp van de vindplaats dus.
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Een coproliet in matrix van een onbepaalde vis uit het Vroeg Carboon. In Wardie bay zijn dit de algemene fossielen.
Eenmaal op het strand kon ik het niet laten even in de voetsporen van Agassiz, Miller en Traquair te treden. Hoe vaak krijg je die kans. In een klein uurtje, ik had mazzel met het lage water, verzamelde ik een aantal fossielhoudende knollen. Precies zoals beschreven op het informatiebord. Helaas bevatten de knollen geen delen van een vissenskelet, dat zou wat zijn geweest, maar met de 340 miljoen jaar oude vissenpoep als inhoud ben ik al meer dan tevreden. Dergelijke vondsten maken een strandvakantie compleet.
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Een voor Wardie beach typische Sideriet knol. Met daarin goed zichtbaar een coproliet. De coprolieten die in Wardie Bay gevonden worden kunnen van zoet en zoutwatervissen zijn. Gedurende het Vroeg Carboon moet er op de desbetreffende plek een zoetwatermeer zijn geweest dat zo nu en dan verbonden raakte met de zee, zodat marine fauna’s er toegang toe hadden.
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De concentrische lagen, zoals goed zichtbaar in dit exemplaar zijn een typisch kenmerk van de vis coprolieten
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Thuis heb ik een klomp doorgezaagd en gepolijst. Hierdoor werd het mogelijk de doorsnee van de coproliet te bestuderen. Onder de microscoop leverde dat interessante beelden op.
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In de coproliet zijn duidelijke onverteerde resten zichtbaar. Wat dat durf ik niet met zekerheid te zeggen, maar het lijken wel graten.
Meer lezen
Fossil hunting around the city
Sharks that lived off edinburgh beach brought to life once again
Fossil fish coprolite discoveries on Wardie fossil hunt
Bringing the ancient sharks of Wardie bay back to life
Stan wood and challenging edinburgh fossil site
Granton and Wardie Shore, Edinburgh excursion
Fossil fishes of Great-Britain
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nintendouniverse2023 · 2 years ago
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Scene I did my OCs in my AU, for their designs and anything, I thought it would be fair if each of the Mario Characters a redesign in my version. Some I design them will be the same but change it up a little bit.
Bio: King K Rool is a big green scaley tyrant, a single father and King of Krocodile Island leading an empire called the Kremlings. He and his army set the seven seas known as a vicious, frightening, self centered one of all of the of islands around. No one really knows where he got a very bad scar on his eye during one of his travels along time ago.
One of his main goals in his army is to take the Crystal Coconut in hopes of ruling the island we’re it is and total domination of the seas. This is we’re he goes to Kongo Bongo Island we’re he comes to rule, but he and his empire was venally stopped by Donkey Kong. When he plans to get his revenge on the Kong Clan the second time, he would team up with Scar Kong and later got betrayed.
This would eventually the He and His Kremling army would become sworn enemies to the Kong Clan, that is an unknown story for another time as K Rool didn’t know. He would invade the island, Planing to make a moves, kidnapping DK and several Kongs, Salvatore the Kongs, Steal and Attempt to Steal the Crystal Coconut in the past but ends up in failure.
When he was invited to Mario’s events he seems want to get his claws on any of his rivals None Kong friends and has a short rivalry with Bowser. He and the Kremlings has captured Mario’s sister along with Diddy and Dixie holding for ransom of the Crystal Coconut but ends up in failure once again. He was the reason why Mara was scared of King K Rool.
Voice Actor: Chiwetel Ejiofor
Appearance: King K Rool was quite a tall one, His tail was kind of tall, His cape was ripped up and his right eye was a quite of an injury.
Age: 50s
Height: 8 incs
Weight: 320 ibs
Personality: Viscous, Self Centered, Frightening, Middle tempered and Threating
Favorite Foods: All meat, Fish and Blood
Family: Wife (deceased), (Children and Child in law) King K Rool the second and his sons wife.
Allies: Krusha, Klump, Krunch, Kalypso *Sometimes*, Waluigi *Sometimes*, Kudgle, Kip, Kass, Kopter, Kremlings Army *Kritters, Klaptraps, Krochead, Rock Krock, Koin, Kobble, Bazuka, Kopter, Koindozer, Kasplat, Kosha, Knocka, Re-Koil, Krobot and Krash*, Kaptian Skurvy and his Pirate Kremlings *Klobber, Klomp, Klinger, Kaboing, Kruncha, Kutlass, Krook, Klank and Kaboom*, Captian Syrup *Sometimes*, Wario, Bowser and his Koopa Empire, Kamek, The Koopalings, Bowser Jr *Sometimes*, King Boo and King Bob-Mom
Enemies: Donkey Kong *Arch neniscus*, The Kong Clan, Super Mario Bros and Sis, Mushroom Kingdom Resedents, *Sometimes * Wario Squad and Many other islands
Likes: Putting everyone to slavery, Winning, Bullying, Being one step ahead, Explosions *Unless they've been using against him* and Massacre's
Dislikes: Banana's, His Plans in failure, Humiliations, Mocked about his weight, The Lack of Slack of his minions, and Sometimes Dealing with everything himself.
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camashred · 2 years ago
What is Dutch as a language? Everything sounds like a Mario enemy. I'm sure I've fought both a Klomp and a Boterham before.
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themaresnest-dumblr · 2 years ago
Life By You AKA Dear EA Bumnuggets, You Are Now Officially In Deep S**t! (But Don't Think We've Forgotten Your History Either, Rod Humble ...)
Oh dear - looks like someone's cashcow is about to be undercut.
It's not ultra fantastic, it's not next level, but it's sure as hell a far more professional job than any of the other pretenders to the throne ever have been.
It is, in short, something you'd be willing to buy and try without hesitation.
To put it bluntly, it looks like it is aimed squarely at those who liked the Nicolas Cage Simulator aka Sims 2 style Simmies but wanted an open world.
Well folks, by the look of it, you're gonna get just that - and EA is now in deep trouble.
They are heavily reliant on Sims revenues to offset their other disasters projects, and the loss of the easy income streams will seriously impact their business.
Next year gamers will be faced with the choice of putting their faith and money into EA Project Rene With Ze Fallen Madonna With Ze Beeg Boobies By Van Klomp or that from Rod Humble.
Yep, that Rod Humble.
The guy in charge of the Sims series as Executive Producer during Sims 2 and who left when the wheels were starting to come off Sims 3 with the Late Night patch fiasco (a year after the World Adventures patch fiasco ... but before the Showtime patch and Simport fiasco ... kind of a running theme, wasn't it?).
Short of EA bringing Will Wright back, can't see 'em finding a way of beating that 'credibility gap'.
Although that said, memories fade ... Rod Humble's decision to leave EA wasn't exactly the cause of mass head shaving and grashing of teeth back in the day ... quite the opposite in fact.
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Jeez, you really had to be failing in life to have been burned by FlamingoKicker1 of all people, who was one of the nicest Simmers around the old Sims 3 EA forum back in the day!
(And Simpkin ... our holy prophet! Well okay, that was was a dead cert ....)
But now Mr Humble has a chance to live up to his surname and make some amends as well as a tonne of money. Will he?
Or is this going to be something else that within twelve calender months will have all Simmers shining the Bat Signal into the sky?
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Time, as ever, will tell ...
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processes · 7 months ago
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Dewi van de Klomp
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clnclm · 8 months ago
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