#kleinstar o1
eusarca · 1 year
A chillier late summer day was the perfect time to put on an extra layer — a rarely worn black bucket hat included — and get outside. Kyrie couldn't recall clearly when the leaves were going to start changing in this city, so it was time for a good long look at the outside of the forest while it was still an uninterrupted deep green.
As it turned out, it was not only cool, but impressively windy. Despite pulling their hat down firmly several times, a strong gust of wind eventually swept it off their head. Kyrie chased it, but it was obviously a waste of energy almost immediately: a branch well out of reach caught the fabric and held tight.
Lowering their raised arms, Kyrie sighed. At least it hadn't gone further. They had more than one way of dealing with it, too. After pondering which to use, they laid their eyes on the hat one more time. With no wind movement whatsoever, it suddenly plucked itself off the tree and fell into their cupped hands.
Satisfied, they turned to continue their stroll and stopped abruptly. Another individual was nearby, which meant he had the opportunity to see the whole ordeal.
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"...Windy today, isn't it?"
★ @kleinstar
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desirend · 4 months
the fairies (pixies?) in the area were both similar to the ones he knew and yet nothing like them at all. similar in stature, perhaps, but these appeared entirely sentient on their own and mischievous to boot. there was no one controlling them, which made their teasing all the more humorous.
not to the one being tormented, of course.
as Mithrun approaches their little village, he stops a few paces away from a man who the pixies were trying to tug at the hair of.
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"...What did you do to anger them like that?"
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thiefguild · 10 months
obviously Titus was attracted to something called a "funhouse," even if he had absolutely no idea what it entailed until he got in there. apparently there were several different activities, but he'd decided to go with the flow and follow the crowd, unable--or perhaps unwilling--to make a decision. this typically worked out for him, led him into some interesting scenarios, but...maybe not this time.
the mirror room absolutely sucked.
he'd had the mind to follow someone, but when he'd taken a moment to get his bearings, everyone around him seemed to scatter, making their way through the room full of weird mirrors.
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"This place is a nightmare!" between his already messed up depth perception and general sensory issues, he felt...off. "How am I supposed to even check myself out if these mirrors are all messed up?!"
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ngdays · 1 year
"AI-generated art exhibit? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
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He was standing in Golden, later in the afternoon, transfixed by a bizarre flyer for a small "art" studio somewhere else in the ward. The design of the flyer looked slightly off somehow, but maybe six or seven fingers on a human hand counted as high art these days?
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unlikely-leader · 1 year
@kleinstar || Starters 2/5
Even trapped within a dream, Dwight could not find salvation. A stomach, starved for what felt a millennia, gurgles painfully, leaving him to stumble and weave by the passing crowds only to stop steps before a local bakery. His mouth had started to salivate long before the aroma of fresh baked goods hit him, and yet, he knew checking the tattered remains of his wallet would do him no justice.
That still didn't stop him from looking... Twice... Thrice... Maybe the tiniest little peek once more in the hopes that money would show...
"Damn it, why do i even try-" He sighs, defeated, playing with the lone singular dollar that had survived trial after trial. A once thought good luck token now seen only as a painful reminder of what once was; a life plagued by the miseries of paycheck-to-paycheck living.
Still, he cannot help himself but stare longingly inside. Maybe he could...? Or perhaps even?
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Surely the owners wouldn't mind underpaid labor for a measly muffin or two.
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thornroyal · 2 years
@kleinstar // starter call!
❁ : yor had wanted a proper weapon for a while now; while she had really wanted her stilettos back, she had accepted that the people in charge here had no intentions of giving them back to her anytime soon. the idea had been to go to looking for a replacement - anything would be better than the sad wooden replicas she had already accidentally broken - but after searching around most of the wards, she had yet to find anything even remotely serviceable.
so now she had ended up in the fantastical ward, the one that made her think of a storybook of fairy tales. the market there was certainly interesting, albeit much more mundane than the rest of the ward, but whether or not it would have what she needed remained to be seen.
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'do you have anything... sharper?' the fae man simply stared back at her in silence. she wasn't entirely certain what he was selling, aside from all the implements laid out in front of her appearing to be made of silver and other gleaming materials. 'i was just hoping...'
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fellstcr · 2 years
@kleinstar​ / maskerade starter call !
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⚔️ //  byleth  turned  her  gaze  from  the  sign  reading  MISTWOOD’S  MERRY  MAZE   to  the  young  man  who  stood  beside  her.  “. . .  participate?”  she  had  echoed  ,  and  her  HESITATION  was  evident.  her  attention  turned  back  to  the  crowd  of  people.  “i'm  not  sure  that  would  be  beneficial.  i  cannot  say  that  i  trust  these  woods.”
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