ngdays · 1 year
I don't think I can handle more than one character at the moment, sadly. Dropping Akira Kijima (Spirit Hunter), housed in House 106.
Understandable! Dropped for you!
– ⋆ mimosa.
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ngdays · 1 year
nice to know only some important things show up in my activity! tunglr is still a functioning website. I think I got to everything though! do let me know if I missed anything 😌
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ngdays · 1 year
A pretty handsome-faced stranger took interest in the nonsense words Akira was looking at. At least it made sense to someone, but that someone didn't get across the meaning he caught on to. Well, not more than "something as low as garbage" based on the flyer's treatment, which was a hint.
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"Wasn't really planning to, but... what's it supposed to be? Robots painting things?" From Akira's experience in the city it seemed like robots could have consciousnesses on the same level as humans, so that reaction'd be pretty harsh.
" Huh? Let me see... "
The words caught into his ears and got him curious, he practically grabs the paper from the guy's hand but his expression remains more or less the same.
" Hmmmm... "
He crumbles the paper and throws it into the ground.
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" That kind of thing is an enemy of an artist ok? Don't go into useless things like that. "
In a moment of silence Eiden picks up the crumpled poster and properly puts it into the trash.
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ngdays · 1 year
"Huh. That is useful, if she'd look for another talent agency here..." There was an uncertain pause. "Do they have to, to get popular?"
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This was a good reminder that he knew jack shit about how Hazuki's work... worked.
"You remember a name or an address?"
The question did catch Mika off guard, primarily because she didn't really know much about idols to begin with. Some of the other Trinity students had their little addictions but all the pink haired girl could remember was mainly their outfits rather than the music they played.
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"I can't really say I've seen any idol groups around here. I'm sure I saw a talent agency in one of the wards but whether or not they have any people or groups well..." That was up to him to find out rather than herself.
"Sorry, that really didn't help at all did it?"
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ngdays · 1 year
"They're asking for a toll for passing through their block." Not that much, really, but that cocky approach made any amount too much for Akira. "I don't think they're even part of some organized group. That type is better at yapping." He scratched his head. He could just picture Amanome's look of disdain.
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"They'd probably leave you alone after laughing at your expense if you paid them, but..." Yeah, he'd still hate letting them get ahold of any more Dust over this, if they ever got any to begin with.
vylbrand born and raised, such brands of idiots weren't exactly something new to her. limsa had its fair share of characters, and it seemed even in this new place there was no peace of mind from harassment. " i see .. " she turned her head, peering down the sidewalk that had just recently been well lit under the sun's glow.
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" what exactly are they doing .. ? " she's got nowhere important to be, and while kehda was on her way home, there was no harm in drumming up a bit of trouble if it seemed interesting. it had been some time since she got up to any form of mischief, and giving some bothersome fools their comeuppance would hopefully scratch that itch, even if barely.
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ngdays · 1 year
"Yeah? Rough place, I guess." It brought to mind the objects that always managed to appear out of nowhere during his rumor investigations back home, but sounded like that amplified.
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"So what does that mean for me?" he asked, a thread of suspicion in his tone and narrowed eyes. She was leading him to a place she was terrified of, which had to mean... something. He had a couple of guesses. "You think I should just see it for myself, or you think I won't even get the chance?"
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"Oh...Uhm," Her goal was to work on all of these fears and traumas. It was why she decided to attend therapy and see if she could find the help. The more she talk about it, the easier it would become...Right?
At least that was what was told to her.
"I like to stay away from the stories that surfaces around, but when I was last there, a lot of the stuff came to life." She can feel the hair on her skin stand on end. "Not all of them were bad, but there were some bad ones."
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ngdays · 1 year
Yeah, she really didn't like the place. He was pretty lucky to have run into someone with firsthand experience, but she wasn't. He started to follow, hands in his pockets, wondering what he should do about it. As little consideration as he had for strangers, he didn't look to intentionally make it worse for them.
"Akira Kijima," he replied when she offered her name. "Sorry to be asking all this. You don't have to tell me whatever happened with you, but if you've heard anything else, it'd be helpful. Like what's happened to other people recently, or if there's anyone else already looking into it..."
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"'Cause I mean, if I have a chance of finding a few people I know here, they'd definitely be doing that." That was his primary motive.
"It's the last place i'd choose to be." She keeps it vague, but the tone does suggest that she really doesn't like the place. Clearing her throat, she shrugs. "Yeah, but..." If she was honest, things probably weren't AS bad as it had been at the beginning when the museum was first introduced. MAYBE there isn't evil monsters or paintings or such terrorizing people.
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"Anyway, it's this way." She gestures as she begins to lead him in the direction. "I've only been there one time and that was enough for me. I'm Ismael, by the way. Ismael Onai."
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ngdays · 1 year
Idol fans could look like anyone; he knew that. Could be a little girl like Ami, a big older guy like Maruhashi... or the average teenage girl. With as little experience as Akira had with them, average teenage girl seemed like — if nothing else — the least likely to find the topic weird.
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"Got a question for you," he said to the first one he came across once he felt like he could tolerate a conversation with a stranger. "You know anything about idols in this city? Anyone get popular recently?"
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ngdays · 1 year
"I know I just kinda showed up here, but..." Uncommonly bashful, he ruffled his hair and avoided looking at the girl he'd just accidentally intruded on practicing in the forest.
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"That was cool. You all right with an audience? I'd shut up and stay out of your way." He'd take any chance to learn something new he could get.
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ngdays · 1 year
"Dunno if you really look like you'd know, but..."
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"You hear any weird occult rumors about this place lately?"
This man looked more like a model than some occult fanatic, but Akira had decided it was worth a shot.
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ngdays · 1 year
"It's not really my business, but I wouldn't go that way tonight."
The sun had already set a while back, but here Akira was, still hanging around Golden ward. His expression was sour as he examined a new tear in his shirt.
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"Some idiots are harassing anyone that walks by down there. I gave one of them a good punch, but that probably won't stop 'em."
He'd already given the woman he was warning a good look. She kind of had the air of someone that knew how to take care of herself, but he wasn't worried to begin with. He was just trying to keep a new target away to spite the rambunctious fools that put their hands on him.
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ngdays · 1 year
"AI-generated art exhibit? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
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He was standing in Golden, later in the afternoon, transfixed by a bizarre flyer for a small "art" studio somewhere else in the ward. The design of the flyer looked slightly off somehow, but maybe six or seven fingers on a human hand counted as high art these days?
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ngdays · 1 year
"Something bad happened here again, huh?" Otherwise the seemingly random, weirdly wrecked spots surrounded by pristine scenery Akira'd walked past a few times were just some new city feature installed while he was out.
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"Were you there for whatever went down? I just got thrown back in here, so I missed it." For the better, he was sure, but he was still curious.
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ngdays · 1 year
She was reluctant. He couldn't immediately tell whether it was because of him or because of the destination, but he was leaning toward the latter.
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"You don't like the place?" he probed. She knew where it was, so she had to be familiar with it. That meant she might be familiar with the rumors he was looking into. "I heard there's supposed to be something supernatural going on at night. You believe that?"
As much as it wasn't his business how she felt about the place, that particular reason would be relevant to why Akira wanted to see it.
School work—Check
Ismael mentally goes through the list of things needed to be done this week and happily she’s completed them all. That meant she had all the time this weekend to do whatever she wanted to do and that meant shopping for some new house supplies for herself and Sal. Archimedes has some nice things and so she chose this ward to shop for some things.
When her attention is grabbed by someone going 'Hey’, she’s on guard. It’s a good thing he lowered his hood. She has a better view of his face and her guard, while not fully dropped is a little more laxed.
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“Why….are you looking for the Tempus Museum?” She didn’t like going there. Too much memories, but it was a nice place to be with all the sculptures, arts, pieces, etc. She can respect that.
“It’s not far from where we are actually. Uhm,” Leading him the way is the last thing she wants to do, but wouldn’t that be the right thing to do? She could just hand gesture the direction, but what if he still got lot?
“Here. I can show you the way?”
You won’t have to go inside. Show him the building and be on your way.
That’s the plan.
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ngdays · 1 year
Sundown, Archimedes. It felt like he'd both just been here yesterday and all of five years ago — like his feet should know where to go, but they kept getting mixed up in unfamiliarity. In Akira's defense, whenever the hell he'd been here last, this museum wasn't a thing. At least, he'd never heard of it.
Ready to retire this reason for the scowl on his face, he stopped his meandering and fixed his gaze on a girl by her lonesome. She looked anything but lost, which made that one of them. Maybe she could make it two.
"Hey," he spoke up from under his hood, only lowering it when considering his general presence could come off as more threatening than he intended. Scaring her away would leave him with zero answers and enough breath wasted.
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"Uh, you ever hear of a 'Tempus Museum'? I'm looking for it."
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ngdays · 1 year
all right, so I'm indeed having troubles with xkit rewritten and seem to have screwed up the post format of my current starters! it's fun having an old blog I guess I'm going to delete what I've already posted, withhold the new ones, and re/post and re/tag people after I can confirm my format is trimmable. sorry for the inconvenience.
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ngdays · 1 year
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an 18-year-old horror game protagonist from 1999
was here previously! (subgiant rank)
a tough guy with a huge soft spot for family
has an intense sixth sense and isn't grateful about it
can read memories from bloodstains
ghosts and living dolls please interact
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