#klaine advent: reasonable
klaineccfanficlibrary · 5 months
do you know of any fics that exist in an au we’re the s4 breakup never happened? like blaine hanging out in the loft with rachel santana and kurt while he was still at mckinley in s4.
From a previous ask, where Blaine didn't cheat in season 4, we have these three below. However, most writers tend to follow canon that they broke up for some reason in season 4. ~Jen
The Secret About Blaine’s Cheating byMadPie
After reading everything I could possibly find, this is what I think actually think Blaine did that night with Eli, and this is how I believe how Kurt will find out.
Loneliness Found Me by  CoffeeAddict80
Instead of cheating on Kurt, Blaine finds himself singing about his feelings to what he thinks is an empty auditorium.
Exhibit McKinley by @tonks42
AU Season 4. Living so far apart from NYADA student Kurt, Blaine decides to send his boyfriend a series of letters and objects to chronicle his senior year.
The Air in My Lungs By JButler
Kurt wasn't trying to be perfect, just honest.
Check the Season 4 tag for fix it fics.
Scenes During the Break Upby misqueue
A collection of vignettes set in season 4 across the time in which Kurt and Blaine are broken up. Not in chronological order. For the Klaine Advent 2013 challenge. Stories are consistent with my The Architects of Life canon ‘verse.
Note: Many of the stories have the friends-with-benefits tag.
There are lots of season 4 fics where Blaine hangs out with the newbies, Sam, Tina and Artie when they are split - Killerqueen80 on AOS writes some great stories.
Glee Gen Fictlet #2 Graduation Party By Killerqueen80
The remaining four seniors plan a graduation party, all of new ND and some of the graduates who have helped them at competitions and such are invited to attend. it ends up being biota 2.0. basically just shenanigans with former grads witnessing the drama free family dynamic the current seniors helped create.
If you want Blaine hanging with Kurt, Rachel and Santana, here are some that are set in season 5.
Drunk on You by flaming_muse
It takes Kurt three times to fit his key in the lock of the apartment’s door, partly because Blaine is swaying heavily against his side, a warm, drunk weight keeping him off-balance, and partly because the alcohol in his own system is making the lock swim just enough in the plane of the door that he can’t quite catch it.
Bushwick futurefic, set within the next year or so, after Blaine’s graduation, no spoilers past 5x03
Bushwick Game Night by flaming_muse
Pictionary in the Bushwick loft is serious business.
Bushwick futurefic, set sometime in fall 2013, spoilers assumed through but not past 5x07 (“Puppet Master”)
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klaineadvent · 10 months
Hello Everyone!
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This is a long one, so apologies in advance! 
You may notice the Klaine Advent looking a little different this year! As noted in an earlier post, we’re rebranding to the December Klaine Fanworks Challenge!
There are a handful of reasons we’re doing this, but hopefully this little refresh will get people excited about participating all the way to the end. For consistency this year this event will remain attached to the Klaine Advent blog, and we’ll determine after the event whether we need to change that in the future.
So, how are things changing? 
There will be still be a daily word (yay!), these are chosen via a random word generator, and are NOT themed in any way. These words will post on this blog every day around 6 am Eastern Standard TIme.
That said! Since it is December, and Glee comes with a Christmas episode every year, and Klaine do have a Christmas duet tradition (more years than not anyway…) we will also be posting a weekly theme! These will be holiday flavored, and we are kicking off this inaugural event with the theme of Christmas Songs. Each weekly themed post will highlight a different song and some selected lyrics.
On to the details!
The Dates. December 1 - December 21 
The Words. Every day around 6am, US Eastern Standard Time, a fresh new word will pop out of the queue. This year the words are not alphabetical, and were chosen by a random word generator. The wonderful @caramelcoffeeaddict did all of the artwork again this year!
How to participate. Anyone can contribute, no need to sign up! There will be a single word prompt post each day for 21 days (December 1-21), and a holiday themed post every Friday beginning December 1, with the final themed post dropping December 22. You can write a drabble (or a sentence or a novel, if you like), create an art piece, make fresh gifs based on the prompt - whatever inspires you! This year the tag will be: “december klaine challenge 2023” and please tag with the word of the day so volunteers can ID the posts they need to reblog (please please please make sure all of your contributions are tagged so we can find them!). 
Contribute however works best for you. You can do something every day, every 4th day, once a week, altogether at the end, whatever works for you and your schedule. Use all the prompts or pick and choose what speaks to you. Set your own challenges. The only requirements for the Challenge are that it be Klaine centered, and that it references or uses one the word (or theme) prompt in some way.
Volunteers will be reblogging fics to the @todaydreambelieversfic blog, so you can always go scroll the blog to find the latest entries.  Of course everyone (especially the authors!) would be delighted if people reblogged to their own blog - the more people who reblog something the wider the potential viewing audience. We want to encourage everyone to reblog as many fics as they like all throughout the month!!
Partnership. This year again we’ll be partnering with @todaydreambelieversfic.  Authors and other creators for Klaine Advent who would like an additional place to promote their works are welcome to join as members. Just send a private message to @todaydreambelieversfic with your email address and they’ll add you to the blog membership.
Archive of Our Own. We have created a collection on AO3 for those people who don’t post to tumblr, and where those folks who do post to tumblr can share their advent works if you like! The collection will be up this weekend and I'll make another post when that's rolling.
Want to Volunteer? We can always use people to help with the daily reblogs!  If you can spare one or two days please signup here!! 
“But what if I don’t write or make art and don’t have time to volunteer?”  You are the most important person in the Advent!! Read the fics, look at the art, let the authors and artists know how much you appreciate their work by reblogging and commenting and liking and all those things creators like. Nothing helps a writer or artist losing steam get motivated more than a nice comment from someone. 
I think that covers everything, so if you have any questions or there’s something that’s not clear, please ask! 
Happy Writing!!
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thnxforknowingme · 2 months
WIP Acrostic Tag Game
Thank you to @bitbybitwrites for the tag!
Rules: From your story/WIP, find sentences that start with each letter of the given word. (you can find sentences relatively easily by searching for the letter preceded by a space and a period in your doc)
Word given to me to use: BREAK
Word for you to use if you want to play: STOMP
B: "But when I look back on my life, I don’t want the reason for my choices to be that they were the path of least resistance." - Christmas Eves, my tragically unfinished Klaine Advent 2023 fic
R: Rachel just had to sublet his room briefly, to keep paying rent. - an untitled WIP I've been referring to as "Disaster Boys"
E: Everyone gives toasts, and Blaine and Kurt kiss every time someone taps a utensil against their glass. - a very vague story idea where Klaine get married very early, get divorced, and then reunite later in life
A: All eyes were suddenly on them until Wes commanded everyone’s attention again, and Kurt felt his face turn pink. - All's Fair, a Kurtbastian WIP that I WILL FINISH I PROMISE
K: Kurt walked up to the playground, passing the Play equipment is for children ages 5-12 years sign without comment, and settled on a swing. - also from "Disaster Boys"
Did you intentionally choose a word with B and K in it @bitbybitwrites? Because that did make finding sentences in Klaine fics a lot easier 😅 Weirdly enough though I had almost NO sentences in all of my current WIPs/unpublished fics that start with R.
Tagging @backslashdelta @blurglesmurfklaine @katyobsesses @cerriddwenluna and anyone else who wants to!
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
Ljubim te series masterpost
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Masterpost for my Klaine Advent 2022 and Klaine December Fanworks 2023 stories
Ljubim te
Summary: Blaine moves to Ljubljana to help his dad expand the family business. He takes the opportunity for career reasons, sure, but also because he needs some distance from his girlfriend Quinn Fabray. Kurt moves to Ljubljana for a semester abroad, temporarily leaving behind everything he’s known in order to broaden his horizon. They meet at random at a pizza place.
Rating: T
Words: ~30K
AO3 | S&C | Tumblr tag
Je tik pred vami
Summary: Quinn Fabray has a lot more free time. Her boyfriend Blaine has moved to the other side of the world, but Quinn will be fine. Unfortunately, Denise Jackson-Smith, the daughter of a senator, just pisses her off. When Quinn keeps running into Denise, she can’t help but despise her. After all, that’s all that there is to it. Quinn despises Denise, right?
Rating: T
Words: ~10K
AO3 | Tumblr
Ljubili se
Summary: Kurt and Blaine fell in love in Ljubljana, but all things must come to an end. Kurt’s semester abroad and Blaine’s job are finished and they must go back home, with each of them living on the other side of the country. It’s difficult to be long-distance, especially since Blaine doesn’t know how to come out to his family and Kurt’s friends have all moved on to bigger things while he was away. But all is not lost. Kurt’s trying to figure out if he can do an internship in Los Angeles and Blaine’s aiming for a job in New York. The problem is that they’re unaware of the other’s plan.
Rating: T
Words: WIP
AO3 | S&C | Tumblr tag
Boni dishes
Open Kitchen dishes
VIGÒ ice cream
The Slovenian Glossary
Plucking Daisy Petals, a fic set in this universe, written by @thnxforknowingme
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honeysucklepink · 7 months
Y'all I'm in a bit of a writing pickle.
For a while now, my writing mojo has gone. I get a thrill when a story of mine gets a kudos or a comment, but unlike others for some reason it doesn't spur me to write more. I haven't participated in a challenge in a while, or an advent (I checked, and the last thing I wrote was a not-quite-drabble in early March so it's been a YEAR. But what really makes me ache is when I get this:
"When are you going to continue Reaching Out to Touch a Stranger?"
And the truth is...I don't know if I ever will. Because I actually have a few scenes written, including THE FREAKING ENDING, but the idea of figuring out how to string those together gives me hives and sweats. It started really as a Klaine story with Mercedes as a catalyst (ugh, should I have called them catalysts instead of conduits? See, I'm second-guessing myself!) but then I wrote a piece for Sam and it turned into a Samcedes story, and then I had self-doubt about writing Mercedes authentically, and and and...
But I also want to get these other parts I've written out to you, the readers and fans. I don't want to horde them like my preciouses and I don't want to be one of those people who waits until it's perfect. So I guess I'll take the latest tool that Tumblr has provided and do this poll-style:
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wowbright · 2 years
Fic: Wisdom to Listen
Klaine Advent 2022: give
Words: ~ 1,100 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Blaine can't sleep. His body is telling him something.
I’m back with more vignettes from my Mormon!Klaine universe for Klaine Advent 2022! This vignette takes after Recognition and simultaneously with the first part of Losing My Sleep (it’s sort of a mirror fic).
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost. (Klaine Advent bits in bold; Klaine Valentine in italics and bold.)
Blaine couldn’t sleep. He’d tried prayer. He’d tried counting backwards from a thousand in German. He’d conjured detailed images of an idea he had for an alternative animal shelter, where cats lounged in an enormous, sunlight-filled pavilion outfitted with a forest of enormous cat trees reaching the vaulted ceiling. Some of the cats watched birds and butterflies outside floor-to-floor windows, while others lazed atop tall towers in napping bliss. He imaged the scene down to the color pattern and length of each cat’s coat, and the little patches in the cat tree coverings that had been clawed bare.
Finally, in a variation of counting sheep, he imagined the cats jumping through a hula hoop, one by one.
But none of it worked.
Part of the problem was that Blaine was vaguely horny, which was making him tense. He'd thought of releasing the valve in the shower after they got home earlier that evening, but it didn't seem urgent. Despite what Elder Hummel seemed to think, Blaine didn't go at it every opportunity he had. Blaine believed in moderation in all things, and he'd already provided release for himself twice since Sunday.
The problem, he thought, was not so much that he was horny, but that he was lonely. That should be impossible. He’d spent all day—all week, all month—with his best friend, and now that same best friend was sleeping in the same room with him.
But Blaine had an ache inside him that even Elder Hummel’s presence could not fill. It had started somewhere in the middle of singing Circle of Our Love and grown through their evening meetings with investigators and the bus trip home— when, instead of asking Blaine to sit with him, Elder Hummel had suggested they get in more contacting time by sitting next to strangers.
The only relief had been just before bed, when Blaine hugged Elder Hummel good night. In that moment, with Elder Hummel's arms wrapped tight around him, Blaine felt sheltered from every bad and frightening thing, and he was no longer lonely.
Back in middle school, the answer to this feeling had been easy. He'd go over to Sam's house or Sam would come over to his, and they would sit in Sam’s bed or his own and watch movies and read comics and talk and talk until they wore themselves out. They’d fall asleep next to each other, and even when they weren't touching, Blaine could feel Sam's warmth near him, and he knew he wasn't alone.
The sound of shifting blankets caught Blaine’s attention. Elder Hummel stood from his bed and walked over to the dresser.
“Can’t sleep?” Blaine flicked the nightstand light on.
Elder Hummel blinked. “Not really. Thought I’d get out my MP3 player and listen to my sleep songlist.”
“I can’t sleep either. I've tried prayer and counting backwards in German and imagining the perfect animal shelter and counting cats—”
“Yeah," said Blaine. “Like counting sheep, but with cats.”
“Of course. I should have known,” Elder Hummel said with an amused smile as he settled back onto his bed. “Is something bothering you?”
Blaine didn't know the answer to that question. He felt lonely, but was that a feeling of botherment? And the only reason he felt lonely was because he had felt the opposite of lonely while singing Circle of Our Love with Elder Hummel on the streets of downtown Ingolstadt. He had felt connected to Kurt in a way that surpassed the moment or the physical trappings of their lives. He still felt it, partially. But something was missing. It was the easy intimacy he used to share with Sam during sleepovers—being in each other's space without invading each other’s space, because somehow the world around them seem to grow bigger when they were alone together.
“I don’t know if I’m bothered,” Blaine said. “We were busy today, so I should be exhausted. But maybe I got too amped up instead.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Elder Hummel said.
Blaine shook his head, his gaze absently fixed on the MP3 player in Elder Hummel’s hands. Blaine remembered when he had been the object in Elder Hummel’s hands, when Elder Hummel had held his head and spoken on behalf of the Lord: I bless you with the wisdom to listen to your own body. “Does that MP3 player have a speaker?”
Elder Hummel looked down at the gadget in his hands, as if he'd forgotten it was there. “No, just headphones. Why? You want to listen?”
“I thought it might help. But if there’s no speaker—”
“We could share the headphones,” Elder Hummel had said.
The last time they had done that had been less than a week into their transfer together, sitting together on Blaine’s bed just before Kurt came out to him. The memory warmed Blaine's heart. I bless you with the wisdom to listen to your own body. “We can’t really do that without sharing a bed,” Blaine said, testing the waters.
Elder Hummel frowned. “I'm not sure that's a good idea. It’s against the rules to sleep in the same bed at night. Too much crowding.”
If those were Elder Hummel’s only objections— Blaine clapped his hands together. “I know!”  He jumped out of his bed and tugged on the frame until it made a loud creak and scraped across the floor.
“What are you doing!?” Elder Hummel said in a loud whisper. “You could wake the downstairs neighbors.”
“No, they moved out last week. Remember?”
“Fine. But you could gouge the floor. And I still don’t know why you’re moving furniture in the middle of the night.”
“Oh.” Maybe Blaine had been rash. Maybe they weren't on the same page. “I thought …” and Blaine had to pause for a second there, because had he really thought? Or had he just done? On the other hand, what was wrong with just doing sometimes? The scriptures said I will go and do when the Spirit prompts, not I will think about it for twenty years first and then maybe do. “If I move my bed next to yours, we can share the headphones.”
“Oh,” Elder Hummel said, his face momentarily expressionless as he processed this new piece of information. But then he broke out into a smile not unlike the one he'd worn as they’d sung Circle of Our Love together. “That works.”
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Scenes from December (4/24)
Written for the Klaine Advent 2022. Day Four : Bat
December, 2009
Kurt Hummel considered himself an introvert.  In his sixteen years of life, he had done everything that he could avoid the mall -- especially at Christmas time.  And here he was, at the biggest mall in town, packed in with a swarm of people.  And he was happy to be there.  
The brashness of the holiday was in full swing at the mall; every entrance covered in white and silver glittering lights, every lamppost decorated with green and red garland, every shop with an outward facing window lined with decals of presents and Christmas trees and big red signs marking sales.  Inside was just as festive; big green and gold wreaths hung from the ceiling, the sound system blared the old Christmas standards, and there were at least three large signs pointing the direction to pictures with Santa located in the Macy’s wing.  Everywhere legions of people pushed around each other in search of the perfect gift.  Old ladies clung to their mile long lists.  Middle-aged men struggled to figure out what their wives handwriting said.  And there were dozens of moms trying to corral their toddlers for just five minutes more, hoping the shrieking wouldn’t start until they got to the car.  
It was mass chaos.  
Any other time, Kurt might have turned right around and walked out.  But he had the delightful Mercedes Jones on his arm.  The same Mercedes Jones who didn’t bat an eyelash when he asked her to join him shopping.  The same Mercedes Jones who, unlike him, seemed to revel in the crowd.  She was an enigma to him. But a fascinating one.  
“Okay, so we have three hours before we’re meeting Artie and Tina for the movie,” Mercedes said, stepping slightly out of the way of a college student nearly toppling over trying to balance five boxes on his way out of the food court.  “Where do you want to go first?” 
“Well…” He took a long breath.  “We really should be smart about it.  Three hours may seem like a lot of time, but when you figure out lines and having to compare prices for good sales the time will go quickly.  I only have my dad to buy for, he’s so particular about everything - his taste leaves a lot to be desired.  I did, however, want to find a new pair of jeans, so there’s that… I’m thinking we should start at the big box stores - those will take us the longest.  Or maybe we should just take a left and work our way from store to store.  I’m not sure…” 
Mercedes let out an easy laugh.  There weren’t many people who went along with his eccentricities, but she was one of them.  She buried her head into his arm.  “You are ridiculous Kurt Hummel.  Let’s just head left and see where it takes us.” 
“Oh!” He said - eyes wide as she led the way.  Not having a plan wasn’t something he did.  But he could learn to.  He could try. 
“So, I’ve still got to pick up something for my mom.  And my grandma.  And a few of the ladies in my church choir.  And, I wanted to get everyone in glee club something small.” 
That made him stop in his tracks.  The thought hadn’t even occurred to him.  “You’re getting everyone in glee a present?” 
She gave a shrug, not understanding what the big deal was.  “I mean, nothing life shattering or anything.  But I always give my friends things.  It’s part of why I love this holiday.  And don’t worry - I’m coming up with something cute for you, too.” She reached up to boop him on the nose.  
He felt a warm tingle throughout his body.  It was a strange feeling.  Mercedes Jones was his friend.  Sure - she had been his friend for the past six months.  Sure - he had shared with her some of his darkest secrets, some of the things he kept inside, even from his dad.  Sure - Mercedes was the reason he was willing to go outside his comfort zone and come to malls during the holidays.  
It felt like he had been smacked upside the head.  He had a friend - who bought him stuff, who’s kind heart included him.  He had a friend group - a group of people who seemed to accept him and even want him to be there.  He had people in his life he cared about.  
It seemed - almost surreal.  
He had been quiet for too long, Mercedes looking at him funny, wondering what he was thinking.  Recovering, he said, “Even a gift for Rachel Berry?” His question was light, with an air of humor to it. 
Mercedes rolled her eyes, letting out that easy laugh again.  “Even Rachel Berry - though it might be a muzzle to shut her up unless it’s to sing.” 
Kurt let out a hearty laugh and squeezed her arm, adoring her, as they continued on their journey.  
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bitbybitwrites · 11 months
Weekend WIP - Ask Game
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more).
Well now @daisyishedwig did send me an ask with a few of these questions. So since technically the game is to answer them all - I'll do that. Apologies if its more than what you wanted to know!
I've already tagged folks here when I first posted this. But if you see this and haven't been tagged want to join in - go ahead!
1. WIP List: (what I qualify as a WIP for me is either I've started outlining extensively and/or actually writing the fic.)
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home (Klaine fic)
Sanctuary (Klaine fic)
Cuffed (Klaine fic) - not posted
Tinker Bells ( Klaine fic)- not posted
Untitled Klaine Advent 2022 fic - Day 5 - Oval (Klaine fic) - not posted
Shaken, Not Stirred - not posted (RWRB fic)
Untitled RWRB fic - not posted
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
By far, If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. It's also the longest fic I've written to date. I last posted Chapter 20. I have Chp 21 in the batter's box and am currently writing Chp 22.
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Yikes. I'm going to guess, If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. Though Cuffed as the potential to be pretty long as well. And whenever I get around to the untitled RWRB fic, that's going to be a long one too.
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. I've really kind of fallen in love with the AU. I have soooo many cameos of characters from the show - esp some that I hope were very unexpected for readers. I've really enjoyed working them into the story. I also am loving the music attached to the story. The original prompt/artwork had Blaine as a guitar playing street musician. After some brainstorming with @datshitrandom (who provided the prompt and art) we switched it instead to a cello playing Blaine and I've really enjoyed finding cello pieces do go along with the story. I've begun adding mood music too for some chapters, which I hope has enhanced the experience for readers. I'm also such a big tea drinker/baker/lover of afternoon tea - the whole tea/cooking element of the story makes me smile. I've snuck in some of my personal favorite recipes that Kurt and his fellow chefs have made and enjoyed looking for new ones to round out the fic.
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Cuffed. Partially bc its a prequel to my first ever fic - Trick or Treat - and I really want to do it justice. That first story I agonized over writing and I love the little AU that folks only got a peek at. Partially bc its a D/s AU and I want to do the lifestyle justice and treat it with respect - yet at the same time its an AU so I do get to call the shots and make my own rules on how the world evolves. I feel its going to be a more character/emotion driven fic as opposed to a kink driven one. But then that does fall in line with the fic its based off of. One of my betas had called it "D/s lite" when she first read it 😂.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
Maybe Cuffed. - bc of the reasons listed above. Maybe also my untitled RWRB fic. - actually both of the RWRB fics - bc its a totally new fandom for me to write for and I so want to do those characters justice.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
I always run my fics past my two betas - its just a force of habit ever since I started writing - they are great sounding boards, especially when I'm stumped about something I want to include in a story.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
Sanctuary had a bit of writers block for a bit - but then I was able to bang out an outline for all but the last two scenes. For me - honestly time is my enemy over writers block. I know what I want to write - its just getting the time to sit down and do it!
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home:
Hands down my favorite OC ( and she's also really my only OC to date) - is Lillian Anderson - or Nana as she likes everyone she is close with to call her.
Lillian is Blaine's paternal grandmother from England. She is a force of nature packed in the body of a tiny little woman. She is very openhearted and passionate. Loves her grandsons and is very protective of Blaine and Cooper. She the type of grandmother who will bake you your favorite cake when you are sick and still listen to your romantic problems with an open mind - no matter what age you are. She is also, can I say - a bit unexpected in some of what she does - there is a playfulness to her but its kind of tempered with the feeling you really don't want to cross her. When she means business, she means business.
Nana, I am happy to say is favorite of many readers of the fic. It makes me smile to see comments about how much they love her, wish she was their grandmother and want to be adopted by her! 😊
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
Oh god - this is like the worst question for me bc I am so on the fence on how sexy/good my smut is 😂. I'm just going to say -If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - bc I haven't written enough smut in the others WIP to qualify.
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Definietly If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. I do love angst and I think there's a whole lotta of it in this fic.
12. Which WIP has the best characterization (in your humble opinion)?
Like characters staying true to canon? Um. Not sure? Maybe Blaine in If I Can Make Your Heart My Home. He's a wonderful showman/performer - seemingly has it all together, but as readers are now finding out, he does have some of his own issues he's been pushing aside and not dealing with. Much like Blaine on the show, in my opinion. If you're talking about like a non canon type of characterization - I'm going to have to go with Lillian Anderson/Nana. She is a joy to write and create from scratch.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home I take the readers to some of my favorite places in Central Park in this pic: - Alice In Wonderland Statue - Bethesda Terrace / Bethesda Fountain ( if there are any Doctor Who - like me - fans, they will recognize this location from the episode The Angels Take Manhattan) - Belvedere Castle - Bow Bridge (Glee fans will recognize this from where Finn and Rachel met for their date in Manhattan) If you ever come to NY to visit - definitely go and see them!
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
The untitled RWRB fic has been a lot of research so far.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
I don't know - I hope they all turn out well. And by that I hope I am pleased with how they turn out from a writing standpoint. I don't really measure how well a fic is by how many readers/ kudos or comments, but more on my personal standards of my work. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I'm hard on myself and what I crank out.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
Like fall asleep and dream? Not that I am aware of. Me daydreaming about them - thats like for all of them. I usually work things out in my head first, jot notes down in a journal second if my laptop top isn't near. Or I'll just go to the laptop to write.
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
The untitled RWRB fic is going to be a monster once I finish the outline - because its my first real historical fic. Lots of research has already been done, but so much more needs to happen before I can start the writing.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home All I can say is Trent and Tina crack me up to no end in the fic.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
I kind of dabble on some things/backgrounds of other characters in If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - but I don't know if any of it would be considered a deep dive? I've dropped hints and such about things that have happened in the past for a number of characters. When I finish the main fic there may be an opportunity to revisit all these hints in a way that readers might enjoy. . . we'll see.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
Tinker Bells (Klaine fic) is a rework of a story I started years ago, based on the Sword and Sorceress series books edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Originally the two main characters were women, but now that I've cast Blaine and Kurt in them, I'm interested in taking the story in a diferent direction.
Untitled Klaine 2022 Advent fic - is a revisit to my superhero series: Under The Cover of Darkness. Blaine finally meets Kurt's parents during the holidays.
Shaken, Not Stirred (RWRB fic) is inspired by this artwork by @noodles-and-tea . It will be a Spy Au (which is going to be a challenge and research must be done bc I'm not one to really read that genre much.)
My untitled historical RWRB fic is inspired by this artwork by @stormtrooperjeff17004. Its going to be a monster of a story starting in 1800s in Mexico and ending somewhere in the Regency/Georgian period in England.
Whew! I think thats everything! Now I've got to get back to writing!
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I was so close to a full bingo.
1. Express Yourself by esperantoauthor​
2. Lost Boy by myownpatronus my-own-patronus
3. Miles To Go by hundredindecisions thnxforknowingme​
4. A “Safe” Choice by izwordsoup special-bc-ur-part-of-it​
5. Wild Child by dreamcatcher klainedreams34​
6. TBA
7. Scenes from December by spaceorphan spaceorphan18​
8. My Heart, It Pounds, Yeah You Got Me by nineofhearts nineofhearts4​
9. Plucking Daisy Petals by hundredindecisions thnxforknowingme​, although I am not sure if it counts, since it isn’t a Klaine fic but it is Klaine-adjacent? But uh, it is Blaine/Quinn, hence the whole “Genre/Trope I don’t normally read”. If it doesn’t count, that’s fine and y’all don’t have to add it to the collection.
Klaine Bingo 2023 - last day of bingo cards! Thank you for this Anon. ~Jen
1. Debut fic: Express Yourself by @esperantoauthor
When he was 4, he didn’t notice it. When he was 6, he hoped he could outgrow it. When he was 14 he thought he could ignore it. When he was 16, he tried hide it.
When Blaine is attacked for being different, he transfers to a new school where he meets a cadre of misfits called The New Directions, who seem very impressed with his singing and very curious about his past. Blaine just wanted to fit in but maybe he will find something better: his voice.
[A canon-divergent story in which Blaine transferred to McKinley rather than Dalton after being attacked at his old school.]
2. Page turner fic: Lost Boy by myownpatronus
On September 20, 1999, Pam and James Anderson's world was shattered when their youngest son, Blaine, was abducted from a local park. Twelve years later, after pain, healing, and tireless searching, the family is reunited in a most unexpected way. But the boy who comes home to them isn't the same one they lost so long ago. Each member of the Anderson family has to learn to change and grow together as a lost boy is found once more.
3.Fanfic that made you reach for a box of tissues: Miles To Go by hundredindecisions @thnxforknowingme
In the wake of Finn’s death, Kurt struggles to keep up with schoolwork at NYADA or engage with his life in general. He finally finds purpose again when he decides to spend the summer venturing west, to scatter Finn’s ashes in the Pacific Ocean. The road trip is long and lonely and challenging, but Kurt’s luck starts to turn around when he meets a handsome man named Blaine, who’s heading to California for his own reasons. After crossing paths in Colorado, they decide to travel together. As they get closer to the west coast they start to let down their walls, learning more about each other and revealing what they’re really seeking on this trip.
4. Fanfic where on has an unusual occupation: A “Safe” Choice by izwordsoup @special-bc-ur-part-of-it
This one is already in our list under this category!!
5. Fanfic - wild card/your choice: Wild Child by dreamcatcher @klainedreams34
Tired of his son rebelling against him, Burt Hummel sends Kurt off to boarding school in England, hoping it will straighten him out. There, Kurt makes friends, gets involved in shenanigans, and just maybe finds the boy of his dreams! Heavily based on the movie of the same name!
6. Summer story: TBA
7. Written for a challenge: Scenes from December by @spaceorphan18
An exploration of Kurt's life throughout various Decembers. The story of family and how the definition of family changes over time.
Written for Klaine Advent 2022.
8. Fic that made you laugh out loud: My Heart, It Pounds, Yeah You Got Me by @nineofhearts4​
This one is already in our list under this category!!
9. Genre/trope you wouldn't normally read: Plucking Daisy Petals by hundredindecisions @thnxforknowingme
Blaine Anderson and Quinn Fabray meet during their first year at Yale, and quickly bond over shared experiences. They become best friends, then roommates, and eventually start dating. Blaine cares for Quinn so much, and everyone else thinks they belong together - so it has to be right, doesn't it?
Inspired by Ljubim te by maanorchidee.
This fic is entirely thanks to maanorchidee and her fic Ljubim te, in which Blaine and Quinn are dating before Blaine meets Kurt while in Slovenia. I was super fascinated by the idea of Blaine and Quinn falling into a romantic relationship during college, because they're both so desperate for affection and sort of don't know any better. So Yuè very kindly gave me permission to write a quasi-prequel (and also gave me the idea for the title!). That being said - I created this independently, so it may not entirely line up with the canon of Ljubim te. It's meant to compliment Yuè's story, but her fictional universe is her own, so there may be inconsistencies.
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klaineadvent · 5 years
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notarelationship · 5 years
Anderson’s Ghosts 18/24
Klaine Advent: Reasonable
Thanks all so much for reading my Klaine retelling of (obviously) A Christmas Carol. I am working with a thin outline, but I am very much winging this for each word and posting without a beta, so apologies for any punctuation or spelling errors, and any inconsistencies if they pop up (I am actively trying to avoid them!).
If you have missed any earlier entries they can be found at Anderson’s Ghosts, or each individual chapter:  Achievement, Beer, Creed, Date, Emergency, Fist, Ground, Hiccup, Interrupt, Joy, Kinship, Lecture, Monument, Nest, Overwhelm, Part, Quarrel,
Read it all on AO3
“Sam’s house again?” Quinn just shrugged. They were in what looked like Sam and Mercedes’ bedroom, and Sam and Mercedes were having a somewhat heated discussion.
“He is not being reasonable Sam. I don’t care what he thinks he has going on, but one of your oldest friends -- and my best friend, is hurting right now. Blaine Anderson can live without you for a week.” Mercedes said. She put on jewelry, walking in and out of the attached bathroom while she continued. “And if that man cannot find the decency in his heart to let you take time off to help Kurt during this difficult time, well I think it’s time for you to start looking elsewhere for a job.”
Sam ran a hand through his hair. He was dressed in a dark suit and tie, matching Mercedes’ black dress. They looked like they were going to a funeral. Blaine swallowed the lump in his throat.
“I know. You’ve been wanting me to quit for years,” Sam sounded sad and frustrated. “It’s not like there are tons of jobs in Lima ‘Cedes.” 
She came back into the bedroom, shaking her head. “Maybe it’s time we leave Lima then.”
Blaine blinked, and Quinn had zapped them to another location. A living room he didn’t recognize, completely filled with people he sort of did. They were all people from around town, Lima residents that he never bothered to know. Some were crying, others clearly had been; they were all dressed for mourning. 
“What happened?” Blaine almost didn’t want to know. Quinn tilted her head, and Blaine turned his gaze where she indicated. Kurt Hummel was sitting on the couch, Mercedes next to him with an arm around his shoulders. Kurt had the wrung out look of someone who would be crying if they hadn’t already expelled every tear from their body. 
“Kurt I’m so sorry.” Blaine did recognized that voice, and turned to see his brother Cooper reaching for Kurt, who stood and let Cooper embrace him. Blaine didn’t even realize they knew each other. “Your dad was a good man. I’m sorry about - everything.” 
“Thank you Cooper. It’s not your fault. It’s no one’s, really. He’d been sick for a while.” 
Cooper shook his head. “Everyone deserves compassion.”
“What happened?” Blaine asked again, more insistent this time, but Quinn was walking away. Blaine followed her into the kitchen. “It’s Burt Hummel, I know that. Did something I do cause this to happen?” 
Quinn didn’t answer, she was staring at two people who were locked in an embrace, both crying. Blaine’s next question died on his tongue. It was Brittany and Santana, the spirits from earlier in the evening. 
“I miss her so much!” Santana was sobbing into Brittany’s shoulder. 
“I know. Me too,” Brittany said, her arms tight around Santana. “This was a terrible year.”
“Oh my god,” Blaine said. Looking back and forth between Quinn and the two of them. Quinn stared at them, looking confused, and then sad. She put a hand to her throat, as if to feel that it was still there. 
Quinn took Blaine’s hand. We have to go.
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
Klaine Advent 2022 (1/24)
Summary: Blaine moves to Ljubljana to help his dad expand the family business. He takes the opportunity for career reasons, sure, but also because he needs some distance from his girlfriend Quinn Fabray. Kurt moves to Ljubljana for a semester abroad, temporarily leaving behind everything he’s known in order to broaden his horizon. They meet at random at a pizza place.
Notes: Dober dan! Dobrodošel! Welcome to the still untitled Klaine Advent 2022. I am very excited and also very happy that there is another @klaineadvent. The working title of this fic is comphet babey! so if you have suggestions for a better title, please let me know. I will send you bunnies.
Even though I am extremely excited and happy to be here, I don’t know if I will be able to finish it on time because *waves around* girlboss situation, but the beauty of the Advent is that you can take your time so I definitely will.
One last thing before I let you all in on the story: I chose Ljubljana because I have lived there for six months, so I am borrowing a lot from my own experiences, but since I am only one person I have not seen everything that Ljubljana has to offer, so some of the places mentioned in the fic will be “endorsed” by me (#NotSponsored), but others not so don’t take my word for it!
Alright, enjoy!
AO3 | S&C
“I love you.”
To most people, the combination of those three words is one of the most beautiful things in the entire world. It fills people with exuberance and happiness.
But to Blaine, it only fills him with dread.
Quinn is looking at him with an expectant look on her face. She’s giving him time to say it back.
But he can’t.
When Quinn realises, her face betrays her anxiety for a split second, but just like Blaine she’s been taught to school her expression and suppress whatever she’s feeling. So instead of calling Blaine out on it, she kisses his cheek and walks away.
Blaine’s left behind. He watches Quinn leave with slumped shoulders. She is disappointed. They’ve been dating for almost a year so of course she’s disappointed.
And now Blaine is moving to Slovenia and this is how he’s going to leave things off?
“Quinn!” he yells and before he can stop himself, he sprints after her.
Quinn looks back over her shoulder and her eyes widen. She turns back to face him and she wants to say something, but before she can, Blaine plants a huge kiss on Quinn’s mouth. It’s utterly romantic and right out of a movie. It’s a passionate kiss between lovers in the midst of a crowded airport with one leaving the other behind.
Well, Blaine is leaving Quinn temporarily behind. He hopes to be back in Los Angeles in the summer and they’re going to do long distance.
Blaine kisses her fiercely in the hope that finally, finally, love will be spurred, but when Quinn breaks away to take a breath, he realises that he doesn’t feel any different. Kissing Quinn is nice, but it’s not the romance he is looking for and the realisation messes him up.
Why can’t he love her?
She loves him, why can’t he love her back?
Quinn smiles and fixes Blaine’s lapels. Her eyes are shining. All the previous disappointment has disappeared.
“See you in two months,” she says, still a bit out of breath. Quinn is indeed visiting in April.
“Call me when you land,” she says sweetly, “I don’t care about the time difference. I need to know you’re alright.”
“I love you.”
“… Right.”
Quinn’s smile falters a little bit when Blaine still doesn’t say he loves her, but she no longer looks devastated. She gives him a last small peck on the lips and then it’s ready to go. Blaine has a plane to catch.
Once Blaine lands in Ljubljana, he immediately calls Quinn, as promised. They talk briefly and Quinn is happy to hear that he’s landed safely. She congratulates Blaine on skipping Monday, since the time difference indeed made him skip Monday by flying from Sunday noon to Monday evening. That is nice.
“Do you know where to go next?” she asks.
Blaine hums. Of course he does. Quinn knows too, but it is nice of her to ask. Blaine has an apartment in the city and he tells Quinn he’ll be fine. His dad arranged it all. After all, that’s why Blaine’s here. He’s in Ljubljana to oversee the first European expansion of the family business.
“But why Lulj-Lju-Jul-” Quinn had muttered when Blaine first told her.
“Where even is that?”
“It’s the capital of Slovenia.”
“And where even is that?”
“East or Central Europe, right to Italy, underneath Hungary and Austria, and Croatia is to the right.”
Quinn had pouted.
“Yes, but why there? Why not London or Paris or Amsterdam? Why go somewhere that no one has heard of.”
This was a question that had been on Blaine’s mind as well, but Blaine’s dad was certain that Slovenia was the right country since it is incredibly prosperous compared to the other Balkan countries and it’s central position was great. It’s up and coming in the European Union, which is something that he liked as well.
Blaine admittedly didn’t care.
He just wanted to go away from everyone.
From Quinn.
Of course, he doesn’t tell Quinn that. He and Quinn continue to talk over the phone while Blaine claims his suitcases at the baggage claim. Once he’s outside the airport and he starts looking for a taxi he tells Quinn he has to go.
“Of course,” she says, “I love you, speak to you soon.”
Another I love you. She must be desperate to hear Blaine say it back and the pit in his stomach only grows. He cares for her, he really does. They’re a team. They’ve been a team ever since they met at Yale. He’d say that Quinn is his best friend, but he can’t say that he loves her. It makes him feel uneasy and sure Blaine’s never been in love before but he’s pretty sure that is not how it goes.
But he needs to push that away for now. He can’t dwell on his questionable relationship. He’s in a new country!
Luckily, another reason for picking Ljubljana is that Ljubljana has a high English proficiency. Blaine’s looked up some Slovene basics, but he can tell a taxi driver where to go in English and it’s a relief. He’s spent. He doesn’t have the energy to figure it out in Slovene.
Since Blaine lives in the city centre, it is a bit of a hassle to get there, but once he sets foot in his furnished apartment he finds his way to the bedroom and falls on the bed.
It’s been a long two days. He needs sleep. Life can continue tomorrow.
The apartment might’ve been furnished, but it is not stocked. That’s why Blaine immediately goes out into the city to find something to eat. He passed a grocery store yesterday on his taxi journey. Since he forgot to charge his phone in his exhaustion and he cannot open Google Maps, he decides to find it based on memory.
Which soon turns out to be a mistake.
Ljubljana is a relatively small capital, but it is still big enough to get lost if you’re new. Blaine keeps walking aimlessly and he follows the big main road until he sees a small park area. His stomach is still grumbling, but he’s intrigued. He knows that Tivoli Park is just outside the centre, so the greenery is a nice surprise.
His joy gets doubled when he sees a pizza place. It might not be the smartest idea, but Blaine walks towards it.
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Klaine Advent 2018
Day Eighteen: Reasonable
After work, Blaine was, as usual, alone in his apartment. He had thought about getting a cat or dog at points but his landlord had a strict no pets policy. Maybe a fish? Surely, his landlord wouldn’t care if Blaine got a fish.
The television was on but Blaine wasn’t really interested in the show he chose. Instead, his mind was daydreaming. Nowadays his dreams—day or otherwise—revolved around Kurt.
What he did today? What was he wearing to work? Did he buy a mocha this morning before going in? Maybe a bagel too because he didn’t have time to make breakfast? Was Kurt thinking about Blaine? When would they go on their third date? Where would they go? Should Blaine ask Kurt out again? Is it too soon?
It was completely reasonable behavior to think this much about a person you went on two dates with, right?
Blaine has asked Steven about it but he had only teased and joked. So, Blaine tried to call his mom but she hadn’t called him back yet. To be fair, he’d had called her during the work day and she wasn’t even home at this hour. She always had good advice when Steven didn’t, which was most of the time.
After an hour of mindless tv, Blaine’s phone rang.
“Hi mom.”
“Hi honey, what’s up? Sorry I didn’t answer earlier I was in a meeting.”
“It’s okay, I shouldn’t had called during work hours.”
“Tell me what’s going on,” his mom said.
“There’s this guy and I can’t stop thinking about him. We went on two dates and he’s just amazing...is this normal?”
“Well, hon, it’s sounds like you really like this guy.”
“I do,” Blaine told her. “And I think he likes me back.”
He could picture her smile.
“I’m happy for you. So what’s the issue? Just overthinking it?”
“Basically, I needed someone to tell me I wasn’t crazy.”
“You’re not crazy,” she assured him. “I’m sure Steven was all jokes.”
“He was, thanks mom.”
“Anytime honey!” she replied. “Now let me tell you what your father did the other day.”
Blaine smiled and let her ramble about his dad.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Scenes from December (19/24)
Klaine Advent Day Nineteen : Roomy
December, 2060
Kurt stood on the balcony overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  The sky was bright and cloudless, the sun high in the sky.  A soft breeze whispered through the air.  All was peaceful and quiet save the soft slapping sound of the waves on the beach and a few seagulls who called in the distance.  It didn’t feel like December.  It didn’t even feel like he was on the same planet.  He had spent so much of his life in the hustle and bustle of one city or another - even his past vacations were always filled to the brim with activities - that being in an actual paradise, without kids or grandkids or even an itinerary, felt like a foreign jolt to his system.  
He and Blaine had been planning this vacation for years now.  They were supposed to go for their fortieth birthday but then that was shoved back for some reason or another and the years slipped by.  They hadn’t hit fifty years together yet - but why not take it now? For no other reason than they could? Nothing but an entire week of just Blaine’s company.  It was a nice thought.  
He leaned forward on the wooden railing, glad that it was sturdy, and not too high up.  The rolling of the water crashing into the sand was mesmerizing.  A little way down the beach a young child played in the sand as his dad sat by his side, smiling as the child tried to build a sandcastle.  It made him think, just for a moment, about his own dad - and how he and Carole never did make it to Hawaii; a thought that laid a little heavy on his heart.  He and Blaine would have to set aside some money to make sure the girls and their families could go. The view alone had been at least worth the wait - and he wanted them to have the experience - at least once.  
There was a click from behind him, the sliding glass door glided open with Blaine taking a step onto the balcony.  Seeing him made Kurt smile - Blaine still insisted on wearing the most ridiculous outfit. He had on a huge, wicker hat with yellow sunglasses, a bright green Hawaiin shirt with beige shorts both of which were just a little too big on him, and a pair of sandals.  Nothing screamed more touristy than Blaine’s choice of fashion, but he had argued that he wanted to spend his vacation in the most comfortable attire he could find, and Kurt chose not to fight him on it.  Besides, there was a certain amount of amusement that came with Blaine’s wardrobe.  Might as well enjoy it.  
Blaine was reading from a guide book as he came out onto the balcony, not looking up to see Kurt as he read from it.  “According to this there are plenty of things we can do… There are some hiking trails, glass bottom boat trips with guided tours, a playhouse for local theater, a bingo night exclusive for us old people, ooh and even a roomy jacuzzi in the community center.” Blaine wiggled his silvery eyebrows above the sunglasses.  
Kurt grinned.  There was a time some ten - fifteen years ago where they might have fucked their way through the vacation.  While sex still managed to be a part of their marriage, Kurt wasn’t sure he really wanted to spend his entire time in the hotel room.  He wasn’t even sure he wanted to do anything that Blaine had listed off, even if all of it were things he’d enjoy.  Maybe later in the week he’d consider -- maybe even tomorrow.  But right now, he just wanted to relax.  Really relax and forget, if just for a moment, about the busyness of his life.  
Kurt bit his lip before he answered.  They had promised each other no expectations and that the purpose of the trip was to not overburden each other with activities.  He knew his husband - and how eager he was to go and see everything that he could - and the quiet, non-moving parts of life were sometimes harder for him.  “What if we did nothing?”  Kurt offered.  “What if we took a couple of chairs out to the beach, and let our feet get wet, and just talked until nightfall to see how well we could see the stars.” 
It was hard to tell what Blaine was thinking with the sunglasses covering his eyes.  But his face had always been so full of expression - and there seemed to be no disappointment there.  “I think there’s a bar downstairs.  And earlier I saw some lady with a coconut in her hand.  I don’t know what it was - but it included a colorful, little umbrella -- and I think that’s what I want.” 
Kurt let out a chuckle.  “Are you sure that’s okay?”  
Blaine tilted his head - his expressive face saying Kurt shouldn’t even be questioning it. “Spending uninterrupted time with my best friend, especially in a place like this? Always okay.” 
Almost fifty years with this ridiculous human -- and yet, he was still Kurt’s favorite.  He leaned over and gave Blaine a gentle kiss on the lips. 
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gleekto · 2 years
Klaine Advent 2022: Chemistry Sucks (10/?)
Summary: Nerd!Kurt/ Popular!Blaine high school AU - Kurt joins Glee club in his junior year to please his dad, though he’d rather just hide out in the library until he can graduate and get out of Lima.
Turns out he’s not the only gay kid in town. Too bad the other out gay kid is cocky and popular senior, Blaine Anderson. Sure of himself, gets all the solos, things served to him on a platter. Kurt finds him shallow and infuriating.
Blaine finds Kurt square and irritating.
Yet at a party one night, they promise to sleep together if they don’t have other opportunities by the end of the year. A dare. Naturally competitive spirits.
Day 1, Day 2,Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9
Chemistry Sucks (Day 10: Overt)
Blaine can't believe that he finally makes it to the gay youth group - that they finally make it to the gay youth group - and that Kurt is the one who gets pursued. Very overtly.
"So Kurt, he's with you?" Matteo asks Blaine within ten minutes of their arrival when Kurt goes to grab a soda. Blaine stares at him blankly.
"We came together, if that's what you mean."
"No, I mean is he off limits?" Blaine looks at this guy for a moment - curly blonde hair, athletic build, friendly. Apparently outgoing and here for a reason.
"No? I mean we're friends but we're not together. So I mean," Blaine can't believe that he's going to be the one to set Kurt up with the guy who will end their bet. "Go ahead."
"Oh. Oh good. Because I thought maybe there was something - But anyways. That's great. Kurt is cute."
"Kurt is hot. And smart too." Blaine doesn't know why he feels like he has to defend him. This guy is obviously interested. And not bad looking himself. He's taller than Blaine, that's for sure. He's taller than Kurt, actually.
"Yeah, I mean. That's what I meant. But could I ask you a favor then?" Blaine looks at him strangely wondering if he will ever leave. "I"m kind of shy," Yes, buddy. Sure seems like it. "Would you mind-"
"Look, Kurt is my friend but I'm not getting involved in any of this-" He gestures between Matteo and Kurt over at the soda table.
"Will you give me his number then?" Blaine just really wants this conversation to end.
"Sure fine." He sends Matteo Kurt's number as quickly as he can before turning back to Kurt. "I'm just going to grab a drink too."
"Got one for you." Kurt hands him a Sprite before he has a chance to order one himself. That's what he would get anyways, which of course Kurt knew.
"Oh thanks."
"Why do you look like you've been caught with your hands in the cookie jar?" Kurt looks around and sees a curly haired guy holding his phone and smiling widely at him when his phone buzzes.
"Who is...Thinks I'm cute. Matteo? How did he-"
"He just kept asking me about you so I gave him your number," Blaine confesses. "And yes, that's him over there with the dimples." Kurt looks over and then quickly away.
"Blaine, why would you give him my number?" Kurt is obviously irritated when they both hear his phone buzz again.
M: Blaine gave me your number. Said you two weren't together?
Kurt turns to him, seemingly seething. "Well at least that's true," Kurt folds his arms in front of him.
"Honestly I was just trying to get him to stop asking me about you. And maybe I shouldn't have given him the number so quickly but he is cute. And he's your ticket out of our bet, right? And I know you love to win."
Kurt huffs. "I do love to win. But," Kurt looks over at Matteo as neutrally as possible and then back to Blaine. "He's cute. But he's not my type."
"Oh aren't you the one for snap judgments. He's good looking, Kurt. Looks pretty athletic," Blaine's not sure why he's pushing it but he feels like he has to be the good friend here.
"Guess I"m not really the sports-type then," Kurt shrugs. "You know, I'm a glee club guy." Blaine wills himself to suppress the small note of smug satisfaction he has at hearing that. They are not together and they are in fact here for this. They're rivals really. "Look what you've done," Kurt shakes his head over and over. "Now what do I say back?"
"I don't know. Thanks?"
Kurt starts typing and holds up his phone discreetly so Blaine can see.
K: Hey. Well Blaine told you the truth. We aren't together. But I do like him so unfortunately sort of off the market right now. Nice to meet you though :)
"Oh my god, Kurt."
"You got me into this mess. So you will get me out of it," Kurt says intently before hitting send. "I told you I don't settle for second best."
In the end, Blaine thinks they both had a good time. They had managed to both go over to Matteo - as friends - and turns out he goes to Carmel High. And there were a few other guys who were friendly and wanted to check out the all ages night at Scandals over the summer. Blaine would be in New York by then, but still, they all exchanged socials. It's nice to know Kurt won't be alone next year. Blaine obviously isn't taking this whole rivalry with Kurt thing seriously enough, though, because he only experienced the smallest twinge of jealousy that Kurt is the one who got noticed tonight. And he isn't even sure who he was jealous of but he is definitely trying not to think about that.
As he's climbing into bed, his phone buzzes. Kurt again? He just dropped him off. He smiles as he picks up his phone. But it's not Kurt.
Rich: Hi Blaine. It's Rich from the group. Wondering if you'd like to hang out some time?
Ha! No reason to be jealous at all. He did get noticed after all. He immediately shifts the text bubble to Kurt.
B: You'll never guess who just texted me.
K: Rich?
B: What! How did you know?
K: Because he was staring at you all night. And made up that let's all exchange numbers things so he'd have your number.
B: That was so we could meet up in the summer.
K: Mmmhmmm. So when are you meeting up?
Blaine actually hadn't thought about that part.
B: Actually, I don't think we are. Didn't feel the chemistry, you know? Guess he isn't my type.
He closes his phone.
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Chapters: 18/24 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Klaine Advent Drabble Challenge 2019, Christmas, Fluff Summary:
Here are my stories for the 2019 Klaine Advent Drabble Challenge. Merry Klainemas, everyone!
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