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madwoman25 · 10 months ago
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kpopfan861 · 4 months ago
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portesina · 1 year ago
Today, our annual meeting of the SYSTEM CHANGER NETWORK INDIA starts
21/2/2024 – For the 2nd time – after the launch of the System Changer Network India (SCN India) in April 2023 – the leaders and ambassadors of eight NGOs come together at the Karl Kuebel Institute for Development Education Coimbatore, India in Coimbatore. The NGOs are active in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka as well as in Maharashtra working with children, women and men, farmers, marginalized…
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usagiismh · 6 days ago
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the au will not write itself which is bullshit
Uhh the au is for where they all existed under King Cold and Frieza’s reign a little longer until veggie’s a teenager.
starter designs for kohlrabi and king veggie; I am trying really hard to make his like title/nickname onion ring
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medkiitt · 6 months ago
" NO. PLEASE. " it didn't want to go with him and it gripped tighter (OOC: Old. )
“ H-huh?? Hey, what— ow, ow!! ”
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absentmoon · 2 years ago
Looks at these posts. Thinks back to the "I want a baby" art post. Looks at you❓
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wikipediaboyf · 1 year ago
eeveryone sshould bbenice to eeach other tthat iismy final message farewell
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angelsaxis · 2 years ago
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like a shot to the chest
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fast-food-masquerade · 7 months ago
oh my god .hey is that
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drew the skins from todays stream time taken : 3.5 hours
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3liza · 1 year ago
ive met a lot of non-malicious men who seem to have learned to equate pushing someone's boundaries, or just spontaneously deciding that the boundaries are no longer applicable, as a form of intimacy. the reasoning, whether it's conscious or not (i've seen cases of both), seems to be test whether the target lets it slide (thus affirming intimacy by forcing permissiveness), or re-asserts the boundary, which usually makes them have a rejection freakout because it means they arent special enough to get away with bad behavior. sometimes its just regular creep behavior, testing the fence for weaknesses, sometimes it's intimate partner dysfunction based on insecurity, and sometimes its just arrested development (kkids test boundaries normally and in a healthy way, they're supposed to) because some parent figure didnt complete the other side of the developmental exchange correctly or at all.
it's not a gendered behavior, humans are prone to it in general, i just personally dont get challenged by women much idk why, whatever vibe i have going on is repulsive to women who arent really weird in a compatible way
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choucon · 2 months ago
~skkul kkid
P.s. I don't actually speak Spanish
But nothing
Or something
Me neither
P.s. pretty voice
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kpopfan861 · 4 months ago
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5weetmeat · 2 months ago
going home so
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npgsupreme · 11 months ago
Hello friend,my names kinito!
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Au name: colorful kinito
Colorful Kinito is an attempt by the company behind Kinito pet to rebrand. In 2017, the company made an app for the iPad and IPhone called “Kinito Kids”. It is an app for kids who don’t have computers, there is a setting that can also be used for teens, but the target audience is for children. The app is bassically like a babysitter, something for kids to be entertained by when the parents are busy, Kinito kids is used for learning, playing games, drawing, and talking to Kinito. Most of the parents were fond of this app, but a lot of older siblings were…skeptical, teenage siblings would be sitting by their younger siblings while they were playing KKids, and Kinito would say some…weird things. In the game you would put a fake name as your username, but Kinito would ask things such as “so, now that we are such good friends…do you think you could tell me your real name…?”. Or sometimes he would ask for their address so he could send them a “special surprise”. Older siblings were pretty disturbed by this and would even tell their parents about it, but when parents would watch their children play the game, nothing would happen, Kinito would stay the same. Eventually, a teenage girl named Katie, decided to make an account for KKids on her phone, she put it to the teenage setting, and as soon as she signed up and opened the game, something was…off. The game didn’t look colorful like it always did, it looked…empty, usually there would be furniture, like a chair, a bed, and a table, that you could drag Kinito to, kinda like talking Tom. Kinito glitched into the empty and colorless room, he didn’t have his original colors, he looked…monochrome…a text box came onto screen and the words “I know you’re onto me…Katie…I won’t let you get in the way of my friendship….”. Katie was confused, she didn’t like this at all, she decided to dig deeper into it. After some research, she found something, she found the original Kinito, why did he look so different? He was just…pink, he didn’t have and rainbow color on him, his gloves were plain white…no paint in sight, Katie decided to dub this creature, Kinito pink, and KKids….Colorful Kinito. Katie had also found some discord groups, dedicated to solving the mystery of both Colorful Kinito, and the original Kinito, Kinito pink. She met a lot of people in those groups, who were having the same issues that she was, and soon they all formed their own private group, having their own blog to record their findings, hoping to get to the bottom of this and keep their younger siblings safe.
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llostccause · 21 days ago
- - - - - - - TTALKING ABOUT MEMORIES ! ! - - - - - - - -
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Memories suck sumtimez bbecause tthey get mme all sad aand I sstart missing people :{ it iisn't nnormally a big ddeal, but it really sux wwhen all I hhave left from hhome is a few tthoughts and tthe ppeople I mmeet on here .
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I remember tthat before the nninja found me, I was ttechnically homeless. . . I was only aaround ten . I didn't mmind it much, it ddidn't bother me, but llookig back, it wasn't tthe best situation ffor a kkid. I trusted the sserpentine so eeasily because I wwasn't used to bbeing paid aattention to, mmost people iignored me . I could pprobably have ffound friends and tthings, bbut I ddidn't see the point - I wwanted to be llike dad !! And he was ' eevil ' and eevil people ' don 't need friends ' . But the sserpentine were also eevil !! So I ddidn't mmind so mmuch being ffriends with themm... and i ttrusted them WWAY ttoo eeasily . . but we can't change iit ! ! Besides,, eeverything, Ppythor was aactually rreally cool, and I mmiss the gguy.
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james--murray · 2 years ago
Y.es I a.m . And y.ou kn.ow th.at don't you?
[It just barely drags himself into the room with Cesar and Sun. He stands, leaning all his weight on the doorframe and staring at the two.]
C.cesa.r. p.put. hhim do.wn .,
Adam!!! I was just a-a-about to call you down :) Who's this little guy?
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