#kiyomi tanaka
chernobog13 · 5 months
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Cool cutaway diagram of the Science Patrol's Jet VTOL, aka the Beetle.
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omercifulheaves · 2 years
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Patlabor - AV-98 Ingram
Art by Kiyomi Tanaka
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deathnotewiki · 4 months
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May 27, 2004:
Light Yagami begins seeing Miss T-Oh, Kiyomi Takada. They take classes together.
L tells Light Yagami that he is his first friend.
Misa Amane comes over to see Light Yagami for a second time.
May 27, 2019
The USA deposits the money into Yotsuba Bank of Japan savings accounts as instructed.
Minoru gives up the Death Note so it can be taken to the US President.
Ryuk meets with the Shinigami King, who creates a new rule about selling Death Notes.
Ryuk presents the Death Note to the US President, who refuses to accept it to save his own life.
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atomicpsyche · 1 year
ignore everything in the brackets.
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Really random thought
Sakusa is dating a manager from another team and he gives them his jacket so he can find the in a tournament crowd and they wear it and there team sees it and they lose their minds
Probably tendou/noya and Tanaka
😂😂😂 bhahahahahhahaha ok but imagine it with Inarizaki 👀 Sakusa totes knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s been getting under Atsumu’s skin since 2012 ✋🏻
Sakusa told you to take his jacket because there was a “breeze” in the stadium and he was not about you getting any sort of sickness. He also wasn’t about to have you get lost in the crowd.
You shrugged, not thinking much about it because Sakusa would only ever mean well right?
Right 👀
You slip the jacket over your Inarizaki’s manager jacket because why not 🤷🏻‍♀️
You make your way back to your team and Akagi is the first to spot you
He’s all like 😐🤨
Omimi follows with the confusion because they are definitely sure their team colors did not change from Black, Maroon and white to freaking lime green and yellow.
Honestly iconic colors 👏🏻 10/10 to the Itachiyama design team
Ginjima and Aran spot you next and they are like
Suna is just video taping this entire time 🙄
Kita notices you and narrows his eyes because he’s worried you’re cold and he can’t have that! Perhaps the Inarizaki jackets need more insulation 🤔
“Hey guys!” You say, as these dummies just stare at you
Thankfully the silence doesn’t last long because good things never last on this time
You, looking down and shrugging, “yeah it is! Omi gave it to me.”
“Omi as in Sakusa KiyOMI??” Atsumu shouts again
“Do you know any other Omi’s Sumu?” Osamu interrupts
“YN this is a huge betrayal of our trust!” Atsumu bellows as you roll your eyes, trying to ignore him as best you can
That’s a pipe dream Yn let’s be 4 real mkay
“Atsumu will you shut up. I gave Yn my jacket so they didn’t get lost in the crowd,” Sakusa said, interrupting the conversation as Atsumu glared back
“Are you saying we can’t protect our manager?” Atsumu growled back
“I’m saying there’s a lot of people here and Yn could easily get lost,” Sakusa responded
Actually the team thought he had a decent point but they were still mad that Sakusa had put his jacket on you.
“I think we can protect Yn ourselves,” Aran said, removing Sakusa’s jacket and handing it back to him
Sakusa narrows his eyes at the team as you sigh and roll your eyes. Honestly you can’t have anything nice Yn.
“Thanks Omi, I appreciate you lending me your jacket! Can I keep it for after the game?” You inquired, thinking this would fix everything
“YN you can wear my jacket!” Atsumu yells as you smile at him.
“YN is my partner, they will wear my jacket!” Sakusa growls in response
You rn 👉🏻 🌳 🐜 🌳
“Ok enough!” Kita finally interjects, “YN can wear Sakusa’s jacket after our match. Now let’s go warm up.”
Sakusa is just smirking at Atsumu as Ginjima tries to hold him back
Of course, Osamu has to continue to egg him on because why not
“Didnt Yn reject you asking them out like 7 times?” He says as Atsumu narrows his eyes
“Actually it was 9,” Suna chimes in
You 👉🏻😐
Really Yn what did you expect 😂
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lil-door-knob · 1 year
The Flower Prince: Hotel Stay
Prompt- At first, he felt prideful of the praise his teammate [Sakura] was getting from the Prince. But the moment he saw the blush on her face and the arm around her waist, pride was no longer what he was feeling.
Word count: 1,502 words
Estimated Read Time: 6 minutes
Warnings: Not edited, sorry sorry.
Previous Part
“How many beds sir?” the receptionist asked a slight blush coming to her cheeks as she stared into Kakashi's only visible eye.  
“Two, could we also get a futon or two?”
“Of course,” she answered almost too quickly. “Alright, your room will be 305. I’ll be up shortly with the futons.” Grabbing two keys from the hooks behind her, she handed them over to Kakashi. Naruto’s grin widened as he saw the receptionist's face at the slight contact of his sensei’s gloved hand.
“Thank you.” he gave a quick bow before walking off in the direction of the room.
“Ne, Kakashi?”
“Yes Naruto?”
“Don’t you think she was pretty, the receptionist?”
“She wasn’t ugly.” Kakashi shrugged. “Why?”
“She was totally into you!” Naruto exclaimed looking at his sensei.
“That’s what you call being nice-”
“Naruto’s right.” Sakura piped up. “Did you not see the way she blushed or the eyes she gave you when we walked in sensei?”
“You’re both reading into it too much.” Kakashi groaned.
“For someone who strictly reads romance novels, I’m surprised you’re so blind to obvious flirting.” the kunoichi spat back.
“Sakura.” Kakashi stopped in front of the door to room 305, “Naruto. She was just being nice, it’s her job.”
“Too nice,” Sasuke added.
Giving a stern glare to his genin, he opened the door to the room and walked in. “Kakashi-sir, for what it’s worth, I agree with your team. She was flirting with you.” Daiki teased as he entered the room behind the genin. Rubbing his temples, the jounin closed the door and sighed.
“I call dibs on the bed!” Naruto flung himself onto the bed closest to the wall away from the door. He sprawled out and rolled around in the bed before Sakura dragged him off.
“Naruto! Let Daiki-san choose first.”
“No Sakura-chan, that’s alright. I’ll sleep on the futon.” Daiki insisted but was instantly shut down by Sakura who insisted. “Ah- you’re all too kind I guess I’ll-” a knock came on the door.
“Um, here are your futons sir.” the receptionist from earlier bowed.
“Thank you.” he reached out to grab them but the woman took a step back.
“Allow me to set it up for you and the kids.” before he could respond, the woman gently pushed her way past him and entered the room. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Daiki sat on a bed as they watched the scene before them- a mischievous aura around them. Kakashi gave them a stern look warning them to behave. “They sure are cute, uh- Hatake, was it?”
“His name is Hatake Kakashi!” Naruto called. “And I’m Uz- Hatake Naruto! We’re his adopted kids.” the jinchuriki smiled brightly at the woman. She gave him a sweet smile in return.
“I’m glad to hear that! Kakashi sounds like quite a good man.” she then turned to face Kakashi. “My name is Tanaka Kiyomi, it’s a pleasure to meet you Kakashi-san.”
“Likewise,” Kakashi responded as he secretly cursed under his breath. “You can give me the futons, I can do it myself. No need to worry, Kiyomi.” Once again ignored, Kiyomi placed them on the floor and started to lay them out.
“Don't be rude, help Kiyomi-chan,” Sasuke said in a mocking tone, a smirk starting to form.
“Yeah, don’t let the pretty lady do it by herself!” Daiki added. All four pre-teens stared at him expectantly.
Mortified Kakashi made eye contact with Kiyomi and nodded, “They’re right. Let me help.” he crouched down next to the flustered woman. After laying out the two futons Kakashi sighed, his embarrassment would finally be over. Extending a hand to help her up, he opened the door for her to leave, trying his best to not seem rude. Though, before she stepped out she spoke softly.
“You know…” she looked up at Kakashi, “I find it sweet that you adopted those kids. If anything it only adds to your appeal. A family man...  I’d like to meet with you sometime. L-like as a date.” her face was no longer visible to him but he could only imagine she was blushing- if she hadn’t already done enough of that. For the first time, Kakashi didn’t know how to react, it wasn’t anything new for him to get hit on or asked out (come at me, I swear this is canon), but this had never happened in front of his team, let alone on a mission. “I understand that you’re a ninja and probably don’t have time to date, but I’d appreciate it.
“I have to get back to work now Kakashi-san, I’ll await your response.” she gave him a quick peck on the cheek and quickly ran off. As soon as the door shut behind her, laughter erupted from Naruto, Sakura, and Daiki. Even Sasuke allowed himself to smile.
“See, we told you she liked you!” Naruto stated as he rolled off the bed and pointed at Kakashi.
“Naruto, you’re sleeping on the futon,” Kakashi stated firmly.
“What- why?!” Naruto rose to his feet, “I already called dibs on this bed!” he whined as he pointed to the bed where he was previously seated.
“Sasuke, you will share a bed with me. Daiki, you get a bed to yourself, and Sakura, you're also sleeping on a futon.”
Sakura heaved a heavy sigh, “Yes sensei. But can I at least move my futon? It’s too close to Naruto’s and he moves around a lot. “ Kakashi gave her a nod before heading to the bathroom.
With the sleeping arrangements made, Team 7 and Daiki got ready for bed.
Once Kakashi came out of the bathroom Sakura immediately ran in to take a warm shower to get rid of the thin layer of sweat that had laced her skin- it was a hot day. Naruto groaned as he heard the water from the shower start, he knew his teammates well, and although he loved Sakura, he couldn’t deny her flaws. She took forever in the bathroom.
Anytime they would go on a mission and they stayed at a hotel or motel, she always headed for the bathroom first. For at least thirty minutes Sakura would stay in said bathroom. Once she would exit a weird smell of a weird berry and a flower mix could be left behind, it was something Naruto just couldn’t quite describe. The closest word he could use was ‘girly’. Although not horrible, he always hated it when he had to use the bathroom or was hungry as it made him feel nauseous. And today was one of those days. 
He was steadily growing impatient.
Naruto’s night routine was quite simple really, he would go to the bathroom and relieve himself, eat some last-minute ramen, and then he would lie down and be out like a light just as quickly. This routine has stayed true his entire life, even on missions where they would sleep in the forest. Which was why he and Sakura butted heads at night. Today was no exception to that ‘rule’.  Every two minutes or so Naruto would bang on the bathroom door and ask if she was almost finished, of course only met by the girl's silence or exaggerated humming.
Sasuke and Kakashi are similar in that they didn’t have a night routine, they would simply just do what they needed or wanted to do before they got tired, and would then merely sleep.
“Nauto, stop banging on the door.” Sasuke ordered the blonde jinchuriki after Naruto had spent the last minute banging on the door non-stop asking ‘Are you done yet?’
“Shut up Sasuke-teme! I really have to go, dattebayo!!” Sasuke just rolled his eyes and averted his attention back to the kunai he was sharpening in his hands.
“There’s a bathroom on the main floor, Naruto-san we passed it on the way here. You could just go and use that one.” Daiki added, smiling at the boy.
“I don’t want to go down there!” Naruto’s eyes widened, “What if there’s some creepy man in the urinal next to me?!” he exasperated, flailing his arms. “I’m not going there alone, so one of you is coming with me.” He huffed with arms crossed over his chest.
“Is that so?” Daiki sweat dropped. Looking around the room he noticed that the two other ninjas had simply tuned out Naruto’s complaints. He heaved a heavy sigh as he realized he was the only one who was willing to go with him. “I’ll go with you Naruto-san. Just make it quick.” out of habit the prince bowed to Naruto and left the room with him. Wasn’t he supposed to be escorting me, Daiki thought as they made their way to the communal bathrooms.
After twenty minutes of being in the bathroom, Sakura walked out in her usual attire. “Sasuke-kun, you can use the bathroom now if you have to.” Sasuke nodded and placed his kunai on the nightstand before entering the bathroom which now smelled of Sakura’s many bath products, but he didn’t mind.
Next Part
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fishingfordreams · 2 years
manga recommendations pt. 3
memory, melancholy, and maturity
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Totsukuni no Shoujo (The Girl From the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún) by Nagabe
A harrowing and beautiful grim dark fairy tale set in a world populated with monstrous creatures that can curse people with a single touch. The story follows a young girl named Shiva and her otherworldly Teacher who live in a vacant village on the "outside." The story explores the dichotomy of light and darkness, good and evil, body and soul, and those who linger in the quiet spaces in between. Nagabe’s dreamy story book illustrations capture the fantastical and eerie world vividly, crafted together in fine lines and careful contrasts.
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Dungeon Meshi (Dungeon in Delicious) by Ryoko Kui
A charming medieval fantasy story about, well, dungeons, dragons, and delicious food! The premise is simple: kill the magician of the dungeon and the golden kingdom shall be yours, or so the former king declared before fading to dust. And so, we follow a group of adventurers as they traverse the dungeon and, after losing their supplies and friend to a red-scaled dragon, meet a dwarf who teaches them how to prepare and cook monster ingredients. The story delights in monster designs and their anatomies and ecosystems, and boasts a diverse cast of characters that are as equally complex and well-developed.
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MagMell Shinkai Suizokukan (Deep Sea Aquarium MagMell) by Kiyomi Sugishita
A gorgeously illustrated story following Koutarou Tenjou, a janitor and assistant keeper at a deep sea aquarium in Tokyo. The story quietly opens up a hidden, dreamlike world filled with strange and wonderful creatures that dwell in the dark depths of the sea. Sugishita beautifully captures the fleeting, tender moment of fondness and rumination that people experience while watching the majesty of the ocean and her inhabitants.
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BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad by Harold Sakuishi
An absolute classic! A soul-stirring, coming of age story about music, brotherhood, and the angst of adolescence. It features a group of colorful teenagers who come together to form a rock band and the story focuses on their love, trials, and tribulations as they struggle to fame. The protagonist, Yukio “Koyuki” Tanaka, embodies the raw, honest, confronting, and liberating feeling of self-discovery and self-expression that young people often go through. His growth is slow and subtle, but so genuine and measured, and he becomes the force that eventually pulls the groups’ sound together.
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Medalist by Tsurumaikada
A heartfelt story that explores the familial, social, and economical pressures of competitive sports, specifically figure skating. We follow Inori Yuitsuka, a fifth grader who is desperate to become a skater but has been constantly criticized by those around her and told that she’s too old to begin training competitively. All except for down-on-his-luck former figure skater Tsukasa Akeuraji who sees her potential and decides to coach her with the promise of winning a medal. Despite the somber premise, this is an incredibly uplifting story about building confidence, realizing your self-worth, and pursuing your dreams regardless of when you decide to start. The athleticism and elegance of figure skating is also portrayed beautifully through dynamic and expressive artwork and paneling.
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Holyland by Kouji Mori
An intense, character-driven story following high school student Yuu Kamishiro who, after being driven to isolation by the abuse of his peers and with no place in society, ventures out into the night in search of his "holyland." He finds acceptance through violence and solace in the lawless brutality of the streets. The author meditates on human nature and explores the nature of one's emotions, particularly grief and hatred, and how they define us. Make no mistakes though, this is also very much a martial arts story and Mori balances both the technical and impassionate aspects of combat seamlessly.
(Includes depictions of self-harm, depression, bullying, violence).
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asmallmoon333 · 8 months
Near for the ask game 👁️👁️ And also Lawlight ✨
Hi Grim!! :3
Near! :D
How I feel about this character: Like him, but tbh no real deep or passionate feelings. I haven't poked his brain enough to get interested. I will say I started liking him more in the A-Kira one-shot, and not only cause his long hair was awesome, but cause I wanted to know more about WHY he was like that, what he felt all those years later about the Kira Case, how his life had gone as the new 'L'.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Mello in a childhood rival-turned-enemy-turned-lover way; Light a very messed-up 'mutual substitutes' way; and Minoru Tanaka cause I think they should have at least met and picked each others' brains!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Also Mello actually, sometimes I just want them to understand each other and come to like...not a moment of peace, so much as a moment of actually talking about what their childhood at Wammys did to them and their relationship as a consequence of it.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Anime Near really was boring and I had no interest in watching him. Manga Near is more interesting, but they still needed to make him more goofy. (I saw two alternate panel translations of 'Serious Near' vs 'Goofy Near' and I loved the second one.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Near meeting Minoru Tanaka!!! What a freaking loss of opportunity. Also, I'm a fan of the "Near wrote Mikami's Name" theory and I'd like that confirmed or denied in canon.
My OTP: I don't have one, I don't know him well enough tbh, even the ones I do ship, it's kinda with ambivalent feelings.
My cross over ship: Dont have one, sorry :3
A headcanon fact: He didn't grow his hair out cause he's too lazy to cut it or too depressed to bother, he just genuinely likes the way it looks and feels.
Lawlight! :D
When I started shipping it if I did: In December 2022 when I started writing for them! Altho tbh I'm not sure if I so much as shipped them, or if I just really liked the challenge of writing about them getting and being together.
My thoughts: Love them when they're just eternally messed with and messing with each other. I like them both individually as characters so having them together is really fun.
What makes me happy about them: Their symmetry. They just GET each other. And I love picking at their brains and poking them with a stick, and putting them in Situations together. I think their reactions are really fun.
What makes me sad about them: That in canon they were (or maybe mostly just Light, cause we never got to pick L's brain about it) too dumb to see what they'd be bored as hell without the other. That they never got the chance to actually be honest with each other before it was too late. (Altho in the anime L did try.)
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: For L, my pet peeve is the idea that his whole personality was an 'act.' I've never heard a good argument for why he'd bother. From a character standpoint, this would mean we never knew anything about him, which makes me sad. As for Light, when someone gives him too many "good" or too many "bad" traits, for whatever reason. It no longer feels like Light at some point.
Things I look for in fanfic: Mind Games :3
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I don't think they're capable of it lol, sometimes I don't even think they're capable of ending up with each other. But for the sake of it, I wanted to see more of Light and Kiyomi. and as for L, Matsuda could take care of him.
My happily ever after for them: Mind Games, but forever! :D
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: Light is usually the little spoon cause L clings like an octopus, and Light needs to breathe so he faces the other way. L becomes the little spoon if Light wakes up in the middle of the night and L's asleep but not clinging to him.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: Dang, I can't say Mind Games again. Or arguing. Or discussing a book cause it would be to one-up each other. So I think--sharing a meal. Just the two of them quietly enjoying their food together, and even giving little bits off their plates that they think (hope) the other might enjoy. A small sign that they want the other to live, and be happy.
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heavenzscent · 10 months
Working Title : OUT OF OUR HANDS
WIP Rated: M
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The Mountains of Hizuru were as beautiful as they had looked in the history books. He rolled down the automobiles windows to allow the crisp coastal breeze to keep him up. The trip from Odiha to Hizuru had been a last minute one without much comfort. 
13 years had passed since Eren had trampled upon the world upon the citizens of the proud nation of the North Eastern sea. Luckily most of it was located upon mountainous islands full of caves which had served as natural bunkers. What had done many of the citizens and survivors had been lack of food. But still they stood. Not as old, grand and mysterious but still just as proud. 
He pulled over into a rest stop. In the walls they would bury or burn the dead. Burials where costly because their was little room for cemeteries it needed to be made useful. Here the cemeteries where different they where streaming with life, trees, ponds and hillsides. They doubled as parks. This one was dedicated to the victims of the rumbling. 
Their where statues made of marble and bronze of angels. Shoguns, emperors and heroes of the past. Alongside statues of those who had fallen from familymen who always helped the community and grandma’s. Their stories written on plaques in both Hizuruan and Eldian. Every tree and statue had a story written upon it. Some where beginning to grow out of eyelevel becoming last to future eyes. 
In the center was a large marble structure that contained all the names of those lost in Hizuru in their complicated writing. 
He turned around and nodded his head at the frantic scout who he had left asleep in his backseat. 
“Please -uh– refrain from leaving sir.” 
“Sorry Yua. Just needed to stretch.” 
“Don’t do it again. It’s my job to protect you.” The young scout insisted. 
He sighed. Even during a time of relative peace in an empty park a soldiers duty never seased he supposed. 
“I used to be a soldier too yuh know?” 
“This is my first mission out the castle and My Empress trusted me with you.” 
Jean cocked his brow and huffed from his nose. Mikasa had
“Do you happen to know the reason for this visit.” 
The Yua simply shrugged in reply suddenly unable to look him in the eye. 
“How old are you, Miss Tanaka?” He asked taking one last look at the memorial. 
“18 years.” 
He hummed. She had been 5 at the time. He turned around and followed her back to the automobile. 
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The palace was lovely and fresh but it lacked the grandeur of the original which he had only seen in paintings and photographs but one day it would be. Kiyomi boasted about how the building of the palace was part of the economic plan. It was a joint project between Paradise and Hizuru, the first of many she hoped. The lumber had been issued from the island and some of the stone as well. 
It had been a tactic to show peace and to share access to Hizurus knowledge and  industry. 
The workers who built it were in contract to work on all co-country projects and many of those in the village were on the state's payroll. 
Unlike Eldian palaces that were closed off and tall like fortresses the structure was wider, only going as high as three stories but usually just two . 
“How was it?” He asked Mikasa once they were left to themselves. She had been so quiet but her eyes looked so inquisitive the whole tour. 
“I wish we had more time to see it …before.” Jean nodded in agreement. “But I try not to dwell, I don’t like getting angry at him.” Jean nodded again. He understood it was a useless sort of anger. 
“Hey.” Jean whispered. Mikasa leaned in her face perplexed over the sudden shift in his demeanor. “Ring the bell.” He smirked, pointing at the button. 
“It’s my first night here.” Mikasa rolled her eyes. 
“Come on.” Jean pleaded. 
It didn’t take much convincing.Mikasa never needed much convincing when it came to Jean. 
Within the hour they had a cart full of food and drinks wheeled into their room by an awestruck servant girl who spoke slightly broken but good Eldian. They asked her to join them as they ate dessert and asked her about life in Hizuru, working at the palace and her life. 
To both Jean and Mikasa’s surprise what she said aligned closely with Kiyomis version of the truth. 
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Once entering the grounds he saw her sons first. The twins, So and Kaito, were hitting a topiary with wood swords as their older brother, Wren, was supervising, pointing every which way yelling unintelligible commands. 
He had thought that he would resent maybe even hate the boys but he quickly found that he could never hate anything that came from Mikasa.
Yua yelled in Hizuran once the twins began climbing the decorative tree and bending it into odd shapes , causing Wren to begin crying and hollering to try to gain his authority back over the younger boys. 
The twins screamed and laughed until they recognized Yua stomping towards them. 
“See this is why I need a promotion.” She said in annoyance although her lips were tugged slightly upwards. 
Jean stopped to wait for Yua to fish the boys out of the bushes. 
He looked down, swearing he heard a small thump. 
Wren was standing in front of him as stiff and straight as he could muster and was giving him the old military salute of the walls. 
Jean mimicked the gesture and bowed. “Crowned Prince Wren.” He addressed the boy as though he were a commander, one day he would be after all. 
“Mr.Ambassador Jean.” The boy mimicked a soldier's tone. Jean tried his best not to laugh at the stern little boy. 
“How have you been? It's been five months.”  
“Yes, since the winter.” Wren was smart. Some six year olds barely knew the months or their birthdays. But the prince was smart like both his mother and father. 
“How has everything been since winter?” 
“I started mine schooling with the other children. Kaito and So still learn with the ummm babies.” Wren seemed quite smug. “My Hizuran and Eldian are very good my mommy and father say so. Oh! A-and uhhh Miss Ao is upset at father right now!”  
“Huh, why?”Jean asked, trying not to seem too interested.
Ao Tanaka was the emperor's mistress and very much the love of his life. At first Jean had hated the man for not loving Mikasa. The emperor had the person in which Jean coveted and was practically spitting upon the blessing. But with time he saw that the arrangement seemed to work for everyone and that the world was larger than what he had been raised to know after all. 
Ao was a kind woman and had been from the emperors home village in the countryside. They had grown up together and at one point thought they would make a life together.That was until the rumbling happened and he became the best and most supported candidate to lead the nation.
He was a kind man as well; Jean supposed. 
He wondered what that bastard had done. Ao can barely swat a fly without looking guilty; he couldn't imagine her being angry.Espcially not enough for even the kids to take notice.  
“I’m not sure… maybe you can cheer her up. Your very funny uncle!” 
“What happened to Ambassador.” Jean faked indignation. Wren simply laughed. He was a confident little boy. Most kids needed an adult on their knees to feel comfortable speaking but Wren could hold a conversation looking up with complete ease and cheerfulness. 
“I’ll try my best.” Jean bowed deeply which made the boy giggle with delight. No one really bowed to him unless the event was formal. Both Mikasa and her husband agreed that it would spoil the boys. 
So ran up to his brother muttering some unintelligible Hizuran/Eldian mishmash of a sentence (Wren seemed to understand the bilingual squishing of words perfectly.);Jean could swear he heard the word child. 
This was followed by another scolding from Yua trying to get the twins to sit on their hands for a few minutes until they calmed down. She quickly gave Jean a glance that left him uneasy. 
“I give up! Do as you will. I need to take the ambassador to your parents. I’m going to give Chiyo a whipping later.” She announced.He supposed that had been her replacement while she undertook her first mission. 
Wren gave him and Yua a final salute before they disappeared through the heavy palace doors. 
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The Imperial family of Hizuru
Her majesty the Empress  Mikasa Ackerman
His majesty the Emperor Arata Azumabito-Ito 
Crowned Prince Wren Ackerman-Ito  (both sounds Eldian for the bird and sounds Hizuran) 
Prince So Ackerman-Ito
Prince Kaito Ackerman-Ito
Courtesan to the Emperor Ao Tanaka
Yua Tanaka, Scout and serves the Imperial family. 18 years old 5 at the time of the rumbling.
Kiyomi Azumabito - states woman and ambassador   
Unified Nations Federation
Jean Kirstein, Lead Ambassador of Eldia and The Unified Nations Federation. 
Reiner Braun, Ambassador of Eldia and The Unified Nations Federation. 
Connie Springer, Ambassador of Eldia and The United Nations Federation. 
Pieck Finger, Ambassador of Eldia and The United Nations Federation
The Government of Eldia 
Queen Historia Reiss of Eldia 
Armin Arlert, Minister of the Eldian Empire.
Annie Leonhart, Retired Ambassador, Assistant and body guard to the Minister
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chernobog13 · 4 months
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The Ultra Hawk from Ultraseven.
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Toy Ruins  |  Tomato Adventure  |  Kiyomi Tanaka
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deathnotewiki · 1 year
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May 27, 2004:
Light Yagami begins seeing Miss T-Oh, Kiyomi Takada. They take classes together.
L tells Light Yagami that he is his first friend.
Misa Amane comes over to see Light Yagami for a second time.
May 27, 2019
The USA deposits the money into Yotsuba Bank of Japan savings accounts as instructed.
Minoru gives up the Death Note so it can be taken to the US President.
Ryuk meets with the Shinigami King, who creates a new rule about selling Death Notes.
Ryuk presents the Death Note to the US President, who refuses to accept it to save his own life.
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013hasablognow · 1 year
blog intro 😋
hii!! im buffporcupine but this is my rp blog!! i’ll use it occasionally since i won’t post many starters, but i’ll use this blog for rps as to not clutter my main.
everything is below the cut bc this post is kinda long!
~ stuff I WILL rp:
-oc x canon (I can play the canon character or the oc)
-oc x oc
-angst (including heavy angst, but I won’t go beyond what the other person wants to have in our rp)
-implied angsty stuff
I’ll add to this list when i think of more stuff lol, if it’s reasonable and if it’s not in the no-go list, then go for it lolz.
~ stuff i WILL NOT rp:
-large age gap, stuff of that sort
-unhealthy stuff
-i don’t do 18+/smut rps (I’m a minor)
-just don’t do anything repulsive and you’ll be fine
~ Anyway, my main muse list is ocs, but I can also do canon characters from Danganronpa, Your Turn To Die, BNHA, Death Note, and some other stuff. i’m also better at playing girls and genderqueer characters than boys.
when listing ocs, I do their name, an additional name if possible in brackets, then gender in parentheses. genders I list are male, female, and gnc/gq (gender non-comforming/genderqueer).
also, i hope i’m using the word muse right! i’m not good at rp vocab.
ocs (i’ll link the intro posts as i make them):
-Kiyomi Itō (f)
-Rosa [Clover] (f)
-Akira Itō (m)
-Aurelia Scott [Aurie, Scotty] (F)
-Kirumi [kiru] (gnc)
-013 (f)
-R [Raye, Ricky] (f)
More ocs to be added soon lolz!!
Canon Characters I will Play:
For these, I’ll bold any character I prefer/ like especially.
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
Sayaka Maizono
Toko Fukawa (Genocider Syo as well)
Mondo Ohwada
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Junko Enoshima
Mukuro Ikusaba
Chihiro Fujisaki
Kyouko Kirigiri
Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Mikan Tsumiki
Ibuki Mioda
Mahiru Koizumi
Peko Pekoyama
Akane Owari
Gundham Tanaka
Hajime Hinata
Chiaki Nanami
Sonia Nevermind
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Kaede Akamatsu
Kirumi Tojo
Rantaro Amami
Korekiyo Shinguji
Tenko Chabashira
Himiko Yumeno
Miu Iruma
Kokichi Ouma
Kaito Momota
Tsumugi Shirogane
Death Note
Light Yagami
L Lawliet
Misa Amane
Kiyomi Takada
Your Turn To Die
Sara Chidouin
Joe Tazuna
Kanna Kizuchi
Reko Yabusame
Alice Yabusame
Gin Ibushi
Sue Miley
Tia Safalin
~ If you wanna do a ship rp for two (or more, idc) canon characters, then just say so, and as long as it’s in the realm of reasonability, then I’ll do it.
~ Thank you for reading!
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secondsineternity · 2 years
Requests are currently open!
Currently Focused On: Katsuki Bakugo, Din Djarin, Steve Harrington, Anthony Lockwood, Eddie Munson, Matt Murdock (send in a request for any of these characters and it will be completed faster!)
Ace Attorney: Athena Cykes, Simon Blackquill, Nahyuta Sahdmahdi, Franziska von Karma
A Court of Thorns and Roses: Elain Archeron, Feyre Archeron, Nesta Archeron, Amren, Azriel, Cassian, Emerie, Gwyneth, Helion, Morrigan, Rhysand, Tamlin, Tarquin, Eris Vanserra, Lucian Vanserra
Camp Half-Blood: Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez
Castlevania: Alucard, Charlotte Aulin, Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, Jonathan Morris
Crescent City: Hunt Athalar, Lidia Cervos, Ruhn Danaan, Declan Emmett, Danika Fendyr, Tristan Flynn, Ithan Holstrom, Tharion Ketos, Bryce Quinlan
Death Note: L Lawliet, Mihael “Mello” Keehl
Demon Slayer: Hashibira Inosuke, Kyojuro Rengoku
Doctor Who: The Doctor (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Fugitive), The Master (Gomez & Dhawan), Mel Bush, Jo Grant, Grace Holloway, Martha Jones, Yasmin Khan, Dan Lewis, Ace McShane, Donna Noble, Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, Bill Potts, Liz Shaw, Sarah Jane Smith, River Song, Rose Tyler, Rory Williams
Fate, The Winx Saga: Aisha, Beatrix, Flora, Terra Harvey, Musa, Bloom Peters, Riven, Sky, Stella
Haikyuu!!: Keiji Akaashi, Asahi Azumane, Kotaro Bokuto, Chikara Ennoshita, Lev Haiba, Hajime Iwaizume, Tobio Kageyama, Shinsuke Kita, Kendaro Kyotani, Yu Nishinoya, Kiyomi Sakusa, Tendo Satori, Daichi Sawamura, Kiyoko Shimizu, Koshi Sugawara, Rintaro Suna, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Yuji Terushima, Kei Tsukishima, Keishin Ukai, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Hitoka Yachi, Tadashi Yamaguchi
Jujutsu Kaisen: Satoru Gojo, Toge Inunaki, Kento Nanami, Maki Zen’in
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Dex Dizznee, Sophie Foster, Keefe Sencen, Linh Song, Tam Song, Biana Vacker, Fitz Vacker
The Legend of Zelda: Link, Zelda
Lockwood & Co.: Lucy Carlyle, George Cubbins/George Karim, Anthony Lockwood
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ajak, Liz Allan, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, Katy Chen, Carol Danvers, Layla El-Faouly, Jane Foster, Gamora, Agatha Harkness, Jessica Jones, Scott Lang, Darcy Lewis, Maya Lopez, Mantis, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Karli Morgenthau, Matt Murdock, Namor, Nebula, Hela Odinsdottir, Sylvie Odinsdottir, Loki Odinson, Thor Odinson, Peter Parker (Any), Pepper Potts, Peter Quill, Monica Rambeau, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sersi, Marc Spector/Steven Grant, Gwen Stacy, Tony Stark, Ava Starr, Stephen Strange, Thena, Joaquin Torres, T’Challa Udaku, Shuri Udaku, Valkyrie, Hope Van Dyne, Vision, Jennifer Walters, Michelle “MJ” Jones Watson, Sam Wilson, Shang-Chi Xu, Xialing Xu
My Hero Academia: Shota Aizawa, Tamaki Amajiki, Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui, Katsuki Bakugo, Jin Bubagawara, Nejire Hado, Tenya Iida, Kyoka Jirou, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Atsuhiro Sako, Hanta Sero, Tomura Shigaraki, Hitoshi Shinso, Mezo Shoji, Keigo Takami, Shoto Todoroki, Toya Todoroki, Himiko Toga, Mirio Togata, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochako Uraraka, Toshinori Yagi, Momo Yaoyorozu, Hizashi Yamada
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner
Shatter Me: Kenji Kishimoto, Aaron Warner
Spy X Family: Agent Twilight (“Loid Forger”), Yor Briar
Star Wars: Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Cara Dune, Armitage Hux, Bo-Katan Kryze, Fennec Shand
Stranger Things: Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Chrissy Cunningham, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Donatello, Casey Jones, Leonardo, Michelangelo, April O’Neal, Raphael
Throne of Glass: Aedion Ashryver, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, Gavriel Ashryver, Manon Blackbeak-Crochan, Lysandra Ennar, Nesryn Faliq, Dorian Havilliard, Elide Lochan, Fenrys Moonbeam, Lorcan Salvaterre, Yrene Towers, Chaol Westfall, Rowan Whitethorn
Twisted Wonderland: Leona Kingscholar, Jamil Viper
The Umbrella Academy: Number One / Luther Hargreeves, Number Two / Diego Hargreeves, Number Three / Allison Hargreeves, Number Four / Klaus Hargreeves, Number Five, Number Six / Ben Hargreeves, Number Seven / Viktor Hargreeves, Number Five / Sloane Hargreeves
Vampire Academy: Adrian Ivashkov, Dimitri Belikov, Lissa Dragomir, Rose Hathaway, Sydney Sage
Wednesday: Wednesday Addams, Tyler Galpin, Enid Sinclair, Xavier Thorpe, Larissa Weems
Wizarding World: Lorenzo Berkshire, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, Ominis Gaunt, Hermione Granger, Queenie Goldstein, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, James Potter, Mattheo Riddle, Sebastian Sallow, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley
a character in italics is a favorite to write for. taking a break from strikethroughed fandoms. list is subject to change.
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rosycheeksandlips · 5 months
Meet Kiyomi Tanaka, a 23-year-old influencer extraordinaire, whose vibrant personality and keen eye for style have captivated a large online following. From fashion hauls to lifestyle vlogs, Kiyomi’s content offers a glimpse into her glamorous world, inspiring her audience with her confidence and creativity. Juggling photoshoots, brand collaborations, and her own personal ventures, Kiyomi is carving out her own path in the digital realm, all while staying true to herself and empowering others along the way.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Onibaba (Kaneto Shindo, 1964)
Cast: Nobuko Otawa, Jitsuko Yoshimura, Kei Sato, Jukichi Uno, Taiji Tonoyama,  Somesho Matsumoto, Kentaro Kaji, Hosui Araya, Fudeko Tanaka. Screenplay: Kaneto Shindo. Cinematography: Kiyomi Kuroda. Art direction: Kaneto Shindo. Film editing: Toshio Enoki. Music: HIkaru Hayashi. 
A dark shocker, with a close kinship to its contemporary, Woman in the Dunes (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1964), Onibaba -- which translates as "Demon Hag," and has been released under the titles Devil Woman and The Hole -- takes place in the grasslands alongside a river during a devastating civil war in medieval Japan. A woman (Nobuko Otowa) and her daughter-in-law (Jitsuko Yoshimura) share a hut there. The older woman's son, who was married to the younger woman, has been conscripted into the army. The two women survive by waylaying samurai who have strayed into the tall grasses, killing them, stripping them, and tossing their bodies into a deep sinkhole. They then exchange the armor and weapons for food and supplies. One day, Hachi (Kei Sato), a neighbor who was conscripted into the army along with the older woman's son, returns and tells them that they had both deserted but the son/husband was killed when he tried to steal food from some farmers. Hachi begins to make a play for the young widow, who is soon sneaking out at night to have sex with him, to the older woman's dismay and jealousy. One night, while spying on Hachi and her daughter-in-law, she encounters a lost samurai general (Jukichi Uno) wearing the mask of a demon. When she asks why he is masked, he says that it's to protect his face: He is, he says, extraordinarily handsome, and if she shows him the way out of the grasslands he will reward her by removing the mask. The woman, however, lures the general to the hole and he falls to his death. She climbs down into the hole, which is filled with skeletons, to retrieve his armor and weapons and to remove the mask, which comes off only after great effort, revealing that he is terribly disfigured. She decides to use the mask to frighten the younger woman off from her liaison with Hachi, but with suitably horrifying consequences. Writer-director Kaneto Shindo plays with the fear of female empowerment and sexuality: The hole, like the sandpit in Woman in the Dunes, is a pretty obvious symbol. But Onibaba makes its way around such heavy-handedness with ferociously committed performances and cinematographer Kyomi Kuroda's striking use of its setting. It has an unusual but effective score by Hikaru Hayashi that blends such disparate elements as taiko drums and jazz saxophones.
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