3mixs · 2 years
omg i wanna hear more abt ur kitten!jihyo + 2yeon + puppy!momo idea, its so good!!
aw yay, i’m glad someone asked about this! i was thinking that jeongyeon has had kitten!jihyo for a few years and the two are basically inseparable. i mean we’ve all seen how jeongyeon is obsessed with her pets in real life, so this would be no different. jeongyeon’s the best owner anyone could ever ask for- she’s caring, attentive, and playful. because jeongyeon is so great of an owner, jihyo is the most spoiled kitten ever. she has every toy she could possibly want, gets new clothes and collars whenever she wants, and most importantly is never denied cuddles. they’re both obsessed with each other. jeongyeon’s camera roll is basically just pictures and videos of jihyo pouting, jihyo playing, jihyo sleeping, etc; 
then along comes nayeon, who is a so fun and so pretty- jeongyeon falls for her instantly. they met through some friends on one of jeongyeon’s rare nights out. they exchange numbers and from there it’s history. the first few weeks after they met was filled with constant texting, calling, and facetimes. it drove jihyo insane. in the morning nayeon would call. in the afternoon nayeon would call. before bed nayeon would call. and suddenly that’s all jeongyeon was talking about too. “nayeon said this” “nayeon did that” “nayeon’s so funny” blah blah blah, it made jihyo burn with jealousy. she’d gone from being the center of jeongyeon’s attention to an after thought. 
it all came to a head when jeongyeon finally introduced jihyo and nayeon since they were her “two favorite girls.” nayeon was super eager to get to know jihyo but the feelings was not mutual. the kitten was cold and rude, it was a side of her jeongyeon had never seen. she always knew jihyo to be overly sweet and affectionate- sometimes a little grumpy and needy, but she never knew her to be mean. jeongyeon amounted the behavior to a little jealousy since jihyo had never had to share anything or anyone before, and she’d get over it pretty quickly. but jeongyeon had no idea just how long jihyo could hold a grudge. after about a month of failed attempts by 2yeon to get jihyo to soften up to nayeon, jeongyeon finally confronted jihyo for her behavior. nayeon was officially her girlfriend now and she couldn’t stand the way jihyo was treating her. they would get along whether jihyo liked it or not. 
for the first few months jihyo was better with nayeon and by that i mean she wasn’t a complete asshole. just occasional death glares and reminders that jeongyeon was hers. any time nayeon was over jihyo would make a show of sitting on jeong’s lap or getting snuggles from jeong, essentially marking her territory. but as more time went by and nayeon was over more frequently (usually coming over with a gift for jihyo) the tensions between them dissipated. jihyo still didn’t like sharing jeongyeon, but she was coming around to nayeon. jeongyeon was right you can buy jihyo’s love with toys and treats. the year after 2yeon had become an official couple, jeongyeon had asked nayeon to move in. she was there basically every day so it just made sense that she lived there too.
despite jihyo tolerating (liking) nayeon now, she hated the idea of her moving in. she could handle sharing her cuddle time with jeongyeon a few days a week, but she would not stand for it being every single day. jihyo protested as much as she could- scratching up nayeon’s stuff in between moving, whining and being grumpy in jeongyeon’s presence, and being an overall menace. but no matter how much she acted out, it didn’t change jeongyeon’s mind. this was going to be nayeon’s home too. the first few days of nayeon living there drove jihyo crazy. it felt like everywhere she went in her home, nayeon was there too. all of the space that was sacred to her and jeong was being infiltrated with nayeon’s presence. the bed, the couch, jihyo’s favorite chair on the balcony was all being taken over.
then when things couldn’t possibly get any worse, puppy!momo comes home. jihyo had been so angry with 2yeon she hadn’t even registered the full story of how they came to get the puppy. (there was a pop-up adoption at the market nayeon went to and instantly fell in love, she couldn’t go home without momo). all the kitten could see was a clumsy, energized puppy who took up entirely too much space. and worst of all, everything that was jihyo’s was now being shared with momo too; her toys, her clothes, her food, her owner(s). it was absolute treachery!
sorry this was sooo long ! this is the general idea i had for this au. i would love love LOVE any requests for this au - any scenarios y’all can think of or any further dissection/development of these relationships. literally anything pertaining to this so we can all develop the story together would be amazing!
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jihyocentric · 2 years
( i saw the ask that talk about kitten!jihyo in jeongmi’s possessive and you told us that chaeng sometimes fucks kitten!jihyo , so ) can you pls give me a little bit of chaeng fucked kitten!jihyo while jeongmi wasn’t there
on a side note after writing this, chaeyoung can top kitten jihyo (because it's kitten jihyo), but she's more susceptible to let her have her fun
chaeyoung knew she was in for trouble every time jeongyeon and mina asked her to keep an eye on their kitten.
what happens is that jihyo is a lovely kitten, it was nearly impossible to deny her a thing. mina was one of the few people who were able to say no to jihyo and not break in the process. sometimes it didn't work, and jihyo still forgot her place and misbehaved, and if even mina sometimes wasn't able to fully tame the kitten, then poor chaeyoung was doomed.
at least she had jeongyeon and mina's approval, or else she'd be dead by the end of the day, especially when jihyo was kneeling in front of her, with her tight throat full of chaeyoung's cock. chaeyoung held herself back on the couch, trying to hold it in for jihyo, knowing that the kitten needed to have something stuffed in her mouth badly. chaeyoung wasn't going to cum soon and ruin her fun.
she had to put a lot of effort on it. with the way jihyo bobbed her head and took chaeyoung to the root, the past half of an hour had been like torture. jihyo pulls away just barely, jerking chaeyoung's thick length in her hand. chaeyoung wasn't too big in length but she made up for it in width, which jihyo loved because she was able to really feel her stretching her throat and take it all the way in.
chaeyoung had her eyes closed when she felt jihyo moving away. she didn't bother to open them because kitten's hand was still wrapped around her cock, but her eyes widened the moment she felt something deliciously soft surrounding her girth.
"oh my," chaeyoung groans, almost blowing her load the second she laid her eyes on jihyo's tits around her cock. "n-no, kitty..."
"why?" jihyo pouts, slowing her pace. chaeyoung's tip barely appears, and jihyo puts enough pressure in her breasts to make chaeyoung want to cry out, unable to contain herself anymore.
with doe eyes and puckered lips like that, it's almost as if the kitten doesn't know what she's doing, but chaeyoung knew jihyo was well aware. it was already hard to have the kitten sucking her off and hold it for her, getting a tit job while keeping herself on the edge was straight up cruelty.
jihyo doesn't stop, chaeyoung doesn't want her to, letting the kitten she fasten her pace. jihyo eventually lets chaeyoung fuck her tits, wanting to laugh at the younger's messy pace, aggressive and unlike herself. it was comprehensible, after almost an hour of implicit edging, what chaeyoung wanted was to come all over jihyo — not inside, because that wasn't allowed and her owners were strict about it. it's all jihyo's fault when the younger spills all over her face and chest, making a mess out of her.
jihyo takes chaeyoung back into her mouth, only able to get the last spurts of cum. it was enough for the time being, her ears twitching in satisfaction. jihyo pulls away once chaeyoung is done, her big eyes looking up innocently, as if she hadn't just done the most lewd thing chaeyoung had ever witnessed.
"you're so red, chaengie." jihyo teases, licking the length from the base to the very tip while looking at the younger's flushed face. "i'm going to ride you, okay?"
even without chaeyoung's answer, jihyo gets up and straddles her, moving her panties aside to slide down on the length. with the amount of slick damping jihyo's core, it was easy enough for it to slip in. jihyo held back the need to kiss chaeyoung — chaeyoung wasn't used to the fangs yet, but she still scratched the younger's back knowing fully well that those would leave marks.
while jihyo would've preferred mina or jeongyeon there, chaeyoung never failed to take care of her needs, despite being way too soft and easy to mess with, the opposite of her owners. but jihyo had her fun with chaeyoung, teasing her was the best part of her days without her owners. it was even better when mina and jeongyeon found out that she had been deviating their poor neighbor and decided to give her a lesson.
it's with that in mind that jihyo rides chaeyoung, making sure to moan next to her ear and try her best to get chaeyoung to come inside her, knowing how mad mina and jeongyeon would be if she ever managed to make chaeyoung do it.
with how taken by the situation chaeyoung looked, jihyo guessed it wouldn't be that hard.
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kpop---scenarios · 4 months
Charmer (3)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader x Surprise!
Genre: FWB, EX FWB, Semi Enemies to Lovers
Warning: Small smut & stuff.. [18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT READ]
Word Count: 1.6k
Taglist: @oddracha @iovecb97 @katsukis1wife @stay-tiny-things @rubytakemyhandx23 @hyunjinhoexxx @iikxstcenn @beebee18 @kissesmellow21 @skzooluvr @felixthemochicat @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @yaorzu-blog @jisunglyricist @lunearta
@gloriajovicc @jiminssluttyminx
One | Two
“Baby.” Minho whispers as he walks into your room. You sit up in your bed, tears stained on your cheeks and shirt. “Were you crying?” He asks, placing his fingers under your chin to lift your head. You stare at him with blood shot eyes as you sniffle.
“I was.” You whisper.
“Why?” He asks.
“You didn't break up with her.” You whisper again. “You told me you did. But you looked directly at me while you announced your girlfriend.”
“Don't cry about that, Kitten.” He smiles. “I'm here now, let me take care of you.” He finishes, leaning into you, pressing his lips to yours. You should have pushed him off and told him no. But instead you melted into the kiss and pulled him onto the bed with you. He lays between your legs, his body pinning you to the bed as his hands roam down to your legs and back up. He slides his hand up your pj dress, feeling the heat radiating from your cunt.
“Always so needy for me.” He chuckles, sitting up to unbuckle his pants, pulling his cock out. “It's gonna have to be quick tonight.” He says, as he pushes himself into you. You wrap your legs around his waist as he grunts loudly, thrusting into you harder. He drops his head, kissing your shoulder and then your neck before he bites your shoulder, making you gasp, bucking your hips into his movements. “Oh fuck.” You cry out as he slams into you, breathing heavily on top of you, focusing on thrusting as hard as he can into you. Your hands move under his shirt digging your nails into his back as he cums, spilling his seed inside you. He pulls out of you, tucking himself back into his jeans before standing up, fixing his hair.
“I didn't even cum?” You say.
“I'm sorry kitten, like I said, it had to be quick. I'll call you, Kay?” He smiles, ruffling your hair as he walks out of your room and out of your apartment, slamming the door shut behind him. You roll out of bed, heading to your shower feeling even worse than you did before he had come over.
Once your shower was done, you crawled back into your bed, sobbing yourself to sleep.
The next morning you're up early and ready to go for the day. You were meeting Jeongin and Jihyo at this cute little breakfast Cafe before your first morning class. You slide into your chair as Jeongin is in the middle of a story. He glances at you and smiles, turning back to Jihyo before whipping his head back to look at you, his eyes trailing down to your bare shoulder.
“Y/N.” He says. “What is that?” He asks, pointing to your shoulder.
“I.. um.” You pause.
“You didn't.. Y/N. Please tell me you didn't.” Jihyo gasps.
“Didn't what?” You ask, trying to act like you didn't know what they were about to say.
“You let him back in, didn't you?” Jihyo asks.
Your head drops, you look down at the ground, hearing the sound of a chair scratch against the floor. You look up, only to see Jeongin standing there, glaring at you. "Why would you do that, y/n? Like come on." He sighs, walking out, leaving his uneaten breakfast sitting on the table.
Jihyo sits there, just staring at you, while you look around uncomfortably to try and make sure no one had noticed the commotion at the table.
Jihyo leans in to whisper. "You can't be that stupid, y/n?”
You can feel a lump in your throat get bigger and your nose start to sting. The breakfast you’d long lost your appetite for got blurry, until finally, tears slipped from your eyes, rolling down your cheek. "You don't understand." You cry. "He does love me.. he just needs time to say it.”
“Yn..,” Jihyo whispered back, “If he loved you, he would tell the world wouldn’t he? I’m gonna hold your hand when I say this, because I love you. But, you’re not his girlfriend. You’re not his love. People who love you want to tell others how they love you. They show it.. everyday.”
"He shows it!" You snap, ripping your hand away. "Just because you don't see when he shows it doesn't mean it's not real. He's shy, he shows me when we're alone. He's just using Jennie to make me jealous." You scoff.
“Will you listen to yourself? Do you hear what you just said? Make you jealous?” Jihyo almost yells. “Yn…. No one should ever want to make you jealous. They should want to make you secure.”
"Then why does he keep texting me at night? If he didn't love me he wouldn't want to see me at all.” You say. He loves you. You knew he did. You thought.. well you hoped he did.
“Y/N.. babe, no. That’s not true. He does it because he knows he's got you wrapped around his finger. And because it’s a game to him. He wants to see how far he can push you for his own sick pleasure.” Jihyo says, getting up from the other side of the table to scoot in next to you on your side of the booth. “He’s always testing you. And you always pass because you give him what he wants - complete access to you and your body. For how long though? What happens when he gets bored?”
"It's been over two years." You laugh. "If he was gonna get bored he would have already. Not to mention he keeps coming back to me when he has Jennie. Why's that, huh? Because he loves me. He's just afraid to show it.”
“Afraid of what?.” She asks.
"He's afraid of admitting his feelings for me.. that's all. Because when he does it becomes real.” You whisper.
“But he can admit them to Jennie and a roomful of people?” She says. “I want you to know I love you. Jeongin and I, love you. But you have got to love yourself too. This isn’t healthy. He is not healthy for you.”
"I just.. Why can't he love me? Why can't he treat me the same way he treats her? What's so wrong with me that I can't be loved by anyone?” You cry, burying your face in your hands.
“It’s not you. It's never you!” You felt Jihyo’s arms pull you into her chest as your tears break free.
“I don’t know what or who made you feel like you’re worth nothing more than your body but you are so much more than that. I promise you.” She cries with you, holding you tighter and closer to her as you sob into her.
“What do I do, Ji?” You ask, sitting up while you wipe your tears.
“First, block his number.” She begins. “Next, therapist.”
You chuckle.
“You laugh, but I'm telling you, it'll do wonders for you.” She smiles. “And when you're ready, I have the perfect person to set you up on a date with.”
You nod your head before laying it on her shoulder. You ignored the stares from the other diners as she soothes you while you try to breathe through your emotions. You knew you needed to be done with Minho. You weren't sure if you even believed the words that came out of your mouth to defend him. But he could be just so charming, and you fell for it everytime. The charmer who was the devil in disguise.
It was weird. It had been a week since you had blocked Minho's number, and you missed him beyond words. You missed everything about him, and you needed something, or someone to finally fill that void for you, which was why you were currently getting ready for a date with the guy Jihyo wanted to set you up with. She had told you he was very attractive, funny, sweet and would not treat you how Minho has. You were nervous, in the last two years a bit, you hadn't been with anyone else other than Minho, even in your off stages, you still remained faithful to him, which you're realizing was a giant mistake on your part. As you finish doing your last few touches, you leave your apartment, hailing a cab to meet him at the restaurant.
You walk in, glancing around at all the couples sitting there, enjoying their night but you have yet to see anyone sitting by themselves.
“Can I help you?” The hostess asks.
“I'm meeting someone..um my name is Y/N.” You say.
Her face perks up. “Right this way please, the other party has already arrived.” She smiles, leading you to a table by the windows, with an extremely attractive man sitting there. Your jaw almost dropped at the sight of him, Jihyo didn't tell you his face was model like?
“Y/N?” He asks, standing up to greet you.
“Hi, yes.” You smile, sitting down in the chair he offers you. “Chris, right?”
“Yeah! Or you can call me Chan. Most people do.” He chuckles.
“Well it's nice to meet you Chan.” You grin. you feel like you can't take your eyes off of him.
Holy fuck.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Y/N. I have to admit, Jihyo told me you were pretty but..” he pauses.
Your stomach drops. You're not his type, are you?
“You're absolutely stunning. She severely down-played you.” He says, his eyes beginning to redden from giving you such a compliment.
You cover your face, trying to hide your giggle and the blush that spreads across your face. “Well.” You begin. “She definitely down-played you as well.” You smile.
The rest of the night, neither of you can take your eyes off of each other, and for once, you're finally not thinking of..whatever his name is.
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twice-inamillion · 11 months
Smut (teasing, sex, pussy spanking, fingering, deep penetration, throat fucking, gagging, dom/sub, creampie )(Chaeyoung’s first tattoo)
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Chapter 215
3700 Words
(Chaeyoung and OC stay in Manila after the concert. Chaeyoung wants to get her first tattoo as a sign of her bond with the members. You both use this opportunity to have some fun.)
With the members back in Korea after the Twicelights concert in Manila, you and Chaeyoung stay an additional two days. It was a last-minute thing in which Chaeyoung begged Jihyo if you could stay with her. It took some convincing for her to agree, but only if she listened to everything you said. She eagerly agreed and kissed her on the cheek as a thank you. Jihyo pulls you to the side and tells you not to let her out of your sight, “Since it’s Chaeyoung, you need to be extra careful, but also have fun,” and winks at you.
Later that night…
You’re getting ready to shower when you see Chaeyoung pass by with a plate of strawberries and places it on the coffee table. Wearing her short shorts, she bends over, giving you a small glimpse of her smooth cunt. You can’t help but want to tease her, “Can you pass over some strawberries?”
“Yeah,” and turns around to give you few a strawberries. You pull her towards you, “Omg… Oppa, what are you doing?”
“Don’t tell me you don’t know. You’re dressed up like this, with no panties on and you expect me not to do anything?” She moans to the touch of your fingers, tracing her lower lips. “Ahh… Oppa, you’re making me horny.”
“I’m barely touching it and you’re already this wet?” With I nserting one finger can you see how wet she already is. “Look, you’re already leaking,” as you show her the nectar on your finger.
Like a kitten, she licks your finger clean of her nectar, “I taste yummy.”
“How about some fun? It’s just the two of us,” giving her a smirk.
“Anything you want, I’m up for it.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, it’s been a while since you played with me.” Without a thought she starts to take off her oversized shirt, exposing her small breasts.
You take one of her nipples into your mouth. It’s different from what you’re used to but still good enough to play with.
Chaeyoung moans to your suckling and plays with her breast. She pinches her other nipple, “Keep sucking on my tits, Oppa.”
You tease her by licking her nipple with your tongue, which causes her to moan. You wait until she’s comfortable and take a small bite, making her yelp, “Ouch… that hurts!”
You nibble and bite, switching every so often until you’re satisfied. Once you’re done, you detach yourself and see your bite marks on her nipples.
“Ouch, you’re mean. You bit me, and now they are tender.”
“That’s not the only thing that’s going to be tender,” as you grab Chaeyoung and pull her towards you.
You sit on the bed and get her on your lap with her legs wide open. “Wait, what are you doing?”
“I want you to see yourself cum” as you get her legs towards the large mirror. You give her no time to react as you insert your middle and ring finger inside her cunt. Chaeyoung roars when you thrust your fingers inside her rapidly.
Chaeyoung tightens up her body, making her walls close up on your fingers. You struggle to move until you pinch her little nub, which makes her jerk around and loosen up.
You use the opportunity to start over and pick up the pace. Chaeyoung struggles to keep still as she moves around from the pleasure. “Ahh fuck! You’re going to make me cum, you’re going too fast!”
Chaeyoung tries to push your hand away, but you swipe it off. “Don’t make it harder than it’s supposed to be. Just enjoy it” and pick up the pace.
As time goes by, her walls loosen up and constrict, adoring your fingers until she jerks around. “Oh fuck! I’m cumming!”
Her body begins to shake, and you struggle to keep your fingers inside. You feel the warm liquid gush out of her as she violently trembles. You take your soaked fingers and place them by Chaeyoung’s face.
You insert your two fingers into her mouth, making her taste her own nectar. “You’re such a dirty little slut.”
“I’m a little slut for you,” she says as she continues to lick your fingers clean.
Since the two of you are alone, you want to use this opportunity to have a little bit of fun. You remember looking at some content on how to increase your partner’s sexual experience and remember a part that you wanted to try out.
After licking your fingers clean, you make your way back towards Chaeyoung’s pelvis area and rub her cunt once more. She moves her hips around, enjoying the pleasure of your hands.
This continues for about a minute until you decide to change this up. You stop rubbing her cunt and give her a small but firm slap. Chaeyoung looks at you confused but tilts her head back, signaling you to continue. You repeat the process once more, again and again.
She doesn’t seem to reject it and instead welcomes the strange feeling of her cunt being slapped. Her hips move to her to the rhythm of your slapping.
After a while, you increase the strength of your slap, your hand against her soaked flesh. Chaeyoung moans to the strange signals being sent to her body. The sense of pain and pleasure is both toxic and addicting for her. Her body instinctively produces more nectar as you increase the strength of her cunt.
“Ahhh… I feel so hot. Harder… harder, please!”
Your rhythm increases again, and notice the leaking pussy beginning to turn slightly red.
“You’re such a slut, Chaeyoung. I can’t believe you’re getting turned on by me slapping your pussy. Let’s pick up the pace and give you a real treat.”
You increase strength into your slap, much harder than before. Every time your hand comes in contact with her cunt it jiggles. Instead of her pleasurable moaning, you hear her moan in pain.
“That’s how I like seeing you.”
“Ouch… you’re being rough.”
“You want my cock, right? That’s your goal.”
Chaeyoung nods her head, “Yeah, I want it.”
“Then stay put and enjoy this little treat. I know you’re going to enjoy it much better after this.”
You raise your hand once more and hit her cunt which makes her yell in pain. You count to three and smack her once more.
This continues for about ten minutes, and at this point, Chaeyoung is a complete mess. Her pussy is entirely red and tender from your hand. Just teasing her lips with your fingers makes her body quiver.
She grabs your hand and says, “Please stop; it stings,” with tears running down her face.
You caress her face and say, “Okay, this is the last one.”
Hearing you say that makes her feel relief and loosen up her body, but that quickly changes as you insert your fingers inside her swollen cunt and thrust quickly inside of her.
“No!!! It hurts…. Ahhh… fuck…”
You continue to finger fuck her inside, feeling the tightness of her walls. Her yelps of pain slowly turn into pleasure as she reaches her peak.
“Ahh… ahh… I’m cumming!”
Chaeyoung’s whole body shakes violently, her back arching back and eyes rolling back as she enjoys her orgasm.
You slowly get off the bed and walk towards her spent-up body. “Fuck, Chae, you look out of breath, but now it’s my turn to use you like a proper sleeve.”
Chaeyoung struggles to lift her head and just gives up. Like a rag doll, you move her body in the proper position.
With your right hand, you grab your thick cock and give it a few pumps to get it to its full length. Chaeyoung eyes you, gives you a weak smile and accepts her fate.
You can’t help but tease her body once more before enjoying the main course and trace your finger up from her navel down to her swollen cunt. She shivers at your touch and growls when you split her lower lips open with your two fingers.
You feel the heat emanating from her precious area and place your mouth above its entrance. You give her a deep but slow lick, tasting her sloppy insides. Chaeyoung moans out loud as you collect her nectar in your mouth.
“Not going to lie, but you taste damn good.” She lifts her head and gives you a faint smile before crashing back on the bed.
Now, it’s time for the main course. You stand in front of Chaeyoung and pull her towards you. Splitting her legs wide open, you align yourself in her tendered pussy. You insert the tip of your cock, spreading her swollen pussy lips apart.
“Fuck… it hurts,” growls Chaeyoung.
Seeing her complain gets you even more turned on. In one thrust, you shove your whole length, making Chaeyoung scream in pain. “Fuck, your pussy feels much tighter.”
She doesn’t respond as she’s trying to adjust to this new feeling, but you don’t allow her to. Instead, you start off with hard and rapid thrusts while having a firm grip on her small waist. Your body and balls smacking against Chaeyoung’s swollen body which makes her scream.
You don’t know how much time has passed, but eventually, Chaeyoung got used to the pain and is now turned on by it. You place her in a mating press and see how much of a mess your sleeve really is. Her eyes roll back while mumbling incomprehensible words as she gets fucked like the doll she is.
It isn’t until you give her one last hard thrust that she begs for you to breed her womb. “Please cum in me. Breed my womb! Fill me with your thick seed!”
Like a good master, you give her a reward and pump her with your seed. Chaeyoung trembles as she feels her womb filling up to the brim.
“What a fantastic view” when you pull your cock out. With a gaping hole of where your cock was just before a thick coat of cum comes oozing out of Chaeyoung’s swollen cunt.
After recuperating for a few minutes, she lifts her head and gives you a smile. “That was so good.” She crawls on the bed towards you and grabs your cock. She kisses the base of your cock just before licking your shaft.
“Aww, my poor little kitten still wants some more. Isn’t that right?”
Chaeyoung nods and meows.
“Okay, if you want some more of these, then lay on your back with your head on the edge of the bed,” as you wave your cock in front of her like a toy.
Chaeyoung, now on the edge looks at you with hungry eyes. She sticks her tongue out, ready for her treat. “You’re so cute, here have a taste,” as you smack your cock against her cheeks. You smack her right cheek, then her left one, leaving a trail of cum behind.
You align your cock to her mouth, just an inch away from her thick lips, and see how much Chaeyoung wants this. With both hands holding her face you slowly insert your cock inside her mouth, “Fuck, your mouth feels so warm. I can definitely get used to this.” She takes you inch by inch and you see the outline of your cock in Chaeyoung’s throat. The sight of your cock making her throat bulge turned on, “Let’s see how far you can go,” and insert your whole length. You hold face for what feels like twenty seconds and pull out, making Chaeyoung catch her breath. “I guess we don’t need any lube,” seeing your cock with a thick coat of salvia.
Chaeyoung looks at you and sees your smirk, already knowing what’s to come. She takes a deep breath, opens her mouth, and feels your cock making its way to her throat. She thinks to herself that she has misses being your toy, the times you would fuck her without mercy. Now she’s here with you and won’t miss this opportunity to have some fun. She grabs your thighs and gives it a nudge, signaling you to be rough.
“Oh, I see... someone can’t wait. Okay, here it goes,” and you hold her face firm and begin to thrust rapidly. With your cock coated with a thick layer of salvia, it makes it easier for you, “Fuck, you really have a mouth pussy.”
Your eyes meet as you thrust, and you can see how much she loves being dominated by you. It’s one of her many kinks, the feeling of being a toy for someone much bigger than her. The same goes for you; the size between the two of you is somewhat vast as she's the smallest member. She’s also one of the few people you can go all out with, as the rest aren’t as free-minded as her.
You continue to face fuck her, making a bulge in her throat as you thrust rapidly. This continues for about ten minutes, allowing some breaks in between to let her catch her breath. With a messy smile, she says, “I want you to hold me tight. Don’t let go and pump that cum down my throat.”
She lays back down, and you insert yourself once more. Your fuck her slowly, making her wait with anticipation. It is when she tries to catch her breath you decide plant yourself deep inside. With her head hanging from the edge of the bed and your balls on her face, she tries to calm herself.
She counts each second in her head, “1,2,3…40,41,42…68,69,70…”. It’s been over a minute, and she's starts to get uncomfortable. With your body on top of her face, she can’t catch her breath or even see. Her mouth constricts with the amount of saliva in her mouth, and she is starts to panic. She tries to keep herself calm, but her body is warning her that she needs to get some air. Eventually, her gag reflexes come up, which makes this worse, especially with your length.
You feel Chaeyoung’s throat tightening like it’s asking you to fill her with cum. Her nose is also rubbing against your balls, which is makes you slowly reach your peak. “Damn, she’s lasting longer than last time, let's make this more exciting.”
You switch things up and start to face fuck her again. Chaeyoung begins to make gagging noises, which gets you off. You increase your pace and feel her drool falling on your feet; you look down and see Chaeyoung’s watery red eyes. “Aww, you’re such a good girl, just a little more.” She nods her head side to side as if she’s telling you to stop but you know that she can still go. You plant yourself once more, holding her head tightly. Chaeyoung starts to panic and can feel your cock throbbing which is makes her gag even more.
“You fuckin sleeve, take my cum. Make sure you drink all of it!” A wave of thick cum pumps down Chaeyoung’s throat and directly into her tummy.
Chaeyoung feels your hot cum flowing directly into her stomach and tries to drink as much as possible, but there is no end to it. With the amount of cum getting pumped into her, she panics more, tilting her head and allowing the cum to run to her mouth. Little by little, the amount of cum accumulating in her mouth is seeping down her lip and into her nose. She tilts her head side to side in hopes for it to run down in another way, but she has no luck.
Chaeyoung grabs your leg and pokes at it, signaling you to pull out, but you’re in the middle of your orgasm. Her poking switches to pinches and then slaps on your legs as she starts to lose consciousness. You look down and see Chaeyoung’s mascara completely ruined from the tears, her eyes in and out of consciousness. You pull out your cock with a loud pop, and a mixture of cum and salvia comes oozing out. Chaeyoung is now a complete mess with cum all over her face, nostrils, and a puddle of cum in her mouth. You gently slap her face, “Good job, baby girl.”
With a faint smile, she slowly gets up, wipes her nose, and takes a deep breath. She shows you the large puddle of cum in her mouth, twists her tongue around, lets it cover her thick lips, before eventually drinking it. “Ahh… see, i drank most of it,” and gives you a smile. You caress her face and kiss her forehead. The two of you head to the shower and continue to have fun throughout the night.
You wake up with Chaeyoung next to you completely in the nude. You can’t help but admire your work, the markings on her breast, her navel, and her lower lips. You get up and make breakfast for the two of you.
“Thank you for the food. It’s so yummy!”
“You’re welcome. Are you ready for today?”
“Yes, my appointment is in the afternoon, so we have a bit of time.”
“Are you nervous?”
“Just a little, but more excited than anything else.”
“Do you know what you are going to get?”
“Hmm.. I have some thoughts, but I’ll see when we get there.”
After breakfast, the two of you get ready and head out to Chaeyoung’s appointment to get her first tattoo. She’s been bringing up the topic for the past few months and looking at well-known artists who were on the path of the tour. After annoying many of the members and convincing Jihyo, she scheduled an appointment at a well-known shop in Manila. You originally didn’t want to stay, but after having a talk with Jihyo, she convinced you stay with her and gave you the green light to use Chaeyoung as much as you want. The only conditions she had were; no markings on the face and no getting her pregnant, but everything else was fair game. This means that for the next two days, you were going to play with your sleeve.
“We’re here. Let’s go inside,” as Chaeyoung grabs your hand and brings you inside the shop.
“Hello, I have an appointment at noon.”
A female artist stands up from her chair and greets the both of you, “Hello, can I see your confirmation email, please?” Chaeyoung pulls out her phone and shows her appointment confirmation.
“Okay, I see your reservation number. Do you have an idea of what you want to get?”
“Hmm… somewhat. I have some ideas in mind but still not sure.”
“No problem. You are more than welcome to look around; I’m going to the back and be with you shortly.”
“Oppa, what do you think I should get?”
“Maybe something meaningful or fun. It’s your first one, and don’t want to regret it afterward.”
Chaeyoung walks around and takes pictures of some of the samples they have on the wall. “Hmmm… maybe something simple; I don’t know how much it’s going to hurt.” She looks around for a couple of more minutes and then takes a seat on the chair.
“Do you know what you are going to get?”
“Well… I want to get something simple first since it's my first time. You’ve been complimenting me a lot about my lips, especially last night,” giving you a wink at you. “I think that would be fun to get, you know for good memories.”
“ Are you serious? How about a strawberry? You like them, right?”
“Yeah, but that's too obvious. I want something special, something that will make people think and ask, why did she get lips tatted on her.”
“I guess it's your body. Just don’t complain afterward.”
“Hahaha, if I do, then take responsibility.”
“Shhh, you’re too loud. Keep it down.”
“Okay, okay, my bad. I’ll be quiet.”
A few minutes later, the tattoo artist returns and asks Chaeyoung what she wants to get. She tells her she wants a strawberry lip on her left wrist. “Okay, that's cute. What color do you want it in?”
“Apricot and neon magenta.”
“Those are beautiful colors.”
“Thanks, they have a special meaning to me.”
“Aww, that’s cute.” She walks and brings her cart of supplies to where Chaeyoung is sitting, and asks, “Are you ready?”
“Yeah, I��m ready.”
You watch as the artist cleans Chaeyoung’s arm and does an outline of the designs before officially taking out her machine. With Chaeyoung’s approval, she places the ink into the machine and begins.
You assumed that Chaeyoung was going to scream with the touch of the needle on her arm, but surprisingly, she was calm. The artist and her had a small conversation while you read over some emails and responded to your wife’s text messages. The session lasted a bit over an hour, with Chaeyoung happy with the results. The artist goes over some advice on how to take care of the tattoo since it was still fresh and handed her a business card.
Chaeyoung walks to you and says, “Look, doesn’t it look pretty?”
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“Yes, it actually does, especially the colors. I think they are going to be happy that you chose those two colors.”
“Yes, I can’t wait to show them,” and walks towards the exit to FaceTime one of the members. You pay for the tattoo session, thank the artist, and head towards the door.
“Hey, wait up.”
“Hurry up, slowpoke,” laughing with Momo on the phone.
“This little… she will get it later tonight, just you watch.”
You catch up with her and explore the city a bit more. At night, you and Chaeyoung continue your night of fun with some caution. You make sure that the two of you have a night to remember as you fill all her holes with cum.
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psylocke142 · 3 months
Night of fireworks
Jihyo x fem!reader
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synopsis: Colorful lights began to erupt into the night sky. You felt as if your heart burst along with each explosion in the sky. Dreading the end of the festival. This is the last summer you will spend with Jihyo before you part ways.
w/c: 1.8k
warnings: none(?); maybe some angst; goodbyes; definitely some angst
a/n: i was surprised with the results of my first fic(?), not sure what to call it. thank you if you read that and left a like or reblog <3.  i was expecting nothing tbh so i was so happy to see it do better than i expected.
i was listening to Night of Fireworks by Xdinary Heroes and was inspired to write this work. i chose jihyo because i've been missing her zone & one spark era lately. DMs and asks are open. i’m still new to writing so any suggestions or comments are appreciated. apologies for any errors.
Jihyo looked beautiful today. She always did, but today you felt mesmerized by her. Even with the lack of light outside, as the sun had already set, Jihyo seemed to glow in your eyes.
“Come on y/n, don’t get lost.”
Your hand was grasped by Jihyo’s, pulling you along to make sure you didn’t get lost in the crowd. Jihyo looked back towards you. Blinding smile crossing her features, making her glow even more.
Your mushy thoughts and gazing were suddenly interrupted.
“There you guys are, we’ve been looking for you two everywhere.” Nayeon huffed.
“These two have been running my pockets wanting to play every festival game.” She continued. The culprits, Momo and Sana, happily ate away at a huge bucket of cotton candy. Which was also bought with Nayeon’s money. No remorse in their eyes.
Mina just silently greeted you two with a smile and waved as Nayeon clung to her arm in defeat.
“Please tell them that these games are rigged for you to lose money trying to win stupid stuffed toys!” the eldest whined.
It was the end of summer, which meant that the city’s annual summer festival was in place. The six of you had decided to come to this year’s festival. You were all still adjusting to the adult world; the youngest of your group just finishing university, others securing new jobs, and the rest of you were piled with work. This left little room for your friends to hang out like before. There were still a few of you missing tonight.
Jeongyeon and Tzuyu couldn’t make it, the vet center they’re working at had them stay for the night shift. They explained that some of the animals get jumpy with fireworks, so they were quick to oblige. Chaeyoung and Dahyun volunteered to stay behind with them to help, expressing concern over their friends being left out. Really they just wanted to play with the puppies and kittens all night.
Your group of friends sought a night of enjoyment and unwinding. The girls were all glad to be able to have found time to gather and spend together. Jihyo was particularly delighted that majority of your group could make it. Wanting to see your girlfriend even more happy you had a plan. Tonight every wish Jihyo had was your command.
Jihyo wanted funnel cake?
You bought her some.
Jihyo wanted to go on the bumper carts?
You teamed up to annoy Nayeon by cornering her and continuously crashed into her cart.
Jihyo wanted a ‘stupid stuffed toy’?
You played the festival games until you won her a cute stuffed elephant.
Much to Nayeon’s dismay. Momo and Sana gave her puppy eyes and promised to treat her to dinner if she won them something. She relented of course. Surprisingly, or not, Mina won a medium-sized panda on her second attempt of the ring toss.
Despite being able to enjoy the festival and being with your friends, there was a gnawing feeling eating away at you. It would creep up on you throughout the night. Not letting you stray too far from the reality of tonight. A reminder of the ticking timer in your chest.
This summer festival would be the last you get to spend with Jihyo.
Jihyo had gotten a promotion. Said promotion was a significant milestone in her career, as she was still a rookie in her office, only having worked for her company for two years. This was a chance she couldn’t turn down, it would be unwise to do so.
However, there was a major downside to this promising opportunity. It required her to relocate. Jihyo had to move to the company’s prestigious headquarters — in Paris. She would be moving to a beautiful and alluring city while gaining valuable experience for her work, but it also meant she had to leave her current life behind. Her friends, family, and you.
Jihyo didn’t mind the idea of starting fresh in a new country. Her ambitiousness and work ethic would make that a smooth process. What weighed heavily in both her heart and mind, was what it meant for the two of you.
Despite your willingness to move to Paris and follow your girlfriend, she protested. You had just secured a job with your dream company a couple months ago. Following Jihyo meant giving up the job you dedicated your blood, sweat, and tears for. That was something Jihyo couldn’t allow. The memory of you jumping in joy when you landed the job fresh in mind. She couldn’t take that away from you by asking you to leave with her. Hesitantly you obeyed Jihyo, not wanting to further upset her or cause any more turmoil.
Uncertainty filled your hearts. Fear of what the distance, different time zones, and unforeseeable changes would make of your relationship. So you both reluctantly agreed to not let it reach to a point of no return. Not wanting to taint the beautiful relationship you cultivated throughout the years.
To set aside the worries and stress, Jihyo invited the group to the summer festival. Afterall, this would probably be the last time she gets to hang out with everyone for a while.
Jihyo’s main reason for coming to the summer festival was to see the firework show with you. She wanted to spend a memorable night with you before the end.
As you prepared to leave to watch the show, Jihyo said her goodbyes to your friends. Both sides making promises of keeping in touch.
The conversations between Jihyo and the girls made your heart clench, knowing that you were going to have a similar talk later that night. Taking in the fact that you would have a different goodbye than your friends. One more permanent.
Once again Jihyo was leading you, hand in hers, to a vacant park that would have a nice view of the firework show. Once again, you just cherished the sight of her.
As you sat down on the grass, waiting for the firework show to start, you realized that the night was ending. Without thinking you held onto Jihyo’s hand tighter. In response, the shorter girl placed herself between your legs. She wrapped your arms around her as she leaned herself into your front.
The distant crowd began to applaud and cheer as the countdown for the show began.
Colorful lights began to erupt into the night sky. You felt your chest constrict tightly with each explosion that fired into the sky. Dreading the end of the festival.
You looked up into the sky, at the fireworks.
Then you looked at Jihyo.
Her face was tilted upwards looking at the sky. Big round eyes reflecting the colorful lights. Soft black hair cascading down her profile in slight waves. Mouth slightly agape and forming a bright smile. Face expressing momentary awe and joy. You couldn’t help but feel an immense amount of love for the girl in your arms — the girl who held your heart.
Fireworks were nowhere close to shooting stars that you could wish upon. Still, you hoped that they could grant you just one wish. You gazed at the fireworks and you prayed to the explosive colors in the sky. To let you stay here forever, with Jihyo.
As the build up for the grand finale of the firework show began, you felt your heart’s timer begin to run out. The night was over. You held Jihyo tighter. Buried your head onto her shoulder. Trying to ingrain this moment into your brain.
Before the final fireworks went off Jihyo stood up unraveling herself from your warm embrace. Her back towards you.
“it’s time.”
You hesitated to stand up. Not quite ready for what was to come.
You thought that maybe it was just you who felt devastated to have to say goodbye. Until Jihyo turned around and lifted her head to look at you. There were tears that had already fallen from her eyes and new ones that threatened to fall. She ignored her tears and just smiled at you.
Jihyo grabbed both of your hands to hold in hers. She observed your face intently. Slowly nearing towards you. She closed the small distance between you. Lips meeting in a gentle but desperate need to be together.
Her hands came up to caress your face but stopped when she felt the tears that ran down your cheeks. Tears that you hadn’t realized had fallen. Jihyo pulled back and wiped away your tears.
“This is what’s best, right Jihyo?” you muttered. Suddenly unsure of what you had both agreed upon. Not quite set on letting each other go. Not set on saying goodbye.
“Yes,” Jihyo quietly replied as her hands roamed your shoulders. Her body pushing against your front to be as close as possible. To savor your touch for these last few moments.
“I love you Ji,”
“I always will.” you whispered as you moved a strand of Jihyo’s hair to tuck behind her ear. Your other hand finding her waist to hold.
“So will I, y/n/n. I love you too.”
Jihyo pushed herself even deeper into your hold, enveloping you in a hug. You reciprocated her actions. Filling as many gaps between your bodies as you could.
The remaining fireworks shot upwards into a final explosion. Finally the ticking timer in your heart went off. Heart bursting alongside the lights in the sky.
Without hesitating you brought your lips to your lover’s. You emitted all the love you felt for Jihyo into the kiss. Your last kiss.
As the fireworks began to fade, you both pulled away. Jihyo brought her hands to yours. You stared down at the connected limbs. Tears brimmed at the corner of your eyes. You willed yourself not to cry as you looked up. You wanted these last moments with Jihyo to be as clear as crystal.
The girl before you still glowed in the dark night. She looked stunning, angelic even, despite the tears in her eyes. Those round mesmerizing eyes held something scenic, a view filled with sadness and love. Far more captivating than any shooting star or firework show.
Thousands of unspoken thoughts were behind both of your eyes. Thoughts that you were able to comprehend without either of you having to voice them.
Jihyo gently let go of your hand, her fingers softly lingering for a moment longer than necessary. The inevitable end of the festival has come and so has the conclusion of your time.
You felt yourself wanting to reach out, to hold her hand tighter as her fingers began to slip away, a last attempt at grasping this fleeting moment that you wished could last forever. The look in her eyes pleaded for you to not make this any more difficult than it already was. A mixture of sadness and adoration. Your own gaze reflected Jihyo’s. A shared understanding; this parting, though painful, was necessary.
Jihyo was the first to speak.
“Goodbye, baby” she solemnly drawled.
“Goodbye, love” you returned.
Still rooted in the same spot, you watched the love of your life walk away. Tears now freely falling. Heart in ashes.
The night of fireworks is over.
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raainberry · 9 months
Holiday +One
« Define “plus one”. »
Jihyo x gn!reader
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synopsis - the cat distribution system chose you but jihyo is skeptical about it
wordcount - 1.2K
T/W - Food
A/N - and if i said i used to hate cats… i am ashamed you are allowed to boo me. Anyways, here’s a little something I thought up last night. Happy holidays to all who celebrate!
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“Baby, look!”
Jihyo jumped at your sudden eruption, hearing the front door slam behind you. She barely had time to look towards it that you had already reached her.
You were grinning ear to ear, a sight that didn’t surprise her as she’d heard the excitement in your voice loud and clear. What did surprise her though, is what you held in your hands and were practically shoving into her face.
“Y/n, what is that?” She leaned back, trying to focus on the ball of fur you so cautiously secured in between your hands.
“It’s a kitten!” You said excitedly, practically jumping in place as she stared in disbelief.
She had many questions, but you were actually holding a kitten, no doubt about it. Its fur looked a bit shriveled and the color seemed toned down by light dirt, making it clear you’d picked it up in the streets.
That was one more question answered.
“I can see that.” She said, but her voice and hesitant words exposed how confused she was.
You expected it. After all, it’s not every day you decide to rescue an adorable little kitten on your way home from work. The small cat had followed you down a whole street after your stop at a bakery, climbing one of your legs when you finally noticed and stopped to pet it.
As soon as you heard the squeaky meowing, it was over for you. A done deal that you knew Jihyo wouldn’t be all that convinced about, but you couldn’t just leave it there. The streets were humid and cold at this time of the year, it would just be plain cruel.
You convinced yourself you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you didn’t at least help the kitten find a warmer place, even if it weren’t with you. So you texted Jihyo, telling her you’d be a little late but that it would probably be worth it before making your way to the nearest vet.
It was quite the detour. Half an hour to and from there, making you get to the apartment two hours later than you were supposed to. You made sure the visit was worth the scolding you knew was awaiting, getting all kinds of checks on the animal to get the odds in your favor.
Jihyo was nothing if not preventing, something you’d fallen for apart from her kindness and obviously good looks. You knew that she’d send you to get the kitten checked as soon as you’d step inside with it, so might as well get it over with.
Needless to say, you were confident and hoped she would let you take it in yourself with all these proofs of a healthy kitten.
She would have, if it weren’t for one small detail.
“Are you sure it’s not lost?” She asked, causing your smile to drop along with your shoulder.
You had shown her the papers, the kitten was sitting quietly and comfortably in her hands now, giving a glimpse of a life you’d dared to dream of for a moment.
“Hyo…” You whined. “I don’t know, they didn’t find a chip.”
“Let’s wait a few days and see if there’s any missing cat posters popping up.” She said, her tone firm.
The sight didn’t quite match what you were hearing, and it amused you. By the looks of it, it seemed she wasn’t really hoping for those posters either.
Her focus was busy coddling the small cat, her fingers gently scratching its fur and causing a very much audible purring from it. You grinned happily, leaving the papers behind as you felt eager to join the picture.
You could see it all already, the days spent cuddling and loving this cat together no matter how much it gave back, jokingly referring to it as your child but calling it the other’s as soon as it ruined one of your items.
It seemed so fun and exciting, but as soon as you wrapped your arm around her shoulder, you felt it all crumble in a comedic way.
The glare she sent you was a cold shower, rendering your dreams of a happy family into a mush of fake nostalgia and ruined hope.
She was in a mood.
You almost wondered why, suddenly remembering how late it was and how you’d forgotten to apologize.
Then the delicious smell of chocolate chip cookies hit your nose, reminding you of how you’d told her you wanted to learn her recipe and help her that same morning.
You bit your bottom lip, trapping it between your teeth as the guilt started to get to you.
You knew it wasn’t that big of a deal, or else she probably would have dealt with you as soon as you stepped inside. That only made you feel even worse, undeserving of her love—maybe that’s why she wasn’t giving you any at the moment.
You cleared your throat, removing your hand from her shoulder to scratch the back of your neck. Jihyo remained focused on the kitten, visibly endeared. The sight gave you mixed feelings now, but you pushed through the discomfort for the sake of her.
“A-are you okay?” You hesitated, earning her eyes on you.
You could tell she was trying to stay serious, her glare was weaker than usual. She tried really hard, but given the context of it all, the way you were looking at her and the cat’s sudden meowing... She was only human.
A human who had a soft spot for cats and loved an idiot she called her partner.
So she only managed to hold it for a few seconds before a smile cracked her demeanor, sending you both into a laughing fit.
“Of course I’m not okay!” She said, landing a playful slap on your shoulder. “You left me alone to bake the cookies.”
“I know, I’m really sorry.” You pouted, throwing your arms around her in another attempt to have her close to you after such a long day.
Thankfully she let you this time, but made sure to leave enough space for the kitten not to suffocate in your embrace like she was.
“But look I brought you a cutie pie!” You smiled, pulling away to pet who you already considered as one.
“I’m pretty sure I asked you to get a cake on your way back. We’re leaving for your parents’ tomorrow morning.” She reminded, and you stopped to look at her.
“Well, I got that too.” You smiled proudly. “It’s still in the car, though.”
Jihyo rolled her eyes at you, although she was unable to wipe that smile off her face. “You’re lucky it’s cute.”
“Am I forgiven?” You asked, lifting your eyebrows in hopes of rivaling the small furball in her hands.
She looked up at you, squinting her eyes as she thought about it. Even like that, you were happy her eyes were on you.
“I don’t know.” She hummed. “Do I have to drag you under a mistletoe to get a kiss?”
You grinned, not letting another second pass without your lips on hers. They felt so soft and warm, each one of her kisses left you always wanting more, forcing her to pull away every time.
If it were up to you, you’d never do that. The idea of ever wanting to seperate from her in any way simply was unfathomable.
You loved that woman so much, hopefully you wouldn’t have to share too much of her with this newcomer.
Your eyes left hers for a second, both of your gaze landing on the squeaking kitten.
“What do you want to call it?”
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ghostykapi · 9 months
I can’t decide as to who is the most posessive, Nayeon or Jihyo. Maybe Jihyo is the quiet type with plenty of subtle touches. Her marks are always placed where you can hide them with your clothes. She won’t say anything but she will pull you away from the other members when they get too touchy
Whereas Nayeon is the complete opposite. She loves making it difficult for the makeup team to cover up her marks all over your neck. She’s quite bold with her touches and she’s loud about the fact that you’re hers. Calling you hers, her wife, anything that will show others you’re hers. Fans sometimes think she’s not playing around when she stops joking around with the others when the members get too close.
But the two of them will give you a necklace with their initial. Subtle enough for anyone to not notice but obvious for those that get too close
nonnie ur brain!! loving these thoughts sm
jihyo who loves making you feel amazing and all marked up n pretty but in a 𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓮 way. plus she doesn’t mind that no one can see it but the both of you. a lil treat just for her eyes only. plus it’s only you who enjoys worshipping in the relationship
“ji” you can feel her teeth biting down, the sun barely up “mmmph-the sun is barely up sweetness”
“don’t care” she’s just as half asleep as you, but the memories still fresh from last night. the touchy nature of sana and the flirty remarks of jeongyeon kind of getting into her head “need to feel you”
you don’t stop her, not even when her teeth find their way on your chest, gently but firmly biting down. one of the only places where her claims of you can be seen.
“nice tits baby” it takes her 10 minutes of biting and 20 minutes of kissing and kitten licks for her to stop “kinda wanna mark your thighs next”
“sweetness no” you protest, your breathing coming in short breaths “‘m wearing shorts later”
“then when we get back”
nayeon does indeed have no self control. someone’s flirting with you? a mark on your neck. someone hugged you for a bit too long? nayeon is already running towards you to take you away. it’s her members flirting and hugging you? lord someone pray she hasn’t gotten someone duck taped to the wall
“unnie” momo is already holding nayeon back “let y/n do her job”
nayeon can’t help it, the instant she sees dahyun and you that close for the sake of acting out this scene, the scene where both of you share intimate moment in the m/v, she kinda loses it
“don’t you dare hurt my girlfriend” tzuyu is also holding nayeon back “let them film or i’m tying you down to a pole”
“baby!” nayeon calls out and you turn towards her, amused to see the ruckus she’s doing. before she can say anything else however she’s dragged away from the set
“y/n unnie” dahyun is also looking over at the trio, watching as her girlfriend and momo drag nayeon away “you’d protect me right?”
“of course ‘hunnie. if you protect me from tzuyu as well”
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linos-luna · 2 years
hii <3
i hope you had a nice day today🤎
i was wondering if you could do a fic where either yandere bang chan or lee know takes care of clingy-baby reader like where they do everything for the reader -honestly i don’t really know 😭i’m just in that needing to depend on someone mood i’m sorry if this is weird 😭😭 it’s my first time requesting~~
also i just wanted to say that your writing is amazing and you’re my favourite writer on tumblr at the moment 🧸
thank you so much please don’t feel like you have to do it i’m sorry if this bothers you🤎🤎🤎
I’m your current favorite?? 🥺 you’re so kind, I appreciate it 😭💜
I was actually planning on writing one like this for Yandere! Lee Know. So this is just perfect timing.
Hope you like 💕
Sorry it took so long!
Sweet Kitten ❣️🔪
Yandere! Lee Know x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: yandere, 18+, light smut, controlling behavior, fingering, ddlg ? , Stockholm Syndrome?
♡ —————————— 🧸 —————————— ♡
Daddy knows best so why would you question him? He loves and cares for you 24/7. All you want is his love. However, you never realized just how obsessed he was with you…
Minho came into the bedroom, obviously a bit annoyed but gave you a weak smile when seeing you on the bed.
“What’s wrong daddy? Who was at the door?”
“Ah… no one… it was nothing.” He lied as he patted your head.
You nodded and gave him a hug. He paused for a moment before hugging you back, thinking about the conversation from just a few minutes ago.
There was someone at the door; it was your friend Jihyo, and she asking about you. Minho was actually surprised you still had friends, he was sure he scared them all away. But this one was persistent. He thought back on the amusing conversation…
“You can’t see her!”
“Why not?! What’s wrong with you?!” She replied, very concerned.
“Because she doesn’t want to see you.”
“Not true. You’re insane!” Jihyo yelled as the door was slammed in her face.
“You can’t do this! She doesn’t belong to you!” She continued pounding on the door while yelling.
“Come on baby.” Minho said with a smile. “Let’s get you ready for bed.”
“Bath time?!”
“Yes bath time.” He chuckled at your enthusiasm and led you to the bathroom.
He got the water ready and started helping you undress. You got in the tub and was excited as he got some soap and a rag to clean you.
Afterwards, Minho dried you up and dressed you in some warm pajamas. He brushed your hair and had you sit so he could braid it. He loved braiding your hair.
“Daddy I wanna watch a movie.”
“It’s a little late for that, Isn’t it?” He replied while tying off your last braid,
“But I wanna cuddle with daddy” you pouted.
Minho couldn’t say no to you and agreed.
You watched as he made hot chocolate and pulled out some cookies as well.
“Where’d you get the cookies, daddy?” You ask curiously as you reach for one.
“A friend of mine made them.” Minho replied while handing you one.
You both drank your hot chocolate in the kitchen and Minho fed you some cookies before heading to the living room to pull up Netflix.
You sat on top of your boyfriend with a blanket as you watched the movie. He was so nice and warm. Minho slipped his hand under your shirt and was gropping your right breast. He loved the feeling of your warm flesh and he slipped his other hand in your pants.
You whined a bit at the feeling but it soon turned pleasurable as he went under your already wet panties and started fingering you.
“You like that baby…?” Minho teased, his hot breath tickling your neck. “You like daddy’s fingers?”
“Yes daddy…”
After putting two fingers in, he was slowly moving in an out with ease; he loved the sounds of your whimpers so rubbed your clit to hear more…
“More daddy.” You moaned. “More please!”
“So greedy hm? But anything for my sweet kitten.”
After continuing to rub your clit and pinching your nipple, you soon came with a loud moan.
Minho knew you wouldn’t last the whole movie so he wasn’t very surprised when you fell asleep soon after your orgasam.
He wrapped you up in the blanket and carried you to the bedroom where he tucked you in.
Your boyfriend stripped to his boxers and left for a moment to brush his teeth.
“D-daddy?!” You sat up and called out to him the second you didn’t feel his touch.
“Don’t worry, kitten” Minho chuckled while coming back to the room while brushing his teeth. “I’m right here.”
You got up and went to him, giving a tight hug. “I’m sleepy. Let’s go sleep.”
“Yes baby, hold on a moment.”
Minho goes to the bathroom to finish cleaning his teeth while you held onto him. You both went back to the bed and your boyfriend tucked you in. He laid next to you and you cuddled into him as you drifted off to sleep.
Later that night Jihyo and some others decided that they were going to get you out and devised a plan.
It was almost 4am and friend was able to unlock the window in the living room with a hair pin. She looked around and tried to figure out how she would get past a sleeping Minho. That’s when she heard the bedroom door open and she hid. But much to her surprise, it was actually you. You were going to the bathroom. 
Jihyo waited for you to come out and quickly grabbed you when you did, making sure to smother your scream.
“Hey! Hey y/n!” She said in a loud whisper. “It’s me, Jihyo!”
“Jihyo…?” You calmed down as she let go of you. “W-what are you doing?”
“I’m getting you out of here.” She said, now tugging on your arm.
“But why?” You ask while following her. “Daddy loves me, he’ll be so worried.”
Jihyo was appalled by what you just said and sighed as you both were in front of the window.
“Do you hear yourself?! He’s controlling you!”
“But I need him—!” You said this a bit loud and Jihyo was quick to cover your mouth and push you out the window.
In front, there was a car waiting and another friend was in the driver’s seat. Jihyo got in the back with you as the car started driving.
“Sorry jeongyeon… it took longer than expected.” Jihyo said with a sigh.
“It’s fine.” Jeongyeon replied, looked back at the two of you for a moment. “As long as she’s out.”
It was about a 45 minute drive and you were getting antsy.
“I-I’m cold… I wanna go home!” You cried out, getting jihyo to let go of you.
“Oh it’s that bad…” jeongyeon said as she pulled into the parking space.
“Y/n please!” Your friend said as she got you out of the car. “Minho is not as good boyfriend. He is controlling and manipulative. Not good for you!”
“B-but he takes care of me!” You cried, wiping your tears. “I miss him!”
Both girls sighed as they brought you in and were met with another friend, setting up a place for you to sleep on the couch.
“Hey y/n. Remember me?”
“Momo?” You were surprised to see her… actually haven’t seen her in a while.
“You’re sleeping here.” Momo patted the couch with blankets and smiled.
“No I gotta go home now…”
“Y/n…” jihyo sighed. “Get some sleep, we will discuss in the morning. You were reluctant but eventually agreed as you were very tired.
Meanwhile, Minho was in a state of panic, practically turning the place upside down looking for you. He had woken up around 5 when realizing you weren’t there and started freaking out.
“Y/n? Y/n?! Where are you!” He yelled out in desperation. “My baby, where’d you go?! Who took my sweet kitten?!”
Then it hit him. Jihyo. Your friend from earlier. She must’ve taken you! He was pissed and grabbed a jacket and his keys.
Who’s house did you go to? He thought to himself. Jihyo’s would be too obvious. Your friend jeongyeon lived relatively close so probably not her… so that leaves Momo. Of course! The furthest house of the three!
Soon he was driving, not only worried for you but also pissed at your friends… he wants to hurt them for taking his baby away…
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hwangyeddeongie · 7 months
Intro :)
hello! my name is maya (she/her, 18+, 🇰🇷🇨🇴) and I write Kpop imagines! yeji and ryujin biased I speak Spanish, English, and Korean
my stan list:
itzy twice bts enhypen txt newjeans skz
other groups/soloists I like but don't know that well:
iu day6 red velvet (g)idle aespa nmixx somi kard snsd mamamoo seventeen D.O sunmi lee youngji lesserafim ive
who I will write for:
itzy (ot5) twice (ot9 but mostly j-line and jihyo) bts (ot7 but mostly jungkook and taehyung) enhypen (ot7 but NO SMUT FOR NI-KI) txt (ot5) new jeans (ot5 but NO SMUT FOR DANIELLE, HAERIN, OR HYEIN) skz (ot8)
currently I am only writing for itzy, but I may consider writing for any of the groups listed in my stan list. I am also in the process of writing a hunger games ryeji au, so I may take some time in responding to asks
my ships:
I will write for all itzy ships, but my ult ship is ryeji. also ship chaerlia, chaerji, yuchae, and basically any poly with ryeji.
what I will write:
fluff, smut, angst, headcanons, mtl, fem reader and gn reader, idol x reader, member x member, member x reader x member, group x reader, mommy/daddy kink, g!p
what I will not write:
male reader, smut with underage members, watersports, non-con or dubcon, abuse, drugs, ageplay, petplay (using 'kitten' and 'puppy' as a petname is okay), any extreme kinks. (I will add on more if I see anything I don't like)
don't be afraid to leave asks! I love to chat :)
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3mixs · 2 years
thinking about jealous kitten!jihyo and nayeon trying to win her with gifts, like I can definitely see her putting on an unamused face and acting like she doesn't care about it but a couple days later jeongyeon catches her wearing/playing with the gift and since she keeps quiet to not make jihyo retreat more the kitty just starts using it all the time when nayeon's not there (she doesn't want her to feel like she's succeeding in winning jihyo over but it doesn't matter in the end because jeongyeon tells nayeon all about it anyway)
you’ve absolutely nailed the nahyo dynamic so far! nayeon loves jeongyeon so much and by extension loves jihyo. even though jihyo hasn’t been the warmest or most welcoming kitten, nayeon knows jihyo must be worth all the trouble in the end. if jeongyeon loves jihyo there must be good reason and nayeon trusts jeongyeon’s judgement. 
nayeon’s never had a hybrid so it’s all a big learning curve to her. she had hoped it would be easier to connect with jihyo. after all, before they met all jeongyeon did was sing jihyo’s praises and talk about what a sweet, cuddly kitten she was. so she knows jihyo has it in her to be affectionate, she just needs to get past the cold shoulder somehow. jeongyeon constantly tries to assure her that jihyo will come around, she’s just being dramatic (which she is but it’s her right as the world’s most spoiled kitten!). but what better way to earn the affection of someone spoiled than to give them gifts?
i imagine over the year that 2yeon are together, nayeon goes a little overboard with the gifts for jihyo. jeongyeon might even be a little jealous that nayeon doesn’t buy her as many presents as she does for jihyo. but every cute plushies, pretty collar/skirt, and cat toy nayeon comes across she thinks it will finally be the present that will win jihyo over so she just has to get it!
jihyo usually gives her a unamused stare and completely ignores whatever gift she recieves from nayeon. she even makes a show of ignoring it and playing or wearing something else that jeongyeon has given her to show nayeon just how uninterested she is. but as soon as she’s left home alone she plays/wears all of it. jeongyeon’s caught her several times napping with the blue bunny plushie nayeon gave her that jihyo swore was ‘ugly and lumpy.’
of course jeongyeon totally rats jihyo out and sends a bunch of pictures of jihyo snuggling with her favorite plush to nayeon. nayeon counts it as a silent victory and doesn’t want to tease jihyo about any of it just yet in case it makes jihyo even more resistant to her. but nayeon knows she’s secretly winning jihyo over. especially after jeongyeon tells her she caught jihyo admiring herself in the mirror with the collar nayeon bought for her. 
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jihyocentric · 2 years
Rereading old asks and I'm missing my jeongmihyo babies. Can we get something nsfw for kitten! jihyo x g!p jeongmi?
it wasn't unusual to them to be bothered in their sleep by their personal little nuisance, also known as jihyo. their baby, the one with a tail and a pair of kitten ears that made her cuter than any other thing, could also be the brattiest when she wanted to.
mina had said it loud and clear, no sex for the night. both her and jeongyeon were exhausted, and jihyo, who had done nothing all week apart from taking good naps close to the window, eating snacks and refusing to take showers, clearly didn't agree to that.
"be a good kitty," jeongyeon cooed, patting jihyo's head. the kitten pouted, snuggling closer to jeongyeon in the bed. mina rolled her eyes, knowing that jihyo never used that charm on her because it wouldn't work. (sometimes it did, even mina melted to jihyo's charms at times.)
"but i need you," jihyo whined, purring against jeongyeon's chest, her face buried on the older's shoulder.
"tomorrow we'll have all day to spend together." jeongyeon reasoned.
"stop complaining. sleep and be a good girl, then you'll get reward. it's so simple." mina said, hugging jihyo from behind.
jihyo's pout got even bigger. "fine."
but mina should've known that jihyo agreeing so fast could only lead to one thing.
the kitten tried to be careful, in the middle of the night, she pulled mina's pants down and sat on her lap, fully bare, tail swishing in excitement. part of her truly believed mina wouldn't wake up, but as soon as she sank down on mina's shaft, she felt her owner stir under her. she went pale for a second.
it wasn't really jihyo's fault, after all, mina was the one who got hard in her sleep and started poking jihyo's thigh, and so the kitten shouldn't be responsible to the current situation - or at least jihyo tried to believe in that, covering her mouth with her palm as she started moving her hips. jihyo was slow, with her fingers rubbing her own clit and her ears twitching like crazy. all she wanted was to come soon and leave mina's lap, afraid she might get caught.
but mina could hear her. as soon as jihyo started riding, she woke up from her sleep. it was impossible to remain asleep with jihyo's tight pussy squeezing her length like that, and even more so when she heard the little gasps and whines coming from her kitten. jihyo was naturally loud, and combining that with her little moans and the clapping of their hips made it impossible for mina to keep in her sleep.
"such a little brat." mina groaned drowsily, taking the kitten's wrists harshly, in a way that caused jihyo's body to fall over mina's, forcing her look at mina in the eye. "jeongyeon might be a heavy sleeper but i'm not. what were you thinking, huh?"
"you were hard! just wanted to help," jihyo said, the way she got even tighter around mina made the owner laugh, knowing how much getting scolded made jihyo aroused.
"help, huh?" mina mocked. "alright. then you're going to help me until i say we can stop."
mina patted jeongyeon's shoulder, making her wake up from her sleep. jihyo's ears flattened in her head, feeling guilty for waking her owners up for her own needs when she knew they had had a tough week, but now there was nothing she could do about it.
but it didn't really feel that bad when jeongyeon slid inside, because that's what she had been craving for anyway, both of them inside her. it didn't matter that her ass was red from mina's slaps, or that even jeongyeon didn't call her 'good kitten'. jihyo knew she deserved it.
still, she couldn't help but cry out each time their fingers pushed her into an orgasm, and whine whenever mina called her 'bad kitty', her body trembling from being over stimulated by them, nipples swollen from all the pinching they did and body full of their marks. mina and jeongyeon wouldn't know, but jihyo couldn't be happier, really.
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authorforrosie · 2 years
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Flufftober ~ Day 7.
Title: She calls you her wife and her bandmates tease her about it.
Pairing: Momo x you. [GxG.]
Warning: None.
Words: 780.
Momo sat together at the dinner table with her bandmates waiting for you to serve them dinner. She has a happy expression on her face when she saw her bandmates having a long deep conversation together. You both invited her bandmates for dinner since today is your 3rd year anniversary of knowing each other.
Her dark chocolate brown eyes watched you bringing fresh cooked food to the dinner table with literally heart eyes. She couldn't help herself from smiling. Her bandmates giggled since Momo looked like a puppy being in love. Dahyun and Jeongyeon mocked the way she looked at you. Momo knew that she loved you since she first met you in a unexpected time of her life.
„Y/N truly cooks the best food. She's a chief."
Smirked Jihyo with admiration in her voice. She really admired that you can cook like a professional chief.
Jihyo looked hungry and with love in her eyes at the plate. Which has cooked vegetables on it. The fresh cooked food still had steam coming from it.
Sana pat Momo's head when she saw Momo wanting to reach out to wrap her arm around your waist. Which she sadly couldn't since you still had to serve the food from Tzuyu, Dahyun and Mina. Who glanced at you with thankfulness.
Momo pouted with sad puppy eyes which made her bandmates laugh.
„I didn't know our Momoring would be so clingy with her girlfriend." Smirked Nayeon with much amusement in her voice. Momo couldn't only shake her head in disapproval. She playfully glared at the bunny.
Momo took the spoon which she will definitely use for the food on her plate to point to her bandmates. A serious puppy expression on her face. She still looked cute when she is serious in your opinions.
„She is my wife. I am allowed to be physically affectionate with my beautiful wife Y/N Hirai."
State Momo with seriousness in her voice. She pointed with a spoon. Your cheeks flushed red in a blush at her statement.
Her bandmates laughed all together and cooed because you both are so cute. You are definitely perfect for Momo. Mostly because you make the best food in the entire universe in their opinions.
„OHHH MOMO HAS A WIFE...!!" Yelled Sana with amusement in her voice. Momo and you had red flushed cheeks.
„Why wasn’t we invited to the wedding.“ Pouted Jihyo playfully while mumbling with amusement in her voice.
Momo took a few minutes to answer since she spaced out. She thought about a married life with you. A adorable little family in some years. The thoughts caused her heart to fluttering with a happy feeling.
„We aren’t married yet. I definitely plan to marry my cute baby girl…“ Smirked Momo with seriousness in her voice.
Her bandmates cheered and giggled with a happy expression on your face. Your cheeks flushed even more red in a blush. You hide your face shyly behind the apron that you unwrapped from your waist. Momo pulled away the apron to see your adorable face.
Your cheeks red and you pouted. Momo giggled gently kissing your cheeks. A few minutes later she attacked your whole face with kisses. You giggled happily and had a shy expression on your face.
„Now let’s eat before Y/N‘s masterpiece food get’s cold.“ Suggested the leader Jihyo with much care in her voice. Almost everyone started eating your delicious fresh cooked food. Appreciating it with a grateful smile.
Momo leaned so close that you could feel her breath on your lips. Her chocolate brown eyes didn’t stop the eye contact with your y/e/c eyes. The eye contact was very intense for you both.
„Don’t worry baby girl you will know when we marry soon. That’s a promise I will definitely keep. My beautiful baby girl and kitten.“
Whispered Momo with a slight seductive lower voice in your ear.
The sentences caused your cheeks to flush red in a blush again. Momo giggled cutely before she pecked your lips not once. Not twice. Three times. Until you kissed her lips passionately.
„Not in front of my food.“ Whined Tzuyu with playfulness in her voice. That sentence caused everyone to laugh. Including you.
Momo could only stare at you with love in her yes when you laughed. Literally stars in your eyes and your smile reached your eyes when you smile after laughing with her bandmates. Momo couldn’t wait until you are officially her wife. Because Y/N Hirai definitely sounds perfect. She couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life by your side. You are her wifey for sure already. No matter if married or not.
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chaewon2000lover · 1 year
What do you think the biggest kink of each AESPA member is?
Karina, probably the least kinky I would imagine standing sex or sex where you carry her would be something she’s into, because of her tall height and leader role, being taken care of seems like it would something for her.
Ningning, spanking and stuff like that, she seems like she would be really into aggressive sex.
Giselle, you calling her mommy, she seems like the type kind like jihyo.
Winter, pet play, Winter - Kitten’s Gift, one hell of a fic, one of the first in a while to really make me feel some kind of way, so much so that you guys might get a pet-play smut sometime in the future.
Thanks for the ask
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lesbiankimdahyun · 1 year
Can I request for a chapter where : y/n and jihyo/nayeon are friends (roommates too) and they are very flirty with each other. And this one day y/n is feeling very needy and starts helping herself and starts moaning out and whining their name when jihyo/nayeon walk in and tease her before doing her?
Could jihyo/nayeon be g!p? And them calling y/n kitten and babygirl while praising y/n for being a good girl. And could y/n also call jihyo/nayeon as mommy. While being ruined ( basically being breeded by jihyo /nayeon ) y/n slips into subspace, wanting nothing more than to be fucked and filled?
ooohh okay! i don't do mommy kink things but everything else sounds delicious. stay tuned <3
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sochaewry · 2 years
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About Me !!
Hello, you can call me Mimoo!
she/her - female pronouns
brazilian, born in 2004 - 20yo
bisexual - asexual
pt-br & eng (not fluent)
animals <3 kittens, she-ra, plushies, books, heartstopper, kpop, candies, ordem paranormal, silly & cute games, streamers
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Before You Interact !!
🍥' I am not a content creator.
My blog is like my refuge, I use it to distract myself by seeing content related to my interests and I always reblog a lot of posts, so I have my own tags to separate and organize these posts and reblogs.
Sometimes I make some posts, ranging from vents to posts about something of interest to me (for example: my hobbies, my drawings, etc).
I'm not fluent in english, so even though I use the language a lot (for practice), I use google translate most of the time to help me formulate sentences and correct mistakes.
• Eu não sou uma criadora de conteúdo.
Meu blog é como se fosse meu refúgio, o uso para me distrair vendo conteúdos relacionados aos meus interesses e sempre reblogo muitos posts, por isso tenho minhas próprias tags para separar e organizar esses posts e reblogs.
As vezes faço alguns posts, variando de desabafos até postagens sobre algo do meu interesse (por exemplo: meus hobbies, meus desenhos etc).
Eu não sou fluente em inglês, então, apesar de utilizar muito a língua (para praticar), eu uso o google tradutor na maioria das vezes para me ajudar a formular frases e corrigir erros.
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Do Not Interact if !!
🍥' If you have any kind of prejudice - homophobic, transphobic or prejudiced against any other part of the LGBTQIA+ community in general, racist, religiously intolerant, misogynistic, etc.
If you are sexist, radical feminist, in favor of Bolsonaro or against neutral pronouns and variants.
If you are an NSFW creator or share sexual content (I have nothing against you and your content/work, it's just not the kind of thing I like to see) - exceptions for artistic nude content, which is not sexual.
If you are a lunatic shipper/proshipper or sexualize people.
If you're a fan of some famous problematic person like JK Rowling and etc.
• Se você tem qualquer tipo de preconceito - homofóbico, transfóbico ou preconceito com qualquer outra parte da comunidade LGBTQIA+ no geral, racista, intolerante religioso, misógino etc.
Se você é machista, sexista, feminista radical, a favor do Bolsonaro ou é contra pronome neutro e variantes.
Se você é um criador de conteúdo NSFW ou compartilha conteúdo de cunho sexual (não tenho nada contra você e seu conteúdo/trabalho, só não é o tipo de coisa que eu gosto de ver) – exceções para conteúdo nu artístico, que não tem cunho sexual.
Se você é um shipper lunático/pro shipper ou se sexualiza pessoas.
Se usa ou acha certo usar "smt", "sjg", "sct" e variantes.
Se é fã de algum famoso problemático como a JK Rowling e etc.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤextra information !!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤyou can skip if you want
Tag List !!
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Kpop stan list !!
I'm in the fandom: le sserafim, itzy
just stan: nmixx, gidle, dreamcatcher, txt, blackpink, kiss of life, everglow, twice(ot8), stray kids, bts, kard, soojin, chaeyeon
utts: yunjin, chaeryeong & yeji
bias: kazuha, sakura, eunchae, chaewon, ryujin, lily, bae, soyeon, siyeon, yeonjun, beomgyu, rosé, belle, natty, julie, haneul, mina, aisha, felix, suga & jiwoo
wreckers: yuqi, minnie, dami, handong, gahyun, jiu, jihyo, jeongyeon, onda & yiren
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My Other Networks !!
twitter - skoob
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heartofmjne · 2 years
Hey all you cool cats and kittens. Your local Mochi here, looking for some tasty 1x1s. (And by tasty, I mean those good plots.)
I have mun info pinned on my tumblr but please excuse the mess, I'm mobile 90% of the time which makes decorating a tumblr up a difficult task. However, I know how to make a discord server feel like home. (bonus: write with me and l will treat you to your own personal decorator.)
Super quick basics: 21+, est, she/her/they. semi-lit/lit. will mirror my partners length. will discuss k!nks for smut personally.
At the moment, I'm only looking for discord 1x1s. I'm open for any kind of plot (I have a tag set up in case you're curious or drawing a blank). Slice of life, supernatural, historical, idol verse, AUs of all kinds and even original characters. Honestly, if you're unsure, just ask and there is a 99.9% chance that I will be down for it.
I do not expect smut constantly but I do enjoy it (so yes, pwp is okay but I prefer there be a storyline to follow) with that being said, minors please do not interact or lie about your age. Please, let me live without worry of catching a charge while also keeping you safe.
Below is a list of my current muses, however for original characters I would be willing to pick up muses that I'm not particularly familiar with.
Kim Yongsun
Jung Wheein
Fukutomi Tsuki
Minatozaki Sana
Myoi Mina
Im Nayeon
Kim Dahyun
Hirai Momo
Park Jihyo
Jung Eunbi
g idle:
Song Yuqi
Jeon Soyeon
Park Jiwon
Rolling Quartz:
Kwon Eunbi
Jeon Somi
If this post caught your attention, you're looking for some sweet 1x1 attention and threads, you want to ship your heart out or you're just bored and want to smut it up— I'll add my discord at the bottom. Feel free to add me or message me with any questions.
bangchan lovebot#6050

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