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words-for-cat-bracket · 1 year ago
quarterfinals!! - 4 of 4
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brought to you by: kirby
kisumisu (finnish) vs ć°çŒ« (mandarin chinese)
info and propawganda under the cut!
kisumisu - no IPA provided
Long and cute !
both parts already mean ""cat"" on their own, the repetition is added for maximum kittycat cuteness. also insanely fun to say
ć°çŒ« (xiǎo māo) /ɕjauÌŻË© mɑuÌŻË„/
it rhymes and means little meow. what is a kitten if not a little meow
Perfect way to describe a cat. It rhymes and it sounds really cute. Also cmon look at a cat. That IS a xiao mao mao
you cannot tell me they are not the perfect word for a kitty cat. they came up to us and introduced themselves, so we decided to call them by the name they call themselves, and in mandarin, we call them ""little māo"" because they are our little meow meows!! they are our babies!! also chinese is Ancient. our writing system goes back like 4000 years!! and we are still using it! i admit we probably weren't calling them èȓ for all these 4000 years but respect your elders! /lh
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starlene · 2 years ago
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Here's me giving tummy rubs to a very nice cat at the last Danish bed & breakfast we stayed at.
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demonfowl · 5 months ago
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31 - Rauha
Lehto pĂ€ikkĂ€reillĂ€ đŸ„ș antakaa Lehdon ottaa kunnon pĂ€ikkĂ€rit se ansaitsee ne. Huom. Viiru. (Viiru on @neodyymi n Alivuokralaisesta ja se on paras kisumisu)
Mutta Inktober on ohi nyt! MitÀ ihmettÀ! Oon oikeesti tosi kiitollinen koska kouluhommat uhkaa jyrÀtÀ mut (puhumattakaan muista projekteista) ja saan nyt ehkÀ vÀhÀsen revanssia kun koeviikko ei oo ihan vielÀ pÀÀllÀ, mutta kuitenkin.
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darkwingphoenix · 9 months ago
Tergol actually has the pronouns @cheeseanonioncrisps mentioned, in a fashion:
Stranger pronouns can also be used for those you queue up in a video game, and is usually the best time to use them, as well as someone you never talked to but saw. The pronouns used are Ka (Like she/he), Kawi (Her/him/man/woman). Ka is also conjugated to have what amounts to 's after a word. Example: So the kawi just slapped the cashier for not giving kawi ka's actual order despite ka being super vague about it.
Once you've met someone more than three times, you upgrade from Ka to the acquaintance pronouns, which are Ko/Komi.
Once you become friendly enough to an acquaintance, it's denoted as the two of you changing to Ra/Rawi. Rawi is also the word from just friend, and is basically how Kawi and Kumi work as well, being stranger and acquaintance respectively.
If you start dating someone, you shift to the lover pronouns, Ki/Kisu. Kisumisu is also used as a sort of ooey gooey analogue.
After marriage (If you do), you change to Ma/Marak.
Child pronouns are Mi/Mini.
Sibling pronouns are Si/Sitsi.
Parent pronouns are Ma/Mapos.
Cousin pronouns are Ku/Kuti.
Aunt/Uncle are Me/Melu.
Grandparents have no pronouns, but you can use their relation to your parents, or Manolima, she/he for a parent of a parent. The full word is maposnolimapos, or parent of my parent.
You can do this for anyone, so your sibling's GF would be your kisukitsunolisitsibolok, Lover of My Sibling. If they marry, she becomes your maraknolisitsi, Spouse of My Sibling.
Enemies have the pronouns Kil/Kiltsil. Enemy of My Enemy is Kiltsilnolikiltsil. Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend would basically be Kiltsilnolikiltsil = Rawi.
Coworkers have a unique pronoun set shared with Ally/Teammate, Kol/Koltatl.
Mortal Enemy, while traditionally only used in fiction as it's basically used for people you're gonna kill, is Mor/Mordor.
Humans who weren't raised speaking Tergol often had a very difficult time knowing which words to used, and often could only really use familial pronouns and maybe lover/spouse pronouns, sometimes friend if they're positive that's what they are.
Tergol speakers actually wound up making new pronouns essentially to serve as she/her and he/him, although most native speakers never use them, and basically only know them to know when a non-native speaker is talking about. They can often help teach a non-native speaker learn which pronouns to use, and native speakers can often tell non-natives just by hearing those pronouns used.
Native Tergol speakers are also really confused about the lack of a lot of pronouns. Most will wind up bastardizing relationship words initially to serve as pronouns. Spanish actually wound up remixing these new pronouns as gender neutral terms for those words. For example, Novi, Espos, and Herman.
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This is such a cool idea. What other info could it be? Careers, hobbies, economic status, lifelong ambitions? Orientation, single/taken/etc status? Insect-style role in the hive (worker/drone etc)?
If human languages are based on primitive monkey-brain ideas of whether or not the person we’re talking about is a potential mate, then what different considerations might an alien race make?
Maybe they have two drastically different body types that need to pair off to defend from predators. Maybe their civilization depends on cultivating plants that grow best when sung to, and a range of different vocal tones per household is best. Maybe some are nocturnal and some are diurnal.
What else??
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ankkalinna · 7 years ago
I guess I should add pics of Donald’s cat Tabby to that post but I should get to bed so uh... a reminder Donald has a cat I guess.
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ruttotohtori · 3 years ago
Kisu tarkottaa kissaa (paitsi silloin, kun se tarkottaa tiettyÀ suomalaista iskelmÀlaulajaa). Kisumisu tarkottaa myös kissaa. Mut misu tarkottaaki naista. Kissa voi olla kissa tai nainen.
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afternooninthediscord · 8 years ago
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Our Discord Civil War - like a month ago General Hachi leads team 1‹With his right hand Chibi General Storm leads team 2‹With kisu kinda just there
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mcrmadness · 1 year ago
Does someone here in the east really say "kasi" about a cat? I've never heard that, to me that word just means an 8.
Instead, this one is very common, at least in my family it is: kisumisu. As well as "katti karvajalka". And the word "kolli" is a very common word for male cats.
On the cat
"Cat" words:
Kissa [ˈk̟is̠ːɑ̝] is borrowed from Swedish "kisse/kissa"
Katti [ˈkɑ̝tÌȘːi] is from Swedish "katt"
Kasi [ˈkɑ̝s̠i] is related to a common word for cat in many other languages that are related to Finnish, and in Finland it is dialectal (mostly eastern Finland)
Kisu [ˈk̟is̠u] is a more informal word but does mean a cat.
Kissimirri [ˈk̟is̠ːiˌmirːi] is also informal.
There are a few types of cat words you might run into, like:
Maatiaiskissa [ˈmïżœïżœÌËtÌȘiɑ̝iÌŻs̠ˌk̟is̠ːɑ̝], a landrace cat
Kotikissa [ˈko̞tÌȘiˌk̟is̠ːɑ̝], a household cat
Rotukissa [ˈro̞tÌȘuˌk̟is̠ːɑ̝], a purebred cat
Fun Facts!
- Cats are not native to Finland, they were brought in by the vikings as ship cats that catch mice and rats.
- Newer words for "cat" are "kiisu" and "kassi" from Estonian, which have spread through a few very famous meme (one pictured below)(Although kassi comes from Estonian "kass").
- "KissanristiÀiset" (literally: cat christening) is a word used to mean a "pointless social event"
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[Explanation to this meme: as Estonian is related to Finnish, words can sound like "drunk Finnish" a lot. The word "kass" sounds a lot like "kassi" (bag) in Finnish. Kiisu just sounds cute to Finnish speakers.]
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sekuli · 8 years ago
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Matikan tehtÀvÀnanto luokkaa mitÀ vittua
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kettutitaani · 8 years ago
Sweet, dearest and huggable please! 💕
Sweet: Favorite love song?- Hmmm... I actually don't know a favourite. Garazu no Hanazono from Love Live (ludd thats the idol lesbian song) because the meaning and the lyrics and the fuCKING LIVE. Then something in English... it's either Lady Gaga's "Bad romance" or Elvis Presley's "Suspicious minds". A Finnish love song I find listening to many many many times is PMMP's "Rakkaalleni", "To my dear(est)". The lyrics gets dark but I love it. Dearest : What item is most dear to you? - My phone lmao. Just kidding, I don't actually know. My childhood cat plushie Kisumisu or plushies and necklaces you've given me. :3c Huggable : What are your favorite flowers?- I like lilies, sunflowers and some with purple on them. đŸŒ»
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words-for-cat-bracket · 1 year ago
round 4 - week 4 - 2 of 4
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brought to you by: cinnamon
kisumisu (finnish) vs popoki (hawaiian)
info and propawganda under the cut!
kisumisu - no IPA provided
Long and cute !
both parts already mean "cat" on their own, the repetition is added for maximum kittycat cuteness. also insanely fun to say
popoki - no IPA provided
no propawganda provided :(
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kvartsi · 10 months ago
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(MinÀkö jaan mielellÀni kissakuvia? I would never!)
Mutta tÀssÀ on Tove ("Tuuve"), aka. Tovelius, Toveliini, Kisumisu...
Hei suomitumppulaiset haluaisin kovasti nÀhdÀ lemmikkikuvia, ja etenkin kuulla millaisia nimiÀ (lempinimet mukaanlukien) heillÀ on :) kiitoksia etukÀteen!
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starlene · 5 years ago
Something that happened back in January, when I was watching En del av mitt hjĂ€rta in the cinema and the world hadn’t gone quite insane yet (feels like it’s been years since that), keeps coming back to my mind.
In the movie, one of the minor characters owns a cat. Usually, cinema audiences around here are pretty quiet – but during that screening, when the cat first appeared onscreen, a girl sitting in front of me spoke loud enough for everybody to hear:
Then she, and everybody else, stayed quiet for the rest of the movie.
I hope that girl has been staying healthy this spring and has been living her best life despite everything.
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101tapaavalmistaaperuna · 6 years ago
Tapa 55
Kiss, Marry, Kill, Otto von Bismarck, Friedrich der Große, Napoleon Bonaparte
Minulla oli siis eilen synttÀrijuhlat, koska sitÀ oli ehdotettu. Alun perin kuten olen todennÀköisesti maininnut ajattelin, etten juhlisi koko juhlaa. Juhlistuksen piti olla vain se, ettÀ maistraatti saa tiedon minun ja kristillisen uskonnon erosta.
Mutta minulla sitten oli synttÀrijuhlat ja minulla oli kyllÀ oikein mukavaa! :-)
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Jugurttipommi... Se on siis jugurttikakku??? ja hilloa??? on muuten todella hyvÀÀ :-)
Juhlat alkoivat kello 18:30. Minusta se oli aika myöhÀÀn mutta ajattelin ettÀ maassa maan tavalla. Ehdotus tuli nimittÀin hosteilta ja nÀin oli myös kaverini juhlansa jÀrjestÀnyt.
SynttĂ€reillĂ€ tarjottiin ruokaruokaa eli pitsaa. TĂ€mĂ€ oli helpoin jĂ€rjestÀÀ siten, ettĂ€ kaikki saivat haluamansa tĂ€ytteitĂ€ - eli kasvissyöjille ja vegaanille oma pitsa ja niiille, jotka syövĂ€t lihaa sitten lihallista pitsaa. Oli myös sipsejĂ€, Katjes-karkkeja ja suklaata. LisĂ€ksi oli itsetehtyĂ€ “limonadia”. Sitruunamehua se oli mutta itsetehtyĂ€.
Pelasimme pelejÀ (mm. Kiss-Marry-Kill, Never Have I ever...) ja höpisimme vÀhÀn mistÀ lie... :D
Juhlat jatkuivat sitten yhteentoista asti.. Ei se minua haitannut, vaikken itse olekaan tottunut tÀllaiseen. :)
Maininnan arvoisia asioita:
En ollut ainoa hameessa/mekossa. MeitÀ oli jopa kaksi.
Minun YEOni, joka oli myös juhlissa, oli opettanut yhdelle minun kavereistani kuvaamataitoa muutamisen vuotta sitten
Muut ovat toisesta koulusta, joten heille YEO ei ollut opettanut mitĂ€ïżœïżœn (tai olivat toisessa osavaltiossa lol)
KyllÀ minulta kerran kysyttiin, ettÀ miltÀ tuntuu nyt olla 18-vuotias. Jaa-a Ei mitenkÀÀn erilaiselta.
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Harjoitan materialismia ja iloitsen saamistani hienoista lahjoista. TÀstÀ puuttuvat jo aikaisemmin saadut lahjat mutta se ei liene kamala asia.
Kirjat, jotka sain:
Kirja Euroopan (HRR:n) reformaatiosta.
Saksan historia sadassa objektissa (eli kirjassa on esine ja sitten kerrotaan, miten tÀmÀ on vaikuttanut Saksan (tai saksankielisen alueen, koska ItÀvalta potkittiin ulos Saksasta Bismarckin toimesta ja sitÀ ennen tapeltiin vÀhÀn mutta toisaalta Habsburgit hallitsivat HRR:ssÀ vuodesta 1438 vuoteen 1806, vÀlissÀ oli joku muukin, mutta... ja osa Italiasta ja nykyisestÀ Ranskasta on kuulunut myös HRR:ÀÀn...)) historiaan
Kokonainen kirja tÀynnÀ tutkimuksia sukupuolesta ja sukupuolesta. Rakastan, kun suomessa termistö on vajaata. Niin ettÀ biologisesta sukupuolesta ja sosiaalisesta sukupuolesta, joka on muuten todella harjaanjohtava termi ja sitten kÀsitellÀÀn vielÀ seksualisuutta. Niin kuin 666/5 kirja ;-)) Kyseisen kirjan antaja pilaili, ettÀ ostaa punaisen kirjan tai jonkin vastaavan. HÀn on Sachsen Anhaltista, joten vitsejÀ ovat joko se, ettÀ hÀn on preussilainen tai kommunisti. NÀitÀ ei kuitenkaan voi yhdistÀÀ.
This Lonely Planet, minun lempparishoujomangan kuudes osa. TÀtÀ kun on vaan saksaksi niin se on kerÀttÀvÀ :T
Muut objektit lienevÀt tunnistuskelpoisia. Kukapa ei sukkia tunnistaisi. Tosin nuo nÀyttÀvÀt tuossa kuvassa hieman lapasilta mutta ei se mitÀÀn...
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Kisumisu ja öttiÀinen
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TÀllanen keli sitten tÀÀllÀ..
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petit-cottage · 9 years ago
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Tina Tamaki x Kisumisu furisode collection 2016
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afternooninthediscord · 8 years ago
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Hachi, Kisu, and Chibi playing CTF on Lijiang Tower in OW. (Circa 20XX)
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