#kish speaks
thechaosgallery · 1 year
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smoochinforabruisin · 11 months
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i still dont know that much about pikmin's universe or lore (getting to it) but rest assured, where there is a shameless bastard i WILL catch feelings for him
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hopefulyellowlamp · 4 months
being friends with minors suck i threaten them with fighting and they just go "youll be arrested then" like damn youre not wrong but ricky when i catch you ricky when i
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libraryleopard · 4 days
my main life update lately is that i'm deeply obsessed with this song
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thefluxqueen · 9 months
going literally so insane over ice skating yaoi rn u dont understand.
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osha-janitor · 2 years
[@osha-employee-john stares intensely at kishar, looking almost a little angry, or perhaps anxious.]
*Kishar, who was just a little bit outside of Utur's hut to get some air, doesn't mind the staring. They wave, politely, and hope that if John is anxious, they can help.*
Hello! I Do Not Think I Have Met You Before, I Am The Janitor, Also Known As Myrto - They Or It Pronouns, Please! May I Ask Who You Are?
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jobean12-blog · 11 months
Dark Desires
Pairing: Demon!Bucky Barnes x reader (Demon AU)
Word Count: 700
Summary: Now that he's finally found you he's never letting you go.
Author's Note: Another one for @pupandkisasaesthetics Aesthetic's challenge! Thank you bunches to beauties @sgt-seabass and @rookthorne for hosting such an awesome challenge!💕 And thank you bunches to my beautiful Ali @flordeamatista for reading this over and supporting me always!💕 Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰The moodboard is by me and the photo prompt I was given is the very top picture. I've also included it on its own at the bottom so you can get a good look!
Warnings: some angst and tension but he's soft (maybe soft!d-a-r-kish if you squint) and definitely s-e-x-y.
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In the deep, dark of the woods, where the moon’s pale light struggles to pierce through the dense canopy of trees, there is a thick silence other than the rapid thumping of your heart and the rush of blood in your ears.
Your feet catch on fallen twigs and branches, your skin scraped and torn but you don’t stop running.
Unseen eyes watch from the shadows, a presence so powerful you can feel it in your bones.
You’re being hunted.
Instinct fuels your escape but it’s futile as the forest seems to shift around you, pathways twisting and turning in a disorienting dance.
As you stumble over the ground and fall to your knees you suck in a deep breath, the whisper of wind carrying strange murmurs in a language you don’t understand.
Suddenly, you feel a cool breath at your neck, your hairs standing on end and goosebumps shivering along your skin.
You turn with wide, fear filled eyes but there’s nothing but the darkness of the woods pressing ever closer.
You stand on shaky legs and step carefully toward a large tree, pressing your back to the thick bark and searching for the source of the palpable force.  
A tall and broad figure emerges from the shadows, it’s silhouette only something you’ve seen in books and as it moves closer, steps measured and deliberate, you can start to see the outline of huge wings.
You squeeze your eyes shut and will the image away, digging your fingertips into the tree.
The voice, when it speaks, is a whisper against the shell of your ear, powerful in it’s seduction and dangerous in it’s temptation.
 A slow and deeply satisfied smile frames sharp teeth and his breath quickens when he inhales at the soft skin of your neck.
“Look at you,” he murmurs. “My perfect Angel.”
Your eyes are still closed tightly as a single tear rolls down your cheek. He lifts his thumb to tenderly brush it away.
“Open your eyes,” he says softly.
Unable to resist you do as he says.
“There,” he says, holding his saccharine smile. “Was that so hard.”
Your lips tremble as you try to find the words to speak. His thumb, still pressed to your skin, moves lower, tracing the outline of your mouth until he lightly presses against it, parting your lips.
“Don’t be afraid,” he coos, spreading expansive wings the color of twilight until you’re surrounded only by his presence. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
He tilts his head invitingly and holds your gaze, the horns that crown his head, twisting upward with artistic grace, glinting in the moonlight.
Your lips part further as something moves behind him, long and sinewy but before you can decipher what it is it disappears from sight.
“Wh…who are you?” you manage to ask as you finally let your eyes wander over the rest of his features.
He inches closer, his nearness creating a complex blend of emotions and sensations, blurring the lines between fear and desire in a way you could never have imagined.
His blue eyes are mesmerizing, their intensity both powerful and imposing but yet softened by an unyielding desire. Long but strong fingers continue to ghost over your face, his touch igniting a fire under your skin that spreads through your veins.
“James. You can call me James.”
You gasp out his name when you feel something slide along your calf. It’s touch is gentle despite the power you feel and as it explores the contours of your skin with reverent curiosity you become aware of what it is.
Each caress of his tail leaves a lingering trace of tingling sensations, awakening a trail of longing that seems to coil around your very being. He slides it between your breasts, lightly tracing the curve of your neck before he loosely wraps it around the delicate column.
“What are you going to do to me?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
His dark hairs falls forward, brushing your cheek as his soft lips caress your ear and his voice, like velvet, whispers promises that sink deep into the recesses of your desires.
“Everything Angel. Everything you’ve ever dreamed of.”
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@book-dragon-13 @hiddles-rose @randomfandompenguin @buckysdollforlife @blackwidownat2814 @late-to-the-party-81 @sebstanwhore @lookiamtrying @laineyreads @beccablogsthings @justkinsey @kmc1989 @littleseasiren
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billazzy · 2 months
alr. so we know what most narilamb fankids would be called as a species (shittens). but what about leshycat? here are some options I have thought of, let the people speak!
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Emma to Bruce
Dear Bruce,
Bruce, Bruce, Bruce. Will I keep writing to you when all these renovations are done? When things have returned to some form of normalcy? Or is normalcy over—is the crack in the Nephilim world one that can’t be healed but will only widen over time, with more and more changes, until finally there is too much change to bear? In which case I guess I will keep writing to you, Bruce, as a kind of silent witness to the strangeness of these times.
Sorry, sorry. I am feeling a little poetic tonight because Jem and Tessa and Kit and Mina arrived today and…well, that’s just kind of how Jem and Tessa talk. Being, you know. Way old. And because it feels like all this business with the cursed house is in its final chapters and I don’t have any idea how things are going to be after that.
In any event we didn’t do anything about the curse today, we just ended up visiting with the Carstairs-Herondales, who should definitely pick a shorter name we can use for them. Team Victorian Era? Team Time When Everything Was Very Romantic But It Took Forever To Get Anywhere? Hm. I guess I’ll ask them for ideas, since mine are, uh, bad.
There was some complication right when they arrived. We had picked out a couple of bedrooms for them to use and asked the brownies to make them up with sheets and towels and all that. And then we checked them before the guests arrived and I’m glad we did because the faeries had made up all the rooms for…birds? Like, for huge, person-sized birds. Big nests of sticks, six feet across, and branches to perch on. And big balls of birdseed hanging from the ceiling.  So we had to ask them to redo the rooms and the brownies looked so disappointed. (But we didn’t say the guests were birds! I have no idea why they thought that!) The worst part is they did a really nice job, like, if we were being visited by giant birds they would have been very comfortable. They still seemed puzzled when everyone did show up that Mina wasn’t a big egg. Faeries, man.
Speaking of Mina, who is not a big egg but rather a small toddler, she is extremely cute. She is walking now, or toddling, I guess, and she says “mama” and “dada” and also “kish” which apparently is what she calls Kit. And she has a little wooden toy stele that she is constantly trying to scribble on everyone with. Apparently Kit has been learning runes and Mina wants to learn them too.
We should have just gone straight into curse-breaking but to be honest we were just having a very nice time hanging out. Tessa and Jem are very easy to spend time with, which is nice given how high-strung most of our other friends are. I suppose once you’ve gone through all the stuff that has happened to them, it takes a lot to upset you. Just the way Jem talks about the curse makes me feel more reassured that we’ll be able to fix it, even though we don’t really know what we’re doing or what’s gone wrong so far.
They seem really impressed by the house, also, which makes Julian look all proud of himself in a highly adorable way. Tessa said the last time either of them were here was after Tatiana was arrested and sent to be an Iron Sister, and they were searching it for demon stuff. (Most of which, she admitted, they clearly didn’t find. It seems obvious from the way she talks that they didn’t understand how dangerous Tatiana really was until it was too late—I really want to ask her about that but it seemed a dark topic while we were all having a good time.) Jem said by that time it was already in pretty bad shape, but Tessa said she saw the house once “in its prime” at a ball, and then she blushed a little. Whatever happened during that ball must have been pretty impressive if she’s blushing about it 130 years later!
Of course there’s still that overall shroud of heavy memory that kind of hangs over the place, and no amount of new paint and replaced windows can help that. That’d be the curse, of course. Still, it felt cheerier this evening than it ever has before. For the first time I felt a little like it was our house and friends had come to visit and it was surprisingly nice and ordinary. As long as I don’t think about what’s going on with the Clave.
Also a concern: Kit. He was hanging out with us most of the day, but he was really quiet, for him, and a couple of times he excused himself to go take a walk in the garden. Julian said he thinks Kit broke up with his girlfriend and maybe he’s sad about that, but I don’t know. He was really jumpy whenever any of the builders were around, and kept a close eye on them anytime they were nearby. Round Tom introduced himself and Kit nodded, but he didn’t say his name or much of anything else. I mean, you can hardly blame him. His relationship to faeries, and Faerie itself, is complicated. According to Tessa, Cirenworth is very tightly warded against faerie incursions, and even the town and the roads nearby are protected. Magnus and Catarina made sure of it. So this would be one of the first times he’s been around faeries since the big battle outside Alicante; even though these faeries are safe, it must be weird for him.
But you know Kit. He has this aura about him like he doesn’t want to answer any questions about how he’s doing. Today he’s been out front, watching the faeries in the garden — it could be he’s worried about them, or maybe he wants to join them? I don’t know. Maybe Julian or I can get him to open up a little while he’s here. Or maybe I’ll get a moment to ask Jem or Tessa if they know what’s up.
Anyway, that’s all from me for now, Bruce. Tomorrow we break a curse! I hope!
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thechaosgallery · 1 year
(disclaimer : this is based on headcanons from a collector oc discord server. this may or may not line up with canon)
Arcie is my star child oc that i uh… don’t have much for. They use they/it/he/she and are about 600+ years, making them relatively young.
They tend to sleep a lot, not really caring for the rampage their species causes. Preferring to curl up in a little onsie and sleep the days away
When he is awake, though, he is rather hyper and chaotic, as per usual. He’s much more tame than most of the others, mainly due to her sleepiness.
She likes ducks, blankets, and anything soft. she also likes birds to the point that they added plushie wings to their onesie!!
(i don’t have that much art of them!!)
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strwbmei · 28 days
I love Kiamei, but Elymei also has my heart 💔😔 Apologies if I get anything wrong, I don't know jack about fashion/makeup ahaha
"Elysia... I'm thankful, but is all of this really necessary?" Mei sighs, following the pink-haired elf with an obnoxious amount of shopping bags hanging from her arms and shoulders.
Of course, Mei expected this as soon as she accepted Elysia's invite to go shopping, but only because she thought they'd be buying clothes for Elysia. Splurging on herself like this was an unfamiliar feeling to Mei.
Elysia only hums happily in response, already walking with a cheerful step on her way to a clothing rack filled with collared shirts in neutral colors. "Of course! Ah, these would look great on you. You look so dashing in black!"
"Hmm... We should also get you some crop tops. You should show off those abs once in a while!" Elysia comments, holding one in front of Mei to see if it'd be a good fit. "A crop top? Aren't those more your style?" Mei smiles, starting to accept her faith as Elysia's fashion model for the day.
Suddenly, Elysia looks as if she's had a ground breaking epiphany. Not a good sign. "Mei! You're a genius!" She starts grabbing crop tops of different colors, setting aside the one she was holding previously. "We should get matching ones! Hmm... What about heart patterns? Ooh, or I could have Eden design ones with our faces on them!"
Mei can't help but sputter and cough thinking of the idea. Knowing the other woman, she was most definitely not joking. "I think the heart patterns are enough. Pink or white would look great on you." Before she can even blink, Elysia was already nowhere to be found.
"Mei! Over here!" The elf waves Mei over, a bunch of shades of lipsticks in her hands as she does. Mei swears those makeup samples weren't there the last time they walked by. Perhaps it's the writer's will. "These shades were practically made for you, wouldn't you think?"
Elysia excitedly applies one on herself, and kisses the taller woman on the lips. Meanwhile, Mei is left at a loss for words. She could never get used to Elysia's sudden shows of affection. "See?" Elysia holds a mirror in front of her. (Again, where did it even come from?) The shade did in fact fit Mei perfectly.
"One more." Mei says. Now, Elysia is the one left flustered. "I mean, the lipstick is a bit off center, so-" the pink haired woman giggles at Mei's frantic attempt at explaining herself, opting to squeeze her cheeks. The action makes Mei pout. "You're so cute. You can just ask for a kiss, y'know?"
"Chsn I hvuh kish, pleash?" Can I have a kiss, please? Mei speaks through muffled words. Elysia stretches her cheeks a bit before finally letting go. "Of course. Pretty girls are my weakness~" She kisses Mei again, this time on the cheeks, much to the other woman's surprise.
"Ah, looks like I'll have to do it again."
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arcane-abomination · 2 days
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This is the ritual I use to consecrate things with Eldritch energy. It’s important to do this with every tool you decide to use. This is because Eldritch energy is so different from our earthly energy that there’s a good chance the energy of both sharing one object can often work against one another. This can cause difficulties during magickal workings so I’ve found it best to charm specific tools with either Eldritch energy or earthly energies, never both at once.
This doesn’t mean you can’t use one Eldritch tool with an earthly tool together in one ritual. You most certainly can. It’s the channeling of those energies into these tools that work better kept separated. Think of it like trying to hold water and fire together in one vessel. You can’t, you need to separate them into their own vessels to have them both exist simultaneously.
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⚜️ The Ritual Itself ⚜️
🌹 First off it’s important to cleanse the object of all residual energies. Do this however you like.
🌹 Next, set the item on a symbol of power like a pentacle or pentagram. Whatever it is you use. Fill free to open your circle as well if you fill you need to.
🌹 I call upon the Eldritch Trinity after this but you can call on whatever Eldritch forces you follow. You may substitute the names and descriptions in the following incantation as you wish. I also have a candle or representations for these deity as well.
“Ïa Yog Sothoth, the key and the gate, I call to you. Ïa Shub Niggurath the all mother I call to you. Ïa Azathoth, maker of the all and the forever, I call to you. Enter this space great Eldritch forces and join this rite.”
I make the sign of Voor here. I also take a moment and meditate, feeling their energy enter the space. This works better when vessels are involved but they don’t have to be.
🌹 Once that’s done chant this and give any offerings that you have.
“Lend me your power and strength I beseech thee. Bless and consecrate this tool so that I may inact my will through it.”
🌹Next, stretch your hands over the object and visualize the energies descending from the sky, down your arms, and out your palms into the object. You may use the sign of kish to at this time and speak these next words. Remember, now you are speaking to the object itself.
“You are the doorway to the beyond, the second site to all paths of the Eldritch, and the voice by which those beyond can speak.”
🌹 Finally, you will call forth the gods blessing.
“By the power of Yog Sothoth the key and the gate, Shub Niggurath the black goat with a thousand young, and Azathoth the creator life itself I concentrate this tool in Eldritch energy.”
🌹 Lastly, give thanks to the gods, release the energies you called upon, and close your circle. I make the sign of Koth at this point.
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The signs I mentioned; Voor, Kish, and Koth; are often used within Yog Sothothery. You can read about them here: The Eldritch Signs
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thefluxqueen · 4 months
the point of karaoke w ur friends isnt ta sing good. its ta scream sing NA NA NA NA as loud as possible and sing minecraft parody versions of songs by pullin up the lyrics on ur phone
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osha-janitor · 2 years
[Astatine would be wandering around aimlessly right now, if it were not for the fact that they want to hang out with Janitor. Thus, they are wandering around OSHA with a purpose, looking for Janitor as they go.]
-- @astatine-osha --
*Seems something is up, because unlike usual, the Janitor is nowhere to be seen... curious, since it's usually hard to be unable to find even one of their bodies per floor. What's going on here?*
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Kish: hax what are we thinking about?
Hax: rearranging his guts but by colour and texture and size cos of autism.
Kish: wonderful, remind me to never speak to you again ever.
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yamayuandadu · 2 years
Basic misconceptions about Mesopotamian mythology
Most of the so-called “Sumerian mythology” is simply the school curriculum of Old Babylonian scribes who did not speak Sumerian as a vernacular anymore, it’s a misnomer, sort of like calling medieval European copies of the Bible written in Latin “Latin mythology” would be. Sumerian is chiefly a language, not a religion.
It is difficult to tell if there ever was a full separation between “Sumerian” and “Akkadian” pantheons since even in the linguistically “most Sumerian” Lagash deities with Akkadian names were worshiped since the dawn of recorded history, most notably Ishtaran. There were also areas where Mesopotamian deities were basically mixed with Hurrian (Arrapha = modern Kirkuk) or Elamite (Susa and the “Elamite lowlands”) ones.
“Seven gods who decree” were largely invented by early Assyriologists who wanted a coherent, self-contained pantheon. In reality the composition of the top of the pantheon varied by both time period and location and rarely, if ever, the gods on top were seven in number.
Multiple deities early authors like Kramer or Jacobsen didn’t even bother to write about can easily count as “major,” for example Ishtaran or Nanaya.
Mesopotamian gods did not necessarily embody forces of nature nor was being related to a specific force of nature a prerequisite for being a major deity. In fact, some of the most major ones were tied to activities directly tied to organized society, like specific cities, medicine or scribal arts. Many deities who have nothing to do with nature are already attested in the oldest documents, too, for example the metalworker goddess Ninmug.
There are multiple works of literature older than Epic of Gilgamesh. Literally dozens.
Enuma Elish being treated as some grand central text of Mesopotamian mythology is kind of as if one tried to gain full understanding of Greek mythology by centering the declaration of deification of a single Roman emperor. Also, Tiamat is virtually absent from Mesopotamian texts otherwise.
It is physically impossible to draw a single family tree of Mesopotamian gods and in at least some cases new ancestors were invented specifically to avoid divine incest (confirmed by Wilfred G. Lambert). There are multiple deities with no genealogy to speak of, including regional gods, spouses of most major deities and divine courtiers. The genealogy of many deities was variable, too.
This being said - Nanna(/Suen) and Ningal being parents of Inanna was the default, not a variant tradition. Epic of Gilgamesh is an outlier in not following this view. Such was the power of this tradition that foreign deities treated as analogous to Inanna/Ishtar were assigned as children to corresponding moon gods... or just outright “borrowed” Nanna and Ningal as parents, as in the case of Pinikir.
The names Inanna and Ishtar more or less variably designated the goddess of Uruk, but there were other, not necessarily fully identical goddesses sharing these names - Inanna of Zabalam (that’s the one with a son, not Inanna of Uruk), Ishtar of Kish, “Ishtar” of Nineveh (in reality Hurrian Shaushka) and more. There were also multiple medicine goddesses. Many recent studies (1990s onward) generally emphasize the differences instead of lumping them together.
Inanna was not blamed for Dumuzi’s death in most compositions dealing with it.
Queen Kubaba has nothing to do with the similarly named goddess from northern Syria.
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