#kiriko douji
triumphantbass · 2 months
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Noodles stir-fried in sauce, enfolded in sweetened bread...
I don't trust much in this post-war word, but if there's one exception, it's my yakisoba pan.
Throwback cosplay pic today is Tsukasa Okino from 13 Sentinels offerring you some delectable Yakisoba Pan with *no* ulterior motives!
Field clothing pattern from folkwear sewing
Fabric from Miss Matabi
Yakisoba Pan recipe by pixelatedvicka
Construction myself, TriumphantBass
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beyondbinaries · 7 months
Okino pokeverse!!!
A mysterious student attending Uva Academy, presenting under the name of Kiriko Douji, they are extremely intelligent and a bit standoffish. Just like Penny, they are extremely tech savy, if not moreso.
Not much is known about them other than the fact they were recommended to the Academy and endorsed by Turo.
Tsukasa Okino has been in Paldea since his youth, mysteriously pulled back in time through the Time Machine. A child prodigy who would later help Turo with the creation of his ai form and fine tuning of the Time Machine so no other human could be pulled through. Before Turo's passing he'd ask Okino to look after Arven. Which Okino would gladly come to do. Although not before he'd erase all mentions of a boy from the future from Ai Turo's memory box. Leaving the memory that Kiriko Douji was the granddaughter of one of Turo's investors. A simple way to gain access to Uva without a potential incident occuring.
With Okino travels a mysterious pokemon! Name tba but uh hav its fc. It beby u all should die for it
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grraveryl · 4 years
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Wait... Douji? Any relation to Professor Heizou Douji?
I’m his daughter. I hope that doesn’t bother you...
N-No, far from it! I just never imagined his daughter would be so, ah...
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unit-zero-two · 3 years
Queer Representation in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
13 Sentinels was a game I picked up because the trailer looked neat. I had no clue what the gameplay was even like, I just felt adventurous. And I was rewarded with a fantastic game that constantly surprised me in the best possible ways. One of the ways I was surprised was in the actual textual existence of queer characters. Plural. And with a queer relationship developed and promoted prominently on screen between main characters.
Now, with the increase in queer media around the board, this alone isn’t worthy of praise. My enjoyment, and I suspect that of a lot of people, comes from the fact that there was no expectations or promises made, and yet the game still delivered. It was just there, causally, in a AAA game published by a decently well known studio. It’s a good example of what we’re asking for when asking for queer rep. It being allowed to casually exist and flavor games that aren’t just dedicated to telling these stories.
Like a lot of media if you go in expecting flawless queer representation suffusing every aspect of the game, you will be disappointed. This is a game with 15 main characters and most of the cast ends up in straight relationships. But not all of them. And past those relationships, there is still a queerness that is allowed to exist and be shown throughout this game that constantly impressed me.
I will work through the textual, on screen examples of queer representation one by one. There will be spoilers for this game in the post, so if that is something that you care about, please finish the game first before continuing. Due to the non-linear storytelling and gameplay nature of 13 Sentinels I can’t really set timestamps or anything. If you’re not done yet, but still curious to read, I personally feel like nothing I say here will ruin the experience for you. Through it’s strange nature, this is arguably a spoiler proof game and knowing what is to come can help you view the events in a different, but still enjoyable, light.
Textual Queer Representation in 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
The place for us to begin will be with one of the 13 playable characters, Takatoshi Hijiyama. Hijiyama is very much a young man defined by when he was raised in the story. 1945 Japan in the middle of WW2. He is nationalistic and proud of Japan, it’s culture and tries to stand for it’s values. While training to be a Sentinel pilot, he falls for the demure Kiriko Douji, daughter of the professor in charge of the project. His prologue begins with him following Kiriko and finding her operating a time travel system. Kiriko reveals three things: 1) she’s the real scientist behind the project, 2) her real name is Tsukasa Okino and 3) she is a he. Okino leaves 1945 and Hijiyama chases after him. What then follows is a very clear romance storyline as Hijiyama works though self-discovery of his sexuality, his internalized biases and some good old jealousy.
Throughout his story, Hijiyama shows attraction to Okino both dressed as a woman and as a man. It’s made clear that the clothes and gender presentation aren’t the main defining factor for his attraction to Okino. He also shows attraction to some of the girls, implying a sort of bisexuality. But in the end, Okino is the one he directs his attention and dedication. The pair even share a robot in the final battle.
Next we have Takatoshi Hijiyama...of 2188. Through a data log Hijiyama finds during his story he finds out that his self of 2188 was in a committed, queer relationship with Tsukasa Okino of 2188. The two openly express their love for each other in the logs, and Hijiyama 2188′s final words are to mourn the death of his lover. The game makes it very clear what their relationship is. And watching this is a turning point for Hijiyama and how he views Okino. Seeing the death of Okino 2188 shakes him, and hardens his resolve and love.
Tsukasa Okino is an interesting character for many reason. We see him first dressed as a woman. When asked about it, he comments “Let’s just say some binaries work for me, and others don’t.”. Throughout the story, Okino alternates between being dressed as a man and a woman. He’s a very practical person and expresses several times his thoughts on both forms of dress and the pros and cons he finds in wearing them. But he never says, “I’m actually a man/woman or I prefer to wear men’s/women’s clothing.” To him, both forms are equal and he switches between them as he feels like through the story. There is also a point in the epilogue where Okino reveals that he can hack into the simulation and change his gender if he wishes. He then offers to turn into a woman and to sleep with Hijiyama. This is a very confident offer made by someone secure in their identity and sexuality. Hijiyama is understandably flustered at the teasing.
Okino openly shows sexual attraction to Hijiyama, mostly presented as teasing jabs at him. As with 2188 Hijiyama, 2188 Okino is explicitly in a Queer relationship and openly affectionate in the data logs. For the most part, present day Okino is busy during the narrative trying to save everyone from the Kaiju, but still finds time to flirt with Hijiyama.
Hijiyama and Okino are the clearest in text examples, but there’s one other stand out example. Iori Fuyusaka. For the most part she spends her story being boy crazy and confused by strange dreams, but there are two interesting moments with her. The first is during the battle section. One of the scripted after battle sections plays and it’s Iori tripping and she scrapes her hand. Yuki Takamiya helps her up and puts a bandage on her hand. It is a very slow, very tender and very deliberate scene. After Yuki leaves, Iori blushes and comments, “Whoa, what the...why is my heart racing right now? Wait, does that mean...? But I didn’t think I was...I mean, what if...” This scene makes it very clear what Iori is feeling and what she is discovering about herself.
In another scene near the beginning of the game in Iori’s story, she’s looking for a cat. She comes across Juro and Shu talking to each other in secretive whispers and embarrassed blushes.
Shu: Just listen. This is a first for me too. You feel it, right?
Juro: ...
Shu: I want to pursue this with you. Please!
Juro: I dunno...it's just...
The edges of the background softens and the camera shifts to center them, soft music plays, and Iori blushes. While the scene itself is a pretty standard confused for gay joke, it’s interesting to see it from Iori’s point of view. When caught, she says:
"I, uh...umm...I think as long as you love each other...it's okay..."
Juro is embarrassed and corrects things. Shu just laughs and is amused by the idea of dating Juro.
Juro: Do you believe us [about our dreams]?
Iori: Well, actually...I'm more surprised to hear that's all it was. Cause, I thought...
She blushes and is interrupted by the bell ringing and class starting.
And in light of the scene with Yuki, it becomes interesting in reflection that her thoughts would go there so quickly. Whether she was conscious of it or not, Iori is very aware of the possibility of same sex attraction. Whether that’s clever foreshadowing or just a neat coincidence is mostly irrelevant.
Uh...that of course brings us to Yuki Takemiya. So...Yuki will get her own post. Because there’s a lot there. Most of which I would argue is heavy subtext. I love the character and her plotline, but it it would be stretching to say that she is textual queer representation. But there’s still a lot to talk about.
13 Sentinels is a game that deals in all variations of relationships; familiar, platonic and romantic, and it’s great that it included queer representation into the text like it did. Hijiyama and Okino gave us a romantic queer relationship, twice, and Iori gives us a Bi-Sexual character who while not in a relationship with a woman is still queer. And that’s always good representation.
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ill337erate · 4 years
In the scene where Okino is probing Hijiyama’s mind, I have two main theories about what’s actually going down. I don’t like that scene if it’s meant to be taken at face value because it’s uncharacteristically cruel for Okino; this goes way past “intellectual curiosity.” Okino does seem to disregard people’s bodily autonomy when it comes to literally saving the world from destruction, which I think is at least morally defensible, but that excuse doesn’t apply to this scene. We also see he cares about Hijiyama’s wellbeing, keeping tabs on how rested he is and when he has eaten. It’s a huge departure from that gentle, parental nature for him to tie the guy up and pry his personal secrets out of his mind. Hence, my two theories/headcanons about the scene.
The first theory is that Okino is just bullshitting. I think he may have been checking whether Hijiyama was the commander and/or making the modifications needed for him to pilot Sentinel 12. Okino couldn’t see who was in Ogata’s mind, so I don’t think there’s any reason he would be able to do so in Hijiyama’s, much less know exactly what he felt or thought about a topic. I mean, Okino had to ask Ogata whenever he woke up in his pod for information. Okino couldn’t tell that Ogata was imagining a train station, that he himself was a character on that train station, nor could he discern from the data whether Ogata had found the key or not. With that in mind, it seems highly unlikely that he could see the things he was telling Hijiyama. This would essentially be another case of Okino teasing Hijiyama but the “gotcha” moment would have happened off-screen.
The second theory is that Hijiyama literally dreamt the scene. The next morning, he makes a comment about feeling like he woke up from a terrible dream, which I think can be taken at face value. When he comments about how messed up it is that Okino can mess around someone’s head, he very well could be referring to what was happening with Ogata. One of the things that clued me in to this possibility is when Okino says that Ogata had nothing for him so he decided to probe Hijiyama instead... but why would he do this? We know that Ogata was probed until he escaped, so did Okino just keep Ogata tied up somewhere else?
I think both options have interesting connotations for Okino and Hijiyama respectively. If we assume the first option is the case, the one where Okino is lying about what he’s doing to Takatoshi, I think it shows that underneath all the snark, he really is a little bit desperatw for Takatoshi to admit he still likes him after the Kiriko Douji persona came off. I think it’s pretty clear Okino likes Hijiyama from the start, and the internalized homophobia on Hijiyama’s end was the only thing standing between them after they met back up in 1985. Not cool to take it that far, but I think it falls within Okino’s character to do something like this.
If we assume the second scenario is true, it reveals Takatoshi’s anxiety about his feelings, coupled with the realization that Okino can probe someone’s mind from watching Okino do it to Ogata. He’s afraid Okino will be able to see his true feelings, and yet... why does he like the idea anyway? I think it makes perfect sense as a dream since it combines things that he’s been struggling with during his waking hours.
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shimshenanigans · 3 years
Just finished 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim...and it was so good 😭
A perfect combination of visual novel gameplay with really satisfying strategy game mechanics. Both part of the same game, but in different segments so you can play what you want. Granted, once you reach certain parts you gotta play one or the other to unlock further segments, but it never felt grindy. Plus if you seriously just want story, the difficulty on the battle maps can be changed.
I didn’t outright-cry at the end (probably because my eyes still feel a little burned out because the visuals on that last map was just...soooooo much info all at once. That’s pretty much my only criticism of the game. It wasn’t very many maps, but there were just a few where there were so many enemies that I could tell it was pushing my PS4 to its limit, plus it was a lot to interpret. Once you get used to it though, it’s not too hard.
Another slight criticism is how Okino’s gender was handled, but it wasn’t like...totally bad or even central to their character. I’m honestly not sure what pronouns to use to refer to Okino since they did say, in-game, that ‘some binaries work for me, and some don’t’, and during the actual gameplay it was played pretty straight. It’s more in the lore and just a couple later scenes where Okino is referred to as ‘he’, which *seems* be to Okino’s preferred pronoun, even if only by a bit. It’s more in the lore where ‘he’ is repeatedly used. Then again, when referred to when Okino was playing the part of Kiriko Douji, it doesn’t describe it as a bad or derogatory thing at all in the lore bit, just that Okino was ‘presenting’ as a girl. While it could have been handled with more finesse, I’m honestly surprised that it was handled as well as it was, especially considering that it’s freakin Atlus of all studios. I hope this is a step in the right direction for the company when it comes to gender non-conforming characters.
Also, Yuki is Best Girl. Iori is a close 2nd.
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demifiendrsa · 5 years
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim details sub-characters, battle system
■ Important Characters Connected to the 13 Protagonists
Tsukasa Okino (voiced by Mutsumi Tamura)
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A high school prodigy with an extremely high IQ. He is familiar with the Defense Force and has created various technologies, including the Sentinels. He is full of intellectual curiosity, and has a habit of turning a deaf ear to what others say to act on his own accord. In 1944, in order to adapt to the era, he cross-dressed as a girl who called herself Kiriko Douji.
A mysterious high school prodigy who can skillfully fool others. What is his objective…?
—A cross-dressing Okino suddenly professes to Nenji Ogata. Takatoshi Hijiyama knocks down Ogata from a burst of jealousy.
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—Where is Tomi Kisaragi, and what is she doing?
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—Iori Fuyusaka and Juurou Kurabe working together in a facility in the future.
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—“Seize the Sentinels”—an alarming phrase. Is Okino a friend or foe? The mystery deepens.
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—How much information has Okino learned about the “fate of ruin”?
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Chihiro (voiced by ???)
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A little girl who can always be found with Renya Gouto. She cherishes her rabbit plushie that she carries in her yellow bag. The kindergarten uniform she wears was prepared by Gouto.
A young girl implanted with someone else’s memories and personality.
—Gouto finds the young Chihiro and implants Morimura’s memories to seek her guidance.
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—In 1945, Chihiro was Keitarou Miura’s adorable little sister.
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—The little sister that Miura jumped over 40 years in time reappeared in 1985 as a completely different person.
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Kyuuta Shiba (voiced by Youji Ueda)
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Juurou Kurabe’s childhood friend. Together, they would always watch science-fiction and tokusatsu (special effects) movies. He is a simple-minded person who is socible, fun to be around, and is always making jokes. He possesses some sort of mysterious power.
A seemingly ordinary, mischievous high school boy. What is his true identity…?
—Shiba and Kurabe having a seemingly ordinary high school boys conversation. After school, they often go to Shuu Amiguchi’s house to play video games.
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—After a certain incident, Shiba becomes known to possess a mysterious power.
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—Shiba erases Kurabe’s memories. They don’t seem to be ordinary friends…
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Miwako Sawatari (voiced by Eriko Matsui)
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A close friend of Iori Fuyusaka and Tomi Kisaragi. The three of them often hang out as a trio and eat sweets together on their way home from school. She has a reserved and kind personality. She is self-conscious about her plump figure.
A girl who loves food, love stories, and charms!
—She likes handsome boys and seems to be a fan of Shuu Amiguchi.
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—She has a keen interest in Fuyusaka’s connection to Ei Sekigahara. She has all sorts of crazy ideas.
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—Eating sweets after school is a daily routine!
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—Nenji Ogata is a childhood friend.
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—She jumps with Ogata and Tomi Kisaragi from 1985 to the ruined 2025…
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■ Battle Parts
The objective is to defend the base from attacking kaiju (monsters). Choose a defense area, then form a team based on the type of kaiju that are appearing. Your party can consist of up to six characters. There are event scenes during battle, and the strategy combat is both immersive and exhilarating.
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The invading kaiju target the Terminal. If the Terminal falls, the defense operation fails. Destroy the kaiju while defending the Terminal!
—The Terminal, your base of defense.
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Choose a Sentinel and attack the enemy! There are various types of kaiju, including ground and flying types. The most effective attack methods differ depending on the kaiju, so check their type to determine the best course of action.
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When defeated by a kaiju, a significant amount of time is required to repair your Sentinel unit. If the damage you take from kaiju attacks builds up, perform a “Sentinel Repair.” During a repair, you will disembark the Sentinel, which is a dangerous situation. Temporarily retreat to a safe location while waiting for the repair to finish, then return to the front lines.
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The defense is a success once the kaiju have been safely destroyed. Depending on the battle results, you may receive bonuses, and by clearing given missions, you can receive new Mysterious Files. Characters will also level up.
Three Battle Styles
With Casual Mode, even players who are not good at battles can clear fights without a hitch. Enjoy the game based on your own play style!
Sentinel Introduction
There are four types of Sentinels—“Close-Range,” “All-Purpose,” “Long-Range,” and “Flight.” This time, we will look at the All-Purpose type used by Juurou Kurabe, Ryouko Shinonome, and Iori Fuyusaka. This is known as the Second Generation Sentinel.
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In addition to attack weapons from close to medium range, this Sentinel also boasts support armaments. Its heavy armor weighs 2,200 tons. Players will be able to use the three units No. 13, No. 14, and No. 15.
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The pilots of the Second-Generation Sentinels are Juurou Kurabe, Ryouko Shinonome, and Iori Fuyusaka.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
Publisher Atlus and developer VanillaWare have shared new information and screenshots on 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim introducing sub-characters Tsukasa Okino, Chihiro, Kyuuta Shiba, and Miwako Sawatari, as well as the game’s battle system.
Get the details below.
■ Important Characters Connected to the 13 Protagonists
Tsukasa Okino (voiced by Mutsumi Tamura)
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A high school prodigy with an extremely high IQ. He is familiar with the Defense Force and has created various technologies, including the Sentinels. He is full of intellectual curiosity, and has a habit of turning a deaf ear to what others say to act on his own accord. In 1944, in order to adapt to the era, he cross-dressed as a girl who called herself Kiriko Douji.
A mysterious high school prodigy who can skillfully fool others. What is his objective…?
—A cross-dressing Okino suddenly professes to Nenji Ogata. Takatoshi Hijiyama knocks down Ogata from a burst of jealousy.
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—Where is Tomi Kisaragi, and what is she doing?
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—Iori Fuyusaka and Juurou Kurabe working together in a facility in the future.
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—“Seize the Sentinels”—an alarming phrase. Is Okino a friend or foe? The mystery deepens.
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—How much information has Okino learned about the “fate of ruin”?
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Chihiro (voiced by ???)
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A little girl who can always be found with Renya Gouto. She cherishes her rabbit plushie that she carries in her yellow bag. The kindergarten uniform she wears was prepared by Gouto.
A young girl implanted with someone else’s memories and personality.
—Gouto finds the young Chihiro and implants Morimura’s memories to seek her guidance.
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—In 1945, Chihiro was Keitarou Miura’s adorable little sister.
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—The little sister that Miura jumped over 40 years in time reappeared in 1985 as a completely different person.
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Kyuuta Shiba (voiced by Youji Ueda)
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Juurou Kurabe’s childhood friend. Together, they would always watch science-fiction and tokusatsu (special effects) movies. He is a simple-minded person who is sociable, fun to be around, and is always making jokes. He possesses some sort of mysterious power.
A seemingly ordinary, mischievous high school boy. What is his true identity…?
—Shiba and Kurabe having a seemingly ordinary high school boys conversation. After school, they often go to Shuu Amiguchi’s house to play video games.
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—After a certain incident, Shiba becomes known to possess a mysterious power.
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—Shiba erases Kurabe’s memories. They don’t seem to be ordinary friends…
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Miwako Sawatari (voiced by Eriko Matsui)
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A close friend of Iori Fuyusaka and Tomi Kisaragi. The three of them often hang out as a trio and eat sweets together on their way home from school. She has a reserved and kind personality. She is self-conscious about her plump figure.
A girl who loves food, love stories, and charms!
—She likes handsome boys and seems to be a fan of Shuu Amiguchi.
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—She has a keen interest in Fuyusaka’s connection to Ei Sekigahara. She has all sorts of crazy ideas.
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—Eating sweets after school is a daily routine!
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—Nenji Ogata is a childhood friend.
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—She jumps with Ogata and Tomi Kisaragi from 1985 to the ruined 2025…
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■ Battle Parts
The objective is to defend the base from attacking kaiju (monsters). Choose a defense area, then form a team based on the type of kaiju that are appearing. Your party can consist of up to six characters. There are event scenes during battle, and the strategy combat is both immersive and exhilarating.
The invading kaiju target the Terminal. If the Terminal falls, the defense operation fails. Destroy the kaiju while defending the Terminal!
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—The Terminal, your base of defense.
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Choose a Sentinel and attack the enemy! There are various types of kaiju, including ground and flying types. The most effective attack methods differ depending on the kaiju, so check their type to determine the best course of action.
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When defeated by a kaiju, a significant amount of time is required to repair your Sentinel unit. If the damage you take from kaiju attacks builds up, perform a “Sentinel Repair.” During a repair, you will disembark the Sentinel, which is a dangerous situation. Temporarily retreat to a safe location while waiting for the repair to finish, then return to the front lines.
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The defense is a success once the kaiju have been safely destroyed. Depending on the battle results, you may receive bonuses, and by clearing given missions, you can receive new Mysterious Files. Characters will also level up.
Three Battle Styles
With Casual Mode, even players who are not good at battles can clear fights without a hitch. Enjoy the game based on your own play style!
Sentinel Introduction
There are four types of Sentinels—“Close-Range,” “All-Purpose,” “Long-Range,” and “Flight.” This time, we will look at the All-Purpose type used by Juurou Kurabe, Ryouko Shinonome, and Iori Fuyusaka. This is known as the Second Generation Sentinel.
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In addition to attack weapons from close to medium range, this Sentinel also boasts support armaments. Its heavy armor weighs 2,200 tons. Players will be able to use the three units No. 13, No. 14, and No. 15.
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The pilots of the Second-Generation Sentinels are Juurou Kurabe, Ryouko Shinonome, and Iori Fuyusaka.
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is due out for PlayStation 4 on November 28 in Japan. Read more about the game here and here.
View the screenshots at the gallery.
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triumphantbass · 1 year
I'm 50% of the way through 13 Sentinels and this is now a Tsukasa Okino stan account.
Genuinely all of the character traits I like rolled up into one. We love a smug genderfluid tech wiz being a saavy duplicitous manipulator who also maintains a charming relationship dynamic in spite (because?) of that.
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triumphantbass · 6 months
"Let's just say, some binaries work for me, and others don't"
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My cosplay of the mischevious genius hacker Tsukasa Okino (or was that Kiriko Douji) from 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim.
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Fabric missmatatabifabric
Hippari/Monpei Pattern folkwearsewing patterns
Construction and photography myself, triumphantbass
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triumphantbass · 8 months
Thank you thatllamagirl for my new Twitch emotes!
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Okino thinks (13 Sentinels) and Teaks Peeks (Sea of Stars)
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grraveryl · 3 years
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This is highly classified material, and you’ve seen too much.
Damn you, Okino...
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