#kiri/spider is canon to the fic
space-blue · 2 years
Miles doesn't know what a songcord is. Spider has an awkward time explaining.
Spider Socorro & Miles Quaritch fic! Dialogue heavy, emotional hurt, angst, banter, and hopefully a cute Spider... Miles is not having a great time in this conversation.
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Guys I am on the edge I am losing it. I haven’t written fanfiction since freshmen year of high school, since then I’ve said all my writing will be publishable. And yet I am mere seconds away from losing myself to a Sully family adopting Spider fic what is wrong with me. The chokehold this series has on me. Anyways here are some headcanons that have been giving me holes in my brain:
-All the Sully's constantly argue over who Spider likes best, especially Kiri and Lo'ak. "That's my best friend" "NO, that's my best friend." "I knew him first." "Well, that's not fair you were born first. I've known him my whole life." Then dark horses Tuk and Neteyam come in like "You'd be surprised to learn spider actually likes me best." For a while after Tuk was born the competition was HEAVILY in her favor and everyone was mad about it. Neteyam doesn’t participate unless he wants to annoy someone, but no one thinks he’s in the running as much as he actually is. Spider has no idea this competition exists and whoever tells him is instantly disqualified so he never will. 
-This shit absolutely applies to Jake and Neytiri too if/when they officially adopt him. Which parent Spider likes best competition. Who can get him to call them mom/dad first wins. It’s absolutely RUTHLESS and everyone knows about it except Spider. I’m fairly certain Jake and Neytiri’s love language is borderline unhealthy competition. Bets are made, sabotage is attempted, Tonowari definitely tries to help his bestie Jake and whatever plan they come up with is dumb as hell, I don’t know what it is but it’s stupid. Ultimately, Neytiri wins. Jake is not sad about it actually. 
-Tuk is every parents worst nightmare. Her siblings are so much older than her, she has been desensitized to everything. When Lo’ak and Kiri were Tuk’s age they were fighting over a toy, but Tuk is pretty sure she’s ready for an Ikran. She is the ringleader of all her friendgroups and she can manipulate anyone into anything. She was the youngest to do everything in her family just to keep up with her siblings, and that means she knows so much more than all her friends her age. She taught them all the swear words they know, and she definitely told every child in the clan how babies are made as soon as Lo’ak told her and they were ALL way too young to know. 
-The entire clan is worried Jake and Neytiri will have another accident child. Only they were surprised by Tuk, no one else was. 
-Neteyam confides in Spider in a way he can’t with his siblings. Not only are they the oldest, but I think he isn’t afraid to not be perfect in front of Spider (This is why Neteyam is Spider’s favorite jkjk). I think they have a lot of chill talks up on the mountains, or they go flying and Neteyam’s just like “What if I fail at the hunt tomorrow?” or some shit and Spiders like “Well, it would be about time, and then you would just try again.”
-Spider is Mo’at’s least problematic grandchild, and the one that annoys her the least consistently. Kiri is still her fav tho. There is no Mo’at’s fav competition because everyone knows Kiri would win, but sometimes Lo’ak says he’s her fav because their names are similar and then everyone calls him stupid.
-Speaking of Mo’at, I’m pretty sure her and Jake get drunk together at least once a month. I don’t know what they talk about but GOD I want to. Only Norm has ever been invited and that was like one time and it’s because he and Mo’at are secret besties.
-Spider gives the best advice ever, because of being the only human child on Pandora he has empathy for everyone. He’s the best person to go to if you did something wrong because he’s for sure done something worse. Unfortunately he is incapable of taking any advice himself, and he is def suicidal a lil. You cannot convince me that kid doesn’t wake up every day wanting to die a little bit. 
-For a solid half a year certified dumbasses Lo’ak and Jake were pretty sure Rotxo was some sort of spirit from Eywa because they never met his parents and never saw him go home and he was always somehow around. They shared this theory with no one but each other, which is good because it’s dumb.
-I think once adopted, Spider is a mama’s boy. He craves physical attention and he has been raised essentially Na’vi in a way that Jake hasn’t. I think he would connect with Neytiri’s parenting style more, I think they’d do a lot of weird shit together that the other kids would rather die than help with, like cooking or mending shit. I think Spider would be literally delighted to help with boring household chores with his mother and that’s so mamas boy of him. He’s a “mother, do you need help with dinner, can I do the dishes so you can sit down?” kid while all the rest of them are gagging and calling him a suck up in the background.
-It comes to a head when he tries to help make lunch instead of going surfing with Lo’ak, Kiri, and Ao’nung, and they have to have an intervention. It’s very serious, everyone was there, Tsireya, Ao’nung, Rotxo obviously came because I’m convinced he doesn’t actually have a home. They treat Spider like a five year old going to his first day of preschool.
-Spider and Neytiri also both have experienced such immense loss, and it shaped them both so much at such a young age. I think the way they would talk about it would be similar, and it would be a connection discovered that wouldn’t be vocally acknowledged often but they would both have that. It’s a mutual understanding that the others can’t get as much that helps them get past any animosity and fear. It takes them longer to get to casual conversation actually.
-If Spider ever got an Avatar Mo’at would make them put off the full transfer until he was older 50% because of his safety and 90% because he’s forced to spend time with her every night when he goes back to his human body no matter where they are. She is vocally grumbling always about how her family never visits. He does not pretend to hate it.
-It started out because Spider wasn’t taking care of his human body well enough, for sure. He’s Jake coded. Mo’at was on Feed New Grandson For Daughter duty. But now it evolved and he’s popping out of the link after a long day of Spearfishing with the Boys (I believe this is Tonowari and Jake’s fav father/son + Rotxo bonding activity) and Mo’at is there with Norm and Spider’s dinner like “you will not believe what this idiot warrior did” and Norms like “Do tell” and Spider has his second dinner with the HOTTEST TEA in the Omaticaya camp that Norm and Mo’at can spill. And one time he’s like “Lo’ak fell off a tree today because he’s too used to the water now” and then when Lo’ak finds out about that he pushes Spider out of a tree (from a safe height).
-(He has to recount this tea the next morning to Jake, this is what he and Mo’at did when drinking, he pretends he wants to be up on current affairs in his former tribe but Jake Sully is a gossip whore and he isn’t hiding it well). 
-No one else is interested in this but Lo’ak. He cares so much. It’s Spider spilling the hottest tea with so much disinterest (he only cares because it’s Mo’at and Norm) and Lo’ak and Jake like gasping and then pretending they didn’t. 
-Obviously Kiri and Spider’s bond is insane and unbreakable but I think one time he stepped on a bug and she didn’t speak to him for the entire day. He probably has nightmares about that day. But also Lo’ak did the same thing once and she didn’t talk to him for a week so. 
-I like to think the rest of the Omaticaya do love Spider cause he’s just that weird little guy that’s always like crouched on the rocks and in the trees and shit. I think he and the Sully’s do have other friends and do spend time with others, but Spider, Kiri, Lo’ak, and then later Tuk, all spend literally every waking moment together because they all can’t escape that little feeling that they don’t quite fit in. 
-Tuk doesn’t feel this way she just wants to be there. Neteyam totally feels this way he just feels like he has to be responsible.
-Neteyam also spent every waking moment with them until he had Adult Business to attend to, like learning to be in charge. Now he just spends all his free time with them. His friends are probably like “Why do you want to spend all your time with your little siblings?” and he has Vietnam flashbacks to the 17 things that Lo’ak and Spider did that almost got them killed that week alone (but also he loves being with them all).
-When the Sully’s leave Mo’at is really sad but Norm visits her annoyingly for weird advice that he doesn’t actually need every day and she pretends to hate it but doesn’t because they are secret buddies. 
-Idk if this even happens to Na’vi but Neteyam’s human dna finds a way and he goes prematurely grey for sure. Kids so stressed it’s a miracle he doesn’t go into cardiac arrest. 
-Tonowari and Ronal literally don’t know where Rotxo comes from half the time. He’s just always there. One time when Ao’nung was a baby Tonowari turned around for like 15 seconds to stoke the fire and then there were two babies, Ao’nung and Rotxo, on the mat. 
-Lo’ak doesn’t think things through. Spider has no self preservation skills. There is a difference. So when Lo’ak suggests a dumb thing Spider will probably do it first cause he has recognized and acknowledged the risks, he just doesn’t care, whereas Lo’ak hasn’t realized yet. So he’ll test it out for Lo’ak first. The amount of dumb shit Lo’ak did went way up when Spider was captured because his human test dummy wasn’t there. 
-Once with the Metkayina, Spider and Lo’ak have found a kindred dumbass in Ao’nung (+ Rotxo). He’s never thought a single decision through in his entire life (neither has Rotxo, he’s just here to vibe). They are menaces.
-Unfortunately for everyone, Jake and Tonowari created them from their own very loins, and they too, are dumbasses. If the RDA ever leave them alone the amount of bad decisions the five of them (and Rotxo) will get up to will be astronomical. There’s at least one incident that gets Jake and Tonowari exiled from their respective marui for the night and they have an Adult Men sleepover on the beach that is like the most fun either of them ever had, but they pretend it was no fun at all when they come back. 
-After that Tonowari replaces Mo’at as Jake’s monthly drinking/gossip buddy. Tonowari has never met most of the Omaticayans, but he could ruin lives with some of the info he has. 
-This one might be out of left field, but I think every single Sully child has had a crush to varying degrees on Spider at some point. I think Spider has never even remotely fathomed that anyone on planet Pandora has ever or will ever like him, and if anyone ever did he might just die of shock. He thinks he’s dying a virgin, probably at a young age.
-Ronal and Neytiri go on pretending to hate each other long after they became friends just for fun. No one figured it out until Neytiri was the first choice babysitter for Ronal and Tonowari’s new baby for like the tenth time.
-If Spider ever beats anyone at anything he believes they let him win and literally nothing can change his mind. He’s convinced baby Tuk let him win in a foot race one time, and that Lo’ak fell out of a tree on purpose to let him win a climbing race. The most criminal one is his claim that Ao’nung got a hole in his net intentionally so all his fish escaped and Spider had more. The joke is that no one other than Neteyam or Tsireya would ever let him win. 
-The amount of times a Sully child accidentally dislocated Spider’s arm trying to pull him somewhere is way higher than anyone wants to admit, but Spider can now relocate his arm on his own like a pro. His pain tolerance is way higher than anyone’s should be. Kid just braces that shit against a tree and pops it back in and everyone is horrified every time. The first time it happened in front of the Metkayina kids Ao’nung threw up and then Lo’ak laughed until he cried. Spider shouldn’t use that arm for at least the rest of the day but he used it to shove Lo’ak for Ao’nung.
-Spider loves babies, will stop, drop everything to watch any baby, because he knows how much Na’vi treasure children and he never feels more important then when he gets to watch a little kid because he was trusted to keep the kid safe.
-Lo’ak and Spider are equally matched at sparring because Spider knows where Lo’ak is ticklish.  
-One time Kiri and Lo’ak had a sleepover with Spider at the lab. Norm pretended to hate it but then let them sleep in the room with Grace’s tank and also made them cookies. It was the best night of Spider’s life. Tuk was too little to go and threw the most massive fit ever about it so Neteyam stayed back to keep her company and he was Very Mature and Not At All Jealous about it. 
-They brought him back a cookie, and then everyone was tired all day because literally no one slept except for Tuk. They all took a nap halfway through the day all in a little puppy pile and that was the real sleepover. 
-Post sleepover, the amount of printed out images of human Jake Sully from video logs with like dumb things drawn on him that have made their way around camp is insane. Norm made the kids draw mustaches on him for sure. Jake can’t take a single solitary step without there being a picture of him with a dick for a nose on a tent pole. He was probably stressed about something and this was Lo’ak’s brilliant Cheer Up Dad plan. It was the worst plan ever, but for some unknown reason it worked, and Jake keeps cackling at them like a crazy person when he sees them. Retaliatory Norm pics are in the works, Jake got all the kids in on it this time. Tuk is really good at drawing pa’li shit on Norm’s head.
-Neteyam knows everything about everyone so when he gets in on teasing and jokes his are fucking crazy accurate and targeted, you’ll never recover. Tuk has picked this up from him and she has that little kid talent to destroy you. 
-Every single time someone goes somewhere Spider says some shit like “I hope I see you again!” and everyone knows it’s not a joke and no one finds it funny but he can’t stop doing it.
-The pact that was born between Ao’nung and Lo’ak to impress their respective love interests is the Fight Club of all pacts, either would kill the other to keep it quiet and not feel even a little bad about it. Lo’ak teaches Ao’nung to climb trees to impress Neteyam and Ao’nung teaches Lo’ak to surf to impress Tsireya. Ao’nung eats shit so hard that Lo’ak almost literally dies laughing but then Ao’nung doesn’t warn him about rip currents so he can rescue Lo’ak in front of Neteyam like he’s in Baywatch, coming out of the water all dramatically and with a lil hair flip and then presenting him with his half murdered little brother like a gift.
-The Sully children have been divvying up who gets what of Jake’s stuff when he dies since Tuk was like four. Obviously, they will be devastated, but it’ll be a little less sad when Kiri gets Jake’s coolest knife and not Lo’ak, or Tuk gets his best arm band before Neteyam can call dibs even tho it won’t fit her. It was a lot funnier before the RDA came back. 
-No one has ever dared to do this to Neytiri’s stuff. 
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kamiko1234 · 5 months
Avatar fantasy AU....
....where instead of being huge blue aliens, the Na'vi are just rly tall elves with blue markings. And the RDA instead of an organization is acctualy just a medival empire and global superpower.
The Na'vi, like in canon, are very connected to nature and Eywa. Instead of being a global consciousness she's an actual deity in this however, who grants the Na'vi following her a special affinity for magic.
Humans on the other hand live largely disconnected from Eywa, and only very few of them even have any acess to any magic. And even then it's just one spell, the ability to cast it and the spell itself being hereditary.
Now usually Na'vi and humans don't really interact, even if they live on the same planet in this AU. Humans tend to keep to their own cities , settlements and kingdoms while Na'vi stay in wild nature and special places where Ewya is especially strong - called Pandora.
For hundreds of years it was a live-and-let-live situation and mindset between Na'vi and humans. Unfortunately, as always, the RDA had to fuck it it up.
Starting about 3 generations ago the then emperor of the RDA Empire decided to start a war of aggression against the Na'vi. The reason being a mix of wanting to gain acsess to multible precious resources that laid on or beneath the ground the Na'vi lived on. The other reason was that the then king feared the Na'vi's connection to Ewya, viewing them and their ability to use magic as an danger to his empire's rule.
While slow at first due to the radical resistance of the Na'vi, the RDA Empire made steady process in the years. Killing thousands of the (comparatively) already small Na'vi population. Not least due to the fact their royal bloodline was one of the few human bloodlines who passed down a spell among themselves.
The spell being the ability to destroy anything biological - a perfect fit to fight the Na'vi.
The current emperor, Quaritch, distinguishes himself with an exceptional level of cruelty and brutality in the war that was started by his own grandfather.
Enter : Kiri.
In this AU Jake and Grace were born as Na'vi, with Grace still mysteriously becoming pregnant but dying at childbirth.
Growing up Kiri had a relatively normal childhood despite the ongoing war. She was raised alongside her siblings in the inner lands of Pandora where the human war machine hadn't reached yet.
All in all, their childhood was pretty similar to canon. With the exception that anything human was completely missing from it.
As it is, however, such happiness doesn't last forever. Because soon enough the RDA and Quaritch reach even the inner lands of Pandora. And with them, Kiri and her family.
With them, the human armies bring unbelievable destruction during another surprise attack. Kiri and Neteyam got separated from Tuk and other Na'vi fleeing from the destruction while Jake and Neytiri took to defend against the humans.
And as if that wasn't bad enough already, Neteyam got hit with crossfire and proceeded to die in his sisters arms (sorry my guy, but your death is a canon event).
This leaves Kiri alone, separated from her family and people with no idea if they are even alive, in the center of an attack on her people with the explicit goal to kill or atleast displace them.
To say the situation is grim is underestimating it, yet through some miracle of Ewya Kiri manages to survive and flee - albeit being forced to flee into RDA territory.
She manages to disguise herself as human - hiding and changing anything that could identify her as Na'vi with her magic. She makes up a backstory of her being a child from a small village on the outer borderlands and takes traveling.
Her goal is to attempt to find her family. While there are still parts of Pandora untouched by the RDA Empire, there is no way Kiri could reach them right now. All means of traveling to them are heavily monitored on the orders of Quaritch - not to mention the fact that the war still hasn't stopped, the borders to Pandora are quite literal warzones.
Kiri reasons that she was forced to escape to RDA territory, so maybe atleast some of her family did too ? And even if she doesn't find any of her family there, she can still attempt to gather information and somehow cross back into Pandora.
Multiple shenanigans and hijinks later, Kiri ends up in the RDA capital city. Desperately in need of funds and a place to stay, she does what may be the most dangerous thing she has ever done yet. She enters into the royal palace by working as a maid.
The palace was always in need of help, afterall. The pay was one of the best Kiri could get, considering how she had only little skill useful for any human. Not to mention that the job came with a roof over her head inform of a small chamber in the servant's quarters.
She was anything but thrilled, of course. To serve at the home of the man had destroyed her life and caused the death of her brother - but there simply wasn't another option. Kiri comforted herself with the fact that Quaritch was rarely ever at his palace, instead being away leading his armies. There was no reason to fear anyone discovering her disguise either.
Still, this was anything but nice. Kiri still wasn't used to wearing human clothing. Everything was unfamiliar. The other servants were unfriendly- clearly annoyed by the fact that they had explained so much to her.
But the worst would probably be the disconnect from Ewya.
Back home it was easy to connect to Ewya through the nature around here. But now ? The human territories already were much less soaked with the presence of Ewya. The capital city itself only added more to the absence with the lack of nature around.
The plan is to work at the palace for a few months. Enough to gather the funds necessary for her to continue her search. After that Kiri could leave and never return back to this place.
The royal garden made things a bit more bearable though. It was ironic. Another maid had told Kiri once that the royal gardens were a great source of pride for the imperial family. With plants, trees and animals carefully cultivated and cared for, the garden was known as the most beautiful one in the entier Empire. And Kiri had to agree.
Because even though this garden was so distinctively human and human made, it was the closest thing to nature she had- the closest thing to Ewya.
And to think that it was owned by Quaritch himself, who was known as "the demon" among her people and whose family that the explicit power to destroy anything nature.
Technically only the imperial family and their guests and the few servants tending to the garden were allowed inside it. Kiri, as a simple maid, had no place being there.
She didn't really care though.
Not when this place was one of the few ones where she could atleast attempt to feel Ewya again, and to come to rest and be somewhat calm again.
Kiri took her precautions of course- she went at night or late evenings only, using her climbing abilities to scale trees and walls to avoid using the conventional entryways. She made sure no one was around before even entering the gardens.
She was sure no one would discover her.
Then someone discovered her.
It was night like any other. There really was no reason to expect anything like that- Kiri had entered like always. Looked around like always, and had made sure she was atleast somewhat well hidden behind a tree before she closed her eyes to concentrate on the trees and plants around.
To say she was surprised when she felt a hand on her shoulder and a voice asking what she was doing and who she was.
Upon opening her eyes, Kiri was met with one very confused looking human male teenager of around 16 years old.
She wasn't sure what to answer the other, she knew she wasn't supposed to be there. Should he report her- she'd be thrown out in the best case.
The other meanwhile continued to ask if she had come out there too to watch the stars. Not wanting to admit her actual reason she quickly agrees with it.
In response the boy then tells her that they can watch the stars together, yet again Kiri agrees. She figures that he probably won't report her. It's night, so she couldn't really make out any of his features. But she's pretty sure he has long hair, which is pretty unusal for a human male from what she's seen.
Either way, the boy proceeds to sit down next to her. Saying that this is the first time he has had any company, and questions wether she does this often or not.
And while Kiri doesn't come here to watch the stars like the mystery boy next to her, she does come out here almost everyday. She answers the question like that.
What follows is a..... weirdly nice conversation ? Which is kind of weird considering how it was the middle of the night, in a place Kiri wasn't even allowed to be with a human teenage boy whose name she didn't know and face she didn't see.
The boy talked about the stars, and Kiri talked about liking the plants. She mentioned being a maid and when he asked for her name again she even answered it.
Someth told her that she could trust the other one.
When she wanted to ask for the name of her unkown companion, foreign voices sounded suddenly. Other humans, guards, probably.
Panicking about being found, Kiri quickly took took off when her companion told her to. She had half a mind to ask him to come with her, surely being found in the royal gardens would get him punished too ! But before she could he was already halfway across the other side, walking towards the other humans and telling them that "everything is okay", and that he's "comming to them."
A bit confused as to why the teen was walking towards the other humans Kiri continued to take off and managed to escape without being recognized or caught, or atleast she thinks she did.
She starts to doubt this when, come next morning, she get's an offical summon from no other than Miles Soccoro-Quaritch II. Crown prince of the RDA Empire, only son and heir to his father, the only other person in the entier world to share the demonic power to destroy any form of life with a simple spell - a single look (that was the only thing that his father needed, atleast).
Kiri thought she'd die then and there. Walking the halls to meet the prince with a guard escorting her on either side felt like walking to her execution. She hoped this was because she was infact recognized yesterday night, and that the prince would simply punish her and throw her out of the palace for it-
-should he have discovered her, discovered her Na'vi origin...... she'd get to meet the demon's spell herself. That she was sure off.
Kiri had never met the prince herself. The other maids said that only the best of the best got to serve the royal family, the servants often of low nobility themselves. A lowly peasant maid like Kiri wouldn't even enter anywhere close to any space the prince was in.
Still, this was the son of the man who had attacked her home- who had Neteyam's blood on his hands. A child raised to take his fathers place- one should assume it would act similat to it's elder.
She was lead through the halls, entering the inner palace and living quaters of the royal family. Easily recognizable by the decorations growing more and more lavish.
Finally, Kiri stood before a large door. And then another male voice told them to come in- did it belong to the prince ? -Kiri expected to be faced with a younger version of the demon Quaritch himself.
Instead she stood across a human teenage boy roughly 16 years old. With long blode hair falling behind his shoulder, choclate brown eyes and a smile that was- kind ?
The prince looked kind.
Kiri, in all the imagery and dread crossing her mind on the way here, she had never imagined the prince to look kind.
There were two other men with the prince, too. Older ones. Adults. Their clothes spoke of them as nobles- they didn't wear any servants uniform. But their outfits were by far not as royal looking as that of the prince- clad in what looked to her in a white uniform with green accents. A matching cape drapped halfway over one of his shoulders.
The girl hadn't even notice how she starred until the prince snapped her out of it by asking, "You are Kiri, right ?"
And then he added, "I believe we met last night."
Hearing his voice, suddenly it all clicked for Kiri. And her heart freaking sank.
That was the unkown boy from the royal garden. Kiri had watched the stars and talked with the litteral crown prince of the RDA Empire.
She's getting kicked for sure- well, atleast her disguise wasn't revealed.
"I'm Miles, by the way. But you can call me Spider, too. That's my nickname." The prince filled the silence again. And Kiri takes a good second to even register the information. And then, before she could even stopped herself a confused "huh ?" sounded from her lips.
Turns out that the crown prince of the RDA Empire is a genuinly nice and good guy. The two other adults next to him, introducing themselves as Norm and Max thankfully help explain some things.
Kiri had met the crown prince already, even if she didn't know it. He decided, on a whim, to go star gazing as he did occasionaly when he couldn't sleep. And that's when he met Kiri. Norm and Max had gone searching for him after guards noticed that he wasn't in bed. They were the foreign voices interrupting before Spider could give Kiri his name-
-oh yes, and by the way, the prince would prefer it very much if he could simply be called Spider. No formal adress or titels or anything. And he wouldn't punish her for entering the royal gardens either.
Kiri's head was swimming with all these reveals. The two men introduced themselves as Spider's mentors for academics, and the men incharge of managing the prince's staff.
Glorified butlers, Spider jokingly called them. (When Norm shot him a look, he laughed dirty. And Kiri suddenly remembered how Lo'ak would laugh dirty when he teased her back when-)
Spider also says that he would like to get to know Kiri better- become friends with her.
And suddenly the world stops, and the girl doesn't know what to answer. Spider seemed like a good kid, nothing like his father at all. Deffinetly not some noble snob, and he obviously treated other people with respect even if they were below him technically. As proven with the fact that he was willing to make friends with a lowly peasant maid, simply because he liked her personality.
He had an adventurous side to him, proven by his mentors at some point lamenting the fact that it apperantly wasn't the first time he had escaped to the gardens at night when he met Kiri.
He was funny, cracking jokes like he wanted. Kiri almost forgot that technically, he was the crown prince of an entier empire. The son of the man who had destroyed her home and seperated her family, and technically her enemy.
He talked to her like they were two teens going on a hunt together. Kiri barely has any experience with human nobility, but generally they always talked down to her and what they called the "lowly peasantry" Yet Spider never did that, even if he was at the top of the hierachy- second to only his father.
Kiri felt tempted to relax around him. Spider was probably one of the kindest humans she had ever met-
-but who knew how he'd react should he find out about the truth ? He was acting under the assumption that she was human afterall, Kiri found it hard to believe that Spider hadn't learned to hate her people like his father did.
Still, what choice did she have ? This was the crown prince afterall, she couldn't refuse him. She ends up sitting down, at some point. Spider in his part seemingly fully attempting to just hold conversation with her- getting to know eachother, he called it.
He asked about her past, to which Kiri hastly relayed her by now well praticed story.
"I come from a small village on the outer borderlands. We didn't have much, but wer were happy. I'm here to work and save money to take back home."
Upon hearing this, Spider immideatly offers Kiri to become his personal maid. The salary would be higher, and the work surely not as taxing. He admires her for her "dedication to her family", and wants to help.
Kiri is suprised at the offer, but takes it nonetheless. Even if she got even closer to the proverbial lion than she already was- the salary was a strong argument. Shortening the time she is forced to spend here significantly.
And something told her that Spider wasn't too bad, either.
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normspellsman · 9 months
masterlist ଘ♡𓏲﹒ॱ˖ ﹆
this is my new & improved masterlist page! links to my works will be posted on here as well as fic recommendations <3.
i really suck at summaries so whatever i put down as the little summary is not the entirety of it
♡ = fluff | ☹︎ = angst / no comfort | ✧ = comfort | ♢ = suggestive content | ♠︎ = other | ❦ = requested | ❀ = popular
here are my rules / my request info page! <3 (requests are closed!)
AVATAR (first film)
— none!
secret — ☹︎ | ♢
neteyam x fem!human!reader ➡︎ neteyam had a forbidden relationship with human!reader. but once he announces to the reader that is he arranged to be mated to another, their relationship comes to its inevitable end.
to the ends of pandora — ♡ | ☹︎ | ✧ | ❦
neteyam x fem!human!reader ➡︎ alternative ending / part two of the fic above! after months of being separated and ending on less than good terms, reader and neteyam are finally reunited.
this weight on my shoulders
she is mine + part two — ☹︎ | ♡ | ✧ | ♠︎
neteyam x fem!omatikaya!reader ➡︎ reader is with lo’ak and the rest of the sully children when they get caught by quaritch and his team. can neteyam make it in time to save reader?
this time, let me take care of you — ✧ | ♡ | ❦
neteyam x fem!human!reader ➡︎ reader is not happy with neteyam continuously putting himself on the line for his younger brother. she tends to his wounds while trying her best to be understanding.
neteyam & human!reader as besties! — ❦
deja vu + part two — ☹︎ | ✧
lo’ak x fem!tawkami!reader ➡︎ instead of seeking refuge within the metkayina clan, jake and his family seek it in the tawkami clan. due to this, it causes detrimental loss to the tawkami people and the potential downfall of lo’ak and reader’s relationship.
closure — ☹︎
lo’ak x sibling!reader ➡︎ following the death of reader, lo’ak finally visits the metkayina spirit tree and begins his journey of healing after a well needed trip down memory lane.
i believe you — ✧ | ♡ | ☹︎ | ❦
lo’ak x fem!older sister!reader ➡︎ after receiving a scolding from his parents about payakan, lo’ak is nowhere to be found. but no worries, reader always finds her littler brother and makes him feel better.
take me with her + part two — ☹︎ | ❀ | ♢ | ✧ | ♡ | ♠︎
lo’ak x fem!human!reader ➡︎ reader is taken along with spider by quaritch and his team. will lo’ak be able to get back his love? or will the time apart and their differences tear what they had apart?
from me to you
fem!navi!reader being lo’ak’s mother!
feels like we buried alive something that never died
Tuk (strictly platonic/familial)
time has moved forward but you’re still the same
forever + part two + part three + part four — ☹︎ | ♡ | ♢ | ✧
ao’nung x fem!sully!reader ➡︎ when lo’ak catches reader and ao’nung cuddled up together one night, he expresses his distaste towards their relationship and nearly ruins his relationship with his twin sister. will lo’ak and reader be able to make up or will this put a dent in their bond forever?
hard for — ♢ | ✧ | ♡
ao’nung x fem!sully!reader ➡︎ upon hearing a rumor about ao’nung one night when reader is out with tsireya and kiri, she confronts her boyfriend about his true intentions with her.
sports i think the metkayina trio + spider would play (modern au!)
Jake Sully
a lesson in pinky promises — ☹︎ | ✧ | ♡ | ❦
jake sully x fem!daughter!reader ➡︎ being the eldest sully child isn’t easy and the other clan kids make sure you know of your “alien blood” nearly every day. what happens when, after a bad beating, jake finds reader crying and trying to bandage herself up?
soft heart
Sully Family (familial/platonic)
can only hope — ☹︎
sully family x familial!reader ➡︎ instead of neteyam dying, it is reader who takes his place.
the sea gives & the sea takes — ☹︎
sully family x familial!reader ➡︎ it’s time for the sully family to say goodbye to their eldest child in respects of the metkayina way.
sports i think the sully children would do (modern!au)
Spider Socorro
a kiss, perhaps — ♡
spider socorro x fem!human!reader ➡︎ reader has explored every inch of the forest she called home. well, nearly every inch. spider knows that she hasn’t visited this one spot yet and plans to take her there as a surprise.
stay away from her
sports i think the metkayina trio + spider would play (modern au!)
Fic Recommendations! <3
anything by @teyamsatan !! she’s literally such a good writer & her works hit every time istg. more specifically tho, her cardigan saga/series. that shit fucked me up but also healed me & made me giggle + kick my feet at the same time. worth the read 100%
anything & everything by @peacelovepandora . love their works!! (night hunters is the first fic i read of theirs & it holds a special place in my heart 🥹)
+ more to be added as i’m revamping my page!
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lucozadehulahoop · 2 years
Star-crossed. Lo'ak x fem!human!reader
This was originally posted on my side blog @thankeywa. It's a brand new blog and tumblr thinks it's a bot so it's not giving it visibility. Please go give it some love, I want all my avatar!related stuff to be on there.
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I know that literally nobody asked for this, but I've noticed a disturbing lack of Lo'ak fics out there, so I've decided to give my input. I've had a story in mind for a while now, and I needed to get it out there. It will be a reader insert to make it more accessible, but it's somewhat based around an original f!character, so I apologize for that in advance if it gets too specific.
WARNINGS: Lo'ak is 20 years old in this and so is the reader, I do not write about minor characters. There will be eventual mature themes in this so MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS WORK.
For everyone else, if you like my writing, please let me know if you want to be on the tag list for future installments and SEND ME REQUESTS (head canons, imagines, sfw/nsfw, ecc.) ! I love that shit.
words: around 1.200
summary: reader is a human left behind on pandora, she grew up with the remaining humans who'd been aloud to stay on the planet after the war and has been friends with the Sully clan her entire life. She and Lo'ak were best friends until he began to pull away from her in their teen years for seemingly no reason. This story is about them reconnecting on the day of her twentieth birthday, and dealing with the feelings they have for each other and the obstacles that come with them being from two different worlds.
TW for this chapter: angst, smoking (don't do it, ever), brief mentions of alcohol, brief mention of war and death, brief mention of child birth, reader can breathe on pandora.
Y/n looked at the 'birthday cake' made out of cookie rations that Norm and Max had made for her. No matter how many years would pass, her dads always knew how to get creative.
"I'm twenty years old, you guys don't have to keep throwing me a birthday party." She reprimanded them softly, though her heart was filled with joy. Y/n was so thankful to have people in her life who cared enough to make her day special every single year.
"Considering you spent most of your early existence tied to test tubes to stay alive, we're merely celebrating the scientific marvel your continued survival has been." Norm joked, raising a beer, and y/n shoved him, before blowing out the single candle that had been meticulously re-used each year. It was a wonder how there was any wax still left on it.
"What did the birthday girl wish for?" Max asked, reaching for a dried-up cookie and cringing slightly at the taste as he chewed on it slowly. "The whole point of a birthday wish is to keep it to myself... or it won't come true. Honestly, I question your two's knowledge of Earth's traditions." y/n shook her head, before taking a celebratory sip of alcohol.
Norm and Max left eventually, back to the main base. They were more than capable of piloting a helicopter those days, and y/n was all grown up. More than capable of living by herself. What once had been an avatar lab, smack dab in the middle of the forests of Pandora, had been converted into her home. Pandora's rapidly repopulating fauna had surprisingly left her residence alone, well... mostly. There were still some creatures who couldn't help but keep themselves away. And by creatures, she meant Spider. Y/n was also friends with actual people like Neteyam, Kiri, Tuk, and... Lo'ak. Truth be told, she didn't know whether or not she and Lo'ak were even friends anymore. They'd been thick as thieves for as long as she could remember, always getting him out of trouble and fixing him up after a scuffle with his siblings. But then, around her sixteenth birthday, he'd started pulling away, and y/n had never understood why. They'd had a big fight about it, bottom line, he hadn't wanted to be around her anymore and y/n had to accept it.
"Open up! It's fucking freezing out here!" Came Spider's loud voice followed by an incessant banging on the door that immediately pulled y/n out of her reverie. "Alright, alright..." she laughed a little as she went to let them all inside. The Sullys were always insisting on spending birthdays together, even though some of them were now getting too big to even fit inside her 'home'. Neteyam had to walk around with his back bent forward, and Kiri knocked over quite a few things before they made it to y/n's main living space, which was more or less Na've-proof. "Happy birthday!" Tuk hugged her and y/n struggled not to feel crushed by the embrace. Even the littlest Sully was now nearly as tall as her.
Y/n let them all inside, already giving them dirty looks at the sight of gifts. "I told you guys not to..."
She stayed on the doorstep a little longer, gazing out into the night, desperately hoping one last uninvited guest would turn up. She felt Neteyam's hand on her shoulder. "He's not coming. I tried to talk to him but he was being a skxawng as usual..." Y/n blushed, not really wanting Neteyam to know she was pining for his younger brother. "Oh, right! I was—just checking you were all here..." she closed the door and they both went back to join the others.
"Alright come on, your mom is going to kill me if you get back late and I don't have enough space in here for all of you. Spider would have to sleep outside." Y/n teased, trying to let Tuk understand it was time to go. "Hey!" Spider protested at her lighthearted jab, but knew it was time for them to get going. Nobody wanted to get on Neytiri's bad side. Y/n hugged them all goodbye and thanked them for the presents: Tuk had made her a lovely drawing, and the others had collectively made her a rather beautiful necklace, which she immediately wore. Y/n waited on her doorstep till she could no longer hear the sounds of her friends chatting, and then proceeded to do two incredibly dangerous things: she sat outside of the protection of her bunker, all alone in the cold Pandora night air, and lit up a cigarette.
She'd discovered a terrifyingly endless supply of cigarette cartoons back at the base almost a year prior, and as soon as she'd tried her first one, she'd gotten addicted. Y/n hadn't told Norm or Max, of course, as it would have broken their hearts, especially because of how fragile she was. Y/n's mother had gone into labor in the aftermath of the battle for Pandora between the Na'vi and the Sky people. The soldier had lost her life giving birth, but her baby had survived, taking her first breath in the inhospitable Pandora air. Norm was convinced Eywa herself had kept her alive, had given her the ability to take in the air that hadn't previously failed to kill any other human. Sure, it had come at the price of being particularly fragile her entire life. And how was y/n repaying that gift? By cutting her miraculous existence short more and more each day. Thankfully, it was a while since she'd been used as a test rat, or had check ups of any sort. As far as the Sullys were concerned... they were way better off not even knowing what she was doing to herself.
A sudden rustling in the trees instantly made y/n alert and she didn't waste any time getting back inside. She showered, and shamefully hid her smokes somewhere her dads or the Sullys wouldn't look. When she had nothing else left to do, y/n forced herself to crawl into bed, placing a hand over her necklace. Her wish to see Lo'ak hadn't come true in the end, and while not surprising, it still hurt like hell.
"A pack of viperwolves? Seriously, Lo'ak?" Y/n groaned in frustration as she cleared her table for her best friend to lie on.
"I thought I could take them." He hissed as she doused him with disinfectant. "Yeah, well, you know human medical treatment hurts like a bitch, so it's either my way, or you're going to have to fess up to your parents about what you did." Y/n tried to sound cold, but she'd always been too soft on him.
When they were younger, and Lo'ak still hadn't grown to be double her size, they would often fall asleep together in her bed. "You don't have to keep doing this shit to prove something, you know?" She whispered to him one night, turning over to look at him and gently touch his face. "Your parents love you. And so do Neteyam, Kiri, Tuk and Spider. Lo'ak, I— we— don't want to lose you."
Y/n was almost asleep when a loud 'thud' coming from outside woke her. Something was moving on her roof, or rather, someone... Y/n didn't show whether she was dreaming or not as she looked out the window and locked eyes with Lo'ak, because the second she did, he seemed to slide off the top of her bucker, falling down into the grass below with a loud groan.
He'd probably just woken up half of the animals on Pandora.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 10 months
tsamsiyu ta'em - healing and closure part one
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Masterlist - part thirteen
Summary: In the aftermath of the battle, some tensions are high, and the Sullys have to learn how to let go.
Pairing: Ronal/Tonowari/Original Female Character
Tag: #tsamsiyu ta'em fic
posted on ao3
Word Count: 6k+
Warnings: canon-compliant, mature language, slow burn, polyamory, found family, cool aunt agenda, rushed, time skips, fluff, angst, major character death, child endangerment, etc.
Taglist (bold indicates "could not tag"): @motheroffae @undeniableadrenaline @mooniequeen @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @heart-an0n @amiets2 @slutforsmut4ever @yeosxxx​ @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @sucker4angstt @inolaphoenix @ilovechickenwings @tojisleftarm @andyfromku @ivysully @lightandshadow31
A/N: As Anakin Skywalker once said, "This is where the fun begins." 😈
I had to split this chapter into two parts because it was getting to be over 15k words... so expect the second one soon!
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Smoke continued to fill the air well into the new day after the eclipse was spent in nothing but war and bloodshed. Ronal could still smell it all in her nose, making her stomach churn but she stomped down her disgust and continued her duties as tsahik. While the Sully family sat around their dead son and brother, quiet and in shock, too tired to move from their spots on the rock surface, she tended to any of their treatable wounds. For the most part, Toruk Makto was the worst out of all of them, with several cuts and bruises littered across his face and body, likely sporting broken ribs on top of that. He insisted on waiting for Ronal to heal him, however, in exchange for his daughter and his sister to be treated before him.
Young Kiri had knife marks on her neck and when Ronal provided a salve, the young girl reverted to her own healing knowledge as a tsakaremand treated the wound herself without saying a word. Meanwhile, Makayla was sporting matching knife wounds on her neck, a bruised tswin, as well as a cut-up, twisted ankle. Ronal took her time treating the female avatar, using long, leisurely strokes of her fingers along Kayla's throat, spreading the salve across the thin slice. She did her best to be gentle around Kayla's queue braid, prodding gently around the base at the back of her skull. Kayla never spoke a word, shivering under Ronal's touch and simply nodding her head in gratitude once the tsahik finally wrapped her foot up. Ronal nods her head in return and moves away to treat Jakesully.
He had placed himself beside his sister while Ronal tended to her, and when it was his turn to be inspected for injuries, he took the time to explain to Kayla everything that happened and filled her in on moments she missed during the fight. Ronal wasn't fluent in the Sky People's language, but she caught a name called 'Quaritch' falling from Toruk Makto's mouth, and the word 'dead' followed it.
"He's gone," Jake told Kayla grimly, "I made sure of it."
"Alright," his sister croaked quietly, her voice shot from all the screaming and crying she had done throughout the whole battle. She didn't say anything else.
Meanwhile, Kiri and Lo'ak were gathered around Spider, listening to him as the human boy told his friends what had happened to him after Quaritch captured him. It was clear that he was leaving some parts out and simplifying certain moments, but neither of the Sully siblings questioned it, knowing that it had been a long, trying day and everyone was exhausted. Kiri and Lo'ak will eventually want to learn every little thing that happened to their friend but today was not one of those days. Those kids had been through enough as of late.
Spider informed Jake and Kayla of the more important details of his escapades, mentioning one of his masks had a tracker in it, but he wasn't sure if the exo-pack that had been thrown to him while abandoning the sinking ship had one as well. Jake and Kayla exchange a silent look between siblings and already, they were making plans for any upcoming battles, reverting to their old, military ways and as children of war.
Once Ronal appeared satisfied with everyone's wounds, she carefully stood up and returned to Tonowari and their children, who had stood off to the side to give the Sullys their respective space, "I have done all that I can from here, but I will need to tend to the rest of our people, and preferably from the healing huts where I have all of my supplies."
Tonowari nods in agreement before turning his eyes to Jake, who meets his gaze as the chief gently speaks, "We must return to the village to tend to our wounded and mourn our losses."
Jake gives Tonowari a solemn nod, two fathers who were exhausted both physically and mentally, drained from what they endured trying to protect their families. With very few words, Tonowari gathered his wife and children to follow him back into the water, but not without some tear-filled expressions as Tsireya and Ao'nung were hesitant to leave their friends in their sorrow. Rotxo appeared to be their voice of reason until finally, the three reef children dove back into the ocean to summon their ilu.
Toruk Makto watches the olo'eyktan and his family leave before turning to his own wife and children, "We should head back, too. Let's go, everyone."
Neytiri merely nods, her silence holding a heavy chill throughout the whole family. Her eyes stared off into the distance, far away from her mind while still holding onto Neteyam with all the strength she still had left. It was only after Jake bent down to pick up their son's body that she was able to shakily stand herself, letting go of Neteyam's cold hand in exchange for Tuk's warm, little one.
Kiri and Lo'ak stood once their mother did so, the latter of the two beckoning their human friend to follow them, "Come on, Spider."
Spider nods and dutifully stands, only to freeze right in his tracks when Neytiri's yellow eyes flick onto him. The entire family froze alongside him, watching Neytiri with caution as if the scene where she held a knife to Spider was still fresh in the back of their minds. Only Lo'ak seemed to be confused, looking around at his family after they had all appeared to turn to stone the moment Spider moved. Spider visibly stopped breathing, a small wave of fear returning when those same eyes he had witnessed become unhinged and animalistic continued to size him up. Neytiri didn't appear as threatening as before, however, now more defeated than enraged in the heat of battle and after the loss of her child. Before, she looked at Spider as a means of killing Quaritch's spirit in exchange for Neteyam's death and Kiri's freedom. Now, she looked at the human boy as if he was a dead pest left in front of her marui.
When Neytiri finally spoke, her voice was no better than Kayla's, hoarse and broken, but still capable of stabbing Spider in the chest like ice, "No. We cannot take him back to the village, or we risk giving away the Metkayina's home to the Sky People."
Lo'ak reared back at his mother's words, immediately defensive, "What are you talking about?"
"We can't just leave him here." Tuk whimpered.
"And we cannot bring him back to the village," Neytiri told her children firmly, still glaring down at Spider, "Or we risk him telling those demons where we are."
Jake's word of warning is interrupted by none other than Spider, the teen's words falling out of his mouth before he could stop them, "Why would you believe I'd do that?"
The world stills and the Sullys are just as equally shocked by him speaking up against Neytiri of all people before he continued without much thought, hurt by her accusation after everything he's been through for her family, "What have I ever done to make you believe I would betray the Na'vi?"
Her yellow eyes simply narrowed, "You've been the demons' prisoner for so long. We don't know what you told them."
"I didn't tell them anything!" He shouts back, but not to be angry or feared. His shout was broken as if he was crying and begging. He was shouting to be heard, to be seen, "I never cracked!"
"Why were they flying ikran?" Neytiri argues back with nothing but more accusations, "Who showed them how?"
"I was buying time for someone to save me!"
"Why would we? You were finally with your own kind!" She shrieked, drawing Spider to pull away and full-body flinch.
"Mom, stop it!" Kiri cried out.
Jake tries reaching out for his wife, "Neytiri..."
Her own yelling had triggered the tears of anguish to return, Neytiri's eyes immediately spilling her grief once more as she looked back at her husband. Jake froze where he stood, feeling as though he was brought back in time as he stared at the same expression Neytiri bore when she first lost her father and Hometree all those years ago, forcing Jake to be reminded of his past mistakes, 
"These demons..." she shuddered in hatred and distress, "They learned our ways. They learned the will of Eywa, and yet they still hurt our Great Mother and our children. We can't teach them. They cannot be taught. It's like what my mother told you. It is hard to fill a cup that is already full."
The words were thrown back in his face, Neytiri might as well have slapped him. Jake looked down when he couldn't bear to look her in the eyes anymore, only to fall onto the sight of Neteyam's body nestled safely in his arms as if still an infant. The mental image only drove Jake into biting the inside of his cheek, fresh tears spilling out of his eyes but he refused to release a sound. His left ear twitches at the sound of someone stepping up beside him, his sister's voice coming to his defense.
"'They' are the people Jake and I were born into," Kayla finally spoke up, stepping forward with only a little bit of difficulty no thanks to her ankle. Her eyes were stone when looking directly at her sister-in-law, "You forget that, Neytiri. You forget where Jake and I come from."
"That is different," the Na'vi woman shook her head defiantly, "You've learned to love and respect our ways."
"And Spider has done nothing but love and respect your ways his whole life!" Kayla shouted back, causing all the children around her to flinch and lower their eyes. Neytiri turns to stone, solidifying her stance and refusing to back down. Kayla was huffing out pent-up anger and exhaustion, her voice like gravel as she gritted out, "I've easily killed more people today than Spider ever has in his lifetime. Why am I more deserving of your respect than he is?"
"Enough," all eyes -except for Kayla's- turn to Jake, his own voice broken and not strong enough to command as easily as he's used to. Jake cleared his throat to correct his voice before pointedly staring between Neytiri and Kayla, "You two, not now, please. Kayla... Kayla."
She finally looks away from Neytiri at the sound of her brother addressing her. Jake continued, "Spider was mentioning a tracker in one of the masks he was wearing. This one's different but it wouldn't hurt to be extra cautious. Do you have a spare?"
Kayla shrugs, looking away to continue carefully watching Neytiri while responding, "I might. But if we're really worried about the RDA tracking us down, I'll try to see what I can do to detect a tracker in his mask from here. You guys head back to the village without us. We'll catch up. Jake, you should probably radio High Camp when you get back and let them know what happened."
"You're not breaking your link tonight?"
"I don't want to... I'm needed here right now." When she peered back at Jake, he didn't look very soothed by her response, his eyes full of doubt, aging by the second and so she was quick to reassure him, "It's alright. I was there the other night. I'll just wait until things quiet down here."
The Sullys appear satisfied by her words and begin to move slowly, sluggish and heavy from today's events, their loss still weighing down their postures. Lo'ak and Kiri occasionally looked back at Spider as they departed as if they were worried this would be the last time they ever saw him. Neytiri was the last to break away with her family, her eyes also still wary of Kayla from their little stand-off before the Na'vi woman finally turned her back on the avatar and returned to her ikran. She only took flight until after Jake and the children sunk into the ocean, Jake's tsurak carrying Neteyam's body back to the village.
Once the Sullys had disappeared, all that was left was Kayla and Spider, along with the sounds of distant fire crackling and waves surrounding them. Kayla's ikran squawks irritably, breaking Kayla's trance. The avatar turns to look down at Spider, inspecting him quietly before beckoning him to follow her, "Come with me, kid."
He silently does so, now more exhausted and suspicious than before, guarded as they both walk over to Thena. Spider's eyes briefly light up with that familiar love of Pandora he always openly shared, amazed by Kayla's ikran and impressed with how much the avatar had managed to accomplish in his absence, "She's awesome."
"I wouldn't go telling her that," Kayla snorts while patting Thena's snout and ducking under her neck. Kayla rifles through the pouches she had sewn onto her ikran's saddle until she found what she was looking for, revealing small human tools she had packed for her long journey across the ocean. She was nothing if not careful, and her preparedness was proven useful in this instance.
Spider noticed the tools in her hand and peered up at her skeptically, "You don't have a spare mask, do you?"
"No. But I have tools. I'll try to remove the tracker if there is one."
"Why didn't you just tell Jake you didn't have a spare pack?"
She shrugged nonchalantly, "I thought you needed a break from the interrogation."
He paused, unprepared for that answer. Exuding a look that expressed he felt a little bashful and appreciative, he flashed a small smile before it quickly vanished and he glanced down at his feet while muttering, "Thanks."
"You bet."
Kayla had Spider sit down while she knelt behind him, inspecting his mask and poking and prodding to make sure he'll still be able to breathe while she worked. They sat in silence, the stench of smoke still prominent in Kayla's nose, but she felt relieved to know that Spider wouldn't be able to smell the death and decay around them with a filter in his mask.
Spider fiddled with a pebble in his hands, longingly staring over the ocean while quietly admitting, "I don't wanna go back."
He felt Kayla's hands pause while inspecting his mask, but otherwise couldn't see her reaction as she sighed, "I know you don't. But the RDA knows where you are now."
"They know where I am in the mountains, too." He muttered.
"If there's a tracker in here, I'll disarm it, and you could go back to the mountains and Ardmore will be none the wiser. She'll still think you're here. You'll be safe from all of them... for a little while at least."
"Why does it matter if I go or stay?" Spider questions with a slight jeer, tired from adults continuously telling him they know better than him. He points out the obvious, "They want you and Jake. This place is as much a target as home is."
"Which is why being far from us might be what's best for you. Besides, Ardmore doesn't have the manpower to track us down at the moment. All her Recoms are dead. She won't have any avatars on her side any time soon."
Spider's spine stiffens, his blood running cold. If Kayla had noticed his uncharacteristic silence, she didn't mention it or just coughed it up to the amount of stress and trauma the teen had just gone through. They reverted to silence once more while Kayla worked, and eventually, once she announced that there wasn't any tracker, she almost missed what Spider was saying as the wind began to pick up,
"One. She still has one..."
Kayla's hands pause again and pull away, leaving Spider cold, "Who?"
"Quaritch." His voice caught in his throat and he had to cough, hiding the shame in his hand.
When he bravely turned to see Kayla's reaction, she bore a look of disbelief while looking out in the distance, "But Jake said he--"
Spider shakes his head, "He didn't drown."
He didn't need to elaborate. As the silence lingered, Kayla fit all of the puzzle pieces in her head and figured it out herself. Spider noticed the dawning of realization on her face and panicked over the idea of her leaving him here on this rock, stranded. He immediately began to ramble as the fear of being abandoned took over him, "I'm sorry. I saw him and-- I couldn't leave him. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."
"Spider. Look at me."
When he does so, albeit terrified by her tone of voice, all he sees is determination instead of doubt or disgust. She waited until the kid was looking directly at her before she leveled him with a stern look, "No one can know. Alright? Don't tell anyone else about this. Promise me that this stays between us. I mean it. If anyone else found out, they would definitely send you away, or worse, do you understand?"
He quickly nods, trying to remember to breathe through his panic, but the relief that flowed through him was quickly replaced with dread. The shock wore off and he suddenly realized Kayla was willing to protect him and his secret. His chest squeezed painfully at the thought of the kind of consequences she could go through for something like that.
"Are you mad?"
She took a moment to collect her thoughts before exhaling a deep sigh through her nose and shaking her head, "No. I get it, kid. He's your dad. And... and you gave him something he's never given anyone. Mercy. I hope he doesn't forget that."
Spider's whole form began to shake and when Kayla initially thought he was cold, she looked closer only to realize he was fighting back tears behind his mask, likely shaking from adrenaline and holding back sobs. He lowered his head to hide his face as he whispered, "Please don't let them send me away."
Pity for this child came in full force as Kayla struggled to find the right words. Her thoughts were racing with a war of their own, conflicted about what she should do. The thought of keeping a secret from Jake and his family made her stomach turn uncomfortably, but another part of her knew, deep down, that it was the only solution. Kayla had watched Jake and Neytiri do unspeakable things for the sake of their children, and today alone Neytiri proved she wasn't above harming a child if she thought it would protect her family. As for Jake... Kayla wasn't entirely sure what her brother was capable of anymore, and in her mind, that made him dangerous. She couldn't trust anyone dangerous around Spider if they knew the truth about Quaritch. Besides, it's not like her suspicion of her brother was unwarranted. After all, he wasn't above abandoning Spider when he needed help the most.
"... Alright. I'll try," she decides to quickly change the subject before another word or any regret could be said about her decision, "So do you have any idea how they found us?"
Spider fixed her a small look of doubt before slowly answering, "They only found out where you were when a rogue gunship was spotted coming this way."
Kayla hissed through her teeth, wincing at hers and Norm's stupidity, "Shit."
"But they don't know where the village is exactly-- only that you're among the many islands around in the area," Spider reassured her before curiosity took over, "Why did you guys bring a gunship out here?"
Kayla rolled her lips before answering, "Jake radioed in and begged us to come and find them because Kiri needed medical attention," the moment she saw a shift of concern begin to grow on Spider's face, she held a hand up to stop him before he could ask, "It's okay. She's fine now."
Spider relaxed, replaying Kayla's story before confusion took over, "So wait, you weren't with them the whole time?"
Kayla stiffened, "No. Jake thought it'd be best if I stayed behind."
Deciding not to explain any further, Kayla points down to the cut on his chest, "Let's tend to that. We don't want it to get infected."
At the reminder of the wound, Spider's expression darkens and he simply nods. Kayla grabbed her small trauma kit from one of Thena's pouches and knelt down in front of the human teen this time, inspecting the cut before getting to work. It was superficial, not very deep, just long and thin. Nevertheless, Kayla remembers Neytiri using that same knife to draw blood countless times before using it on Spider... and the avatar woman didn't even want to think about whatever disease or infection Spider would have to suffer on top of the trauma Neytiri likely gave him if it wasn't properly cleaned and dressed. Kayla hadn't missed the way Ronal purposely avoided Spider when going around and healing whoever she could. She only hoped that Spider hadn't noticed... or worse, he did notice but just felt resigned to the usual neglect and mistreatment.
Kayla couldn't imagine what must be going on through Spider's head right now. Having someone's knife to your throat and still begging for Kiri's life instead of your own? Kayla had to wonder if Spider ever had someone who would put him above life itself like that.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
He winced, "No."
"Okay," she immediately shuts down whatever she was going to originally say, "But just so you know, she'll never do that again. I'll make sure of it."
He didn't look as though he believed her, shrugging it off with a small, hesitant smile, "Yeah, okay... It's good to see you, Kayla."
She smiled back, although not as wide or as relieved as she had liked to feel, but no one could blame her after everything she's been through today, "You, too, kiddo. I'm glad you're safe."
Once she's satisfied with how the bandage around Spider's chest will hold, she helps him up onto Thena and forms tsaheylu, hiking herself up onto the ikran's back before taking off to the skies. The fly felt shorter than it initially felt when she first flew out with the Metkayina to fight the Sky People and save the children. Once the village was in sight, Spider's jaw had opened in awe of its beauty, eyes sparkling in wonder. As Kayla descends lower to the ground, she sees the number of Metkayina who had come out to fight. The numbers have dwindled, but for the most part, they were whole and hovered close to the healing huts. Kayla noticed some heads turn up at her arrival but otherwise did nothing. They were either used to the ikrans' presence, or they were too tired to care after such a long battle.
The only time the Metkayina appeared concerned was when Kayla landed Thena on the beach, where all eyes could clearly see the small demon child riding with her. Waves of gasps and whispers can be heard, a crowd slowly beginning to gather but Kayla pointedly doesn't wait or stand around, steering Spider toward the direction of the Sully marui right away to not make the teenager a village spectacle. Spider looked around the village as they walked, but didn't really get a good look at everything with how urgent Kayla was leading him away, despite the pain in her ankle.
But the Metkayina had already gotten a good look at him, and the hushed whispers were already spreading around until they got to their olo'eyktan. Tonowari and Ronal were conversing outside the healing huts when word got to them about a human child among their ranks. When they peered up to see the commotion, they briefly saw a glimpse of the demon boy's blond hair, followed by Kayla, a towering pillar of protection as she quickly led him through the maze of pathways winding through the village, mothers quickly pulling away their children if the demon boy walked too close. It was a curious sight to see someone so small being shielded by another Na'vi so large. Ronal hissed at the sight of Kayla putting weight on her injured ankle but otherwise said nothing.
Tonowari's expression shrivels up to one of concern before promptly turning back to his mate, "Do you remember when I told you Makayla te Suli considers the demon boy her responsibility?"
When the avatar and teenager got to the edge of the pods, looking out over the lagoon, Spider noticed Jake and Lo'ak sitting outside a marui that must be the Sullys' new home. Toruk Makto looked up once Kayla and the boy drew closer and quickly stood to greet them, Lo'ak quickly following to do the same. The Forest boy beelined for Spider, firmly grasping his friend's shoulder and gently shoving him toward the pod.
"Come on, bro. Kiri's got some food started for you."
Spider follows inside without a word, glancing back at Kayla from over his shoulder before disappearing. Kayla remained outside once Jake made it clear he needed to talk to her.
"I radioed Norm." He explains.
"I told him what he needed to know. I..." Jake swallowed and folded his arms, finding it difficult to speak when his throat began to close up, "I couldn't tell him all of it. 'Couldn't tell him about Neteyam. I..."
He was struggling for words without getting all choked up or shutting down. Kayla immediately takes over the talking, placing a hand on her brother's arm, "Jake... it's okay."
He peered up and she offered him a small, sad smile, "You did good. I'll let High Camp know when I eventually have to go back. Or Mo'at will tell everyone. I mean, she is the tsahik. Wouldn't she connect to the Tree of Souls and instantly know?"
He shook his head, "Not if she wasn't looking for something specific."
Kayla's nose scrunches before relaxing. She'll never get used to how Eywa functions at this rate, "Alright. Well, we'll just go with the flow and deal with it once it comes back around. Where's Neytiri?"
"With Neteyam. The Metkayina placed him in a healing hut so she and I could... could..." He cleared his throat, "So we can clean him up and prep for the burial tonight."
"Okay. You go," she whispers gently while tilting her head toward the marui, "I'll stay with the kids."
Jake's eyes were cloudy but grateful, "Thank you."
As day turned into night, the village began to grow quiet but not because the hour was late. To mourn and respect the loss of their loved ones, the Metkayina either sang the songcords of those who were slain in battle or opted into saying nothing at all. Soon the Na'vi will all leave their respective homes to gather together in a ceremonial send-off, ready to let the bodies of their loved ones return to the ocean and their Great Mother.
The Sullys were among those ready to send their loved one off. By the time Jake and Neytiri returned to their marui, Kayla had the children washed up and prepared for the ceremony. They all -except Spider- bore white face paint, brushed over their skin in a specific pattern to symbolize their loss. Neytiri and Jake also bore white paint, parts of which covered Jake's stitched-up and bruised face now that Ronal had the time to properly heal him. Neytiri bore the same white face paint but also added black around her eyes to signify her tears and grief as a mother, a white, veil-like material hung around her face from the top of her head. No one said anything, but they all noticed a familiar necklace that once belonged to Neteyam now wrapped around Neytiri's neck.
Before going out to join the village, Neytiri started the tradition of singing the deceased's songcord, her fingers counting each bead, and each milestone in Neteyam's short life, all expressed through her song. The lyrics, designed by Neytiri, described her son's life, from birth until recent events, moments that Neteyam deemed worthy to be remembered, recorded as history in his waytelem. 
Lie si oe neteyamur Nawma sa'nokur mìfa oeyä Atanti ngal molunge Mipa tìreyti, mipa 'itanti Lawnol a mì te'lan Lawnol a mì te'lan
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe Tonìri tìreyä Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe Srrìri tìreyä Ma Eywa, ma Eywa 
The family clings to the song, willing themselves to remember it, before heading out into the village and retrieving Neteyam's body.
He was clean and wrapped to rest in the fetal position, eyes closed as if he was only sleeping. His braids were pulled back and tied into a hairband, a detail of Lo'ak's doing. The Sullys summon ilu and tie a floating leaf-made carrier behind Jake's as a means of transporting Neteyam. The Metkayina all follow the Sullys out to the Cove of the Ancestors, where they lay their dead to rest eternally at Eywa's breast, leaving Neteyam for last. Jake leads his family away from the other Na'vi, who all stay behind to witness the family return their son, brother, nephew, and friend back to the ocean and back to Eywa. Behind Neteyam's carrier was a trail of flower petals, floating on the ocean surface, creating a path of the young warrior's last journey. Once his family reaches the perfect spot to let Neteyam go, they all slip from their ilu and into the water, padding over to the leaf carrier and helping one another get Neteyam out.
Below the surface, toward the bottom of the cove, was a beautiful field of some sort of coral plant, gently moving back and forth against the current like it was wind, glowing like a golden field of grain under the water. Tuk and Lo'ak briefly touch Neteyam's face, one last time, tears still fresh in their eyes, before Neytiri and Jake take deep breaths and plunge underwater, bringing Neteyam down with them. The remaining Sullys and Spider stay on the surface but lower their heads into the water to watch Jake and Neytiri bury their son. Kiri and Spider held hands in comfort while Tuk reached for her aunt's. Kayla gladly holds onto Tuk's hand, gently squeezing it to reassure the child.
Jake and Neytiri dive deep, close enough to reach the fields of glowing coral before finally letting go of Neteyam. They start floating back up to the surface but never once let their eyes leave Neteyam's body as the coral slowly envelopes him, welcoming him with open arms that is Eywa. Lo'ak had to be one of the first to lean back up for air when he accidentally breathed underwater after letting out a mournful cry, and slowly, the rest of his family followed suit, swimming close to one another until all the Sullys huddled together, crying over their loss.
Before they headed back to the village, there was just one last thing Jake and Neytiri needed to do. They sunk back into the water and swam toward the Spirit Tree, intending on seeing Neteyam once more, alive, if only but a memory. Lo'ak and Tuk go with... And for obvious reasons, Spider and Kiri could not follow. The young Na'vi girl had told her dear friend what happened to her after he asked about the medical attention she needed prompting Norm, Max, and Kayla to come out to the ocean. Spider was sad to learn that Kiri was more like him now more than ever, unable to connect with Eywa but Kiri wouldn't listen to his pity. She had only shaken her head and reassured Spider that she would be fine... but this would be proven difficult after burying her brother. Spider felt the same, sad that he was unable to properly say goodbye to Neteyam. But they weren't alone.
Kayla opted to stay with the two teens, astride a separate ilu while Kiri shared hers with Spider. Kiri watched her family depart for the Spirit Tree with a heavy heart, grieving over the fact she couldn't say goodbye to her brother, let alone connect to Eywa, while Spider simply gripped her arm in comfort. When he briefly glances back at Kayla, he sees a woman whose gaze looks far away, distant from the present, not actually seeing anything. She only had one white stripe of face paint down her nose that she had Tuk do to distract the little girl from the events of the day, but otherwise wore the same thing she always wears, her red crop top and cargo shorts, now dirty from a long-winded battle. Given that it was a cool night, she could've worn a jacket... but the one she had packed was burned at the first chance she got, unable to fathom the idea of wearing something caked in her nephew's blood ever again.
Spider tilted his head toward the Spirit Tree, his mask hissing quietly as he breathed, "You should go say goodbye."
Kayla blinked and then returned to the present time, looking over where she had heard Spider's voice. If he had blinked, he would've missed the fast change in expression, her face suddenly morphing into something soft and kind. It was as if she had just placed a mask over her facial features, hiding whatever she was truly feeling behind it. Kiri hadn't noticed, but Spider did.
Kayla shakes her head, "There's time for that later. Come on. Let's wait for them back at home."
How long had Kayla been on Pandora? Months? Years? It certainly felt like it. If she had to guess, rounding it up, it would be close to two years now. Two years... and finally she understood why the Na'vi could dress so little and still be kept warm at night.
She had never been a part of those group sleeps the Na'vi were so fond of. Now she was nearly in the center of one. That night after all the horror the Sullys had gone through, a group huddle whilst they slept was inevitable, not wanting to let go of each other so soon after losing one.
Kayla was pressed up against Lo'ak's side, the young Na'vi boy curling his whole form into his mother's back as much as he possibly could. Neytiri was trapped between her son and her husband, Jake doing his very best to get his arms around his whole family even in his sleep. Tuk was sprawled over almost everyone like a blanket. She was spread over her parents and snuggling her cold nose around Lo'ak's head, near Kayla's ear. On the other side of Kayla was Kiri, who originally fell asleep and curled close to her aunt but has since moved, and then there was Spider. At first, he had gone to bed a few feet away, giving the family as much space as possible. That is, of course, until Kiri unconsciously turned around, pulled him into her space, and refused to let go. Apparently, Kiri is an aggressive snuggler. 
Kayla knew she couldn't move even if she wanted to, trapped by the teenagers on either side of her, and perhaps they had done so intentionally so she couldn't escape to her campsite. It wasn't a bad experience, but she usually needed to toss and turn before getting comfortable, and she was starting to get hot tucked within such a large pile of body heat.
There's a soft whimper of crying in her ear, and when Kayla turns her head, she notices Tuk, her face scrunched up in distress, but still deep in sleep. As the child squirmed and cried unconsciously, her parents also began to stir, and then finally, the other children as well. Once the rest of the Sullys were awake and moving, Kayla wasn't worried about waking anyone when she reached a hand out to touch Tuk's cheek in an attempt to wake her, "Tuk? It's alright, Tuk. Wake up."
Neytiri took the initiative and sat up straight to tend to her child, gathering the little girl up in her arms like she was still a baby. The movement was enough to finally wake Tuk and immediately, she began to openly cry once she recognized her surroundings. Kiri sat up once she heard her sister consciously crying and crawled over Kayla and Lo'ak to get to her, "What is wrong, Tuk?"
Neytiri shushes both of her daughters quietly, "Shh, shh, ma 'itetsyìp. It is alright. Mama is here."
Tuk furiously shook her head as she began to wail, louder and more distraught than before as she cried out, "I want Neteyam! I-- I want Neteyam--"
The whole marui tenses as they all wait for Neytiri's reaction. Understandably, she didn't react well. Neytiri's eyes immediately began to cloud and well up with tears, ears pinning back against her skull. Her pupils flick wildly about, no longer able to focus on the child in her arms. Her breaths were irregular, her mind visibly spiraling out of control. She looked like a cornered animal, trapped without any means of escape.
The first one to move was Kayla, sluggishly moving until she was crouching in front of Neytiri, gently prying poor Tuk out of her mother's arms and into her own. Neytiri breaks out of her trance for a moment, blinking once and taking in the sight of Tuk crying in Kayla's chest. She peers up and nods once in gratitude before swiftly standing and leaving the pod before her children can see another moment of her vulnerability.
Kayla continues to put on a brave face and quietly shush Tuk, gently rocking the little girl until her cries revert to soft hiccups and sniffles. No one else says a word and they try their best to go back to sleep, but the grief is heavy in the air along with worry for their wife and mother. Jake stays awake the whole time Kayla comforts his daughter, watching the entrance of his home with longing and concern. He forced himself to stomp down the urge to run after Neytiri when his role as a father took over. He shifted until he had his arms around Lo'ak and Kiri, whispering words of encouragement and trying to get them to go back to sleep as if they were still little. The teenagers didn't appear to mind being coddled, given the circumstances, and together, Lo'ak and Kiri gathered Spider and decided on sharing a nivi together, off to the side of the pod. Jake watches the teens crawl up into the large hammock together and fall asleep before resuming his post at the entrance of the marui, waiting for Neytiri while occasionally glancing back at Kayla and Tuk. Eventually, even Tuk managed to fall back asleep and Kayla carefully lifted her up and brought the little girl to the nivi to join her siblings. Tuk sleepily clings onto Spider and doesn't move for the rest of the night.
When Neytiri returned, she didn't look any better from when she initially left, her eyes bloodshot with drying tear tracks engraved into her face like the stripes that littered her body. It was chilling to see the mighty Neytiri, fierce and stronger than anyone in her clan, so shattered and forlorn. Jake stood and opened his mouth to soothe her, but she simply shook her head, her face speaking more than words could at that moment. There wasn't anything he or anyone could say that could comfort her right now. Jake read her meaning loud and clear and simply watched as his wife looked around for their children. She saw them all huddled together in their nivi, and she was too tired to comment on Spider being among them. And even if she wanted to, Kayla made sure to distract her long enough to forget about it.
The female avatar gently urged her sister-in-law to lie down and try to rest, and if she was shocked that Neytiri decided on using her leg as a pillow, Kayla didn't mention it. Instinctively, Kayla's fingers weave through Neytiri's braids to calm her as if she were comforting a child. Not wanting to wake her nieces and nephew, Kayla did her best to sing quietly, raspy, as best as she could so Neytiri could hear and understand her. The avatar decided on the lyrics to Neteyam's songcord, and even though it wasn't as practiced or accurate coming out of her voice, it still calmed Neytiri's aching heart.
Singing helped Kayla not to think about it. Instead, it helped her focus on the lyrics and the proper pronunciation. Her accent was still a little shaky and too formal at times, so as she tried to focus and perfect the lyrics, she didn't have to think about the meaning or the child behind the lines and how he had been taken too soon. She sang the whole song and repeated it a few times before she realized Neytiri had fallen asleep, albeit a bit restlessly.
Jake felt utterly helpless while listening to his sister sing to Neytiri, but didn't hesitate to express his gratitude once he noticed his mate had finally begun to rest, "Thank you." He whispered.
Kayla had been helping adjust the sleeping Neytiri until she was lying down on the nearest cot. She simply nodded in response to Jake before lying down further away from the rest of the family and turning her back so she was facing the wall of the marui. The air was significantly colder without any body heat to keep her warm, but she didn't dare move from where she lay. She wanted her much-needed space, where she could cry silently by herself and where no one could see or hear her. She desperately wished she had slept in her own hammock on the outskirts of the village, but she didn't want to leave anyone in her brother's family alone with their thoughts... and a guilty part of her admits that she couldn't afford to leave Spider anywhere near her sister-in-law at this time.
Listening until she was positive that Jake had laid down beside Neytiri for the rest of the night, Kayla let the tears silently flow out of her eyes, biting her cheek to refrain from making any sounds that would give her away. She could feel her body begin to shake. Whether it was from the cold or her pent-up emotions, she wasn't sure. Either way, it would be a long, restless night for Makayla as she lay awake and listened to the sounds of her family around her.
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A/N: Can I respectfully ask people to stop flooding my dms and inbox with specific questions regarding the future of the fic? I already know how I want the fic to pan out, and if I answered your questions, it could be spoiling it 😇 You are more than welcome to ask questions regarding past decisions or anything regarding Kayla from her past, but from here on out-- I'm locking down ALL future-related questions! Thank you for understanding.
The second part of this chapter will be out soon! It was mostly written before I was forced to split the chapter in half, so stay tuned!
Check out AI Generated art of Kayla!
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icequeenlila · 9 months
Spider is a bad driver (Avatar Human AU)
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Context: Spider just got his license and Lo'ak and Kiri immediatly insisted on him driving them to McDonalds.
Problem: It's night. It's raining. Every fucking streat light is reflected by the water on the streets and it's a PAIN to see. Spider has problems with concentrating to begin with and there is a hell of chatter going on in the car. They are now at a crossing. Spider is waiting for the light to switch from red to green. Reflections everywhere, it's fucking confusing. Also there is another car on the other side. Is he supposed to go first? Or is he supposed to let the car pass before hitting the gas? He learned this in driving school, why doesn't he remember?
This is what happens:
Spider: "Which way?"
Kiri: "Maps says left."
Lo'ak: "It's green."
Spider: (paincking, hits the gas, taking a hell of a turn before the other car can even move)
(he still doesn't see shit)
Lo'ak: "Whoaa! Bro!"
Kiri: "Eywa, no!"
Spider: "Shit." (he's now driving the car smothly down the road again) "I was supposed to wait wasn't I?"
Lo'ak: ...
Kiri: ...
Spider: "You think they saw my number? You won't tell your cop mom, right?"
Kiri: "You're honestly worried about that right now?!"
Spider: "Well yeah, I just cut traffic. The guy could snitch on me."
Lo'ak: (wide eyed, fingers clutching the passanger door) "Dude..."
Spider: (confused) "What?"
Kiri: "There were people on the street!"
Spider: ...
Spider: ...
Spider: "WHAT?!"
Lo'ak: "Bro, you just went straight over a cross passing."
Spider: (actually panicking now) "I didn't see anything!"
Lo'ak: "No shit."
Kiri: (laughing) "But he's worried about cutting trafic."
Lo'ak: (starts laughing too)
Spider: "Guys! Really! This isn't funny. How many were there?"
Lo'ak: (still laughing) "Like three!"
Spider: "THREE?! I almost ran over three people?!"
Kiri: (dying on the backseat)
Lo'ak: (also dying but he's patting Spider's shoulder soothingly) "Don't worry, you drove so fast they won't even remember the colour of your car."
Spider: "Like that's the problem here!"
Kiri: (falling over on the backseat)
Spider: "That's it I'm never driving again."
Lo'ak and Kiri: "No!"
This is so canon in my fic 'See right through Me'.
Also, this actually happened to me a few days ago and I was the Spider in this situation. I didn't SEE! (nobody was hurt)
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thankeywa · 2 years
Star-crossed. Lo'ak x f!human!reader pt.1
I know that literally nobody asked for this, but I've noticed a disturbing lack of Lo'ak fics out there, so I've decided to give my input. I've had a story in mind for a while now, and I needed to get it out there. It will be a reader insert to make it more accessible, but it's somewhat based around an original f!character, so I apologize for that in advance if it gets too specific.
WARNINGS: Lo'ak is 20 years old in this and so is the reader, I do not write about minor characters. There will be eventual mature themes in this so MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS WORK.
For everyone else, if you like my writing, please let me know if you want to be on the tag list for future installments and SEND ME REQUESTS (head canons, imagines, sfw/nsfw, ecc.) ! I love that shit.
words: around 1.200
summary: reader is a human left behind on pandora, she grew up with the remaining humans who'd been aloud to stay on the planet after the war and has been friends with the Sully clan her entire life. She and Lo'ak were best friends until he began to pull away from her in their teen years for seemingly no reason. This story is about them reconnecting on the day of her twentieth birthday, and dealing with the feelings they have for each other and the obstacles that come with them being from two different worlds.
TW for this chapter: angst, smoking (don't do it, ever), brief mentions of alcohol, brief mention of war and death, brief mention of child birth, reader can breathe on pandora.
Y/n looked at the 'birthday cake' made out of cookie rations that Norm and Max had made for her. No matter how many years would pass, her dads always knew how to get creative.
"I'm twenty years old, you guys don't have to keep throwing me a birthday party." She reprimanded them softly, though her heart was filled with joy. Y/n was so thankful to have people in her life who cared enough to make her day special every single year.
"Considering you spent most of your early existence tied to test tubes to stay alive, we're merely celebrating the scientific marvel your continued survival has been." Norm joked, raising a beer, and y/n shoved him, before blowing out the single candle that had been meticulously re-used each year. It was a wonder how there was any wax still left on it.
"What did the birthday girl wish for?" Max asked, reaching for a dried-up cookie and cringing slightly at the taste as he chewed on it slowly. "The whole point of a birthday wish is to keep it to myself... or it won't come true. Honestly, I question your two's knowledge of Earth's traditions." y/n shook her head, before taking a celebratory sip of alcohol.
Norm and Max left eventually, back to the main base. They were more than capable of piloting a helicopter those days, and y/n was all grown up. More than capable of living by herself. What once had been an avatar lab, smack dab in the middle of the forests of Pandora, had been converted into her home. Pandora's rapidly repopulating fauna had surprisingly left her residence alone, well... mostly. There were still some creatures who couldn't help but keep themselves away. And by creatures, she meant Spider. Y/n was also friends with actual people like Neteyam, Kiri, Tuk, and... Lo'ak. Truth be told, she didn't know whether or not she and Lo'ak were even friends anymore. They'd been thick as thieves for as long as she could remember, always getting him out of trouble and fixing him up after a scuffle with his siblings. But then, around her sixteenth birthday, he'd started pulling away, and y/n had never understood why. They'd had a big fight about it, bottom line, he hadn't wanted to be around her anymore and y/n had to accept it.
"Open up! It's fucking freezing out here!" Came Spider's loud voice followed by an incessant banging on the door that immediately pulled y/n out of her reverie. "Alright, alright..." she laughed a little as she went to let them all inside. The Sullys were always insisting on spending birthdays together, even though some of them were now getting too big to even fit inside her 'home'. Neteyam had to walk around with his back bent forward, and Kiri knocked over quite a few things before they made it to y/n's main living space, which was more or less Na've-proof. "Happy birthday!" Tuk hugged her and y/n struggled not to feel crushed by the embrace. Even the littlest Sully was now nearly as tall as her.
Y/n let them all inside, already giving them dirty looks at the sight of gifts. "I told you guys not to..."
She stayed on the doorstep a little longer, gazing out into the night, desperately hoping one last uninvited guest would turn up. She felt Neteyam's hand on her shoulder. "He's not coming. I tried to talk to him but he was being a skxawng as usual..." Y/n blushed, not really wanting Neteyam to know she was pining for his younger brother. "Oh, right! I was—just checking you were all here..." she closed the door and they both went back to join the others.
"Alright come on, your mom is going to kill me if you get back late and I don't have enough space in here for all of you. Spider would have to sleep outside." Y/n teased, trying to let Tuk understand it was time to go. "Hey!" Spider protested at her lighthearted jab, but knew it was time for them to get going. Nobody wanted to get on Neytiri's bad side. Y/n hugged them all goodbye and thanked them for the presents: Tuk had made her a lovely drawing, and the others had collectively made her a rather beautiful necklace, which she immediately wore. Y/n waited on her doorstep till she could no longer hear the sounds of her friends chatting, and then proceeded to do two incredibly dangerous things: she sat outside of the protection of her bunker, all alone in the cold Pandora night air, and lit up a cigarette.
She'd discovered a terrifyingly endless supply of cigarette cartoons back at the base almost a year prior, and as soon as she'd tried her first one, she'd gotten addicted. Y/n hadn't told Norm or Max, of course, as it would have broken their hearts, especially because of how fragile she was. Y/n's mother had gone into labor in the aftermath of the battle for Pandora between the Na'vi and the Sky people. The soldier had lost her life giving birth, but her baby had survived, taking her first breath in the inhospitable Pandora air. Norm was convinced Eywa herself had kept her alive, had given her the ability to take in the air that hadn't previously failed to kill any other human. Sure, it had come at the price of being particularly fragile her entire life. And how was y/n repaying that gift? By cutting her miraculous existence short more and more each day. Thankfully, it was a while since she'd been used as a test rat, or had check ups of any sort. As far as the Sullys were concerned... they were way better off not even knowing what she was doing to herself.
A sudden rustling in the trees instantly made y/n alert and she didn't waste any time getting back inside. She showered, and shamefully hid her smokes somewhere her dads or the Sullys wouldn't look. When she had nothing else left to do, y/n forced herself to crawl into bed, placing a hand over her necklace. Her wish to see Lo'ak hadn't come true in the end, and while not surprising, it still hurt like hell.
"A pack of viperwolves? Seriously, Lo'ak?" Y/n groaned in frustration as she cleared her table for her best friend to lie on.
"I thought I could take them." He hissed as she doused him with disinfectant. "Yeah, well, you know human medical treatment hurts like a bitch, so it's either my way, or you're going to have to fess up to your parents about what you did." Y/n tried to sound cold, but she'd always been too soft on him.
When they were younger, and Lo'ak still hadn't grown to be double her size, they would often fall asleep together in her bed. "You don't have to keep doing this shit to prove something, you know?" She whispered to him one night, turning over to look at him and gently touch his face. "Your parents love you. And so do Neteyam, Kiri, Tuk and Spider. Lo'ak, I— we— don't want to lose you."
Y/n was almost asleep when a loud 'thud' coming from outside woke her. Something was moving on her roof, or rather, someone... Y/n didn't show whether she was dreaming or not as she looked out the window and locked eyes with Lo'ak, because the second she did, he seemed to slide off the top of her bucker, falling down into the grass below with a loud groan.
He'd probably just woken up half of the animals on Pandora.
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vgilantee · 2 years
Worlds Apart {Neteyam Sully} Masterlist
neteyam te suli tsyeyk'itan x human/avatar!reader
TOTAL WORDS: [to be updated upon completion of series]
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Life on Pandora was the only one you had ever known, born in space and raised on the moon's surface. Spending your childhood around scientists and raised by a soldier, it was natural that you would spend your childhood alongside the Sully children. However Neteyam was quickly dragged into the responsibilities of being the future olo'eyktan while you were unable to venture too far from Hell's Gate, and the young friendship was dragged apart.
reader's pronouns: she/her
Author's note: My original plan for this fic was for it to be gender neutral, but while writing I ended up using fem-directed language. This does phase out a little after the first chapter/prologue, but the pronouns do stay. All of the kids, bar Tuk, will be aged up for the fic. Chapter 1 begins with the year, and canon events that occur during the prologue happen during the canon years. Because of this, Neteyam will be aged up to ~16/17 as will Kiri, Spider will be ~16/17, Lo'ak will be ~15/16, while Tuk will remain ~7/8. This is because I thought that Nete was ~17 and Lo'ak was ~16 when I watched the movie, and while I was wrong, I'm going to write like I wasn't. The reader herself is born in 2153. (other notes will be at the start of each chapter, however this is important for the whole series)
This series will be canon divergent from both the comics and The Way of Water. I haven't read the comics, and I'm assuming y'all haven't either. But just know that other than the name of Miles' mother, I am basically ignoring the comics.
Childhood friends to estranged friends to lovers + (un)requited crushes + neteyam is an idiot For additional warnings and tags that do not fit the tumblr format, see the ao3 posting of this fic
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Warnings: side character deaths Words: 3.5k
Chapter 1
Warnings: Words:
Chapter 2
Warnings: Words:
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less serious warning: i have... daddy issues to say the least. so i did my best in writing a healthy father-daughter relationship. if at times it reads more a friendship or anything that's non parent-child it's because i have nothing to base it off lmao
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eirianerisdar · 2 years
I absolutely adore Half Alive. It's everything I want from a fanfic. I know the story is already written and I would never ask you to change anything. I did want to tell you about the information we get about Spider in the prequel comic: Avatar: The High Ground, which was written by Cameron as the original script for Avatar 2 and said script was given to the actors to inform their character on the set of The Way of Water, so it's all basically pure canon. Spoilers from here on from The High Ground.
Spider does have foster parents, the McCoskers. That said, he does not seem very close to them AT ALL. They barely seem to notice when he is gone. When the humans return to Pandora the McCoskers want to surrender and join the RDA's new operations and they want to force Spider to come with them. When the Sully kids (Kiri, Lo'ak, and Tuk) come to rescue him, Mr. McCosker imprisons Spider again and also holds the Sully kids as hostages to try and force Jake to surrender to the RDA. It doesn't work, since Spider is able to break out of his room with a fire-extinguisher and he helps the Sully kids escape, and more stuff happens where Spider continues to be pure Ride or Die for the Omiticaya. In addition, we get to see some more glances into Spider's relationship with the Sully family. Kiri calls him "Like the brother I never had, and I already have two." At one point during a family prayer Kiri invites Spider to be a part of it (over Neytiri's protests, though Spider does see himself out anyway). Lo'ak also seems really friendly with Spider too, as they always are doing things together and Lo'ak defends Spider's place in their family and on Pandora. That said, it's not all roses. Neytiri is very hostile to Spider. At one point when Jake is telling her "Let not the sins of the father reflect on the son" her response is "Then we wait for him to make his own sins and kick him out after that." (Jake: that is entirely not the point i was making) When he and the other kids are playing and Tuk almost gets hurt (and I mean Tuk is completely unharmed) once Spider and the other kids are back Neytiri lunges at Spider and tells him he will never see her children again. Also, when the Sully family and Spider are escaping from the RDA and Spider is having trouble keeping up (since his legs are shorter) Neytiri's first impulse is to abandon him and it's only Kiri and Lo'ak's insistence and Spider's own determination to keep up that convinces Jake to NOT leave him. All in all, the comics are a very fun read but it really adds more meat onto the bones of Spider and the Sully family's relationship. I'm going to read the new chapter of Half-Alive now. Super excited!
Hey, thanks for putting together this neat little summary! I've seen bits of this floating around tumblr so I have a general idea, but this a p good resource.
Honestly the more I know about how Spider was treated in the comics the more I'm thinking he's probably gonna defect to Quaritch in the middle of Avatar 3. Spider's actor did say everything takes a hard left turn, and Spider wants to be Na'vi so much I think that if Quaritch promised him he could have an Avatar body, Spider probably couldn't resist.
The angst is going to be delicious, but it makes me laugh that in effect all us Spider and Sully Family writers are in effect writing fix-it fics for the true breaking of Spider and the Sullys' relationship.
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widxgastss · 1 year
Kiri: hates anyone doing her hair so that's why she keeps it so short compared to the rest of hear family. She freaked her family so much when she was little when she chopped her hair short with her hunting knife.
Lo'ak: actually is really good with his hair and knows how to do most of it by himself. Is probably the type of son in modern aus to have so much products for his hair. Copies his dad's hair to look cool.
Tuk: can't sit still for anything, but loves anything pretty or shiny in her hair. Is the type to have tons of Na'vi flowers in her hair by the end of the day.
Neteyam: acts like he's too old for his mom to do his hair, but secretly loves it and is a big cat when people run fingers through his hair. When he has his first boyfriend(Aonung) he loves when he does his hair too. Has long curls like a princess that everyone just loves to braid.
Spider: always the one with the most difficult hair. Partly cause he's not na'vi, and cause he's so short. Always has twigs and dirt in his hair. And one hilarious time a na'vi bird thought his hair was a nest. Will only pretend to hate someone having to do his hair, but actually loves it. Cause he's a mama's boy. Almost killed someone when the Rda almost threatened to cut his hair. And if you won't to go angst, cries when the rda does.
omg this is amazing
kiri saw grace’s short hair in a video log once when she was a kid and chopped all of hers off and realised how much she liked it as she grew older and how less maintenance it needed compared to longer hair
lo’ak copying jake’s hair from the end of the first film gets me every time even tho it’s a common hairstyle for Omatikayan men it’s just so sweet
tuk collecting trinkets for her hair and giving away little accessories to her loved ones (like the stone she gifted lo’ak)
neteyam acting like he’s too old/capable when he secretly loves it <33
and for spider the bit with the rda attempting/succeeding in cutting off his hair is devastating and i’m looking forward to showing his dynamic with them in my fic, especially because this is a spider that grew up knowing he was loved. he’s not gonna be as drawn to recom quaritch as he was in canon because jake is his dad - because of this, the recoms are gonna be more hostile to him in turn :)
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How old are the Sully kids in your fic? I noticed that people often change Neteyama's age to be older than Spider, and I wonder what it's like in yours
Thank you for the question!
First off Neteyam is not older then Spider in any of my fics. He’s a year younger just like in canon. I do think I’ll have him skip a grade in school though so he’s in the same as Spider.
In Cabin I did age everyone down by one year to fit the timeline I wanted because the endings actually span years. So Spider starts out at 15, Neteyam 14, Kiri and Lo’ak 13 and Tuk is 6
In ending 1, the family vacation ending: Spider will be 19 making Neteyam 18, Kiri and Lo’ak 17 and Tuk 10
Ending 2 Spider gets sick and Quaritch is forced to take him to a hospital: Spider is 16 but later turns 17 (and 18 in the Stockholm syndrome ending) making everyone pretty much be the ages they are in the movie.
Ending 3 the cabin is found and Spider is rescued: honestly tbd. I haven’t started writing this ending yet. I’m thinking about setting it shortly after Spider’s 16 birthday (putting him at about 7 months of captivity) making everyone their movie ages but we will see. I could change my mind when I actually start writing and age him up a year or so.
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From my last ask, yes love the headcanon that no one really wanted or payed much attention to baby Spider. So Grace took him in. Mostly the higher ups wanted to see if Grace could calm the Na'vi using cute babies. Grace at first wanted to see how human babies were affected to Na'vi climate and the Na'vi in general. So at first it was just like the classes till she ended up getting attached. Oh my god imagine Jake's face when he first comes in and sees baby Spider coming around. Probably hated Quartich more because he willingly just up and abandoned his kid to Grace and the other scientists. Imagine Spider was in the class when the soilders came in shooting the students. Grace shielded him with his body. I wonder how old that would make him canon wise? Would anyone try to hurt him when the conflict starts? He's probably a toddler just starting to walk when Jake comes. By the end movie maybe he's three or four?
Yeah, with that he'd be MUCH older than he is in canon. Probably closer to that first fics age. What's interesting about it is not only his preexisting relationships with all the older characters, it's like, what changes in his other relationships. He wouldn't be like, friends and peers with the Sully kids, he'd be an older mentor figure. That's what turns me off about this concept. They wouldn't be on equal footing, and I don't like that at all. ALSO Grace as his mom figure?? Him and Kiri would be even CLOSER, but the relationship is so so different.
What I DO find interesting, is he would have a set precedent with Quaritch. Much harder to manipulate your kid into thinking you care when he lived like five years with you not caring.
Also we must consider that Jake did not want to be stuck in the lab. Our man is now constantly stuck on babysitting duty and pissed about it, but he'd going to grow to lOVE IT.
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k-roi · 2 years
I don't remember if you mentioned this before, but what are the other avatar related ships you like? If it's alright to ask that is!
totally all good!
there’s no current master list or real list for me, it’s just kind of what i see and go, oh, i like that! well, except for aonoak. that one is my number one since i first watched the movie. no proper ranking here other than them!
aonoak - ao’nung/lo’ak
rotki - rotxo/kiri
kireya - kiri/tsireya
neteya - neteyam/tsireya
tsujake - tsu’tey/jake
canon ships
loreya - lo’ak/tsireya
jakiri - jake/neytiri
tonal - tonowari/ronal
norudy - norm/trudy
honourable mentions
lopider - lo’ak/spider (eh its okay)
spidiri - spider/kiri (it’s cute i like it but not i’ll daydream or willingly write fics/blurbs like it)
aoniri - ao’nung/kiri (i can see it! but i prefer her with tsireya or rotxo)
neteyan - neteyam/ra’yan (she’s an oc while also technically a canon character. its complicated)
any other pairing you’d have to personally request for me to even realize it’s a pairing, i will not lie. but i am open to almost all ships except you-know-which! and a few select name brands that i won’t know until i come across it (lets be real, goldfish memory. glug glug glug)
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recom-week · 1 year
Hi beauties!
Will you accept recom + non-recom art? For instance quarjake or it’s not exactly for this kind of event?👀
Hi Anon!
All Recom pairing are good!
Like we said, the only Recom pairings we don't want is Adult Recom x Child Character in A2, even if aged up. So you can't have a young recom OC dating 20yo Kiri in the time of Avatar 3, for example. If the kids of A2 are involved, it has to be gen.
Everything else goes! Quarjake is canon recom x canon character, it's great! A fully OC recom x OC is fine too, and that other OC can be human, avatar, Na'vi, or recom. Your self insert recom with a canon character is also accepted!
So long as the focus is on a recom character, we don't mind who they are with.
If you do a self insert recom and are under 18, the same rules apply on smut however : please refrain from doing works where they're in a sexual situation.
As said elsehwere, we draw the line at situations where the recoms aren't the main focus.
So a Neytiri x Jake fic where they visit prioner Quaritch and then go on a date? No thanks.
Quaritch being held prisoner arguing with Tonowari one day and pleading with Jake to see Spider the next? Tatsty!
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
'anla - part four
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part one, part two, part three
Summary: The Sully Family is trying to work around their grief and Ao'nung learns that family doesn't always have to be by blood. It can be by choice.
Pairing: Ao'nung/Fem!Na'vi!Sully Reader
Warnings: Mature language, time skips, HEAVY angst, depression, older sibling syndrome, mentions of death, canon typical violence, canon compliance, slow burn, etc.
Word Count: 5k+
Tag: #'anla ao'nung fic
Na'vi Words: nivi - hammock, olo'eyktan - clan leader, tulkun - whale like animal, Sänrr Rong - Glow Tunnel, marui - home, ikran - Mountain Banshee, pa'li - direhorse, Iknimaya - Rite of Passage, kuru - queue braid, tsahik - spiritual leader, kalweyaveng - son of a bitch
posted on ao3
Taglist (red indicates "could not tag"): @bangtanxberm @aonungmyaddiction @lv9su @aisselasstuff @yourusername1 @amortencjja @king-julian6201 @gg-trini @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @mikeyswifie @heart-an0n
A/N: 200 followers?! When did that happen? Thank you so much for the support of this series and for all the requests! Here's the next part of the series in celebration! 🍾 ✨️ 🎉
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Going through the motions.
That's what Y/n ended up doing since the day her twin brother was murdered by the Sky People. She would wake up and not feel as though she was actually awake. Mostly it still felt like some sort of bad dream and she somehow couldn't open her eyes. She moved around and did everything she was supposed to, but mostly it was like she was on autopilot.
Losing Neteyam took a toll on everyone in her family along with the people around them. At the funeral, they all had a role and took part in letting his body go, even Spider, who had been rescued from the Sky People in the chaos of losing Neteyam. Y/n didn't even realize Spider was living among them again until the next day after she had passed out from screaming and crying to her dead brother. He and Kiri were sitting beside her nivi and the human boy even offered her water for her aching throat.
After that, Y/n couldn't remember much, she just let her body lead her. As mentioned before, she was just going through the motions. Everyone around her could agree that she was just a walking shell, eating when she needed to, sleeping when she had to, and doing her chores, and other daily duties around the village. Her expression had become stone, even during her brother's funeral. It was as though she didn't have any more tears left to shed and her chest felt hollow.
The Sully family mourned for a week and even longer once Jake got reassurances from both Tonowari and Ronal. To everyone's eyes, the Sullys were Metkayina now and they were being allowed to stay forever, as part of the People. The Sully kids wanted to feel proud, but instead, it felt bitter and more like guilt. To Y/n, her acceptance into this new clan didn't mean anything. Not anymore. It didn't make her feel anything other than that empty hole in her chest. Physically, there wasn't a hole, but mentally, up in Y/n's head, she had a hole in her chest that was bleeding out and it was the same size as the bullet hole left in her twin.
It took a while, but eventually, the Sully kids reverted to something resembling normal. Yes, they were still grieving, but now they moved around, helped out in the village, and went back into the water. Lo'ak, Kiri, and Tuk have found themselves playing again, and this time, they're showing Spider around and dragging him everywhere, despite the stares and whispers.
Y/n goes with her siblings everywhere, but she doesn't play or explore. Instead, she keeps watch. She had definitely unsettled many of the Metkayina, walking behind her group of siblings, carrying a bow and arrows in both of her arms, scaring people away with just one glance. She brought her weapons everywhere now, never being seen without them. She couldn't afford not to have them again. It was hard for anyone to believe that she was just fifteen years old, with the way she held herself and hovered over her family members, her yellow eyes watching them like a hawk. While they played in the water, the Sully kids could rely on their big sister to watch over them. She was always near, sitting on some rocks, high above her siblings so that she could see everything that comes within a hundred feet of them. Her brother and sisters could always rely on her to be a constant presence, even if she didn't appear to be all in her right mind.
There was also an unexpected constant presence beside Y/n when she was like this, and that presence was Ao'nung. Whenever he could, the reef boy would be beside the former Omatikaya girl. Y/n was so used to being Neteyam's shadow, she never realized that she had one of her own. Ao'nung refused to leave her alone, ever, especially if he knows that she wanted to be left to her thoughts. He wasn't sure what was going on in her head, but something dark and terrifying in his gut told them that whatever demons she had, she shouldn't be left alone with. So, he remained steady and strong, like a cliff against a mighty storm. Unmoveable and calm, Ao'nung became Y/n's silent shadow wherever she went.
It wasn't much of a challenge, especially since Y/n barely goes anywhere. She follows her siblings around during the day and that was it, otherwise, she was with the entire village for communal meals and then with her family to sleep for the night. The meals and slumber were the only things Ao'nung had to part himself from Y/n, but otherwise, he remained stuck to her hip, whether she wanted him to or not. Their routine was simple and nearly everyone in the village knew it. It wouldn't be difficult to locate the two young Na'vi even if they were sought after. Ao'nung would sit beside Y/n every afternoon, on the rock where she kept watch over her siblings as they played in the water. The reef boy never complained about never being able to join in on the fun. Other people did plenty of that for him, however. The boys that had bullied Kiri, the ones Ao'nung had dropped, thought they would be doing him a favor by antagonizing Y/n when they swam by on their ilu one day, ready to go for a hunt. Wanting Ao'nung to come with them, they jokingly asked Y/n if they could borrow her shadow for the afternoon, promising to bring him back in one piece. When that didn't draw the reaction they wanted out of her, the jerks tried other methods such as manipulation, telling her that she didn't need Ao'nung and that he was his own person and doesn't need to be bored all day long for her sake.
Ao'nung snapped, the waves crashing against the rock cliff and breaking it down. He shouted at his former friends and told them some very unsavory things about their mothers and, if he were olo'eyktan, how he would punish them for their dishonorable behavior. For now, that appeared to scare those assholes away, but Ao'nung was certain they would go crying to their mothers, who would then proceed to tell his mother. That night, Ao'nung had prepared himself to go home and receive the brewing storm that was Ronal, who expectedly lectured him about how a chief's son properly acts.
It was worth it in his eyes if the way Neytiri looked at him had anything to say about it. The Sully mother was intimidating, to be sure, but when she looked at Ao'nung, he wasn't entirely frightened. She stared at him as if she was calculating, observing, anything but trying to find ways to kill him in his sleep. Tsireya was unable to sleep one night and told her brother how horrifying it was to watch Neytiri slip into some kind of wild animal the day Neteyam died, and at first, Ao'nung couldn't believe it. But he knew she was a protective mother, who would kill for her kids, just from the way she looked at people. Even Ao'nung's father knows better than to look Neytiri te Suli née te Tskaha Mo'at'ite in the eyes.
So Ao'nung continues to sit with Y/n and to fill in the silence, he would tell her about his day or relay a story he once heard or experienced. He wanted to tell her more stories about his Spirit Brother but decided against it. A part of him knew that if he talked about the tulkun, Y/n would be reminded of Payakan, and then she would remember the tragic day when her family lost her brother. He doesn't ask her if this would upset her, but somehow he knew it would. He doesn't really ask her much of anything. It's not like he's assuming what she'll think, it's more like he somehow knows it already. Somehow, he knows her.
He never outright asks her if she's alright or if she needs someone to talk to. Ao'nung wasn't like that. He wasn't his sister who is open and unashamed. He had his own way of asking those questions.
"Do you wanna go to Sänrr Rong?"
At the end of each of his stories or daily briefs, he always asked her the same question. It was his way of asking her if she wanted to get away so she could freely talk about whatever she wanted. He was offering a way out and somehow, she knew it but didn't ever take him up on his offer. Every time he asked her the same question, she gives him the same answer, "No."
"Okay," was always his reply.
The only time Y/n wasn't looking after her siblings was when she left her siblings to her parents for the evening. After dinner, the Sullys would return home and settle down for the night, and when they returned home, Y/n would grab her bow and leave for a few hours to find time to herself. It wasn't like Jake and Neytiri asked her to watch Lo'ak and the girls, but Y/n did so willingly, without complaint, and would only leave her siblings alone if one or both parents were around to keep them safe.
Neytiri understood that as a teenager, Y/n needed to have time to herself, but not at such a late hour and away from the village, "Y/n, please stay with us. Stay with Mama."
It felt like a constant battle every time Y/n moved to leave the marui but every time, the girl remained victorious and always escaped into the night. Through their grief, Jake and Neytiri lost the will to fight her and granted their eldest daughter more freedom than before. They knew she was grieving in her own way and they needed to let her do so, but as parents who had just lost a child, sometimes it was hard to let them out of their sight.
Y/n needed to be alone. She needed to have her space. She could only listen to her mother tearfully sing Neteyam's songcord for so long. Technically, it was Y/n's song, too. The twins had shared at least the first three beads on their respective cords, signifying the first three milestones of their lives. The first verse and chorus of their songs were the same, only branching out in their separate, unique melodies after the first communion with Eywa. Listening to Neytiri sing the same song that was meant for both Y/n and Neteyam would drive the young girl up the wall, both in anger and sadness, but she couldn't bring herself to tell her mother that. She didn't want to stop her mother's way of grieving for the sake of being comfortable.
Y/n would look away and speak in the smallest voice, "... I can't."
She would leave for a few hours but always came home when she knew her family had settled down to sleep, doing this on purpose so they wouldn't talk to her. Neytiri always stayed awake, however, and therefore Jake stayed awake. To avoid waking their other children, however, they don't lecture Y/n when she got home. They always flashed her disappointed or pitying looks, but otherwise, let her find her own hammock and go to sleep.
Neytiri had tried to be her daughter's shoulder, lending her ear along with her gentle voice, "I was around your age when I lost my sister."
And Jake had tried to be his daughter's rock, placing a firm, comforting hand on the top of her head for reassurance, "And I lost my brother. We know how you feel, sweetheart. We're here when you're ready to talk."
She would only shake her head, "There's nothing to talk about."
Lo'ak feels guilt and regret for a lot of things. He regrets dragging his siblings into rescuing Payakan when it should have just been him. He regrets forcing Neteyam to help save Spider when he could've done it alone. He regrets not going back for his sisters when he had the chance to do so. He regrets freezing, in shock, and unable to move while his sisters were scared and tied up on the ship. He regrets letting Neteyam take the gun from him... maybe if he had kept it, they would've shot him instead...
Maybe Y/n wouldn't hate him so much then. His big sister barely spoke to anyone, least of all him. Lo'ak can barely get Y/n to look at him much less say a few words. With Kiri and Tuk, it's a little different. The three sisters all seem to communicate without ever vocalizing to one another, a form of communication that Lo'ak greatly resented. It only made him feel more alone, the only brother left... Well, except for Spider. The human boy is older than Lo'ak but doesn't act like it, the complete opposite of Neteyam in that aspect, along with physicality. Lo'ak appreciated Spider in many ways and does see him as a brother, but not an older brother. Not someone he could look up to.
Which is why he couldn't stand Y/n hating him any longer. One night, after she slipped away to be alone with her bow in hand, Lo'ak pleaded with his parents to let him go after her. He never vocally asked, instead using those big eyes and droopy ears to his advantage. Jake only looked away while Neytiri gave in, softly telling her last remaining son, "Go bring back your sister."
He ran after her, being sure to let her know he was following her with loud footsteps so as not to scare her. After all, he's seen her archery skills before. He knows his sister doesn't miss. Y/n didn't appear bothered by her little brother tagging along, the two running through the forest together until they came across the rookery in which their family's ikran had found their homes. It was a clearing of trees with a waterfall leading up to small cliffs of rock and bits of floating boulders. They weren't mountains and it wasn't as impressive as the rookery back home, but it did its purpose to housing the banshees. Y/n strung her bow over her shoulder and climbed up with Lo'ak close behind. They climbed to the very top of the waterfall where they were greeted by the ikran.
Y/n moved to greet Evi, trailing her hand down the strong neck of her dear friend as Lo'ak climbed over the ledge. For a moment, the siblings remain quiet as Lo'ak greets his ikran, a pissy beast who has been feeling neglected as of late. While Lo'ak provides him with treats to make up for it, the words come tumbling out of his mouth.
"Please don't be mad at me anymore."
Y/n's head tilts, curious, before turning to face her brother. Lo'ak couldn't bring himself to look back at her as she finally spoke to him, "Why would I be mad at you?"
He winced at the sound of her voice. It was different. After she had screamed her lungs out that fateful day, she hadn't spoken very much since. Either it was still the same voice and Lo'ak just hadn't heard it in a while, or it had changed, making the guilt continue to eat him from the inside out. His hands shook whilst he stared down at them, his blurring vision reminding him of the blood he had been forced to scrub off once upon a time, "Because it was my fault. My... fault..."
Y/n's ears drop, her tail lowering in distress. Her heart clenched painfully as she took a step toward her brother, "No. No, Lo'ak--"
"He's dead because of me." He blurted out.
"That's not true--"
"And I never got to... I should've said..."
She finally reached Lo'ak and pulled him by the shoulder, forcing him to turn and stand directly in front of her. Both of Y/n's hands squeeze his shoulders comfortably, gently whispering to him as if they were sharing a secret, "Tell me."
The tears were beginning to fall, and Lo'ak didn't have the strength to stop them, "The last thing I told him before everything went to shit... I said that Payakan was my brother and he needed my help. I told my own brother to his face that someone else mattered more to me than him! That he wasn't my brother--"
Y/n's face was not free of tears this time, her heart breaking all over but not just for Neteyam. Her heart broke for Lo'ak, too, her baby brother who thinks he screws up everything he touches and blames himself for everything that's happened to their family. Y/n reached up for that stray braid Lo'ak keeps free from his hair band, running her thumb over one of the beads Tuk had gifted him as she spoke, "You didn't mean it, Lo'ak. I know it, and 'Teyam did, too."
His entire body shook, and eventually, she coached him into leaning into her for support. It was by no means a hug. Lately, Lo'ak had been acting too grown up for that sort of thing, but Y/n will take whatever she can get. He leans his forehead on her shoulder and cries, shaking like a newborn pa'li while her arms envelop him, despite how he kept his arms to his sides.
They weren't out of the woods yet. Their family still had a long way to go before they feel as though they will survive this pain. But at least it was a start.
After realizing that her silence was making her siblings believe she hated them, Y/n tries to do better after her talk with Lo'ak. Speaking normally would be difficult for her and for the majority of the time it was uncomfortable, but she was eventually starting to work herself up to feeling somewhat normal again, starting with her sarcasm.
Slowly, day by day, her sarcasm returned, and she even made a sarcastic comment that got Spider to laugh. Ao'nung was there as well, wanting to feel at least relieved that Y/n was slowly coming back, but something stopped him from doing so. It was the way Spider laughed that made his skin prick uncomfortably. He didn't like the sky demon boy, that was clear to see. Even though Tsireya and even his parents warmed up to Spider, Ao'nung was not an easy feat. He had taken a while to accept Na'vi and demon hybrids, so trying to accept an actual Sky Person would be even more difficult, maybe even impossible as Ao'nung watched how Y/n and Spider would interact.
Anger often flared up in his chest whenever he saw the two together. Spider was always beaming a bright smile up at Y/n behind his strange little glass bubble of air, talking adamantly to her even when she wasn't in a talking mood. What bothered Ao'nung, even more, was the fact that Y/n didn't seem to mind Spider's presence. In fact, she gladly welcomed it. What was once red flaring up in Ao'nung's eyes was now green with envy, and the green wasn't a good look on him. His hands began to twitch whenever Spider was in the vicinity, or whenever the human was around Y/n. Ao'nung needed to do something with his hands, and unfortunately, when he finally lashed out, it was a mess.
Y/n came running to the sound of yelps and grunts of pain, someone snarling and hissing along with the familiar sound of fists being thrown. It was like being sent back in time, watching Lo'ak and Ao'nung fight in the sand. The forest girl easily broke the fight up and looked around with annoyance in her eyes while staring down at her brother and her friend.
"What's going on?"
"Ao'nung hit Spider!" Lo'ak spat out.
She took a moment to find Spider's gaze, the teenaged human looking a little frightened but otherwise unharmed. He was clutching his mask tightly around his face, however, so Y/n put the puzzle pieces together to realize what had happened. She examines Spider and his mask first, poking around at the oxygen tank attached to it before turning to the reef boy responsible, "Ao'nung?"
Ao'nung was sporting another bruise on his face along with blood on his lips. His ears darkened a shade, but otherwise stood his ground as he mumbled, "He said he knows what's best for you."
"What?" Lo'ak hissed, scandalized, "Bro, he didn't say that!"
Y/n held a hand out to Lo'ak and he quieted down. When her eyes found Spider, he knew that it was his turn to explain, "I only said I've known you a long time, Y/n, I swear."
She nods and turns back to the Metkayina, "Ao'nung. Did he really say that word for word?"
Ao'nung wished he could remember exactly what had been said before the fight, but it was all a blur. His memory was easily blinded by rage, and he could only remember bits and pieces of his conversation with Lo'ak as they fished on the shore before Spider had shown up. All the same, he realized that what he thought had happened wasn't exactly true, regardless of what he remembered, "... No."
Her expression was blank, a stone wall that has become her natural reaction to everything now, "So you assumed."
"... Yes."
She nods, side-eyeing the reef boy with a look of disappointment. It was cold and impassive, much like how she used to look at him before they became friends, and that honestly terrified him. She tilted her chin back in the direction of the village, "Ao'nung. Go cool off. And for the time being, leave me and my brothers alone."
Brothers. One word and Ao'nung quickly realized how blind he had been, how foolish he looked. As Lo'ak and Spider left, he watched the way Y/n gently held the back of Spider's head when the human teenager walked past her. It was like a splash of cold water ran down Ao'nung's back, the ghost of Neteyam's memory following Y/n's simple movements and love language toward her siblings, alien and Na'vi alike. She spared one last glance at Ao'nung before she, too, walked away. Ao'nung growled to himself, wishing he had something else to hit to release that foolish energy. Of course, Spider was her brother. It was foolish of Ao'nung to assume otherwise after everything the Sully children had been through. Tsireya had been the one to tell her brother about Spider even when he didn't want to know. She told him how Spider grew up alongside the Sully kids, how they used to play together all the time and learned how to hunt together as they got older. Even though Spider wasn't able to ride an ikran or finish his Iknimaya without the means of contacting Eywa with a kuru, his fellow Na'vi friends still treated him like one of their own and included him in everything, against their mother's wishes. Ao'nung heard about the events that happened on the demon ship, how Neteyam saved Tsireya, Tuk, and Lo'ak, but stayed behind with his brother to save Spider. It was clear to everyone how much Spider meant to the Sullys, enough to risk their own lives for him, which is why everyone except Ao'nung got the message to leave him alone.
He went home and it didn't take long before word spread -yet again- and Jake Sully informed Ao'nung's parents about what happened. The olo'eyktan and tsahik were furious with their son, lecturing him about his behavior and why what he did was wrong, "Toruk Makto recognizes the demon boy as his own. The Sully family has adopted him as their son and brother. Despite your differences, you must learn to respect him as you should respect the Sullys."
They make him go apologize, but they didn't have to. Ao'nung wasn't going to fight them to defend his wrongdoings. He accepted his punishment and went to find Spider the next morning after everyone had time to cool off. Spider was happily climbing the atoll walls leading out to the open ocean while Lo'ak, Y/n, and some of the older reef kids went hunting. As Ao'nung's punishment, he wasn't allowed to hunt for a few weeks, so he was able to catch the human boy alone without anyone around, which is how Ao'nung preferred to apologize in his walk of shame.
Ao'nung settled into a crouching position beside Spider after the human teen took a break, sitting on the very top of the sea wall. Ao'nung couldn't afford to look at him as he apologized, "Sorry I hit you."
Spider only shrugged, leaning his weight on both hands bracing him from behind, "All good, man."
Ao'nung whipped his head up in the sky demon's direction, confused as he reiterated, "It's not all good. Y/n is still mad at me."
Which was true. Y/n was openly avoiding Ao'nung at dinner the night before and that morning. Once upon a time, Ao'nung was her shadow, but today, she refused to accept one. Spider shifted uncomfortably, staring down at his swinging feet that dangled off the edge of the wall, "Yeah, well... She's mad at you because she was picturing what could've happened. I mean, technically you could've killed me if you hit my mask just right."
Ao'nung's spine stiffens, "What?"
"My mask? Ya know, the thing that helps me breathe?" Spider stares at Ao'nung curiously while tapping the glass of his exo pack. When Ao'nung only stares back with a conflicted expression, he explains his question, "Sky People can't breathe this air without help. That's what these are for."
It was like a splash of cold water was running down his back as Ao'nung berates himself under his breath, "Kalweyaveng. I didn't know. You and Y/n must think I'm some sort of monster--"
"You didn't know, cuz. As for Y/n, she likely realizes that, too. You just scared her is all. She's scared of losing another big brother."
Ao'nung couldn't help the smirk on his face as he peered back over to the other boy, "Big?"
"Shut up. Not what I meant." The boy rolled his eyes, "I'm still older."
That was news to Ao'nung, and the thought of Neteyam sobered him up, "I didn't know."
"That's fair," it's not like it was obvious, given the size difference and separate species. Spider has been misinterpreted as the youngest of the group for a while. It doesn't help that Little Tuk is catching up to him at just seven years old. He tries not to let it bother him, but he could see why Ao'nung felt like shit messing around with him if all he saw was a demon baby, "It was a mistake and Y/n knows that. She just needs to cool off a bit."
Ao'nung tries not to feel hopeful at Spider's words, so he tries not to talk about it and ask questions. It's what his sister would do, and he was trying to be friendly, "So what happens if your mask breaks?"
"I have friends in the Omatikaya clan who might fly out here soon to give me spares."
"Do you plan on staying then?"
"Yeah..." Spider's sudden nonchalant attitude melted into nerves, cautiously watching the reef boy out of the corner of his eye, "That okay?"
"Yeah." Ao'nung doesn't think before answering, but he doesn't regret it and it feels as though a calm wave is blanketed over him, extinguishing whatever ugly emotions he held toward the human boy before, "I think so."
Spider grinned, "Cool."
Kiri offered to bring Y/n and Tuk with her when Tsireya and Ronal invited her for tsahik training. Kiri was obviously missing that part of her life and was excited to go, therefore Tuk was excited, too. Y/n... not so much, but not that she would show it. She just smiled and told her sisters to have fun. The girls left around the same Lo'ak went out hunting with Ao'nung and Rotxo. With her parents also out of the hut for their daily routines, that left Y/n with Spider, and the two of them decide to stay indoors and weave a few baskets. Spider also wanted to add a couple of beads to his songcord, so Y/n helped him out with it. They worked in silence and Y/n took note of the beads Spider was adding to the cord. She had a feeling what they signified but didn't have the heart to ask. Likely, they were to represent the loss of Neteyam and Spider's adoption into the family.
The thought made her throat swell and she was forced to cough in her arm. Y/n had yet to add to her songcord since her brother's death. She had plenty of other moments of her life she could add, like joining the Metkayina clan, but she knew, eventually, she'd have to add a bead for Neteyam and a bead for Spider. She already had some options picked out, like a bead she had taken from Neteyam's braid before his funeral. As for Spider, she was juggling between finding a shell or a rock in the area where the battle with the Sky People took place as a way of his returning to the family.
While her storming thoughts were brewing, Spider had a few thoughts of his own that he wanted to openly share, "You don't have to avoid your friend for my sake, ya know."
Her eyebrows scrunch as she bore a pouting frown when she peered up at him from her work on his songcord, "Your sake?"
"I don't think he meant any harm."
"Harm? I don't think you would be saying this if you knew how he treated Kiri when we first got here."
Spider paused, squinting his eyes in confusion, "But... doesn't Kiri like him? I thought she told me he's actually nice."
"Perhaps that was Kiri just being nice," Y/n rolled her eyes.
"He seems nice to Tuk."
"That's different. It's Tuk."
"Aside from when Ao'nung hit me, he and Lo'ak get along."
"Just because he's nice to us doesn't mean he can go around and be cruel to you."
"He was being protective of you, Y/n. In his eyes, I'm just an alien who thinks they know you but not really."
"He hit you."
Spider shrugged, albeit a little bashful, "Yeah, but I'm okay."
Y/n didn't think any of this was 'okay' and it frustrated her to think Spider didn't feel the same. He always brushed things off like they didn't matter-- like he didn't matter. Kiri was always bothered by it and Y/n wished she had stood up for Spider the way her sister did their whole lives. Y/n wanted to blame herself, but a resenting part of her knew the blame was her mother's. Neytiri had always been so cold toward the human boy, even when he was so young and innocent. And yet, he never said a bad thing about her and always respected her wishes. Even if he only did so to make sure he could continue to hang out with the kids, he still respected her far more than she respected him.
Y/n loved, respected, and even admired her mother, but sometimes, the child doesn't wish to be like their parent. Y/n reached over and grasped Spider's shoulder, "What if he broke your mask? What would have happened then? You don't have a spare, Spider. You could've died."
"But I'm okay. See? I'm fine."
"But what if--"
"No more 'what ifs.' It didn't happen, Y/n," he reached out and grabbed her shoulder as well, smiling softly, "So just leave it be. Ao'nung didn't know better, and he clearly feels terrible for what he did. If you're worried that you'll offend me if you forgive him, don't be."
Y/n looked away, still appearing unsure of his words, so Spider continued, "Did he tell you he apologized?"
She peered up, eyes wide as she subtly shook her head. Spider huffed a small laugh, "I guess he wouldn't have been able to, seeing as you've been avoiding him."
Her ears droop in shame, looking back down at her fingers while they fuss with Spider's songcord. Spider settled back down beside her to help, but realistically he's never been good at the crafting part of jewelry, "He feels guilty and even called himself a monster. I said I forgave him, but he still feels ashamed because you're still mad at him. He actually seems like a pretty cool dude and he really respects you. Just give him a chance?"
It was like earning the trust of a stray cat. Jake personally hasn't seen one in a while, but watching the way Ao'nung tried gaining his daughter's trust again, he was reminded of stray cats back on Earth. Jake faintly remembers an old lady who used to live across the street from his shitty apartment. She would leave out food for the strays and over time, would gain their trust and they would let her pet them or take them into her home.
Watching this was no different. The Sully family was interacting at the communal meal that night, among the villagers. Jake and Neytiri stayed close along with Tuk, the young girl was tired and slowly falling asleep in her mother's arms after playing all day. Jake had kept a tally of where each of his teenagers was currently at, and thankfully he didn't have to look very far for each of them. For the most part, they had stayed close together. Lo'ak, Spider, and Kiri have huddled around with Tsireya and Rotxo, laughing and occasionally tossing food at one another, using their own plates made from tree bark as shields from the onslaught. Y/n was sitting next to the group of teens but was far enough away so she wasn't involved in the food fight. She silently sat alone, picking at her food. Jake didn't miss the way she'd politely wave someone away if they tried sitting next to her. She was purposely keeping that spot open and her father didn't know for who until he had spotted Ao'nung out of the corner of his eye.
The chief's son definitely looked forlorn, keeping to himself with his plate full to the brim of food in hand. Ao'nung was keeping an eye on Y/n the whole time he slowly made his way around crowds to reach her. He would pause every time she looked his way, wait as she analyzed him, then continue slowly approaching her when she looked down at her food. She clearly knew where he was at all times and Ao'nung was intentionally letting her know, like he was afraid of spooking her. Eventually, he was close enough to be standing over her as she ate but Y/n made no sign of acknowledging him, despite the fact she knew he was there when Jake watched her tail gently thump against Ao'nung's leg. The boy clearly took that as a good sign and slowly sat down in the empty spot Y/n had left open for him. He crossed his legs, being sure not to touch and to give her some space. There was a beat of silence between them, both teens looking in opposite directions of each other before Ao'nung subtly slid his plate of food closer to Y/n.
An offering was made, and Y/n clocked the food with her eyes before she slowly glance back to Ao'nung. To Jake's amazement, he watched the way her lips slowly curled into a timid, shy smile, as if testing some boundary. Ao'nung gladly smiled back, and the two teens began to melt and fall into a small conversation as they ate together, sharing food and catching up like old friends.
Jake couldn't help but feel somewhat troubled by this, tapping his wife's elbow to get her attention, "I thought we would have to worry about that boy mistreating the kids."
Neytiri followed his gaze and watched Ao'nung and Y/n for a moment before returning her eyes to Jake, confused, "Yes?"
"Now I think we're gonna have to worry about him being too nice to Y/n."
A/N: So now that I'm writing more chapters than I originally thought (that's a good thing 'cause I have so many ideas for this series) I have made an 'anla series masterlist!
Neytiri's eyes widen at the dawning realization before smiling brightly, a look her mate had not seen in quite some time as she fondly cooed at him, "Oh, Ma Jake."
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Thanks again for 200 followers! Part 5 is already in the works and I'll release the date soon 💖
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