#kireina teine
namithenerd · 6 years
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3 Beautiful Ladies!
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bellamy-ffxiv · 7 years
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doting on your tumblr buddy but she’s unawares and killing shrooms @kireinateine
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Kireina softly patted the Raen's back soothingly, " Hey glad your okay. I cookies if you want some?" ~From Kireina Teine
The male would tense up slightly before looking over his shoulder at the new visitor, giving a soft smile. “A-Ah, thank you! Uh, If you are willing, I-I would love a cookie, thank you muchly Miss!” Koziel replied, his tail’s swaying quickening for a moment.
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🔒-Is your muse secretive? If so why? ~From Kireina Teine
He is secretive when it comes to provach and when he so chooses to do. Majority of his work comes with the confidentiality agreement. Plus, where's the fun in revealing everything? In his own words. "Learning the secrets is half the fun."
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hydaelynshimbos · 7 years
Favorite color! ~From Kireina Teine
Blue. Despite the painful amounts of gold I throw on Elodea, any dark shade of blue is perfect for me.
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feros-xav · 7 years
Omg your on ps4 too IM NOT ALONE! I love your aura he looks so cool! The way Tanis and Feros act rind me of me and my xaela hubby xD what made you decide to go aura? ~From a curious little aura named Kireina Teine (points to alt blog) :3
hi kireina! :D
my husband gave me his gaming pc earlier this year!  but while I rarely play on the ps4 nowadays, I still love doing remote play with it.  too awesome and convenient. (also, the moments when I said I couldn’t join their party because I was just checking my retainers from the toilet. good times.)
I’m glad so many people find our little au ra antics something they can relate to!   well, when they first announced the au ra race I immediately decided I was going to make one.  luna joined me soon after, I am pretty sure handsome xaela tail lured her in.  XD
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🌹~From Kireina Teine
She blushes recieving the flower from her fellow Raen’s friend, she shakes her head while thank to her tribe mate. “By my dawn father Kire, I’m happy to know that you find me beautiful, I’m kind shy for those things but I’m completly happy. You’re such a beautiful pale scale friend that I have.”
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caqi-cove · 7 years
Regress ~From Kireina Teine
(For @kireinateine)
The little chieftess to be pit-pats her way through the clan’s camp, her exceptionally long tail nearly dragging on the ground due to her exhaustion. A day of training and riding her horse will do that to a little Xaela. Her eyes however as bright and wide open as ever, and the moment they set on the Raen she skitters over, that tail wrapping around her dark blue gown like a scaled belt. “You must be with that other Raen who is trading, right? You’re.. different looking. From her, I mean.”
The little Xaela reaches as far as she can, fingers nabbing hold of the woman’s orange locks, the emerald and gold of the girl’s eyes flashing with excitement and a bit of mischief. “Ooooh, it’s soft. What do you wash it with? I mean, you do wash it, right? Mommy says I have to wash mine a lot but I don’t think it’s that bad. I mean, it gets a little tangled but it’s not that bad!”
An energetic giggle rolls from Qurcaqi as she continues to play with the Raen’s hair. “I dunno if I want mine to be as long as yours though, it’ll get all tangled up when I ride, and one time my hair got kinda tangled around my bowstring. Mommy had to cut it, so I-” She blinks, dusky skin gaining a undertone of red as it dawns on her she probably shouldn’t have shared that. “Nevermind.”“Hey! Can- can I have one of your scales? The other Raen wouldn’t let me have one, but I really would like it! I can call it a war trophy! .. I’ll give you two of mine!”
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bellamy-ffxiv · 7 years
💎 ~From Kireina Teine
Bellamy was busy filling a glass from the keg when he felt the familiar elbow in the rib from his overly curious co-worker. “Oh, don’t y’get tired of that?” He hissed with a roll of his eyes and passed the large, frothy mug down the bar toward his guest while he scanned the crowd for the woman that she was currently describing in hushed murmurs while practically hanging off his arm. 
Again with this rating scale of hers. He didn’t understand while she wanted to know his opinion so badly. However, the Auri woman who had found her way into the lounge was far more favorable than the ten others she’d asked him about. It hadn’t taken him but a moment to notice her, with that strawberry blonde hair.
So much for not participating in the game.
“… Seven.” He didn’t sound entirely certain about it. For him, someone might be very outwardly beautiful, but didn’t necessarily appeal to him. Besides, it was what was beneath it all that really drew him in. This girl was attractive, though, and he admittedly had a bit of a weakness for dainty, female Auri. “She has…” He cleared his throat awkwardly, trying to keep his voice at a whisper to avoid embarrassment. “… very unique hair.”
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sassysparkylady · 6 years
I promise ill be back on uulan soon. I'm trying to learn wifu moon goddess ex on my main with my fc. But my girl will be back soon!
If you wanna see those shenanigans go to @kireinateine and follow me there!
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knifewaifu · 7 years
Favorite beverage and food? ~From Kireina Teine
Ririsu is a big fan of meat, any kind of meat really. She doesn’t discriminate. 
Koneko is a vegetarian, but she likes ramen and tea! She is not a vegetarian to make a statement, more like a diet. She is suppose to look her best, and is terrified of getting thick.
Thanks for the ask @kireinateine ♥
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z3r0r3b0rn · 7 years
����~For Bal from Kireina Teine
*Bal thinks for a moment* Physically its the little things, playing with her hair, scratching her back lightly, bapping her softly when Doubts herself. Verbally its things like "be careful, see you soon, dont you dare miss dinner".
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sinfulxaela · 7 years
You're a really cute xaela! And a badass. Wish I could say hello sometime but balmung is always full. Just wanted to say hi! ~From Kireina Teine
You flatter me. ^.^ Thank you so much. Yeah, Balmung is a pain to get onto unless you do the server transfer. I tried for a couple months before I gave in and swapped over the hard way. You can stop by and say hello anytime you would like. I rp through messages here and on discord as well if you would ever like to do so since we have yet to be able to meet up in game. ^.^ 
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dantestormbrand · 7 years
What is your favorite hangouts and why? ~From Kireina Teine
The lanky miqo’te tapped his chin, pondering his answer while staring of into nothingness, his gaze drifting back down as he started to speak.
“Uh... well, a bit of everywhere and nowhere really. S’pose lately I’d ‘ave to say the apartment, nice to finally ‘ave a place to call my own and relax in, gettin’ used to it now too, but I’ve always been a bit of a wanderer y’see, so where ever I end up, usually somewhere that’ll serve a drink or some food... always ‘ad a thing for docks though, nice places to sit an’ listen to the water.”
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A pet peeve ~From Kireina Teine
I'll respond for both Lunya and mun.Lunya gets easily irritated when something that she planned didn't work or she's unable to do anything.Mun is the same way but a bit more exaggerated. She really hates the fact that she cannot help the person/people that she loves and gets frustrated.
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namithenerd · 6 years
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When your FC buddie does leveling and you get tam tara, you have to beat them up. hahaha!!
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