#kira nerys imagine
hollis-art · 4 months
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i dont know why doodle boards are my go-to thing to draw when idk what to do, bc like?? that means i have to have MORE ideas to fill it up??? counterintuitive but ok
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Kira and Julian in Life Support
Feelings 1:
Bareil, as far as I can see, has never called her Major on screen, called her Kira a few times before they got together and then called her Nerys very consistently, notably in The Collaborator. But in this episode, he doesn't call her by name once. But when he wakes up from the brain surgery, this happens:
"Bareil?" "Yes, Major?"
Feelings 2:
Just Kira and Julian's whole interactions with each other:
(For context: Julian usually calls her Major; "Kira!" has been used once when rescuing her, and "Nerys" once when he was flirting. Kira usually calls him "Doctor"; "Julian" has been used on three occasions, once under duress when he was flirting, twice when she was protesting his orders to take a break.)
Julian breaks the news that Bareil has died
"Thank you Doctor. I'm on duty in Ops. Excuse me." "Kira. I think they can get along without you in Ops today."
Kira slides into her usual formality, since she's using work to distract from grief. Julian drops his usual formality and gently calls her by a friendly, but not intimate name.
When he is debating the first brain surgery with Kira and Winn
"I think she's right, Julian. I think Bareil would want the positronic implants." "Kira, if I go through with this, the man who wakes up may not be the man you used to know." "I realise that, but I know how important this is to him, and I know he wouldn't want to just be put into stasis indefinitely, waiting for some medical solution that may never come. Do the surgery, Julian. Let him finish what he started."
Kira begins to his name as she tries to persuade him. Julian continues to call her Kira; almost unthinkingly, he's more concerned about saving Bareil than about Kira's feelings here.
When Bareil is dying.
"It's the other half of his brain, isn't it? But you can still help him can't you? You can replace the other half of his brain with a positronic matrix." "I'm sorry, Nerys, but this is where it ends."  .... "Julian, you can't give up now." "Nerys, if I remove the rest of his brain and replace it with a machine, he may look like Bareil, he may even talk like Bareil, but he won't be Bareil. The spark of life will be gone. He'll be dead. And I'll be the one who killed him."
Kira continues to use his name to cajole him into saving Bareil - You're Julian, you're my friend, why won't you help me, Julian?
But there is no way for Julian to offer Kira comfort here, and he knows it. So he does the only thing he can, dropping every formality and identifying himself as her close friend by using her given name - even as he tells her he has to let the man she loves die.
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neuroprincess · 9 months
Tequila, Whiskey & Bloodwine - Kira Nerys/Reader
Major Kira Nerys/Lieutenant Female Reader
Summary: After a drunken night with her best friend, Kira has to face her feelings for Y/N or do the easiest thing, run away.
Classification: Light angst, fluff
Warnings: Alcohol consumption
Word count: +2000
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"One, two, three, now!" Kira shouts over another shot of aldebaran whiskey, laughing at her friend's expression as she does the same, totally unaccustomed to the taste.  
"Damn, that's really good, but strong." Y/N mutters, lips becoming numb "It probably wasn't a good idea to drink tequila earlier."  
"Maybe not at all, however, I think your alcohol tolerance is low." the brunette places the glass on the counter and watches the surroundings, there's still a big commotion at Quark's.  
"Or your tolerance is high, darling." she defends, feigning indignation at the accusation "Nerys..." then calls her by given name, something unusual.  
"Yes, sweetie?"  
"Have you ever tried a Kiss On The Lips?" she asks, approaching slowly, the woman blushes and just nods negatively "Do you want to try mine?"  
And everything after that becomes a blur, a fog in the memory.  
If there was a sunny morning with rays and heat beating against their faces through the window, it would certainly bother them. The bajoran moans and tries to move her arm without success, a weight limiting any movement, it's warm, soft and smells incredible, intoxicating all her senses. She smiles holding onto it and hugging the body, feeling every part and curve against her. Strands sweep across her face, the scent intensifies and without even realizing it she inhales, searching for more, lips ajar brushing across soft skin, closing to plant a kiss on the place.  
"That tickles." a familiar voice whispers and she jumps out of bed recognizing who it is.  
"Y/N?! What the hell are you doing here?" Kira rubs her eyes and analyzes the situation "And half naked?"  
"Good morning to you too." she gets up, putting a hand to the temple feeling a twinge, surely just the beginnings of an annoying headache "And we're not much different."  
Nerys gasps as she looks down and finds that they're in the same position, wearing only panties and bra, immediately trying to cover herself with both hands. They stare at each other for a millisecond before she runs to the bathroom, anticipating the shame consuming and her cheeks starting to blush. Finally alone, starts freaking out, a dozen scenarios running through her head, no matter how hard she tries to search in the back of mind for some memory or what happened, how the two of them ended up in this situation, nothing comes up except shots of different drinks and a short talk until everything goes dark. A talk that makes her blush even more, a heat rising up her neck and making sweat out of nervousness. It was the lieutenant who started with a double meaning, she doesn't remember if they continued or what it led to, her body is strangely sore and there's a bruise between neck and collarbone.  
"Rys!" the younger calls from the other room, the nickname making her blood run cold "I can't find my clothes, can I borrow some of yours?"  
"Sure, sure, I'll... I'll take a shower, you can go ahead and meet me for breakfast."  
A few minutes later, she heard the bedroom door close and let out the breath that she didn't even know was holding, the nausea hitting hard, the rest of the drink still in mouth and an imminent headache, announced by a familiar pressure. Despite her age, she had been deprived of a few luxuries as a refugee and later as a resistance combatant. There were few opportunities for her to sit down and just enjoy a social occasion, to indulge a little in alcohol, to experience the normality she had been denied. Even so, it doesn't seem right. Then questions arise, the fear of having done something while out of her mind and someone from the militia or starfleet having witnessed it, or, the biggest question, having slept with her best friend and, worst of all, not remembering it, any of the details or the circumstances. The possibilities consume her as she walks to Quark's and instantly regrets having arranged to meet Y/N for the meal, frightened by the mere sight of her. Wearing her clothes. Earthy tones in loose fabrics contrasting with skin, slightly messy hair and a very cute sleepy face that makes the heart melt as she watches her sip a raktajino, soft lips catching her eyes more than she would admit. She knows she should join her friend, ignore all fears and spend a pleasant morning off, but she can't, it seems impossible. Thinking, hoping, that hasn't been seen, she turns around and runs back to her quarters, unable to face the girl. And, like an embarrassed teenager, runs away from her for the rest of the day with a dozen lame excuses, forgetting that they will have to work together the next day. 
"Y/L/N, go with Major Kira to the docking bays, a klingon ship has been rescued near the station, leaving from here, and needs immediate repairs." O'Brien orders, stepping up onto his platform, and smiles at his pupil's sudden animation, he'd noticed how downcast she'd been since the start of the shift "Is that okay for you, Kira?"  
"Why wouldn't I be?" the Bajoran retorts immediately, a little rougher than expected, without turning in their direction "Let's go before we get some impatient big guys."  
The path is tortuously silent, unlike the way the pair are in everyday life, always cheerful with casual chats and sneaking around the station corridors when they're not sharing a meal. Y/N opens her mouth a few times, trying to start a conversation, but is always interrupted by some guidance, finally giving up when she realizes the indifference of her usually warm friend.   
"Kira?" she calls, a door behind access to the docking bay "Why are you avoiding me?"  
"I'm not avoiding you, Lieutenant."  
"Well, you didn't even say good morning to me and seem to be purposely distancing yourself." her words are almost painful, the weight of the day finally affecting "I saw you leave yesterday and, after that, you avoided me at all costs. Did I offend you in any way? If it's the clothes or that night..."  
"It's nothing, Y/N."  
"So what is it?"  
About to answer, she is interrupted by the passage being opened and Odo appears accompanied by three klingons, well-known merchant brothers from the House of Ral'kur, specializing in the trade of exotic and rare materials, who were passing through the station. The tallest and eldest of them, Jarnok, takes two steps forward, bowing slightly as a sign of respect to the major, who is confused and doesn't know why or how to react, she looks at both friends for answers and they giggle.   
"Qapla, it's good to see you again, Kira Nerys. Well, you've proved yourself to be a formidable woman and worthy of my respect and admiration." he compliments, standing up straight again.  
"Do we know each other?" the brunette asked, squinting her eyes, scanning back through memories in search of something, they had never even spoken.  
"She's humorous." Draxan, another Klingon, laughs and slaps his brother on the shoulder "No need to be modest, it's not every day that someone manages to defeat Jarnok in a hand-to-hand duel."  
"I think we better start repairs so you can get back on route as soon as possible." Odo intervenes and directs them to the other side to check the outside of the ship.  
Taking a minute to assimilate what she's just heard, Kira can't believe she's got it right.  
"Did he really say that or is my brain playing tricks?" she asks when they are finally alone, inside the ship's facilities, and begins to get nervous, a little irritated, sounds like a joke "How did I duel with a fucking Klingon?"  
"Well, it was kind of my fault." Y/N tries to explain, without knowing exactly how "I lost a lot playing strip poker, some of them stared at me, you got angry and thought it was clever to duel with one of them to defend my honor."  
"You? Me? Wait, you were half naked at Quark's?" jealousy burns in the pit of her stomach and she's livid just imagining such a scene, that others have had the privilege of seeing the same thing she saw the morning before "That's crazy, not in a good way. We'll never go there again, those Ferengi..."  
"What about my breakfast?"  
"I'll make it for you, we're just not there anytime soon." she replies quickly "Now, how did I win the duel? It's fucking impossible."  
"It was probably the effect of the bloodwine. That was kind of my fault too." the lieutenant mutters embarrassed "We bet."  
"That I would drink?"  
"That we would both drink, but you were right, I'm weak on alcohol." the younger concludes, ashamed, the memories of that night popping into head and making her blush "I have to say, you looked really hot knocking Jarnok to the ground with just one blow." 
"With just one blow?"  
"Quick and accurate."  
"It explains my sore body. And the bruise on my neck." 
"That was me too." Kira freezes and swallows dry with fear at this affirmation "We fell on the turbolift and I accidentally elbowed you."  
"Oh, for a moment I thought..."  
"That we had slept together.. Is that why you've been avoiding me?" everything starts to click into place and she gasps, feeling the tears choking, the behavior being a clear response to how she feels about this and them "Nothing happened, don't worry, even drunk I know and respect boundarie and limits." she spits, feeling the bitterness of each word like a poison on the tip of tongue "I'll check the control panels, Major."  
She barely manages to take two steps only to be held by defined arms and whirled around so that they continue face to face, the brown eyes staring at her with intensity, there is sweetness which she recognizes, but sweetness mixed with pure fervor, unspoken passion, red lips tingle with proximity and the two stare at each other without words, just keeping the small details of seconds that feel like eternity. Y/N focuses on the firm grip, fingers caressing her over the fabric of the uniform, always amazed at the tenderness to be found behind the wall of hardness that Nerys builds around herself. Her heart beats faster, almost leaping out of the chest, and she can barely control her breathing, air being stolen from lungs as they are inches apart.  
"Rys..." the name pronounced in a whisper breaks the comfortable silence.  
The bajoran smiles at hearing her name and wanders a hand up to the other woman's neck, with a gentle touch pulls her to herself and, without warning, their lips meet. It's exploratory, gentle and passionate, leaving a trail of repressed desire and hidden emotions. Suddenly time is suspended, just for them, so surrendered that everything disappears for a single moment. The drunken night, the worries, the momentary pain of being away, the uncertainties and insecurities that haunted them, all dissolve the moment the kiss intensifies. In human terms, everything is thrown out of the window, nothing else matters.   
Kira reaches for the girl's waist and pulls her even closer, deepening the kiss, intensifying the touch and shouting how much she wants, no, desperately needs this. She feels in paradise, until her brain demands oxygen and realizes she's very alive.  
"So... you're not mad at me?" is the first thing running through Y/N's mind as soon as they separate, mouths brushing lightly "I..."  
"Sweetie, I was never mad at you, in fact I was mad at myself, the idea of having loved you in my arms and not even remembering it was too much for me. Shame, anger, maybe sadness." the brunette confesses, letting a bundle of vulnerability shine through "And fear. Fear that you don't reciprocate my deepest feelings or are just looking for fun."  
"Sometimes you can be really blind, Rys. Everyone knows that I'm hopelessly and madly in love with you."  
This leaves Nerys speechless, stunned, ecstatic, joy crossing every neuron and fiber of her being at the revelation. She can't find the words, doesn't need to. In the next second, their lips are together again in an eloquent kiss full of everything they can't say, the kind that are enough when there are no beautiful words to explain the most intense things. However, this lasts less than the one before, because they separate when the klingons heavy footsteps are heard walking towards them.  
"Well, Lieutenant, in my quarters after shift?"  
"First date?"  
"Of course!" 
Yes, I'm back… with new obsessions.
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starfleetimagines · 1 year
I've always loved the way you write Kira Nerys! Any chance you'd be willing to do a fic (or headcanons, or anything really) in which Kira and the reader have recently started to date and the reader comes out as nonbinary to her? (they/them pronouns preferred for the reader)
Coming Out As Non-Binary To Your Girlfriend Kira Nerys Would Include...
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She knows all too well what it's like to be punished and looked down on just for being who you are, so she's supportive and accepting of everyone no matter their gender, religion, etc. In the nicest and most loving way possible, Nerys doesn't give a shit about gender. If you're a good person she likes you, end of story.
Still, you'd be nervous to tell her. Not because you didn't think she'd accept you and support you, but because you would worry how it might affect your relationship; things with Nerys would be going so well and you hadn't been going out for all that long.
But she makes you feel so loved and supportive in all aspects of your life. She's so loving and caring, and just wants you to be happy.
When you finally work up the courage to come out to her, she'd just smile and say "okay". And when asked if she minded, she would hold you, look you right in the eye and say, "Why would I mind you being your true and authentic self? This doesn't change the way I feel about you, YN. And it doesn't change what's happening between us, I promise."
She would ask you about it a bit, mainly clarifying what pronouns and terms to use for you and what to say if anyone asks (e.g., who knew/who you were out to). She'd instantly and easily switch to using they/them pronouns for you, and she would correct anyone and everyone who misgendered you.
Should anyone speak ill of you in this regard (or any), she would not hesitate for a second to stand up for you and put the other person in their place.
True to her word, nothing would change between you two. In fact, you coming out and being your true self would only bring you two closer.
Tag list: @plaguedoctorsnake @shadyfirecollector @starfleet-memedom
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submarinerwrites · 1 year
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lunarbreaksblog · 2 years
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How Kira nerys, Odo, Julian Bashir would react to you being an Assassin
It took Starfleet a while to figure out who you were. It shouldn't have been difficult, you gave them all the clues.
He was the one to arrest you for identity theft, first degree murder and more. You swiftly came along, wanting to hear who long you'd serve your sentence that you'd never serve.
Odo would not lie but he would flabbergasted, not that he would show it, you'd been hiding in plain sight for a while on the station. Always coming to chat to him
Oh, he felt betrayed the person that helped him settle so many cases was a someone who killed for themselves.
It's not long before you disappear, Odo doesn't come after you, feeling quite heartbroken about you to the point he doesn't want to interact with you.
Kira nerys:
She doesn't arrest you. She's been in war, has killed before.
She just asks you why, you reply with that it was your creed to do it, you only went after the bad people never the good one. In some way she sees this a parallel to her story.
Kira doesn't tell anyone about you, so you can safely escape the station.
Julian Bashir:
He thinks your joking until he talks to Garak about it, who in returns gives him cryptic messages about you
Julian only realizes you are not joking when you outright assassinate a Starfleet commander in a group of people that don't even realize what has transpired. The only reason he knew was because of his genetic engineering.
He can't tell anyone he saw you
Julian demands you leave as he does not want his best friend for years to arrest even if he saw the murder.
He drinks in Quarks while you run
Feel free to request!
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boreal-sea · 7 months
One thing that's interesting to me about Kira Nerys is that religiously, I think she's rather orthodox/conservative, and I like that about her!
Points of evidence: she admits that early on with her associations with Vedek Bareil that she staunchly disagreed with him on many of his interpretations of the words of the Prophets. Vedek Bareil is presented as being more liberal and progressive in his views, so we can conclude from this that Kira may be more on the orthodox end of the spectrum compared to Bareil.
She doesn't disagree with Vedek Winn about the teaching of the Bajoran children and the wormhole, and even suggests that perhaps the Bajoran children would be better served in a separate school. When several Bajoran officers don't show up in protest of the school, Kira defends them. She and Sisko actually have a rather heated argument about it.
None of Kira's later disagreements with Winn are about Winn's religious views, but rather her bloodthirsty political ambitions. I think, were Winn not so power hungry and willing to twist the Bajoran faith to serve her personal goals, she and Kira probably would've gotten along rather well.
And there is of course the episode where all the Bajorans are expected to go back to their "D'jarras" - to return to a caste-based system. Kira goes along with it, even though she admits she's terrible at art. I imagine there were likely other Bajorans who refused. Kira isn't happy about it either, but I found her willingness to go along with it interesting.
Kira is overall very observant of Bajoran faith rituals. All Bajorans are shown as being very faithful in the show, but Kira very strongly leans on her faith as a point of both pride and strength.
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yournewlodger · 3 months
90s television wouldn't have been ready for ro laren and kira nerys to meet. imagine the story potential. it would have been unparalleled. also add leeta in why not.
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k0rr1g4n · 5 months
"The acting technique known as "the Method" asks actors to imagine themselves in the same situations as their characters, and call up the personal emotions associated with being in those situations. Method acting can elicit brilliant performances, but can sometimes harm an actor's well-being if proper care isn't taken to maintain boundaries between actor and character, especially while performing challenging or complicated roles. To make Major Kira an authentic character, and honor the people who experienced harm at the hands of oppressors, instead of trivializing the real-world parallels in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Nana Visitor inhabited the character of Major Kira Nerys this way."
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sometimes I suspect I am being pranked and that I somehow only have access to a version of DS9 that gradually increases the size of Kira Nerys's eyes over time. I always think, 'no, I must be imagining things. it is not possible that her eyes are That large and dewy and doe-like.' and then she appears on screen. and points a disruptor at your chest. while looking at you with the largest and dewiest and most doe-like eyes you've ever seen in your life.
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this is what i see when i look at her. if u even care.
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hollis-art · 1 year
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i keep seeing this stupid pose on pinterest and every time i see it my brain goes "haha its them". so i fulfilled the prophecy. now it really is them
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walkingstackofbooks · 5 months
I need to rewatch Shakaar. From what I remember, it takes place 3 years after the occupation ends, yet it's the first time Kira catches up with her old resistance cell members? That may not be accurate, but if it is, why? And did she remain in contact with them, besides Shakaar, until they were all picked off in The Darkness and the Light? Or did they drift their separate ways again?
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isagrimorie · 6 months
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Star Trek: Open a Channel: A Woman's Trek by Nana Visitor
Nana Visitor, Star Trek’s Kira Nerys, explores how the series has portrayed and influenced women. Interviews with the stars, writers, producers, and celebrity fans reveal the struggles and triumphs of women both behind and in front of the camera throughout the sixty-year history of Star Trek, and how they have mirrored the experiences of women everywhere.
The groundbreaking casting of Nichelle Nichols as Lt. Uhura in 1966 took women and people of color into a newly-imagined future. But it was the 1960s and she had to do it in a miniskirt.
Since then, each Star Trek show has both reflected the values of its time and imagined a more future in which all genders were equal. In her first book, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine star Nana Visitor sets out to discover both how Star Trek led the way for women, and how it was trapped in its own era.
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starfleetimagines · 1 year
I love your writing so much! Best of luck with your new program!
Could I request a Kira Nerys x gender neutral reader - Nerys comforting you after a nightmare?
Aaaa thank you!! <3
Kira Nerys - Safe In Your Arms
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Length: Drabble (under 500) Warnings: Nightmare (nothing specified) Tag list: @space-helen @mrs-l-mccoy @plaguedoctorsnake @coffee-in-that-nebula
Your heart hammers in your chest as you snap your eyes open. Taking in a ragged breath, you stare up at the dark ceiling, memories of the dream at the forefront of your mind.
Just a dream, you try to tell yourself, but your heart won't stop slamming against your ribs. You shift and move closer to your partner. You don't want to wake her, but you need to feel her next to you; need to know she's there with you.
You wedge yourself against her back and hook an arm over her torso, holding her close to you. You nuzzle your face against the base of her neck and inhale slowly, breathing in her scent.
Nerys makes a soft noise and shifts a little. "Is it 0600 already?" her tired voice mumbles.
"No," you reply quietly, your own voice muffled by the collar of her night shirt. "Go back to sleep."
But Nerys moves and rolls onto her back. Even in the dark, you know she's frowning at you. "You okay?" she asks softly.
You lean your cheek against her shoulder and nod. "Yeah," you say, but your voice cracks.
Nerys sighs quietly and turns onto her side to face you fully. She moves her arms around you and pulls you flush against her. "Bad dream?" she guesses, and you nod.
"Want to talk about it?"
You shake your head and hug her tightly. "The usual. It's okay."
She slowly rubs your back and kisses the top of your head. "I got you. You're okay, I'm okay. We're both safe, okay?"
Nodding a little, you try to believe her. You know that she's telling the truth, but your anxiety is still so high.
She starts to quietly hum a Bajoran lullaby she's sung to you before. You take in a deep breath, focusing your senses on her: on her soft, melodic humming; her warm body against yours; her strong arms around you; her sweet scent filling your nose.
She's there, you're there, and you're both safe.
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lordsothofsithicus · 5 months
So I promised someone I would make this post - Kira Nerys from DS9 and why she got Kicked Upstairs, quite literally
OK so - establish what we know of Kira's character at the beginning of the series She has been made the political officer on Deep Space Nine. She is not happy about it both because she has been essentially politely shooed off of Bajor but she also has to take orders from a Federation commander, and resents the very presence of the Federation because having just chased off one military authority why are the Bajorans welcoming another, one approaching making the same promises of friendship the Cardassians did, it's lunacy
Kira is Argumentative (capital A) Kira is temperamental Kira is undiplomatic By all standard political yardsticks she is a TERRIBLE choice to serve as a political officer, especially since Bajor is trying to negotiate its admission to the Federation, and she very much did not ask for the posting
So why did she get it?
Kira is a Major in the Bajoran militia. This is a command officer rank but not a Colonel or a Generalship - it is as I recall the last of the ranks where during wartime you'd be personally commanding soldiers in combat (correct me if you know better). Meaning that she is by the time we meet her a seasoned field officer
But what else do we know about her?
Kira is religious
Not in a flashy or ostentatious way, but in a deeply, sincerely-held way that some could interpret as traditionalist or conservative.
But wait - she also has a close personal relationship with more than one highly-placed Vedek, including a VERY close relationship with one (Bareil) who is on the short-list to become the next Kai... this is like having a list of Cardinals on your speed-dial including one who is placed to become the next Pope with little hearts <3 <3 <3 next to his name in your caller ID.
So not only is she religious, she is a military officer with influence over religious figures (she would doubtless find the idea of exercising that influence in a way that personally elevated her blasphemous, but that's beside the point) - this carries onto the next point
Kira is a leader of one of the most famous resistance cells on Bajor - essentially, the one that did so much damage it forced the Cardassians to relinquish the entire planet as part of negotiating the end of the war with the Federation. The Bajorans made such a stink and did so much damage the Federation said "Let them go" and the Cardassians said "Ok" and that's largely laid at the feet of the Shakar resistance cell. This is why she's so highly-placed in the Bajoran Militia. She has influence over the ex-Partisans and most of the Militia that far exceeds her rank; it becomes fairly obvious over the course of the show that when she calls, they come. Would she use this influence to elevate herself? No, but again that's beside the point.
This influence is so important that politicians like Minister Jaro who want to overthrow the government need her on their side, because if she's not - well, see what happens with Jaro's coup.
So here's a complete portrait: A military officer who's been fighting ever since she could pick up a weapon, notoriously impatient and undiplomatic but with TREMENDOUS influence over the military and ex-military civilians, probably outstripping a lot of officers who outrank her. An officer who is deeply motivated by traditionalist religious beliefs and who has a close relationship with prominent religious figures INCLUDING the man who is widely regarded as the candidate to become the next leader of the planetary religion; she ends up in bed with him later on, quite literally.
Now imagine if you're a politician who sees this quite frankly frightening, charismatic, impatient, INFLUENTIAL officer, probably when she storms into your office and begins to yell and you cannot make her leave. Your government is made of matchsticks and hope. You start to think... if Kira Nerys decides she could do a better job of running the planet she will whistle and not only will half of the Militia side with her, a bunch of farmers who used to be partisans will beat their plowshares back into swords. She could plunge the whole damn planet into civil war. Sure there are people who swear up and down she would find the idea offensive (and she would, but that's beside the point) ...But can you take that chance? What do you do with her? You can't ruin her career, assuming you're jaded enough to try. She is untouchable - incorruptible, fearless, and devoted to service. She has Friends. Maybe you're even one of them?
So set that aside... there is a posting that is technically a promotion; the Federation is establishing a presence in the star system in order to protect Bajor and help clean up the mess the Cardassians left on the planet, and the government needs a ranking officer to represent Bajoran interests and work with the Federation commander.
For her supporters, you sell it like this: Kira Nerys is tough (boy is she) and she won't let the Federation and especially the Cardassians push her around (she absolutely will not). She will represent Bajoran interests above her own (she will). She will serve Bajor on Deep Space Nine the way she always has, with every part of her being (Absolutely)
To those who are afraid of her, you spin it like this. This posting will occupy all of her time (it will) and it will literally keep her off of the planet and isolated (it will, this is one of the reasons she hates it at the beginning of the series). If she messes up, it will damage her reputation (...probably) - and if she succeeds, hardliners who might've rallied behind her will suspect her of being tainted by association with the Federation (cynical, but sure)
And that buys you time to work on strengthening the government so someone like oh, say, an extremely influential, extremely popular war hero can't huff and puff and blow the whole damn thing over
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neuroprincess · 6 months
Star Trek - Cooking Together
Classification: Fluff
Pairing: B'Elanna Torres, Christine Chapel, Deanna Troi, Kathryn Janeway, Kira Nerys and Number One
Warnings: None
Word count: +500
B'Elanna Torres
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The half-Klingon is passionate about cuisine in general, but that doesn't mean she's a good cook. B'Elanna loves experimenting flavors and daring spices, the same goes for unlikely combinations, some of which can be compared to pregnant cravings. Cooking with her can be great fun, with gentle jokes, exchanging smiles, sharing tasks, ironically it's safer to let her chop the ingredients than to use the stove, there's a big risk of setting the room on fire. In short, it's enjoyable in every respect and results in abundant dishes of dubious quality.  
Christine Chapel  
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This woman can do many things with skill, but cooking has never been one of them. It's not even one of her interests. However, if you want to try a recipe, Christine will attempt it without hesitation, dedicating herself more to organization than to the preparation itself, making sure that all the necessary ingredients and equipment are available and that everything is clean. Over time, she creates a little more interest, specifically in baking, and it won't be long before you're tasting the best brownie in your life. 
Deanna Troi  
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She knows how to cook, it's nothing extraordinary, extravagant or fancy, when inspired she can risk doing something different and intimate. A candlelit dinner made from scratch between sips of wine and caresses exchanged, Deanna touches your waist lightly as you move around the kitchen, fingers brushing across the arm in conversations that end in genuine smiles, admiring each other passionately, plus she likes to steal a few kisses. The betazed enjoys the whole process and romantic aura that is built up. Of course, you can't go without some chocolate dessert, which will be shared late at night.  
Kathryn Janeway  
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Janeway is a minimally competent person who believes to be an expert in the art of cooking, which comes from her upbringing with a mother who prefers and values traditionally prepared food, teaching her a dozen things while growing up. The moment you decide to cook together, she naturally tries to take charge, very proactively, only to end up having to improvise to save a simple recipe that the captain swore she knew by heart. You may have to end up replicating something to eat, but the moments spent together make the scorched pots worth it.  
Kira Nerys  
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Growing up in the context in which she grew up, cooking is a survival skill and Kira learned it easily. It's basic and nutritious, nothing fancy, but still tasty, believe me, she has a kind of gift. Little by little she learns that this is also a hobby that can be done for pleasure and as a couple, enjoying time, preparation, company, trying different things and, her favorite, watching your reaction when tasting what she cooks. The bajoran will be proud if you approve and expect her to repeat the dish several times just to please you. She also introduces you to various traditional dishes from her planet. 
Una Chin-Riley   
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Maybe she's the best cook of them all. You can hardly imagine it until you get to the quarters and find her preparing a warm three-course meal, a cute apron with a cheesy phrase you picked up on a trip, smiling smugly and the delicious smell permeating every corner of the room. If you don't know how to cook, Una will be more than happy and excited to teach you. The brunette is a great baker too, her strength advantage is perfect for kneading bread and opening pasta, making homemade spaghetti has never been so easy. 
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