#kino rambles
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cloudykino · 1 year ago
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this is the one thing I've drawn of this pilot
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im-kino853 · 2 days ago
what drawing program do you use :>
Medibang Paint Pro, Ms.Paint, Magma
For fully rendered stuff i usually use Medibang, for doodles i use Ms.Paint💥 Magma is js an alternative for me to try smth different :J
+ they're all free 😋
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cloudykino · 2 years ago
i love owen. my disaster child.
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congratulations to my friend's sans undertale and timekeeper cookie for having a child in her tomodachi life save his name is owen
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daretolovemyrambling · 3 months ago
the Medarda Clan
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(picture above is from the arcane artbook, it's concept art for Mel, Kino, Ambessa and Kino's unnamed father. Mel's father isn't named or shown anywhere yet)
I don't think Arcane necessarily retconned this, so I wanted to talk about the Medarda Clan in the League of Legends Universe.
Mel Medarda, while banished from Noxus, likely still retained a high status because a part of the Medarda family also resides in Piltover.
It makes sense that Medarda family members don't just reside in Noxus. Ambessa says herself that she send Mel to Piltover in order to oversee their family's interests. And would it really be called "Medarda House" by Piltover residents if only Mel is in it? Mel would have also been only about 23 when she enters Piltover and 26 when she was a councelor in season 1 act 1 (here is a timeline I made for arcane: x) it's insane, even for her, to establish a well respected house in such a short time in Piltover.
In Legends of Runeterra (a Riot card game that explores the world of Runeterra in more detail), there is a card named Jae Medarda.
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His description reads: "Heir apparent to Piltover's prestigious Clan Medarda, Jae preferred hunting ancient artifacts over managing the family business... much to his father's chagrin."
There also some other Medarda family members that we know of; on the League website you can find a map named "Medarda Heirloom", it shows trading routes the Medarda's use. It's a pretty old map though, I think it's from 2016 so I wouldn't really say this very relevant.
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On the map you can find a letter by a Medarda Merchant named Jago writen to his nephew, Salob, who seems at risk of being banished.
I tried my best to make out every word:
Nephew Salob,
As much as I am forced to admire your frankly staggering & baffling level of self-belief in the face of numerous failures, failures that would have punctured the ego of the staunchest Zaunite braggart. I would like to confirm, in writing, that control of the Medarda Clan's commerical portfolio and access to the clan trade map. Which you have long coveted, shall not be granted to you - not now - not in time - nor never.
I suggest you take on a profession more befitting your natural talents - perhaps as a chem-lamp lighter - and be grateful to your aunt, my dear wife, that your ties with the clan are not severed completly.
This will be the end of the matter.
Jago Medarda
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The Medarda family seems to love exiling children that don't fit into the family.
I think Jago is now kind of retconned if Arcane is the new canon, or he's at the very least not the head of the clan and has married into the family. Sun Gates are what made a lot of the families in Piltover rich 200 years ago, it's not mentioned in arcane but we do see them in some arcane maps.
In Arcane Ambessa mentions that she fought battles from the Bloodcliffs to the Dalamor Plains. The Black Rose mentions that she might have had an affair while travelling through Basilich, at least fake-Kino claims that this is the area he heard rumors about Ambessa's affair in. I marked all these places with a red dot on the Runeterra map. Basilich is a Port City, if the affair really did happen here, Mel's father could be from any place in Runeterra.
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I'm hoping they will expand on the Medarda family in the future, the Ambessa book will likely have some interesting lore about them in it. It comes out in Feb 2025.
From the Synopsis we already know that there will be a cousin of Ambessa that is named Ta’Fik. I'm guessing he knows that Ambessa had an affair and has bad blood with the Black Rose.
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Ambessa Medarda: Warrior, general, mother. She is a woman to be feared, and the Medardas are unrivaled in their pursuit of glory. She has led conquests and armies. She has slain legendary beasts. She has made grave sacrifices in her ascent up the ranks. And for this she was rewarded: She entered the realm of death and was granted a vision of herself upon the throne of the vast Noxian empire. But before she can lead her empire, she must become head of her own clan. Yet the title is contested by her cousin and former confidante, Ta’Fik. He knows the bloody sins of Ambessa’s past. And he knows he cannot allow her to rise. They will fight a war for the very soul of the Medardas. But the war won’t be fought on battlefields alone. Ambessa’s daughter, Mel, can deftly break through the walls around anyone’s heart, and she’ll put her talents to use for her mother. Yet despite Mel’s strength, Ambessa sees only a child who lacks her killer instincts. Mel knows she can be the leader Ambessa wants her to be, if only she gives her time. With her family betraying her, enemies closing in on all sides, and unseen forces moving in the shadows, every day proves more dangerous than the last. But Ambessa will not bow. She will burn the world down to claim her place in it.
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melmedardaapologist · 1 month ago
another way that the ambessa novel really works for me—and also this is just a sign of a good prequel for me—is that it retroactively adds a lot of dimension to already existing character qualities—
ambessa paradoxically turning against her family (mel) in the process of strengthening her clan? that’s the plot and crux of this book, there’s literally a moment where she contemplates setting the feud with ta’fik aside but decides against it in the end, hell, she kills tividar even after the girl helped her
mel embracing piltover ideals so thoroughly and commiting to putting the city on the map? mel craves being useful, it’s how she’s been taught to measure her own self-worth, it’s how she justifies letting allies live so it fits the medarda code, it’s what she despairs at not living up to. her tattoos? an act of teenage rebellion that is actually an act of love from her father and that love will protect her fifteen years from then on even after rudo’s death
kino being killed because he was looking into the black rose? he was already interested in them the moment he suspected they arranged azizi’s death—of course he’d try to protect his sister even overseas, and continue at it no matter what ambessa says
the black rose being interested in mel? of course they’d be—rudo created an explosion so powerful that it obliterated everything created of organic material within its radius, and continuing their plan to control the medardas through the leader after being denied it for fifteen years is just the cherry on top (and the way mel defeating leblanc is an echo of inyene’s defeat, where the latter was to save ambessa and the latter was to damn her? poetry)
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suntails · 2 years ago
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gift for a friend!!
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cloudykino · 2 months ago
thank you nintendo and miyamoto for finally embracing mario's cuteness in the new mario kart
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cloudykino · 8 months ago
I found this really interesting so here's a few corrections!
Cyborg was most likely a Coconut Cookie before they turned into well.. Cyborg, by the few we've seen of their design, so you might wanna consider that
Cacao is not the same as chocolate, cocoa/chocolate is generally roasted while cacao is directly the unroasted version, though they were designed pretty similarly so I don't know how much of this they took into account lol
Chamomile is specifically Chamomile tea, did you know her dress is a cup? that's cute
Langue de Chat is the chocolate one, which looks a bit closer to his hair
Flat Tofu is actually Paper Tofu or Tofu Skin, he specifically has motifs relating to beard curd knots, he has it in his staff!
Lemon Zest is specifically the peel, didn't know it until recently because apparently zest is a word for peel.. also it's in his description I may be a little small brained.
Onyx Cream is Black Cream by the Korean version, he was localized as onyx cream because of the pattern of the onyx which resembled his design, I don't think it's specified beyond that so it's a little confusing
Snow Crystal has motifs of both actual snow crystals and the flower of the same name
Starch Noodle is based off Fen Hao Zi noodles, they're a type of thick noodle typically served in hot pot
White Lily is specifically called Saint Lily in Korean that's probably help a bit I think. like how Caramel Choux is actually Saint Honore, the english localization hates the word saint LMAOOOO
Xylitol Nova is specifically Xylitol Gum
sorry I'm insane about cookie run
COOKIERUN IRL - My new little side project
I made a webpage on my Neocities where I keep track of every single playable character in the entire history of the CookieRun series and find their irl flavor counterpart. Enjoy as I keep updating this like every month until I get tired.
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Some previews from the site!
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badshah-cornelius · 3 months ago
I don't think my boyfriend has ever seen the music video for Big Enough so I am going to have him watch that later tonight.
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fairygeek777 · 3 months ago
You know, I think Mako's intro as a Sailor Senshi is not appreciated enough by me.
I absolutely love the composition of this page
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And the way she speaks here that someone whispered to go where something was waiting. I dunno I really like it.
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cloudykino · 2 years ago
okay guys here's my excuse to ramble about the history of dragon ball AF cuz this guy is hilarious
might be missing some details but I tried my best
tablos is a Guy from Spain that did art of spirit killer tablos from dragon ball AF (second pic here) or whatever (yes he literally has a self insert.) that got on a magazine called Hobby Consolas
all of LATAM thought omg this will be next dragon ball and blew the concept of dragon ball AF the hell up and made fake amv, bootleg merch, etc
it got over to Japan and the newbie mangakas used it as au concepts and did their own takes on it
guess who one of those guys was
we could say indirectly this guy gave toyotaro his job as DBS mangaka and he's still so PISSY about it cuz he's a hardcore toyotaro hater that gets mad at everything he does and claims he does not know the true essence of dragon ball (THE ESSENCE IS A MEME OVER IN LATAM DB)
why is the essence a meme you ask. well the Castilian Spanish DB dub was less than great and the people who are hardcore about it act just like the og American DB dub truthers and yes he is one of those guys, he claims the essence of dragon ball is the blood seriousness and whatever dumb shit he's coming up with, he hates Goku being a funny happy guy or the mere idea of dragon ball being silly
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whitenoise-telepath · 2 months ago
soul coded if youre not a pussy btw
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eggonthemoon · 11 months ago
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starshapedpetals · 2 years ago
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new merch line. you know the drill
first of all, i don’t hate this line. I think most of the boys are drawn pretty well. but what a strange concept? the diaboys.. as priests? “dark” anti christ priests but still.. strange? it’s unique at least?
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my only real complaint with ayato is how his mouth looks weird. c’mon he’s a vampire, show me the fangs. c’mon let him do the iconic bite the glove thing. it actually frustrates me how they missed that opportunity 😭 overall, he looks fine to me. there’s no detail i’m particularly drooling over. except for this one very specific detail that has me drooling over the triplets. & it’s the… halo?? like look at the triplets next to each other. ayato in the middle with his brothers on the side. i LOVE the way they’re turned with him in the middle 😫 on that note, i hate how shuu is at the end. if they just swapped subaru & shuu’s placements, we could’ve kept up with the turn thing the triplets + reiji were doing. 
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kanato looks a bit off, right? is it just me or are his eyebags less dark..? idk but he looks a bit off, to me at least. also.. is that teddy? kanato has been seen with more bears in the recent merch lines, but this one kinda looks like teddy.. except he’s so dark brown?? anyways, as off as he looks to me, i still really like him. he’s grown on me the more i look at him, i think he looks pretty, & i like the pose. also kanato with earring <3
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shuu’s face is very very pretty, despite that there’s nothing really that interesting about his design to me. now he doesn’t look bad at all, just a tad boring in my opinion. other then that i’m crazy about how pretty they drew his face & hair <3
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why is reiji so hot rn?? the face, the pose, the chained glasses, the ascot, my god reiji pull it back sir you are a priest. i originally thought his hair looked a little flat but i think that might’ve just been me. anyways, i love him so much <3
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kou is so cute looking!! i think his priest getup looks so nice & pretty on him! i’m also a bit pink & black biased, but aside from that, i really do like him. i’m very pleased with this kou. he looks cute to me <3 i like his pose too <3
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azusa so pretty like when does he not look ethereal? & yknow how much i love azusa with wings <3 i love how his wings have bandages on them. it’s so azusa. i don’t really like the design of the knife but oh well he still looks pretty
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carla looks alright :/ i’m a bit disappointed tbh. I always love the black ribbon in his hair, but it’s just meh here. of course i love seeing it, but not my favorite appearance of it 😔 i really don’t like the weird wind blowing thing that’s going on with him. especially with this video quality, some of his details look bad to me. like that specific strand of hair blown too close to his mouth. looks fine in higher quality, & up close, but at quick glance.. not so much. i also just don’t love the angle. it could’ve been better (imo) but he’s fine overall
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KINO IS JUST GIVING IN THAT POSE. he’s got the most unique pose so he stands out the most. i’m also a fan of how his color complements the black. he just looks so fucking pretty to me & i just love his tongue sticking out. he’s one of my favorite looks tbh i just love him
notes since photo limit & don’t have much to say abt them;
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i’m living for laito in that shade of green 😫 i think his hair & face look so pretty here. i wish i had more to say since i really do like how he looks here. also, i cannot stop thinking about that church scene 😭
subaru’s pose feels familiar? like not from DL but maybe it’s inspired by a religious figure?? it’s been days & I still can’t figure it out? he’s alright. his hair is a bit too flat looking for me. i like how the hints of red on his outfit look
i’m so sorry ruki fans but i personally really don’t care for this design. he’s giving a little too much priest for me 😭 pls don’t crucify me
i’m a really big fan of the way yuma’s clothes hug his figure. it’s so so pretty. nothing else in particular catches my fancy sadly.
i’m sorry but i really don’t like how thick shin’s eyepatch is? i feel like they’ve done this before & i really don’t like it. other then that he’s fine? nothing too wow in my opinion but not horrible looking
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tolstayas · 7 months ago
watched лето with no subtitles which really pushes the limits of my russian comprehension these days..... will 22 be the year i get good at russian again perhaps
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doeyedbambi · 27 days ago
plan on finishing the pearl today~ many thoughts on this one🙂‍↕️
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