#kings of taking pics in flowers field
bighigh · 7 years
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They invented friendship or they invented friendship
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
Britney Spears voice, "oops I did it again"
More Huntlow fanfiction, this time featuring jealous Hunter and teenage shenanigans at Walmart
Mrs. Noceda had taken them all out to this giant building she called Walmart, which she insisted was only one store, but to the four Boiling Isles natives seemed more like five stores in one. She thought it would be a good chance for them to buy some clothes they actually wanted to wear while also stocking up on cheap groceries and supplies seeing as she now had five mouths to feed she wasn't expecting.
Luz on the otherhand seemed to be treating the simple shopping trip like an educational field trip, showing the group around the store as if they were in a museum, eventually she was just left with Gus hanging on her every word even taking notes to bring back to the Human Appreciation Society and Hunter absently trailing behind the two of them. Both Willow and Amity had broken off into nearby sections when things had caught their eye while Vee and Mrs. Noceda were grabbing groceries on the other side of the store.
Hunter was zoning out as Luz explained exactly what the thin boxes holding shiny disks were for when he heard Willow giggling a couple of aisles away in front of the flower display. He turned towards the sound to see her talking to a human boy. Hunter couldn't help but feel himself tense up at the sight. He was trained to read people's body language in order to gauge their intentions in split-second glances, and this human boy's body language told Hunter everything he needed to know about his intentions towards Willow.
He was quite a bit taller than both her and Hunter, he had his arm up on the flower display shelves leaning over her casually with a smirk on his face and a look in his eye that made Hunter inexplicably want to get Willow as far away from him as possible. Hunter watched as the boy picked up a single red rose and held it out to Willow. He could see the blush slightly dusting her cheeks, and the smile she gave the human made Hunter's stomach flip in the complete opposite way it does when she's smiling at him.
"Hey, Luz," he spoke without taking his eyes off of Willow and the human. "You don't know that guy, do you?"
"Huh? Who?" Luz turned around startled out of her long-winded explanation of something called an MP3 player to look where Hunter directed her. "Oh wow, that's Ben Slater."
"Oooh, he's kinda hot." Gus chimed in smirking as he watched his one comment make Hunter's entire face sour.
"He's like mega hot. He's only a junior, but he's captain of the swim team, and he won prom king as a freshman. They don't even let freshmen go to prom they gave him the crown the next day in school."
"And he's totally hitting on Willow." Gus added, knowing just how much it would bother Hunter to hear.
"And he's totally hitting on Willow." Luz repeated, catching onto Gus's teasing.
"I mean, this feels like a milestone, right? The first human to hit on Willow, if I had my scroll, I'd take pictures." Gus said, smirking at Hunter's sour expression, one he seemed incapable of moving away from Willow and her new human "friend".
"Oh, good idea, Gus." Luz said, taking out her phone immediately snapping a few pics of Willow and Ben.
"You don't think she's actually- I mean Willow wouldn't..." Hunter trailed off, knowing he wouldn't be able to say what he was thinking without immediate teasing from both Luz and Gus.
Luz and Gus made eye contact sharing a secret knowing look before they both turned their attention back to Hunter.
"Why Hunter, is there a reason you don't want Willow to be seduced by Ben Slater?" Luz said, sliding up to Hunter's side.
"Yeah, you wouldn't happen to be jealous, would you?" Gus said, sliding up against his other side.
"Wha- no. That's not- I wasn't- I mean-" Hunter spluttered his face growing red as his blush took over. For the first time since he noticed the human talking to Willow, he looked at Luz and Gus to see the smug expressions on their faces as they both worked hard to contain their laughter. "Oh, shut up." He crossed his arms and pouted, causing the other two to lose control of their laughter and fall apart.
Gus and Luz lost themselves, both doubling over clutching their sides and closing their eyes. Hunter rolled his eyes and walked away from them face on fire. He walked over to where Amity was absentmindedly sifting through piles of cheap jewelry. If anyone asked him, he would say he went to talk to her even though he knew he walked her way to be closer to where Willow was still talking to the human.
"Blight." He said as he approached her.
Amity looked up quickly just to acknowledge his presence before her eyes got caught on Luz and Gus laughing behind him. "What's up with those two?"
Hunter glanced over his shoulder at the pair, still laughing at him. "Ugh, nothing. Just that human who's apparently hitting on Willow." He gestured to where the two stood in front of the flower display.
Amity turned to look at them.
"Huh," She shrugged before turning back to the jewelry.
"That's it? Just 'huh'?" Hunter looked at her baffled.
"Well, I mean, I guess a lot has changed since Willow and I were really close, but from what I remember, he doesn't really seem like her type." Amity said casually unaware, just the effect her words had on Hunter.
"Oh," He turned back to look at the pair by the flower display with that new information in mind, and he couldn't help the little smile it caused him to have. "So, just out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to know what her type might actually be, would you?" Hunter tried desparately to sound as casual as he could and knowing he failed completely.
Amity looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, unimpressed as he refused to meet her eyes, knowing his face was the color of a tomato.
"Can we pretend that didn't sound as obvious as it did?" He said, still unwilling to meet her eyes.
Amity snorted, shaking her head with a fond smile. "Well, it's been a while since I would be the authority on that. I mean, she never ruled anyone out because of their gender before, if that's what you're looking for."
Hunter nodded, absently just taking in the new information.
"So, you like Willow then?" Amity asked casually.
"I mean, it's kinda hard not to." Hunter replied, his eyes seemingly stuck watching the plant witch from afar. "She's just so... Good and strong and sweet and pretty and-" he coughed finally looking away from Willow and down at the ground cheeks aflame. "Yeah, I like Willow."
Amity chuckled, "I can't say I blame you. You know she's too good for you, right? I mean, she's too good for anyone."
"Yeah, I know." Hunter said earnestly.
"Wow, ok. Well, I was mostly joking. Guess we gotta work on your self-esteem, huh," she nudged him with her arm. "But I get the feeling. You and I are honestly a lot more alike than I would personally like to think about right now and if I'm being honest Luz and Willow are a lot more alike than I personally would like to think about either. I mean, you and I have done some pretty unforgivable things, both to them and to other people, but the two of them, they forgave us. That's the amazing thing about Luz and Willow, they don't really care about the people we were, just the people we're trying to be." Amity smiled up at Hunter and he returned the gesture with a smile of his own.
"Yeah, so how long are you in town for? We should totally hang out." Ben Slater's voice dragged the two witches out of their moment and back to the issue at hand.
"Ugh," Amity rolled her eyes and fake gagged, "Here, go interrupt them and give this to her." Amity held out a small keychain with a plastic figure of a bee dangling from it, "I was going to give it to her later, but I can't listen to her fake giggle at this guy one more time, besides I think she'd like it better if it came from you anyways."
Hunter looked down at the little keychain before taking it from her hand, "Thank- wait, fake giggle?" He looked up at her with a manic hopefulness oozing off of him.
"Duh," Amity rolled her eyes. "You learn pretty quickly which giggles Willow Park actually means and which ones she's doing just to be polite."
Hunter looked over at Willow smiling up at Ben and started to notice some subtle details he hadn't picked up before, like how tense her shoulders were and how tight lipped her smile was and how her feet had started to fidget a little bit as though she wanted to get out of the conversation. As he was taking in these new details, the rest of Amity's sentence caught up to him.
"Hold on, why would she want me to give this to her instead of you?" He turned back to the purple haired witch confusion written all over his face, and Amity couldn't help herself she just giggled at him.
"Jeez, I hope I wasn't this bad before Luz and I got together, but honestly, I was probably worse." She laughed a little at herself. "Let's just say I might not know what Willow's type is these days, but you definitely fit what her type was back when I did know."
"Oh." He said absently before realizing exactly what Amity had just said, once it clicked, his eyes snapped back up to her once again, looking at him with a raised brow and a smirk, "Oh."
"Yeah, 'oh'." She rolled her eyes at him fondly before pushing him towards Willow. "Now go, rescue my friend from that very boring man."
Hunter let himself be pushed by Amity and made his way over to where Willow and Ben were standing. He stopped right behind Willow and tapped her on the shoulder. As she turned around, her face lit up at the sight of him with a smile that made his insides feel like they were being boiled.
"Hunter! Hey, what's up?" As she spoke to him Hunter couldn't help but pick up on how much brighter and happier she sounded in just one sentence to him than she had the entire time she'd been talking to Ben. He tried not to let himself dwell on it too much, but he'd be lying if he said he succeeded.
"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt you guys," he looked up from her perfect smiling face to Ben standing behind her. If human's were capable of doing magic Hunter knew Ben would have cursed him on the spot just from the look in the other boy's eye. He felt a little bad for how happy Ben's obvious anger made him feel, but then he looked back down at Willow, smiling up at him and realized he couldn't care any less about Ben. "Amity found this and she thought you might like to have it." He held out the little bee key chain for Willow to take.
She gasped at the sight of it quickly, taking it in her own hands, "Oh, Clover." She whispered to herself. She smiled softly at the keychain even as her she felt her eyes get a little misty before looking back up at Hunter. "Thank you, Hunter. I don't know what to say, it's just so cute, I think I'll keep it forever." She grinned at him and in an instant any cool demeanor he may have had disappeared.
His face lit up with a bright red blush, he coughed awkwardly as his hand involuntarily moved to rub the back of his neck, "Yeah, well, you know... Amity just thought and I mean, I agreed, but uh- what I mean is um... you're welcome." He cringed at his own awkwardness as she just smiled at him in that way he feels like he's not allowed to see.
"Excuse me?" Ben's voice startled the two witches back to the present moment.
In an instant Willow's smile disappeared replaced with a surprised and embarassed expression as she turned back around to face the human boy. As she turned away from him, Hunter wanted nothing more than to banish Ben to the other side of the planet, something he was able to do when he was still the Golden Guard. Of course, now he just had to settle for trying to glare a hole through the side of his perfect face.
"So sorry, Ben. This is Hunter, he's one of my friends from home I was telling you about." Willow said as diplomatically as she possibly could.
"Right, yeah whatever. So can I get your number or what?" Ben asked, putting on what he clearly thought to be his most charming smile. All it did was make Hunter's urge to punch him in the face even stronger.
Willow looked up at the human confused, "My number? Are humans assigned a number?" She asked earnestly.
"Uh..." Ben's charming smile disappeared replaced instead by pure confusion.
Willow turned around looking for something in the distance, her face perked up when she seemingly found it, "Luz!" She waved to get the human girl's attention continuing when she knew she had it. "You never gave me a number."
She said as Luz and Gus approached the oddball trio.
"A number?" Luz asked, confused before she glanced over at Ben to see his equally confused expression. "Oh, wait! Dude, are you asking for her phone number?"
"Um... yeah." Ben said, his eyes flicking between the group of four in front of him in confusion.
"Sorry, man, she doesn't have a phone." Luz shrugged, not even attempting to look apologetic.
"She doesn't have a phone?" He asked incredulously, and Luz just shook her head. "Yeah, right, okay." He rolled his eyes before looking back at Willow. "You know, if blondie's your boyfriend, you could have just said that instead of wasting my time." He stuck his hands in his pockets and walked away before any of the young witches could respond.
Willow watched him walk away her cheeks burning, unwilling to turn around and face Hunter, knowing that her feelings would be written all over her face, but not knowing Hunter was in the exact same boat.
"Well, he seemed nice." Gus was the one to finally break the silence. Luz was the only one to laugh.
"Come on, Gus, I wanna show you something called surround sound." Luz took Gus's arm and left the other two witches alone.
Willow slowly turned around to face Hunter, with a sheepish smile and a soft blush over the bridge of her nose.
"So that was... something." She let out a chuckle that felt more awkward than natural. Hunter replicated it somehow even more awkward.
"Yeah, I mean, me? Your boyfriend? That's- that's crazy...'s not quite the right word for it, but um I mean. That guy was a jerk and you deserve better. Not that I think that I would be bet-! I just um-" Hunter cringed at himself, knowing his entire face must be brighter than the red lights above the roads outside. "I think I'm going to walk away now before I say anything else, so yeah." He said quickly before turning on his heel absolutely prepared to run the opposite direction, but before he could, he felt Willow's hand on his arm stopping him.
She didn't turn him back around, instead she just stood up on her tiptoes and placed a soft peck on his cheek from behind before she walked away in the opposite direction towards Mrs. Noceda and Vee.
Hunter turned around to stare at her back, absolutely dumbfounded and rooted to the spot she left him in. Slowly, his hand came up to cup his cheek where she'd kissed him.
He was almost blown over by Luz and Gus, running past him to jump on Willow and scream excitedly at her for kissing his cheek. As the two friends yelled and jumped around her excitedly, Willow glanced over her shoulder at him, and he got to see possibly his favorite Willow smile to date.
"Nice job. Maybe there's hope for you yet." Amity said, coming to a stop right next to him.
He glanced at her for a split second before looking back at Willow, who was now completely entranced by Luz and Gus teasing her. He couldn't help the way, looking at her made him smile. "Yeah, maybe."
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On September 9th 1513 James IV and the flower of Scotland’s nobility were killed in battle at Flodden Field.
It was one of the saddest and most tragic days in Scotland’s history but a date that in my opinion does not get enough recognition paid to it, our much loved   Renaissance Monarch, King James IV was killed in battle at Flodden Field, near Branxton, in Northumberland.
James IV was a flamboyant King, it has been called a Golden age for Scotland by historians, he lavished his wife with gifts, now it might not sound much nowadays, and no disrespect to the town, but he gave her Kilmarnock as a wedding present! They also loved holidays around his Kingdom and in particular James and Margaret enjoyed making music together and listening to professional players.
With that he was also making sure his country was protected and he put together a most impressive navy, two huge ships were at the centre of it, The Great Michael, and the Margaret, the fleet numbered 13 larger ships and they carried an armée de mer (‘army of the sea’) of thousands of troops, about 10 smaller ships sailed with the fleet, and it must have been some sight back then seeing around two dozen ships sailing out The Firth of Forth to patrol our shores.
So where did it all go wrong? Well it’s all to do with loyalty and sticking to agreements made through our history, this one is down to The Auld Alliance.
As with previous centuries relations between Scotland and England were difficult throughout the 15th century with both countries either attacking one another across the border or negotiating truces that never lasted. In 1460 James II freed Roxburgh Castle from English occupation. In 1474, James III proposed the marriage of his son to a member of the English royal family but this plan failed. In 1480 Edward IV invaded Scotland. Check out my previous post regarding this arrangement which was called  (the) “Treaty of Perpetual Peace” for more info on this.
Henry VIII Invaded France on 30th June 1513 landing at Calais to lead an army of 40,000 into France, in July 1513 James IV responded to pleas for assistance from France and declared war on England, he rallied his nobles and told them to assemble an army,  it must have been an impressive sight as the army was mustered  South of Edinburgh on Burgh Muir, today its remains include the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links.
It wasn’t just a knee-jerk reaction, there had been attempts at diplomacy,  James sent the Scottish fleet to France and sent an envoy to Henry to ask him to end his siege of French towns, he was dismissed.
Remarkably there is a great paper trail of the Scottish armies preparations for the invasion of England, this was the largest and most well prepared force to take on the Auld Enemy, everything was accounted for including the price of the banners the army flew as they marched south, the third pic is one of many papers held by  National Records of Scotland from the summer on 1513.
It reads;
August 1513
Item, for four ells of blue taffeta to make Saint Andrew’s and Saint Margaret’s banners, price of the ell 20s; Total £4
Item, for four ells of red taffeta to be the king’s banner, price of the ell 20s; Total £4
Item, for 14 ounces of sewing silk to be fringes to the banners and standards, price of the ounce 5s; Total £3 10s
Item, 3 ells of taffeta to be the king’s standard, price of the ell 20s, Total £3
Item, to a woman that made the fringes for the banner and standards, 40s
Item, for 4 sheep skins to be cases to keep the banner and standards in, price 14s
Item for the making of them in haste 4s
Item, for 10 hanks of gold given to the captain of the castle’s wife for the king’s coat armour, price of the hank 5s; Total 50s
Item, to a man to wait for the standards to bring them with him in haste that night that the king’s grace will depart from Edinburgh 10s
Item, the 19 day of August, for a set of harnesses to the King’s grace bought from Sir David Guthrie for the which he has my obligation of £40
Item, to the constable of the castle of Edinburgh at our departing to England, the last day we were in the castle, to furnish us all with the necessary, to good account £16
Item, the 29 day of August, the king’s grace sent me home for canon wheels, gun stones and oxen.
Item, to 6 horses with gun stones, each man and horse 14s; Total  £4 4s
Item, to 20 men and horse to carry 20 dozen of spears to Coldstream, each man and horse 6s; Total £6.
In  August James IV at the head of a huge army, crossed the River Tweed and by the 29th of the month had taken Norham Castle. By September 9th the army had reached a ridge of a hill near the village of Branxton and waited for Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey to approach.
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cockasinthebird · 3 years
It was awkward at first, which isn’t much of a surprise to Steve. This is a whole new world for him-  how would he ever even go about dating or flirting with guys, least of all Billy Hargrove. Girls he understood, flowers and chocolate and driving them to the mall and carrying their shopping bags, classic textbook stuff that he’s actually quite good at if he had to say so himself.
Hi was all he managed to write to Billy.
Hey ;) was the response.
Nerve wracking, dizzying, nauseating. It left him a mess for that entire weekend, making him incapable of ever even responding to any of his other matches on the apps, because he couldn’t stop thinking about Billy fucking Hargrove. Yet he also didn’t know where to go from there, and when Billy didn’t see it fit to send him a second message, it just died out right then and there.
But there was no relief, no Oh thank God that he wouldn’t have to even try and find out what it’s like with Billy- what sex is like with Billy. Yet the thought of it stayed. Every night, morning, day. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, all ruined by a crown of golden curls, broad shoulders, his musky stench, that ugly tattoo… It doesn’t make any sense to him still, but now whenever he thinks about how firm and strong Billy was, bumping up against him on the court, the way he almost admired Steve in the showers right before calling him a pretty boy, and his voice when he said it… it’s all too vivid now. Whenever there was a moment for it, his idle hands would slowly find their way past the border of his briefs, but after only a few strokes of his half chub he’d pull back with a loud and exasperated sigh.
Come Monday morning and he’s sitting in his car, hands gripping too tight around the steering wheel, students flocking to the front doors of Hawkins High. Yet somehow through the mess of reluctant teens, Steve still manages to spot Billy without even really thinking about it, like a gorgeous needle in a hormonal haystack, jeans clinging to his sculpted ass, the fabric around his thighs looking about ready to tear-
Steve shuts his eyes, squeezing till it becomes uncomfortable in an attempt to forget that he knows what Billy looks like naked; how freckles dust across his features everywhere, how smooth he is, how he’s oh so perfectly waxed-
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, shit.” Of all things that could have happened, Steve sporting a boner at school wasn’t rare but definitely the worst. Especially given the subject of his all too sudden desires. 
He had never cared to think twice about Billy when he wasn’t around, and now he’s the only thing on his mind. He can’t go in there like this, can’t face him like this, Steve’s body is too sensitive to even the slightest hint of Billy apparently. 
And he’s not going to jerk off in his car, that’s just… sad.
The fact that he makes it all the way home without a single speeding ticket is just dumb, lazy luck, and that he makes it to his bedroom before jerking off for the second time today is just impressive. At least he can still show some self restraint.
But only a little.
For when he’s done and ashamed of it all, he sluggishly drags his feet toward the shower, where as soon as the hot water hits his skin, he’s reminded of the locker room at school. And he’s reminded of all the times he has caught Billy stealing glances, only for those crystal blues to flee once they’ve been caught, maybe spit out a little toxic comment that’s barely heard in passing.
As he now looks down at his fully hard dick once more, yearning to a certain someone’s attention here in the nude, Steve closes his eyes only to be met by the prideful, girthy cock that even when flaccid Billy struts around with like he’s the king.
His lips pursed around a cigarette. His hands as they grasp the ball at practice. His fingers so nimble whenever he plays with a pencil in class. His smile that he flashes to all the girls. His tongue out to swipe as he grins at Steve.
“Fuck, ah-” he bites into his one hand as he cums into the other, white clashing with the pink of the bathroom tiles. And another, “Fuck!” as he slams the side of his fist against the wall of the shower.
Barely an hour passes before he’s hard and ready again, lying on the couch with old reruns of whatever on the tv, his eyes glued to the pics Billy has posted everywhere for his own conceited ego’s sake, and the hundreds of likes and comments he gets, of course.
But it’s hard not to like what you see, when you’re faced with self-confidence like this, and well earned at that considering his Adonis looks and frequent exercise routine. It wouldn’t shock Steve if he found out that Billy could lift him without breaking a sweat.
Actually it thrills him far too much to even consider, as he watches a video on instagram of Billy benching far more than what Steve weighs, and all the blood rushes into his already eager erection at such a speed he gets a little dizzy.
He almost misses the doorbell ringing in his intense, almost stalker-y field of view, and who the fuck even rings anyone’s door at almost 1pm on a Monday. A sigh and rubbing his eyes prepares him for the inevitable greeting of either mormons or jehovah's witnesses, or maybe he’s lucky to meet a travelling salesman who’s got a cure for crushing on people way outside your league.
The bell rings several times as he walks up to the door, and even after opening it up to the warm summer weather, it takes Steve several long seconds before he realises who’s standing there, toothy grin and denim clad with an arm up on the doorframe.
It hits him like a bullet to the heart, the shock of finding billy Hargrove here, in front of Steve who’s barely dressed and-
Billy’s eyes hone in on the obvious tenting of Steve’s green boxers, and that grin spreads into the widest, flashiest smile that Steve has ever possibly seen.
“Is that for me?” he drawls out, lustful and daring.
And it sets the poor trust fund kid aflame, his heart pumping so fast and hard he feels it pulsate in his dick. The blood rushing away from his brain must be making him dumb, because the only seemingly obvious reaction Steve can sort out is reaching for Billy and kissing that smug look from his face.
It doesn’t take Billy long to get in on it; he pushes his way through the door and closes it behind him, strips clean of his denim jacket before tugging off Steve’s shirt. It all happens so fast he can’t even follow, the taste of Billy’s spit and the feel of his teeth biting disorients him to a point where he can barely answer the question,
“Where’s your bedroom?”
With, “Upstairs and to the left.”
Suddenly they’re on his bed, the memory of them stumbling up the stairs as they undressed distant and nearly gone, as the throbbing of his cock has never felt louder than in this moment.
Of all the girls he’s been with, being with a man is… different. He’s nervous, almost nauseous with it, yet has never been more excited, turned on, or harder in his entire life. Hands are everywhere but where he desires them as they push him into the covers, smoothly runs up and down his chest and abs then all the way up to cup his jaw. His face feels wet with kisses and how eagerly Billy licks his lips to taste everything.
It’s a rushed mess yet it doesn’t go fast enough.
“Touch me,” he whispers without thought as he tries to keep up with Billy’s pacing.
“Yeah? Want me to touch you, pretty boy? Touch your hard, long cock?” Billy’s tone almost cruel and rough at the seams, his hands going down to grip Steve’s hips with near brutish strength.
“God yes,” Steve moans at the slight pain, “I want you to touch me so fucking bad- jerk me off, please.”
“Please?” Billy barks out a laugh at that, “Those bitches you fuck into all that nicety? Please and thank yous.”
“They love it,” Steve says with confidence that can only come from personal experience.
But it only makes Billy laugh more as he pulls away. He sits up on his knees, cock hard and thick where it stands at attention between his muscular thighs. “That won’t work with me, princess. Don’t gotta ask like a good guy for me to fuck you, just say it and I’m here.”
“How easy of you,” the words are out before Steve even thinks about it. The rivalry they have is still new and fresh, it can barely be helped, and for a moment he fears that he has ruined the moment.
Yet Billy doesn’t move away. He slowly licks along the arch of his upper lip, something deep and primal in the way he stares, and a hand runs through his golden locks to push them away from his irritatingly handsome face.
“Look who’s talking.”
In a rush that seems natural to Billy, he flips Steve onto his side before laying down behind him and pressing the head of his wet dick against the crevice of Steve’s thighs.
“Wait!” Steve almost shouts as the churning of his stomach makes him sick with worry about the more technical functions of… this.
“Don’t worry baby,” Billy’s voice all of a sudden like silk, a range so odd and unfamiliar compared to his normal boisterous attitude, “I’m not gonna pop your cherry the first time we do this. You got me too excited for that, don’t wanna wait while I prep you like you deserve,” he whispers against the shell of Steve’s ear, and it eases every single worry he had.
“Oh…” The pent up nerves in his stomach vanishes, like a knot coming undone, every single muscle in his body relaxes into the sheets.
Well, almost every single muscle.
“Yeah, oh,” Billy chuckles and rubs his nose against the back of Steve’s neck, kissing his back. “I can be a nice guy, too. You don’t gotta worry bout a thing, just let me take care of you.”
Today has been… a long, confusing mess. From the boner he woke up with after dreams of Billy, to the one in his car, the one in his shower, the one on the couch, to the way Billy so rudely shoved his way into Steve’s personal space, up the stairs, onto the bed. Rude and hectic from their first kiss till now. Now he’s… nice? Steve feels a fool for falling for it, but at least he’s aware as he lets down his guard and allows for Billy to… do whatever he pleases.
Is this how girls feel whenever a hot guy is nice to them? Whenever Steve is nice to them? Doesn’t feel like the worst thing in the world.
So he nods and hums a light agreement.
“Good,” Billy hums, too, and it makes Steve’s skin crawl in the best way possible; the shivers down his spine almost delightful as they go straight to his dick.
And when Billy gently pushes his heated flesh in between Steve’s thighs, the wet pre lubing up the skin perfectly, it’s weird and foreign, but also impossibly erotic and thrilling, and suddenly all Steve can think about is how Billy’s cock would feel inside of him.
It’s no lie that that’s something he’s thought about before - not necessarily with Billy mind you, just in general when sliding into a soaking wet pussy, he’d often get almost lost in thought about what that feels like, and if this is any indicator of it, he’s even more eager for it now.
So eager he can’t help the long, breathy moan that escapes him as Billy moves into his embrace till they’re lying flush together.
“That good huh?” Billy whispers from behind, and Steve can only imagine the self-satisfied smirk on his face.
Rather than responding he moves, closing his legs tighter and grinding back against Billy, as to test his own boundaries with all of this - which has been something of a win, considering he really went from his first kiss with a guy to this within ten minutes or so. And the way Billy groans all pleasant and pushes harder into their meeting of skin jolts through Steve’s cock like a bolt of lightning making him spurt out pre.
“Yeah, keep your legs just like that,” Billy speaks uncharacteristically soft as he moves one hand down, his burning hot palm smoothly moving over a thigh and staying there for leverage, as he starts rocking back and forth. In and out. 
Steve’s breath stutters and he can’t help but put a hand over his mouth. It’s not uncommon for him to be overly vocal and enthusiastic during sex, but this felt… almost embarassing, the kind of blithe and soft coos and moans rather than deep, throaty groans making his cheeks red.
“Don’t do that.” Billy moves his hand up to grab Steve’s and intertwines their fingers. “I wanna hear you. Let me know what I do to you.”
His cock throbs with urgent need at those words. Such a deep, baritone voice that excites Steve to a fever pitch, his body burning up where sweat gathers down his back between them. It’s gross and stimulating all at once, as Billy thrusts between his wet thighs and holds him close, he feels like a virgin again.
And maybe that’s why Billy is treating him so kindly. Not that he disagreed with the fervor earlier, how crude it was to be manhandled like that, but this? This gentle rocking of their bodies as they together find harmy in the rhythm, it’s intoxicating. Steve barely even notices when his own hand sneaks down to wrap around his hard length, so lost in the moment he can’t think straight, can’t stop the sighs and moans that spill from his body as he melts into Billy’s embrace.
“That’s it,” Billy speaks softly like summer rain, “God you’re so fucking hot. Can’t tell you how long I’ve admired you in secret, thought about every single mole and freckle as I jerked off at home. This is all I’ve wanted for so long, I thought I was dreaming when I saw you on the app.”
Steve wants to respond, wants to say something like, “How do you think I felt when we matched,” but his mind is a fog of euphoria, barely able to even hear what’s being so dearly and honestly said as he can’t focus on anything other than the slickness of Billy’s cock hitting the back of his balls, nudging him closer and closer to the edge with every thrust.
“Your thighs are so nice and soft, clenching around me just right, arh, you feel so fucking good, princess.”
When Billy speeds up, Steve naturally follows along.
“I’m so close.”
Steve, too. The pent up feeling that’s been quickly building to an unbearable pressure point is becoming too much, hot and ecstatic like a volcano waiting to erupt.
“Wanna cum between your legs so bad, baby.”
“Ah- please,” Steve finally finds words and it comes out like a pathetically needy little whine.
He wants to wait- wants them to cum together like he’s seen on porn as fake as that might be, but it’s a sudden and rampant thing, blinding him with fireworks behind his screwed shut eyes. A feeling that can’t possibly be expressed in any other way than a loud, prolonged, almost shocked moan, as he cums into his own hand that he jerks with ardent intensity.
Whilst not simultaneous, Billy is not far behind; urged on by Steve’s alluring keening he sped up his thrusting and grinding like he’s in a race for the finish line himself. And it would be kinda humorous if it wasn’t so hot how hard he slams into the gathering of warm, soaked flesh. Oh how he pounds into Steve with all his sweaty might, grunting and groaning till he cums with a loud and lustful moan, his hand still holding on to Steve’s with a near crushing passion to it.
And then there’s silence, as they breathe out together, muscles relaxing, dicks flaccid and sticky with cum. It’s warm and nice and cozy, but it’s hard to enjoy for Steve.
Is Billy actually this nice, or was it just a play to get off? Did he do to Steve what he does to every other bitch that he gets with? What now? What’s next? Are they gonna be a thing or just friends with benefits? Wait, are they even friends? Fuck buddies maybe? All the thoughts that he didn’t have time to be anxious about before comes rushing in fresh and clear in a post-climax-clarity moment, and it stirs the pit in his stomach alive again.
When Billy squeezes his hand gently, and asks, “What are you thinking about?” whilst nuzzling into the nape of Steve’s neck, kissing him lazily as if almost asleep.
It… helps. The thoughts aren’t gone per say but they’re in the distance now, and all it took was a simple question- a sign of caring.
Steve turns around in bed to look at Billy’s drowsy expression, before answering, “Thinking about taking a shower. You wanna come with?”
Billy’s nose furrows and wrinkles as he peeks out past ruffled curls. “Can’t we stay like this a bit longer?”
It makes Steve’s heart beat different.
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Dont think this has been requested yet so headcannons for the diasomnia members on a picnic date with mc? i can imagine lilia spying on his adoptive sons in the distance as either moral support or just to secretly take pics for their family album
Curiouser and  Curiouser...
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Malleus, being a prince, has never really gone through the motions of making his own meals before, so you’ve been tasked with the bulk of picnic preparations. He did offer to help cook using his dragonic flames, but you had to quickly shut the idea down to avoid a fire hazard (besides, most picnic foods can be served cold or at room temperature)!
Everything about Malleus is refined and regal, from the way he gracefully kneels upon the picnic blanket to the way he delicately brings food to his mouth and pats away the excess with a napkin. You really feel like you’re dining with a king, so you try to copy his elegance too--only for Malleus to reassure you that you can be at ease around him.
He has a fondness and an appreciation for nature. Malleus likes to drink in his surroundings, look within himself, and reflect as he partakes in his meal. He encourages you to do the same, too! 
Malleus tries (and I do mean tries) to take one a “selfie” with you to remember the occasion (and to later show to his Diasomnia family), but he somehow managed to set up the camera timer to go off at the worst time. Because of that, he now has a picture of you with fruit salad chipmunked in your cheeks (while a panicked Malleus clamors to shut the timer off).
When the sun has lowered in the sky, his firefly-like magic will lead the way home. The two of you stroll in a meaningful silence, huddled close in the darkness. Malleus thanks you for the fun picnic and wishes you sweet dreams with a kiss on the forehead.
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You had to beg (BEG) Lilia to not contribute to making and packing dishes for your picnic date. It had taken a TON of convincing to get him to agree, but ultimately he caved because you said you wanted to “treat him” this time (thank the Great Seven, you just managed to narrowly escape being poisoned by his heinous cooking for the umpteenth time).
You find the perfect picnic location in the shade of a tree. The moment you turn to put out your blanket, Lilia vanishes and reappears hanging upside down from a tree branch!
You feed him his share of food upside down, and Lilia swings back and forth to dust off excess crumbs and bits of food from himself. it’s such an odd sight, but it makes you giggle anyway.
He has some of the most interesting stories you’ve ever heard! One moment, Lilia will be telling you about an old tryst that occurred on the very hill you’re having this picnic on, and the next, he’ll be telling you some embarrassing tale about how baby Silver threw up in his lap from eating a bad applesauce!
The night settles in, and Lilia guides you home in the dark--well, to be more precise, his batty friends guide you home. A small cloud of bats trail ahead of you on a moonlit path, ensuring that you never stray. He sends you off to sleep with a kiss on the lips (claiming it is to “clean up stray crumbs).
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Silver is forever grateful that you gave him an excuse to avoid his dad’s terrible cooking, if only for a day. He joins you in the kitchen to lend his aid, although the extent of his assistance is chopping up fruits and veggies. Silver’s very skilled with both the sword and a knife!
As you’re setting up your romantic little picnic with your boyfriend, a small congregation of wild animals collects at his feet. You make a passing joke about having “a bunch of unexpected guests”, and ultimately you two decide to let them stay. You take turns feeding the woodland critters (only the foods that are safe for them to eat, of course)! At some point, the animals scamper off and return with flowers as tokens of thanks! Silver tucks one of the flowers behind your ear and mutters that he thinks it looks good on you.
After you’ve both had your fill, you lean against one another and watch the animals frolic around in a flowery field. It’s cute, almost picturesque... like something out of a fairy tale. Before long, the food in your stomachs and the mild weather lulls you both asleep.
You wake up before Silver does during and catch a glimpse of his sleepy face. You gentle rouse him awake with a peck on the cheek, and together, the two of you pack up the remains of your outing. Hand in hand, you stroll back home against the sunset.
As soon as Silver gets home, Lilia bombards him with questions on how the date went, demanding to know if Silver took any cute photographs--and if he did, Lilia wants to see them! Silver practically has to fend his old man off before properly retiring for the night--a small smile on his face from the memories of the picnic.
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Leave picnic preparations to Sebek! He loving spends a day (and a night) whipping up all sorts of delicious and nutritious dishes to share with his beloved! Why, he even spends several hours determining how to best optimize the space in his picnic basket (so he can store as many foods as possible) and what picnic cloth would be most appropriate for this occasion!
Sebek maintains a somewhat formal tone and even shows up in semi-casual business attire for your date. He greets you with a bow and presents you his picnic set up with a flourish, treating the ordeal like a servant showing off a feast to a royal.
He proudly announces each item he made and asks for your thoughts and feedback once you’ve sampled it. You can visibly see his eyes light up whenever you compliment him or his cooking. Like a puppy, Sebek is very eager to please!
If you make a bit of a mess while eating, Sebek leaps at the opportunity to lend a helping hand! He has several moistened towelettes ready in case you need them--and if those are not sufficient, he also prepared these handkerchiefs!
Sebek clutches onto your hand (and the picnic basket) very tightly on the walk home (he nearly snaps the handle on the basket). He wants to tell you that he had a fun time, but all that comes out instead is stilted laughter (which you silence with a kiss). Sebek practically melts when he’s home alone and shouts into his pillow out of sheer happiness.
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Nishinoya, Bokuto, Oikawa and Atsumu as your boyfriend hcs
requested by anon: hey hey heyyyy! may i request for 'as a boyfriend' headcannons for nishinoya, boukto, oikawa and atsumu please? thank u if u get around doing this !! xoxo
hello there!^^ at first I thought about splitting this post up into 2 parts because usually the ‘as your boyfriend hcs’ are a bit longer but  I decided against it so enjoy~ (also atsumus and oikawas are a bit longer because they are my faves and uuuh I am weak lol)
Nishinoya Yuu:
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one of the most energetic and happiest boyfriends!!
Will literally love and cherish you until you die and probably even after that, I’m being serious his love and affection for you have no end
though in the beginning of your relationship, or even before it, he always gets very shy around you which is unusual for him. That’s how he knows you’re special to him, because you make him doscover a whole new side of him!
The secret admirer type of crush, everyday you’ll find a new small present waiting on your desk. Your favorite drink, a snack, a small cute note, a new pen when he noticed your old one didn’t work anymore, a small bunch of flowers... It’s just so cute!
But it takes forever until he actually asks you out. In reality, it happens a lot different than he imagined. Normally he made sure he was in school waaayyy before you, but that one day he overslept and was in class just a few minutes before you. or so he thought. You just walked in the moment he placed the small package of milk on your desk and you both just stare at each other for several minutes and he’s about to faint until Tanaka saves him and gets him out of class because “he might develop a fever, his face is all red and sweaty”
2 days or so you don’t hear anything from him, until he manages to get over himself and ask you out in the tiniest voice. He has to repeat himself several times until you understand him properly because the poor boy was so nervous he spoke too fast and too quietly
BUT AFTER he finally gets you to be his he’s just the smiliest baby!!
Will never, not ever, let go of your hand. At least not when he can avoid it.
Always wants you to be on his side, like at practice and such. You can be guaranteed to be found at every single game that Karasuno ever has again, even practice games. You’re always there cheering for him and he’s at his 150% every time! The team loves his energy on the field but it’s a biot exhausting everywhere else :’)
ANWAYS definitely a lot of activity dates! I’m not saying that he would say no to a good old cuddle session, but he’s just always bouncing around, so going to the arcade or comign up with fun games at the park is normally what you do after school and practice!
Tanaka is the accepted third-wheel of your relationship. Whenever your over sat Noya’s he ends up showing up, too a lot of times or he joins in on fun dates, but it’s never uncomfortable or weird. You two actually become really good buddies and he always tells you funny stories about Noya! Also him and Kiyoko and you two go on double dates and it’s!! So cute!!
Did I mention that Noya is the king of skinship and PDA?? He really couldn’t care less who’s around you or who might be watching, his eyes are always on you and his hand somehow magically finds his way to your ass lol
No but on a serious note he just can’t live without you and sometimes he can get really anxious if he doesn’t find you in a crowd or your hands don’t intertwine immediately when he reaches for you. He can’t explain it, it just doesn’t feel good about it when you’re not around him.
Protective!! WILL jump on anyone that looks at you the wrong way or makes you feel uncomfortable. he 100% has Tanaka’s support for this.
Did I forget anything?? That should be about it for my little noya rant, he’s just too cute I’ll hug him to death~
Bokuto Kotarou:
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When I tell you he did NOT know what he was doing when he asked you out. Just listened to Akaashi’s and Kuroo’s advice and it somehow worked out for him. Several months into the relationship he’s still not entirely sure how he got you, but he doesn’t complain
(psssht, it was his clumsy charm mixed with some kind of natural charisma that got you, but don’t tell him that he will not shut up about it)
When he first saw you he was at practice and he couldn’t help but stare because how can a real human being be so pretty?? and he actually missed a ball, got it slammed to his head and well what can I say? You almost got him passed out the first time he saw you
He got soooo embarrassed afterwards help the poor boy. The brightest blush ever appeared on his cheeks and ears and his hair immediately went emo mode straight down hanging into his face
The whole situation was so chaotic and messy you couldn’t help but turn around and look for the source of all this trouble, just to find the silver-haired boy staring right at you and hitting you someplace special in your chest, literally taking you aback
Afterwards the coach scolds him for being inattentive and you leave the gym in a hurry, because you as well are embarrassed. But it doesn’t take long until Akaashi gets send to get your number and you can’t help but giggle as he tells you about how Bokuto literally won’t stop whining about you being the prettiest human being on earth
That’s how you started texting and bokuto might just be one of the most random texters (is that even a word??) ever. Like yeah, in the beginning he’ll mainly talk about volleyball and send you sweaty pics of him (no, not these ones!) but then again you’ll get a text at 3am on a thursday and it will be like a really bad picture taken of the moon and it will say like “thought about you” and in the next message 3 seconds later he’ll talk about wanting to be a werewolf or so. And you have to laugh so hard you can’t even be mad at him for waking you up
And that’s basically how you’re relationship works, too. A lot of random texts, especially “come over?” ones or “watch me at practice! please???” and you can’t ever get yourself to say no to him, because he’s always so happy when you show up!
Ngl it kinda distracts him too, but he’s in ace mode when you watch him because he feels the need to impress you even when you tell him there’s no need for him to because you’re already impressed by him
Loves hugs! Hugs after a victory or a defeat, hugs after school and practice and hugs as greetings and goodbyes... Just hugs, so he can entirely engulf you in his big and strong arms and you basically vanish somewhere between his arms. Loves pressing you close in the whole process of it, so close that you can barely breathe for a second, but you actually love it because it just shows his love and affection
9/10 times you’re also the cure to his emo mode. Just very rarely even you can’t help him and it’s upon himself to get over it, but with your presence near him and the opportunity to cuddle onto you while reflecting about himself, he’ll get over it eventually
He’s also the biggest cuddler there could possibly be. most of your dates are stay-inside ones because most of the times he’s exhausted from practice and games, so a chill night in with a good movie or series and some nice snacks really do it for him. He can just cuddle onto you however he likes and he especially likes brushing his fingers over your warm, soft skin. It makes him feel very at ease.
Yeah so that’s about it C: Please just love this smol bean to no end, because his love sure as hell also has no limit
Oikawa Tooru:
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People might think he’d be very blunt and cocky and all when he has a crush, but I’m telling you - he’s actually the softest boy ever and prefers to keep his distance at fir4st to observe and understand his feelings for you
So what I’m saying is: As soon as he realizes what exactly his feelings are for you, he gets a bit shy and distant but blushes whenever he sees you
At first he thought you were just one of his obsessed fans and he didn’t think much of it, but then his gaze always wandered over to you, no matter if it was during a game or a practice or at school or when he saw you somewhere else... It was like you were haunting him, in like the best possible way, as he soon realized
It takes him forever to get himself to talk to you, because he wants everything to be perfect. He chooses to approach you in school when he found you alone that one day, but oh well, it totally didn’t go as planned. His glasses fell off his nose when he was trying to be smooth, he hopelessly stumbles across his words and his face got so red you thought you were talking to a tomato. Still, it kinda did something to you. You found it endearing, really. So you could just smile and nod when he asked you to got out with him and the biggest sigh of relief ever™ leaves his lips
He’s still hecka nervous for your first date, asks all his friends and team mates about their opinion on what he should wear and do, where should he take you etc... It takes him so long to decide that you just take it in hand and suggest something and he just rolls with it and turns out to be one of his favorite dates ever. A day at the park, though halfway through it got messy because it started raining and neither of you were prepared, so you had to run and share his jacket to go someplace dry and you end up in a library and neither of you can hold in the giggles when the librarians tell you to “tone it down.” It’s also your first kiss between seemingly endless rows of old books and your hearts flutter like crazy afterwards and you’re just speechless because... OIKAWA IS A GREAT KISSER idc what any of y’all think
so it just becomes a regular thing for him to pull you aside in the gym hall or school halls or whatever and kiss you senseless for his entertainment because your reaction is always 10/10
He may act smooth around others, presenting himself as the cool confident boyfriend, but really... He’s just the softest boy for you and a hopeless romantic on top.
Play with his hair and he will never leave your side ever again. The cutest pink hue will spread on his cheeks the first time you do it and with time you learn more about his soft spots, like brushing your lips or fingertips over his neck or the ticklish feeling he gets when you touch his waist.
Loves to pick out movies and series for you to watch. Most of them are alien or conspiracy theory-themes but you don’t mind, Oikawa is happiest when he can connect several things he loves, like you and aliens, or you and volleyball.
You’re also gonna have to accept the fact that he spends a lot of time on volleyball and that he will come home late and not always have time for you on the weekends. He will, however, especially love it when you work your way through his schedules to meet him, like when you come to watch and support him at practice. He will take extra breaks to pull you close and calm himself down in your arms.
Iwaizumi will definitely become one of your closest friends and you’ll both spend time shit talking about Tooru (ofc in a loving way) and Oikawa can’t help but smile seeing as you get close to his best friend~
He’s not exactly the most jealous type of boyfriend. He does trust you a lot and just makes sure that everybody always knows he’s your boyfriend. Trusts you with handling certain situations, though he will keep an eagle eye on strange boys and men near you and won’t lose no time chiming in when he feels like it to safe you
Of course there’s a big decrease in the numbers of his fangirls after everyone finds out you two are official, but Oikawa actually prefers it this way. As long as you are cheering for him, nothing will be able to stop him.
The bestest and softest boyfriend, not to be dramatic but I’d die for him
Miya Atsumu:
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Okay now this one is actually smooth. Or so he thinks.
He’s quite obvious about his crush and feelings for you, so like he won’t hide it and use every possible opportunity to talk to you and flirt with you. And when I say flirt I mean he will use every bad pickup line you have ever heard somewhere
At first you’re really really turned off by it, but you do give him credits for being so determined and never giving up. He even takes advice from all his team mates and even though Osamu and Suna are very annoyed by his behaviour, they help because they think it will get better once you two are dating.
So every once in a while he will bring you some self-made delicious food along with a smooth line and one day he catches you off guard so hard you choke on some rice and then blush so hard you run out and you just leave poor Tsumu standing there wondering??? Are you okay? Did he just make you blush?
The next day he comes apologizing with the biggest bouquet of flowers right in front of everybody in your class and you get soooo embarrassed and the way he’s standing there is lowkey just adorable so you have no choice but to say yes. You almost catch him blushing right there, as well, because he really didn’t expect you to say that right then and there
Now when I tell you, he’s the most likely out of these 4 to ditch volleyball practice to sdpernd time with you. Most of the time it isn’t even intended, he just forgets time until he either gets a text from his brother or Suna or Kita OR you realize how late it is being like “Tsumus shouldn’t you be at practice since like 2 hours?” “Oh really? Guess not today. Now come here.”
He gets very used to having you close to him, just like Bokuto, so he will start whining when you can’t make it to a game or you’re busy with school work. Will definitely also make surprise visits at your house, like he’ll just randomly appear in front of your window at 3 am?? Are you spiderman??
Not to be angsty on this fluff post but uuhh fights with him can get very bad because he’s a stubborn child and sometimes you’ll catch him not talking to you 3 days after an argument because he needs time to cool down and reflect. He’s in the wrong 4 out of 5 times and he knows, but just give him time and he’ll be fine again. Shows up with the biggest face of regrets and food he threatened his brother to make and he’ll just blob down into your arms mumbling apologies over and over again. Cute.
Jealousy over 3000. Grows red with anger and balls his hands into the fist the moment some guy makes his way to you. Is on your side in 1 second will make no effort to hide his distrust towards the other guy. Sometimes he’ll get a bit too protective and you just have to tell him that and he’ll let you do your thing, though his gaze will never leave you just to make sure
Biggest show off. Will pull you close or hold your hand in public, grinning like and idiot and constantly placing kisses on your knuckles because you’re his baby and he loves you
Before he serves at games he will look right at you and have the most smug smile one has ever seen on his lips before smashing the ball righ into the opponent‘s field with 0 chance of them to safe the ball. It’s lowkey hot.
Also he gets very pouty and whiny when tired after a long day at school with practice or after exhausting games! Will constantly place his head on top of yours, saying it’s “too heavy” and he literally just covers your body with his.
The type to unconsciously pull you closer while sleeping!! The cutest habit! Always makes you smile when he does it!
A lot of your dates involve either volleyball or playing video games (sometimes Osamu or Suna join) and it’s most of the times just really chill. From time to time though, he’ll get the urge to do something else and next thing you know is you’re wall climbing or on a roller coaster or something. It’s either all or nothing with him concerning dates lmao
Also loves bickering! Will sometimes annoy you on purpose to see your cute face and you’ll have small arguments about who stinks more or whatever and then it always ends with “i love you though”
djsklsl I’m stopping myself now because this was getting too long because I am biased™
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aliceaddellheidde · 4 years
His Celtic girl
A/N: This one is for @youbloodymadgenius 1K celebration. It´s first time I´m doing something like that. I lost my grandfather and bunny while writing so I´m sorry if it sucks.
Prompts in bold.
WORDS: 4869
WARNINGS: 18+, angst, smut & violence (graphic), blood, swearing, death
PAIRING: Ivar x OC (Moko)
DISCLAIMERS: I tried to be historically accurate as much as possible. I don’t hate Christians. English isn´t my first language.
Moodboard by me; pics from internet.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Moko from Mokosh – Slavic goddess of fertility & water.
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Ivar awakes from his long sleep. His head is hurting like Thor hit him with his hammer. He remembers fighting. Saxon's soldier with dagger. Hvitserk in tears. Grey sky. And then dark.
When he opens his eyes he sees wooden ceiling and small window on his left. „You are finally up.” says voice from his right with foreign accent and when he turns his head that way he sees young woman sitting on a chair by fire, mixing something in kettle. He tries to sit but agonizing pain stops him. „If I was you I wouldn't move. I bet your body still hurts.” It does but he will not tell it to that girl. With clenched teeth he pushes himself up, leaning against wall. „Who … ?” he tries to say - his throat dry, voice raspy. „Who are you?” he asks after few moments. „Moko.” She smiles a little, handing him cup. He watches it suspiciously before he takes it and drinks small gulps. „You have weird name.” he snorts. „Says nameless man whose I found on battle field almost dead. With no one around. Forgotten.” „I'm the king of the world! You stupid bitch knows      nothing!” he screams, throwing cup her way, his calmness turning into anger in mere seconds. „Don’t look like king to me.” she shrugs and turns to kettle again. He´s fuming, looking for something to throw at her. All he finds is fur over his legs. Fuck. Did she see them? „Why am I here anyway? You said I was dead. How I could be when I'm here, hm?” he asks with scorn. She said nothing. „Answer me! Where am I? Where is my brother!” He punches wooden bed under him. „I don’t know. My dog found you and I took you to my home. Now I think it was a mistake.” She was standing with hands on her hips. „I don’t need your help! I can take care of myself!” „Go then! I don’t give damn if you do!” she screams, stepping closer to him. He sees red. „At least I will not have to take care of crippled idiot!” He throws himself onto her but she just swiftly moves away from him, hand on sword. He almost screams from pain as his body hit the floor. Yet he stops    himself, spitting blood her way. Then he finally looks at her properly.
She is short, long dark hair falling to her waist, dressed in light yellow dress with golden armoured corset, belt around hips with few small pouches and sword scabbard. Her widen eyes watching him like falcon. He moves again and she unsheathes her weapon. ,,You are not gonna kill me.” he smirks. ,,No, but I can still hurt you.” They are watching each other for few more minutes before she puts sword away, takes cloth from table and cautiously sits next to him on the floor. He flinches when her hand moves to his face to wipe blood away. „Look, I took you here to take care of you. Once you are healed, you can leave. But until then it's better for you to stay with me.” She smiles when he lowers his head to avoid her gaze. ,,Ivar.” he whispers. ,,I'm sorry?” „My name is Ivar.” ,,You have weird name.” He only chuckled. ,,How about you take bath and I finish food? Then we can talk.” He looks at his useless legs and back at her. ,,Oh, I will give you some privacy.” She turns away with flushed face but he stops her. ,,Wait. I ... I need your help.” He already hates idea of her touching him or seeing him naked but he has no other choice. ,,So now you need my help?” she teases. ,,Shut up.”
She goes for water while he is looking around her home. There is big fire pit in the middle of room, on right side of room is wooden table with different knives, daggers, food, plates, bowls and cups. Next to it is longer lower table with wooden benches and flowers on it. On left side is his bed and then hutch with different herbs, flowers, books and bottles. Ivar never saw material like that.
„It´s glastos. Or how they call it here in Anglia – glass.” says Moko when she comes back with two buckets of water. „We are still in Wessex?” „Sussex. But I always wanted to travel around the world. Meet new people and try new things.” „So are you Christian then?” „Oh Gods, no!” she laughs. „You are not Viking either. Then what are you?” He watches her as she is moving around house. She takes few herbs and puts them into tub and then fills it with boiling water. „I'm from old Celtic tribe called Anartes. We lived in Europe. But one day my family decided that we should move and so we did. I lived here with my parents and brother. But they are all dead. And now it´s my purpose to keep our legacy alive. And what about you Ivar?” „I'm Viking.” „Rus´ Viking?” „No. I´m from Norway. How do you know about the Rus?” „My people had deals with them. We   exchanged animals, food and other stuff.” „Have you ever been in Kiev or Novgorod?” „No. But my father was there once.” „They are Christians now.” „Poor people. How do you know them?” „I had to r… . I travelled there with my friend. But then my brother came for me to fight king Alfred. We had some unfinished business.” „You were talking about you brothers in your dreams. Asking one of them for forgiveness. His name is Hvitserk. Am I right?” Ivar is quiet. „I don’t know what happened to him. Maybe they imprisoned him or he died.” „My brother is not dead!” he screams and she jumps a bit. „You don’t know that.” „I have to save him. Like he saved me.” „You are so stubborn! When I found you I thought you were dead but you were breathing still. I took care of you for three bloody days and you are still wounded. Yet you want to go to Winchester and be hero for your brother?” she wasn't screaming but she was angry. „That´s exactly what I want to do.” he half-smiled. „And how? You don’t have an army. You will never break through their defence.” His upper lip twitches in indignation because she is right. „I can´t leave him there. What would you do if it was your brother?” „Saved him.” „See?” „But not if I was hurt and with no warriors.” „Then we will find some.” „Ivar, these people are Christians and they love Alfred because he won over The great heathen army. They will never defraud him.” „We will see about it.” „In few days I´m  going to Chichester. I can ask if someone knows what happened to survived Vikings.” „I'll go with you.” She sighted and checked water temperature. „I have few conditions if you want to go with me.” Ivar rolls his eyes. „What do you want from me?” „You will sit on your arse and will not try to investigate on your own or try to kill anybody. Deal?” „Deal.” „Great. Now come and have a bath.”
„Earlier you said I´m crippled idiot. How did you know?” Ivar asks while he takes his tunic off. „Well, I had to take your braces off of your legs and I saw them.” He frowns at her. „Help me with trousers. But keep your eyes on my face.” he growls. „Is there a problem I saw them?” she asks as her small hands untie strand from around his hips. „They are hideous.” „I don’t really care about it.” Her brown-green eyes bore into his blue ones. „What do you care about then?” „If I and my animals will be healthy and if we will have enough food, water and home. And overall if I will have long, happy life.” „That´s so deep.” Ivar rolls his eyes. „Stop mocking me. I like simple life.” She helps him into tub, avoiding looking at him, gives him cloth and walk back to kettle. „Have you ever been with a man?” he asks suddenly. „Why?” „You are shy. Can´t even look at me when I´m naked. So I assumes you are still virgin.” he has wicked smile on his face. „That´s not something you need to know.” „Hm, maybe.” he smirks. „I also want to know what is all that.” He points on herbal hutch. „That´s my work. I´m making potions, herbal remedies and different things from it for other people.” „Clever girl.” „Yes, I´m.” She straightens her back and he laughs at her. „What did you put in bath?” „Lavender. You can make oil from it and eat it.” Ivar thoughtfully takes herb from water and bits a small bite. And second later she smacks his head. „Not from that dirty water! That´s    disgusting.” „I don’t like the taste anyway.” he frowns. „You didn’t try my lavender cake.” „I need proper food. Meat. Not some stupid cakes.” „It´s almost ready. Better wash your hair and come  eat.” When he goes out of the tub she hands him clean towel and clothes, averting looking at him again. „Virgin.” he murmurs for himself.
Over lunch – deer with plum sauce – they get to know each other. He tells her about his life, family and wars, hiding some details he´s ashamed of, and is pleasantly surprised how excited she is. „My parents taught me and my brother how to fight. My mother was warrior alongside my father.” „I usually had few my the most trustworthy warriors for my protection. I can´t really move on legs but in hand-to-hand combat I´m perfect.” „Maybe we can learn from one another.” „Maybe.”
After food Ivar meets all her animals and she shows him her gardens. Few metres from them is river with small boat. „It´s yours?” „Yes.” „It looks funny. I was on massive ones. My friend Floki built them. This one here is just joke.” „Ivar I swear that if you make any more stupid comments about my things I´ll leave you outside!” „Oh come on darling. You wouldn't do that. Not after your hard work.” He twirls slowly around his stick and bows. „You even put lavender oil into my hair.” He tosses his braids over shoulder. She laughs so much that she misses how he´s looking at her with goofy smile.
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*few days later*
Ivar feels movement next to him and sits with dagger in hand. „It´s just me, you idiot.” says Moko, ruffling his hair on way down. „It´s still dark! Can´t we sleep a bit longer?” he shouts after her. „No. Today we´re going to Chichester so you better come for breakfast.”
In those couple of days he lived with Moko he learnt a lot about her, her people and culture. She was teaching him how to speak in her language, she showed him all her herbs and flowers and her knowledge in fighting, manufacture and farming. He wasn´t really fond of all of those things but he liked how excited she was when she was speaking about them or doing them. And if he tries those things too, oh gods, she even hugs him. It felt good.
Ivar is seating in covered carriage, petting her dog and listening to her singing. They travels for hours now with only one break and Ivar needs to sleep but he can´t. He somehow wants to protect her even when he doesn’t know why and how. „We will settle down here. Tomorrow morning we are in Chichester.” Her voice interrupts him from his thoughts. He looks out from carriage into darkening countryside. „Don´t just stare. Bring the chicken and make fire. If your puny regal ass can do that.” she smirks and starts to build a tent. Ivar is used to it by now, nonetheless he is surprised with how much ease she´s talking to him. He did what he could but that damn fire not and not to burst to life. „I thought you Vikings are fearful people and you can´t even make fire. Want some help?” He blames his shaking hands on cold not her presence. She makes fire in mere moments and then put kettle on it. „We will have chicken stew with vegetable and mushrooms. Is it ok?” He nods and watches with dilated pupils when she knocks off the poor bird. „It´s the last time I can have chicken or rabbit before Ostara.” „Then what?” „Bath in spring water, sacrifice hare and chicken but leave eggs for altar. We will have flower crowns and we will sow few seeds.” „Oh no, no. Leave me out of this. I will not have flowers in my hair.” „It will be fun.” „I doubt it.” „Shush and cut this please.”
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Ivar sees stone towers and soldiers guarding big gate into Chichester. They are watching them suspiciously until Moko asks them for direction to market. „Don´t forget your name.” she warns him when she´s helping him out of carriage. „Leofric. I know.” he rolls his eyes. „Try to be more nice. Smile.” He turns to her and smile. Then smirks when she blushes. „I will find us room to sleep and you can put things on table. And leave your hood on.” „Gods woman! I´m not a child.” She giggles and walks away.
„We have room for three nights … Leofric, let him go!” Moko rushes to him and tries to separate him from another young man. „He tried to steal!” says Ivar. „I just wanted to see it better.” protests the other man, still with Ivar´s hand around neck. Moko smacks it and he growls at her but let go. „Thank you milady.” The other man tries to kiss her hand but she turns it palm up. „Return that bottle you stole. You may hurt yourself with it.” She waits few seconds and when nothing happens she jumps at poor man, turns his arm behind his back and yanks bottle from his hand. Ivar watches her with awe on his face. „Get off, idiot.” she spat at pathetic man and they both laugh when he runs away.
„That´s not funny Moko.” says Saxon soldier, walking to them. „Osgar, welcome.” „I see you keep up with tradition.” he snickers. „Every year someone tries something. They knows I can protect myself and my stuff but still.” „And you brought some friend.” He looks at Ivar sitting on stool. „That´s Leofric. I´m taking care of him.” „What happened?” „Bear in forest.” Ivar snorts. „I can say God is with him when he found the best healer in whole Anglia.” „Stop it Osgar!” Moko blushes again. „Rather tell me what happened after battle. Last time you didn’t have time.” „There is not much to say. We captured survivors and turned them into Christians. They live in their settlements. Our king trusts them.” „And you don’t?” He smirks. „I kind of envy those whose ran away. You knows my parents were Vikings, right? I live for day I will leave this land and will live like them.” he says quieter and looks around if someone hears him. „Adventurous Osgar. Any news about their kings?” „As far as I know Harald and Ivar are dead. But one son of Ragnar lives with Alfred in Winchester. I don’t know his real name. But his given one is Athelstan.” „Thank you. And what about your family?” „Good. My little girl is fighting with everyone and my wife isn´t very happy about it. My son still has mark on his face. He´s on guard now and I should replace him. See you later.” Day goes well, some of Moko´s customers comes and after sunset they goes to tavern for good night sleep.
„There is only one bed!” Ivar exclaims when they enter the bedroom. „Afraid of sleeping with me?” „What? No!” He puts their belongings on table, trying to calm down his too loud beating heart. „I'm going to have a bath. You will be ok here?” He nods. She disappeared behind the curtain  and he´s listening to her movements and noises she makes when she dives into warm water.
Moko feels water in the tub move. When she opens her eyes she sees Ivar sitting next to it. „What are you doing?” she squeaks. Ivar chuckles. „What does it look like? I have to wash as well. Or you want me dirty in bed?” She sinks more into water, only her head visible. He puts his hands into water again and his fingers brush her calf. She freezes and he smirks. „Your skin is so soft.” And she's blushing again. But both can play this game. „Will you wash my hair, please?” she asks innocently and his hand pauses in the middle of his face, eyes wide, shining. „Are you sure? I never done this.” Moko moves to him. „Please.” She turns her back to him and he clumsily takes her hair in one hand while the other is putting soap on it. Then he moves to her scalp. „That fells nice.” When he's done he smooths it on her back, his fingers lightly touching her skin. „Thank you. Give me a minute and you can go in as well.” She quickly rinses her head. „Close your eyes.” „Why?” „I have to go out and you can´t see me.” „I saw many naked women.” She glares at him over shoulder. „Fine.” But of course he cheated. He watches as she stands up and puts on linen tunic. After that she helps him in tub, she washes his hair and gives him his clothes.
„I said to the owner of this tavern that you are my husband.” says Moko nonchalantly when they are tuck in bed under warm duvet. „What!?” He sits up and frowns. „So we can have same room” ,,You are little minx.” he laughs and move closer to her. ,,What are you doing?” ,,Keeping us warm.” She turns her back to him, hiding her face into pillow. ,,Good night little minx.” he smiles into dark.
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They wake up tangled at each other limbs. Moko tries to get up but Ivar´s arms around her are too strong. He nuzzles her hair and murmurs something. ,,Ivar, we have to go and sell otherwise we will have no money.” He groans when he opens his eyes. ,,I'll come later and brings you breakfast.” ,,You better be quick.” She kisses his cheek, throws her clothes on and she's gone. Ivar is still frozen on the bed processing what just happened.
,,I have bread, meat and wine.” ,,Oh, you are saviour! I'm starving.” He gives her plate with a cup on it. ,,Where is your food?” ,,I ate. Have only one hand free.” He waves with his right one and she grins at him. ,,Is it ok if you work until I finish?” ,,Sure.” He sells few pots and potions already when Osgar comes to them. ,,Hello you two.” ,,Good morning. Do you need something?” Moko asks. ,,Just to say you the news.” ,,What news?” ,,King Alfred will come here in five days to deal with Vikings in prison.” Moko sees Ivar stiffs. ,,Thank you. What do you think he will do to them?” ,,Probably gives them an option between conversion or death.” „And do you know if Viking´s prince will come too? I would like to see him.” He shrugs and goes back doing his work. „We need a plan how to get my brother and leave this stupid country.” „You don’t wanna kill       Alfred?” „Of course I want! But as you said, I need an army. I avenged death of my father on his grandfather and now I´ll avenge my own death on him.” „And rule Wessex?” „Maybe?” „Good luck then.” „You will not stay with me?” „I want to explore the world.” „If you will help me with Alfred I´ll give more treasure than you will ever need for fulfil your dream.” She looks at him sceptically. „Really?” „Word of the prince.” „I will think about it.”
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„That one next to king on left is my brother Hvitserk.” Ivar whispers into her ear when Alfred comes to Chichester. „You remember our plan?” „Yes.”
They have to wait until next day but when Hvitserk comes to Moko´s stall she's nervous. He's handsome as Ivar but with lighter hair. They talk about different herbs for his problems and then she takes small dagger from her sleeve. „Prince Hvitserk, your brother Ivar wants you to have this.” „My brother is dead. I saw him fall in battle.” „I can assure you he's alive.” „How can I trust you?” „Because she's telling you the truth my brother.” says Ivar from shadow behind her. Hvitserk flinches a bit and can´t believe his eyes. „You are a witch! This is some stupid trick. My brother is dead!” „You see he's not.” Hvitserk slowly walks to Ivar and then he suddenly hugs him with teary eyes. „You fucking idiot! How comes gods saved you?” „They sent Moko. She took care of me.” Hvitserk looks at her and she smiles at him. „Nice to meet you.”
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*month later in Winchester*
Ivar is excited all morning as helps Moko with selling. He sees men Hvitserk told him they are their allies when they walks around courtyard. They planned everything carefully. It took some time to collect enough men for attack to Winchester royal villa.
Once the night falls they moves. Quietly under veil of darkness their backups shoots guards on walls and at the gate and they are inside dim corridor. Hvitserk comes out from his hiding spot in kitchen with few warriors and silently they go forward to king´s chambers. His legs hurt and he's cursing on himself because Moko told him to rest during day but he didn’t listen. He sees her in the front of the group with plaited hair, sword ready for fight, serious look on painted face. Beautiful, clever and dangerous. That's what she is. Hvitserk is next to her eating something he stole from   kitchen.
Villa is suspiciously soundless and Ivar is suspicious. He feels it in his bones. It´s several minutes after they killed guards and until now they didn’t meet any more nor there was horn signal. For sure someone found bodies. But they have to do it. Even if it´s trap.
They reach their destination and Osgar goes first. The room is dark, only light from candles elucidate it. Ivar gives signal to his men and they encircle bed. Another signal and they are penetrating it with their swords. At same moment all other three doors of the room open and Alfred runs in with his soldiers, attacking mercilessly. Ivar watches as his warriors die one by one,        outnumbered. „Fight! Fight!” he screams, killing Saxons on his way to Alfred. Then everything freezes as he watches Moko moving between soldiers like air, sword and axe wet from their blood. One of Alfred´s bodyguards cuts her cheek and she stabs him in the neck, decapitating another one with other hand. Now she's face to face with king. What nobody awaits is Elsewith with sword assaulting Moko. English woman cuts her deep into hip when axe, thrown by Ivar, cuts through her back right after. His raging scream encourages his men. He assaults Alfred with blazing fury, maniac urge in the eyes. He effectively disarms young king, cuts his neck, fresh blood splashes him. Ivar throws himself onto Alfred stabbing him with all his power, shouting in old Norse, breathing heavy air with smell of sweat, dead bodies and taste of iron. Surviving Saxons watch in disbelieve and fear before they meet same fate from his fellow Vikings.
Things happens so quickly after that. One moment he is in king´s chamber, then he´s fighting his way from villa and in carriage fleeing into safety. He can feel adrenaline flows through his veins. Hvitserk sits opposite him, covered in blood too. They smile at each other. Moko´s next to him, patching her wound. „We did it.” he says victoriously and suddenly kisses her. She doesn’t protest and he's happy.
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Following three months they are travelling and stealing all over Anglia. After that they build boats for way home. Night before their departure Ivar and Hvitserk are sitting by fire, enjoying peaceful quiet. „Will you go back to Norway or you´ll stay with Moko?” asks Hvitserk. „I don’t know what are you talking about brother. Of course I´m going with you!” „Are you sure Ivar? I see how you are looking at her.” Ivar glares at his laughing brother. „She doesn’t want to stay with me. She wants to travel.” „Then I´m gonna tell her i´ll accompanish her.” He turns to leave when a cup hits his head. „Don´t you dare!” Ivar screams. „Why not? She's free woman. Maybe I´ll ask her to marry me.” Hvitserk walks slowly backward with smirk, watching Ivar crawling on the ground as fast as he can to Moko´s tent.  
She walks out of it at same time as they show up. „Hello boys. Can I help you?” „Ivar wants to speak with you.” Hvitserk blurts out and Ivar hits him in the ankle. „Sure. I just need to get some food.” „I will get it. You two have fun.” „Come in then.” Moko smiles at Ivar.
„What you wanna talk about?” she asks, sitting next to him on bed. „Are you really sure you want to leave Anglia? And travel by yourself?” he asks straight away. „We spoke about it. I have small crew, you know.” „I know. It´s just … I don’t trust them that much. I would like to have you next to me more.” „As your friend, bodyguard or …?” „My right hand.” He looks at her. „And as my queen too, maybe?” She´s quietly staring at him and in next moment her lips are on his, her soft body collides with his hard one as they fall on bed.
His hands are on her hips, pushing her more and more against his prick. She takes off his tunic, her fingers grazing his tattoos. „You like them?” She nods and kisses him again. „Have you ever done this?” „No.” „Let me make you feel good then.” He is nervous like never before but also determined to do it right, to show her he really cares about her. His fingers are trembling when he unties her dress and takes it off. She tries to hide from his curious eyes but he catches her hands, kissing them and putting them next to her. „You are beautiful.” He kisses her whole shivering body until he reaches her warm core. When he looks back at her she's watching him already with flushed cheeks. They hold their gaze when his tongue touches her and she lifts a bit from bed. He's not  stopping her, only diving his head deeper. She's making those small noises he knew were good sign. „Ivar.” she moans his name. „I want more.” He hovers over her, kissing her. „If it hurts too much, you have to stop me, ok? I might not be able to control myself.” „Ok.” „Do you trust me?” „Yes.” He pushes slowly in her tight hole and kisses her tears away. „I'm sorry my Queen.” Her nails scratches his back, leaving bloody marks when he bottoms up. He waits few moments, then moves slowly, searching for any clues of her discomfort. None appears. She even smiles at him slightly. „Feels good?” „Yeah, it´s nice.” „Should I move faster, or is this fine?” „I have no idea!” she laughs. „You are the one with experiences.” „Yeah, right.” He nuzzle into her neck, his hips hitting hers as he quickens and she surprisingly pushes against him.
They are lost in their own pleasurable world, they didn’t even notice Hvitserk when he comes with food. He smirks proudly and walks away.
„I never thought I will love someone again but it happened.” Ivar smiles in Moko´s hair as they lies under warm furs, her head on his chest. „You love me?” „Yes. You have bewitched me, body and soul. My Celtic girl.” „I love you too Ivar.”
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*next day*
A storm comes from nowhere and Moko´s watching as ship with Vikings is burning from     lightning strike. „Can´t we help them somehow?” „I'm sorry my love. They are probably all dead by now.” But much to his own surprise he can see some men jumping into the sea. „If I´ll die saving those idiots, I´m going to annoy you in Valhalla forever.” „And I will enjoy every second of it, my king. Now go and be a hero.” He kisses her briefly and then shuts orders. At the end they saves ten men but loose control over own boat.
„Land! Land!” Ivar hears shouting and stands up to see if it´s really true. „Not really how I imagined my travels but it´s still new land to explore.” Moko says next to him, hugging him. „Our new start my Queen.”
She turns in his embrace as they are looking towards their new adventures.
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original-idiots · 4 years
Batfam Social Media: Waynes’ World YT #3
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- because of popular demand they finally did a behind the scenes of dance vids Cas and Adri go around the city scouting and taking photographs of locations for the videos and then cut to them creating the choreo (sometimes with Dick or Reina or Steph) and to Adri and Damian composing, recording and mixing the songs to dance to.
- The great Gotham bake off started off as a joke. Dick tweeted he would do anything for a slice of the best chocolate cake. And suddenly the manor, his apartment and his office were receiving package after package, box after box of chocolate cake. Some were pretty good, some were downright horrible, and some were so suspicious Tim took to analyzing all of them for poison or crazy fan dna.
- the winner of best cake though was an ugly ass cake no one even bothered with for days until Jason decided to try it during a tea time video and he literally spaced out so long, Adri worried he was poisoned. Then he proceeded to scarf it down and fight off everyone who tried to steal a piece. Eventually he let them have a taste and it was declared winner. The tea time room though? Totaled.
- Bruce gave them one rule in allowing them all to go to the Gotham ComicCon. They werent allowed to use their suits. So they used each others. Dick went as Robin, pixie boots, scaly panties and all. Cass went as a Signal, Duke went as Spoiler, Steph was Nightwing. Tim deviated by dressing as Alfred (moustache and white hair included). Adri was the Red Hood and Damien would only accept Adri’s Nightingale armor.
-actually he wanted Batman but Jason stole it first. No legit, he stole Bruce’s REAL Batman suit and proceeded to brood and scowl at everything. He even won a contest for best impression but then needed a dozen throat lozenges the day after.
- during the summer of Gotham, everyone took to stripping around the manor. Yes they had centralized cold air but somehow it was still hot and everyone would take off shirts and just wear shorts and sports bras. It didnt really bother anyone except Alfred who conceded when he found the need to take off his own jacket. But then Tim and Adri went for coffee with Babs uptown. And Tim forgot they were in public and took his shirt off.
- the pics went viral for a solid 30 minutes before he took them all down...until Babs started reuploading them again.
- on Barbara’s Birthday she got tremendously wasted. Dick was right there with her, Jason was well on his way and Steph was already singing Kumbaya on the rooftop of the manor with Tim asleep next to her. Adri was holding Kate’s hair back in the bathroom and Damian went out on patrol because they wouldn’t let him drink. Meanwhile Cas and Duke took all the pictures.
- Gotham Nights 2 followed Tim, Dick, Adri and Bruce as they went on nightshifts at work. Jason was Adri’s camera man, and Cas was Dick’s for his a bust in Bludhaven. At Wayne Tower, Tim and Bruce were providing insight and facts about the company and it was going so well until a new intern spoke the forbidden words of the tower. “Sorry Mr. Drake sir, we’re out of coffee” and it all went downhill from there.
- because of how much Alfred was seen prepping snacks and readying coats in the last video, people requested to see a day in the life of the Wayne’s ever reliable butler Alfred Pennyworth. It was all really wholesome, talking about cleaning, cooking and his favorite things, until he showed pictures from when Bruce was young, and from when Thomas Wayne was young and everyone in the comics went batshit over how Alfred didnt ever age in them.
-thus the hashtag #AlfredIsImmortal came to be.
- it was Steph (off duty) who decided she wanted to go “vigilante hunting”. It was Adri, Cass and Duke that gave no arguments. Only, they didnt tell Jason, Dick, Tim or Damian who were on patrol that night what they were doing. Imagine Jason tensed up on his sniper’s nest paranoid that someone could see him, suddenly hearing. “OHMYGOSH GUYS WE CAUGHT THE RED HOOD!”
- The Solheim vlogs became a quick favorite because not only were viewers getting inside the world of the Royal Morgensonne family, Adri had brought over a hundred of the refugees of her country who were staying in Gotham back home for the Midsummer festival.
- but of course, these are the Waynes. Because Bruce gavr the private jet for use of the refugees, they took a commercial flight which got delayed. It was fine until Steph and Tim got bored and found a costume shop.
- when they go to Castle Morgensonne, Dick saw the tallest tower and decided to accept the challenge. What challenge? Exactly. He climbed it then proceeded to dive off it into the loch below. The others followed and the staff were so scared they thought there were ghosts in the tower. Until Adri climbed up there with them and yelled it’s okay. And if the princess approves, why not?
- while some of them went on a traditional Midsummer hunt with Adri and her brother the King, Tim and Duke decided to have a photoshoot in the nightbloom fields east of the castle where the grass and leaves of the wildflowers are such a dark green they almost appear black. They get incredible pics and also get incredibly lost until someone from the hunting party accidentally fires at them with an arrow, thinking they’re game.
- “Yeah, accidentally.”Jason said at the end.
-because they all watched the movie Midsomar together everyone was a little skeptical of all the flower fileds and maypole dancing and singing and Jason and Tim went full crackhead after drinking something they were offered and kept declaring they were ready to join the cult. It turns out it was just crushed beets and they were just being stupid. But Damian wasnt going to tell them that when he offered it to them.
- the Solheim tradition of black items being burned in a central bonfire commenced, Dick drank some of the “crazy juice” and Cass was crowned Mayqueen for being the best dancer.
-Duke was also given a gift because the band heard him singing along and brought him up on the stage.
-when they got back everyone realized Tim had mislabelled the number of at least five prerecorded videos that were posted while they were in Solheim and gave him soooo much shit about it he said fuck it and started numbering them with ridiculous equations, random symbols and letters or, just not at all.
-also when they got back Commisioner Gordon got jacked.
- Dick notices it one night on the roof of the GCPD, Gordon takes off his coat and the sleeves and buttons of his shirt are HANGING ON FOR DEAR LIFE. Batman and the Comissioner are trying to have a serious discussion and Nightwing is poking Gordon’s biceps. “When did you get these?!”
- the next day Dick invaded the GCPD gym with a camera to film him during a workout and LORD. The onlie thirst was real, Barbara found it so funny she made it go viral herself.
Part 1
Part 2
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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(A/n: this might be a little biased since I’m in love with this man & I’m basing the relationship parts of this on my mc/myself so hope y’all don’t mind 😬)
IG info/bio: @/lucas.koh | 93.1k followers | for business inquires please visit: kohptr.com
27 (28) years old
From Oxford, England
Father is Korean & a car salesman at a Nissan dealership, he’s a strict/serious man who has high morals but beyond that he can actually be a softie in rare moments (+ that’s who Lucas gets his height from 🤤)
Mother is actually Chinese but lived in Korea studying abroad and eventually became a successful chiropractor (s/o to doctor mondragon on YouTube who I watch to help me sleep some nights and wish I could see! Lol) with her own practice. She’s a firecracker, intelligent, and quick to say what’s on her mind and doesn’t care if you like what she’s got to say. Most patients like that about her, she’s honest and her family is used to her ways but in the same way it’s more loving than offensive? (Smol woman but will remind you when she’s cracking your body she’s got enough power in her)
Either he’s a only child or he comes from a family of all boys with two younger brothers (they’re all in their 20’s) or he has one younger brother and one younger sister idk you decide
I’m feeling like he’s a Sagittarius? Carefree in the terms of he wasn’t viewing finally getting with MC when she’s dating someone else as cheating. Mans was READY to risk it all for me okay and I was down for it but ofc I had to react realistically and NOT “cheat.” *sigh* one part of me was debating ‘are we really dating tho bobby? We’re on reality tv. We’re not gonna die without each other if we hang out in seperate rooms’ *cough* Nope. but I’m a woman about her loyalty
He’s definitely adventurous. I don’t see him as the type to want to stay home all the time even tho his work definitely keeps him busy/exhausted. He’s down for road trips 💯
Occupation? Physicotherapist. His mother inspired him to get into the field and watching sports + the way players got their injuries always intrigued him? So to provide the best plan to have someone heal was something he loved to do plus being hands on while teaching/helping was a passion for him + I feel like he would also use a massaging technique instead of the usual exercise part of it
Now as someone who suffered a ACL & Mensicus tear & is STILL dealing with this BS pain years later, I would be so thankful to have him around! I feel like he’d have a optimistic attitude towards his patients and that’s what people need not someone that’s insensitive (like my surgeon/PT’s I had)
He models from time to time, when he was first approached about it he was upfront about not wanting to do it. It was much different than getting your picture taken for the office. That’s usually quick, the whole modeling process felt longer but somehow he was talked into it by his brother who’s a photographer and his mother. “Do you think you’re ugly? ‘Cause I’m not and you’re a part of me, so therefore there’s no such thing. Just look at your cheekbones, your jawline! I gave you those. The only good thing your father gave you was height.” Which filled the house with snickers while Lucas’ father just rolled his eyes and continued reading his newspaper for breakfast
Has a motorcycle and some luxurious car—not a Tesla those are basic now 🤷🏽‍♀️
Loves his motorcycle so much he’s got a tat of it on his right bicep
He has two available parking spaces in his parking garage at his penthouse but keeps his bike away in a storage unit due to a neighbor scratching it after his girlfriend broke up with him? Saying she was off to date Lucas? But that wasn’t true at all. He barely knew the girl, they didn’t live on the same floor. People were crazy but if you push him his temper might come out
Owns a leather jacket that he paid a lot for
Believes in “treat yo self” if it means in quality when shopping and has no issue being a big spender but he knows how to manage it well (his father told him all about how his own father dealt with bankruptcy)
Since he’s often at the office the whole day, he’s usually a night owl. He loves night drives and night dining. That’s usually when he finds the best places to eat
There’s this one pho spot that he loves and it’s his go to spot when he wants something quick on the way home
Cannot sleep with his entire body covered in covers, either his arms/shoulders have to be out or his legs, which would be a issue for me/mc since I sleep with the covers over my entire body...yes even in hot weather with the AC cranked up😂
He also makes great kimchi fried rice & loves Italian food
Will wine and dine. I believe it. I envision it! He loves going out on dates with his significant other (If he’s single and not with me, I think he’d try out speed dating)
Will dress to impress, will buy you a new fit he wants to see you/us/mc in especially if it’s your anniversary
Loves taking bubble bath’s with infused oils or flower petals with significant other
He’s the type that takes long showers & it brings him a true sense of freedom. He’s never able to take a quick shower, he gets lost in his ideas of what to do next in this world & it’s limitless
If he’s in for the day, which usually doesn’t last long—he’s either in sweats or in a robe all day
Only drives his bike on the weekend or if he’s going out of town but if he’s going on a trip for a couple of days with MC & if she’s got a bit of anxiety like me? He’ll stick to his car to make them comfortable
I feel like he enjoys the winter season. Maybe if it’s a slushy rainy winter more than a blizzards/snowy season. He loves bundling up, much to people’s surprise. He’s more than just his good looks and body love island fans!!!
Doesn’t post much on his socials. If you need to see what he’s about then you should do so in person or already know who he is. The internet can’t tell you much, in his opinion
Keeps himself in good health, I mean duh what kind of PT would he be 😉 goes on night jogs with reflector clothes on & occasionally morning jogs & at home workouts
Probably will date someone younger than him. Not by much, I don’t think he can take immaturity well. (That maybe how he views it) The most is 4 years younger than him
Henrik is his best bud from the show. They hang out all the time, crash at each other’s places, and vacation together all the time. They will be each other’s future best men forsure
Doesn’t go out of his way to talk to the rest of the guys from the show but if he happens to browse his feed and sees something he wants to comment on then he’ll carry a conversation of course
Far as the girls? He talks to Hannah & Priya from time to time. He also follows Hope and they like each other’s posts but not much communication is there either?
Either has a mint or black phone case, probably a Samsung galaxy user
Likes pistachio frozen yogurt but he’s lactose & doesn’t want to believe it :(
Smokes cigars when he’s out with his boys
Has a tight knit group of friends, majority of them are from the medical field since they all went to uni together + most of them are also married so the pressure is so on
*He’s the oldest out of his sibs so according to his parents he’s expected to be married first yet his baby sis is engaged and she’s 23*
wants a family...eventually. Probably will happen in his early thirties? The max for children is 2 for him. He knows they can be a HANDFUL due to his own friends who have kids + he’s a godfather and he’s babysat before so he knows how it goes!
enjoys his freedom as stated which further proves he’s a sag lol
Enjoys going to saunas to cleanse his pores/ get rid of toxins. It’s the easiest way for him to do so even tho his brother clowns him for it
His love language is deff physical touch. He loves hugs and resting his chin on top of your head, forehead to forehead, his nose pressed in between the space of your neck and shoulder, gentle squeezes, sitting next to each other with your legs touching, cuddling, sleeping on top of you or you on him, etc
He loves kissing. It’s automatic for him and it can also easily rile him up
Has strong opinions & will show them but will feel like he’s being attacked if it brings on a confrontation/argument
Will forgive and forget
Plays strategy board games
Makes his own natural healing creams & gives samples to his patients depending on their needs
His fav colors are: blue, white, & grey
Will grow a bit of facial hair in the cooler months if it’ll make mc happy (I’m a sucker for facial hair but hate it on myself lmao) but if he dislikes the feeling on his face he will shave and finds he likes a shaven face better, the facial hair makes him look a bit older—which is okay but that’s just his preference
When he stops putting gel in his hair/styling his hair in a quiff hairstyle it shocks fans with mc commenting on one of his pics, “you’re welcome x”
Likes going to the Hard Rock Cafe on causal weekends
also likes getting freaky in public, down for whatever 🤪
He’s a traveler so if he leaves the UK, I’m seeing him land in Toronto, Canada first and falling in love with it. I feel he would vibe well with the culture there, might even consider getting a vacation home in that location
Celeb crushes? Anne Hathaway, Beyoncé, Lupita Nyong'o, Anna Diop, Imaan Hammam, Jodie Comer, Megan Fox, Shay Mitchell, & Cassie Ventura Fine
Oh Lucas. I feel like we have similar tastes? Somewhat. He probably listens to more rock than I do? Maybe 80s rock moreso? & He listens to: WALK THE MOON, Allen Stone (his fav) , Emily king, Gavin Turek, Melanie Fiona, THEY., DPR live, & Sik-k
Anthem = Young the Giant, “Something to believe in”
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astraeagreengrass · 5 years
Right Where You Are, That’s Where I Am
Sometimes, finding yourself means finding someone
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1.904
Warnings: Angst, allusions to violence and PTSD, fluffy ending
A/N: This is my submission to @wkemeup​’s 4K Writing Challenge. My prompt was “Mariner’s Apartment Complex” by Lana del Rey. Thank you Kas for having me and congratulations on such an impressive milestone! ♡
Disclaimer: I don’t own Bucky Barnes or any other fictional characters mentioned in this story - they are property of Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. The title belongs to Lana Del Rey. The plot is my own creation.
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You lose your way, just take my hand  You're lost at sea, then I'll command your boat to me again
The plane left you in the border of Burundi.
From the muddy, narrow airstrip to the meeting point it took you four hours in a 1977 Jeep CJ-7. The air-conditioner was broken, forcing you to roll down the windows hoping for some breeze, but no such luck. Your hair was stuck to your nape and your skin collected mosquito bites as you drove through the heart of Africa, trailing the Mwiruzi river, guided only by an old printed map and a vibranium compass.
You reached the village at nightfall. Less than twenty houses formed a semi-circle around a tiny square, a well right in the middle of it. It was similar to hundreds of other villages you passed through on your way, but a rune drawn in white paint on the door of the house closest to the road gave it away as the right one.
You parked the Jeep beneath a Tamboti tree, tucking the keys under the passenger’s side seat cushion. Taking your backpack and a black duffel bag, you exited.
Nakia was waiting for you at the porch of the seventh house, a fussing baby in her arms. She was trying to soothe him with a lullaby sung in xhosa, her melodious voice the only sound apart from the crickets, but the child was insistent. Realizing she wouldn’t acknowledge you until the child was calm, you sat in the rickety wooden porch step, tucking your head between your knees. You hadn’t slept in over two days and finally finding Nakia gave you some unexpected relief that allowed the exhaustion to creep in.
“We’re leaving in the morning” she announced a few minutes later, when the baby surrendered to sleep. “You can rest until then.”
You wouldn’t, but it was nice of her to offer.
“It’s safe here” she added and you just nodded. That wasn’t enough guarantee to let your guard down.
Nakia sighed, only minor frustrated. Your behaviour annoyed her, but she knew she couldn’t demand much from you, even if you did look dead on your feet.
“Come on” she said, mentioning with her head for you to follow her inside. The house consisted of a single room, a kitchen, and two long, pic-nic style tables. It was relatively full, which immediately startled you, but your deft gaze was quick to assess that these people were more suspicious of you than you were of them.
There were no adult men, only women and children. The oldest boy appeared to be around twelve, and was carefully tucked to his mother’s side. There were other babies like the one Nakia extended to a girl sitting by the door, before exclaiming in igbo:
“Ayo! The milk is here!”
Ayo was a middle-aged woman mixing food by the stove. She nodded, but made no move to step away from her careful cooking.
“Are you hungry?”
You were, but it didn’t look like you were welcome. Regardless, Nakia mentioned you forward. Taking the black duffel bag from your hands, your host started taking out the cans of milk formula you bought in Johannesburg.
The request seemed odd to you at first: why did Nakia, the Kenyan heiress turned Wakandan spy, needed dozens of cans of milk formula somewhere in Tanzania? It looked as though this room was the answer.
Ayo wordessly placed a bowl of githeri in front of you. It was delicious and you didn’t hesitate when she offered you seconds. While you ate, Nakia and the cook stacked the cans in neat piles on the cabinet under the sink. You were still eating when they finished.
"We'll take your car to Mukigina" Nakia stated. "Someone will get us there."
"In sixteen hours."
"How long from here to Mukigina?"
"A little over seven hours if we go off the road."
You shrugged. You've been going off the road for a while now.
"Can I ask you something?" she leaned closer to you. Nakia could easily be mistaken by one of your sisters, with her flawless features and deadly skills. But the gleam in her eyes, still present after all the terrible things she's seen during her undercover work as a War Dog, set her apart from the daughters of the Red Room. She wasn't broken, battered and bruised on the inside like you were. And all the horrors she'd witnessed weren't caused by her. "How did you know he was in Wakanda?"
You met Nakia at an underground casino in Busan right after the fall of Hydra. She was following a lead on a poacher of and you were following a lead on him. When the poacher  turned out to be more vicious than she expected, it was your bullet in his head that solved the problem. You never met again - until two weeks ago, when you saw her standing next to the Wakandan king at the United Nations.
"My sister was with your king in the summer" you explained. "In Germany."
"Oh" her eyebrows rose so high they disappeared under her headscarf. "Romanoff?"
"That explains how you know him."
You snorted.
"How did you think I knew him?"
"I don't know..." she trailed off. "Honestly, for the past two years I've thought about you constantly. You saved my life and I couldn't even say a proper thank you before you disappeared. I thought maybe you were an Avenger, but you're too squirmish for that. And none of them wear black, do they? They love their bright colors."
You laughed, the first real one in a long time.
Nakia patted you on the shoulder gently.
"I meant what I said earlier. You should get some sleep."
"Sleep isn't really my thing" you muttered.
"Every single girl in this village was rescued from the Boko Haram. We secured this location a couple of months ago because these men, these terrorists… They don't care about the women they steal, but they do care about their children. Especially if they're boys. So don't be ashamed of your nightmares, 'cause we're used to them around here."
You scanned the room. Most of the girls had left, but there were still three huddling by the stove, listening carefully to Ayo's instructions. They didn't look a day older than sixteen. At sixteen, you'd already killed more men than you could count with both hands. You wondered if they'd kill their kidnappers if given the chance.
Nakia's room was in the house next door. Moonlight filtered in through the curtainless window, bathing the small chamber in silver glow. You were asleep before your head hit the pillow.
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In less than a day, you'd gone from old cars and dirty roads to spaceships and hover carriers.
Birnin Zana - The Golden City - rose miraculously under the savanna sun. Skyscrapers as high was the eye could see, a protective dome and cutting-edge technology - all of it coexisting in perfect harmony with nature and ancient traditions.
Nakia placed you in a hut in the outskirts of the city - close enough that you could visit Princess Shuri’s laboratory everyday but far enough that the locals wouldn’t be bothered by a foreigner’s presence.
The first week was torture. Blurry recollections of your past haunted your dreams, leaving you gasping for air, staring out the window until the first light appeared behind the trees. From dawn to dusk you'd stay at the lab, guarding his frozen body like a ghost.
It finally got on Shuri’s nerve.
“That’s it. I'm kicking you out."
She sent you to the Dora Milaje. Their leader, Okoye - tall, gorgeous and intimidating - was apparently looking forward to meet you. On a grassy field overlooking the river she handed you a wooden stick.
"Let's set how you fight without a gun" she said with a smirk.
It was disastrous. Okoye and the other warriors were graceful, silent and fast like cheetahs, meanwhile you were a hippo in heels, scrambling with the wooden stick. Madame B's voice taunted you, like the devil on your shoulder, seething everytime they bested you. On the fourth day of training your demons finally caught up to you and you broke down.
Okoye held you, whispering in soft Yoruba that you were safe.
A month later you braved the market. Manioc, okra and tomatoes in a booth, turmeric, cardamom and nutmeg in the other. The smell was intoxicating, swirling in your brain in gormandize like never before. You left chewing on a ripe piece of watermelon, pink juice staining your lips, with a pot of African violets cradled in your arms.
The violets were placed in your kitchen table - two seats, one for you and one for him when he came. Soon afterwards they were joined by a banana bunch, plucked from the tree in your yard.
The discovery of the banana tree made way for lettuce, eggplant and pumpkin. The seeds were gifted to you by Queen Ramonda herself and they took to the soil like sand to sea. When you noticed the first green leaf sprouting from the earth, you wept. Your hands, once made for killing, were now giving life.
The food welcomed the children. They'd play in your yard, sidestepping the flower beds like a dance. When they grew tired, they barged in, all five or six of them demanding lemonade and strawberries and questions.
"What does snow feels like?"
"Do you miss Russia?"
"Is it true the Americans think Africa is a country?"
Like ground ice. No. Some of them do, yes.
It was late December when Shuri gave you the news.
"We're ready to wake him up."
They placed his sleeping body on the bed, saying that he should rise by himself in a few hours. Suddenly, you were fourteen again, waiting behind bulletproof doors in a secret facility in Siberia, waiting to meet him for the first time. Only he wasn't the Asset or Soldat anymore. He had a name, a history, a mind of his own.
You'd killed for him. Tortured innocents. Thwarted governments. Broke a thousand rules just to be closer to your forbidden lover. Schemed and lied looking for his freedom, uselessly. Lost yourself trying to find him.
"Come with me" Natalia pleaded. "That spy I was supposed to kill in Budapest… He spared me. Said he can take us both to America. S.H.I.E.L.D. will offer us protection."
"I can't" you refused. "I can't leave him."
"You'll die before you save him."
Your sister was wrong: you survived. And now, halfway across the world, fate gifted you with another chance.
The children woke him. They scurried out of the house, laughing and chanting. Emhlope ingcuka, they called him. White wolf.
James Buchanan Barnes found you gazing at the horizon beyond the lake. Slowly, testing his legs, he walked over to your side.
"Good morning" you smiled.
"Good morning."
"How are you feeling?" you asked.
You turned then, eyes catching his in the warm daybreak. A breeze ruffled his hair and your skirt, a gentle reminder that it was real. You were real.
"James?" you tried, hesitantly.
"Bucky" he declared in triumph.
"Bucky" you liked it. It suited him. "It's nice to meet you, Bucky. I'm sorry it took so long."
His right hand squeezed yours. Callus and scars met callus and scars. Your rough edges molded into his in a perfect fit, in this new land that took you in as its own.
You were home.
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My masterlist
Everything taglist: @scentedsongrebel​ @youclickedthislink​ @thegetawaywriter​
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mini-moongi · 4 years
Curse || Namjoon || t w o
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Genre: Fluff, Adventure, Fantasy
Summary: [Dragon! AU] [Namjoon x Knight! Reader]; Apparently there's been a dragon wreaking havoc in the nearby village, and so King Kim Seokjin asks you to deal with it as the newly appointed knight. When you arrive, it seems that the truth is not exactly as it appears. This is a Fem! reader.
Thank you to lovely @ahgassok​​ for the title pic!! I am very much in love with it (o´ω`o)
curse masterlist
prev // t w o // next
A/N: Hoseok and Jimin are introduced in this chapter + yoongi n tae have the hots for them but anyhoo--
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“I’m still not sure about this Taehyung.” Yoongi paces around in the study. It’s littered with spell books and hex bags, much like the rest of this cave-like home. “We haven’t worked with anyone else since the Werewolf incident in ‘43.”
“You do make a compelling argument,” Taehyung nods thoughtfully. He shudders for a moment, recalling vivid memories that you and Namjoon could only assume was from the incident. “What was I supposed to do though, let him eat me??”
“No that’s-- you know what? If you had just given him your left pinky toe, none of it would’ve happened!” Yoongi interjects. 
You and Namjoon watch the two of them bicker with each other whilst you’re sat at the lavish table. The tabletop is sleek and smooth, with a soft glow illuminating the surface. Namjoon is sipping on an herbal tea he was offered, and you sit stiff in your armor. Namjoon and Taehyung talked earlier, trying to catch up on each other’s lives. 
A part of you feels like a fool; you’re sitting here with a couple of magic users and the dragon you were supposed to kill. Back at the castle, magic and things alike were strictly forbidden. Breaking orders was strictly forbidden. But here it felt like you finally belonged somewhere. Namjoon treated you so kindly, and the heavy guilt of almost murdering him was too much to just leave alone. This was just your way of repaying him. Afterwards, maybe you could continue serving as a knight in the next territory over, and restart your life there.
“---ugh, fine.” Yoongi grumbles,”and you better wipe that stupid grin off of your face, or else.”
“Or else what?”
Yoongi’s black attire reminded you of grim reapers in old fables you read when you were young. His pouty lips and soft complexion compared to his ensemble was a juxtaposition in itself. “Or else I’ll throw you back into the year 2020.”
Taehyung’s smile drops, and horror filled every pore on his face. You want to question about what was so bad about the year 2020, but Taehyung clears his throat and changes the subject. “So, dearest brother, are we really going to uh,” His voice falters,”...murder him?”
Namjoon sets down the drink he’d been nursing all afternoon and stands up. “I was hoping we could work around it.” He says. You wonder what he’s thinking about as you stare up into his eyes. Even when King Kim betrayed his own flesh and blood, here they were, still hoping they could forgive him. “Most curses work like that, but I’m pretty sure this one is old and complex magic.”
“Yeah, as much as I hate him,” a huff comes from Taehyung’s nose, like a barely there laugh,” I’d rather not have to kill him.”
“Bummer,” Yoongi shifts in his seat that he’s taken across from you. “And I’m guessing we need to pull out the original spell book?”
Yoongi rolls his eyes when Namjoon nods at him in response. You hear him grumbling incoherently to himself as he gets up to retrieve the book. When he comes back, he opens up the pages. “..Hey, it says here that there isn’t a cure.”
Taehyung ponders over the predicament. His face lights up,” What about The Book of the Damned?” Yoongi is immediately shaking his head, trying to refuse.
“Whats that?” Namjoon asks.
“Some crazy witch hag made a book that undoes uncurable curses.” Yoongi answers. “It’s extremely sketchy, and not to mention really uncomfortable to look at. Each page is made out of human skin.” He shudders.
“It’s worth a shot though,” you look at him,”It wouldn’t hurt to at least look.”
Taehyung starts pulling out five other books,” We’re gonna have to decipher it.” He calls out. Hours and hours of endless research later, the words start to reveal themselves. “--it’s definitely not going to be easy,” he quips as he reads over Yoongi’s shoulder. 
In return, Yoongi scoffs,” Yeah, tell me about it. Where the hell are we going to get these ingredients? Wild Ashrier and Edreet are extinct, last time I checked. I really don’t think time travel is a good idea right now.”
“That never stopped you from craving that big slushie from Buc-ee’s, though?”
“Shut up.”
At this point, You and Namjoon have given up trying to understand their meaningless arguments. Taehyung had tried to explain to you what a minecraft was, but your head started to pound so bad that you couldn’t listen to it anymore. Wild Ashrier and Edreet did sound familiar though, but where have you heard it before?
“I got it!” You stand up, garnering the immediate attention of your peers. “I know a botanist just outside of Cromerth that has those plants!”
“Really?” Taehyung looks at you incredulously. His eyes are wide as he looked between you and Yoongi’s (also) shocked face. “...but how?”
“King Kim made me investigate for prohibited herbs.” You laughed. “They were very upfront about how they used their plants, and none of the items were explicitly banned, so their business is still up and running.” 
“Well, let’s go I guess?” Namjoon looks at you. His smile catches you off guard, and you wonder how Namjoon and the King could possibly be related. You’ve only seen frowns and (more often than not) fake laughter from your King, but with Namjoon, he’s nothing short of compassion and genuine kindness. He opens the door for you, and your footsteps slowly walk out.
“Okay lovebirds, let’s get going!” Yoongi rushes you out, and your attention snaps back to the world. You laugh and shrug, unsure of how to respond to a comment like that.
It was close enough to go by foot, so you four set out along the path heading towards your destination. You see Taehyung slip Namjoon a potion similar to the one at breakfast. He takes it, and you are touched that Taehyung had remembered even when he hasn’t seen his brother in so long. Cromerth is a busy and bustling town with tons of markets, so it’s no surprise when you pass by many different travellers along the route. When you see the sign indicating that Cromerth was up ahead, you take a left into the forest. Soon, a clearing opened up the vast field in front of you; a pretty little hut off in the distance.
You see one of the botanists in the front of the house tending to a garden. You wave to get his attention, and he waves back with enthusiasm. “Jimin, it’s so good to see you again!” You beamed.
“Likewise, Lady Y/n.” A pleasant smile graces you, and you notice the bundle of plants he just harvested. It’s a vibrant red and orange flower which would make great color dyes. “What brings you and your companions here? Not another inspection, I hope.” He laughs.
“You called?” Hoseok pokes his head out from the open window. His face is covered in black streaks and sweat, but there’s only positivity radiating from him. “Oh! Lady Y/n!” He scrambles back inside and bursts through the front door.
“Jimin, Hoseok,” You nod to them and gesture to the others,” These are my new friends, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Namjoon.”
Yoongi isn’t making eye contact, but you can see a blush that’s crept up onto his cheeks. Taehyung’s cheeks are also tinted a red hue, but he’s grinning from ear to ear. “A pleasure to meet you two,” he breathes out.
You chuckle to yourself when your eyes catch Namjoon’s. He’s looking at you with the same foolish face you find attractive, so you tear your gaze away. “I remembered from our last run in that you sell Wild Ashrier and Edreet, correct?”
“You aren’t going to confiscate those, are you?” Hoseok gives you a questionable glance, but you know he’s only joking. “It’s a little out of season, but I take good care of my babies so they’re good all year ‘round.”
“...could I be his baby?” Yoongi mutters. No one else seems to have heard it, but you sure did since you’re standing right next to him. You stifle your laughter when you see how shy he’s become. 
“Yes, Yoongi here,” You nudge him a little closer into the group, surprised at the lack of witty remarks. “--he’s a sorcerer. We’re trying to gather ingredients to work a spell.”
Jimin glances at Hoseok,” but those ingredients only do spells that are..” He looks at you. “You’re gonna want us for more than just plants, y/n.”
You look at him, confusion written across your face. “What for?”
“That’s something we’d like to know.” Hoseok replies. He motions for all of you to come inside the hut, which surprisingly, was very spacious on the inside.
After seeking consent from your peers, you relay the events of yesterday. “So you’re telling me, King Kim isn’t the real king? And that Namjoon and Taehyung are actually royalty, but they’ve been kicked out of the castle?” Hoseok is absolutely reeling from shock. 
“--and the spell that you’re working, do you know what’ll happen afterwards? Magic like that always comes with a price, you know.” Jimin says.
“We haven’t uh, decoded it that far yet,” Taehyung adds in sheepishly. “we planned to after we met with you today, though.”
“The sun is starting to set, we should probably head back.” Namjoon says as he looks out the window. Indeed, the sun was starting to set, and it’d be much harder to travel during the night time. 
“We’ll pack our things and gather the ingredients,” Hoseok stand up from his seat. “Is there a place that we can stay?”
“My place is too small for all of us..” Yoongi sighs.
“Yeah, and I don’t think I can bring all of you to the castle,” You chuckle lightly.
“If we make a stop for Yoongi and Taehyung to pack, we can stay at my place?” Namjoon offers to the team, and it settles the stirring question. Everyone agrees and in a short amount of time, you are all back in Namjoon’s humble abode.
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alexandralyman · 5 years
My Tumblr Fic Masterlist
It’s been a while since I’ve done this and it seems like a good time now to compile a list of all my Captain Swan fics that are only posted here and not on AO3 or ff.net. These are mostly little ficlets/drabble type things, post ep fics, stuff based off promos and behind the scenes pics, some short AUs, and a few extras from BtH and BH&H.
I’ve organized it by type and there’s over 70 fics linked, most are untitled and I’ve included a short description for each. Some are just a paragraph, some are longer, S3, through S7 are all represented in some form, there’s a lot of Dark Swan stuff from S5 because I apparently wrote a ton of that, there’s the untitled Lieutenant Duckling “sneaking in the Princess’s bedchamber” three part saga which is my most popular Tumblr-only fic, there’s the Underworld, Storybrooke, the Enchanted Forest...basically everything I could find.
It’s pretty damn long, so the actual list is under the cut. 
Happy reading, everyone!
Canon Based/Pre and Post Ep Fics
Touch - Killian with both hands on their date (written before the ep aired) (untitled) - written for the prompt of Killian buying Emma flowers (untitled) - Emma and Killian after his heart is returned in S4 (untitled) - post Heroes and Villians, Emma still doesn’t have her own place (untitled) - Emma and Killian drinking rum together in her apartment in New York City Serenade (untitled) - Killian loses his hand and becomes Captain Hook (untitled) - Smutty angst about the threat of the darkness in S4 (untitled) -- Killian and the attempt to find Emma after she becomes the Dark One (untitled) - Killian after Emma is swallowed up by the darkness (untitled) - Emma’s connection to the dagger after becoming the Dark One (untitled) - Emma after becoming the Dark One (untitled) - Emma sucking Killian into the darkness (untitled) - Killian finds the Dark Swan (untitled) - Dark Swan and Killian smut Can’t Sleep - in Camelot, Emma can’t sleep Bed of Roses - the middlemist field (untitled) -  Dark Swan contemplation  (untitled) - Dark Swan just before the curse brings them back to Storybrooke (untitled) -  Dark Swan with Killian’s ring (untitled) Dark Swan and the dreamcatchers (untitled) - Angsty, smutty goodbye before Killian is pulled into the Underworld king size (the space between us) - Post Underworld (untitled) - Jones Brothers, based on the selfie Jen posted with Colin and Bernard (untitled) - Milah’s thoughts when she meets Emma in the Underworld (untitled) - another Underworld drabble (untitled) - Killian after Emma leaves him in the Underworld Dust to Dust - Killian says goodbye to Robin Hood (untitled) - Killian attempts to summon the new Dark One (untitled) - Another Killian summoning the Dark One fic lonely too long - Post Underworld David versus Goliath - Charming drags Killian into the woods at Christmas unpause - moving in together in S6 swordfight - Prince Charming and Captain Hook battle for a prize compass rose - Killian gets another tattoo gifts of the magi - Killian and Emma at Christmas safe passage - the Charmings on the Jolly during the flashback in the musical ep o villain, villain - Killian remember’s David’s father if wishes were horses - Wish Realm, written before the ep aired beggars would ride - the follow up to if wishes were horses later that night - Emma pays Killian back for the “You kiss me with that mouth?” comment from S6 (untitled) - Killian and Emma post Dark Waters a bit familiar (but different too) - Captain Beauty S6 friendship fic (untitled) - Killian’s thoughts on Emma’s red leather jacket
Christmas Tree Lot - Christmas fic Doorcrasher - Emma and Killian meet while lined up for a Black Friday sale the tower - AU of the S4 finale, Killian rescues Emma from the tower history repeats itself - another take on Captain Hook and Princess Emma in the Wish Realm the dark ones - when there’s 2 instead of 1 (untitled) Killian and the Dark Swan in Storybrooke family reunion - Underworld Jones Brothers AU at my worst, you are my best - Killian gets split in two with Dr. Jekyll’s potion (untitled part 1) - Captain Hook returns from Neverland to kill Rumple and discovers a new Dark One instead. (untitled part 2) - follow up to the Captain Hook/Dark Swan fic (untitled) - Killian becomes the King of Camelot (untitled) - Young!Emma and Young!Killian street kids AU  Queen Takes Knight Part 1 - Emma gives into the darkness, and Killian follows Queen Takes Knight Part 2  (untitled part one) - Lieutenant Duckling “Sneaking into the Princess’s bedchamber” (untitled part 2) - the follow up to the LD fic (untitled part 3) - the conclusion to the LD fic Anchor - AU of the tavern scene in The Jolly Roger (untitled) - written for the prompt, “Swan, you’re depriving me of a romantic gesture.” Secret Agent Man Part 1 - AU based on the movie Kingsman Secret Agent Man Part 2  (untitled) - Captain Duckling Enchanted Forest runaway bride AU
Beyond the Horizon Extras
treasure map - Smutty drabble Remember When - reminiscing about when they fell in love (untitled) - Killian gets hit with a bag of flour that makes his hair appear grey
Between Heaven and Hell Extras
the anonymous benefactor - background as to how their current arrangement came to be sin eater part one - Killian is summoned by a desperate young woman in 1920s New Orleans and decides to use her plight to his advantage with Emma. This one is fairly long and is currently unfinished.  sin eater part two sin eater part three sin eater part four  your sin (my salvation) - end of Lent reunion smut untitled (somewhere) - Emma and Killian meet up in an empty movie theatre for a midnight screening of West Side Story midnight mass - Killian prays, Emma answers upon a midnight clear - Killian at Christmas a quiet moment - sometimes Emma needs a bit of a respite from what’s going on in the world and seeks Killian out.
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daydreamindollie · 4 years
𝟘𝟞.𝟘𝟞.𝟚𝟘 ⏤𝙠𝙤𝙛𝙞 + 𝙥𝙬𝙩𝙪𝙝 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬
Alright, so...I'm going to be leaving home to survive out in the big world later this year and will be entering university as an undergraduate for Biomedical Sciences.
I'm also not going to be openly looking for work seeing as my parents want me to focus on my studies and, to be honest, I feel the same way. But one thing's for sure, I want to continue writing even though my brother, who is already in university, told me I won't be able to write or, at least, plan chapters/oneshots as much as I'm able to now.
Umm...this is really uncomfortable for me to say because I really do love writing and going through the planning process of it all so I don't want it to seem as if I'll be doing it for money. However, I still want to be able to fund myself in some way that I can avoid being anxious or stressed about my funds as much as possible in the future whilst I'm in further education.
The main reason I'm bringing this up now is because this is the only time I'm feeling confident enough to bring the topic up of me making a kofi account. If I don't do it now then maybe I never will. Either that or I may already be stressing out from my debt due to university loans.
If any of you are willing to buy me a kofi, here's the page I just created but please bear in mind that you are not obligated to buy me anything in any way if you are not in a position to, also if you're not 16-18, please ask permission from your parents or don't at all! - really! You don't have to! Only if you're able to and want to.
✚           ✚           ✚
Anyway! Moving on! I have a little preview for PWTUH chapter 12 for you and a little peep into the written plans I've written up already :3
Just quickly! Please note that the preview may or may not make it into the final, revised, and edited chapter 12 that I will be posting officially for pwtuh as it will be edited and possibly changed by then. Still! Please enjoy it for what it is!
↓ also, know that these are just random, unedited scenes and may be shuffled up in the final, edited version of chapter 12 ↓
Unexpectedly, news of the war didn't daunt the people of Seoul. Even in your village, small and suburban, had little worries over the matter. In one ear, they were fully aware of their king's illness, and in the other, they were the victims of propaganda. Word of the victory at --- seemed to have blinded them to the sovereign's frail state, a condition that leaves him incapable of leading the kingdom on the backs of the first and second commanders' achievements and potential losses on the battlefield. That would be the only thing he would have been able to do had his illness not taken a turn for the worse. If his highness was in a better state of health, he would have bravely taken himself to the field and fought alongside the people of his country. Alas, the world forbid him from doing so in the cruelest way possible. You can still remember the breakable appearance of his majesty when embellishing his quarters with the most brilliant of blossoms and it made your heart thump heavily with trepidation.
If only the prince returns, then you're certain you'd be able to feel an ounce of reassurance.
"Is everything alright, (Y/N)?" Jeong whispers from beside you, his close proximity, if it were any other day, would have flustered you beyond belief but it had no such effect when your mind was racing the way it was.
"I...I'm just..-worried..." you hummed fretfully, leaning into his chest as you stared on at Taehyung and Jimin chattering the day away and neglecting their duties at the assembly station of your shop. You dare not break their lighthearted banter in spite of the blatant negligence of their tasks, seeing as this could one day be a rare sight for you.
With a sigh, you close your eyes for several beats of silence before you tilt your head to face Jeong and voice your worries, "well...uhh," despite your prodigious anxiety, the heat of embarrassment rushing to your cheeks was overwhelming and you had to push yourself away from the male who you had been so so close - once again - to touching lips with. For a moment, you regain your senses and calm your reddened cheeks, however, the amount of time it had taken you to achieve that, Jeong was, once again, staring off into space.
Eyes distant and mind unreachable, your eyes furrow in additional concern. He's been like this since this morning. Was he just as worried as you were about the war? You smile softly at his potential sentiment, at the very least, you're glad that he isn't one to be indifferent to pressing matters. Certainly, you needed a man like that around Taehyung.
A man. Your cheeks blossom a soft pink once more. Jeong has certainly grown into himself as a man over the months that you've been by his side, there was no denying that. You're eager to see if he sees you as a woman as well.
✚           ✚           ✚
Wanting nothing more than to rid yourself of the horrible, pressing feeling that had suddenly swept over you, you make the woeful excuse of visiting Jin at the bakery in order to purchase something for lunch. If you stay a moment longer, you're deathly afraid of sinking deeper into that frightful feeling.
"But…" Jungkook pauses to ensure his reasoning was true, "you already prepared lunch for us home at home,"
You're quick to correct your grave mistake, "I mean, for desert after lunch…yeah!" you bite your inner cheek at the thought of the adverse effects of the sugar in Jin's baked goodies, "I’ve been craving something sweet and I think" unconsciously, in spite of your distaste for sugar, your gaze wanders outside to where the boys are pretending to be knights. The way they valiantly swing their floral swords was so admirable and charming, you had to hold back a giggle, "…I think the boys will want something to cheer them up because of all this conflict - they’re brilliant liars but I can see right through them," with a sigh and smiles directed at Jeong you make your request, "please look after the shop while I’m gone,"
"You’re right," he smiles and nods, "I’ll do that,"
For a moment, you marvel at his sweet smile before snapping out of it - had his smile always been that captivating? - and bashfully heading out, "Boys, I’ll be going out for a bit! I’ll be back as soon as I can okay?"
"Okay, Noona! Take care!" Taehyung and Jimin raise their hands to wave you goodbye before they quickly make a split-second demand "Hugs and Kisses" their toothy, adorable grins are too much for you to resist so you happily oblige with a grin of your own, unaware of the smiling male staring on from within your flower shop. His smile, however, slowly but quickly falls into a frown as his head fills with overriding thoughts once more.
From the precious smiles and pure scene he had witnessed, Jungkook is now faced with even more dread, knowing that he needs to return in order to protect you fully and take charge of the operations. He knows that growth should never be rushed - another lesson taught to him by his father - yet he wishes that he could return to being prince Jungkook as soon as possible even if it meant leaving you. He needs to protect your smile and the dearest memories he was able to make here thanks to you and Taehyung.
He has to. He needs to. No matter the cost.
✚           ✚            ✚
here is a pic of my written plans, you may get a little hint of what’s to come if you squint annnddddd...I also drew fanart! (it’s from one of the last scene in chapter 12 - wink wonk ;3) I am not an artist! and I used some pre-existing art to trace over, I made some changes but I’ll still credit the artists when I find the artworks again bc I. FORGOT. TO. SAVE. THEM!!!!
Anyway, I’ll be unblurring unpixelating the art in the official post of pwtuh chapter 12 as well as crediting the artists + putting in the artwork beside the little manga strip I made using them. HAVE FUNNNN! 
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beatles-lover24 · 4 years
another asks thing that no one asked for
red: describe your favorite shirt band merch tshirts from cotton on
orange: if you could, would you change your eye color? why? to what color, if so? maybe green because it’s pretty
yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated the killers 
green: do you have a favourite flower? sunflower🌻
blue: preferred type of weather? early march (fall/autumn where i live)
purple: a poem you think describes your closest friend i’m not a writer but our colours are purple and green we love bubble tea i pretend to be vego for you we share a love for music, for that is how we met @alsodragon​
magenta: do you keep your fingernails long or short? short bc piano and it happens to be a gay stereotype
turquoise: favorite sea animal? crabs are pretty cool
fuchsia: favorite land animal? zoo animal, giraffes. other animal, cats
cyan: are you religious? spiritual? karma and reincarnation is cool. i don’t eat meat on good friday and i believe only chocolate eggs should be given on easter. it’s not an excuse to spoil kids.
sea green: can you fold a fitted sheet? no lol
violet: are you a part of the lgbt+ community? ya girl is grey-ace // panromantic
amber: what's saved as your phone's lockscreen? my cats and a pic of @alsodragon​ and i
aqua: do you thrift? sometimes
pink: what's your natural hair color? blonde
beige: have any pets? what're their names? 2 cats. chai and poppy
black: would you ever try going vegetarian or vegan? yeah if i dated @alsodragon​ 😂
coral: an animal you wish hadn't gone extinct tazzie tiger
grey: how many languages do you speak? do you want to learn any more? i can read and sing italian, german and french. i can understand some maltese.
maroon: do you care for clothing brands? only because of quality of the clothes, not to be materialistic
rose: favourite scent on a person? floral
charcoal: have you ever been camping? yeah a few times
claret: do you play an instrument? do you want to learn to play any? piano, guitar and i sing. i study music ahahaha
copper: gold or silver jewelry? gold earrings and rings, silver necklaces
cream: any piercings or tattoos? do you want any? doubles in my ears
salmon: how many pairs of sunglasses do you own? only 1 because prescription sunglasses are expensive 
ebony: would you ever want to play a game on television? (jeopardy, family fued, etc) no way. too embarrassing 
indigo: have you ever lived on a farm? no
emerald: if you had the option, would you choose to move and live in another country? which one? germany or the uk
lavender: relationship status? single pringle
erin: what was/is your best school subject? music, obviously
mauve: any unpopular opinions? i don’t think so
fulvous: another name you think would suit you idk, i guess some other name that is never on souvenirs  
coconut: a subject you enjoy learning about music therapy
frost: a -core you enjoy cottage core
porcelain: a tv show you used to love packed to the rafters
fawn: any interesting family stories? my parents got divorced when i was 4, i have a half brother, my dad has been married 3 different times. pretty boring tbh
gold: do you wear your socks mismatched? never
honey: your thoughts on magic- does it exist? nah
rust: form of art you enjoy doing? music
ginger: any sideblogs? nope
cherry: YouTubers you enjoy watching? beatles or queen ‘crack’ or bloopers, mukbang asmr videos
wine: do you have a 'type' ppl that play piano and sing, autistics, girls
mahogany: your sun, moon, and rising signs aries, cancer and taurus i think
blood: twin beds, queen, or king? queen 
hot pink: did you/do you had/have strong feelings against the color pink? it’s fine. i prefer pastel or baby pink 
plum: a food you've never tried venison
lilac: dogs, cats, or fish? cats
amethyst: do you collect anything? scrunchies and socks
mulberry: earbuds or headphones? both at different times
azure: jean jackets? YES. with pins
teal: have a job? i did pre covid lmao
denim: kill the spider or take it outside? outside
sapphire: do you think you can sing well? i mean, i’m a professional singer so yeah i guess
mint: favourite flavour of gum? none
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up? strawberry fields forever
penny: icecream or cake both
ash: can you do your own makeup? no
jade: ever written fanfiction? no
grape: how many blogs do you follow? many
umber: do you brush your teeth before you eat? no
chestnut: type of phone you have samsung
prussian blue: what's your first choice at the vending machine chips or chocolate
aquamarine: beach or pool pool
brass: least favorite food condiment ketchup
mustard: how much sugar in your tea/coffee? 1 in coffee, half in tea
silver: ever broken a bone? no
rose quartz: rings or necklaces both
onyx: do you still play Minecraft? never played
burgundy: ever ridden a motorcycle? no
scarlet: favorite holiday destination: vanuatu public holiday: christmas i guess
apricot: opinion on 3 in 1 body wash/hair wash no thanks
platinum: do you follow politics? not really
magnolia: your Instagram handle? nah
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urbanteeth · 5 years
Emmett’s tattoo: Snake and Flowers pt. 1
I ended up going with a snake and flower tattoo! As much as I loved the octopus tattoo, I think a snake suits him better! This is a list of possible snake species and their symbolism. I’m trying to decide what I want Emmett’s tattoo to be and because I refuse to let my agony over reading How to Read Literature Like a Professor be in vain, I wanted to explore some of the possible meanings of all the options I think would best suit him! Gonna put this under a read more in case anyone’s uncomfy with snake pics! Separated into parts because this got uhhh super fucking long. 
[find the original post here] [general snake symbolism]
Core Traits:
A list of traits that I will be using to determine which snakes best suit my symbolic purposes!
Night Owl — Due to being an insomniac (and also just having an unhealthy relationship with sleep in general), he is more often than not wide awake and active at night.
Avoids Confrontation  —  One thing he absolutely dislikes and is rather bad at is dealing with other people, especially in negative ways and even more so when the topic is himself. This trait mostly stems from the self-deprecating views he has towards himself. When confronted, he tends to retreat as far as he can, both physically and emotionally. When he can’t, he’ll get angry and lash out.
Reclusive — A major core trait is his solitary nature. He is perfectly contented with spending time alone and having to interact with too many people wears him out terribly fast. His reclusive nature also extends to sharing details of his personal life, which is something he tries to avoid whenever possible.
Impersonal —  When in the field, he prefers to keep his distance as long as possible, both physically and emotionally. I don’t mean he’s cold and unfeeling. Rather, he prefers to come at the problem from different angles and keep his options open. The fear of missing something important keeps him constantly afraid of uncertainty.
Persistent — On the other hand, once the facts are laid out and he knows he’s following the right trail, he becomes much more aggressive in his pursuit of an end result. When under pressure (such as if a member of his team gets injured) he can, has, and will resort to becoming physically aggressive.
Curious — This trait is his main driving force. It fuels his hobbies and indulging in his own curiosity brings him satisfaction. A strong need to know makes him a good investigator. On the other side of the coin, he can all too easily let it consume him.
Cunning  — Mostly applied in the field, he is not above using his knowledge as a weapon. A bit of a social chameleon, he will change himself according to who he is interacting with. 
Viper  —
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Matching Core Traits:
Typically nocturnal, sluggish compared to other snakes (i.e Gaboon viper prefers to wait for prey to come by)
Quick and lethal bites, can regulate the amount of venom injected, can administer dry bites (no venom at all)
Uses a strike and release technique when hunting, allows for minimal contact with potentially dangerous prey
Able to track down prey using a sense of smell, can identify prey by chemical cues (i.e proteins found in the snake’s own venom)
Specific Species:
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Mojave Rattlesnake
Merendon Palm-Pit viper
Eastern Racer —
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Matching Core Traits:
Curious, have often been seen lifting themselves up to look around their surroundings
Non-venomous and will prefer to flee when threatened
When cornered, will put up a vigorous fight (biting, thrashing, make themselves hard to handle)
Can convincingly mimic the sound of a rattlesnake
Specific Subspecies:
Northern Black Racer
Mexican Racer
Blue Racer
Milk Snake —
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Matching Core Traits:
Nocturnal, also crepuscular (active at twilight), prefers cooler, wetter temperatures
Will take on most reasonably sized prey if voracious enough 
Opportunistic, will eat lizards and other snakes and their eggs as well as bird eggs aside from rodents
Non-venomous, but mistaken for a coral or copperhead due to coloring, will also mimic rattlers by shaking their tails
May also consume coral snakes when food is scarce
Specific Subspecies:
Andean Milk Snake
Mexican Milk Snake
Eastern Milk Snake
Black Mamba — 
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Matching Core Traits:
While having a reputation as highly aggressive and has been known to attack without warning, this snake is shy by nature and prefers to avoid people
Fastest of the African snake species
Can adapt to a wide range of habitats
When threatened, the snake will move towards its den and can kill anything that stands in its way
Strikes with remarkable accuracy even when moving quickly
King Cobra —
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Matching Core Traits:
Shy and prefers to avoid confrontation despite having a fearsome reputation due to the range of its bite
Tracks prey through scent and earth-borne vibrations
Because of its flexible jaws, it can tackle prey larger than its head
Primarily hunts other snakes
Is generally a placid snake, bites are uncommon according to Thailand hospital records
Easily irritated by sudden movements or objects approaching too close
Has a long range and can administer multiple bites in one attack
Forest Cobra —
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Matching Core Traits:
Highly adaptable, can be found in various habitats and is considered semi-aquatic
Generalist diet, feeds on various prey animals
Alert and nervous, dangerous bites but they are uncommon, prefers to resort to intimidation first
Long bite range, when cornered it will rush forward towards the aggressor 
Diurnal and nocturnal
TTW Taglist (click here to be added): @cluelessbuttercup​ @dogwrites​ @goldfinvhs​ @tragedyshow​ @tenacious-scripturient​ @diwrites​ @mirror-of-too-many-books​ @isanyonetoknow​ @makealltheboymoosegowahhh​ @waterproof-pages​ @velvetinewitch​ @wreckageofus​ @thewalkingnerdx​ @woodhouse-jay​ @writeouswriter​ @dashy-mcdasher​ @drist-n-dither​
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
Springtime antics with the boys
Weather is getting nice and lovey here so I’m rly in the mood for dis
-Long walks around the park for hours
-Would also be the gross romantic that likes to paint in the park
-He’d pick you up and you notice the canvases and paint in the back along with a picnic basket
-He sets you guys up on the side of the big green grass field right under a shady tree
-Feeds you grapes and snacks like a little lovesick loser and just plays around
-He’d hide his painting from you the whole time and keep pretending like it’s his “own personal masterpiece”
-Paints a stripe down your arm when you give him attitude that yours is already better and you don’t even gotta see his
-Something would happen like the sprinklers turn on in the middle of it all and you have to gather everything and run away
-But you’re already both drenched so you sit nearby in the park and dry off
-Something off topic but
-He’d sit with you in the backyard/porch/wherever you like to lounge in the sun
-Make you some smoothies or iced tea and help you paint your toes and sunbathe
-Read books together and chill outside
-Back massages in the grass
-On rly energetic days maybe he’d take you to the carnival
-Ride every single ride at least twice, share a funnel cake and just hold each other in silence on the Ferris wheel
-Would def win you the giant stuffed dog at the ring toss station
-Ends the night making out in the backseat of his car like a freaking teenager
-Also another park scenario lol
-He’d take you to the park- but not to walk around, y’all are like actually playing n shit
-Pushes you on the swings, rides down the slide with you
-Teens and older adults are kinda judging you, but a lot of people are actually watching and laughing/admiring how cute you’re being
-A couple kids come over and ask to play with you
-You honestly are expecting him to be like “naw kids go away” but instead he’s like “okay but you’re it first” and zooms away
-So you play tag with a hugee group of small children and they’re all in love with the fun grown ups
-And like once it gets late and the kids need to go home, a couple parents come up and slip y’all 5 bucks for watchin their kids and a little wink or sweet pieces of early love advice aw
-Play wrestling in the field
-Biting his ear while he tugs your hair and shoves grass down your shirt
-Movie night back at his house in his room or maybe the basement
-Cuddled up with a bunch of snacks and buried under blankets
-You end up falling asleep in his arms and he gently rearranges you so that you’re both comfy
-Kisses your forehead and plays with your fingers or ends of your hair til he falls asleep
-Takes you to brunch
-Orders bottomless mimosas and y’all get lit at like 11 am
-Stumble out and walk it off in the fresh air
-Buys you a mangonada and himself elote as you guys come across the soccer field across the street
-He would also take you somewhere fun and simple like the museum or aquarium
-Takes annoying goofy pictures of him like imitating a funny fish face or squeezing a statues nipples/butt cheeks
-Argues with little kids in a cute stubborn way
-“hey u take that back about the puffer fish u brat”
-“Joel that kid is literally 10 and all they said is that the fish was a lil ugly”
-Takes candids of you when you’re not paying attention
-Some are really cute actually, but the other half are of you mid sneeze or cryin about the shark with the funny eyes
-Rly high quality pics of sun kissed skin and smooches uwuwu
-Would blow dandelions in your face for a cute picture but then gets carried away and starts pinning little flowers in your hair
-Forgets about picture taking and just continues to cover you in pretty flowers for his eyes only
-Play out movie scenes and improv a musical/concert on park tables
-Sleeps in super late with you in his arms
-Until it gets way too hot and you have to pry yourself out of his grips
-Would definitely stay like half naked through the day
-So the agenda for what y’all do would be along the lines of park, pool, something outside and acceptable for him to be kinda nakey
-Which it’s kinda hard to take such a beautiful naked man out in public so y’all stay home with Aaliyah instead
-Make a homemade water park in the backyard
-Slip n slide, one of those tiny baby pools, sprinklers, water balloons, water guns, you name it
-He would totally bust ass trying to dump you in the baby pool and slips on the slick grass and falls into all of the prepared water balloons
-You and Aaliyah almost pee yourselves laughing bc the sight of such a big goofy man contemplating his life in a wet pile of broken rubber
-He’d also do something dumb to make you smile like break dance sloppily on the slip n slide
-Picnic outside in the backyard or the park nearby after all the playtime tones down
-The sun sets slowly as you finish eating and Aaliyah begs you to push her on the swings for the rest of the time aww
-ok but on a more intimate personal level....
-Take you to an outdoor party or family kinda get together
-Dances bachata with you and spins you around in the moonlight
-...but will also turn you around and literally grind into you til ur begging 4 him to take u home ... what sry
-Also the type to just get slightly drunk together alone at the crib
-Get lit to his favorite playlist and just be goofy n dance or sing to each other
-ive said it once and I’ll say it again
-He on that hooligan type shit
-He’d take you on late night car rides with the top dropped, letting the warm spring air rush over you
-End up in the abandoned old skate park and you graffiti the nasty grey concrete
-Tells you scary stories as you sit on top of his car high asf
-Hide and seek at the park in the dark with all your friends
-ok but get this
-y’all hop the fence of ur old school or maybe someone u hates neighborhood to like go egg it or tp that bitch
-get caught and have to run from the cops or somethin
-so when y’all get home safe your energy and adrenaline is MAD HIGH
-and y’all have the best freaking sex like it’s so high energy and wiLd sorry I’m an adrenaline junkie
-Late night junk food runs and then you’re back in the car watching the stars in the sunroof
-King of gr8 conversations tbh
-Like every convo you have late at night while you’re out chillin is sooooo amazing
-It ranges from like conspiracies, stupid observations he makes when he’s stoned, real deep talks abt life n love, or even talking about ur favorite music
-I bet springtime brings out the romance in him even more tho
-So he sets up fun spicy little dates out in the hot tub
-Or opens all the windows to let the warm air rush in, the moonlight and pretty scented candles being the only light dimming your room as he leaves sweet kisses over your neck
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