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grapethegay · 2 years ago
Someone: Roceit is the angstiest ship.
Me: Nah there's angstier ships my guy
Someone: Oh?
Me: First of all: *presents Dukexiety*
Someone: Okay yeah, fair, that's a pretty angsty ship.
Me: Yes. Now, second of all. *Presents Logicality*
Someone: ...
Me: ...
Someone: Yeah you're going to have to elaborate on that one.
(Let's see if the keep reading works)
Me: Gladly. Exhibit A:
Logan: All this because Patton can't get over one person?
Patton: Logan, can you stop? Please?
Me: Exhibit B:
Patton: I'm not explaining this philosophy very well... Logan, what would an actual philosopher have to say about what I'm saying?
Logan: *answers, but it makes Patton look bad*
Patton: *skips all*
Someone: Okay but how is that second one angstier than-
Someone: ...
Me: ...
Someone: Wait, yeah! You're right!
Me: Thank you. Also, *presents Royality*
Someone: But-
Me: Have you seen SVS and SVS Redux?
Someone: Yeah but-
Me: So let me point out something. Virgil's first appearance, what does Thomas tell Roman to do when he summons him?
Someone: Get rid of Virgil but that's Prinxiety angst not-
Me: Shhh, I'll get to the point. Okay so at the end of season 1, Virgil ducts out right? Which could mean, in a way, Roman succeeded in doing what Thomas asked him to do.
Someone: Huh... That's actually... Yeah, but, what does that have to do with-
Someone: ...
Me: They were like:
Thomas: Roman why are you so mean to Virgil?
Patton: Yeah Roman, why are you so mean to Virgil?
Roman: *people pleaser tendencies kick in* I don't know... *confused and frustrated* Look I'm literally the embodiment of positivity and he's the embodiment of negativity, maybe that's why?
Someone: Okay, yeah, you have a point.
Me: So yeah, Roman's made to feel like a school yard bully for doing exactly what Thomas asked of him, and is like: "Alright so now I need to be friends with Virgil." And eventually he succeeds. In fact, I'm pretty sure Virgil is Roman's best friend after SVS Redux and Flirting with Social Anxiety.
Someone: True
Me: But then in comes Janus. Something else I'd like to point out about Roman, because his goals and the things he wants for Thomas are always considered selfish by Patton and unrealistic by Logan and Virgil, Roman tends to always end up playing a supporting role for someone else's argument, or completely dismissed for his own. Janus, however, actually fights for Thomas to pick what Roman wants for him.
Someone: Oh yeah! That's like, why I ship Roceit!
Me: Yes! And that's why Roman is like: "I mean, he's not all bad." But Patton is always like: "Roman how could you side with a villain?" And Roman's black and white thinking and people pleasing tendencies kick in and he's like: "You're right. If Deceit is a villain and he's one of the only people that really supports me, then there must be something wrong with what I'm doing."
Someone: Oh no...
Me: So Roman sacrifices his own goals. He sacrifices them even though Thomas admitted he wanted to go to the Callback because he felt so guilty for succeeding because Patton convinced him Janus is the bad guy.
Someone: Yeah... Yeah that's a good point... You really don't like Patton though Huh?
Me: Oh I do love Patton, he just has his moments where he reminds me of past abusers... Also Roman reminds me of people I'm really protective over and I'm basically a mix of Logan, Janus, and Remus (I don't say or do the things Remus says and does but the personality behind that is what I relate to or at least my interpretation of it) so yeah...
Someone: Oh, wow, okay.
Me: Anywho, so once Roman is completely like: "Janus is bad guy" guess what happens? That's right folks, Janus is a good guy now, and Roman is once again nothing but a school yard bully for being mean to him.
Someone: ... Hey wait, yeah!
Me: And don't get me wrong the first time I watched 'Accepting Anxiety' and 'SVS Redux' I thought Roman was being a school yard bully. Then I rewatched Sanders Sides like five or seven times since October.
Someone: Are you okay?
Me: No, but that's irrelevant. This time Patton and Thomas fail to Gaslight Gatekeep Guilt trip Roman into being nice to Janus, because it was easier for Roman to accept someone that fought against him than it is to accept someone who fights for him.
Someone: *crying for Roman*
Me: So yes. Royality is a very angsty ship. You just gotta look into it. Though I consider Roman and Patton more like a father son relationship. I can only really see Patton in a romantic relationship with Logan or Janus and I don't like Logicality so I usually ship Moceit or don't have a ship for Patton. (I make exceptions to this in AUs though.)
Someone: Okay, that has to be all of them right?
Me: ...
Someone: Right?
Me: No. *brings out Kingceit*
Someone: ...
Me: ...
Someone: You win.
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Sanders Sides OTP Names
Glossary Masterpost
A list of the shipnames of Sanders Sides Characters that include two people! Orange is included with temporary shipnames until we know more about him, as has been voted in this poll! Ordered by however it made sense to me.
All names with a (*) came from this post by @treenissanderssidesstuff which I found to be fun alternatives. Edit: All Sides/Nico shipnames were made by me (as were the King/Roman and Remus ones), as I haven't found any elsewhere. If you have your own ideas for them, please message me!
1) Patton / Roman - Royality, Royalty*
2) Patton / Logan - Logicality, Motivate *
3) Patton / Virgil - Moxiety, Moxie*
4) Patton / Janus - Moceit, Patceit, Dogma*
5) Patton / Remus - Intruality, Momus, Moduke, Duality*
6) Patton / Thomas - Patmas, Thomality
7) Patton / Nico - Patco, Nitton
8) Patton / King - Moking
9) Patton / Orange - Pange, Oratton, Morange
10) Roman / Logan - Logince, Procudure*
11) Roman / Virgil - Prinxiety, Proximate*
12) Roman / Janus - Roceit, Princeit, Drama Club*
13) Roman / Remus - Remrom, Romrem
! For platonic/familial relationship, please use Creativitwins!
14) Roman / Thomas - Romthom, Romas
15) Roman / Nico - Roco, Niman
16) Roman / King - Roking, Romking, Kingman
17) Roman /Orange - Rorange, Pringe
18) Logan / Virgil - Analogical, Analog*
19) Logan / Janus - Loceit, Decipher
20) Logan / Remus - Intrulogical, Lomus, Reproductive*
21) Logan / Thomas - Lomas
22) Logan / Nico - Loco, Nigan
23) Logan / King - Loking
24) Logan / Orange - Lorange, Logange, Loge
25) Virgil / Janus - Anxceit, Hissterics*
26) Virgil / Remus - Dukexiety, Vimus, Virus*
27) Virgil / Thomas - Thvi, Thomxiety
28) Virgil / Nico - Vico, Nirgil
29) Virgil / King - Kingxiety, Viking
30) Virgil / Orange - Anxange, Virange, Orgil
31) Janus / Remus - Dukeceit, Demus, Remceit, Receit*, Intruceit, Trashnoodle
32) Janus / Thomas - Thomceit
33) Janus / Nico - Janico, Ninus
34) Janus / King - Kingceit
35) Janus / Orange - Oranceit, Jange
36) Remus / Thomas - Intrumas
37) Remus / Nico - Remco, Nimus
38) Remus / King - Intruking, Kingmus
39) Remus / Orange - Intruorange, Intrange
40) Thomas / Nico - Karrot Kings, Pintroverts
41) Thomas / King - Kingmas
42) Thomas / Orange - Thorange, Thomge
43) Nico / King - Kingco, Nicing, Nicoking
44) Nico / Orange - Nicorange
45) King / Orange - Kingange, Kirange
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rondoel · 2 years ago
Hey, tagged by @rulerofmarsandearth , oke I wanna try it ❤️
Tagging some people I’d like to know better ^^ :
@noyin @birbwell @timeturner-jay @flame-shadow @pollyannam3 @melissa-s23 @poisonhemloc
Three ships I love: hmmm... I mean I’m not recently much into fandom shipping, I’m focusing more on my ocs, but the ships that are special for me are the crack ships I made so genzayra, tisocloth (someone called it tissue I’m dying) and kingceit ❤️
First ever ship: something from Naruto probably 😂 Kiba x Hinata? I can recall writing a fanfic for my friend about them once
Last song: listening to new fave song on loop for hours gang 👌 For me recently Siren's Call Seafoam Mix by DM DOKURO has definitely the most loops
Last film: ... the last movie would be Avatar 2, like half a year ago. ... my cultural self growth is in stasis
Currently reading: too many fanfics to count
Currently watching: watched few episodes of Glow Up with friends and enjoyed it a lot so we’ll probably continue, but I don’t meet with them too often so it’s gonna take some time to get through even one season 😂 I still don’t know who won this one but don’t wanna spoil it for myself
Currently consuming: raisins and nuts
Currently craving: 10 hour mountain hike
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kingcreativityau · 2 years ago
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Also things from my folder I think I forgot to post
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twofacedbelief · 4 months ago
babe you do not have enough posts for that
what do i have to do to be known as the romulus "king" sanders and kingceit blog
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masked-creator · 2 years ago
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Kingceit + Baby Virgil = Happiness 
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thecrowslullaby · 3 years ago
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Merry springmas @rondoel!!!!! Hope you'll have a wonderful spring <3
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incorrect-sanders-sides · 4 years ago
Patton: I just ended a five year old relationship.
Roman: oh my god, are you okay?
Patton: Oh yes I'm fine it wasn't my relationship.
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fandomfollowerart · 3 years ago
King Creativity
Well since that last post blew up- Here’s that fic I was thinking of making! Somewhat King x Janus and King X Virgil. Might make a follow up for like- after the split. Depends on my motivation.
Love wasn’t usually something I thought about. I always had way too many ideas to worry about such a thing. Thomas was still growing, he didn’t need that yet. But, recently, my own love life’s been a bit- strange. I guess if you call ‘being torn between two people’ people strange, that’s what it was. No Disney movie Thomas has ever seen gave any pointer on what to do in this situation. I genuinely cared about both Deceit and Anxiety, I didn’t want to- no- I wouldn’t hurt either of them. As long as I was around I wouldn’t let either of them get hurt. Morality always says bottling up your emotions was bad but- it was the only thing I could think of. This would at least be a temporary fix for the situation. Maybe I’d ask Morality for advice if this became a bigger problem.
“Come oooon Anxiety. You’ve never been to the Imagination with us. I have something to show you two!” 
Convincing Anxiety to do anything he didn’t want to was definitely a challenging task. I usually didn’t bother but maybe- just this once I could get him to agree this time. Deceit was standing next to me having already agreed. Though his constant lying made it a bit less obvious, I knew he liked going out to the imagination with me. We all enjoyed each other’s company. Anxiety shoved his hands into his pockets. 
“Alright- But just this once.” 
I held a hand out to him. “Yay! Now c’mon. Don’t need you changing your mind on us now.” 
He pulled his hood up, grabbing my hand. “Yeah- let’s go-” 
I smiled at both of them, grabbing Deceit’s arm as well, bringing all three of us to the imagination. 
“Woah- Romulus.. this is amazing-” 
I watched as both of them stared in wonder. I’d gotten us to the highest part of the Imagination. You could see practically everything from here which made for a pretty amazing view. I sat at the edge of the cliff, dangling my legs over the edge. 
“I like coming here when I have nothing to do. It’s a nice little get away.” 
I had much more free time since I’d fallen out of power and was no longer the strongest. I couldn’t fully complain. I had more time to work on my ideas and spend time with the others. Both sat next to me. 
“It is pretty calming..” 
Anxiety had found his voice, that was a good sign. Deceit was laying on his stomach looking out over everything. 
“You really are amazing King.” he told me, looking up to give me a smile. 
He was definitely the most misunderstood Side here. He was more than just- well- deceit. I loved spending time with him. I loved spending time with both of them. 
We started talking about random things. Situations we had found ourselves helping in, interactions with Logic and Morality, interesting things we’d been up to, etc. 
“The gloves are new. What’s up with that?” I asked. 
I hadn’t even noticed Dee had been wearing them. He looked away, tucking his hands under his arms. 
“Oh- I just thought they’d be an interesting touch. Just something to update my wardrobe really.” 
That was a lie. Ya see, though Deceit was basically the King of Lying, I’d picked up on a few habits that helped me tell lies from truths. 
“Dee, you know you can lie to me, little snake. What’s the real reason?” 
He sighed, removing one of the gloves, showing the back of his hand. Scales. 
“They showed up like- yesterday- I figured it was best to just cover them…” he explained, still refusing to look at me or Anxiety. 
I ran my hand over the back of his. 
“Dee, your scales are beautiful. You shouldn’t be ashamed of them.” 
He looked over at me, pulling his hand away. 
“Oh- Uh- Thanks-” 
I put a hand on Anxiety’s shoulder. 
“Neither of you should ever feel ashamed of yourselves. Alright? If anyone says otherwise I’ll be happy to have a lovely little chat with them.” 
I was only half joking. I’d protect both of them with my life. Anxiety pulled his hood back up, covering his face. 
“Uggghh. Why do you have to be so sappy?” 
I laughed, nudging his shoulder. “C’mon Spider Boy, you know you appreciate it.” 
He gave me a light shove. 
“Not that I’m not having fun, I think I’m at my limit of socialising for today. Can you take me back to my room?” 
I shrugged, helping him up. “If that’s what you want. You wanna come with Dee? You can stay if you want.” 
He thought about it for a moment. 
“I- think I’ll stay for a bit longer.” he said, sitting up, “I like it up here.” 
I nodded, quickly taking Anxiety back to his room, before heading back to join Deceit. I sat down, flipping his cape to cover his eyes. He hissed, flipping it back out of his face. 
“Real mature King.” he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
 He looked back out over the Imagination. 
“Hey, Romulus… What’s Morality and Logic like…? Neither of them really- talk to me… Outside of our job that is.” 
I put my arm around him, looking at the sky. 
“Well, Morality’s pretty nice. Always wanting to do the right thing for Thomas. Logic-” I rolled my eyes at saying the name. As one would expect, he and I didn’t get along. Always shooting down my ideas for be ‘stupid’ or ‘illogical’. “He’s stuck up if you ask me. Always being so literal and shooting down my ideas. It’s annoying.” I flopped onto my back, staring up at the sky. “I think you’d get along pretty well with Morality. Then again, he really tries to get along with everyone.” Next to Dee and Anxiety, me and Patton were pretty close. He’s definitely a fatherly figure. Kinda. “You’re not missing out on much with Logic.” 
He laid next to me, laughing slightly. 
“I might try and talk to them. Wouldn’t hurt to try, right?” 
I turned my body so I could look at him. “I’m sure you can do whatever you put your mind to.” 
God hiding your emotions was harder than I expected it to be.
                                               Virgil’s POV
God damnit- Why did I have to freak out so badly? We were just friends.. All of us were friends.. I curled up on my bed, turning on my music. So why did I feel so… jealous-.. That was the right feeling. I didn’t- want to ruin the friendship all three of us had going on. I valued the friendship I managed to gain with Deceit and didn’t want to ruin the relationship I had with Romulus. I flopped onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. I liked King. Like- really, really liked him. What was I supposed to do with this? What if I just made things awkward? What if I just ruined both relationships I had managed to build with the two Sides? I took a deep breath. Maybe…. it would be better if I just- Pretended it wasn’t there. Ignore it and keep what I have while I have it. I took another deep breath, closing my eyes. I had two friends. Better to keep it then take my chances.
Mini thanks to @kingcreativityau, getting their support on my last post gave me lots of motivation for this
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roseianxiety · 2 years ago
Craving for kingceit fics recently, recommend me some y'all
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anxiousgaypanicking · 1 year ago
Stuck In Wall
Kinceit (King Creativity x Janus) Kinktober 2023 Day Seven: Stuck In Wall Warnings: sex, kabeshiri, blood, crying, overstimulation
Deceit doesn't often traverse King's expansive estate, solely because the twisting corridors and long hallways constantly lead to him getting lost. But King had essentially begged that Deceit accompany him to the imagination and visit, even if just for a bit. 
And, admittedly, it was nice at first. King's bed was huge and luxurious, the furniture around was soft and comfortable, and any of the "people" King had created to serve him - who were less like people and more like blank slates that didn't do anything but follow instructions - would listen to Deceit, too, allowing him to ask for sweets or a guide when need be. 
The latter proved to be especially appreciated, especially as King had abandoned him about an hour ago with nothing more than a "stay here; I'll be right back!" 
Well, King had not come "right back," and Deceit wasn't willing to wait longer for him. He was going to walk around, explore, and search for the exit so he didn't have to waste the energy needed to sink out and into his room instead. 
But, well, Deceit has just been walking in circles. 
 Each hallway is its own confusing gauntlet, and the gold trimming and bright lights only serve to frustrate Deceit who struggles to tell which paths he's walked down and which ones would lead him out of this shiny maze. 
One of King's creations suddenly come rushing toward him, a blank expression on their face despite their hurried pace, and just as Deceit goes to ask what their rush is, they shove him to the side as though he's in the way and keep sprinting forward. 
Deceit's body is pushed over, and into the nearby wall, but in a strange act of reality warping he falls halfway through it instead of just into it. It seems to solidify around him halfway through his descent, stopping him just short of the floor. From his waist up, he's in a bedroom of some kind. It's well furnished, but the lights are off and it's vacant of people. Probably just spare space used to fill out the castle and make it seem bigger than it actually was. King was the only person who "lived" in it (and he spent an equal amount of time in his room in the mindscape as he did in the imagination, so truly it could be argued that this was the equivalent of a vacation house). 
His cape had luckily managed to fall with him, so it wasn't uncomfortably phased through the wall. As did his shirt, meaning it was hiked up halfway due to being horizontal with the ground. 
The wall had solidified around his bare waist, leaving slight bits of skin exposed on either side. His stomach in the bedroom, and his hips peeking right past the waistband of his pants situated in the hallway. 
His ankles rub uncomfortably against the floor, but in his position he can't do much to fix that. 
Deceit groans, and though he struggles at first to try and push himself fully through the wall or wiggle his way out, he quickly finds that he can't. He's stuck. 
Under his breath, Deceit hisses "idiotic King; can't even keep his castle together," only to suddenly yelp when he feels a large hand roughly smack his ass. 
His fists pound against the wall he's trapped in, as his head whips towards the bedroom door which is thrown open rather excitedly. King enters, snapping the light on as he does, before crouching down near Deceit's face. 
"I knew I sensed my creation faltering," King states, staring at Deceit curiously. "I was worried one of the hallways in this wing had collapsed or something, but it seems like the structure just... fixed itself!"
"Yeah, it fixed itself around my body," Deceit spits, forked tongue flickering out of his mouth as he hisses again, more upset this time. "This isn't very comfortable, nor is it dignifying." 
King grins. "Are you sure? I think your posterior makes a lovely hall decoration." 
"Get me out of this damn wall." 
Chuckling, King sits back on the floor fully, grabbing Deceit's chin with his big hands. He carelessly tips Deceit's head back and forth, as if admiring him. 
"No," King finally states, eyes gleaming playfully. "I quite like you here, actually." King's thumb swipes over Deceit's bottom lip, parting them as the pad of his finger brushes over the front of Deceit's teeth. "Besides, you could be of some use in your current position." 
"Be of-" Deceit splutters, a flush spreading over his scaly cheeks as he stares at King with wide eyes. "Be of use? How could I possibly be of use like this?! I'm stuck in a wall!" 
"Exactly!" King exclaims, as he condescendingly pats Deceit's cheek. He stands shortly after, towering over Deceit especially with the latter being horizontal. 
But, in his position, King standing means Deceit is face level with his crotch. And as King sets a firm hand on the back of his head, he realizes what King means by "use." 
"Really?" Deceit breathes, as he grimaces when King shamelessly rubs his front against Deceit's face for no reason other than to humiliate him. "While I'm incapacitated?" 
"You look your best when you're incapacitated." 
King takes a step back from Deceit's face, in order to properly undo his pants. Deceit mutters something under his breath in disdain, but lets King pull his head up anyway, even though he's annoyed by the grip in his hair. 
King's cock springs out of his pants, the tip tapping against Deceit's cheek as King shamelessly rubs it against his face. 
"What do you think?" King asks him, as if genuinely inquiring his opinion. "Front or back first?" 
"You're already here," Deceit mutters, as he uses his hands to guide the tip of King's cock to his lips instead. Briefly, Deceit thinks about biting it in defiance - or as revenge for not getting him out of this wall right away - but a sharp tug to his hair deters him from doing such, as he instead parts his lips to allow King's cock to slide into his mouth.
He's glaring at King, but King doesn't care, and truly Deceit is just doing such as an excuse to look up at King's gorgeous face. He really is so handsomely chiseled, and though Deceit would normally be against such shallow praise, he was filled with the urge to run his fingers through King's groomed facial hair and declare him the prettiest King in the kingdom. 
Instead, he swallows King's cock further into his mouth, feeling the girthy shaft press down on his forked tongue. He can also feel King steadily getting hard as Deceit does the bare minimum to arouse him, merely dragging his tongue along King's length while otherwise encouraging him to use Deceit himself if he requires more. 
King groans at the feeling of Deceit's wet mouth wrapped around his cock, but eventually gets sick of his lackluster sucking. 
Tightening his grip in Deceit's hair, King forces his cock further down Deceit's mouth, moaning when Deceit takes him fully without gagging, though tears still well up in Deceit's eyes at King's girthy cock pushing down his throat. 
"You feel so good," King moans, voice low and rumbling. "I'm half-tempted to keep you here as a permanent piece of decor." 
Deceit would normally protest, but in this situation he's in no place to, and so moans instead as King slowly slides half of his cock out, before leaning his front against the wall as he pushes it back in. With ruthlessness, he fucks Deceit's throat, but spends a few seconds in between pushing his cock down Deceits mouth and pulling out again, making him savor the taste of King's pre or appreciate the veins lining his shaft before it's being pulled out and thruster back in again.
"Don't even get me started on using your other side," King groans, as the tip of his cock slams against the back of Deceit's throat. "I can't wait to fuck you while my citizens watch. Any stray servant or maid roaming my castle will get to see me using your ass like the toy that it is, but only I'm allowed to see your pretty, pleasured face." 
Deceit's knee thuds against the wall as his feet drag against the ground. The idea of not being able to see King behind him as he's used, or know if anybody is watching him be used has his cock straining in his pants. 
Though, it wasn't like anybody could tell. 
The tip of King's cock pushes repeatedly against the back of his throat, before suddenly he's pulling out, with only a thin string of spit connecting King's shaft to Deceit's lips. 
Deceit, flushed, looks up at King questioningly, though King graciously answers him with "I wouldn't want to spoil myself before we got to the real fun, now would I?" before he stands and heads out of the room, petting Deceit's hair as he walks out and carelessly flicking the light off. He shuts the door behind him as well. 
Though he's expecting it, Deceit is still startled when he feels King's calloused fingers on his lower back, slowly rubbing over his sensitive skin before they dip past his waistband and slowly pull his pants down. Clearly, King wants him to feel every second of his increasing exposure, as his boxers and pants are stripped off his legs, leaving his lower-half bare. He shivers instinctively at the loss of his warm clothes, but is quelled quickly when King's warm hands run down the length of his thighs. The tips of his hard cocks presses against the wall he's stuck in, smearing pre over it. He wants to grind against it, or against something, but with no way to move closer and fully press his cocks against the wall, he's stuck with the bare minimum amount of friction. 
At first, King just touches. He rubs over the back of Deceit's legs, before bringing his hands back up to Deceit's ass, but it's only a matter of time before those big hands are squeezing him, making Deceit yelp as he tries to pull himself through the wall and away from King's embarrassing fondling. He feels his cheeks spread apart, as they're squished and groped by King's thick fingers, before being let go and smacked instead. This process repeats a few times over as King takes his time to appreciate Deceit's body, before his hands pull away from the latter altogether. 
It leaves Deceit stuck in a perpetual state of anticipation. He knows that King hasn't left, but without being able to see him, he can't help but wonder what in the world King could be doing. 
He gets his answer shortly after when he feels King's slick fingers pressed against his hole. 
They're teasingly rubbing over his entrance, threatening to push inside of him but avoiding doing just that, as if mocking Deceit for his inability to push back. Try as he might, he has no control over this situation whatsoever. 
Finally, King's thick fingers push inside of him, stretching him open as they slowly work in and out of him. He spreads them apart, spreading open Deceit's hole, before pushing them back together and driving them deeper. A third finger is added shortly after, as King repeats his actions, making Deceit hiss as King's digits prod deep into him. 
They're pulled out moments later, leaving Deceit confident in what'll come next. 
He grimaces briefly as he feels King's thick, lubed cock running between his cheeks, gliding over his hole in an equally as playful manner. King's hands hold onto Deceit's hips, squeezing the skin as he takes his time grinding against him. 
Deceit lets out a frustrated moan, bracing his fists against the floor as his head hangs. If King could hear him, Deceit would be cursing him out for all this teasing. 
Then, the tip of King's cock is pushing into his hole, making Deceit utter a shaky "fuck," under his breath as his arms quake. He's semi-grateful for the wall around his waist keeping him up, otherwise his chest would be against the floor right now, as his arms do little to support him. 
King only goes slow briefly, before he's carelessly snapping his hips forward and shoving the entirety of his girthy cock into Deceit's ass, making Deceit cry out at the sudden intensity. His nails dig into the ground as King shamelessly rolls his hips against Deceit's, working his cock out just a few centimeters before pushing it back in roughly, ignoring how utterly stretched out Deceit feels, and how Deceit's legs tremble as his feet drag against the floor. 
King's sharp nails dig into his ass, spreading his cheeks apart almost sadistically as he scratches into Deceit's skin. He's careful around Deceit's scales - something Deceit can pinpoint despite not even being able to see King's hands - but is still rough enough for Deceit's eyes to tear up. He can feel the blood smearing over his thighs from King's rough grabbing. 
Then King's cock is sliding out of him, leaving just the tip buried inside of him, only for him to thrust roughly forward seconds later, making Deceit jolt and cry out. His hands slip underneath him, leaving him uncomfortably supported by the wall. If he were to be on a bed or something, he'd be rocking back and forth with the ferocity at which King is pushing his cock in and out of him. 
He can only imagine the slew of words King is spitting just beyond the wall separating them. 
The tips of Deceit's cocks jut against the surface he's trapped in over and over, his slit rubbing uncomfortably against the foundation until he's rubbing against a wet smear of his own pre. He wishes his hands were on the other side so that he could properly pleasure himself. 
Luckily, it seems as though King can read his mind, as seconds later one of King's big hands wrap around his cocks, rubbing them against each other and stroking them quick. He's wasting no time overwhelming Deceit with pleasure, especially because he knows Deceit can't beg him to slow down in order to prolong his orgasm in an attempt to look less pathetic. No, Deceit has to take whatever King gives him, which both arouses and frustrates Deceit to no end. 
Deceit's wrists drag across the floor he's bent over, his moans filling the empty room. And King works him up quick. 
The moment King's cock thrusts against his prostate however, Deceit is coming immediately. 
His head is thrown is back in a loud cry as King's hand works him through his orgasm, smearing his semen over his cocks and making a mess of both the wall and his lower half. However, King's hands don't stop, and Deceit quickly feels the effects of overstimulation setting in. 
"King- King-!" Deceit pleads, though he knows King can't hear him. His fists hit against the floor as King's girthy cock pounds relentlessly against his prostate. Tears stream down Deceit's sweaty face, the room filled fully with loud cries and shuddering breaths as King continues to fill him fully. 
King's hand is tightly gripping his thigh, as though bracing himself against Deceit's body. He feels King thud against the wall keeping him trapped, and Deceit can only imagine King leaning over him, groaning in his ear. 
Deceit feels so hot as King continues abusing his prostate, making him whimper. He already feels close again as King's thumb tortures the moist slits of his cocks. 
He wants to beg King to slow down, or at least give his tortured shafts a break, but King couldn't hear him, and wouldn't stop anyway. Not when he was close himself. 
King's thrusts are rough and sloppy, driving his cock deep into Deceit as quick as possible, pulling out halfway, and then thrusting in hard again. With each jolt of Deceit's legs, King was assured he was hitting his prostate, and with the mess over his hand, he knew Deceit was enjoying himself. It's a shame he came so quickly, but King is loving working him up all over again, especially because he felt how firm Deceit got in a matter of minutes, no doubt because of the dual sensations assaulting his body. 
He'd praise Deceit for his short refractory period if he wasn't preoccupied uttering degradations against the wall. 
His own sweat drips down his chiseled face, falling against Deceit's scratched-up hips and traveling down the curves of his body already stained with dried blood and bruises. King was doing a number on him, and they both loved it. 
Deceit can't even feel when King starts to get close, his spit-soaked lips open in a pathetic cry as he comes again, hardly feeling anything spurt from his cocks the second time around. King keeps stroking him, despite his body going limp with overstimulation. 
"Please- please," Deceit begs softly, ashamed at how ruined his own voice sounds as the echo in the room only serves to mock him. 
Lucky for him however, King is nearing his own orgasm, and grips both Deceit's thigh and his cocks tightly as he fucks his cock deep into Deceit's ass, pumping his load into him and filling him with a loud groan. Deceit whines at the feeling, cringing as King rides out his orgasm and unintentionally pushes some of his semen out and down the back of Deceit's thighs, before he finally pulls out. 
Deceit's left stranded there for a few minutes, panting as he blinks away his tears, arms shaking as he hangs, before he feels King's hands on his hips again, this time pulling him gently. And surprisingly, the wall around him shifts and morphs, allowing Deceit to essentially phase through it, before his back is pulled against King's chest, who's sitting in the hallway. The hole in the wall closes as soon as Deceit is out of it. 
Panting, Deceit's eyes flutter closed as King unclips his own cape and bundles it around Deceit's body. "You're- you're not as clever as you think you are," Deceit insists, though his voice is quiet and breathy. King merely laughs at the comment, pressing a kiss to Deceit's wet cheek. 
He picks Deceit up, and begins to carry him back down the hallway, squeezing him affectionately. "I'll run you a bath, and you can complain at me in there." 
Deceit huffs out a laugh of his own. "Deal."
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loganofthenorth · 3 years ago
Do you have any ships you don't like?
Ever just look into your inbox and realize you have a bunch of asks you forgot about? Ha could be me
That was going to say couldn't be me but auto correct changed it and it's not wrong so I'm leaving it
Anywho, ships I don't like? Yes of course, I have many.
Obviously there's the forbidden ship r*mr*m that shouldn't even be a thing so I'm not going to dignify it with a paragraph
Then there's Logicality which I've written about before. I used to like it, but after rewatching Sanders Sides twice I realized they aren't very healthy for each other in a romantic sense. Patton seems to make Logan out to be the bad guy when he's just trying to help, and Logan tends to snap when his patience runs thin. Also the Skip incident in SVS Redux, where Patton asked for Logan's input before silencing him because Logan's opinion went against his.
Then there's Intruality, I love it in AUs under certain circumstances, but it's a big fat No in cannon. It doesn't work because if you look at Sanders Sides from Remus's perspective, Patton is a manipulative abuser. If you look at Sanders Sides from Patton's perspective, Remus is a bad guy that lashes out for no reason. Like, sure, one could say that they might work through that and think they misunderstood each other. However, neither of them are technically wrong. Besides, considering that Remus exists because his version of creativity was morally frowned upon, and was therefore repressed so that Roman could be a morally appropriate version of creativity, a romantic relationship would be awkward at absolute best. Honestly if they do somehow work on their issues with each other, the best outcome would be that Remus and Patton's relationship would become a sort of father that abandoned his son and now they're reconnecting kind of thing.
Then there's Moxiety, this one is just because I see Patton and Virgil in a father/son relationship. Also, the fact that Virgil is Thomas's fears and fear is an emotion, which Patton has dominion over, it's possible that Patton is actually Virgil's father in the same way that Roman and Remus are brothers. I also believe that the Orange Side is anger, and if that's the case, he would be Patton's son as well.
I can go into that theory in another post though.
Next is Royality, and yes I know, you're probably sensing a pattern.
Now, don't get me wrong. While Patton is my least favourite character, that doesn't mean I hate him. I actually love Patton, especially in episodes like the puppet episode where he shows incredible emotional maturity that is really helpful to Thomas.
I also love how complicated of a character he is, and it's sad that the fandom simplifies him to just a happy, nice, cute, silly character, because he's more than that. He has severe depression, and a lot of issues that come from that. He also grew up taking catholic views to heart, following all the morals Thomas was taught as well as he can.
On top of that, he manages emotions, which is such an incredibly complicated thing to be in charge of. He manages instincts, like when Thomas feels good for doing something good, or when Thomas is hungry, or thirsty, or whatever else. He manages a large percentage of Thomas's likes, dislikes, sense of humour, inner child, and more. Patton has a large mountain of responsibilities, which adds to the complexity of his character.
He also appears to be very manipulative, whether or not he intends to be using manipulation tactics, I don't know. I think his character's too complicated to know that for sure. However, he's done a lot of love bombing, guilt tripping, and other manipulative actions that make him out to be this innocent good guy and anyone that disagrees with him to look like a bad guy.
Due to how complex of a character Patton is, and due to how he has made himself a father figure to most of the sides, it's hard to enjoy him in most ships in cannon. The only ship that works well for him is Moceit, in my opinion, because Janus is working with him to help Patton work through these issues. Patton is also good for Janus because Janus needs to learn how to communicate in a way that doesn't seem like he's attacking or sabotaging Thomas/the other sides.
Now, with that aside, back to Royality.
Royality is a very best friend or father/son relationship. More best friend in AUs and Father/Son in both cannon and AUs. I say more father son in cannon, because Roman has shown a desire to gain Patton's approval. He tries to follow Patton's rules, even though every time he finally manages to meet Patton's impossible standards, suddenly they change and turn around completely. (I have ranted about this several times and will likely do it again in future posts.)
Now, with those out of the way, yes there is more.
Next is Logince
I like Logince in AUs, and it's not that I don't think Logan and Roman's dynamic is amazing, it's not that I think they wouldn't work romantically, I just see them more as a brotherly relationship. Roman treats Logan like an older brother that he fights a lot with, but at the end of the day he just wants to be good enough for Logan. The way they talk about Patton to each other is a lot like Roman being a teenage brother complaining about their Dad and how lame/strict/embarrassing/etc he is to his adult brother.
Then there's Anxceit. This one I don't like because I see Janus as a mother figure to Virgil and Remus. I guess it could work in AUs, but to get their dynamic right, it would probably be a friends to enemies to lovers situation. Like Catradora. Also Janus and Virgil still have a lot of bad blood to work through, so if I'm wrong about the mother/son bond and they were just friends before, then Anxceit would probably have a lot of work to do and an awkward patching up before they can be in a healthy relationship.
Now there's Demus and Roceit. Which, maybe they shouldn't be on this list, because I do like these ships, but I do want to talk about them.
Demus I tend to feel meh about, it's basically dark side Royality. They work as a mother/son dynamic or best friends, not really romantic partners. However, I love them when it's Intruloceit, because I love Loceit and Intrulogical.
Roceit, this is friends to enemies to lovers galore. Roceit is not a healthy ship currently, but it's definitely an entertaining one. Due to Roman's insecurities and Janus using Roman for his greater plan, however, I don't know if a romantic relationship would work in cannon. It depends on where the story goes from where we are right now. However this is the perfect enemies to lovers ship for AUs if you get bored of Prinxiety's popularity.
Now what's interesting about Demus and Roceit is that if you believe in the theory that Roman and Remus were once King Creativity, which I do, and if you've seen the King AU, which I have, that adds all kinds of layers of complicated to Demus and Roceit. Of course, I may go over that in a future post.
Sorry this was so long, I hope you enjoyed my infodump!
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twofacedbelief · 4 months ago
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sweetest-honeybee · 4 years ago
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The last time I drew either of the Roman or Remus centric Kings was when I still used MediBang lmao but here’s they are, they both need therapy
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rondoel · 4 years ago
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So! My kingceit highschool au doodles that I made more than a year ago as just a fun concept like ‘What if they were dating before the main story’
And now I’m making this canon so here you go!
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kingcreativityau · 3 years ago
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man gives a fair warning
first attempt
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