#king x ino
heretherebedork · 3 months
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And if we kissed under the rainbow flag? And if we loved each other no matter what the world said? And if we were loved by the people around us so much that we had the strength to love even when people tried to stop us? The Marahuyo Project is absolutely glorious and you should all watch it.
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miss0atae · 3 months
I'm thorn between understanding his action and fearing it...
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I feel like it's the worst idea ever because you can't built a trusting relationship with a lie. Ino will feel like he can trust the person who answers him and he will pour his heart out. King will ask him to trust him, but when Ino will learn he knew from the start who he was writing to... won't he feel cheated? In the end, it will just be a a backsliding in their relationship.
On the other hand, I understand why King thinks it's better to hide his identity, because Ino wasn't really on friendly term with him at that time... But still, he must know deep down that it's not really a good idea.
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ponderingmoonlight · 4 months
Seeing JJK men shirtless for the first time
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Pairings: (true form) Sukuna x fem! reader; Nanami x fem!reader; Choso x fem!reader; Gojo and Geto x fem!reader; Ino x fem!reader; Toji x fem!reader; Ijichi x fem!reader
Word Count: 6k (this is literally one third of my bachelor thesis lmao)
Warnings: Spice in Sukuna's, a little bit in Choso's and in Toji's part, true form Sukuna so slight spoilers regarding his appearance, I'm sorry but Choso's part is a lil shitty
Notes: You guys...This has to be my biggest fic yet and let me tell you, I poured my heart and soul into this piece. So please, if you find the time, leave me a like, a comment or a reblog. I appreciate it more than you could imagine 🤍
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You don’t even know how you ended up here. To be exact, it still feels like a feverish dream to you. Only one second ago, you were on your way to find your friends, injured with your shoulder throbbing each passing second. But now…
Your eyes roam around the barely lit area, gleaming in that unpromising red light that runs shivers down your spine. There is absolutely no logical explanation for how you ended up here.
“Sure took you some time to finally wake up again.”
That dark voice hollering at you, the sarcastic undertone in it. It’s a man, without any doubt. And just by the sound of his masculine voice you can tell that he’s build like a wall.
Is it wise to move forward, to discover this place? Well, standing here like an idiot definitely won’t help to find a way out of here, right? And you definitely need to find out who that man is…
“Who are you?”
Your voice gets lost against the tall walls, echoes back at you over and over again. But no answer.
“Are you the reason for me being here?”
There is no doubt in the fact that his eyes are all over you. Like a hunter, he roams around you in silence while your tingling nerves almost cause you to lose your mind. Who is he? Where are you? What is all of this?
Your feet dash forward once again. Straight into the darkness, chasing after a dim beam of light that catches your interest immediately. Maybe this is your way out, maybe you’ll get to meet your friends again, maybe-
Suddenly your breath gets stuck in your throat, feet stopping immediately. That thing…
You swallow hard, eyes fixated on the most muscular male upper body you’ve seen in your entire life. No, this isn’t a thing. This is a grown man.
“Stop staring at me like that”, he growls with his now familiar voice.
This is him, the person who talked to you earlier. You want to confront him, want to ask him for a way out, but instead you stare him up and down. Those oh so muscular four arms decorated by hypnotizing tattoos, a chest so broad it takes you all your strength to outstand the urge to press your head against it. But what really catches you off guard is his mouth. No, not the mouth on his face. Your gaze gets caught by the parted lips that cover his stomach, teeth exposed to threatful that the thought of getting killed crosses your mind for a split second.
“Are you done now, stupid girl?”
Before you even realize what’s happening, you find yourself lying in his arms, his body pressed so tightly against yours that you fail to breathe. His half naked body, muscles touching your bare skin…
Oh god, this is so wrong. There is no doubt in the fact that this is Sukuna in his true form, the king of curses in his full glory. And you? You are nothing but a tiny human compared to him, an ant underneath his boot.
But why does it feel so good, then? Why do your knees give him, why does your body start to throb in places where it shouldn’t?
A whimper escapes your lips, body almost collapsing into itself when you can feel his mouth there.
Against your bare skin.
Caressing the sensitive flesh of your thighs.
“If you just break into my kingdom like that, then I can do whatever I want with you”, he whispers against your ear.
“P-please”, you groan, not even knowing yourself what exactly you’re begging for.
You close your eyes, searching for the feeling of his tongue against your skin.
No, don’t open your eyes, don’t get distracted.
When your eyes dart open again, you aren’t greeted by Sukuna’s stinging gaze. No, the innocent eyes that look at you filled with worry belong to someone else.
“Man, you really have me worrying out here for you. You just broke down and started whimpering”, Yuji explains while lifting you off the ground.
Was it…all a dream?
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Nanami Kento
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Your heart races, blood rushing through your ears like electricity. You told him right from the start that leaving on his own wasn’t a good idea, that the injuries of other jujutsu sorcerers make you believe this might be a special grade curse.
But Nanami Kento never listens when you worry about him.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but it seems like there’s a gaping wound placed under my ribcage on my right side.”
You didn’t hesitate a single second, rushed after him with your little case like you always do. As Shoko’s co-worker, it’s your responsibility to look after injured jujutsu sorcerers. Even though you’ll never be as good as her, you will always make it your mission to help as fast as possible.
Especially him.
His signal grows stronger and stronger with every step you dash towards his location, mind racing back and forth. A gaping wound, what is that supposed to mean? Did he get hit by a gun, a curse? You don’t allow yourself to catch your breath, eyes focused on the little dot that comes closer.
“Are you alright, (y/n)? You really don’t need to rush to my side like that.”
A wave of relief washes over you when you see him leaning against the wall of a public toilet. But only until you catch a glimpse of the deep red tissues covering the sink and ground, his usual dark blue shirt discoloured in horrific crimson.
All colour drains from yourself while you lunge yourself at him, thick fear rushing through your veins.
“Why didn’t you call me sooner? You already lost a hell amount of blood”, you press out, inspecting the wound carefully.
This looks bad. Really really bad. If you don’t act right now, if you don’t start to use your technique immediately…
“Take off that shirt. Now”, you instruct him without waiting for his response while putting on gloves and showering your hands in sanitizer.
You fail to understand the meaning of your automatic words until he stands in front of you, bare chested.
Your breath gets stuck in your throat all over again, eyes shamelessly discovering the way his muscular chest rises and falls steady.
“Did you just…”
Suddenly your mouth feels dry like the desert, mind unable to form a single sentence. Since you know Nanami Kento, you always know him as that well-dressed gentlemen in that suit that makes his butt look delicious and his shirt that leaves you pondering about the way he might look underneath when you’re supposed to work. There was never an opportunity to peek at more than his veiny forearm. And now this force of a man is standing right in front of your hungry eyes, showing you that reality is so much better than everything you could have imagined.
“Sorry, didn’t you tell me to take my shirt off?”
When Shoko wasn’t around, you always pondered about the way he might look under his dark blue shirt. Do his tight muscles draw those valleys onto his belly you’ve seen on TV before? Does his biceps have that popping vein his forearms make you suspect?
You can’t help but allow your eyes to roam around his frame freely. That little scar decorating his chest. Is it from a fight? And that minor trail of untrimmed hair that lets your gaze wander to places…
“I don’t want to be rude but…I’m not feeling that well, (y/n). Would you mind treating me?”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Blood rushes into your cheeks immediately, face heating up by the horrific thought that he caught you staring at his bare chest like an idiot. Fuck, he definitely thinks you’re nothing but a freak now. What if he’ll ignore you from now on? What if you won’t see him again after that? What a dumbass you are, didn’t you see countless men without a shirt on already-
“Hey, stop worrying. I’m more than flattered that I caught the attention of someone like you but…let’s do this when I’m feeling better.”
Your widened eyes fail to leave his oh so gorgeous face while your trembling hands go to work, mind too focused on what he just said.
“Let’s do what?”, you finally breathe out.
Is this…a smile forming on Kento Nanami’s lips? You feel like tripping all over again, heart pounding so roughly against your ribcage that you might pass out right by his side any given moment.
“I like the way you look at me, (y/n).”
What a simple reply. And yet, his words send you into another dimension.
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Choso Kamo
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Your body threatens to fail you, eyes in desperate search for Yuji. When Megumi finally gave in and told you he went out on his own, you almost lost your mind. Yuji, Sukuna’s vessel, on his own in Shibuya when everyone chases after him? Megumi definitely deserves another slap for that.
You sprint down the empty hallways of Shibuya’s train station, following the distant sound of battle. Please, let Yuji be alright. As his bigger sister, it was always your aim to protect him. When Yuji joined Jujutsu High, you did as well. When Yuji decided to fight in first row, you did too. There is no way you’ll allow your little brother to die, even though technically you aren’t related by blood. But even as your step brother, you can’t afford to lose him.
Nothing. Your body hollers back at you unanswered, mind slowly but surely starting to get into panic mode as the sound of cracking metal grows closer and closer.
And then you see it, the chaos that lays itself out in front of you dipped in neon purple lights. Blood is splattered across the area, the floor swimming in water that escapes the nearby toilet.
The toilet…You furrow your eyebrows. Is this… a wave of pink hair?
His eyes meet yours. The so determined gleam in them escapes instantly when fright replaces it.
“Get away from here right now, (y/n)!”, he screams at you just before a fist pushes him into a nearby wall violently.
Your brain threatens to fail you, body dashing into the toilet without thinking twice. Whoever this is will pay for hurting your brother so violently, for causing all this mess.
“Didn’t I tell you to walk away?”, Yuji questions with an irritated voice.
“And I told you more than once that I won’t leave you hanging!”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
“Are you two done?”
A male voice that makes you turn your head instantly. The second your eyes find him, your breath gets stuck in your throat. Oh, what a force of a man he is with strands of dark hair sticking to his wet face, his gorgeous eyes looking at you so unbothered. But what almost sweeps you off your feet is the way his robe allows you a single peek at his firm muscles that are lit by neon purple.
“Oh my”, you mumble to yourself.
Who on earth is this guy? Why is he fighting Yuji? But most importantly…Why does he have to look so steaming hot?
“Why are you not moving, (y/n)? Get out of here right now”, Yuji taunts urgently.
“What a waste”, you jeer at the man in front of you while taking a few steps towards him.
Choso can’t help but look at you bamboozled. How you move so confidently even though you don’t even know who he is, your eyes still fixated on…
His body? Are you looking at his abs?
“That a handsome guy like you acts like this.”
His eyes widen unintentionally, hands not daring to move. He should kill you right on the spot, should end your life just like that of Itadori Yuji. You’re partly responsible for the violent death of his brothers as well, given the fact that you’re also wearing that uniform. But his tight fists don’t dare to move a single inch, glued to his sides.
“Idiot, you don’t even know who you’re talking to. I will kill you just like Yuji Itadori, I will-“
“Will you, though?”
You come to a stand in front of him.
“W…What are you doing, (y/n)?”
Yuji’s voice shifts into the background. This definitely isn’t the first time you get close to a handsome man, but the others definitely weren’t that handsome. Just one look into his surprised eyes, the delicate marks on his face. And that force of a body. There is no doubt in the fact that this man trains a lot.
“I am distracting him, what else?”, you purr.
“I am not distracted.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Before he’s able to think about your words any further, you wrap your longing arms around his neck and hold him firmly against yourself.
“Because your eyes tell me something else.”
Now it’s Choso who fails to breathe. He never understood the simplicity of tender touch, the urge that drives humans almost crazy. What is so special about another hand placed against your skin, about lying in each other’s arms? He might have never understood if it wasn’t for you. You with your arm wrapped around his neck. You, with your free hand wandering down his chest, the wet fabric exposing his tight muscles without mercy.
In the split of a second, he begins to realize what touching each other seems to be about.
“Respect. Out of all the trained men I see on a daily basis, you have to be the most handsome one out of all. You work out a lot, don’t you?”
Your fingertips discover the valleys of his abs even further, force Choso to feel an uncomfortable tightness in his pants. Fuck, he doesn’t even know your name, has never seen you before. How is it even possible for you to have this power over him?
“None of your business, idiot”, he breathes out.
“What’s your name?”
Your voice does things to him his mind fails to understand, his sharp breath now hanging in the air between both of you. You are threatening, your glowy eyes showing more than urgently that you aren’t playing. But that slight smile on your face, the confidence dripping from every pore of your body…Who are you?
“Choso Kamo.”
“I’m (y/n)”, you reply while allowing your eyes to take one last glance at his tight abs.
Oh, you’ll definitely regret what you’re about to do. What if you won’t get to see him afterwards, the most handsome man you ever laid eyes on? There’s no other way, though.
“And I hope I’ll get the chance to be this close to you again.”
One innocent kiss pressed against his soft lips. One innocent kiss that sends him straight onto the ground, emerged into nothing but darkness. A pretty useful cursed technique, probably the reason why you get called femme fatale at Jujutsu High.
“What a shame, I really liked that guy”, you comment with Yuji coming to a stand right by your side.
“You didn’t have to touch his abs like that…”
“Oh I definitely did”, you reply instantly.
Your hands brush over his upper body one last time before you turn around and walk away.
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Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru
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What a lovely day. Well, lovely apart from the stinging fact that you are forced to babysit the vessel of Tengen-sama when a bunch of bounty hunters chases after you. Your shaded eyes roam around the area without any break, too scared of the consequences that carelessness could have. In contrast to Gojo, you take this task very seriously. You, who is nothing but an average jujutsu sorcerer at jujutsu high, surpassed by her classmates a long time ago. Who, who only got the chance to go on this mission by coincidence.
Well, and then there’s him.
“(y/n), why are you not wearing a bikini? We’re at the beach, aren’t we?”
Gojo Satoru, the honoured one. Of course, they would choose him to escort the plasma vessel. It’s only logical for him to be here.
“We’re on a mission, Satoru”, you remind him urgently without even looking his way.
“Hey, are you alright? There’s no need to be so tense, (y/n). We have everything under control.”
And then there’s also him, Geto Suguru. The boy with the most charismatic smile you’ve even seen, so gentle and kind that it’s almost unbelievable he’s even talking to Satoru.
“I won’t be tense when she’s finally with Tengen-sama. This mission is very important to me”, you mumble with your eyes fixated on Riko and Misato walking in front of you, completely unbothered by the fact that both of them almost died more than once.
“Hey, stop looking so serious, (y/n)! I’m here to save you if it get’s heated”, Gojo purrs from behind, literally forcing you to roll your eyes behind your sunglasses.
“Why do you always have to tease her like this? (y/n) can help herself and you know that”, Geto remarks instantly, letting himself fall behind to mumble something you can’t understand into his best friend’s ear.
You worked your ass of for this opportunity, always stayed longer than anyone else on the training field, always learned until far past midnight while everyone else was sound asleep. There was never anything except getting a better jujutsu sorcerer in your life. God, you didn’t even have a single boyfriend in all those years.
Enough. You straighten your shoulders and force your eyes onto Rika again. For now, you have a job to do. There’s no time to think about something so wasteful as boys.
Your gaze roams around the beach before you allow the plasma vessel to get into the water with a wink. No one but a little family without cursed energy is located around you, so everything should be fine. Also, Gojo would have detected an enemy with his six eyes. Gojo…where on earth is he, though?
When you turn around in order to follow his and Geto’s muted voice, your breath gets stuck in your throat. You really don’t know what you expected when going to the beach with both Suguru and Satoru, but that? Both of them wear nothing but shorts and a shirt – an opened shirt. Your gaze hits their bare chests one after another, races back and forth while your mouth opens on its own. To be honest, you’ve never seen a real guy shirtless. Maybe here and there at the swimming pool when you were training or at the beach. But they weren’t like them. They weren’t this toned.
“Enjoying the view, (y/n)? Looks like a cat got ya tongue, huh?”, Satoru jeers at you.
“Not every girl looks at you, Satoru”, Suguru comments dryly.
“Hey, are you alright, (y/n)?”
You missed out.
Fuck, you definitely missed out.
How is this he first time you saw both of them shirtless? Geto with a firm body that doesn’t match his soft personality at all. Gojo, who isn’t only blessed with his immense powers but with a god-like body as well.
You can’t find words. How are you supposed to say anything logical when your heart almost beats out of your chest? They were never more than comrades to you, never more than strong jujutsu sorcerers you look up to. But damn, at this very moment, you truly see them as man.
Suguru puts his hand on his hip which makes his muscles dance delicately, head tilted to the side in sheer confusion while he walks towards you. Lord have mercy, you really are doomed. How are you supposed to concentrate on this mission when now you’re aware of how they look underneath those strict uniforms?
“Are you feeling unwell? It’s totally fine if you go back to the ho-“
“No”, you interrupt Suguru immediately when he puts his hand on your shoulder.
His bare hand.
While he stands in front of you with his bare chest.
You never longed for men. No, your only interest has always been your training, to become greater, better, faster, stronger. But at this very moment, when both of their toned bodies stare right back at you, you suddenly feel a weakness you’ve never felt before, a hunger that was unknown until now.
“Can’t you see that (y/n) is busy staring at us right now, Suguru? Bet that’s your first time ever seeing something apart from training”, Satoru teases you.
Faster than your mind is able to follow, he stands in front of you, grabs your wrists and presses your palm against his naked chest. His heartbeat pulsates against your fingertips, forces a warmth between your legs you’ve never felt before. Those tiny hair that tickle against your oversensitive skin, the heat that radiates from his body, that makes you almost faint.
You stumble back a few steps only to get caught by Suguru, who presses you against his body firmly.
“Hey, are you not feeling well?”
“I…I…”, you stutter.
Oh god, you feel like dying and flying at the same time, lying like an idiot in Suguru’s arms while Satoru still grins at you.
“Want me to take off my pants as well, (y/n)?”
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Ino Takuma
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“Why do I have to train with this jerk again?”
Your eyes roll backwards while you let yourself fall onto a nearby bench theatrically. God, how much you hate that guy, the way he always acts so competent around Nanami makes your guts turn in pure disgust. Doesn’t he understand that you are better than him, that you are Nanami’s favorite student? Ino Takuma doesn’t stand a chance against you.
But why does Nanami insist on both of you training together, then?
“Because both of you need to work on your abilities and you complement each other perfectly.”
“That’s not true!”, you answer along with each other instantly.
No, you despise Ino with all your heart. There’s nothing you could learn from him. Him with that stupid grin, him with that dumb confident walk, him in that oversized black sweater.
“I will be back after my mission. It is your choice how you spend your time until then. Stay safe.”
Fuck, Nanami knows exactly what he did with those words. Of course, there’s no way around spending your time with that jerk now.
“Can you stop breathing so fucking loud?”, you jeer at him.
“Me? Nothing but hot air comes out of your mouth. Save your breath, idiot”, Ino bites back instantly.
“You know what? Let’s start right now. I can’t wait to beat your puny ass.”
You dash to the other side of the large room after bumping into his shoulder provocatively. There is no doubt in the fact that you will make Ino regret coming into your life like this. You are the one and only one who deserves a recommendation from Nanami and not him. Just one look into his oh so confident face makes your veins pulsate.
“What’s wrong? Are you scared, (y/n)?”
You let out your shaky breath, hands balling into tight fists. That fucker will regret every stupid comment he ever made when you’re done with him.
“If you were as good at staying dumb stuff as you were at fighting, you’d probably be a special grade by now.”
He dashes towards you with his mask covering his face. Just in time, you are able to dodge his merciless attack while holding onto your sword so tightly that your knuckles stand out white. Over and over, he tries to hit you, tries to distract you while you swing your swords without regard as well.
“I won’t lose this fight, (y/n)”, he presses out while pushing you backwards.
“I won’t either.”
Over and over, again and again, your body collapse against each other, his flying fist missing your face only by inches. You have to fight back harder, sweat sticks to your forehead while you squint your eyes in order to follow his rapid movements. How much you hate to even think about the stinging fact that Ino is a decent fighter, that both of you actually meet eye to eye.
You ball your fists even tighter, let your powers roam free in your pulsating veins. Still, you won’t allow him to win this. You will stump him into the ground, make Nanami proud, show him that you deserve his recommendation. This is your only way to become a grade 1 sorcerer, to surpass Ino.
With one well-placed dash of your bare hand, his sweater gets torn into pieces while you position yourself in front of him, so ready to give him that last hit he deserves, so ready to win this fight.
This fight…Your eyes follow the movement of your hand, watch how the black fabric hangs on for dear life, how it reveals something you’ve never seen before.
Your eyes widen in sheer surprise, blinking against the sudden sensation that hits you. Are those really Ino’s abs? So well-toned that you simply can’t look away, covered in a layer of glittering sweat and flexed to the brim.
“Oh my god”, you mutter to yourself.
This is definitely not the sight you expected. Of course you know how much he trains, that he has to be somehow fit. But that?
“Why you’re looking at me like that?”
“You look like fucking adonis”, you spit at him.
“Why do you have to look so damn good?”
“This is not fair”, you continue, grabbing his arm and yanking him towards you.
“You don’t deserve to look like that.”
“Are you out of your mind, you idiot?”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
Like in slow motion, a sudden redness creeps up his face and discolors his cheeks red.
“Just shut the fuck up”, he continues.
Your eyes travel downwards his body again. What a great figure, what a body of steel. Why does it have to be Ino Takumo who looks this damn good? Why on earth does it have to be him? Your cheeks heat up like fire, a nauseous feeling threatening to eat you up alive. Is it even more disgust, more hatred than you already hold for him? No, this feels somehow different.
Is this…desire?
“I need to get out of here”, you announce before turning on your heel and aiming to walk away.
“No, there’s no way in hell I’ll let you leave like that you creep. Did you just check me out? I thought you’re disgusted of me.”
He grabs your arm and pulls you backwards before you’re able to stop him, his eyes gleaming at you.
There you stand, both of you with red faces, just looking at each other like plain idiots while you force yourself to keep your eyes focused on his face.
“You don’t deserve to be this hot”, you reply in a haste.
Why do his lips suddenly look this inviting? You actually never saw him up-close, always kept your save distance to your greatest enemy. Ino is a jerk, nothing but a trash talker, a pain in your ass since you first saw him. But on the other hand, he’s well-toned and strangely handsome with the way a coat of sweat decorates his forehead, his troubled eyes and those lips. Those lips you never payed attention to, those lips who did nothing but talking shit until this day. You can’t help but wonder how they feel pressed against yours, how his abs feel pressed against the palms of your hand. Out of instinct, your head moves forward, closes the gap between both of you step by step. How did you never notice his delicate smell and how hot he looks with that mask?
“Ino”, you breathe his name out like a prayer.
“What’s going on here?”
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You stumble backwards immediately, heart dropping to the floor. There he stands like a knight in shining armour. None other than Nanami Kento.
“I didn’t know you were still busy, I’ll come ba-“
“This is a misunderstanding”, you desperately try to explain yourself.
And there it is. Even worse than seeing him standing in front of you with his arms crossed after catching you only inches away from your worst enemy.
A smile. A tiny fucking smile forming on Nanami’s lips.
“Is it, (y/n)?”
“I hate you”, Ino mumbles next to you.
“I hate you too.”
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Toji Fushiguro
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To say that you’re bored is an understatement. You feel like fucking dying with that little brat walking by your side. These last days were like a trip to hell and back.
“Let me say I’ll never babysit some stupid kid again”, you announce into the silence around you, earning a cheeky grin from Gojo.
“Totally agree with that.”
“Oh yeah?”, Riko replies challenging.
Just seconds before a blade pierces trough Gojo next to you with full force.
Just before his blood splatters across your face.
“Satoru”, you hear Geto breathe out far away.
“Get Riko away from here right now”, you instruct him out of instinct.
When you turn around, you get greeted by the hottest green eyes you’ve ever seen. The man who forces his blade straight into Gojo’s chest looks stunning with that maniac smile plastered on his gorgeous face.
“Now that’s a pleasant surprise. Apart from piercing through my friend, of course”, you comment dryly.
It’s clear that he’s older than you. Just one glance into his masculine face tells you that he’s no one to be messed with. Well, separately from the sword he pierced through the honoured one.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt ya, princess. But you and your little friends have something I need to kill”, his low seductive voice hollers back at you.
“(y/n), you shouldn’t stay here, y-“
“I got this Suguru. Get Riko to Tengen-sama as soon as possible”, you interrupt him immediately.
Your heart almost beats out of your chest by only a glimpse at the stranger standing in front of you. Finally, something exciting. Or rather, someone exciting.
“C’mon, we both know I can’t let that happen, princess.”
“Get out of here as well and use your reversed technique, Gojo”, you instruct the white-haired man again.
“I’m the honoured one, remember?”
“Well, I’m a woman”, you hiss through gritted teeth while walking past him.
“Seems like we have to fight, then.”
His smirk is intoxicating while he dashes towards you with neck-breaking speed. Over and over, you escape his blade just by inches while enjoying the wave of dopamine that rushes over you.
“You’re hot”, you jeer at him while dodging another attack.
“Ya know, we don’t have to fight here. Lemme finish this real quick and then we’ll have a talk under four eyes”, he replies with his enormous biceps rushing over your head.
“A talk, I’d rather see you naked.”
“Oh yeah? Don’t force yourself.”
A grin creeps up your face while you attack him with both of your swords, swinging through the air so effortlessly that he can’t help but stare at you. How are you so different from all the women he’s met before? So fearless, so forbidden hot. Maybe not his age, but given the gleam in your eyes mature.
What he’d do to run his fingers through your hair once, to watch your expression twitch underneath his merciless touch. You’d sure feel good pressed against his body with your bare back pressed against the mattress.
“Oh no, seems like I broke your shirt. What a shame”, you purr with your eyes locked onto his now exposed upper body.
Just as you expected, exactly how you imagined a man like him to look like. A body built from heaven itself, his abs so firm that you’re sure they’d feel like cement underneath your touch. What a force of a man.
What a shame he came here to sabotage your mission.
“Would have happened sooner or later anyway”, he replies while pinning you against a nearby tree, desire obviously clouding his dark eyes.
You can’t deny the fact that you are oh so tempted to enjoy this little sensation, a timeout from that shitty mission. Carefully, you allow your hands to discover the valleys his upper body has to offer, to feel his muscles tense underneath your merciless touch. There’s no shame in admitting that this was your favorite first glance of a male for a long time.
“You’re probably my favorite.”
The smirk on his face grows even wider while he traps you between his strong arms. What a shame, you think to yourself. You definitely have to tell Gojo to work out even harder after seeing a guy like him.
“But I can’t afford to play favorites when it comes to men. You’re in my way and if you sabotage my mission, I’m screwed, big guy. Let’s just stay here and let that girl live-“
Suddenly all air escapes your lungs, you fail to breathe when he pushes your body onto the ground with full force.
“Thought you were in control, huh? Too bad for ya, I don’t get distracted by a girl touching my abs. Even though I have to admit you’re a nice one. Now you stay here and let me finish your little friend before killing that vessel, okay?”
Your eyes widen in sheer horror as he simply walks away. Him, with his shirt hanging in shreds down his body, exposing his shamelessly toned back to your watery eyes.
He tricked you with the force of his muscles. And you actually fell for it.
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Ijichi Kiyotaka
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Your heart is racing in your chest, fingertips trembling by the nauseous wave of stress that washes over you. Again, something you didn’t calculate correctly. Again, some students got stuck underneath a curtain.
Your feet rush you to his room immediately. He’s probably the only one who’s able to fix the mess you’ve caused. After all, this is what he always does. Making sure no one gets hurt, having your back when things get messy.
For you, Ijichi is a blessing walking on earth. And he might be your only saviour right now.
With rapid steps, you dash into the building you know so well, the building he calls his come. Even if blindfolded, you’d always find your way to the man who seems so powerless in a world full of people who are ridiculously strong. Forced into the shadow, always looking out for everyone except himself.
“Ijichi, I need your help, I-“
You dashed into his flat like you always do, expected him sitting on the table while reading a book like he always does when you come around. But today, that doesn’t seem to be the chase. All of the sudden your mouth starts to feel dry, eyes fixated on nothing but his naked upper body.
His naked upper body.  
“(y/n)! I…I didn’t expect you here today!”, he frantically mumbles while fighting for dear life with his white shirt.
“I never expected you to be so trained”, you breathe out, glance getting stuck on his surprisingly toned chest and six-pack.
“Don’t make fun of me, (y/n). I’m just an average guy”, he tries to laugh your words off.
“You look fantastic. Literally, you’re definitely able to keep up with Gojo. Are you training in secret?”, you insist.
“Don’t say something like that too loud, (y/n). If he hears you-“
“It’s nothing but the truth. You look absolutely…stunning.”
“Stunning” isn’t enough of a description for those butterflies violently racing through your stomach. It takes all your strength to stop your eyes from moving downwards again, to burn the picture of his toned abs inside your brain. How are you supposed to ever look into his face when knowing very well what an attractive man he is?
“Do you…mean it?”
His eyes meet yours, search for a spark of sarcasm in your glance. But there is no doubt in the fact that you mean it. Every single word you said about his lousy body, the praises.
A woman like you…Finding him attractive?
“Of course I do”, you mumble.
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@ynackerman9499 @keepghostly  @froufrousnowman @tomiokathedepresso @gojosrealwife 
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@ryva @kenjakusconcubine @baku2345 @komelrebi-san @deezy12299
@okay-it-is-ivy @paridoliaaa
Links to the pinterest pics used for the banner:
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uhzuku · 9 months
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: His eyes are hooded, dark with a venomous lust that used to frighten you — but you aren’t the shy lamb sent to slaughter that you once were, are you?
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: jujutsu kaisen | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: ryomen sukuna/f!reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 3.49k.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: concubine reader, demon king sukuna, sacrificial lamb x vicious monster trope, fem reader, manipulative reader, canon-typical violence, background character death, reader got a death grip on sukuna w the pussy ngl, breeding kink, fingering, sukuna has two cocks bc duh?, throne sex, cowgirl, no condoms, double penetration, accidental voyeurism, minor exhibitionism, creampies, biting, kissing, pregnancy mentions, murder, blood, gore, didn’t think i’d have to say this verbatim ( but after wasted summer ig i must ) but reader isn’t a good person.
𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐜𝐚𝐬: he is so so mean and yet … here i am wanting his balls in my mouth 😔✊
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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The stone flooring is cold against your bare feet, icy and sharp in ways that you used to be able to say you were unused to — but after a handful of years as your lord’s most desired concubine, you’d grown more than used to the endless chill of stone against your soles. 
Only a few short years ago you’d been sent into the mountains to the dusky temple of the demon lord Ryomen Sukuna, a toy for him to fuck then eventually rip apart as soon as he grew bored of you. Bound by the wrists with ropes that had scarred, you were dragged up the mountainside and thrown upon a vast stone table, bound yet again with your hands tugged over your head and your legs spread to opposing corners. Your inner thighs had each been granted one deep slash so blood would begin to flow, and then you had been abandoned there. Alone and in tears, night had fallen faster than you’d been found, and you’d almost felt frozen and delirious when the first shadows of a monstrous figure had caught your eyes. 
He had been a terrifying monster, sporting a vast mouth on his abdomen, two sets of eyes, four arms, and two pairs of legs all connected to a towering frame — all things normally singular about the human form had been doubled, and the owner of such a body had slunk over to you all while salivating. At first you’d feared he’d molest you, then you feared being devoured — but he’d mocked you cruelly and cut you loose before dragging you along behind him by the rope binding your wrists with your slit thighs screaming, your journey ending with him casting you at a half dozen women you later learned to be his concubines, and you’d not left his great stone temple in the mountains ever since. On the contrary, your life had become much easier — you led a life of luxury nestled comfortably on your knees atop a plush pillow next to your lord’s hip, you followed wherever he led you to go, and you warmed his bed and his cock whenever he so chose — which was often. 
Today was one such day, and you desired nothing more than to ready yourself to see the man who clung to you as if he were starved and you were a magicked feast. 
“Off to see the King again?” one of the other concubines, Ino, asks snidely as you loosely drape chains of delicate gold over your skin, and you sigh. Ino always started fights whenever she saw the chance, and you were more than tired of it. Still, a verbal spar was nothing for the King to sneeze at, so he wouldn’t make any attempts to stop it; some days he even found the arguments amusing. 
“Must I really answer your question?” You ask tiredly. “He has called for me—“
“As he does every day,” another concubine, Shouko, snaps. “He never calls upon us anymore, not like you.”
“I didn’t ask for this,” you snap back, and in response the bane of your existence stomps forward, smelling of the honeysuckle and melons that grew along the mountainside where you all resided. 
“Maybe if you’d not come here and thrown yourself at him like a common whore, we wouldn’t be in this predicament,” Inko, Ino’s elder sister, snarls aggressively. Her eyes are dark and stormy, and her voice low and angry like a startled rattlesnake. “We all had a proper system before you came and ruined everything — but that’s all you know how to do, isn’t it? Traipsing in here practically naked from your first day and swallowing his cock down like it was what you were born for, then even daring to take away my night as well as Komori’s the following day.” Komori was another concubine, one nearly as bitter as Inko; she, however, chose to ruin what few of your belongings she could rather than spar with you verbally.
It was always the same with them — always angry that your lord doted on you more than the others, that he cooed at you so fondly while growls were occasionally sent their way ( growls you’d never received ), and that jewels and silks were lain reverently across your soft skin as rewards for earning his affections. “Maybe he likes me better for a reason, Inko,” you say coldly, standing your ground. “Maybe he isn’t calling upon you anymore because he’s realized how much of a surly bully you are — or maybe he’s grown tired of your once overused loose cunt.”
The sound of a  loud, harsh slap echoes through the room, followed immediately by startled gasps of shock and your face stinging painfully; as much as you all threw poisoned words through the air like arrows were loosed from an archer’s bow, none of you had ever dared lay a hand on one another. 
Your face burns, both from the pain from the hard slap and from a barely repressed anger, as you turn back from where it had been forcibly swung to the side at Inko’s strike to glare at her. 
“You’ll start being a lot happier with your life when you stop basing it around both mine and a man’s,” you hiss before exiting the makeup room and navigating your way through the halls of Lord Sukuna’s temple before finally entering the throne room. He was listening to a few servants of his describe the look of the lands outside the temple, and what they believed the upcoming winter would offer them, but he brushed them away upon realizing you’d entered. 
“Oh, my sweet treasure,” he purred warmly. “Come closer so I can bask in your beauty as I do every day.”
Obedient as always, you do just that, drifting closer before kneeling before him in acknowledgement of his power. Before you do so, you see the look in his eyes, and it sends a shot of fire to your stomach that you know all too well; his eyes are hooded, dark with a venomous lust that used to frighten you — but you aren’t the shy lamb sent to slaughter that you once were, are you?
“My lord Ryomen,” you murmur in a voice as thick and sweet as honey while just as deceptive as it would be when a part of a trap for flies. He stands, striding down the short set of stairs that led to his throne for you as he did for no other, and in a gruff voice commands you to stand at your full height. You do as told like always, and it doesn’t take long for him to catch sight of your aching face, which was no doubt starting to bruise.  
He gently grabs you by the jaw, careful that his claws do not prick your soft skin as he tilts your head to reveal your cheek to him. “Your beautiful face…” King Sukuna rumbles lowly, his voice an angered growl as he gently tips you by his grip on your jaw to look at the bruising handprint marring your face, and his eyes are as stormy as the sky outside of the temple as thunder booms amongst the clouds. “Who dared do this to you?”
“Inko,” you murmur quietly, then whine, “She called me a common whore and said I ruin everything. It hurt my feelings.”
“She will be punished,” he promises, cupping your face and kissing your forehead fondly in a show of slight sweetness that you knew he showed no other and strove to keep hidden at all times. Typically his words would comfort you, but not today. You were tired of Inko’s behavior, and a week locked alone in a room with nothing but bread and milk was no longer fitting in your eyes. 
You wanted her dead.  
“Fill me with your seed, my Lord,” you beg sweetly, and he groans while grabbing you borderline painfully tight and grinds your crotches together as you stand together in the throne room, allowing you to feel him at half-hardness. “I want to carry your spawn for you, just like you always say.” It was true; Demon King Ryomen Sukuna was a weak man when it came to his almost wicked thoughts of breeding one of his women’s fertile cunts, but he’d not yet filled any of his concubines’ wombs with life. That privilege, you knew, was to be yours alone — and with how desperately you knew he wanted it, you’d get your prize of Inko’s head on a golden plate and he would get his of the instinctual want for an heir before the week was up. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, standing as high on your tiptoes as you can to do so, and as usual he dips down so you can mouth sweetly at his skin, feeling one pair of arms rest at your hips while the other gently cup your face. “Let me ride you on your throne, my king,��� you whisper sweetly, pulling your face from his hold and closing your teeth around one of his earlobes, tugging lightly. You both feel and hear the aroused growl leave his throat, and you move to nip at the base of his throat before asking again. “Please, beloved one?” you beg lightly, pressing a kiss to his jaw as he basks in the attention from your lips and your now wandering hands, which bury themselves in his hair in just the way he likes. “I want you to fill me in the way that only you will ever be able to. I desire the honor of bringing you life.”
You’re being dragged to his throne before you know it, your words plenty enough to tip him over any and all edges he had when it came to you, and he’s taking a seat and tugging you up onto his lap with a practiced ease that you both remembered all too well. He grinds his cock up into the crux of your thighs, his already hard length pressing against the place you were always bare for him beneath your skirts so perfectly. It only takes a moment for him to loose his cock from his robes, and even less time for him to press two of the fingers on one of his other three hands into your wet hole, the appendages curling just so inside so as to toy with you and prepare you for the vast stretch of one ( or even both ) of his cocks. 
“F-Fuck — M’Lord, there-!” You whimper shakily, hips bucking into his touch as he presses one callused thumb to your clit and begins drawing harsh circles on it in time with each curl of his fingers. 
“I know, sweet treasure, I know,” He murmurs softly. “I’ll take care of you — gotta get ya’ all nice and sloppy for me, dear one.”
“No more!” You whine impatiently. “Want you in me!”
His eyes are already dark, but they seem to darken even further at your senseless pleading. “As my foolish girl begs,” he says in mock-sweetness, pulling his fingers from your sopping cunt with a wet shlk! and beginning to use what you’d left on them to wet his cock rather than lick them clean like usual. Your heart ba-bump!s in your chest as a nervous shiver courses through you, but you don’t back down — you’d take his cocks and the resulting child of this coupling as well. 
“Oh gods — yes, please-!” you whimper, feeling the way he drags his cock against your slickened slit, and he chuckles lightly before pressing the fat head in. A stuttery gasp falls from your lips as your head does likewise to his shoulders, and you cling to him desperately as you begin to sink down onto him entirely. In what feels like forever ( but is really only a couple short seconds ) he’s fully sheathed inside of you, and you both still for a moment to soak in the feeling of both filling and being full — and the the Demon King decides the time to adjust is up, and begins fucking up into you. 
You bounce on his lap, moaning brazenly like a woman in a whorehouse, and your nails dig into his skin as he uses you like a toy for his own pleasure. Each drag of his thick cock inside you alights a fire in your belly as it always does, and you keen from your place on his lap as all four of his arms rove your body — two palming at your tits, one rubbing cruel circles on your swollen clit, and the third thrown around your waist. 
“Fuck… Fuck…” he moans, biting at your neck, and you whine needily while grinding down on him, trying your hardest to tempt him into forcing his second cock inside. Unfortunately, you doubted he would, considering he was always so cautious not to break his favorite toy ( you weren’t a fool, there was no love in his heart — there remained no heartstrings for you to tug on, only his sensitive cock. ), but seemingly today was an exception as a hand on one of your tits releases it just so he can grab his second length and press it against your sopping wet hole. The thick ring of cream around the base of the cock he’d already filled you with smears across his second as he urges the tip inside, a short scream falling from your lips as it pops in after a long moment of slightly-pained pressure. 
You’re overfull, tears are rolling down your cheeks, but Lord Sukuna just licks them up and begins using your body like the hole to fuck it is, bluncing you brutally on both of his cocks all while still seated on his massive throne. Behind you, you hear the wide doors to the throne room open, but it isn’t until a scandalized cry fills the room that you turn to look while your lord master continues fucking you without a care in the world for the eyes watching. 
“My Lord-? Oh gods, my apologies! I beg your forgiveness, my king!” The hand that had wandered in wails, falling to his knees in subservience at the realization that he’s just walked in on his lord taking his most favorite concubine in the throne room. The sight of both of his king’s cocks sinking so deeply into your glistening cunt had his own single cock twitching beneath his robes, but there was no way in hell he would ever dare to act on such a thing; the last time someone other than the king himself had touched a concubine with their unworthy hands, both had been torn apart in the King’s rage and fed to the carrion birds. 
“Fuck, you’re nothing but my sweet whore, aren’t you?” Sukuna groans deeply, ignoring the man entirely as you refocus entirely on him and the feelings he was forcing upon you. 
“Y-Yes, my king,” you moan shakily, your eyelashes fluttering as an ever-present knot starts to grow tighter in your lower belly alongside the overfull feeling, fueled by a heat that always burns in his presence.
“Cum on my cocks,” Sukuna orders through a moan. “Give it to me, I command you — I want to feel your cunt pulse around me as you come undone.” As he speaks he speeds up the circles he was drawing on your clit, and within moments you’re falling apart around him, crying out in ecstasy as he lets out a demonic roar and oresses himself as deeply inside as he can before emptying his balls. Faintly you register his eyes rolling back as he cums, but you’re too wrapped up in him to truly give a damn about any of it. 
After a few moments he begins to tug you off of his lengths, the muscles in your body just as instinctually unwilling to give them and their stretch up as you are as a natural resistance shows before being overtaken by you clenching down on him. “No,” you whimper, holding him tight. “Mine.”
“Y’gotta let me go, my precious jewel,” he rumbles quietly, and the urge to actually cry fills you and you just cling tighter. 
“No,” you say again, a fresh wave of tears stinging at your eyes. “Don’t wanna.”
A low groan falls from his lips, but he stops fighting you. You barely react as he lifts you, his inhuman strength making most any show of strength possible ( and making lifting you something easily scoffed at ), and you do likewise as he carries you off to his private chambers. A questioning noise falls from your half-chapped lips as he closes the massive open door of the two closed behind him, and he just shushes you before pulling the silk sheets and thick blankets and furs back before placing you on them. He’s straddling you, still stuck due to your clinging, and it takes a brief moment of wrestling with you before he manages to finally pull out. 
A borderline sickly wet noise fills both his and your ears as his cocks are drawn from your needy cunt, and the rush of thick demon cum that follows makes you whine pathetically. He just clicks his tongue at you and tugs on a rope made of golden chord that would ring a bell in one of the servant’s halls and summoned one such person, ordering them to ready your nightly meal ( despite the sun still being up ) so you could eat then sleep at your own leisure. Once the trembling man is gone, he joins you in bed. 
“I hope you meant your urging for me to grant you a child,” he purrs, biting at your shoulder while you press close to him. He pulls away, sitting up on the side of the bed, “Because there’s no going back now — you will carry my seed in your belly until you birth me a child.”
None of this matters to you. You had always planned to birth his first child, had always known that it was what your fate held for you — this moment was not for talk of a baby, no. You wanted your prize. 
“My dearest lord,” you sniffle needily, sliding from the bed on shaky legs and sinking to your knees between his legs, then propping yourself up over your crossed arms on them with a pout downturning your lips. A quickly growing puddle of his leaking cum begins to drip on the floor between your legs. “Please kill Inko — she’s so very mean to me, and all the other concubines are too because she’s been here so long.” Your bottom lip trembles as fresh tears start, and he sighs. 
“But her cunt is so sweet, dear one,” he murmurs, and you whimper and hide your face in one thick, muscled thigh. 
“You said she was loose. Besides, she hit me — I carry your spawn inside of me, and she hit me.” You didn’t have even his cum in you then, much less a conceived child — but you knew how to play the Demon King’s instincts, and the slight angered huff through his nostrils betray the rage simmering beneath his skin. All it would take was the tiniest push further. “It was the face this time, the face you own, but what if she pushes me down the stairs next? I could lose my life.”
Growling fills the air, and you know you've done it. 
“Rest here,” he says quietly, his voice shaking with rage, “Servants will be here to attend to you in a few minutes.”
He helps you up with one hand, half-tossing you onto the cushy bed, then begins making his way out of his private rooms. “Where are you going?” you call innocently, pushing a frightened tremor into your voice. “My lord Ryomen, please don’t leave me — I’m always so frightened without you!”
He stops in the middle of the room; you can see him shaking with anger. “I have business to attend to,” he says through gritted teeth. 
Your eyes glitter. “Come back to me soon, beloved one — I miss you desperately every moment you are away.” 
A grunt is your only response, and he exits the room as servants wheel in your dinner. You curl up prettily in his massive nest of a bed, and you peruse the options he’d granted you eagerly. When he was done, he’d use the excess rage to fuck you again — you’d need to quell what appetite you have now and then some if you wanted enough energy to survive. 
In the distance, furious roaring mixes with shrill, fearful screaming, and you delicately tug apart the roast duck you’d been served as the sounds of more concubines than just Inko being killed fills the temple. Servants cower, and the younger cupbearers whimper, but you just smile softly and hold out your emptied cup. 
“I would like more pear juice, please.”
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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animehideout · 9 months
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a/n: Idk just had this random idea of jjk men and Haikyuu men being in one room with the reader like the general dynamics.
Which room you'd rather be locked in?
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Room 1 : Gojo Satoru/ Ryomen Sukuna / Toji Fushiguro/ Kuroo Tetsuroo / Oikawa Tooru / Atsumu Miya
A bunch of loud narcissistic extroverts in one room.
Let's say Kuroo is the calmest comparing to them.
Over confidents in their looks and capabilities.
Cocky ass men.
They would start showing off in front of you, literally out of the blue.
Would start an arm wrestling match to see who's the strongest.
Smart? super smart, they'd know exactly what to say to you to make you blush and weak on the knees.
Would try to outshine each other, each one of them trying to be the center of your attention.
Brag about their achievements
“huh a captain of a volleyball team? how lame..I'm the king of curse”.
Showing off their skills to you trying to be better than the other
“come on Oikawa, you can try to punch me, bet you can't..my infinity won't allow it hehehe”.
Everyone talking loudly and at the same time, giving you a terrible headache.
Flexing on you, flexing their muscles in front of you
“come on don't be shy y/n, you can't touch my biceps”
“Hah you call that a biceps?”.
They would put each other down to seem the strongest and the dominant one in front of you.
Total flirts, praising you a lot!!!
Impressive but terrible use of pick-up lines.
Would make their voice deeper to capt your attention and turn you on.
They would wink at you, a lot.
Touchy af.
You'd be giving them weird stares totally crushing their ego.
Room 2: Yuta Okkotsu / Choso Kamo / Toge Inumaki / Kenma Kozume / Kageyma Tobio
Introverted but can be stupid.
You can literally fall asleep there with how tranquil the atmosphere was.
Yuta would be reading his book, Kenma playing games on his phone, Toge just busy in this thoughts, Kageyma awkwardly eating snacks and Choso silently judging.
They shared the interest in you, but none of them dared to start a conversation.
Their attempts to approach you would fail miserably leaving them a blushing mess.
Low-key would suffer from an anxiety/panic attack if you touch them.
Their faces would turn different shades of pink if you catch them staring or smile at them.
Would stutter if you start talking to them.
Would try, key word try to flirt with you.
“That's n-nff-nice!”
Room 3: Yuji Itadori / Ino Takuma / Hinata Shoyo / Bokuto Koutarou / Lev Haiba
Over hyped and energetic squad is here.
These mfs would bond up at the spot
without any obstacles.
Very goofy.
They would turn the room into a lively and enthusiastic atmosphere.
Would laugh a lot while cracking jokes.
It would be easy to be around them since they would make you feel welcomed and try to engage you with them.
Very playful and spontaneous flirting when it's about you.
They would try to make you laugh with their stupid jokes and impressions showcasing their comedic side to you.
Also they would compliment you a lot.
“Your hair smells nice, I love it”
“You have a cute laugh”
It would be very easy to vibe with them.
Would play a lot of games together or watch random videos.
You'd feel very comfortable around them and safe.
Despite their playful nature they would take a good care of you.
Room 4: Nanami Kento / Geto Suguru / Megumi Fushiguro/ Iwaizumi Hajime / Daichi Sawamura / Akaashi Keiji / Ushijima Wakatoshi
Wise squad.
Gentlemen squad.
Aaah lock me in this room with them please.
They would be really quiet and calm.
Each one of them is sitting peacefully.
When they start interacting it would feel like an intellectual forum.
They would talk in formal language.
Engaging in philosophical, existential topic.
They might seem boring to others but they're actually interesting.
Veryyy polite when they start " hitting on you ".
If they sense that you're showing the slightest discomfort they would give you your space and never bother you again.
Would lowkey start a conversation with you talking about the weather
“So do you like the weather? I kinda like rainy days”.
Treat you like a fucking princess / prince.
Respectful is their middle name.
They would take turns to engage you to talk about your interests.
“You're feeling cold y/n? here take my jacket”.
Very attentive when you start talking, memorizing each word you said.
They calculate what they'd be saying, making them flawless.
You'd fall head over heels for them.
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ichorai · 5 months
A SONG OF CURSES AND CROWNS ; series masterlist.
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A SONG OF CURSES AND CROWNS — a collection of stories in westeros following the characters of jujutsu kaisen ... themes/warnings will be specified in each part.
main masterlist.
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ONE. the wolf and the beast ; assassin!toji x stark!reader (3.3k) nobody told him that his target had a direwolf.
TWO. blacksmith!choso x highborn!reader you’re engaged to kenjaku, the father of the man you’ve already fallen in love with.
THREE. night’s watchman!yuji x wildling!reader and as you aimed the tip of your arrow to his chest, yuji knew he’d fallen in love with you.
FOUR. bard!yuta x witch!reader every night, the same nightmare. that is—until he came across you in a tavern, shrouded in mystery and shadow, whispering promises of ridding him of dreams. 
FIVE. king!gojo x knight!reader gojo, the young king who refuses to marry and turns down any potential suitors, grows attached to a mysterious knight who easily dominates over all his best warriors in a tourney.
SIX. prince!megumi x prisoner!reader he had no business being in the castle dungeons. and, upon further consideration, neither did you.
SEVEN. knight!ino x tyrell!reader you aspire to be a healer, even though women aren’t allowed to be maesters. ino, who’s infatuated with you, offers for you to practice on him.
EIGHT. hand of the king!geto x lady!reader during the first few moons of your arranged marriage, geto seems to hate you—all cold and distant, barely ever acknowledging you at all. you’re determined to find out why. 
NINE. sailor!yuki x merperson!reader perhaps a shipwreck wasn’t all that bad. it was what led her to you, after all.
TEN. lord!toge x painter!reader there’s much to do with the tongue other than speak.
ELEVEN. commoner!miwa x lord!muta they both stuck out like sore thumbs—with her pale blue hair and her shoddy dress; his scarred face and club-foot that gave him a terrible limp. it was only natural that they gravitated towards each other. the bastard and the cripple, the court whispered. it was a twisted tale of romance at best, an accursed union at worst.
TWELVE. dragonrider!sukuna x dragonkeeper!reader sukuna misliked how his own dragon seemed to like you more than him.
THIRTEEN. knight!nanami x lady of the vale!reader nanami considered himself a dutiful, honorable man. even if he was completely unworthy to marry an aristocrat like you, he would stand guard by your side regardless. 
FOURTEEN. master of laws!higuruma x mistress of whisperers!reader the two of you often butted heads during small council meetings, which led to much unresolved tension within the castle. having had enough, the king decided to lock the two of you in an empty chamber until all was resolved—or until one of you was dead. whichever came first.
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lilacxquartz · 2 months
lilac’s bite sized jjk yandere nightmares masterlist
about: exploring darker yandere with short stories/8 chapters max fics—updated every monday with sometimes a break if a chapter/story needs more time.
tw: some of these works will be very intense, the generalised tag is dead dove, but the specific warnings will be listed in the work or chapter as it gets updated. links lead to ao3 as well as tumblr.
ao3 • main masterlist
blessed with blue • tumblr link
angel satoru gojo x mortal reader
to save a broken soul • tumblr link
suguru geto x cursed spirit reader
pretty little trinket
harpy shoko x human reader
beyond hellfire
true form sukuna x reader
haunted memories
kenjaku x vessel reader
limited edition doll
mahito x reader
frozen in time
mad scientist uraume x reader
(turning) zombie choso kamo x reader
yuki tsukumo x reader
damsel in distress
king kento nanami x peasant reader
in my web
monster utahime x adventurer reader
passenger princess
shiu kong x reader
the lies we tell
higuruma hiromi x reader
never let you go
ghoul naoya x widowed reader
too pretty to die
takuma ino x reader
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sourpeachsayshi · 8 months
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✦•┈๑⋅⋯ DON'T FEAR THE REAPER ⋯⋅๑┈•✦ (coming soon)
about: <historical au> after the disappearance of the great demon king, sukuna, the world is left overrun by cursed users and spirits. with the jujutsu sorcerers scrambling to regroup after their own were massacred, many have abandoned the cause, while others are desperate for change. it's a new world of monsters and men.
story 1: satoru gojo x reader {yandere; step-cest(ish); non con voyeurism) {coming soon} story 2: suguru geto x reader {master/pet; breeding; dom/sub} {coming soon} story 3: nanami kento x reader {monsterfucking; aphrodisiacs; shibari} {coming soon} story 4: choso x reader {coming soon} story 5: higuruma x reader {coming soon} story 6: takuma ino x reader {coming soon} story 7: yuta x reader {coming soon} story 8: sukuna x reader {coming soon}
let me know if you would like to be tagged x
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luvlyycy · 7 months
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h a v e f u n . . . . ! !
next page . ->
ONE PUNCH MAN — (active)
Aftermath, Garou fingered you so hard his wound opened.
MHA — (extremely active)
Dabi's face when he cums.
um, idk questionable stuff?? :
Tomura has cameras in your dorm room.
How Tomura dates you.
Late night cuddling with your boyfriend, Tomura.
Tomura's first kiss.
Taking care of Tomura.
Tomura's mommy kink.
Cuddling with Tomura after he games.
Dabi loves giving you princess treatment.
Jacking off Tomura in class
Face-Sitting with the college loser, Tomura.
Maybe that one pathetic guy, is kinda hot. Tomura, right?
— — ☆
Tricking Keigo into buying food for you !!
DEATH NOTE — (semi-active)
Light helps you understand, killing yourself isn't right .
VALORANT — (semi- active)
Iso N Yoru boyfriend hcs ! (sfw!)
Vampire ! Agents Series —
¹ Yoru — ,
ONE PIECE — (semi-active)
Law n his fucked out gf
Sleepy Bath Sex with Zoro <3
Cocky Law..
Ace makes his gf squirt for the first time .
Sanji barks for you.
'Helping' Zoro work out.
Backshot King : Ace .
Zoro's a ruff fucker .
Sanji loves boobs .
Sanji Eating Pussy Trilogy : 1 , 2 , 3
Mihawk loves to spoil you .
Law cums soooo much .
Katakuri's cock is extremely big .
Ass Eater Ace.
Soft Sleepy Zoro ..
Law fucks like he hates you !
Nami n Robin threesome [wlw]
Zoro Loves the number Three .
Zoro n Sanji eatin u out !
Law Is kinda Pathetic .
Happy Birthday, Sanji .
Sanji Can't keep his hands to himself.
————ᵔ ∇ ᵔ
Law scolds you for eating chocolate.
Law is ugly .. in a pretty way.
Sanji's got a crush,, but you're like him?
Kissing Zoro on the ship.
Ace plays with you hair.
Sleeping with Ace is so frustrating.
Zoro confesses !
JUJUTSU KAISEN — (semi-active)
Yuuta's breeding kink (short)
Nyasty Sugu (short)
Jacking off Ino Takuma <3
God, Suguru— It won't fit !
Satoru: The pussy kisser.
Her or Him?? [TojiKuna x Reader // pt 1.]
————ᵔ ∇ ᵔ
Comfort me, Sukuna.
What do your tats mean, Kuna?
Show me your piercings, Kuna?
Why do you wear rings, Kuna?
Face Masks, Kuna?
TEKKEN — (non-active)
What being loved by Lee Chaolan is like.
Claudio .. how I love.
Lee loves pussy.
Eating pussy headcanons .
BLEACH — (active)
college au ! :
Ulquiorra meets you at a college party.
Ichigo eating pussaayy
Ichigo with a daddy kink is unrivaled, i fear.
Renji with a girl who yaps !
STREET FIGHTER — (semi-active)
A.K.I is good at what she does . .
Ed : Breaking your back.
Sheeshhhh, Ed !
Ed is so damn fine .
———— ᵔ ∇ ᵔ
2000's Night at the club with Ed!
Ed dating a pink girl .
HOYOVERSE — (semi-active)
Arataki Itto fingers his lil sister !!
Stupid, Childe.. stop teasing.. [college!au]
Nasty, pervert brother — stupid, Childe!!
Sampo n Aventurine: Pussy Killers .
Sampo can't stop eating pussy !!!
Big Bro!Gallagher fingers his lil sister..
Blade's thick cock .
Ugh, Step-Bro!Childe..
Wriothesely n his bimbo .
DC UNIVERSE — (semi-active)
Arkham Knight!Jason jacks off.
Hate-Sex with Jason Todd.
———— ᵔ ∇ ᵔ
Chubby!Reader x Jason Todd <3
Jason 'Brat Dad' Todd.
Jason comes home at 3AM
MISC — (randos..)
KOF Men × Smutty Scenarios
Domon Kasshu's ears turn red when flustered.
League of Legends Kayn : Backshot Demon .
Hidan's dirty talk.
Having sex with Hidan includes...
Toxic Pokemon Men : Piers , Raihan .
———— ᵔ ∇ ᵔ
Venom loves you too.
Miguel O'hara being your chew toy.
Maybe Miguel has a biting kink..
Like what you read? Nice , here's some cake ! 🍰
You have a request? Here's my rules , 🍪 , now you can request here , 🍩 . Thank you !
(ノ^∇^)ノ !! nonnies !! — , 🐦‍⬛, 🍪 , 🥥 , 🫀 , 🩰, 🪼 !!
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A Second Chance, A Father's Curse - Part 1 (Ryomen Sukuna X Reader)
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This is part of my Royal AU, the first I'm writing for it, there may be inconsistencies between each different fic set within the universe including but not limited to which damn clan does Sukuna belong to, but I'm sure it'll be fine :))
also i hope the family tree kinda makes sense, i can make a separate post showing the different clans and their family trees if needed
Warnings: mentions of an affair, brief mentions of abuse but nothing explicit
Word count: 3.1k
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When the boy first showed up everything had been good, a new son had been born into the Itadori clan, the royal family was stronger than ever. This boy threatened to bring all of that down simply by existing. Jin Itadori was not known for his mercy, often ruthlessly leading swathes of knights into battles and leaving none alive, but this boy was no ordinary enemy. His own son, illegitimate, but still his flesh and blood. His wife said nothing when he brought the screaming baby into the nursery that was only meant for one, placing him beside Yuji in his large crib.
Kaori Itadori simply accepted what had been given to her and raised the boy as her own, despite the neglect and clear favoritism shown from Jin to his alleged twin sons. The two were almost identical despite the fact they had different mothers, which was how the lie was able to be carried so easily through their lives. Ryomen knew, he had always known, and he’d hated almost everyone for it. The only people he couldn’t truly even pretend to hate were his adopted brothers, and he let everyone know this vehemently, shirking his duties and often hiding away from elaborate dinner parties or balls he did not want to attend.
Yuji’s heart broke for his brother, and of the five Itadori boys, only the eldest Choso knew of the predicament underlying the twins. The youngest, Eso and Kechizu, were born one after the other, three years apart, with significant health complications and therefore rarely appeared in public. The elder three were fiercely protective, especially Ryomen who’d had a taste of his father’s neglect and despised that Jin had turned it on his youngest sons. None of the three wanted to burden their younger brothers, they’d been told that the pair might not live to become adults, so they had always made sure the boys were well fed and happy.
Ryomen suffered in silence. His teachers could not quell his anger, the best sorcerers warned of his growing cursed energy levels, but nothing was ever done. Nothing really could be done. By the time he turned nineteen he was undoubtedly the strongest of the Itadori boys, and his father was adamantly trying to wed him off to a different kingdom. Ryomen didn’t care, the faster he got out of Khoccadia the better in his opinion. He spent his days training in combat with the knights, including the captains of both the Shadow and Blood units, Megumi Fushiguro, and Takuma Ino.
Megumi Fushiguro interested him, the man was his age, his twin brother’s personal bodyguard, and he had the inherited cursed technique of the Zenin clan, the royal family of a neighbouring kingdom. His unit, aptly named the Shadows, were a small close knit group of Shikigami summoners, led by a wielder of the undisputed king of Shikigami techniques. This made him both an outsider and a refugee, having been forced to prove his loyalty a thousand times over, including regaining the trust of the royal family after his technique was revealed during an attack on the kingdom where he had to unleash his power to protect Yuji.
The other captain, Takuma Ino, wasn’t as interesting or close to him, but still a formidable ally and opponent, having first trained under the royal sorcerer Kento Nanami, before his technique proved to be more useful on a battlefield than overseeing curses. Ryomen often found himself sitting with the pair post-sparring, looking out over the training grounds within the castle walls, and asking himself where he would go if he decided to run. He knew he wouldn’t get far, his cursed energy was much too unique, Nanami would be able to find him with no trouble. His only way out would be this arranged marriage, and he had to be sure it was far far away from here.
This is what eventually lead to Jin Itadori hosting a ball and inviting many of the leaders of nearby nations to attend with their daughters, royal, political, and otherwise. Few invites were sent out past the neighbouring nations, but Ryomen had to be sure, so he had insisted under the cover of lies that his father’s orders had the invitations sent further. When the day of the ball arrived, Ryomen was reluctantly dolled up in a luxurious maroon suit, his hair styled with earrings and cufflinks to match. When he met up with Choso and Yuji, he saw they were dressed similarly to him, but Yuji’s suit is a deep pink and Choso’s a dark purple.
“Don’t we just look a treat,” Ryomen huffed, reaching up and adjusting Yuji’s collar slightly. “They were chosen by mother,” Choso looks away and Ryomen finds himself almost apologising. It wasn’t her fault, she was a victim of the system just as he was, but he shakes it off. “You okay?” Yuji mumbles, giving his brother the same outfit once over. The twins had always known what would make each other look the best, Ryomen let him fuss with his hair a little before swatting his hands away. “I don’t think I’ve ever been okay, I can’t wait to get the hell out of here so I never have to see him again,” He growls. Choso checks his watch as they approach the upstairs entry to the ballroom, the laughter and chatter behind it dying down as someone announces their arrival.
“I hope you find someone,” Yuji squeezes his hand for a brief moment before Ryomen can pull away or protest, dropping his hand before the door swings open and the three of them are revealed to the eyes below. Choso in the centre with his brothers flanking, there are smiles of all kinds as they descend the stairs. Some genuine, some scheming, others that don’t quite reach the eyes of their owners.
Ryomen Itadori doesn’t get nervous, but in this moment he finds his eyes searching for Kaori Itadori. She returns his gaze from her place on the ballroom throne and nods once. This party is for him, it’s his ticket out of here, and it almost feels to him like she’s lending him her strength. The strength to do what she never could. When the three of them reach the bottom of the stairs, his brothers disperse into the crowd to find dance partners, and Ryomen finds himself alone surveying what he can see. The only clan tattoos he recognises around the edges are those belonging to the Zenin clan, the Gojo clan, the Kamo clan and that of the Creyarean district, which is a political power and not run by a royal or empirical clan.
There are a few tattoos he does not recognise, he assumes from further out on the continent, and one in particular draws his gaze. A kindly looking couple, king and queen, with matching filagree tattoos over their facial features, most prominent on their jawline, cheeks, across the nose and in the centre of their foreheads. No other family has tattoos that bold, the closest in comparison is the Kamo clan with a jagged X over the right eye, and he finds himself curious as to their origins. “Brother! I’d like you to meet someone,” Yuji’s voice suddenly cuts into his wandering thoughts and he scoffs, “Leave me alone Yuji,” He grunts, but his brother barges into his space, his mouth right next to his ear as he utters the words that could be Ryomen’s salvation.
“Her family comes from miles away, three kingdoms over!” Yuji hisses. His gaze flits to the girl who stands holding Yuji’s hand, looking like she’s just been dragged at a brisk Itadori walk across half the ballroom (Which she had been). His brother drops her hand as he steps back and presents her, “Allow me to introduce Y/n L/n, of the Iqorian Empire,” Unmarried, she does not bear her parents tattoos, but there are two thick black bands around both her wrists which could be a hint at early clan tattoos that don’t decorate the face.
She curtseys and he feels his demeanour soften slightly, taking her hand which still hovers unsure before her to press a light kiss to the back of it. He keeps his face painfully neutral as he studies her features, her e/c eyes traveling back up to meet his. “Lovely to meet you, Miss L/n, Ryomen Itadori,” He introduces himself politely, though he knows that she must already know who he is, given his brother has a tendency to babble. She uses her free hand to fix her h/c hair before giving him a polite smile, “Some party your parents cooked up, is the potential marriage for diplomatic purposes?” She asks. He clenches his jaw slightly, his gaze scanning the crowd as he instinctively pulls her slightly closer.
His father’s face is dark and sinister, his eyes locked on Ryomen but his mind elsewhere, “You could say that,” He replies, “But I would say it’s freedom,” Her eyes widen and he steels himself, she must be able to sense the years of neglect and abuse on him, he knows he reeks of it, but if she does she doesn’t mention it, “I see,” She murmurs, “Well, would you like to dance?” He looks at her like she’s grown an extra head for a moment, but Yuji punches his side and he blinks, “Yes yes, of course, that would be nice,” His words drift away and he becomes eternally grateful for the dancing lessons Kaori forced him to endure as he leads the girl out into the centre of the dance floor.
The night passes by quicker than he would have liked it to, despite stepping into the ballroom like a caged wolf with the taste of freedom on his tongue. He comes to learn from the girl his brother introduced to him that the royal couple he didn’t recognise, with the outlandish filagree tattoos, are her parents, and he is hooked from that moment on. You of course know there is something he is hiding, but his sudden interest in your clan tattoos brings a soft smile to your face as you look over to your parents. They seem to be overjoyed that you’ve caught the attention of the Itadori son up for grabs, but you know there’s more to it considering the fact that he should be the second in line, and yet is being married out of his family into another.
“I am certain we will be seeing one another again, Miss Y/n,” He murmurs as he presses one last kiss to the back of your hand, his fingers tracing one of the black lines on your wrist. You grab his arm before he can turn away, “Ryomen,” You murmur in response, “Sir, are you in trouble here?” He does not reply, his gaze is hard, but you feel a lack of response is enough for you to fill in the gaps.
He’s not welcome in his family, and you’re determined to get him out and then find out why, even if it means ruining any diplomatic relationship Iqoria could have with Khoccadia. You omit the fears you hold close to your chest when your parents demand to know how your night went, they were watching and already knew you were the only one Ryomen Itadori spent his night with. This is a golden opportunity, he is already well known throughout the continent as the strongest Itadori son, he would be a priceless addition to any family, and nobody else seems to be questioning the fact his father doesn’t seem to want him to stay.
A foolish decision, considering the fact his cursed energy swamped the entire ball from the moment he entered the room, just barely discernible from that of your parent’s royal sorcerer, Satoru Gojo, who came to meet with other royal sorcerers in attendance. You are reunited with Suguru Geto, your personal guard and the Captain of the Iqorian Guards, after conversing with your parents. He escorts you back to the room provided to you within the Itadori’s castle for the night, “I take it the night went well, your highness?” He asks as he follows you in.
You find yourself unable to respond, chewing on your thumbnail as you sit at the dresser, leaning your head on your free hand. Lost in thought you don’t hear him approach until his hand is on your shoulder, “What ails you my lady?” “He’s tormented,” You murmur, “Prince Ryomen, he’s trapped, and something is very wrong with this family,” His face reflected in the mirror is one of soft confusion, and you find you can’t hide anything from him. He’s trained you your whole life, and you trust him sometimes more than you trust your parents, he’s like a second brother to you, “I asked if he was in trouble, and I fear a lack of response or denial is enough to ascertain the danger, I must marry him if he is to survive with his humanity intact,”
Geto frowns and grips your shoulder slightly, “I will call for your maids, this stays between us,” He announces, “Sleep well your highness,” “Where are you going?” “To let your parents know I am in full support of this marriage, he’s incredibly strong after all,” His face is sly as a fox and you find yourself speechless, “He’ll be a great asset if we give him the chance,” Once he is gone you find comfort in the knowledge of his support, thus allowing you to slumber in peace.
When the morning arrives, you find yourself swept up in preparations for the wedding, which you find after questioning the closest maid is to be held that very day. His father must be desperate to get rid of him before he becomes a problem, and you’re more than willing to let Kaori Itadori and her maids along with yours fawn over you and dress you in the finest white dress you’ve ever seen. You’re understandably nervous, your parents dropped by only once that morning to tell you what you already knew about the conversation they shared with Ryomen’s parents, but they also said once the wedding was over you’d be leaving for home almost immediately.
This was, surprisingly, not the most shocking thing you’d heard all morning. It fell just behind the fact that it would be Geto and not your father who would be walking you down the aisle, a few of your closest maids acting as bridesmaids. This is to go along with a Khoccadian custom involving the parents of both spouses, while also incorporating the ‘giving away’ portion from Iqorian marriages. Ryomen’s mother wraps her arms around you quickly outside the throne room before she pushes a bouquet of red roses into your hands, tears in her eyes, “Take care of him,” She whispers, her eyes intense and so full of sadness you think you may cry too. You nod, words escaping you as you turn to the throne room, the music floating out at you different to the wedding music back home.
It dawns on you as the doors open to reveal you to the crowd that you don’t know Ryomen Itadori. You don’t know his favourite food, you don’t know his favourite hobbies, you don’t know what he likes in a partner, you don’t even know what his relationship with his brothers is like. It’s too late to wonder, as you clutch the bouquet in your hand and link your other arm with Geto who has just appeared at your side. His presence helps to calm your nerves, but you’re still antsy as you approach the front of the room where Ryomen waits for you, looking equally antsy but for a different reason.
You know he wants out, and you’re his ticket, you just have to get through the next hour of formalities. The crowd is never truly silent during your ceremony, there’s always a low hum of chatter, but it doesn’t disturb or deter the continuance of the ceremony. You can feel Jin Itadori’s eyes on you almost the entire time and you endeavour to ignore him as best you can, focusing on the feeling of Ryomen’s hands in yours. You take the time before and during vows to study his face, the way he scrunches his nose sometimes or crosses his eyes to make you smile. It works, and he squeezes your hands to add reassurance to the moment, until finally you’re pronounced as husband and wife, and without even a second thought or hesitation he pulls you into him, pressing his lips to yours.
You’re breathless, your hands clutching his biceps, barely hanging onto the threads of your discipline before he pulls you into him for a hug, “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” He mutters against your ear, kissing the side of your head as the crowd cheers and his words are lost in the cacophony of sounds. You let your eyes speak a thousand words as you meet his gaze, smiling softly before finally speaking, “You’re safe now,” His shoulders relax as the two of you turn to walk back down the aisle. Once out of the throne room, his brothers are there to greet him, and Yuji hugs him tightly, “Brother…” He murmurs, “Don’t forget us, you understand?” He grips the back of Ryomen’s head and presses his forehead to his twins, “Promise me?”
Ryomen blinks sadly, “I’ll come back for you,” He whispers. The two younger boys crowd between the twins and Ryomen holds them, the taller one seems quite physically weak, and the shorter one has not opened his eyes, but he holds them close. “How does Ryomen L/n sound?” He asks softly, “Fitting?” Yuji smiles, “For you? It’s perfect,” Just before the two of you can be whisked away by your maids, he grabs his elder brother’s hand, “Choso,” He forces the man to look him in the eyes, “Look after them, don’t let them end up like him, or me for that matter,” He growls, “Swear on your life,”
Choso nods, “I swear on my life,” Ryomen nods one final time, “I hope we’re all better people when we see each other again,” He says, words meant only for his brothers that you catch while ushering your maids away from the moment. His hand on your back is the only warning you get before he’s nudging you along the tidal wave of people who head to the main entrance.
A grand exit, the staircase long, carriages await at the bottom, and Ryomen’s freedom. A price paid a thousand times over, a dream finally allowed to come true, and a man desperately clinging to the bare threads of his humanity. The world gives him a lifeline in the form of a girl second in line to her kingdom’s throne, and he finds he remembers why he endured staying alive all those years. His real family, his only family, his brothers - and maybe even revenge.
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twins sukuna/itadori lives rent free in my head because of this app so here's my royal spin on it :) I hope you enjoyed
part 2 here!
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heretherebedork · 3 months
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And if I cried for him? For them? For the beach and the statue and the sand and the ocean and the love and the water and the freedom? If I cried for these boys and this moment?
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miss0atae · 3 months
The chemistry these two have is crazy...
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The way they look at each other… They have such a sweet look. I would have fallen in love a thousand times if someone looked at me this way.
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ponderingmoonlight · 11 months
Sukuna coming for Megumi's little sister at Shibuya (pt. ll)
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Part l can be found here
Pairing: Sukuna x Megumi's little sister; Yuji x Megumi's little sister
Word Count: 2,5k
Synopsis: After the incident of Yuji almost losing his life and Megumi's little sister confessing her feelings to him, they finally live in peace. But then Shibuya comes around as well as suppressed Sukuna who takes interest in you...
Warnings: language, injury, self harm, mostly Sukuna
Tags: @sanicsmut (yk why my lovely), @sunshine7queen
It’s been months. Months since you finally confessed your feelings to none other than Yuji Itadori in pouring rain, months since finally having the relationship you always dreamed of, months in which everything went just right.
Yes, ups and downs were and will always be part of the job, but you stood on each other’s side till the very end.
“Hey, are you alright?”
Your fingers gently caressed his back, other hand combing through his pink hair.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. After all you’re by my side, right?”
Your heart melted like chocolate in the sun, arms embracing him tightly before you could help yourself. Oh that boy. That beautiful boy who swept you off your feet, the boy you’ve been in love with since stepping a foot into Jujutsu High. In that moment you laid beside him, eyes staring at the ceiling while holding his hand and breathing against his chest.
“I’ll always be by your side, Yuji.”
 Yes, everything went just fine. But at Shibuya, everything changed.
“Where’s Yuji?” you huff into your big brothers face, completely out of breath.
“And what happened to Ino?”
“(y/n), what happened to your face?”
You can’t explain right now. In fact, all that’s on your mind is Yuji after fighting your way through the whole city.
“We’ll meet again as soon as possible, okay?”
Why? Why were you assigned to follow Nanami and that old fart instead of Mei and Yuji? Why weren’t you able to support your brother and your boyfriend? You had a bad feeling in your guts right from the start, but when seeing Ino’s unconscious figure you suspect nothing but the worst.
“Where’s Yuji?”
The evasive look in Megumi’s tells you everything before he even opens his mouth.
“He went into the train station in order to find Gojo-sensei…”
Your world stops, head spinning in thick fear. He went into the train station.
All alone.
“Why would you let him go there alone?”
Roughly, you grab your big brother’s collar, fisting the fabric so tightly that it gets hard for Megumi to breathe.
“Why would you let him leave when even Gojo got sealed? Why did you let him go?”, you hiss through gritted teeth, tears veiling your sight.
This is bad. Very very bad. He wasn’t replying to any of your messages for over an hour now. An hour in which he could have get killed already.
Or even worse.
The thought of Sukuna inside him taking over runs shivers down your spine. After that fateful day when you thought you lost the love of your life forever, you encountered him last. The cruelest of the cruel, the king of curses.
You feel like throwing up. No, you need to focus. Right now, there’s only one thing you can do.
“Where do you thing you’re going, (y/n)?”, Megumi barks at you while grabbing your hand and yanking you over.
“What do you think? I’m looking after Yuji!”
“There’s nothing you can do-“
“What do you know about it?”, you interrupt him immediately.
“I love him, Megumi. And I won’t let him die at Shibuya alone or even worse, let Sukuna take over his body. I’ll keep you updated.”
And with that, you turn on your heels and run as fast as your feet carry towards the center of Shibuya. Please. Please let everything be alright. Your heart almost hammers out of your chest, vision foggy with thick fear.
Please hold on, Yuji.
“How could you lose against such a weakling?”
He smiles to himself, sunning in the scorching pain that echoes through his vessel’s body.
Until you appear on his mind again.
Oh god, you. The girl that brat fell head over heels for, the girl that confessed to him in pouring rain after encountering himself. You have some nerves, laying inside of this loser’s arms each and every night while Sukuna himself can’t help but wonder what your body feels like, sensing how he kisses your lips while Sukuna desires a taste of his own. No, Sukuna was never jealous about anything that brat has.
But you.
He leans forward, a wave of Yuji’s memories washing over him. Your soft hair and glistening eyes, your oh so kind smile, the way you lay against his chest.
“Why this loser?” he mumbles to himself.
“Why are you even attracted to a brat like him when you can do so much better?”
With him, maybe. Sukuna was never a man of feelings, after all he is the king of curses, the cruelest creature walking on this earth. But there’s just something about you that keeps him entertained, something that begs him to have a taste.
Maybe today, here at Shibuya, his time has come.
(y/n)’s POV
It’s like living in a nightmare you can’t wake up to, seeing two girls bending over the lifeless body of your boyfriend.
“What did you do to him?”, you scream out.
Until you gaze at the finger in their hands.
Until your mind begins to realize what is going on here.
“How many fingers did you feed him already?”
You feel like a ghost in a shell, as if all of this is only a dream. This isn’t Yuji Itadori laying right in front of you, right? These aren’t Sukuna’s fingers, correct?
“How many fingers!?”, you scream on top of your lungs.
You hinge forwards, ready to rip their hands off when suddenly, a sheer force stops you in your tracks and slams your body against a nearby wall. You feel like dying, organs pressed so harshly against the hard concrete that you can swear you were able to feel every single one burst. All you are capable to do is stare at the volcano in front of you setting the two girl in flames and casually pulling out more of these cursed fingers, more of his fingers.
“N-no”, you croak out.
No, you need to do something, you need to get out of this wall, you need to stop him from feeding all of Sukuna’s fingers to Yuji.
With a violent scream you break away, landing knees first on the cold floor. Damn, you feel like bleeding out, whole vision going black just by the thought of standing up. But you have to do this, one step at a time.
For him, for Yuji.
“Get. Your. Dirty. Hands. Off. Him.”, you hiss through gritted teeth, snapping the volcano head’s hand away just in time before he is able to force the last finger down Yuji’s throat.
“I thought you are dead already. Leave me alone, stupid girl.”
It happens so fast that you aren’t even able to comprehend what is going on. In the split of a second his hand darts towards you, fire bursting out of his palms. But it doesn’t reach you. No, instead both of his arms get cut off, coloring everything around you in deep purple.
“You have some nerves, trying to touch her so casually. Who do you think you are, you worm?”
That voice, that presence. Your whole body shivers in nothing but thick fear, head slowly turning around. Please let it be a nightmare, a misunderstanding. This can’t be reality.
“Hello sweetheart, did you miss me?”
“Sukuna…”, you breathe out.
You stare right into his red eyes, tattoos all over his face revealing his true identity without any doubt. The man sitting next to you isn’t Yuji Itadori anymore. No, this is the king of curses himself, none other than Sukuna.
“Long time no see. I’ve been waiting for this moment long enough”, he purrs, a cheeky grin plastered on his face while he brushes through Yuji’s hair.
“Where’s Yuji?”
Your voice isn’t more than a fade whisper in the darkness, his sheer presence clouded by so much power and strength that you feel like fainting. Yes, the man in front of you could kill you without even twitching.
“Why is everything about this brat? He’s in the background where he belongs. Oh, not so fast.”
Just when the volcano man next to you is about to stand up, Sukuna cuts off his feet without ease. You stare at him through glossy eyes, the flawless appearance of your boyfriend looking so distressed by his occurrence. A quiet laughter escapes his lips and sends another wave of shivers down your spine. How can a creature walking on this earth be so evil?
“Now kneel.”
He stands in front of you staring down at you with amusement sparkling in his eyes. He’s talking to you, there’s no doubt. Your limbs feel like burning alive, whole body exhausted by all the fights and tactical thinking. You would love to kneel on the floor at least for a while, finally some rest.
But instead, you lift your trembling figure off the floor, straightening your shoulders with your head up.
“I would rather die than kneeling in front of someone as disgusting as you”, you reply with firm voice.
Is this how you’ll die? Through the deformed hands of your very own boyfriend, through the king of curses himself?
Suddenly he bursts out laughing, grabbing your chin roughly.
“It would have truly disappointed me if you lost your spark. But for your braveness, everyone at Shibuya will lose their lives this night”, he hisses into your ear, yanking your head to the side so violently that it feels like he’s breaking your neck.
“Please don’t.”
You force yourself to look into the black hole of his eyes, to resist the fear he tries to cause in your heart.
“These people are innocent. They don’t deserve to die. But you do.”
He tilts his head to the side, grinning down at you with so much cruelness glistening in his red orbs that it simply takes your breath away. How many fingers did they feed him when you weren’t here? Way too many. After all, Yuji was always able to overpower him, to take control over his own body. But not now.
With the snip of his finger, both girls get sliced into a thousand tiny pieces, their blood and intensities discoloring everything around you crimson.
Everything red.
He ended their lives without thinking twice.
“Why the hell did you do that?” you spit into his face.
Out of instinct, your flat palm rushes towards his face, just inches away from hitting him when he catches your hand mid-air.
“Because I can. Obey me or I’ll kill every human being at Shibuya. Especially your brother.”
Your eyes widen in horror, pictures of Megumi flooding your mind. Despite you seem to be two different people with nothing in common, you love your brother dearly. If something happens to him because of you, if Sukuna hurts a single hair on his body…
“Don’t you dare to touch him or I’ll kill myself.”
His red orbs widen in surprise. Oh, that’s new. The look in your eyes tells him that you’re serious about your words.
“What makes you believe I’d care about that?”
He would never admit it out loud, but the thought of your precious life ending distresses him. No, not until he is finished with you, not until he got a taste of what belongs to Yuji Itadori.
“Because I know you care about me”, you reply confidently.
You know it’s dumb, that you might die right here on the spot through your own hands. But you can’t help it. Your own life is your only leverage against Sukuna. Without hesitation you press your own knife against your throat until blood spills. Maybe this will show you what Sukuna’s real intentions are. Or even better, you’ll be able to set Yuji free again.
“Go on, I couldn’t care less.”
Why does your hand fight so desperately against your mind, refusing to cut your own flesh open? Ice cold sweat runs down your forehead, fingertips trembling underneath the force of the blade in your own hand. You just have to press harder, slicing open your throat…
It shouldn’t be hard for him to watch you fighting against your own will. But oh how much Sukuna despises the way you press that knife against your throat, a little trail of blood spilling. What are you trying to achieve?
“Are you out of your goddamn mind?”
“I want to make a contract with you”, you press out.
“I’m not dealing with a stupid human.”
You dig the blade into your screaming flesh deeper, a warm trail of blood soaking your uniform.
“Promise me you’ll leave my friends alone. Promise me you’ll set Yuji free.”
“And why would I do that?”, he remarks dryly.
“I will allow you to do everything you want with me during that time.”
Sukuna pricks up his ears, absolutely mesmerized by the way you fight against your own will to survive and stare at him so boldly.
“Give me an answer”, you demand.
The pain seems to become unbearable, knife cutting through your tender flesh so deep that your whole upper body is now discolored in crimson. One more brush. One more brush of the blade will be enough to cut your own throat. You close your tearing eyes.
Oh Yuji, how much you wish he’d be here right now. You weren’t even able to say goodbye to him, to talk everything through. It should have never come this far, they shouldn’t be able to have the upper hand. Hopefully he doesn’t see any of this, the way you take your own life.
A rough hand snatches the knife out of your grasp before pressing against your open wound.
“Everything I want, huh? Selling yourself for your friends and that brat, how pathetic”, he hisses against your outer ear.
You gasp for air like a fish on land, the pain radiating from your whole body almost swallowing you whole.
“What happened to that little ray of sunshine of yours, the smile you always wear?”
“I would kill myself if it means that the others are safe”, you reply.
He stares into your eyes, the orbs that captivating him since first catching a glimpse of them. Now it makes sense to him what that brat sees in you, why he tried so desperately to keep you out of his grip.
“Precious little thing, I know exactly what I’ll do to you.”
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kichous · 1 year
✧・゚:*   you could use me
summary. you're afraid that two weeks in a box is all that it takes to undo all of the progress you've made. series. a night of dark trees. bonus scene ! pairing. gojo satoru x gn!reader. warnings. none. word count. 1930.
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Gojo’s different.
Ever since he emerged from the Prison Realm, he has been taciturn, morose, subdued. It’s disconcerting. He’s one of the liveliest people you know. It’s one of the things you love about him.
You’re still not sure how he says those little words so easily. Gojo Satoru’s world was torn asunder years ago, and he’d been dealt the same debilitating, staggering blow that still causes you to panic every time you hear the three syllables ‘I love you.’ Yet, somehow, some way, Gojo finds it in himself to voice that simple declaration to you. And he means it every time, with every fiber of his being.
It’s harder for you to speak it, your vocal cords uncooperative to an almost petulant degree, your subconscious locking the action away even in spite of your visceral protestations. You’re still searching on your hands and knees in the murky depths for the key. Only alcohol makes the search a little easier. But in your heart of hearts, you know it—it is a certainty that you love Gojo Satoru. A fact, as immutable as gravity (unless you were Kenjaku. Then you’d have to come up with another simile).
To that end, his absence hurt you. The moment you allowed yourself to fall for someone else, to finally move on from that one great loss, he was torn away from you. But it’s not his fault.
It must've been infinitely worse to be Gojo himself, stuck in what was essentially a cursed deprivation chamber for any duration of time from eternity to an instant. Not sure if eons had passed or but a second. Not knowing if the world burned his absence and those who remained rued his name, or if it had survived and everyone moved on without him. If anyone even bothered looking for a way to free him. You tried to put yourself in his place, imagining if he had gone and found a third love while you were trapped. You would’ve been happy for him, but you couldn’t deny that the simple idea of it broke your heart.
After he emerged, you stood by his side, your hand in his as he was informed of everything that had happened—everyone that had died—during his imprisonment. With every word, his shoulders sloped more and more, crushed by the weight of the world in each consonant and each vowel.
He won’t talk about it with you. When you kissed his temple and stroked his hair, uncaring of your audience in Shoko and Ino, he’d sighed and leaned a little closer. But he was silent as stone.
You wish you knew what to say to him. The way he and Geto bantered was so instinctual, an easy back-and-forth like a tennis match. You can hold your own with him, no doubt. But you’ve also got a history of deepthroating your foot where he’s concerned, so you can understand why Gojo’s a little hesitant to confide in you. He’s never had to before, why should he start now?
Oh, maybe because you love each other and that’s what supportive partners do—lean on each other? If only he’d stick around long enough for you to just tell him that.
Naturally, he refuses to make anything easy for you. Satoru’s hardly alone these days. You can’t even fault him for spending every waking moment training. If he’s going up against the King of Curses, he’ll need every advantage he can get, no matter how confident he is. You support him where you can in that regard, but you have no choice but to ambush him in between sparring with Okkotsu and sparring with Maki to actually get a word in.
“Hey, dumbass,” you call as you approach. Where it might’ve elicited an equally dry ‘What’s up, shitlips?’ once upon a time, it now earns a tired smile. Not the ideal reaction.
“I didn’t do anything,” protests Satoru, allowing you to soften the insult with a quick kiss. He’s sitting on a bench with his legs wide enough for you to step in the space between, and he wraps his arms loosely around your waist. “Why’re you being such a meanie?”
“Why are you overcompensating?” The verbal suckerpunch gets him in the solar plexus, causing Gojo to stare up at you wide-eyed with his mouth falling open defensively. You press a finger to his lips. Satoru goes a little cross-eyed trying to focus on it, and so you flick him on the nose to retrieve his attention. “I get it, if it’s for the kids. You’re their teacher. You’re everything they want to be when they grow up, they see you as a protector, blah, blah. But you don’t have to be strong with me. I know you. I know you. You don’t have to pretend, okay?”
“Don’t I?”
That stings, probably more than he meant it to. You don’t imagine Satoru ever intends to be cruel, because even at his worst, his sadism is meant for curses. But you’d thought he considered you an equal. Or as close as one could be without being a special grade, at least. It was foolish of you to think that the wall between you had crumbled any, at least as far as your skill level was concerned. It’s been years since anyone ever talked about how you could’ve become the fourth special grade if you ever managed to get a tighter rein on your technique. Okkotsu’s taken your place since then.
Your teeth sink into your lower lip as you move closer to tuck his head into your sternum. “No, you don’t. We’re partners, aren’t we?” you whisper, running your fingers through his hair. Something warm stirs in your chest as his eyes flutter shut and he hums a quiet, pleased purr. You’re a haven to him. “You love me and I—I love you. That means you don’t have to do this alone.”
He says nothing at first, simply nuzzling closer. There’s no sound but your shared breath, steady and even. His arms tighten around you. It’s a little uncomfortable having to crane your neck down to kiss the top of Satoru’s head, but the little sigh he gives is worth it. It’s the little things with Gojo. With such a bombastic person, large and grandiose efforts are commonplace, attention-grabbing gestures all Satoru knows. The strongest must be larger than life. So you end up treasuring the opposite—the way his long, spindly fingers fit in the slits between yours, the way his long lashes tickle your cheek when you kiss, how he loves to rest his elbow on your shoulder when you stand next to each other, the perfect roost. These tiny bits combine to make everything feel grounded, real.
After a moment, he pulls away, and light starts to creep back into his eyes. They look more like the sky again, rather than an iceberg field in the Arctic Circle. Good. “Does that mean I can tap you in during the fight?” Satoru asks cheekily.
You toss your head and give an exaggerated tsk. “I haven’t decayed from my Grade One rank, I’ll have you know! I may not be a spring chicken, but I can still pack a punch!” For emphasis, you smash your fist into your other palm.
“Not a spring chicken?” Satoru repeats incredulously. “We’re the same age! What does that make me?!”
You tug lightly on a few strands of his snowy hair. “A geriatric old man, duh.”
He raises a brow. “Oh yeah? Could an old man do this?”
Satoru’s up on his feet in an instant, one hand sliding up your back and the other wrapping just below your shoulders as he dips you in a kiss. He savors it, plying gently past your lips with his tongue. Satoru moans as you slip your fingers through his locks, a sound that makes your lips and extremities tingle. He steals the breath from your lungs, and you don’t hate it.
“Well.” Your voice is but a rasp when he finally pulls away. The man radiates smugness. Somehow, you find it endearing. “I’m sure Harrison Ford could.”
Satoru’s face breaks open with a full, hearty, genuine laugh. Pulling you upright to use as an anchor, he buries his face into your neck. His entire body vibrates in tandem with his giggles, the warmth of his breath a pleasant sensation on your skin compared to the wintry frost around you. Satoru blinks as you use your index finger to tip his face upwards. “What is it?” he asks, a little breathless.
“I love your smile,” you tell him honestly. “I love you.”
His cheeks grow pink. You doubt it’s because of the cold, your heart fluttering at the thought. You’ve managed to make Gojo shy. In lieu of a verbal response, he gently rests his forehead against yours. You’re aware you’re probably obstructing the walkway, and that if any of the students happened upon you, they would violently gag, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
Satoru is here, in the flesh. You thought you’d lost him when he got sealed away, and then again when he emerged sweeping the broken pieces of himself under the rug. That even if you could hold him, it wouldn’t be the Satoru you loved, nor the Satoru who loved you. Who saw something broken in you that was worth cherishing, worth putting back together piece by painstaking piece. Who never faulted you for giving up but encouraged you to try again, whose heartbreak echoed yours and stood as proof that there was a brighter tomorrow. The Satoru who taught you it was okay to be okay again. You’re sick and tired of lost chances, of what-ifs and what-could-have-beens. Maybe that’s why the words finally, finally slip so easily from your mouth—so you wouldn’t ever miss the opportunity to tell him again.
Gojo rubs his cheek gently against yours, sharing his heat. He’s always run a little warm. “I promise that I’ll share my burdens with you from now on. Even if I can’t promise you won’t hate me by the end of it.” A solemn vow, the seriousness of his tone unfamiliar to you. But not unpleasant.
“I already knew loving you was going to be rotten work,” you tease. “That’s never bothered me. What you can promise me is that you’ll come back to me. Otherwise, I’ll bring you back as a curse when you die. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
Satoru chuckles. “Will you at least make sure I look prettier than Rika?”
“She heard that.” You have no idea how long Okkotsu’s been standing there—what he heard or saw, whether he’s going to blab to any of the other kids. There’s a small bemused grin on his face, but it’s eclipsed by the overall chagrin of his furrowed brows. He’s embarrassed for you. PDA at your old age? His generation probably thinks you look like two skeletons mashing their teeth together.
Breaking out of your frozen shock, you and Satoru share a glance. Then, after a moment, you break the silence with simultaneous cackling. It’s hard to tell whether it’s the situation or the looks on your faces that sparks such an interminable fit. You fall against each other in your laughter, using one another as a column. He’s sturdy and solid and he’s there for you. And that’s what you’ll be for Satoru too. Steady and strong and unmovable. Unbreakable. Everything he’s been for the world, you’ll be for him.
Whatever it takes.
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loveemii · 2 years
❤︎︎ 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 ❤︎︎
☆𐬺𐬽𐬾𐬼 𝐼𝑛𝑜𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑒 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚 𐬺𐬽𐬾𐬼☆
“Ino! Where are you?!”
You called out Inosuke’s name from outside the butterfly estate. After you shout his name a few more times he finally shows up, he came out of the gym where he was lifting weights. You noticed he had his hair in a bun with his front strands hanging out to the side.
“Huh? What do you want?”
He asked with a somewhat annoyed glare. You liked him for a while now, and he doesn’t know it yet but he also liked you for a while. He didn’t know how act about it though so instead he acted like a complete jerk.
“Inosuke, I want to challenge you.”
“A challenge? What’s the catch?”
“The catch is. Whoever kisses the other person the longest gets to be treated like a king/queen for the whole day.”
“Eh? Hmm, it would be nice to have you as my slave. Deal, I’ll crush you with kisses!!”
Blush was forming on your face as he finished his sentence, you pulled yourself together and held your hand out to shake his. Before he shook your hand he spit in his hand. The shake was sloppy and wet. To be honest you were grossed out but at least you’ll get to finally kiss him. Does he even know how to kiss?
“Wait- Do you even know how to kiss?”
“Kiss? Yeah lips to lips, no biggie.”
“Good lord help this guy.”
You said as you smashed your palm into your face. You sighed and continued to teach him before you even start.
“Hell yeah! Let’s do this!”
And with the granted permission of Inosuke starting it off by kissing you for around 1 minute. The whole time you were blushing. And he didn’t know he was too, you found that really cute.
“Can you beat that Y/n?!”
“Oh I think I can.”
“Don’t get too cocky now.”
You cut him off before he can say another word, you kissed him for a good minute and a half, he ended up gasping a little for air to catch his breath. He was now in it to win it.
He kissed you again for longer than he should have, his face was now from pink to red. He needed time to breath. As it was a very long kiss after all. As he caught his breath once more you put your arms around his neck as he put his hands on your waist. You kissed him not for long but kissed him more and more as he couldn’t speak. Only a few words left his mouth from time to time.
“You’ll respect me.”
You kissed him again, he kissed you back.
“I swear it. I swear it.”
He continues as you both melted into the kiss. It was deeper than the last few times.
ミ★ hii, sorry any errors and spelling mistakes. i hope you enjoyed this short Inosuke x Fem Reader story! (^_^) lmk if you want to see more of Inosuke <3
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snoopsnoop07 · 4 months
By Sophie, Phoenix and mai😈😈 (English ain’t my first language btw - Phoenix)
DON'T READ IF UR SAD😨😨😭😭 No miners allowed😡 or ur going to get it lil bro, you’ll become the sussy imposter from among us.👿👿
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It was a beautiful sunny morning I thought as I looked out my apartment window. Today was the day my glorious king skibidi bae Ino Takuma comes back from work. I sighed and looked at a picture of him that was sitting on my desk. Ugh he looks so fine in the photo. (What The photo looks like)
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Ima go 𝓫𝓸𝓷𝓴𝓮𝓻𝓼 if I don't see my lil kitten soon I thought to myself. I get my ford f150 ready and start to drive to his workplace. While I was hitting the road there was an enormous gigantic car that looked like a cyclops that was a big back. It comes to me at full light speed and it crashes into me. Our car rolls up and down and left and right and it starts to float. Out of curiosity I open my door but then I slip and fall. I start to fall down quick as my body sways like an inflatable, I almost sharted myself until someone snatched me. My eyes were closed in fear but I heard something in the distance… ~now, now daddy's home darling~ no need to fret lil one” I open my eyes and I’m met with bright and luminous blinding blue eyes. I couldn't even tell it was blue because of how bright it was. It could almost make the whole city shine “shine bright like a diamond!!!” *the man covers ur eyes* “guessss whoooo” “Omg!!! It's Satoru Gojo!!!!” I smile and tears of happiness fall off my face “you crying?” He smirks. “O-omg gojo!!! Have you seen my bf???” I stammered. “No sussy Neko Chan!! We can go look for him though!!!” gojo said while smiling really goofy while sticking out his tongue REALLY wide while widening his eyes like a psycho ”
“First you gotta come back with me to my apartment and ur sussy bf will be there waiting 😈😈 we’re gonna give u the most devious little surprise” Gojo says smirking devilishly
Fast forward to gojos apartment
“It’s freaky time 😈😈😈😈” Gojo says as he slowly teasingly takes off his top. “G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-gojo San!!!! Nani are you doing?!?!” I exclaim. Suddenly, Osamu miya and Ino walk in!!! I blush and suddenly all my clothes start to grow wings and fly away. “Come here bbg” Osamu said while winking and licking his lips. “Let me ask you something…. You know where the place nonia is?” “w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what is nonia?” I nervously stammer. "NONIA OF UR BUSINESS HAHAHAHAH” Ino laughs while laughing."ughhhhhhhhh that's not DATEBAYO ino🤬🤬🤬'' I growl “stop not being fanum tax baby gronk rizzler ino. Now let’s get freaky” gojo mentions and suddenly he whips it out like BOING BOING BOING and OH MY GOD??!!!! IT'S BOUNCING ON THE WALLS???? I then spread my legs apart “pls fill me up with the power of friendship and pls make me a sussy baka Ohio sigma skibidi baby gronk fanum tax grimace shake 10000 level gyat” I shake and bounce my ass for them “let me ask you Y/N…. Are you naughty? Or nice?..” Ino whispers in my ear
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“because either way… we are about to give you the most devious backshots' ' Osamu mentions as he grimaces and oils me up. Gojo lifts me up and lays me down on the mattress “don’t worry… we’ll take real good care of you” Gojo says with an evil grin as he smacks my ass so hard it leaves a skibidi red hand print! Gojo then whips out his ohio grimace cock and shoves it in me. “ owchies!!! That’s going to leave a mark!!” Gojo starts to thrust at the speed of Phoenix slurping a grimace shake XD. “NUGHHHHHHHHH, YOUR TIGHTER THAN THE IMPOSTER FROM AMONG US NUHHHHHGGGGGGGGG '' gojo screams. “G-g-g-gojo senpai i'm going to bust😩😩” I said “BUST FOR ME MY LITTLE KITTEN WHISKERS NOWWWW, UGHHH, UR SO SKIBITI AND SIGMA'' gojo yells. Then gojo came. I lay on the bed breathing heavily but then I hear, “my turnnnnnn~” I look up and I see Ino my glorious pookie wookie dookie! “Uh ohhhh” I say
69 ohio Gyatt rizzler minutes later
We are all worked up, oiled up, and resting with each other on bed while making all the place wet. Until we hear a loud BOOM outside. It was a big radioactive explosion!!’
WARNING ANGST ALERT!!!! Do not read if emotional😞😞🙁🙁🙁🙁 PS. You might develop depression if you read this….
“G-g-g-g-g-g-guys… I’m scared…” I stutter “don’t worry dookie pookie… it will be us against the world” Osamu holds my hand “Y/N… we will meet in the next life” Ino whispers in my ear. I blush so much I look like a rotten tomato “Y/N… arigato.. sayonara~” Gojo smiles at me with his rotten Victorian child teeth. The radioactive bomb explodes our place and us and ends up disintegrating into bits of dust… just like Freddy Mercury (lead singer of Queen, y’all should know this🤬🤬) sang…. Another one…. Bites the dust…
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