#king of bacchus!jensen
deansraspberrypie · 1 year
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Bonus 😘
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👑💖 King Jensen Ross Ackles 💎👑
🍰 Tag list: @avanatural @undisputedchick @jranutter @fortheloveof-jackles @kazsrm67 @muchamusedaboutnothing @breath-of-snow-and-ashes @bluedragonflylady @mrsjenniferwinchester @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men 🥧
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found--family · 1 year
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he's the princess 👑
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nerditoutwithbooks · 2 years
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alwayscaskett810 · 1 year
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mizortonfan · 2 months
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My punch needle portrait of Jensen for king Bacchus
What do you think about it ?
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jensenackles-daily · 2 years
Hear about the Bacchus Magic from our 2019 King Jensen Ackles!
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I just finished writing this ask and I’m so sorry it ended up so long. While I’d love to read more of your insight, please feel free not to post this if you think it takes up too much of your blog space. I don’t know where to edit it as one idea sort of flowed into another. Whether you post this and respond or not, I hope you have a good day/week.
I think part of what made Jensen's portrayal of Dean feel so real and compelling is that he truly liked, then loved, Jared since a good chunk of Dean's character is his love for Sam. That isn’t to say that Jensen didn’t bring his own unique flavor to Dean or play him very well in other aspects because he’s a popular character for a reason beyond Jensen's looks, but I think the fact that he and Jared were close helped. A lot. For the most part, I found the most emotional and compelling scenes by both Jared and Jensen to be the ones they shared with each other (not all, of course, but most). However, I feel a very slight disconnect between them in the latest seasons. They still have amazing chemistry, but it’s not the palpable level it was in earlier seasons, at least to me. I think Jared got tired and put up boundaries with Jensen, and Jensen got resentful (and bought into his own hype) and they started to pull apart. Jensen’s ego didn’t need him bring "crowned" king of Bacchus, or whatever that was around that time. It could just be hindsight (I’m not immune to bias, especially as I started the show only a few years ago, then the prequel happened) but I think it noticeable that "Sam and Dean" don’t feel quite the same, even though I still love them. Even in the gag reels, while they are still funny, maybe even more so than earlier seasons, don’t feel as "real."
Anyway, my point with the above is, Jensen prides himself on going off instinct, acting more off the cuff, and enjoying "playing." These are all good skills to have, but they can’t be the ONLY tools one utilizes. It worked well with a Jared because they had a high level of comfort and intimacy and friends and long-term co-stars. In his new roles, Jensen isn’t playing opposite people he knows well and loves (or the role doesn’t lend itself to that, like SB), and the lack of connection comes through in his performances, or he is hit and miss. If he relies too much of his feelings or just letting the scene go where it does, but hasn’t done the background work of getting into his character’s head (as you’ve noted many times) then his portrayal can quickly go off course or lack focus / consistency. I still tend to mostly find him interesting to watch because he often does have a special spark, but SB was not as intense as he could be and Beau has some love,y moments but is inconsistent. I guess all of this rambling was just to say, I agree with the points you and anons have been making about Jensen.
Selfishly, I’m glad Supernatural went on for a long time because I love it, but it could have probably been more focused or maintained better quality if it ended by Season 12 or 13 at the latest (not on those story lines per se, but those amount of years). The show going for over 15 years didn’t really do Jared or Jensen any favors in the growth department. Jared got to play more variety of characters, but the last time he was anyone other than regular Sam (although a Sam has changed considerably from where he started) was season 9, and Dean, even after the mark of Cain in Season 10 was still just Dean, just slightly more open to Talking and more angry. He was Michael for about 4 episodes and that wasn’t overly focused or well-developed because the show runners were too lazy to give Jensen the guidance he asked for. So, the show wasn’t giving them a ton of room to stretch or play with new versions of their characters for quite a few years. It was safe, but not really a place for craft development for years. Frankly, the show was lucky that Jared and Jensen seemed to care as much as they did at the time because their chemistry (even if I think it wasn’t as strong as in earlier years, at times) was the only thing that kept the lazy Supernatural ship afloat.
If you or others disagree about their chemistry, I’d love to hear it. Maybe it’s just bias on my part.
Sadly, Jensen seems to have relied on being comfortable too much. I think he both resented that Jared's character was mostly the focus of the arcs (While this is understandable, he signed on to be second on the call sheet, so get over it.), and yet also resented the fact that Jared wanted out. Meanwhile, AAs and hellers are shrieking from the mountaintops that Dean is the best, Sam is boring, and Jensen is carrying the show (🙄). So, Jensen gets wind of at least some of the fan histrionics and buys into the notion that he’s the one making this ship sail. Meanwhile, Jared gets a holding deal with CBS and they decided to end the show if he’s going to be around. Then, they kill Dean and Sam lives (until he dies as an old man), killing off Jensen's lofty dreams of carrying on the Dean show as he mourns his dead brother in a badass, womanizing, drunken stupor. He probably thought it would be a success since EVERYONE knows Dean is the favorite and Jensen is the golden boy. But what he, and the AAs and hellers failed to bank on was that Sam AND Dean, Jared AND Jensen were what made the show work and beloved. Jensen is mad that Jared bailed and he (Jensen) didn’t get to pick up the first-building torch, but he should have realized that the show had been steadily declining in content for years and if he had just moved on gracefully, maybe discussed going a movie or shorter season in a few years WITH Jared, he would be in a better position today. He bought into his own hype and let his resentment build until he lashed out in a selfish and hurtful move with the terrible joke of a prequel. He’s like a spouse who lets their little resentments build until they get so angry that they feel justified in cheating and betray their significant other for some trashy new person, who is crass and cheap, and ends up leaving them and stealing all their money. (I’m not a tinhat, by the way, this just felt like an apt comparison.). Thus, he’s now known as professional on set (from all accounts I’ve heard), but unprofessional and disloyal on the greater scale, lazy as an EP, and a bad friend, who attached his name to a brand grab that is little more than a joke and an insult to the original show, its fans and his friend. Not a good look.
All this being sad, I don’t think Jensen is doomed in his career or even his friendship with Jared. If he humbles himself, stops bragging about himself and the roles he may or may not have been considered for, and starts memorizing his lines again and doing character work, picks a brand and sticks to it, he has the raw talent to still do well. On the other hand, I have no clue where he and Jared are in their friendship off camera. All I know is they do spend some time together beyond at cons, through people getting vids and pics of them, and they do seem to enjoy each other’s company on stage, and still make each other laugh. I think they can patch things up if Jensen acknowledge (or has) that what he did was sh*tty, but how can a friendship ever fully recover from a betrayal that big? Even if they still care about each other, and Jared seems very loyal, it might be a case of forgive but don’t forget. Jensen should have held on to those values fans still praise him for (however erroneously) of humility, groundedness and work ethic. I hope he genuinely had those qualities at one time because if he did, I believe he can get back to them, if he learns from the last two years.
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Thank you for this beautiful post. I enjoyed reading each paragraph and there's no need to edit as it all flows beautifully and logically and it is expressed with sensitivity, empathy and objectivity.
"he often does have a special spark" he truly does, he has a vitality and charisma that can be quite extremely captivating and if he were to back that up with well developed performances, he would be unstoppable. "I hope he genuinely had those qualities at one time because if he did, I believe he can get back to them, if he learns from the last two years." I hope the same. As for the chemistry, I do agree, it started to dim at a certain point and it truly seemed Jensen was just going through the motions with his character. It's not uncommon for actors to go through phases where they feel disconnected from their craft and no longer into it so perhaps that was the case with Jensen, he failed to stimulate himself by deep diving into his craft and at some point got bored by repeating the same choices over and over again (as you said he runs on instinct but it's very easy to get tired of yourself when you do that). "Jensen’s ego didn’t need him bring "crowned" king of Bacchus, or whatever that was around that time." Danneel arranged for that to happen because she wanted to call herself Queen of New Orleans, her interest in doing that was also earning a standing for her own family to benefit financially due to the increase in image. She basically pretended to do something for Jensen, when in reality the end goal was boosting her family all along. Just like the sad prequel, the Bacchus thing was Danneel's suggestion. Funny how all the things she suggests always end up benefiting her and her family way more than Jensen, isn't it? "Thus, he’s now known as professional on set (from all accounts I’ve heard), but unprofessional and disloyal on the greater scale, lazy as an EP, and a bad friend, who attached his name to a brand grab that is little more than a joke and an insult to the original show, its fans and his friend. Not a good look." Exactly, fans will only focus on co-stars raving but all professionals will look at how he handled things, the comments he made about Jared, Alba as well as the name dropping, complaining about roles or even worse trying to lay claim on roles he could never even be up for due to type mismatch which shows he has no preparation branding wise. Also, the fact that is constantly buzzed and promoting alcohol even out of context. All those things tell potential buyers he is a production risk. They will first and foremost look at his performances and because he often lacks credibility to due histrionic mannerisms and expressions and also lacks the required inner work to take a performance to the next level, he won't really be competition with the colleagues he so often likes to create comparisons to. I agree, he's definitely not doomed, it will take a lot of pure intention, clear focus followed by massive action but he can redeem his image and his relationship with Jared as well. I'm going to stop here as my reply is quite long, thank you again for the incredibly beautiful post. I know I wrote text above but this is my actual response: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Have a beautiful, fulfilling week ahead!
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markofcastiel · 1 year
His Majesty, Dean Winchester
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~~Jensen as King Bacchus inspired this~~
"May I enquire: what are you doing?"
Dean almost startles at the deep voice that suddenly comes from behind him. He turns around to face steely blue eyes, and ends up with his mouth slightly parted despite no excuse slipping out. Impala just neighs fondly at the familiar face and scratches her hoof on the soft earth, clearly not catching on to her owner's worry. Dean, on the other hand, looks like a servant boy who was caught stealing fruitcake from the royal kitchens:
"Huh... 's not what you think, Cas."
Castiel, as mysteriously foreign as always, just tilts his head with a deep frown. His silver armor clinks with the movement and gleams bright under the dawning sun, as strong and imposing as the Knight wearing it. Dean catches himself swallowing dryly and staring at the symbol which is so boldly embrazoned on the chest - a large winged lion, the Winchester's family crest. Castiel always wears it so proudly, so decisively, even though he had been born in an enemy nation. Dean never had to ask to know that Castiel never wore Queen Naomi's crest so proudly.
"Is that so?" Castiel's voice thunders once again, deep and guttural like a sea storm. The First Knight of the King's Guard always takes his duty too seriously, and he is clearly not letting Dean get away with his folly.
"Because it would seem Your Majesty is packing his horse and preparing to embark on a journey alone, while disguised as a poor man. Alas, the only thing poor about your attire is its ability to fool anyone."
Dean is a little offended at the jab on his disguise skills but quickly relents, "ok, so... maybe it's exactly what you think."
"My Lord," Castiel begins as he comes closer and Dean is already sighing, "if you want to partake in a small journey, I would gladly consent."
A little voice inside Dean's head that sounds far too much like John Winchester points out that no knight should ever dare imply the King needs consent for anything. But that's what he had always liked about Cas, how sometimes he's like an unstoppable force that cares for no rank, for no rule, and simply does what he deems is right and fair. So Dean shuts the voice down, and settles for looking at Castiel with suspicion.
"But you must take the King's Guard with you."
Dean groans in frustration, finally pulling down the tattered hood he had put on in an attempt to remain unrecognizable. "That's not the point of all this, Cas."
Castiel's frown hardens, but he listens attentively regardless as Dean presses on:
"The point of this entire thing is... I dunno. I wanna- I wanna see how my people are living, if they are happy and well fed, iff they truly bless me as their ruler... and I sure as hell can't do that with a whole parade with me."
Impala starts to get slightly antsy and nervous at the commotion, so Dean huffs to himself and tries to calm down. For the first time, his eyes look away from Castiel's and he focuses on Impala, gently patting her long, soft snout and whispering reassurances before he turns back towards his Knight.
"I just... need to know, Cas. And I'll never know for sure if I go as their King..."
Dean can't help the moisture starting to gather in his eyes, but he manages to keep it from falling down his cheeks.
"Even you are treating me differently since the coronation." Dean knew those were the rules. A Knight can't address the King by name, can't reach out to touch a King's shoulder, can't tell a King what an idiot he's being. It still hurt beyond what Dean could describe. "So how can I expect the people to be honest if they recognize me as their King? They know my father would have taken their heads off for even daring to breathe in his direction."
"Dean..." Castiel's voice is suddenly soft, all too kind and loving, and Dean hates it desperately because it exposes all his weaknesses. It has been so long since Cas had spoken his name that his heart starts beating as wildly and he's weak to his knees.
He's not going to lie - it had been fun at first, seeing Cas suddenly calling him Majesty and Lord with that proud smirk. But once the novelty wore off, Dean craved for a moment like this, of blue eyes dawning on him as the sun breaches the horizon, his name dripping from Castiel's lips like was a treasure, a prayer, a hush of something profound and secret and deeply forbidden... like Dean was important just because he was Dean, Castiel's best friend. Not because he was King Dean Winchester of Lawrence.
Dean wants to reach out, to apologize, but every single lesson that had been ground into him traps his throat shut - a king doesn't ask for permission, a king doesn't apologize, a king is a mountain that no mortal can reach. As always, there is an abyss of distance between them. So Dean simply shrugs, something endlessly sad and lonely in the motion.
"I understand your reasons, my Lord. I just can't let you risk your life. You mean so much to so many people." Castiel comes closer still, and his hand hesitates but then gains a brazen courage, daring to touch the King's shoulder without a care if it's proper. "You mean so much to me. It's only because of your kindness that I have learned to be kind. It's because I have seen you caring so much for this realm, that I cared. Dean, I-"
They are interrupted by the sound of the stable door opening wide and the sight of Jack, the stable boy, running out, harrumphed and panicked. He looks exactly like someone who just woke up, found his Majesty's favored mount gone, and thought he'd have his head decapitated if he didn't find the horse soon. It comes as no surprise that, as soon as he sees the Impala standing peacefully next to the King, the boy heaves a giant sigh of relief before realizing he had interrupted something. He excuses himself awkwardly and retreats back into the stables but the moment is already gone.
With the adrenaline lost, Dean finally starts to feel the crispness of the morning air. He shivers in his too thin clothes, the cold seeping into his bones. He feels stupid, almost ridiculous. Even though Winter was creeping in he was wearing sparse clothing - nothing much aside from trousers, a hemp shirt and the thin hooded robe that, despite old and tattered, was clearly made out of expensive material. In his haste, he had prepared no rations, nor water.
Castiel was right. He was fooling no one.
Dean knew how to fling a sword like a second limb, how to kill without mercy, how to lay a death sentence as easily as a mug of ale, how to reign supreme and unwavering - all the things father had taught him, drilled and beaten into him until they were unquestionable truths. But now John Winchester was gone. And Dean didn't know anything about the world, or of the people. He couldn't dress properly by himself, much less pass off as a peasant. If he didn't die of the cold or the sickness than he'd certainly end up being discovered.
Yet he's somehow supposed to believe he can properly take care of the whole kingdom?
His mind grinds to an halt when he feels a warm cape wrap around him, followed by a pair of arms pulling him in. The hug isn't exactly comfortable against all the metal plating but Dean still melts into it, into the safety of Castiel's arms. A rough, calloused hand caresses the nape of his neck and Dean leans into it, letting himself savour that endless pool of loyalty and devotion.
"You're freezing," Castiel whispers and though Dean can tell it's not chiding, he still feels like a child who doesn't know better.
"I'm a fool..." Dean mutters and Castiel chuckles at first but then Dean is burying his head on his shoulder and his voice sounds so faraway and vulnerable that Cas stops smiling. "I can't do it, Cas. It's too big. I'm not strong enough. Father knew it too. I just followed his orders... I just did what he told me. How 'm I supposed to look after them all?"
That is when Castiel sharply pulls away, looking surprisingly angry.
"Dean Winchester of Lawrence, do not dare compare yourself to your father."
His fingers grip Dean's shoulders almost too hard but Dean doesn't fight it, and just stares at his Knight with eyes wide.
"While he waged war, you made peace. While his people starved to make weapons of death and lay waste to the land, your people have bountiful harvests with the new irrigation systems you designed, and they will trade with the roads you commissioned and learn arts and music with the schools you are building. Even your orphans and your poor have homes. You are above your father in any manner, shape or form. You love with all your being. Trust that your people know, just as I do, what a truly benevolent and kind ruler you are. Trust that they know you are the best King that anyone could hope for."
Dean's eyes are shiny with unshed tears, yet he simply turns his face away. "Yeah, right."
That makes Castiel grow all the angrier and resolute. "So be it. If you don't believe my words, I will make you see it for yourself."
They'll do this, but they'll do it Castiel's way.
"Come with me, My King."
Photo source (x)
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incarnateirony · 2 years
big name fans in several lanes realizing neither clout nor grudges is going to bend reality here.
and to scripthunt, so long and thanks for all the script food once you drop your last 2 scripts, unless jules starts blatantly mainlining you winchesters scripts... but uh, that wouldn't look better for you than the pilot drop did after the 8 months of lies and drama y'all rabble roused against me for it.
you too, wigglebox. can't believe you were so hungry about this since the finale you sold out to work with J2 tinhats, wincels, jensen or misha antis, and pretend being a Fandom Moderate was a new grand idea in the age of progress. I know you were salty about wanting to be the finale script hero too after being kicked out for that stalking shit or whatever but damn this takes doubling down to a new level.
Hope all that noise and self-clowning was worth it.
Honestly the wigglebox slide into the fandom moderate take during waves of progress really does tap on real world politics. many old minds think their progress was all the progress, and then as things change band back into these weird groups seeking their old comfort and stability ranges and screaming against things moving ahead, transitioning into conservatives with age and damn, we are literally seeing it generationally happen in fandom. A lot of antiPOC dogwhistles coming out of some other declared progressives too and a lot of imperialistic mindset in this fandom smashing off cultures they don't understand. A lot of old people trying to prop up their old relevance and help insist everyone else's is still there too while it ages out into conservative old era where it belongs.
Wigglebox acts like they support it, then attacks scripts because her own vendetta started it so she's gonna double down, and actively lied about the pilot for 8 months for example with 2p0 and wiki having that shit since february. And would have hidden it if it was her choice, and is just going to inherently deny everything i say on the premise of the fact that I said it. But yall realizing, aren't you? it's not gonna change it.
sorry for your weird high school drama game loss. you bet on the wrong horse here and now you're just big mad i guess. just enjoy your damn destiel and let go of your own fuckups. Meanwhile ask liv her take on the Art of Dying. Or why I used a king bacchus icon for almost two years. Enjoy.
cave quoniam scias Clavem Mortis pensare graviter. Il tamen desideres, ut introeas illum abyssum, obscurissimum artis opus est tibi porta, assholes.
you were so busy chasing the past, you missed the train to the future.
Charcubed might wanna chill a bit on all the effort going into that Chuck Won thing. I know there's Char stans and shit now but um. Char. There was. There was another option. You thought it was too hard or big for SPN. I am begging you to look at your TV. We. We talked about this. There were two different script draft pilots for a reason. You remember that right. one post 15.18 bubble idea and one--what was it Char. ask liv about Art of Dying, Char. The second one had a chuck won alterpremise too to try to include Sam but that was the whole problem. do. do we remember this.
it was never complicated. it was the straightest forward answer. Robbie just needed to draw Jensen the right Chart for him to wrap his head around it lmfao. there's a reason it's even on the damn production chairs come on now yall, use your noodles. oh and of course
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deansraspberrypie · 2 years
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👑💖 King Jensen Ross Ackles 💎👑
🍰 Tag list: @avanatural @undisputedchick @jranutter @fortheloveof-jackles @kazsrm67 @muchamusedaboutnothing @b3autyfuldisast3r @breath-of-snow-and-ashes @bluedragonflylady @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @mrsjenniferwinchester 🥧
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rebelminxy · 5 years
Once a King, Always a King-Her Return
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Pairing: KingBacchus!Jensen x PlusSize!Reader
Word Count: 5230
Square Filled: Free Space
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Explicit Content, NSFW, 18+, Oral (Female & Male Receiving), Smut, Unprotected Sex, Happy Ending
Summary: Jensen is heading to New Orleans to participate in Mardi Gras as the King of Bacchus. But there is one girl he wants to celebrate the fun filled weekend with. Now that he has the chance to show her how he really feels, while being in her hometown and having some fun together, will their relationship blossom to more than just friends?
A/N:  So, first off, I have total respect for the Ackles family. I adore their family dynamic and this fic isn’t meant to offend them in any way whatsoever. This is purely written for fun and I send the Ackles family all the best positive vibes I have hoping they continue to be as happy as always. For this fic, Jensen is single. I got the idea after seeing a few videos of his time down here for Mardi Gras and seeing him dressed as the King of Bacchus at the parade. This is my fourteenth square filled for @spnkinkbingo.  Feedback is welcomed and hope y’all enjoy it!
A/N 2: I honestly don’t have Jensen’s entire schedule that he had while he was here, so I will mention the ones we know about from social media and add a few things here and there that he could possibly have done while in the city.
 “J! You almost ready!”
              Jensen took a quick peek in the bathroom mirror, making sure he looked ok. He and (Y/N) had just got back from breakfast at the Ruby Slipper Café and he was getting ready to go to the airport to head straight to Vancouver. He was slapping himself mentally for not using the breakfast time alone to talk to her, to admit how he felt about her. But he just couldn’t get the nerve to do it, say what he wanted to say, fear that maybe she wasn’t looking for a relationship. On set, when everyone talks about their partners, she always said she wanted to dedicate her time to her work. But she has never made it clear that she wouldn’t be open to a relationship. And Jensen wanted more than a weekend with her.
“J, the guys are in the bus waiting and the reporters are crowding the entrance. We need to go now.”
              Jensen turned to look at (Y/N), who stared back with annoyance. Jensen sighed, knowing time was running short. He followed her out the bathroom and began pulling his luggage out to the sitting area when he noticed she also had all her things packed.
“I thought you were staying until Tuesday?” he asked.
“I am but I am going to stay with a friend until my flight back.”
“You can stay here if you want,” Jensen began.
“J, I don’t earn the same amount as you do. I can’t afford a room like this on my own,” she responded, placing her hands on her hips.
“But you won’t be paying for the room,” he smiled as he moved to stand in front of her. “I arranged for you to keep this room until you leave Wednesday. And no, it’s not on the city’s payroll, I paid for it myself. I want you to feel comfortable and enjoy the rest of your time off.”
“No but’s. And if you don’t want to be alone, invite your friends to stay with you. Have a party, hell, enjoy your time here at home. Just, no guys.”
“Wait so not even my guy friends?” she asked with a giggle.
“As long as they won’t hit on you.”
“Awww, are you getting jelly?”
              Jensen smiled down at her and placed a chaste kiss on her lips, smiling at her response. The banging at the door interrupted their sweet moment.
              Jensen groaned and pulled (Y/N) into a hug, burying his face in the crook of her neck.
“We will be out soon!” she yelled back laughing.
“Damn, you two are like freaking rabbits!”
“Shut UP!” yelled Jensen, getting a burst of laughter from both (Y/N) and his friend on the other side of the door.
              The ride to the airport took longer than planned with all the traffic going on in the city. Before even getting on the bus, Jensen was stopped by so many reporters wanting to ask questions, but he was guided straight to the bus by the guards. During the ride, he couldn’t help but hold (Y/N)’s hand, wishing he could stay with her in the city at least one more day. Once they reached the airport, he and his friends got a hold of their luggage and made their way to the main entrance gate. The entire time, he held onto (Y/N)’s hand, not wanting to let go.
              Jensen stopped walking right before they all reached the gate. He knew this was where he had to let (Y/N) go since she couldn’t go in with them. He motioned for his friends to keep going as he stood there, knowing that this was his moment.
“Jensen, everything ok?”
              Jensen sighed and turned to face (Y/N). He could see the worry etched on her beautiful face. He caressed her cheek as he forced himself to focus on his goal.
“(Y/N), I don’t want you to feel pressured and I don’t expect you to give me an answer now. But, I want to know, what are we after I leave. Like, was this only a weekend thing or will this continue?”
“I mean J, it’s up to you if you want to leave it…”
“I want more than just a weekend.”
              Her eyes grew wide in shock.
“I want to be able to take you on a proper date, movie, and dinner. I want to be able to spoil you with flowers and anything you enjoy. I want to get to know you, truly know you outside a friendship circle. I want to be able to go to sleep next to you knowing that in the morning, I will find you there. I want to be able to call you my girlfriend after a couple of dates. I want you to be mine and I want to be yours.”
              Jensen let go of the breath, he didn’t know he was holding. He looked at her, searching for any sign of her wanting the same. But her face was still in its shocked form. No motion of a smile, no brightness in her eyes. Jensen started to feel defeated, thinking maybe he made a mistake. He was about to let go of her hand when he felt her grip his hand tightly.
“You will be in Vancouver this week, right?”
“Yeah, they have me working the entire week to get all the missing scenes I’m in.”
“Can we talk about all this when I get back?”
              Jensen felt his heart skip a beat. If she was considering talking when she got back to Vancouver, then that had to mean she would think about it.
“Sure, like I said, I really didn’t expect you to give me an answer now. This weekend was a surprise and I honestly don’t want to rush you into anything.”
“I know, you have always been the wonderful gentleman,” she giggles softly. “So, can we keep contact to a zero, so I can think things through and when I get back we sit down and talk things out?”
“Sure, sounds fair enough.”
              They stared at each other for what felt like ages, but Jensen got pulled out of their little bubble by his friend who was waiting for him by the gate entrance, yelling. Jensen leaned down and place a soft kiss on the corner of her lips, wishing to do more but not wanting to push her. She kissed him back on the cheek and smiled up at him.
“Thank you for the room and thank you for such a wonderful weekend. Have a safe flight and see you on set.”
“You be safe and call me if anything ok. I know you want to not keep contact but seriously, call me for any emergency or if you just want to tell someone about all your fun here.”
“I will now you go before you miss your flight!”
              Jensen smiled at her and let go of her hand, running towards the entrance. Once he got past security, he looked behind him to see (Y/N) smiling at him, waving. He waved back and turned to make his way to his flight gate. As he walked down, he couldn’t help but feel happy yet worried. Her reaction gave him no clue as to what she would say come Wednesday. He did notice she was still her sweet self, but it could have just been an act, so he could leave peacefully. He could only hope that when she got back to Vancouver, she would tell him what he wanted to hear.
“J, dude you need to calm down,” Jared said as he watched his best friend pace in the trailer.
“She was supposed to be here today. Her flight in was this morning and she was supposed to be here on set to do the wounds for this episode,” Jensen huffed as he continued his pacing.
“Maybe they gave her the rest of the day since she would be too tired from her flight. It was a red eye, wasn’t it?”
“She’s never asked for time off even when she’s gotten here an hour before makeup prep. And those trips were from Europe during fashion week!”
              Jensen stopped pacing and Jared could see the wheels turning in his head.
“What if she is trying to avoid me? What if she thought about it and decided she wanted nothing to do with me? Jare, what if I ruined everything?’
“You didn’t ruin a thing, J,” Jared began.
              Jared stood up from the couch and walked over to his best friend, knowing full well the panicked look in his eyes.
“First off, lower that tone. You can’t get the rest of the staff worried. So, take a deep breath and calm yourself down.”
              Jensen began breathing in and out, Jared following suit, so he wouldn’t feel so alone.
“Second of all, she would be an idiot for pulling a stunt like this. She knows you well enough to be honest with you. Maybe something happened, maybe she is tired and needed the day. I mean she is coming from almost a week of partying and fun.”
“Yeah, maybe you’re right,” Jensen sighed in defeat.
“I know I am, so focus on the scenes we have to do and if she hasn’t called by the time we head home, you and I can go have a few drinks to relax, alright?”
“Thanks, Jare, don’t know if I could get through this without you,” Jensen sighed, hugging his best friend.
“You know I’m here for you, dude.”
              As Jensen left the trailer, Jared stayed behind, saying he had to make a phone call to Gen to see how the kids were doing. Once Jared made sure Jensen was out of earshot, he dialed the last number in his recent contacts and mumbled that she would answer.
“Hey Jare, how are things going?”
“(Y/N/N), you really left me with a nut job here,” Jared groaned, receiving a giggle from her.
“Is he really that panicked?”
“He was pacing the trailer for our entire break.”
“Aww, I really need to make this up to him,” she cooed.
“Did you get everything settled?”
“Yup, thanks again for giving me your spare key to his place, already got everything set up to start cooking dinner in an hour. You make sure that you don’t finish early and ruin the surprise!”
“Trust me, this is something we have ALL been waiting on. Everyone is excited for you two, hell even Gen is waiting with specifics for tomorrow, so you better call her.”
“Oh, she is already calling in asking how things are going,” (Y/N) giggled.
“Just shoot me a text if you get everything done before the planned time. That way we can end early and you two have more time to spend together.”
“Seriously, thanks Jare. I don’t think I could have done this without your support.”
“I want you both to be happy and have been wanting it ever since you both told me in secret how you felt about each other.”
“Thank you. Gonna let you go now since you probably need to head back to set. Please make sure he doesn’t find out about our plans for tonight!”
“Don’t worry, you can count on me,” Jared laughed before saying goodbye to hang up.
“This is going to be one epic surprise,” Jared whispered to himself as he climbed out the trailer and headed to set.
“That’s it, I am calling her!”
              Right after set, Jensen made Clif drive him and Jared straight to their apartment complex. Since (Y/N) lived in the same apartment complex, Jensen ran up to her door and started to bang on it. When he received no answer, Jared saw the switch flip. He followed Jensen all the way to his apartment, worried that maybe (Y/N) wasn’t ready since she never texted him the ok. They had to end the workday earlier than planned because it started to rain, and there they were, standing at Jensen’s door, his ear to his phone when they heard (Y/N)’s ringtone on the other side. That and a soft almost whispered ‘shit’. Jensen looked at Jared, confused. Jared just smiled, shrugged his shoulders and turned to walk away.
“Let me know how everything goes tomorrow!”
              Jared left Jensen at the door confused. He stood there for a minute or two, his brain going through so many thoughts before opening his apartment door. Once he walked in, he noticed the trail of rose petals at the entrance making a path through his home. There were even plastic tea candles all in a line on each side of the rose petals. He followed the path, coming to a bucket on his small table where he leaves his keys and wallet. Inside the bucket was a bottle of wine chilled by the ice inside and two wine glasses. There was a note taped onto the bottle.
‘Why don’t you pour us a glass of wine and come enjoy the dinner I made for you, baby.’
              Jensen quickly cracked open the bottle and filled the two glasses halfway. He quickly emptied out his pockets and carried the bottle of wine and glasses with him as he followed the rose trail, leading him to his dining room. There, he saw such a delicious spread of food and the room was lit up with candles and small lights hanging from the wall and ceiling, almost like a starry night sky, minus the house fixtures. As his eyes took in the entire room, they finally landed on the one person he had been waiting to see since he got on that flight back to Vancouver.
“Hey there, wasn’t expecting to see you so early.”
              Jensen stared at her, while she smiled back, standing next to the dining room table with her feet bare. She stood there in a soft pink dress with a twist belt in the front and a plunging neckline. Her hair was loose in waves and she barely wore any makeup. It only took Jensen a moment to react, but he took two strides towards her and pulled her into his arms into a hug.
“Why didn’t you call me when you got in? They told me you took the red eye and when you didn’t show up to set, I got worried.”
“And hello to you too mister,” she giggled as she wrapped her arms around him. “I wanted to call but I also wanted to plan this little surprise for you.”
“You didn’t have to do all this,” Jensen began to say, but she placed a finger on his lips, shushing him softly.
“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. After the delicious weekend we spent in New Orleans, I wanted tonight to be just us. No party, no rush, just the two of us catching up.”
              Jensen smiled at her as he saw how bright her eyes were shining amongst the candlelight. He moved her finger and leaned down to place a soft kiss on her lips. Just the touch of her lips on his made him realize how much he missed her, and it had been only three days. Before he could deepen the kiss, (Y/N) moved away from him and began pulling out the chair closest to them. Jensen groaned as he felt her leave his arms, but she silently guided him to sit down and took a seat next to him.
“Now, I know you got to try so many delicious things out in New Orleans so decided to keep things simple. Plus, I imagine you must be hungry after not eating lunch.”
“How did you….,” began to ask Jensen.
“Oh please, Jared has been texting me non-stop about you being so worried. After he told me you hadn’t eaten lunch, I was about to give in and call you. But thankfully Jare and Gen convinced me otherwise, saying that this would make you much happier.”
“And you cooked all this?”
“Yeah, but I do hope you enjoy it. It's not often that I get to cook for someone that can afford the most expensive meal on the menu.”
              Jensen laughed at her comment as he began to serve them both, filling each plate with a little of everything. As they ate, they got to talk about her time in New Orleans solo. She told him of the parades she went to, the fun she and her friends had and how they all wanted to properly meet the guy that she had spent her entire vacation with.
“When I told them, you were King of Bacchus, man they started to ask so many questions.”
“What kind of questions they asked?” inquired Jensen as he finished his meal.
“Eh, what you did for a living, if you were single or married, if I could give them your number…”
“And what did you answer?”
              Jensen kept an eye on (Y/N) for her reaction, but she kept her eyes down on her plate. He could see the slight touch of red surrounding her cheeks. So, he turned in his chair to face her.
“Told them you were off the market.”
“And why is that?”
              Jensen couldn’t help but poke at her. The way she was so nervous about this made him so happy inside.
“Because you are dating someone.”
“Oh, am I? And who might that be?”
“Shut up and just kiss me you, idiot!”
              Jensen laughed as she got up from her chair and threw herself into his arms. He wrapped an arm around her waist as his free hand slid into her wavy locks, her arms wrapping around his neck. They stared at each other for a minute, face to face before Jensen finally pulled her head down into a heat-inducing kiss. He felt her body melt into his, her moans vibrating into his mouth as their tongues clashed for dominance. He felt her entire body shake against him as he pulled at her hair, wanting nothing more than to make up for those three days they were apart. But he wanted to hear the words he had been waiting for.
“It pains me to stop sweetheart,” he groaned once he pulled free from her lips. “But I need to hear you say it.”
“J…” she hummed at him, pulling his head towards her.
“No, not until you make it clear.”
              (Y/N) stared down at Jensen, his eyes making it clear he wasn’t moving on until she was honest.
“I want an us. I have since the night you came here and welcomed me to the crew with a six-pack and conversation that kept us up all night long. I knew I was in love with you for so long but was too afraid to admit it. You feel so right, and this weekend was such a surprise to me, I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming. I admit I was with the mindset that if what happened was a one-time deal, I would accept it and stay as your friend. But after your confession at the airport, I wanted to scream to the skies in joy. You make me so happy in so many ways J. I want to be yours, date and eventually become your girlfriend. Who knows what else is in store for the future. But right now, I want you to take me to your bedroom and make love to me. Make me yours and show me you are mine.”
              Jensen smiled widely at her confession. He didn’t wait to pull her back in for a passionate kiss. He groaned into her mouth as he pulled her body as close as possible to him. He felt her roll her hips on his lap, her body grinding into his. He got up from his chair, lifting her along with him, grabbing her ass tightly. She laughed and tried to get out of his arms.
“J, I’m heavy!”
“No, you’re not, you’re beautiful.”
              Jensen pulled her back into a deep kiss, her legs wrapping around his waist as he carried her to his bedroom. He kicked open the door and made his way to his bed. He threw her onto the bed, gaining an adorable laugh from her as she landed. Jensen looked down at her as he stripped down to his underwear. Their eyes never breaking free as he crawled onto the bed towards her. He crawled right on top of her between her legs and stared down at her. Her hair was spread out, encasing her like a halo. Her lips, puffy and red from their kissing were calling to him. Her cheeks were rosy as she huffed for air, her eyes blown out from lust.
“Is something wrong?”
“No, everything is perfect.”
              Jensen leaned down and kissed her again, pulling her bottom lips in between his teeth. Their moans tangled into each other just like their tongues. Jensen felt her body arch against him, causing him to grind his already throbbing cock into her. He began to pull at the knot of her belt, mumbling about needing to feel her skin. Jensen pulled the belt free and got up to his knees to pull her dress open. What he found underneath made his eyes grow wide.
              She was naked underneath. No bra, no panties, she was bare and all for him. Jensen reached out and placed his hands on her waist, slowly sliding them down her thighs and right back up to her stomach and finally stopping at her breasts. Her body arched against his hands, her breasts pressed into them. He began to tease and twist her nipples, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist.
“This is what you wanted, baby? You were waiting for me all day naked under that dress? Waiting to let me see all this perfection?”
              (Y/N) groaned out in pleasure, pressing herself against his clothed cock. Jensen couldn’t control the shiver that went through his body as he watched her writhe in pleasure under him, feeling her wetness already through his underwear. Jensen slid one hand back down her body to her already soaking wet pussy. His fingers teased her quivering lips before sliding right in. he felt how hot and wet she was for him, causing him to close his eyes and groan out.
“God, I’ve missed this. Trying not to make this fast but god you feel so good.”
“Jensen,” she whispered out as she grinded her hips closer to his hand.
              Jensen slid his finger along her clit, teasing her until he finally moved to sink his finger inside her. Feeling her heat was so delicious. But after a few pumps, he pulled it all the way out and stuck his finger inside his mouth, licking it clean. He needed to taste her now.
              He peeled her legs from his waist and lowered his body down until his face was right at her pussy. He pushed her legs open, his arms holding her thick thighs apart for his pleasure. He blew on her wet lips, causing her entire body to tremble. He smiled before he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her pussy lips. He then dragged his tongue along her slit before pushing it deep into her, teasing her entrance. Using his fingers to pry her open, he lapped at her swollen bud, causing her to yell out in ecstasy. He suckled on her clit, swirling his tongue on it before moving down to her entrance. He then dove his tongue inside her, tasting her salty essence as he used a finger to tease her clit. He felt her body rise from the bed, hear her scream his name as he brought her pleasure. (Y/N) grabbed onto his hair tightly and began chanting that she was close, so close. Finally, when Jensen felt she was at her peak, he removed his tongue from inside her and began to lap at her clit quickly, sticking two fingers inside her. He could feel how she clutched his fingers inside her as she came all over them, groaning into her. He felt her buck her hips against him, her panting and moans echoing in the room. Once he moved away from her, he watched her breathing heavily as he licked his lips clean, enjoying the taste of her on them.
“Damn, baby, that is some sweet honey. I could do that every single day if you let me.”
“Get rid of that underwear and come here,” (Y/N) demanded in a huff.
              Jensen didn’t have to be told twice. He quickly got up to remove his underwear but before he could climb back onto the bed, (Y/N) had rolled over and was laying at the edge of the bed, taking his cock in her hand. She began to pump him, sliding her hand up and down his shaft, causing him to groan out and shake. She pumped him until a thick bead of cum dripped from the tip, using her tongue to lick it up. Jensen watched as she guided him to her mouth, wrapping her lips around his length and taking him all the way in. He hissed as she took his entire length, swallowing him whole before pulling him right back out. She bobbed her head along his length, teasing his balls with her free hand. Jensen couldn’t help It when his fingers grabbed hold of her head, guiding her as she took him whole. He felt her tongue wrap around him with each pump. He felt himself move faster as she moaned along his length, hearing her slurp him up. Jensen growled as he pulled her head away from his cock, knowing if she continued, he would come before he got to the best.
              Jensen ran over to the other side of the bed and flipped (Y/N) onto her back, pulling her legs open as he crawled back up her body. He pressed his throbbing hard cock against her wetness, groaning at the slickness he felt as he guided the tip along her slit. She whimpered under him as he slowly inched his cock inside her, enjoying the velvety feel of her wrapped around him. Once he was buried to the hilt, he took his time before pulling out. In and out, he stroked her insides with his throbbing cock. (Y/N) wrapped her arms around his neck, her nails digging into the skin on his back as he pumped himself into her.
              He took it slow, not wanting to rush what they had going. He wanted to show her with his body how much he wanted her, how much he loved her. He felt her body tremble around him as she guided her hips up to meet each slow thrust. He could hear his name through her gasps after each pump. He could feel her insides pulsing around him as he picked up his pace. He growled as he buried his face into her neck, licking and nibbling her skin. Jensen’s hands went to her ass, gripping it tightly as he pumped into her.
“God you feel so good, I don’t want to ever leave.”
“J, more, please more,” she begged out as he moved faster.
              Jensen groaned out as he moved from her neck to one of her breasts, taking her nipple with his mouth and sucking on it. She screamed up and her body began to thrash under him. He could feel her tighten around his length as she got higher and higher.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight. I can feel how tight you’re getting for me,” Jensen groaned before attacking her other breast with his mouth.
“Oh, fuck, J! I’m about to come.”
“Give it to me baby, I want to feel you come all over my cock.”
              Jensen didn’t hesitate at her words. He rammed into her pussy, not holding back. He could hear their skin slapping against each other, begging her to come for him as he fucked her senseless. After a couple of more thrusts, (Y/N) came all over him, her pussy tightening around him as she wet his cock with her slick. Her cries of pleasure, her screaming his name, it brought him to his breaking point. A couple of more strangled thrusts and he came inside her, filling her up to the brim. He groaned out her name as he rode out his high. His body stuttered against hers as he came back down.
              They stayed in that position for a bit, neither wanting to move. But Jensen knew he was too heavy to be on top of her, so he slowly pulled himself out and threw his body to lay down next to her. All they could hear was their heavy breathing. For minutes there was pure silence, but Jensen knew they were both in pure bliss. Once he got stability, he got up and went to his bathroom to clean himself off and bring back a towel to clean her up. (Y/N) was so worn out that she let him clean her up, pull her up to the pillows and wrap her up in the bedsheets. Jensen joined her, pulling her into his arms. Before he fell into the dream world, he placed a soft kiss along her forehead and smiled.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“Love you too, Jensen.”
              She was finally his and nothing would change that.
“So, how was dinner?”
              Jensen looked up from his script at Jared who had one cocky smile on his lips.
“Dinner was fine.”
“Wait, that’s all I get?”
“Yes, that’s all you get for being in on the secret and letting me freak out.”
“Look, dude, she wanted to throw you a little surprise and it was funny at first, seeing you freak out.”
“Well, next time, don’t do it. I don’t need that kind of stress in my life.”
“Doubt there will be a next time but ok,” Jared responded with a laugh.
              The rest of their ride to set was Jensen trying not to give too many details of the night, just making it clear to his best friend that he and (Y/N) were dating. Once they reached set, Jensen and Jared were walking towards the makeup trailer as they continued their conversation.
“I just want to call her my girlfriend already, but I don’t know if that is too rushed or what?”
“Kinda too late for the rushing lover boy.”
              Both men looked up at the makeup trailer entrance to see (Y/N) standing there with the door wide open, the rest of the makeup staff giggling behind her.
“Already told them you and I were boyfriend and girlfriend, so be my guest with owning the title.”
              Jensen smiled up at (Y/N) as she winked at him and went into the makeup trailer. Jared slapped Jensen on his back and laughed.
“Ok then, Ackles is officially off the market. Wonder how the tabloids and fandom will handle this news.”
              Jensen laughed along with his best friend as they climbed into the makeup trailer. All Jensen knew was that one weekend in New Orleans got him the woman he loved. And he never felt more like a king now that he had his queen.
@coffee-obsessed-writer @holylulusworld @janicho88  @deansgirl79
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justjensenanddean · 3 years
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Brian King Joseph insta stories [x]  
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jarpadandjensens · 4 years
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jensen | king bacchus 2021
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I am honestly getting the feeling that Jensen and D are separated. Like I know Jensen says that D and the kids are there in Italy, but I honestly think she only went because it was his weekend to see the kids. Why would she get a separate flight to Italy for her and the kids, when she could’ve just went with Jensen and Jared (via Jared’s instagram everyone knows he and Jensen flew together). That’s just wasting money. And Jensen claimed she went drinking with him and the cast, so I guess she brought the nanny even though I think there was no real need for her to do that. I don’t know if Jensen said she went drinking with them in his solo panel, because if he did then there would be no one there to dispute his claim. And to no one’s surprise, she didn’t show up at jibcon. There has been no Mardi Gras content, which is shocking because her fans posted about a nail shop posting a pic of D’s ugly nails and captioning it that D was getting ready for Mardi Gras. It’s not like her to not celebrate Mardi Gras, but then again I don’t think she really celebrated it until Jensen became king bacchus, which only benefitted her and her family the most. So it looks like the last time they saw each other was when they hosted that cringey birthday party for Dean, and it looks like Nola is her permanent home.
Side note: I don’t know where people have the nerve to say she cares about the fans but Gen doesn’t, because only one has gone to multiple cons over the years (in the country and out) and loves and has been loved by the fans and welcomed by the cast and it isn’t the narcissist carrot top. D hasn’t been to a con since Nola 2021 and she refused to interact with fans, so Jensen hyping her up and then her refusing to talk with fans just made her look like an a-hole.
Gen has always been extremely grounded and authentic with fans, it saddens me that people put gold digger Elta on a pedestal but bash Genevieve who is balanced, self accomplished (unlike elta) and extremely loving towards Jared as well as her fans.
Unlike Danneel, who virtue signals or makes everything about herself like the narcissist she is, Gen actually has an open, harmonious, loving heart and that makes her endlessly beautiful in my book.
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