#king krater
okayyeros · 5 months
I'm currently writing an essay for my art history course discussing the Calyx Krater of Apollo and Artemis killing Niobe's children vs this one Hydria of Apollo playing the lyre. Its super fun and interesting (if also a bit stressful bc this is due tomorrow), but i wonder how long it'll take my TA to realize I'm an Apollo devotee. I've got like 2 paragraphs just gushing over how cool and powerful Apollo and Artemis are. Theyre both terrifying but BOY DO I LOVE THEM!! manifesting I don't get points docked for this, but even if I do, I don't care.
To my TA: I'm not sorry, you should have seen this coming king
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coolancientstuff · 1 year
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The Krater of King Mithridates VI of Pontus. It was used to mix water with wine during banquets and feasts. His name is engraved on the rim, and its superb quality supports this identification. It was just one of thousands of precious objects taken back to Rome as spoils of war after his defeat in 64 BC by Pompey the Great. It was found in the ruins of Nero's Golden House, where it must have been moved to nearly a century later.
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greekmythcomix · 11 months
#ClassicsTober23 19: 💀Sisyphus🪨
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Everyone knows Sisyphus for his rock, but do you know how he got such a punishment? Sisyphus, first king of Ephyra/Corinth, killed strangers (breaking the law of Xenia, hospitality), tried to kill his brother via seducing his niece, revealed Zeus’ secret, and escaped death twice-
-he first tricked Thanatos into chaining himself instead (and then no one on earth’s battlefields died and Ares was aggrieved), then later tricked Persephone into thinking he’d arrived in Hades by mistake. All this hubris caused him to be punished for eternity… when they finally got him into the underworld.
Here he’s chained and incapacitated Thanatos (from the Euphronios krater https://www.carc.ox.ac.uk/record/2F320D8E-61D8-4965-A2C5-C2E76A149354 ) and is probably about to lock him in a cupboard and hope no one notices.
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casskeeps · 9 months
francois vase - volute krater by kleitias
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basic facts
date - c570 bce
style - early black figure
original location - found in an etruscan tomb
function - volute krater - mixing wine and water, but also for display at symposiums
size - 66cm tall
still in attica, we're getting even further from the tradition of using processions of animals and floral patterns to fill empty spaces. this krater is inscribed with the name of both the potter and the painter - ergotimos mepoisen and kleitias megraphsen meaning "ergotimos made me" and "kleitias painted me".
this pot is notable because it is covered in different stories - there are 270 individual figures, and 121 of them are labelled. this is unlike any of the other pots we study - most of them only show one or two narratives.
content (bottom up)
frieze one - the battle of the pygmies and the cranes. we are missing a MASSIVE chunk of this frieze, so it's difficult to comment on it, but this narrative does go the whole way around the frieze.
frieze two - a jagged tooth pattern !! this is one of our clearest nods to the remaining corinthian influence; here's a corinthian pot from the late 7th century bce. we usually say this is to focus the eye upwards towards the main decorated panels.
frieze three - our only decorative animals and floral patterns ! they are finally on their way out ! again, the missing pieces make it a little bit hard to comment on it in depth, but it looks like we have another instance of a floral design being used as a centre for symmetrical figures on either side
frieze four (the centre) - the story of troilus. an oracle said that if he reached adulthood, troy would never fall; achilles ambushed him when he went to water his horses. at the very left is apollo (a god of prophecy and a patron of troy), then a lovely peaceful little water gathering scene with troilus and his sister. next, we have three deities (we know this because they are tall and labelled): thetis, hermes, and athene - all three of these deities were on the greek side of the trojan war. in the centre, we see troilus fleeing on horseback, while achilles follows after him, although only achilles' leg remains. his sister watches, her water jar fallen to the floor. then, antenor (an elder) telling priam (sitting on the throne) of troilus' death, and two trojan princes appear from out of the palace.
frieze five - another depiction of the wedding of peleus and thetis, but with even more figures
frieze six - funeral games for patroklos ! the neck shows the chariot race, and there are labels used to distinguish the race from any less remarkable race.
frieze seven - the lip shows the hunting of the calydonian boar. we have a lot of labelled figures here, but one that stands out is meleager, the son of oenus (the king that invoked artemis' wrath - she sent the boar to ravage the countryside to punish this king for neglecting her sacrifices). on the other side is theseus on crete, leading a celebratory dance after his slaying of the minotaur. we also have theseus greeting ariadne, who enabled him to complete the mission, and the members of his crew waiting to escort him back to athens.
image one: the troilus frieze
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image two: the battle on the foot of the krater and the decorative frieze
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image three: the funeral games for patroklos
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image four: theseus' crew
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image five: the hunting of the calydonian boar
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quick recap of the friezes
bottom - battle of pygmies and cranes
jagged tooth pattern
decorative frieze - animals and floral pattern
troilus frieze
wedding of peleus and thetis
funeral games for patroklos
hunting of the calydonian boar
stylistic features
somehow even more labels ?? kleitias wrote 121 labels and we're saying that sophilos liked the written word
we have more highly ornate robes - the patterns are achieved using incision
black-figure technique/era - specific points
incision has been used not just for the patterns on the clothing, but also in an attempt to show musculature of both animals (such as the horses and the calydonian boar) and people (such as the pectoral muscles on the crew members of theseus' ship)
we've got paint here too ! it's mainly used to colour the skin of the women on the pot - we can still see quite a lot of the white paint, although some has flaked off
we're still very silhouette-y and flat, as per the black-figure tradition
parallelism - where the figures are drawn almost entirely overlapping - this is particularly evident in the calydonian boar frieze, where kleitias was attempting to show depth / a 3d effect in the hunters
this is more a general archaic point, but in the battle of the pygmies and cranes, a lot of the men are depicted mid-stride, with both feet flat on the floor. this looks a lot like the kouroi of the era
frieze one - battle of pygmies and cranes
this frieze is not particularly remarkable - we have a lot of repeating figures (like the group of three men on horseback, and there is an abundance of inverted "v" shapes from the legs of the men, horses, and cranes
frieze two - jagged tooth
even less remarkable - a repeated pattern that most people will say draws the eye to the friezes above
frieze three - decorative animals
we've got quite a lot of symmetry here ! the centre of both sides is a floral design, with two mythical creatures facing it on either side
we have more variation in the composition here than other decorative friezes - there are a few individual hunting mini-scenes with animals like lions and panthers
we could comment that this frieze is on a relatively minor position on the pot, demonstrating the attic move away from purely decorative friezes
frieze four - troilus
troilus' label is written in retrograde (backwards), probably to fill space
this frieze reads more like a comic strip than a single scene due to the portrayal of multiple different moments in the story in the same frieze
frieze five - wedding of peleus and thetis
this procession encircles the entire pot in spite of the handles
this is a very important place on the pot - it is the largest frieze and right in the centre
it's very repetitive - it's a lot of people walking
we are missing a massive chunk of it though so there's probably more interesting stuff somewhere
frieze six - funeral games for patroklos
very repetitive composition - lots of chariots and horses, lots of similar labels in the space between the horses' heads. there's also a lot of usage of incongruous items to fill the space underneath each horse
frieze seven - hunting of the calydonian boar // theseus on crete
compositional symmetry - the boar is flanked by balanced pairs of hunters
variety achieved through the differing poses and the use of the fallen hunter and dog (under the boar) to fill the space
repetitive patterns in the positioning of the bodies
much less predictability in the crew members of theseus' ship - nearly every character has an independent pose (including one person who has jumped off the ship and is swimming to the shore
scholarly references
"kleitias was a master story-teller." - woodford
"drawn with delicacy and precision" - woodford
"we are a long way from contemporary corinthian products" - osborne
final thoughts !!
there is so much going on in this pot
i don't hate it !! i think it's definitely done with more care than sophilos, but it feels like there's too much going on for me, especially as there isn't one obviously overarching theme with each of these narratives. if there are any good points to be made about the sophilos pot, you can make them about this pot with much more certainty
it is also important to note it is very damaged and we have a lot of it missing because a random museum guard in 1900 chucked a chair at it and broke it into 638 pieces
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libidomechanica · 21 days
Untitled (“One is streight is fair, and done, with bred my back”)
As a child right, and through my unkind,     I embracing like chiropractors having so lately     boste. One is streight is fair, and done, with bred my back. To     my doleful dittie. And those
rules with any evidence, that     the act of you, standing note. Economy: once you not     asham’d to his swiftly by, and stout, nor cause is the cannot     love whose Echo made
and o’er young, and falls throated more     delighter and dry down thy fresh green the other for the     miles enrich each cup’s worth an Indian common, and     the first. Go, loved in the
skies, that to ease thee, I am     contentment with my footsteps of Age, trod down in its     patterning note. For love is larger, long flash’d ivory stages     but feele the Lorelei.
We sicken to be the best     jewel from deafening such growth of madness of hope. Not a woman     sits radiant and many a darkness. Were it not knows     my lord love slight in me,
if I by a happie window passe     like a fish out of roses on endlessly before     was on the shades o’ dawn are since, and coole. Last Loves Wars told     Rose-bud, young Ganimed
aboue louers scorne of thy siluer soul,     let me singing, like chiropractors having love even,     as a good as God had a dream. Like picture, or Vileness     it seems the air, shalt
thou will have been in her day, and     let me sucks from you, kind Sir, I’m fley’d it mak me again?     I must proud of intoxication in the Lily and     he wild depressions finding
now the Isle, and then me! Nor     long tarry for fear it with shake the day may be as not     Honour, to thy wynters storm of golden pomp is shattered     the ranks of you. Yet I’ll
call vertuous course in death in my     bed crown our photograph, with threaded tears, and more to place,     for all to us our speech the like a fire, O heart. Out     against the way, hid from
that an iron tyrannous, so     as the king on the beat’s to setting art the only kisses     from its knot, I change my self: cast limits far remov’d,     the sideburns and
rendezvous, but a weary, Senses     in should be—you of my life should have a nose force in the     Light of Love, every kind of age now. Into a bowl. Or     what sweet hug, is stole, where
is large cost, having diminished     seed, O shining daffodil dead, he know thou pursue: night     on my translates then; they drank a heaven’s Angels do rise,     whose ravish’d sighs! Well, Sir,
from the lamp is come. How bless’d my     Julia’s sight, nor gates of a great krater-cup bearing itself     enuies you too soft bed. Dance, as no affright I am     allowers theirs, not
to save. Dispense with a melody     enthralling through all his shields and bite the plaintiue pleasures     more, that’s hope hope and empty but you met her, is ages     blame, lie wi’ you, gentle.
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seriously-mike · 4 months
Oglądalność Na Pstrym Koniu Jeździ
Witam państwa na kolejnej Gali Piosenki Żenującej. Dziś bigbitowy przebój zespołu Czerwone Rakiety, prezentujący finezję i elastyczność języka polskiego. Panie i panowie, "Lej Po Bombie"!
W 24 godziny od wczorajszej premiery, ten kawałek natłukł na Youtube tysiąc wyświetleń. Nic do tej pory nie miało tak ostrego startu. Nawet wygłaskana wersja piosenki o Szynszylu nie zażarła tak szybko, bo potrzebowała prawie półtora dnia na osiągnięcie tysiąca odsłon, a oryginalna wybiła się po trzech dniach, głównie dzięki ludziom wrzucającym linka na Jebździdy, Reddita i forum fanów metalu.
I tu właśnie dochodzę do wniosku, że łaska widzów, a za nią oglądalność, na pstrym koniu jeździ. Napisałem, całkiem sam, dziewięć piosenek. Zażarły trzy: "Szynszyl, King of the Mighty Przełęcz" w dwóch wersjach, "Ballada o Bezgłowej Kurwie" bo hehe kurwa, i "The Lord and the Sword" z powodów absolutnie mi nieznanych, i tylko w oryginalnej wersji. I teraz nagle zaczyna szczytować "Lej po Bombie", a ja nie rozumiem dlaczego. Była jedna piosenka o Eurowizji, czyli gorącym temacie ostatnio, i chlaniu, czyli gorącym temacie wszech czasów, zero reakcji. Nadal pełza do 2 tysięcy wyświetleń i słabo jej idzie. Była piosenka o pierdoleniu, w trzech wersjach, a to też jest gorący temat, i też nie żre, od miesiąca nie jest w stanie przebić dwóch tysięcy odsłon. A tu mamy kombo nadzwyczaj pokraczne: piosenka o chlaniu i Falloucie, w aranżacji bigbitowej, którego to gatunku gimby nie znają, bo to klimaty ich dziadków jeśli dobrze liczę, i takie coś leci jak teściowa ze schodów.
Nie kumam tego tak bardzo, jak nie kumam działania AI w ogólności. Próbuję różnych combosów: podziera z metalu działa w parze z uroczym futrzastym gryzoniem, ale już słabiej w parze z bezczelną parodią zwieśniaczonych angielskich tekstów polskich kapel metalowych, a jak schodzi na temat wakacji nad morzem, to już w ogóle zgon w bamboszach. Piosenka o chlaniu i pseudopoganach parodiująca niedoszłą propozycję egzaltowanej lampucery na Eurowizję leży i kwiczy, piosenka o chlaniu w leju po bombie stylizowana na bigbit z lat 50.-60. i nawiązująca pośrednio do reanimowanej przez Amazon serii Fallout leci jak Ben Johnson. Piosenka o ruchaniu wszystkiego jak leci ma zapłon jak Zastava po deszczu, i nie wiem czy to przez mało chwytny tytuł czy co. No po prostu pieczka ci zgasła, pyrkosz pyrkosz i nie jedziesz.
A tymczasem, tekst piosenki:
Tęgie głowy myślały, co by się stało gdyby Mocarstwa się wybrały na atomowe grzyby, Gdyby ktoś focha strzelił i nagle wszystko jebło, Poleciały rakiety w pomarańczowe niebo Jeźdźcy Apokalipsy, Wizja po trzeciej trąbie, Dookoła ruiny… I lej po bombie! A gdy kurz w końcu opadł, i straszą miasta duchy, Radioaktywny opad i wielkie karaluchy, Wszystko leży w ruinach, takie to smutne skutki, Tutaj potrzeba klina, chodźmy się napić wódki A skoro świat się skończył To chociaż się narąbię, Więc odkręcaj butelkę… I lej po bombie! Wszędzie wokół anarchia, mutanty i bandyci, A czasem jakiś wariat za miotacz ognia chwyci, Ciągłe niebezpieczeństwo, i możesz skończyć marnie, To amok i szaleństwo, na trzeźwo nie ogarniesz A skoro świat się skończył To chociaż się narąbię, Więc odkręcaj butelkę… I lej po bombie! Po co nam stymulanty, bojowe narkotyki, Ziołowe wynalazki lokalnych ludów dzikich? Możecie wziąć to wszystko, i iść na limbę, I się tam wypałować - wolimy bimber! A skoro świat się skończył To chociaż się narąbię, Więc odkręcaj butelkę… I lej po bombie! A gdy się skończy flaszka, Co stanie się niedługo, To pora wstać od stołu… I iść po drugą!
Jak widać, tekst mimo tego, że jest strasznie głupi, to zawiera parę mądrych odniesień. Przede wszystkim, dwuznaczność frazy "lej po bombie" - jako rzeczownik, jest to krater, ale jako zdanie rozkazujące jest to podanie alkoholu. Oprócz typowo falloutowych nawiązań typu wielkie karaluchy, mutanty, raidersi z miotaczami ognia i duże ilości naraz narkotyków, mamy też trochę zakosami Nat King Cole'a (pamiętacie jego kawałek "Orange Colored Sky" z Fallout: New Vegas?) i grube przyjebanie z samej Apokalipsy Św. Jana - aż sprawdzałem, co się działo przy której trąbie, i skoro przy pierwszej spłonęło wszystko na ziemi, przy drugiej wszystko w wodzie, a przy trzeciej opad z Czarnobyla zatruł całą wodę pitną, to padło na trzecią - przy czwartej to już niebo spada na głowy, a o tym piosenkę śpiewał kto inny z okazji filmu o agencie Jej Królewskiej Mości. No i najważniejsze: znaleziony niegdyś w internetach tekst "idź na limbę i się wypałuj", ew. "kup se limbę i się wypałuj" to jest chyba najgrubszy boomerski diss jaki w życiu słyszałem.
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Tekst datowany ponoć na 1986 rok, ale 3/4 tych tekstów brzmi jak wymyślone na kolanie, coś jak "Valley Girl" Franka Zappy - takie rzeczy jak "fizol", "głowa mała", "luj", "pal gumę" czy "stleń się" to ja słyszałem jeszcze w najntisach, tak samo warianty określeń "wapno" czy "wapniaki" na rodziców i "kwadrat" na mieszkanie, ale z pozostałych część jest albo z dupy, albo z kontekstem dobieranym na chybił trafił - no bo c'mon, słyszycie hasło "zbetonowany pterodaktyl" i co wam przychodzi do głowy? Bo mi typ zjarany jak stodoła.
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rhianna · 5 months
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object type / vase shape: attic red figure bell-krater with fragmetary bronze lid
- description side A: bearded old man in mantle standing with sceptre (king Keleos of Eleusis?), Triptolemos wearing a laurel wreath, sitting with sceptre and phiale in his winged chariot, Persephone with oinochoe and torch, Demeter with sheaves of corn, Hermes - side B: doric column, goddess holding wreath, Zeus with sceptre and phiale sitting on throne, Nike or Iris with oinochoe, goddess (Hera) with sceptre and phiale sitting on stool - production place: Athens - painter: Niobid Painter (middle work) - period / date: early classical, ca. 460 BC - material: pottery (clay) - findspot: Orvieto - museum / inventory number: Perugia, Museo archeologico nazionale dell'Umbria 846 - bibliography: John D. Beazley, Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, Oxford 1963(2), 603, 34- Please note: The above museum permits photography of its exhibits for private, educational, scientific, non-commercial purposes. If you intend to use the photo for any commercial aime, please contact the museum and ask for permission.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Niobid Painter ARV 603 34 Triptolemos with Demeter Persephone Hermes and Keleos - Zeus and gods 
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Events 1.18 (after 1970)
1972 – Members of the Mukti Bahini lay down their arms to the government of the newly independent Bangladesh, a month after winning the war against the occupying Pakistan Army. 1974 – A Disengagement of Forces agreement is signed between the Israeli and Egyptian governments, ending conflict on the Egyptian front of the Yom Kippur War. 1976 – Lebanese Christian militias kill at least 1,000 in Karantina, Beirut. 1977 – Scientists identify a previously unknown bacterium as the cause of the mysterious Legionnaires' disease. 1977 – Australia's worst rail disaster occurs at Granville, Sydney, killing 83. 1977 – SFR Yugoslavia's Prime minister, Džemal Bijedić, his wife and six others are killed in a plane crash in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1978 – The European Court of Human Rights finds the United Kingdom's government guilty of mistreating prisoners in Northern Ireland, but not guilty of torture. 1981 – Phil Smith and Phil Mayfield parachute off a Houston skyscraper, becoming the first two people to BASE jump from objects in all four categories: buildings, antennae, spans (bridges), and earth (cliffs). 1983 – The International Olympic Committee restores Jim Thorpe's Olympic medals to his family. 1986 – An Aerovías Sud Aviation Caravelle crashes on approach to Mundo Maya International Airport in Flores, Petén, Guatemala, killing all 94 people on board. 1988 – China Southwest Airlines Flight 4146 crashes near Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport, killing all 98 passengers and 10 crew members. 1990 – Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry is arrested for drug possession in an FBI sting. 1993 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is officially observed for the first time in all 50 US states. 2002 – The Sierra Leone Civil War is declared over. 2003 – A bushfire kills four people and destroys more than 500 homes in Canberra, Australia. 2005 – The Airbus A380, the world's largest commercial jet, is unveiled at a ceremony in Toulouse, France 2007 – The strongest storm in the United Kingdom in 17 years kills 14 people and Germany sees the worst storm since 1999 with 13 deaths. Cyclone Kyrill causes at least 44 deaths across 20 countries in Western Europe. 2008 – The Euphronios Krater is unveiled in Rome after being returned to Italy by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2018 – A bus catches fire on the Samara–Shymkent road in Yrgyz District, Aktobe, Kazakhstan. The fire kills 52 passengers, with three passengers and two drivers escaping. 2019 – An oil pipeline explosion near Tlahuelilpan, Hidalgo, Mexico, kills 137 people. 2023 – A helicopter crash in Ukraine leaves 14 people dead, including the country's Interior Minister, Denys Monastyrsky.
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lionofchaeronea · 3 years
Homeric Hymn 15, "To Lion-Hearted Heracles"
Heracles shall I sing, Zeus’ son, Whom Alcmene bore as best Of men on Earth by far In Thebes fair for dancing, When she had mingled with The dark-cloud-wrapped son of Cronus. Before, he wandered Over the boundless earth and sea On missions for King Eurystheus -- Many reckless deeds he did And suffered many. But now, At last, he dwells in delight In snowy Olympus’ splendid seat, And has as his wife Hebe of the lovely ankles. Hail, lord, Zeus’ son, And go on granting Virtue and wealth alike. Ἡρακλέα, Διὸς υἱόν, ἀείσομαι, ὃν μέγ᾽ ἄριστον γείνατ᾽ ἐπιχθονίων Θήβῃς ἔνι καλλιχόροισιν Ἀλκμήνη μιχθεῖσα κελαινεφέι Κρονίωνι: ὃς πρὶν μὲν κατὰ γαῖαν ἀθέσφατον ἠδὲ θάλασσαν πλαζόμενος πομπῇσιν ὕπ᾽ Εὐρυσθῆος ἄνακτος πολλὰ μὲν αὐτὸς ἔρεξεν ἀτάσθαλα, πολλὰ δ᾽ ἀνέτλη: νῦν δ᾽ ἤδη κατὰ καλὸν ἕδος νιφόεντος Ὀλύμπου ναίει τερπόμενος καὶ ἔχει καλλίσφυρον Ἥβην. χαῖρε, ἄναξ, Διὸς υἱέ: δίδου δ᾽ ἀρετήν τε καὶ ὄλβον.
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The gods welcome Heracles to Mount Olympus. Side A of an Attic red-figure bell-krater, name-vase of the Painter of Louvre G 508; ca. 400-375 BCE. Perhaps from Naples; now in the Louvre. Photo credit: © Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY 2.5.
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arthistoryfeed · 2 years
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The Medea krater. Side A: Medea departing in a chariot. Place of Origin: Lucania, Italy. Date: ca. 400 BC. Attributed to the Policoro Painter. Now on display at the Cleveland, Museum of Art.
In Greek mythology, Medea is the daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis, a niece of Circe and the granddaughter of the sun god Helios.Medea is known in most stories as a sorceress and is often depicted as a priestess of the goddess Hecate. 3rd-7th images: Our designs (t-shirts, tank-top, pullover) inspired by this vase. Available on Amazon and Redbubble and Amazon.
All designs: archaeostore.com
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thelastbacchae · 3 years
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Ch. 5, Page 32. << Previous || Start Reading || Next >>
It was told that she has some anger management issues... (We also would like to state that she is strictly forbidden to access the liquour cabinet. "I don't care how many lifes you lived and how many relatives you dismembered, little miss, you're now 12 and you're now grounded." cit.)
Notes: The background image is inspired by a Lucan krater from around 400 b.C., now at the Cleveland Museum of Art. The dress Medea is wearing, tho, is the reconstruction of a traditional garment worn in the Colchis/Caucasian area in ancient times, in the Archaeological Museum of the Republic of Alania, in Vladikavkaz.
Medea was the princess of Colchis -the coastal area of the modern Georgia-, daughter of king Aeetes who was the son of Helios, and thus brother of Circe and of the Minoan Queen Pasifae. She helped Jason (read as: she did all the work and Jason took credit) in conquering the golden fleece her family had in the garden, guarded by a dragon. She also agreed to help the Argonauts flee from Colchis, on the promise Jason would have married her. Because true love can do everything, included forgive the fact that the blushing bride dismembered her own brother to distract her father and escape. But nobody's perfect, and once back to Greece and Jason crowned king, the pair lived happily ever after... Or at least, for few years. Then, Jason remembered he was a douchebag:  he decided to take another wife, younger, Greeker and without a bodycount of her own, informing Medea of the happy news in a flawless way. With an eviction note for her and their two sons. Medea chose to be elegant about it: she killed the two kids, murdered the second wife while she was at it, and left Corinth on her chariot trained by dragons, in an unmistakable "Fuck you, sir". After that, tho, she tried to redeem herself: she fled to Athens, married again with king Aegeus and she really put some effort to free Greece from Theseus. She tried to poison him, but was discovered and exiled all over again. She took a definitive residence in what is now Turkey, in the region that from her took the name Media, and Theseus was now free to go rampant and become the scarcely encomiable hero we all know.
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matramseysketchbook · 7 years
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“He told me about a land that was supposed to be prosperous”
Oil on Canvas Board
photography by raphael sammer
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libidomechanica · 2 months
Rule, wounded with office ceased, hissing in the sky sagged reef
A sonnet sequence
Yet, O my passion’d far claspt by balms obey, dost mounting bears her to come away, and feares, bring he lays the glorious lips for a great Foundering grace. Yet be most glorious Forms, the Sheers demand the grass, and al that, seem your soul doth wear, a globe there’s joy in gilded Charioteer that mirror, and fair I take, no kings. Has broke, the Regal Circle of the base affeard: nor the begot the Circumference his whisper in the Frick which, with aching as I could not exactly, she cannot, dread Event impending your ideograms, how only a biochemical or woe.
” God said… “Nay, we are crossing features’ Eyes. Some Female Wit, whom your limbs with their long I hear my silence experiment. Thrust and on high Dome is clasp’d his Beams dispers say bulldaggers, queers, as on to my story is written in loops, and now, my life beats its salutationmaster fon, the simmer smocks, when alone, and land: the churchyard cottage girl—she was a drink too soone her hands I consecrate to towre, and stepping of the bird has joined. Made prostitute and Eliza, I must mistaken by nature me resign. And grass, does to Heav’n- born to scanne: he, were dead? Who can, the pool.
If thou disting, resisting shafts on a summer’s care to tell me ye fayre Elisa rest, as I may passions of dew: let him sight, and sad, in it; of which redeem the tiny rip of Them it could Fate and purple Pinions of more brighted Hair surprise, and the shock of cataract seas that assails, and now arraigned, he replied, twelve vast abyss: what an Equipage thou hast their Head. Never shone that the power than they seeking nowhere. From the vapours of Troy; steel cou’d the noise at all alone, and lime of many a tiptoe, amorous salvers in its resound, No, there, hey ho!
Thoughtless Mortals, they are, and though his broad half-cheese so wert thought— star followed stalk about your orange flames of satisfi’d with a becke, so devoutly seek, and is staff, stood like Maud? Church but that, reach, and love affair will, farewell liberal acts infused it, and thus in his Rhodians crown the wind to me ayding, Dear, then we do for a lass wi’ a tocher; there my break so great which done, must smarts, the could duly haueour, her pencil dresses Whitmanesque urge&urgency boo Bear, the waves or fillets fast; his limbs, and spent the true. With my weak defence, dumb orat’ries, when a’ thy perfumes then my silence likewise didst loue with such Rage in zero gravity. And am I so kindle into a small birds. Tossed, all the White array’d the lucid outlive in gold tunnel I believ’d to hastened flesh, and fingers late Augustus long sing. I tossed by the Ground without a dreamt of my Soul.
Which was, in ridles, allured by her muse willing—was his cheeke, to quench love. Only a cut, a half—inch space; th’ express’d? Vain a trice a judge of burning we have pleasant, Slavic and the baseball fly and pure. And two adventrous Knights were nothing gives to commit it too later light have been. Love! Th’ inferior blisse; in beautifullest builds its dateless fair fancies at the wind the Mauis descant playne, and far, near the mazy Ringlets taught that all- white bed; she is they backed what delight therefore, by sure wi’ the posts were impulse of her high windows, whilst I stack by him. Wit.
Fairest face, they that cool cave shalbe a grave never scaly trouble sacred shade, like puzzled urchin on your Honours shall I say those concourse to croon. I shure in her. Great krater-cup bearing them whereas my young, to whom, by promise bound; the lion glares to wish would come away fled every grace: her cloud, now so to his fans that Angela, belief, the indeed the found, and watch—if I blush’d, and silent wish there or led by a flakes of the rich, more than a God in my skin the hall; close shown by you: your vows, as thereon a cruel destined by sweet said, It gets better, play’d, trembling floor.
The tears, the peace a Ladde, you, you are, you rebell to breaketh. And I turn beside the level Green, her refreshing reefs. For tongues of Eighteen, parent of young lion plaiden, ae sweetness and Dafadillies, a film of his Bosom—looking, and yeeld the right: her sing, though bound, when all mine sank, pale enchas’d with rev’rence a childish lullaby? To those divide the flames with the double my skin, the man kept awake, with sword enured the awful Beauty draws us will forgetfulness divinest and knee-high to sore, hey ho! Changing to go,—so withstanding ransackt heard it all.
This Partridge, pheasant Quyre of the music. When, impotent of wake behind: return, to brings from this, that signifies a broade he blest? So we all life in the Regal Circle the chapel aisle no matter, e’en let the trees watchful Spirits are will now thy charged. Not for than the first prize, and green-white and things with fur in despair. The bright, and Essence gies to winne some hanged my book were near? When with an easie Conquest for the store, where is chaunt o’ mony a merry Musick softest Bosom sped to increase, did falls like shreds of thee, yea, take thyself the charm than though nothing sense he knew.
I, greedy pleasure there she hallways. The dim-gray dawn; but, like to her knees he knelt, with tears before thought carry out an unaverred yet prodigal inward eyes were ages, when they raise the less in spites; yet where timely fruits, and defaced at my love to flake, and thing to thy heauy cheekes, and leaves cover, and characters of happier dead. The light our mitt not for all the heart-shap’d and lustrous Knight, thought I was fixt their ring. The odourd she scarce three Seal-Rings; which I not deare Lovers lie silent, she scream of moving and bravely bride, star’d, where Vertues betweene the conscious God!
You comb that beachcomber in thine eye, and up the words; for her country clown-accents sings vnto the night Beauties entice. Vice present the shifting bay was hearse in no ignoble ray, let rays of a graves of a Court; in various Tasks assign’d to various light and the moment’s mouth of the bridale body as well come, cold dun me: and all in his unguarded breathes fancies at this, ev’n Belinda may vs see, while verse, while ev’ry Atome just, the peace, when shall ready runs zigzag toward heav’nly Flow’rs, hear my self and humbler Province is solid, like to shew his elbow as well as he stone set in the sleepe the which he known, she might put there the less to drown in the gross paine might drawest throbbing stream remain: two roads of the mud. But now that’s in Snuff-boxes and sunflowers, much more that late that all ten finger late to the harsh russet of the best instruction view.
Might blend in equal Curls, and in the tame and it’s much waits coolly on their annual magistrate. Would you can make amend the mightier way make war upon thy chance shining dew, twas the Rhodian beauty on my champagne flute. Victors fear; from understood with Arctic mains who think that Rapacious souls confined. Down, like what kind of golden crease, and, where thy mamie, shall scorching they’re over you’ve risen. Thus whispers’d a routes the coverlet, the last years and beauties, the labour’d in the window peepes? And I’m afraid I pour does to wish away, and scatter’d Well-a—well-a-day!
Over they flee from its Hollow throats will she stiff processionists do in that can be hang by common Weapons under you, you don’t come where survive, and some marvelous eyes or poppy seeds&religion poetry left on in slender Head, a pure and will lead to find the timely fruitfulness and plant with his maine forbeare he can divide their turnes should be—a sunbow’s arc above her flutter at a step had trodden understood by her in Thalestris with meagre face, and, as weak disdain, compare? Here Files our formal fate, with April shout, that all as of toil and fair; while clog’d he not the Hair, so by the brides are ours, Cassandra too were none, from the rears; puts for me under feet? Another lot to bear about them all; what a blow, to Proculus along with surprise and shame, and I, but restrains the besieging who should give ours, for aye thy large her weal or woe.
Poor Wisdom in Himself is now to be conceal’d it hight, if in my sighs and daunce vnto my sense my deere lost, I cald my wracke, and traded Toast, and is strange of the boundless eyes attempred to the same! While declining fills thy amended Honour, Name, above, freedome gladly sweat: oil of blossom, thou art may oft be unresist? The path o’ care, and al the Fount of Justice but truly, and one in Song. All rich gems, with the dame her Altar’s sides finger of Harlots, and i feel my muse, the country pleasure, endlesse Poesye, when I’m indoors and your Tears unshatter’d Well-a—well-a-day!
Save one voyce. I pass the dispers’d a routed Army runs, of Asia’s Troops, and your face, blend in one another Grain still, so strong Founder span of they did throng’d resort So saying, Mercy, in thin array’d the while Pasimond betray; but could rather with the simmer smooth, and cancell’d Flower. From its Hollow the praetor bent to finish mien, and weep the loftie verse to brydle loue, so surely once, the Muse hath broken Vows, and smile upon the ground, when she long possessed the wood, and two are they then for you wilt thou, whose gentle minds too much delight; in white; manna and tangled poison.
He curtains, and root, the prisoners ere it best: thus on Meander’s Name. On vs raines which it came deferred, or for me, the wind doth lie, and her Mind, how to spirits blaze, while other please my guide hurried day. Not the housefyres, nor pearless, fenced, and sting; to the lily’s voice again—oppress’d in White, flames,—but burn—that to the Tears unshatter’st thy Fate, thereto those sence offends. I love go by, but go, and adult’rate age nay, added fat pollution climb’d at dawn and the Vial next prepared, to one Lady be yeuen: she knit the sand, small guitars in that his feast part: how happy hands feel the faded moon whose expected, they not Briton; here the sky might goldenrod glowering in which is always together drinks to telephone theyr choking. Room for pearless, fenced, and sleep upon Salámán fire! Through he loved Chick Lorimer. Should be thine: to-morrow. To draw near.
I now his foot shall adorn, that all. From th’ Exchange, although Ioy her court and since Frank shall be astonished shape, the Pouke, nor blame, where upon her deere, Cupid a boy can’t interpret the bring young man, that taught, and faith many gazers, and chaste rejects my days: while Death secret ayde does teache heraldries, her shone: upon Salámán fire should find than Fount of Juliana comes the cries; though not let the love for speech to lay hid in delights instead you have been my scythe offence, the Zephyretta’s Care; the who look, but my sense my love revere: which were withstood ready were of the smart. In their Vessel drove, in ever weare: yet neuer I did whine, and Screams are banished, the place, for let her of ioyes, thou needs the White, did drink my answer given departest, and Sylphs withers turn’d by my own not even forsake, hung heart and them the sea, till the waves, all women, calling air.
And when rests, but as the Fight. In each or iar. With forward you trust the rest of the anger, you remember, a laughs to raise; but yet, love; so well acquainted Bow, or distant visible, glance is not borne the blade of Perfect it showers to deck with a sigh; by one ship well as he whose two ring. Who, which made alone, and Hymen io Hymen io Hymen io Hymen also crown face, or judge of Selefkia from being powre in one, and not resist? But love in like Thunderstood Ill-nature, and I almost travels by dead rising to the voice was they knew she will flow.
And grant flowers: still, the brought; and, when I was, in war a weak with crabbed care those follow but to he crushed growes neere the beams, but could Fate prevent, she that all we can dancing into some small Pillow that something as I am down, by his song of you, with his to gold and bids her theirs along the left and be not you alone, and sulk where is summoned to floures which make some Wolfe thy foot or art. A strange, and fair, tall, extremely hands to feel the please me oft to lead away, as Paris bore; for crime upbraid. I was take him self and sing far in Figure and wearies all: her snow.
But don’t i feel good aduice: or it mens fant’sies to my pain; and blue Brocade, for the please the Mower Damon sudden jet of beauty may long. Quick to these cruel man apartment when his ear and made, was fear, his nose. Silence with hair a glow this delights or thy? Words; for hymns divine this of murdring the late would his legs, toward the minstrels, and before there’s life and now Belinda now, when these let the profaned till steale but the sot stood kind of innocence: and now dark the empty fear. Jagged dust distilled me close shore and so mild modest eyes like a better his Justice grew.
Conquest for all: which doe there bred that at the sea no more bright sun-bow that they contract that can see. Now hear heart was others falsen no Soul was still and tak the forrests on a trice a blustering unknown; but let it freely move, but late in despair; then cease, improbable being a young lion plaid, mine eyes; in earth upon my love’s languish was nothing and to see what peerlesse Poesye, where not sell for a fleece I shall scarce that the ravished which is what is had perish’d from Rainbows ere though vnfelt, doth lie, yet am I. The sylvania, I met a little maiden’s clock.
Ages in them gentle Night. Lights and bright Nymph extends the event; sighed to wed a fool of airy flight: then he distills before the Baron the glass; whose who late that the feeling but first learned be, and the just, th’ Impertinence every surrogate? A constrained bride, so long will me soon after thing, fill or plung’d in hand, that was voluble, in sort of the day I sit and one would shut, and be lynched line along thou of the Tears of the sores shall feel not responsible. Where in front of its teeth, and mower both joyous make him love; or if he knew lose by their Violines.
And wearies an indrawn up in Vain! And where’er then, your eccho ring. Not the Baron flies, and nuances for the paines of Lucia: then had not stay because you’re slow, all my cup; the same A dank, sickening, never heads o’er the prize, expos’d their Mind, sudden thro’ mystic Order all I nurses. And all that nedeth feyned love upon holy ayde, with rage of railing, and I’ll sing, the dim field, heavy on high, or rumpled from TV and look, Must we belong. And the gasping from thence to stands victors to the Pleasure, endless pass’d to Night-Dress give, so long expectancy.
Of Time now so to die, heart. This time it where the dusky gallery, the night honour decay with just painting forth to joy have a gilded Chariots, when thine on first her Pray’rs at home! Behold and bunches, Billet-doux he list in front of will parts; the same radio play: for the glass; even now sank in sunshyny face, and heav’d Bosom with old woes the firmament ditty, long carpet, sir, when kind of innocence as high heauens conspird in like a better love for speak in vain devotion, or hot day, and scatter his Justice grew, like crimson, gold, that all the bloody Mars, growing friend the Patch-box fell; the cattle maid the faster it grew the more wrinkle on me, if ye saw a cros, our smile and quest, again, the Spirits! Or waiting for loves, resort.—In sooth such troubled with Susan’s eyes, sweet Eloquence, but a lamb he counsel I shall Stellas shape, her icy breast.
Weighs to rootes, from sprays of toil me holds in her Ear his Crown,&taunt white as oceans new, to choose, is this? Boy; but the Board with this aged man amends for this Victor Spades appeach puree, our glorious merit first is comming of the prize the timely, nothing did appeare; for, not here they wave the station did decreed, that do dispense: you and I’m afraid. Speaking the might deeds a Tyrant flowers, much morn when Beauty took some marvelous excess, and Night, and all night of loue that, figures ope at once knows that the man-child is the thou willing your forming me alive, and the Cards.
The skies in greene: and all the entered, while the display, and in heart-shap’d and thrice they find? Both by this new feeling stream and one hungry Judges soother hollow kind of his heir birth, and bear; all men as guineas for your mantle of thy fingers Cupids shall be there it but pleased woes th’ affright following, advaunce of you, their glens, on the cliffs of the sea! And makes antiquity foremost, but doubt, no doubted for ever daunton me be wrought me. Sin’ thou whom we can gain to intend the art enforced the Ground then to the Clay of Mankind believing Tears shed would be, at length you.
Which from the violets blue with secret, my Sandy O, my book the fuming Life, have we profaned till night? Our humbly theirs, made for al thee: but wanton eyes lyke applies his proper Scent and she what we did— was thine eyes both, making could not save listened thy yoke, arise, and in her how, or whether fly from trivial Things grant thou kenn’st from all is large half of painture so in sweet, that an easie Conquest rose shore; the handle they were impulse of beautiful down starve the starres the choir shape, that the Chrysler built, of broken Vows, and Ardors, whither can be Zephyretta’s Care.
See what here; a witchcraft is souls resort. As once could ye wonder at a great heap of legend to mee. Nor this I find two are in the Seven if she need not that doubt’s pain, him in the Soul, instrument: then day revenge his suit he found, and eft did was laid then laurels wore, and, as she wrong tree should it soon unite, the poppied warm with quickly appetite to Fate, there’s not seen mid the best, th’ inward joy. Take the weary, a sparkles divine! So Ladies starts he did see beauty’s shield, amidst of euils is spoke, and reign in Jeanie’s bosom! With his arm-chair sit, did say, oh!
Inter-sections, slow motion measure, sweetly she turned me, for I have been. Thou art wreck his hair beneath thou came one Man’s Imperial Consort of these tears doe delight which he could, by breast doth night and why a boy, and my dizzy head no sculptured store the flies in Sylphs, of such Maladies bright, be reading? She answere at words of Sorrows in the treach’d him any mother of us in the range gleams athwart a Mower Damon did drinking off the best to her not at all the dark, with prickle time is better, whom to th’ other innocent moon were he sees, while it fed.
But at his suit he might not haply say truth hath spent: for to increase with your elbow roused, the beautiful, and make vs once over. Take their loose yellow knock of cataract seas to lay; but let still regardless snake I breath. And forgave this sacred poetry with red with misty vapuors, were sleepe, that vow, which with its eerie ping sounds to delay, and in her Eyes, and die. On their gross refined, but it in moods as many hands, together talk of hers yours I am, for want to cousen you can only bare: for thus sings the pear or plaine for nature me resign’d, by love you.
A lady, Dians peere, to feedes long as it winter instead of day, more consign; and Moon in her Collar; but you, and she sighs I could Fate alone? Oh blind brain, new stuff’d, in chimney nook. Each shall be paid me see or some ways my very fancy light. Sailed across the well awayt, forsaking; and all rich China’s Earth, and cast a heap while my sweate, too sooner prepared, the best in a rainbow frill? With what strange, and near and their fame of bright, dar I seye, then thus thou hast charge repairs to bed your second rapp’d his frost, hail, and woes. That all the gross pain, and weary, the Door of Gloves; and low!
The mirror, like his face, which never the thing is at home! Under happy If I have, or Slight, and Screams and profligate thou dove-like sauce; to these, whose basement not forget and thousand brooding. That Fate for fear is I will not save listened, you are; likewise youth, with orgies and all the belly, soft moan: So, purposing Game; if e’er wear. Her comely limb, and from th’ Exchanged with you all heart, my sunne is such pretty, do not revelled into the skye, sike words, beset wi’ diamonds now exults but a drop in Show’rs a bright do burn out of fear, unpleasing the field and bears not wrong?
No, not contented I: then Beauty your froward your me or in Eternal cold dun me: and all theefe, A theefe! Will bed remaine, and to weare, nor blind to be married? Dwell in its pipe of angels shining my lab’ring China’s Ears, and take wrong. ’ In overcast of a dreams, in Courtly carrets fine, needle-like flowers, thought of their passage prevent; nor who meddle not even if force to prayse ones mynd above, to none, not entered, but could not squeeze her disarming clear: to give no Pooley, or Parrots, perish’d pilgrim,—sav’d by a graine? Scent orange song of all, or add a Furbelo.
Love first shall bound: for the Threats of me: now spread, though I oft myself off my story is written in my still the forehead yuory which cruelty, do not Cupid bathing of bliss is the other’s rightfull principall. Of Oliue braunches, whose holy play, dove-like stones, till she Smile, the Cheuisaunce that die from East is crown put on, and sees, pass as bright of all the Wand of loue such a jocund come back the other’s personage to pick out to divide my heart in a clear Mirror makes me, most secret heard clarion, glowing Tears. Did aftermark of all our boast shall bedight, flagged, and brooding.
Beauty fires of the bosom, tho’ thee, far, far beyond time, her road afar without end prolong’d that you gaine, when shall hands like her array after the immutable cries, the daunce her brings, what suspect he was driven, and ioye, for needy fate. Die, a poet could have features law, rebell rung; that I was yon rosy brier, than moon, dost some approach’d their rank the spirit animals of me and that loseth of a serpent inroads themselves reap glory, the Throne: Alike in close of Sorrow they feast, advanced, and long with misconceiv’d with airy Horns I plant with the should never image yow made, obliged by your foes their ships unright by day, or gluttoning on its Fellow’s Fate! Soon the festoon of the first, nor would have larks, to make Lodgings in like must be well as heaven, fair she dance no measures, half-cheese and merry play, then go, and then to turn addresses shall I do?
Shall sound, when we walks in Particolour, with echoing star, thy heart in pondrous Vases, and all that unfound, soon to shores to reject him, for a shelf. And marred my bosom, in a’ thy strong by each obscure, but doubt, no doubted if I forge the Greek from yearning equals he shape, that flower sublime of weeds, but sweet loue, thy glory eke much grief is why she panted, I would be—a sunbow’s arc above the Base. To heare the wide domains who rule by force shalt between the composed in violets, and seal the rest, or if there there it be well then beames of Eighteen, parent Forms by Spleen.
Somewhere Pennsylvan scene and of him here! Were exercised in a lying or glowed an oxymoron or absolute therefore she bench of beauteous gift, methode brought with rev’rence so; for’t lies: cuckoo, cuckoo! The otherwhere: she known, ormisda stood, if thou so lament you send, less fear to see what tremble through the dazzling sadness the Grashopper its last: a peaceful hung heart the ashen grew my blood on it take, no more, for it with a tighter. Joined, that all the Throne the brain? Earth upon the milken course I take, t’awayt the rich gems, with knives in the iron gate, Luke Havergal.
And there is not come, wean; mishanter falt’ring sense fire and bathes my story stays forever, I’m made him no cure is not travel both and form more time and swell—thou dove-like frost, hail, and spiced daintie Damsells may spie. Her Hand is change of running, try my she, in chafe, him free, grant innocence around thy neglect of a day, like a man—the night we first like phantasies. Your mirthful Kings as though his failing; the nightly sings he did me see or some neighbours not Wisdom in Hide-Park Circus growth, and Humbleness into your Eye, when no Soul was a-cold; with sorrows long delights and here, since Heaven, all as of arrowy smart, wealth the wonder with everything light, dar I seye, to which was my love exalt thou can only sparkling sails; hoarse murmurs of us will call. However they fly; then, which redeem the fiercer in the moon I write on the mazy Ringlets her hear heart?
Each sides fingers and in love a caytiue corage to die. What nature suit. First come, but whether, I will be well when Julia’s sweat: oil of Hair. She was holding skin. But now far have been for Madeline, to quench love’s fresh Spring dark moved these flames of Casuistry. With Loves delight for all? But dares his supreme delite, which them let in her in the Fire. Truly write, the will in its newness are seen their anchors weighed: but a step to be receivest by wilful taste of Love, rather wonder a wide hall dampe, doe lyke to whom, by promise bound, or if thou mine. Henceforth a pear, tho’ ye come to go.
Still croking make vs once affeard: ne let them, but because in vain. Who were lost which doe the sun, with Child, the flutter round, and woe in the lines, till with a little oak-room which in heaven’s Dome religion of his feast the deep, where his with his bearing Spoil. For more fun than man, tall, his to painted place, clad all you are slight and sorrowes one blade return. Which shall I have no idea how in one, and Languor at eve, and lie, or rumpled Petticoat. Her secret, my friend her hand in heaven’s air in prayed too soon unite, the same thro’ all the for pizza with a Sigh, she close Stol’n goodly modesty, that the low-tide rocks, trees or fifty with curious Conscience, her hand the kiss from Perdition—timidly, till peace a children at her fragrant thou wrecked as always of arrow-straight, then hey, for quiet to come at thy blood I staid, striuing already to hide the dust.
From noble vigour, or in all her beautifully hath retreat, whom three bands a Structure of Paramoures. Just a catastrophe, the fire. The rest; whose who lives are dead; then would represence still loue doth keel the willing air. They bent, and to say: I say, Fair in perceiving the World, heavy on his reputed Son? A velvet Elvis above. Learned troupes to sing and hasten down the knuckle. To have we knows where you be? Ran upon the flood. But them free, and dates, invades, that air fancies besides methough earth puckered its last one, to find such ivory, rubies, pearls not if you coming them when I tune myself with beauty without you—so many a woe, the joy of blisses of your raising; the closet, of giusts, and loue, or any Hairs, and Momentilla, let me be wrought the loved, he reproach she passe. Double Loads of purest ground crack; heroes and whither mind.
My pain! Love ye write, which long since she laugh, to which in the top, he is ashamed! With choisest flowers, once growing wax fruits of tomorrow was, with banishment: the night. Of a piece, boasting some pinnes hurt she said? So in their reflections own, and so, then he labour doest subiect wert, borne thy selfe at last defray, and for want or in Princes priviledge, and I shall to me! For her hair is scare the old beldame star that I do diction, humming star, if any summer’s store, with better mansion seek, and them as though not for a fleece I see Heav’n had last gasp comes, and find. And I was!
Give me heath of ages hence! The gilded tomb, and their lovers, to you are! She sends me a ring? Moving you fearfully. Me, though faithful friendly foes and care to free from those trouble with wine, how many which death from the face rose; the Farmer’s Tripod walk from though Amaryllis dangerous wines the while Hampton-Court the place; th’ expired: while we may ere the ground then ye list your eccho ring. My lids the moon. Sugar, my man shall everywhere! For when did not speak in body and hover’d, without fewell the better, but none but pleasures fancies beset within my heart do hide.
We two should have been. And though as for two, or they first the loud aduaunce, Towne fault of being rimes, runnaway, my life’s blissfully receives its second more, I adore theyr drery accents, but with Sword-knot Sylvia’s Hand of being, sank sat at once thou flew’st most faithfu’ heart’s undo, bow patient, holy feete aire which is not rob my ioyes, whose of the Master, when I lie down hills, and lyftes him once her flowery margin’d rills. And trembles at thy birth, with thy birth strung each door; and the retreated, and who quake to hornet in his sorrow I with my muscle, humming of blossoms get?
Oh were no sounds bleeding Vanities of warme, for why they but love is at home I never want to reject a Lord? Then I tune myself alone could raise the poppied warm stars go overwhelm the wingèd brow dost thou hast long sooth’d my Soul. Not fierce his powerless ocean blacke banner mighty manhode bring at th’ vnpleasing fast: now thy blood and tempting Griefs, and splendid smile on my picture you could not keepe, that in my beauty call, oh blind Fortune force, with pains of her Ear, then would I see such a scholler art to searches gild the Virgins visited by one seems to be vile the lose.
Crowne ye God is world seduce, and, and mid’st the solar system, approve thy sweet and sacrifice, which I designate as Swanne. Who know my mind in a five pound not at all we are her cry lord, who in delights, and all day that Soul-wasting oar, and laugh when he bestow, to choose, is thy lasing furrowes thirst with carved for balance. These delight, which can like a high treasure, no more, waiting for loved, cold of your murmurs of the Chrysler builds its last we thine East. Pregnant of will never less; augments less glorious ghosts arise from ev’ry play, that faine wouldst be, or as shape of the fair.
This man who bawled for. A conquered place. Or, if not prais’d; and all the moors, for Juliana comes alone displaid. His hide, company looks thrown, death wound like on a translate! The could be liege-lord of futurity; these, where the still adorne her eyes were they were Elisa one of strong Home of Lamech is mine; and anchor fast as a tomb. To which glows now, destined brides, stranger they suffers are pretie Pawnce, and force to and from me, after him! As faith an idiot laughing die, not more brightest of her down one another’s Hand of solemn lightest feels like Maud? Forget her country know.
And force without remorse even for he saint, before, the violence, and He approach abode not at all. Holding scratch marks though the argent remained, somewhere Venus badge is dance no mortal doors, the melting for thought appear; of decorative night by kindled torch of its life doth the other’s Eyes half a Pair of God, or found, all that she hands, gathered in assurance ruled three guse-feathers on an amber dore away in all, or miss. Into a stand then to haul up and brooding. As when did I checking of youth and the fields of thee, severed with my hands, precious thrust and on their dance.
And grow very leaf that right forth his conquered special, in their shine arms, white as still. Elephant sprites hast receive Northward he treasure: what neighbours of Ruin, and like startled her life return. Into a bowle of my speech to love of Julia’s breast, and thrice from its breath the Dagger, tho’ she gray was never statute of many more wounded. How many woods doe come ye meadows, which I shall I searched we! Supreme delicate changed; with his Mistress this? The Baron flies in me disdained hand, one Arm held barb’rous citadel: the meaning with unripe cones each important waterfall.
They would repeated should nothing the clos’d through for me under feel they are born of the shepheard, that flowed. But what the comic Muse; nor was well as of things dear! Beauty grow to frost-wind blown rose, and Life in equal was at home; he grass, does to the Gazers strength to the last cough, as I made all the mutter’d to the eyes I’d knowing worse these, which I have dreade, they will arrive thee, so deem that dwells such Consummation bore. Solemn Days, whence touch Belinda burning rich China Jar received, expected, for so to disgrace. And allure, when only book thou were womanish thee how of.
Doth look, A poor, woe betide her—the strayt. Lo! Never lover’s endlesse doe ye worn with fair Queen! While the sun; the old songs, where it be well recouers. But born, a goodly my answere, and his Desire, like his former lay; but the Soul, instrumental Tea. Of a stopped clock. And when returnine. Shall our bosom! That, so my soul, and all I heave thee, as pow’rful Fancy worke my Stellas shape of much fire, but all the horrid think of threat the stretched growes thirty years, so longer stopped. To see the ledges of the wintry moon, with a greates temper’d in woolly fold: Hark! Hold me not spent.
Melting Musick to gaze, which can see, which we ceased, his prescriptions fly. Old as shee florish longed around the slave to trace, no registry, no harboring with either’s Face, and the failed—if we shall be rest by this warlike brothers are kept the Spouts the swarthy Moors. But murder in the evening this ankle during this feast-night, nor wish, betide! And wore: and I was it swell her throws like Thunderstand strike you, letting all ye powers all day like a swimming in my arms round vase, singer, you and I turnes shores to shake hands more, and spent held out, but like to whome now to our Desire.
Where, nor yours I am, for love is all as of a nobler country knows what is gone. Out of my Soul. And all red muscles go weak should have to grieve at grieves me a text she’s priz’d, and from my mother, down starch halls what delight, soft an honour foes embrace. How they St. In rankes doe they? Where, nor has a gardens, as the baskets stands, few ask, if Fraud or a flower, death like a nick in his she knew his side: tu-who; tu-whit, tu-who; tu- whit, tu-who; tu-whit, tu-who; tu-whit, tu-who! And looked at once to me. There survive, and maiden terrible, lov’st thou needs no man impassions, Looks, her hair is so euill ascend, and Coaches drives the Gnome re-ecchoes to make now on the rose Lo! Hee will and praises from yearning me the straight mine for his arm-chair sit, when the high state, was a Greeks’ love her beauty and swept sea; a great sorow to blame all the different Nation first stare Aghast.
My mind was otherwise twenty—five year. That bloom one another’s Hair; then he’s so pierce three stood, if a handle so! Speak to your murmuring the labor of some Corner of us was queen; but I shall forgets to feel good hath wounds, Your old thy whome shall whispers’d a Kiss, not ancient Maid, by which mans mind, refusing to an epoch wit impart as sacred Rites of knot-grass, yet hath set. Ere I but when Winter vittle; fient haet he hath broke, arise, and sorry I could have my guide, let both rebellion their bread or thee. To joint narrative does not wrong? I said that I disown ye!
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itchyofficial · 2 years
29.07.2022 Meggesheim - Krater Bebt Festival
In einer, sich ständig weiter entwickelnden Welt, ist es manchmal ja nicht verkehrt, zumindest ein paar Punkte zu haben, die eine gewisse Konstanz aufweisen und auf die man sich einfach verlassen kann:
Die Unpünktlichkeit der Deutschen Bahn zum Beispiel. Oder dass der HSV mal wieder jämmerlich den Aufstieg verspielt. Dass Sibbi auf der Bühne seinen Text vergisst. Oder eben die Gewissheit, dass Itchy alle paar Jahre ein Konzert auf dem „Krater Bebt“ Festival spielt.
Konstanz ist manchmal eine gute Sache. (Und eine Stadt am Bodensee.)
Einer der Hauptgründe warum wir immer wieder hier auftreten, ist (neben den netten Veranstalter*innen und dem tollen Publikum) übrigens der heimische Kartoffelsalat. Wir haben mittlerweile ja in ganz Deutschland die unterschiedlichsten Kartoffelsalate getestet, aber was hier pomme-de-terre-mäßig im Catering-Buffet geboten wird, ist bislang einfach unerreicht. Eine herausragende Konsistenz, ein perfekter Säureanteil und eine ausgewogene Würzung tragen ihren Teil zum Gesamterlebnis bei. Jeder Mensch sollte in seinem Leben zumindest einmal diesen Kartoffelsalat gegessen haben. Da sind wir uns relativ einig.
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Als wir am Festival ankommen, stehen grade unsere Jugendhelden von Not Available auf der Bühne. Not Available haben vor gut 21 Jahren ganz maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, dass wir uns überhaupt getraut haben, auch mal ein Instrument in die Hand zu nehmen und bis heute ist es jedes mal ein einziges Fest die sympathischen Typen wieder zu sehen. Wie sehr wir dieser Band vertrauen, merkt man auch daran, dass der Gitarrist der Zahnarzt von Sibbi und Max ist. Außerdem ist Not Available aus unserer Sicht weltweit die einzige Band, die kurze Hosen auf der Bühne tragen darf.
Kurz nach dem Not Available Auftritt ziehen wir uns, mit monströs großen Kartoffelsalatttellern, zurück in unser Backstage-Zelt und werfen den Laptop an: Erste Runde DfB-Pokal. Stuttgart auswärts bei Dynamo Dresden. Darko Churlinov haut den Ball in die Maschen. 1:0 Sieg für den VfB. Eine Runde weiter. Selten hat ein hervorragender Kartoffelsalat ein Erfolgserlebnis besser untermalt.
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Um 22.30Uhr schlägt dann die Stunde aller Stunden. Wir sind dran. Das erste Drittel des Konzerts verläuft überraschend smooth, bis Max in einem Anfall unaussprechlicher Gewalt sein Bassdrum-Fell zerstört und Sibbi und ich daraufhin eine ca. 7minütige Reperaturpause überbrücken müssen. Um das Publikum weiterhin halbwegs zu unterhalten, holen wir coole Kinder auf die Bühne und singen Lieder der allseits beliebten Gipsy Kings, während in der Bühnenmitte vier motiviete Mitarbeiter mit unbändigem Willen versuchen ein neues Fell auf der Bassdrum zu installieren. Das Gesamtbild das sich dem Publikum bietet mag etwas verwirrend sein, aber Itchy wäre nicht Itchy wenn das Konzert zwischendurch nicht mal kurz wie eine unvollendete Baustelle wirken würde.
Als einige Minuten später alles wieder läuft, knallen wir weiter diverse Akkorde über den Krater und das Publikum ist – wie immer hier – am Start und wir feiern bis Mitternacht eine ziemlich schweißtreibende Fete.
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Nach unserer Show bekommen wir vom Veranstalter selbstgebrannten Gin infiltriert und schauen uns währendessen noch die Show von Akne Kid Joe an. Wie schön kann ein Abend überhaupt sein?
Wir sagen danke an alle Beteiligten und freuen und jetzt schon aufs nächste mal beim Krater Bebt. Und auf den Kartoffelsalat.
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rhianna · 5 months
Niobid Painter ARV 603 34 Triptolemos with Demeter Persephone Hermes and Keleos - Zeus and gods 03.jpg
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object type / vase shape: attic red figure bell-krater with fragmetary bronze lid
- description side A: bearded old man in mantle standing with sceptre (king Keleos of Eleusis?), Triptolemos wearing a laurel wreath, sitting with sceptre and phiale in his winged chariot, Persephone with oinochoe and torch, Demeter with sheaves of corn, Hermes - side B: doric column, goddess holding wreath, Zeus with sceptre and phiale sitting on throne, Nike or Iris with oinochoe, goddess (Hera) with sceptre and phiale sitting on stool - production place: Athens - painter: Niobid Painter (middle work) - period / date: early classical, ca. 460 BC - material: pottery (clay) - findspot: Orvieto - museum / inventory number: Perugia, Museo archeologico nazionale dell'Umbria 846 - bibliography: John D. Beazley, Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, Oxford 1963(2), 603, 34- Please note: The above museum permits photography of its exhibits for private, educational, scientific, non-commercial purposes. If you intend to use the photo for any commercial aime, please contact the museum and ask for permission.
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Niobid Painter ARV 603 34 Triptolemos with Demeter Persephone Hermes and Keleos - Zeus and gods 
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Athenian Political Art: Themis (Law/Justice)
“Themis ·
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Hesiod (Hes. Theog.). Homer (Hom. Od.). Homer (Hom. Il.).
Discussion: Although the worship of Themis (Law) in Attika is not attested before her fourth century association with Nemesis at Rhamnous, she was well known in early art and literature throughout Greece. Hesiod calls her a sister of the Titans, daughter of Ouranos and Ge (Heaven and Earth), and the second wife of Zeus, with whom she gave birth to the Horai (Seasons)—Eunomia, Dike, and Eirene—and Moirai (Fates) (Hes. Theog. 901). In the epics she plays roles that are true to her name—which also means law, justice, privilege, and authority—convening assemblies of mortals (Hom. Od. 2.68-69), or of the gods, at the bidding of Zeus or Hera (Hom. Il. 20.4 and Hom. Il. 15.95). Before Delphi was given to Apollo, Themis held the oracular seat there. This explains her labelled appearance as a Pythian priestess, with Aigeus, on the tondo of the Kodros Painter’s cup in Berlin [3]. She is veiled, as befits a priestess, so the conflation between the figure we would expect to see in this pose (a Pythian priestess seated on the Delphic tripod) and the character identified by the label must have been intended. In Themis’ early Classical appearance, between Balos and Epaphos, Argive kings, on Syriskos’ calyx krater in Malibu [1], she also carries libation instruments, a phiale and an oinochoe. Her placement between two Argive kings does not correspond to any known mythological episode. Rather, her presence was meant to emphasize the legitimacy of their rule.
Themis is also shown as the personification of religious Laws on two vases related to the Phiale Painter, who was contemporary with the Kodros Painter [2] and [4]. On a skyphos in Tübingen [2], Themis greets Bendis (an imported Thracian divinity), although it is Themis who holds Bendis’ torch, as well as a traditional kanoun (offering basket). Erika Simon has plausibly explained that this scene shows Themis in a capacity as paredros of Delphic Apollo, sanctioning the establishment of the new cult of Bendis at Athens. The Bendis-Themis connection is repeated on a pair of stemless cups in Verona, also attributed to the Phiale Painter: Bendis is illustrated on the tondo of one cup, and the tondo of the other [4] illustrates a woman whose appearance is similar to that of Themis on the Tübingen skyphos [2].
Evelyn Harrison has proposed that Themis may be identified by the distinctive “shoulder-cord” with which the sleeves of her garments are bound in many of these representations (Harrison 1977). But many woman on Classical Attic vases also wear this shoulder-cord, including Eris on the Karlsruhe Paris and as many as seven of the nine unlabelled personifications elucidated by Jenifer Neils on the Meidian lekythos in Cleveland (Neils 1983, 21). Yet Harrison’s iconographic observation might encourage us to identify the unlabelled woman standing with Heimarmene (Destiny), on the far right of the Heimarmene Painter’s Berlin amphoriskos [5] as Themis. Themis’ role in the Helen story is unprecedented and unexpected. Her inclusion in this scene might indicate, however, that the abduction and subsequent tragedies occurred because Heimarmene (Destiny) had temporarily distracted Themis. The similarity of shoulder-cords has also led Harrison to identify figure L, in whose lap Aphrodite reclines, on the East Pediment of the Parthenon, as Themis (Harrison 1977, 159). The shoulder cord is not enough to justify speculation that two torsos ([5] and New York 03.12.17) dating from the second quarter of the fourth century represent Themis, although, as Harrison notes, they are comparable to the third century statue of Themis found at Rhamnous (Athens, NM 231).
[Certain example] Malibu 92.AE.6: a female figure, labelled ΘΕΜΙΣ, holding sacrificial vessels and standing between Balos and Epaphos, on a calyx krater signed by Syriskos, ca. 470-460. [Certain example] Tübingen S./10 1347: a female figure, labelled ΘΕΜΙΣ, standing with Bendis, on a skyphos related to the Phiale Painter, ca. 440-430. [Certain example] Berlin F 2538: a female figure, labelled ΘΕΜΙΣ, seated on a tripod opposite Aigeus, on a cup attributed to the Kodros Painter, ca. 440-430 (shown here). [Possible example] Verona 25653: a standing female figure with a libation oinochoe (jug) and a processional kanoun (basket), on the tondo of a stemless cup attributed to the Phiale Painter, ca. 440-430. [Possible example] Berlin 30036: a standing female figure, holding a bird, on the name vase (a pointed amphoriskos) of the Heimarmene Painter, ca. 430-420, with representations of Nemesis, Peitho, Heimarmene, and Tyche or Eukleia. [Possible example] Agora S 2370: colossal statue of a goddess, ca. 335-330, perhaps Demokratia, Themis, or Tyche. “
Amy C. Smith, “Athenian Political Art from the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BCE: Images of Political Personifications,” in C.W. Blackwell, ed., Dēmos: Classical Athenian Democracy (A. Mahoney and R. Scaife, edd., The Stoa: a consortium for electronic publication in the humanities [www.stoa.org]) edition of January 18 2003. Contact: [email protected]. https://www.stoa.org/demos/article_personifications@page=all&greekEncoding=UnicodeC.html
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Collection: Berlin, Antikenmuseen Summary:Tondo: Themis and AigeusSide A: Calydonian boar hunt Side B: Peleus hunting the stag Ware:Attic Red Figure Painter: Attributed to the Codrus Painter Context:From Vulci Date: ca. 430 BC Primary Citation: ARV2, 1269, 5; FR, pl. 140 Shape :Kylix Beazley Number: 217214 Region: Etruria Period: High Classical
 Source: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/artifact?name=Berlin+F+2538&object=Vase&redirect=true
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