#king just wants to smoke a joint and be left alone
skloomdumpster · 2 years
What would the interaction between Isobel and Darcy Daniels and, Sky and Beatrix be like?
Beatrix is flat out starved for any connection and she would want to make it work. Bea's a survivor and if she has to shut her eyes to some blatant and angry red flags? Then so be it. She sees Isobel and Darcy manipulating and she sees them lying and she knows they're doing it to her too, but she's so tired of being alone, of looking over her shoulder, so she lets them.
I don't think for a second Beatrix could be fooled, but I do think she's stubborn enough to shove her head in the dirt and pretend it's perfectly fine.
Sky in the other hand hates change and hates news. He'd hate the twins and would hate how Beatrix folds under them and would want to rattle Bea like a toy, snap her out of this.
Truth is Sky is Beatrix's brother, not by blood, not by duty, but by fate. Negatives of each other. She wants two sisters, but I do think her brother would have to pull through and get past his hatred, slap Beatrix into seeing those sisters are gonna eat people alive (bonus point if it's Stella).
Isobel sees Sky and salivates. Prince charming, golden retriever looking fella, she thinks he's a himbo and she's ready to mice him.
Darcy is throughly uninterested by Sky, but she's interested in Riven (or rather, she's interested in what Beatrix has. Wear your skin as a coat kinda vibes).
thanks for coming to my TED talk
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lihhelsing · 2 months
steddie | 888 words | angst | mature
CW: drug use, implicit violence
Written for @steddieangstyaugust Day 3
Prompt: "The sunset looks lovely, don't you think?"
Part 2 | Part 3
"The sunset looks lovely, don't you think?"
Eddie looks up from the joint he's rolling to find the only face he never thought he would see out here. 
"King Steve," he says, and maybe it's his imagination but Harrington seems to flinch at his words. "What can I do for you?"
Eddie goes back to rolling his joint. There's a part of him that thinks this could be a trap. Last week the entire swimming team had to do a test to make sure they were all clean and one of the guys didn't pass it. 
He didn't pass it because Eddie had sold him some stuff the week before so maybe now Steve was here to put Eddie in his place. 
Eddie lights up the joint and takes a long drag. If he's going to get a beating, then he might as well do it while high out of his mind. 
"I was hoping you'd sell me something," Steve says. Eddie looks at him with the joint between his lips, trying to assess him. 
"Sorry man, I'm all out," Eddie knows best than to create evidence against himself. 
Steve looks at the open metal lunchbox on the table and raises a brow. "Really?"
"Really," Eddie says. He doesn't bother closing it and he doesn't mind if Steve knows he's lying. 
"Jordan told me all I had to do was say that bullshit thing about the sunset and you'd get me something." 
Eddie turns his face to blow out smoke. Fucking Jordan. He had come up with that password phrase to avoid getting in trouble. If people really wanted to buy something, then they would have to come up to Eddie and say it. 
"He lied," Eddie says and he can see Steve's getting annoyed. 
He gets up and put his joint out, pocketing it for later. 
Eddie could definitely use a few extra bucks this week because their kitchen sink stopped working and Wayne doesn't get paid until the end of the month, but it's not worth the risk of getting in trouble. Eddie knows the money he brings home is what helps keeping them afloat, even if Wayne likes to pretend he doesn't know where Eddie gets it.
He closes his lunchbox and moves to walk past Steve, but feels a hand wrapping around his wrist, stopping him.
It's not a strong hold, he could easily break free and walk away, but Eddie stops. He doesn't think he ever got this up close with Steve, which is both thrilling and terrifying.
"Please, man," Steve says, his voice is really low and he's wearing sunglasses, so Eddie can't see his eyes. "I just need something to get the edge off."
Eddie looks down to where they are touching and feels a fucked up thrill going down his spine. Steve's hand is big enough to circle his wrist without much effort and Eddie wonders how it would feel to have that in a different scenario. 
He wonders how it would feel if Steve were to grab him and throw him down on the table. He could probably hold both his wrists with one hand, and Eddie would be helpless to do anything but take whatever Steve wanted to give him. 
Steve moves and Eddie doesn't even flinch, thinking he might get what he wished for after all, but Steve just takes out his sunglasses and Eddie's breath catches in his throat.
Steve has a big bruise around his left eye. It's ugly and it can't be older than a day. It must hurt like hell and Eddie has to fight the urge to touch it. 
"My head is killing me," Steve offers. He looks defeated and Eddie can't ignore the way his heart twist at the words. 
Eddie should ignore it. He should pull his arm away and walk out, leave him out here alone. But Eddie is not a fucking monster.
He picks up the barely smoked joint and offer it to Steve, who lets go of Eddie's arm and takes it immediately. 
Eddie decides not to think about the absence of his touch, and instead watches as Steve puts it between his lips and how that essentially means their lips touched, somehow.
Steve is giving him a hopeful look and Eddie should walk away but instead he picks his lighter and lights him up. 
The first drag floods Steve's expression with relief and he lets out a low moan that makes Eddie's whole body tingle. 
"How much do I owe you?" Steve asks, already moving to get his wallet. His arm brushes Eddie's but he doesn't seem to mind the proximity. 
"Consider it a free sample," Eddie says and Steve eyes him suspiciously. 
"You gotta let me pay you," Steve says and Eddie has to stop himself from saying 'you can pay me with something other than money.'
Even if he doesn't say it, Eddie is under the impression the words float around them like ghosts. Steve raises a brow and Eddie has to laugh it off before he starts taking off his clothes. 
"Don't worry, big boy. Enjoy your free sample."
And with that, Eddie retreats before he does something stupid like kiss King Steve. That would get him a beating for sure and Eddie likes a little pain, but he probably wouldn't like that. 
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
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Little Warrior
Pairing: Sigtryggr Ivarsson (The Last Kingdom) x F!Reader Warnings: Canon typical violence and death, kidnapping, slight Stockholm syndrome, attempted sexual assault, sexual tension, coercion, corruption kink, talk of religious beliefs, female masturbation, loss of virginity, smut. Word count: 4.6k
Summary: When Sigtryggr and his men seize Winchester he takes a special interest in one of their captives (I have essentially yeeted Stiorra from the story and adapted the storyline of how her and Sigtryggr become an item to suit my own). Based on this request.
Author's note: No tag list. Please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
They come in the night. As Winchester sleeps, the Danes descend upon it.
She is woken by the blood curdling shouts and screams of the townspeople, accompanied by the acrid stench of smoke from nearby burning buildings.
Her heart lurches in her chest, panic causing bile to rise in her throat as she acts purely on instinct, scrambling from her bed and out of the house wearing just her nightdress. The only thought in her mind is that she doesn’t want to die trapped in her home as it’s burned to the ground.
Once she is outside, she watches wide eyed with horror at the destruction around her. Buildings are ablaze, people lay dead and dying upon the ground, the thick coppery scent of blood makes her want to vomit.
It’s only when the coolness of the night air begins to chill her skin that she realises just how perilous her situation is - a thin layer of cotton is all that separates her flesh from the horrors around her. She worries about what these Heathens will do to her if they see her in such a state of undress.
She trembles at the thought, dread gnawing at her insides. It’s too risky to go back inside, her only option is to hide. She takes her chances beneath an overturned farmer’s cart, crawling beneath the gap and cowering, waiting for the chaos around her to die down.
Clutching the cross around her neck, she sends up a silent prayer to God to keep her safe. Her destiny is in his hands now.
The aching in her joints for having been crouched for so long is beginning to become unbearable when the noise eventually quietens. She wonders if the Danes have left, if King Edward will return to rescue Winchester or if they have managed to capture it in his absence. Where are the Wessex guard?
She freezes when she hears the sound of approaching boots upon the ground, her heart hammers wildly against her ribcage when they come to a stop in front of the cart she’s hiding under.
“I can see your feet, Christian”, comes the voice of a man. He speaks softly and quietly, and it sends shivers down her spine.
Too paralyzed by fear to do anything, she remains as she is, her breaths coming quick and shallow, a rapidly dying hope in the back of her mind that he might give up and leave her alone. But there is no such luck.
“You will come out,” he commands, “or I will drag you out, the choice is yours.”
She clamps a hand over her mouth to muffle the frightened whimper that escapes her, attempting to force herself further back against the wooden confines of her misguided hiding place.
A large hand appears beneath the cart, reaching towards her before wrapping itself around her ankle.
She shrieks, thrashing against the hold it has on her as she’s dragged out. She lays wide eyed on the cold earth, her breathing erratic, as she looks with terror upon the Dane that towers above her prone form.
His long brown hair is wild and unkempt, half of it pulled back, and a ragged scar runs the length of the left side of his face. He regards her with mild amusement and she becomes aware again of her state of undress.
The thought that he might rape her sends her senses into overdrive, pure adrenaline driving her decision making. She knows she’s in no position to run, her only other option is to fight him, so as he crouches down towards her, she lunges upwards, slapping and scratching at his face and shoulders.
He is quick to overpower her, pulling her to her feet and twisting her arm behind her back.
“A fearsome little warrior, she is,” he chuckles, keeping her arm taut behind her as he gently urges her forward. 
He guides her towards the front steps of the King’s estate, where several people are kneeling before a group of Danes. As they draw closer she recognises a few of them; King Edward’s sons and a few of the Wessex guard.
She is certain she’ll be killed. The man presses on her shoulder, urging her to kneel beside the other captives. She takes up her position, the stone step is hard against her knees, and she is all too aware that she is the least valuable of everyone gathered there.
“Send them to where they keep their dead King,” the man says, looking at Edward’s children and then nodding towards the chapel.
“We need to send a message to Edward,” a dark haired, heavily pregnant woman says, as two of the Danish men pick up the boys and carry them off. “We must force him to yield Winchester to us.”
It makes her shudder to think that this woman will be a mother, when she is capable of such atrocities. 
“And what do you propose, Brida?” He responds.
Brida regards her with a look that makes her blood run cold. She has never seen anyone look at her as though she is worth less than nothing, her brown eyes are filled with utter contempt. “Send him her head,” she tells him, “it is more shocking to Christians when you are prepared to kill women and children alike.”
She gasps audibly, stricken by terror at the notion that they intend to behead her, until she feels his hand upon her shoulder.
“You will not touch her,” he says cooly, “slaughter the men, but she stays with me.”
“And what will you do with her?” Brida asks, raising an eyebrow.
“That is for me to decide,” he responds dismissively.
He makes a cut throat gesture at the Danes that flank Brida, then nods towards the kneeling guards, before pulling her back to her feet and directing her inside of the King’s estate.
She winces as she hears the sound of blades making thick, wet impact upon flesh, followed by dying screams of agony. Despite her shock and disgust, she cannot help the twinge of relief that lightens the feeling in her chest that that is not what destiny has in store for her, at least not yet.
The room that he brings her to is what she assumes is a study. It is filled with books, maps and writing materials, the space is occupied by a wooden writing desk, a chair and a settee.
As her eyes travel around the room, taking in her surroundings, she’s startled out of her reverie when her gaze settles back upon him. He is standing so close, silently observing her, his expression unreadable.
Once more she is reminded of how little she is wearing, and now that she is alone with him, fear of what he might do to her returns in earnest.
“S-stay back,” she stammers, backing away, eyes scanning the room for something, anything, that she can use as a weapon.
He smirks, unmoving, as he looks her over from head to toe. “Be calm, little warrior. Do you know who I am?”
Her face contorts in confusion. “No…”
He straightens, tilting his head slightly, clasping his arms behind his back. “I am Sigtryggr Ivarsson. I am a Dane. If I wish to hump a woman I do not need to do so by force.”
She softens slightly, fear does not grip her heart quite so icily as before. His name is meaningless to her, but she is relieved that he means her no harm.
Sigtryggr leans in, his breath tickling the shell of her ear. “But make no mistake, little warrior, I will have you, and you will beg me for it.”
She draws back quickly in disgust - not at his words, but at the reaction they elicit from her. The way warmth pools in her lower belly fills her with immense guilt. This man has invaded her home and killed people she knows, people she loves, she should despise him.
Swallowing thickly, unease prickling at her, she elects to change the subject. “What have you come here for?”
“To take what I am owed,” he says simply.
“And what is it you believe you’re owed?”
“Land. Your people drove me from mine,” he explains, anger lacing his tone, “your boy King will give back what he stole, or I shall keep Winchester and send him the heads of his children.”
She inhales shakily, feeling like she wants to cry. “A-and…how do I factor into all of that?”
He softens, shrugging slightly. “You don’t, but I can’t imagine your King will yield quickly, and it is always nice to have company. You are brave, for a Christian.”
“So I am your prisoner?”
“No, little warrior. You are free to leave any time you’d like, and take your chances with Brida.”
The implication is not lost on her. Her freedom is an illusion when the alternative is death. Sigtryggr is her only guarantee for safety.
“Shall we find something else for you to wear?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
She looks down at the thin material of her shift, seeing how dirty it is from having been crouched beneath the cart, dragged out and then forced to kneel on the steps of the estate. Her cheeks heat up with embarrassment.
“Yes, please,” she whispers.
He nods. “Wait here.”
Sigtryggr leaves her alone in the study, not bothering to lock the door behind him - a sign of his confidence that he knows she won’t try to escape.
He returns a few moments later with a white cotton shift that is similar to the one she is currently wearing, She assumes it belongs to Ælflæd, something he has found within a bedchamber.
“Where is the rest of it?” She asks.
“What do you mean? It’s the same as what you have on, and it’s clean,” he says simply.
“Yes, but this is meant to go under–” she sighs, “nevermind.”
She takes the shift from him and begins to change, noting the way that he turns from her, keeping his eyes fixed on the shelves of books that line the walls of the room. The small mark of respect makes her smile. She had not anticipated such manners from a Heathen.
He pulls a book from the shelf when she is finished, flipping through its pages. “Can you read?”
She nods and he hands the tome to her.
“Read to me.”
“Can you not read?” She asks with a raise of her eyebrow.
“I can,” he says with a smirk, “but where’s the fun in that?”
She sighs, settling into the chair in front of the writing desk, while Sigtryggr sits upon the settee a few feet away, and she reads to him.
Over the next few weeks their days are spent much like this. She reads aloud to him, though none of the books are particularly interesting, mostly religious texts and historical records of Wessex. She’s not convinced that he pays any particular attention to the words, but he seems to enjoy the sound of her voice.
They find a Hnefatafl board and Sigtryggr teaches her how to play. They while away hours strategising ways to remove each other's pieces from the board. He has a sharp mind, is calmer and more analytical than any other Dane she’s ever met. He bests her with his cunning multiple times, until she finally begins to get the hang of it and he begins to lose to her.
“Another game?” She asks. “How many have I won now?”
He shoots her a sideways glance, a faint smile upon his lips. “I am not keeping count.”
She giggles. She is beating him, but he does not seem to mind.
They sleep upon furs and blankets that Sigtryggr has brought down to the study and fashioned into a makeshift bed. Her stomach flutters at laying in such close proximity to him, but true to his word he never touches her. Shame blooms hotly in her chest as each of the days pass and she finds herself yearning for it.
He brings her food, and the hopelessness of the situation looms over her as with every meager meal the bread tastes more stale.
“Read to me, little warrior,” he requests, reclining on the settee, his forearm slung over his forehead.
She grouses, hunger pangs causing her stomach to rumble painfully. “I cannot concentrate,” she whispers.
“What is the matter?” He asks, sitting up to look at her.
“I am hungry. I’m always hungry.”
He nods, stepping towards her and offering her his share of the bread.
She looks from his outstretched hand to his face uncertainly. “What will you eat?”
“I will manage, and you will read to me,” he tells her, as she takes the offering and he settles back down.
She smiles to herself at the gesture, warmth spreading throughout her. So she eats, and she reads to him.
Sigtryggr disappears each day, leaving her alone in the study. She only leaves to bathe and to relieve herself, but she is perfectly happy to stay put and await his return, especially when she is all too aware of the alternative.
Each day when he returns he brings news of the continuing siege. King Edward and the Wessex guard surround the walls of Winchester, but will not attack as his sons are being kept captive in the chapel. They have yet to yield to Sigtryggr’s demands for land.
She fiddles with the cross around her neck, eyeing the Mjölnir that sits around his carefully. “Can there not be a peaceful resolution?”
"It is more difficult to live peacefully with enemies than to fight them,” he tells her.
“But we live peacefully,” she retorts.
“We are not enemies, little warrior.”
The sentiment makes her heart flutter, though there is the lingering question in the back of her mind; what are we?
He leaves her alone again as usual one morning and she busies herself poring over maps to pass the time.
She turns when she hears footsteps, expecting to see Sigtryggr but instead it is a man she does not recognise. He appears Saxon, so she cannot understand why the Danes have allowed him to move around the estate so freely.
The stench of ale upon him as he draws closer is nauseating. His eyes hold malicious intent as he advances towards her, and her blood runs cold at the sight.
She stands, backing away from him. “Whatever you are planning to do, please reconsider,” she pleads, “Sigtryggr will punish you if anything happens to me.”
“I have allied myself with the Danes,” he slurs, “but at what cost? They treat me like a dog, while Sigtryggr coddles you. Tell me, whore, is your cunt really that good? Perhaps I ought to find out for myself.”
She yelps as he lunges for her, grabbing her and pinning her against the desk. Fury flashes through her as she struggles against him, attempting to free herself from his hold.
“Whatever treatment they give you, you have brought upon yourself, traitor,” she spits.
Her head snaps to the side, a sharp sting spreads across her cheek as he strikes her.
She barely has time to adjust her focus before she feels him forcefully being pulled off of her.
“Eardwulf!” Sigtryggr snarls angrily. “Fucking coward!”
His fist makes impact with Eardwulf’s face knocking him to the ground, before he is dragged away.
She curls up on the furs, shaking as tears stream down her cheeks, waiting for her heart rate to calm. What could have happened to her if Sigtryggr had not returned when he did doesn’t bear thinking about.
She is unsure of how much time has passed when he returns.
“Are you alright?”
She turns towards the sound of his voice, gasping when she sees he’s covered in blood. Rushing towards him, she places her hands upon his face. “You are hurt…”
Softly he grasps her wrists, keeping her hands where they are. “This blood is not mine, and Eardwulf will not hurt you ever again.”
Her lips part in shock at the thought that he has killed for her, saved her life twice now. She studies his face, taking in the stormy blue of his eyes, the fullness of his lips.
She allows her gaze to linger there for just a moment too long, embarrassment making her hot, eager to distract herself. She traces a finger over the scar that runs the length of the left side of his face.
“How did this happen?”
“A man tried to take my eye during battle,” he explains softly, “so I took his life.”
“But you were hurt.”
“Injured, yes. Left with a scar, yes. But very much alive.”
“As am I, thanks to you.”
She drops her hands from his face and he steps away from her, pulling off his blood soaked light armour and clothing.
She feels her throat run dry at the sight of his bare torso, all lean, lithe battle hardened muscle, adorned with scars. She longs to trace her fingers over each of them.
Looking away, she feels ashamed for harbouring such thoughts and desperately tries to ignore the throbbing ache in her core.
As night falls and Sigtryggr lays asleep beside her, the feeling that lingers between her legs has yet to subside. It is maddening, robbing her of rest. Every time she closes her eyes the image of him stood bare chested before her enters her mind.
She has never touched herself before, it is impure to do so, yet she needs relief or she is sure she will go mad.
Sparing a glance in the darkness towards Sigtryggr, she makes sure his eyes are closed before reaching a tentative hand between her legs. She lets out a shaky sigh as her fingers make impact against the sensitive flesh.
She is not quite sure what she is supposed to do, but finds that a combination of rubbing the area and bucking softly against her hand feels most pleasurable, so continues to do that, holding her free hand over her mouth to muffle the sounds she makes.
There is a feeling that builds within her, a zenith that she feels she must press towards, so she continues in earnest, until finally she feels something within her release and her entire body shudders, a soft moan stifled against her lips as white hot pleasure rolls through her body.
Laying there afterwards she does her best to calm her breaths, feeling guilty for having done something so depraved.
She is startled by Sigtryggr’s voice beside her. “If only you’d beg, little warrior, I could do that for you.”
Her breath hitches and she quickly turns away from him. Not knowing what to say, she feigns sleep, clutching her cross and praying silently that he’ll forget.
She is grateful when he speaks of it no further, and life goes back to normal, or at least what normal is for them.
That is until a couple of weeks later when Brida storms her way into the study, clearly having grown impatient with the lack of progress being made.
“It has been more than thirty days since we captured Winchester, and your negotiations with the Saxon King are not working, Sigtryggr,” she glowers at him, “the time for talking is over. We are killing more captives.”
She does not miss the way that Brida’s eyes linger upon her as she says this, a shiver of fear causes her skin to break out into gooseflesh.
“I will choose who we execute, not you,” Sigtryggr tells her.
“You cannot protect this Saxon forever,” Brida retorts.
“Oh, but I can,” he says, placing himself protectively between her and Brida. “She is mine, and I will decide what happens to her.”
Brida scoffs, turning and leaving. Sigtryggr follows, leaving her alone to ponder the fact that he has once more saved her life.
When he comes back several hours later, he looks so tired. The expression he wears is one of defeat and she feels her heart ache for him.
“Read to me,” he says softly, sitting heavily upon the settee.
She regards him quietly, she wants to comfort him. She wants to comfort herself. She has grown weary of denying him.
Before she has time to think about what she’s doing, she crosses the room, and places herself upon his lap, her thighs astride his.
“What are you do–”
His words are cut off as she presses her lips to his eagerly, before pulling away. “I’m begging, Sigtryggr, please. I–”
He surges forward, kissing her again, his mouth possessing hers hungrily as he grasps her hips, lifting her as he stands to deposit her onto the makeshift bed upon the floor, his body caging hers in against the furs.
“I knew you’d give in, little warrior,” he whispers against her neck, kissing his way down her throat to her collarbone.
His fingers toy with the hem of the shift she wears, a silent plea for consent in his eyes as he looks at.
She swallows thickly and nods, nervousness and excitement fluttering ceaselessly in her stomach.
He pulls the garment over her head, throwing it to the side before sitting back on his haunches to admire her.
“Gods…you were worth the wait. So beautiful,” he whispers reverently.
She squirms beneath his gaze, turning her head away at the intimacy of the gesture, feeling shy and uncomfortable.
“Look at me,” he tells her softly. His fingers grasp her jaw, turning her face back to him.
Slowly he undresses, until he is as naked as she is. She feels the familiar ache between her thighs as she drinks in the sight of him, chiseled and battle hardened.
“Now we are equal,” he reassures her.
He reaches for the cross around her neck, toying with it between his fingers, before giving a quick, hard tug, causing the cord to give way. “What we are about to do is no business of your nailed god,” he tells her, tossing it to one side.
He kisses her once more, slower this time, their mouths saving the feel of the other’s against it. Trailing featherlight kisses down her body until he reaches her breasts, he wraps his lips around one of their hardened peaks, sucking gently.
The sensation causes her to moan, a pleasurable sensation shooting through her body, pooling into wet warmth between her legs as she arches against him. 
Sigtryggr repeats the motion on the opposite breast, before descending further down, leaving wet kisses in his wake.
She freezes up when he grips her thighs, placing them over his shoulders so that his face is level with her most intimate of parts.
“What…what are you doing?” She asks anxiously.
“I’m going to taste you,” he says matter of factly, making pointed eye contact.
“You cannot do that,” she protests weakly, “it is an unclean thing to do.”
He grins at her, shaking his head slightly. “Christian,” the word leaves his mouth as a half hearted insult, before he presses forward.
The first swipe of his tongue against her folds causes her to gasp, her hands burying themselves in his hair as he uses his grip on her thighs to pull her closer, his tongue moving against her firmer, deeper, faster.
A groan of satisfaction rumbles in his throat, the vibrations causing her insides to clench as she bucks against his face, chasing the edge of oblivion that his tongue is pressing her towards.
He sucks at her pearl, before laving his tongue over it and she cries out as she spasms against his mouth, ecstasy numbing all of her senses as he continues to lap at her.
Once she relaxes, he pulls away, sitting back between her legs, his chin slick with her juices. His fist runs over the length of his cock as he takes in her blissful state and her eyes widen as she sees the size of him.
He is thick, long and slightly curved. She has never looked upon anyone’s manhood before and she trembles as she wonders how it will possibly fit inside of her.
Sensing her trepidation, Sigtryggr caresses her cheek with his palm. “Relax, little warrior, I have prepared you well.”
He presses the head of himself against her entrance and she braces herself, but then he stops. Her eyes flit to his questioningly.
“Beg for it,” he whispers.
She whines, wanting to hide her face in furs that they lay upon.
“Beg,” he says again, more insistently.
“Please,” he pushes forward, aided by her arousal and release, “please,” he pushes forward again, more of her swallowing him up, accompanied by the sensation of stretching and the slightest of stings, “please,” he pushes forward once more, finally sheathed fully inside of her.
She realises as he settles on top of her, giving her a moment to get used to the feeling of him, that this was merely a means to distract her so that she wouldn’t focus on the possibility of it hurting and grow tense. She smiles, stroking the wild tresses of his dark hair. Always so cunning.
He withdraws his hips slowly, before carefully pushing forward again. He repeats the motion several times, watching her face carefully.
As her breathing quickens, her brow relaxing as her jaw begins to slacken, he increases his pace, hips snapping against hers faster and faster, their kisses frenzied as they pant into each other’s mouths.
She feels him throb inside of her, the sensation pushes her back towards the precipice she’d fallen over earlier, but before she reaches it he is pulling out, spilling pearlescent ropes of spend across her belly.
He wipes her clean with a blanket, discarding it before laying down beside her and pulling her into his arms. A satisfied ache settles within her, she feels she could fall asleep like this, but his voice lulls her back to full consciousness.
“I have released the King’s sons back to him,” he tells her quietly.
“What will happen now?”
“He is sending a warrior named Uhtred into Winchester to negotiate terms, if I accept those terms then my men and I will move on.”
Her heart sinks. She cannot bear the thought of him leaving, not now she knows what it’s like to be in his arms. “Oh,” is all she is able to muster, pressing tighter to him.
They fall into a quiet doze, until he gently squeezes her shoulder. “I must go and speak with Uhtred.”
She watches sadly, quietly, as he dresses. He leans down to kiss her before he leaves and she pushes her lips eagerly to his. If he is to abandon her then she will cling to every last moment until he does.
When Sigtryggr returns later, she is dressed in her shift again, though her cross remains discarded. She is seated by the window, staring listlessly out of it.
He carries a bundle of clothing in his arms and she looks at him curiously.
“To keep you warm,” he explains, deepening her confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“I have discussed terms with Uhtred and we have reached an agreement. I will leave Winchester, on the condition that you accompany me…not as my prisoner, but as my woman.”
She grins, running into his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck.
As they ride away from Winchester, side by side on horseback, she does not feel as though she is leaving her life behind. On the contrary, it has just begun.
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sadhours · 6 months
Billy and Steve kinda drunk at Tina’s stupid party, decide to smoke a j together and end up jerking each other off because you know, they’re not gay and anything more would just be too gay 😉
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I really fucking love these two, thank you for this request.
cw: 18+ minors dni, smut, they uh jerk each other off, it’s not gay I swear, drug and alcohol use
“She said I’m bullshit,” Steve mumbles, “That we’re bullshit.”
Why the fuck he’s saying this to the new guy who stalked up to him with his chest puffed as their first interaction, he isn’t sure. But it’s been a few hours since Nancy basically broke up with him and left with Byers. And Steve was just gonna go home. He hadn’t drank before then, planned on staying relatively sober for the night but that went out the window when he passed a bottle of vodka on his way out. Drank about half of it before he stumbled downstairs in the basement and found who other than Billy Hargrove, Hawkins new Keg King as the fucks he used to call his friends gloated about seconds after Hargrove took the record out from under Steve.
Hargrove was by himself. Sat on the couch Tina’s mother decided was out of fashion and retired to the finished basement. Looks like it’s mostly meant for storage. Loads of boxes. Steve was coming down here to be alone. Get a second to breathe. Asked Billy what the hell he was down here for and turns out, for the same thing. Then he held up a rather fat joint and asked King Steve to join him.
Half a joint and the rest of the vodka bottle later, Steve’s venting to the new King Asshole.
“Girls’ are bullshit,” Billy says with a strained voice, holding the skunky weed smoke in his lungs. Exhales. Looks cool and it annoys Steve, cause he used to care about looking cool and he wishes that didn’t change. At least he didn’t hurt inside this much then. Billy passes the joint back, “They’re only good for one thing and honestly, they ain’t that fucking super at that either.”
Steve’s inclined to agree, mostly out of hurt. Maybe shit would’ve been easier for him if he did to Nancy what he’s done to all the other girls he’s been with. Unfortunately, he liked her.
“She wasn’t,” he huffs, “I mean— Nancy’s great.”
Billy snorts, leans back and wraps an arm around Steve’s shoulders. He smells like some musky cologne, beer and cigarettes. But Steve kind of likes looking at him and he’s not sure why.
“Bitch dumped you,” Billy whispers, leaning close to Steve like this is some big secret, “You’re allowed to be mad at her. Granted, I don’t know what the fuck you did but King Steve, you’re a senior in high school. Bitches come and go.”
Steve huffs again and sits back, ‘cause he can’t argue without explaining a whole bunch of weird, confusing shit he doesn’t even completely understand himself to a complete stranger. He rubs his palms against his eyes, wants them to stop stinging. Billy’s being nice now but again, he’s a stranger. And if Tommy’s clinging to him like a stubborn barnacle, he’s probably not all that kind. There was something in his eyes when he stared Steve down earlier that was scary. Because Steve didn’t understand it. If he wanted to kick Steve’s ass, he could’ve but he didn’t. Just stared at him like he wanted something out Steve but Steve still can’t figure out what.
“Sorry— I shouldn’t be whining about this shit to you,” Steve laughs, awkwardly, “I don’t even know you.”
“But I know you,” Billy replies with a smirk.
“Y-you do?” Steve looks back to Billy with hesitation, perhaps even a little fearful.
Billy nods slowly, lips pursed with the joint hanging from them. Plucks the paper from his lips and passes it back to Steve as he says, “You’re all these boring fucks care about. King Steve is the only thing they can talk about. Barely been here but I know all about you.”
Steve likes this fact but he also feels guilty that he likes that, because he isn’t supposed to care about the whole popularity thing anymore. He even blushes hearing it, shakes his head and takes the joint. Takes a small pull and passes it back because he’s already too stoned and school’s gonna be hell tomorrow.
“Yikes,” he says and Billy laughs, cruel and deep in his belly and it makes Steve feel uneasy. But he likes sitting on this couch down here, hidden behind stacks of boxes. Labeled things like XMAS DECORATIONS and TINA’S SUMMER CLOTHES.
“They like you still,” Billy whispers, smoothes his fingers down the back of Steve’s neck. Gives him chills but he doesn’t move.
“Wanna forget about her?” Billy asks then, “Just for right now?”
“Yes,” Steve chokes out in spite of how his brain’s firing off about how this is weird and he should be getting home. But mom and dad are out of town again. And he does wanna forget about Nancy. Wants to get this hurt out of his chest.
Billy’s hand drops to Steve’s lap, he pulls another drag from the joint and exhales the smoke in Steve’s face. His hands barely moving but Steve can feel it. And maybe it’s the smoke making his head feel all fuzzy and his body feel all warm. His dick’s getting hard. Because Billy Hargrove is feeling him up over his Levi’s.
His palm pushes a little harder on Steve’s crotch, his eyes look straight ahead as he finishes off the joint. Pinches the cherry between his fingers before he tosses it to the floor. Steve watches it and then looks straight ahead like Billy does. Next, Billy grabs Steve’s wrist and pulls his hand to Billy’s tight jeans. Drops it in his lap. And Steve’s filled with a curiosity he’s never felt before. He starts rubbing Billy’s crotch. He kind of wants to look at Billy’s face but he’s scared to. Keeps his eyes trained on a rolled up rug in the corner of the room.
The pressure of Billy’s palm on his cock feels nice. It’s easy to focus on it. Weed’s always made Steve a little frisky. Everything just feels hotter. Kissing feels better, eating pussy is funner and it makes his cock like, a million times more sensitive. So he’s fully torqued in his jeans. Feels like Billy is too. Which weirdly enough, turns Steve on even more and his hips kind of roll up into Billy’s touch. And it has to be the weed that makes Steve whine. He’s trying to ignore that it’s Billy’s hand on him but he can’t, really. Gives himself a moment to glance down at his hand on Billy’s lap and finds that Billy has some pretty seriously defined abs. And it’s real weird that he likes them. Definitely the weed.
Soon enough, Billy’s unbuttoning Steve’s jeans and Steve moves to help get them down his thighs, along with his underwear. His cock pops out, bounces and hangs. Billy’s also pulling his pants and underwear down and then he’s spitting on his hand and wrapping his fingers around Steve’s cock.
Steve whimpers from the wet touch, eyes rolling back in his head as his hips stutter up. Billy’s voice is quiet and strained when he asks, “Thinking about her?”
“No,” Steve confesses, looks down at where Billy’s languidly stroking him and it’s odd seeing another man’s hand wrapped around his cock. Not odd enough to stop this, though. He returns the favor, spits a glob of saliva into his palm and smears it over Billy’s thick cock. Squeezes at the base, curls his hand on the upstroke. Billy lets out a sweet, breathy noise that Steve likes a lot. Different than a girls’ moan but just as pretty, he thinks.
Steve gasps when Billy squeezes his cock a little tighter and speeds up his strokes. Quick and firm. Steve mirrors it with his own hand on Billy. Steve stares down at his own crotch, Billy does the same. The pair of ‘em gasping and moaning softly. Steve comes first, a mess on his thighs and Billy’s fist. And the blonde strokes him through it. Steve’s whimpering and it’s pretty damn pathetic the way his hips cant up in the air. Billy’s following suit soon after, jerking his hips up as he fucks Steve’s fist.
The boys sit back, hands loose around softening dicks as they pant. Steve looks down at the mess in his lap, not sure how to clean it. He glances around the room but there’s not much in here. Just the couch and boxes. So Steve leans forward, shucks off his blazer and uses that to soak up the cooling cum on his thighs and hand. Hands to Billy before pulling up his briefs and pants. And this whole interaction has sobered him up. The realization that he and the new guy have just jerked each other off in Tina’s fucking basement hits him hard and Steve needs to leave. So he does. Without a word to the guy.
Worst part, at basketball practice the next day. Both of them wildly hungover. Billy crowds behind Steve and says, “Harrington, right? Heard you used to run this school, that true?” like he didn’t just jerk him off the night before.
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hey bestie can i pretty pretty please have titfucking with the kegboys or harringroveson? smooches
How about both? Steve, Eddie, Billy, & Tommy.
Hmmm, I think I'll choose the line “I’m not drunk enough for this.” (also I threw in a bonus ;3)
A bet's a bet and let it never be said that Steve Harrington welched on one.
“I’m not drunk enough for this.” Steve let out a nervous giggle.
"Nobody here but us, Stevie." Tommy rubbed his shoulders and it helped ease some of the tension there.
"Relax, your majesty." Eddie took a long drag off of his joint and leaned in to shotgun it with him. Steve breathed it in, held it, and let Eddie deepen the kiss as the smoke left their lungs.
Between the two of them, he was eased down to kneel on the soft cushion they'd pulled off of Steve's basement couch. Steve parted from the kiss to look past Eddie’s shoulder to see Billy standing up from the couch itself.
"You wearing it, Princess?" Billy reached down to tap Steve's chin until he was looking straight up at him. "Does King Steve honor his bets?"
Steve swallowed hard and startled when Tommy leaned over his shoulder to kiss his constricting throat. "Relax, Stevie, relax. We know how to keep our mouths shut, don't we, boys?"
"Think anyone would believe the Freak?" Eddie grinned at Steve. "We're good, yeah?"
Billy put out his joint in the nearby ashtray on the coffee table. He exhaled as he spoke. "Don't have anyone I want to share this with that ain't already here." He curled his hand through Steve’s hair, rubbing a lock of it between his fingers. "Show us, pretty boy."
Steve felt his mouth go dry but started to unbutton his shirt. The boys made various sounds of interest and shock.
"Fuck me." Eddie's eyes were glazed over and Steve didn't think it was just from the weed. Steve shrugged off the shirt and Tommy, ever the gentleman, helped pull it off and threw it at the couch. No one checked to see if it landed.
"Not here for your skinny ass, Munson." Billy pushed him to the side for a better look. 
The bet had come about while Steve, Tommy, and Billy had been hanging out. It'd been Steve's way of extending the olive branch to Tommy. Whatever their problems were, they'd been friends for too long to leave things as they were forever.
However, Tommy and Billy Hargrove were now a package deal it seemed. Tommy, to ease the tension between the two, had called their friendly neighborhood dealer to come by. Who ended up staying because apparently he and Billy were friends.
After some time, a quiet conversation between Billy and Steve alone, the party of four finally began to kick off. It wasn't long before the games started, he and Billy were too competitive for their own good and this time Steve was into it.
Steve had, almost predictably, lost.
Some time over the course of the party, the other boys had exchanged loaded glances and quiet side conversations before the final bet. In hindsight, maybe Steve should have already known they were interested in him in a more than friend way. The innuendo, the subtle flirting that steadily became less and less so throughout the party, and the stares at his ass.
Fast forward a week later and they were all back at Steve’s to make good on his end of the bet.
Which was Steve, on his knees and surrounded by the boys, in nothing but his old and now too tight gym shorts and the bra.
Tommy rested his chin on Steve's shoulder and trailed hands up from his hips to Steve's chest, cupping the thin see-through red bra. It'd taken some doing, Steve had found one close enough in his size to wear for this. "Shit Stevie, look at you."
By their request, Steve hadn't shaved his chest that week and three pairs of hands were feeling him up. Three pairs of hands petting his chest hair, his nipples, tugging at the straps of the bra, cupping his-
Steve gasped as Billy’s hands squeezed and kneaded his chest. "Look at these fucking tits." He pinched his nipples and got a hiss in return.
"Getting pretty wet," Eddie said in a rough voice. A hand rubbed over the trapped bulge in his shorts and then lightly pinched the head of his cock, the wet patch grew larger. "You really like having your tits played with, huh?"
"So pretty, Stevie." Tommy kissed his neck and held his weight as Steve sank back into him. Tommy wouldn't let him fall. "I got you."
Steve's eyes drifted shut as Eddie shotgunned with him at the same time Billy started mouthing at his tits, sucking on the nipples through the thin material of the bra.
He blinked his eyes open to realize he'd lost track of time a bit. Tommy and Eddie were down to their underwear now, fuck he hadn't known Eddie had that many tattoos, and the sound of Billy's belt hitting the floor drew his eyes upwards.
His first thought was 'no underwear, of course.' The second was holy fuck, Tina hadn't been kidding when she said he was hung.
Eddie and Tommy laughter filled his ears. Steve realized too late that he'd said that last part out loud.
"Yeah," Tommy said. "Sorta my first reaction too."
"My first reaction was how fast can I get that under me and in me." Eddie grinned at Steve’s wide eyes. "Oh, Billy’s very equal opportunity all the time. He's charitable like that."
Billy put a hand on Eddie’s face and pushed him out of the way. "Move it, Munson, or you can go play by yourself."
Eddie scooted to the side so Billy was standing directly in front of Steve. Billy’s hand was back in his hair. "Up." Billy gave a gentle tug on his hair until Steve rose up onto his knees again. It put his face intimately close to Billy. "Mmm, the angle isn't right. Hagan, bring me that chair."
Once Tommy retrieved the chair, Billy sat down and pulled Steve to sit between his knees. It put his cock level with Steve’s chest.
"There we go." Billy's hands were on his chest again, squeezing the soft mounds in his hands. "You put on a little weight, Princess. Looks good on you. Real good." He pinched Steve's nipples hard enough to make him hiss, to make bend down to try to get away. It just made his chin and then brush against Billy’s now very erect cock.
"Um." Steve wasn't even sure what it was he wanted to say. It seemed kind of desperate to beg to suck someone's dick, now matter how good it looked and smelled. Fuck the smell of musk was strong. Steve hadn't gotten a chance at sucking off a guy since the first and last time he had at Wham! concert.
"No pressure, Princess, not what we're here for today." Billy stroked Steve’s hair out of his eyes. "Today you're here to sit pretty for us, let me fuck these tits, and then these two are going to jack off on to them. Hope you didn't save the receipt for this, sweetheart." He snapped Steve's bra strap. "I don't think they're gonna want it back."
Steve was definitely not drunk enough for this, but maybe he was just high enough.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Nyan XVI - Heart only for cats/boyfriends
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Nyan Chapters List
Summary: End with Yuki
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"Look what I found!”
You turned your head from the box with your things to look at Satoru who was holding a fluffy artificial tail on a metal ball in his hand.
Your eyes widened and your mind seemed to explode as you remembered the moment you used it.
Do they like cat tails that much?
"Hide this!" You called out, grabbing the box to carry it to the living room.
"Kitty~ this should be in your stuff." he suddenly whispered in your ear. "You're the only one who uses it~. Me and Suguru have our own tails. We don't need artificial ~."
"Just hide it somewhere! I can't believe you had to find it today!
"It was at the end of my underwear drawer! I kept adding clean ones until I finally couldn't see the soft fur!
"Suguru...!" You groaned, seeking support for your mind so that you wouldn't have to die now and your soul wouldn't fly out of your body.
"Yup?" He leaned out of the bathroom while collecting everything from there.
"Please take him away... I'm already nervous enough about the move and he's finding things he doesn't want to see yet!'
You pointed to the White-haired Man behind you.
Purple eyes turned to Gojo, giving him a menacing look.
It was very difficult to convince you to move. Because when you move, you have to leave your job. This was a difficult decision you all made. Well... It wasn't difficult for them because they really wanted you to be in the home you deserved. Not just any apartment building.
They said they have a big house for you all. And there's enough room for more than three people.
You don't know if there was a hint behind it or not.
The thing was thrown into the box and a lot of white smoke appeared behind you.
As you started walking forward, you felt your foot touch something warm and soft. So you looked down and saw Satoru as a cat showing you his belly. That fluffy kitten belly!
When he's human, you can't pet his belly because he takes it as a hint to something more...
You leaned down and grabbed him to lift the cat's body and hold him in your arms.
One thing is certain... It's a big cat. A big, heavy cat...
But when he started purring and snuggling into your chest, you pushed him onto the couch. Especially because you heard your phone ringing.
Yuki: "Can we meet to finish the project? I know you won't be working with me anymore in a few days, but would you like to finish this last thing with me?"
You felt the eyes of two cats on you.
You: "I'll do it willingly. When and where should we meet?" "I don't want you to have to finish it yourself since we're both responsible for it."
Yuki: "Cool! I'll send you the address in a moment! "Can we meet in two hours at the entrance?" "This is the address: [ADDRESS]"
"What's going on?"
"Oh, Sugu." his arms wrapped around your waist. "Yuki asked me if we could meet up to finish our latest project together."
"Are you going with him?" Satoru asked from across the room.
"Yes I do. I don't want him to be left alone with all this. This is our joint project and I want to at least help with something."
"Fine, go. Hopefully it won't take long. Remember that at 5 p.m. we're going to look at the new house."
"After all, it's apparently the house where Satoru already lived."
"But this is a new home for you, honey."
"XXL King bed!" the white-haired man laughed, looking at you with sparkles in his eyes.
"I didn't know you wanted to meet in such a place. If I had known, I would have dressed better." You said, looking around the restaurant you were at with your friend.
This isn't just any bar. This is not some simple restaurant. This isn't elegant either. But it's certainly not just any restaurant.
"That's nothing. You look pretty as always." he said with a smile, nervously adjusting the gray button-down shirt he was wearing. His thin glasses almost fell off his nose.
"So... Should we start? Do you have everything you need for the project?"
"I didn't take anything for this. I finished it at home alone. I knew you were busy, that's why I took care of it."
"And so-."
"We can spend time together and enjoy each other!
"Yuki –."
"Will you eat something? I pay!"
"Would you like red or white wine?"
"Yuki!” You said louder to snap him out of whatever behavior he was having.
He looked at you carefully.
"What's the real reason I'm here with you?" she asked calmly.
He smiled slightly, but with a small blush.
"Haha... You know... I wanted to be romantic in the moment of my confession..." He said more quietly.
More romantic at the moment of his confession?
Was he hoping you would stay here because he would say he fell in love with you?
He already tried! But it was clear that you didn't love him! You love Satoru and Suguru. He is your best friend. You couldn't date your best friend after everything you've been through as friends...
"Yuki, listen –."
"I love you (y/n). I like you, my family likes you. We are perfect partners. At work, in private life. Isn't this perfect?"
"I wish there was more between us. Recently, the new guy at work said she would like to meet me for coffee. I refused because it was more important for me to meet you."
"Yuki, you should not. She seems to like you." You gave him a small smile.
"What does it mean?"
"She likes you. Maybe this would be the perfect opportunity for you to meet someone?"
"But I don't want to! I've known you for three years and I love you."
"... I already told you, I love someone else..." you said more quietly. "Please don't try. For me you have always been and will be a friend. I can't see you as anything more than a friend."
His smile didn't shrink an inch.
"You said they lied to you and you didn't know their real lives. I have never lied to you. We've known each other longer than you've known them. Isn't that a good enough point?"
"Yuki, I'm sorry..."
"I fell in love with you because we are on the same level. We both have similar positions at work. We both earn the same amount. We live in similar conditions. We like similar things. We get along best. Isn't that enough?"
"Isn't it enough for me to say that I love someone else...?"
"We both know our standards! Our levels! You once said at work that it's not worth striving for a higher level if nothing good will happen. We are on the same level."
Did he just say that you're not worthy of Satoru and Suguru's attention?
"What are you talking about? What I meant was that it's not worth going to another position at work if it will be the same there."
"People should stick with someone who is on their level." he said in a slightly quieter voice. "Someone you say you love is different than you. I would describe them more as fuckboys having fun. You can't love people like that. I'm sorry (y/n). They are lying. I don't. How are they better than me? Are they more handsome and have more money? Exactly this. But what about how many years we have known each other? I am realist. I analyze the situations I might be in. And I understand that you may not love me because I am not them. But notice that in my case you already know the ground you are walking on. And they are unknown deep down to you -."
"How can you say that?" You interrupted him. "If they didn't love me, they wouldn't be with me, right? I'm moving in with them so they can be closer to work. They love me. Just like I do them. I won't leave this love just to make you feel better. Please understand, I don't love you. Find a better woman for you. I'm not like I am at work. At work, my priority is to do something well and not to make a mistake. At home, my priority is spending time with them and taking care of our relationship. Even if I wanted to make you happy, I couldn't be with someone I didn't love. Sorry."
"Haha... I could have expected such rejection... Poor me who tries to court my friend and gets rejected because she loves someone else..."
"Yuki... We've known each other for so many years... If you loved me, you would have come to me with this confession earlier." You placed your hand on his. "It started when I told you about Suguru and Satoru. You're jealous that they're closer than you, right?"
"... Maybe a little..."
"I've always treated you like a friend. Like a brother. I want happiness for you. But I can't give it to you. So please find someone who will love you as something closer than a friend... Because I already have someone else in my heart." You gave him a smile and he returned it.
As he walked you home, he left you once you were at the door and walked away. Maybe the girl who spoke to him will be the love of his life?
You didn't hurt him because he knew you would reject him. He just wanted to hear it one last time.
When he turned around on the sidewalk, he saw your cats jumping on you.
Black and white fur rubbing against you.
And suddenly white and black smoke appeared, and instead of cats there were two men hugging you and holding you close.
He recognized them as your boys.
He saw White Hair looking at him with a small smile and nodded at him, wrapping his arms around your waist.
It was a friendly sign of triumph on his part.
He laughed and smiled at the sight. His brown eyes became very soft and slightly amused.
“I'm not going into the weird shit that happened right now... But I hope it's your luck, (y/n).”
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buckysgrace · 1 year
Twenty One
Previous Chapter
Kim opened her compact mirror again, checking her lip gloss as she waited for Billy to come back out. He had insisted he needed to make a quick stop before they arrived, and she didn’t need to ask what for when he had offhandedly mentioned Eddie Munson. She knew right then what he was getting, and she didn’t question it any further, still hoping that he still meant that this get together wouldn’t be too long.
She figured he was trying to make her feel better in the ways that he comforted himself: Sex, drugs and drinking. She was less than thrilled with it but was touched that he was at least putting in some effort so she had decided to go along with it. 
She felt more comfortable in this dress than the one she wore to Tommy’s party, although it did show a bit more of her cleavage. It wasn’t as form fitting or as short. It was a pretty yellow with wide puffed shoulders that reached just about her knees, a small slit that ran up the left of her leg. It had a small sweetheart neckline that was pulled together with strings that allowed her to adjust how revealing she wanted it to be. Currently, she had it stitched tightly together. She still wasn’t sure how he had managed to convince her and she was regretting it every second that they waited.
Part of her still wondered if Steve would show up. After all, from what Billy had said that it would mostly be the previous basketball team and the current one. She wasn’t actively trying to impress him, still bitter over his comments towards Addi, but she wouldn’t deny herself the chance to talk to him either. Well, as long as Billy wasn’t nearby. She didn’t want another scene.
She watched as Billy crossed the overgrown yard, a joint already lit between his fingers as he made his way to his car. She tried not to watch disapprovingly but she knew it was written all over her face as he slid into the seat.
“What?” The smell and smoke from his joint became thick as it engulfed them in the car. She wasn’t sure if she appreciated the idea of him driving while high. She bit her bottom lip and shook her head, already trying not to annoy him by being too overbearing. He glanced at her, his blue eyes observing her as she thought of something else to say rather than to criticize him. She for sure wouldn't be driving for him. 
“I didn’t know you bought from Eddie.” She looked back to the trailer, wondering if Addi was here. She partially doubted it, knowing her parents were even more strict than Kim’s. Billy laughed as he pulled out and set back off on the road. She really wasn't sure where Lovers Lake was if she was being honest. She had heard of what people had done there, but never actually heard where the location was. She leaned back in her chair, watching the trees drift by in the darkness. 
It was hard, trying not to feel anxious. She had made Billy promise her that he wouldn’t wander off without her. She still wasn’t thrilled about being alone with all of his friends that she had nothing in common with. She knew that they valued their popularity more than anything. She was sure that most of their relationships were superficial, each one working to overthrow the other so they may have the chance to become the next King or Queen of Hawkins High. She reminded herself that Billy had been the same way, even Steve had been concerned about popularity for a time. She still liked them; it didn't mean that she would be unable to make friends.
“The freak? I mean he’s the only one that usually sells no matter the time.” Kim nodded, unsure how she felt about Billy referring to Eddie like that. She clasped her hands together and sat there quietly, looking out into the dark. She looked up to the moon, noticing how brightly it was shining tonight. She glanced at the time on his dashboard, noticing how it was already 10:30. Usually, she'd be getting ready for bed at the moment if she wasn't already asleep. She was going to be up a lot later than what she wanted to be, but Billy insisted it was fine and that she had been the one who wanted to go to these situations. Which led her to believe that this would be a private party and not a small get together. 
“How long will we be there?” She didn’t want to be annoying, but she still hoped that this would go by quickly. Billy chuckled, as he rested a large hand resting against her bare thigh. She gulped feeling her skin growing warm where he was touching and electricity building underneath his hand. She still thought that they'd be able to do more fun things on their own, but she hadn't been brave enough to voice that to him. 
“Not too long, just enough to have some fun. We could always sneak off to do other stuff.” She looked at him surprised and shook her head nervously, watching as the smirk grew on his face. She couldn’t imagine the horrified faces of his friends if they saw him with his cock inside his sister. Then again, she wondered if maybe they were similar to Billy and interested in that. She got shivers at the thought and tried to clear her head.
“You wish, Hargrove.” She teased her hand twitching as she had the urge to rest her hand on top of his fingers. She wondered how different they would be if they weren’t related, how it would be to go meet his friends if they were something else. She tried to shake those thoughts away, knowing how wrong they were as well. They wouldn't ever be anything serious as she reminded herself of their predicament. 
“I mean,” He smirked as he parked on grass, away from the dirt path. She frowned as she looked around, wondering how they’d be able to see in the dark, “I do.” He chuckled as he stepped out, still smoking as he crossed in front of the car and pulled her door open. She stepped out, noticing the shadow of flames cross his face and loud music ringing nearby. Great, not only would she be with a bunch of people that she didn’t know but they were more than likely late. She didn’t like feeling like everyone would be watching them.
“You’re ridiculous.” She mumbled, partially in truth as he backed her into his car. She felt her breath catch in her chest, watching as his large hand cupped the side of her waist. She breathed in the smell of him, wishing it would linger on her skin. She looked at how his eyes were squinted and bloodshot from the marijuana he had been smoking. She thought he looked silly at the moment and wondered if she looked similar when she had taken those brownies. 
“Yeah, but you really like my cock.” He whispered into her ear, a smirk playing on his lips as he squeezed her side. She felt her face growing warm as he gave her bottom a small smack. She yelped, taking a step back while pressing a hand against his exposed chest. She could feel her heart thumping as she glanced around, hoping there weren't any lingering eyes in the dark.
“Not here,” She wanted nothing more than to soak up against him, but she knew better, “Someone might see us.” Billy looked unfazed as he nodded, blowing smoke out towards her. She wrinkled her nose as the nasty smell that lingered behind. He didn't seem too bothered if anyone saw them together or not and that scared her. She was too fearful to risk doing anything in public with him. 
“You act like I should care. Come on.” She was taken aback by his brashness, knowing that he should definitely care if someone found out. She opened her mouth, then quickly shut it as he began to walk without her. She watched as he strutted forward, and she struggled to keep up with his long strides. She began to fiddle with her fingers, growing more nervous as she heard the voices growing louder. She was beginning to overthink everything, wondering if she had overdressed or underdressed.
“Do you go here a lot?” She questioned, really starting to grow nervous that she may step on a snake. She was terrified of them and did her best to look at the ground despite it being so dark. Billy tried to hand her the blunt as they walked closer, but she refused, wanting at least one of them to be sober. She wasn't sure they'd make the right decisions if they were both under the influence. 
“Sometimes.” He didn’t clarify if it was for a get together like this or for other reasons. She wasn’t sure if she really wanted to know either. His demeanor seemed to change as the party came into view, moving further away from her as she trailed behind. There was loud shouting and then some boys patting his back as he walked forward. She froze in her spot nervously, an awkward smile pressing onto her lips as she watched them, not sure what to do with herself. The grin on Billy's face looked much how she remembered him at school. Very cocky and full of himself. 
Her eyes scanned around the campfire noticing a few familiar faces as she realized that Billy’s definition of a small get together was a lot different than hers. She should’ve known better, after all, he had mentioned that it would mainly consist of the basketball team. She waved back at the girl from the diner yesterday who had been wrapped around Jason's arm, Kim still didn’t know her name. She noticed Tina and Heather and was thankful to see that Carol wasn’t around. She could see Jason and a few other boys that played with Billy that she didn’t know the names of. And Tommy.
“Hey,” His hand lightly brushed against her hips as people turned to stare at them. She wasn’t sure if her embarrassment was from all of the eyes or his skin touching her, “This is my-,“ He hesitated for a moment as he peered at her, looking like he wasn't sure how to introduce her, “This is Kim.” He said finally. She was thankful he didn't refer to her as his sister. She certainly wasn’t sure what she qualified as either as she gave a quick wave, trying to hide behind her hair as Billy scooted then forward. She stepped towards the warm campfire, wondering what she was supposed to do.
“Nice to see you again.” Tommy’s lips grew into a wide smile as he took another chug from his can. Kim felt another forced smile growing as she glanced at Billy’s irritated face. She wasn’t sure if she was allowed to speak to him or not. She didn’t want to ruin the deal between the two of them, and Billy had been quite clear on what he thought of Tommy interacting with her. She hadn't even mentioned that he had given her his number.  She'd rather not have his blood on her hands. 
“Don’t push it, Hagan.” There was nothing playful about his tone or his features and Kim found herself suddenly wondering how Tommy wasn’t terrified of him. She would be shaking if he looked at her that way. Her stomach tightened as she felt herself growing a bit excited from his reaction. She couldn’t explain it, but she liked feeling like he was jealous someone else was interested in her. She crossed her arms and pretended that her shy grin was towards Tommy. She still wasn't sure how she felt about Tommy, especially after how he had spoken to her in the diner yesterday. It just made her feel uncomfortable all over again.
She wasn’t sure where to go or what to do as Billy left her to go to the cooler, instantly cracking a can of beer open and pouring it into his mouth. She shuffled on her feet as she crossed her arms, watching him and not knowing what else to do. He had promised not to leave her behind yet there he was, leaving her behind.
“Hi,” The shorter, strawberry blonde-haired girl came up to her and wrapped her dainty arms around Kim’s. She was taken aback as she looked down at her, noticing how widely she was grinning. She had a pink bow in her hair that matched the dress she was wearing. She suddenly felt relieved that she wasn’t the only one to dress nice, “I’m Chrissy. We had Fictional Literature last semester; I don’t know if you remember.” Chrissy spoke cheerily as Kim felt her nerves eating at her. She nodded stiffly, not used to being approached so easily as she let the very tiny girl lead her away.
Kim spared another glance at Billy, who was pulling the drugs out of his pocket and showing them off, before turning to face Chrissy again. She tried not to imagine what else he had other than weed. She watched as she motioned widely to the other girls standing around. Kim only knew the ones from earlier. Heather even sent her a small smile. Tina took to ignoring her, looking very agitated that she was here. Kim hoped that Tina knew she felt the same way directed towards her. 
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” Tina smiled brightly, her voice too sweet as she looked over Kim’s outfit of choice. She suddenly wished she had stuck to something else, “How nice.” Kim faked a smile back, feeling the cold air settle between them. Chrissy faltered for a moment before she spoke up again. Kim really wasn't sure why the other girl hated her so much, but she did. Maybe Kim had done a better job at being a cockblock than she had thought. 
“Do you want anything to drink?” Kim tucked her hair behind her ear, looking at the smaller girl unsure. She wanted to go back to Billy’s side and hide behind him the rest of the night, even if that meant she looked like an annoying shadow. She sure as hell didn’t want to be stuck by Tina until whenever Billy had decided he had enough. Kim was beginning to believe that the short trip would be a lot longer with the way he was drinking. 
“Is there any water?” She didn’t have Addi around to give her some sense of comfort and found herself afraid to drink around people she didn’t know. Kim would’ve even been more comfortable if Steve had shown up with Robin. She was beginning to believe that it was a sign that they didn’t get together. Chrissy nodded eagerly and took her hand. Kim was thankful at least one person wanted to hold her hand.
“Yeah, right over here.” Chrissy tugged her away again and Kim could feel eyes lingering on them as they moved. She glanced over and noticed Tommy’s big brown eyes watching her. She suddenly felt nervous, hoping no one was paying too close attention to the way his eyes held onto her figure. She overheard something about a keg stand and she prayed that no one had brought that along. She knew Billy wouldn't be able to resist it and then she would really be screwed. His eyes met hers as she reached for a water bottle, and she pretended that she wasn't staring right back at him. 
"Who are those from? A boyfriend?" Chrissy motioned to the marks on her neck and Kim felt her skin growing hot as she shook her head quickly. She knew Billy would be wearing a smirk and all too proud of himself if he could overhear their conversation. Kim sat near Chrissy, feeling very awkward as they tried to make conversation. She watched as Tina and Heather stepped back into view, sitting near them. She hoped it wasn't enough for them to overhear as she suddenly felt insecure. 
“No, no boyfriends for me.” Kim felt her eyes drifting towards Billy, watching how hard he was laughing at something Tommy had said. Her eyes drifted towards his chest, watching how it glimmered in the firelight and she was unsure if it was from sweat or from what he had been drinking. His arm wrapped around the back of Tommy's shoulders as he leaned towards the boy and whispered something that made them both laugh again. She felt a pang of guilt in her stomach, wondering why a close friend of his had to be interested in her. She thought that he looked more relaxed than usual and figured the drugs and alcohol must've kicked into his system. She wasn't sure how he was able to stand with as much as he had been drinking. He was like a machine, downing one after the other. 
“Really?” Chrissy grinned at her, “I hear that someone is interested in you.” Kim felt her face flush, figuring she must be speaking of Tommy. She figured Chrissy must be assuming she had been looking at him. It had been in that direction, but it had nothing to do with the freckled boy. Kim was more interested in watching the flames lick off of Billy's exposed skin than anything else. Kim smiled sheepishly at the smaller girl.
"He's not interested," Tina spoke up quickly, making Chrissy and Kim both stare at her, "He's going to get back with Carol. They're just having a rough patch so you shouldn't waste your time." Kim felt her eyebrow raising, wondering why she thought it was any of her business to comment on their conversation. Still, Kim tugged on her hair as she was unsure how to respond. 
"Trust me, Tommy isn't worth it anyways," Heather looked towards her, giving her a knowing look, "He's more concerned about his own orgasm than making you come. Not to mention he expects head but won't give it back." Heather crossed her legs as she gave away the dirty details, looking very proud at how flushed Chrissy and Kim grew. Tina was staring at her stunned, like she couldn't believe she had just said that out loud.
"Heather, that's none of her business." Tina shot daggers towards Heather as she laughed. Kim still felt how as she bit back her grin. It definitely didn't sound as fun as the times she had been with Billy. She thought of how he'd told her that he loved the taste of her. She shifted awkwardly on the wood, trying not to linger in her dirty thoughts around so many people she didn't know.
"What? If she's interested, I just want to give her a fair warning. I wish I had known." Heather grumbled as she drank from her red cup. Tina rolled her eyes and shook her head, obviously not very pleased with the information her friend was giving away. Chrissy shifted awkwardly, digging her shoes into the dirt as she looked unsure of what to add to the conversation. Kim smiled as she rubbed her hand across her arm. She didn't know if this conversation qualified as making friends, but she could pretend that it was some sort of bonding. 
"Well thank you." Kim smiled and Heather sent her a big grin back. Kim felt her eyes drifting again, looking over her shoulder. She quickly snapped her eyes away again, as she met brown eyes instead of blue ones. She cursed herself for needing a second look as she heard footsteps approaching them. Chrissy, who still looked flustered from Heather's words. Kim quickly tried to think of something to say to start a conversation again but fell short as she heard Tommy's warm voice over her shoulder.
“Do you want one?” Tommy held her out a can, a small grin planted on his lips. She could hear Chrissy giggling and Heather's snort as she felt her face growing hot as they pretended as if they hadn't just been talking about him. Kim shook her head quickly, offering him a small smile in return, “Are you sure?” Tommy stepped up closer, still holding an extra can in his hands as he took a seat at the end of the log near her. She felt her mouth go dry as she uncapped her water bottle and took another drink from the bottle.
“Yeah, I don’t want anything right now. Thank you, though.” Kim smiled sweetly. She grew anxious as he sat down next to her, knowing he was playing a dangerous game. She didn’t believe that he wasn’t afraid of Billy. He must’ve never truly seen him mad if that was the truth. Yet, it sort of excited her as she imagined Billy rushing up towards them again and pulling them apart. 
“You haven’t called yet,” He laughed it off like it wasn’t a big deal, but she wondered if there was something more to it, “I just thought that you would.” She felt guilty suddenly. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but she knew she would never call him. She could blame it on her mom and Neil lingering to the phones and wanting to know exactly who they were talking to and about what subjects. However, she knew that wasn't true. She simply didn't see herself being with him and didn't want to lead him on in that way. 
“Sorry, something came up yesterday.” She admitted, fully telling the truth as she thought of her father again. She had sent the money out this morning to him, hoping she could rid all of the feelings from the situation with the money headed his way. She thought about calling him and telling him, but eventually decided against it. He'd call and talk to her when he was ready to do so. She watched as his brown eyes stared into her hazel ones, searching for meaning behind them.
“Was it Billy?” She was surprised by his question, shaking her head no as soon as she realized that he was beginning to say his name. She didn’t want to drag his name through the mud or try and put any blame towards him. She wondered how you could go to whispering and laughing with someone to trying to search for dirty laundry behind their backs. She knew then that she was smart in not trusting him.
“No, no it had nothing to do with him. Why?” She tried to sound casual, like she wasn't irritated at him for suggesting Billy was the root of her problems. He looked a bit taken aback like he hadn't expected that response from her. She wondered if this was something she should tell Billy or just let it slide. 
“I don’t know,” He glanced over at Chrissy awkwardly, “Sometimes he can just be a hothead.” Tommy admitted and Kim felt herself frowning. She felt like he had no right to judge him and doubted that he actually knew Billy that well. She did know he could be a hothead, but there was a lot more to that. She watched Chrissy shift awkwardly next to her and pretend to be looking back at the guys as if she was interested in what they were doing. 
“He’s a good guy.” She replied shortly, not quite meaning to snap at him so harshly. She bit down on her lip hard, trying to swallow her feelings again as Tommy stared at her curiously. The strong smell of alcohol drew her away from him as Billy appeared in front of her, liquid coating down his lips and chin. Her eyes lingered as the alcohol dripped from his bottom lip, down his chin and to his exposed chest. She hated to admit how good he looked at the moment, even if he was completely hammered at the moment. 
His glazed eyes found hers, his wide grin fading when he realized who she was sitting by. She tried to act nonchalant as Tommy quickly stood, taking the beers with him. She tried not to laugh, realizing he was more afraid of Billy than he would admit. Something in his gaze cut straight into her. She tried not to fiddle under his very intense gaze, but she found it really hard. She felt herself shying away as she turned back towards Chrissy, pulling her hair so that it would hide the side of her face that was directing towards him. She wasn’t sure if he wanted her to be impressed at the moment or not.
"You wanna dance?" Billy slurred out and for a split second she feared that he was asking her. She felt her horror turn to pure jealousy as he lazily turned his head and looked towards the two brunette girls sitting across from them. Kim was sure the music was still blaring but all she could hear was the tantrum her heart was throwing at the moment. She felt her eyes narrowing when Tina took a hold of his hands and looked too enthused. She felt a small relief when Heather stood as well and realized that Billy couldn't disappear with Tina. 
“Read any good books lately?” She turned to look at Chrissy as she rested her chin over her crossed legs. Kim was dying for any type of conversation that would get her out of her thoughts about Billy. She knew it wasn't fair for her to be this upset. Billy meant nothing to her. Yet, she couldn't help but glance over ever few seconds to watch the way he held onto both girls. She was beginning to grow more worried by the way he was swaying and moving unbalanced. 
“Mhm, no not really. I do like Stephen King books though,” Chrissy spoke up eagerly, looking like she was just as uninterested as Kim was, “Do you like him?” Kim tucked her hair behind her ear again, feeling the fire lick at her cheek as she tried to ignore the giggling that was coming from nearby. She was afraid to look again, too worried she would lose her patience and whisk Billy away. 
“He’s a bit too scary for me,” She laughed as she attempted to brush her feelings away again, “I feel like I have too many nightmares after consuming that sorta media.” She explained as best as she could, urging to pin her hands to her sides as she spoke dramatically with them. She was definitely overthinking now as she noticed her fidgeting growing worse. The giggling became louder as Heather stepped around them, heading towards her purse and reaching for something inside. 
“She’s a coward,” Kim gulped hard, lifting her head towards the night sky as Billy stood behind her, the light from the stars dancing off of his blue eyes. He looked at her with wide pupils, a lazy smirk caressing his nice features, “She needs someone to hold her hand when we watch scary movies.” She thought about retorting that they had only ever watched one scary movie together but kept quiet. His lips parted slowly as he waited for her remark, blowing his thick smoke down towards her. 
“You’re the worst brother.” She huffed out instead, watching as his blue eyes locked onto hers when she spit the name out. She could tell it bothered her by the way he took a rather large hit off of his blunt. She wondered how much he had smoked already. She was beginning to believe that they would be walking back to the house. She hoped she could remember the directions well enough, at this point she would be dragging him back.
“Stepbrother,” He told her, eyes hardening a bit as he peered down on her smaller frame, “There’s a difference.”
Kim was sure that hours had passed by the time she wandered away from the log, her legs aching from sitting so long. Chrissy had been nice to talk to and even better to just sit around and mope to while the other teens danced and drank around them. Billy had sauntered off not long ago, following Tommy as he promised he had to show him something. Kim was grown suspicious, even more so when Tina disappeared after him minutes later. She didn't like the idea of Billy being alone with Tina.
She wasn't jealous, she kept trying to convince herself.
She stepped over twigs and pushed tree limbs out of the way as she walked blindly through the wooded area. She was grumbling under her breath, annoyed as she wondered how far he could’ve made it with so many drinks in his system. He had been stumbling quite a bit the last time she seen him and didn't figure he could make it out here without falling down on his face. She stepped into a small clearing, noticing Jason and a taller brunette boy muttering to each other. She took a deep breath, beginning to turn around as she stepped on an obnoxiously loud fallen branch and grabbed their attention.
“Hey, you’re Billy’s sister, right?” Jason’s loud voice rang out, making her freeze in her steps. Kim mentally cursed at herself as she turned again, smiling stiffly so she wouldn't be rude. The brunette boy shoved something into his pocket, staring at her like she had caught them red-handed. She had no interest in what they were doing or sharing that with anyone else. She just wanted to find Billy and get out of here.
“Not really,” She resisted the urge to tug on her hair as they stared her down, “My name is Kim, though.” She introduced herself formally, awkwardly waving at them. They looked at each other and laughed before facing her again. She felt her hands growing clammy and a sinking feeling growing inside of her stomach. She didn't like the way they were interacting around her. She glanced over her shoulder, wondering if anyone else would be walking up this way. 
“What are you doing out here all alone?” Jason’s voice was gruff as they stepped towards her. She stared at their shoes, growing nervous as they approached her. She shuffled back a bit until a tree branch poked at her back, keeping her feet planted still. 
“I thought-” Her voice wandered off as the two boys stared at her with newly found interest, “that Billy was nearby.” She crossed her arms, hiding her chest as the wind swooped her dress around her thighs. She cursed her outfit choice and wished she had shown up in jeans instead. Jason’s face cracked into a grin as he looked up from her milky thighs to her burning face. She was curious if Chrissy knew that he looked at other girls like this. 
“I heard him say something about leaving with Tina,” The brunette boy next to Jason grinned, “We can give you a ride home. Make sure you get there safely.” Her heart thumped when he said that, feeling as something other than kindness was in his words. She considered it for a moment, but then knew that Billy would flip out if she left with two guys she didn’t know. Not to mention what Neil would say if he found out about it. Kim also knew that she would ever be able to leave with them without being suspicious. She gulped hard, shaking her head no. Something about their reaction made her feel like she needed to put as much distance between her and them as possible. 
“Thank you,” She was still too afraid to sound rude, “but Billy wouldn’t leave without me. I’m gonna go look for him over there.” She began to turn when Jason grabbed a hold of her wrist, flashing his pearly whites at her. Her heart sped up again, but not in a nice way. No, this was in a way that shot terror throughout her body and let her know that she needed to get herself out of this situation quickly. She tried to wiggle her hand free, but he wasn't budging. The same grin planted on his face like he was amused that she was trying to get away from him. 
“Come on, we don’t bite. You don’t want to cockblock him, do you? You’re not that dumb, you know what they’ll be doing.” Kim thought of Chrissy and wondered how someone so nice could be with someone like this. She tried to force a lump down in her throat, but it wouldn’t go. She searched for a sign of Billy but all she could hear was the loud music they had blaring nearby. She thought about screaming but then wondered if anyone would hear her, or if they would even believe her.
“I know,” Her voice was wobbly as Jason’s friend stepped closer to her, breathing in her scent as she stared at them with widened eyes. They wouldn’t do this, not if they were friends with Billy, “but he has to take me home or our parents will flip.” She laughed nervously, her voice much higher than normal as the urge to push at them and run became higher. She began to plant her feet in the ground, waiting for his grip to loosen on her. It seemed to only grow tighter.
Jason smiled. The light from the campfire began to flicker against his face as she stared at him, too afraid to look away, “That’s the thing though, we’ll take care of you. We’ll drop you off and make sure you’re alright. I promise.” She didn’t think his promise meant much as she began to jerk her hand back to her chest, hoping he’d let go of her. He didn’t, his grip remained the same as his friend reached for the slit in her dress and she felt the panic rising in her chest. She felt her blood turning to ice and her body freezing as her dress went higher over her panty line. She tried to jerk free, pushing all of her weight into her movements but Jason simply laughed as his friend lifted her dress even higher.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Tommy’s voice broke over the sound of the music, distracting the other two as Kim hastily pulled away, her dress falling back over her exposed thighs. She walked backwards, stepping over limbs and almost tripping over a rock. She couldn’t break her gaze from them, however, too afraid that they would come back to her. She had a hard lump in the back of her throat that she was unable to swallow and blinked back tears. She wasn’t sure if Tommy was much of a comfort either, as Billy’s warnings suddenly rushed through her mind. Yet, his expression was concerned as he looked for her and reached a freckled hand out. She held her hands close to her chest, too afraid to fall into another trap. He watched her momentarily before shifting back to his friends. 
“We were just messing around, man. Nothing happened.” Jason laughed and so did the other boy. Kim just stared, in disbelief over how casual they were acting. It was like they weren’t trying to do something to her. She swallowed hard as Tommy turned back to her. She waited for him to criticize them, yell at them and tell them to leave. None of that came, he just motioned back to the campfire.
“Billy’s a mess. You better come get him,” She stared at him agape for a moment. She knew that if Billy had been the one to find her in this position that the other two would be dead. She glared back at the two boys, who were still laughing as their eyes lingered on her. She huffed and turned away, feeling the fear still twisting in her stomach. She didn’t like having her back to them, but she felt like she had no choice at the moment, “Sorry about them. They just like to mess around, sometimes it goes too far.” Tommy shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked. She was furious suddenly.
“I don’t think they were messing around.” She responded coolly as they stepped through the brush. She wanted to put as much distance between them and her as possible. She pushed past Tommy, heading straight to the staggering boy who was drinking another can of beer. She could hear her name coming from Tommy’s lips, but she ignored him, completely irritated with how this night had gone. She winced, smelling Billy long before she reached him. Her heart was still pounding in her chest, and she kept brushing her dress back down over her thighs, making sure nothing was exposed. 
“Hi,” Billy’s words were slurred as he pushed off of Tina, barely able to stand on both feet before he rested all of his weight against Kim’s shoulders. She groaned, not realizing how heavy he was, “Where you been?” His words were rushed and sluggish and his eyes could barely focus on her face before he was leaning against her head and laughing. She scowled, knowing that the night had gone just how she pictured it would be. She wasn't sure why he had thought she would enjoy this, but she definitely hadn't. 
His shirt was almost completely unbuttoned except for the last two, his torso was glistening wet with what she assumed to be alcohol by the smell. She exhaled through her mouth, trying to remember her patience as Tina scowled at her. They must've been having a good time without her by the way Tina's expression soured as she watched the two of them. She felt overwhelmed with everything that was happening all at once. She wanted out of here.
“Looking for you,” She grumbled as she tried to get him to balance on his feet without her help. He stood straight for a second before almost plopping backwards onto the hard ground. She grabbed his hands hastily, wrapping him around her again as she sighed, “Where are your keys?” Billy looked at her cheekily. She glanced back at Tina, hoping she didn't suspect anything by the way he was looking at her.
“Pocket, dunno,” He shrugged as he reached for Tina’s cup. She was watching him amused, completely ignoring Kim’s presence until she reached forward and pushed his hand back down. He rolled his head towards her dramatically, “Mean.” She was going to be a lot meaner if she didn’t get out of here. She didn’t like the fact that Jason and his friend were looming closer into sight and Billy was completely out of it. There was no way he’d be able to take the two guys in this condition. She huffed, reaching into his front pocket and digging around. She switched pockets until she eventually found it, ignoring the smirk on his face. She hoped no one else was watching too closely at his expressions. She was beginning to grow more anxious as she worried, he was going to give them away. 
“He can come back with me,” Tina spoke up quickly. Kim’s head snapped up so hard from looking at the keys that she bumped into Billy’s chin. He groaned, cursing as his hand flew up to rub at it. She didn’t even care at the moment, “That way you don’t have to worry about taking care of him, right Billy?” Kim felt her eyes narrow as she listened to the other girl talk. She didn't care about Billy's opinion at the moment. He was obviously too far gone as he wasn't even paying attention and just continued to whine in her ear as he rubbed his chin. 
“He’s drunk.” Tina shrugged her shoulders, giggling into her cup and Kim clenched her fingers to keep from knocking the cup in her face. Billy’s blonde curls were tickling the side of her face, sticking against her lip gloss as he wobbled against her. It reminded her of when she was young, and her father had forgotten her and Max at the beach while Susan was working. Kim thought of how hard it had been to drag around the screaming toddler who could barely walk. Billy seemed a bit similar at the moment.
“I know the perfect remedy for that.” Tina spoke again, making sure that Kim had heard her. Kim wrapped her arm around Billy’s waist, keeping his arm over her shoulders as she supported the two of them while she walked. She was partially stunned for a moment, not able to believe that the other girl had suggested that at all. Kim sneered at Tina, towering over her. This was the first time she hadn't felt insecure about towering over someone. She wasn't sure which incident her bubbling rage was forming from at the moment, but she didn't care at the moment. She wanted to get her point across.
“Fuck you.” She hissed out, stumbling as Billy laughed into her shoulder. She fixed her grip on Billy as Tina stared at her shocked. For the first time, she didn’t care what she said as she dragged the older boy away. Her heart was racing again as she tried to calm her rage. She hadn't felt this angry before. 
“You said fuck you,” He was laughing too loud in her ear as she tried to navigate them through the grassy field in the dark. She knew it would only take one wrong step for him to be on the ground and unable to move, “I know what you are.” She could see him grinning from the corner of her eye as she sighed, patting the back of his thighs so he could step over the giant hole in the ground. He did so clumsily, his grip on her tightening as he almost went down. She felt her eyes widening and wondered if this is how he felt at the skating rink when she kept falling. 
“What?” She grumbled. She felt as if their positions were switched, like she was the grumpy one and he was just giddy to be around her. She wasn’t sure how she liked it. She did like the way she had told Tina off and hoped she would get the hint to leave him alone. That would make her really happy. 
“Jealous.” He bopped her nose as she struggled to unlock his car. She gaped at him, looking at how pleased and happy he was with his answer. She shook her head as she pulled the passenger door open. She had definitely been jealous of Billy and Tina earlier, but her comment had nothing to do with that. 
“I am not jealous. She was trying to- oh, just get in.”  She started but then quickly got too annoyed. There was no use in explaining when she knew he wouldn’t understand enough right now to remember in the morning. He resisted as she tried to shuffle him in. She frowned at him, not liking the way that he was resisting her movements. 
“I drive.” He moved his head awkwardly as he stumbled against the car, almost falling in as his shoulders hit against the top of it. She felt her patience thinning as she pushed a hand on top of his head and pushed him in the car. She made sure he was in, even if he was sideways, before she shut the door behind him. She locked it for good measure as she crossed in front and slid into his seat.
“You’re not driving in this condition,” She muttered, sitting far back in his seat. She stretched her legs, still unable to reach the pedals before digging around to find out how to adjust it. She was panicking on the inside, completely unaware of how to drive but she wasn’t going to ask anyone here for a ride, “Why isn’t it starting?” She tried to get the keys to turn but it didn’t. He groaned, leaning over to push the steering wheel until the key clicked in place. She huffed out, trying to calm herself as she locked the doors to start with. She had a sudden fear of Jason and his friend sneaking up on them. She knew she was being irrational, but she couldn't shake it off. 
“Sexy,” He grinned as he watched her drunkenly. She sighed, reaching over to buckle him up. His hands cupped around her boobs as she did so, his grin turning into a smirk, “Squishy.” Her face burned and she pulled away from him quickly. She shook her head, but he just seemed even more amused as he laughed to himself. She turned his music all the way down as an attempt to concentrate and see the road better. She began to gently push the car into drive, barely tapping against the gas before slamming on the brakes in horror of how fast they started to go. She swung her arm out to keep Billy’s head from slamming on the dashboard.
“Lemme drive.” She didn’t know if he was begging because he was sobering up and realized how bad of an idea this was or if he was still insisting that he was the driver in his drunken haze. She shook her head, sitting close to the steering wheel before trying her motions again. It was bad. She was not a good driver at all and driving in the dark with a drunk Billy didn’t improve the situation any better.
Billy whined the whole way home and she continued to shush him, never going about 20 miles an hour and constantly slamming on the breaks whenever she thought she saw something or if he spoke too loudly. The turns were the worst, always turning too sharp or running over a curb. She winced every time, knowing if he was in his right state of mind that he would be screaming at her for messing up his precious car. In his defense, he had put a lot of time and effort into it. She squinted her eyes forward, trying to pull into his parking spot without hitting Neil's car. She winced, continually driving over the small curb on their driveway. She gave up after the fourth time of backing up and driving forward and decided it would have to work. Billy turned to her. 
“Lights,” He reached over and flipped them on, and she cursed at herself, suddenly realizing why it had been so hard to see in the dark. She flipped them off again and she shut off his car. She quickly got out, walking around to open the door for him as he stumbled out and grabbed a hold of her, “Gonna-” He didn’t have to finish his sentence before he was vomiting everywhere, down his shirt and pants. She looked at him disgusted as she gagged, trying not to vomit as well. He looked miserable as he raised his head, and she knew there was no way to get him into his room through the window. They were screwed. The easiest way would be up the back stairs, however, Neil's room rested directly next to the backdoor. He'd know as soon as they stepped on the squeaky steps what was happening. 
She didn’t say anything as they walked towards the front of the house and quietly up the porch, “You need a bath.” He groaned as he rolled his head again, but she moved hers quickly, not wanting to smell his breath. She was trying to be cautious of where she touched, afraid she'd get sick if she got anything on her that had been out of his mouth. She pulled him inside the house, trying to be quiet as he shuffled and stammered awkwardly around her. She glared at him, urging him to be quiet before Neil came out.
She pushed him into the bathroom and quickly shut the door behind him. She had him place his hands on the sink to keep balance while she got the water warm, remembering he didn’t like it too hot. She stared at the steam pouring out of the faucet, wondering if it would be better for him to stand and shower or to sit down and bathe. She couldn't figure out how she'd be able to make him shower without her getting in there with him. She couldn't picture that going well in his drunken state, knowing he would believe they would end up doing something else. 
She sighed, knowing either way would be difficult but deciding that at least with a bath he could sit down. She figured it would be easier for her to help him that way. She pushed the plug in, making a face as the stench of vomit and beer lingered on him. He looked at her cheekily, still in his own little world as he swayed in front of the mirror. She watched as he looked at his reflection and began to laugh a little too loud.
“Take your shirt off.” She told him as she untucked his shirt from his pants. He smirked at her in the mirror and wiggled his eyebrows. She scoffed, knowing she didn’t care about any of that right now. She just wanted him cleaned up. He definitely did not look very sexy covered in beer and vomit.
“You wish.” He staggered again and she grabbed a hold of the back of his shirt to keep him from toppling over. She winced when she heard the material tear, hoping it wasn’t ruined. He sighed before doing as he was told as she balanced him again. She scooped up his green toothbrush and applied toothpaste to it.
“Here,” She handed it to him as he tossed his shirt to the floor. She winced, hoping it landed on the clean side. She struggled with his belt as he began to scrub at his teeth, not very well but she figured it was better than nothing. She jerked her face away quickly, his elbow coming a bit too close to her face for comfort. She tried to regain her patience as she exhaled softly, trying to clear all the bad thoughts away. 
She was careful not to touch anything wet as she piled his clothes into one of the corners of the bathroom. She would have to come back and get them. He staggered against her as she led him to the tub, urging him to crawl in as she ignored the fact that he was attempting to make dirty jokes at her while he was naked. It took a few tries for him to realize that she was wanting him to step into the tub. It took even longer for him to sit down, his feet slipping inside of the tub as she tried to lower him into the warm water.
“No bubbles?” He was genuine as he turned to look at her. She sighed through her nose before dumping some in, swishing her hand around to make them grow faster. She handed him a rag, hoping he would get the hint to wash his chest off so she wouldn’t have to. She stood up again and dumped the toothbrushes out of the glass cup before filling it with water and bringing it back to him. He was rubbing the bubbles over his chin like he was Santa. Kim was a bit amused even through her irritation.
“Drink some water,” She encouraged as she sat at the edge of the tub, lifting the cup to his mouth. He groaned and shook his head, rolling away from her as he began to sink further into the bubbles. She groaned, wrapping her arm around the back of his torso to adjust him again. Her arm covered in bubbles from the back, “Don’t be a child, take a drink.” She urged but he shook his head again.
“Don’t wanna.” He whined and she felt increasingly irritated. She was up way past her bedtime, was hot and sweaty and did not want to deal with Neil coming in and screaming at the two of them. She couldn’t handle seeing Billy being beaten again and she knew Neil wouldn’t let this behavior slide. 
“Drink this and I’ll kiss you.” She replied, thinking of the quickest solution. Billy turned his head so fast that his face almost collided with the glass of water. She cursed as the cool liquid dripped onto her hands. She was going to need her own shower after this. Maybe a shower would've been the best option.
“Really?” He sounded like a small child full of excitement when he looked towards her. She wondered if she had been this bad when she was high. At least she hadn’t thrown up everywhere, resulting in a sponge bath. She held the cup to him again, watching as he swallowed it all in one smooth motion. She furrowed her eyebrows, in disbelief at how fast he was able to do it.
“Done!” He replied happily. She leaned her elbows on the side of the tub, trying not to think about the completely different situation they had been in a few days ago. She brushed the bubbles off of his smooth jawline, leaning forward to place a gentle peck to his lips before moving away. She wasn’t risking him puking in her mouth, no way, “That’s not fair.” He whined as she took the rag from him, checking his chest to make sure he had gotten it all rinsed off. 
“That was a kiss, totally fair,” She felt herself grinning as she looked over the top half of his body, making sure he was all rinsed off before she reached into the bubbly water and pulled the plug from the drain. He looked less than thrilled when she grabbed a few towels and threw them at him, “Dry off.”
“Help,” He sprawled his hands out dramatically as he groaned, beginning to slip down deeper into the empty tub. She groaned as she pulled at his arms to make him stay. She realized then how hard it was going to be to get him out of the tub, “Can’t do it.” It took her a few seconds to make out what he was saying with his thick mumbling and drunken slurring. She sighed and put one towel over his chest.
“You can do that part,” She mumbled as she wiped down his thighs and knees. She purposely avoided his dick, knowing he would have something to say if she neared it. However, it was hard to wipe him down when she felt like it was staring at her the whole time, “Are you ready to get out of here?” He nodded eagerly, his eyes beginning to flutter shut rapidly. She bit her lip, hoping he would at least stay awake long enough to make it to his room. 
She hugged him from behind, trying to get him at a good angle as she began to lift on him. She felt herself groaning as her back and arms strained, not used to bearing any weight like this at all. It didn’t help that he was barely helping, his body hanging limply in her arms as she pulled on him.
“Use your feet,” She groaned, instantly realizing that a bath had been the wrong idea. It would’ve been so much easier to just jump in the shower with him and get it over with. His feet slid dramatically across the wet tiles, “Billy!”
She finally had his naked, wet body out of the tub when he began to crawl away. She rubbed her eyes irritated, suddenly remembering she was wearing makeup as the colors transferred from her eyelids to her fingertips, “Where are you going?” She sounded very much like her mother. She watched as he draped his arm over the toilet and winced as he emptied his stomach into the bowl. She covered her mouth, feeling the urge to puke rising again. She picked at his clean clothes when he was finished, helping him dress as he moaned and groaned. She began having to roll him to pull his pants up as he had taken to laying on the floor unmoving.
“Too much.” He groaned as she pulled at his good arm, trying to get him to stand as she could get him into his bed. She was seconds away from beating herself with a stick. She knew she couldn’t leave him here. Neil would flip when he found him. She paced for a second, knowing she had no other choice as she let him plop his head to the ground with a groan.
“Don’t move.” She made sure she had the harshest tone she could manage, which was fairly easy when she felt so exhausted at the moment. She snuck out of the bathroom door, heading down to Max’s room. She felt guilty as she stepped inside, noting how well she was sleeping for once. At the same time, Billy was in distress and Max had been the one to say they should all bond. Nothing says you’re bonding more than your brother puking on you.
“Max,” She whispered quietly so their parents wouldn’t hear but loud enough so Max would, “Wake up, come on.” She shoved the younger girl until her eyebrows began to furrow, knowing she couldn’t do this on her own. 
She shoved the younger girl awake finally, Max looking at her beyond irritated, “What do you want? Do you know what- What happened to you?” She finally asked after looking at her older sister who was drenched in water and makeup smeared from sweat. Kim sighed exasperated.
“I need help getting Billy to his room. He’s in the bathroom but he’s so drunk and he’s heavy and I don’t know what else to do.” Kim whispered harshly into the night air, wondering if this was God’s punishment for her no longer being a virgin. Max sat at the edge of her bed confused.
“So how am I supposed to help?” She asked the obvious question. They were both small and on the scrawny side and Max had more muscles than what Kim could dream of but she had no other options. They’d figure something out.
“Just push or lift his feet and I’ll worry about his fathead,” She turned and waited at the door, “Come on!” She watched as Max groaned and stepped out into the night with her. They made haste to the bathroom. Kim’s eyes narrowed when Billy was exactly where she left him on the floor.
“Did you give him a bath?” Max asked, a laugh lingering on her tongue. Kim bit her lip in annoyance, not even caring that it may seem inappropriate. Billy was still bobbing his head, laughing about something as he snapped his fingers to whatever beat was playing in his head. 
“He was stinky, and he threw up everywhere. I just- don’t want to talk about it.” Kim snapped and Max held her small hands up in defense. Billy pulled his fingers into the shape of a gun, pretending to shoot her as a pew left his mouth. She couldn't even laugh at the moment, too irritated and worried about how they were going to get him into his room. 
“At least he’s pleasant,” Max circled around to his feet, staring down at him unsure. Kim placed her hands on her hips, turning to each side and cracking her back obnoxiously loud before rolling her shoulders, “That’s disgusting.”
“Next time, you can bathe him,” Kim muttered as she placed her hands through Billy’s armpits and lifted his torso up until his back was resting against her chest. Max gripped his ankles, “Ready?” Kim nodded, waiting until the other girl nodded before lifting the older boy. It only lasted about five seconds and his butt was dragging on the floor while they tried. He was pure muscle and there was no way their bony arms would be lifting him to his room.
“Jesus Christ, you’re heavy.” Max breathed out as they set him back down. Kim stayed in position while Billy rolled his head to look at her.
“Am I fat?” She rolled her eyes, nudging his face out of her way while she looked back at Max. The younger girl looked too amused in Kim's opinion. In other words, everything and everyone was beginning to annoy Kim. She wondered if she would’ve been better off dragging him to his room on her own. 
“How about we just drag him? You take an arm and I take one?” Max questioned but Kim shook her head, making Billy’s head move as well. She swore if he threw up on her she’d leave him in here. Kim sighed as she thought for a moment. She shifted her head away, Billy's wet hair kept continually rubbing against her lips to further her irritation. 
“His wrist is still bad; I don’t want to hurt it worse. You push on his feet, and I’ll sit him up a bit more.” Kim didn’t know what else to do as she made the older boy sit up straight and she kept her hands tightly secure around his torso. He mumbled something in her ear about smelling good, but she ignored it. He owed her big time for this. 
“Alright.” Max sighed and shook her head, before they started to drag him down the hallway. It took forever, with lots of groaning and stopping while Billy continued to laugh. Kim kept threatening him that he was going to wake up Neil, but he didn't seem to care. If anything, it only made him louder and that scared her. They managed to get him into his room, Kim dropping him flat on the floor so she could rest her hands on her knees and catch her breath.
“We did it,” Max gave her a lame high five while they tried to catch their breath, “Do we just leave him here?” Kim asked the younger girl who shrugged her shoulders. What were the chances of Neil coming in to check on him in the morning. She wasn’t sure. Max didn’t seem to know either as she walked towards the bed and pulled a few of his pillows down.
“Jesus, he’s so fucking disgusting.” She shook her hand dramatically and Kim peered over to see what she had been looking at. She felt her heart flip as she looked at the little polaroid picture, seeing her naked body staring back at her. She glared down at Billy, wishing she had left him to sleep in his car instead. She wouldn’t say anything about the picture but did wonder why it was under his pillows and not locked away safely like everything else. She was going to kill him.
She watched Max cautiously, hoping she wouldn’t say anything else. It was too embarrassing to even look at her as she crossed the room and roughly picked up Billy’s head and dropped it on his pillows. He groaned, still able to use his hand to flip Max off. Kim forced back a laugh, not wanting to let go of her anger just yet even if it was amusing. Kim threw a sheet on him, not sure if he would get too hot at night. She hesitated for a moment, worried that he would throw up again and choke on it, “Shit,” She cursed as she grabbed another pillow. Max got the hint and lifted his head back up before letting him fall back awkwardly on the two pillows.
They both stood, staring down at him with their hands on their hips while he looked more than happy, “I’m going to kick his ass tomorrow.” Max muttered as she headed towards the door. Kim agreed, completely in disbelief what her night had consisted of. 
“Wait,” Billy croaked as she stepped into the doorway. She sighed, closing her eyes as she listened to Max retreat down to her room. She peaked back into the room where Billy was laying awkwardly on the floor. She did feel bad about leaving him in this position but there was no way she’d be able to pull him onto his bed, “C’mere.” She stepped up to him hesitantly watching as his blue eyes drunkenly searched her face.
“What?” She grumbled irritated, wanting to get cleaned up on her own now. She felt stinky, “Billy what do you want?” She asked as she knelt down next to him, making sure her dress hid everything. He was so out of it that she only grew angrier, thinking about what Tina would’ve done if she had taken him home with her. He smirked as he lazily tapped his cheek. She furrowed her eyebrows confused until she realized.
“Oh, no way,” She laughed as he looked at her crestfallen, “After all you put me through? No good night kiss for you.” She almost felt bad as he resembled a very injured, offended puppy. He patted her hand sloppily.
“Please, or else I can’t sleep.” She huffed and closed her eyes. When she opened them, he was smiling sweetly at her, waiting for her response. She didn’t want to wake up to him crawling into her room, asking for a kiss. She knew she’d have a heart attack and that would be the end of her. She leaned forward cautiously, holding onto his chin so he couldn’t move his head. She didn’t want to taste the puke on his lips, that much she knew. She pressed her lips to his cheek softly before pulling away. He looked more than gleeful as he smiled deeply at her.
“Your eyes,” He mumbled as he stared up at her, his hands resting over his stomach as he watched her, “Always look so sad.” She parted her lips, completely taken aback as he stared at her. She gulped hard, unsure of what to do with that information. She had sad eyes? She had never heard someone say that to her before. She wondered if he thought her eyes were sad in the same way that she thought his were calculating and cold. 
“Thanks, I guess.” She muttered, looking around and pulling a half-filled water bottle towards him. She moved the trashcan near him too, for good measure. He was still watching her through half lidded eyes, and she could tell he was exhausted. His right hand gripped hers and she looked to see where his bruise was fading to a green color. She sighed softly.
“Gonna stay?” He mumbled, his eyes barely looking at her. She felt her heart fluttering as she thought about it. She’d love to stay, even in his drunken haze but she knew it was just that. He was in a haze, and she didn’t want to wake up the next morning to see the irritation on his face. Or for him to think that she had made him stay with her.
“I’ve got to take a shower. You got me all messy,” A lazy smirk formed over his face, and she rolled her eyes and shook her head. She could only imagine what dirty thoughts were trailing through his mind even in this state of mind, "I'll see you in the morning." She did her best, trying to smile kindly at him. 
“Yeah,” He hiccupped, and she gripped onto the trash can, worried he was going to throw up again. She settled back as he rested his head back on his pillows, “My mom said that too.” She furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, wondering why he would bring that up. She bit her lip, thinking about yesterday. He must’ve been remembering. She didn't like the thought that she was being compared to his mom. 
“I know,” She knew he wouldn’t be discussing this if he wasn’t intoxicated. It made her nervous, she didn’t want him to tell her anything that he wasn’t fully aware of doing. She’d feel too guilty, “It’s okay. We’ve got each other.” She squeezed his hand softly as she watched his eyes close for a few seconds before fluttering open again. His eyes drifted across the room before he looked at her again.
“Yeah.” He smiled at her, and she slowly moved her hand away from his. She couldn’t stay here any longer. She knew if she did, she wouldn’t leave. She couldn’t do that to him, knowing how he felt previously about being asked to stay. She resisted the urge to push his blonde curls away from his eyes and kiss his forehead. She quickly stood, needing to create distance between the two of them.
“Now go to sleep.” She responded as she crossed her arms over her chest and moved away from him. She glanced back, noticing how his hand was still reaching towards her as his eyes drifted shut. She lingered at the door for a moment before remembering what she was doing. She shut the door behind her for good measure before she made her way to the shower. Her whole body ached, and she still felt mentally exhausted from what had happened with Jason earlier. She was unsure if she should even say anything, wondering if Billy would say the same thing that Tommy did or if he would defend her. She hated to be unsure, but they were friends. Perhaps, that had been the reason he was so adamant she stayed away from Tommy. 
She stepped into the bathroom, undressing herself and tossing her dress in Billy’s dirty pile of clothes. She’d wash them when she was done, she decided as she turned the hot water on. She closed her eyes and rested her cheek against the cool wall. 
She just hoped she’d be able to wash the night away.
Next Chapter
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Dark/Gore/Horror Masterlist
All This Hurt Can Finally Fade, Promise Me You'll Never Feel Afraid (ao3) - onceuponatime michael/luke M, 1k
Summary: The zombie apocalypse has happened and Luke has been bitten.
among us (ao3) - hummingluke luke/ashton M, 2k
Summary: "Luke clenches his jaw as he looks back down at the cups of swirling black sludge. He hates this. They’re scheduled to be on Polus for another month and a half, but more and more he finds himself hoping it’s over sooner than that, because he can’t stand the fear and distrust permeating every space on the base. He just wants to leave this hell, and he’s starting to care less and less whether that happens via the dropship, or a quick fall into the lava pit."
or, the Among Us AU that nobody asked for
come alive and bring the thunder (ao3) - merlypops michael/luke E, 36k
Summary: Prince Luke of the Faeries is forced to marry King Michael after a War between kingdoms threatens to tear their lives apart… and maybe Luke and Michael fall in love too. Maybe.
dreams you left behind (ao3) - rocketshiptospace luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 10k
Summary: Luke's aircraft crashes in the middle of a zombie invested area. An unexpected voice from his radio becomes his savior.
fear the fever (ao3) - kingscrossinseptember luke/ashton M, 8k
Summary: The breeze shifts and Ashton catches a whiff of a new scent that makes his heartbeat stutter. It’s cold and metallic and hungry in a way that shouldn’t be possible to emulate via smell, which means it can only be one thing: a vampire.
gone off the razor's edge (ao3) - kingscrossinseptember calum/ashton M, 1k
Summary: “You knew I might cause the apocalypse and you still decided to date me?” Calum’s voice rose several octaves as he spoke.
“What can I say, everybody makes bad choices.” Ashton offered up a trembling smile and Calum let out a noise somewhere between a laugh and a sob.
i'm not alone (ao3) - orphan_account ot4 M, 22k
Summary: calum had worked hard to get into uni on a sports scholarship. all he wanted was to play football, pass his classes and meet the occasional hot guy.
instead, he moves into a haunted house with his best friend and discovers he might have magic powers? this starting to smell like a netflix original series to anyone else? at least there are still hot love interests, right?
nightmare treatment (ao3) - fermentedpotato michael/luke, calum/ashton M, 32k
Summary: Michael doesn't show up to a meeting; Luke lives a nightmare
spread your wings for me (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton N/R, 32k
Summary: He likes watching Luke cough on smoke from a joint, or cry when he gets his lip pierced, or whine when he rides Ashton filthily. He likes the bruises he leaves on Luke’s thighs, and he likes that Luke has to wear turtlenecks to hide his hickeys covering his neck.
He likes destroying Luke’s innocence one little piece at a time.
And this is just another piece that he’s taking for himself.
Or the one where Ashton likes to watch Luke pray, and Luke is more than happy to serve the bad boy of the school.
stay on the path (ao3) - mimi_reads T, 1k
Summary: It's common knowledge that when one goes into the woods, one should stay on the path.
or, another horror story about 5sos
The Artist (ao3) - cupcakemuke michael/luke T, 10k
Summary: luke loves to draw, and michael becomes his muse
There’s no Pride in Sharing Scars to Prove It (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine michael/calum, luke/ashton M, 15k
Summary: “D’you think that, maybe, life isn’t supposed to be good for some people?” asks Michael. “Like d’you think that, maybe, life is just supposed to be awful and then you die? I mean, you know, for some people?”
“I am certainly the last person you should pose that question to,” answers Calum, “but maybe.”
(In which Michael’s only friends in the entire world are ghosts.)
To Be Unbridled And Unburned (ao3) - Branithar michael/calum, luke/ashton E, 8k
Summary: Since a wealthy businessman found his pelt while he was relaxing on a beach several years ago, Calum's done his best to make the most of his new life. He hasn't been able to like his wife or their home or their neighbours, but he's surviving, at least. Unbeknownst to him, rumours of what his father-in-law did have spread and a shady group of traveling magicians have taken interest in his situation.
Will Be - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) calum/ashton, michael/ashton, roy/calum, calum/omc, ashton/omc E, 57k
Summary: Calum lives in a small town, and that'd be all well and good if "gay" wasn't a word whispered under the breath and he wasn't fucking the preacher's son along with a handful of other men. He's racking up on secrets, but the newest one he's harboring may be what finally takes everything else down with it.
would you kill for me, my darling? (ao3) - mimi_reads michael/luke M, 1k
Summary: Michael and Luke have a conversation with unexpected consequences.
Your Eyes Are Cooler Than My Beating Heart (ao3) - CliffordAffliction michael/luke E, 64k
Summary: Michael is a demon who somehow makes Luke want to die and live all at the same time
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Should've just asked - Part 2 - Oscar Diaz
One week, seven days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes, 604800 seconds, since he fucked everything up with y/n. Threw it all away because his own insecurities got the better off him, all because he didn't just ask.
He hadn't seen sad eyes since that day either, leaving him alone to stew in his own bubble of self pity. He hadn't left his home since that day, instead opting to send Cesar to the store when something was needed or delegating his Santo's jobs to other members. The bags that y/n and Sad eyes had left behind in the mall sitting against the wall opposite him, mocking him with their bright colours and smiling logos, he'd looked through them as soon as he'd gotten home, each one filled with balloons, banners, anything you would need to through a birthday, even a badge that read 'birthday king' in big bold letters.
Today was his birthday, his 26th, a day where he should've been out in the yard celebrating with one of his famous Santo's parties with the love of his life by his side but instead he was sat in an empty house, bar his younger brother, wallowing in a pit of self pity.
"You still sulking?" Cesar asked as he watched his brother stare at the blank space by his feet, interrupting his pity party.
"Fuck off." He muttered, reaching for the half smoked joint that had been abandoned in the ashtray an hour ago.
"It's been a week Oscar, you can't sit around moping all the time, yeah you fucked up, I get it, but sitting here isn't helping anything." Cesar sighed, this past week he'd seen a side of his older brother that he couldn't remember seeing before, sad and bitchy Spooky was not a pretty sight.
"You don't get shit." Oscar sighed as he lit his joint, breathing in the smoke before exhaling slowly. "I fucked up the best thing to ever happen to me, to us, I lost mi amor Cesar." He mumbled, his eyes filling with tears that he rapidly tried to blink back.
"I know, I know I've never had anything like what you and y/n have, how about we go to the mall? I need some new trainers for school." Cesar asked, watching Oscars face carefully.
"Can't you take your little groupie with you?" Oscar muttered, stubbing out his joint in the ashtray before leaning back and covering his eyes with his arm.
"Please Oscar, it'll help get your mind of shit." Cesar tried again, desperate to get Oscar out of the house and the hole he was currently wallowing in.
"Fine." He sighed, pulling himself up and heading towards the door, missing Cesar pull out his phone and send a quick text.
He's out.
Just down the street y/n grinned as her phone dinged, the text she'd been waiting for finally coming through.
"Hey Sad eyes!" She called into the spare room where he had been staying for the last week, opting to stay and comfort the upset girl rather than spending nights in his own bed.
"What's up?" He asked as he opened the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Were you seriously sleeping at 2 in the afternoon?" She asked with an amused smile. "Anyway, Cesar's managed to get Oscar out the house so I'm heading over there now, you coming?" She asked with a smile, excited yet nervous at the thought of seeing Oscar again.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming, just give me two minutes." The man grumbled before going back into the room.
Yes, y/n was still pissed about how Oscar had acted a week ago, calling her out for being a cheat in the middle of the mall after doing nothing more than planning his birthday. But at the same time the last week had been hell, she'd received multiple texts and missed calls from Oscar, all apologising for that day, for making a fool out of all three of them. No matter how badly he had embarrassed her that day he was still the only thing in her heart, the love of her life and she was determined not to throw it all away, they had fixed every other problem that had arose in their relationship and they was going to fix this too. Which is why her and Sad eyes were currently on their way to the Diaz household, ready to throw him the most surprising surprise party there ever was.
"Alright, you start to put the food out and I'll get started with the decorations." Y/n smiled as she went over to the bags sat against the wall, the same ones that her and Sad eyes had gotten at the mall. "I'm surprised he didn't throw this out." She mused, digging through the bags to find the balloons.
"I've told you, the guys borderline obsessed with you." Sad eyes laughed from the kitchen.
An hour later and everything was set up, banners covered the walls, balloons floated through the house and yard alike while the food and drinks tables looked immaculate, thanks to Ruby's help.
Everything was in full swing, music blasting, drinks in people's hands as she received yet another text that she was waiting for.
2 minutes out.
"Alright! Everyone be quiet, he's just coming!" Y/n yelled, the music being cut and the loud laughter turning to hushed murmurs as her nerves grew knowing Oscar was just about to walk through the doors.
The loud slamming of the front door caught everyone's attention as they stood anxiously waiting for the Santos leader, the faint 'what the fuck is this?' Making her chuckle only being able to imagine how confused Oscar must have looked right then.
"Surprise!" Everyone cheered as Oscar and Cesar appeared at the back door, Cesar sporting a grin as Oscars wide eyes roamed the crowd before landing on y/n.
"You did this?" He asked quietly, not yet making a move as his mind tried to decide whether this was real, if she really was stood right in front of him.
"Well." She smiled bashfully. "I had some help." She shrugged as Sad Eyes came from round the corner with two coronas in his hands.
"Happy birthday Spooky." He smiled, holding a bottle out for Oscar to take, smiling and clinking their bottles together once Oscar took one.
"Aye, listen man, I'm, uh, I'm sorry about hitting you, the other day." Oscar sighed, feeling weird having to apologise for punching someone who was basically his brother.
"No worries Spook." Sad eyes chuckled patting his brother on the shoulder. "Now go get your girl." He smirked, nodding towards y/n who was stood a few feet away talking to Cesar and Jamal.
"Hey, uh, can we talk?" Oscar asked walking up to her and rubbing the back of his neck from the nerves.
"Yeah, sure." She smiled, feeling her heart beating through her chest as she looked up into his eyes.
They were both stood staring at each other before Cesar clearing his throat pulled them out of whatever trance they were in.
"Hey Jamal how about we go find Ruby?" Cesar asked, raising his eyebrows at Jamal who just didn't seem to get the hint.
"What? Why? We see him all the time." The young boy shrugged, oblivious to the scowls he was receiving from the Diaz brothers and the amused look from y/n.
"Beat it." Oscar deadpanned, smirking as Jamal quickly turned and walked away leaving Cesar to follow with a chuckle.
"Was there any need for that?" Y/n giggled as she turned back to Oscar, looking up at him with an amused glint in her eye.
"Kid doesn't know when to take a hint." Oscar shrugged, not seeing the issue in how he spoke to Jamal in the slightest.
"Yeah well, he is Jamal." Y/n shrugged with a laugh. "Anyway, what was it you wanted to say?" She asked remembering why the Santo had come to her in the first place.
"I uh, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, ya know, for blowing up on you the other day, I know how stupid I was being and I called you out for bullshit you didn't even do." Oscar sighed, his hand that wasn't holding his beer clenching and unclenching at his side as he tried to find the right words. "Just uh, just the thought that you were out with some other cabrón made me see red, I didn't even think to ask, I just wanted to punch whoever it was in the face." He spoke quietly, y/n only just hearing him over the music that had started up again.
"Oscar, you're right, it was stupid." She snorted making Oscars heart drop his eyes going straight to the floor, it was too late. "But." She started, making his eyes flick back up to her immediately. "But I love you Oscar Diaz, I love you so fucking much that this last week has been killing me. I don't know what to do when I'm not with you Oscar, and I don't ever want to have to do that again." She sighed, a lone tear a sliding down her cheek which he quickly reached up to wipe away.
"I love you too mi amor, I know I get jealous and over protective but that's only because I don't want any one taking you away from me, not now, not ever." He mumbled shaking his head slightly before putting his bottle down on the nearest table.
"I know, baby, I know." Y/n smiled, reaching up taking his face in her hands, thumbs rubbing along his jawline gently. "You know if the roles were reversed I would've done much more to any hyna I thought was coming for you." She giggled, already having thrown hands with one before.
"Trust me, I remember, that shit was hot." Oscar chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist as hers slid from his face to going around his neck, opting to rub the bottom of his neck rather than jaw line.
"Now what?" Y/n asked, her eyes flickering between his.
"What do you want?" Oscar asked quietly, not wanting to push her into anything that she didn't want.
"What do I want? I want you Oscar Diaz, I want you everyday for the rest of my life, jealousy and temper included." She laughed as he rolled his eyes sarcastically.
"Good." Oscar smirked down at her. "Because I ain't never letting you go." He whispered, pulling her towards him, leaning down and planting his lips on hers for the first time in a week.
"I love you Oscar." She mumbled happily, resting her head on his chest as his arms wrapped around her back.
"I love you too mi amor." He smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead and squeezing her tight.
"Also, watching you punch sad eyes in the face really turned me on." She mumbled with a laugh as she felt Oscar tense slightly.
"Is that right?" He chuckled, looking down at her. "Well it's been a week, we best take care of that." He laughed before pulling away and lifting her over his shoulder before heading into the house landing a swift smack to her backside.
"Woo! Spookys gunna get some!" Was heard as he carried her through to the bedroom, both of them laughing as he threw her onto the bed.
"You're so perfect mi Reina." Oscar whispered leaning over her as he stroked a few stray hairs out of her face.
"If anyone's perfect here it's you." Y/n smiled letting her eyes wonder his beautiful features. "Just promise me something." She mumbled after placing a quick peck to his lips.
"Anything." He answered immediately, ready to give anything and everything to make her happy.
"Next time, just ask." She giggled as he rolled his eyes.
"Putá." He mumbled as he leaned down for a slow kiss.
"But you love me anyway." She whispered.
"Always mi amor."
One week without seeing each other.
Seven days without so much as a smile.
168 hours without a kiss.
10080 minutes without an 'I love you'.
604800 seconds without each other.
One surprise party to fix it all.
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machinegunbun · 3 years
this is based on a true story and i feel stupid typing out this novel
I slept with someone miles from home whenever I was 21 who looked suspiciously like Colson some details have been edited in order to protect identities/obscure timelines
Also shitty and boring it’s a rough draft forgive my URL also thought I could changw it when I made it omg
I’m gonna send this in pieces bc it just disappeared (I can’t take the hint omg)
The sound of pans clanging against a cold, concrete floor snap you back to your senses and also prompt you to press a Bluetooth earbud further into your brain, to drown it all out and get back to the flow. As the beat pounds on and on into your canal, aggressive lyrics soothing your movements into a ballet-esque orchestra repeating the task in front of you, you begin wrapping prepped food like a machine once again. Although burns, cuts, and bruises sting across your body (some of your trade, some for fun, and some from flat out vices) you pay no mind, as it is keeping you heavily grounded; Just as well, the crisp, wet, refreshing air (just faintly tinged with cigarette smoke,) of the emergency exit door wide open billow against your back, providing necessary healing and much needed relief from the aching muscles underneath your ratty shirt.
In the middle of your last piece of the steam table puzzle, you realize someone must be smoking this cigarette you smell? And it had been quite some time since your last, so it made you suddenly grit your teeth at the craving. Quickly checking the clock, you realize it is midnight, and you’re likely the last 2 in the store, so you need to hurry it up and finish cash drop. After all, it would be a long walk home in Cleveland, Ohio sleet.
You are jarred from your thoughts with a frigid, slender finger hooking your headphones around them and out of your ears. As you realize what Chipotle veteran is still left standing alongside you, you quickly pause the music and wipe your hands on a nearby towel before turning to face him.
“My bad I’m not done yet, if I’m holding you up Colson. I only have to stick this in the walk in, and count registers.”
A chuckle escaped the blonde don. He threw his hands up, so that you had to look up to see the tall, mysterious creature, as if to surrender. “I’m not a boss man, take your time. I just wanted to see if you needed a square. It’s been since lunch rush you had a break.” He stops to look at you sternly, although in fascination. “And you were here before me.”
“That’s okay,” you reassure, stacking bowls in your arms neatly, “I have to go by the gas station after this to get some.”
Colson begins snatching things from you to pace alongside you towards the cooler. “Let me help you. Take a break, I’ll GIVE you a cig, dude.”
You cringe at dude, because that is how everyone saw you no matter how many days you came in with make up and a clean apron. Nevertheless, you were grateful, and you told him as much.
You had become comfortable in the job itself the past 18 months, and you knew every employee from sheer silent and thoughtful observation, but you were sure this was the most you had talked to Colson (or the other, less attractive crew either, for that matter) and weren’t quite as content with small talk or favors. You noted sometime last week he must be having a hard time when you had to step on the line for him after an altercation with a customer, which he walked out over. First time in a year and a half, so you knew it must be serious.
Once the task was completed, Colson abruptly grabs you by the arm and forces a menthol into it.
“Let’s do that first and then we’ll blow this joint.” Ever the jokester, as he says this, he winks and pulls a joint from behind his ear.
“You got tricks,” I laugh
We walk out the back and Colson hops up onto a stack of Buffalo Rock crates to light the J. You walk a safe distance from him to light your much appreciated cigarette.
“So you don’t talk much,” Colson hisses, taking a big inhale, before continuing as he keeps the joint from running, “but I know you smoke, cause your backpack always REEKS, dude.” He cracks a smile, eyes low and beautiful eyelashes glistening in the flurries swirling around you.
You nod in acknowledgement, no sense denying that. “It’s for my glaucoma,” you joke dryly.
Colson snorts and chokes before leaning out with the bud to pass it.
“So how you be doing that shit all day? Lifting dishpans bigger than you and shit, doubles 6 days a week?” Colson inquires, and if it weren’t wishful thinking you would say he was checking you out. Hopefully not just to see if you’re a robot.
You smile meekly. “Well, you do it, too,” you remind.
“Yeah but I’m not a girl. I’m… Well, look at me,” he boasts playfully from atop his King of the Hill stack, arms spread out to show off, as the makeshift throne wobbles slightly below. “I’m six-foot-foe,” he smirks, holding fingers up as he annunciates.
You have to laugh at his gloating. “Well, as long as I want to eat, I’ll be here,” you dismiss as gently as you can. try as you might, This brings up the uncomfortable memory of your first month here, when Colson silently pushed a plate of steak towards you on your break after watching you struggling to stay vertical.
Colson knits a brow as brushes your fingertips softly to take the blunt back. “Another question, do you really be walking home, alone, in this shit every night?” He motions to the snow beginning to swirl.
“Yeah, I do what I have to. It was rough at first, now it’s like meditation. Only, like, 15 minutes,” you dismiss. You know you could have a car by now if you could give up the pills, and you feel the shame, all too familiar, welling up like a tight ball in your stomach.
“Well I can tell you you ain’t doing that shit tonight,” he affirms seriously, “cause I got a whip now!” His tone of concern Cascades easily info one of excitement.
You’re blushing now, whyyy? You’d been able to avoid everyone up to this point, sans your dealer. “You really don’t have to do that,” you say, though the wind off your face did sound more and more intoxicating as it whipped around the two of you.
“I INSIST,” he barks, putting the roach out between two fingers.
You make quick work of counting the registers while Colson stared on, expression unreadable. You grow more self conscious with each single you lay down , but try to ignore it.
“Damn, you a pro at this,” he snorts, sticking the same stack of hundreds through the bill counter over and over. “You one with the bands or something. Almost faster than this thing,’ he motions to the machine on the desk.
"And that’s a wrap,” you conclude, stacking drawers inside the safe with a quickness. “I’m just gonna change and we can leave.”
Cautiously and curiously, Colson stands in the doorway, waiting.
“Oh, my bad, you might wanna do that in private,” he smirks, stepping to the side.
Quickly you pull the door closed to the tiny office and pretend you aren’t trying to see if Colson is looking thru the small glass window, while you quickly strip to a crop top, sweatpants and a light jacket. Once finished, you attempt to gather your composure, and exit to find him scrambling to gather his as well.
You head in silence to his car, a used ‘96 Toyota. Once inside, Colson shakes and rubs his hands together, flicking a heater on immediately. “Sh-it, it is freezing,” he remarks, warming his hands by his mouth, eyes grazing across you, “aren’t you dying in that??” He motions to your flannel.
“Business as usual,” you say. If only he knew how many pharmaceuticals and trauma went into that demeanor.
“Shid, fuck that,” he resists, and begins digging in his backseat. “Here, this is Slim’s, wear it to make me feel better.”
You slip the jacket over your lap and give a nod of appreciation. You hated feeling like a homeless hopeless.
Colson reaches for the auxiliary cord and stops himself from pulling his phone from his pocket. You try hard not to stare at his briefs peeking over his belt.
“Let’s see what you’re bobbing your head to all day,” he smiles, hand out.
You oblige, only to realize who it was paused on.
“Oh, wait, not that playlis–”
“Dawg, is this my shit??” Colson almost screams, although curiously he doesn’t seem creeped out, he’s… Excited?
“Uh…” You bite your lip. “You… Did promote it constantly. Well, still do,” you stammer.
“No, no. Do NOT be embarrassed, this is fuckin sick! Incredible,” he whispers in disbelief, hooking up the cord, as he pulls a devil’s horn with the other hand. “We have a fan!” He triumphs before putting it in reverse and backing away.
“So, I was thinking…” He trails, fingers drumming almost nervously on the steering wheel, “we could hang at my place for a bit? Our names are next to each other on the schedule, so I know you have TWO whole days off, too,” he reminds, almost shutting down any attempt at refusal.
“I have smoke,” you offer, “but no wraps.”
Colson grins big. “Perfect, I got both at the house.”
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Tarnished Knights (one-shot)
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Summary: Edge isn't really interested in reading whatever books Stretch seemed to think he needs. He has enough problems trying to read their relationship.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Complicated Relationships, Flirtation, Budding Love, Idiots in Love
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“hey, edgelord, i found some books for you.”
Edge did not look up from the papers he had spread across the table. He was designing a new puzzle trap and hardly needed any distractions. Not that he shouldn’t have been expecting one. These days Stretch came over often when he knew Edge would be home from patrol, despite Edge’s discomfort at having him in Underfell. So long as he stayed inside the house, there should be no issues, but there was always a prickle of unease when he appeared, a brief moment where Edge resisted the urge to send him home to the safety of Underswap. Then he would remember why Stretch was visiting and that urge would vanish, tucked beneath a more visceral, and pleasurable, one.
Red tended to make himself scarce when Stretch was on a solo visit and while Edge didn’t care for him spending extra time at Grillby’s, he also didn’t blame him for his desertion. Stretch’s normal lazy behavior tended to vanish when it came to bedroom activities and instead were best described as both enthusiastic and loud.
Better that Red left, otherwise Edge might well be treated to another of his brother’s morning score reviews and the less he heard Red say things like ‘wails like a cat stuck in a beat-up aluminum trashcan at the end of an alley in downtown san francisco. gotta give ‘im 6 out of 10’, the better.
Stretch hadn’t asked before coming over, sending a text only moments before popping in as he often did. Ignoring him was always an exercise in futility, for a variety of reasons, but Edge tried. There was something to be said for anticipation, something delightful, and he intended to keep Stretch waiting as long as he could manage.
Despite his efforts, distraction still came in the form of a rumpled paper sack dropped down on table, right on top of his plans. Edge growled impatiently and shoved the bag out of his way, glaring up at his…well, that was a discussion for another day. His semi-clone from another universe would do for now, and said clone was smirking down at him with the stick of a lollipop poking out from between his teeth. Smoking in the house was verboten for both Edge and Blue, and so Stretch often found alternate means of keeping his mouth busy.
Both the innuendo in that and the sight of his tongue curling around the candy behind his teeth threatened another mental derailment and Edge hastily turned his attention to the bag at hand.
“I don’t need any books.”
Stretch made a scoffing sound and plopped down on the sofa with his legs sprawling apart, since sitting properly would have been reasonable and efficient, and Stretch was neither. “everybody needs books. books are the keys to the imagination and, buddy, you need to unlock a door.”
“There is nothing wrong with my imagination and I don’t need any more books,” Edge said. “I have my puzzle books.” And a tattered copy of ‘Peekaboo With Fluffy Bunny’ hidden away where prying eyes would not easily find it.
“oh, yeah, riveting,” Stretch snorted. He unwrapped another sucker and popped it into his mouth, the candy clacking against his teeth as he rolled it to one side. “that’ll get the ol’ imagination roaring like lions on your mind savannah.”
“I beg your pardon, are you suggesting your copy of the ‘Principles of Quantum Mechanics’ stimulates your imagination?”
“yeah, actually, but i also have a copy of this just in case that doesn’t do the trick.” He sat up and rummaged through the bag, yanked out a book to shove directly into Edge’s face. “it works some pretty good magic once you get into it.”
He leaned back enough to focus on the cover, “The Once and Future King,” Edge read aloud without enthusiasm. His experiences with kings were not something he wanted to repeat in his leisure time.
“yeah, yeah, i can feel your doubt. c’mon, you’ll like it, just give it a try. for me?” Stretch wheedled. He batted his sockets and despite the lack of eyelashes, it was not entirely ineffective.
If Edge’s interest in the book was middling, his interest in Stretch was not, lacking definition but not depth. Still, it didn’t pay to give in too easily, especially when it was someone else acquiring the debt.
“What do I get if I do?” Edge countered. From the way Stretch’s smirk widened, his sockets sinking down to hood his eye lights, he’d chosen well.
“well, all that book-learnin’ gave me a hell of an imagination.” Stretch pulled the half-eaten sucker out of his mouth and tossed it carelessly into the nearby trash bin without so much as looking at it. With the sly grace he so rarely showed, he pushed Edge back against the sofa and straddled his lap, tongue gliding over his teeth as he murmured, “bet i can think of something.”
The taste of his magic was sweeter than the candy, and coupled with that kiss, it was headily addictive. Edge forgot entirely about puzzles and kings and books, lying back and letting Stretch’s imagination sweep them away.
Much later that night, Stretch was curled up sleeping next to him and it was a good thing that once he was asleep, he tended to stay that way no matter what. Normally the tendency was (terrifying) annoying. He’d never have survived his childhood in Underfell.
Tonight, Edge found he was grateful for it because despite the unforeseen exercise of the past few hours, he found himself restless and unable to sleep. Normally he might get up and clean, a deep scrub of the bathroom tiles made for an excellent mindless chore, but Stretch staying over was a rare occurrence and he wanted to stay close by. If he woke and found himself alone, he might think himself unwelcome and that would go against Edge’s very much unspoken wish that he stay over more often rather than shambling off after sex with a faint limp and a laconic smile.
Asking for such a thing was more likely to get Stretch sprinting back to Underswap than wish fulfillment, so Edge said nothing and quietly hoped actions spoke louder than words, at least enough to either get through Stretch’s thick, brilliant skull or beneath his prickly, non-existent skin.
But none of that helped tonight. Sleep lingered out of reach and Edge rolled over again, sighing to himself as he stared out into his bedroom.
Artificial light streamed in through his barred window and landed on his desk, illuminating the contents. He’d tidied up the living room before they’d gone upstairs to finish what was started on the sofa —leaving any mess only gave Red leverage for maddening sock placement— and the bag of books was sitting on his desk, set there by Stretch as evidenced by its haphazard placement. It had fallen over and books were spilling out from the top.
Since getting up was out of the question, Edge reached out with his magic, clumsily using two bones like an oversized pair of chopsticks to grasp the book like a grain of rice. He made a mental note to work on that particular exercise again, who knew when it might come in handy, as he flicked on the small lamp on the bedside table. He’d try a page or two, if only to make Stretch happy, and then claim his reward for the attempt.
He opened the first page, already unimpressed with the first nonsensical sentence, and wondering why Stretch thought he would find this interesting. He hoped whatever reward he received for the attempt would be worth it.
Some hours later, his spine ached from hunching over the book that was gripped so tightly in his hands the pages occasionally threatened to tear. His eye sockets felt dry and gritty as he greedily scoured the last page and at the end, he stared at the final words, hardly able to believe there was no more. His mind was still awhirl with thoughts of knights and wizards, a fallible king who was worthy of following and yet still betrayed, honor earned and lost by those who were rich in virtue and brought down by their foibles.
“you liked it, huh.”
Edge startled, the book falling from his hands, and jerked around to see Stretch was watching him. He was still curled around the pillow, sunk into its soft depths with only one eye light visible from within a barely opened socket. Normally, that drowsy, inviting warmth was a temptation in itself, but this morning Edge’s thoughts were in turmoil.
Underfell was home, whether or not the people here wanted him, they certainly needed him, a tarnished knight to fight their battles, and here he would stay, stubbornly some (everyone) said, but weren’t there times he wished to escape it, if only briefly? Traveling to the other universes for a meal or for company, a chance to go somewhere else, be someone else, not the Great and Terrible Papyrus, but Edge, who was neither great nor terrible, and somehow still appreciated for it.
It never occurred to him he could leave without even stepping through his front door and bring his adventure back with him when he returned.
“Yes,” Edge admitted. “I did."
“yeah, i liked that one, too,” Stretch rolled onto his back, stretching out his long limbs beneath the blankets and letting out a satisfied groan as joints popped, “figured you might dig in.”
“Is that why you brought it?” Edge asked, curiously, “did you wonder if I would like it because you did?” When they’d first met the others, there had been some experimenting to determine the differences not only in their worlds, but in each other, down to their taste in condiments. That had dwindled off as they’d gotten to know each other, but he wouldn’t be surprised to learn Stretch still want to test a few theories.
Instead of agreeing, Stretch pushed up on an elbow in automatic protest, “no! i just—” That burst trailed off and he sank back down to the mattress, his face twisting in complex emotions.
Edge said nothing, only waited without demanding an answer. He wasn’t particularly skilled at reading others and worse when it came to Stretch, but he was slowly learning. If he didn’t press, there was a chance Stretch would give him an honest answer rather than a pun or some other deflection. It said less about himself and more Stretch’s issues when it came to any kind of emotional intimacy, but he still found himself holding his breath, almost superstitiously afraid of frightening him off.
Finally, Stretch shrugged, a certain forced carelessness in the roll of his shoulders. “i just wanted to give you something you’d like.” Then, a little softer, like a confession, “you deserve nice things.”
Edge glanced at the paper bag still sitting on his desk. He wouldn’t be able to stay up reading every night, only ones where the restlessness refused to abate, but that happened often enough and there were plenty of books still inside, more worlds to explore and adventures to be had.
Meanwhile, Stretch had been busily shoring up his defenses while Edge was distracted. His expression was closed off, set in the lines of his normal carefree easiness as he sat up, yawning deliberately. “seriously, edgelord, it’s only a damn book, don’t read too much into it. heh. anyway, i should head home so you can go on patrol.”
He should, time was creeping into late morning. Red was probably already napping at his sentry station. There was no reason for him to lean in and press his mouth to the tempting curve at the back of Stretch’s skull where it met his spine, except for the fact that he knew Stretch was sensitive there and always shivered at the lightest touch. He did now, a quiver rattling through his bones as he ducked his head to allow better access, a little groan catching in his throat.
“or not,” Stretch sighed out. He sank willingly back to the mattress with Edge following him down. His hands settled lightly on Edge’s back, fingertips drifting delicately against the scar-hewn bones with renewed promise.
At the cusp of giving in to temptation, Edge thought briefly of Arthur and Lancelot and Guinevere, their successes and mistakes, endings and the hope of new beginnings. Then he set those thoughts aside. As rich as that fantasy was, there was something to be said for reality and as he drew Stretch into his arms, Edge was content with his own.
For now.
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birdhaslostit · 4 years
🦇💀🕷🕸 What the Lupin Gang would do/wear for Halloween! 🕸🕷🍬🍭
This may be OOC, but it’s Halloween, and nobody is themselves on Halloween. That’s the whole point. It’s time to let loose babey
🎃 Lupin: 
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Lupin would wear something suave yet spooky. (A vampire is a tried-and-true option.) Whatever it is, it has to leave some of his face showing- how else is he supposed to woo the ladies at the party? Other costume choices include a pirate captain, Jack Skellington, and a joint costume with Fujiko as Victor and Emily from Corpse Bride.
Lupin has ABSOLUTELY dressed up as Dr. Frank N Furter from Rocky Horror Picture show. Definitely more than once.
Lupin would definitely get WAAAAAAY into Halloween. Like, the first of October, BAM. Orange jacket with a black shirt and an orange tie. He makes all of his October heists Halloween-themed, but he doesn’t steal on Halloween because that’s when he goes ALL. OUT. 
Each year he picks a different city to celebrate in. He spaces out wherever he goes so he doesn’t get caught, but rumors about Lupin spread, so each year people make a guessing game of where he’s gonna go for Halloween. Each year, he picks a hideout in the most popular trick-or-treating area of that city and decks it OUT with Halloween decorations. A large chunk of the decor expenses was probably taken from the Halloween Jacket heists from that year.
Lupin never sends invitations for it though- this is the one time he won’t do it. He insists that it adds to the “illusion of mystique.” He leaves it up to the trick-or-treaters to spread the word. News quickly gets around that the cool house down the street might be Lupin, and without fail, it turns into a block party within the first 2 hours or less.
On Halloween, he gives out candy to literally everyone. He spoils the little kids with king-size candy bars. He encourages the teens to go egg/TP houses of rude people in the area (he staked them out in advance specifically to do this.) He hypes up the costumed adults and hands out Halloween-themed drinks. 
The day after Halloween, the hideout looks deserted, like nobody was ever there. Nobody can ever figure out how he packs it all up so quickly, without anyone noticing. The only thing he leaves, every single time, is a jack-o-lantern with his face on it. 
🎃 Jigen: 
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Something classic and/or low-effort. First thing that comes to mind is a werewolf. 
Lupin might bug him about stealing his trademark, but Jigen fits the image better. He’s gruff and hairy and may perhaps shoot you if you make fun of his costume. 
Jigen might also go for a classic Dracula if Lupin isn’t a vampire that year. He’s also been a cowboy several times.
He doesn’t really interact with the crowd unless they come up to him first (which is rare because he doesn’t exactly exude “friendly,” and it’s usually a little kid, because they don’t really notice.) 
If it’s a little kid though, Jigen’s always nice to them. Especially little boys who like his cowboy costume. (He wears that one the most as an excuse to carry his magnum around without people getting suspicious.) He’ll put on the southern drawl and everything. He doesn’t want to break the illusion for a kid, especially not on Halloween.
One time a little boy called him Woody, Lupin overheard, and teased him about it the whole night because he thought it would bug Jigen. Jigen secretly thought it was the funniest/sweetest thing ever, and snuck the kid extra candy in his bucket before he left with his mom. 
Jigen won’t take any crap from teenage trick-or-treaters who are rude. You know, the ones who take too much from the bucket so there’s none left for the little kids. He’ll turn them away at the door. It’s never come down to him having to pull out the Magnum, because his glare alone is enough to scare the crap out of them so they’ll leave. Same goes for tipsy adults who’ve had one too many Halloween-themed drinks and get too rowdy. 
One year Lupin made a joke about how Jigen should give some candy cigarettes out to kids for Halloween, and Jigen shut it down FAST. He doesn’t want to encourage kids to start his bad habit, so he doesn’t smoke around other people at the party, and makes extra sure that kids aren’t around when he does.
One year, Jigen gave out out tiny water pistols with the candy. Lupin got some for him to hand out because they reminded him of Jigen at the store, and even though Jigen brushed it off at the time, he appreciated it.
🎃 Goemon: 
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Goemon secretly loves Halloween, but will literally die before admitting it to anyone. It took him a while to warm up to it, though.
He still sticks to tradition- his costumes all have something to do with Japan. Kabuki Ishikawa Goemon is a classic that he returns to often. He’s dressed up as various oni/yōkai/yūrei before, and several figures from Japanese folklore.
Goemon has also been a samurai for Halloween, even though it’s just his regular clothes. It’s for the kids, really- he secretly enjoys the attention.
He will make jack-o-lanterns with Zantetsuken, but only for little kids that he thinks are especially polite. Lupin whines every time because Goemon won’t make him one too.
He always insists on getting Japanese candies for the candy bowl, like Pocky and the various flavored Kit Kats they have in Japan. At first he insisted on more traditional treats, then he realized they might not keep well and opted for these. Plus, it’s for the kids.
He does keep things like konpeitō and wagashi for himself to snack on throughout the night. He’ll share, but the same rule applies as the jack-o-lanterns- only for the super polite kids.
One time Lupin made a bet with Goemon, and if he lost, he had to be a geisha for Halloween.
He lost.
He doesn’t like to talk about it.
Everyone else does, every single year, without fail. 
Goemon has also become the de facto Guardian of the Punch Bowls. Lupin keeps them out for both the trick-or-treaters and the partygoers. One bowl for the kids, and an alcoholic one for the adults. The adult punch is clearly labeled. Now, you should never drink the punch at a party because you don’t know what’s in it, but Lupin is the exception in this regard. No funny business is happening with that punch bowl. And Goemon will make damn sure of that. 
Nobody ever assigned him the position of Punch Bowl Guardian, he just picked it up himself. Before Halloween one year, Lupin was (rightfully) worried at first that someone would try to put something dangerous in it, and was about to opt out of having a communal punch bowl. Then, Goemon spoke up that he had it covered, and thus, he was made the Punch Bowl Guardian.
Nobody has ever tried to spike it with anything, and nobody ever will. Lupin gets to mingle instead of guarding the bowl, and Goemon gets to relax away from the crowd. Everybody wins.
🎃 Fujiko:
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If you don’t think Fujiko hasn’t been a Playboy bunny at least once, you’re lying to yourself. She has also been a mouse, à la Mean Girls, and basically a sexy version of anything you can think of. Except for a cop. She wouldn’t stoop that low.
Occasionally, it wasn’t originally supposed to be a sexy version of the outfit/character. Lupin sometimes replaces the original with a raunchier outfit the night before, and waits to see if she notices. 
She always does. 
Sometimes she likes that version better and sticks with it, and if Lupin ever asks about it on Halloween, she denies it all. If she doesn’t like it, she knows that Lupin kept the original and will put it back before she wakes up on Halloween. They’ve been playing this game for years, and there’s never any malice behind it. It’s just their customary brand of Halloween trickery.
One time she planned to dress up as Lupin, purely to see if he’d replace his outfit with a risqué version the night before. 
Of course he did, why would you expect anything less???
She laughed so hard at it that she tripped and fell, and he rushed in to see if she was okay and also to see if she was wearing it because he wanted a peek 
She then made HIM wear it on Halloween, while she wore his regular clothes. He was cool with it, had a blast, got blasted on too many cups of adult punch, and then got a little too into the outfit, so Jigen had to bribe him to take it off at the end of night. 
Her favorite costume that wasn’t ‘edited’ by Lupin is from the year she dressed up as Pops. She swiped it from his disguise collection, and hid it where he wouldn’t find it before he could notice it was gone. Her decoy costume was a bumblebee. She’s just as good at disguises as Lupin is, so when she showed up as Zenigata, Lupin nearly shit a brick. 
Goemon will never let him forget it.
🎃 Zenigata: 
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Zenigata probably dresses up as an old-school detective or Sherlock Holmes, which isn’t really too different from his normal attire, but it makes him happy regardless. 
He will not arrest Lupin on Halloween. 
Zenigata knows about the parties, but turns a blind eye to them at this point, because it’s a fruitless endeavor trying to catch a master of disguise on Halloween. He has tried in the past, but only once. When Zenigata first discovered that Lupin threw these parties, he found out where Lupin was on Halloween and came to arrest him. 
He walked up to the hideout and saw Lupin handing out candy to a pair of kids. He couldn’t go through with it, because wouldn’t you know it, their costumes were tiny versions of him and Lupin. 
He immediately did a 180 and started to leave, since Lupin wasn’t technically breaking the law at the time, and he’s a sucker for kids. (He got a little misty-eyed at the sight of a tiny little girl drowning in a trenchcoat that looked just like his, with a pair of cheap plastic handcuffs in the pocket. He’d hate to show it in front of Lupin though.)
Lupin, of course, knew Zenigata was coming before he even arrived, grabbed his shoulder, and stopped him from walking away. The girls were too young to see past Lupin’s costume and had no idea that it was him, and they had assumed that Zenigata was also in costume. Zenigata told them it was really him, and, of course, they are THRILLED.
They ask him about his adventures with Lupin, and he tells them the G-rated versions of the stories. Lupin joins in, after leaving for a ‘bathroom break’ and coming back as himself. The two spend the night answering their questions, telling stories, and doing party tricks. Zenigata shows how quickly he can handcuff Lupin while blindfolded, and Lupin shows how he can dislocate his joints to get out/pick the lock. 
When the girls’ parents show up, they see their kids sitting next to these two adults in the same ‘costumes.’ They seem to be good people, so the parents compliment their costumes and go home with their kids. The girls insist that the two men were the real Lupin and Pops, but the parents brush it off. 
Every year since, Lupin leaves another jack-o-lantern with his face on it besides the one he leaves at the hideout once he’s gone. No matter where the party is, or how far it is from where Zenigata is staying, Pops always gets one too. Usually with a piece of candy next to it, and a calling card for his next, non-Halloween-themed heist.
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - How A Star Is Born ch.VIII
A Hercules AU, founded by @evaroze, whom this fic is a gift for. I hope y’all like it!
ch.VII - ch.IX
AO3 link
A year after Dipper’s first victory and it felt like Gideon had died a thousand deaths.
Dipper became the most famous hero in all of Greece. He defeated every single monster or villain he had come up against, from angry warthogs that he served to the king on a grill, to wicked shapeshifters, to mad ex-girlfriends of Stan’s. No foe could stand against this hero in any way, shape, or form, and unfortunately this was very bad news for Gideon and Bill.
Bill left his minion alone to smoke and recover from being burned alive, shaking with red anger as he watched the fallen god press his hands into concrete with his teacher by his side, smiling proudly. “I can’t believe this! How is that little twerp still alive?!”
“W-W-We still have time…” Gideon whimpered, curled up and lying on his side.
“I’ve got twenty-four hours to get rid of this bozo!” Bill screamed as he towered over his slave. “The scheme I’ve been setting up for thousands of years is going up in smoke thanks to you! And all you can say is WE’VE STILL GOT TIME?!” And Bill snapped his fingers once more and Gideon was engulfed in flames, crying and yelling in unbearable pain.
Pacifica, with her back to the chaos, was smiling at the hero and enjoying the show all around her. “Tough luck, looks like Dippin’ Dots is hitting every curve you throw at him.”
Bill’s red instantly went away as he stared at the young woman before him. His eyes squinted happily and he floated to her side. “Hm, maybe I haven’t been throwing the right curves at him…”
“Don’t even go there.”
“See, Llama, he’s gotta have a weakness, everybody’s got one. We just need to find out Pinetree’s.”
“I totally did my part,” Pacifica scoffed. “Make Marshmallow over there do it.”
“He couldn’t handle him as an infant.” Bill sneered. “I need someone who can… handle him as a man.”
“Look, I’ve sworn off man-handling.” Pacifica snapped and walked away.
“Well, hey that’s good!” Bill laughed, making the young woman stop. “Cuz that’s what gotcha into this jam in the first place, isn’t it? You sold your soul to me to save your father’s life. And how did the guy thank you? By throwing you out when no one wanted to marry you and give dowry? He hurt you real bad, didn’t he? It hurt that no one wants the bratty little Llama, didn't it?”
“I get it, I learned my lesson, okay?” Pacifica croaked as she held her forehead.
“Hey, hey,” Bill cooed and placed a friendly hand on either one of her shoulders. “I tell you what, since I feel sorry for you, I’ll make you a new offer. You give me the key to taking down Wonderboy, and I’ll give you the thing you want more than anything in the whole Multiverse: your freedom.”
Pacifica’s eyes widened and her pupils shrunk as her mouth hung open.
Through the fast-pacing, slightly-overwhelming year, the Temple of the Gods became Dipper’s sanctuary. At night, he would sneak away from prying eyes and visit his family, feeling all of his stress and pressure melt away.
Now not only bound to a small journal, Dipper and Mabel could talk more freely. Even more so now that Dipper funded a statue of the young muse to be put in the temple, and now a Mabel made of stone could hug him and punch his shoulder and talk and skip around him, even if she couldn’t feel his warmth or if she risked breaking bones, but he had god-like strength, so who cares? Their bond became even stronger as they swapped stories and got to know each other very well. Many times Mabel would happily sit criss-cross and listen and watch as her twin brother retold his victories to her.
This evening, however, Dipper seemed very tired. He sat at the foot of the huge statue of the Ruler of the Gods and Mabel looked down at him softly before sitting next to him in her statued-form. “Hey, what’s the matter?”
Dipper blinked and shook his head. “N-Nothing!”
Mabel smiled cockily and poked his ribs to lightly tickle him. “C’mon, you can’t hide anything from me. What’s up?”
The young hero sighed and leaned back with his hands on the steps behind him. “It’s just… I’m the most famous person of all in Greece, right?”
“And I’ve beaten every monster I’ve met, right?”
“I’m even an action-figure.” Dipper added as he threw his hands up in the air.
“Yeah,” Mabel said slowly. “So?”
Dipper looked at his long-lost sister and asked her heavily, “So why am I not a god?”
Mabel’s eyes widened in realization before she looked down at her long dress. “Oh.”
“To rejoin the gods, I gotta become a true hero.” Dipper restated. “What, am I missing something? Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” Mabel said quickly and patted his shoulder reassuringly. “You’ve been doing great! And hey, you’ve only been at it for, what, a year? You’re just… not there yet. Remember, there’s a difference between being a hero and a true hero, but you’ll get there one day, I know you will.”
Dipper smiled at her and said, “Thanks, Mabel. You’re right. I just have to be patient.”
“Besides, you’ve got plenty of time.” Mabel reminded him with a giggle. “It’s not like you’re gonna die soon or something.”
Dipper laughed alongside her, though he couldn’t quite shake the desire that he would rather be home sooner or later.
Dipper walked back to his very large house after going through the lush garden. He had tried not to have a home so big but he had earned so much gold that even after donating to the orphanage he grew up in and many other causes like feeding the poor and providing housing for the homeless, he still had more money than he knew what to do with and Stan seemed to really enjoy living in the lap of luxury, so they met halfway and had a very nice house that was big but not so big that they required five maids.
Dipper entered his home and could see candlelight coming from down the hall. The old man must still be awake. The young hero smiled and moved down the hall to tease his teacher, but as he turned a corner, he was met with something that scared him much more than any monster.
“STAN!” Dipper dashed to him and was on his knees, the old man lying on the cold floor with a dripping candle by his side, a miracle the house hadn’t been caught on fire thanks to being made of stone. “Stan, can you hear me?!”
Dipper helped the unconscious man sit up to get a good look at him. He appeared more dead than alive, but the hero refused to believe it. He scooped the old man up in his arms and ran as fast as he could to the doctor, praying to the gods that Stan would be okay.
Mabel was humming to herself as she emerged from her room, having finished meditating and projecting herself onto a statue to talk to her brother. She grew worrisome, however, when she saw her great-uncle sitting at the front steps of the temple, holding his face, covering his eyes, and breathing heavily, like he was struggling with his emotions.
“Grunkle Ford,” Mabel said softly as she hurried to his side and put kind hands on his shoulders. “What’s the matter?”
He looked up at his niece with heavy, shining eyes that refused to cry. “It’s Stanley. He’s running out of time.”
“These things happen,” A doctor calmly explained. “As a person ages their bodies start to fail them gradually over time. From what we can tell, Stan had a heart attack. Slight damage to the heart, nothing extremely life-threatening, but a good sign that his time is running out. I wouldn’t quite count the days yet, but I would also advise you value your time with him while you can. I’m so sorry.”
Dipper was now left alone to dwell on the news. He knew Stan wasn’t exactly young, but he always seemed unstoppable, so lively, that the idea of him dying was scary and already made the young hero very mournful. He made himself get up from his stool in the hallway to enter the door his teacher was in, but he was surprised to find Stan standing up and slipping on his cloak. “There you are, let’s blow this joint already.”
“Stan!” Dipper scolded. “What are you doing out of bed?!”
“What, I’m fine now, kid.” Stan waved Dipper’s worries away casually. “Relax. Let’s just go home, I got a bottle of expired grape juice waiting for me.”
“Stan, this is serious!”
“Look, I don’t blame you for being worried, but I need you to trust me on this.” Stan said firmly with kind brown eyes, giving Dipper a firm pat on the shoulder. “I’m fine, okay?”
“But…” Dipper allowed Stan to lead the way out of the room and throughout the hospital for the quiet night. “But… you’re dying.”
“In a way we all are, kid.”
“Dipper, listen to me.” Stan interrupted and gave the young hero a stern look as they walked down the street of Thebes. “I’m an old man, I’ve lived a very long life. I’ve known I was dying for a long time, but none of that matters to me. All that matters is that you become a true hero and get to be with your family, whether I get to see it or not.”
“But… I want you to see it.” Dipper sighed. He was very tired. He could feel so much on his shoulders, he always felt like the entire world was on his shoulders, and as they days wore on it was getting harder to ignore. He sat at a large fountain in town-square and looked at his mentor heavily. “I know you won’t be around forever, but… you’re like family to me, Stan. I want you to see me become a true hero. I want to make you proud. I want you to see me in the stars like you want.”
“Hey hey,” Stan sat next to him slowly and patted his back. “Way to get all sappy on me, hero. And where’s all this coming from? I am proud of you. I’ve always been proud of you. Since day one, I’ve been so proud of you and happy I got to teach you. I know you’ll make it someday, I know you’ll be up in the stars and be with your sister, and that’s good enough for me.”
Dipper smiled sadly, a bit overwhelmed but still appreciative. “Still, I… Am I doing something wrong? I thought I’d be a true hero by now? What more can I do?”
“Being a true hero is something you gotta discover for yourself.” Stan said and poked at Dipper’s strong chest. “You gotta look inside all this squishy stuff. Dig a little deeper. But you got something I’ve never seen in anybody, and I know that’s gonna make you into a god someday, just you wait and see.”
Dipper still couldn’t shake the feeling like he didn’t want to wait for someday to come, but he still smiled and thanked Stan for his words.
Miraculously, despite his lifeline being short, Stan was just as energetic and lively as always the next day. Dipper tried to talk him into resting, but the old man refused and was there for all of Dipper’s obligations. Stan was right by his side for the opening of the newest gym, he happily partake in lunch with Dipper and the mayor of Thebes, and in the afternoon they went home to change into nicer togas for a modeling show.
Stan said something about a quick nap and went to his room to snooze the warm afternoon away. Dipper chuckled and was nearly scared to death when a soothing voice from beside a pillar said, “Oh this is what heroes do on their days off?”
Dipper grinned and greeted her warmly. It had been a long time since he had last seen her. “Wow, Pacifica! It’s great to see you again, I… I missed you.”
Pacifica approached slowly and smiled slyly at him. “Thanks, Dippin’ Dots. Man, you look good, but rough. When was the last time you had a break?”
“Oh, I rest, Stan…”
“You know I never really thanked you for saving my life, did I?” Pacifica interrupted. “How about dinner?”
As much as a date with such a beautiful girl made Dipper want to do a backflip, his immediate concern was leaving Stan alone for too long. “Oh, I dunno, Stan’s got the day booked and…”
“He’ll be okay, he’s taking a nap, isn’t he?” Pacifica asked. “He can rest, you can get some fresh air and some food. Come on, my treat.”
Dipper smiled sheepishly and she put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, baby blue eyes sparkling at him like a beautiful spring sky. Swallowing, the young smitten hero nodded. “Okay, sure.”
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synnefo-nefeli · 4 years
Polyship Roadtrip as King and his Prince Consorts headcanons
And also about that time, Prince Consort Prompto, became Regent of Lucius:
Some set up:
After the sun’s back and the Kingdom of Lucius is rebuilding, Noct decides for once in his life he’s going to be selfish and pull rank- he tells the counsel (a fair amount did survive or at least their heirs did) that he’s marrying his boyfriends. “It’s the worst kept secret, you all know we’ve been together since I was 18...fuck if I ever do a politically arranged marriage again”
* It is a bit unorthodox- not the King having multiple consorts- Ignis found an old law regarding the ancient Kings of Lucius who had multiple partners, so there is precedence.
What *is* unorthodox is that the consorts are also the King’s Hand, the King’s Shield (head of Lucius’ army), and Prompto who will one-day succeed Cor as Marshal.
* There is surprisingly little pushback and an amicable agreement of what Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto can and cannot do as both consort and their official counsel positions/capacities in the Crownsguard/ what happens if if any of the consorts become Regent.
* Essentially if there is a time when Noct must appoint a Regent, the order goes: Gladio (as his bloodline is as noble blood and ancient as Noct + his and Noct’s line have intermarried), Ignis, due to him being the Hand & as well of noble birth, and lastly Prom.
* If Gladio or Ignis are Regent, Prompto and Iris are their Shields. If Prom is Regent, Cor and Iris are the Shield.
* Being Regent only occurs if Noct is way from the capital or if he’s incapacitated. The only times when Gladio is Regent is when Noct is sick and cannot attend royal functions where the King or Regent’s capacity is required. All other times he’s with Noct as his Shield.
* The Regent capacity is more out of ceremony- The Regent presides over Counsel Meetings, rules in the King’s stead (but cannot order laws), attends functions on behalf of the Crown. Things do get tricky when the King is literally in bed with 1/2 the counsel, but Noct’s consorts are trusted.
* The Regency is marked by a “Crown passing ceremony”, which is self explanatory and is ended by a ceremony where the consort re-crowns Noct.
* Only Noct can sit on the throne. there are three smaller seats besides his throne for his consorts. Only if they are Regent, and ceremony demands it, can they sit on Noct’s throne.
So now that’s all out of the way let’s get to the time Prompto found himself as Regent.
* Prompto honestly never thought it would happen. He’s comfortable with doing Consort duties and appearances as they’re often extensions of his Crownsguard duties. What are the chances that Gladio or Iggy cannot be regent right?
* Well. Noct and Gladio have to attend a function at the Niff Border for a trade agreement so Noct passes his crown to Ignis. It’s quiet mostly at the capital. Just him and Ignis running to counsel meetings as the Regent and Regent’s Shield. Ignis doing work as the Hand and Prompto spending time with Cor and the Glaives. 
* He and Ignis retire back to their home ( I hc the Bros have a home in the residential neighborhoods (the few that we’re still standing) the Citadel; the Citadel is being used to house displaced Lucians, fire department and medical resources as Insomnia rebuilds its infrastructure + Noct wants to only be in the Citadel when he absolutely must) and they’re having a nice few days of enjoying each other’s company; have a date-night where Prompto, bless him, cooks. But Cor comes over to say that they must come back to the Citadel, Ignis is needed to preside over something.
* Turns out, Tenebrae needs help sort issues Ravus is having (oh yeah, Ravus is alive in this AU because he got done dirty too in the game); Tenebrae is on the verge of collapse because of infighting on Ravus’ council, Ravus pleads to Ignis to come as a neutral party as distant Tenebraen nobility, and help them restructure a new system
* Sooo Prom is crowned in the middle of the night by Ignis (with Noct and Gladio calling in on video), and Ignis is whisked off to a drop-ship with a kiss to Prom’s cheek and a “I’ll be back soon, you’ll be fine”.
* Prompto has to sleep in the Royal apartments alone, in the King’s chambers per tradition; he and Noctis spend the whole night texting, “what if I mess up?” “Prom you’re going to be fine” “what if I cause an international crisis?” “Prom, you’re Regent, there’s no way - you don’t have that power- and also you’re super smart. We’ll be home soon don’t worry. Just ride it out for a few days. One of us will be home soon”.
* The first few days are fine- no royal duties to attend to, so Prom sticks to his Crownsguard’s duties. He *does* have extra security around him via Cor and Iris but life is normal. After work he takes Iris shopping because he loves spoiling his little sister-in-law, and they just chill out together watching movies at night. 
His husbands all call to check in and they’re super pleased with how Prom’s handling stuff in the capital, “honestly, I’m not doing anything! Which is probably for the best.” He blushes through his husband’s encouragement.
* By day 8, no one is home and Prompto has to attend his first council meeting as Regent. He’s dressed in a simple raiment- one specifically made for such a situation. Black high-collared suit, a black and silver brocade half-cape, a sash that denotes his status as a consort but fringed with the silver patterned satin of the Crownsguard, and his consort’s circlet- a simple silver band with a horned decoration similar to Noct’s crown.
It’s stuffy and tight fitting and honestly now he understands why Noct chafes at wearing his, and why Ignis basically has to threaten Noct with vegetables to wear it. He spends the entire meeting longing for his Crownsguard uniform.
* A week into being Prince Regent, soon turns into WEEKS. Noct, Ignis and Gladio apologize...well, Noct and Gladio do, Ignis is (politely) frustrated with Prompto’s lack of confidence, “you are one of the Chosen King’s Prince Consorts and retainers, you helped save the world when the sun was gone, you lead dangerous supply and recovery missions into the heart of ruined Eos, you took down The Empire’s magitek operations...have some faith, Prompto. If anything, you pledged yourself to this duty when you married Noct. This is our lives now.”
* Prompto manages with Cor and Iris’ help and fortunately most of his Regent duties are behind closed doors...until “Remembrance Day”, the day of Insomnia’s fall. Noct has still not returned, in fact the Niff leaders want to hold a joint ceremony with Noct as a sign of apology for the tragety and for a sign of peace. Noct can’t say no. A similar ceremony is being held in Tenebrae to remember their fallen and to enforce Tenebrae’s alliance and peace treaty with Lucius. So it falls to Prom to lead the Remembrance Day ceremonies - both public and private in Insomnia.
* The first time since his Wedding Day, Prompto is dressed in his full formal Prince Consort raiment and is thrust into the public eye as Prince Regent Prompto.
* In the car to the Memorial Grounds, a spot that is slowly being constructed into a formal memorial to those who died in the Fall, Prompto is a mess of nerves. However when he steps up to the podium to give the address he prepared- and he did prepare it, and then tweaked it slightly with Cor and Ignis’ help, a calm comes over it and he delivers the address flawlessly. He holds his head high, while maintaining a solemn mood- and he doesn’t have to fake it, he *is* grieving in the inside. It seems like forever ago he was 20, naive and going out into the world for the first time; when his only cares were “am I good enough for Noct; am I meant to be besides them or am I only here because ‘I’m Noct’s friend’”, and figuring out this relationship between the four of them. He left Insomnia bold and brash, returned a week later to find it a smoking ruin, and then 10 years before they could finally return. Now he’s 34, married, a *prince consort* and a hero of Eos.
* He goes through the motions of the public ceremonies at the memorial, at the Insomnian temple. Visits reconstruction sites and lunches with the civilians who are working to rebuild their homes. He gets shy handshakes from a few children who are brought by their parents to meet him, and hugs from a few of the bolder kids...and despite Cor’s disapproving expression, Prompto does take a few photos with some of the teenagers eager to meet a Prince and an elite Crownsguard veteran.
* Afterwards Prompto is whisked back to the Citadel for the ceremonial Remembrance Day formalities.
 Prompto is nervous because this address, which is also televised, as it involves  him sitting on Noctis’ throne- Cor asks him why is he so nervous now. And Prompto is essentially like, “I don’t think some of them will like seeing a Niff sitting on The Throne...I know I’m Lucian by citizenship but I’m clearly not Lucian...heck, I can’t even pass for Tenebraen - which I think would be better for optics...considering that today,we’re remembering those who fell when The Empire betrayed the peace talks.”
And Cor just adjusts Noctis’ crown to sit nicely ontop Prompto’s head without obscuring Prompto’s Consort’s Crown and says , “If anyone of those people out there, hold judgement against you based solely on your appearance, rather than your character and all you’ve done for the realm, their lives during the dark, and their King...they are fools and not all loyal to The Lucian Crown and its protectors. You’re more Lucian than anyone of them- you may not have the look but you have the loyalty and honor. You have humble beginnings and a an even humbler heart....don’t you dare cry on me Argentum...now get out there and show them *why* the King married you and not one of their overly entitled brats”
* Prompto does pull himself together and walks head-high and poised enough that he can hear Ignis’ praises in his mind as he moves to take his seat on the throne
* This involves another address, this one written by Noctis but with a few of Prompto’s own remarks for the nobility and gathered officials of the Kingsglaive and Crownsguard.
*  Afterwards he attends a ceremony for the Kingsglaive, he lays a wreath of flowers of the memorial outside of their barracks as well as an Honor Sash at the spot where Nyx gave his last stand
* He dines with the Glaive, which is the most comfortable moment of his day as most of them are his friends and he can be more of himself.
* However he must have second dinner with the nobility. It’s a stuffier affair but blessedly Iris bails him out of there early as “the Prince has a family matter to attend to”. Iris doesn’t know what Prompto meant by this when he asked that “time for family” be built in, but she enforces it so Prompto can give the requisite parting pleasantries to his guests and leave.
* Regis and Clarus’ remains were recovered by the first surveyors into Insomnia after the Dawn, and were interred in the palace gardens that were mercifully not destroyed beyond hope and were back to full bloom after ten years without sun. The Lucian Royal Crypts where rulers and their consorts, who didn’t have tombs constructed for them, were too ruined for any new burials. There’s talk of after restoring them, that Regis will be moved there to be besides Noctis’ mother’s tomb. But for now, Regis, lies facing the sunset with his best friend. It’s gated so that only a few  enter this part of the gardens, but that doesn’t mean people haven’t turned the gates into a makeshift memorial for the “King who held the Wall”, placing flowers, notes, and small tokens against the fencing.
* In the quiet of dusk, away from the eyes of the public, Prompto takes two bouquets down to the private burial site, opens the gate with his key, and goes to visit with Regis and Clarus. He lays his flowers next the the ones that most likely Iris had laid earlier in the day.
* He tells them “thank you again for your sons” that he loves them and he hopes he’s doing an okay job at the “whole consort thing”. That he’s sorry Noct and Gladio aren’t here today but “they’re off making you both proud and making for a better future for everyone”; he’ll make sure they and Ignis visit first thing when they get back.
* Prompto doesn’t mind “talking” to his fathers- in-laws, he wishes they were around to see how much they’ve all grown. Besides, he no longer speaks to his adoptive parents- the last time he saw them was at the wedding ceremony and that’s because the wedding planner had guilted him into inviting them. Besides the few times he met and spent time with Regis, Prompto felt “like a son” in the way Ignis had describe his and the King’s own personal relationship.
* Prom leaves to finally take off his reignments and “actually eat something”. Maybe he and Iris could play a board game or he’d be able to catch one of his husbands on a video call. He totally misses that Cor’s been watching him the entire time from a bench underneath a tree- I mean it’s dark and all. Cor stands and smiles at the graves of his best friends, “Between him and Ignis, your sons are lucky. You’d be so proud of all of them.”
* Prompto eats small dinner and winds up passing out unceremoniously across the master bed in the royal apartments; Cor lets him sleep in as late as he wants. Prompto wakes up to the news that Ignis’ transport has just reached the Insomnia City Limits.
* Prompto practically stumbles out of bed, and throws clothes on, runs down the halls to the throne room with Noct’s crown clutched in his hand. He reaches the throne room practically disheveled-the crown warmed from his hot and sweaty hands to find, Ignis, Cor, and the royal officiant waiting. Ignis is quietly laughing while he kneels to accept the crown which Prompto practically jams into Ignis’ well coiffed head with a “thank the Six you’re back”.
* Ignis and Prompto walk arm and arm back to the royal apartments, “thank god that’s over!” “Was it really so bad, darling?” Prompto blushes and shakes his head, “Not really, but gods I was STRESSED, Iggy.”
* Ignis only smiles, “Oh? By the sound of thing I am hearing from private and public channels, Insomnia was quite dazzled by the ‘People’s Prince’, you must have done something right. Everyone is delighted by you and think you handled Remembrance Day with aplomb.’ Prompto just blushes as he and Ignis go in search of breakfast.
* Two days later Noct and Gladio arrive and things get back to normal. Gladio of course teases Prompto about him being “Insomnia’s newest celebrity...watch out Noct”, “he can have it,” Noct says as he kisses Prompto.
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
There Goes My Life - Chapter Five
A/N This is quite hostile behaviour between the girls...
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Sunday, October 31, 2038
The last place Penelope wanted to be on a Sunday night was a frat house. Clementine had somehow convinced her to tag along to the Halloween party that her boyfriend was throwing with his friends. Penelope was never really good at saying ‘no’ to people, especially her older sister, so she found herself standing outside the two-storey house that was already packed with sweaty young adults in their so-called costumes. Clementine led her two girl friends and her sister up the front porch steps in her tiny red cheerleader outfit that Penelope was sure would give their father a freaking heart attack if he saw. Penelope honestly felt like it was gonna give her a heart attack too, avoiding looking anywhere near her sister’s short skirt as they walked up the steps into the house.
Penelope hated being there from the second she stepped foot over the threshold, the trashy rap music quite literally shaking the house and the mass of people dancing and talking and kissing made Penelope’s mind reel. Her first party and she already wanted to leave barely two minutes in. This was definitely not her scene.
Girls were wearing skimpy outfits that somehow were supposed to pass as costumes and even some of the guys were showing a bit too much skin. Penelope kept her stare on the ground with wide eyes, afraid to look at anyone for too long and end up with some sort of confrontation. She had somehow let Clementine put her in a tight red crop top with her black skinny jeans and slipped plastic devil horns over her dark hair and even though she was pretty much the most dressed one there, she still felt self-conscious and hugged her arms over her chest.
Stumbling through the smell of alcohol and sweaty and horny teenagers, Penelope managed to find a clear spot by the kitchen counter as Clementine and her friends poured some drinks into red solo cups. Penelope was breathing heavily.
“Well, look who showed up.”
Penelope looked up to see none other than the host of the party sitting on the marble counter like a king. Clementine situated herself between his legs and draped her arms over his shoulders before leaning in for an open-mouthed kiss as his hands dropped to her bum.
Penelope took a shaking breath and leaned back against the counter to scan the crowded party.
“Here. Loosen up a little.” Clementine’s friend shoved a cup into Penelope’s hand.
“I’m not nineteen yet.” Penelope tried to pass it back to only be met with laughter from the friend group.
“Relax, sis.” Clementine said. “Drink up.”
Penelope eyed the boy’s lips on her sister’s neck before looking into the cup in her hand, swirling the clear liquid around before smelling it and brought it up to her lips for a little sip. It was only then that she noticed how much she was shaking. She really just wanted to go back to her dorm room and sleep.
They ended up sitting around the living room, Penelope squished between Clementine on her boyfriend’s lap on her left and a couple on her right who were thirty seconds away from taking their clothes off…or so it felt like. The music still pounded on as Clementine and her friends talked loudly and Penelope could feel it thudding in her head painfully.
She was a full drink down by that point and it seemed to only add to her anxieties, feeling more than oversensitive to everything around her; the music overlapping the loud chatter and shouting, the cool fall air coming in through the open doors mixing uncomfortably with the sweaty bodies around her.
“Clem,” Penelope started, turning shakily to her sister.
“You’re fine.” Clementine sang, pushing her cup up to her lips and Penelope took another forced drink. “Just relax, okay? I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”
A group of boys came in loudly, shouting over each other and pushing through the crowd to get to their group and they all greeted each other with high fives or handshakes. Penelope wanted to melt right into the ratted leather sofa.
One of the guys flopped down onto the couch between the other couple and Penelope, nearly falling right onto her lap and Penelope shrieked shyly.
“Shit, sorry, little girl.” he chuckled, eyeing her up.
Penelope tugged up her shirt to cover herself more.
“Never seen you around here before.” he smirked, draping his arm around the back of the couch.
“She’s my sister, Duke. Leave her the fuck alone. Stop being a creep.” Clementine reached over to smack him.
“You don’t look like sisters.” Duke snorted, looking between them. “One of you adopted?”
“You’re an idiot.” Clementine rolled her eyes, taking something from him that he held out to her.
The exchange went on right in front of Penelope’s eyes – literally – and she gaped at the rolled joint that her sister took followed by the lighter flicking on.
“Clem, I wanna go back to the dorms.” Penelope whispered.
No one heard her over the noise.
Penelope finished her drink and leaned forward to set the empty glass on the table.
“Oh, don’t put that down.” Clementine held the joint between her two fingers and her boyfriend took a drag right from her hand as she grabbed the cup again and pushed it into her hands, “Some of the boys here are a little fucky.”
“I wanna leave.” Penelope tried again, pushing the cup back towards her sister.
“We, like, just got here, Nell.” Clementine frowned, bringing the joint up to her mouth.
Penelope watched the smoke tumble from her sister’s lips and she felt tears welling in her eyes between her uncomfortable fear and her over-sensitive state making her brain start to short circuit.
“Clem, I need to leave.” Penelope grabbed her sister’s arm but she was pushed off.
“So leave then. I’m staying.” Clementine scoffed, leaning back into her boyfriend.
“I don’t feel safe walking across campus at night, I would like you to walk me back.”
“God, Penelope! You’re an adult! Fucking walk yourself! Jesus!” Clementine snapped, making a few of her friends stop talking to stare at them.
“You’re a fucking bitch.” Penelope spat, throwing her empty cup at her sister before pushing her way through the crowd to the front door. She could barely hear her older sister calling angrily after her before she emerged onto the front porch, throwing herself against the railing with heavy gasps, trying to catch her breath and nearly choking over the weed she was basically forced to inhale. Her whole body was trembling and she tried to take a few breaths as she stumbled down the front steps and onto the sidewalk. A few stragglers on the lawn looked over at her but no one offered any help to the clearly distraught girl.
Penelope sobbed loudly as she rushed down the sidewalk, arms tucked over her chest in the small top she wore, shivering with cold and anxiety and nearly tripping over her own feet with each messy step. When she was far enough down the street that the music was only a muffle in the distance, she leaned against a streetlamp pole and pressed her hands over her ears to try and calm down.
She didn’t even remember pulling out her phone and dialling but the soft steady ring against her ear had her taking a shuttering breath as her eyes closed.
“Hey, baby.” Daniel said through the line.
Penelope bit hard on her bottom lip, already calming down from only his voice and she leaned her head back against the pole.
“Penny? You okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine.” Penelope whispered. “Just…had a bit of a freak out but I’m okay.”
“Okay…just wanna talk it through?”
“Yes please. Can you stay on the line with me?”
“Of course…as long as you want me to.”
Penelope nodded, even if he couldn’t see her, and she started walking back towards campus on the dark suburban city streets.
“What were you up to tonight?” Daniel asked.
“Just hanging out with some of Clementine’s friends.” Penelope mumbled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand, supressing a shiver as a gust of wind blew by.
“Are you outside?” Daniel asked.
“Uh, yeah.” Penelope sighed. “I’m walking back to the dorms.”
“By yourself?”
“Yeah. But it’s no big deal.” Penelope said to really assure both of them as she looked both ways and crossed a street. “It’s not a far walk. Figured I’d stay on the phone with you.”
“Okay.” Daniel spoke softly, trying to hide his nervousness at the idea of his eighteen-year-old daughter walking the streets of a strange city alone at nearly 10:30 at night. “I’m sure Clem would have walked with you.”
Penelope couldn’t hold back her scoff, “I know.”
“What was the scoff for?”
“Nothing. We just had a bit of an argument. Sister things.”
“Don’t worry about it. It was stupid. We’ll come around like we always do.”
“I know you will.”
“What did you do tonight?” Penelope asked quietly as she made it onto campus, letting her father’s voice calm her down as she walked through the night.
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Tag List: @hopeinglimelight ~ @anneofgreengables26 ~ @badbunnypr ~ @calumhoodiskindahot​ ~ @sothisisathingforsomereason ~ @jocelyntheduckie
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Anime i’ve Watched
That begin with a H (Part 4)!
Yep this is how i’m going to bring over all the anime and manga i’ve watched and posted about on the old blog. It’s not so detailed but it will have to do. Anything new I watch or read from this point on will have their own posts.
Hoozuki no Reitetsu:
Genres: comedy, demons, supernatural, fantasy, seinen
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Synopsis:  Hell is a bureaucracy, and business is running smoother than ever thanks to the demonic efficiency of Hoozuki, chief deputy to Lord Enma, the King of Hell. Whether offering counsel to the Momotarou of Japanese folklore or receiving diplomatic missions from the Judeo-Christian Hell, the demon who runs the show from behind the king's imposing shadow is ready to beat down any challenges coming his way into a bloody pulp. Metaphorically, of course... The poster boy for micromanagement and armed with negotiation skills worthy of Wall Street, Hoozuki no Reitetsu follows the sadistic and level-headed Hoozuki as he spends his days troubleshooting hell. With an abundance of familiar faces from popular Japanese legends and East Asian mythology working middle management positions, this referential and anachronistic dark comedy brings new meaning to the phrase "employer liability." Just how hard could it be to manage employees from hell, anyway? [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2014 with a total of 13 episodes. 
My Thoughts: A comedy set in hell! A very, very good comedy at that! Occasionally educational and always fun. One i’d recommend for sure! 
Hoozuki no Reitetsu 2nd Season: 
Genres: comedy, demons, fantasy, seinen, supernatural
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Synopsis:  Just as in this life, the afterlife needs a calm troubleshooter to deal with the bureaucratic headaches that come from keeping things in order. Enter Hozuki: a cool and collected demon who’s badly in need of a vacation.
(Source: HIDIVE)
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My Rating: 10/10
Finished airing in 2017 with a total of 13 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Even better than the first! Also I have a crush on Hoozuki and want screaming goldfish plants... 
Hoozuki no Reitetsu 2nd Season: Sono ni:
Genres: comedy, demons, fantasy, seinen, supernatural
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Synopsis:  The second cour of Hoozuki no Reitetsu season 2.
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2018 with a total of 13 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Still loving it. So pleased this one managed to get so many seasons! A very pleasant surprise. 
Hoshi no Koe (Voices of a Distant Star):
Genres: OVA, sci-fi, space, drama, romance, mecha
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Synopsis:  Hoshi no Koe, using full 2D and 3D digital animation, is a story of a long distance love and mail messages between a boy and girl. Set in 2046 after the discovery of the ruins of an alien civilization on Mars, man has been able to make leaps in technology and is planning to send an expedition into space in the next year. Nagamine Mikako and Terao Noboru are junior high school students. However, while Noboru will be entering senior high next winter, Mikako is selected to join the space expedition. (Source: AniDB)
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My Rating: 4/10
An OVA released in 2002.
My Thoughts: Interesting concept that went downhill fast. I had strong negative feelings towards much of the art/ animation and never wish to speak of it again. Overall this just did nothing for me and I suggest it to no one. 
Hotarubi no Mori e:
Genres: drama, romance, shoujo, supernatural, movie
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Synopsis:  Intrigued by the tale of a mountain god, six-year-old Hotaru Takegawa loses her way in the ancient forest while visiting her uncle. Exhausted and desperate for help, Hotaru is thrilled to find a masked forest spirit named Gin. She learns the hard way that she should not touch the boy, or he would disappear. In spite of this, Gin leads Hotaru out of the forest and warns her never to return when she promises to come again with a gift. Paying no heed to his cautionary words, and despite being separated by both distance and planes of existence, Hotaru and Gin become close friends as she visits him every summer. However, their relationship and resolve are put to the test, when romantic feelings conflict with the one and only rule. Based on Yuki Midorikawa's manga of the same name, Hotarubi no Mori e is a tale of friendship and compromise of two people who should never have crossed paths, as their lives become hopelessly intertwined. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
A film released in 2011
My Thoughts: Just tear my heart out throw me into a deep vat of feels. Seriously though this movie was a delight.... an emotional delight but a delight all the same. Also the music was stunning! Highly suggest. 
Howl no Ugoku Shiro (Howl’s Moving Castle):
Genres: adventure, drama, fantasy, romance, movie
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Synopsis:  That jumbled piece of architecture, that cacophony of hissing steam and creaking joints, with smoke billowing from it as it moves on its own... That castle is home to the magnificent wizard Howl, infamous for both his magical prowess and for being a womanizer—or so the rumor goes in Sophie Hatter's small town. Sophie, as the plain daughter of a hatmaker, does not expect much from her future and is content with working hard in the shop. However, Sophie's simple life takes a turn for the exciting when she is ensnared in a disturbing situation, and the mysterious wizard appears to rescue her. Unfortunately, this encounter, brief as it may be, spurs the vain and vengeful Witch of the Waste—in a fit of jealousy caused by a past discord with Howl—to put a curse on the maiden, turning her into an old woman. In an endeavor to return to normal, Sophie must accompany Howl and a myriad of eccentric companions—ranging from a powerful fire demon to a hopping scarecrow—in his living castle, on a dangerous adventure as a raging war tears their kingdom apart. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 10/10
A film released in 2004.
My Thoughts: I love this movie and I know i’m not alone! If you haven’t had a chance to view this one yet and have Canadian Netflix (or any other country that also has this title) I highly suggest you watch this film and truly enjoy the ride!
Genres: mystery, school, slice of life
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Synopsis:  Energy-conservative high school student Houtarou Oreki ends up with more than he bargained for when he signs up for the Classics Club at his sister's behest—especially when he realizes how deep-rooted the club's history really is. Begrudgingly, Oreki is dragged into an investigation concerning the 45-year-old mystery that surrounds the club room. Accompanied by his fellow club members, the knowledgeable Satoshi Fukube, the stern but benign Mayaka Ibara, and the ever-curious Eru Chitanda, Oreki must combat deadlines and lack of information with resourcefulness and hidden talent, in order to not only find the truth buried beneath the dust of works created years before them, but of other small side cases as well. Based on the award-winning Koten-bu light novel series, and directed by Yasuhiro Takemoto of Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Hyouka shows that normal life can be full of small mysteries, be it family history, a student film, or even the withered flowers that make up a ghost story. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7.5/10
Finished airing in 2012 with a total of 22 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Sunning art and cute characters but ultimately not an anime that left much of an impression on me.  Not every beloved anime will be a hit with every single person, that being said I know this anime has quite a few fans and a rather high rating so it can’t be all bad, right?
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