digital-sylveon · 4 years
*presses the food icon* You probably haven’t eaten in years, have a bite!
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“I really didn’t expect to get two hearts in one go! And a third too!”
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fallenpkmntrainer · 4 years
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[ 17 / ??? ]
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askunseeliecourt · 4 years
So, this is a hiding place of sorts... Are you comfortable, living here?
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“For a fae it might be comfortable, maybe... I don’t like being here that much. I can’t eat the food here, and I have to be careful not to take anything.”
A forlorn look fell upon the Delphox’s face.
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“It’s a shame. The flowers are really pretty sometimes. I wish I could pick a few of them...”
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asking-paradise · 4 years
You all have been building this place for a long time, huh? I imagine there have definitely been a few rough patches along the way, concerning construction... (P.S. Hi, Virizion and Quagsire!)
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Rough patches concerning construction? Not really; at least, not in a long time...
About a month ago, around when we really started opening up homes for other ‘mons to move in to, Gurdurr was getting worried about it being too much for him and the timburrs, but they’ve since hired some more help!
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team-dazzle · 5 years
So... the Luminous Cave is open again, right? What are your guys' thoughts on evolution?
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Amy: I dunno. It seems pretty cool- Granbull didn’t get a proper choice, and he doesn’t seem to mind. I’d like to be even stronger, and it doesn’t seem to psyche anybody out like swapping species did for me.
Amy: I’m just...nervous, I guess. That I’d regret it.
Amy: I did go into the cave one time, though! I’ve just never had the Moon Stone to actually go through with it with. It’s really pretty in there.
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Skip: I’m excited! I’d really like to be a Swampert someday.
Skip: I’m waiting to evolve when Amy’s ready, though, so we can evolve together! We haven’t ‘needed’ to evolve or anything yet, and it’s not looking like we ever will.
((BONUS: What their evolved portraits would look like!))
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type-rosebeast · 5 years
Hey... How are you? I mean, like, how are you feeling?
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“.... What is feel? How do you “feel”? What do you mean?”
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psmdisvalid · 4 years
@kindlerbrody requested a headcannon!
Im here to deliver!
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No Word Version~:
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Time Taken: 2 Weeks!
Programs Used: IbisPaint for Iphone & my finger
Notes?: HOLY FUCK THIS TOOK FOREVER BUT IM KINDA PROUD OF IT??? Anyways i hope you guys like it!!! Took me fuckin forvever
Please do not repost. PSMD does not belong to me. If wanting to use (for non comercial use) please DM me! DO NOT TRACE.
Reblogs > Likes!!!
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asking-paradise · 5 years
Hey, didn't Hydreigon have concerns about the Pokémon keeping their memories of Linn? Something about spatial distortion or somesuch? Just wondering, but the Earthcard isn't at risk of causing anything like that, is it?
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And yeah, that kinda goes back to the question of Hydreigon bringing back humans. When we say he would if he could, could implies safely.
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asking-paradise · 5 years
So, how are the other Paradise-dwellers doing? You know, Gurdurr, Quagsire, Victini, etc.
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We talked to them earlier today, and they all seem to be doing pretty well!
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Yeah! Victini isn’t around anymore though. They were only here for the V-Wave season, and that’s been over for a few months. Hopefully they’re doing alright wherever they are now!
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