#kindle is for smut and I don’t care what anyone says
skinreflectsthesun · 11 months
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phoeebsbuffay · 11 months
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Imagine you and General Skywalker are roommates. 🤭😏
Warnings: smut & fluff, drama; rom-com vibes—i tried anyways.
Warnings 2: no minors.
Recommendations: “Die For You” (the version with Ariana Grande); “The Love We Had Stays On My Mind” (Joss Stone).
• How it started…
You and Anakin first met when both of you were younglings. He wasn’t the kindest in the room, but you were. In this particular case, opposites did attract one another. Thus you soon kindled.
“I can’t believe you are dragging me to this picnic”, the young boy was grumbling as you had this idea of eating outdoors: a suggestion of making it a form to practice the Force was promptly accepted and encouraged by your Master.
“Must you complain all the time?”, you giggle at him.
Anakin’s blue eyes are glued in your y/c hair, tangled in a simple braid; your y/c skin, so smooth and shiny; your y/c eyes…how much fondness he sees in those irises. Why, yes. He knows you care for him, a sentiment he cannot compare yet to what that Lady Angel named Padmé brought to him, but even so.
“Yes, since I cannot refuse you anything”, he blurted out without second thoughts.
Simple as that. But this was how it began: a friendship with different shades, painting a variety of possibilities that would yet be played out.
• Twilight of adolescence.
You are so concentrated in your meditation that you don’t realize Anakin’s eyes are stuck in how serene you look. He is mesmerized at how easily you do it, though partially envious because, unlike him, you are calm.
But his thoughts unbalance you. Thus you open your eyes and smirk at him:
“Do you conveniently forget that I can read your thoughts?”
“Maybe”, he smirks back. “I mean how the hell do you do it effortlessly? Frankly, my dear Y/N, there must be a trick.”
You scoff at his wording.
“Please, Ani. You speak as if you don’t regularly overpower me in our trainings.”
He takes a seat next to your side, glancing at you with amusement behind his eyes. He is wearing that Padawan braid you are so familiar with, having one yourself tied in a lock of your hair.
“You underestimate yourself a little too much”, Anakin slightly shoulders you. “Remember when you knocked me down?”
“That was only because you got yourself thinking a little too much about the pretty Senator”, you tease him, shouldering him back.
Both of you giggle at the memory.
“What happened to her anyways?”, you ask him. “I thought you were having a thing?”
Anakin’s smirk is wiped out of his face, but what concerns you is the gloom that eclipses the brightness of his face.
“She is, let’s just say, unreachable.”
“I’m sorry, Ani”, you whisper, aware how he came to love her. “I truly am.”
Uncomfortable with such a topic, but maybe because, unbeknownst to you, he’s been trapped in a confusing web he wove where there had been no space for anyone but Padmé Amiadala until your smiles, gentlenesses and every virtue you’ve been praised for, got him.
Hence why the moody Anakin storms out and leaves you there, guilty and upset for being the one to send away such a gleeful moment.
But such torment soon ends. Anakin comes for you later the same day in order to apologize for being so rude. He is baffled by how easily you forgive him, and when you promptly hold him—tighter than usual—he realizes friendship is not enough.
How long, however, will it take for him to tell you how feels?
Worst, how much longer will you be able to hold your feelings for yourself?
Only time will tell…
• Early adulthood.
You have just returned from Aldeeran when master H/N assigns you a mission next to your long time friend Anakin, now known as General Skywalker.
As much as you’ve been pleased to follow his path as a rising star, becoming good friends with the sweet Ahsoka, you have caught a glimpse of something deeper and which concerns you. But you wait before you have the opportunity to discuss this properly.
“Hey Y/Nickname”, he greets you warmly, although something about his eyes gives you chills. “What’s up? It’s been a long time!”
You decide to knock whatever tension there’s been between the two of you with an embrace. But when breathing his scent by burying your head against his neck, your heart skips a beat and your mental defenses are melted.
Anakin, caught off guard by your kind gesture—something he’s barely seen these days—, finds himself slightly emotional… until he has the opportunity to find out at long last that you feel for him what he feels for you.
This is a discovery that mixes his feelings. It fuels his impulsivity at the same time that gives a bittersweet flavor to know the years that have been wasted. Adding to that there is the factor that Anakin has been growing distasted to the Jedi Order.
So much to be felt by the intense Jedi. But nothing gives him more joy than knowing you love him as much as he loves you. However… a question is silently posed in the back of his mind: how can he tell you how he feels?
As one reluctantly untangles from the other, you are quick to break the silence.
“I have some good news! Master H/N wants us to work together at Mandalore! Our first mission, General Skywalker”, you tease him, pleased to see you are still able to make him laugh. “I pray not to disappoint you, sir”, you add a not very graceful curtsy to your speech.
He notices today your y/c hair is loose and messy. It gives him naughty ideas, but Anakin struggles to compose himself. Instead, he places one hand over your shoulder and says:
“When have your ever disappointed me, Y/N? What nonsense you speak of”, he side smirks at you.
But every sweet moment dies when two Masters come along. Windu is followed by Obi-Wan Kenobi and the look on their countenances is not indicating any sign of pleasantness. You also notice the tension in Anakin’s shoulders. To worse, has he started to wear darker robes? A thought that displeases you internally.
“General Skywalker and Jedi Y/LN, the Council greets you well”, he speaks formally and both you and Anakin acknowledge the gesture by nodding your heads. “I’ve come to deliver the follow instructions concerning Mandalore. Be aware that even though you may be roommates for the occasion, you must not…”
And here he starts to scowl. But you haven’t been paying attention after that small word stuck inside your head.
Me and Anakin?
You side eye discreetly to your long time friend in search of anything that could give away whether he felt repulse or something you hope to be the opposite of it, but to your disappointment there is nothing to find.
You must calm your nerves, you decide. Being no longer a teenager, you remind yourself that you must not form any romantic attachment… especially where your best friend is concerned.
• Roommates, it is!
“You are too quiet, Y/Nickname”, Anakin says whilst piloting to Mandalore. “This is the moment where you shout at me for almost making you sick.”
You smirk, albeit unwillingly.
“I am often quiet. I usually leave the babbling for you”, so you retort.
He chuckles.
“No, you are nervous because Mace Windu himself told you that we’d be roommates. But I believe you took this a literal meaning, darling. We are piloting together and getting into the room of the thing we are meant to destroy”, Anakin explains with a hint of amusement that brings you to annoyance.
“And you never cared to let this clear?”
“Absolutely not”, Anakin smirks with that characteristically smug look on his face. “It’s so much fun when you are angry with me. But besides I do think we are sharing one room at the Duchess’s palace. Don’t forget you are going disguised.”
You avoid his gaze, face completely red.
“It’s all very confusing.”
By the time you are landing, Anakin smirks again at you before the remark that would get you redder—if possible:
“What’s so confusing? Sharing a bed with me shouldn’t be so bad, should it?”
“I hate you, Anakin Skywalker”, It’s all you manage to respond.
There is a ball going on to welcome some of the Mandalorian’s allies. Whilst Anakin is there to represent the Senate, you are disguised as the lady of Planet Y/C. The moment you show up with your hair y/c hanging loose in your back, dressed in green, Anakin’s eyes go slightly wide.
He is about to make a joke (“Aren’t you showing some cleavage?”), but in truth he drinks from the view. Anakin realizes he’s been delaying so long the moment between you two. He wants to discover every bit of you, wondering what would be like to kiss you, to make you a puddle of a mess…
“Why are you looking at me like that?”, you interrupt him, sounding more nervous than you’d care to admit.
“You look gorgeous, Y/N”, he takes your hand and there presses a soft kiss, taking pleasure in noticing the goosebumps on your skin and the struggle behind your eyes.
He’d definitely kiss you… had you both not been rudely interrupted by no other than C3-P0 informing the feast is ready and you are expected to be met by the duchess soon.
“And here I go”, you say rather awkwardly.
“You’ll be fine. To be honest, you fit more in damsel roles than otherwise”, Anakin says in a teasing tone.
You stick out your tongue.
“If that is your way to compliment me, am I supposed to thank you?”
“You’re welcome”, says he, bringing you out to laughters, which pleases him quite so.
It occurs you, albeit a little too late, to finally unburden your heart by venting your thoughts.
“Ani, I must…”, you are about to tell him when, once again, you are interrupted.
To your dismay, and Anakin’s consternation, the moment where every wall is about to be knocked down is delayed. Again.
He watches as you get the attention of every being there present at the feast. And Anakin grows possessive at each gaze that follows your moves.
Maybe there is a risk of ruining this mission, but the General cares little about it. He must have you, he must tell you how ardently he loves you, how…
“Lady Y/N”, he gets to you discreetly, in a nonchalant posture when he’s burning inside. “May I have a word with you?”
You cast him a suspicious look at him: didn’t you two agree the time to speak would occur later?
But regally you smile and, playing your role, grant him your hand.
“Of course, General. What’s it?”
“I am not feeling very well”, Anakin’s anxiety breaks in.
“Oh”, you promptly leave your disguise off. “Let us go back to the quarters then. I may have something.”
Perhaps in private this will come out better, Anakin hopes in silence. He agrees, watching as you forget discretion when taking his hand, locking fingers with you, as you lead the way.
It appears that no one notices your absence—or maybe you and Anakin used the Jedi trick to make it seem so. Regardless, once you and him are back to your quarters, you finally realize he’s about to explode.
“You must allow me to express how I feel”, he rushes to you, cupping your face with both hands. “I love you, Y/N Y/LN. I have loved you for a long time and I cannot waste my days and night away thinking about the possibilities of being more than your friend and Jedi mate. I must know… Please tell me how you feel, for I shall not nurture if…”
You smile in relief and seeing the confusion stamped in his face, you make all clear by locking your lips against his in a soft kiss.
Little by little, however, the kiss deepens, but because there is some uncertainty in what direction should it go, you and Anakin part it—albeit reluctantly.
“Well, roomie, looks like we are finally free of this weight”, he muses it, eyeing you with such devotion that your knees go weak.
You giggle softly, watching with the same sentiment as he rests his cheek against your cheek. Your heart races at this moment.
“It’s too late to go back now”, you smile at him. “Are you sure you don’t want to return to Senator Amidala’s arms?”
Anakin rolls his eyes at your provocation.
“Really now, Y/N?”
“I just had to be sure”, you say it playfully, but Anakin can see through your jest the shadow of old insecurities.
Resting his forehead against yours, he snakes his arms around your waist.
“There is only one woman in my life. I lament it took me years to see it, but the only woman I truly and passionately love is you, Y/N Y/LN. There is no space whatsoever for anybody else.”
To reassure you, the General kisses you passionately this time to prove his point.
• ‘The Love We Have…’
You are restless this evening. Although you had claimed earlier that a fatigue led you to an unbearable migraine, your body is protesting against the absence of your lover.
Anakin has been occupied at Mandalore’s Moon, there dealing with a group of people that are perceived by many as terrorists, all the whilst you’ve been carried to other parts of Mandalore on behalf of Duchess Satine herself.
Now you are back and you are aching for him. A desperation that burns your legs and rises in further protestation within your heart, there causing a riot you cannot shut.
Well, there might be a solution for this problem… and the idea makes you blush. You cannot divert from it, as much as it gives you embarrassment. But it’s been too much to handle. Besides, you could always use the Force…
Unaware Anakin is coming, he too possessed by the same urge, you toss away the blankets and let the moonlight come through the partially open curtain. You’ve always felt like you belonged to the nights anyway…
You close your eyes, ready to meditate. Your mind anxiously begins to trace his features, his blue eyes, his muscles… his physique, his smile. Oh how he smiles at you like that often made you wet in between your legs, as it’s doing now.
You are short breath, never having experience to touch yourself. You always had second thoughts about it, besides Anakin usually did a great job. But he’s not there and the mere reminder fuels your frustration.
However, concentrated you are in such a struggle you barely hear the door opening. You don’t see that Anakin comes from the shadows with the look of a hunter: he’s been sensing you, every thought, every sentiment that runs within, from afar.
A sly smirk pops in the corner of the Jedi’s lips as he steps silently so he doesn’t ruin your moment. Anakin is already rigid in his pants just by hearing your unspoken thoughts. He removes his shirt in a synchronized gesture with you, as you do the same.
Completely bare, he, however, refuses to release the pressure on himself. He wants you, he wants to be the one to lead you there—yes, Anakin knows he’s possessive and egoistic towards you, but he’s also been aware that these traits you not only accept, but enjoy secretively.
“My love”, he whispers as soon as he locates himself behind you, arms around your waist; a smirk twists to a smile when seeing the effect he still has on you. “Have you missed me?”
You freeze upon his words. Your stunned silence is a positive indication of your distrust that this is the real him. Anakin further smiles, his hands running up and down your arms.
“You haven’t forgotten me, have you?”, he mumbles against your ear, bitting your earlobe gently. “Have you, my darling?”
Hungry for his touch, you lean back and pursuit his lips. As he corresponds you passionately, Anakin wraps one hand around your neck all the whilst he uses the other to cup your right breast.
“Hmmm”, he gently groans under his breath when feeling how easily he makes your nipple hardening under his touch. “I’ve missed you, darling.”
“Ani!”, you gasp in full pleasure, your body already giving in to his sweet, skillful hands. “I beg you!”
“Is my princess begging now?”, his husky voice makes you wet and he pompously watches as you rub one leg to the other. “Have I turned such a powerful Jedi in a beggar?”
You enjoy being easily overpowered by him, how he uses that dark side you know so well to your favour. But your mind stops retracing your thoughts for you go absolutely insane as he kisses your neck and now releases the hand around your neck to play with your left breast.
“I-I am, yes! I am, Master!”, you cry out, already unbearably soaked. “Don’t tease further, you know I’ve missed you…”
You arch your back the moment his fingers twirl your nipples, caressing each slowly, yes, but passionately too. His eyes are glued in your reactions: aware of how to tease you, how to make you come undone to him, Anakin is aroused at the idea of your submission. You promptly submit to him and he realizes he loves when you beg.
But more than that, he loves you.
“Let me sooth your needs, darling”, so the General says when slipping his right hand into your feminine core. And finally, he slides one finger into you. “Fuck! So damn wet for me?”
You cast him a lustful gaze, transmitting every indecent thought that he seeded with his departure. Anakin laughs quietly as he captures it, kissing you slowly as he teases you.
“My angel, you and I shall not be merely roomies. No, no”, he vows, watching as you smirk under his pleasantries. “Oh you like that, don’t you?”
Anakin gives small bites against your skin as he now inserts another finger. He takes his time there and when sensing your climax, the Jedi then carefully moves on top of you after lying you down gently—without stopping pleasing you.
“Yes, my love. Come to me”, the Jedi encourages you softly, smiling down at you as you arch your back and enlace him with your legs, all the whilst leaning to kiss his lips fervently.
But this is only the beginning.
As much as you enjoying riding him, you prefer when he’s on top of you, being the bossy man he is. Your lips curl on a sly smirk when there is no need to speak it out as one understands the other perfectly well.
“You play the difficult one outside, but damn here you submit easily, uh?”, Anakin teases you, slowly moving inside you, locking hands with you above your head.
“I hate how you know me so damn well”, you growl under your breath.
“Darling, hate is not the Jedi way”, Anakin smirks, getting yourself a smile before he kisses you passionately.
Leaving lust aside, this is the moment where one soul intimately links the other as the bodies connect. Anakin is careful with you, watchful at every reaction he evokes on you.
And you as well. You want him desperately so, every part of him, you don’t want to let go of him. To feel his manhood right where you want him to is just…
Perfection, indeed.
“Ani”, you moan loudly, already feeling the waves of pleasure you gladly prepare to drown into.
“Yes, Y/Nickname?”, he groans softly at each thrust, him too not far from you.
“I love you”, you gasp.
“I love you too”, he whispers back, before going down to your skin with his tongue, taking his time in every bit of you.
Soon, the whispers turn into screams and every intensity rests ashore.
• New Beginnings.
When the mission in Mandalore is complete, you and Anakin are expected to go back to Coruscant. However, before doing that, Anakin leads you to planet Y/C, where you and him are secretly married.
“We are husband and wife now”, you remark blissfully. “Who’d ever thought we came this far?!”
“I would”, so says Anakin, side smirking at you.
“There was a Senator that could have taken my place, though…”, you tease, earning him an eye roll.
“Come here, silly head.”
He pulls you close, mesmerized by how shiny your eyes are, transmitting every bit of happiness when you look at him.
“I love you”, says your husband, smiling when seeing you blush. “There has only been you, Mrs Skywalker. As it will be.”
“It better be. I love you too, Mr Skywalker.”
Between giggles, you two share a kiss, spotting a very bright future ahead of you…
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blackmissfrizzle · 2 years
Can I
Characters: Ransom Drysdale x black!reader
Summary: During another fun family dinner, Ransom’s new “job” is brought up.
Warnings: Smut, y’all know me by now.
A/N: Inspired by this TikTok
Here’s my masterlist if you want more!
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Gif credit: @jamesbuchenan​
Bickering surrounded you nonstop. That’s what happens when you have dinner with the Thrombeys. Meg better be happy, you were so bored that you decided to join this shit show. Just when you thought the arguing died down, one person would bring up a controversial topic and all it took was one differing opinion and it turn into a heated debate.
“Sorry, dear.” Harlan tapped your hand. “They just don’t know when to quit.”
You smiled at Harlan. He was the upside of this dinner. The older gentleman reminded you of your own grandfather you missed so much. He made these get togethers much more bearable. “It’s okay. This is fueling my social battery, so I won’t have to go out for a while.”
“Can I get one of those, darling?” Dazzling blue eyes winked at you.
There was one other perk you forgot to mention about Thrombey dinners. Ransom Drysdale. He made your heart and much more intimate parts flutter. Although, you would never do anything about that. You two were polar opposites. Him: brash, spoiled, spontaneous, lazy, uncouth, and extremely attractive. You: reserved, hardworking, people pleaser, and moderately attractive.
Meg swatted her cousin away. “Leave her alone! She does not need to be around your freakiness!”
Ransom leaned back and observed your body. Under that soft and innocent exterior, he knew there was a bad girl underneath. One day when you over, he peered over your shoulder and caught what you were reading on your kindle: a reverse harem. Ever since then his interest in you went up a hundred times more. Every time he saw you, he wondered what smutty book you were reading. He wondered if you touched yourself as you read them. He wondered if you fantasized about the scenes, and he wondered if you fantasized about reenacting them with him.
Leaning forward to invade Meg’s space, Ransom whispered. “Are you cockblocking because you’re trying to be a good friend or are you cockblocking because you’re a big lesbian SJW?”
Five minutes. That’s how long it lasted for the Thrombeys to get into another uproar. Joni and Meg were yelling at Ransom while he laughed, not caring about one word they were saying.
Tired of her cousin thinking he got the last laugh, Meg decided to pull out her trump card. “Yeah, like I would care what someone with an OnlyFans thinks of me.”
Everyone but Harlan, Ransom and his parents gasped. Ransom had an OnlyFans? Why? The dude had loads of money. Or his grandpa had loads of money and he had access to that.
Your eyes ping-ponged between Ransom and the rest of his family. Of course, Walt and his Great Value Trump family were appalled, but other than that no one else seemed horrified. Disappointed? Yes Horrified? No.
Ransom slowly smiled at his baby cousin like he was some sort of Bond villain. “First, how uncharacteristically conservative of you. Sex workers deserve the same respect as anyone else because sex work is work.” He quoted Meg from one of her many debates. “Secondly, you thought you did something, huh?” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Parentals and Harlan already know. The rest of you are insignificant, except,” he turned his head to you and kissed your hand. “For you.”
There would’ve been more attention paid to you if the rest of the family wouldn’t keep dragging him into conversation.
“Stop touching her! Who knows what STIs you have?” Meg tried her best to pull your heavy ass chair closer to her.
Doing his best Donna impression, Ransom gasped and clutched his invisible pearls. “Slut shaming is unacceptable. Not very SJW of you, so problematic.” He tsked.
Embarrassment gripped Linda enough. “No more talk about Ransom’s “job” at the dinner table.” This family was going to drive her to an early grave, she thought as she rubbed her forehead. “Ransom, I’ll talk to you about this later.”
“No, let’s talk about it, since my dear baby cousin attempted to air my so called dirty laundry.” Ransom leaned back and did the most glorious manspread.
“Fine, we’re all family here.”
“Mostly.” Jacob mumbled while he never looked away from his phone screen. Little jerk was probably retweeting Andrew Tate at the moment.
Of course, Meg couldn’t let the boy get away with the jab. Since, she was close to you and Marta, she decided to defend both of you. “When they visit grandpa more than you do, they are family.”
Jacob countered stating that Marta was just paid, and you were lonely and pathetic. Bitch wouldn’t be this vicious if you two weren’t the only POC at the table.
Before Meg could get a word in, Ransom tore Jacob to pieces. You swore you saw a little shimmer of a tear roll down the boy’s face. Ransom was able to put a chink in the dipshit’s armor.
Naturally, his parents didn’t appreciate the disrespect, not that Ransom cared about that. “Fuck you,” he pointed at Walt. “Fuck you,” he pointed at Donna. “And a big fuck you, you forever Nazi virgin.” Ransom pointed at Jacob.
The little bit of giggle he heard from you made him proud. He was happy he could elicit such a sound from you.
“Jesus, Ransom, can you stop for just one minute?” Linda wished her son grew up some.
Normally, he would give a smartass reply, but he really wanted to hear what his mother had to say. Ransom raised his hands in surrender and nodded his head as to say, ‘Go on.’
“Ransom,” she sighed, but her voice got louder and angrier with each word she said. “Apparently my girlfriend told me that you are taking your little fucked up OnlyFans photos in my bathroom. Is that true?”
From the tilt of his head and the little smirk, you knew it was true. Damn, maybe you should check them out. No! He’s Meg’s annoying older cousin. Your little debate was being interrupted by the back and forth between the mother and son.
“Shouldn’t it be a little more concerning that your friends paying to see your son’s cock?” He cocked an eyebrow at his mom.
You cover your mouth to hide your giggles and commentary. “He does have a point.”
Donna whipped her pointy face toward you. “Of course, you would watch something like that.”
Ransom tsked and wagged his finger. “You do not want to go there, Donna.”
“What are you talking about, Ransom?”
“Boredhousewife69?” He’s been waiting to release this nugget of information forever. “One of my top subscribers. Kinda creepy my aunt is watching me, but hey we’re family by marriage.” He winked and then left the table, pulling you with him and leaving the family in a disarray.
The two of you didn’t get very far. He just led you down the hall to the family room, that’s where Harlan stashes all the good liquor. “Thank you.” You whispered when he handed you a drink.
“It’s the polite thing to do. No matter how many times you’ve been here, you’re still a guest.” He shrugged and sat on the couch opposite of you. Man, he wishes he could draw. There was something about your beauty that needed to be advertised everywhere.
You rarely spoke to Ransom. It was even rarer for you two to be the only ones in a room. So, your voice was much more meek and softer. “Not for that. Sticking up for Marta and…me.”
Good deeds do get rewarded. Maybe he should do them more often. He was going to move closer to you, but his mom with his dad and Harlan following behind her.
Linda was going on about how he was embarrassing the family and needed to get a real job.
“Technically, it’s a real job.” You were curled up in the corner, too comfortable to move from this family moment.
“Huh? YN, how in the world is OnlyFans is a real job?” Linda valued your opinion. You had a good head on your shoulders unlike the people of your generation. Unlike her son.
Damn it, why did that slip out of your mouth? That statement was supposed to be an inner thought. “So, um, something like that takes a lot of marketing and advertising. And then to stand out, is another thing. There’s a bunch of dudes selling the same thing and the one thing I know about Ransom is, he ain’t gonna do anything unless he’s at the top. I’m sure he’s making bank. Then there’s lighting and editing. I spend like thirty minutes trying to take the perfect selfie and caption.”
“I’m gonna marry you one day.” Ransom smiled as you shied away.
Abort mission. Hugh Ransom Drysdale talking about marriage was a sign to get the hell out of there. “You all have a good night!” You hurried out the room and that damn house. It was time for a much needed break from the Thrombey family.  
Days after the dinner you found yourself in deep contemplation. You had an OnlyFans account to subscribe to this guy Alex, but he was moving to the back of your mind as Ransom moved to the front. It didn’t help that Ransom was posting thirst traps on Instagram. It was like he was specifically taunting you. Like him shirtless in the hot spring. When did he get all of those tattoos?
Day six is when you broke. Ransom posted some pictures of him in the gym and the hormone monster was calling.
Good thing your username wasn’t anything obvious. If Ransom could figure out Donna, he could figure out yours. Typing in his name you found his profile. He had tiers of subscriptions. You choose the top one because you were being a “supportive” friend. It had nothing to do with early access or personalized videos.
One click and you knew your small laptop screen wouldn’t be enough. Quickly you ran to your living room and connected your HDMI cord to the laptop.
Right there on your 90 inch screen was Ransom’s dick. No wonder he was so arrogant. If you had a dick that big, you would be too.
Grabbing your vibrator, you settled on your couch with your legs spread wide open. From the first couple of words, you could tell this would be a glorious time.
Hours later, you found yourself in the same spot again. Today must have been one of those masturbate all day days. Or maybe it was because of Ransom. For your sanity, you would claim the former.
Ransom’s vivid words had you bent on all fours, with a plug in your ass, one weak hand around your throat as the other played with your clit. He even got you to respond to the video like he was in the room with you. If there was someone outside your door, they would think it was two people on the other side instead of one by the way you were moaning.
“Fuck baby! I’m gonna c-,” three knocks interrupted your impending orgasm. What inconsiderate idiot needed you now?
Pausing the video, you pulled down your nightgown and cracked the door open. “Ransom?! What do you need?!”
“Ouch neighbor!” He smiled as he covered his heart. He tried to make his sniffing inconspicuous as possible, which wasn’t hard. Your sweetness carried over strongly. He could even see some of your inner thigh glistening. Yeah, he heard everything. Well, at least two minutes of everything. With the way you were responding he knew you were watching one of his videos. You had to be the newest subscriber leaving him tips on every video.
“I need cheese neighbor.”
Really?! Your orgasm got stopped for some freaking cheese. “The store is down the street!”
“Yeah, but you’re right downstairs and I’m freaking starving.”
“Fine!” You threw your hands up. “Provolone, right?”
He nodded his head. “Yes ma’am.”
“Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
Like he was really gonna listen. Ransom silently cracked the door open some more and slid through. He silently laughed as your muttering. You weren’t discrete as you thought. He knew he was interrupting some very special self-care.
What entitled that self-care was a wonderful surprise. Ransom smiled at himself on the screen. He smiled even bigger at the wet spot on the couch. Guess he found his newest fan.
“Here.” The frantic rush you were caused you to be out of breath. You pushed the cheese into the air but Ransom wouldn’t grab it. Finally, you noticed he wasn’t where you left him. Dread filled you because he wasn’t in the kitchen with you earlier. “Ransom?!” You ran to the living room and found him looking at the tv screen. You ran in front of the tv with your arms stretched out like that would really stop him from seeing what he already saw. “Ransom!”
He laughed at your feeble attempt. “Too late sweetheart. This is much better than finding out Donna was a fan.”
Could God just take you right now? You covered your face up to hide from the embarrassment. “Okay get your jokes in and go home.”
Ransom removed your hands. “Baby,” he cupped your chin and bent down at eye level. “If you wanted this all you had to do was ask.” He kissed your pouty lips. Each peck you became more open.
He cupped your ass. “Tell me.” He sucked on your bottom lip.
“Tell you what?”
“Every. Single. Dirty. Thing. You. Want. Me. To. Do. To. You.” Each word was punctuated by a kiss down the column of your neck down to the he valley of your breasts.
No, you couldn’t do this. Why would someone as experienced as Ransom want someone like you? Novelty? The thrill of the chase? Not happening. “Nothing.” You whispered, too afraid to speak louder because a moan would come out.
Ransom smiled against your chest. “Didn’t sound like nothing.” His fingers slipped up your thighs, treating your wetness like a slip n slide. “Definitely didn’t feel like nothing.”
“I don’t do this kind of thing. I’m a, I’m a goo-,” His hands made your brain go haywire, you couldn’t even speak properly.
“A good girl?” He held your chin and softened his voice like yours, slightly mocking you. “Good girls don’t lie. Tell the truth. What do you want me to do to you?”
Turning away, you whispered the truth. “I want- I want you to fuck me.”
“Louder, princess.” He already was going to his knees and bunching up your dress. His breath teased your core.
Taking a glance over your shoulder, you saw the desire in Ransom’s eyes. It was like his videos, but this was stronger, more authentic and sincere. “I want you to fuck me.”
You caught Ransom’s hungry smirk before he went in for his meal. Your knees buckled and luckily for you the couch was right there. The rose was nothing compared to Ransom’s tongue. Then he seemed to find the remote while he was preoccupied with your clit. Not only did you have Ransom eating you out from behind, you had him in front of you, jacking off, detailing every single thing he wanted to do to you.
His tongue was wicked in more than one way. It could cut you down with words or by one simple flick in the right direction.
“Ransom!” That damn tongue of his just made you cum stronger than you did all day. “Fuck me, please fuck me. Please, please, please.” Your voice reached this whiny tone, that it’s never done before. You couldn’t even remember the last time you begged like this. It for sure wasn’t over dick.
“You want my cock, princess?” How could he be so intimidating and domineering while he was on HIS knees with your cum covering his face. The power this man holds is inexplicable.
Biting your lip, you nodded your head. The response must have sufficed because Ransom was shedding his clothes.
Social media did his body no justice. Instagram couldn’t prepare you for how the thin gold chain sat upon his tanned collar bone from his recent trip to Miami. OnlyFans couldn’t prepare you for his thick head leaking precum. Were you worthy to be in the presence of a body so godly?
“Hey,” Ransom gave you a soft kiss and smile. “I’m the lucky one.”
You scoffed. “Okay sex god.”
“Fine, I’ll prove it to you.” He knew with you, the words needed to be backed by the action.
Ransom proved to be softer, gentler than expected. He truly worshipped your body and all on a couch. You wonder what he could do on a bed. Nope. Don’t get on that line of thinking. This was a one time thing. Ransom was a conqueror, and you are the now the conquered. No more chase. No more need to come back.
You fought your inner thoughts and enjoyed the moment. Your hands raked his back. The only con fucking him for real was that you couldn’t watch his back muscles. That had to be the favorite part of his videos. Watching his shoulder blades contract, move smoothly as he fucked a woman, wishing you were that woman. Now you are that woman.
“My pretty princess.” Ransom kissed you. He couldn’t stop kissing you, he wouldn’t be able to stop fucking you. There was the physical warmth of being inside of you, but there was another warmth being with you. It was basking in your aura. Whenever he was with you, he felt good and worthy.
His sweet words, his words of affirmations made you cum repeatedly. They rivaled his rough touches and hard stokes. Everything was so intense with him. It should be no surprise. Ransom was an intense person. Why should he be anything other than that?
He tilted your chin up. “Tell me I’m lucky.” He knew it, but he wanted to hear it from your mouth.
“Huh?” Weren’t you the lucky one? You were fucking the pornstar, not the other way around.
“Tell me I’m lucky.” He nuzzled his face close to yours.
“You’re lucky.” Your moans reverberated in his ears.
He was near and he knew you were as well by the way you were thrashing underneath him. Ransom just needed to hear one more thing from you. “Tell me how fucking lucky I am to be fucking this pussy.”
Your nails made artwork on his back as you repeated his words. “You’re so fucking lucky to be fucking this pussy.”
Those powerful words and his strokes sent you two over the edge.
“Oh shit, Ransom.” You laughed and played with his hair. “That was fun.”
Ransom kissed you and regretfully pulled away from you. He walked to get a rag and you got to see that you truly did use his back as a scratching post. You even drew blood. “Sorry.” You whispered to him.
“Don’t mention it.” He kissed your inner thigh he just wiped. “Also, we’ll get to do this again after dinner.” He began redressing himself.
“Dinner?” You thought this was a fuck and dash. From your knowledge, Ransom didn’t do dates.
Ransom laughed at your face of confusion. “Yeah, the meal you eat in the evening. Maybe you forgotten because my family turns dinner into speculates. It should be a good first date though. A regular dinner not one with my family.” He smiled.
“First date?!” You sat up.
“Yes,” he kissed you. “I’ll be back in three hours. Can you be ready by then?”
You touched your lips and simply nodded your head yes.
Ransom smiled at your cuteness once more. “I’ll give you the aftercare you deserve later tonight. We can do that Ghostface scene that you were so generous to me tip me on.”
“Ransom!” You threw a pillow at him that never reached its target since he was on the other side of the door.
All you could hear was his laughter, all the while you couldn’t stop smiling. This felt like the start of a beautiful new journey.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫 || dark!Bucky Barnes & dark!Steve Rogers x reader
summary: a little fresh air never hurt anyone, right?
word count: 10.3k (yes, OVER TEN THOUSAND WORDS OF FILTH what is wrong with me)
warnings: noncon smut (incl. anal, oral m and f receiving, dp, and spitroasting), bondage/restraint (and a gag), some mild violence, lots of slapping, pussy spanking, forced orgasms, degradation/derogatory language, kinda kidnapping, a touch of stockholm syndrome?, very brief breeding kink, period-typical sexism (this is set in the late 60s but you wouldn't really be able to tell aside from that and the lack of technology)
a/n: the song that plays on the radio, and the song that just so happens to be the title of the fic, is by john lee hooker in case anyone wants the proverbial vibes
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You needed a chance to clear your head every once in a while, that's what camping in the woods was for.  It was the perfect time of year for it, too; the leaves were changing, the woodland animals were beginning to prepare for hibernation, and the weather was almost warm with a refreshing breeze that promised to bring the winter chill soon enough.
It was far from your first time in these woods, you knew the drive like the back of your hand by now, just as well as you knew how to hike down to the best places to set up camp.  
You set down your pack and took in a deep breath of the crisp autumn air.  No sounds except for the wind in the trees, the trickle of the creek, and your own thoughts which you found pleasantly blank.  You'd chosen a spot by the creek, where you could spearfish on evenings that you felt especially adventurous, with a nice dirt patch perfect for a fire.  The most dangerous thing about camping in the fall was that the dry leaves could catch flame so easily, so one of the key stages of setting up camp was raking away any foliage from your firepit, lest it become unintentional kindling.
The next order of business was finding a few dozen smooth stones to surround the fire, along with some logs and sticks to burn.  
A knife and flint was just enough to speed up your firebuilding so that you had something solid going by nightfall, shedding your jacket to better feel the warmth as the flames grew and the sun set.
Sure, the woods could feel a little… creepy, at night, for lack of a better word, but it was more tranquil than anything.  Most of the wildlife that was so active during the day stilled and silenced, bar the occasional owl’s hoot, so the loudest sounds were the crackling of your fire and the ever-present trickle of the creek.  You heated your kettle for a cup of chamomile tea, something to help you get to sleep on the admittedly uncomfortable sleeping bag in your canvas tent.
The mug warmed your fingers as you filled and held it, and the steam warmed your face as you took a sip; but the contents warmed your chest, and your soul, as you contemplated the flavors; is it possible that tea tastes better when enjoyed in the quiet woods, mid-autumn?
You were already yawning by the time the mug was finished, so you set it aside and crawled into your tent, shedding the excessive layers and slipping between the fluffy down-stuffed layers of your bedroll.  It was chilly at first but you knew your body heat would make it toasty all too soon, so you ignored the way you shivered as you fluffed your pillow and laid it under your head.
It was dark with only the fading light of your fire seeping in through the thick-weave canvas; and it was quiet, being the middle of the forest and all.  One sound you didn’t expect were distant sirens, barely audible, which made you wonder if something had happened, but you couldn't know what so you didn't pay it much mind as you drifted to sleep.
The next morning came early, of course; as early as the sun rose, warm sunlight flooding through the canvas of your tent.
You enjoyed staying in the bed for a while, not so much because it was very comfortable (it wasn’t) but just because you wanted to relish having no need to get up yet.  No job, no cleaning, no chores… though you were pretty hungry so that inspired you to get up and see about breakfast.
Slipping on a few more layers to protect yourself from the morning breeze, you opened your tent and stepped out into the woods, finding your fire had been reduced to a pile of embers meaning that you would need to find more wood to get it going for breakfast-cooking purposes.  And that’s what you were about to do when you heard a snapping of twigs echo through the woods, making you glance up to the source of the noise.
Your back straightened instantly at the sight of two men, one with short blonde hair and the other’s dark and nearly to his shoulders, walking down the hill nearby just across the creek.  They were still pretty distant, and yet they were much too close for comfort; close enough to see that these were not men one would want to encounter while alone in the woods.
They had new clothes— baggy and loose, almost certainly stolen— but it wasn’t enough to hide where they must’ve come from.  They might as well have still been in jumpsuits with numbers on their chests.
The prison, just over five miles away.  Had they really hiked this far?  You kicked yourself now for ignoring the sirens last night.
You froze as they turned and caught your gaze, the three of you locked in a stare for a brief moment before one of them took a step forward: that was all the cause you needed to run like hell, turning on your heel and starting so fast you nearly slipped on the leaves beneath you.  You heard them call out, chasing after you, but you focused on staring ahead and trying to remember the path back home, or at least to the road where someone might drive by to help you.
A root nearly caught your foot but you kept running, hating that you could hear them gaining on you since it didn’t actually seem to help you run any faster.  You looked back and saw them much too close for comfort, but when you looked back ahead it was too late to avoid the tree right in front of you; you swerved but it still made you slip and almost fall.
But you didn’t fall.  Someone caught you, and grabbed you, and pulled you into his oppressive form.
His arms held you painfully tight as his hand covered your mouth.  "Gotcha," the man growled against your ear, licking the shell of it as you struggled against his grip.  
Everything everyone had told you about why a lady shouldn’t camp alone in the woods suddenly flashed in your mind, your eyes squinting shut as you wished you had listened.  All you could do now was kick wildly, swinging your legs in the air which didn't even do anything.
"Pretty little thing, aren't ya?” he purred as you saw the second man come into view— the blonde one, so you knew it was the one with long, dark hair that must’ve been holding you, giving you such a twisted compliment.  “Just beggin' to be fucked right."
"Don't look so scared, sweetheart, we're not gonna hurt you…” the blonde man explained, “just play nice and we will too."
"Speak for yourself, Rogers," the man holding you snarled.  "Been a long time since I got to feel a pussy, I wanna tear this little bitch up."
You sobbed and writhed as the one apparently called Rogers hushed you soothingly, trying to calm you.  "Hey, just do what we say and it won't hurt alright?  Just take it easy."
He stepped closer, reaching out towards you while you grunted and whined with every kick, smiling in a way that would’ve been soothing in nearly any other situation.  He motioned to his partner who slowly lowered his hand from your mouth, and though your instinct was to scream you just heard yourself panting and whimpering instead.
“Did you hear me?  We’re not gonna hurt you.  We haven’t even introduced ourselves yet… I’m Steve, and this here is my cellmate— uh, friend— Barnes.”
“But you can call me Bucky, dollface,” the man behind you added with a little smile that you could hear and feel with him pressing up so close to your face.
“See, he and I just came from an awful, terrible place—”
“I know where you came from,” you cut him off with a snarl.  “You’re criminals!  You’re scum!”
Bucky just laughed and held you tighter until your arms started to ache from struggling against him.  
“Hey now, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” Steve corrected firmly— not angry, but stern.  “I was framed, I served seven years for something I didn’t do.  You’re innocent, too, right Barnes?”
“No,” he instantly answered, making Steve look disappointed.  “Oh, uh, sure.  Yeah, I was framed.  Real sob story,” he suddenly decided, not sounding like he was trying that hard to convince you.
“Point is, we were all alone for a long, long time, and we thought maybe you’d wanna be nice and take care of us, huh?” Steve offered.
“Fuck you,” you hissed.
“That’s sort of the idea,” Bucky whispered playfully.
“Let me go,” you demanded as Steve’s eyes widened and his nostrils flared, anger finally coming out when he suddenly grabbed your chin and held your face to look up at him.
“Let me make one thing very fucking clear,” he explained, nearly whispering so you were forced to stay still and quiet to hear him.  “You don’t get to pick what you want.  But you get to pick if you’re gonna make this easy, or difficult.”
You spat in his face; he slapped you for that, so hard that your ears rang for a moment while he grimaced and wiped his face with his sleeve.
“Difficult it is,” he announced with ill-restrained loathing, coming even closer as Bucky covered your mouth again to muffle your screams of protest.  “Buck, I’m goin’ first.”
“Fuck you, pal, I was in longer and I saw her first,” Bucky replied frustratedly.  “I’m not gonna take long anyway, you can go after me.”
“I just got spit in my face!” Steve reminded him.  “And the breakout was my idea!”
“Your idea?!” Bucky repeated incredulously.  “What, you think you’re the first guy to think ‘hey, what if we just left prison?’ because trust me, if it wasn’t for my screwdriver—”
Their argument caused Bucky’s focus to slip, that must have been why the hand on your mouth loosened and you could speak again.
"You won't get away with this, my father's a sheriff!" you yelped, interrupting their negotiation.
They both laughed darkly and you instantly regretted saying it.
"Oh, sweetheart, your old man's a cop?  That's too bad,” Steve sighed.  “You know what they say: sins of the father…"
"Fuck the daughter,” Bucky finished with a cold, hollow laugh as he suddenly bit down on your ear making you wince and shudder, tears streaming down your cheeks already.
He tossed you down and pinned you to the ground, his strong, heavy body on top of yours knocking the wind out of you as he began to tear at your clothes and, annoyingly, not seeming to find them much trouble at all.  You whimpered when you felt your pants torn down your legs, hating how exposed and vulnerable you felt, hating the undeniable fact that you couldn’t stop this.
You tried to get up when he reached down to open his belt and jeans, but Steve’s boot came down on your shoulder and held you still again.  Bucky was rushed and brutal as he pushed his pants down and pressed his cock against your ass, guiding it between your legs as you hissed and tried not to think about what was about to happen.
He pulled back briefly to spit on your hole, spreading the forced wetness with the head of his cock before suddenly pushing into you as you gasped and choked on a sob.
"Oh, that's it baby,” he groaned, “scream if you want, nobody can hear you but us."
Already he was thrusting with wild abandon, his hips slapping into your ass as his hot breath came down against your ear and neck, his face pressing yours into the cold ground.
"Fuuuuuck,” he moaned lowly, “so tight, Jesus Christ… fuckin' missed this, went almost ten years without burying my cock in a wet little cunt like this.  Shit, it's even better than I remember."
You just cried and bit down on nothing, pain making violent shivers run up your spine as the width of him split you open, pushing deeper than you’d known anything could go.
Each thrust seemed somehow rougher and deeper than the last, pushing you further past your limits, making your toes curl inside your boots.  He was unabashedly using your body, treating you with less care than some men might a blow-up doll, moaning loudly as he split you open with every moment.
So why did it almost begin to feel good, now that the worst of the pain had faded?  Why was the ridge of his cock brushing over your g-spot just right each time he moved?
He pinned more of his weight on you as he changed his angle slightly, enough to add just that much more brutality to every stroke, the loud slapping of skin echoing through the desolate trees.  You could tell he wasn’t lying about how long he’d been celibate in prison, because he fucked you with every ounce of pent-up frustration, hissing through his teeth and holding you tight enough to bruise.
Everything he did, he did enough to bruise.
“Yeah, take it, bitch,” he moaned when you made a particularly pained noise.
“I thought you said you weren’t gonna take long,” Steve remembered, staring down at the two of you from where he was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.  
“I’m almost done, you waited this long you can wait five more minutes,” Bucky dismissed, voice a little strained as he kept fucking you.
“Just stop and give me a turn and then you can get back to it,” Steve suggested.
“Nah, no fuckin’ way,” Bucky laughed, “feels way too good to stop.  Trust me, Stevie, this pussy’s worth the wait.”
“Get her on her knees then,” Steve instructed as he came closer to you and kneeled in front of your face; Bucky manhandled your hips into place while Steve pulled your hair until you yelped and brought your head up.  “I wanna fuck this pretty little throat.”
He cut off your protests with another hard slap to your cheek, tugging your hair again as you struggled to hold yourself up on shaking arms.
“Gonna teach this mouthy bitch a lesson,” he explained as he hit you again before using one hand to open his belt and jeans.  “You know what’s gonna happen if you try to bite me, right?  I’ll just knock you out and fuck your throat anyways.  So you’d better make it good if you wanna breathe.”
You tried your best to nod with his fist tugging your hair, gasping slightly when he pulled his cock out and stroked it right in front of your face.  
“Come on, baby, open up— this is the most you’ve kept your mouth shut all day,” he laughed, tapping the swollen head of his cock on your lips until you finally opened them.  The flavor of his skin on your tongue made your lips curl in disgust but he held your jaw and pushed deeper, quickly hitting the back of your throat.  “Fuck, so warm… come on, suck it, make it good for me.”
“She’s gettin’ wet,” Bucky informed Steve with a chuckle.  “She likes it— don’t you, little whore?” he prompted as he slapped your ass suddenly, making you cry out around Steve’s length.  “You like choking on a cock like you deserve?”
You made some sort of gurgling sound, and apparently they took it as a ‘yes.’
"Aw yeah, fuck, gonna fill up this little cunt,” Bucky promised.  Funny thing is, you weren't sure if "this little cunt" meant your hole, or you.
“You’d better not, m’supposed to go after you,” Steve reminded him.
“Fuck, I dunno if I have the heart to pull out,” Bucky admitted with a laugh, slapping you on the ass to make your walls suddenly clench around him.  “I know a sweet body like this just needs to be bred.”
Your sob was louder around where Steve’s girth stretched your lips, making Bucky laugh darkly.
"Oh shit honey, what would Daddy Sherriff say if he found out you got knocked up by a couple'a criminals, huh?  By murderers?"
Steve pulled his cock out just enough to let you sob weakly before shoving back in and penetrating your throat.
"Yeah, you like it don't you?” Bucky continued to taunt you.  “You like being bred by some strangers who caught you in the woods… dirty bitch."
Steve's head fell back as he started to thrust into your mouth faster and harder, the base of his cock flexing against your tongue.  You assumed it was a sign that he was close and it made you hopeful that this would be over soon, but he suddenly pulled out with an exhausted laugh.
"Oh no you don't," he breathed, "not gonna come yet, still need to feel that tight little pussy of yours… if Bucky would hurry the fuck up."
"Fuck, I'm close, I'm close," Bucky rasped.  "Shit, babydoll, this wet cunt is gonna make me come, aren't you so proud?"
Steve held your mouth open and rubbed his cock on your tongue, occasionally shoving two fingers in with it which were salty with his sweat. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck," Bucky hissed, "oh god, fuck, I'm—!"
He pulled out suddenly, rubbing his cock against your clit as his seed shot onto the ground beneath you.  You sighed with relief although you hated the way your body was actually disappointed, craving more and clenching around nothing in protest.
Bucky was hardly even finished when Steve reached under your arms to pull you up and flip you onto your back, groaning as he settled between your legs and rubbed his cock over your folds.  He didn't waste any time pushing into you, and apparently being fucked by Bucky wasn't enough to warm you up for Steve because you hissed at the sting as he filled you.
"Fuck," Steve mumbled as he grabbed your wrists and pinned them down beside your head.  Already he had begun to pull back only to spear into you again, reaching deeper inside you than Bucky had until you were gasping and choking on nothing.
Bucky stood up and stepped back, pulling his jeans up as he watched you two on the ground.
"You got any cigarettes back at camp, sweetheart?" Bucky asked you, and it was hard to focus on his question but you shook your head.  "Damn," he breathed, pondering for a moment before coming up with his next question.  "You got any candy bars?"
"Do you mind?" Steve hissed, still thrusting into you— a bit slower than Bucky but not exactly more gentle.  "We're kind of busy here."
"No, I don't particularly mind," Bucky smirked.
"Can't you just entertain yourself for a few minutes while I finish this?"
"Why should I entertain myself when I've got this pretty little thing to entertain me?" Bucky smirked, kneeling down beside you as Steve buried his face in the crook of your neck.  "Wanna help me out here, dollface?  I'm still hard…"
He freed one hand from Steve's grip and brought it up to the front of his jeans so you could feel the hard bulge there.  He opened them for you, reaching in and pulling his hard cock out to wrap your hand around it.
Feeling the thickness of it in your palm now, you couldn't imagine how it ever fit inside you.
"Yeah, that's it, I'll teach you how to stroke it right…" he groaned.  "You know how many times I had to do this to myself, just imagining claiming a little slut like you?  Your hands are so much softer, sweetheart…"
His hand tightened around yours and guided every movement, which was good because you had no chance of focusing on anything while Steve was slamming into you and moaning right by your ear.
"So wet," he whispered to you, "so warm.  All mine…"
You felt your insides grip him harder and he smiled, lips tickling your sensitive skin.
"Yeah, you like bein' mine.  You like being owned, I can feel it.  I can feel that this is exactly what you needed.  Is that what you were hoping for when you came out to these woods all by yourself?  That a big strong man would show up and stretch out this pussy?  Well I'm here now, angel, and I'm just about ready to fill you up real good."
A few more thrusts, faster and harder than ever, were enough to send Steve over the edge as you felt each pulse warm you from the inside out.  Steve groaned loudly and buried himself as deep as he could possibly go, painting his come right onto your cervix while you gasped at the sensation.
Bucky stopped moving your hand and looked down at Steve.  "Are you fucking serious— did you just come inside?"
Steve took a moment to catch his breath before answering: "duh."
"How come you get to come inside but I don't, huh?"
"Cause I went second!"
"Yeah, that's some bullshit," Bucky scoffed.
"Will you just leave now, please?" you whimpered weakly from the ground.  "You got what you wanted, now just go."
"Oh, sweetheart, we are nowhere near done with you," Steve promised, sighing as he pulled out of you slowly.
You wanted to try to get up, but your limbs were weak and numb, and your head heavy with confusion.  It made it easy for Bucky to scoop you up and carry you back the way you'd run, your tent quickly coming into view which made you realize how pitifully short your chase had been.
“Looks big enough for the three of us,” Steve noted as he tilted his head to look at your camp.
“We’re not going in yet, I think somebody needs a little creek bath first,” Bucky smiled as he started to set you down on your shaky legs.  “Go ahead and strip, doll.”
You shivered, considering resistance but deciding it wasn’t worth the trouble as you started to peel off your shirt and jacket, then your boots and slightly torn leggings.
They both smiled and watched you, Bucky snorted a little when he saw how hard your nipples were.  “It’s chilly,” you defended meekly.
“Sure it is,” he nodded, “don’t stop, get in the water when you’re done.”
You nodded slightly as you tossed the clothes aside, trying to cover yourself with your arms as you slowly walked into the stony creek, wishing the water weren’t so clear so it would cover you better.
You made a weak attempt to clean yourself, watching goosebumps cover your skin from the cool water.
"Wash yourself up good,” Bucky instructed firmly.  “I don't want any of Rogers' jizz still in you when I take that pussy again."
With a grimace, you washed between your legs and winced when your touch reawakened the sting of soreness there.
“You’re gonna have to push it out, honey, it’s real deep,” Steve grinned pridefully.
You did your best to clean up, not for Bucky’s benefit but for your own, because you hated how it felt to have Steve’s spend still within you.
“How am I supposed to dry off?” you asked nervously as you looked around, knowing you hadn’t brought a towel as you hadn’t really planned on a full creek bath during your trip.  You hadn’t planned on any of this during your trip, shockingly enough.
“You can drip dry,” Steve suggested.
“So you want me to stand naked in the cold for an hour while I dry?” you realized, irritated but still scared.
“Something like that,” Bucky confirmed.  “Unless you want us to keep you warm…”
“I’ll freeze,” you decided, stepping out of the water as Bucky snatched your clothes away to make sure you couldn’t dress.  “Gimme those!”
“Come and get ‘em,” he challenged, leaving you to huff and cross your arms, teeth chattering as the wind picked up.
You couldn’t imagine why they cared so much about testing your will when they’d already proven that they could take you however they wanted.  Perhaps it was just that they wanted to know you’d accepted that.  Better yet, they probably hoped you would participate willingly if you understood that you never had a choice.
Closing your eyes didn’t help, you could still feel their hungry gaze on you; rubbing yourself with your hands didn’t help because it just spread the cold water around on your skin, rather than actually warming you up.
It was probably less than a minute but it felt like half an hour before you relented, walking up to Bucky and looking down to avoid his stare as you meekly requested, “can I have my clothes, please?”
“But I can think of so many better ways to keep you warm,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around you, Steve moving behind you to press his chest against your back.  You sighed with relief because even this was already making you feel better,  the warmth of their bodies taking out some of the chill while their size blocked you from the wind.  You mewled, ever so quietly, when you felt Bucky’s lips on your neck, your eyes falling shut as your head fell back onto Steve’s chest.  
They showered you in gentle touches and teasing kisses as they picked you up and carried you into your tent, the small space beginning to warm quickly with the heat of three people inside— or was it just you that was getting hot from what they were doing to you.
Steve was groping your tits and pinching your hardened nipples, while Bucky focused most on sucking your neck or biting just beneath your ear.  It was overwhelming, and impossible to ignore though you wanted so desperately not to be aroused.  There were only four hands exploring your body but it might as well have been a hundred because you couldn’t tell the difference, they were touching you everywhere all at once.
"Now, are you gonna behave or do we need to tie you up?" Steve asked quietly.
You shook your head wildly, tensing up just imagining that.  "Then say it," he instructed.
"I-I'll be good," you promised weakly.
Bucky grinned and slid his hand up your thigh, and though you didn’t mean to, when Bucky reached between your legs you tried to shut them and squirm away, it was instinct.
"Ah ah ah," Steve tutted.  "You said you'd be good."
"Think we oughta tie her up," Bucky nodded, feigning disappointment.
"No, please, I'm sorry—"
"Too late for sorry, dollface," Bucky smirked, grabbing a shirt from your pack and tearing it into strips like it was no effort at all.  
Steve held your wrists together for Bucky to tie, and they even tied your legs up bent and spread wide, finishing it off with a gag in your mouth.
Now you were helpless to Bucky pinching your clit, circling it with his thick and calloused finger, applying pressure to it until your eyes watered.  At first it was exploratory, delicate, but once he’d found the most sensitive places he began to rub your clit hard and fast, laughing every time you moaned and flicking the sensitive bud to make your body jolt.
"Yeah, this little cunt's getting all wet, y'like having your pussy played with?" he smirked.
He accentuated his question with a few sudden spanks to your clit that made you jerk and yelp.  The worst thing was that each slap made a wet sound that made you sure you were soaking by now.
“I know you want it so bad, don’t worry doll, I’m not gonna make you wait anymore…”
He caged you in and opened his jeans one more time, the process going much more quickly since he didn’t have to hold you down— you could squirm and cry, but that was about it.  
With a little grunt, he pushed into you, and with how wet you were it actually went it much more easily.  It was by no means painless though, especially since he was already moving and giving you no time to adjust.
"Yeah, that's better," he sighed, grinning as he watched you whine into the gag.  "Now I can really take my time with you, show you how good I can make you feel."
He was certainly more relaxed than the first time, his pace measured and calculated as he made sure his hips met with yours fully at the end of each stroke.  His width wasn’t as challenging in this position but his length certainly was, bumping into your sore and delicate cervix until you were forced to bite down onto the gag to cope.
But, in spite of the pain, or perhaps because of it, something deep and strong was forming inside you, tightening and twisting until it took all your effort not to let it spill forth.
He reached down and roughly rubbed your clit again, forcing a muffled scream from your throat as he grinned down at you.  “Close already, huh?  Good to know I haven’t lost my touch after all these years.”
You almost heard Steve scoff beside you, but it was hard to hear anything when your ears felt like they were full of cotton, only your own echoing heartbeat ringing louder than anything else.
"Yeah, I wanna feel you fuckin' come,” Bucky growled.  “Bet you get even tighter every time."
As much as you wished not to, you fell over the edge, back arching until your chest bumped into Bucky’s where he hovered above you.  He coaxed you along in his words and movements, your walls clenching in a nonsensical rhythm.  More than anything you just wished he would stop moving so you could catch your breath, but his pace never faltered and it felt like you’d never stop coming if he never stopped fucking you.
“That’s it, good fucking girl,” he groaned, “makin’ you feel so good, aren’t I?  Answer me.”
You hesitated, and sniffled, but finally nodded.
Even worse, your clit was so swollen now that he didn’t even need to rub it with his thumb anymore; his cock rubbed against it with each movement, the ridges of his shaft massaging you there until it felt like every part of your body had become the most sensitive place possible.  You shook violently beneath him, each wave of pleasure stronger than the last until you felt like you had lost all sense of time, and space, and really anything that wasn’t being fucked in this tent like the fate of the world depended on it.
"Get outta the tent, Steve,” Bucky instructed suddenly.
"Why?" Steve protested with a scoff.
"I can't come with you starin' at me!"
"I'm not looking at you, dumbass,” he sneered, “I'm lookin’ at her.  So pretty when she cries…"
"Whatever, either way, just go outside please?" 
Clearly irritated but relenting anyways, Steve grunted under his breath as he got up, stepping unceremoniously over both of you.  Bucky sighed with relief when Steve zipped the tent flap shut behind him, turning his attention back to you.  “That’s better, isn’t it?  Just me and you… way it oughta be.”
“I heard that!” Steve called from outside.
“Then stop listening!” Bucky suggested through his teeth before leaning down to whisper in your ear, holding your hips tight so he could fuck you harder than ever.  "I don't give a fuck what he says, I'm coming in you this time.  Not pulling out until I know every drop is in you, wanna see this pussy stuffed to the brim with my come… you want it too, huh?”
Another electrifying pulse inside you made your channel flutter around him, and how cruel that the moan he made actually turned you on more.
"Fuck, that's it, squeeze my fuckin' dick, honey.  Wanna milk all the come outta my cock, don't you?"
You nodded again, hearing him moan in that perfect way one more time before you started to feel him pulse and swell within you, streams of hot come pouring into you.  The amount was pretty impressive since he’d already come once, although you didn’t exactly feel ‘impressed,’ so much as horrified and confused.  And numb, from coming so many times.
Bucky smiled down at you with an exhausted sigh, smacking you lightly on the face a few times to try to rouse you from your blissed-out state, but all you could do was hum sleepily into the gag.
“M’gonna untie you now, you’re too out of it to try anything,” he explained, releasing the gag first before working on your wrists and your legs.  A rush of warm come oozed out of your abused hole when he pulled back, making your face heat up as he smiled and held your legs up to see it better.  “Yeah, filled you up real nice,” he informed you.  He gave a reassuring pat to your thigh before getting up and getting out of the tent, leaving you to stare blankly into nothingness for a while.
Eventually, you knew you had to face the world again, though you were more sure than ever that you weren’t prepared for it.  Grabbing a blanket from the floor of the tent and covering yourself with it, you took a slow breath to try to stabilize yourself.
For how slow time seemed to have passed so far, you were surprised to see the sun setting when you opened the tent flap and stepped outside.  You realized, with a sick feeling in your chest, that they had been using you nearly all day now.  And considering they were waiting for you around the fire, giving you a glance up and down as you emerged from the tent, they still might not stop for a while.
In fact, they’d made themselves very comfortable from the looks of it.  The fire was burning stronger than ever, three logs positioned around the sides of the firepit to sit on; a pot was over the fire, and you recognized the contents as some of the food supplies from your pack.  Best of all, Steve had found your battery radio and adjusted the station, blues quietly playing from the speaker as he used your hunting knife to whittle a stick.
Serves you right to suffer, the smooth voice crooned from the broadcast, serves you right to be alone...
For a moment, the three of you sat in silence as you took in the scene.  But when the wind changed and the heat of the fire no longer reached you, you remembered you had business to attend to.  
“C-Can I have my clothes back now?” you asked Bucky quietly, seeing them draped over the side of one of the logs.
“I think if you get dressed you’ll try to run again,” Steve mumbled, not even looking up at you.
“No, I won’t, I’m too tired,” you explained.  “I just don’t want to be cold.”
“Fire’s hot enough,” Bucky dismissed.  “Why don’t you just lay down a while, hm?  Get some rest.  You earned it.”
You weren’t just tired physically, but mentally, which is partly why you didn’t put up more of a fight before going over to the log and laying beside it, the blanket around you protecting you from the cold ground while you used your clothes as a sort of pillow on the log.
It couldn’t have been that you were asleep, because you could still hear the fire and the radio and Steve’s whittling (a constant reminder that he had a knife), but with your eyes closed and the darkness getting darker it was almost like sleep.  A draining, restless sleep that did nothing to shelter you from the memories of what you’d become.
So, you opened your eyes, staring into the flames instead and venturing the occasional glance at Bucky or Steve; the former always met your stare, the latter would only look up if a sound got his attention.
“You gonna take a turn?” Bucky asked Steve casually, motioning to you by cocking his head.
“Not yet, need a while to... you know, build up some energy,” Steve explained.
“Mind if I have another go then?”
“She’s all yours,” Steve approved, making Bucky grin as he got up and circled the log you were slumped over.  
“Y’hear that, dollface?  All mine,” he cooed, picking you up and adjusting you until you were bent over the log, facing Steve and the fire.  Your clothes kept your naked torso from rubbing against the bark, thankfully, but nothing could spare you from Bucky’s incessant touch, running up your back, over your butt which he spanked a few times for good measure, and finally to your entrance which he pushed two fingers into first.  “Mm, we stretched you out pretty good… you’ll be back in shape by the mornin’, but until then, I just slide right in…”
And he proved himself right with one long stroke that pushed his cock to the deepest parts of you, pushing your hips forward into the log as you tried your best to keep your breathing steady.
He was uniquely quiet this time, still moaning and grunting occasionally but otherwise sparing you from the constant taunts and filthy whispers.  Steve, meanwhile, was doing his best to look unaffected, but the subtle adjustment of his legs along with the increased vigor of his carving made it clear he was distracted by the sight in front of him.
Bucky’s strong hands on your hips were sure to leave marks, fingertips digging into your curves and pulling you back onto him, spearing you on his length.
“Yeah, that’s it,” he sighed, “gonna come.”
And it was actually a relief because this was going to end (for now), which was definitely the only reason you moaned in response.  He got more talkative after that, smacking you on the ass a few more times as he chuckled darkly behind you. 
“Fuck, take it, doll… take all my fuckin’ come.”
It was sort of a meaningless instruction, since you had to, but he seemed to enjoy reminding you that he was about to take his pleasure from your body one more time.  He made a weak little moaning noise, almost pained, as he filled you once again, slumping down on top of you and for the first time really showing signs of exhaustion after coming three times in a day.  You were so out of it that you hardly noticed his weight on you, or the little kisses he gave to your ear, whispering praises that tried your best not to hear.  
He pulled out and came back around to look at your face again, pulling you up slightly by your hair so you looked up at him.
“Such a good fuckin’ girl,” he groaned.  “Open your mouth sweetheart,” he instructed, spitting onto your tongue as soon as you’d done it, then lifting your jaw to make you close your mouth and swallow.
He tugged your hair harder before he kissed you, more possessive than affectionate, but unexpected regardless.  His tongue tangled with yours as he reached down to circle his hand around your neck, feeling your pulse but not going so far as to choke you.
A little groan from Steve caught both his attention and yours.  "You wanna fuck her, Stevie?"
"Oh god, I want that ass, I want that fuckin ass," he answered through his teeth, making you gulp as Bucky laughed.
"Go for it, man," he encouraged, and only a second after he stood up you both heard and felt Steve appear behind you, one calloused hand spreading your cheeks; you whimpered from embarrassment when you felt a finger circle your tight rim, before slowly pushing in.
"Fuck," you whispered, and it sounded much more like a curse of pleasure than you intended.
"Yeah, you want it don't you?" he asked through his teeth, giving you a hard spank that made you cry out.  Bucky slapped you when you didn't answer, grabbing your jaw roughly.
"He asked you a question," he reminded you firmly, the sound of Steve spitting into his hand and coating your hole and his length distracting you slightly.
"Yes, yes, I want it!" you sobbed.
"In my ass!"
Your body put up significant resistance against his swollen head, but it was no match for his rough thrust forward, the tip of him popping inside and stretching you painfully.  You bit your lip but it was impossible to stay quiet when he slid the rest of the way in.
You cried out as he moaned with satisfaction, already moving so much faster than you could handle (which, to be fair, was a low bar).
"Oh my god," he breathed.  "So fuckin' tight…"
The pain was sharp, and it felt like the base of his cock was impossibly thicker than the rest of him since you whined every time he pushed in.
"Aw, does it hurt baby?  That's my cock ruining your little hole, sweetheart…"
"Stop," you rasped, "please… please stop…"
"Nah, I think you like it… I think what you really needed was just to be put in your place, fucked in every hole so you know exactly what you're meant for."
Bucky appeared in front of you again, stroking himself in front of your face, still slick from behind inside you.
"See what a mess you made on my cock, dollface?  I think you need to help me clean it up," he groaned, holding your jaw open to stuff his cock into your mouth and stifle your sobs.  The taste of your and his come was potent and musky on your tongue, his head pushing right into your open throat when you tried to gag.
Steve held you tighter as he thrusted a bit more vigorously, Bucky simultaneously using your throat as he stroked your hair and cheek.  
You couldn’t remember how to do anything but just take it now.  At times their paces synchronized and you felt like you were being filled to the brim at both ends.  Other times they were in a syncopation where one pushed in just as the other pulled out, meaning you had no real breaks at all.
Bucky was too weak to come again, that much was obvious, but he was happy to choke you anyways; and Steve, well, Steve was moaning more now than he had from your mouth or pussy, apparently trying to hold himself back even though he had no reason to try to prolong this— unless he actually wanted to see you in pain more than he wanted to finish?
“You want me to come in your ass?” Steve interrogated you with a spank to your thigh.  “Beg for it.”
You shook your head around the length in your mouth.
“It doesn’t stop until you beg me for it, isn’t that what you want?  You want it to stop, right?”
Had you really fallen into his trap that easily?  
Bucky pulled back to give you the opportunity to meet Steve’s request, and you sucked in a lungful of air before finally whimpering: “Please, Steve… please come…”
“Where?” he pressed, ever-determined to make you remind him where he was fucking you.
“Please come in my ass…”
“If you say so, sweetheart,” he snickered before starting to thrust faster and more erratically, chasing his peak which you prayed was close.  It was, thankfully, though never close enough, and you forgot that the swell of his pulsating cock would stretch your tired hole even wider.
And, you forgot that he had no reason to pull out just because he’d come.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “that was good.”
You tried to kick him away but it was impossible with how hard he’d pinned you down to the log.
“Just stay still and keep my cock warm in this pretty ass of yours, alright?” he instructed, all the while Bucky stared down at you with a satisfied smirk on his face, combing your hair a bit with his fingers.
“You’re tired, huh?” he noticed.  “We’ll get you to bed soon.”
“Will you leave?” you instantly returned.
“We need somewhere to make camp for the night, too.  And since there’s already a perfectly good camp right here…”
“No,” you whined, “no, you’re never gonna leave me alone, are you?”
“We’ll talk about it in the morning, alright?” he offered.
It was truly a testament to how physically exhausted you were that you managed to fall asleep squished between your two personal monsters.
Bucky was behind you, essentially spooning you while Steve had an arm draped over your chest.  And even with the heavy weight on you, physical and metaphysical, you would’ve slept through the night easily if it weren’t for the feeling of Steve running his hands over your body, groping you wherever he could reach.
You opened your eyes but it was still pitch darkness, giving you no distraction from the physical sensations of Steve's fingers delicately grazing over your skin.  Behind you, the quiet stability of Bucky’s breathing made it clear he was still asleep and unaware.
“Steve,” you whispered hoarsely.
“Shh,” he soothed below his breath, right by your ear.  “He sleeps like a rock, we’re not gonna wake him up with a little fooling around.”  
Amazingly enough, that wasn’t exactly what you were worried about.  But you discontinued your dissent as he lightly suckled the lobe of your ear, fingers tracing abstract shapes over your hip.  You heard your own breath catch, and he must have too because he smiled and nibbled on your neck.
You shivered when he started to pull you closer, laying you back to reach between your legs and toy with your overly-sensitive folds.  His fingers found your clit and rubbed it in slow circles, making you writhe and jolt as shocks of pleasure shot through you.
“So sensitive,” he praised darkly, pushing against you harder.  “Gettin’ wet, honey?  Want you dripping before I put my cock in you.”
Bucky stirred beside you, pulling you closer in his sleep though Steve kept a strong hold on your lower half.  It was nearly claustrophobic being sandwiched between them like this, made even worse when Steve adjusted your hips and you felt his cock rub against you.
“Tell me you want it,” he whispered in your ear, cradling your face in his large, rough hands.
“I— I want it,” you whispered back, biting your lip to stay quiet when he pushed in.  You were still sore, but the wetness helped ease his way as he filled you to the brim, groaning softly and thrusting much more gently than you expected.  It was all very relaxed, and languid, and… sleepy.  It was so much easier to pretend that you wanted this when it was gentle and patient like this, when you couldn’t see his face
“You two got started without me?” Bucky interjected, making you both gasp.   
"You seemed pretty busy snoring over there," Steve explained with an unamused tone.  “You know, Barnes, I actually broke out of prison so I wouldn’t have to sleep in the same room as you for the rest of my life.”
“Leave if you want, Rogers, I’ll keep the girl and you can take her battery radio, ya limpdick.”
“Limpdick?  Were you not here for the past twenty-four hours?” 
“Yeah, I was fucking this sweet little thing while you were out there by the fire doing your arts and crafts.”
And just like that, your sweet and gentle sex was gone; Steve was determined to claim you now, fucking you harder and faster until you couldn’t hold back your broken moans.  "Yeah, you like that?" he growled against your ear.  "You like gettin' fucked?  Say it."
"Y-yes, I like it," you gasped.
"We're gonna be on the run for a while…" Bucky mumbled against your skin as he kissed your shoulder, "sure wouldn't mind takin' you with us, keeping our own little pet to fuck whenever we want."
You tried not to stop breathing entirely when he said that, distracted by Steve slowing down slightly, offering some reprieve.
"Been so long without touchin' a woman," Steve added huskily, "I don't know if one day is enough."
"Yeah, plus we've already got you obedient, trained, fucked braindead and full of come," Bucky replied, biting down on your skin to make you whimper and he chuckled happily.
"Are you sure you can share, Barnes?" Steve pressed.  "I know if you had it your way she'd be ripped to shreds by now."
"Whatever man, you're the one who tore her ass up."
Steve scoffed slightly, while Bucky continued.
"You wanna come with us sweetheart?  We'll be real good to you, keep your holes wet and full for a couple months straight at least.  You won't have to worry about a thing, won't have to lift a finger, just keep your legs spread and you'll be peachy."
"Hey, that's what we'll call you: Peach," Steve decided.  "It's perfect, isn't it?  'Cause you're sweet… and soft… and I could just eat you up," he purred.
"Wanna be our girl, Peach?" Bucky prompted.
"No, please…"
You expected anger, you expected them to hurt you, but you didn't expect them to laugh.  "Looks like our sweet little Peach hasn't had a chance to realize how good it's gonna be with us," Steve announced.  
"Yeah, let's show her how much she wants to be our girl," Bucky snickered, holding your hips as Steve started to move inside you again.
Bucky, meanwhile, was grabbing handfuls of your ass and groaning as he rubbed his cock against you.  One finger explored your rim and slowly pushed in.
"Looks like you're still a little loosened up from when Stevie here gave it to you, huh?  He was real mean, wasn't he?"
You nodded, clutching harder into Steve's chest as he fucked you faster.
"Then taking me should be a breeze."
Truly, you had no idea how this was possible.  I'm the dark it all felt like a fever dream, but when Bucky pushed into your available opening while Steve was still fucking you… it was definitely real, the feeling was too overwhelming not to be.
'A breeze' was definitely an exaggeration but it was undeniably easier, especially since being half-asleep made your body so much more relaxed.  You still hissed when Bucky's hips met your ass, you still choked on a breath at the feeling of two cocks buried all the way inside you, but it wasn't from pain as much as being full beyond your wildest dreams
"You were right about this ass, Rogers, goddamn…" Bucky moaned, holding your hips tight and beginning to thrust.
"Fuck, can hardly believe you're takin' both of us," Steve sighed against your ear.  "I know you love it, Peach, I know you love bein' so full…"
Your lips fumbled with the desire to moan a name but not sure whose to say; so instead you just babbled mindlessly, sounded just as dumbfounded as you felt.
But they weren't having any problems speaking, in fact they were more talkative than ever, each whispering in a different ear and making shivers crawl up your spine with every word.
"You're making us feel so good, such a good girl, aren't you Peachy baby?"
"Such a perfect fucking whore, so wet already just from being used."
"Want us to come inside, huh Peach?  Wanna be full of come?”
Each time you arched your back, it only somehow pushed them both deeper, so deep you couldn’t think about anything else anymore.  Bucky was moving at a much slower pace than Steve, such that they would only occasionally thrust all the way in at exactly the same time— and when they did, you heard yourself moan but refused to believe it was you making the sound because it sounded nothing like you, it didn’t even seem like something you would do; enjoying this that much, that is.
“You’re close, huh?  Gonna come for both of us?”
You found yourself nodding, even though they couldn’t see it, but Bucky must have felt it against his shoulder because he laughed a little, grabbing your face and turning you back to kiss you hungrily.  When he moved his kiss down to the back of your neck, Steve captured your lips instead, less dominating than Bucky’s but no less intense.  The moan that undeniably signalled your orgasm was nearly lost against Steve’s tongue, but they both heard it and began to pump into you faster, keeping you suspended in your pleasure.
Steve lost it first, spilling into you with a choked groan and a tight grip on your arms that was sure to bruise.  Bucky was close behind, panting with each hurried thrust until he finally moaned and filled your ass with ropes of hot come, a sensation you never could’ve imagined, let alone predicted you would experience twice in one day.
Bucky rubbed your thighs while he caught his breath while Steve peppered your face in tender kisses, both of them showering you in affection you had no idea how to handle.
“Whaddaya say, dollface?” Bucky prompted as he kissed just beneath your ear.  “Y’like bein’ our little Peach, don’t you?”
You stammered over a few different responses, none of them very good, until Steve finally instructed you: “say yes.”
“Yes,” you repeated instantly.
“I can tell you do, you soaked my cock real good,” Steve praised with a grin you could feel against your cheek and hear in his gravelly voice.  “We’ll head out in the morning, alright?  Soon we’ll be somewhere where nobody knows who we are, what we’ve done… doesn’t that sound nice, Peach?  A chance to start over?”
A fresh start never hurt anyone, right?
Months on the run made the night all blend together, you didn’t even know what state you were in anymore and you couldn’t find the energy to care.
It was definitely harder to hitchhike with three people, and a disturbing amount of truckers offered to take you alone but not your companions— and obviously they would never allow such a thing.  At this point, you were better off with the devils you knew, anyways.  At least with them you knew what to expect.
Specifically, you could expect Steve to be aloof and brooding until he occasionally snapped and became possessive over you again, asserting his dominance over you and Bucky however he could manage— usually by covering your body in his marks and every once in a while by covering your face with his come.  You could expect Bucky to taunt and mock you, cornering you into consenting to his relentless barrage of pleasure and pain, over and over again watching you struggle to maintain your sense of denial and disgust, reminding you that you loved being fucked just how he wanted.
In fact, today was a pretty typical day while the three of you crashed in a motel, Steve staying silent and distant while Bucky kissed his way down your stomach that rose and fell shakily with each breath.
“Bucky, p-please,” you whispered, closing your eyes so you could more easily pretend it wasn’t you begging him for more.
"What's that, Peach?  Want me to lick up your juice?" he grinned.
You shuddered and he chuckled as he knelt down between your legs to give a long, slow lick over your sex.  Your entire body jolted when his rough tongue slid over your swollen clit, so he focused there until your legs were quivering and your head fell back.  
"Mm, so sweet…” he cooed.  “Come getta taste a’this, Steve.”
“I’m busy,” Steve refused, turning the page of his newspaper.
“Are you fuckin’ serious?” Bucky sighed, standing up straighter and leaving your pussy ignored; you whined a little, but it fell on deaf ears.  “I’d love to see what you’re reading that could possibly be more interesting than this.”
“There’s an article about us,” Steve answered sternly, looking up from the paper to meet Bucky’s gaze, before glancing to look at you.  “All three of us.”
Bucky huffed and stood up, leaving you naked on the bed as he crossed the room to tear the paper from Steve’s hands.  His eyes scanned the page until he landed on the part Steve must have been referring to.  “Holy shit,” he breathed.  “Look, Peach, you made the papers!”
He brought over the article for you to read, and you sat up straighter when you saw that a photo of yourself had been included alongside the mugshots of Steve and Bucky.
Two escaped prisoners, one missing woman, spotted in woods near Schenectady, NY...
“When is this from?” you asked nervously.
“The paper’s from today, but we were in Schenectady two weeks ago,” Steve explained.  “They aren’t anywhere near us.”
It brought back memories of TV broadcasts you’d seen in hotels, radio news Steve had turned off before you heard too much.  Phrases like ‘statewide manhunt,’ ‘federal investigation,’ and ‘trafficked woman,’ which had once been foreign to you, now represented your deepest anxieties.
Bucky saw the fear on your face and knelt down on the bed beside you, stroking your face gently.  “Aw, Peach, don’t be scared… they’re not gonna find us, I promise.”
“If they did… what would happen to me?” you asked weakly.  You truly had no idea if you’d be returned home and treated as the victim of a crime, or if you’d be arrested and charged as a perpetrator, as a collaborator who aided in the escape and continued flee of two violent criminals.  They’d already gotten you in on a few robberies, even one bank— could you defend yourself by saying that you were forced to do it?  
“Nobody’s gonna take you away from us,” Bucky assured sternly, not quite answering your question but making it clear that was all you were gonna get.  You reached up to rest your hand atop his where it held your cheek, letting your watery eyes fall shut before you looked back up into his enrapturing gaze again.
“Kiss me, Bucky, please,” you whispered, making him laugh and shake his head.
“No, Peachy, I would but I know where that mouth has been.  Steve woke you up in the middle of the night to choke on his cock, thought I wouldn’t hear, huh?”
You gasped a little and Steve crossed his arms where he sat in the chair.  Bucky turned his attention back to Steve with a look of challenge on his face.  “She’s scared, Stevie, won’t you come over here and make her feel better?”
Steve sighed but relented and stood up, crossing the room to stand beside the bed and stare down at you.  For a moment you didn’t know what he intended to do, until he knelt down and grabbed your hips, pulled your spread legs closer to the edge of the bed where he latched his lips onto your slick and swollen folds.
“Oh god,” you moaned, reaching down to tangle your fingers into his hair, his tongue pushing inside you right away, twisting and thrusting and licking right over your g-spot until your eyes rolled back in your head and your back arched up off the faded quilt.  Bucky grinned as he watched you, leaning down to kiss your neck, then suckle on a hardened nipple, then lick over your hips until finally he bit down on the inside of your thigh.  You yelped a little and felt him smile against your delicate skin.
“I told you we’d take care of you, babydoll,” he mumbled, voice all deep and throaty like it got when he was about to spend an hour reminding you who you belonged to.
Sometimes you dreamed of the life you had before this, of the person you were when you only belonged to yourself, but that life was gone forever and it wasn’t coming back.  Each day you mourned it in a different way.  At first it was just the loss of dignity, then it was the loss at any chance of gaining that dignity back.  You missed your friends and family, but you realized they wouldn’t welcome you back with open arms after this long.
You realized it was well and truly over the first time a man on the news called you an accomplice to the ‘rampant crime spree’ of Bucky and Steve.  Just a few weeks later, the stories changed from two prisoners and their kidnapping victim, to three prisoners.  And yes, you were a prisoner, but the police didn’t see a difference between you and them anymore.  You had no reason to run, no motive for escape.  They were the only thing keeping you alive and free now, even if this freedom wasn’t exactly overflowing with liberties.
So, you accepted as quickly as you could that this was your new life; every morning you banished the memories of who you used to be, and every night you prayed that your lovers wouldn’t be caught.  And it wasn’t so bad of a life to have, even if it wasn’t the life you would’ve chosen for yourself— there was something nice about it, really, never very calm but still having its moments of peace and domesticity.  Like falling asleep in the backseat of a stolen truck while Steve played blues on the radio.  Like sitting in Bucky’s lap as he told you all about the beautiful tropical islands they’d take you to someday.  Like when Steve robbed a jewelry store and told you he’d picked that one because they had the ring he’d seen in a magazine ad, the ring he decided he wanted you to wear from now on.  Like being Mrs. Barnes when Bucky introduced you to his criminal connections, and being Mrs. Rogers when Steve did the same the next night.
Maybe you’d forgotten how to be anything else but their sweet, quiet, obedient Peach, but maybe it wasn’t such a bad wrap after all.
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beautifulblhell · 3 years
The Other Room(NSFW)
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Summary: Atsumu decides to do *it* in his brother’s room. What could possibly go wrong since Osamu is not in the house?
Pairing: Atsumu Miya x F!Reader Word Count: 2821 
Warning: Smut/NSFW/Lemon 🔞
A/N: First time trying to write smut so unfortunately I’ve no idea what I’m doing 🤷🏻‍♀️I’ve got a huge respect for smut fic writers now 🙏🏻 If anyone have tips for writing smut please let me know 🥲
Not proofread because I’m too embarrassed to ask my beta to read it 😭
The moment the front door closed, Atsumu’s lips crashed against yours. With your back against the wall and Atsumu’s toned body in front of you, there was no room for escape as he relentlessly claimed your mouth over and over, swallowing your every breath. With each kiss your strength seeped away, your head became dizzier, your body became lighter, until you were aware of nothing but the taste of Atsumu. Perhaps sensing that your legs were on the verge of giving away, he grabbed you by your waist and lifted you up easily, and your legs found their way around his hips.
The cool air suddenly came into contact with your bare skin. Without you realising, Atsumu had already unbuttoned all your shirt buttons, and was pulling it off you and tossing it onto the ground.
“Want you so bad,” Atsumu murmured between your heavy pants, finally breaking the kiss. His brown eyes were shining with lust as he stared hungrily up at you in his arms, making you breath hitch. It always filled you with a sense of amazement, that you were the one that the Atsumu Miya wanted, when he looked at you this way. A shiver of anticipation cascaded down your body as you felt his burning gaze travel down your body, igniting a pool of warmth that gathered at your abdomen. His hand trailed upwards, following the delicate curve of your neck, until he was holding your head against his, capturing your lips once again, as he walked down the hallway. Kicking a door open, he walked in, then dropped you onto the bed.
The impact of your landing caused a waft of cologne to drift upwards from the blanket. For a second your oxygen-deprived mind sensed that something was amiss. But when your gaze rested on Atsumu hovering above you, his lips glistening wet from the kiss earlier, staring at you with so much heat, and the goddamn-smirk you love so much was on his face, it scattered away from your mind like the petals from the cherry blossom trees in the spring breeze.
Perchance noticing your hesitation, Atsumu swooped back down, as if to stop your mind from wandering. This time his teeth nibbled along your bottom lip. The moment you parted your lips, his hot tongue slipped inside, twisting against yours. Your hot breaths mingled into one. Each time he only let you up long enough for you to get a lungful of air before his mouth sealed yours. While his hands ran up your sides, one of his legs shifted in between your thighs and pressed down against you. A groan escaped your mouth, and you felt the corner of his mouth pull upwards when you looped your arms around his neck and tugged him closer.
Tilting his head, his mouth trailed down the side of your neck.
“Up,” he whispered.
Obeying, you arched your back. Atsumu deftly unhooked your bra and tossed it over the edge of the bed. A shudder ran through you as his hot palms cupped one of your breasts, twisting the sensitive nub with his fingers. His mouth descended down on your other one, sucking your sensitive flesh, his tongue occasionally flickering over your nipple.
You turned your face into the pillow, trying to muffle the moans that are spilling out.
For some reason, the pillow smells… different.
That’s when realisation hit you; the room was not his.
It was Osamu’s.
Panicking, you snapped your head towards Atsumu, your mouth dry. Instead, he only answered you back with a grin, noticing that you finally realized. His eyes glinting mischievously, the tell-tale sign that told he was up to no good.
“We can’t-!”
You couldn’t believe that you were making out on Osamu’s bed. If Osamu ever found out he would murder Atsumu. In a panic, you tried to push him away, but he didn’t even budge as you shoved futilely at his strong chest. He only stared down at you with a bold smile, before grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head.
“Do you think Samu would be mad if he knew what we were doing on his bed?” He spoke with such nonchalance as if the consequence of being found out wouldn’t apply to him at all. While he spoke, his other hand travelled between your legs, touching your wet panties. Your breath stuck in your throat as Atsumu stroked with tantalisingly along your wet panties a few times. The rational side of you knew you should be stopping him from going any further, yet your body couldn’t help itself from desiring Atsumu’s touch. Then, he slipped a single finger inside you.
“No, Tsumu- Ah!” The rest of your protest melted into a gasp. Your hips jerked back at the sudden feeling of being impaled by his thick finger.
“Look at you, saying no, but look how wet you are.” Atsumu deliberately twisted his finger, and as if to prove his point, an indecent wet noise echoed in Osamu’s room. Atsumu felt his pants tighten at the feeling of how warm you were inside, but he wanted to mess you up more before he fucked you, until he was the only thing on your mind. He slowly pumped his fingers in and out, but never deep enough, only shallow strokes that kindled your desires for him, making you whimper, wanting more, needing it deeper.
After a few moments, he pulled out.
“Wait,” you tried to protest, but Atsumu didn’t listen. He never did. With a smirk, he lifted his hand up. Confused, your eyes landed on his forefinger. It was glistening wet, covered with your juices. Then, locking eyes with you, he brought his fingers to his mouth, and his tongue darted out, licking his finger clean. Embarrassment flushed your cheeks red, but at the same time, it turned you on. You swallowed noisily.
“So what were you saying?”
A thread of semblance still hung in your mind while you could feel yourself throbbing, wanting Atsumu.
“But Osamu-“
“Is not here,” he finished. “And I don’t want to hear another man’s name coming from your mouth.”
Without giving you another chance to breathe, he swallowed all your breath along with your protest.
The familiar feeling of his finger entered you once more, languidly pumping in and out, but this time reaching deeper, stroking the spot where he knew would let you see stars. Your hands twisted against the bedsheets, and shortly afterwards you were pushing yourself against Atsumu’s hand, trying to meet the trust of his fingers.
“M-more,” you moaned out.
Atsumu laughed, “Greedy, aren’t you.”
Obliging, the single digit turned into two. There was a brief stretch before you got used to accommodating the size of both his fingers. Once you did, Atsumu started to scissorsing you. With his other hand, he spread open your thighs. Flustered, you tried to close your legs, but your strength was no match against his.
“You really are sucking my fingers in, aren’t you?” he chuckled, admiring the way his fingers were sinking in and out of you as he held your legs open. The bulge on his crotch became more prominent, his eyes became a shade darker with lust. He ran his tongue over his lips, and knew he had to taste you. Bending his head back down, gentle kisses and nibbles rained down the inside of your thighs, moving ever so slowly and closer to where his fingers were thrusting inside you. A hot breath fanned your sensitive entrance, the something hot played against your bundle of nerves, sucking it, sending your nerves into overdrive.
“Ah!” Your back arched at the stimulation, fingers entangled in his blond hair, twisting it tightly, too gone to care if it might be painful for Atsumu, but Atsumu didn’t mind. You always tasted so addictive, so sweet; he could never get enough, and every tug of his hair only served to draw him in.
Combined with the sensation of his thick finger and his tongue, you felt a familiar coil tightening in your abdomen.
“I’m- I’m close, Tsumu,” the words come out as a breathless whisper.
But just as the last syllable of your words left you, his fingers and tongue left you all at once, leaving you clenching around nothing, nothing to bring you the sweet release that you were so close to. Tears welled up in your eyes and you whimpered.
“Do you still want to stop?”
You shook your head desperately. The only thing on your mind now was your need for Atsumu. All you wanted was for him to enter you and bring you the sweet relief that only he could.
“Say it,” his voice was hoarse, holding back his own desire.
With your reasoning long since melted away, you raised your arms out to him.
“I want you, Tsumu, please, I need you,” you begged. Seeing you teary eyes staring up at him, the sight of you wanting him nearly broke his self restraint.
“Good girl.”
He sat back up and threw his shirt off in one swift movement, revealing his well toned muscles. In the next moment, his shorts and boxers were strewn across the floor. His impressive length stood rock hard against his abdomen, precum leaking at the tip. Just the mere sight of it made your breath quicken. Reaching a hand out, you wrapped your hand around his throbbing length. Atsumu closed his eyes briefly, his breathing became shallow. Moving your hand, your hand pumped his cock a few times before Atsumu stopped you.
“Not yet,” he pants.
Aligning himself at your entrance, he teasingly placed his tip in shallowly then out, until you thought you were going to go mad at his teasing.
Just as you were about to beg him once more, in a single stroke, Atsumu buried himself inside you to the hilt. For a moment, all was silence. Your mouth was open into a scream, but no sound came out as your throat constricted from the sudden fullness that filled you up. Even though he had prepared you earlier with his fingers, it did not alleviate the overwhelming stretch from his thick length that was burning impossibly hot inside of you, setting your nerves ablaze.
“Fuuuck, you feel so tight,” Atsumu threw his head back as a strangled moan made its way past his lips. The feeling of your velvety walls clung so tightly around him made him shudder. It felt so right, so perfect. He swallowed thickly, trying to resist the temptation of fucking you to oblivion right there and then. He stayed still, letting you get used to his length, then he slowly pulled out, until only the tip reminded inside, then thrusted back in. Slick dripped down his length every time he moved, pooling onto the bed that wasn’t his.
He flickered his eyes upwards, and the slight of you nearly caused him to become undone. There you were, lying with your hair cascaded around you, eyes glazed with pleasure, your red lips parted slightly, his name spilling out from them. His name.
His thrusts became harder, and his hands roughly grabbed your breasts. With the way you were clenching around him, he knew you were close, and he wasn’t far behind. Atsumu closed his eyes, his cock reaching the deepest part of you, when-
“What the fuck are ya doin’?”
A deafening silence suddenly fell upon the room. Atsumu jerked to an abrupt stop. A look of panic clearly coloured his face as he froze. Gone was the hazy fog of pleasure obscuring your mind, and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest as you recognised the owner of the voice.
Osamu stood at the doorway with his arms folded. A look of disgust etched on his face as he stared at the scene in front of him.
“Shiiiiiiiit,” Atsumu muttered under his breath. He quickly moved to try and shield your body from his twin brother’s sight.
“Get the fuck out of here, can’t you see we are busy?”
“Hey dickhead, I know you don’t have a lot of brain cells, but last time I checked, this was my room, not yours.”
As he spoke, Osamu walked into the room, his hands in his pocket, until he reached the bed. His brown eyes were unreadable as he looked down at you.
“Hey, what are you-“
Without warning, Osamu bent down and crashed his mouth against yours with a breathless urgency. For a moment, neither you nor Asumu moved, both frozen in shock at Osamu's action. Osamu took that opportunity and slipped his tongue inside your mouth. The feeling of Atsumu still inside you but Osamu kissing you so deeply made you stiffen.
“What the fuck, ya asshole?!“ Atsumu’s angry yell made you snap back to your senses, just in time to see Atsumu reaching out a hand to grab his twin brother and yank him back. Osamu seemed nonplussed as he stared at you. He ran his thumb over his wet lips. Atsumu levelled an intense glare at his twin.
“Payment for using my bed.” Tossing that remark over his shoulder, Osamu calmly walked out of the room, and slammed the door shut.
The silence returned  after Osamu left. Atsumu lips were pressed tightly into a frown. For some reason, when he saw Osamu kissing you, his heart ached.
“Did ya enjoy the kiss?”
The unexpected question caught you off guard. You looked at him, and saw his eyebrows were knitted together. You knew he wasn’t pleased that Osamu kissed you.
“I didn’t!’
“I felt you tighten when he kissed you!”
“I was just surprised!”
“Forget it,” Atsumu turned his face away, sulking.
You reached out and cupped his cheeks in your palms, and turned his head to face you. For a few moments, you saw the anxious side of Atsumu, wavering behind his normally confident gaze. Your love for him swelled up from the bottom of your heart and spilled through your lips. “You, Atsumu Miya, you are the only one I ever wanted.”
His breath stuttered in his throat, his eyes widened. There he was, reflecting in those clear and pure eyes of yours. Even though so many girls desired him, he knew no one could make him complete the way you made him, who would embrace every side of him. It would be movements like this, where he could show you this vulnerable side of him, and knowing that you would still love and accept him.
The feeling of wonder kept sinking in, that such a beautiful person could really love him so wholeheartedly. Sometimes in the dead of the night, he would be wondering if you were too good for him, but also knowing that he would never let you go willingly.
“Don’t blame me if you can’t walk for a while,” he muttered under his breath.
Realising what he meant, you glanced towards the door nervously. “Hey, wait, Atsumu! Osamu is still inside the house!”
But Atsumu was beyond caring at this stage. The whole world could be watching and he couldn't care less. Throwing your legs over his shoulders, his movement lost the teasing slowness he showed before.
The change of position caused Atsumu to reach the deepest part inside you. A moan left your lips, and it only served to fuel the awakening of something feral in him. He thrusted inside you so hard that your back arched, but he gripped your hips tightly, holding you in place to meet his thrusts.
“T-too rough, Tsumu!”
But he was beyond reasoning. His movements clearly conveyed his need for you. Sweat rolled down his temples, and droplets fell down on the bed every time he slammed inside you, hitting your sweet spot every time.  
Only the sound of you chanting his name resonates in his ear, and it was the only sound that mattered to him.
“I-I’m close,” you whimpered.
His thrusts started to lose their rhythm and became more rough. The way he groaned out your name desperately as he became near tugged your heartstrings. His hand reached out and entwined with yours on the bed, his eyes clouded with pleasure as he looked at you. Then you came with such a dizzying intensity that all you could do was to grab onto him to stay anchored in the swirling whirlwind of pleasure that threatened to drown your very soul.
He soon followed, grunting out your name as he came inside you. Hot liquid spurted inside you, filling you to the brim as Atsumu emptied himself inside you. He leaned his forehead against yours, his heavy panting mirrored yours, and at that moment, everything else ceased to matter except for you and Atsumu.
Osamu gently touched his lips, the ghost of your warmth still lingered there.
If… you ever choose him…
He shook his head, dispelling the thought.
He will forever be the other twin.
Masterlist | Ko-Fi | 2021.04.01
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purefrostbyte · 3 years
Dabi - Pretty Boy (Pt2)
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Touya Todoroki/Dabi 
Rating: Smut
Recap: “Awww. Pretty Boy, you look so cute like this,” your finger traced his jaw before landing on his lip, “I must say, I’m kinda offended you didn’t think I’d figure it out…Touya~”
  Dabi stared at you wide eyed. You always were too smart for your own good. “What’s wrong Touya?” You teased, snaking your arms around his neck, “Cat got your tongue?” Dabi wrapped one arm around your waist, “Careful Y/n,” He warned, one hand playing with a lock of your hair, “Just cause your pretty doesn’t mean I won’t turn you into kindling.” You pout at him, pushing your body against his, “Come one Pretty Boy, aren’t you even a little happy to see me? If I remember correctly from our last encounter, I left you with quite the problem.” You smirk as you bring your knee up to brush his crotch, “Really think I didn’t feel it?”
Dabi growled, “You love playing dangerous games don’t you Sweetheart? His grip tightened around your waist and you giggled before licking your lips. “What’s dangerous about you? If I wanted you dead you would be.” Your (E/c) bore into his and he couldn’t help but hang off each of your words. “So everyone tells me, yet something tells me you want something from me,” he backed you into the wall, one hand grabbing a handful of your ass and squeezing, “Something tells me you want to lose control for one night, something tells me,” he leaned down to your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine, “That you want me.”
“Ding ding ding,” you mock, hands moving to play with his black locks, “We have a winner, can you guess what your prize is.” Dabi chuckled at your antics, “As tempting as it is to take that prize, I’m gonna have to decline.” He watched the amusement in your face drain, you expression showing hurt and confusion. “You see Sweetheart,” he shoved his knee between your thighs causing you to gasp, “If I give you what you want, it means I might not get to play with you again.” The hurt from earlier left and now all that filled those (E/c) eyes was curiosity, “Yeah?” you asked breathlessly, “You want to be able to keep playing with me?” Dabi chuckled, your expression was adorable and he briefly wondered for a moment if this was the same Y/n that had Shigaraki on his knees begging for forgiveness.
“Oh Sweetheart I want to do much more than just play with you.” Dabi nipped at your exposed neck and a delightful shiver ran down your spine, you felt alive. “Yeah? What else could you possible want to do with me?” The arm around your waist left and soon Dabi’s hand adorned your neck like a beautiful necklace you had no intent of taking off. He briefly applied pressure and watched as your eyes rolled back in pleasure. “I want a lot of things,” he squeezed you throat once more, “I want to kiss you.” You watched him, now it was you hanging off of his words, you who was desperate to hear his voice. “I want to mark you, I want to brand my name into those pretty thighs of yours.” His other hand trailed up your thigh, you could feel the raw heat from them. He was using his quirk.
“I want to make you scream, I want to wreck you for anyone else.” His hand stopped just by the zip of your shorts, “I want to make you mine and only mine.” And with that he backed off leaving you against the wall and disappearing into the night. He left you high and dry just like you had for the past 3 weeks.
  You would never admit it but you loved this new side of Touya. It was thrilling to see him play with you the way you play with him. That’s why you sat patiently like a good girl, waiting for when you would see him again. Luckily for you, Shigaraki had called a meeting and needed you present. You found this the perfect excuse to see Dabi and an even better excuse to fuck with him. You wanted to push him, wanted to see how long it took until he snapped. You knew his patience with you was thin, especially after he outright said he wanted you to himself. What better way to push him than not at all? You made sure that your outfit was sexy but subtle enough with your normal style that he wouldn’t know you were up to something.
You sashayed your way into the hideout before promptly taking a seat a ways way from Dabi. He eyed you slightly but didn’t nothing and you couldn’t help but internally smirk. As Shigaraki went on about plans and tactics you sat bored, you honestly didn’t see a need to be there since your role was silent in the League. “Y/n,” Shigaraki called and you simply hummed a reply, “What information do you have for me?” You looked up at him with a bored expression, “No much, just that our little mole is doing his job properly.” Dabi turned to you, “And what does that mean?”
You didn’t spare him a glance, “It means Hawks is telling the Commission everything we want him to. The trap is set, now we just have to catch the mouse.” Shigaraki smirked, happy with the news while Dabi narrowed his eyes at you. The meeting dragged on, you felt Dabi staring at you the whole time but ignored him which seemed to get him riled up, perfect. Once the meeting was done Shigaraki kept you back to talk about upcoming plans, what you needed to do and what information you needed to gather. You already knew most of it and you had the Commissions undying trust so anything was easy to obtain.
You strolled out of the meeting room with a fake bored expression on your face. And just like you predicted Dabi had been waiting for you. “Evening Sweetheart,” he greeted, pushing off the wall and attempting to get your attention. “Hello Dabi,” you said, no stopping to look at him. That was Dabi’s first clue to what you were doing. You had decided to stay for a while and ended up sitting with Shigaraki and Compress playing cards, ignoring Dabi who glared at you three the whole time. After beating the two of them for a fourth time you decided to head out, you were bored and you wanted to continue your game with Dabi outside of the hideout and you knew if you left he would follow. “See you around Shiggy,” you said before walking out the door and leaving without saying a word to Dabi. That was clue number 2.
You knew he was following you, could hear his boots as you pretend to obliviously walk home. Dabi knew you were playing him, it was what you did. He knew that you were being a brat on purpose and he had every intent to deal with it. He watched you disappear into your house and waited a couple hours, watching, waiting for the perfect time to pounce. After 2 hours you had become disappointed that he hadn’t followed and by hour 4 you figured your plan hadn’t worked and decided to head to bed. That was your mistake.
The minute you crossed the threshold into your room Dabi had you pinned to the wall, cerulean eyes glaring down at you. “Thought you were off the hook didn’t you Brat?” he asked as his hand reclaimed its place on your neck. You smiled up at him, “What are you gonna do to me?” Dabi chuckled, “If you wanted my attention you could have just asked Sweetheart.” You pouted that small pout that always told him you weren’t upset or shy, you were just playing him. “But where’s the fun in asking?”
Dabi squeezed your neck, watching your face contort with pleasure, “What should I do with you hm? I could leave, not touch you at all until you come back begging me too. I could edge you all night, make you beg to cum because the only way you’re going to is if I say so.” You watch Dabi with baited breath, you wanted him to touch you. “I think you’re gonna have to convince me why I should stay, why I should touch you after your little stunt.” He took his hand off your neck much to your disappointment. “I have an easy answer for that,” you say breathlessly, looking up at him with big doe eyes, “Because I’m yours.”
It was Dabi’s turn to smirk, “That you are Doll,” you looked at him hopefully, please be enough you silently begged. “How desperate are you though?” he teased, his hand finding the cotton of your pyjama shorts, “How much do you want me?” he pushed the cotton aside and traced lightly against your panties. “Please,” you whispered but he shook his head, “I can’t hear you Doll.” Your cheeks flush, “Please Touya, please touch me! I’ll be good for you just please!”
Dabi smirked, satisfied that he got you to beg. “Again,” he ordered and so you did, “Please Touya! Please! I’ll never step out of line again, I’ll be good. I just wanted your attention, I’ll ask from now I on I promise, I promise!” Tears welled in your eyes as you begged him, it wasn’t even a want right now it was a need, you needed him.
“Good Girl,” he praised and with that he slid you shorts and panties down to pool at your ankles. “Good Girls get rewards,” he said as he lowered to his knees, “Do you want a rewards Y/n?” You nodded fiercely, “Please?” Dabi smirked before moving to lick a stripe up your pussy. You threw your head back in pleasure, it was a simple touch but now you craved more. Lucky for you Dabi fully intended on rewarding you, diving between your legs and eating you out like a man starved. He had moved your legs to be over his shoulders and was holding you up against the wall while sucking your clit. You swear masturbating was nowhere near as good as the real thing. “Dabi,” you moaned as he plunged his tongue into you, your legs shaking as you tried to stay upright.
He pulled away, a string of your juices still connected to his lips. “God you’re delicious,” he stated before licking his lips. “Dabi…Touya Please!” You begged and Dabi lifted an eyebrow in amusement, “Please? Please what Doll, I’m not a mind reader. You need to tell me.” Your breathing was heavy and your will too weak to fight. “Please fuck me.” You begged and how could he say no?
Your back hit the mattress and soon Dabi was on top of you, his shirt and pants off and left in only his boxers. “Take this off,” he said, motioning to your shirt, which you gladly discarded before laying down bare for him. “Good Girl,” he said before bending down to suck on one of your tits. “Dabi!” you gasped, hands flying to grip his hair as he tortured your chest. He bit down on one and groaned when you moan loudly, arching your back and pushing your chest into his face. While you were distracted Dabi managed to get his boxers off and was now pumping his shaft.
He lifted himself from your chest before lining himself up with your puffy folds. “Here you go,” he whispered as he started pushing into you, “This what you want?” You threw your head back and moaned loudly, he was big and the piercing didn’t help either. It was painful but god did it feel good. You couldn’t help but wiggle as he bottomed out in you, panting like a dog in heat. “Aww, look at how cute you are. Finally getting what you wanted Doll?” You nodded, fuck it felt good and when he started thrusting you couldn’t contain your moans. “Touya~” you moaned, his thrusts ruthless and hard, hitting every spot within you and engulfing you in euphoria. “Come on baby, doesn’t that feel good?” Dabi grunted as he watched your eyes cross.
Fuck you had never felt this much pleasure before, his cock rubbing against your sweet spot as he ploughs into you. “You close baby, I can feel it. The way you clench, fuck, feels so good. You’re gonna cum for me right? Cum for me like a good slut.” Your eyes rolled back as his hand gripped your next and you couldn’t hold it even if you tried. White engulfed your vision as euphoria ran through your veins. “Fuck baby, keep squeezing me like that and I won’t be able to hold back.” Dabi panted as he fucked you through your orgasm. “Then don’t,” you panted as your body was overwhelmed in pleasure, “Don’t hold back.” And with that Dabi creamed inside you, grinding into you to prolong your highs. “Fuck,” you whispered as your eyes drooped lazily, “That felt so good.” Dabi chuckled before grabbing your blanket and covering you both. “Sleep baby girl, I ain’t going anywhere.”
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
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Part Two
Summary: When, Y/n, the daughter of one of the biggest stock traders in town runs into someone from her past, the last thing she expects is to be pulled into the shadows. With a quirk that makes her blood heal anything she’s wanted by many, but the only one she truly wanted disappeared years ago. So when she’s taken by a man that looks exactly like him her whole world gets turned upside down.
Warnings: language, choking, abduction, violence, smut, 18+ content, language, dirty talk
Word Count: 2.2k
Part One
You had regretted the words the second they had left your mouth. “Fuck off. Just leave me alone.”
That laugh. The one that melted your heart every time you heard it. You had expected him to get angry. You had expected him to scream at you, but instead, he only laughed. “I don’t like being told what to do unless I’m naked Y/n.”
Dabi wrapped his hands around your neck and pushed you into the wall behind you once again, his hips pushing into your own as you felt his lips touch your cheek. “You’ll learn that soon enough.”
His words were cold, but damn had they lit a fire underneath you. “Well why don’t you teach me a lesson then?”
Dabi’s entire demeanor changed. His anger changed to lust and admiration as he realized what you were doing. “Do you really think it’s a good idea to talk to me like that?”
You reached forward for him and wrapped your arms around his neck. His hand moved from your neck and wound into your hair, pulling you back into the wall as his lips roughly pressed to yours. 
You had forgotten how much you had loved to be this close to him. He still had the same scent, still had the same movements as he did back then. 
Dabi’s hands slid down your back and cupped your ass, squeezing your cheeks harshly before moving to your thighs. 
His hands roughly pushed your thighs apart, his fingers winding into your shorts, pushing your panties to the side. Just the small touch from him had you dropping your head back against the wall. 
Your longing for the familiarity, for the person that you had always thought you’d spend your life with, the ideas that flooded back into your head. 
His fingers were quick, each plunge into your core sending you into heaven, the sensation taking over your entire body. 
Your knees weakened and Dabi placed a knee between your legs for leverage. “What’s the matter, Y/n? Can’t handle it?” 
“Fuck.” You placed your hands on his hair and coaxed him on. “Be rough with me.” 
His deep voice in your ear sent shivers down your spine. “I don’t think you can handle my kind of rough, dollface.” 
You whined as his fingers slowed, your high looming over you as his warm breath touched your ear. You tugged on his hair and watched as he growled at you. “Do your worst. Blindfold me. Throw me against a wall.” You bit your lips and watched his eyes go wild. “I can handle it.” 
“Baby girl, if you can barely stand now, then I know you won’t be able to handle my kind of crazy.” Dabi’s devilish grin stretched across his face as he felt your walls close around his fingers, your slick coating them. His name left your lips as you cried out and he smirked, holding his fingers up to you. “Suck. Now.”
You hesitantly moved forward, taking his fingers into your mouth, licking them clean before watching him turn away from you. “We’ll continue this another time. For now, get used to the hideout.” 
You could barely hold yourself up as you kept yourself against the wall. If you moved you were afraid your legs would give out underneath you. 
Before getting through the doorway you saw him turn, an almost terrifying side of him showing as he uttered his next words. “Don’t even think about trying to get away. I’ll just find you again. We aren’t done whatever this is.” 
It almost took the breath from your lungs as you listened to the man that had just been so intimate with you. Toya really had changed. 
* * * * * * 
Getting used to the hideout was proving to be harder than you had thought it would be. Was anyone in your life even looking for you? Did your father even know that you were missing? Why had your abduction not even been on the news?
Your nervousness around the League was nothing that you were able to hide, but the fact that the only one that you weren’t nervous around was Dabi wasn’t able to hidden. They saw it and they couldn’t hide their curiosity. 
But every time one of them questioned him about it all you’d hear Dabi say was something simple. “Don’t worry about it.” “It’s none of your concern.”
They had no idea that every night since the first night they had brought you home you had spent it in Dabi’s room. They had no idea that when they were gone the two of you spent every waking minute together. It had felt like home being back with him, and you couldn’t help but feel happy about it. 
But that just made the League even more suspicious of you and what was going on. 
So after a week of the same thing Shigaraki stopped Dabi in the hallway and told him to follow him. 
They entered the room and the rest of the League looked over at them, your eyes following and noticing the anger that was raging in Dabi’s features. He was close to losing it and it made you nervous. 
“What’s up, you two?” Toga smiled as she looked at her comrades. 
Shigaraki’s voice had venom in it as he looked to the raven-haired man beside him. “Dabi here is going to tell us why he doesn’t seem to have the same problem around Y/n as we all do. I’m tired of the same excuse. Don’t you dare tell me it’s Stockholm syndrome.”
Dabi growled his words as he spat at him. “I’ve told you before, it doesn’t concern you. Just buzz off, dusty.”
Shigaraki’s hand reached for him as quickly as you had ever seen him move in the time you’d been there. You couldn’t help yourself as your anxiety grew, you leapt from the couch and sprang for him, only to be caught by the arms of Twice as you did. “TOYA!” 
A burst of blue flames filled the area in front of everyone and Shigaraki jumped backward quickly. Mr. Compress grabbed onto Dabi and dragged him backward. Kurogiri warped behind Shigaraki and dragged him into it, following him through the portal. 
Dabi lunged in Compress’s grip and tried to break free. “That crust bag is crossing a line!”
You swallowed hard as the rest of the League all stared at you. Toga was the first one to speak up as she saw your eyes welling up. “Who’s Toya, Y/n. I’ve heard you say that name before.”
Compress now had a hard time as he fought against Dabi’s strength again. “Toga! Keep your nose out of it you little psycho!”
Toga’s eyes narrowed as she looked over at him. “Don’t call me that.” She stepped forward and got close to him, pulling out one of her knives, holding it up to him. “You know that I don’t take kindly to that name when it’s said in distaste.”
Dabi spat in her direction and she threw her knife toward him, Compress pulled him back even more to keep her away from him. “Enough Toga.” Compress tried to snap her out of it as she kept swinging. 
Your heart was racing, your fear that something would happen to him coming back once again. Your words came out before you could stop them. “STOP IT!” 
Toga stopped in her tracks and turned to you. “The prisoner is going to holler at me?” Her attention pulled from Dabi and she approached you slowly, her knife moving around your face as Twice held you in place. “I don’t think so. That’s not how this works. I don’t care how important you are. You’re just a hostage.”
As you felt the cool edge of a blade on your throat, another burst of blue flames filled the small room. You closed your eyes as the chill from the flames turned the area cold. When your eyes opened again you saw a hand closing around Toga’s throat. The familiar staples and burns told you exactly who it was. 
Toga made a soft noise as she dropped her knife onto the ground and the pure rage in Dabi’s voice almost scared you. “When I let you go I suggest you leave the knife where it is and leave the room. I’ll tell people about how I know Y/n when I’m damn well ready to. The next one to push that is going to end up as kindling for my flames.”
Toga nodded as much as she could and the hand around her neck left and Twice let you go, slowly backing away from you. They both left the room without another glance. 
Dabi looked at the other members of the League and glared, not having to say another word to get them to clear out of the room. 
Once the room was clear you nearly collapsed against him. Dabi’s arms wrapped around you and he pulled you close to his chest. “Are you okay?”
You couldn’t hold back the tears anymore as you finally let yourself go. All the worry that something would take him away from you again flooded back into the forefront of your mind. Dabi tightened his grip on you and let you cry against him, trying to keep you as calm as he could. 
Dabi tried to lighten the mood a little and nervously chuckled. “You really need to start calling me Dabi, babe.”
* * * * * *
Every day that went by after that last fight was almost unbearable. Not only was the League hating Dabi, they were hating you as well. They blamed you for everything that had been happening to their group and you didn’t blame them. 
So when Dabi came to you and said that the Vanguard would be leaving for a mission you were beyond terrified. You were terrified of him going on there with them all being at odds and you were terrified of being left alone with Shigaraki when he already seemed to hate you. 
Dabi didn’t like telling you anymore than you liked hearing it. “I’m sorry.” He looked over at the others, keeping his voice low as he spoke to you. “I don’t want to go out right now either, but we don’t have a choice. We have to handle this before things get even worse.”
You wanted to grab onto him, you wanted to pull him to you and never let go, but you knew that he wasn’t ready for them to know what was going on between the two of you yet. 
That’s when Dabi’s actions shocked you. 
Dabi’s arms wrapped around you and he pulled you into a hug. A knot formed in your throat as you felt the piercing eyes of the people on the other side of the bar. He held you back out at arm’s length and placed his hand under your chin, tilting your face up to look at him. 
His lips touched yours, but with the passion that he usually held for the bedroom. When you had shown him that you weren’t afraid of him after your reunion he had softened. You had been the same woman that you had been when he left. The eyes that were on you seemed to soften some, the aura not as venomous as he had been only moments before, but you knew it probably wouldn’t last. 
Your lips danced together and you couldn't control the tears that now trailed down your cheeks, leaving stains in their wake. 
Dabi broke away and wiped the tears away with his thumb, but his words this time weren’t quiet so the rest couldn’t hear him. It was like he wasn’t afraid of them knowing anymore. “I love you, Y/n. I’ve loved you since we were sixteen years old and that’s never going to change.”
You couldn’t find words, your thoughts were too jumbled between everything that was going on, so instead you cupped his face in your hands and pressed your lips to his again. The answer that he had been looking for. 
The team stared at you both and the sound of someone clearing their throat broke the silence that had fallen over the room.
Shigaraki’s rasp made you both look over at him. “You have a mission to handle. You’re my vanguard leader, I need you at your best. Handle this later.”
Dabi glared at him some, but listened, knowing it was what was best. “I’ll be back soon.” He placed his hand on your cheek. “I promise.”
You watched as he walked toward the portal that had been opened and felt your heart threatening to jump up your throat. What had you gotten yourself into? 
Shigaraki waited for the portal to close before he spoke to you, his normal hatred toward you not present as he apologized in his own way. “Don’t worry too much about them. I have an amazing Vanguard Squad. And there’s no one better in the League to lead it than Dabi.”
Taglist: @monic00l​ @strangeinternetwasteland​ @rowley-with-ackerman​ @kyu-pine​ @ellechanwrites​ @bonnisimpparker​ @impinthecloset​ @nikiniki743​ @taliyahvermillion​ @maat-the-prescriptive​
©bakubabes-hatake’s original content, please do not repost/modify without my permission
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smallerinfinities · 4 years
something missing | feysand oneshot
a/n: oh hello! idk this just kind of....happened? it came upon me unexpectedly. I’m rereading ACOFAS and it’s snowing outside so...here’s some sugar-coated fluff laced with filth for this sinday :)
warnings: 3.3k of fluffy smut and smutty fluff
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Hmmm. Feyre worried the paint brush stuck between her lips with her teeth. There was something missing from the painting. Frost and Starlight, she had called it in her mind walking through the Palace of Thread and Jewels that day before Solstice. Now, weeks later, she clung to the buzz of the early chill of winter, wanted to remember the bustling life that had turned scarce in the city. 
It was now bitterly cold—according to Mor, colder than it had been in Velaris in decades. The streets were mostly empty, quiet except for the bundled shuffling of people coming and going but rarely standing for too long. Feyre could hear the wind beating at the locked gallery door, could feel the cold pushing against the magic of her floating flames. The only thing keeping her from freezing to death in the dimming light of the Rainbow. 
Even the Rainbow had been less alive lately, artists only leaving their studios for occasional supplies. The musicians had taken to giving little salon concerts. Only the most desperate had remained busking outside. Feyre had persuaded Rhys into magicking some coins into their open instrument cases, enough to keep them out of the cold for awhile.
She shook her head and refocused on the swirls of color in front of her, the painting that might have been finished if she weren’t so set on the details of it. What’s missing?
I don’t know, but I know what I’m missing. Feyre smiled involuntarily, his purr down the bond snaking its way down her spine. 
Incorrigible. Where have you been? If you went someplace warm without me, I’m staying at the gallery and you can sleep alone in our cold bed with none of what you’ve been missing. 
Rhys chuckled. On the contrary, my love. I was in the Steppes with Az, settling a few more of the descenters down. I’ve been freezing my balls off all day. 
Feyre shivered just thinking about how cold the war camps must be, the rows of tents barely standing up to the winds. But she couldn’t resist the door he’d left open. Poor Illyrian baby, so afraid of losing something important to a little cold spell.
He sent a rude gesture down the bond and Feyre smirked, taking the paint brush from her mouth to shove into the messy bun on top of her head. She paused halfway when her mating ring caught one of the faelights behind her, setting the brilliant sapphire glittering. Ah, that’s what’s missing. 
She dipped her brush in a tiny bit of white paint and leaned into the canvas, dabbing little specks here and there, in every window in her frozen Palace. When she sat back, the effect set her eyes sparkling. The blues and reds and greens of her scene turned into glittering sapphires and rubies and emeralds. The jewels the Palace was famous for leaped off the canvas and twinkled behind the glass, worthy of the astonishment she had painted in the faces walking past.
Beautiful, he breathed, seeing the painting through her eyes. Lately, she had been leaving her mind open to him when she painted. He didn’t pry often, but she found she wanted to share a little of her process with him. Even if she couldn’t talk about some of her feelings, some of the things they left in the darkness, she could show him here in the quiet of the gallery at night. 
Feyre felt him before even the shadows could react to his winnowing. Rhys grazed the skin at the edge of her sweater, just below her neck. Shivers ran down her spine again, but not because of the cold. Her nipples hardened in response to his touch, a kindling warming low in her abdomen. 
“Hello, Feyre darling.” 
His solid presence relaxed her, the warmth of him radiating into her back. She exhaled and leaned into him as his hands left her neck to wander down her front, skillfully avoiding the hardened peaks that reached for him. Even with the stool, he still towered over her, giving him enough room to rest his chin on top of that messy bun. 
“Gods, I missed you,” he inhaled, breathing her scent, now eternally mixed with paint, “the Illyrians are such bastards when they’re being obstinate.” 
“What did you and Az have to do?” Feyre ran soothing fingers up and down his arms still covered in Illyrian leathers. 
“Nothing too taxing, just some strong words and a demonstration.” She could feel him tense up, even as his wandering hands caressed her sides, trying to find the hem of her sweater. 
“Did you kill anyone?” Such a casual question, but even with the veil of sarcasm he knew she would want a serious answer. 
“No, but let’s just say a couple of their captains won’t be flying anytime soon.” He let some of the tension he always carried after bad days melt away as he curved into her, moving to pepper her neck with sloppy kisses. 
“Rhys,” she moaned, combing her fingers through his hair that was still damp from the Illyrian snow. “Let me clean up and then you can ravish me at home all you like.”
His teeth grazed her earlobe and she bent her head sideways giving him more room. Just as his fingers finally found that hem of her sweater. Snow-cold fingers tickled the skin just above her leggings. Feyre yelped and twisted on her stool, finally turning to face him fully. His eyes were pure violet fire, taking in every inch of her, from her wild hair to her booted feet. His chest raised and lowered quicker with each passing second, the bulge in his pants evidence of his mirrored desire. She bit her lip. And he snapped. 
Fuck the house, he purred down the bond. His mouth collided with hers as strong hands lifted her from the stool. She wrapped her legs around his waist, careful to avoid his sensitive wings. His pouty lips devoured hers, a wild moan escaping him as he tugged at her bottom lip. Feyre could sense him reaching with his magic, trying to find some place to put her down so he could properly have his way with her. Out here it would be the wall between the hung paintings or the cold floor. She knew he was weighing those two options. 
There’s a table in the back room, she panted, clawing at his mental walls with the promise of what was to come. If she was honest, she wouldn’t have minded the wall, but the paintings were precious and she knew they wouldn’t be hanging for very long. He carried her, his mouth still firmly pressed against hers. She shifted her head and opened fully for him, inviting him into her mouth with a flick of her tongue against his. He tasted like citrus kissed with the bitter tang of whiskey, left over from the drink he’d had to take the edge off the demonstration earlier. 
When he kicked open the back room door, Feyre’s floating firelight followed them, immediately stoking and warming the space. 
You’re getting better at that. His praise was like gasoline on that kindling inside of her, kicking up a blazing fire that sang through her blood, through her bones. He deposited her on the worktable, only taking a second to notice the sharp scent of paint and the supplies that littered the space behind her. His lips curled, this reminds me of the cabin. Remember how messy it was?
“It was our mating,” she answered out loud, “I remember every second of that day.” I can still feel it here, Feyre took his hand and guided it under her sweater to press against her panting heart. He stepped closer to rest his brow against hers, dragging a finger down her cheek. It was a second before his soft smile went devilish, another second before she felt the wet streak where his finger had been. 
He wiggled a cerulean-tipped finger at her. 
He tipped his head back and roared with laughter as she slapped at his leather-clad chest. The closest jar to her was a cotton candy pink. She snapped her fingers and his leathers disappeared, leaving a perfectly sculpted tan chest for her to draw a big heart on with her fingers. 
Hmpf. Turnabout is fair play. The playful gleam in his eye sparkled as he snapped his fingers and her clothes just...disappeared. She quirked an eyebrow, I hope you’re giving those back before we leave. A low growl rumbled beneath her fingers still toying with his chest. 
I’ll take it under advisement. You might have to beg me. A wry smile formed on his lips as he dipped that same cerulean finger into the pink paint and swirled it between her breasts, a trail of purple from her throat to her belly button. Feyre exhaled heavily and leaned back on her hands, scattering some charcoal pencils. They echoed in the cold space when they clattered to the floor but she didn’t care. She was naked and Rhys was not. Her legs spread a little wider against the edge of the table, putting herself on display for him. 
“Wicked, beautiful creature.” His hot breath ricocheted off her chest where his paint marks were quickly drying. It was a struggle to keep from moaning at the touch of his fingers toying with the inside of her spread thighs, dangerously close to the liquid fire pooling between her legs. He grinned at her restraint, the muscles dancing beneath her skin. “What do you wish of me, High Lady?” 
“I wish…” she tilted her head back in a slow roll, “I wish…” When her eyes met his again, their intensity burned anew. “I wish for you to take me like you did that first time,” snapping her fingers to rid him of the last of his clothes, “no holding back.”
His knees shook like a newborn foal at the command in her words. He kneeled before her on those tattoos he’d had as a reminder for centuries. I will bow before no one and nothing but my crown. The crown he shared with her. He bowed now, as he had before, as he would many, many more times before they were through with this life. The most powerful High Lord in history sent to his knees by his Queen. 
He forced her thighs even wider to accommodate his broad shoulders between her knees. His Fae eyesight didn’t miss the way her stomach muscles clenched as he played with the sensitive skin at her hips, his fingers making a slow path to her spread thighs. He cupped the back of her knees and quickly pulled her closer to his waiting mouth. 
Her yelp turned to a deep moan when he finally tasted her. Fingers immediately weaved into his hair as her back arched off the table. Gods, you taste like honey. You’re so wet for me, Feyre. 
She didn’t have any coherent words to send back to him, just waves of pleasure licking down the mental bridge between them. He suckled at her folds, drank from her, his holy font atop his only sacred altar. She writhed beneath his fingers moving over her warmed skin, let out a groan so deep he felt it vibrate against his face when he found her peaked nipples swollen and screaming for him. He felt her toes curl against his back, stroking his wings in places that made him moan into her. 
It was the last swirl of his tongue, a figure-eight pattern from her entrance to that bundle of nerves at the apex of her folds that finally sent her chanting his name over the edge. She wasn’t sure if it was out loud, but she knew he heard her either way. His wings flared proudly, knocking over a row of easels propped against the side wall, but he couldn’t hear the noise over her heartbeat pounding across the bond. 
The force of her climax pushed her into a sitting position, her fingers still curled in his hair holding his head against her as he stroked his tongue with every wave of pleasure. Even when she was spent, her thighs trembling over his shoulders, she couldn’t neglect him. Her fingers combed through his hair and snaked down his back, busying themselves with the grooves of his wings as he sucked a mark into the inside of her thigh. She made to release him, allow him off his knees, but he growled. 
Don’t stop.
The corners of her mouth curled upward. Is it truly like stroking you...elsewhere?
Well, Feyre darling, how do you feel when I stroke that one spot near the base of your left wing?
She clenched her thighs around his head at the thought. Point taken. 
He stretched his wing in encouragement. She followed his lead, splaying her hands across the membranous skin, tracing his scars. The feeling was, well he couldn’t quite think straight. Pleasure was too tame a word to describe the white-hot fire that licked his wings every time she ran her fingers over the spines, the scars, the muscles that purred and loosened for her. She pressed in at the space between the primary spine and the muscles in his back. He moaned so loud the paint jars rippled. 
Mother above, stop. 
It’s poor form to blaspheme in such a compromising position. Feyre grinned like a cat about to pounce on its prey. This was what she had been waiting for.
Feyre Cauldron-Blessed would know. He sucked in a breath. Her hands hadn’t moved. If you don’t stop, I’m going to spill a different kind of paint on this floor and ruin all our fun. 
Such a messy Illyrian brute. But she let him go, let him rise from between her thighs and stand. He was at full attention, wings spread wide to prolong the feeling of her fingers on the sensitive skin. Even now, after almost a year with him, she still marveled that this thing between them was real. That she was his and he was hers. My mate. 
She reached for him again, low. It was his turn to chant her name. 
Rhys caught her wrists, turning her hands over. He pressed a kiss to each palm. I’m plenty primed, my love. 
Feyre wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing him closer, so close to where she wanted him. She knew he liked this position, liked to watch her respond to him. He gripped her hips and positioned himself right at the precipice, took a breath. And pushed in to the hilt. 
Their collective moans shook the little back room, shadows gathering against the walls. Rhys’s eyes were fathomless pools of violet, boring into her very soul. He opened his mind fully to her and saw herself through his eyes, felt the love and the unending desire for her, tasted herself on his tongue. 
I love you. His voice clanged through her, flipping that light switch that lived deep inside of her, that little piece of Day linked to moments of pure joy. Her skin began to glow, only growing brighter when he moved within her. Slow strokes at first, deep inside. Shadows began to lick at her light, snaking against her responsive skin, the contrast only making her shine brighter. 
His thrusts quickened, control flickering with his hips. The hands that gripped her were little more than wisps of darkness, but she could feel his claws lengthening. Feyre reached back to grip the table, but instead knocked over a full jar of paint, splashing green into her hair, onto her skin. 
She laughed, tightening around him. The snarl he released shook her very center, pummeling the dam that he was determined to break for a second time tonight. She sent paint flying through the air on a breeze, landing squarely on his chest like a bullseye on a dart board. Her giggle sent his shadows skittering. 
Laughing at a male in the throes of pleasure is unbecoming of a High Lady, he panted down the bond. 
And how would you know? There’s never been a High Lady before me. Her eyes threatened another laugh until he hauled her leg off the table and shifted his hips. Her eyes rolled back. The floating fire around them surged with her answering moans, sweat beading on both of their brows. 
His hips stuttered. He was close. Feyre reached out and ran a hand down the open gates of his mind. Rhysand, she purred. 
He looked at her, his pupils narrowing, that beast of his barely concealed in this place between pleasure and chaos. His thoughts were a rush, his senses too open to hold on to any particular thought for long. The only thing she could make out other than pure sensation in his mind was one repeated word. 
Feyre, Feyre, Feyre—
Her name. Over and over again. His tether to this world, to the light. 
Rhys. She brushed at the claws on her hips, catching his attention. Come with me. 
The roar was deafening. Anyone else would have been terrified, but all Feyre could do was launch herself over the cliff with him as he finally plunged headfirst into his own pleasure. Blazing light flashed. Her light. Her joy, covering Rhys’s darkness with her own body as he collapsed into her, panting heavily against her shoulder. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, calming the tremors that rolled through him. 
For a few moments the only sounds in the room were the crackling of Feyre’s dying fire lights and their ragged breathing. When Rhys could finally lift himself onto his hands, he just looked at her for a long moment. 
Thought for a thought? she wiped at the sweat dripping from his temples. 
He smirked at her, I was thinking that if I didn’t already know what it feels like to die, I would think you were trying to fuck me to death. 
Her answering laugh shook her whole body, down to the place where he was still sheathed inside her. Rhys hissed, slowly withdrawing. He watched her glow dim. It always did when they parted, a fact that made him equal parts proud and melancholy. She sat up and stretched, cocking her head as he snapped his fingers to clean them off enough to get to the bath at home, leaving only the paint behind. He always liked to scrub that off of her himself.
“I’m going to have to come in early to clean up,” she worried at her lip, surveying all the spilled paint. The room was a bit of a wreck. Tumbled easels, green and blue paint dripping from the table onto the floor, scattered pieces of drawing paper with distinct details from his mate’s naked body outlined in pink and purple. Rhys scoffed and snapped again, setting everything right. 
Feyre grumbled, “you still need to teach me how you do that.” 
“I promise I will, but I’m still waiting for my thought,” he said, as he snapped a third time. Her clothes reappeared in a neat pile. They both dressed as she formed the words in her mind. Words to convey the way her pulse ticked up every morning in the shade of his wing, the way her cheeks pinked with the faintest touch of his fingers on her skin. 
“Will it be like this always? Will I still want to rip the leathers off of you in a thousand years?” He walked over and took her hands, the movement of his sleek black sweater and trousers the only sound in the room. Warmth passed between them, through their clasped hands and the look he gave her. Like a thousand years was only the beginning of their forever. 
“I hope so, Feyre. I really hope so.” He pressed a kiss to her temple and winnowed them both home. 
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The Afterparty
Summary: You’ve been a fan of BTS for seven years and counting. When you see them at the GRAMMYs after-party, you’re surprised to find that no one is even going up to talk to them. They’re making a spectacle of them, as the boys lounge lazily on the couches. With sweaty palms, you finally manage to stutter out a “hello,” to Namjoon, the leader of the group. A lot can happen in one night, especially when you’re the only one who makes them feel welcome.
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Words: 6.8k
Pairing: BTS x Reader (all members)
Genre: Smut, pwp
Warnings: Gangbang, Vanilla sex, Oral (m & f receiving), spit-roasting, Unprotected Sex, Bad use of condoms (if you have them, use ‘em!), Double Penetration, Sex toys, rope-play, hints at Jungkook getting together with reader, possessive pillow-talk
“Hey guys, I’m a huge fan.” You wave at all the members, feeling immediately small as they say a small “hello” back. It was your first time getting tickets to a huge awards show, much less coming to an afterparty where only the hottest celebrities gather together for one night. You weren’t a celebrity, but at least you were making an effort to talk to them without clout-chasing.
They could tell you were nervous, so Joon speaks to you in a soft voice.
“Hi, it’s always great to meet a fan. How long have you been listening to our music?” You look down, feeling too dizzy to look at him directly in the eyes. You could feel the eyes of jealous onlookers on you as you speak to your favorite artist.
“Seven years. I found out about you guys during the ORUL8,2? Era. I fell in love with your cute grunge band type theme there.” Namjoon, for the first time in a long time, actually blushes at your words. As he rubs his neck, Hoseok and Jin who were sitting next to him gaze at you in bewilderment.
“Yeah, not my greatest era.” His genuine laugh catches everyone off-guard, they thought they weren’t supposed to socialize with anyone.
“I love your songs though, and your lyrics are amazing. Jin, may I just say, Epiphany was so well sung. I even got a tattoo of the lyrics!” You pull your sleeve up to show Jin your tattoo. He exclaims, “Wow.” before setting your arm down. “By the way, when is D-2 gonna come out, Yoongi? The first one was so good. Oh sorry, was I rambling? Oh God, I’m rambling.” You sigh in embarrassment as the members find themselves thinking about how cute you look all self-aware of your surroundings. 
“It’s fine. Here, you can sit between Jimin and Yoongi. There’s room on the seat of the couch, since they decided to take the armrests.” You can’t believe you’re between your bias and biaswrecker. Well, you are an OT7 bias, but you were sitting at the hip level between the two men. Who you idolize. 13-year old you is dying.
“So, Yoongi...are you at least bringing back Tony Montana for a studio version?” Jimin says something to him in Korean before shoving him playfully and then Yoongi turns to you, saying,
“Sorry, no spoilers.”
“Okay, I’m not an interviewer or a reporter. You can tell me, honestly, are you fluent in English?” You direct the question to both the boys as they give you cheeky smiles before Jimin leans in and whispers seductively in your ear. “Yes. We all know English but we pretend like we don’t because we’re too lazy to answer stupid questions.” You blush at the close proximity but mostly because it sounded like Jimin was telling you to piss off.
“Wow. You guys are cool. I could never act so well,” You find yourself more at ease with them, locking eyes with Taehyung across on the other couch opposite of you, with Jungkook on his phone and too distracted to notice your silent eye-fucking. You wouldn’t know, you were too oblivious to pick up on his arousal. He wanted you, bad. “Well, I’m gonna head down to the snack table. Anyone want anything?” This time Jungkook looks up, tucking his phone into his pocket before running after you.
“Me too.” His broken English is so cute, as he follows you to the table to find a feast. He licks his lips, in seeing the giant chicken untouched and ready for consumption. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a couple of girls pretending like they’re scrolling through their phones and taking pictures of him. You wish there was a no phone rule or something like that at this afterparty.
You move to his other side, blocking his view from the girls as he obviously looks up at you after grabbing some drinks.
“You take four. I took two. Jin and V on diet.” 
“I know your secret. You don’t have to talk in broken English, Jungkook.” He smiles as you call him by his name correctly, you’re sure he’s grateful to you for not prying. Most Americans would get all up in his business.
“Thank you.” He whispers softly as you grab the cups and balance them on a plate.
“For you guys.” You pass out the drinks to the members and immediately Namjoon starts up another conversation with you.
“Is this your first after party?” 
“Yeah, but it’s fun. At least it’s memorable for me because I got to meet you guys. Sorry, I’m still a little star struck.” He lets out a chuckle as you take a sip of the champagne.
“You’re handling it pretty well. If I were in your shoes I would’ve freaked out. It’s so cool that you stuck with us for so long.” You shrug, a smirk tugging at your lips as Namjoon takes a sip of his drink as well.
“Not really. You guys are just regular people and I think fans forget that sometimes, it’s easy to forget when you guys dance so in sync and robotically without even thinking.” 
“It takes a lot of hard work.” He reassures you.
“So, did you bring your girlfriends?” You mock the interviewers’ questions as Namjoon guffaws. “I’m just kidding. I don’t care, I stan you for your music and your animated personalities, cheers guys.” You clink glasses with them as they take a sip, all eyes on you as you stand among them instead of looking at them like trophies in a glass case. Everyone in the room was watching you, as you interacted with the “Korean act” so naturally.
There was nothing to it, you didn’t care if they were staring anymore. If anything, you felt more welcome standing next to Bangtan.
“So is asking about personal relationships just an American thing?” You cringe thinking about the Ellen show and how she asked inappropriate questions such as “have you ever hooked up with ARMY?” and completely disrespected them. You didn’t want them to get the wrong impression of you from that bad encounter.
“It’s a strange concept but unfortunately yes, it is normalized here. I think you handled it pretty well though, Tae’s reaction was memed when in reality it was completely understandable!” Taehyung looks up from his phone at the mention of his name, staring directly at you once again.
“Why does he keep looking at me like that?”
“I think he wants to talk to you, dear.” Namjoon’s sudden change in demeanor intimidates you. You shake it off as Namjoon pushes you towards the couch where Taehyung is lounging on while Jungkook disappears off to the bathroom.
“H-Hi Tae.” You awkwardly stock over to the couch as the second youngest BTS member eyes you up and down.
“What’s your deal? Do you want a picture, an autograph? I can’t figure you out.” He sounds cold and calculating, despite your thoughts kindling telling you he was a warm and kindhearted person.
“I’ve been honest this entire night. I wanted to drop by and say hi to the group that I’ve been stanning for seven years. Is that suspicious?” He rubs his jaw, gulping the rest of his drink before setting it down on the table next to him. He looked like he was about to eat you alive, and you loved it.
“No. I can tell you’re being sincere. We’re chill. Joon, everything’s chill.” 
“Alright, now that that's done, our manager told us to be back in our hotel room in 10. We were supposed to skip the after party as we do in all awards shows but he insisted we make an appearance. That’s why we’re here.” Namjoon rounds the members up and everyone adjusts his pants accordingly as they stand up.
“Oh, you guys are leaving?” You sound hurt, but with Jimin’s warm fingertips suddenly on your cold shoulder, you shudder at the small shock from his touch.
“Sorry, how about we just take a quick picture together? I think you’re one of the coolest fans we’ve met.” You didn’t want this night to end. 
The Park Jimin just told you that you’re cool. You felt complete.
After snapping a couple pictures, Jungkook quickly appears by your side, stopping the other members.
“Wait, they’re playing “Cotton Eye-Joe” I wanna dance!” Namjoon rolls his eyes before dismissing him. To your surprise, he asks you to dance (very anxiously at that) and you follow him to the dance floor.
Even if it’s a private event, there are a lot of people in the crowd. You and Jungkook also hold hands so you don’t get separated. Suddenly, everyone forms lines. As the song starts, the crowd starts dancing in sync. You teach Jungkook the moves and just as his curious eyes meet yours, you hear the sound of a bell. They were gonna say toasts.
“That was…” You can’t place your finger on it, but Jungkook looked like he had just seen a ghost. He looked strange. You’ve never seen him give anyone that look. Could he be...Jungshook?
You raise an eyebrow as he suddenly runs back to Namjoon, whispering something in his ear and then going to the other members as well. You’re confused as Namjoon pulls you aside, tapping your shoulder instead of grabbing your hand to follow him. You go to a smaller area blocked off from the crowd.
“Sorry, there were too many cameras around there. I was wondering if you wanted to come with us for the private after-party celebration and have some drinks? We normally go live and then after we turn off the camera we get a little drunk and wild. Plus, Jungkook said he wasn’t ready to let you go just yet.” As he smirks you realize what he just meant. Jungkook was attracted to you?! Either that or he meant it in the most friendly, non-sexual way possible.
“Alright. Um, where are you guys staying by the way?” Namjoon gives you a sexy smirk before leaning and whispering right up against your ear:
“Room 327 on the third floor. That floor is off limits but we’ll let the guards know you’re allowed in there.” You look around before following him out and discreetly making your way to the girls’ bathroom.
“Did you see that bitch parading around the boys like she was their eighth member or something? Pathetic, honestly I gotta give her a C+ for trying. I couldn’t talk to their leader Jimin looking like a trashbag.”
“K, they were literally ogling her. Like you gotta admit, her dress was super cute and her makeup was pretty too.”
“What’s wrong with you G? Are you crushing on her or something? You’ve got to get your eyes checked. She wasn’t even pretty. If anything our boys were uncomfortable.” You open the stall door, washing your hands quickly and quietly ducking out after patting dry. The girls in the restroom make wide big eyes when they realize they just messed with the wrong bitch.
They’re pretending like they were the ones that got invited to the secret BTS party. Losers, they were just sour because Jungkook didn’t even give them the time of day.
You decide to head up to the room after 10 minutes of Namjoon signaling you to get ready and then as soon as you see them leave the party, you sneak up the stairwell. A bulky, tall and surprisingly handsome bodyguard stops you.
He pushes his glasses down to see you, and then lets you through to go join the boys.
You quietly knock on the door to be greeted by a smiling Hobi, and he shushes you before pushing you behind the couch in their suite. The room was so wide and big, different from the hotel room you were staying in for sure.
Within five minutes or so the boys wrap up and then Yoongi leans over and pulls you out of your hiding spot.
“Hey! It’s you, um what’s your name?” Jin scratches his head for an answer. All the members seem a lot more talkative in comparison to earlier. The mood is light and merry.
“Y/N! And bring on the drinks, I’m gonna get tipsy.” The boys chant for you as you chug half a bottle within five seconds, still sober as you burp. 
“Cute.” Jungkook laughs as you excuse yourself and take a sip of water to even out the playing field.
                                         ⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
“So now that we’re all drunk, how about we play a game of sexual ‘never have I ever’?” Namjoon’s proposal is favored as all of the members murmur words of agreement.
“Sounds good. Okay, I’ll go first. Never have I ever humped a pillow.” You, Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok put a finger down at Yoongi’s confession.
“Never have I ever sucked dick.” Hoseok says, immediately spurring you, Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon.
“Really Tae? I thought you did.” Jin says, slapping his thigh as he turns bright red.
“No. I never experimented either.”
“Okay...hmm this is hard. Never have I ever been in a threesome.” Everyone puts their fingers down except Jin, who cries in the corner. 
“Damn, that’s rough. Okay, never have I ever used lube.” Every man in the room groans as Jimin grins toothily. You found it charming how he managed to sound so cheeky but alluring at the same time.
“Never have I ever been in a romantic relationship that lasted for more than a month,”  Namjoon and Yoongi put their fingers down as the other members complain about being too busy. You also put your finger down, biting your lip. “It’s your turn.” He reminds you.
“Um..never have I ever been sexually intimate with a woman.” All of the guys groan as you target them, putting their fingers down at your words.
“Never have I ever been in a gangbang. I had friends who talked about doing the same girl plenty of times in school and shit before we debuted. It was fucking annoying, I just wish I could get it out of the way.” 
The room falls silent as you pipe up, clearing your throat before speaking, “Well, why don’t you? There’s one girl here and...ˢᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ...so I’m just gonna stop talking now.”
Jin breaks the silence with a stupid dad joke, making Hoseok and Jimin fall into a fit of giggles.
“So are we done? There’s no way any of you have been in a gangbang before,” Your voice stands out as all of the boys look at you, half-offended and half-aroused. “Am I the only one here who has actually been in the middle of three or more guys like that?” More accurately, you had a gangbang with two pairs of boys from neighboring schools, so no one ever found out about your promiscuous activities while you were 17.
“And you have? How could we believe you?” Yoongi spits out, sounding more defensive than anyone else in the room.
“I can suck three dicks at the same time. I’m not ashamed of my talents.” Yoongi gives you a harsh, judgemental stare. You’ve seen that look from your peers and teachers way back in high school and your workplace. They are doubting your abilities.
“Joon, why don’t you tell her why you really invited her here tonight?” Namjoon puts his glass on the table before standing up and pulling you towards him, your body lands on his, your head resting on his chest as he wraps his arms around you.
“We like sharing. Tonight, it seemed that Jungkookie took a liking to you. And we agreed, it would be good to get the maknae some pussy, especially since he hasn’t gotten laid in months. We decided you were the perfect candidate.” You gawk as he allows you to drop to your knees, your eyes wide as if you were asking for permission. Joon nods, sitting back down to give you access to his thighs as you crawl between his legs and inhale the wonderful scent of expensive cologne.
“Guys, are you really doing this in the middle of the couch? At least take it to the big bed where we can all see you, geez.” You’re surprised to see Yoongi unwinding on the couch, his dick large and bouncing against his thigh as he rubs the tip and goes back to the base as you’ve seen in porn.
“Jungkook-Ah, come here. You said you can suck three dicks at once, right Y/N?” You nod, wrapping your lips around the head of his cock and feeling Jungkook’s growing bulge through his boxers first before pulling them to the floor and then taking his dick into your mouth as well.
Both men moan as you simultaneously suck them off, your tongue sneaking down to the bases of each individual cock so you could lick them to orgasm. You know simple little tricks can make all the impact.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that. Shit.” It was strange, hearing curses fall from your favorite idols’ lips. Namjoon’s cock was much longer in comparison to Jungkook’s, but in whatever Jungkook lacked in length, he made up for in thickness. You were having trouble now, breathing heavily as you discard their clothes one by one.
The boys watch you intently as you suck them off, and you’re also equally aware of the men on the couches, who are watching your display of expert cocksucking.
Jimin, Tae, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jin have their hands in their pants or on their boxers as each man strokes himself to the site of you sucking their band members. You liked the taste, since they most likely ate fruits and drank sweet things to make their cum taste good. You can tell how healthy a person is just by the taste of their juices.
You lick your lips with a smack, your eye makeup is smeared and it makes you look like a raccoon before Namjoon grabs a tissue and wipes your eyes off for you.  
You smile before peeling off the dress completely to reveal your lingerie. The men watch as you play with your huge breasts in front of them, toying with your bra as if you have trouble taking it off.
“Oh my god, I’m gonna cum.” Jungkook groans as you start working and them again, now taking both cocks into your mouth at the same time and letting them see stars before pinching the tips with your long fake nails.
“Shit.” Namjoon and Jungkook came simultaneously, thanks to you. You smile as Jungkook grabs another tissue and helps wipe the cum off your cheeks and mouth before pressing the softest kiss to your lips. “I hope you’re okay with intimacy. We’re boys with hearts.” Namjoon puts a hand on his chest, signaling the “heart,” on his right side. That also adds onto his clumsy charm, the “God of Destruction” making an impromptu appearance as you make your mark.
“Yes, because your heart is totally on the right side of your chest. Come here, big boy.” You give Namjoon a lingering kiss after breaking from Jungkook and then you turn to the other boys on the couch.
“I wanna taste you.” Suddenly Jimin is kissing down your inner thighs, trailing saliva down your entire leg before kissing back up and staring up at you, just as Jungkook squeezes your boobs.
“I hope you don’t mind. We’re far from being done here.” You groan and close your eyes as pleasure takes you from all sides. Hoseok and Yoongi are circling your navel, joining Jimin in the attack on your clit, while Taehyung and Jin are working on your breasts as Jungkook and Namjoon hold your hair back, allowing the others to get a piece of you. When Yoongi and Hoseok step back, rubbing their naked dicks in their hands you realize everyone in the room is naked, including you. Jimin ripped off your panties and threw them on the floor next to the door while Namjoon took your bra off. 
This is the first time you’ve seen all of them naked. They look even better without clothes on, in all honesty.
“Ji—FUCK!” You moan, bucking your hips as Jimin swirls his tongue right between your folds, hitting the perfect spot as you whine like a horny bitch.
“You’re fine sweetheart, just take his tongue. You can take another dick, right?” Before you can process what’s happening, Taehyung is fucking your mouth, his bulge poking the back of your neck uncomfortably. You still enjoy the sensation of being filled, so you don’t mind too much.
“Is everything okay? Thumbs up if you’re good, thumbs down if you feel bad.” Namjoon brings you back to reality as you give him a thumbs up, your heart racing in your ribcage as Tae fucks your face and Jimin eats you out.
Jin, during this whole time, was nowhere to be found. You wondered what he was doing. Maybe he was preparing a surprise for you? Your thoughts fail to wander as Taehyung’s testes slap against your cheeks, hard enough for you to go numb. Your face hurts but the gesture itself was so kinky, you wanted to see it again.
“Tae, slow down, make her feel good first. Jimin, fuck her faster.” Namjoon takes the lead as you lie back, panting heavily as Tae gives you a moment to catch your breath, his cock resting on your chin as you catch your breath, the sensation of Jimin’s lips testing your bundle of nerves as you shudder with an all-too familiar feeling. 
You couldn’t believe a BTS member was about to make you cum tonight, for real, and not some drawn-out fantasy like the many lonely nights you spent with your vibrator and dildos at home. You’re so glad all of your friends passed up on this opportunity, according to them BTS were a bunch of “gay kpop dudes,” and “girls,” because they wear makeup like any other celebrity that would appear on camera. You would’ve gone back to your hotel room early to sleep in so you could wake up and go home after an unexciting night of wasted opportunity. You were so happy that this was happening.
At least you shoot your shot, and it actually worked this time.
When you open your eyes, you’re surprised to see that both men have switched positions, this time Taehyung ripping open a condom as your eyes widen, your mouth watering at the sight of his huge dick. You knew he had a big dick from the moment you stanned BTS. Now here it was, in the flesh, ready to enter your hungry, hungry hole. Your pussy tightens immediately at the thought, and you’re soon distracted by Jimin and Hoseok’s actions as they begin peppering your body with hickies. You don’t really mind, it’s not like anyone important is going to see you when you go home. Besides, this is Bangtan for pete’s sake, who the fuck would stop them from leaving marks? You wanted a reminder of this night, since this was just as special to you as it was to them.
Jimin moves his plush lips down to meet yours as Hoseok kisses your weak spot, right on the side of your neck. You giggle from the ticklish feeling of his tongue on your neck, practically melting into the bed as Taehyung rubs his cockhead against your weeping entrance, your pussy already slick wet with arousal as he nudges your legs further apart. His cock is huge, but it’s not ridiculously out of proportion. It fits his body, as a cock should look on a man, naturally. You’re so glad you aren’t a virgin. You remember freaking out after first seeing a dick in an erotic film.
Tae’s cock is far from weird or awkward, it’s actually as pretty and ethereal as the rest of him. You could say the same for the other guys, as their cocks fit their bodies too. It’s just a minute detail, but since you were obsessed with these seven men since forever, you pick up on it. Tae gives you that signature boxy smirk once again as you finish ogling him, making awkward eye contact with the 5’ 10” man as he teasingly slides his cock right up your most sensitive area.
“Cute, you’re so wet, I don’t think I could resist now.” You moan obnoxiously loud as your body convulses from the sheer force of his thighs meeting yours. You whimper out of pain, but as soon as your inner walls adjust to his size, you let out another sinful moan.
“Hobi...Jimin.” You see both men above you as you open your eyes slightly, their cocks hanging in front of your face. You love it, being treated like a whore when in reality you wouldn’t think of even holding hands with a boy. Maybe it’s the Bangtan effect. They’re all hot and they treat you so well, kissing you and checking up on you every few minutes. It’s not like an awkward fanfiction where the characters are mostly silent with prolonged descriptions of sex and wayyy too much background when it’s supposed to be a simple pwp smut. 
You personally love reading those things, especially the 10,000 word ones. Now that you’re actually living it, you can see why authors would want to elaborate. The feeling can’t be expressed with dialogue, it’s so much more than that.
You sigh into their cocks as you suck them interchangeably. Both men are entirely fixated on you, watching as you somehow manage to please them while getting brutally fucked by their roughest bandmate. It was impressive, they’ve never seen a girl as talented as you. Maybe that’s because you’re the first girl they’ve ever fucked altogether. 
This is a very special day for them indeed, as the city flashes purple outside in celebration of BTS attending the Grammys, the eight of you are trapped in your own little world, exploring each other.
Taehyung finishes fucking you after several minutes, your mouth filled with cum and your face stained white as well. Namjoon gives the two men a serious look before signalling the next pair of boys, Yoongi and Jin. Jin cleans you up first, while Yoongi gets you some water to help you recharge. You don’t know if you can truly get through seven men. Only Tae had penetrated you but you still felt incomplete. This wouldn’t be a true gangbang if you didn’t fuck every man at least once.
Yoongi seems to read your expressions, putting an arm around your shoulder and reassuring you first before moving on.
“You make the last call. We’re all okay with this but the moment you say no, it’s all over. I don’t wanna force you.” You find yourself leaning into a kiss, a gentle but firm kiss planting the first seed of desire on his lips. He can’t back away now.
“Can you bend me over and fuck me from behind? I’ve always had that fantasy in my mind from the time I discovered Yoongi smut fiction.” The other men seem impressed, watching you with drinks in hand as you seduce their second-oldest band member.
“Ahem, just so you remember, I’m here too. I grabbed toys earlier so I can prep you, don’t worry it’s clean.” You wanted to so desperately ask Jin where he got them but you snap yourself out of the little fantasy. You’re just a one night stand to them, you probably won’t see them ever again in person, whether it's in a sexual context or not.
“Mmmm, tie me up while you’re at it, would ya? Fuck, I’m into that kinky shit.” Jin gives you a wicked grin. For the first time, you notice his “jokester” persona has a dark side as well. If luck is on your side then sex will Jin will the perfect way to end this amazing night. A finale for the books, tabloids and magazines would eat it up! But you can’t tell anyone. You probably won’t tell anybody. It’s not like you’re a teenage girl from the hills. You can keep a secret.
“Me too, so are you sure you’re okay with this?” You nod as he finishes tying your arms to your sides, your feet still free in case you have to stretch. 
“This is so hot, oh look she’s wet again. Why don’t you fuck her first hyung? We can take turns fucking her with the toy and using our dicks.” Yoongi smirks, drooling a little bit at the thought of you completely helpless at their mercy.
“That’s a perfect idea. Princess, you know what to do if it gets to be too much.” You give him a thumbs up as he pushes the dildo up your second hole, the one in the back. You’ve never had anal sex with a guy before. You’ve also never been tied up. This was a new experience for you, and you were excited that the men of BTS were the ones taking your sexperience to another level.
“Ohhhh, that feels amazing Yoongi.” You close your eyes, resting your head on a pillow as Jimin quickly wipes your sweaty forehead with a moist towelette. You give him a small mutter of “thanks,” before feeling a foreign emptiness in your body. Someone took the dildo out! Just as you were about to freak out, Jin quickly replaces it with his fingers. You watch in awe as they play with your clit like you’re a toy. 
Then, you finally feel it, a cock wrapped in a condom, but the condom is so thin it feels like it’s barely there! After adjusting to him, you feel Yoongi slipping in behind you. You let out a scream, Jin pressing a harsh kiss to your lips and shushing you as you handle having two relatively large dicks inside you.
Your body shudders with shock and your muscles are tense as you move ever so slightly, adjusting to their slowing pace as they near their release, both men groaning ever so lewdly in your ears. You receive kisses and grunts of praise as they continue thrusting into you with no end.
“I’m so close, you’re so tight baby, so fucking tight.” Yoongi kisses your neck, biting down and leaving another hickey on an unmarked spot.
“Nggg, I’m coming, shit, fuck your pussy feels so good.” You’re so glad you shaved before you attended the awards show. Your lower body was silky smooth, and it made the experience just that much more pleasurable. Jin definitely appreciates it, as you buck your hips up and slam into his cock. Your inner walls are so stretched that you take all 9 inches of his erect gargantuan cock
“Oh, Jin! Yoongi…!” You moan as Yoongi starts rubbing your clit exactly above where Jin’s cock rests, your body jerking forward as you orgasm immediately. Your toes curl and you instinctively suck on something to mask the moans, much similar to how you used to suck your fingers to bite back a moan or two when you were a teenager still living with your parents. 
You were so glad there was no one here to interrupt, it was just you and the seven men you adored so much. “Fuck me harder,” You roll your hips back on Yoongi’s body, as he and Jin readjust so you were on your side again but this time Yoongi loosens the ropes holding your arms down. You kiss him gratefully, quickly finding yourself in the middle of a dick sandwich as both men enter you simultaneously, fucking you at a quick pace. 
Your body is numb and the only thing you feel is pleasure. It’s too good to be true, you just know it. “Cum in me. Fuck me hard and fill me up with your seed. I don’t care, just someone–anyone fuuuuckk.” You lewdly throw your head back in pleasure, Yoongi kissing your neck softly as he and Jin seemingly switched places, now with Yoongi in the front and Jin in the back.
“Look at her tits bounce. Oh you look so fucking sexy taking our cocks babe. Wish I could live inside you. I bet you’d love being my little cocksleeve, wouldn’t you?” You couldn’t deny his words, he spoke the truth. If a man such as Jin wanted to fuck you anywhere you would let him. That’s just how life is. You know you couldn’t pass up such an opportunity the moment you decided to strip down in front of them. You could take it, all seven of their cocks at once if they let you.
“Mmmph, I’m cumming Hyung. I wanna fuck her, fuck her forever.” Yoongi’s words only hang heavy in your heart, since you know this is just sex talk. In reality you’d have to leave tomorrow only to never see them again. It was the harsh reality of One Night Stands, one every person hates to go through. 
It wasn’t like you didn’t know this would happen, of course you would grow attached to the person you’re fucking. It’s a natural reaction, you just didn’t expect Yoongi to be the emotional one, that’s all.
“Cum with me Yoongz, let’s cum inside her together.” The two let out synchronized moans before releasing their precious juices inside of you. Even though they came, they don’t bother pulling out, remaining in their positions as Yoongi presses his lips against yours in a post-sex daze.
“We did it. We all fucked her.” Jin whispers as your uneven breaths slow down, your racing heart calming down as you come down from your euphoric state. You could see their juices dripping down your thighs and spilling onto the white sheets, your body warm as you squeeze your legs so that your pussy really clamps down on Yoongi’s cock, while Jin’s cock twitches in your ass once more.
“It’s over then…?” Yoongi gives you a mischievous smirk, one you recognize from all his MVs. He has a calming laugh as well, the mood somber and fitting instead of an awkward post-sex shuffle for clothes and food. You suppose this is because the members of BTS have been friends for over ten years now, and they just had a way of understanding each other and lightening the mood just by murmuring to each other about random things. 
Both men finally pull out of you, leaving you in your own little pool of sex as you lie atop the lonely king-sized bed, feeling more alone than you ever have. At least, you assume they left when an eerie silence settles into the room filled with a fragrance of musk and cologne and a putrid stench that you could only assume was your own sweat. 
It’s funny how all the boys still smelled good even after fucking you like how they did. You missed them, even though they were with you just a moment ago.
“I just realized something, I forgot to ask for your name.” You’re surprised to find Jungkook standing before you, holding a towel and a water bottle.
“Y/N.” You didn’t realize it either, but then again you were too distracted getting fucked by monster cocks. 
“That’s a pretty name. I was wondering if you wanted to sleep over here tonight? This is my room and I kinda wanted you to myself anyways so what do you say?” You liked the thought of Jungkook fawning over you, but it was even better now that he’s back so you can stare at him all night long.
“Good, for a second I thought you were doing to say no. That would’ve been embarrassing considering that I kicked everyone out so I could have you.”
“Nuh-uh, that bed can support five people. We played rock paper scissors just so we could figure out who the heck gets to sleep with you tonight. Y/N, if you’re up for it?” You see a fully dressed Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok at the door, the men filing in as Jimin, Tae, and Jin remain nowhere to be found.
“Of course. Just cuddle me for warmth, it’s super cold in here.” The men take care of you just as you’d asked, Namjoon and Yoongi cuddling you from one side while Jungkook and Hoseok cuddle you from the other. You feel like this is definitely more than just a one night stand.
When the morning comes, you’re still in the big bed, surrounded by sleeping BTS members. You couldn’t believe they were real and waking up here was proof that last night really happened and you weren’t drunk off your ass. You remembered it so vividly, Jimin’s lips, Yoongi’s tongue, Hoseok’s fingers. Everyone touched you one way or another and you got to eat a lot of dick.
It all came with the price of your stamina, though. You weren’t the most active person, so your muscles were a little bit sore from all the extraneous activity. It was worth it, you would definitely go through it again even if it meant you had to limp to work the next day. Speaking of work, you had to go to your office today. You were in town for the concert but you had some business to take care of too. You still had a few hours before you had to leave, though, and your things were still in your room which was on a different floor, thank God you picked the same hotel that BTS was staying in without knowing.
“You need a shower, don’t you?” You’re surprised to find Jungkook awake and ready to carry you to the bathroom. You shyly follow him, heart rate rising as he gives you an adorable bunny-toothed smile. His doe eyes are so wide and filled with sparkles, as usual.
“No sex, right? I don’t think my body can handle another round so soon, although I wouldn’t mind if you bent me over and-” Jungkook’s eyes widen as you start.
“Ah, no. I’m not gonna do anything. I’m respectful. Even if we had amazing sex last night that doesn’t mean you can’t say no. You always have a choice.” You never thought of it that way. You thought it was always a permanent deal, just something everyone agreed on.
“So why did you decide to sleep with me? It’s not like you guys planned this, right?” He nods, as you start washing yourself with the shower curtain half open in case Kook wants to join.
“We didn’t. Well, I didn’t. Everyone was bored and we thought we could find different girls to spend the night with each of us. Obviously, things didn’t go as planned since everyone was too intimidated to approach us so we all narrowed our focus down to you. Argh, I should stop speaking for the whole group. What I meant to say was, I actually liked you from the start. Not because you approached me, but just because you treated me like an old friend. It was refreshing, and really nice to see a confident woman for once.”
“You think I’m confident?” You shut off the water as you begin scrubbing your body with soap.
“Of course, you danced in front of a crowd with me, that kind of thing takes guts. It’s like if I asked my childhood idol to dance with me. You did what others couldn’t. You’re amazing Y/N.” You turn the water back on, moaning as the warm water hits your skin just right. That wasn’t all; you were becoming hornier by the second.
Jungkook must’ve sensed it, since he pounces into the shower, fully naked and displaying everything. You can’t help but drop to your knees, innocently sucking his cock head and kissing his underside down to his balls where the last piece of hair remains. Jungkook’s pale face is flushed a lovely rosy pink as you lick the miniscule hairs, his whines setting you on edge as the water drowns out your noise once and for all.
“Cum on my face, Kook. I wanna taste your juices.” Jungkook lets out a girlish whine as you drive him over the edge with your dirty talk. He thrusts his hips forward, making you gag on his cock and tears well up in your eyes as his cum bubbles in the back of your throat. Seeing you actually covered in his cum is a different story, it activates a side of him he didn’t know he had until now.
“On your feet. I’m gonna bend you over and fuck you loud enough for my bandmates to hear.” Your moans are all that could be heard throughout the vicinity as Jungkook gives it to you good. His cock is swollen red, blood rushing to his face, heart, and lungs as he absolutely ruins you like you wished.
“I don’t think I can walk.” You croak, voice destroyed since he fucked your throat well before.
“You don’t have to. From now on, let me take care of you.” You didn’t have a problem with that, but little did you know that his bandmates had a very different vision for you in the near future.
                         Dark Ending, hope you enjoyed the story! ♡
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gucciwins · 4 years
Ocean Save
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Harry is not a good surfer but that doesn’t keep him out of the water. It’s his persistence that leads him to meeting Y/N, the paramedic who saved him as well as showed him how to properly surf.
Word count: 10,174 (it’s the first time i hit 10k so this story feels even more special to me.) Warnings: mention of cancer and death of a family member, smut, female pleasure 
A/N: I wrote this because I got the inspiration for the last time I was down at a private beach and saw many wipeouts. Inspiration strikes anywhere.
This is basically a closing to the summer for me. Uni is starting back up, and I’m excited to be back. My writing has never been constant but I do have other stories in the works if any of you were wondering. As always thank you for taking the time to read my story. I love you. 
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Walking down towards the ocean, Harry felt the heat of the sand on his feet. He picks up his pace wanting to find a place to set his items down then jump right in. It's only going to get hotter as the day goes on, and he prefers to be in the water when that happens.
Harry came alone, not that he minds, he finds it relaxing. It also gives him time to meditate. He sets down his towel and surfboard when he spots a bright blue canopy a few feet away. If he's honest, it looks like it was hard work to put up. A girl is lying inside; she's got a book in her hand. Harry doesn't have the best vision meaning he can't recognize the book. The girl has her hair up in a messy bun with an oversized sweater to beat the cold breeze. She's got two bags lying next to her, a bright yellow one with a lilac hydro flask peeking out. Next is a smaller bag but it's thicker as if filled with more items, it has a thick white strap, and he's intrigued wondering what she could have inside, but not enough to bother her for all he knows it could be filled with more books.
Harry turns away from staring at her, grabs the borrowed board from Mitch, and heads out to the cold water. Harry doesn't let it faze him knowing his body will adjust to it soon enough. His short yellow shorts are his only choice of clothing, not providing much warmth.
He paddles out enough where he knows the rocks won't get him. He does not need a trip to the ER room. 
Harry is successful in catching two small waves. He stands up a bit shaky but overall balanced. He doesn't remember everything Mitch taught him, but the basics should be enough. Harry isn't sure how long he's been out, but what he does know is that he's wiped out more than he would have liked.
Harry sees a wave approaching, and he debates a second too long because the next thing he sees, the wave is falling over him. He holds his breath and holds on tight to his board. As soon as he pushes up the surface, he lets out a gasp lying on the board, letting his lungs fill with air. Harry knows this means he has to call it a day. He doesn't even want to begin to think about how much saltwater he drank today.
He runs a hand through his curls to shake out as much sand as he can he turns his head to the left to look at the girl. She's still reading a small frown on her face. Harry lets out a short laugh, glad she didn't see him wipe out as hard as he did.
Other surfers out there, but he gets too nervous about approaching strangers and gets even more tongue-tied approaching a beautiful girl.
He dries himself off quickly, picks up the board, and heads to the parking lot reading to go home to a warm shower and a nice lunch. 
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Mitch and Sarah invited Harry out to the beach, and he was quick to accept because it's been a few days since they all had a day off from work. Mitch had given Harry new tips on how to improve after Harry told him what had happened. He also might have mentioned Sarah, the pretty girl he saw that he was too shy to approach.
Harry sets up around the same spot as last time and frowns when he doesn't see the canopy like the previous time, but it's not like he would be lucky enough to run into her again. Harry sits on his spread-out towel to put sunblock on his body. Mitch and Sarah are quietly talking as they set up their umbrella. Harry begins to scan the beach, surprised to see it empty for a warm day. There's a girl under a rainbow umbrella sunglasses pushing her hair back and what looks like a kindle in her hand. It's her, the girl from last time, well it seems to be. It might not be after all. Harry's not even sure why he's looking for her, not like he conversed with her.
Mitch ushers Harry into the ocean, reminding him to pop up fast and go out further out, seeing as the waves seem a bit bigger. Harry doesn't mind that he's going it alone, knowing that Mitch keeps an eye on him.
Harry fails to notice how strong the waves are. He sees on coming and begins paddling hard; once he's standing, he notices how fast the tide is, and in the next second, he's popping his head out of the water. Harry just nosedived, and he knows it was because of how fast the wave was coming.
Harry catches two waves. Then it settles for a moment. He uses this to catch his breath and look back at Mitch, who he sends a thumbs up to. Just as he turns around, a wave catches him by surprise. He laughs it off and gets into position.
Harry was not expecting to see two big waves coming at him; they are coming in strong with no way to avoid them. Harry turtle rolls but is still pushed around towards the bottom. Harry kicks hard to go to the surface, and when he does, he notices the board is split in two. Harry doesn't realize how close the waves brought him to the rocks. Another wave hits him, and he goes under, coming up to hold onto the rocks. One final wave seems to approach, and it's worse than the previous ones. Harry feels the stinging on his back, and as he pushes up. He coughs up saltwater, letting the gentle waves push him to land. Mitch and Sarah are standing on the shore, helping him stand, they are quick to sit him on their towel and begin to access his injuries.
Harry doesn't need to look at his back to know it's scraped back, just the air is making it sting. His right elbow is bleeding. The yellow shorts now have a long tear and lots of red.
He's not bleeding out, but it's also not good.
Harry hears voices speaking, but his ears are ringing that he can't understand what they are saying.
He's hissing the next second feeling water being poured on his cuts.
"Sorry," he hears an angelic voice tell him.
"Neck hurts?" She asks
"No, it's fine." He croaks out.
"I'm a paramedic. Just in case you don't think I know what I'm doing." The soft voice offers.
He shakes his head. "That's not it."
Harry meets her eyes as she washes out the cut on his thigh that doesn't look as bad anymore. It's her the girl from the last time he was here. She's beautiful up close, and Harry knows he never wants to look away.
"Just surprised I was able to get your attention away from your book." Harry laughs but is cut short when she puts water on his elbow.
"It was the yellow shorts." Harry laughs loud at her comment on his clothing choice.
"Knew they'd come in handy one day."
"If you really want to improve your surfing you'll have to start wearing a wetsuit. A pain to get on sometimes. Also easier to have a friend out with you." She shrugs.
"Mitch was watching out for me." He defends.
"Easier to watch from in the water." She teases, and he relaxes again.
Mitch and Sarah are standing on the side, smiling at him, and he smiles back. Harry knows how worried they must have been, he knows he was. The adrenaline was pumping but not anymore, allowing him to feel a bit more of the pain.
The water stings on his cuts, but she puts some cream on that will do something for his healing that he wasn't really paying attention to, too lost in looking at her hands and how gentle she was. She puts a gauze on the wounds then covers it with Kinesio tape. He feels funny, but he knows she's done when she pulls her hands away.
"You can head to the ER if you really need it, but you're not showing signs of shock or concussion, you should heal nicely over the next few weeks. Take some ibuprofen for the pain; otherwise, you're all set."
"Thank you so much." Sarah addresses her. "We wouldn't have known what to do without you."
"It's no problem, I was happy to be of help."
"Any way we can thank you," Mitch pauses, wanting her name.
"Y/N" She smiles, looking at all three of them. "You can thank me by keeping him out of the water for the next three weeks."
"That we can do," Mitch assures her.
Y/N turns the thick bag on her shoulder.
"Y/N" Harry calls out, Mitch helping him stand up.
She turns around, and Harry feels like she's glowing under the sun. He loses his confidence when she smiles at him.
"Thank you."
"Of course, Harry. Take care of yourself."
Harry lets her walk away and frowns. He's injured, and he may never surf again after this horrible day, but it could have been worse.
Maybe it is time to find a new hobby.
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"Hi, Harry!" A cheery voice greets him.
Harry has just arrived at the shops searching for new swim shorts, not expecting to run into anyone. He purposely came during the middle of the week to avoid any and all run-ins. Harry doesn't hide his shock when he sees it's Y/N.
Y/N, the paramedic that helped him after his accident.
"You all healed up, it's been what three weeks?" Y/N smiles at him, standing near him and looking him up and down as if she could see through his clothing.
Harry nods. "Yes, three weeks. My friends took good care of me."
"Heading out soon?" She gestures to the ocean.
"Yes, next week, I'm heading out, and injuries are healed. Few new scars." Harry doesn't know why he said that he wasn't even planning on going surfing again.
"That's great." Y/N is all smiles. "How's the board?"
"Did not survive." He sighs. "It was Mitch's; he said it was no big deal."
"Do you not have your own board?"
"Mitch gifted me one, said some stuff about thickness, length, and width that I didn't understand. He wanted me to be safe when I go back in, so he says it's perfect. It really is nice, not that I know much about boards." Harry feels like he's oversharing.
"Did he teach you how to wax it?" Y/N asks eyebrows furrowed in deep thought, waiting for his reply.
"You wax a surfboard?" Harry is surprised at what he is learning.
She chuckles. "Yeah, so it's not slippery. Helps you stick to your board."
"Makes lots of sense." Harry thinks that may be why he always slips so much.
"I also think you're surfing in the wrong area."
"What do you mean?" He asks. He likes this beach, and the area is not very overcrowded with people.
"Well, advanced surfers know how to deal with rocks and double-ups, which you obviously don't." Y/N is being honest, and he really likes that.
"What gave it away?" He answers sarcastically.
"If you'd like I can show you where I learned, it's usually empty. My brother took me there for the longest time. It's where I like to go when I'm surfing."
Harry is shocked at her offer, of course, he wants to accept. "That'd be great."
"Would you mind exchanging numbers, we'd have to check wave conditions to see what day works best."
"Sure." He nods, handing Y/N his phone.
"Great, it's a date" Y/N shoots him a bright smile.
She begins walking away, she looks over her shoulder to look at him. "You coming, Harry?"
"We gotta get you a wetsuit, silly." She shrugs like it's nothing. "I'm sad the yellow shorts didn't make it."
Harry hurries and matches her pace. "I am as well."
Y/N opens the door to a shop and holds it open for him to walk in first. Harry smiles and gives his thanks to her.
"How do I know you're a good surfer?" Harry questions. "I know you're an avid reader and a crazy good paramedic but never seen you in the water."
"Awe, you're right. Guess you might have to just trust me."
"I can do that." Harry has not stopped smiling being in her company.
Y/N grins, "I was hoping for that."
"Y/N, babe, you didn't tell me you were coming." A short redhead says, moving away from the register, wrapping her in a big hug.
"I need a new rash guard. Can't seem to find my old one and can't always rely on the wetsuit." Y/N begins to tell the redhead.
"Oh we've got new in stock, I'll bring some out in your size."
The redhead is about to leave when Y/N stops her. "I also need to look at men wetsuits for Harry here."
Her eyes look him over, and he feels a bit nervous and hides a bit behind Y/N.
"Harry, this is my best friend, Georgia, but she goes by Georgie. Georgie, this is Harry, he's a new friend." Harry misses the wink Y/N sends her friend, who gets the message right away.
"Nice to meet you, a friend of Y/N's is a friend of mine."
"Pleasure to meet you." He answers, bringing his hand out to shake when Georgie's eyes go wide, accepting it. She's quick to let go.
"Babe, he has an accent."
"That he does, obviously not from these waters." Y/N laughs.
"Harry, just know you're in good hands," Georgie tells him.
Harry nods, still timid and a bit intimidated by her high energy.
"Okay, how tall are you?" She smirks, looking him up and down.
"6'0" He replies confidently.
"Are you?" Georgie looks at him. "Think you might be off an inch."
"I trust him, try an ST and an M."
Georgie nods and leaves them be.
"Didn't know you checked me out that well," Harry smirks, knowing he has the upper hand.
Y/N blushes and Harry can't wait to see more of it in their future. "Sorry, I speak before I think. I hope I didn't embarrass you."
"It's quite alright. Nice to know you like my meaty thighs."
Y'N elbows him in his stomach gently. "Quit being rude."
Harry and Y/N begin to look around together when Georgie comes back and leads them to the fitting rooms. "I'll leave you to it."
Harry watches Y/N step in before shutting his own door. He stares at the suit and tries the small one first. It fits him a bit short, and he knows Y/N said it's better longer. The medium is snug, where he knows it should be and a good length on his legs and arms. He likes that it has a string to help him zip it up. Harry won't admit how much he struggled.
Harry walks out to Y/N and sees her waiting sitting on a chair. She's fiddling with two clothing pieces in her lap. He calls her name softly, and she turns.
Her eyes widen; she holds her gaze on his thighs for a bit before moving to his chest, arms before settling on his face.
"Feels fine?" Y/N stands, stepping closer, walking in a circle around him. "Looks good to me."
"Yes, feels great. Easier to move than I thought." He spreads his hands out and walks to the mirror in front of him.
"We could get you a rash guard if you like instead of a wetsuit. That way you could still wear your shorts. I don't want to make you uncomfortable surfing." Y/N has a nervous smile on her face awaiting an answer.
"This is great, honestly. I'll ask for your help, later on, rash guards." Harry promises.
"I'll hold you to that." They stay staring at one another for a few seconds until Georgie calls for Y/N.
"Meet you at the register to pay. You can leave the suit outside Georgie will get you a new one."
Harry is quick to change and meet Y/N to see her holding two shopping bags in hand and one receipt.
Harry's mouth drops. "Tell me you didn't pay for me." His voice was sharp.
It doesn't seem to faze her. "Yes, family discount. It's really great." A small smirk on her face, he knows she's waiting to be challenged. If you have a problem, you could pay me back."
Harry grins, knowing he won this easily. Georgie laughed, watching the two of them. "Let's take it outside, there's actual customers now."
"Bye babe, see you for lunch on Thursday." Y/N calls out to Georgie, who blows a kiss in return.
"Alright, how much do I owe you?" Harry says, wallet in hand.
"Lunch, I'm starved." A smirk on her face.
"Yes, it's been a long day." Y/N says, continuing to walk.
"Wetsuits are expensive. Please don't do this."
She stops walking and turns around to look him in the eyes. "When's the last time someone bought you a gift."
"My birthday, a few months ago."
"I give my friends random gifts throughout the year. It's who I am, this is mine to you. I'm taking you surfing, and I want you to have the right gear. I know you have money, but I want to do this." Y/N is being sincere, and he can see that.
"Thank you," Harry answers, giving her a big smile to let her know he's letting it go.
"I'll pick the place we eat at." Harry begins walking again.
"Not arguing that."
"Great, I was thinking-" He's cut off by a phone ringing, and he knows it's not his.
She shoots him an apologetic smile. She answers small yes's, and I'll be there soon.
"Rain check on the lunch, someone didn't show to shift, and I'm on call."
Harry masks his disappointment. "I understand, go."
"I'll text you tonight, plan our date out a bit more. I promise."
Y/N leans in kisses his cheek before rushing down the way they were going.
Harry's got a date.
A date with Y/N and he couldn't be more excited.
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It's five am, and they had just arrived at the beach. Y/N had let him know it would be early, but he thought eight o'clock, not sunrise early. He doesn't complain because he's actually really excited to be here with her. She picked him up, helped him get his board in her trunk, then gave him a smoothie. Said coffee would dehydrate him before he could even get in the water.
The beach she brought him to was gorgeous; it's a small parking for less than fifteen cars meaning not many people must visit. There is lots of room to spread across at and no rocks in sight. That helps him relax a lot more. The ocean looks clearer here, he hopes Y/N will continue to bring him hereafter learning to surf better.
"Do you want me to grab your board?" Y/N's voice breaks him out of his thoughts. Harry makes his way to the back and grabs his.
"You want me to take yours, or I can take your first aid kit instead." Harry offered. Y/N was holding her backpack by the bag handle, and the kit was slung on her shoulder, but the white strap was slipping.
"That'd be great, you pull the board out, and I'll close the trunk."
Harry was quick to pull it out; he stands it, making sure it doesn't fall. She slams the trunk and gives it a gentle tap.
"Lead the way." Harry gestures to her.
Harry follows a bit behind as to not accidentally bump her with a surfboard. He lays them down when he sees her pick a spot with a bit of shade from palm trees. There are also a few trees in the area adding to the shade, it feels like he's entered a new world.
"I feel like we're in someplace we aren't supposed to be."
Y/N laughs and nods. "Means this place has not lost its magic."
"If you say you come here a lot, why have I seen you recently at," he pauses. "let's call it my beach."
"It's a bit of a drive, I come here when I really want to surf and meet up with my brother. He doesn't live in the state anymore, so when he calls that he's coming to visit me, this is the place he means."
Y/N begins to rub sunscreen on her legs. She's wearing black board shorts that show off her firm thighs. Her top is a white long sleeve rash guard. It's beautiful and glossy, Harry realizes that it must be the one she bought the other day when they were out together. As Harry is finishing checking her out, he sees her putting on sunscreen on her face and a smirk on her face as she holds the bottle out to him.
Harry awkwardly laughs. "Thanks." He is quick to put it on the exposed parts of his skin. Mostly his face, Harry, can either tan or go really red, and a sunburn is not something he wants.
Y/N spreads out their boards a few feet away from their stuff and from each other. She moves to stand in front of him, looking him up and down. He knows the suit fits well, and glad that she's taking a moment to take it in. He's going to look like a fool taking it off, so best to work it while he got it.
She spends him a small smile and looks at the waves for a few seconds. They aren't as big as he expected. He's eager to get in, but he knows it won't be that easy with her.
"The good thing is you know how to jump on a wipeout." She has a stern look on her face, and Harry knows she means business now.
Harry nods. "Mitch taught me a few things. He said jump far from the board, feet first and protect your head, but I don't really let myself get taught things if I'm honest."
"Well, I'm honored." She brings a hand up to her chest for emphasis.
"Remember to beware of the impact zone. When the lip of a wave hits flat water. It's the most powerful and can drag you fiercely to the bottom."
"Wow, lots I did not know. No wonder I get beat up a lot." Harry runs a hand through his tangled curls.  
"Also, a big reason you got in your accident." Harry knows she's right.
"If caught in a rip current-"
Oh, I know this," Harry interrupts. "You swim sideways and not away to shore. Also, it's important not to panic. Parallel to shore." Harry fake paddles to show her he knows what he's talking about.
"Exactly right." This earns him a smile. "I know you know the push-through technique and turtle role." She says off-hand.
Harry smirks. "How do you know that?"
She blushes but doesn't shy away. "I tell you the yellow shorts attracted attention."
It causes both of them to laugh and Harry to go red, but he thanks those lucky shorts every day.
"Show me your pop up."
Y.N takes a step back, crosses her arms, and waits for him to demonstrate.
"Well, I know you know how to catch a wave and paddle out, but the reason you can never ride a wave is by how you pop up."
This new information takes Harry by surprise.
"You noticed that two times you saw me."
Y/N nods. "I took surfing courses at sixteen and mainly taught kids. Once I turned eighteen, I began to deliver lessons to adults. I did this for six years before being hired as a full-time paramedic. I volunteer my time now when I can. It's easy to spot mistakes now." She feels like she over shares, but Harry looks genuinely interested in all she has to say.  
"That's amazing, you must really love the water and surfing." Harry is smiling, she's very open, and he honestly didn't expect it of her.
"I love it, my mom loved bringing me out here as well. We would spend all morning here, then we'd head to a late lunch. She'd go to her shift at the hospital, then I'd stay home with my head stuck in a book."
"Smart and athletic," Harry says. "My kind of girl."
"You're stalling." Y/N responds blushing.
"I like hearing you talk, your face glows when talking about surfing or your family."
"I was in the water at six months old and surfing at five. I've got salt water running through my veins." She jokes.
"You're kidding," Harry says.
"Nope, my mom grew up in this city, loved the ocean, and well, she wanted me to as well. Lucky for her, it stuck."
"Y/N, if you surfed all those years, you sound good enough to have gone professional." Harry feels the mood shift as soon as he lets those words out, and he wishes he could take them back. Before he can begin to apologize, Y/N surprises him.
"I-I would have." Y/N sits on her board, facing the ocean. Her hands in the sand, letting it fall through her fingers. "I had just graduated high school, so I had all these doors open, and I was undecided. I had universities waiting for my reply and sponsors waiting for an answer. The day when I thought I had made a choice, my mom fainted at work. It had never happened before. She said she had a cold, but that was it." Y/N took a deep breath. "Turns out she had stage four lung cancer, and it was quickly spreading. It was too late for chemo, all they could do was keep her comfortable."
"Y/N" Harry whispers, reaching for her hand. She squeezes it back in acknowledgment.
"My brother was in New York school covered, but he could not make frequent back and forth. I stayed by her side for those last five months. It was always just her and me. We were best friends, and to lose her was the hardest thing I ever had to go through." With her free hand, she wipes her tears.
"I'm sorry for your loss, she sounded amazing." Harry can't even imagine what she went through, but he can show her he cares and will be there.
"Thank you. Mom was my hero. Still is. She had enough money saved up for me to go to university debt-free, but in a letter in her will, it said I could do whatever I pleased. I wanted to feel close to her, so I got started as an EMT then worked my hours into becoming a paramedic. Had a good guiding team, and I couldn't be happier doing what I do every day." Y/N looks over at Harry and is surprised to see the tears in his eyes. It makes hers start up again.
"That's amazing to hear. You're strong and resilient."
Y/N blushes. "It's the support system around you that helps you stay afloat. My mom's work friends had basically become my aunts and uncles. I had bad days and good days. It was nice to be reminded I wasn't alone."
"Family's important."
"Gosh, I'm sorry. Talk about sucky first date topics. Also can't seem to stop talking about myself." Y/N looks apologetic and embarrassed.
"Don't apologize. I feel honored you shared this with me." Harry brings their intertwined hand to his lips and leaves a gentle kiss. He hears the hitch in her breath and smiles at her reaction to his touch. "Well, how about after we get some waves in, and after I take you out for lunch and tell you my life story."
"Harry, I would really love that." Y/N leans over and kisses his cheek. "Now show me your pop up.
"Alright, alright." Y/N goes back to her original position to watch him
Harry takes a deep breath and lays on his stomach. He arches his back lightly, chin pointing forward. Tucks his arms in by his ribs. He arches up, brings his right knee forward, keeping it straight down, pushing up to his fingertips, bringing more power to his arms. He takes his left foot and places it in front, foot flat. He then moves his right foot up, planting his foot. He stands up, weight mostly in his left foot. Harry's shoulders pull back, pointing to the nose of the board and knees bent he knows he's done it.
"Do it fast now." She has no expression on her face, but Harry likes that she doesn't correct him. She's giving him the chance to show what he knows and how she can improve it.
Harry doesn't argue simply doing as she says. He lies on his stomach, takes a deep breath, jumps up, and loses his balance a bit before relaxing his form, knowing he messed up.
"Do you know where you go wrong?" Y/N asks.
"Honestly, no."
"Where's all your weight?"
"In my feet." Harry answers.
"Right, well, which one has more."
"My front foot."
"No, that causes you to lose balance. Your right foot has to hold sixty to seventy of your weight; that's why you tip forward. Also, could separate your feet a bit more, too close together." Y/N is standing the same position he was, but he can see what she means. There is more weight on her right leg.
"Want to try it again."
"Yeah, okay."
Harry gets into position. He's quick to jump up, placing his left foot in front and propping his right up and putting the extra weight on it, head forward he feels different, more in control."
"Brilliant, Harry."
"Thank you. Felt good."
Y/N laughs. "Let's hope you remember that in the water. Do it a few more times to get used to it."
"You got it, boss."
"Oh, I forgot something before we head in." Y/N rushes to her back and pulls out this yellow item with a black strap.
"That for me?" Harry points at it, looking confused.
"Yes, it's a leash for your board. It keeps you close to it after a wipeout. I'm wearing one if it makes you feel any better."
Harry laughs, dimples on display now. "It actually does. Why, yellow?" He questions as he sees her attaching it to the board.
"We are forever honoring those yellow shorts that brought us together."
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Harry has enjoyed watching Y/N surf wave after wave. It's clear as day that she feels at ease out here. He's glad she has allowed him to see that. There's a big wave coming, and Harry isn't going to bother with it, he's too nervous about getting thrashed around under the wave. Y/N rides the wave with ease. Harry lets out a cheer when he sees her successfully complete an aerial. She launched off the lid, flew above the wave, and landed on the waves' face. It's crazy to think how easy she made that look.
She paddles back over to him and shoots him a smile.
"That was incredible," Harry tells her, and she looks down, not used to his compliments.
"Thank you." She laughed. "When are you finally getting on a ride? I want to see my student and the skills I taught him."
Harry shrugs.
"Hey," she leans over and touches his arm gently. He looks at her with a small smile on his face. "It's just you and me here. I'm not going to make fun of you, I'll be the first to cheer for you and the first to dive in after you if you take too long to come up for air."
Harry nods. "Thank you."
Harry sees a wave coming and decides to go for it when he does get up, he loses balance. He laughed off the first one, and the second and the third, but the fourth one was getting to be too much. The more he wipes out, the more he loses confidence.
He doesn't let Y/N get a word in, and yes, he feels terrible about it, but he really does want to impress her, proving that he has improved.
He sits back on the board, takes a deep breath, and waits.
A wave is coming, and he feels good about it. He paddles hard, feeling the water before pushing up. Harry's feet firm, his head faced forward, and shoulders back. He bends his knees, shifts his weight, and the next thing he knows, he's riding it through.
He hears cheers once he pops up after jumping off.
"Harry!" He hears Y/N scream as he shakes water from his head. "That was amazing."
He paddles out to her. A big grin on his face. "Let's catch some more."
She nods, turning her head to look at the water for incoming waves.
Harry stops to catch his breath and just stares at Y/N. Strands of hair sticking to her side of the face drops of water dripping down her neck. She is beautiful. She rivals Amphitrite.
"I've got an amazing coach," Harry tells her after he jumps off his successful wave. He did a bottom turn. That had her hollering as soon as he paddled back to her.
Y/N splashes him. "Shut up, I'm catching the one coming."
She paddles hard before giving two hard strokes then gets up as if the air itself helped her. Her technique is impressive. Harry swears she's up in a matter of seconds. She's caught a clean, smooth ride. Harry knows he could watch her all day.
"You got noodle arms yet?" Y/N asks, sitting on the board as she pulls up next to him.
"A bit," Harry answers her honestly.
"Ready to call it, or you got a bit more in you?"
Harry knows she's leaving it up to him, and he honestly doesn't want the date to end.
"Want to stay a bit longer."
"I'm fine with that." She rubs water from her eyes as Harry looks her over to make sure she isn't injured just as a precaution.
"Betty!" A man yells that's paddling in.
Harry frowns, seeing no one else and can't help but wonder who they're calling.
Y/N frowns before seeing the approaching man. "Well, if it isn't Jake. Can't say I've missed seeing you."
"Awe, Betty, dear, you're just as sweet as I remember." Harry frowns, not liking the interaction.
"Harry, this is an old acquaintance from my high school days. Jake, who actually goes by Ryan, this is Harry, my boyfriend." Harry doesn't react to her words, simply giving Ryan or Jake or whatever his name is a head nod.
"Nice to meet you," Harry says, not at all, meaning that.
"Snagged yourself a royal. Seems fitting."
Y/N's tense, and he doesn't like that. "Hope you enjoy the surf, we were about to head out."
"Don't leave on my account," Jake replies. "Ocean big enough for all of us."
"We've been here since sunrise time to eat." Y/N begins to paddle back, and Harry follows. "Take care of yourself."
Harry and Y/N don't say a word until they are right by their bags. Y/N drops the board in the sand, and he follows.
"I've got a rinse kit in the trunk, no worries about getting sand in the truck's trunk." Y/N takes a long drink of water, releasing a deep sigh after.
"Take it you've got bad blood there." Harry starts.
"Could say that. He's still hurt. I never gave him a chance in high school. He thought he was the king of surf, and I should be his queen, but he was too much of an asshole to ever get a girlfriend."
"Every story needs its villain." Harry shrugs.
"Yeah, he was definitely that. Causing trouble where he went. When I got my first boyfriend, who surprisingly to everyone was the captain of the debate team, it did not sit well for him. He tried to fight him, but Antonio did boxing as a hobby. Threw a mean punch."
Harry laughs at her story. "Where is Antonio now? First love and all he must have been special."
"He was, We broke up after prom. I didn't know my plans, and he had already planned five years ahead. He headed off to Harvard, and I stayed home. Last I heard he was opening up a Law firm with his girlfriend." She tucks her water back in the bag. Closing it and slipping it on her back.
Harry thinks it's nice getting to know her, how open she is to Harry.
"You've got lots to share, Harry. A date is us both getting to know each other."
"Sorry, love. I just find you fascinating."
Y/N nods, flustered, but doesn't back down. "Flattery will get you nowhere at this moment."
"Tell me one last thing."
She pops her hip waiting for him to ask.
"Why, Betty?"
"It's an 80's surf term to compliment a good female surfer, Men like Jake used it to try to pick up girls because it can also be used as an attractive or beautiful girl." Y/N takes the scrunchie holding her hair and gently pulls it out, letting her hair fall over her shoulders. "My friends said I coined the term, everyone seemed to call me Betty. It was sweet, nice to hear, but not from the mouth of people like him." She nods her direction to Ryan in the water.
"I'm guessing Jake has a meaning," Harry says, fishing for more.
"Yeah, it means a beginner surfer that causes and brings trouble to other surfers."
Harry grins, looking out at the water and watches Jake wipe out. "Very fitting."
"We all thought so." Y/N grabs her bags and board, walking away from him. "Race you to the truck." As she takes off running, Harry tries his best to pick his stuff up and laughs at how far she's gotten as he nears the parking lot. "Come on, got to earn that second date, H."
Harry knows he's done for.
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Harry is driving, pointing to different restaurants while Y/N says no to most of them. She let him drive her precious truck because it was her fault for Harry embarrassing himself, taking off his wetsuit, and almost flashing his most private parts to her, not having informed him that he could wear something underneath. Y/N had thought it was apparent, thankfully Harry brought a change of clothes. He was embarrassed, but he got over it quickly, knowing it made her laugh so much.
"Let's go there." Y/N points to a small cafe named Lytle Creek.
Harry pulls in and jumps out to open the door for her. She smiles at Harry before heading inside. They are seated at a booth where they sit across from each other. It's a small place with booths and fewer tables. There are beautiful black and white photos on the wall of families and the ocean. It makes the cafe feel warm and cozy. Harry knows he'll want to come back.
"Hello, I'm Charlene, and I'll be your waitress, can I start you off with something to drink?" A girl around the age of sixteen takes their order; her ocean blue eyes shine just as bright as her smile, Y/N thinks.
Harry looks over at Y/N, and she nods for him to go first. "Hello," he greets. "I'll have an iced americano."
"I'll have cranberry juice, please."
"Do you need another moment with the menu?" Charlene asks, seeing the other couple in the cafe stand up to leave, shooting them a quick goodbye.
"A few more minutes would be great." Y/N answers, and their waitress walks away with a smile.
Harry and Y/N pick their food choice, and Charlene quickly came back with drinks. The conversation is slow, mostly sipping their drinks and looking out the window at the small shops that are slowly opening and turning their lights. Harry and Y/N's eyes meet a few times, causing them both to laugh.
Harry is grateful when the food arrives because any longer and his stomach would have started growling. He was not ready for that type of embarrassment.
Harry quietly chuckles when he sees her eyes light up when she sees Charlene heading their way with their tray of food. Even though their morning has been going well, he's nervous because he likes her a crazy amount for a first date.
"You know why you fall off so much?" Y/N says after swallowing a bite of her french toast. Harry ordered pancakes with a side of scrambled eggs and hashbrowns that he insists on sharing with her.
"Besides not knowing how to balance properly." Harry sasses.
Y/N laughs. "It's your bad posture. I mean, look at you right now." She points her fork at him.
Harry immediately sits up, proving how right she was.
"Hey, you just proved my point." She grins at him, and he can't help but do the same. Her happiness is contagious.
"Yeah, okay. It was worse, but my friend got me into yoga, and it improved drastically. Think that's what makes me look a bit shorter than I actually am."
She nods, hanging on to his every word as if it were anything interesting.
"Oh, you should teach me sometime. I'm a great learner in small groups and can never take those classes always filled with ten or more people." She takes a sip of her juice. "I like the focus on me and being told I'm doing good or what I can improve on."
Harry smirks. "You got a praise kink?"
Her mouth drops open in shock. She throws a grape hitting him right in the center of his forehead.
"Oi, that wasn't kind."
"First date topics do not involve bringing up my kinks."
He reaches over for a strawberry, and she just watches him, a small frown on her face, but it looks like she might crack and laugh. "You didn't deny it."
She opens her mouth to rebuttal, but she's too flustered. Y/N drops her head in her hands and just lets out a low groan.
"You're too much."
"Or maybe I'm just enough."
"Yeah, we'll see." Y/N reaches over for his fork with a bit of pancake and eats it, shocking him.
"Tell me about your family, please."
She flipped a switch from playful to serious, and honestly, it was hot. She does want to get to know him, and that sends flutters to his stomach.
"We moved here after my mum got a divorce from my dad. We came to live with a family friend, and my mom fell in love with the area, so we stayed. My sister, Gemma, moved to London at eighteen. Now, she's happily engaged and is a teacher. My mum moved back three years ago." He loves talking about his family. But he misses them.
"You miss them a lot?"
Harry nods. "Yes, I visit every summer. At first, I spent only a few weeks because I didn't have a stable job but now stay all summer if I can or visit later on and stay through a bit of autumn. Also, never miss Christmas at home, and I'll stay through new years. It's nice to have a flexible job."
"That's great to have. Always cherish it." She's smiling at him, but he can feel her hurt. Harry knows that must be hard for her, but if it's up to him, he wants her with him this year; he might be thinking too far ahead on a first date, but he's serious about her.
She's unique, and it just feels different with her. Cheesy, but the truth.
"I spend Thanksgiving with Georgie, and some years I'll spend Christmas with her as well; otherwise, I travel. Christmas through New Year is always spent in a new place, then I'm back the fifth and right to work."
Harry smiles at her, hoping that maybe this year will be different, and she'll spend Christmas with him. He knows it's months away, and they've known each other for less than a week, but it feels right. Being with her feels like he has finally taken his first real breath of air.
"Since we like being fair, tell me about your first love." She leans her head on her hands, focusing all her attention, eager for him to start.
Harry chuckles at her excitement. "Sixteen year old me was in a band, I wrote her a song and played it in front of a small crowd. She kissed me backstage. We dated, and she broke my heart for a football player, soccer player." He says with a shrug.
"You gave me the spark notes version." She mutters, picking up a grape and eating it. "What's with her now."
"On her third marriage." He confesses.
Her eyes go wide. "You're kidding."
He shakes his head. "Nope."
She grins. "Karma for breaking your heart."
Harry laughs, and she soon joins in with him.
Conversation flows, and they don't feel time go by. Y/N drives Harry home and walks him to the door. Harry looks down at her lips, and she looks up to his, but they both look away. A small frown on both their faces. He walks inside, whispering a short goodbye. He shuts his door for a second before ripping it open to see her opening her truck door. He stops her, spins her around. She nods when his eyes meet hers for permission. Harry's hands are on her cheeks; he's slow, not rushing to kiss her because he wants to remember this moment. Their lips connect, and they move together in a steady rhythm—no rush to end. Harry feels like his heart is going to beat out of his chest. She's a passionate kisser putting all her emotions into the kiss.
Harry pulls away but pecks her lips, not wanting to be separated just yet. She giggles against his lips, not at all wanting him to stop either.
Harry drops his hands to her waist, taking a step back and shoots her a shy smile. "I take it there will be a second date."
She nods slowly, blinking her eyes open. "And a third, fourth, fifth, and a twentieth date."
He kisses her, not being able to contain his excitement. "I'll take all the dates you give me."
"What if on one of these dates I want to make you my boyfriend?" She touches his cheek, gently pulling away to look into his eyes.
"You could ask me right now, and I'd say yes."
She laughs, taking two steps away from him. "Think I want you to do a bit more chasing first."
He grins, and she reciprocates when seeing his beautiful dimples.
"I'll never stop chasing." He assures her.
Harry grabs her wrist to stop her from getting in her seat. "One more kiss goodbye?"
She nods, not at all being able to resist him.
This kiss is slower than the first, Harry wanting to prolong their time together. Harry's sure if he keeps on kissing her, he'd never let her go. She pulls away and gets in before Harry can stop her. He steps back so she can shut the door. She rolls down the window and kisses his cheek.
"Send me a message when you get home."
"Of course, bye Harry." She's pulling out of the driveway slowly, eyes on her mirrors.
"Bye, pretty Betty."
She lets out her gorgeous laugh, shaking her head at him. She shoots him one final look before driving away.
Harry grins to himself, hand resting over his fast-beating heart.
Harry has no idea what the future holds for him and his relationship with Y/N, but if he's lucky enough to get more moments with her like this, he'd consider himself the luckiest man alive.
It might be too soon to say, but he's sure she'll be his wife.
Harry may have been a terrible surfer, but it did bring him Y/N.
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"You suck!" Harry yells, flopping down next to her shaking out his wet hair, on her lap but to no avail.
"You're out with Mitch." She responds, resting her sunglasses on her head. She reaches out and pushes his hair back out of his eyes, she eyes the scrunchie on her wrist, and without thinking twice, she gently gathers his hair and puts it in a small ponytail. She kisses his forehead leaning back in her sand chair.
"Thank you, baby." He mutters, kissing her thigh three times before meeting her gaze once more. "You promised you'd go with me." He whines.
As much fun as he had been having with Mitch for the last hour, he couldn't help but look out to the shore for when she would stand up with her board to join him. He remembered how much fun they had in her shed waxing the boards for today, she even gave him a special reward for doing so well. Now she's giving him the cold shoulder although it could be worse she could be ignoring his attention completely.
"Harry," She sighs.
"Baby, please." Harry's voice grows softer, sensing he might be close to getting what he wants.
"No." Her tone makes him realize she is serious.
"Why not?" He's really concerned why she won't surf with him today when she was eager to do so just a few days prior. She loves any chance she can get in the water.  
"Because I said so." She picks back up her book Defending Jacob, and Harry sees her yellow bookmark peeking out from the end of the book. He knows she's not actually reading because she didn't set it aside as she usually does. So he continues.
"But why?" Harry knows he sounds like a child, but if he continues, she's more than likely to answer him, it's something he learned over time.  
"You invited Mitch to hang out on our six month anniversary, so you hang out with him." She all but shouts at him, no expression on her face, meaning he has a lot to make up for.
Harry groans ashamed of forgetting. "I'm sorry."
"No surfing together."
"I can make it up to you," he says, pulling at the strings of her bottoms sneaking a hand up under her sweater to touch her breast in the pretty bikini she's hiding from his viewing.
"Get Mitch to leave, and then we can do what you want." Harry knows nothing will change her mind.
"Fine, be like that. Tell me to kick my best friend and his girlfriend to the curb."
"Remember, you can't hold out like I can." She shrugs, telling him there's no problem holding out on anything intimate with him. She's right, and he hates it, ever since their first time, Harry has not stopped from touching her intimately. The only time they stopped was when they had their first big fight, and she would not let him feel her under any circumstance. He didn't get a hug or kiss on the cheek for a whole five days, safe to say after that Harry was always sure to have a hold on her for comfort. And now, he wanted to show her he appreciated her, so he knew what he had to do.
Harry heads over to Mitch, who is talking to Sarah. The beach is empty, and it's not a surprise seeing as the beach Y/N showed them has become their spot, and not many people gather there, especially now that autumn has made its arrival.
"Get out of here," Harry says, nudging Mitch on his shoulder to get his attention. He adds a please when Sarah gives him a look.
"It's our six month anniversary, and I messed up. Got to make it up to her." Harry confesses feeling worse when saying that out loud. "Now leave and don't come back, please."
"We are leaving." Mitch pats his shoulder before walking towards their stuff. "Was wondering how long it'd take." Sarah laughs, giving Harry a side hug before making her way to Y/N to provide her with a proper goodbye.
"Mitch, I've got a lot of groveling to do." Harry runs a hand down his face, stressed but up for the challenge.
"Good luck." Mitch picks up his and Sarah's board, and Harry grins, watching them leave slowly to aggravate Harry, but he knows he deserved it. As he watches their car drive away, he cheers for the small victory.
"Baby, my sweet Betty." Harry lays out his pet names for her.
"Really, Harry." She sets her book in her bag and her sunglasses, knowing Harry is going to invade her space now.
"What? You are my hot surfer chick." He's teasing her.
"Idiot." She mutters.
"Your idiot." The cheesy smile on his face makes her lose her serious face, a smile taking over.
"Always." Harry is laying between her legs now that she moved to the beach blanket she began carrying around once she found out that Harry likes to nap after surfing. She made sure it was water and sand resistant just for him. She's very thoughtful, always looking out for him.
"Can you let me make it up to you?" He says, tracing circles on her thighs slowly dipping between her thighs.
She waits a few seconds to answer, but to Harry, it felt like hours. "Yes."
"Where should I start?" Harry reaches his hand up to pull the zipper down from her sweater. He is quick to push it off her shoulders. He smiles at the pretty yellow bikini she wore just for him, that he was a fool for almost missing out on it.
Harry kisses down her neck, she lets out small moans encouraging him to keep going. His mouth stops on her breasts, reaching behind to untie it. Once they are free, his dips in to take her nipple, sucking on each of those beautiful breasts. Y/N grabs the loose hairs and connects their lips. She slams her mouth on his, Harry kisses back, thrusting his tongue deep, tangling it with hers. Her hands begin to travel down, but he stops her.
"It's all about you." Harry breaths out, getting a good look at her as she leans up on elbows, slowly nodding. Harry shifts down to lay between her legs.
Roaming his fingers up her thighs, brushing a kiss along the inside, coming closer to her hot center, kissing it. She moans, desperate for more. Harry loved how insanely good she always smelled. He licked and kissed her through her bikini bottoms, inhaling the scent that was uniquely her, getting a faint taste of her. Eager for more Harry pulls the strings of her bikini bottom, and it comes undone quickly, he grins seeing her beautiful pussy, Harry swears it's perfect just as she is. "Baby, you have the prettiest pussy." With a groan, his eyes drift close and swipe his tongue over her smooth, smooth flesh.
Her body twitches, and she gasps, head falling back and her back arching pushing her perfects boobs up. He swirled his tongue up and down, sinking it deeper to taste her more fully.
"So damn wet. Look at you." He slid his fingers through her slit. "That's for me. "Right, baby?"
"Yes," She lets out another moan. "For you…"
He tastes her again. "Could eat you like this forever."
"Please," She begs.
Her hips roll against his mouth, faster, and he tongued her clit. She reached for his hand, wanting to feel close to him, Harry intertwines his fingers through hers, holding on tight as she gives a soft cry. He moved his tongue faster, knowing she was close. Her body quivering and tightening as she comes, her pussy even slicker.
Harry kisses her thigh again as she begins to calm down, his eyes on her face, drawing back away from her. "Baby, you look fucking gorgeous."
Y/N feels like she doesn't, sweat making hair stick to her forehead, she's naked and bets there has to be sand around them from all the moving they were doing, but one look at those emerald eyes and she knows he means it.
She sits up, and Harry is quick to zip up the oversized sweater, he tied her bikini bottoms so she wouldn't feel exposed anymore.
"Can I get a kiss?" She asks his laying back down, leaving the zipper exposing a bit of her chest to him.
"Always. Give you all my kisses."
The kiss is slow and gentle compared to what was shared moments before. Harry groans not at all, forgetting that she now tastes herself against his lips. It's nothing new, but it gets him just as excited as the first time. Y/N pulls away pecking his lips three times before gently pushing him to lay on his back, he lets her know she wants to get comfortable on his chest, she takes advantage of it whenever she can, claiming she loves hearing his heartbeat.
Harry is softly stroking her hair, helping her calm down from her high. "Christmas in London, how does that sound? Lots of family and cooking and a mince pie."
A tear rolls down her face because she can picture it perfectly. She might be surrounded by lots of strangers, but if his family is anything like Harry, she's in for a great time. "Sounds perfect."
Harry doesn't comment on her tears, knowing this is important for her.
"You really want me at the family Christmas?" She twists, resting her chin on his chest. Her eyes looking into his eyes, looking for any type of hesitation.
"Baby, you are family. I need you there" He brings his right hand up to tuck hair behind her ear. "You're the best gift I could have there."  
Y/N can't help but laugh and connect their lips for a short kiss. "Can't wait to properly meet your mom and sister. Facetime is not the same."
Harry nods, agreeing because he feels the same, he can't hug his family through a phone screen. They stay staring at each other in their current position, taking in each other's features that they've memorized. The scar Harry has on his chin. The freckle she has on the left side of her neck. How bright her eyes shine when she smiles. How quick Harry's cheeks go red from the sunlight.
It's these moments that they begin to fall in love with one another all over again.
"What do you say we travel somewhere for new years together, keeping your tradition going," Harry suggests hoping she'd be up for it.
She doesn't bat an eye, her smile grows. "Where would we go?"
"I'd go anywhere as long as I'm with you." Harry kisses her nose softly, causing her to scrunch it up.
"You're too bold, where did my shy, sucky surfer go?" She pokes his dimples, causing him to laugh. He wraps his arms around her waist, hugging her tight against him.
"You polished him up." Harry might not be the shy guy anymore, but when he's around his love, he feels like he is until she breaks him out with her loving stares and gentle caresses.
"I love you, "He whispers.
"I love you so much." She connected their lips, a low groan rumbled from his chest, and his mouth opened against here in a long, clinging kiss. Harry let out another moan as he felt her fingers trail over his sensitive cock. He tilted his head, opened his mouth wider, and deepened their kiss until she pulled away.  
"Make love to me." She whispers in his ear as she kisses down his neck.
Harry flips her, a gasp leaving her not at all expecting Harry to do that. His eyes shine bright with love and lust, ready to make her feel pleasure like no other.
"Always, love."
With the sun beating high and ocean waves crashing against the shore, moans of pleasure are lost in the noise of it all.
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Thank you for taking the time to read. If you liked it please be sure to like and reblog it would mean a lot to me. Come talk to me about Ocean Save here let me know your favorite moments.
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
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Here I am writing a sappy love note to all of you even after I said I wouldn’t do this, but it brings me happiness to show love to others and this year was pretty challenging and we deserve this. 
I don’t even know how to begin to explain what this page and this fandom and all of you mean to me. Before I had this fandom in my life I was sad. I had no hobbies, I went to work, I came home, I dicked around on the internet; there were very few things that brought me much happiness. 
What started with finding this fandom and writing a little Daddy Steve that I wanted to see on “paper” has brought me such incredible amounts of joy and happiness. Never have I ever felt so loved and appreciated. I know I started my blog in November (i think??) of 2019 but 2020 is where we’ve grown. Look, I hit this moment last week–
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You make me feel cherished here. You make me feel adored. You support me in a way I’ve never experienced before. Writing brings me joy but you supporting my writing and loving on it brings me the most joy. You’ve helped me grow as a person and as a writer and you have helped me create these worlds that we cherish together and share as one. 
This is a special place for me and it is because of you and I’ll never be able to repay you for the happiness you bring me. 
Here are a few people I want to shoutout specifically while I have the time to do so. This is going to be so long, bear with me plz:
@cantabile-l, you are the softie we all dream to be, my precious jo bean. You are intelligent and so very sensitive to others in the best way possible and I hold you and our friendship so close to my heart. I love you.
@maddiewritesstucky, you are my sister soul mate and nothing will convince me otherwise. You show me immense support, you bring me so much sexual frustration, and I am baffled I can be so close to someone when we’ve literally never even met in person. Lord help everyone in Hawaii when we meet up god knows when. I love you. 
@ixalit, you are my bub, my poet, my porn provider. You have a soul so deep and broad I swear it stretches over here to me in my state. I can only hope that you continue to share your talent and love with the world. I love you. 
@musette22, you are my sweet sweet minniebug and your friendship came at a time when I needed it most. You always know exactly what to say to me at the exact time I need to hear it and seeing your texts on my phone when I wake up in the morning makes me smile. I will always be hear to listen to your Seb and Chris shouts. I love you. 
@rainbowsandcoconut, my baby Ditte there are very few people that make me laugh and smile more than you do. There is no one else in this world who loves Chris Evans more than you do either, stg. Even if we don’t talk every day I feel your presence in my corner nonetheless and I hope you feel mine as well. I love you. 
@imlittlebitdie, Riley bb when I think of the word support I immediately think of you. You are so thoughtful and a pillar of support in my life. You have taught me how to be a good friend, so much about privilege, and the intricacies of hockey. I love you. 
@andysmountains, my lizard-loving plant-loving dose of sunshine. You are so special to me and our friendship is a light in my life as well as the pictures of your kitties and plants. I can’t wait for the plant tour. #BuckyBear4Life
@sheetsforwhichimmade, oh god Soph I know we just recently and drunkenly confessed our love for each other but I must do it again at such a time. Your James/Stevie brain blows my own mind, your texts about Boyfriend make me scream, and seeing your name show up on my phone makes me so happppppyyyyy. I love you. 
@doctorenterprise, my Daddy Twin, my fellow Ball Gobbler, I know our friendship was just kindled but there isn’t a conversation that I have had with you that hasn’t made me giggle or smile. You are the ultimate hypeman, you have the Daddy Brain, and I can’t wait to continue on into 2021 with you by my side. 
@ceratonia-siliqua! My honeybun! You have the largest heart that anyone has ever had and I wish I could drive across the country just to snuggle you close. I hope 2021 treats you better. You deserve the best things life has to offer. I love you. 
@becassine​, my sweet bratty Bex where did you come from? You are literally the most beautiful creature I’ve ever set eyes on, your way with words is unmatched, and no one else hypes like you do. I hope you get all the lovin’ and touchin’ you deserve in 2021. Thank you for loving me. I love you. 
@thegodswife​, Manda you are such a constant source of, “i’m not crazy, right??”. Your hype is unreal, I don’t know how you don’t have more attention given to your work, and you are one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. I love you. 
@hannah-stagram​ My sweet baby Hannah Banana you are someone who I feel understand me on a different level than some others. You are sweet, you are caring, you show me so much love and kindness. Your random hype texts on some mornings bring such a smile to my face. I love you.
@hanitrash​, giiiiirl I don’t know how you do it. You work, you have a family, you write some of the best smut out there and the ideas never stop flowing. You are inspirational. I miss you and love you. 
@trekchik​, my Meetcute Queen I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in 2021. Thank you for all the support this year. I miss you and love you. 
@rorybarnesrogers​, rory baby I lub talking to you almost every day. You are so fucking funny and supportive and I can’t wait to read that damn story. I love you. 
@the1918​, Lynne even with us talking things out now, my happiest fandom memories this year most definitely include you. Your talent is unparalleled, as is your hype, and I only wish the best for you in the next year. 
Even more love goes out to all of these beautiful beautiful people who bring a smile to my face every day who I love with all of my being! 
@ywecanthavenicethingsanymore @hawkeyeandthewintersoldier @sunflowersstan @fishcustardandclintbarton, @thiccbuckybarnesfic, @babyyhoneyydarling​, @tae-withsuga​, @hbalbat​, @tonguetiedmisfit1​, @martelldoran​, @kalee60​, @martianjuice​, @darter-blue​, @crownofstardustandbone​, @solasnagealai-escapism​, @stardi293​, @cuteplanties​, @sweeterthanthis​, @fandomfluffandfuck​, @willbakewithstucky​, @thewaythatwerust​, @softestziam​, @ozarkthedog​, @seb-stan-lover​, @fafulous​, @littlesurfergrl​, @pixidustprincess​, @dreadlockholiday​, @maireadtbts​, @korean-disaster​, @allegedlyann​, @hoeforthegays​, @justice-for-plums​, @mossystark​
I know I’m forgetting someone and it’s gutting me but I have been working on this for three hours now and I must eat din din. 
I love you I love you I love you. 
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austennerdita2533 · 3 years
I love Penelope Douglas for sure check her out! She writes some of the best smut tbh. I’m working my way through her devils night series right now-I’m on book 2. It’s good so far, definitely dark though. I’m interested to see how she goes about a redemption arc for the character Damon right now I don’t think he deserves one but I hear such good things about his book, Killswitch, but that’s book 3 so I will see how it goes. I definitely recommend Birthday Girl from her though I loved it and the couple from it are my favorite age gap could I’ve ever read. I find myself still re reading some of their best moments.
I am slightly embarrassed by Credence though so I hope it doesn’t bother you too much if you read it. Just so you know before going into it, it is about her and her step uncle/cousins. To be fair they are not blood related and very distance to the point she didn’t even know about them. But she does call him Uncle Jake during a sex scene, and the two others call her cousin during one too. There’s also a MMF scene with her two cousins. But on top of that there is a sexual assault scene (it does get stopped but the intent is there)-personally I wasn’t a fan of how she inwardly dealt with that scenario it felt like she was blaming herself for it instead of holding the other character accountable. Uncle Jake also does kiss her when she is still 17. So if any of that makes you uncomfortable don’t read it.
I’m so happy you liked the atlas six as much as I did. I can’t believe we have to wait until next year for the sequel to see what happens. It’s too long!! I also liked Callum the least, I still appreciated his character though and what he brings to the story I just wasn’t a fan of his, probably because of his problems with Libby/Parisa. Plus his powers terrify me-as someone who likes to have full control of my emotions the fact that someone could just change everything scares me. I also loved Nico he is my typical character that I love the whole I’m an asshole but soft and caring for the people I love gets me every time. Parisa is my queen though I’m obsessed with her. Like I’m literally in love with her, I wish she was real so she could be with me instead. Not that she would because I’m broke have 0 magic or power to give to her, but still. But I have a thing for power hungry women so I was gone the second I met her. But anyway if she was real she could destroy me or do anything she wanted to me and I would say thank you. Reina I also love and agree she could destroy the whole planet and one day probably will. I just love how she is there and wants all that knowledge but also doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else. Tristan also grew on me I’m still not completely sure how much I like or don’t like him yet he gets annoying sometimes because he is constantly in his mind about his alliances but I also love how loyal and caring he is. Libby is my girl!! I also relate to her as well since I was an outcast and battled inadequacy and all that (you and I must have some stuff in common!) Out of all the characters I relate to her the most and am rooting for her so hard-also because the author made her from Pittsburgh and I’m also from the area so I felt personally attached. But Olivie just did an interview and said Libby is getting a corruption arc and I am so excited about it!!
Okay ships- so I will be honest and I think it’s an unpopular opinion but oh well-I am a nicolibby stan. They have every single dynamic that I love in a ship and they could potentially be my favorite book couple of all time if that is the road they are being taken. Honestly I was obsessed with them from their first interaction so i have it bad for them. Obviously I know they were not romantic in this book but the potential (at least for me) was there especially in some of their quotes in the end. I fully believe they are soulmates though-even the author said they were born on the same day and feel like their other half is missing in an interview once-whether that will be platonic soulmates or romantic soulmates I have no idea and I could see either happening. My heart will break if it is platonic but it’s okay I can just live in my own little head about their potential.
But I get the idea and also like both libbytristan and NicoGideon and could see those happening instead of nicolibby too. I wouldn’t say I would be mad about it either-I do like both just to me the potential of nicolibby works more for me! My only thing about libbytristan though is I’m not sure how much of their tension/feelings are real (like did any of it exist before Parisa put the idea of the other person in their thoughts to lead to all the feelings.)
Weirdly enough since they probably my least favorite characters I also adore Tristan and Callum together. Their dynamic just works for me.
And I love Parisa and Dalton too and I’m so interested in how that relationship pans out because they have some stuff to figure out. But they work well together and honestly they are just so sexy together so I’m down for it. Although I do ship myself with Parisa more than her and Dalton but I’m biased.
Honestly though all the ships are wide open though so I’m curious to see what ends up being endgame. But omg yes the twist I was not expecting it-I’m so excited for the rest of this trilogy!!!
In other news though I finished up the ravenhood series. I know you said you either read it or it was on your tbr. But god I loved it. That series broke me and then put back all the pieces. If you haven’t read it and want to feel both heartbreak and happiness I highly recommend it!
Oh and don’t apologize for babbling as you can tell I also babble!!
-ACOTAR anon
Hiiiii sweets!
I've been sifting through a bunch of summaries of Penelope Doulgas' work on Goodreads and there's a bunch of stuff there I think I'd enjoy. I'm all about good smut. I didn't realize she had that many books. I'm excited! Thanks so much for the rec! I love dark romances/erotica every now and again so I'm also going to have to dive into the Devil's Night series at some point.
Oh, and idk if you know about it/read it but a couple of my friends told me about the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day a while back. It's BDSM, like Fifty Shades, but supposedly loads better. I don't know if you're into that but I figured I'd just throw it out there anyway. The smut is supposed to be steamy. I haven't read it yet but I do have the first four novels on my Kindle (where they've been sitting, unread, for about 2 years now)...so that's something haha.
And please don't be embarrassed about Credence. Seriously, the most wonderful thing about reading is you can go wherever tf you want in your imagination. No one can stop you. There are no rules. No restrictions. You can be whomever or whatever you want to be for a while, morality notwithstanding. One of my favorite things about books is that I can experience the most bonkers, outlandish out-of-this-world stuff that I'd never dream of wanting/liking in real life. It's liberating!
Thank you for the trigger warnings, though. I appreciate that. None of them sound off-putting enough to keep me from reading it. (Tbh, I want to read it more now.) I've read loads of books where characters marry or have sex with their cousins or siblings *waves at ASOIAF, the Secret History* so it doesn't bother me. I've also read most of Lolita and all of My Dark Vanessa by Kate Russell, which both romanticize pedophilia in disturbing degrees, so it takes a lot to put me off. If curiosity could kill then I'd be long dead by now. Hell, sometimes I will purposely read things I know will upset me to my core. What can I say? I'm a weirdo. 🙃
I DON'T WANT TO WAIT A YEAR FOR BOOK 2 OF THE ATLAS SERIES, EITHER. AHHHHH. How am I going to make it that long? It seems so far away!
Callum is the most terrifying of them all right now, imo. I think that's why I disliked him the most. Like you, it shook me to my core to imagine someone like him being able to toy with my emotions. I have a tendency to detach, to keep my emotions pressed close to my chest so that I can't be manipulated or hurt, and the idea that someone could have power over them, over me in that way is...no freaking thank you! I would put as much space between him and me as possible. Most of the Atlas crew had the right idea there. He does bring a lot to the story, though, like you said. I have a feeling he's going to be one of those characters I "love to hate" as the series progress. I might even grow to "hate to love" him, idk. He's just such a shady bastard! And so judgmental/mean to the girls.
I'm with you on Parisa, by the way. She's the kind of conniving, ambitious siren of a woman I can get behind. She has a similar vibe as Katherine Pierce on TVD. I mean, there's nothing in her arsenal she won't use and I love how she weaponizes her beauty. It's delicius. She's unpredictable. Definitely the type of character who inspires "scared and aroused" energy any time she walks into a room. Like, she could choke you and instead of crying you'd just ask her to do it again...harder lol.
Reina has the same kind of "no fucks given" attitude I have because I genuinely don't care what people think of me, either. I'm just here to do my thing. Be nerdy. Learn. Whatever. And Nico is my fave for the same reason as you--the asshole who only has soft edges for those who matter to him. *heart eyes*
Omg, Libby is going to have a corrupted arc? AHHHHH. That's going to be amazing, I cannot stinking wait! I was sort of hoping she'd go dark so now that it's confirmed I'm even more pumped. Also, I think you and I have more in common than either of us realized. I'm from the Pittsburgh area, too! How wild is that? Maybe there's something in the water here and that's why, like Libby, we've both felt inadequate and like outcasts at different points in our lives? Olivie might be onto something here...🤔
The thing that's been so cool for me about this series so far is that there are a bunch of potential pairings I could get behind. And I kind of like that it's not clear cut right now. Most series I know who I want together or who will be together like halfway through book 1. I like that I don't know have firm preferences and am still open. That's novel. Not to mention fun!
I don't blame you for shipping Nicolibby so hard, though. They're definitely one of my top contenders for a romantic pairing. They have that enemies-to-lovers element with witty banter that I always gravitate toward. And you're right about Libby/Tristan. I don't know how much of their connection was manufactured because Parisa intervened, either. That'll be fun to puzzle out moving forward. And Callum/Tristan should NOT be a ship I like but they have a palpable something that I can't put my finger on. I've got my eye on them, for sure.
The Ravenhood series is still on my tbr. I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed it so much, though! It's rare to read something that just ticks all your boxes. The next time I'm the mood to binge a series I'm gonna have to pick that one up. :-D
I've been trying to clear out my backlog of ARCs lately. (Not possible because I'm getting more on the regular - as in constantly haha - but I'm trying.) I just finished Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult, which has a Sliding Doors premise that is set during the pandemic where the main character has a parallel life experience (one, where she's in the Galapagos Islands on vacation when the shutdown hits so she's stuck there with strangers, alone, not speaking the language; the other, where she's in Manhattan with her surgeon boyfriend and recovering from COVID). It's intense but so, SO good! Picoult is such a good writer. Anything I've read by her has been moving, with rounded and real characters. I haven't been disappointed yet. I so recommend her.
Oh, and if you're into nonfiction/biographies at all I finished The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson not long ago, which is about Winston Churchill as well as those around him, and it was fantastic! Read more like fiction. I loved it. I am no longer surprised it was on all the BEST lists for 2020.
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dreamingofmilk · 4 years
Sugar Babe Chapter 3
Word Count: 2,025
Synopsis: And the trip begins...
Warnings: slight smut, cursing
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Early the next morning you struggled to get your baggage down to the lobby by yourself. Steve, your driver frowned when he saw you exit your building with all your stuff for the trip. 
“Miss, you know I could have helped you. Mr. Stevens would have my head if he saw you right now.” Steve ran up to you to gather your stuff and put it in the trunk of the sleek new black Audi. 
You smiled softly at Steve, he was always so polite and helpful to you, even when you assured him that you could handle it. 
“It’s fine Steve, I got it down here didn’t I?” You pressed a kiss to his cheek as he opened the car door for you. You slid into the back of the car and buckled in. You were supposed to meet Erik at the airport in about an hour, but you lived about 45 minutes away from the airport so you had a bit of a ride ahead of you. 
You were excited for the trip, you loved to travel and looked forward to opportunities that work provided for you to do so. But you never got to travel like this, much less with Erik. 
Usually when you traveled, you traveled alone to audit or conduct meetings in place of Erik. And you just went to the big airport downtown to fly business class. Your trips usually didn’t take three weeks to conduct either. Erik could never go without having you by his side for more than four days. He swore the incompetence of the other employees made him considering making his company a two man one. The days you came back from traveling usually involved calming Erik down from firing everyone. Thank goodness you had no problem keeping his anger under control. 
You packed entertainment for the ride to the airport and for the trip. You reached into your bag and pulled out the kindle Erik bought you randomly last year. 
Giggling at a story you were reading, you glanced up to make eye contact with Steve in the rear view mirror. Steve’s cheeks quickly turned pink and he looked back to the dark road ahead of him. 
“You okay Steve?” You asked him curiously, you’d worked with Steve for the past year and he’d been one of the best drivers Erik had ever hired. You considered the two of you friends easily, car rides with him contained engaging conversation and joyous laughs. 
“I’m fine Miss. I uhh didn’t know you were dating anyone much less engaged?” His eyes shot to your ring finger in the rear view mirror before putting them back on the road. 
You felt your face become hot. You remembered Erik’s text that came in right before you woke up this morning, reminding you that he put a ring on it and he can’t wait to see it when you meet this morning. 
You also remembered how his body felt pressed against yours, and the things he said. As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. You were scared. You were scared of how strong your feelings for him were, how far gone you already were. If you weren’t careful you could get caught in the storm and never make it out again. Erik never kept a relationship for long, he was a hardworking man who would always be more dedicated to his job than anything else. As his assistant you’ve seen first hand just how little he fought with his exes when they complained about his work schedule. You’ve seen how upset they looked when they stormed out of his office, and you’ve seen how unaffected he was by it all. 
Erik was a tornado, blazing through everything in its path, and you couldn’t allow yourself to get caught in the wreckage, no matter how strong your feelings were.
 “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pried.” Steve pulled into the parking lot of the airport and stepped out to open the door for you. 
“It’s okay Steve.” You smiled and hugged him. “It’s just all new to me. I guess I better get used to the question though huh?” You pulled back and smiled up at your friend. He grinned back at you in his eyes, twinkling with a bit of sadness. He opened his mouth to say something when he was interrupted by Erik making his presence known. 
“Glad to see you made it safely.” Erik’s tone was quiet and calm, his eyes hard and focused completely on you. You quickly jumped back out of Steve’s arms and turned towards Erik to greet him. 
“Steve.” The tip of Steve’s ears turned completely pink. 
“Grab her bags please. The plane is ready for us to board.” Erik used his business voice, his eyes flitting to Steve briefly before focusing back on you. His stare made you hot and your knees weak. You nimbly lean back into the car to grab your carry on bag and purse. 
You approach Erik slowly, his eyes watching your moves. 
“Hey.” You smile and pull out your phone to go over notes for the flight. There were a few business things that needed to be handled on the flight over. 
“What was that?” Erik asks quietly. 
“What was what?” You respond as you start to move toward the jet tarmac. 
“Nothing.” He works his jaw and glances back at Steve getting your luggage. “Let’s go there’s a lot to go over.” He places his hand on the small of your back and guides you to the plane. 
“How long have we been married?” You ask Erik on the plane. You’ve been in flight for a few hours and after completing all of the necessary paperwork for the new acquisition preparation, the two of you decided it necessary to practice questions you may get. 
“3 years. We could take a break you know. I’m tired and I feel like we have it down.” Erik patted the seat next to him, his smile devious and hopeful. “Come join me, they are going to bring our lunch soon.” 
You definitely wanted to sit next to him. But there was no need to. No one was watching, the two of you should enjoy the last few hours of not having to put on an act. 
“I’m fine over here Erik, much more spacious without a giant like you taking up half of the seat.” You smiled and put away your laptop preparing for the delicious meal you smelled. 
“Sure you're fine over there. But if you sit with me we could practice cuddling.” You narrowed your eyes at him and kissed your teeth. 
“Why would we need to practice cuddling Erik. In what public place would people need to see us cuddling?”
Erik chuckled and leaned back in his seat spreading his legs wide, he licked his lips as he stared at you. 
“Not everything has to be for show baby girl. But we gotta practice you getting used to my touch don’t we? A husband can touch his wife in public right? And every time I go to touch you you flinch.” Erik rubbed his beard while eyeing you. 
“No I don’t. Stop lying Erik.” You rolled your eyes. 
“You do. I’m not lying. I always peep how you respond to people. You didn’t flinch when Steve touched you though.” His stare turned hard and you could feel something turn inside of you. You grimaced and looked away briefly before standing up to sit next to Erik. You hated when you upset Erik, it didn’t happen often. But when it did you knew. 
“I do not flinch when you touch me.” You reiterated, your eyes daring him to touch you.
Erik of course took you up on your silent challenge. His smirk shouldn’t have so much of an effect on you. It was disrespectful really. 
“You’re calling me a liar Y/N?” Before you knew it he grabbed your wrist and pulled you hard enough to launch your body out of your seat and into his arms. You couldn’t fight the shiver that ran through you as his hands caressed your back so softly you weren’t sure if he was even aware he was doing it. You quickly shoved your face into his chest to hide the small whimper that escaped your lips. 
You couldn’t help but flinch when you suddenly felt Erik’s lips brushing against the shell of your ear. He spoke softly, but there was steel behind his words, “Baby girl, let me make myself crystal clear. You are my wife. Mine. I don’t take well to sharing, I never have. If I see you flirt with another guy again I’mma handle you, you understand me?” His hands slowly worked from your shoulder blades, down your back, to rest firmly on your ass. “My ring is on your finger, not Steve’s, or anybody else. Don’t forget that.”
Thank goodness Erik couldn’t see your face because your eyes were about to bug right out of your head. Where the fuck was this coming from? Erik has never been a possessive guy. Hell he had an open relationship with over half of the girlfriends you’ve seen since you started working for him. This was unprecedented. You calmed yourself down before moving back so you could look into his eyes. It was time to get back on the same page. 
“Why do you keep bringing out Steve? What does he have to do with this?”
Erik scoffed, “You tell me. You were hanging all over him this morning.”
What the fuck?! “I just hugged him Erik. What the hell is your problem?”
“I don’t take well to being disrespected, Y/N. How am I supposed to feel when I show up, all excited to see my girl and she’s hanging onto some guy?”
You grabbed his face harshly, your frustration getting the best of you. Before you could talk yourself out of it, or think, you pulled him into you and kissed his passionately. He immediately responded, pulling you in as close as he could and tonguing you down something fierce, his hands still palming at your ass. You gasped when he moved his hands behind your thighs and picked you up, wrapping your legs around him to keep yourself from falling over. Erik quickly walked you both to the nearest wall, shoving you against it just hard enough to make you gasp.
“Not worried about him now are you, baby? That’s right, only I can do this for you.” Erik growled against your lips, barely taking the time to say the words before claiming your mouth once more.
You pulled away, finally remembering the reason you kissed him in the first place. “I’m not interested in Steve, Erik. I never have been. He’s my friend. I was just hugging him to say goodbye because we’ll be gone for a bit. That’s all, I promise.”
Erik scanned your face for a while, both of you catching your breath. “You’re right, I’m sorry baby girl, I overreacted. I can never seem to think clearly when it comes to you.”
You rolled your eyes and started to massage your fingers into his scalp, his eyes closing immediately. “You will never have to worry about that. I’m not that kind of person and you know that.”
He nodded, “I do know that.”
You watched him closely, the question bubbling up until you couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Why were you so angry anyway? You always had open relationships with your girlfriends. Why are you mad about the possibility of your fake wife flirting with someone else?”
Erik smirked, slowly shaking his head. “Y/N, if you have to ask that question then I have my work cut out for me.” 
“Well I guess you better get to it because I don’t understand. But first put me down so I can eat.” You nodded your head to the food that had been placed on the table behind you. 
Erik smirked and let you down slowly sliding his hands over your ass and hips. 
“I’ll make sure to show you.”
@aislinnsilver​ @wawakanda-btch​ @chaneajoyyy​ @marvelmaree​ @ljstraightnochaser​ @raysunshine78​ @fdwrites @soufcakmistress​ @girlsneedlovingfanfics​ @toniilaney​ @amira88 @bugngiz​
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mintseesaw · 4 years
kapag lasing malambing | myg
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translation. (you’re) only sweet when (you’re) drunk
chorus. verse i. verse ii.
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pairing: indie musician!yoongi x reader
genre: fluff, light angst, light smut, est. relationship au
word count: 1.7k
warnings: cursing, hints of arousal, yoongi being touchy and straightforward af, light dry humping, yoongi ft. his fingers // rating: 18+
note: hello!! This is my first entry on the Paraluman Project a.k.a. Tagalog-titled drabbles/fics. You may also submit requests for the drabble game: Paraluman Playlist until the end of August. ✨
pending drabble requests will be posted in the coming days huehiehue. Enjoy!
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Few bottles in and Yoongi started whining a bit more than usual. In fact, he’s never one to ask for your attention in sobriety. Nevertheless, he is needy but would rather save his pride than admit it without the alcohol clouding his state of mind.
You’re always the one between the two of you who initiates any form of skinship. And most of the attempts you did in public, your success rate— had unfortunately dramatically slumped at 0 in a scale of 1-10.
However, when the situation permits him no other means but to set his so-called reputation aside, Yoongi would willingly participate on displaying his tender feelings in public. One of those rare moments was on your first year anniversary. He had no choice but to pull off a move to make up for the damage he had unintentionally inflicted on you when he almost didn’t show up to the restaurant you personally reserved for dinner.
He never once called you that day, his phone was strangely out of reach and the lack of interaction led you to believe he was gonna surprise you for he would never not return your call nor would turn his phone off without giving you a heads up.
He came, which was three hours too late for you to remain delighted for the occasion. When you stood up from your chair, swallowed the tears that were threatening to spill out, you didn’t beat around the bush and impulsively told him, “We’re done.” before walking passed him even though you didn’t mean it at all. You were just so hurt that night that it was the only thing you have managed to say.
Shocked by the abruptness of your decision, Yoongi ran after you and kept you secured in his hold, cupped your face with his palms and pulled you in a sweet kiss. Perhaps it was the first time he ever did more than just a peck on your forehead with an actual audience gawking at the two of you. He didn’t care nor stop murmuring apologies while he peppered tiny kisses all over your face until you stopped crying.
Turns out, he did have a surprise for you. It was the keys on his palm he fished out from his pocket that he forgot in his apartment on his way there. Apparently, he drove back to his then-apartment to collect his surprise and got stuck in the Metro traffic. Keys of a new apartment that you two now share for the past two years now.
Another time was that new year’s eve party some months ago when he had already chugged down alcohol passed his limit. You lost track of how frequently he had planted pecks on your shoulders and even refused to let go of your hand as if you were being held hostage in his captive. He was just so touchy, at the same time, extremely attentive of you.
It’s not everyday that you are showered with his oddly affectionate treatment so when these rare instances ever occur, you let him spoil you with his generously sweet attention.
Yoongi is naturally caring without him even trying it. And at times, he may show it through his rough facade or fatherly scolding. He shows his affection in a different language, that you once mistaken as some sort of coldness or indifference. Yet, no matter how inwardly warmhearted he is when it concerns you, he would never initiate nor let you advance to the first base in public. Of course, your guy has a reputation to keep. You don’t even understand why his cold exterior, seemingly rude around the edges attracts more women than you deem amusing to witness first hand.
Tonight, you’ll surely entertain yourself while he unravels a thick cover of his facade just from the looks of his glassy eyes and red face. He’s way beyond the tipsy state which only means one thing. Either he’d be extra sweet or needy.
To prove one of your assumptions, you suddenly heard his provocative voice, snapping you out of your reverie. “Baby, come here.” He slurs, his drunkenness more profound with the radiating crimson tinging his dumpling cheeks.
Your eyes roll before scooting closer until your sides are flushed against each other. Both of you are sitting on the floor across the table with your backs leaning against the foot of the couch. Yoongi drapes his arm over your shoulder, then leans on your side to nuzzle your cheek with the tip of his nose while his palm idly scurries on the expanse of your thigh.
You caught his wrist, stopping whatever intention his hazy mind has. Groaning, Yoongi buried his face on the crook of your neck, yet refusing to utter a word.
“Yoongi,” You hiss, retreating back to create some safe distance before he kindles something that should not be stirred awake while you’re here at Jin’s place. His friends are pretty much wasted so the close proximity and his extra provocative hands do not really bother you, except for the fact that your body quickly reacts to his feverish touches.
“Fuck! Let’s go home.” He proposes.
You chuckle, “You’re so drunk, babe.” You say, pinching his beet-red cheeks.
“So drunk, I wouldn’t mind fucking you here in—“ Your eyes widened suddenly hearing such vulgar words coming from him. Your palm met his mouth in a smack.
“Shut up!”
To your dismay, your boyfriend obnoxiously smirks, pulling your other wrist and placing it, out of the blue, on top of his semi-aroused crotch. You lightly jump taken aback and quickly collected your hand back when you felt his clothed cock twitches the second your palm comes in contact with it.
“See what you do to me, baby?” He purrs, sniffing your hair.
Instinctively, your eyes briskly scan the room to see if anyone caught what your boyfriend did. It only took one glance at Jin who is clearly amused at the two of you before your face profusely heated up in embarrassment.
Unlike everyone else in the living room, he seems to be the only man standing aside from you and your boyfriend who can hardly recognize his own name. Jungkook is literally sprawled, face flat on the floor. Hoseok is snoring on the single seater couch on you right. You could hear a faint sound of puking from somewhere, wild guessing it was Taehyung and Namjoon must be helping him out in the bathroom. Jimin and his girlfriend are nowhere in sight.
Jin teasingly winked in your direction before he stood up and disappeared from one of the doorways. Maybe in his room.
Meanwhile, your boyfriend seems to be unbothered, and proceeds to bite the shell of your ear sensually. You try to push him away for the second time of the night. If he continues this tempting advances, it won't be too long before you give in to his bidding.
You sneered, “Your friends are here.”
“We can use the bathroom or something.” He murmurs suggestively.
“No thanks!” You answered back too quickly, somehow taunting him in vengeance of the countless kisses he had turned down from you in the past.
“Babe, come on.” Whines Yoongi as he hovers your mouth with his fingers holding your jaw to his advantage.
“Not here.” You prompted.
“I don’t think I can still drive.”
“I will drive—shit!”
Yoongi pulled your tube top down, exposing one of your mounds.
“No one’s awake.” He reassures, smirking down at the delicious view served in front of him. You shot him a glare, ignoring the surge of heat washing through you.
While you’re busy pulling your top back, Yoongi’s arm curls over your back on your waist, hurling you on his lap facing him without a single inch of difficulty. Your denim skirt bunches up on your hips as your thighs parted.
“Yoongi, what are you doing?!” You exclaimed, while shooting peers sideways to make sure no one can see you two in a compromising position.
Yoongi paid no heed to your panicky voice, baring your mounds once more all the while wrestling with your arms when they tried to cover your beautiful breasts from his ardent stare. He shifted you further close so that your center directly presses against his prominent bulge.
Your lips parted in a soundless gasp, sparking your senses alive and Yoongi used your momentary shock to capture a peak with his mouth. The palms digging on your hips coaxing you to move against him.
Your eyes fall shut, “Fuck Yoongi! I said not here!”
“Should I stop then?” He teases.
No! Your corrupt mind objects.
The friction down your soaking mess of an aching core against his crotch eliciting tiny yet unmistakable whimpers from your agape mouth, head thrown back when pleasure immediately starts to build up in your core.
“Yes, baby. Just like that. You will be good and come for me, right love?” He purrs next to your ear. The hoarseness of his natural voice and the low register of his tone made possible by his alcohol-filled system increasing the heat in your body.
“Yoongi, please…” You wail breathlessly, needing more stimulation to give what he wants.
In the midst of your supposed blissful momentum, you have failed to sense the nearing sound of footsteps in the living. It was only when Yoongi cursed under his breath, and shoved you flushed against his chest that you snapped out of it, while the sparks ebb away into actual nerves. He hurriedly shrugged his jacket off his shoulders, draping it over your back to cover your nakedness due to your top slipping down to your waist.
With your face buried on the curve of his neck, you panted heavily as your ears perked up at the sound of his friends approaching the room. He kisses the side of your head, and right away rubs your back to soothe your nerves.
“Hyung, Tae and I are lea—oh! Is she alright?” You heard Namjoon ask, probably surprised at the sight of you resting on Yoongi’s body.
“Yeah, she just fell asleep is all. Go on, the kid looks like he’s about to pass out any second.” Yoongi says coolly.
“Sweet. We’re gonna head out, lovebirds.”
As soon as you heard the sound of the door closing, Yoongi’s hand snaked in between your bodies, pushed your lace to the side and started thrumming your clit. Your arms instinctively went around his neck for leverage, helplessly sobbing against his sweat covered skin.
For the next few minutes, your muffled delightful cries took over Yoongi’s senses while his fingers worked their magic on your center, and to the muscles of your drenched hole, skillfully driving you to oblivion.
At least, he’s sweet enough to let you come despite the situation you two are in, with his pretty wasted friends who could’ve heard your scandalous moans should they have not been sleeping the entire time.
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mintseesaw © 2020
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lightupmyass · 4 years
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Pairing: Husband! Seokjin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, smut
Warnings: dirty talk, soft love making, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex
Summary: Nightmares are a bitch. Luckily you have a loving husband that'll make it all go away.
Word count: 2436
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“Hey, Hey! Darling, wake up.” Your body jolts as big hands gently grab your arm, your cheeks tear stained as your soft piano music from your phone flows through the dark room. The light on the nightstand flickers to light, your loving husband laying back down, his hand still on your arm as you breath heavily. “Sweetheart, are you alright? Come on, lay down with me baby.” He cooed, gently pulling you down to lay with your head on his bare chest. “It’s okay, baby, I’m here. You’re safe now. Nothing is going to hurt you.” He whispers, holding you tight in his strong arms as he places a kiss on the top of your head.
You sniffle, remembering little bits of the nightmare you had just woken up from, one of the worst you’ve ever had. “Ssshhhh, hush now, Princess. It’s all gonna be okay. Just focus on me for now, okay?” Seokjin was always so good at helping you through times like these. You’ve had nightmares since you were little, awful ones that happened more than once a week. He learned early into your relationship about them, and ever since he has been so caring and understanding, never getting mad at you when one decided to show up.
You do as he says, focusing on the rise and fall of his chest, the vibrations you feel when he hums, his arms wrapped around you and his thumb stroking over your bare skin. The close contact, the skin to skin due to your actions just hours ago, the warmth radiating off him, it relaxed you, to the point where you forgot what you even dreamt about. All you cared about was him, his touch, his voice, his body, his everything. “Do you wanna talk about it? Sometimes that helps.” He asked. You think about it for a moment. Should you? It didn’t bother you that much at the moment, and you do still remember it, but what if it makes you sad again. “Well, um, we were uh, we were together somewhere and I don’t remember exactly how it happened but you, you went away, or someone took you or something and I didn’t know what to do I lost you and I couldn’t find you and I was alone and I-“ Your sobs cut your sentence off, remembering the sheer loneliness you felt in your nightmare, the panic of not knowing where he was, what happened to him, and not being able to find him. “Hey hey hey, ssshhhh. Baby, it’s okay. Just relax. I’m here now, honey. I’m not going anywhere so you can forget about that, okay? I’ll always be here for you. You are never going to be alone, ever.” He calmed you, his hand rubbing your back as you buried your face in his chest, tears staining his skin.
“Baby, look at me.” He says softly, grabbing your chin with his fingers. As you look up at him, you see his eyes are slightly glossy, but he has a sweet smile on his face as his thumb caresses your cheek. “I will never leave you. Not in a million years. It’s all going to be alright, okay? You’ve got me, and I’ve got you. As your husband, I vow to make sure nothing like that ever happens, and you will always feel safe and loved and protected. If I can’t do that, then I can’t even call myself a man.” He chuckles, leaning down to place a soft kiss on your lips. “I promise that I will always be by your side. You understand, Princess?” He whispers, you nodding in response. “Good girl. Now give me one more kiss.” He says, stroking your cheek again.
You smile against his lips, getting one more kiss from him. When you pull back, he looks as if he’s thinking until he smiles again, his hand sliding to the back of your head to pull you closer. “Still not enough.” He whispers before kissing you again, his free hand roaming your bare body as his leg slips between yours. The movements start a kindling fire in your body, the embers growing higher the deeper he kisses you. He pulls away for a moment, concerned. “Sorry if I'm being too pushy, darling. We can stop if you want.” He says, his hand resting on your hip. You shake your head, kissing him as you move against his bare thigh, the contact sending a wave of arousal through your body. “Please, don’t. I want you, Seokjin. Please.” You whisper, begging for a release, a distraction, proof of his existence.
It’s funny sometimes, even though you’ve been together for years, you still wonder sometimes if any of this is real. For so long you hated yourself, thinking that you were never worthy of the love that you craved, that you didn’t deserve love or attention from anyone. You were dead set on the fact that you were going to die alone, sad, with nobody to care for you. Then, this perfect man came out of nowhere, swept you off your feet (literally, he caught you when you slipped on some water that was on the floor in a store), and changed around your whole life. He made you feel loved, like you had a purpose, made sure you knew he cared about you and loved you just as much as you loved him.
Even now, as he kissed you, your back flat on the bed as his body leans over you, his leg between yours as he strokes your cheek with his thumb, you know he loves you. You can feel it deep down in your heart, the slow spreading of warmth, love, affection making your body hot. The bare cock resting on your stomach that’s slowly growing harder by the second could also be helping with that warmth in the pit of your stomach, but that’s beside the point. All of him, everything he is as a man, everything he feels, its all because of you. He is here, taking care of you, loving you, making sure you know he loves you.
You groan softly as he climbs on top of you, his body resting on yours as he breaks your kiss, looking you in the eyes as he pushes the loose strands of hair out of your face. “You know I love you, right baby?” He whispers, pressing his lips to the tip of your nose. You giggle in response to the soft action, nodding. “Good. You’re so cute, Y/N, I could just eat you up.” He chuckles, placing kisses all over your face. You laugh softly, loving the attention his giving you as he kisses your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, your eyelids, everywhere. You stop laughing, however, he his kisses get a little lower, a breathy moan escaping when he presses his lips to your neck, a deep chuckle vibrating in his throat. “You’re cute like this too. Love the sounds you make when I catch you off guard, when I make you feel good. Let me make you feel good, Princess. I'll make you forget any bad dream you’ve ever had. Just relax and let me take care of everything.” He whispers, pressing his lips to your neck once more.
You close your eyes, allowing him to take control as he moves down your body, pressing his lips to every single inch of you. It tingled, each kiss leaving goosebumps in its wake as he put your legs over his shoulders, rubbing your thighs as he kisses the insides of them. “Just focus on me, Darling. Don’t think of anything else, okay? It’s just you and me here. Nothing bad is going to happen. Just relax and let me make you feel good.” He cooed, blowing on your aching cunt. He licked up your slit slowly, your back arching as your fingers tangle in the sheets, a soft, breathy moan escaping your lips. “That’s my good girl. So sensitive, so perfect, so tasty.” He moans as he starts to lap you up, taking in your essence as he moans against you, his grip on your thighs gentle yet firm. You squirm in his grasp, already a moaning mess as he eats you out like it’s his last meal, taking his time with you while also making the most of it.
He flicks his tongue against your clit and you whimper, your body jolting. “Mm, that’s it, beautiful. Let me hear you. Tell me how good you feel.” He groans, his tongue slipping inside your twitching hole. “S-so good, Jinnie. Feels so g-good. Mm!” You gasp as he sucks on your clit, a fire igniting in your stomach. “Good. Now look at me, Princess. I know you’re close. I want you to look at me for a bit, okay? Focus on me.” He says. You look down at him, the dim light from the lamp on his nightstand gives you a great view of his head between your legs, his eyes dark as his big, strong arms hold you tight while his plump lips glisten with your juices. He winks at you and mumbles ‘good girl' as he dives back in, moaning and groaning against you as his hips move against the bed, desperate to help him find his own release. Its quite the sight, and you can feel yourself tipping over the edge just by looking at him. “S-Seokjin I-I-" You whimper, your legs starting to tremble. “Go ahead, Baby. Do it. Cum for me.” He tells you, going even harder to send you over the edge. Your hips move against his mouth as you cry out, moaning his name as you drown in absolute bliss. “Good girl. That’s my perfect girl.” He whispers, peppering your thighs with kisses as you come down from your high.
He moved up, leaning over you as he kisses your lips, your taste still prominent on his tongue. “You alright?” He asks, pushing the hair out of your face. You nod, making him smile and kiss you again. “Good. I’m glad I can help. Now let’s give you some good cuddles.” He says, laying back down next to you. “Wait, but, what about you?” You ask, confused. “What about me, Darling?” “Well, aren’t you, you know, don’t you want me to return the favor?” You ask. “Hm? Oh, no its okay baby. This was to help you out. I’m happy just knowing that I made my pretty girl feel better.” He chuckles, pulling you down for a kiss. You pout, feeling bad. “But, I wanna help you.” You mumble, reaching under the sheet to run your hand over his rock-hard cock, his breath hitching as you do. “Ooh, baby, I don’t know if you really wanna do that. But, if you insist, I think I have an idea. A way we can get good cuddle time while you help me. Come here.” He says, grabbing your hand and pulling you to lay on top of him, your chest pressed to his as his cock bounces against your ass.
“Here. This way you can lay down on my chest while I take care of everything, okay? Just relax, beautiful.” He whispers, lining your hips up with his hands and taking control, prodding your entrance with his cock before sliding into you slowly, soft, breathy noises erupting from both of you. “Mm, so perfect baby. Just lay down, put your head on my chest. That’s it. I’ll take care of this.” He moans, hands gripping your ass as he guides you slowly to take him all in, the feeling of being so completely full by his massive cock something you’ll never ever get used to. You whimper, your mouth falling open as your eyes roll back, already feeling incredible as he slowly pulls out of you. He starts a slow, steady pace, one that’s also precise as he grinds his cock against your sweet spot, his pelvis moving against your clit, giving you extra stimulation as you start to lose your mind. “Good girl. Feel so good- ngh-inside. Love you so much. Never gonna go away. Always be here for you. Understand?” He moans. You nod, moaning as he grips your ass tighter, holding you in place as he fucks up into you slowly, passionately, his cockhead brushing against your cervix as you cry out, your noises muffled as you bury your face in his chest.
“Mmm, so cute baby, so beautiful, so perfect. And all mine.” He moans, his breathing getting heavier, telling you his almost there. You are too, and you want to help, make him feel good too. So, you grab his wrist, pulling his arm up so you can hold his hand against the bed, fingers intertwining as you press your lips to his, kissing him deeply as he pumps in and out of you. He loves this, and you know it. He’s a sensitive man and loves to hold your hand when he cums, kiss you like crazy, so that’s what you’ll do. His moans become shakier, his movements stuttering as he kisses you. A few more pumps and you’re both tumbling over the edge, your walls twitching and pulsing around him as he cums deep inside of you, the warmth flowing through you as you collapse onto his chest, both of your breaths heavy as he rubs your back. “God, baby. You’re so perfect. So perfect for me.” He chuckles, kissing your head. “Are you feeling better now?” He asks. All you can do is nod, still feeling so good with him inside of you that you can’t even form proper words. “Mm, good. I’m glad I can make you feel better. My girl, my love, my sweet, sweet Princess. Nothings ever going to happen to us, okay? Next time you have a nightmare I'll make all the worries and bad stuff go away like this. I’m never leaving your side, so don’t think for a second that you’ll ever be left alone. I love you, and it’s my duty as your husband to love and protect you from anything, even things I can’t see or experience. I’ll always be here to care for you, make you feel loved, and make sure you know that the best place in the world for you is right here, in my arms.” His words bring a tear to your eyes, which drips down onto his chest. “Oh, baby, don’t cry. It’s okay. Just relax and stay here like this. Go to sleep, Princess, and I promise I’ll be here with you when you wake up.”
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darlingpetao3 · 5 years
Escape & Release (EoWells x Reader)
Rating: M (Smut)
Summary: After vowing to return for their next showdown, Eobard Thawne flees Barry Allen in the year 2049. He’s free - free at last from that God-awful Iron Heights prison. So what does he plan to do first with his newfound freedom?
A/N: Anyone else still thirsty from the latest episode? Well, here’s another Eo fic (a request, to boot!) to keep us going. PWP for you and me!
Tag List: @blogforhoes​
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After vowing to return for their next showdown, Eobard Thawne flees Barry Allen in the year 2049. He’s free - free at last from that God-awful Iron Heights prison. So what does he plan to do first with his newfound freedom?
The Reverse Flash has a couple of ideas…
First and foremost, the riskiest, most pressing matter involves visiting the person he couldn’t help but fall in love with all those years ago. Someone who never left his mind. Who got him through the darkest of nights. His ‘Juliet.’
Letting the moments of the past thirty years literally blur by him, Eobard runs like the madman he truly is through his Negative Speedforce. His eyes glow a fiercely bright red in his tunnel vision.
There. This time. This will do just fine.
The villain comes to a stop and stalks outside your Central City apartment you kept in May of 2019. A quick sprint up to your balcony brings him to peer into your living area. You’re currently in the kitchen, rounding the corner. You look up in the dim evening light to discover the figure outside your window.
You scream out of shock, but in a split second, a leather-gloved hand appears to cover your mouth to muffle your surprise. You finally register who it is, but how can this be…?
“Eommmffff!” you exclaim behind his hand. He removes it and subsequently, his bright yellow cowl, messing up his hair in the process.
“Hello, my dear,” Eobard greets you with a twisted smile (something you haven’t seen in a long time). “It’s felt like centuries since I’ve seen you last.”
You can’t believe this! Barry and Nora and the rest of the gang have only just left to the future to try to stop Eobard!
“What are you doing here?!” you ask breathlessly while running your hands down his body, as if touching him will assure you he’s real and here. “How…?”
“I came to see you, of course.” Eobard runs the reverse side of his fingers down your cheek. “I’ve been locked up for years in the future. A wretched place, and you were one of only two things I thought about while I was in that hell hole.”
“...What was the other thing?”
“Oh, you know, the usual plotting revenge of the Flash.”
You laugh. “Naturally.” There’s a brief pause, in which you break from being mesmerized at having this man here in front of you and begin to think semi-rationally. “Aren’t you afraid they’ll find you here?” you ask. “Team Flash will be back from the future any time now, won’t they? If they’re not already back. Remember a few years ago how they reacted when they found out about… us?”
“Then we better make the most of our time.”
As much as you were hoping to keep Eobard safe from your friends, you really really like the sound of that.
“And how do you suggest we do that?” you say playfully, only to shortly find yourself pinned against the wall adjacent to your bedroom. You pull his face toward yours and kiss him after saying, “A little to the left,” in regards to reaching the door. With a strategic jump, you straddle his hips, locking your legs tight around him. The deep and dark sound his throat makes drives you to attack his mouth.
It’s been so long.
He speeds you into your bedroom to throw you down onto the bed with enough force that you bounce on the mattress. On the one hand, it’s sexy as all hell, but you also let out a squeal like a kid in a bouncy house.
The Speedster has you naked faster than the blink of the average eye.
You always loved that neat little trick.
“I’ve thought about every possible thing I’ve wanted to do to you in there,” he says while hovering over you, offending you to the nth degree by still wearing the suit while you’re completely exposed. Eobard Thawne never did care for fairness.
“Yeah? Care to elaborate?”
Eobard hums in your ear, then begins to nip and kiss around the area. You are a puddle under him. He hasn’t even dealt with your beckoning need down below, and yet you’ve found nirvana with every little thing he does to you.
He smells of sweat, arousal, and a lingering lust for vengeance from his earlier fight. It’s enough to send you into a state of frenzy - needing desperately to get him out of that damned suit. Yes, it outlined every muscle on his body to prove that he was essentially a Speed-Sex-God, but it currently had no right to be hugging him tightly anymore. You’ve missed his body, how he feels against you, over you, inside you. And you need him now.
“Ditch the suit, tough guy,” you order him. “Right now.”
Eobard smirks. “Someone’s gotten a little more feisty since I’ve been gone.”
You lower your hand down between your legs to play with yourself, looking him straight in the eyes. A taunt. An invitation. A beckoning.
“A little naughtier too, it seems. I have half a mind to just watch you do that until you come.”
“We both know there’s no time for that,” you point out and press two fingers to his lips. The villain sucks on your fingers like they’re the treat he’d been denied for far too long.
“You’re right, as ever.”
At that, he phases out of his yellow Speedster suit. It drops to the floor, leaving him gloriously naked and ripped just like you remember. Possibly even more impressive, it’s a toss-up, really. You also haven’t missed noticing the small amount of peppering grey in his hair. Time was kind to him, goddamn...
You crawl backward on your bed, and
Eobard follows. His arms flex when he pins your hands above your head and into the mattress.
“How do you want it?” he asks.
“Fast and hard.”
“Ah, my specialty.”
You chuckle under him, but Eobard swallows the sound with another kiss - firm and needy and owning. While he’s distracted by your lips, he lets his hands wander back down to knead your breasts. You moan and arch your back at his greedy touch. The villain looks like he’s playing his favourite instrument and is wholly pleased by the music he produces.
He’s about to make a whole lot more “music” with you as he lines himself up in preparation to enter you. For a Speedster, he sure does take his time. Deliberately, you’re sure of it.
But at last, the Reverse Flash finds his place deep inside you, where he belongs. You suck in the air and hold it in your lungs, your head tipping back a little more with each bit further he delves within your heat.
“You feel just like how I remember…” Eobard says, which quickly tapers off into a hungry groan. You need more of that. More of those sounds. It’s been years since you’d heard them, and you almost had forgotten entirely. You whine and meet his giving thrusts in response.
Wrapping your legs around him, you let your heels dig into the small of his back above you, and use your thigh muscles to push him closer to you. You desperately want the full weight of his body on you - if he crushed you, it would be a blessing.
He starts to pick up the pace a little bit more. You see a thought flicker behind his eyes.
“Have you been with others?” he voices it, complete with rumbly, territorial undertones, “While I was gone?”
This question catches you off guard, especially with him buried inside you and pulling and pushing and kindling a stronger fire inside. There’s too much happening at once, too many sensations. You are unsure of how to answer. Or if you can answer.
“I-I mean…” you start carefully, meanwhile taking a particularly hard thrust, “you were g-gone. I didn’t know when you’d be back. Or w-whether you ever would…”
Eobard takes your chin in his fingers and forces you to look him in the eyes. They flash red.
“Have you?”
You swallow hard, he inches out.
“I have.”
The man growls and his hips propel forward. You feel the jealousy, the vicious possessiveness in the movement and let out a strangled cry when he strikes you in the right spot.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Faster. Harder. Deeper.
It’s just what you asked for.
“Did they ever make you feel like this?” he asks through gritted teeth. You wish he’d bite you with those teeth.
“What do you think?” you retort.
“Fucking say it.”
“No, what?” Of course, this is the moment he decides to bring his thumb down between the two of you and play with your clit.
“Fuuuck no- no one. No one. No one but you makes me feel this way.”
It’s as if that’s exactly what Eobard needed to hear in order to kick into overdrive - to finish you, so to speak.
Finish me.
In all honesty, you would be concerned about the neighbours hearing deafening, verging on worrisome sounds coming from your mouth, but you are so deeply lost in your overpowering ride of pleasure that you don’t even care. You let your entire body just feel and let go.
You never thought you’d get to feel that much again.
You never thought you’d get to feel him again.
You think you must have been out of it for a bit there, because your eyes open to find Eobard now laying beside you, moving a piece of hair sticking to your forehead.
“Wow…” you say, then puff out a breath, looking up at the ceiling, shortly turning to face those eyes. It’s like they finally see you, finally assessing everything about your 2019-self and what he’s missed.
“I think I know the answer,” you dare to start, “but there’s no way you can stay, is there?”
“I’m afraid not,” Eobard confirms, sounding genuinely downhearted at the fact. “I’ve already risked so much coming back to this time. But we will see each other again. I can promise you that.” He meets your lips in a gentle kiss this time, something slightly unexpected, but not unheard of. “But I’m not leaving just yet. There’s still plenty left to do to you.”
Lucky me.
Anonymous Request: Would you please write Eowells x reader smut that takes place right after he runs off at the end of Flash S5? Like he and the reader are reunited and it gets steamy.
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