Light Up My Ass
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I personally identify as a piece of shit
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lightupmyass ¡ 1 year ago
Sneak Peak!
Hey everybody! Sorry, but no real post this week. I've been working really hard on a story for a while now, and I'll be posting it when it's done. While it's being posted, I'll be working on the sequel. But, I want to get it all done and perfect before I start posting. I have plenty of small things that I've been working on, but I'm trying to focus on the main story, so I'll post the others whenever they're done. But, until then, here's a small summary of the story!
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For years, Unmei had felt out of place. Lost inside her mind, trapped in a world she felt she didn't belong in. But, what happens when her reality is flipped upside down? When all of her dreams come true in a way she'd never expected. Will she be able to handle the new pressures put on her, or will she crumble before she can get what she believes is her happy ending? Can she protect the timeline she loves the most? Will she lose herself to the man of her dreams? And what does a grim reaper want with her, exactly?
Find out the answers to all of these questions and more when The Men Who Saved Me During My Isekai Trip Are The Worst Criminals In Japan!
Hopefully posting will begin in about a month or so! I look forward to sharing this story with you all!
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lightupmyass ¡ 1 year ago
Update for the week
Good morning everyone! No post this week unfortunately, I've been working on my main story instead of one shots. I have a couple that could possibly be done by next week but as for this week, I really wanna focus on my main project so I could hopefully finish it and start posting and work on the sequel. Anyways, I hope everyone has a great week and hopefully see you with another post next Wednesday!
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lightupmyass ¡ 1 year ago
The Reaper and The Angel
Pairing: Shuji Hanma x Tetta Kisaki's older sister (Unmei or reader)
Warnings: slightly dark themes (ie. light stalking), possession, first time, mentions of death, size kink, praise, multiple rounds, unprotected sex
Summary: Since he was a teen, Shuji Hanma had been down bad for his friend's big sister. But, after years apart, would he finally be able to make her his after so much had changed?
A/N: Hello everybody! I wanted to post this yesterday but I was at work all day so I didn't finish it, but it's finally done! This has a bit more story than my last two, it's definitely a bit longer, but I like it a lot and I hope you do too. I'm trying to post at least once a week, mainly on Wednesday nights, but with two jobs it kinda makes things a little difficult. Anyways, here you go! Enjoy! 💜
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Shuji Hanma never thought he’d be the kind of guy that could be tied down. He never thought he’d be the kind of man to love so hard it hurt. Love wasn’t something he thought he was capable of. That is, until the first time he went over to the Kisaki household.
Sixteen years old, full of rage and hormones, he felt like he was on top of the world, that he and Tetta would rule all of Japan together, maybe even the world, without anything standing in their way. “Just sit wherever you want, but if you break anything, I’ll kill you.” Tetta warned, shedding his jacket off and organizing a bit. Shuji had made himself comfortable on the bed, acting as if it were his own and lounging against the pillow. It was super neat and organized in there, but he’d expect nothing less from his friend. The dull, seemingly ordinary teen had filled his life with color, brighter than any circus. He thought life couldn’t get better than this, more exciting, so imagine his surprise when the door opened and he was blinded by the sun.
“Tetta! Mom said it’s your turn to do the dishes, you were supposed to do them right after school. I’m not gonna get bitched at because you didn’t do your part. Go get them done.” Hanma’s smile faded as he sat up, staring at the beauty in the doorway. She was short, jet black hair with blue underneath, busty chest that spilled out of the little black tank top and showed off a tattoo of flowers above her heart and shorts so short Hanma was sure if she turned around he’d see part of her ass. Fuck, was he in love?
Tetta groaned loudly, slamming his fist on the desk. “Dammit, Mei, I just got home! And I have a friend over! I’ll do it later, just get out!” He shouted. The intruder sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes, popping her hip out. “Little shit. Does it look like I fucking care? Get your shit done before mom gets home or I’m kicking your ass.” She huffed before slamming the door closed, Tetta growing in frustration. “Fucking hell, can’t she get off my back for a single fucking second? Dumb ass bitch.” He grumbled, organizing things aggressively now. “Who is that?” Shuji whispered, sitting on the edge of the bed excitedly now. “My bitch ass sister, Unmei. Be happy you’re an only child. Can’t stand her.” Tetta explained. “Hey, why don’t y-hey, where the hell are you going?” He asked, turning around to find Hanma already heading out the door.
His feet were carrying him before he could think, searching all around for her. Hanma’ caught a glimpse of the long hair turning the corner, the tall teen jogging after his new obsession. He followed her all the way to a bedroom, staying at the door while she slipped out onto the patio. Shuji watched as she sat on a chair and lit up a cigarette, feeling his knees get weak. Did he just meet his dream woman? “What the hell are you doing?” Tetta came up behind him, grabbing his shoulder. The smaller teen peaked out from behind his friend, seeing what had him in a trance and scoffing. “What is your problem? Why are you staring at her like that?” He snapped. Hanma’ sighed dreamily, smiling like a fool and resting his head against the door frame. “Kisaki, I don’t know how to tell you this but…I’m gonna fuck your sister.” Hanma clapped, Tetta not even having time to respond or stop him before Shuji was out the patio door.
Unmei looked up at him annoyed, but Shuji had a big stupid smile on his face, crossing his arms and leaning against the door to stop Tetta from sliding it open. “Can I fucking help you?” She asked, the sassy tone giving him butterflies. “Ah, you looked a little lonely out here. Thought I might come out and give you some company, beautiful.” He tried to play it cool as Tetta banged on the door. Unmei grimaced as she looked him up and down, scoffing as she took another drag of her cigarette. “I don’t need any company, shitbag. Go bother someone else.” She told him, looking at the parking lot. Hanma laughed, not one to give up as he turned to look at Tetta, giving him the finger and walking backwards to lean against the railing. “Aw, c’mon, you ain’t gotta be like that. Just tryna strike up a friendly conversation. I’ll even smoke with ya.” He insisted, Tetta crossing his arms and tilting his head to watch what unfolded patiently. Hanma lit his own cigarette, Unmei watching him blow the smoke into the air as he draped his arms over the railing. “I didn’t know Tetta had a sister. Gotta say, you definitely got the looks in the family. Why don’t you and I ditch ‘im and go for a ride? Could show ya some real nice spots.” He wiggled his eyebrows and licked his lips.
The way she looked up at him with a cocky little smirk tugging at her pretty plump lips had him thinking he had it in the bag. When she curled a finger to beckon him closer he moved instantly, leaning down in front of her and blatantly staring at her chest. Her pretty manicured fingers grabbed the collar of his shirt, tugging him down so they were face to face, Shuji feeling her breath on his lips and feeling himself tremble. Her smile faded, her pretty hazel eyes staring right into her soul as she grit her teeth. “Get. The fuck. Out of my room.” Unmei grumbled, breaking his heart as she let go of him. While he was still bent over in front of her she took another drag, blowing the smoke in his face. Before he processed it all a car door slammed from the parking lot below, Unmei looking around him and huffing out a sigh. “Unmei Kisaki, what have I told you about bringing those dangerous hoodlum boys around my house? And are you really smoking right now?” A shrill voice screeched, Hanma standing up to see a woman stomping towards the building. “I didn’t bring him, mom! It’s Tetta’s friend! They’re out here bothering me!” Unmei shouted back, getting up and pushing him back with a hand on his chest. “You liar! You! Get out of my house this instant and leave my no good daughter alone! I swear, you are a disgrace, Unmei!” Their mother started ranting as Hanma opened the door, letting Tetta hear everything. The younger muttered under his breath and stepped out, waving to the woman. “She’s right, mom! This is my friend, he’s just over so I can tutor him!” Tetta lied, their mother instantly relaxing. “Oh, alright, sweetie. Sorry about that, love! But, you should stay away from Unmei, she’s a bad influence. And put that damn cigarette out, young lady!” She called out, Unmei rolling her eyes and puffing at it again.
After that day, Hanma found every excuse he could to come over. But, it was easy to realize who was the favorite child. Tetta constantly complained about how over bearing his parents were, always encouraging him to get the best grades and always do school work. Unmei, on the other hand, was the problem child. Not that she really did anything bad, she just didn’t get good grades and hung out with some shady people sometimes. Shuji noticed she was forgetful, and she had the mouth of a sailor, but every time he was around her he fell more and more in love with her.
Their relationship never improved, he was always her little brother’s annoying friend, but he was sure he’d change that eventually. That is, until the Tenjiku and Toman fight happened. After Tetta died, he felt a hole in his heart. His life lost the color, becoming dull and boring once again. Of course, he was also a fugitive, so he couldn’t exactly make an appearance at the funeral. He did show up, though, dressed in a black hoodie and staying towards the back to avoid being seen. Of course, his eyes were on Unmei most of the time. Her long hair was pulled up out of her face, a nice blazer and skirt on as she sat behind her parents, who were sobbing. Her face was neutral, though, not a tear in her eyes as she started at the ground with a frown.
After the ceremony he’d followed her outside, seeing her sitting by herself on a bench with a cigarette. He wanted to go up to her, to say something, apologize for the part he played in the tragedy, say anything. But, he stayed back as her mother came stomping out, standing right in front of her with her hands on her hips. “Are you serious right now? Are you really smoking at your own brother’s funeral? How could you be so inconsiderate?” She yelled, slapping the stick out of Unmei’s hands. The young woman stared at the ground, face never changing. “I cannot believe I was cursed with such an ungrateful, belligerent, disappointing daughter! Y’know, maybe if you were a better influence on Tetta, none of this would have happened! I swear, you are the worst, Unmei!” Her mother cried out, turning on her heels and balling her fists at her sides. “He had so much potential. He was such a good, smart, respectful kid. It should have been you.” With those last words, she walked away, leaving Unmei to sit there in silence, remaining the same as sadness filled her eyes.
Unmei knew it was true. Of course, as much as she bickered with her brother, she loved him, and she wished she was a better influence on him. Maybe if she had done better, was closer to him, none of this would have happened. It should have been her. She’d been repeating that since it happened. But, she felt so empty, she couldn’t even react. So, she lit another cigarette and walked out, heading home to pack her bags and leave home.
Even years later, nothing had changed. She still felt nothing. She’d made ends meet at a dead end job, enough money to get her own place and buy basic things, like some food and plenty of alcohol. Day in and day out she woke up hung over, went to work, came home and ate a light meal, and drank herself to sleep. She had no friends, no aspirations, just loving day to day like a zombie, doing the bare minimum to keep herself alive even though she wanted nothing more than to die.
Shuji saw all of it. He couldn’t stop himself. The first time he visited Tetta’s grave after the incident, he promised that he’d make sure Unmei stayed safe. After that night…
“God, I hate you!” Tetta shouted as he slammed his door shut, huffing in frustration as Hanma laughed. “Mei Mei troubles again?” Tetta rolled his eyes at the little nickname he’d given his sister, plopping down onto his desk chair and tossing the bag of chips at him. “She’s so frustrating. Mom’s pissed because she doesn’t want to go to college, because she doesn’t think she’s smart enough, but I keep on telling her if she’d just apply herself and put in even the smallest effort that she could go far in life. She’s not stupid, she’s damn smart, she’s just so lazy and doesn’t believe in herself at all.” Tetta complained. “Weeeeell do you think maybe that’s because your mom always calls her a dumb piece of shit? Could be a possibility.” Hanma pointed out. “Mom only says that because she’s lazy and doesn’t want to do anything. Maybe if she acted as smart as she is, there wouldn’t be a problem. I just wish she’d start believing in herself a little. I’m worried she’s gonna end up on the street or in some shitty relationship relying on a man because she doesn’t think she can do anything on her own.” Tetta sighed. Hanma grinned wickedly, rocking side to side and laughing. “Aaawww, you wuv your big sister, don’t you?” He teased, Tetta’s face flushing red as he got embarrassed. “Shut the hell up! I’m tried of your dumb ass.” He huffed as he threw a half empty water bottle at his friend.
Shuji knew how much Tetta actually cared about his sister, so his first visit to his grave he promised to keep an eye on her. And he did, a close eye on her, even if she didn’t know. He made sure she got home safe every night, kept guys away from her, even got her the job she had after “convincing” the owner. She never had any boyfriends, he made sure of that. None of the guys he saw her talking to looked good enough for her, so he made sure they didn’t think they had a chance. Did he think he was good enough? Absolutely not. But, he’d be damned if she was going to end up with someone that didn’t meet the standards her brother had for her.
“God dammit.” Unmei groaned loudly as she poured the last of her whiskey into the can of Pepsi. She didn’t realize she was almost out, which meant if she wanted to get wasted tonight she’d have to go out and get more. Reluctantly, she shrugged on a jacket and slipped her shoes on, grabbing her keys and heading out the door. It was a simple walk, not too far away and one she did often. The liquor store was only 3 blocks away, but of course she kept her knife in her bra, always keeping it on her just in case. Unmei was always paranoid, always thinking someone was watching her. Whenever she was out, whenever she went home, at work, even at home, it felt like the eyes of the world were fixed on her, watching her every move.
She paid the man at the counter, bottle in a paper bag in her hand as she stepped outside, looking everywhere to check her surroundings. The night air slipped it’s way down her jacket, giving her a shiver as she bundled up with her free hand in her pocket. It wasn’t that far of a walk, she could be safe at home in about 10 minutes if she walked fast enough. Behind her, she jumped as she heard the sound of men laughing and giggling like school girls, Unmei looking over her shoulder to see the group. It was about 5 of them, maybe just out of high school. One of them was looking right at her, nudging his friend in the gut to get his attention and whispering to him, bringing all of their attention to her. Her body ran cold as her chest tightened, her feet moving faster as she tried to rush home.
Footsteps behind her got louder and faster, Unmei panting as she began to sprint down the street, hearing the laughing and calling out to her, telling her to stop and slow down. She was terrified, her heart racing as she ran. There was no telling what could happen if they caught up, she was incredibly outnumbered and outmatched. Tears spring into her eyes as she prayed she’d make it home okay.
The loud engine from a motorcycle came roaring down the street, Unmei watching the headlight get closer and closer as she hoped whoever was driving would notice. The bike came to a screeching halt right in front of her, Unmei stopping in her tracks as the tall figure dressed in all black revved the engine. “Unmei! Get on!” The deep voice called out to her, the footsteps behind still approaching. She didn’t have time to think, the man getting off and helping her sit down before he turned to the group, who had now come to a stop and began chattering amongst themselves. Unmei frowned as her savior let his hood fall down, the long black hair confusing her as he cracked his knuckles. Did she know that voice? And this bike, hadn’t she seen it before? Where did she know it from?
Hanma chuckled as he stepped closer to the group, the one in the middle stepping forward. “Look man, he ain’t mean no trouble. Just wanted to talk to the girl.” The young man insisted, putting his hands up in defense. Unmei watched as the bike owner swung without a second thought, knocking her pursuer out in one hit. The next few minutes were a blur, Hanma moving fast and quickly taking them all out while laughing, having more fun than he had in years. His light was back in his life, the long and dark night had ended the moment she looked at him, his sun rising above the horizon once more. As soon as they were all laid out on the ground he rushed back to his bike, getting on behind her and feeling how small she was against his body. “Grab the handlebars and hold tight.” He told her, Unmei tucking her bottle between her legs and doing as he said. His large hands engulfed hers, Unmei’s eyes going wide when she saw the tattoos, her heart skipping when she realized who it was while he revved the engine. “Shuji?” She whimpered quietly as he sped away.
He brought her back to her place without even asking, Unmei getting a sinking feeling in her gut when he parked. “You alright? They didn’t touch you, right?” He asked as he turned off the bike, helping her off carefully. Unmei was panting still, looking up at him and having the tilt her head all the way back. The golden eyes she knew so well looked down at her, long blond bangs framing his thin face as he tucked his hands into his jacket pockets, keeping her between him and his bike. “Shuji? Hanma? Is that really you? I-Its been so long, I-I don’t…” She whispered, shaking her head as she tried to process his presence. Hanma laughed, the sound giving her tingles all over. What was that feeling in her chest? “Its me, Mei Mei. It’s been a while, I know. You’re not hurt, right? Did they say anything to you?” He asked, pinching her chin to examine her face and make sure there weren’t any marks. “N-No, but…where the hell did you come from? How did you…how did you bring me home?” She asked, looking around her parking lot. “Your home? You live here too? I gotta friend that stays on the fourth floor, I was just driving by and saw you getting chased so I figured I’d help out and bring you back to a safe place. That’s all.” He lied. He lied through his teeth, so quick he even surprised himself. There was no way he could tell her he was watching her, that he knew how to get to her house from anywhere in the city. And of course she would believe it, because what other explanation would there be? “Oh, really? Wow, what a coincidence. I live on the third. I was just going to pick something up from the store, but when I left these guys started chasing me, and I was so scared. I’m glad you showed up, Shuji.” Unmei smiled at him, her first genuine smile in years. It blinded him, his heart melting as he smiled back. “Me too. I’m glad you’re okay, Mei Mei. Well, I should probably get back upstairs, my friend is waiting for me. See you around, yeah?” Shuji knew what he was doing. He was acting cool, nonchalant, knowing exactly how she would react.
As he turned on his heel, Unmei felt her heart drop, her breath hitching as she reached out for him. “W-Wait!” She gasped, grabbing him by the back of the jacket and keeping him there. “Hey, um, do you…maybe…wanna come over for a bit? It’s been so long, there’s so much to catch up on. Besides, I just got a new bottle. Have a few drinks with me?” She asked, her voice sweet as honey as he slowly turned around. Hanma looked her up and down, admiring her up close for the first time in years. She’d let her natural hair grow out and cut off all the dye, the dirty blonde hair falling in waves just barely pushing past her shoulders. The golden frames of her round glasses sat on the bridge of her nose so elegantly, she was looking more and more like her brother every day.
Hanma let out an exaggerated sigh, looking behind him at a random door. “I dunno, my friend’s been waiting for me for a while. Probably wondering where I am.” He frowned, looking back down at her and seeing the absolute disappointment on her face. How cute. “B-But…it’s been so long since I’ve seen you…and there’s so much to catch up on. Ever since we found out what happened and that you left I’ve been so worried about you, I didn’t know if you were alive or not, it scared me. I’ve missed you, Shu.” Unmei whispered. Hanma felt like he was on cloud nine as she looked up at him with those pretty doe eyes, knowing he was still wrapped around her finger. “I don’t have any friends, never had a boyfriend, my parents haven’t talked to me since the funeral, I’m so alone.” Her body began to shake, the weight of it all taking over her as her eyes filled with tears. She was alone, she had no one. But now, there was someone she wanted around right in front of her, and he wanted to leave too? It was too much for her to handle, just the thought of not being wanted by him anymore sending her into a downward spiral. She always knew that he had the biggest crush on her. At first it was annoying, but then it turned kind of sweet. Then, everything happened and he disappeared, so by the time she was willing to come to terms with the fact that she had feelings for him, he was gone, supposedly forever. But now he was here again, and she had to beg for him to stay, she couldn’t let him leave.
Shuji smiled, stepping closer to her and gently placing a finger under her chin, tilting her head back to look at him properly as he towered over her. “Well, looks like you could use some company, beautiful.” He whispered, Unmei feeling her knees get weak as she smiled and giggled, remembering when they first met.
She led him up to her apartment, her stomach swarming with butterflies this whole time. It’d be a lie to say he didn’t get hotter. When he was young, the stupid up-do of his annoyed her sometimes, but the first time she saw him with his hair down after he’d taken a shower at their place, she realized maybe he wasn’t so ugly after all. But now, he was so much older, and the shoulder length hair was definitely working for him. Of course, the bags under his eyes an obvious sign he wasn’t sleeping well and making him look years older. Where was he even staying? Did he work? She had so many questions, but she couldn’t find the words as she kicked her shoes off. “Sorry, it’s not much. You can make yourself comfortable though.” She told him, setting the bottle on the counter and grabbing some glasses. Hanma looked around, interested to finally see the inside of her place. It really wasn’t much, just a kitchen that lead to the bedroom/living area, and a door he assumed lead to the bathroom, but it was cozy. It smelled nice as well, and it was pretty clean.
Unmei felt him move behind her, his hand resting on her hip as he pushed past her, making her toes curl as her body heated up from just having him so close. He heard her breath hitch, smiling to himself as he let his hand drag across her back before he made his way into the other room. It was decorated to the bare minimum, just a small dead plant in the window and a few manga on the shelf next to the TV. Very basic, but still cozy. He made himself comfortable on the floor, leaning against the bed and waiting for her to come in with two glasses and the bottle she just bought in here hand. “I hope you like whiskey, it’s the only thing I really drink.” She laughed nervously, setting it all down on the kotatsu and sitting down. Hanma laughed, smiling at her to relax her. “Whiskey is my favorite.” He told her, grabbing the glass she set in front of him and holding it up so she could pour into it.
It was silent for a bit, an awkward tension filling the air as Unmei looked around anxiously, unsure of what to say. One drink in silence turned into two, then by the third Hanma finally spoke up, tilting his head and smirking as he looked at her. “You bring me up here just to drink or did you wanna talk about something?” He asked, Unmei sitting up straight with wide eyes and gulping. She did wanna talk, she really did. “Sorry. I just…I don’t know what to say. Still kind of in shock you’re actually here. How…how have you been? Where have you been? What are you doing nowadays?” She asked, crossing her legs and bringing them to her chest. “Ah, this and that, been all over. Still on the run, y���know. Just keeping a low profile.” He sighed, twirling the glass and making the ice clink. “Right. I’m sure you’d probably get a lot of time for what happened. Our parents couldn’t believe Tetta played a part in what happened to that girl. Shima? Sora? I don’t remember. They dismissed it like it never happened, even when the cops insisted he did it.” Unmei said sadly, hanging her head low. “Sano. Emma Sano. And, don’t put the blame on him. Her own brother’s the one that made us do it. It wasn’t Tetta’s fault.” He lied.
The words made Unmei’s bottom lip quiver. Was that really true? Did her brother die from being someone’s puppet? “Who was it? Who made him do it?” She asked, looking back up at him as her breath shook. She saw his eyes darken as he frowned, the man letting out a deep sigh. “Izana Kurokawa. He was the leader of the group we were in. He died that day too.” He told her. Unmei could feel the world crash down around her. So, not only was her little brother used by this guy, but he was dead, so she couldn’t even get revenge? It hurt, she had no outlet for her anger. “Fucking shit. Why did he…why did it…fuck…” Unmei’s voice cracked as she felt a rush of grief for the first time in years. Every day had been dull and boring and emotionless, but now everything she’d pushed down the last few years instantly came flooding back, overwhelming her as tears spilled down her cheeks.
Hanma lunged forward, wrapping her up in his arms and gripping her hoodie as she gasped loudly, surprised by his embrace, his warmth. Was this what it really felt like to be hugged? It’d been so long, she forgot what such a touch felt like. “Its alright, beautiful. I’ve got you. You can let it out.” He cooed, Unmei whimpering as her lip quivered again. She wouldn’t have been able to hold it back even if she wanted to. Her arms wrapped around him as her face buried into his shoulder, muffled sobs and cries breaking his heart while her nails clawing at his back to keep him close made him feel other things.
“I know, baby. I know. I miss him too. But it’s not your fault, no matter what anyone says. You’re a good big sister, he loved you a lot.” Hanma whispered, hearing her wail and stroking her hair. How would that make her feel better? It just hurt more, her heart breaking into pieces. She loved her brother so much, why did he have to die so young? He had so much potential, he could’ve done amazing things, and this is what fate had in store for him? He could’ve been successful, he could’ve had a family, she could’ve been an aunt. But now all of the dreams she had for him were gone, any hope to see the boy she helped raise grow up washed away. “It should’ve been me. It should’ve been me. He was so much better than me, so much better.” She cried out, Hanma pulling back a bit to look at her properly. Her face was completely red, soaked with tears and bangs a mess from being smashed against him. “Darling, no. Can’t think like that. You shouldn’t die either. Tetta would’ve been crushed if you did. He had so many big plans for you, so many dreams. He wanted to see you grow up and be happy, get a good job and meet a nice man, have a nice family. If you died instead, he wouldn’t have be able to live with himself. He’d have been broken.” Hanma explained, cupping her cheeks and wiping her tears away. Unmei stared at him in shock, her pretty lips parted as he wiped at the corners of them. “He…had dreams…for me?” She whispered, grabbing at his jacket and balling the fabric up in her tiny fists. “Of course. He wanted you to have the world, Unmei. Told me all the time how much potential he saw in you. He knew you could do great things, he wanted to see you thrive in life.”
The words hit her so deep. All of these years she wanted the best for her little brother, he wanted the same for her, and what did she have to show for it? If he was still alive, he’d be so disappointed, she knew that. Hanma saw her about to lose it again, shushing her and grabbing her by the waist. He tugged her onto his lap, holding her tight with a hand splayed on her back and the other tangling in her hair. She was so in shock from the action she didn’t even cry, her eyes like saucers as she sat in his lap, straddling him as he held her like his life depended on it. He was so big, so warm, his embrace completely surrounding her and giving her more comfort and safety than she’d ever felt in her life. “I know. I miss him too. So damn much. Everyday I wake up and think ‘I should’ve been with him’. ‘It should’ve been me’. It’s just not fuckin’ fair.” Unmei let out a shaky breath as she felt his body tremble against hers, his deep voice cracking as he gripped her hoodie. She never even thought about it before, but Shuji was the best friend Tetta ever had, he was there when it all happened. Why did she never consider he might be hurting just as much as she was, maybe even more? She frowned as she slowly reached up, stroking his long hair as his face buried in her neck, the quick, shaky breaths that fanned over her skin making her weak. “I know. It’s okay now. You’re here now, Shuji. Don’t have to feel alone anymore.” She cooed, brushing his hair out with her fingers.
Unmei felt so small in his grasp, Hanma slightly worried if he squeezed any tighter she might break. He always dreamed of holding her like this, to be so close and feel her warmth, smell her perfume, or cologne more like. She smelled amazing, like lavender and musk, but in a way that wasn’t overwhelming, it fit her perfectly. Everything fit her perfectly. She was perfect. There was nothing he wanted more in the world that to hold her forever. Even his guilt didn’t stop his heart from pounding, the gentle thrum of her own pulse beating against his temple. He wasn’t alone. He was with her. Neither of them would ever be alone if he had a say in it.
He pulled back a bit, his face hovering next to hers as time slowed. She could feel his hot breath, the goosebumps that formed on her skin as he turned his head, nose nudging against her cheek. Unmei pulled back to look at him, her eyes scanning his face as he leaned in closer, their lips almost touching. It felt like the world stopped, all of their grief and anguish melted away as a fire burned brightly between them, tension rising. “Not alone anymore…because I’m here with you…all I’ve ever wanted…” He whispered, moving his hand from the back of her head to her jaw, cupping it gently and brushing his thumb over her cheek. Her entire being melted, unable to help the whimper that escaped as she looked into his half lidded eyes. “Shu…I…you…” She whispered. Her heart was racing, chest heaving and body aching, for his touch, for his warmth, for all of him. She’d never felt need like this before, never had the desire or passion. All he had to do was look at her and nothing else mattered, all she cared about was that he was finally there with her, and that’s all she needed.
Nothing was going to stop him now. He had her exactly where he wanted her, in his arms, under his finger tips, and he was never going to let go. The moment he leaned in, he felt his heart beating like a drumroll, years of waiting and craving all leading up to this moment. He’d never wanted anything in life as badly as he wanted her. Every morning he’d wake up wishing she was beside him, every minute that passed of the day he wanted to be by her side. Every night he dreamt of her, holding her close, touching her all over, feeling her soft skin under his calloused hands and tasting her everywhere. She’d consumed his mind without even knowing it, the thought of her being with anyone besides him eating away at him day in and day out. From day one she belonged to him, he knew it in his heart and in his soul. Unmei was his, and now the time had finally come where he would give his all to her, and take everything she had in return.
The moment their lips touched, Unmei felt the years of loneliness and suffering wash away like a waterfall pouring over her. Everything that Shuji was flowed through her as he moved his lips, Unmei becoming worried. She put a hand on his chest, pushing him back gently as he begrudgingly let their lips part. “What’s the matter, baby? Going too fast for ya?” He asked, a little out of breath. “No, no it’s good. I just…I don’t really know how to kiss. Only kissed one person before, and that was years ago. Scared I’m not gonna be good enough.” Her voice was small as she confessed, her head turning away and eyes fixed on her bed. Fuck, how did she not know what he was doing to him? Just the thought of her kissing someone else sent him over the edge, his body moving before she could react. He picked her up with ease, sitting on her bed with his back to the wall and his hand on her hips as he pushed her down onto his lap again, grip firm as she squealed. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of everything. Just do whatever feels right for you and I promise you’ll feel good. Alright?” His lips curled into a smile, her toes curling while his hand trailed up underneath her hoodie, rough fingers trailing over her back and tracing up her spine. She let out a soft sigh, her head rolling back and showing off her neck to him, Shuji just picturing how pretty it’ll look once he’s covered her perfect skin in his marks. Unmei nodded, looking back at him and cupping his cheeks while giving him a sweet smile. “If it’s you, I’ll do anything. Just wanna be with you, Shuji.” She whispered to him, her radiance blinding him.
With that, she leaned in again, initiating the kiss this time but letting him take over instantly, Hanma guiding her and easing her into it. A million thoughts ran through his head, all the ways he could take her, claim her, make sure she never thought of anyone else besides him. Maybe he was being selfish, but he honestly didn’t think he was. It’d been a long time coming, and he knew he loved her from the very start. He'd been so good the whole time, keeping his distance, making sure he didn’t make her uncomfortable, respecting boundaries. Okay, well, the last part was a lie. The boarder line stalking could be a boundary cross, but she didn’t know about it, so was it really that bad? He was only protecting her, he was doing a good thing, right? Whatever, it didn’t matter, because she was in his arms now, kissing him with so much passion and need, he could barely tell she was a beginner. She followed his lead easily, catching on quick and moving against his lips gently. His hands roamed her body, fingertips grazing all over her back and sides as she trembled, letting out a shaky breath while her hips bucked against him subconsciously.
Hanma was aching, dying to feel her more each time she grinded over the tent in his pants. She might not have even known what she was doing to him, the effect she had. The roll of her hips stuttered as she moaned softly, her toes curling and head falling back. Shuji thought the was a perfect opportunity, needing to hear more of the pretty sounds. Every night he’d dreamt of what she might sound like when he’s making her feel good, if she was a moaner or a curser or a whiner, maybe all three. The soft gasps now were good, but not good enough. The desire to hear more tipped him over the edge as he moved her to straddle his leg, pushing her down onto his thigh and rocking her against it as he licked a long stripe up her neck.
“Ny-ah! Fuck!” Unmei squeaked, gripping his shoulders as she shook on top of him. It made his brain and heart melt to hear her like this, the sound so cute to him. He tugged on her hips, pressing his thigh up into her as he moved her while licking, kissing and sucking all over her neck. It was driving her wild. Unmei didn’t know how much she’d like neck kisses, but they might become her favorite thing. Especially when the tip of his tongue flicked over a particular spot just under her jaw like a snake, her hand moving to the back of his head. “There. Right there feels real good.” She moaned, Shuji wiggling his eyebrows as he nipped and sucked at the spot. Her hips bucked sharply, his thigh pressing up into her again as pleasure surged through her Unmei moaned loudly, losing herself while grinding on him. His leg was on the skinnier side, but it was firm under her, and even through their pants it was more friction than she’d ever felt before. It made her head spin, face turning pink as she leaned back to look at him with a sultry face that was almost porn worthy.
Shuji smiled, his thumbs tracing the bottom of her bra. “Feeling good, pretty girl?” He asked, watching her hips roll. The nickname made her heart flutter, an adorable smirk forming on her pretty lips as she nodded. “Really good. Don’t wanna stop.” She admitted breathlessly. “Good. Don’t stop. Feel good, baby. Lemme see how pretty you look when you lose your fucking mind.” He encouraged, slipping her hoodie up over her head and making quick work of her bra, staring shamelessly at her chest. “Fuuuuck…god you’re so fuckin’ beautiful. Better than I dreamed of.” He whispered, almost to himself. But, Unmei stopped for a moment, staring at him with her lips parted. “Dreamed of? You dreamed of me?” She asked softly, Shuji looking up at her as he groped her breasts. “Every night, doll. Always been my dream girl. Drove me fucking crazy, would probably get embarrassed from all the things I dreamt of doing to you.” He chuckled.
Something inside of her snapped, a cord splitting apart as she whimpered, remembering all thee things she wanted him to do to her. All the nights wanting his hands on her, the fantasies of him being buried inside of her instead of the toy she had. Wondering if he was bigger, if he’d be better, if he’d be able to make her feel better than she did. Her hands moved without much thought, stripping him out of his jacket before lifting his shirt up, tossing it wherever hers ended up and running her hands over his bare chest. It was so warm, so firm under her dainty fingers, she couldn’t help but whimper as she imagined how much stronger he was, how he could probably manhandle her. Their size difference was definitely one of her favorite things about him, her mind wandering to how easily he could pick her up, pin her down, it made her hips move again just thinking about it. “Would it be bad if I said I thought stuff about you too?” She asked softly, doe eyes looking at him with such innocence he thought he’d lose his mind. “Yeah?” He hummed, putting a large hand on the small of her back to help her with her movements. “Like what?” Hanma asked, desperate to know. Unmei smiled and giggled, her hand moving to the back of his neck and twirling his hair around her finger. “Whatever you want.” She told him teasingly, watching his eyes darken as his smile faded.
Within seconds Unmei was on her back, Hanma nestled between her legs and pressing her hard into the mattress. His breathing got heavier, Unmei squirming and staring up at him with her chest heaving. “Do you want that, sweetheart? Want me to have my way with you? Gotta warn you, I’ll go easy, but it won’t be gentle. You sure you wanna try and take me on?” He asked, his tone dropping as his fingers traced up her arms, hands moving to lace with hers and pressing them into the bed. She looked so pretty under him, all of his fantasies in the palm of his hands, so close he could almost taste it. But, he wouldn’t do it unless he knew she wanted him just as bad, as long as he knew she knew she belonged to him and only him. When she nodded how knees almost gave out, the little smile making his chest tight. “Want you, Shuji. Always wanted you. Just make me yours already, I don’t care what you do. Just, please, hurry. Aching for you, almost hurts.” Her voice cracked as her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him down to grind against her. Hanma groaned loudly, eyes screwing shut as he pressed hard into her, letting her feel all of him and dying to feel her wrapped around him. A dark smile spread across his lips, making her heart skip as he looked down at her. “Don’t worry, Unmei. I’ll give you everything you need. Gonna make you mine.” He grumbled, giving her goosebumps as his lips hovered over hers.
He kissed her again, grabbing her by the jaw and prying her mouth open to slip his tongue inside, swallowing her moan and using his other hand hiked her leg up, fingers digging into her thigh as he rocked his hips. His head was already dizzy, her soft and tiny body under him giving him such a wild sense of strength and power. He got the go ahead, he could do what he wanted, and what he really wanted right now was to see how she looked when she came, even if it was just from a little dry humping. She was almost too innocent, moaning and whimpering like crazy from the steady, firm movements. It made him wonder how loud she’d be when he filled her up, how tight she’d be when he finally slipped inside. Could she handle his rough thrusts? Would she scream his name? How many times would she have to cum before he broke her mind? He’d find out soon enough, apparently.
Unmei was already feeling the warmth bubbling in her tummy, nails scraping at his biceps as their tongues swirled together. Just the feeling of the bulge rubbing against her had her seeing stars, vivid colors splashing over the back of her eyelids as she drowned in him. She wanted to lose her mind, to only think of him, be his completely. Nothing else mattered to her. Years of loneliness, longing and worrying for him, it all washed away, only the tidal wave of pleasure consuming her as he moved faster. He bit her bottom lip as her old bed began to creak, her whole body moving from the sheer force of his grinds. “Mmnah, Mnu…ni…mnood, mm fuh…” She babbled between the heated kisses, her hips bucking up against him as her chest heaved. He could feel her shaking, toes curling against the back of his legs as his cock twitched in his pants.
He pulled back from her lips to get a good look at her face, her eyelids fluttering open as her eyes crossed slightly behind her glasses, lips hung open for bated breaths and soft whimpers to spill out. “So pretty, baby. Cum for me. It’s alright. C’n cum like this, then I can stretch you out real nice, get you ready to take my cock. Want that? Wanna feel these insida you?” He asked, holding his long fingers in front of her face. They were almost twice the size of hers, her heart and pussy fluttering at the thought as she nodded. His fingertips tapped at her bottom lip, her tongue sticking out to graciously accept his middle and ring finger into her mouth as her lips wrapped around them, sucking and swirling her tongue around them while she moaned. Hanma was afraid he’d cum just from the sight, burning it into his memory. Her innocence was slipping, being completely destroyed by him so quickly as she turned into a lewd mess, tits bouncing with each thrust of his hips.
Unmei felt the build up, the snap, her legs squeezing around him as the ecstasy flowed through her like a big wave, swallowing her and mind turning to mush as she crumbled. Her body twitched and shook as her mouth hung open, a loud moan echoing through the room while he rocked her through it, Hanma’s eyes fixed on her beautiful face. It was the best thing he’d ever seen, watching her completely lose herself almost sending him over the edge. But he couldn’t, not yet. He had to hold back, keep his own desire under control until he was inside of her, until he could fill her up so full he’d never doubt his ownership over her. Slowly he eased up, only stopping when her breaths slowed and her body relaxed, kissing her over her neck and collar bone as she came down. Unmei let out a breathy laugh, a big smile on her face as she takes her fingers through her hair. Shuji sucked at her neck, feeling her press her body against his before he pulled off with a pop. “Ready for more, baby?” He asked, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Unmei giggled and nodded, pushing his long hair behind his ear as she admired his features. He’d definitely changed since she last saw him, his baby face changing and becoming manlier, cheeks hallowed a bit more and jawline sharper. She was in love, she could already feel it. There was nothing she wanted more than all of him. “’m ready. Want more, Shu.” She agreed, making him smile.
He kissed down her body, licking and sucking and leaving marks in his wake as he grabbed the waistband of her leggings, slowly dragging them down the length of her legs. Her legs closed from embarrassment as her cheeks reddened, gulping hard as she suddenly became nervous. Sure, she wanted him, wanted to be his, but she was still self conscious. No one had ever seen this much of her before, so of course it’d make her anxious. Hanma rubbed her calf as he sat back, looking her up and down and feeling a deep, feral urge to ruin her bubbling inside of her. Like a little bunny at the mercy of a ravenous wolf, he was salivating as his hunger for her became insatiable. He chuckled darkly, moving his hands up and down her legs. “Don’t get shy now, baby girl. Want me to give you everything, lemme see all of you.” He cooed, tilting his head curiously as she turned hers to the side. Unmei took a deep breath, hiding behind her arms as she let her legs spread, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.
Lucky for her, Shuji wasn’t looking at her face. When she opened up for him his eyes were fixed on her glistening core, tongue poking out to lick his lips as he let out a shaky breath. He dropped onto the bed, face hovering over her as he put her legs over his broad shoulders, Unmei gasping when she felt his hot breath on her skin. She sat up, seeing the hungry look in his eyes and gripping the sheets. “W-What are you doing? Why are you so close? It’s embarrassing.” She whined. She earned a sharp, warning look from him, making her squirm. “Embarrassing? Baby, you’ve got the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. Don’t be embarrassed. Can’t wait to be all the way inside of…here.” He hummed, slipping his middle finger knuckle deep into her, watching her head fall back as she moaned. It was a new and strange feeling, Hanma not waiting to begin pumping it in and out. She’d tried to finger herself, but her fingers were so small it never felt good enough. The depth he reached, the way he curled it, she was losing herself already.
Hanma stared at her hole swallowing his digit, feeling her tight walls pulse with her heartbeat as he felt all around. It was hypnotizing, addicting, his mouth salivating at her essence soaking his skin. She was a mess just from the little friction, drenched and inner thighs glistening as she clenched and twitched around him. He was so hard it hurt, so he was going to have to make quick work of this so he could finally get some release. He slipped another finger inside, curling against the perfect spot that had her back arching and thighs trembling around him. “Fuck! There, feels so good there. Fuck, don’t stop, Shuji.” She moaned so pretty, egging him on as he dipped down and flattened her tongue over her clit.
The feeling was indescribable. Every nerve in her body tingled as he swirled his tongue around her sensitive bud, her hands instantly flying to his head as her legs curled up. If she cared enough, she would be worried the neighbors could hear how loud she moaned. But, at this point, nothing else mattered except the pleasure she felt coarsing through her body. “Ah! Oh my go-ahd! Fucking shit!” Unmei squealed, pushing his head down and keeping him in place as her hips bucked. That’s exactly what he wanted, for her to give into her desires and feel good. He lapped and sucked at her clit, slipping a third finger in and stretching her out, the sloppy, messy sounds filling the room almost as much as her moans. Her body ached, chest tightening and she felt that build up again, coming faster than she expected as she felt herself teetering on the edge. He was moving fast, too quick for her to even grasp what was happening as he pulled his fingers out and wrapped his arms around her legs, holding her tight against his mouth.
She tasted better than any sweet he’d ever had, he couldn’t help but lose his composure as he ate her like a mad man, slurping up every drop she gave him and tongue fucking her fast, loving the way her legs squeezed around him and her fingers tugged at his hair. Unmei looked down to see his tatted hands wrapped around her thighs, his head shaking side to side as he looked up at her for a moment, catching her gaze and winking up at her. She whined, her heart melting as pleasure and love swept over her too fast for her, her body coming undone a second time as she shook violently. It was more intense than before as his wet muscle continued to squirm around, drawing circles into the pulsating nub. Of course, he had to spell his name on her clit as she came. Would she really be his if he didn’t? Even if she was gasping for air, even with her toes curling against his back and her voice cracking while she tried to push his head away, he took his time and traced out every letter from the H to the I. Only then was he satisfied, giving her soft kisses everywhere as he finally let her relax.
Unmei was relieved once he stopped, her hips still circling as he gently licked her clean and kissed all over her inner thighs while rubbing her legs and hips soothingly. Hanma gradually kissed his way up her body until he was hovering over her again, his lips and chin glistening with her essence. “Fuck, you taste so good, angel. Wanna spend the rest of my life buried in your legs.” He chuckled breathlessly. Unmei whimpered and rolled her body again, desperate for more while Hanma dipped down, brushing his nose against hers. “Want something else buried in ya now though, don’t ya baby? How bad do you want this?” He asked, grinding against her sensitive cunt. His jeans were rough, making her cry out from the friction as sweat began forming on her hairline. She only nodded, trying to tug him closer and nails scraping at his back as she panted. Hanma laughed tauntingly, grabbing her by the jaw and keeping her head still as her lust-blown pupils stared up at him pathetically “Don’t tell me you lost your words already, little one.” Shuji teased, pinching her cheeks together and watching the light in her eyes shift. Her body trembled as the nickname did something to her deep inside, setting a blaze in her as she completely melted under him. He saw it, he knew it, and he was going to toy with it.
“Oh? What’s that look for? Don’t tell me you like that. Got a size kink or something?” He hummed deeply, letting go of her face and dragging his large hand down her torso. Unmei bit her lips shut, turning her head to the side out of embarrassment, unable to find the words. She didn’t have to admit it, it was obvious he was right. “You do, don’t you? Dirty little girl. My teeny, tiny baby.” He whispered, leaning back down and smiling as his lips hovered above hers. He felt her shaky breaths on his skin, running his hands up and down her body as he completely engulfed her, mind wandering to how they must look from above. In his head, all he could see was him and her legs helplessly wrapped around him, the thought alone sending him into overdrive. “Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart. I like it too. So tiny, could just pick ya up and fuck you on my cock with no effort. Honestly might not even be able to fit inside, little pussy probably can’t even handle me.” His hips grinded again, Unmei feeling the outline of him and thinking he might be right. But, she was more than willing to try. “No, wanna try. Please, Shu. Need you. Please.” She begged breathlessly, her fingers tangling in his hair as her bare chest pressed against his. The need in her voice told him it was time, neither of them could wait any longer. “Alright, alright. Gonna go slow, though. Tell me if you need me to stop.”
Hanma sat back to unzip his pants, grabbing hold of his length and groaning loudly. After all this time enjoying her, he was aching, leaking and twitching from his own touch as he throbbed. Unmei watched with her lips parted, tingles spreading through her body as she wondered how she’d ever be able to take that. He was huge, of course, long and thick, the angry red tip intimidating her. He was going to break her in half, but the thought kind of excited her. Precum coated the palm of his hand as he stroked himself, looking down at her with hungry, hooded eyes. “You ready for all of this, baby?” He smirked, Unmei’s heart skipping a beat, throat tightening as she swallowed hard. “W-Wait. You’re gonna use protection, right?” She finally found her voice, looking up at him nervously and closing her legs a bit. He was afraid this would be an issue. Welp, time to be a little toxic.
Shuji frowned, putting a hand by her head and giving her puppy dog eyes while leaning over her. “Unmei, I’ve been waiting for this for so long. Never been with anyone else before, only ever wanted you. Now that I finally have you, now that I can make you mine forever, I don’t want anything getting in the way of feeling all of you. Don’t you want that too? To be completely one and have nothing separating us? Don’t you want me?” He asked, sounding heartbroken with his voice slightly cracking. Unmei gasped, Shuji playing her heartstrings like a harp. “Of course I do. Want all of you, Shuji. But I just…what if something happens? I don’t think either of us are in a position to deal with the consequences if I got pregnant or something.” She pointed out, draping her arms around his broad shoulders. Hanma sighed, cupping her cheek and kissing her forehead. “Don’t worry, that won’t happen. I’ll pull out, I promise. Please, Unmei?” He begged. How could she say no to that face? Unmei pulled him down into a kiss, sighing sweetly into his mouth as he crumbled for her. “Okay. I’m okay with it. Just be careful, okay?” She smiled, Hanma overjoyed. He laughed and kissed her back excitedly before pulling back and looking at her with hearts in his eyes. “Don’t worry, Unmei. Gonna give you everything, make sure you feel amazing. Just take deep breaths and relax for me, yeah?”
He held himself in his hand again, looking down to watch her spreading her legs further for him and guiding himself to her entrance. His tip rubbed along her folds, the slickness making his breath hitch while Unmei squirmed. He’d never felt happier, the excitement and anticipation drumming through him as his heart beat faster and faster. Years of waiting, imagining, dreaming of this moment, and it was finally here. So much work he’d done to protect her, keep her safe and pure and his was finally paying off, but he had to make sure he didn’t let the joy get the best of him. Patience was key, and even though he wanted to pound into her more than anything, he had to get her used to him, let her stretch to take him and ease into it. The moment he popped his tip inside, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to hold back. Unmei cried out, back arching off the bed as she grabbed the sheets, the stretch from that alone almost splitting her open. “Fuck! Breathe for me, baby. It’s alright.” Shuji groaned, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers as he pinned it down.
She was gasping for air, eyelids screwed shut as her head trashed side to side. “No no no no no, too big, too much, I don’t think I can do it.” She whined, tears filling her eyes from the heartbreak. After all this time, all the years of saving herself and keeping herself pure for the one she loved, it hurt to know that she wouldn’t be good enough for him, that she couldn’t even take him as he already stretched her to her limit. “Ssshhhh sh sh sh sh, relax, Unmei.” Shuji cooed, kissing her cheeks and jaw as she choked on a sob. “’m sorry, Shu. I’m so sorry. I-I don’t think I-“ “You can do it, I know you can.” He encouraged her, nudging her nose with his. “I promise, you can take it. Don’t be sorry. Just keep breathing for me. Nice and slow.” He pushed in just a little bit further, Unmei wrapping herself around him and clinging onto him for dear life while her head pushed back into the pillow. Hanma was holding back so much, he didn’t even know he was capable of being so cautious. But, in all honesty, he wouldn’t be able to push all the way in yet, even though he wanted to so bad. She was so damn tight, even though he played with her. Her walls were squeezing him like a vice grip, just barely letting him give her shallow thrusts to ease into her bit by bit.
Unmei tried to control her breathing, to slow it down and stop crying. She thought after using her toy for so long, it might’ve made it easier. But, he was way bigger than that, so her preparation had been fruitless. Nothing could’ve prepared her for this, and she was scared and excited at the same time, tears dripping down her temples. She was completely wrapped around him, legs locked on his waist and arms around his shoulders. Shuji’s face was buried in her neck as he groaned and gripped the sheets, steadily pushing in just a bit further. “Doing so good for me, gorgeous. Half way there. Takin’ it like a champ. ‘m so proud of you.” He praised, lips pressed to her skin. Unmei choked on a sob as the pain and pleasure bubbled together. It hurt, but it was such an amazing feeling as well. The heat radiating off of him, every ridge and vein on his cock rubbing through her walls with every shallow thrust, she couldn’t help but giggle, grabbing his attention. Hanma’s eyebrows furrowed as he pulled back, a confused smile on his lips as he watched her little giggle fit. “What’s got you so giggly, sweetheart?” He asked stroking her cheek with his knuckles. “’m sorry. Just really really happy.” She admitted with a small, sweet voice. Shuji’s smile faded for a moment while he stared at her face, her big beautiful eyes looking right at him with all the stars in the universe, lips curled into the biggest smile and soft cheeks rosy pink. She was everything he wanted, always and forever, he wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers ever again.
Shuji laughed, peppering her entire face with kisses and making her giggle and squirm, her inner walls massaging him as he stayed still, enjoying the feeling. When he reached her lips it took her breath away, the giggles switching to soft moans. He pulled back and dragged his hands down her body, sitting up and smiling. “I’m happy too, Unmei. Never been happier. And look, you’re more than halfway there. See?” He pointed out, bringing her attention to where they were connected. The sight make her brain numb. His thick length nestled inside of her, his abs, hands on her thighs, it was the most lewd thing she’d ever seen. “Oh, fuck…” She whispered, licking her lips as her hips circled, unable to stop the heat pooling throughout her body. The pain had started melting away, and when he gave an experimental thrust, she knew what she wanted, she felt ready.
“Just do it, Shu. Go all the way, I can handle it.” Unmei whimpered, grabbing his wrist delicately. His eyes widened, heart skipping a beat. “You sure? Don’t wanna hurt ya, now.” Hanma cooed, rubbing circles into her hips with his thumbs. But, she was positive, she wanted it, no matter what it felt like. She wanted all of him, as fast as possible, or she was going to lose her mind. “I’m sure. Please, Shuji. Just do it. Like ripping a bandaid off.” She nodded assuredly, making him smile. “Alright. I’ve gotcha. Just hold my hands, okay?” He agreed, locking their fingers together. Unmei took a deep breath, focusing on the stretch and the pleasure of his pulsating cock, the beat matching the pounding of her heart.
Hanma could barely contain himself, eyes locked on her core as he prepared mentally. In one fell swoop he completely shoved himself inside of her, bottom out as their cries filled the room. Shuji toppled over and pinned her hands it the pillow as Unmei screamed, body convulsing as an orgasm unexpectedly washed over her. “Shit shit shit shit shit!” Shuji spewed, trying his best not to cum yet. It was so hard, her insides practically milking him as she shuddered. It was pure bliss, feeling him so deep inside, completely filling her up. It was impressive that she managed to handle it, the pleasure beyond words, incomparable to anything she’d ever felt before. Her breathy moans slowed down as her eyes glazed over, Unmei taking off her glasses and setting them on her nightstand as he stayed still. “You alright? Feel good?” He panted. She nodded and smiled, still blissed out and relaxing back into the mattress. Unmei grabbed his hand again and brought the back of it to her lips, kissing along the dark marks. “Fucking amazing. Keep going, baby. Fuck me like you mean it.” She smirked, not knowing what her words were doing to him.
It made something click in his brain, the need and desire taking over. A wicked grin spread across his thin lips, the kind that’s scare the biggest and baddest, but only excited her more. “Like I mean it, huh? Don’t get too cocky now, little one. But alright, I’ll give you what you want. Brace yourself, baby.” He chuckled, grabbing her hips tight and lifting them up.
Nothing could’ve prepared her for what he had in store. In one quick move he pulled out all the way to his tip and slammed in again, Unmei screaming loudly as her body lurched from the force. Hanma moaned, throwing his head back as he did it again and again, his tip easily hitting the deepest spots. The way she squeezed and massaged his cock was heavenly, silky walls welcoming him into a vice grip as she arched and squirmed in his grip. “Fuck! Shu! Ah, god, fuck!” She squealed, her toes curled and fingers gripping the pillow as the bed creaked violently. She could practically feel all of the thoughts in her head melt away as nothing but pure ecstasy flowed through her like a tidal wave. Each snap of his hips had her seeing stars, the sounds filling the small space downright filthy.
Shuji moaned and groaned, grunted and growled. Watching her body move was like art. Plump pink lips parted for her sultry moans to spill out, eyelids fluttering as she stared at him, tits bouncing and tight cunt coating the length of his cock in her listening slick. Nothing in the world could compare to how breathtaking she was, and his mind just kept going back to the first time he saw her, the moment he knew he was in love with her. This was everything he’d ever wanted and more. When he felt the fire burning in the pit of his stomach, he knew he couldn’t stop. He had to distract her, had to make sure she wouldn’t notice what was about to happen. Maybe if she came again too, it’d cover up his own release. So, that’s exactly what he aimed to do.
He pounded ruthlessly, grabbing the back of her legs and folded her, Unmei’s eyes going wide. She gasped when he gripped her calves tight, forced to watch his cock sink into her sensitive hole over and over again. Her head was spinning, mouth salivating as drool seeped from the corner of her lips. It felt like the whole world was spinning, her body weak to the abundant pleasure as she laid helpless beneath him. Her moans got more high pitched, mixing with the lewd squelching of her cunt. Hanma could feel himself tipping over the edge, hips beginning to lose their rhythm. “Fuck, fuck fuck fuck! Doing so fucking good for me, baby. Pussy feels like heaven. Wanted this for so fucking long. God, I fucking love you.” He moaned, letting one of her legs relax over his shoulder so he could grip the headboard.
Unmei stared up at him in shock, feeling the tears well in her eyes again. He loved her? He really loved her? She wanted to point it out so bad, but no words would form in her throat. The only sounds she was capable of were moans and whimpers. But, it was the thought alone that had her seeing stars. He loved her. Shuji Hanma told her that he loved her, to her face. It pained her that she couldn’t even say it back. The only thing she could think to do was show him. So, she grabbed his face in her small hands, pulling him down and crashing her lips onto his, surprising him as she licked into his mouth. It was deep and passionate, he could feel every hair on the back of his neck as a chill ran down his spine. That was the snap, his cock pulsating as he released without warning, letting the waves crash through him. At the same time, he felt her clamp around him, thankful his plan worked as she moaned into his mouth, her fingers gripping his hair tight and legs wrapping around him.
But, he couldn’t stop. Even if he was sensitive, even if he knew it might be too much for her, his body wouldn’t let him stop. He only pulled out long enough to flip her over onto her stomach, Unmei’s face buried in her pillow as she put her ass up in the air, having enough brain power to know what she needed to do and what was coming next. She hugged her pillow tight, swaying her hips as he liked his tip up again. It was like second nature for her, all of the videos she’d watched and things she’d read, all of the wild fantasies she’d had preparing her for this. However, Hanma was frozen for a moment, seeing the ink etched into her back. Pretty wings decorated her skin, a low groan rumbling in his throat. That wasn’t there before. “Oh fuck me…” He whispered to himself. It was too much for him to handle, and he pushed inside of her once more, pounding to his base once again and letting his brain slip away. All he could think about was how good she felt, how he was going to feel this every day for the rest of his life, and how he never wanted to stop. It was like he was 16 again, humping his pillow thinking about her, picturing this exact thing in his head, but a million times better. “Fuck, Unmei, so fucking sexy! Love watching you, so tiny and pretty and perfect. Feelin’ good, baby? Tell me you’re feeling good, fuck! Please say it, angel.” He choked, doubling over and slipping a hand underneath her, hand splayed across her chest and lifting her up a bit.
Her eyes were crossed, jaw slack as she gasped and moaned. She’d never felt anything from behind, always very basic and flat ok her back while using her toy. It was driving her wild, tears spilling down her cheeks. “Please tell me, baby. Wanna hear your voice. Need ta hear ya.” He begged, voice cracking as his strong and cool demeanor slipped. He needed to know he was doing a good job, that she was feeling as good as him, that she felt the same way. If not, everything he’d worked so hard for, waited for, would be for nothing. Eventually, Unmei started babbling, realizing she could probably spit something out. “Good! Fuck! Shu! Don’t stop! Down!” She cried out, Hanma gasping and dropping her back down onto the mattress. When she was bent over again he hit the best spot, her hips bucking up to help him hit it again. “There! Ri-ah-there!” She screamed, hugging the pillow again as she rocked back, meeting him thrust for thrust.
Shuji grabbed her hips tight again, watching, mesmerized by her fucking herself back on his cock, the bend of her spine, the intricate tattoo, the jiggle of her ass cheeks. Unmei’s brain was turning to mush, chasing the high as it bubbled up in her again. Her clit was aching, so she reached down to rub it in fast, tight circles, desperate for the little extra push. It made him smile when he felt her spasming around him, her legs shaking and moans getting louder. He picked up the pace a little more, pushing down on her back to arch it even more. “Fuck! Shuji! G’na cum! Harder!” Unmei squealed. He could do that. The snap of his hips grew harsher, going deeper as he slammed into her. His grip kept her still as he abused her cunt, sending her over the edge again. It hit her so hard her legs gave out, knees slipping out from under her as she collapsed, a convulsing and spasming mess. Hanma lowered himself on top of her, and kissed her shoulders and neck, his cock rubbing against her ass cheeks so he wouldn’t lose the pleasure built up. Her pants and moans slowed, Unmei turning around under him to smile up at him. “You good? Not too tired yet, right?” He chuckled, kissing her forehead. She shook her head, licking her lips as her chest still heaved. “One more. Please, just one more. Like this again.” She whispered, wrapping her arms and legs around him again, letting him completely mesh against her. “So I can tell you I love you to your face while you do it.”
Shock froze him, his body as still as a statue as he stared down at her. “You…you what?” He croaked, thinking he heard wrong. Unmei threw her head back as she laughed, fingers gently trailing up and down his biceps. “So you can say it to me but get surprised when I say it back? I said I love you, asshole. Do you need to clean your ears?” She teased, poking his temple.
She loved him. She loved him. She loved him. It kept playing on repeat in his head, over and over again. She said it. It was real. He wasn’t imagining it. “Say it again.” His tone dropped, Unmei getting butterflies as his stare intensified. “I love you, Shuji.” She repeated, giving him a soft smile. “Again.” The command made her quiver, spine tingling. “I lo-ah!” before she could even get the words out he pounded into her harder than ever, the movement firm and possessive as his eyes stayed fixed to her blissed out face. “Don’t stop, Unmei. Keep saying it. Wanna hear you say it.” Shuji breathed out, muscles tight as he started a heavy, deep pace.
Of course, she did as she was told, repeating the phrase as much as she could while he took her completely. Body, mind, soul, heart, it was all his, completely and utterly. “That’s it. That’s my girl. Keep it going. Love hearing you say it.” He cooed, feeling her tighten at the praise. If she kept doing that, he knew he’d cum again, needing to feel that sweet release. “My good girl. My pretty girl. My little baby.” He moaned over her chants, hearing her squeak and gasp. “Like that, dontcha? Feel you clamping around me, my pretty little girl likes praise, hm?” A smile spread on his lips when she nodded, watching her lips form into a focus pout as she closed her eyes, letting the feelings he was giving her take over. “So fuckin’ cute, baby. Don’t worry, I’ll keep tellin’ ya all the sweet things, as long as you keep taking my cock and tellin’ me ya love me. I’ll do anything for ya. You’re mine now, always gonna be mine, forever.” It was a promise he intended to keep. Now that he had her, nothing was going to tear them apart. He'd die before he sees her walk out of his life again.
Unmei started tearing up again as she crumbled around him, knowing she couldn’t take much more. Her body was weak and aching, her heart was racing, and her words were coming out slurred and jumble as her mind slipped away from her. The only thing she could think about was how much she loved him and how good it felt to have him on top of her, inside of her, claiming each and every inch of her for his. His voice, his touch, his kiss, it broke her, but she was beyond thrilled. Whatever he wanted was his, she didn’t care about anything but him. She’d never have to be lonely again, would never have to try and fail to find love, because she found it, in the man she always knew would be her one and only. The broken pieces of her life and heart were finally coming together in the best possible way, at the most unexpected time.
He felt her body behind to tremble and shake, her nails raking against his bare skin as her head thrashed from side to side. Luckily, Shuji was getting close too, wanting to fall over that edge together. “Look at me, sweetheart. Want you to look me in the eyes when you cum around me. Show me how pretty you look.” He grunted, going faster and harder. He wrapped one arm under her to hug her tight against him while the other cupped the back of her head gently. Her eyelids fluttered open as her moan softened, staring into his eyes through hooded lids as she panted. The end was approaching fast, too fast for her. A whimper erupted in her throat and a tear rolled down her temple as she clamped her legs around him, never wanting him to pull away. “Shu..I…lah…ahve…you…oh!” The words panted out before he completely let go, Unmei choking on a sob. Wave after wave coarser through her veins as she released, feeling something leaking from her hole and down onto the sheets. It wasn’t as violent as the other ones, not fireworks or explosion, but a very soft and sweet release of pleasure, drowning her as she sank into the feeling of ecstasy.
The sloppy sounds got even louder and messier as her little hole squelched around him, sucking him in and opening up further all at once, making it easier for him to pound into her until he fell into oblivion. His hips stopped as he still inside of her, head falling into the crook of her neck with a low growl. Unmei panted under him and traced small patterns into his hot skin, letting him relax and too blissed out to even realize he never pulled out once. Shuji pressed kisses to her neck and shoulder, slowly making his way up to her lips. It was slow and deep, full of passion and love, better than she’d ever thought. It was torture when he pulled away, Hanma chuckling when she whined. “Fuck, I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for this.” He muttered, pushing her hair back and tucking the strands behind her ear. Unmei giggled and did the same for him, the long black and blond locks surprisingly soft. “Probably longer than I have, but I know what you mean. So glad you’re here with me now.” She whispered.
He pulled out and they moved around to lay together, Unmei cuddled onto his side while Shuji kicked his pants off and pulled the blankets over them. Her hand rested over his heart, desperate to feel the best of his heart and the subtle rise and fall of his chest. “So, is your friend still waiting on you? Are you gonna have to leave?” The heartbreak in her voice was evident, the reality of it all crashing over her. He did say he was staying with a friend, would he have to leave her? What was next? What was this going to lead to? They loved each other, but he was still on the run, hiding from the law. How would this work? He felt her shaky breath fan over his chest, her body trembling in his hold. “Hey hey hey, don’t do that.” He cooed, cupping her cheek and lifting her head so she could look up at him, seeing her eyes glistening with tears. “I’m not going anywhere. Fuck him. Got my baby now, not gonna leave when you’re right here.” He assured her, wrapping both arms around her and pulling her on top of him. Unmei sniffled and laughed, leaning down to kiss him over and over again. “Good. Don’t want you going anywhere. Can even stay here, if you want. I know its not much, but if you want to…” She trailed of, a blush creeping over her cheeks as she looked to the side. Hanma smiled, playing with her hair as she looked back at him. “Only if you don’t mind. Its not easy harboring a fugitive. Hope you know what you’re getting into.” He teased. “Baby, if you keep dicking me down like that, I’ll hide you from the cops forever. I’ll be your ride or die, just keeping lovin’ me and I’ll do anything for you.” She replied.
Of course he was going to keep doing that. He’d do anything for her, and if that’s all she asked of him, he’d go above and beyond. There wouldn’t be a day in her life she wouldn’t cum on his cock and fall asleep in his arms ever again. This was a promise he made to himself and her. No more beating people into giving her things, no more keeping guys away from her, she belonged to him, now and forever, and he’d be damned if he ever let her forget it for a second. “You got it, angel. ‘m yours forever.” He cooed, letting her fall into his side again and relaxing into her embrace.
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lightupmyass ¡ 1 year ago
Drive Me Fucking Crazy
Pairing: Nahoya Kawata x OC (Unmei or reader)
Warnings: Slight aggression, little bit of angst, little bit of make up sex, established relationship, possessiveness, lots of dirty talk, slight breeding at the end, rough, Nahoya just being dirty and making her know she belongs to him
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It had been two weeks. Two weeks since he touched her. Her overly sexual boyfriend never went this long without kissing her, groping her, or pinching her to tease her. It made her scared that she might be the problem, maybe he just wasn’t in love with her, maybe she was ugly now or something like that. She’d looked at herself in the mirror a million times, wondering what it might be. Maybe he was bored of her? Maybe she was too plain looking? It could’ve been a million things, she couldn’t possibly pick just one thing. But, an idea formed in her head that she figured might work. She went out and bought the cutest little lingerie set, a pretty pale peach color with lace and a matching sheer robe with a silky ribbon to tie it together. She was sure this would work, make him at least look at her. She felt confident, twirling in the mirror and feeling good about herself. And when she heard the door open, she knew it was her chance, peaking out from their bedroom door as she watched him walk in, a smile creeping into her lips.
“Fuck!” He shouted, throwing his backpack at the wall before roughly tugging his hat of, trying to rip his hair tie on it and groaning in frustration when it got tangled, as it always did. “Dammit!” He yelled, trying to yank it out. Her smile faded, realizing that it was another fruitless night as she sighed, opening the door and walking over, dejected. “Hey, let me help. You’re gonna rip your hair out.” She said softly, reaching up to stop his hands. He huffed, going over to sit on the couch so she could carefully untangle it from behind, crossing his arms like a child as he grumbled. “Stupid fucking curls. Always get stuck in shit and ruin fucking everything.” He groaned. She finally got it out, patting the top of his head softly as he kept ranting about how much he hated his hair. At this point, she already knew her plan had failed, so if she was going to have to sit through another night of him either venting or ignoring her completely, she was going to get through it drunk. She grabbed some whiskey and two glasses, putting ice in them and setting them on the coffee table, pouring the amber liquid into them and handing him one as she sat down next to him, downing hers in one gulp and pouring more. He also drank it in one gulp, getting up and sighing. “I’m going to shower.” He said, the grin he always wore contrasting the dark, irritated tone in his voice as he left her by herself with the alcohol.
It was hopeless, no matter what, she knew tonight was not going to be the night, and she didn’t know what else she could do to get him to even look at her. He hadn’t even looked at the outfit she got, and it made her see red. She went through so much to look cute so he would at least acknowledge her, and he couldn’t even spare her a glance? The longer he spent in the bathroom, the more she was able to drink until the room started swaying a bit. When the bathroom door opened, she was already lost in a trance as she watched the TV silently, Nahoya sitting down next to her and huffing as he towel dried his hair. She was hyper aware of the fact he was shirtless, smelling nice and fresh from his shower, skin still warm as she unconsciously reached out for his arm, trailing her fingernails along his skin. “Mm…you smell good…” She hummed, resting her head on his shoulder. “Well duh, I just fucking showered. You’re drunk. You’re too warm.” He mumbled, pushing her off of him. Her jaw dropped, lips forming a pout as she put her hand over his, placing it on her bare thigh and moving it up and down. “Baby, just tell me what’s wrong. Every night you come home and you’re so mad, I just want to help you feel better. Can’t you just look at me at least?” She begged, pushing her breasts together with her arms, hoping that’d get his attention. “Jesus fuck, can I not have some time to myself? I busy my ass all fucking day at the shop, gotta cook all the food by myself, I just want some peace and fucking quiet when I get home. Is that really too much to fucking ask?” He huffed, tearing his hand away from her, still not even looking at her.
She was frozen. The shock and pain she felt from his words were enough to send her over the edge, jaw tightening as she got up. “Fine. I’m going to bed. Fucking stupid. Should’ve known better than to think you’d actually fucking give a shit.” She huffed, getting up and bending over a bit to grab the bottle and take it with her. Those words, that was the final snap for him, making him look at her and finally see what she was wearing, her ass on full display in front of his face. But, he couldn’t pay attention to that when her words struck a nerve. “The fuck is that supposed to mean?” He asked, titling his head to the side as he looked up at her. “Nothing. It means fucking nothing. Good night.” She sighed, turning to walk away.
“Nah nah nah, we ain’t doin’ that.” He tsked, keeping her in place, still bent over as he stood up, putting his hands on her hips. “Hoya, let go.” She grumbled, trying to stand up and wiggle out of his grasp. However, he put his hand between her shoulder blades and pushing her back down, her back arching as she pressed back into him due to her lack of balance. “What’s all this, huh? You put all this on to give me a little show? What, you go a couple days without my dick and you turn into a bitch?” He hummed, his eyes scanning over her back, watching the way her ass jiggled when he pulled it back harshly against him, making her yelp. “Let go of me! It hasn’t been days, it’s been weeks. Too fucking busy all the time to even look at me, so if you won’t play with me, I’ll go do it myself.” She huffed, struggling against him. He laughed loudly, pulling her up and turning her around. ‘You’re gonna go do it yourself, huh? That’s what you think? Fine, let’s go.” He taunted, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the bedroom, flinging her onto the bed. “Hoya! What the hell?” She cried out, scooting to the top of the bed as he leaned against the dresser, crossing his arms. “You wanna do it yourself, go right ahead. I bet you can’t even make yourself cum, let alone cum as hard as you do when I fuck you.” He said, his signature smile fading a bit as his eyes opened slightly, peering at her with slight malice. The fact that he had the audacity, that he could stand there so confidently, like she can only feel pleasure from him, that made her even angrier, making her get up and try to push him to the side to get into the dresser. “Move.” She huffed, nudging him. When he wouldn’t budge, she threw her hands in the air, engraved at this point. “Nahoya, move so I can fucking get my shit!” She shouted, the shit eating grin coming back. “Nope. You don’t get to use those. You said you’d go fuck yourself, toys aren’t allowed.” He told her, making her gasp. “That’s not fucking fair! Fuck you, Nahoya! Such a fucking ass!” She shouted, turning around.
“No, you know what’s not fucking fair? What’s not fair is that I have to bust my ass all day every day just to come home and have you instantly clinging to me! Do you know how fucking annoying it feels to just want to shower and relax and you’re glued to my side? When I come home, I just want to clean all the nasty shit off me and you won’t stop fucking touching me!” He admitted, her heart sinking as she sat on the edge of the bed. “What, do you think I just sit around and do nothing all day? I work too, you know. And when I come home, I wanna relax too, and I want to help you relax.” She told him, making him scoff. “Being Mitsuya’s assistant isn’t fucking work. That’s not hard. You sit around and watch him work and make coffee. You don’t actually do anything, that’s not a real fucking job.” He spat, making her gasp. “Are you fucking serious? I schedule events, I call people every day, I research, I do fucking everything except the designing in that studio! You know what? I’m fucking done.” She huffed, going to the closet. “What do you mean you’re done? I’m still fucking talking to you.” He shouted as she shook her head. “I’m done talking to you. If you wanna bitch and whine about me just trying to help you, then I won’t anymore. You can have your fucking alone time. I’m out of here.” She huffed, throwing clothes into a bag. She wasn’t sure where she was going, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to stay here and be told that he hated the way she tried to show him affection.
His head was fuming, his heart hurting as he watched her pack. He couldn’t let her leave, there was no way. How could he give her the attention she needs when he was too exhausted after each work day? How could she even think about leaving him after everything he’s done for her? He loved her, for fucks sake, and all he asked for was a couple of minutes to himself when he got home, and now she’s fucking leaving him over that? No way, he wasn’t going to let that happen. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew it’d been far too long since he’d had the energy to give her what she needed, but he had the energy today, and he was going to use it, especially now that blood was pumping in every part of his body, especially where he needed it to. Hands were on her hips in an instant, pulling her back as she dropped the clothes, her body jolting upright as she felt him pressing into her, his cock hard in his pajama shorts. “Let go.” She huffed, her chest heaving as she tried to ignore it and stay mad, the alcohol making her hyper focus on it instead. “Aw, what’s the matter? You’re just gonna walk out on me? Dressed like that? You really think I’m gonna let anyone see MY baby dressed like that?” He hummed, trailing his hand over the front of her body, starting at her throat to lean her head back against his shoulder and moving down, over her breasts and down her tummy until it slipped between her thighs, pressed tight together. “This is what you’re so mad about, ain’t it? That I haven’t touched you, that I haven’t been dicking you down every night lately? So, if I fuck you, you’ll shut the fuck up, right?” He asked, his lips right next to her ear, her eyebrows furrowing as she tried to focus not in the way the unusual baritone in his voice gave her goosebumps and more on the fact that he was still acting like an ass. “You don’t get it. Just let me go, Hoya.” She pouted, tilting her head to the side as she felt his lips brush over her skin.
Her words fueled him, they way she said to let her go even though he could hear the breathlessness in her voice, the way he could just know her eyelids fluttered shut as she trembled under his touch. “I don’t get it, huh? I think I do, though. Pretty baby’s just so fucking needy that she can’t handle a couple weeks so her man can start up his dream business? That right?” He hummed, moving them slowly to the edge of the bed and bending her over, his hand flat on her back as he rubbed against her. “Just so fucking cock hungry that she had to buy this little get up just so she could tempt me to stuff her little pussy so full, isn’t that right? It’s pretty. Like this lil ribbon.” He chuckled, pulling the silk out off and grabbing her wrists, holding them behind her back and tying them together. “Hoya, what are you-ow!” She squealed as his hand slapped against her ass, so hard it left a small print. “Fuck, you drive me fucking crazy, you know that? Piss me off one second and make me hard the next. Feel it? Ain’t this what you’ve been wanting, baby?” He taunted, rubbing against her core as she stood on her tiptoes, eyes rolling back at the friction. She couldn’t help the way her body shook as he brushed up against her just right, burying her face in the blankets to muffle the whimper she couldn’t hold back. “Yeah, this is what you fucking want. Just say it and I’ll give it to ya. Say ‘I was only a bitch because I wanted your dick.’ And you’ll get it.” He laughed, her eyes widening. “I am not being a-ah! Fuck!” She yelped, lurching forward as he thrust hard against her, hearing their skin slap as her backside bounced against his abdomen. “Fuck! Okay, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please, Hoya, I just wanna feel you, I wanna be close to you, wanna show you how much I love you. That’s all I wanted to do. Just wanted to love you.” She whimpered, holding back a sob as tears started staining the blanket. He stood still as he looked down at her, frowning as he heard the little hiccups. He moved them a bit, arching her back more and pulling himself out of his pants, lining up with her entrance and rubbing over it, thankful she gets wet when she’s drunk.
He leaned forward, slipping his hand around her neck and pulling her up against him and gripping her throat, gently as he pushed into her, hearing her moan loudly next to his ear as he sunk all the way in. He groaned low, his head falling forward as his fingers found their way to her lips, slipping into her mouth as her tongue swirled around them. He pulled out with a shaky breath before giving an experimental thrust, making her moan again as her mouth hung open with his fingers still on her tongue. “Fuck, that’s it. Pussy’s always so good for me. Feel so fucking good, baby.” He moaned, kissing her cheeks and he started moving, sliding in and out of her. Her brain instantly went numb, eyes rolled back and drool leaking from her tongue as she moaned uncontrollably. She knew she was needy, but she didn’t know just a few thrusts after so long would have her seeing stars already. He didn’t want to admit it, but he missed the way she clamped around him, the vice grip she always had around him, milking him for all he’s worth. “Okay, you’re right, it’s been too fucking long, shit! Ah, feel so good, baby. So fucking good. Love it when you, oh fuck, that’s it.” He moaned as she wiggled her ass back against him, squeezing tighter and sucking on his fingers. “Just like that. Doing so good for me, sweetheart. Always take this cock so fucking good, fucking takin’ it like a champ.” He groaned, licking behind her ear as he picked up the pace, the sound of their skin and the movement of the bed bouncing off the walls.
Nahoya let go of her, letting her collapse onto the bed in favor of watching the mesmerizing ripples of her ass cheeks as he slammed into her, gripping and massaging the flesh as he twitched inside of her. Unmei raised onto her tiptoes, knowing just how to get the best angle to have him hit the perfect spot inside and make her feel the best. This is exactly what she needed, after weeks of failed attempts to get off with her hand and the little vibrator they kept, all she needed was him, she always knew that. Nahoya wasn’t doing much better, already out of breath with sputtering hips. His moans were loud, Nahoya grabbing his shirt and pulling it up to bite down on the fabric, needing to get a better view of the way her pussy swallowed his fat cock so eagerly, the shaft coming out shiny and dripping in her arousal each time he pulled out. If he could keep this sight on replay for the rest of his life, he would. He felt a little bad that he went so long without touching her, but with the way she was pushing back on him, eager to please and take him, would it be so bad if he did it more often? Was he really that toxic?
“Hoya~! Feels so good. So good. Of fuck.” She babbled, shushing her face into the mattress to hide the loud whine she let out. He let his jaw go slack to drop his shirt, moaning and laughing. “I know, babe. Feels real fuckin’ good. Shit, pussy of yours is to die for.” He agreed, maneuvering her around how he wanted. He flipped her onto her side, one leg over his shoulder and the other dangling to the sides he spread her open, reaching up to pull the top of her dress down and expose her bouncing tits. She gasped and moaned, throwing her head back as he pinched and squeezed her breast, letting him take over the thrusts as she laid back and took it, the pace picking up along with the squelching sounds. “Pretty fucking dress. Pretty fucking pussy. My pretty girl. All mine, right? Can’t walk out on me, I’m all you fuckin’ need. No one else gets to see you like this ever. Right?” The possessive tone was driving her insane. She loved it when he got jealous, when he wanted her to know she was his. She gulped and nodded, looking up at him with lust and love swirling in her hazel eyes as she grabbed his wrist. “All yours. No one else. Promise. Just you. Only for you.” She assured him, giving him her signature sweet smile. He gave her the same, dragging his hand down her torso and pressing his thumb to her clit. “Damn right, all mine. That’s my baby.” He chuckled, happier than ever as her walls fluttered around him.
He was fast, rough, rubbing cycles into her bud until she could feel her body trembling, the waves of pleasure surfing through her and making her toes curl. “Oh fuck. Shit! Hoya! Go faster, ‘m almost, ah!” Nahoya flipped her back over again, moving her up the bed a bit so he could climb on, kneeling behind her and slipping back in. He grabbed her arms, pulling her up off the mattress so she only had her knees and his strength to keep her upright. “Faster? Want it fast and hard, huh? Just wanna be fucked dumb on this dick, that right?” He asked, keeping himself completely buried and not moving waiting for her to beg. Unmei nodded, choking on a sob as her high faded away, much to her dismay. “Please! Please, Hoya, wan’ it so bad. Just wanna cum, please, baby.” She whined, wiggling her hips again to encourage him to keep going. He smiled, dropping her back onto the bed and putting his hands on her back, making her arch more. “Alright alright, I GUESS I’ll be nice. Just make sure you cum hard and scream my name, kay?” He laughed, not wasting any more time before thrusting hard again.
The brutal pace had her vision going blurry, each snap of his hips making the headboard hit the wall, sure to deepen the dents already there. “Shit! Ah, fuck! That’s it, baby. Take it. I know you can. Gonna fill you up for being so good. Want that?” He asked, laughing when she babbled incoherently. She could barely even hear him, the pleasure too much and making her ears ring, the moans and whimpers the only sounds leaving her lips. “Dumb already? Guess you really love my cock that much. No one else can make you feel this good. Only me. I’m the only one that gets to cream these insides.” He couldn’t help it, just seeing her try to walk out earlier sent him feral, he had to make sure she knew no one else could make her feel the way he does. Even though she already knew it, he couldn’t ever let her forget.
He knew all the telltale signs, her walls clamping and fluttering around him, her hips rocking back shamelessly, pretty manicured nails digging into the comforter. She was leaking, her essence dripping down her thighs as the wet, nasty sounds of her pussy got even louder, driving him wild. It was making it easier to move faster, his hips snapping at almost an inhuman pace until her moans turned into loud gasps, screams as she reached back to grab his wrist. He watched as she turned her head to the side, her mouth hung open as she cried out, pussy squeezing the life out of him as she came hard. “Fuck! Holy fucking shit! Cumming!” He groaned, slamming into her one more time before he let himself go, slipping so deep inside of her he hoped it’d never come out. Maybe she’d learn her lesson then.
Nahoya collapsed on top of her, her legs falling as they laid together and caught their breath, his weight on top of her soothing. He sighed, rolling onto his side and spooning her, keeping himself nuzzled inside of her as he grew soft to keep everything from leaking out, wrapping an arm around her and kissing her neck and shoulders. Unmei’s eyelids fluttered shut as she smiled and giggled, placing her hand over hers as she relaxed. “Don’t ever make me wait that long again.” She breathed out, the vibration of his laugh making her heart flutter. “Aw, you really need me that bad, Angel?” He teased, Unmei slapping his hand. “I know, I know. I won’t, promise. Need you too bad for that. Love you, baby.” He cooed, kissing her ear lobe. “Love you too. Now, get off so I can go clean up.” She insisted, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. But, he kept her firm in his arms, clicking his tongue. “Nah, don’t think so. Wanna stay just like this.” He shook his head, only moving to have her face him while still keeping himself inside. That was the main thing he wanted, to stay snug and warm in her pussy, make sure all of him stayed tucked inside. Unmei didn’t really mind, she liked the intimacy of it, but Nahoya was definitely letting his toxic and possessive side get the best of him in that moment. If it meant keeping her around forever, one kid wouldn’t hurt, right?
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lightupmyass ¡ 1 year ago
Always Need More
Pairing: Rindou Haitani x OC (Unmei or reader)
Warnings: Lots of overstim, teasing, dragging out orgasm, Rindou *slightly* addicted to her, dacryphilia, but some aftercare and sweetness.
A/N: This is just a one shot I've had for a while that I thought should finally come to light. My first post for the comeback so I hope you like it, just very short and just a little thought I had one day that I needed to get out of my head. Enjoy!
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It’d been hours. Even Rindou lost track of how many times she came. From his mouth, from his fingers, he tortured her for hours as he put his own selfish desires first. He wanted to see her cry, wanted to watch her fall apart until she couldn’t take anymore, then push her even further. Her thighs stung, he knew that. Watching her bounce up and down on his cock as her pretty red nails scraped at his bare chest was one of the most beautiful sights he’d ever seen. The desperation on her face, the whimpers that escaped her lips, he wanted more.
“Rin, I can’t do it anymore. Please, it hurts.” She begged, stopping her movements as she pouted. Normally, her pleas would’ve made him melt. In public, he treated her like a perfect princess, doing anything she asked and giving her special treatment every moment. It was only in the safety of their own home that he messed with her, pushed her limits and made her work for it. “Aw, is my baby tired? Well, guess you don’t wanna cum again, huh?” He smirked, his lazy eyes raking up and down her body. She whined, throwing a tantrum as she threw her head back. “That’s not fair! You’re so mean.” She huffed, crossing her arms. “Oh, don’t throw a tantrum now, baby. How could I be mean when I already made you cum so much? C’mon, just work for it a little more and maybe I’ll help ya. You wanna cum again right?” He asked, caressing her hips and gently pulling her to grind on him. She gasped, back arching as she nodded, her pretty eyelashes fluttering shut. “Then just do it a little more, Angel. Give me a little more and I promise I’ll make it worth it.” He assured her.
Unmei sighed in frustration but nodded, slowly lifting herself up again to ride him. The roll of her hips was a little faster, more sloppy and desperate as she kept her pout, eyes closed as she focused on how deep inside he was. It wasn’t long before she was moaning again, the feeling of his big hands on her waist making her melt as the squelching of her aching pussy echoed through the room. Rindou was fixated on watching his cock disappear inside of her, loving the way she sucked him in as his length became coated in her slick. He only let it go on for a few more minutes before he decided it was time to treat her.
The first snap of his hips had her screaming, her body falling forward as her hands reached to grip the headboard. “Fuck! Rin!” Unmei cried out, mouth hung open as she looked down at him. “Did good, baby. Now, take your reward.” He chuckled, the sound turning into a deep groan as he thrusted again. The room quickly filled with slapping, moaning, and low grunts as he bullied his cock deep inside of her, hitting exactly the right spot with each sloppy thrust. He has to admit, he was desperate too, anxious to feel her fall apart around him again. Fucking her through an orgasm was always his favorite, seeing the surprise on her face when he didn’t stop, her nails digging into his skin. It was the best, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to get that again.
“Feel so fucking good, Angel. Did so good bouncing on my cock. You’re gonna cum on it, yeah? Gonna make a mess for me?” Rindou asked, gulping as he looked up at her. His heart almost stopped from how beautiful she looked, blush creeping across her cheeks and chest, tits bouncing, bangs falling over her shimmering eyes as her mouth hung open, allowing the blissful moans to spill out. She didn’t respond, but she didn’t need to. He could feel it, he knew her like the back of his hand. When he felt her twitching, his hands slipped up her back to grip her shoulders, yanking her down to meet him thrust for thrust. “Fuck!” She screamed, his cock going impossibly deeper as his teeth clamped around her nipple. He picked up the pace, fucking her fast and deep until her entire body quaked above him.
That was his moment.
Her orgasm hit her like a freight train, pussy clamping around him as tears spilled down her cheeks, sobs caught in her throat. It was too good, too overwhelming, like everything he did. She expected him to stop, but she should know better by now.
Before she knew it, she was on her back, legs pinned to her chest as he kept moving, pushing into her at an incredible pace. There was no time to relax, no time to recover. The waves of pleasure just kept going and going as she squirmed, cried, and sobbed. “Rin! Oh, god!” She screamed, trying to push him away. But, her cunt still sucked him in, even wetter and easier now as it continued to twitch. “That’s a nice new nickname.” He joked, grabbing her wrists with one hand and pinning them above her head as he continued. “Don’t go pushing me away now, babe. You wanted to cum so badly, thought I’d make it real good for ya. Can still feel it, how is it? How long do you think I can make it go for?” He mused, licking his lips and smiling. The waves kept crashing, her walls spasming around him each time the head of his cock brushed up against her sweet spot. She was so tight she could feel every vein, each ridge of the head dragging against her as he went in and out, making the bed creak from the force. There was no telling when it’d stop, if it would, if it had. It all felt like way too much to handle, and she didn’t think she could take any more. Her brain was malfunctioning, going numb from the pleasure as her eyes rolled. There was no telling what more her body could handle at the moment, but she wished she heard what was coming next.
Rindou was sneaky, pounding into her ruthlessly to distract her as he grabbed the toy from under the blanket where he hid it. He could see in her eyes that she was losing it, that she was simply giving in to the pleasure as involuntary moans spilled from her lips. She looked beautiful, but it wasn’t enough for him. He wanted her screaming, crying, squirming. The surprise of the vibrator pressed against her clit gave him all of that. Unmei immediately screamed, legs flailing and spreading more as she looked at him in complete shock. The feeling was inexplicable, and it sent her over the edge once more right away. She sobbed as she shook, liquid spraying over Rindou’s and thighs. Maybe he should’ve stopped there, but he didn’t. He kept it right where he knew she would feel it the most, slamming into her relentlessly as she choked and cried and trembled. “Rin! C-Can’t! No!” She wailed, but he didn’t stop. “Feel so fucking good, Angel. Bet it feels good, huh? Love having me insida you so bad, don’t ya?” He groaned, chuckling as he trailed his free hand up her body, fingers wrapping around her throat. Unmei gasped as choked as they squeezed the sides, her vision getting blurry from the tears as her mouth hung open. She could barely see him, but she knew he was smiling. He loved seeing her like this, she knew that. But, she loved when he treated her like this even more.
“C’mon, baby, you’re gonna cum with me, right? Just gotta give me one more while I fill this pretty little pussy up and you can relax. Sounds good, right? Just one more real good one to milk me. C’mon baby, fucking milk my cock.” Ridnou moaned, folding her up even more and he leaned over her. The vibrator rubbed against him each snap of his hips, just gently buzzing over the length of his cock and making him twitch. He was close, but he wanted to feel it with her, to make sure she was completely satisfied by the end of it. That was always his goal, to give her everything she needed and more. It wasn’t his fault she liked it rough, but it was certainly his pleasure to comply. Her fingers gripped at his biceps, nails dragging down his skin and leaving marks in their wake as she looked up at him with big, teary doe eyes. “You can do that for me, right, Angel? Give me one more big mess and then we’re done. C’mon, give me one more. Let me feel you.” He encouraged, angling his hips better and pressing the toy down harder against her clit.
He was too close, almost tipping over the edge. Luckily, his efforts paid off. With a strangled cry, Unmei arched off the bed and shook violently, squeezing him tighter than ever before as her eyes rolled back. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Rindou grunted, letting go of her throat as he buried himself inside of her completely, letting her milk him as he spilled inside. His face disappeared into the crook of her neck, trying so hard to not sink his teeth in. He felt the rise and fall of her chest come quicker, the tears and sobs flowing more as he felt the buzz between them still going. “Oh fuck.” He cursed, pulling back and taking it away, turning it off and tossing it on the floor. He watched Unmei pouted, lips and body quivering as she cried, reaching up to wipe away her tears and hide her face. “Shhh, hey hey hey…” Rindou cooed, leaning down and pulling her arms away in favor of pressing kisses all over her face, gently kissing away her tears. “Its alright. You’re done. It’s over.” He whispered.
Unmei wrapped her arms around his neck, Rindou pulling her up and sitting with his back against the headboard as he held her tight, shushing her and rocking her as she cried into his shoulder. “It’s okay, you’re okay. Maybe I went a little too far this time?” He asked softly, wondering if he went overboard. But, luckily, she shook her head, sitting back and wiping her own tears away with his help. “No, it was good. Just felt so much I couldn’t help myself.” She sniffling, giggling a little as she smiled at him. He melted, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her flush against him, still inside of her to keep the warmth between them. “Im glad. You did so good for me, Angel. Always do. My little baby always does so good for me.” He cooed, kissing her cheek over and over again. She giggled and squirmed, pulling back and playing with the ends of his hair as she stared into his eyes. “I love you so much.” She whispered, another tear dripping down her cheek. Rindou smiled, cupping her cheek and stroking it with his thumb as she nuzzled into it. “I love you too, baby.”
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lightupmyass ¡ 1 year ago
OC Information
For future reference, this is the OC that will be used in my stories, she is based on myself but just a better, cooler version of myself. You do not have to think of her when reading my stories, but all descriptions of the mc will be her, so change them in your head if you'd like.
Name: Unmei Matsudo
Nickname she likes the most: Angel (thanks Yagami Yato Overhaul audios)
Age: 24
Birthday: June 28th, (either 1989 or 1999 depending on the story)
Zodiac: Cancer
Hair: Shoulder length, blonde, wavy, with bangs
Eyes: Hazel, mix of light brown, gold, and dark brown specks, one speck in the shape of a star (in my left eye, real)
Build: 5'2, not chunky but a little thicc, thick thighs and a booty and G cup tibbies.
Has tattoos, but the main ones that really matter are the Arabian jasmines on her chest, the Bonten symbol on her left forearm (in some stories, took it out in others where Bonten isn't involved but its my favorite tattoo so it's mentioned pretty often) and wings on her back (only one I don't actually have but am planning on getting eventually)
She does have high functioning autism and a slight personality disorder, so they may be mentioned or shown through the writing. She is violent at some points, is soft other times, it just depends on her mood and the situation.
That's really it, all other information will be included in stories, so stay tuned and once again, you can still self insert, I don't mind, it won't break my heart. As long as you enjoy my stories that's all that matters to me 💜
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lightupmyass ¡ 1 year ago
Please Read
Updates, background, and explanations.
Hello everybody~
I know, it's been a long time. I never stopped using Tumblr, but I only really use it to read every so often now, so I'm not really on much.
A lot has changed since I made that last post, I lost my grandmother, I moved states, got new jobs, worked on a lot of stories. I had a big story that I had been working on since May of 2022, but seeing as so many things had changed since I started it and I took a long break, I ended up deleting it and do plan to restart it at some point. It had just been so long since I worked on it I forgot a lot of the things that happened and what direction I wanted to take it.
Anyway, I know that probably a lot of people aren't going to read this, it's been so long and I've been so neglectful that I'm sure 90% of you don't even remember following me, I've posted so little on this account that I'm surprised there's even followers.
That being said, I started my Tumblr journey on another account when I was about 14 writing stories, and a decade later my goals have not changed. I still write, I still love to do it, and I do it every day, I just don't really post much. I like to complete stories before finishing them, so once I complete one, I will post it. Another note is I lost the motivation for self inserts and Y/N stories, I know that's a big part of fan fiction but in my opinion small details make a story better and I don't want to just write pwp or basic smut, I want stories, I like stories, and the only way for me to do that is to use an OC. You can obviously still put yourself in it, I do it with any book I read but I will have an OC introduction here whenever I post it for reference.
Now, when I started writing it was a BTS gang au with Taehyung as the focus. My love for gang stories hasn't changed in the slightest, and most of the things I write now are Tokyo Revengers related, almost exclusively Bonten. The Kawata twins are my favorite characters but just something about Bonten, especially Sanzu and the Haitanis does good things to my brain, so I write about them a lot. The story I'm currently working on is a TR Bonten timeline isekai, which will transform into a Genshin isekai in the sequel, which is the other hyper fixation of mine.
So, I hope this will be my return to Tumblr, posting will by no means be consistent until I have a full story, but I have hundreds of random one shots that I also have, so when I finish any of those I will post them. I have one right now that I will schedule for tonight with Rindou Haitani, pwp, just a little something to get out here and hopefully push me to post more.
Anyways, thank you for reading if you have and I look forward to coming back better than ever, so just stay tuned 💜
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lightupmyass ¡ 2 years ago
Idk why Smiley jumps with his arms out instead of up like everyone else but it just feels like such a Smiley thing to do
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He looks like he's doing a star jump
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lightupmyass ¡ 2 years ago
Love that we can slowly see Smiley gain his signature smile
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lightupmyass ¡ 2 years ago
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The vice captains hanging out???? I'm here for it!
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lightupmyass ¡ 4 years ago
Ooh shit what's up everybody! Been a while, huh? I figured I'd drop by, edit my profile a little, make it a little cooler. I'm hoping to post more soon, I've been working on a story with an OC I really like, so maybe I'll actually post it sometime, if I finish it! I'm trying really hard, so I hope it's good! Even then, maybe I'll get the motivation to do a few oneshots or something, who knows! Anyways, I'd like to say, welcome to the new Lightupmyass! Enjoy the shitshow!
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lightupmyass ¡ 4 years ago
All Mine
Pairing: Soft-ish Villain! Deku x Reader
Word count: 3852
A/N: Hello everyone! So, this is actually my first time writing in a while, this is an Adult Deku fic, way after they graduated. I've been really lacking motivation lately and this is my first mha fic posted on here, so I hope it doesn't suck 😅. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Also, this isn't edited so please ignore any mistakes. Its a lot tamer than what I anticipated for Villain Deku but its just a little something to get back intonthe groove of writing.
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The longer you sat in the chair, the faster your heart raced, the fear and excitement of what’s to come, the overwhelming feeling of being like prey, uncertainty of how exactly you’re supposed to feel in this situation. Of course, you should be scared, terrified even. You got yourself into quite the dangerous situation, but the excitement of what might happen was too much to ignore. You may have gotten into this position on accident, but you’re here in this room for a reason. This is all your fault, and you’re willing to pay the price for your foolish actions.
You jumped when you heard the door open, your arms instinctively tugging at the rope tied around your wrists as you tried to turn around, but couldn’t. “Oh Doll, don’t be too scared now, just relax.” The soft voice of the man you used to know echoed through the room, taking a different tone as the mood in the room completely changed. You felt calmer, yet even more anxious all at once. This was not the boy you went to school with. This was not the boy who gave you pep talks when you were down, who you admired. This boy, no, this man, was a completely different person. Your body trembled as his hand landed on your shoulder, fingers moving to grab your chin, tilting your head back to look up at him, his green eyes looking into your own with a look you never thought you’d see from him, the look of a predator, a snake, who just caught a little baby bunny.
“You got yourself into quite a pickle, haven’t you Y/N? It wasn’t very smart of you to come after me alone. Did you think you’d be able to talk me out of this? Turn the big bad villain back into the hero he once was? Hm?” He asked, his voice smooth, the stutter he used to have was completely gone. He was, way more confident than he used to be. The power he held over you was intense, and not just his physical strength no, he already knew what you felt for him, and the new and improved Izuku definitely used that to his advantage. You couldn’t even respond properly, only whimpering when his hand trailed back to your neck, his thumb brushing over the sensitive spot directly under your jaw. “No, I don’t think that’s why you’re here. If it was, you would’ve put up more of a fight. Then, what is it? What brought you here?” He leaned down, his mouth right next to your ear. “Tell me, Doll. I’d love to hear your voice. Speak up now, or I might get mad.” He whispers, sending a chill down your spine. “You. I-I wanted t-to see you. I heard about what happened, but I’m not here to try and change your mind." You spit out. He hums curiously, circling around to stand in front of you, kneeling down and resting his hands on your thighs. You have to admit, he’s scarier than any villain you’ve ever stood up against. The calmness he exudes, plus the raw power you know he has, that and the nice dark green suit he’s wearing just makes you feel so small, so powerless against him, you’re definitely trapped.
“Then why did you come here, if not to change my mind?” He asks, staring into your eyes, making you even more anxious. You turn your head away, completely intimidated by the direct eye contact. “I-I wanted to see you. To be honest, I wanted to maybe,” You gulp, hoping that he believes your next words, “help you.” It took a lot of time and effort to make the decision. For years, you were looked down upon by your fellow heroes. You weren’t exactly the toughest fighter, and your quirk, the ability to paralyze people by touching them, was only good if you could get close to someone. You’ve been working hard to train your body to move faster, to catch people off guard and sneak attack them, but no matter how hard you tried it was always by sheer luck that you managed to actually do it. Although you passed the hero course, you felt like you didn’t deserve it. The only way you did was because he was always there, always rooting for you and giving you the strength to work harder. You couldn’t have done it without him, so you feel like you owe him. “You know how hard things have been for me. I’m not very strong, but you’ve always been there for me, and I want to help you too, no matter what side you’re on. I want to help you, be loyal to you in any way I can. Please, let me help you. I promise I’ll do the best I can. “ You tell him, your eyes watering a bit.
He takes a minute to soak it all in before smiling, reaching to cup your cheek. “Oh Doll, I'd love to have you work with me. Your quirk could be a real advantage to me. You’ll be very useful. There’s just one thing you need to do before I let you be my partner.” He says, standing up and walking behind you. “What is it? I’ll do anything. I-I love you, I’ll do anything you want me to, to prove that and my loyalty to you.” You admit, surprising yourself with the sudden confession. “You love me, huh? That’s a bit surprising. Alright then, if you truly love me, then just relax, Doll, and let me make you mine.” He whispers in your ear before leaning down, his hot breathe fanning over your neck before his teeth sink into the soft skin, making you wince and whimper in pain and pleasure before his tongue swipes over it, soothing it. “Please, Izuku. Do whatever you want. I want you to make me yours, please. I’ll be good for you.” You whisper, your pride completely diminished at this point. All you wanted, all you needed, was to be consumed by him, to be taken over by him, to be completely under his control. “That’s what I like to hear, Doll. Just relax now, and tilt your head back, and close your eyes.” He orders softly, you instantly complying. A moment later you can feel silk across your face, his tie most likely, being tied around your head, covering your eyes. “Good girl. This might actually work. As long as you keep listening to me, we shouldn’t have a problem.” He whispers in your ear, his arm wrapping around your chest as his other hand reaches down on your body, fingers teasing the hem of your skirt as your thighs tremble in anticipation.
“I wonder, how long have you wanted this? Everyone always told me you had a crush on me back in high school. Did you dream of this situation?” He asks, placing kisses on your neck as he moves your skirt up, your damp panties exposed to the cold air. “Y-Yes. I did.” You admit sheepishly, never thinking you’d be admitting that to him. “Mm, naughty naughty Doll. I wonder, should I give you what you want, or should I make you earn it? It seems this cute little hole of yours,” He traces his finger over your slit, a small breathy moan escaping your lips as the fabric starts to stick to your folds, your sensitivity heightened from the loss of sight, “is just begging for attention.”
You’re not entirely sure what to do. You feel if you ask him to touch you more, he might see how bad you want it and deny you of it, but if you stay quiet it then he might give you what you want. Its best to just let him do whatever he wants and show how obedient you can be for him. “What did you imagine me doing to you, Doll? I want you to tell me exactly what you wished for all these years. Don’t be shy now.” He says, you can hear the smile in his voice. He’s loving this. You take a deep breath, not taking much effort to remember the things you used to fantasize about. “I-I always thought about you touching me, about how, you would feel going, i-inside of me. Just being a big, messy ball of love and lust with you, getting lost in the feeling of being one with you and being yours.” It felt weird to say it like that, but to you, there was no other way to put it. Its not that you just wanted something physical, you didn’t just want him to completely wreck your shit. You wanted him to love you back, to make you feel like you mattered, like you were worth everything you wanted from him.
“So that’s how it is, huh? Well, today might just be your lucky day. You see, I've been wanting you for a long time too. When we were younger, I wanted to be with you, to support you and make you see your potential. But now, I want more. So much more. I want you, to be mine. I want to break you, mold you and shape you into the perfect partner for me. I will train you, and help you get stronger, maybe even train you to use weapons instead of just relying on your quirk. But, I also want to mess with your mind, play around with you until the second I lay a single finger on you, you’re putty in my hands. Thought something tells me that won’t be too difficult from how much you’re squirming under my touch.” His fingers push your panties to the side, the direct contact of his skin on you overwhelming. No one has ever touched you like this before, and the fact that it was him made it all the more intense as his finger traced up and down your bare slit. “You’re soaked already, Doll. Or, should I call you Puppy, since you’re as loyal as one. You can be my cute little Puppy, my loyal guard dog that won’t let anyone harm me, and I’ll protect you just as much. No one else will ever lay a finger on you. You wanna know why, Puppy?” He asks, you humming questionably in response. “Because from this moment forward, you’re mine, and no one is allow to lay a finger on you, or touch a single hair on you. If they do, I'll beat them to a pulp, and if they survive, they’ll know to never make that mistake again.” He warns, the possessiveness making you happier than it probably should.
“I want you to stand up for me, little Puppy. I’ll untie your hands for just a moment, but they will be tied again, understand?” He says, his fingers already working on the rope that he tied an hour ago. “Yes, Sir.” You say, not thinking about it until you heard him growl behind you, making your entire body tremble. “I like hearing that. I like hearing that a lot. I want you to say that more.” He commands. “Yes sir.” You smile, loving the fact that you made him react like that, that you did something he really liked. It made you really happy that you could make him feel the way he made you feel. As soon as you feel the rope fall away from your bruised flesh, you stood up just as he said, standing there and waiting for his next move. You felt his presence as he moved to stand in front of you, tying the rope back around your wrists, but this time in front of you. Once they were all tied up again, you felt him move, his hands on your hips as he moved you to stand straight, his hands reaching up your skirt to slide your slick panties down your leg, the cool air hitting your core as you step out of them, earning an approving hum from him. “Good girl. Now, sit in my lap and lean back against me. Just relax and let me do what I want.” He says, grabbing your hips to guide you as you sit down, the warmth of his body comforting as you rest against his broad chest, his hands roaming your body before he buries his hand between your thighs, nothing in the way of him getting to your sweet sex. You hold your tied hands close to your chest as he uses two fingers to tease you, circling your aching hole as your head falls back onto his shoulder, your thighs parting to give him better access.
“You’re so wet down here, Puppy. I cant wait to fill you up with my cock. But I need to get you ready first, there’s no way you’d be able to handle it. Gotta stretch you out nice and good.” He says into your ear, slipping the two fingers as deep as they can go inside of you, making you moan out his name as you arch your back, your ass grinding against the hard bulge in his pants. “Fuck.” He groans, wrapping his arm around your stomach to hold you closer to him. “Careful now, Doll, you don’t want me to get too rough now, do you?” He asks, his teeth grazing your neck again as he pumps his fingers into you, his palm brushing against your sensitive bud with each thrust. You don’t respond, because frankly, you’d love for him to lose control, to be rough with you and make you lose your mind. He spreads his fingers inside of you, stretching you out a bit more before slipping a third in there, your body moving again, making him sink his teeth into your neck to hold back a groan. “That’s it. Get up, Puppy, and get on your knees.” He orders, pulling his fingers out of you. You pout as this loss of warmth inside of you, but you di as he says, eager to please him and do whatever he says.
“Now, you’re going to stay nice and still, and keep your mouth open, and let me face fuck you, alright?” He says, standing in front of you. “Yes sir.” You nod, your jaw falling open, obediently waiting to please him. You hear his zipper, the clothes shifting, and before you know it, the hot feeling of his cock brushing against your lips, resting heavy on your awaiting tongue as he hisses at the contact, slowly inching deeper into your mouth. “Ah, fuck Puppy, such a good girl. Take it all in.” He moans, your mouth filling up quickly. You never got to see what it looked like, but his cock is a lot bigger than you expected, your mouth can barely open wide enough to take it. Breathing becomes difficult, but you try your best to breathe through your nose, wishing desperately to see what he looks like from this angle. You’ve waited years for this moment, and now that you’re finally here, you can’t even get to fully enjoy it. But, as long as you’re here, doing what he wants, being useful to him, its more than you ever imagined you’d get, so its best to take what you can.
His hand moves to the back of your head, pushing you down further onto him until you gag around him, a guttural moan rumbling in his throat. “Fuck, that was so good. You look so cute choking on my cock, Puppy. Now, let’s take this pesky thing off. I want you to look at me while I use that slutty little mouth of yours.” He says, untying the tie and letting it fall as your eyes adjust. You whimper as you look up, the image before you better than you could’ve ever imagined. Izuku standing above you, holding your head as he stuffs your mouth with his cock, his cheeks flushed as he bites his lip, the top buttons of his shirt undone to reveal the tones muscle underneath, littered with scars from previous battles. “There we go. You look so beautiful like this, so perfect. Makes me want to ruin you even more.” He smirks, shoving his member back into your mouth, making you gag on it again as tears stain your eyes. “That’s it. Feels so good, Doll. Just relax. You can take it, take it like a fucking champion.” He moans, continuing to thrust into your mouth, your tongue moving around him every now and then, lips tightening around him, anything to make it even better for him. The entire time you keep looking up at him, admiring him, watching as he loses himself, lost in the pleasure you’re giving him. You feel proud, proud that you can do this, make him feel like this, its all because of you. “Ah, Puppy, Puppy you feel so good. I want more, I want so much more.” He groans, pulling out, leaving you a slobbering mess. “Stand up, and face the wall over there. Now.” He says, holding his cock in his hand. You nod, standing up, your legs slightly shaking and your jaw sore, but you still do what you’re told, putting your hands on the wall in front of you and spreading your legs, sticking your ass out without him even telling you. “Well aren’t you doing such a good job? You really are my cute little Puppy, aren’t you? And I'm your Master. Now, stand still.” He says, the feeling of his cock rubbing against your folds making tremble. “Get ready, Doll. Gonna make you mine right here, right now.” He whispers in your ear before pushing inside of you, the feeling overwhelming as you moan loudly, your forehead hitting the cold stone wall as he pushes all the way into you, filling you up completely in just one thrust. “Shit! Ah, so fucking tight! Fuck it feels so good, you feel so good.” He groans, his fingers digging into your hips as his forehead rests against your shoulder.
“Master, please, move. Please fuck me already. Fuck me hard and make me yours.” You beg, wiggling your hips to get some sort of friction. “Mmm, love hearing you beg for it. Careful what you wish for though, Doll. You’re so fragile, it’ll be so easy to break you. But, since you want it so bad, who am I to deny you?” He smiles, placing a kiss on your neck before pulling back, just to slam back in all the way. Out of no where he starts a brutal pace, your body bouncing to meet each one of his thrusts as you get lost in the overwhelming pleasure he’s giving you. Your moans mix with his almost animalistic grunts as he reaches up, grabbing you by the hair and pulling your head back, the mixture of pain and pleasure almost unbearable. “So good, Puppy, its like your pussy was made for me, to be stuffed full of my fat cock. You love it don’t you? Don’t you? I know I do. Love how you’re squeezing me so tight. Fuck, its perfect.” He moans, your bound hands falling down and hanging limp, the only thing keeping your face from hitting the wall being his hand in your hair.
He pulls out for a moment, only to turn you around and pick you up by the back of your thighs, quicker than you can even process before he’s shoving his member back inside of you, your arms wrapping around his neck as he holds you tight against the wall, bouncing your whole body on his cock as he fucks you hard and deep, just like you always wanted. “That’s it, that’s the perfect angle. Look at it, Puppy. Look down and watch me fuck that pretty little hole of yours. Its beautiful, we’re making such a mess.” He says, his forehead resting against yours as you look down to see what he’s talking about. Just seeing it, watching as he disappears inside of you, his shaft covered in your juices, your thighs glistening with the slick, you couldn’t help but get even more turned on. “Its just like you wanted. We’re one, and you’re mine. I’m making your wildest dreams come true, and you’re going to be mine forever. There’s no way I’m letting you go now.” He says, kissing you hard and taking your breath away, the kiss holding so much passion, so much love, than you ever imagined. It made your mind go blank, the only thing you could think of was him, how he felt, how he smelled, how he tasted, his everything, it was all you wanted and more, so much more, it was him, and he was yours now, just as much as you were his. Anyone willing to weasel their way between the two of you would regret it instantly. There was no way you’d let anyone take him away from you. You’d kill them in a heart beat.
“I love you. Don’t want, ah, anyone to take you away. Wanna be yours forever.” You moan, your head resting on his shoulder. “You don’t ever have to worry about that. You’ll be mine forever, that’s a promise, baby.” He says, kissing your cheek before burying his face in the nape of your neck. You could feel it, the welling of love inside of you, the burning in your tummy, the way he pounded against your sweet spot inside of you and the way he grinded against your clit, it was all too much. “Ah, ah fuck, mmm, ‘Zuku.” You moaned, wishing your hands were free so you could grab onto his hair. “That’s it, Puppy. So close, cum with me Puppy. Come on, let me feel you. Do it.” He groans, biting into your shoulder as you cry out his name, tumbling over the edge of you let go, gushing around him as he keeps fucking into you. He groans loudly, his nails digging into your skin as his thrusts halt, the feeling of his warmth filling you up, so much that it leaks out of you, dripping onto his pants as his sweat falls from his forehead onto your shoulder, both of you taking a moment to catch your breathe as he holds you close.
“My god, Doll. Guess you really are mine now, huh? Fuck, I’ve been waiting to do that for years.” He chuckles breathlessly, making you smile. He pulls out of you, a trail of your cum mixed together running down your leg as you tremble, not string enough to hold yourself up. “Careful now, just relax.” He says, sitting down on the ground and pulling you down as well, positioning you to sit between his legs, laying back against him. “Now, who do you belong to?” He asks, fingers running through your hair. “You, sir.” You mumble your eyelids growing heavy. “And who are you going to stand by no matter what?” “You, sir.” You say again. “That’s right. You’re mine now. All mine.”
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lightupmyass ¡ 4 years ago
This is so perfect and angsty and I love it please give my sweet Bunny some love 💜
Jealous much?
hello! I’m sorry its literally taken me so fucking long to do this, but its here now and i hope hope hope it was worth the wait. 
Pairing: Jungkook/reader 
warnings: none to note 
wordcount: 3.4k 
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Keep reading
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lightupmyass ¡ 5 years ago
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Pairing: Husband! Seokjin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, smut
Warnings: dirty talk, soft love making, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex
Summary: Nightmares are a bitch. Luckily you have a loving husband that'll make it all go away.
Word count: 2436
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“Hey, Hey! Darling, wake up.” Your body jolts as big hands gently grab your arm, your cheeks tear stained as your soft piano music from your phone flows through the dark room. The light on the nightstand flickers to light, your loving husband laying back down, his hand still on your arm as you breath heavily. “Sweetheart, are you alright? Come on, lay down with me baby.” He cooed, gently pulling you down to lay with your head on his bare chest. “It’s okay, baby, I’m here. You’re safe now. Nothing is going to hurt you.” He whispers, holding you tight in his strong arms as he places a kiss on the top of your head.
You sniffle, remembering little bits of the nightmare you had just woken up from, one of the worst you’ve ever had. “Ssshhhh, hush now, Princess. It’s all gonna be okay. Just focus on me for now, okay?” Seokjin was always so good at helping you through times like these. You’ve had nightmares since you were little, awful ones that happened more than once a week. He learned early into your relationship about them, and ever since he has been so caring and understanding, never getting mad at you when one decided to show up.
You do as he says, focusing on the rise and fall of his chest, the vibrations you feel when he hums, his arms wrapped around you and his thumb stroking over your bare skin. The close contact, the skin to skin due to your actions just hours ago, the warmth radiating off him, it relaxed you, to the point where you forgot what you even dreamt about. All you cared about was him, his touch, his voice, his body, his everything. “Do you wanna talk about it? Sometimes that helps.” He asked. You think about it for a moment. Should you? It didn’t bother you that much at the moment, and you do still remember it, but what if it makes you sad again. “Well, um, we were uh, we were together somewhere and I don’t remember exactly how it happened but you, you went away, or someone took you or something and I didn’t know what to do I lost you and I couldn’t find you and I was alone and I-“ Your sobs cut your sentence off, remembering the sheer loneliness you felt in your nightmare, the panic of not knowing where he was, what happened to him, and not being able to find him. “Hey hey hey, ssshhhh. Baby, it’s okay. Just relax. I’m here now, honey. I’m not going anywhere so you can forget about that, okay? I’ll always be here for you. You are never going to be alone, ever.” He calmed you, his hand rubbing your back as you buried your face in his chest, tears staining his skin.
“Baby, look at me.” He says softly, grabbing your chin with his fingers. As you look up at him, you see his eyes are slightly glossy, but he has a sweet smile on his face as his thumb caresses your cheek. “I will never leave you. Not in a million years. It’s all going to be alright, okay? You’ve got me, and I’ve got you. As your husband, I vow to make sure nothing like that ever happens, and you will always feel safe and loved and protected. If I can’t do that, then I can’t even call myself a man.” He chuckles, leaning down to place a soft kiss on your lips. “I promise that I will always be by your side. You understand, Princess?” He whispers, you nodding in response. “Good girl. Now give me one more kiss.” He says, stroking your cheek again.
You smile against his lips, getting one more kiss from him. When you pull back, he looks as if he’s thinking until he smiles again, his hand sliding to the back of your head to pull you closer. “Still not enough.” He whispers before kissing you again, his free hand roaming your bare body as his leg slips between yours. The movements start a kindling fire in your body, the embers growing higher the deeper he kisses you. He pulls away for a moment, concerned. “Sorry if I'm being too pushy, darling. We can stop if you want.” He says, his hand resting on your hip. You shake your head, kissing him as you move against his bare thigh, the contact sending a wave of arousal through your body. “Please, don’t. I want you, Seokjin. Please.” You whisper, begging for a release, a distraction, proof of his existence.
It’s funny sometimes, even though you’ve been together for years, you still wonder sometimes if any of this is real. For so long you hated yourself, thinking that you were never worthy of the love that you craved, that you didn’t deserve love or attention from anyone. You were dead set on the fact that you were going to die alone, sad, with nobody to care for you. Then, this perfect man came out of nowhere, swept you off your feet (literally, he caught you when you slipped on some water that was on the floor in a store), and changed around your whole life. He made you feel loved, like you had a purpose, made sure you knew he cared about you and loved you just as much as you loved him.
Even now, as he kissed you, your back flat on the bed as his body leans over you, his leg between yours as he strokes your cheek with his thumb, you know he loves you. You can feel it deep down in your heart, the slow spreading of warmth, love, affection making your body hot. The bare cock resting on your stomach that’s slowly growing harder by the second could also be helping with that warmth in the pit of your stomach, but that’s beside the point. All of him, everything he is as a man, everything he feels, its all because of you. He is here, taking care of you, loving you, making sure you know he loves you.
You groan softly as he climbs on top of you, his body resting on yours as he breaks your kiss, looking you in the eyes as he pushes the loose strands of hair out of your face. “You know I love you, right baby?” He whispers, pressing his lips to the tip of your nose. You giggle in response to the soft action, nodding. “Good. You’re so cute, Y/N, I could just eat you up.” He chuckles, placing kisses all over your face. You laugh softly, loving the attention his giving you as he kisses your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, your eyelids, everywhere. You stop laughing, however, he his kisses get a little lower, a breathy moan escaping when he presses his lips to your neck, a deep chuckle vibrating in his throat. “You’re cute like this too. Love the sounds you make when I catch you off guard, when I make you feel good. Let me make you feel good, Princess. I'll make you forget any bad dream you’ve ever had. Just relax and let me take care of everything.” He whispers, pressing his lips to your neck once more.
You close your eyes, allowing him to take control as he moves down your body, pressing his lips to every single inch of you. It tingled, each kiss leaving goosebumps in its wake as he put your legs over his shoulders, rubbing your thighs as he kisses the insides of them. “Just focus on me, Darling. Don’t think of anything else, okay? It’s just you and me here. Nothing bad is going to happen. Just relax and let me make you feel good.” He cooed, blowing on your aching cunt. He licked up your slit slowly, your back arching as your fingers tangle in the sheets, a soft, breathy moan escaping your lips. “That’s my good girl. So sensitive, so perfect, so tasty.” He moans as he starts to lap you up, taking in your essence as he moans against you, his grip on your thighs gentle yet firm. You squirm in his grasp, already a moaning mess as he eats you out like it’s his last meal, taking his time with you while also making the most of it.
He flicks his tongue against your clit and you whimper, your body jolting. “Mm, that’s it, beautiful. Let me hear you. Tell me how good you feel.” He groans, his tongue slipping inside your twitching hole. “S-so good, Jinnie. Feels so g-good. Mm!” You gasp as he sucks on your clit, a fire igniting in your stomach. “Good. Now look at me, Princess. I know you’re close. I want you to look at me for a bit, okay? Focus on me.” He says. You look down at him, the dim light from the lamp on his nightstand gives you a great view of his head between your legs, his eyes dark as his big, strong arms hold you tight while his plump lips glisten with your juices. He winks at you and mumbles ‘good girl' as he dives back in, moaning and groaning against you as his hips move against the bed, desperate to help him find his own release. Its quite the sight, and you can feel yourself tipping over the edge just by looking at him. “S-Seokjin I-I-" You whimper, your legs starting to tremble. “Go ahead, Baby. Do it. Cum for me.” He tells you, going even harder to send you over the edge. Your hips move against his mouth as you cry out, moaning his name as you drown in absolute bliss. “Good girl. That’s my perfect girl.” He whispers, peppering your thighs with kisses as you come down from your high.
He moved up, leaning over you as he kisses your lips, your taste still prominent on his tongue. “You alright?” He asks, pushing the hair out of your face. You nod, making him smile and kiss you again. “Good. I’m glad I can help. Now let’s give you some good cuddles.” He says, laying back down next to you. “Wait, but, what about you?” You ask, confused. “What about me, Darling?” “Well, aren’t you, you know, don’t you want me to return the favor?” You ask. “Hm? Oh, no its okay baby. This was to help you out. I’m happy just knowing that I made my pretty girl feel better.” He chuckles, pulling you down for a kiss. You pout, feeling bad. “But, I wanna help you.” You mumble, reaching under the sheet to run your hand over his rock-hard cock, his breath hitching as you do. “Ooh, baby, I don’t know if you really wanna do that. But, if you insist, I think I have an idea. A way we can get good cuddle time while you help me. Come here.” He says, grabbing your hand and pulling you to lay on top of him, your chest pressed to his as his cock bounces against your ass.
“Here. This way you can lay down on my chest while I take care of everything, okay? Just relax, beautiful.” He whispers, lining your hips up with his hands and taking control, prodding your entrance with his cock before sliding into you slowly, soft, breathy noises erupting from both of you. “Mm, so perfect baby. Just lay down, put your head on my chest. That’s it. I’ll take care of this.” He moans, hands gripping your ass as he guides you slowly to take him all in, the feeling of being so completely full by his massive cock something you’ll never ever get used to. You whimper, your mouth falling open as your eyes roll back, already feeling incredible as he slowly pulls out of you. He starts a slow, steady pace, one that’s also precise as he grinds his cock against your sweet spot, his pelvis moving against your clit, giving you extra stimulation as you start to lose your mind. “Good girl. Feel so good- ngh-inside. Love you so much. Never gonna go away. Always be here for you. Understand?” He moans. You nod, moaning as he grips your ass tighter, holding you in place as he fucks up into you slowly, passionately, his cockhead brushing against your cervix as you cry out, your noises muffled as you bury your face in his chest.
“Mmm, so cute baby, so beautiful, so perfect. And all mine.” He moans, his breathing getting heavier, telling you his almost there. You are too, and you want to help, make him feel good too. So, you grab his wrist, pulling his arm up so you can hold his hand against the bed, fingers intertwining as you press your lips to his, kissing him deeply as he pumps in and out of you. He loves this, and you know it. He’s a sensitive man and loves to hold your hand when he cums, kiss you like crazy, so that’s what you’ll do. His moans become shakier, his movements stuttering as he kisses you. A few more pumps and you’re both tumbling over the edge, your walls twitching and pulsing around him as he cums deep inside of you, the warmth flowing through you as you collapse onto his chest, both of your breaths heavy as he rubs your back. “God, baby. You’re so perfect. So perfect for me.” He chuckles, kissing your head. “Are you feeling better now?” He asks. All you can do is nod, still feeling so good with him inside of you that you can’t even form proper words. “Mm, good. I’m glad I can make you feel better. My girl, my love, my sweet, sweet Princess. Nothings ever going to happen to us, okay? Next time you have a nightmare I'll make all the worries and bad stuff go away like this. I’m never leaving your side, so don’t think for a second that you’ll ever be left alone. I love you, and it’s my duty as your husband to love and protect you from anything, even things I can’t see or experience. I’ll always be here to care for you, make you feel loved, and make sure you know that the best place in the world for you is right here, in my arms.” His words bring a tear to your eyes, which drips down onto his chest. “Oh, baby, don’t cry. It’s okay. Just relax and stay here like this. Go to sleep, Princess, and I promise I’ll be here with you when you wake up.”
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lightupmyass ¡ 5 years ago
A Little Extra
Now that I think about it, there's a little more I want to add to this. Again, I know I'm not big like, AT ALL, and I'm not expecting to blow up either. However, I want everyone that comes here, to my page, that you're safe here. I want this to be a positive, safe place for people to come and enjoy stuff. And if you do request something, it can be anything you want! I can do scenarios for you, I can do smutty smut, I can do calming, soft for all my sad babies. I can do anything you want, perfectly tailored to you. I want to be here for you and make your day, be a beacon of light for you in this crazy world, no matter how small. Even if you just want someone, anyone, to just tell you it's all gonna be okay, I can do that for you. If you want Hoseok to tell you things aren't gonna be that bad, if you want Zen to tell you how pretty you are, or if you want Todoroki to tell you how strong and brave you are, even if you don't think you are, I can do that. I can write that for you because I want to help people. I want to help you. I may sound like the Yagami Yato Kirishima right now but thats because I've listened to a lot of those audios myself and kinda feel the role haha! Im even down to text you as your favorite person so you can tell them all about your problems and get things off your chest and have them comfort you. So please, if you ever need anything, if you wanna feel good or just be reminded by someone you admire to do simple tasks, let me know, okay? Let's make this page full of good vibes and sweetness! Thats all, my lovelies!
Little Chit Chat
Hello my lovely followers and anyone else that happens to pass by this! How are you all doing today? I hope everything is going great for you! Hey so, I wanted to let everyone know that even though I'm a pretty small account right now and I havent really written much, I'm really trying to do more. I've really only done BTS stuff until now but im trying to get into some multifandom stuff. Also, I'll take requests if anyone has any! I'm happy to do anything BTS, BNHA, and Mystic Messenger! Lately things have been going, well not too well in my head and writing always helps me get better but my messed up brain isn't exactly coming up with a lot of ideas. Soooooo, if you want to see anything or want something that'll make your heart melt or make your wildest, craziest dreams come true, let me know! I'd be happy to help create whatever those beautiful brains of yours can come up with. Just message me if you want something and I hope to hear from at least somebody soon! Thanks for listening and see you around! 💜
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lightupmyass ¡ 5 years ago
Little Chit Chat
Hello my lovely followers and anyone else that happens to pass by this! How are you all doing today? I hope everything is going great for you! Hey so, I wanted to let everyone know that even though I'm a pretty small account right now and I havent really written much, I'm really trying to do more. I've really only done BTS stuff until now but im trying to get into some multifandom stuff. Also, I'll take requests if anyone has any! I'm happy to do anything BTS, BNHA, and Mystic Messenger! Lately things have been going, well not too well in my head and writing always helps me get better but my messed up brain isn't exactly coming up with a lot of ideas. Soooooo, if you want to see anything or want something that'll make your heart melt or make your wildest, craziest dreams come true, let me know! I'd be happy to help create whatever those beautiful brains of yours can come up with. Just message me if you want something and I hope to hear from at least somebody soon! Thanks for listening and see you around! 💜
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lightupmyass ¡ 5 years ago
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: smut, slight fluff, pwp
Warnings: EXTREME DIRTY TALK, LIKE JUST STRAIGHT FUCKING SIN, unprotected sex, Daddy! Hoseok, Sub! Reader, slight public sex, mentions of exhibitionism, rough fucking, aftercare
Word count: 3037
A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry that there's not much plot but uh, I've recently gotten into Yagami Yato's audios soooo um, I needed to write something with dirty talk. Its not nearly as good but I hope you enjoy!
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“What’s the matter, baby? Can't keep yourself under control?” Hoseok whispers in your ear, your thighs rubbing together under the blanket. It was difficult, keeping quiet right now. It was movie night in the dorm and Hoseok was right next to you, doing anything to get you riled up while surrounded by the boys. The TV was loud, drowning out Hoseok's words from anyone else but you. “Hobi, please stop.” You tell him, getting embarrassed. Luckily you’re sitting at the end of the couch, Hoseok next to you while Yoongi sits next to him, Jimin on the other end. “Why? Don’t you like it when I do this? Make you lose control just by talking in your ear?” You bite back a little gasp, your chest heaving. The movie has barely even started and he’s already got you wrecked.
“Don’t you like it when I tell you how good you look? How much I wanna lay you down and make you feel so good? What do you want me to do, baby?” A wave of heat rushes through you as different pictures flash through your mind, all of the ways he has, and will, made you go absolutely insane. You can’t speak, too afraid that someone will hear you and your squeaky, embarrassed voice, so you shake your head. “Hm? Not gonna talk? Well then, wanna hear everything I wanna do to you?” The end of his sentence is breathy, a low growl hidden deep in his throat as he flips every switch he knows you have. You love it when he talks like this, when he growls in your ear, his hot breath fanning over your neck as absolute sin tumbles from his lips, the moment only shared by the two of you.
“I wanna make you a trembling, quaking mess for me. Wanna reach each and every inch inside of you until you lose your mind. Feel your tight pussy quiver around me while I remind you who you belong to. Do you want that, baby? Want me to fuck you so good that you can’t even remember your own name?” He asks, his lips trailing across your neck, making you shiver. You bite your lip as you snake your hand between your thighs, needing some sort of friction. “You want me to pound my cock so deep inside of you that you see stars? Make you cry out for me? Make sure everyone here can know how good I can make you feel?” Fuck, he’s getting to you. Your breathing gets shorter as your eyelids droop, his words hypnotizing. “Please.” You whisper, earning a smirk from him. “Oh? Is my baby losing control already?” He asks, pressing his lips to your neck. “You’re not very subtle, you know. That hand down there isn’t gonna help as much as I can.” He whispers, his hand resting on top of yours, the size difference tantalizing. You know how good he is with his hands, how he can move them to curl against all the right spots, how he can fuck you so hard with his fingers that you almost pass out. He’s done it multiple times before, loving the power and control he has over you. Its addicting to him, about as addicting as you are.
“I’m sorry.” You mumble, taking your hand away, but his stays, resting on your core. “Someone’s getting eager, huh? Let’s take a look and see how soaked you are already.” He says as he pulls your shorts and panties to the side, his fingers immediately getting covered in your slick, your pussy trembling under his light touch. “Mm, that’s what I like to feel, babygirl. Fucking soaked just from my voice. And all these people around? Tsk tsk, my naughty, naughty girl. I bet you’d cum right here if you could, right? Let everyone sit around while you lose control over yourself.” His finger starts to run along your slit, dipping into your hole. Fuck, is he really going to do this? Your body moves on your own as you spread your legs more for him, letting him gently sink his finger into you. “Yeah, that’s my good girl, letting me do whatever I want. So perfect, baby.” He smirks, slowly fucking you with his finger, his palm rubbing your clit in slow circles. You bite your finger, trying to keep your composure as he tries his best to break it. “You know, as much as I love teasing you and making you feel embarrassed, I don’t think I want you cumming around the boys. They might think they can have a piece of you too. Go into my room and wait for me, ok?” He tells you, pulling his finger out of you and wiping your juices on your shorts. What a tease.
However, you do as he says, making some dumb excuse about using the bathroom or something before disappearing down the hallway, straight to Hoseok’s room. Its not long before he shows up. Honestly, you’re sure he followed right behind you, because as soon as you cross the threshold his hand is on your ass, giving it a light pat before he locks the door behind him, hunger and lost swimming in his dark eyes. “Fuck, baby. Don’t you look fucking delicious.” He growls, his lips instantly on yours as he cups your cheeks, walking you backwards until your knees hit the bed, both of you tumbling down on the mattress. “You gotta stop talking like that around people though, Hobi. Its so embarrassing to be like that around the others.” You pout, blushing. “Is that so? I embarrassed you? Well you didn’t seem too embarrassed when you let me put my finger in you, now did you?” He growls, lips moving to your neck as he bites down gently on your skin, your back arching so your chest presses up against his. You whimper in response, knowing he’s right. Of course he’s right, he knows you like the back of his own hand.
“How did my good little girl become so bad, huh? Getting fucking soaked even though there’s so many people around. How about we assess the damage, huh?” He asks, climbing down off the bed and hooking his fingers into your shorts and panties, pulling them down easily. A string of slick attaches to your panties, stretching further as he pulls them down, a deep moan rumbling in his throat. “Fuck, baby. Look at how messy you got with just me talking to you.” He says, sitting back on his feet as he runs a finger through the wetness of your panties. “Maybe I need to keep doing it, huh? I knew you liked dirty talk but fuck, looks like you almost came from it. My dirty, dirty girl.” He smiles, laying down on the bed and pulling you on top of him, his thigh right between your legs. “How’s this, baby girl? Think you can cum on my leg while I talk to you, hm? Ride my thigh while I tell you how beautiful you are and how badly I’m gonna fucking wreck you?” He asks, your hips already moving to grind against his jeans, making you whimper. “Good girl. Good fucking girl, rubbing your soaked cunt all over my jeans. Gonna leave a stain on em, huh? Make my leg all nice and shiny from your wet, tight pussy?” Jesus Christ he is not going easy on you at all.
He grabs your hips, moving you against him as he moves his own hips, his covered cock pressing against your thigh as you grind on him, your head already feeling dizzy at the feeling of his jeans on your bare pussy. “Fuck, Hobi.” You moan, your face falling down onto his shoulder as you move with him. “Oh, baby. No one’s around, you know you can call me my name now, right? Come on, I wanna hear you say it. Say it, babygirl. Say my name.” He moans in your ear. “Ah, Daddy, fuck!” You squeak, his hand coming down to lightly slap your ass. “Good job, baby. I love when you call me that, you’re such a good girl for Daddy. I think you deserve a reward, don’t you think?” He pushes you off gently, laying you down on the bed, your head on the pillows as he kisses down your body, leaving little love bites here and there as he puts your legs over his shoulders, wasting no time as he puts his whole mouth right on you, groaning as he takes in your essence, tasting your sweet juices on his tongue and moaning into you. “Fuck, baby. Almost forgot how good you taste. Best meal I'll ever fucking have in my life.” He groans, dipping down lap up whatever you give him, small moans falling from your lips as he devours you, moaning and groaning and growling into you as he holds your legs tight, keeping them wrapped closely around his face.
“Mmmm, fuck, fuck, Daddy, please, ah~!” You moan, your fingers finding purchase in his hair. “Mm, gonna cum, baby girl? Gonna be a good girl and cum all over Daddy’s face? Come on, baby, give me all you’ve got.” He says, diving back down and going faster, moving and slurping and tongue fucking you, the lewd noises of him sucking up all of your slick echoing through the quiet room. Your back arches, your hips moving as you grind against his mouth, your fingers pushing his face into you more, his groans getting louder and deeper the closer you get. “Mm! Ooh, ooh, ooooh fuck Daddy! I’m, Immg-onna-" You gasp as it washes over you, a white hot wave of fire bringing through your body as he continues to eat you out, lapping up every last bit of your cum as he chuckles into your pussy, making is tremble at slight overstimulation.
“Sh, you’re okay, baby. That’s my good girl. Such a good girl for me.” He says softly, rubbing your tummy as he kisses your thighs. Your breathing slows down a bit, your body relaxing after your incredible high as he climbs on top of you, kissing your neck and collar bone as his hand slips up your shirt, gently rubbing your skin. You laugh a little, mumbling a small ‘fuck' as he kisses your cheek. “You good, baby?” He asks, stroking your skin gently with his thumb. You nod, smiling in complete euphoria. “Good. Such a good girl. My beautiful, good girl. My sweet, sexy, amazing baby girl.” He cooes, showering you in kisses and compliments.
He rests his body on top of your as he presses his lips to yours, taking your breath away as you hum into his mouth, your arms wrapping around his neck. He nuzzles his hips between your legs, pulling your leg over his hip as he gently grinds you into the mattress. “Mm, love you like this. So fucked out already, yet craving for more. Do you want more, princess? You want me to make you lose control?” He asks, moving your hair out of your face. You nod, pulling him down for another kiss. “Say it, baby. I want you to say it. No, I want you to beg for it.” He growls, grinding hard against you. “Ah~! Fuck, Daddy. Please, I need you. Please please please.” You whine, your head falling back into pillows as he kisses your neck. “Mm, good job, but I need more than that. Beg me more. I know you can do better than that.” He growls. “Daddy, please, please I need you so fucking bad. I-I want you to fuck me, want you to fuck me so hard, need your cock to fill me up. Please Daddy. Please fuck me.” You beg, hoping that’ll be enough.
“Mm, fuck yeah, baby. Shit.” He groans, sitting up to undo his pants, pulling them down just enough for his cock to spring free, slapping against his shirt before he grips it, tracing it over your pussy, your walls clenching around nothing in excitement. “You ready, baby?” He asks. You nod, smiling. “I’m always ready to take your cock, Daddy.” You tell him, a deep growl sounding from him. “Shit, Baby. Love when you talk dirty. It doesn’t suit you, but yet, it does. Sounds so pretty and filthy on your lips.” He chuckles, getting cut off by a groan as he pushes into you, bottoming out as he feels your tight walls grip him. “Aaaahhhh, fuck. Oooh shit baby girl. Feel so fucking gooood.” He groans, his voice shaky as he keeps himself still inside of you. You can’t even talk, the way his thick cock stretched you out so well.
You wanted him to move, wanted him to fuck you, just like you begged him to, so you moved your hips, squeezing your pussy around him. “Please, move Daddy. Come on. Please?” You ask nicely, giving him puppy dog eyes as you squeeze him tight. “Mmph, shit. You want me to fuck you? Huh?” He asks, starting to move his hips. “You want me to fuck you hard?” He says, his pace quickening fast. “Mm, yes. Please.” You whine, grabbing his shoulder as he starts fucking into you, the sound of skin slapping already sounding through the room by the force of his thrusts. “Fuck yeah, baby. Gonna fuck you so good. God you feel so good, so fucking good.” He groans, your body bouncing as you get fucked into the mattress. The feeling of his hot shaft dragging across your walls, his tip hitting that sweet spot in you when he grabs your leg, putting it up on his shoulder, making him hit all new depths in you. You moan and whine, his groans and curses turning you on even more.
“Mmph, shit baby. Don’t know how I can last a minute without my cock stuffing your pussy. It was fucking made for me. A perfect pussy for a perfect girl. My perfect girl. Ah, fuck.” He groans, pressing kisses to your calf as he fucks you hard, the bed shaking. “Daddy~! Yes Daddy! Love your cock. Love you. Love you so much!” You cry out, making him smile. “So cute, Y/N. I love you too. I love you so much, my sweet baby girl.” He whispers, leaning down to kiss you. “Come on, baby. Gonna switch it up.” He says, pulling out of you and letting your leg fall onto the bed. You whine loudly at the loss of him inside of you. “Come here, princess.” He says, standing next to the bed. “Come bend over for Daddy.” Your breath hitches. One of your favorite positions. You move quickly, eager to do what he says, knowing you’re about to get everything you want.
You stand right in front of him, your ass brushing against his rock hard cock, bending over the side of his bed as you wiggle your hips. “Mm, that’s what I like to see. Such a good little girl, so beautiful and desperate to be stuffed full of my cock. Get ready, baby girl.” He says, warning you before he pushes into you again, making you stand on your tippy toes as you relax onto the bed, your face pressed against the mattress. “Ooh fuck yeah. So fucking good yeah so fucking good baby.” He groans, immediately pounding into you. You moan, cry out in pleasure, your sounds muffled by the bed. “Whose my good girl? Whose a slut for Daddy's cock? Huh?” He asks. “Ah! Me Daddy! Fucking love your cock!” You cry out, gasping as he rams into your sweet spot. “Yeah you fucking do, you fucking love it. And I love you tight fucking pussy. So fucking good baby. Gonna make me cum. Where do you want me to cum, baby?” He asks. You know exactly where. Its going to make him fucking feral. “I-Inside me. Want you to cum inside me, Daddy. Make me a fucking mess, please.” You beg. “Oohoho, fucking shit Y/N, you filthy fucking girl. Want me to cum inside you? Want to cum so deep inside you you’ll have my cum dripping out of you?” He growls, fucking you so hard the bed bounces against the wall. “Mmm yes Daddy. Want your cum so bad." You whine, your high rapidly approaching. “Fuck yeah, baby. Ah, squeezing me so tight. Come on, baby, I can feel it. Cum on my cock, baby, cream on my fucking cock and I'll cum deep inside that fucking perfect pussy. Cum for me, baby girl.” He groans loudly, pounding into you so quickly that you’re seeing stars already. “Ah~! Ah~! Fuck fuck fuuuuuuck!” You cry out, your end hitting you hard as you squeeze his cock, convulsing around him. “Ooooh shit! Shit fuck! Aaahhhhh!” Hoseok growls, his hips sputtering as he buries himself deep inside of you, warmth filling you up as he collapses over you, his face resting on your back as he fills you with his cum, fucking it slowly into you as he completely loses it. “Ah, ah fuck, shit Y/N. God I fucking love you. I love you so fucking much.” He says, his voice raspy as he reaches up to hold your hand, pressing soft kisses to your back through your shirt. You don’t move, too worn out to do anything as he pulls out of you, your legs shaky. You hear him zip his pants up, the bed dipping as he sits on the edge. “Come here, baby. Lay down.” He cooes, helping you move so you’re laying with your head on his lap, his fingers brushing through your hair as your eyes droop. “You’re okay, baby. You did such a good job. I’m so proud of you. You feel alright?” He asks softly, his thumb rubbing against your pink cheek. You nod, still not able to really say anything. “Good. So good, baby. My good girl. I love you, Y/N. Don’t ever forget that.” He whispers. “I love you too.” You tell him, kissing his leg. “Now, we’ll rest for a few minutes then get you all cleaned up, okay? I think my girl deserves a nice bubble bath.”
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