quinn-o-lantern · 1 year
Recruiting for Destiny 2 Clan
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Clan Purpose: To be a community for gamers who struggle to find one.
The Whispering Mandrake [WISP] was founded by a longtime solo Destiny player who barely even ever got to raid and barely touched content outside of campaigns. We've grown this community to be one where players who don't have the chance to do non-matchmade content in Destiny 2 can finally clear their first raid, get their conqueror title, and experience the full breadth of what this silly space game has to offer. Players ranging from brand new kinderguardians to years long veterans comprise this community and all are welcome to join regardless of membership to the clan in-game. As these kindergaurdians have grown, they’ve gone on to comprise teams that have multiple world’s first raid clears under their belts, grind out titles, farm GMs, and solo flawless dungeons.
There is a place for everyone in WISP!
Clan Perks:
Weekly activities including a weekly pinnacle raid run, in-house PVP, dungeon farms, and more.
A dedicated and active Staff* of guardians with multiple world’s first clears, who grind titles, and solo dungeons, ready to help you find your footing, clear your first raid, grind out your comp rank, or prepare to tackle the same challenges they do.
Seasonal rewards for our most active members.
In-house LFG system.
Pet pics. Seriously. Lots and lots of the cutest pet pics you ever did see.
Lore readings and discussions.
A community of friends dedicated to being respectful, learning and growing together, and taking care of each other.
And a ton more.
While you don't have to join the clan to join our discord server, membership and activity in the server is required to be a member of the clan. We are not merely an engram farm and are trying to build relationships and connections.
Personally, this group is just the best. I've made so many unexpected friends and it's so nice knowing I can jump into this space and feel at home. Even if you don't need a clan, hop in and spend some time with us. There’s so much to discover in the Sol System.
DM me for the link to our discord.
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destiny-aesthetics · 4 months
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How I started, and how I'll end this.
D1 to now. Time to finish the fight.
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poorlytunedukulele · 2 years
Prompt 8 - Trespasser
October 08, 2841; near Old Cairo, Egypt, Earth
How funny it was that such important events could happen on such ordinary days.
Andal and Cayde were after Filchis, a Kings Captain.  There was a decent bounty on her head.  Normally, low-raking Captains were below the Vanguard's notice- but this one had managed to actually kill a few Guardians.  Her head was already on a pike, as far as the brass was concerned.
Andal and Cayde headed to the lair where Filchis was supposedly working- cautious, because Filchis had killed two Guardians, but not too cautious, because... well, Filchis was a Captain and Cayde and Andal were Cayde and Andal.
They arrived at the hideout to find it in disarray.  Doors wide open, broken Shanks scattered all around.
"Turf war?" Cayde guessed hopefully.  Perhaps a rival Fallen had already killed Filchis and this would be an easy bounty to collect.
But there were no Fallen in the hideout, neither Filchis's crew nor her rivals'.  There were plenty of dead bodies, but as Sundance glumly reported, Filchis wasn't among them.
Exactly why wasn't evident until they stumbled upon him.
It was a control room of sorts.  More of a control alcove.  A control breakfast nook.  There were no doors that could be closed (a poor planning decision in Andal's opinion- just anyone could walk up and start messing with things).  A few terminals had been haphazardly shoved into the corners.  At one of them, with their back turned to the hallway, was an upright figure in a House of Kings cloak.  Andal almost drew his weapon before the person let out a frustrated sigh and tapped at one of the screens with a five-fingered hand.  They were human- and apparently the cause of the abundance of Fallen corpses around.
Andal kept himself from drawing, but he must have made a noise of surprise.  The person turned.  The brief glimpse of an Exo face (black, with red highlights and cerulean eyes) was all Andal needed to confirm that they weren't a threat.  Too late he saw the gun in the stranger's hand.  The Exo automatically aimed and let out a spread. 
Andal dodged.  Two of the bullets missed him, but one ricocheted off of his chestplate and a sting told him the other had penetrated the weaker armor between his shoulder and his neck.  There was a beat of silence as all of the Guardians froze- the stranger's gun rigid and still, no longer tracking Andal's motion- Cayde taken by surprise, Andal with his hand at his hip.
The echo of the gunshot reverberated.  There was a heartbeat of stillness as everyone sized each other up, waiting to see what the others would do-
Then Cayde straightened, crossing his arms.  "Four-burst?" he said skeptically.  "Really?  Excessive."
"Got you, didn't it?" the trespasser replied in a raspy baritone.  The spell was broken- Andal let his hand drift away from his cannon and the trespasser holstered his gun in turn.
It finally seemed to occur to the stranger that shooting someone was something you should apologize for.  "Sorry," he said, businesslike.  He still turned back to the terminal he was working on.
"We're looking for a Captain by the name of Filchis," Cayde said, taking the lead.  "Haven't seen her around, have ya?"
"Filchis?" the other Exo replied, optics flicking from the terminal to Cayde's face, then back.  "She's not here.  I waited 'till she was gone before I broke in.  I'm not after her."
"Bigger fish to fry?" Andal guessed.
The Exo's expression darkened.  "Vokril," he muttered.
"King Baron," Sundance said in recognition.  "Got a hefty bounty on his head."
The trespasser didn't immediately reply, still lost in his data.
"You're not after the bounty," Andal reasoned. 
"It's... personal," was all the other Hunter said.
Andal took a critical look at the Fallen corpses on the floor and came to a conclusion.  "Well, you know, I certainly wouldn't object to some more help on this hunt.  Especially not from someone as skilled in... infiltration as you."  Infiltration seemed a good word to describe the havoc the Exo has wrought here.  "And hey, we'd be willing to split the bounty.  If you're willing to split the one on Vokril for our help with him."
Cayde interjected.  "Not like you were gonna pick it up anyway, right?"
The trespasser just frowned at them for a moment before an orange Ghost appeared and bonked him on the head in chastisement.  "You help them kill one Captain, then they help you kill Vokril and you'll get paid for it," the Ghost said.  
"Alright," the trespasser said, sounding resigned.  "You're the boss."
"Good man," Andal said, stepping forward to shake the stranger's hand.  "I'm Andal Brask.  This is my packmate, Cayde-6."
The Exo nodded at Andal's words and took his hand.  "Shiro-4."
AO3 Linky!
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aceofcaydes01 · 1 year
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Fear not, Kinderguardians! I’ve got you. :)
I’m really enjoying the influx of new players.
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raillue · 10 months
One Destiny 2 headcanon I’ve always had is that the Vanguard has now had to set up a very specific set of rules for all Guardians that are 90% caused by shit the Young Wolf has done.
They include but are not limited to:
1. Do not Strand grapple to ships as they leave the hangar. This is directed to one person and one person only. You know exactly who you are.
2. Don’t give random kinderguardians Gjallarhorns. We do not need to build a third Tower
3. Stop telling New Lights ‘kys’ means ‘keep yourself safe’. Crow is still running from Osiris
4. Do not use multiple fire extinguishers as a replacement engine on Sparrows, especially while INSIDE the Tower.
5. Do not use fire extinguishers as ‘jetpacks’ either
6. All fire extinguishers are now off limits to The Young Wolf. Please report any missing ones to the Vanguard
7. Do not create a ‘pigeon army’, lead them to the Tower, throw a bag of bird seed on the ground and then leave. Seriously I have never seen this many pigeons in one place before. Wolf where did you get this many pigeons
8. If you set off fireworks in the Tower, don’t let them fall over please
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sparkofthemachine · 2 years
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I'm sure there are a lot of kinderguardians who aren't aware that MANY guardians are canonically married to Lord Shaxx ;)   wrapping up valentines with a little relevant update for ceph/crow hahah
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soulslayer2020 · 3 months
Robyn Amar - Bright-Eyed Kinderguardian
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"Yep! Totally meant to do that...!"
Name: Robyn Amar Aliases: Little Robin, Guardian, Hunter, Kid, Rookie, Newbie Birthplace: Old Russia, Earth Species: Awoken Gender: Female Prounouns: She/They Hair Colour: Dark Red Eye Colour: Silver Ghost Name: Ghost/Little Light Affiliation: Guardians Class: Hunter Sublass: Gunslinger Theme: Wildfire - Robyn's Theme (I Burn Remix)
A Kinderguardian was resurrected amongst the wreckage of a jumpship, with the only thing to her name being old tattered armour, a fire agate ring on her left hand, and a faint memory of her name: Robyn Amar. Robyn is friendly, cheeky, a bit reckless, and well-meaning. Assigned as the final member needed to complete Fireteam Eclipse, Robyn tries her hardest to keep up with the veteran Titan and prodigy Warlock that are her teammates. Robyn sees Athena as her mentor and older-sister-figure, and Marcy as "that fun crazy aunt whose a terrible influence". While Robyn tries to focus on becoming a stronger Guardian and helping where she can in the fight against the Darkness, she finds her attention constantly being drawn to her mysterious past. Guardians usually have no recollection of their past lives, but Robyn finds herself receiving strange visions of what seems to be her life before her resurrection but struggles to make sense of them. Just who was she...? And does she really have what it takes to become a Guardian worthy of protecting the Sol system?
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Ghost/Little Light: Loyal and selfless, Ghost - occasionally nicknamed Little Light by Rae, much to his displeasure - is Robyn's close companion and friend. While he can be a bit uptight and hates it when Robyn goes into dangerous situations, Ghost is always there to encourage and comfort Robyn when she needs it and vice-versa.
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flowers-of-io · 11 months
So me and my friend were talking about Savathun and I wanted to have your thoughts about something she said
She said that the problem that she has with Savathun’s character arc is the fact that she feels like it’s pointless for her to have a character arc because it will just end with Bungie saying "She was just evil "
She also said that she doesnt get why people are saying "Savathun was given a chance and still chose her old ways " ; for her it makes sense that Savathun chose her old ways because
1) She is wanted by everyone and she is seen, everyone will kill her on the spot so she needs to protect herself ; 2) Even if she tries to be better, people will still look her as bad (because she hurted a lot of people). Eramis has the support of Mithrax and her Family to be better but Savathun has no one and if she died, except her sister , people will not cry or be sorry , they will just say "Dont cry, the world is better without her " or something along those lines
So she said "if Savathun chose to stay bad, people in Destiny will hate her and if she tries to be good, people will still hate her so she chose the logical option "
Of course, she doesnt deny the suffering that Savathun has caused but she feels like her character arc will just end up with "Savathun appears-> gets developped -> does something so bad that everyone just wants her dead-> Savathun dies -> end with "Savathun was just bad"
Omg I somehow totally missed this message, I'm so sorry for however long it has been lying in my inbox ;o;
I... kinda agree. And I hate that I agree! Because TWQ ended with such potential for a strong redemption arc for Sav, and then Season of the Witch rolled in and went "Oh actually she's been killing her own Lightbearers as a hobby :)" and I don't understand anything anymore. Savathûn, the tactician, the smartass, who hand-picked the Ghosts who'd join her and eventually rez Hive, now running around and killing them for... what? To fuel her training crystals? While she's involved in active war on two different fronts??? Ma'am. I need explanations.
There's no doubt Savathûn is atrocious and has caused enough suffering in the world to balance out thousands upon thousands lifetimes of nothing but good deeds, but eugh. Some of the decisions this season seem to me like the writers were bending over backwards just to show how Evil!!!!! she is, with no rhyme or reason. Yeah sure, show her killing people in gruesome ways!!! Show her fucking with their minds like she did with Osiris and Uldren!!! When it's in character. When it makes sense. I don't really understand why they'd throw away AN ESTABLISHED DYNAMIC between her and Immaru only to show her being mean to her Ghost, so 'she can't be a real Guardian now, can she'.
In this manner, I agree and also fear a little that Sav's storyline is going to be nothing but a cautionary tale of someone being gifted the Light and a second chance and squandering this opportunity, remaining Evil forever. It would be such a waste and I would cry.
The reason for why she chose to stay in her own ways, or at least act like it (and I'm talking here mainly about the events of TWQ, because this season has been very... weird about it?? and I don't yet know where I stand wrt this new info) is in my opinion a bit more complicated. First off, if we're going by the canon timeline, she was a week-old kinderguardian thrown into a full-scale war on two fronts while having to kick Rhulk out, transmutate her throne world, manage a whole ass Brood full of other amnesiac baby Lights, and figure out what the hell her past self wanted her to do to stop the Witness. I can also imagine the Lucent Brood was very volatile in their philosophies and way of life, the Light clashing with the Sword Logic, and just overall, it must've been pure chaos, especially for someone who's fresh out of the grave and doesn't know what the fuck is going on.
Secondly, after she's got back her memories -- the old ways is everything she's ever known. I think the case of her snatching the Traveler is a great example. She says she "will not Take, [she] will give", and it's evident she's trying to wrap her head around the new philosophy, to reverse-engineer it from the spaces between the words on the Tablets of Ruin, but she's still oh so very Hive in it. She will give the Traveler an incentive, a safe haven -- and then she will seal it away to protect it. Disregarding anyone else and any other harm this act might entail. I truly believe she had the right intention! She wanted to protect her saviour and the source of her power from the being she hates most in the universe, who seeks only to hurt and destroy the Traveler and threatens Sav's own survival. The plan made sense. It's the execution that was so sword logic in nature, the sealing and the stealing and the general disregard for the Traveler's wishes and choices, and she paid the price in the end. She messed up royally. She was still stuck in the old ways she'd supposedly rejected.
I'm not sure, however, if the lack of outside support would be any factor here. She's always been a loner. Her way of keeping people at a distance is very similar to Mara's, she's always valued the wiggle room moving so far away gives her, she's always wanted to be free and untethered and to decide only for herself. I don't think she cares no one would cry for her if she died; her main goal is NOT to die, and that's the motivation behind most of her actions, rather than the fear of being alone. I think this is where they differ with Xivu. And yes, she is lonely--I see this particularly in her last entry in Sororicide where she says Xivu has given up on her, and in the fact of how thrilled she is to have Eris and Ikora and us the Guardian as puppets in her little theatre. Riddles are her love language and she's enjoying it tremendously.
To sum up, I suppose, these are the reasons I see behind Sav reverting to the sword logic in some extent, or at least not going Full Redemption after acquiring the Light:
her brood (particularly the Lightless Hive) still being ingrained in the Logic and pushing it a lot
Sav believing Sword Logic to be the more efficient tool and therefore still using it to achieve her goals - so both necessity as well as her own calculating personality
her own habits and a billion years' worth of conditioning she's reacquired when she got her memories back
her drive to stay alive and get out of the whole game (whatever we define it as), and potential fear of death
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titanicfreija · 7 months
"Hey-hey, New Light!"
Freija dismissed the call, not recognizing the voice and not wanting to deal with anyone that could tell how young she was. It didn't help. The Hunter caught up to her and slapped her back with a clap of armor. "Hey, hey, hey, I saw the score, and I wanted you to know that I only did as good as I did because of you, okay?"
Freija blinked at the ground, eventually daring to lift her head when the Hunter didn't vanish.
"Are you new? Or returning after a long absence?" asked the Hunter, putting a hand on Freija's pauldron. "I'm Lin Po," he said then, and he took his helmet off to reveal a fair-skinned dark-haired human head. "Me and Delta over there are headed out for drinks, wanna come? We wanted to catch as many as we could on the way out, we've been in the same pool for a while now. Gives me a sense of camaraderie when we end up fighting with and against in the same runs, you know?"
Again, Freija blinked at him, not sure how to respond. Mostly she wanted to shower and ask Rise to remog all her armor so no one would recognize her on sight-- being reassured and invited out didn't feel real for some reason.
Lin Po saw someone behind Freija and she turned before he even moved. "Hey!"
"Oi," they replied, and Freija looked over to see a black-clad Hunter still in their Knucklehead. "Hey, it's you," they said to Freija, pointing. "How do you cap points like that? You came out on top every match, even when I was running with you."
"I died twice as often," Freija pointed out. "That's part of the trick," she sighed then and she buried her head under an arm. "I haven't recovered from the loss of an old piece of equipment. Shaxx said it was boring and unfair."
A sympathetic look crossed the bunch, and Freija felt much better about accepting the invitation.
"Hang on, I'll message the guys I was with," said the new Hunter.
The bar set a room aside for what they predicted would be a fairly big crowd, and the Guardians milled in to pay for a round each and hover around to discuss "business". Freija's misery led to an exchange of stories around rule changes, bans on devices and tools, and various other means by which Shaxx kept the Crucible from being unfair, and the fighters slowly learned names of their killers after recognizing the causes of death strapped to their back, and got to know them over discussions of the morning.
"You're the Warlock with that damn Igneous Hammer!"
"Getting shot really knocks your spatial awareness, I can't find the doors anymore."
"Wait, you're that Stasis Hunter with the void scout, aren't you? Green glowy Ghost?"
"Man, what happened? I felt kinda bad for shooting you that time."
"You! You're the one that ruined my twenty-streak!"
"Hell, I tried to tag along with you but you move like lightning! And I'm the Striker! You're... what, Void?"
"Yeah, you got me, but I got you back, tap for tap."
"Hey, you know you've got a gun, right? You kept trying to hit people instead of shooting them."
"Some dumbass kept storming the point by themselves, taking on like five of us at a time. Practically suicide. I wish Shaxx wouldn't do that to the Kinderguardians. Back in my day--"
"Back in our day, you spent a lot more time hungry and sober. Enjoy the luxury."
Freija enjoyed listening, even when someone was clearly talking shit about her or whining. Her comrades were pretty good about keeping talk about each other civil, and a few of them were stuck-up and proud of themselves (they were good but that didn't give them room to be assholes).
Except there'd been a Titan in blue circling the room, which was odd, until Freija spotted why he was circling-- Two other Titans following-- or chasing-- him.
Pretty obviously, he wanted to be here but couldn't find a way to escape the only reasons he apparently didn't want to be here. The other two Titans in matching steel armor followed and usually didn't directly interact, but he'd still get unsettled and move to the next group or next seat.
"Hey," she called to him as he passed. He let the helmet down out of manners, a purple Awoken with purple eyes and blue hair. She gestured at the seat next to her, so she'd be between him and his pursuers. "What's up?"
"Ah, nothin' much," he said airily, pretending nothing was wrong. If she hadn't just come from the crucible, she'd have missed his nervous glancing. "Had a big morning, this sounded like a nice, chill way to cool down. I don't recognize you, what's your guns?" He glanced at her hip at the Survivor's Epitaph. "Ah. I think I remember you."
She glanced over him and didn't recognize anything. "I'm running a hand cannon and grenade launcher right now, but I'm scooting kits. Name's Freija, I've been bottom of most of the scoreboards I'm on," she admitted.
The Titan flinched for her and laughed as he took the seat, turning it to face the room and keeping a nervous eye out. "I see. I spent a lot of time dead, pretty sure half the memories from this morning got blasted into Infinity's sands."
"That sounds a lot more poetic than it sounds," chuckled Freija. "We probably never ran together 'cos Shaxx was using us to weigh down our teams."
He reviewed a scoreboard projection on his datapad and frowned thoughtfully. "You're not bad-bad, though. You cap points. One time you got ten, that's nothing to slouch at." He smirked slightly and glanced up and relaxed. "Seemed directly inverse to your K/D, in fact," he added, scanning back through.
"I'll cap a point with my dying breath," Freija chuckled. "It's one of my favorite things to do, really, I'll sneak around back while everyone's fighting over B. Sometimes I just die, especially if they all die at once and come back around their point-- I'll get surrounded by five pissed off and freshly reloaded Guardians fast. But then that's leaving B and our point clear for those few seconds. And then if they don't, I have point C. Even if they claim it right back, they had to stop to do it." She grinned at the Titan and glanced around for the ones in gray, too, failing to find them. "You said you had a rough morning. How rough was it?"
The Titan slouched heavily and ran his hands through his hair to pretend he wasn't hiding his face. "I got a real zero."
Freija sucked air through her teeth and put a hand to her heart. "Ooof, ow. What'd happened that you got an ass-kicking like that?"
He didn't bother sitting up to gesture wildly with one arm. "It was just a bad game! First one of the morning, trying a new gun, called on the wrong grenade half the match 'cos I got into a habit in the field-- just a really bad match!"
"It happens," Freija laughed. She scraped at least three kills a match, today, but she would never forget her starting point.
"Ugh," he moaned in response, finally lifting his head. "I'm Tam. How long you been in the crucible?"
"A few years, off and on. Been on hiatus lately."
"That would be why you don't recognize this waste of Light," said a tenor behind Freija. She missed her helmet when she glanced at her "radar", and she turned to face the pair.
"What didn't he tell me?" she asked. They let their helmet down to reveal an Awoken with blue hair and green eyes that bore into Freija like bullets. He looked like he'd eaten something sour and was trying not to spit it out. The dark skinned blond human standing behind him seemed more easygoing but concerned nonetheless. Freija didn't pick up much hostility from the pair, not even from the grumpy one, but for some reason she still felt the urge to defend Tam. She wasn't sure she could, but she wanted to.
"He's been sabotaging matches for a week," the Awoken man stated, voice hard as steel.
"I'm changing my equipment," Tam objected under his breath.
"Yeah, actually," agreed the human casually. The Awoken shouldered between the human and the other Titans and he crossed his arms firmly, using his size to intimidate effectively.
"He's been sabotaging all week," he repeated, gaze on Freija.
Freija rose to her feet but it didn't help-- she might have stood as high as his chin. "Okay, so? If you know it's because he's trying something new, the fuck is your problem?" She set her feet and shoulders, but he had to be fifty pounds heavier-- it took effort to stand strong. No guns for sake of bystanders, plain old fist fighting was the rules, and Freija was embarrassingly bad at it.
"He sucks," the Titan declared.
Suddenly, Freija's capacity for fist fighting didn't matter-- Tam shot past her, fist raised and glowing with Arc Light sending sparks down his arm.
The other Titan caught his hand easily, twisted his arm until he bent off balance, then pulled and lifted so quickly that even Freija didn't see exactly how Tam hit the floor.
"So?" Freija asked, dismissing the mound of Titan writhing next to them.
"So he sucks," the Titan repeated. "I'm sick of it."
"Fuck you," griped Tam as he finally untangled himself from himself and got his feet under him.
Freija gave Tam a dry half-smile. "I won't say you deserved that. But you did ask for it."
Tam stopped brushing himself off and lunged at Freija, fist raised. "You shut up!"
Unlike the other guy, Freija wasn't good at this. Despite her lack of skill, Tam's armor was even clunkier than hers and while she couldn't block his punch, it didn't hurt much-- badly placed with poor form. Planting her heel and returning the blow to his chest sent him staggering into a table full of drinks.
"Hey!" shouted the tenders as the rest of the room turned to look.
"Fuck off, guy. We have to suck to get better," Freija told the new Titan. The human went to help clean up.
"I know." Tam got to his feet and tried to get away, but the big one grabbed the back of his armor to pick him an inch off the floor. "He's coming with me," the Titan rumbled. "Gonna get some practice. No more fucking up matches for himself and everyone else, he's gonna learn to shoot straight."
Tam, previously kicking and attempting to crush the forearm of his perceived attacker, stopped. "What...?"
The massive man lifted and twisted Tam in his grip to put them nose to nose "You. Me. Training grounds. Practice." He looked to Freija with the same hard scowl. "Coming? You need it, too."
"Go fuck yourself," Freija grumped, but she looked to the ceiling. "Sunny?"
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therabidkell · 5 months
tell me about your Destiny characters? 👁️
I've got three FireTeams, Chaos, Peace, and Furious.
FireTeam Chaos is a collaboration between me and my friend who I roped into playing Destiny with me, I own Fossil(Human Hunter, She/her), Kaisk(Eliksni mortal, She/her), My friend owns Jackie(Human(later exo) Titan, He/him) and together we made Scrapwork(Scorn Warlock, He/it), and Dutar(Hive Guardian but unknown what class, He/him). They all kinda just exist in the Destiny2 world, surviving whatever the current disaster is.
Peace, I've got Lazarus-5(Titan exo, he/him) who used to be a therapist but then the vanguard during Lightfall was like "Hey you're a guardian, and a senior guardian at that, lead this fireteam because we need literally everyone on this.", Then there's Radio(Hunter Awoken, they/them) who I actually have a cosplay of! Anyway, they're the kinderguardian of the FireTeam, only being revived around the witchqueen stuff, who for their first big mission was sent to find Marmalade-16(Warlock Exo, she/her) who, after being given no help from the vanguard after getting trapped in a hive nest for literal years, went rogue. When Radio eventually convinces Marm to give the vanguard a second chance, they're assigned to Lazarus to train, because Radio is a newlight and Marm spent her newlight years in a hive nest.
Furious is more a band than a fireteam, they just call themselves a FireTeam because they're a group of guardians that work together, there's Neon(Titan exo, any pronouns), Hunter(Human Hunter, he/him), and Elisa(Awoken Warlock, she/they). Shortly after being assigned together by the vanguard they all just defected and play shows like a rock band to whoever is willing to pay them
TY for the ask! ::3
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destiny-aesthetics · 7 months
Dear Destiny Aesthetics, when did you start playing Destiny? What class did you start out as?
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Xbox achievements are awesome.
Been playing since April 2016, and instantly fell in love.
I've always been a Hunter main, though during D1 I did have back up characters, a Titan and Warlock, but Hunter just stuck.
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Look at my Kinderguardian
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dynmghts · 3 months
" wake up. " a water bottle's tossed katsuki's way and lands promptly on his stomach, aizawa moving to open the blinds to let light bathe the flat. " or you're gonna miss the next round. " ( DESTINY VERSE HEEHEE )
the best part of having a mentor: having someone to teach you how you're meant to be a guardian. from the moment you first come back from the dead, right up until your first rez in the middle of a firefight - everything between your best choice in arsenal to understanding the stupid fucking mechanics and bullshittery the traveler's enemies want to throw your way.
the worst part: being woken up abruptly from well-earned naps.
flare hovers near without a single ounce of remorse as the blond's pulled from his rest, groaning. light bleeds through the curtains and drag its warmth across katsuki's face with the dawn. when the beam reaches crimson glare, though, he squints and shields himself with a gloved hand, snarl ever the more evident.
the only solace he gets is the familiarity of warmth on his fingers, in his palm. the subtle humming of energy from the universe - even though nothing but the sun has called upon the light. ❛ give a guy some more fuckin' warning. ❜
his ghost, the conniving little spark she is, floats harmlessly around him and rattles on about getting his daily practice in - or the daily dishing out of punishment on unsuspecting kinderguardians, which she reminds is his words. her shell buzzes and rotates with a quick whir; her optic flickers with the shell closing around it, the blazing inferno around its creases dimming and brightening in tandem. she seems to have taken said mentor's side on this.
❛ fuckin' traitor, ❜ he hisses, teeth bared as he pushes himself off the couch.
and without skipping a beat, she chimes, ❛ you wouldn't forgive me if you missed out on the offers lord shaxx and saint-14 have lined up this week. ❜
his brows furrow. he looks to her, watching her shell beam with enthusiasm that matches her voice, then over to aizawa with a brow raised. did he miss something? was there something worth trying to get with whatever shitty luck he has whenever he's getting winning packages from the two titans? enough to get flare trying to coax him into some rounds of crucible and trials when he could be doing something like hunting that perfect sidearm?
... he shouldn't be complaining. despite the rude awakening, he does like kicking the asses of some poor, unsuspecting idiots on the other team.
❛ fine, ❜ he pulls himself up and reaches for his helmet, rolling his shoulders with an unbridled enthusiasm. ❛ let's go, old man. like you said: don't wanna go missing the next round. ❜
@ravenbled / unprompted. <3
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redeyedefiant · 3 months
He is. Too shy for this.
He’s pulling up his hood and trying to scootch himself out, preferably towards somewhere where Cayde isn’t trying to introduce him to everyone like Bunny’s a kinderguardian.
Please. His quiet tough guy persona is slipping.
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guardian-snowbird · 6 months
10 + 14 for Mundane Guardian Asks :)
[ do they have a food combo that is unique to them, like Tajin and avacado ice cream? ]
“Well, sorta! My old mentor Belle-4 took me to a little hole in the wall bar back in my kinderguardian days…they sold whisky laced with Kerosene and motor oil. I go back there pretty frequently on important days and I’ve always ordered the kerosene martini.”
[ what’s their weirdest habit when using the light/darkness? (eg yelling kamehkameha when casting chaos reach) ]
“While I’d like to tell you I never do anything weird at all I’d be lying to both of us. When I learned to use stasis, I developed a habit of saying “let it go, let it go” when I froze things. Felt right for the moment I guess, but it confuses the hell out of my Ghost.”
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thefirstknife · 2 years
Shaw Han for Hunter Vanguard
I would not be opposed to that. I only worry who would take care of kinderguardians if he left his post. But I think Shaw can do it. He sounds very responsible and Saladin trusts him.
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fernsplaysthings · 1 year
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Another one for the sketchbook.
As much as I enjoy portraying Kes as a goofy Hunter who’s a stupid horny kinderguardian around their love interest, it is kinda fun pulling out the ‘Bird of Prey’, big time paracausal killer, Dark Age survivor Lightbearer who’s had a hand in killing gods several times.
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