#kinda reminds me of the Powerpuff girls
Practicing some more Chibis, so this time around I pulled some of my favorite OC designs to make fan art of. These are the Wonderful Glam Rock Sophie from @zerozeroren , and I made Glam Rock versions of Emerald Entropy from @mikaila-orchard , and Saige from @lily-orchard to match. I picked these 100% based on design. I was going to add two more from Lily, but I don't know if Asana and Vanessa would go Glam Rock. (forgive me if I've misspelled any names, I can correct them)
I hope everyone enjoys them!!
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(I am not personally associated with any of these blogs, I just enjoy their content. Anyone being a garbage human on this post will be yeeted.)
Like my work? Get a chibi here!
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witherdiritos · 4 months
1st drawing inspired by the early Demashita Powerpuff Girls designs cuz I think those look sick! I haven’t watched the anime entirely because I think the humor is definitely not for me but the designs r cute…
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Buttercup kinda reminds me of the green one from Totally Spies and it wasn’t intentional? Anyways here are a few concepts for Bubbles and BC. She could be a surfer because I like blond characters surfing but watch me make all of them surfers cuz I really like the aesthetic and BC is inspired by my own sister who does martial arts and that stuff
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90s-2000s-barbie · 10 months
Hello, Megan! How are you doing? I was wondering if you have any tips for someone wanting to start a 90s/2000s collection like yours.
Where do you shop? How long did it take to accumulate your collection?
Last question might be weird but do you sleep in the room in the photos? The reason I ask is because I want to make my room look like that but I'm a little worried about what people will think...
Hi! This is a great questions and literally anyone can do it and affordable! So I’ve been collecting my whole life but I started going super into it in 2009. Not only do I collect nostalgia, I collect about anything I would see and like, antiques, records vintage clothes, toys, ex. What started my interest is I just saw something a couple antiques i wanted at goodwill and passed it up and I would never live it down. I will forever remember is and kick myself in the ass for it. I said that’s it, I’m not regretting leaving something so cool behind in fear of being judged.
Even though I started in 2009, I will admit, no one has to break bank to start collecting. The best place to start is goodwill, local thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales. I don’t pay much for anything I own in my collection. One time I thrifted an entire huge box full of vintage McDonald’s toys for $2! It’s very simple to do. Some garage sales, people were so tired of selling, they would tell me to have things for free! Like I’m doing them a favor getting rid of the items. lol u really don’t need to spend much.
I started collecting by going to my local goodwill every week and I’d find a cart FULL of 90’s -2000’s finds and I’d spend like max, $50 for my entire cart and I’d find the coolest stuff, toys, clothes, books, ex.
I leave no stones unturned. Some people hid things at goodwill and wait for the color tag to go on sale so look everywhere! I would go by myself and look for a few hours and pick out everything old, and decide at the end what I LOVE and put back things that I just don’t. I’d find cool 2000’s clothes hidden in the kids clothes! I found a vintage adult sized Powerpuff girls sweater in the kids! People hide stuff everywhere and workers also put things in wrong spots just cause it’s got cartoons on them. lol
So the photos of my room is right before I moved into my own house but YES. I slept in that room for years and everyone that walked in thought it was cool! Now I have childhood friends sending me photos of it and asking why my room is all over the internet! lol 😂 I had 2 beds so I could have my best friends over and have cool sleep overs, all my friends, guys and girls loved it and even my boyfriend loved it when we first started dating. My mom loved it cause it reminded her of when me and my sister were kids. She would come up and hang out with me and we would watch Britney and Backstreet Boys videos. I say, do things FOR YOU. If people aren’t supportive, then that’s there problem. As long as ur responsible and not harming anyone or anything, then there is nothing wrong with u doing what makes u happy! ❤️ If u have anything ur really into, the fashion or toys, ask any questions u want, fill free to ask. Something I always do with everything, is pick something up, look for a year. Sometimes older stuff didn’t always have a year on it. Now they always have years.
Also I don’t make YouTube videos anymore but I do have one thrift haul on my YouTube channel Nostalgic Studioz. Can kinda see what I found going to one goodwill! One store is all it takes. lol
Thanks so much for the ask! I love talking about my hobbies and I hope this helps u too! ❤️❤️
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Here is one flea market haul and there is that box I spent 2 dollars on to the right. lol I bought all of this in one place, one day at the local flea market. Ohio’s biggest flea market is like 30 mins away and it’s my FAVORITE place in the world. It’s opened all year around and it’s like a giant garage sale.
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mugiwara-lucy · 12 days
What do you think of Imu's voice in the latest episode and do you think Imu is a male or female?
I like how mysterious it is!
It kinda reminds me of Him from Powerpuff Girls!
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bugeyedfreaks · 9 months
(the Him questions reminded me of these thoughts) It's kinda wild that so many things in the PPG world are just... REALLY WEIRD. I know, it is a super hero/fantasy/sci-fi setting, but there are so many extremely odd things that we are just given as the norm, especially early on in the series. We see some origins/explanations for a few things (the girls themselves and Mojo in particular), but a lot is just kinda- "Yep. This is a thing!". That's not a complaint either, I love how bonkers it all is, just an observation on how genuinely surreal things are-
-Like, the fudge is Fuzzy Lumpkins? Did a space alien and a bigfoot have a hillbilly baby? Why is the Gangreen Gang GREEN (I know, the real answer is for the fun of the pun~)? Why is there this... evil trickster-god with reality-warping powers who takes the form of a cartoon devil in a Santa Clause outfit with Big Meaty Claws? Why is Sedusa's hair alive? Why are the Amoeba Boys HUGE amoebas? I feel like some kind of dystopian event happened in the background and the world got re-built all wonky, and nobody talks about it. Who knows!
Yeah, right? It’s kooky and weird but the whole world that the Powerpuff Girls live in just… sort of accepts it all and doesn’t question it much, so in turn as an audience we just accept it, too. I do really love and appreciate when fans try to think up super serious backstories about the characters, but it’s like… you don’t really have to do that. Yeah, it could be cool to explore their origins, but the charm of the show is that it has that little kid sensibility of being so imaginative and weird to the point where it doesn’t have to make sense. The surreality of it is the norm and it makes it so fun. 😄
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butters-flower-mom · 4 months
This is actually a thought I've had for a while now. Pepper actually reminds me of Robin from The Powerpuff Girls(the girl who told The Professor that "she was an accident too").
I remember that episode! Robin is adorable! Pepper does have a lot of things in common with her. They both have long brown hair, they're both kinda shy and quiet, and they both get really lonely when their best friends aren't around.
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
Why I like Rachel
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(Spoilers for Tower of God)
If you're somewhat familiar with webtoons, there is a small chance that you've heard at least one of the two most hated names amongst all female characters.
The first one being Rashta, the concubine from "Remarried Empress" that is looked at with a lot of disdain because when the emperor showed up to take her away from a life of slavery and offered her a life of luxury, safety, wealth, and healthiness, she dared to accept it... Truly a hideous monster... Never mind the fact that the emperor himself that cheated on his wife doesn't get nearly as much hate as her, but I'm getting off-topic...
And the second name is, of course, Rachel, a "major" antagonist from the series "Tower of God" that nearly killed the main lead who loved her like a sister and separated him from all of his friends for years by pushing him into a pit where he kept bleeding and agonizing until he was found by a secret society that turned him into a living weapon while all of his friends assumed he was dead.
Yes... She is one of my favorite characters.
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While I feel the hatred towards Rashta is kinda overkill, Rachel is someone that I totally get why people feel the way they feel about her.
Aside from the whole "trying to kill the protagonist thing," Rachel is just not a very enjoyable character to watch for most. She isn't particularly clever with her plans and mostly just feels like she's lucky, the ways she keeps escaping death feel like forced plot armor, every time she enters the plot the main lead pauses whatever it is that he's doing to go after her which just breaks up the pace and halts the story, and finally, she just doesn't have that much chemistry with other characters, mostly just acting like a bossy brat giving orders and complaining about not having something she wants.
So why do I like her so much?
Clearly is because I like freckles!
This might be a hot take but... I kinda feel like all of her character flaws are somewhat earned.
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Anyone ever seen that episode of Powerpuff girls where Mojo watches an alien invasion doing all the things he always wanted to do with barely any struggle and basically taking away all his dreams from him? That's basically how I feel about Rachel.
The girl's backstory is pretty much that she wanted to be the main character of the story. She wanted to climb the tower, reach the top, get her wish, and see the stars... But for whatever reason anytime she tries she just keeps getting a "no" for an answer, as if the world is conspiring for her to fail.
Not only that, as if being denied her dreams wasn't enough, she also has to watch this kid that she was taking care of go and get it all in her place.
The protagonist, Bam, is constantly doing all the things Rachel wanted to do. He's climbing the tower, he's receiving support from higher-ups, he's making billions of friends, unlocking dozens of power-ups, getting tons of influence, growing stronger and stronger... Meanwhile, everyone just looks at Rachel as if she was a dead weight that's stopping Bam from reaching his true potential because he won't stop thinking about her.
I don't know about you but that to me just sounds so frustrating, as if you were being punished for having your own goals and having to stay still as someone keeps living the life you always wanted, someone, mind you, who you sacrificed years of your own life taking care of, someone who didn't even want this kind of life.
Rachel's biggest crime is that she wanted her own life, a life without Bam, but the dude just wouldn't leave her alone.
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I have this personal mindset that any story can be summed up in three words:
"Someone wants something."
A character's motivation is the main core of what drives a story forward and determines how interesting it is, and Rachel's motivation is in my opinion just fascinating.
Like I said, she's basically the side-character who wished she was the main character and has to live constantly being reminded that she isn't and never will be the main character, and the more she tries to be, the more hate she gets, both from the rest of the cast and from the fanbase.
Because of that, even though she committed so many crimes like hurting or killing several of the other characters I still find myself feeling sorry and sympathizing with her because I can see where she's coming from and how that drove her to her current point.
I don't know... I just feel like Rachel has a really interesting and well-earned tragic motivation. At the end of the day it's just jealousy but it feels like such an understandable and relatable jealousy.
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That said, I have no idea where the story is going with this character. I don't know if they'll give her a happy or sad ending, and I'm not sure what I would prefer... And I'm not gonna sit here and go "#Justice_for_Rachel" or anything like that. I know she's a villain.
But I at least wish that at some point we could get a bigger exploration of things from her point of view and had one of the good guys also try to understand how Rachel became who she is today.
Favorite character list>>
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glastly · 9 months
she kinda reminds me of Him from powerpuff girls /pos
I WAS THINKING THAT TOO she's definitely kinda a mix of the mom from FNF and him HWHAHA
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so i had an idea after the internet reminded me of the fact major glory was part of the powerpuff girls canon, so i thought what if he helped train Camilla Hombee, both have that whole american flag theme
So while I did kinda delete the bigger Heroes thing and just kept the ppg, that's kinda fun!
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Also the only kid that Plutus could have is based on this work called In praise of folly.
"Folly parades as a goddess, offspring of Plutus, the god of wealth and a nymph, Youth. She was nursed by two other nymphs, Inebriation and Ignorance." It was made by a guy named Erasmus who created the work as a satire. So Plutus classical mythology wise doesn't have kids unless you want to base it on that thing from that work.
Wow, I actually had no idea that Plutus had a daughter in a Greek fable! That’s actually really cool and super sweet! I can totally imagine. Plutus finally settling down with a wife and having kids somewhere down the road lol.
He finds a sweet little nymph (Youth) that loves him for him and not for his money (because he’s definitely had that problem where his lovers would try to use him for money) and he marries her and has a little girl (Folly) that he spoils to no end lol.
I’d say Folly would probably be goddess of precious gems since her father is god of wealth lol. I also like the idea of her being goddess of foolishness since that’s the definition of “folly” lol, but I think precious gems suits her better. Actually, I think goddess of entitlement would actually be pretty funny too lol! Also I can totally see her being the stuck-up, snobby, bratty cousin of Zagreus, Melinoe, and Macaria lmao. Like, she’s so spoiled by Plutus that she gets away with almost everything and gets whatever she wants, so she’s very entitled and is just an all around brat while Hades’ kids are very well behaved despite being brought up in a decently wealthy family too.
Youth, I would think, is a pretty good mom. She actually disciplines Folly and tries not to spoil her. However, Plutus is ALWAYS spoiling Folly and lets her get away with bad behavior and whatnot. I wouldn’t say Folly is a TOTAL brat, I’d describe her as being mostly like Angelica from Rugrats (or even Princess Morebucks from The Powerpuff Girls, but less evil lol). She’s an only child coming from a rich family, so she’s treated like a princess and pretty much expects everyone to treat her as such. She acts like an adorable little angel around her parents and the grown ups in her family, but when it comes to other kids or her cousins, she acts like a spoiled brat lol. And she does have her bratty moments when she’ll throw a tantrum in front of the adults when they don’t let her have her way, but as I said, Youth actually disciplines her while Plutus just kinda bribes her into good behavior lol.
Actually that reminds me of that one meme from Rugrats lmao, like what if Hades and Persephone had to babysit Folly lmao
Hades: *tiredly making chocolate pudding in the kitchen*
Persephone: *walks in* Hades…what are you doing?
Hades: (tiredly) Making chocolate pudding.
Persephone: Honey, it’s 3 AM. Why the heck are you making chocolate pudding?
Hades: (tiredly) Because I’ve lost control of my life…
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lettersfromandie · 8 months
South Korea 2023: Day 1 - Petite France, Nami Island, Sokcho
This is a long overdue post. But I wanted to share some photos and experiences of our memorable South Korea trip last April 2023.
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Rise and shine! The Powerpuff Girls are now ready to tour South Korea as early as seven in the morning. It was Spring in April but the weather was so cold for our tropical-made bodies. We jumped in the bus and finally headed to our first destination.
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First stop of the tour: Petite France!
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Tried on different masks inside the first boutique.
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Spring's end was near. But I believe that the falling cherry blossoms are still as beautiful as when they were in full bloom. To have witnessed this for the first time, we relished what was left of our first spring.
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Petite France is located in the mountain of Gapyeong. It is made to look like a tiny French village. It drizzled in here, but nothing that could hold our activities.
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I think the photo stand-in is from My Love From The Star. I've watched this before when I first started getting into k-dramas many years ago, so I kinda forgot most of it. Apparently, this is where they shot the first kiss scene.
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After Petite France, we had our samgyupsal (but chicken) lunch. The best part of every meal here is the unlimited side dishes. Of course I'm digging in the kimchi!
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Post-lunch right outside the restaurant. The background reminded me of the reservoir in So Long, My Son (a Chinese film).
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We rode on the bus, took a short boat ride, then landed in Nami Island!
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This place looks like a sanctuary.
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I love seeing these flowers – pink or white, attached or fallen.
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Mama took this photo of me by the river.
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Felt small between the many tall slim trees in Nami. Couples usually take photos in between them. For the singles (me na yan), take a pic leaning on a tree daw, our tour guide said.
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Location of the first kiss scene from the K-drama, Winter Sonata (No, I haven't seen it).
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My mouth's been watering for those red bean buns. It was sooo good huhu as well as the hotteok!
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For our last (but not the least) destination, we went to Sokcho and stayed for the night.
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Behind me is the Sokcho Eye (Ferris Wheel). Also walking on the beach as if I'm Kim Minhee in On the Beach at Night Alone.
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To cap off the night, we got some coffee and matcha in A Twosome Place - a recommended cafe (which is also featured in some k-dramas).
Then the Powerpuff Girls went back to their accommodation and had their good night's sleep, as tomorrow will be another long day.
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321spongebolt · 9 months
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"SpongeBob SquarePants" did once have ties with Lego, and we got mini-figures and playsets based on the show itself. But while the rights have expired due to the show's current ties with Mega Blocks, I think SpongeBob would've been a perfect addition to "Lego Dimensions", with SpongeBob and Patrick coming in a team pack with Lego versions of the Patty Wagon from "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie" and Patrick's hot rod boat from the episode, "Driven to Tears". In addition to that, Sandy would be available separately in a fun pack containing her and her rocket ship.
Flight (With his pants inflated like in "The Sponge Who Could Fly")
Heart Regeneration
Grapple (By stretching one of his arms)
Rope Swings (By stretching one of his arms)
Shape Shift
Gyrosphere Switches (As a ball)
Drill (As a drill)
Water Spray (From his pores after absorbing water)
Hazard Cleaner
Underwater Hazard Cleaner
Super Strength (Karate chops through cracked walls with ease)
(Leave a comment for additional suggestions)
Super Strength
Super Strength Handles
Heart Regeneration
(Leave a comment for additional suggestions. I originally thought about giving him the ability to fly with his pants inflated like Spongebob can, but I decided to leave that out.)
Flight (With her jetpack on the back of her suit)
Grapple (With her rope, similar to Wonder Woman when she uses her Lasso of Truth)
Rope Swings
Underwater Technology
(Leave a comment for additional suggestions)
SpongeBob: You remind me of David Hasselhoff. Such a nice guy. He gave me and Patrick a right back to the Krusty Krab 2.
SpongeBob: Do you know the Flying Dutchman?
SpongeBob: I remember selling chocolate once, but it didn't go so well at first.
SpongeBob: The Patty Wagon. Mr. Krabs uses it for promotional reasons.
Patrick: David Hasselhoff! You were a lot bigger the last time I saw you.
Patrick: You don't look like a sloth.
Sloth: Star... fish.
(I wasn't sure if Spongebob's interaction with the Powerpuff Girls should be done with all three of them together, or if it should be done with only one Powerpuff Girl, but I wanted this quote to be a callback to the hour-long episode, "WhoBob WhatPants?" when Spongebob became a mayor during his amnesia. And also because Tom Kenny, who voices SpongeBob also voices the narrator and the Mayor of Townsville from "The Powerpuff Girls".)
SpongeBob: Don't be silly. I'm not the mayor of Townsville. Though the "mayor" part does ring a bell.
(For the use of SpongeBob's unused voice clip from "Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots", I wasn't sure if SpongeBob should say this when he's paired either with Laval from "Legends of Chima" or Unikitty from "The Lego Movie" (either as herself or in her giant angry state), but I figured this line could still work either way. Feel free to comment your suggestion for who you think SpongeBob should be addressing.)
SpongeBob (Scared): Oh no, it's a kitty! A REAAAALLLY BIG KITTY!
(For the use of Patrick's unused voice clip from "Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots", I wasn't sure if Patrick should say this when he's paired either with Gizmo from "Gremlins" or Unikitty from "The Lego Movie", but I figured this line could still work either way. Feel free to comment your suggestion for who you think Patrick should be addressing.)
Patrick: Look, it's a, uhhhh, uhhhh… I have no idea.
(For SpongeBob's interaction with Patrick, I'm kinda stumped, but you can feel free to read what I initially thought up by clicking here.)
(Leave a comment for additional suggestions)
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That NJ x PPG collab is cute. I like the song. It kinda reminds me when SugaBabes collaborated with The Powerpuff Girls via Cartoon Network back in '02.
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wafflesrisa · 3 years
Fanfic writers adding Three Essential Elements into every Kotallo fanfic like it’s sugar, spice and everything nice:
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 years
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ASL kinda reminds me of the Powerpuff Girls 😅
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feline17ff · 2 years
Something that would've been really cool if we'd gotten a Narrator-focused EAH Special. Like imagine there's this Big Bad Narrator trying to either take over the world of EA, or it's just a Narrator trying to control the stories. It's up to Brooke, Maddie, and some other EAH students to help. Maybe the special could start with Brooke trying to escape the Big Bad Narrator and Maddie helping her by pulling her through a mirror?- Narrator Headcanon Anon
Hiiiii, Narrator headcanon anon! 💖💖💖
The Narrator being the bad guy reminds me of something but I can't put my finger on it 🤔🤔🤔
The closest I've got to is Him from the original Powerpuff Girls, or maybe that one episode where Mojo kidnapped The Narrator and took his place? Maybe the second one.
YES, a Narrator focused special would have been AWESOME! Especially if they were the bad guy/antagonist! That's like fourth wall breaking + in line with the fairytale theme + totally consistent with the world we have! All around an amazing idea! 🤩
I can just imagine it:
We see (or just hear) Brooke running in the dark. She's panting. Then she stands in front of a mirror, she looks over her shoulder, she's trying to remain QUIET. We hear the Big Bad, like their footsteps or laugh and THEN! She's pulled through!
We don't see Brooke yet, we see Maddie talking to the audience/fourth wall and Brooke slowly realizes she's in Ever After.
She looks at her hands first ofc, then her clothes, then she turns around and she sees herself in the very mirror she was pulled from.
Then, in the special, we see her miss her parents and she's scared for their safety. She's determined to save her world and get back to her family but she's also excited about Ever After but she's sad she can't enjoy her lifelong dream coz she's worrying about her parents.
Now, if the Narrator is trying to control stories, they could be a foil to Brooke since she does something similar like in Alistair and Bunny 4 Ever, like maybe the bad Narrator thinks certain people are better suited in other stories, which could range from "okay, that kinda makes sense I guess" to "dude, you're just doing what you want now"
Like maybe the Narrator thinks that:
Hunter should be Red Riding Hood
Dexter should be Cinderella
Sparrow should be the Evil Queen
Farrah should be Pinocchio
Kitty should be the Big Bad Wolf
Apple, Briar, and Blondie should be the Three Little Pigs
Maddie, Kitty, Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat, since they're the only ones who can hear the bad Narrator, along with Brooke, maybe they're the ones who save the day.
Raven etc help ofc, perhaps they try to do something so exciting that the Narrator can't help but narrate that, something full of the most out of this world plot twists, like a stereotypical telenovela, giving Brooke, the Hatters, and the Cheshires the opportunity to save the day.
We won't see them saving the day tho, coz we want the Narrator to be preoccupied with something else. We'll see flashbacks later on after the Bad Narrator is captured.
Including the Narrator as another character is such an amazing plot device! And the way you thought of them being the bad guy and nesisngg up the world *chef's kiss* 🤩 Thank you for sharing this with me! 🥰💖
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