#kim was ready to murder to porsche for this
Porchay: What is it called when you kill a friend? 
Kim: Homicide. 
Kinn: Murder. 
Porsche: Homiecide.
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lu-sn · 2 years
vegaspete theater au
vegas is an extremely competent, extremely tired stage manager on a theater production that is just on the threshold of being a complete disaster. (vegas is the single piece of duct tape holding it all together. he knows this. he also knows he won't get a single bit of acknowledgement over it and he will die mad about it, thank you).
kinn as director (vegas hates every single artistic decision he's made, and he can't do shit about it because the play is being bankrolled by korn)
porsche as main lead (clearly the only thing saving this production, if only the director would stop wasting all of their time by flirting with him, goddammit. these actors are on equity! we can't just extend rehearsal time every time you two get lost in each other's eyes! vegas is ready to murder someone, and that someone is kinn)
tankhun as costume designer (tankhun is cheerfully ignoring the color-coded budget vegas handed him, and once again vegas can do shit-all to stop him, so the props department is eating the cost and they are so tilted about it. the costumes look great tho.)
plug everyone else in where you feel is best. some ideas:
kim is also an actor, and he's absolutely infuriating to work with (self-explanatory)
tawan is also an actor, and it's very terrible for everyone until he gets himself booted off the production, thank god
chay as assistant sound designer (also serial flirting during business hours. vegas cannot believe it is working on kim, certified world's biggest asshat)
macau on set construction, because thinking about macau with a saw makes me happy
and, of course, pete. lighting designer, moonlights as a techie when one of their techies ragequits and another falls extremely ill two weeks before opening. always responds to vegas's emails promptly, has all of his lighting cues well in order, helps the techies fix some of the older lighting equipment that they have to use in lieu of new equipment (maybe if people FOLLOWED THE BUDGET-). spends two sleepless nights holed up with vegas in the tech booth redoing half of the lighting cues when kinn decides to reblock all of act 2 during tech week (someone give vegas a gun. please, dear god. he only needs to use it once.)
vegas doesn't really notice him too much early on, but notes in the back of his mind that pete is trustworthy and competent. and then the nightmare that is tech week happens, and pete saves everybody's asses multiple times over. and during that brutal double all-nighter, sleep-deprived vegas finds a kindred soul in pete, and it's over for both of them.
after opening night, which somehow is not the worst production vegas has stage managed in his whole life, vegas and pete have thank-god-everything-worked sex backstage, and pete hands him some of the rope they use for rigging so that vegas can tie him up, and vegas is so fucking grateful for this shit production, if only because he got a pete out of it.
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vcrses · 6 months
The Situationship - Post Credits Scene #12
[Read the fic here first.]
Kinn was in the middle of a meeting with his mother, the Thanachat clan leaders, and about sixteen middle men when he noticed commotion from the corner of his eye. He turned his focus back onto the spreadsheet in front of him, trying to chart exactly where these negotiations would land the Theerapanyakun family and in how much loss, when Big broke out of the circle of bodyguards around them, and stepped towards him.
“Don’t react,” Big said into his ear and Kinn prepared himself for the worst - Kim was dead, Tankhun had been murdered, Porsche had been killed- “Porsche is packing, and his friend’s there to pick him up.”
Kinn carefully loosened the muscle of his jaw. There was a flood of emotions inside him, and he singled out the one he could afford to feel at the moment, relief. 
“What do you want me to do?” Big asked.
Kinn saved the data sheet open on his iPad, and opened a word document, ready to start making notes on the Thanachat family’s demands.
“Let him go,” Kinn said, ignoring the way his gut revolted at the words, the way Big stared at him in disbelief. “We’ve done enough, don’t you think?”
Big stood there frozen for a moment, and Kinn’s mother cleared her throat pointedly. Big startled out of his slump, and with fury written over his features, gritted out, “No, we have not.”
If Kinn felt better, he would stop Big, command him to listen, but as it stood, Kinn’s heart was beating too loudly in his ears and his legs felt numb.
He would deal with it when his body stopped acting out.
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silviakundera · 2 years
Kinnporsche Vid Recs
I did this for The Untamed and Thousand Autumns. Now, KP.
KinnPorsche | History is Written by Victors by I&G Productions
All the pieces are on the board. Let's start playing and let the best man win.
Sharks by fireboiii
Mobsters Ensemble. Such great punchy energy. I really got to get off my ass and finish a kinnporsche fic or 2 to encourage more fics about gay love while doing crimes.
got a bad baby by coldties
this Kinn/Porsche vid is EVERYTHING to me. simply iconic.
Hound Dog by fighting arrival
"Are you saying that I've hurt you?"
stop me cause you've heard this at least 5 times before: I like KP actually because it's a dark fairytale, not in spite of it. the moment it hit me that they're plummeting because porsche is cuffed to him when kinn could have released him (screams).
Stray Italian Greyhound by helcinda
oh no not now. A love that creeps up on you when you least expect it; a love that won't sit still. the absolute sweeping ROMANCE of kinn/porsche
the fact Hound Dog and Stray Italian Greyhound are both authentically The Truth about KP is what makes me feral about this ship.
An Ocean by helcinda
porsche vid of my heart. this vidder is so fucking GOOD, in this essay I will--
Ready For It by MsRinielle
did Taylor Swift know she was writing the kinn/porsche theme song? coincidence or conspiracy, u decide
Glitter & Gold by MoErusai
Alright, let's start. Great energy/timing. When it hits! those! beats! <3
Bones by Levi
Major family bodyguards ensemble. Please may I have more "case fic" for this fandom where the team works together to get out of scrapes and do some criminal organizing. Let 👏Pol👏Racketeer👏
Tankhun & Bodyguards | Shake It Off
Team Kdrama ✨💅✨ Tankhun, Pol, Arm, Pete, Porsche tribute vid.
Favorite Crime | Kim & Porchay by TKK LE
crime lord's son breaks a teenage heart and his own, oops?
Rebel Just For Kicks by vale edits
Porsche, agent of chaos. babygirl who can't truly be tamed
Heathens by TKK LE
I enjoyed the lyric pairings here; shout out to my fav murderer Khun Kinn
Last One Standing | Major vs Minor Family by Jatsuki
"After all, we are family." <<mortal kombat sound effects>>
Blinding Lights by fighting arrival
Pete SAID no heroes or villains in my story. a tale of love & control, neither or both.
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Ramble time!
This portion had me cackling! Had to share it here!
Once lunch was over, Kim and Chay got ready to go back. Just then P’Khun came over. ‘Look! What wool Arm got for me!’ Kim’s eyes widened as the most eye sore of a green was placed in front of him. He swallowed.
P’Khun grinned. ‘For your P’Dumb! I will make a sweater out of it!’
Kim blinked owlishly at his brother who gave him a smirk and Kim swore, never to get on the bad side of his oldest brother!
‘And this is for you.’ A bright pink woollen ball was waved in front of him. He grimaced and got an elbow to his side from Chay just as P’Khun’s face fell.
‘It is beautiful, P’Khun.’, Chay smiled happily.
P’Khun pouted. ‘Kimmy did not like it.’
‘Kimmy…’, Chay began and Kim felt a pinch at his side, ‘is just unhappy that you are not making matching sweaters for you three brothers or couple sweaters for me and P’Kim. Right, P’Kim?’
Kim turned to see murder written on Chay’s face. He looked around to see even Arm, Pol and Porsche glaring at him. He smiled at P’Khun. ‘Exactly, P’Khun. Chay is right. You should make that bright pink coloured sweaters for all of us. Me, Chay, Porsche, Arm, Pol, you, P’Dumb! All of us should have bright pink sweaters!’
Behind P’Khun, Arm, Pol and Porsche grimaced. Kim gave them a sweet smile. Chay was the only one unaffected. ‘Excellent idea. Go for it, P’Khun. P’Arm! Get him more wool in this colour please. Once he masters sweaters, he can make the same coloured one of all of us.’
Kim watched with amusement as Arm, Pol and Porsche directed their glare at Chay who remained unfazed.
P’Khun agreed and bounced away while Chay took the chance to drag Kim away from the three glaring people.
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thearvariblues · 2 years
Day 5: “Breathe.” + hurt
You can find the whole fic using this tag, or you can check it out on AO3. :)
Chan stands in front of the group of men ready for a mission, his eyes scrutinizing every single detail of their clothing and equipment. He, as the head of main family’s bodyguards, is technically superior to only one of them (and only when Big himself decides to let him), but he decides to ignore that. His mission today is to make sure all of them come back alive.
“Big,” he says. “Are you wearing your bulletproof vest?”
“Chan,” the bodyguard sighs, rolling his eyes. “I promised I would, didn’t I?”
“You know the rules, love,” Chan replies. “I’m never letting you leave without it again.”
“You’re the one to talk. Ugh. Fine!” Big undoes the top three buttons of his shirt and pulls the fabric aside to reveal a black vest. “Happy now?”
“Thank you,” Chan smiles.
“Don’t worry,” Vegas chuckles. “I’m lucky I’m allowed to leave the house without a bulletproof vest.”
“Hey. I’m wearing it too, remember?” Pete smirks.
“Yes, but only because I insisted.”
“Gentlemen,” Chan interrupts them. “Khun Porsche?”
“I’ve told you a million times to just call me Porsche,” the man in question groans, pulling down the neck of his T-shirt. He turns to Kinn and lifts an eyebrow. “I’m wearing it. Okay?”
“Good,” Kinn nods. It seems to Chan that he’s a little paler than usual, and Chan doesn’t blame him. He hates to let Big go, too.
“Khun Kim?”
“If you try to come anywhere near me with that thing, I will scratch and bite,” Kim growls. “I’m not wearing a fucking bulletproof vest.”
“What, you believe the bullets are gonna bounce off your superstar aura?” Vegas smirks. “Or off your angst?”
“No, Vegas. They’re gonna bounce off my anger.”
“You do seem angrier than usual,” Vegas admits. “Any particular reason?”
“Gentlemen,” Chan repeats. “Please. This is not the time and the place. “Let’s go through the plan–”
“We go in, we kill everyone we see, we walk out. Simple. Lovely. Let’s go,” Kim says and grabs his leather jacket.
“I’m starting to think taking him was a mistake,” Pete murmurs when Kim disappears through the doorway.
“Nah. He clearly needs it,” Vegas chuckles. “He’s really fucking mad.”
“Are you sure you don’t need more people?” Kinn says, turning to Porsche. “You can take every single bodyguard in this house if you want.”
“We’ll be fine, Kinn,” Porsche replies. “The fewer the better. And I have your lucky gun, don’t I?”
Kinn sighs and blinks a few times, and Chan knows better than to comment on that.
“Just… Just make sure you come back, okay?”
“I will. I promise you. I will.”
“I meant everyone,” Kinn says, glancing at Vegas. “Including you, asshole. I’m not taking care of your boyfriend and your kid.”
“Fuck off, Kinn, my boyfriend can take care of himself,” Vegas smirks. “Let’s go. We have work to do.”
Vegas plasters himself against the wall by Pete’s side, catching his breath.
“Do you think Kim’s aware of the fact that guns exist, or does he think he needs to beat up everyone with his bare hands?” Pete asks casually while he reloads his gun.
“He’s got a lot of repressed anger,” Vegas replies.
“That doesn’t answer my question!”
“I’m pretty sure I’ve seen him grab like… five guns already, but he always just shoots its owner and throws the gun away.”
“Great. He’s literally insane.”
“And you’ve only noticed that now?”
“We should have taken Arm and Pol.”
“We tried, remember? Khun said he’d beat me up with the tray if I mentioned it again!”
“Oh, look. Vegas Theerapanyakul, fearsome mafioso, scared of a lunatic with a food tray,” Pete grins, turning to Vegas. “I love you.”
“Love you, too,” Vegas replies and presses his lips against Pete’s in a quick kiss.
“Fuck, Porsche!” Big yells pushing Porsche out of the way of an incoming bullet. “Could you please be more careful?! If you get yourself killed, Khun Kinn will kill me, and I’m not sacrificing myself for you again!”
“Good,” Porsche nods, shooting the guy who fired the bullet. “Because Chan said that if you do, he will murder me in the most painful way imaginable.”
“So he will hand you over to Vegas?”
“Probably,” Porsche nods. “Oh, and by the way! Thanks for not calling me Khun Porsche, it really means a–”
“Fuck. Don’t mention it to Chan, or I’m not getting any head anytime soon.”
“Don’t you mean he’ll have your head soon?”
“I said what I said,” Big smirks.
“What… Oh. Yeah. Not a word,” Porsche chuckles. “Just keep calling me Porsche, please.”
“Sure, Khun Porsche.”
They hear a gunshot from the next room. That’s not weird in any way, obviously. The whole building has been ringing with gunshots for the past ten minutes. This one, though, is followed by something neither of them really wanted to hear.
“Pete!” Vegas’ voice screams.
“Oh, fuck,” Porsche mutters and takes off without thinking.
While he runs to the door leading to the next room, he hears a few more gunshots, and then… silence.
He throws the door open, only to immediately find himself face to face with the business end of Vegas’ gun.
It’s probably only luck that keeps Vegas from pulling the trigger before thinking. The man’s eyes are wide open, his face anguished…
“Vegas,” Pete says. “Easy. I’m here, love. I’m here.”
A bloodied hand touches Vegas’ arm, forcing him to lower the gun.
“Fuck, Pete,” Porsche murmurs. “I thought…”
“It’s just my arm. I’m fine,” Pete replies, moving to stand in front of Vegas. He gently touches his lovers face and leans their foreheads together. “Breathe, Vegas. Breathe.”
“Pete…” Vegas whispers, taking a long, shaky breath.
“I’m here. Breathe.”
“You’re bleeding,” Vegas murmurs.
“Doesn’t matter. Are you with me?”
Vegas nods and wraps his arms around Pete to hold him closer.
“I saw…”
“Well, the bulletproof vest is pretty useful,” Pete smiles. “It’s just the arm. But the shirt is ruined.”
“I’ll buy you a new one. I’ll buy you ten of them. But we need to stop the bleeding first.”
Running footsteps make Porsche and Big raise their guns and turn towards the door, but the newcomer turns out to be a breathless, slightly sweaty Kim.
“Where is everyone?!” he asks, wiping some blood from his forehead. “They can’t all be dead! I’ve only just started!”
“I’m afraid they are, Khun Kim. Maybe you could find one or two unconscious…”
“Where?” Kim asks, looking around. “And why is Vegas bandaging Pete’s arm with a dead Italian goon’s silk scarf?”
“Because I didn’t allow him to use is own shirt,” Pete replies.
“Are you all right, Kim?” Porsche asks. “You look a bit… off.”
“No, I’m fine. Perfectly fine. I just hit my head a little, but I’m–”
With that, his eyes roll back into his head and he collapses to the floor.
“Oh, great,” Big sighs. “I’m not gonna be the one explaining this to Khun Kinn.”
“No need to,” Porsche replies. “I’ll just tell him his brother’s an idiot. That should be enough…”
Pete has to stay in the Theerapanyakul family’s private hospital for a few days. His wound isn’t that bad, but the doctors and Vegas insisted. Pete hates it, of course. He misses his family, especially after sending Vegas home to take care of their son.
He is currently waiting for his coffee by the vending machine when he sees a familiar figure sneaking around with all the subtlety of an elephant in a porcelain factory.
The figure stops dead in his tracks, staring straight ahead, as if Pete’s a T-rex and won’t be able to see him if he stays perfectly still.
Pete chuckles.
“Kim’s door is that one,” he says, pointing. “He’ll be fine. It’s just a mild concussion. And if anyone asks, I never saw you.”
“Thanks, P’Pete!” Chay beams and starts for the door without a second of hesitation.
Pete just shakes his head with a smile and takes his coffee cup.
Kim’s repressed anger is probably going to go away pretty soon…
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ahdriking · 2 years
That post about Kinn is so interesting! like YES Kinn is violent! He's *exceptionally* good at being violent because he sees it as necessary to keep people in line. When he uses physical violence it's often to make a psychological point, like shooting people dead in a meeting room or fighting Porsche hand to hand on the boat. Plus violent act that are non-physical are used to give him a cruel psychological upper hand, like forcing Porsche to watch him flirt with men to remind him he's disposable. It's very much all about violence as a means to exercise control. I think he often gets mischaracterised as "soft" or "softer" when he's put in contrast with Vegas or even Kim, who are good at and crucially *enjoy* violence, Vegas fully leaning into the enjoyment and Kim cringing away from it until it's necessary (finale bar scene / the other bar scene aka neon 'are you ready? Yeah' bar scene). But I think the key thing is it's not about the thrill of violence for Kinn it's about the rush of power that it gains him over others.
It's pretty tough writing characters that are all distinct but use and view violence in similar ways. Kim uses it to gain power over his own emotions often rage and isolation. Then there's only a very subtle distinction between Kinn and Vegas where Kinn uses it to gain power and Vegas uses it because it makes him *feel* powerful (the actual power gained being secondary). I guess that's where lots of people choose to make much Kinn softer in contrast, because in certain contexts he can be.
But in all 3 cases the outcome is still the same, all three of them have been raised to use violence without apology. Which is why it's so interesting to see how they cope when they use violence on the ones they love (Porsche, Pete and Chay) and are forced to reconcile their instinct to use violence to put them back in control, with their need to keep the one they love safe. .....Anyway I will get out of your inbox now :')
God everything about this-- fuck yes. You've absolutely nailed it. Thank you for spending so much time in my inbox dropping this delicious meta.
I love that you bring up how they have to reconcile the violence they've always used and relied on against the ones they love, because that a deliciously interesting rabbithole of meta. Like, looking at Kinn, for example, he sees people as tools to be manipulated and used for a purpose, he invests time and care in them because they must be kept in good order, but can easily replace them should they break or prove not useful (read: he doesn't get attached) but if someone steps out of line, violence is used to remind them where they stand, whether it be an ally (punishing a bodyguard) or an enemy (taking out the embezzler/the don). After Tawan, he shut down his feelings and personal attachments and dedicated himself to work to the extent that he doesn't have a life outside the mafia-- even his friends are exclusively mafia related-- as per his fathers wishes, so he lives almost exclusively in a bubble of moral bankruptcy and violence, which means it's nothing to him to use wield violence as a means of pursuing his ends. It's his first instinct, even.
And then he meets Porsche.
Using violence against Porsche-- ambushing him in his bar in a psychological mind game, abducting him, fighting him, threatening to shoot him, actually shooting at him, parading men around in front of him, punishing him, yelling at him, demoting him, slapping and choking him out-- none of that succeeds in bringing him in line and that drives Kinn out of his mind. Here is a man, the first man Kinn's ever met, who can't be beaten into submission or simply killed for it. Here is a man who fights back.
And then he goes and catches feelings. And suddenly, for the first time in his life, he regrets choosing violence. He meets a person who who sees as more than a tool, who deserves better than to be manipulated with ruthlessness, and he regrets the actions he took to hurt him. For a man who murdered a lover and never looked back, it's a pretty big deal fucking deal. It's why ep6 is such a beloved and fascinating episode, because we see Kinn come such a long way by the end of it, when he is ready and willing to sacrifice himself to keep Porsche safe. Also, to go from despising Porsche for his inability to be controlled, to willingly setting him free? Kinn is willing to let something that belongs to him go, simply because he loves it enough to want it to be happy. Just. Yeah, that hits.
Kinn doesn't become any less ruthless throughout the series-- he still treats people with violence, he still relies on violence as a means of retaining power, and he still enjoys power. But. But by the end of it, he has a man by his side who he would never again raise a hand against, who he would burn the world for, who he would give his life for. He has someone worth as much (if not more) to him than the power he has spent his entire life pursuing. And it's beautiful.
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fanfictionroxs · 2 years
Here's some shitty memes. Enjoy my peeps 😚
Macau, the little cockblocker 😐😂 (and we LOVE it). Vegas looked ready to commit murder until he realised that it's his beloved shitty little brother so he pulled him and Pete in his lap and started dropping kisses on them like a cat mommy grooming her kittens
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Pete: I'm hungry (affectionate)
Kim: I'm hungry (detogatory)
They are NOT the same. Kim, take lessons from Pete you emotionally constipated fool!
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No marvel post credits scene hit me as hard as the vegaspetemacau family one did. Unparalleled.
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Is this just your typical abusive asian dad thing or do people in other continents also deal with such shit? Worst part is this bastard didn't do jack shit for Porsche and Chay
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I wanted to include Kim, but then I realised he's a useless simp as well 😝
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Change that Darth Vader meme to Pete being Luke and telling Kinn he's in love with Vegas and Anakinn screaming Noooooo
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This bitch (affectionate). No really his is a one track mind and I died squealing 🤣🤣
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Tankhun and Arm really said "THIS IS MY HOME AND I'LL PROTECT IT" Kevin Mcallister style 😎
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teenjiism · 2 years
listen. i want kim’s head on a platter, too. he deserves to be bonked on the head by tankhun for what he did to chay.
HOWEVER. while his initial choice to approach and string on chay are questionable at best and punishable by severe bonking at worst, logically, he made the right choice by distancing himself from him. no, he shouldn’t have let it get this far, but he didn’t know what he was getting himself into with chay and he wasn’t counting on developing feelings for him.
despite “officially” not being a part of the family, he still has ties to them. hell, he busted in to save chay just an episode ago. he is still very much part of the mafia world, whether he wants to be or not and chay is yet another tie to it now. chay already got kidnapped because he’s porsche’s brother, kim doesn’t want to be the reason chay gets in serious harm. a heartbreak, he can get over. whatever the mafia world might do to him, not so much.
kim obviously cares for chay and is attached. he’s a lonely person, just like chay; the difference is that chay took the opportunity to change that without hesitation because he craves love and affection, while kim is reluctant to accept or extend this love because of who he is. his cold mafia prince persona is just that — a persona, an exterior he adapted to shield himself from further harm. he managed to, some extent, escape a world that’s pretty much inescapable and now he’s trying to shield himself. and others, or at least that’s what he thinks he’s doing.
while chay technically is a child, he’s a lot more mature and independent than kim AND porsche give him credit for. kim has some serious amends to make but first and foremost, he needs to be honest with himself, then chay, about how he feels and his reasonings. chay is mature because he had to adapt to a lonely world around him but his heart is soft and ready to love. he is a ray of sunshine who now has to accept that he’s been lied to for so long, and possibly, even longer with whatever their parents were hiding. the biggest source of his wide-eyed innocence is his big heart, his pure, honest love and i hope kim realizes that he can have a role in nurturing this innocence. he can protect chay, but he doesn’t have to do it alone, because i’m pretty sure once they meet him, half of the main family household would be willing to murder for chay — with tankhun leading them.
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acacia-luna-royal · 2 years
Kinn and Kim
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I have been hoping, wishing, begging, for a scene where these two would be seen together and I’m not the only one who’s been wishing for it almost every episode since Kim’s enigmatic reveal in episode 3 or since we found out that he’s a guitarist/singer by day and a mafia detective by night. But as the episodes have gone on and on and on... they have never actually been in the same scene together. The closest that we had to them being in the same scene was when Tawan kidnapped Porschay and held Porsche hostage; Kim coming in, hot as hell with a face like thunder as he shot the shit out of Vegas’ bodyguards, ready to murder everyone in that warehouse apart from Porschay, Porsche and Big. But Kim left only a couple of minutes before Kinn arrived and I was like “They were so close ASFDKALSDAK!” And so I thought maybe there would be a moment where we see them together in the next episode. Did that happen? No. Have we had a scene with them together, in the same building, in the same room? No.
So, given the fact that the producers have decided to wait until the last episode, the longest episode, to have the chance to show us what Kinn and Kim would be like if they worked together, I think that says a hell of a lot. Normally, when there’s a reveal of two characters meeting up in the finale, whether they be siblings, parents or friends or hell even acquaintances, it’s usually an epic showdown and so I can tell that whatever scene Kinn and Kim will have together will be fucking epic. And if they don’t get a scene together, at least one, I’ll rip my hair out and cry.
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Hello, Kinnporsche anon here!! Hope you're doing OK Darling!!
I just finished episode 12 and omg, how are we supposed to wait a while week for the next episode?? I'm a on edge really!!
Kimchay is really hurting omg. Poor Chay, he looks so sad during the whole episode. I can't deal with it. He doesn't deserve this. I didn't understand why he threw out his application at first, but we saw Kim goes to the same uni. I can relate to that, I wouldn't want to goes to the same uni as the man who broke my heart. He gave up on his dreams bc of that, like it's not fair. Him dying his hair after his heartbreak is so relatable. And Kim, how your friend knows about the tutor situation? Did he talk about Chay?? I want to believe it 😭 he seems worried about Chay when he learn that he didn't go to his interview?? And the scene at the bar omg!!! So many feelings. Chay didn't look at himself, he want to put on facade kind off? He seems so sad. I was hurting for him. Idk something feels off with Chay, poor thing. I was so scared for him, like he could have been really hurt or in bad condition!! But Kim came to save him omg. The way he handle the situation??? (Jeff is so hot, I can't.). He is the most powerful brother, like he just put everyone in place by throwing one punch and pointing someone with this finger??? He is?????? (I had the tik tok sound '' sit back down. I'm sat in my mind when I saw this scene). Kim seems so angry at what Chay did, he was ready to murder someone. This scene just prove that Kim cares a little bit (a lot) about Chay. He is going to have to face his feeling and apologize to Chay!! I need my baby happy.
Can we talk about Porsche and Chay this episode?? Truly siblings goal. They care so much for each other!!! Porsche went to Chay first day with him. So cute. He was so happy that his brother go to uni, it's so refreshing to see. And at their house, When Chay said that he want his brother happy. It's so refreshing to see such a loving brother relationship, they are not unashamed for their love for each other!! (Chay please, talk to your brother about your heartbreak, he will be there for you)
Now Kinn and Porsche. What can I say appart from the fact they are so in love???? Really??? It too much to handle. It was so funny seeing Porsche and Arm having secret code. Arm is the number one fan in the Kinnporsche fanclub! (I mean, it could be have cute to have Pete in these kind of scene).
I cannot believe that they communicate with each other??? The scene after Porsche learn one part of the truth was so beautiful. They talk about their problems, it's so satisfying to see!! And Kinn, love you are the ideal boyfriend. He apologized for his mistake and explain the situation. He didn't try to make excuse. He took his responsibility. He seems genuinely sorry and hurt about what he cause to Porsche (I don' t know you notice but Kinn was shaking his head to say no when Porsche was talking, I love this small detail omg). He was listening to him and didn't not invalidate his feelings!!!!! They are such a good relationship. Other should take note
Then they want to confront Khorn. Kinn was by Porsche side, confront his father and said he went too far!!! What a evolution omg. He is not on his father side anymore,m. It think it a important thing to remember when we are going to have the big battle. Like it would be so good to have Kinn says no and do what he think is besg to his father when he tell him to do something omg!! This will show that he is not the heir anymore but the leader!!! I found Khorn very sus, I didn't believe him one second, it was too easy for an explanation (and I was right!!), what he is hiding??? I want to know (please Kim, stop being in your feeling for only one second and found out us. You can go back to Chay after that).
The scene at Porsche house was too cute. First we have the conversation between Chay and Porsche. The we have Kinn saying that Chay's life is as important as Porsche's life. He is telling Porsche that he cares about his brother and will do everything for him,like the most important person in Porsche life, the one he loves the most and is ready to give up everything just to make him happy and to realize his dream??? Then Kinn say that where Porsche is, is where his happiness is??? If it's not the most beautiful love declaration from Kinn I don't what it's. I saw people saying that Kinn still hasn't say love you to Porsche. But he has, so many time. He doesn't have to say the word to say I love you he is showing Porsche that he loves him and will do everything for him since the last two episode!!! (since episode 6 in my opinion). Porsche is it for Kinn. And Tay conversation with Porsche prove that too!!! (but first I need to say, I need more Tay in my life, second Time you are a dead man for hurting Tay). It was such a good conversation, Tay is basically saying that Kinn is so much in love with you, he will do anything,that Porsche is it for him!! (also I need to know why they trust Kinn and Time in the kitchen?? Like we can see from 10 miles away that they are not great in the kitchen)
Then Khorn make a come-back. I wonder why he does all of this??? I am sure that he feel some kind of guiltyness from what happened, but it's why he does all of it??? What does he have in his mind?? I really hope we learn his master plan really, I sure it's so complicated and interesting!! (I know for a fact when we learn it, Kinn is not going to be in his father side hehe)
Really Kinnporsche make my heart melt during this episode. The '' your parent would be proud. I am proud of you '' and Porsche breaking down in Kinn arm make me cry a little. This was exactly what need to happen!! Then we Kinn make them start over (sorry but Kinn looking really hurt about how things went down!!!!!!), it was so cute!! And what Porsche say omg. He says that he love Kinn, but most importantly that he knows Kinn love him!! He doesn't have to say the word for Porsche to know!!!!!
So we finished the episode with the uncle coming back. Now, I have a lot question. First, why did he come back now???? How did he know to talk about the major family and the car accident??? Who tell him do come back to Porsche??? The mean guy in the beginning??? Khorn???? Like give me answer now!!! I really hope Porsche goes talk to Kinn about this, and not accepting his uncle offer bc who know if he is going to tell him the truth!!! If he doesn't go to Kinn, we all know this is going to end up in another miscommunication situation, and I don't want the angst. I hate being left with this kind of cliffhanger omg!!!
Now, what we all wanting for. VEGASPETE!!!! LIKE HELLO???? I AM SCREAMING?????? I cannot believe wele had only two scene with them. I need more. I need one entire episode, no one season, no one saga from them. Like Build and Bible did such a good job portraying these characters?? They are so good omg. And for the scene they did, I gave them all the awards of the world.
I love how Pete is becoming more comfortable with Vegas. He was making sarcasm with him. And then, he was exposing Vegas like a true king. This scene was important, we learn more from Vegas?? Like, he really associated being sensitive with being weak. For him, showing emotion is not something you do without being weak. And he think love is not something for him (I hope he is ready to be submerge with Pete love). Then his little buddy d!ed, seeing him so sad and vulnerable make my heart Ache. He is trying, once again, to please his dad with the hedgehog, which is only a set up to make him fail (his dad deserve to suffer a lot).
He let a chance for Pete to escape ( I wonder why?? Maybe he doesn't want Pete to see him sad and vulnerable? That would make sense since he doesn't want see as weak. Or maybe a other things??). But Pete doesn't. He goes to Vegas to be by his side!!! Vegas look actually surpise to see Pete by side, like he fully expect Pete to leave him, like everyone else, but not he stay!!! Then in the bedroom, Vegas being open to Pete was so beautiful to see.
THEN WE HAVE THE FAMOUS MOMENT BETWEEN THEM OMG. Like Vegas asking consent (king)!!! Pete caving in!!!! Their kiss was so perfect, the way they smile at each other after it omg!!! I can't believe Pete got his a$$ ate. That what he deserve. Then we have THE Scene. Pete giving the rope to Vegas is such a good imagery. All the scene we saw of them since the capture, Pete was tied up by Vegas. He didn't have a choice, he was restrained, he couldn't do anything, he was obligated to stay there. Then, in a moment of intimacy, where he is free, he is asking Vegas to tied him up. He is choosing to be restraint. He is choosing to not be able to do anything. He is choosing to be with Vegas. (also, the amount of trust you need to do these kind of scene is insane!!! Bible a'd Build are amazing actor).
I cannot wait to next week really!!! So many thing to unpack!!! I wonder if Vegas is going to rebel against his father next episode or if we are going to have to wait for the last episode (I cannot believe only two episodes left, I wanna cry)
Oh you received your ali stuff??? Did you like it?? It's as cute as the picture you shown me?? 🤗
Oh yeah, you have to come back and climb the stair!!! The view is so beautiful from up there!!!
And your pc is homophobic for not letting you do giftset!!!
So, I will see you soon, I can't wait to read your reaction!!! 🥰 Bye bye!!
Hi darling! I'm sorry for being so late!!! I'm still feeling a little bit off but better than yesterday! Hope tomorrow I'll be fine!! I need all my strength for KinnPorsche's day!! 😍
So KimChay!! omg poor Chay, he really is heartbroken!! my baby!! I yelled when he trowed the uni papers!! I was 'NOOOOO don't do it. It's only a guy. I didn't think about the possibility that Kim was in the same uni because I forgot they are supposed to be students lol but you are right!! that's the reason! also dying his hair! we all have been there not only for a breakout haha relatable. Now Kim, darling, you still care about lovely Chay!!! I was so relieved when Kim appeared at the bar but then they fought again!! Nooo!! I understand Chay because Kim broke his heart and still trying to be around so that's why he was mad but Kim cares about him!! He tried to protect him! I don't think this season we will have a happy ending for these two 😭
Now Kinn and Porsche!! please they need to stop being so f*cking cute!! I can't with all the cuteness haha no but really they are so precious!!! Porsche being jealous is so funny to me lmao Arm what a king!! he really put a thing to spy on his boss for his bestie because that bestie is his boss' boyfriend hahaha love it!! I love the way they communicate now!! they really grow!! like if we compare it with the first episodes and now!! wow!! amazing!! the way Kinn was behind Porsche when he confronts his father!! that was so big for him!! and as you said about the 'I love you' thing, Kinn is demonstrating it with acts!! the conversation with Chay!! Knowing Chay is a big part of Porsche and he accepts him because he loves him!! my heart!! also, Kinn being domestic!! it's adorable!! he only wants to take care of his baby and cook some noodles and cuddle until sleeps!! leave him be!! hahaha also Tay, my darling, leave Time I'll take care of you!! haha, Time doesn't deserve his boyfriend!!
Khorn giving Porsche that pic knowing it's not totally the truth!! what a b*tch!! he really is so suspicious!! I was so happy when Porsche didn't kill that guy!! he's better than that!! also the way Kinn and Porsche hugged after that scene!!! 🥰️ they really support each other and their decisions!!! the meeting all over again was so precious!!! I loved that scene!! and how Porsche knows Kinn loves him!!! 💓💓💓 I really hope nothing bad happens to them in these two episodes left but who knows!!!??? I'm scared something could happen!! because the uncle hasn't returned to be a good guy!! so the uncle knew about Khorn all the time?? I have so many doubts!! I really hope Porsche and Kinn will communicate on this too!!
OKAY VEGASPETE!!!! their scenes!! omg their scenes!! I really need a whole season only about them! I can't with only a few scenes now!! I need more!! The way Pete is breaking Vegas's walls. I think he's trying to understand Vegas's character a little more! Pete is smart and he knows all the facades really hide something more so he's trying with all the questions and sarcasm!! and he is doing some progress!! Vegas opened up with him (okay maybe the death of his pet was the reason too) but Pete was there!! I was expecting him to stay but he really is too good and can't see other people suffering and leave them alone!! that was a crucial moment!!
Then we have THE SCENE!!! I was shocked because I was ready for this but I'm not complaining lol wow it was so good!! Pete giving Vegas the kiss! so he initiates the intimacy!! that was excellent!! consent is important!! yes!! The way Pete trusts him to be at his mercy!! He didn't hesitate!! he was ready for Vegas and the rope!! my mind really exploded at that moment!! also, Vegas using protection!! yes, king!! and well the 🍑🍑🍑 eating!! 10/10 hahaha Build and Bible did such a good job!! I love them!!
Tomorrow is the next episode and still not prepared because I'm still living in episode 12!! how do we only have two episodes left??? I can't believe it!! it seems is confirmed season two but how am I supposed to wait??? hahaha I love being dramatic hahaha
So this is all for now, it's not long as always but I tried my best!! I'm going to rest again!! hopefully, the cough is gone by tomorrow!! Hope you are having a lovely day!! See you soon, darling!! 💜💜
4 notes · View notes
cara-terra-pace · 4 years
Miraculous Characters as Iconic Things I have Thought or Said:
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
“I have bought gouache. I’m ready to take on the world (with my opaque watercolor)”
Rose Lavillant
“Is she baby, they say, knowing full well that of course I’m baby.”
Alix Kubdel
“Why are you scared of bunnies? Like, you filled in a hole so they couldn’t get out but you know, what are the bunnies gonna do? Take over your house? If they do, it seems like the real problem here is you for letting the bunnies take over, you know?”
Adrien Agreste
“That girl kept saying it was an ‘elevated’ grilled cheese sandwich. Baby, what is it elevating? My cholesterol?”
Chloe Bourgeois
“They don’t know how to right turn. That’s because they’re driving a Porsche. Laws don’t apply to people who drive porsches.
Lila Rossi
“Some things never change, like how amazingly dumb you are.”
Kim Le Chien
“Wrap it like a ghost baby!”
(Not a ghost, baby. A Ghost Baby.)
Marinette Dupain Cheng
“I dropped my CwoissAAANNNNT. oh it’s okay- WAIT THE BUTTER KNIFE”
Everyone when trying not to get akumatized
“I would like everyone to know I handled that very well.”
“You burst into tears the second we stepped out.”
“Yeah, AFTER we stepped out.”
You’re a murderer!
Thank you
Who are you saying thank you to?
You, for calling me a murderer
Mme Bustier
(Someone absolutely butchers a French word)
Gah, that’s hurt my French 2 Honors heart.
Nino Lahiffe
Fun fact, soundproof this place is not.
Alya Cesaire to Nino about Hawkmoth theories
Neighborhood Watch
That’s a suspicious car
That’s a suspicious car
Gerald did you forget your dentures again
Ladybug (@ Hawkmoth)
You make me want to somersault off a roof and land on the cold hard ground.
Sabine Cheng
You’re the meanest, did you take your pills, why is it Christmas?
Joseph Hessenpy
Firefighters don’t giggle
Then what do they do?
They chuckle fiercely
15 notes · View notes
bmfentertainmentinc · 5 years
Here’s a playlist for you… The World Is BMF Marathon Promotions Inc by Dj Magicmike-Spud https://open.spotify.com/playlist/48hltzbPYwNi3iTjfSzxlj?si=-LN-GMHXTluoB6X38velmA
R&B music producer Damon Thomas, the ex-husband of the undisputed queen of reality television Kim Kardashian, gambled with his life 10 years ago when he cooperated with the FBI, DEA and IRS in helping the federal government bring down the notorious Black Mafia Family (aka BMF), America’s most prolific drug gang of the New Millennium. Thomas and Kardashian, now wed to hip-hop superstar Kanye West, were married from 2000-2004, at the peak of Thomas’ career as one half of the multi-platinum selling production duo The Underdogs (along with Harvey Mason, Jr.).
Back in the summer of 2005, Thomas testified at a grand jury proceeding against BMF co-founder Terry (Southwest T) Flenory, claiming he had conspired with Flenory to hide ownership of millions of dollars worth of jewelry from the IRS. Flenory and his brother and fellow BMF boss Demetrius (Big Meech) Flenory pled guilty in a wide-reaching narcotics-conspiracy and racketeering case in 2007 and both received 30-year prison sentences. This fall is the 10-year anniversary of their bust.
A protégé of R&B producer icon Kenneth (Babyface) Edmonds,Thomas went out on his own in 2000, joining forces with Mason, Jr. of megawatt late-1990s hip-hop producer Rodney Jerkins’ Darkchild crew, and together they went on to pump out hit records for Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, R. Kelly, Chris Brown, Tyrese, Jordin Sparks and Jennifer Hudson.
The Flenory brothers started the monolithic BMF narcotics organization in the early 1990 in their hometown of Detroit – one fated to grow to be the largest urban crime conglomerate in our country’s history. By the end of the decade, BMF had expanded across the United States, setting up hubs in Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Louisville, Memphis, Dallas and St. Louis while parading in the early 2000s as a fledgling rap-music label. The magnetic and boisterous Big Meech headquartered his activities out of Atlanta, the more subdued and low-profile Southwest T out of L.A, with their childhood friends Benjamin (Blank) Johnson and Eric (Slim) Bivens tasked with looking after gang affairs in the Motor City.
They were all indicted, along with more than two dozen of their subordinates, in October 2005, charged with distributing close to 3,000 kilos of cocaine nationwide per month. The feds wound up seizing almost 300 million dollars from BMF bank accounts and convicting 150 gang members or associates in a slew of superseding and branch-off indictments.
Big Meech & Southwest T
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Big Meech & Southwest T
Thomas, 45, met the Flenorys around 2003 when he was hired to produce music for BMF-sponsored rappers. He was unwittingly drawn into their case on July 11, 2005 after Southwest T and Slim Bivens were pulled over driving on an interstate expressway in Illinois en route to a St. Louis for a meet-up with well-known BMF associate and southern rap royalty Young Jeezy and confiscated 22 pieces of expensive designer jewelry totaling five million dollars in estimated value. Taken into custody and questioned by the DEA, Flenory told the agents that the jewelry belonged to Damon Thomas, his music producer who was getting ready for a Young Jeezy video he was directing and planned on using the bling bling as props in the shoot.
Southwest T felt he could successfully pawn off responsibility for the gaudy array of jewelry on Thomas because Thomas was already laundering money for him with other jewelry purchases through the famous New York diamond king Jacob Arabo, known to hip-hop fans everywhere simply as “Jacob the Jeweler,” name-checked in countless rap tunes and eventually embroiled in the BMF case himself, like Thomas, for aiding BMF in hiding their assets. Immediately following their release from custody, Southwest T and Bivens holed up in a luxury hotel in Cleveland and quickly made contact with Thomas and Arabo, corralling their cooperation in validating a cover story and filling them in on the details for how to pull it off.
Arabo told authorities he loaned the jewelry to Thomas and Thomas told them the same thing. Until he didn’t. Facing threats of indictment by the feds if they didn’t flip, Arabo didn’t fold, Thomas, fearing time behind bars, did, testifying in front of the grand jury in the fall of 2005 which led to the whole BMF ship crumbling into pieces a month later.
Jacob the Jeweler
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Jacob the Jeweler
Staying true its word, the government included Arabo in a superseding indictment in 2006 that ensnared another 16 BMF members and co-conspirators. Pleading out in the case before trial, Jacob the Jeweler did two years in prison and was released in 2010. Per FBI informants in January 2007, Thomas was taking safety precautions in anticipation of a possible retaliatory strike from Southwest T and his BMF bandits. Such acts of violence, weren’t necessarily a calling card for the gang, however were far from unprecedented.
In 1997, Big Meech was the No. 1 suspect in the murder of a one-time federal cooperator killed in a drive-by carried out on an Atlanta expressway on the day he was released from prison . In 2003, he was the prime suspect (arrested, charges dropped) in the double homicide of Anthony (Wolf) Jones and Lamont (Riz) Girdy outside the Atlanta nightclub Chaos: Jones was a childhood friend and favored bodyguard of hip-hop mogul Sean (Puffy) Combs, arrested with him in the infamous 1999 Club New York shooting in Manhattan along with actress-singer Jennifer Lopez, whom Combs was dating at the time .
The following summer, BMF’s de-facto consigliere and third-in-command, Fleming (ILL) Daniels killed Rashannibal (Prince) Drummond, execution style, in the parking lot of Atlanta’s Velvet Room after Daniels’ car almost struck Drummond’s Porsche and Drummond smacked the vehicle Daniels was driving with his fist in anger. He got 20 years on a manslaughter beef.
A trio of BMF members, led by reputed “new era” syndicate leader Darnell (Coo Coo) Cooley, beat a club patron to death in a vicious assault that took place in August 2009 at a suburban Detroit jazz club and is suspected of ordering the execution of the only witness to the beating (the victim’s best friend) weeks later on the eve of the witness getting ready to testify in front of a grand jury investigating the jazz club attack and “post-Meech & T” BMF activity in Michigan.
Big Meech, 47, and Southwest T, 45, weren’t on speaking terms at the conclusion of their epic reign atop the U.S. underworld, millionaires several times over and leaders of separate factions of the BMF syndicate, but at the end of the day they both stayed loyal to each other – refusing to turn and point the finger in the other direction in the face of getting slammed with stiff sentences. The Flenorys won’t be eligible for parole until 2032.
Kardashian and Thomas split in 2004 (a good three years before ‘Princess Kimberly’ and the rest of the Kardashian clan hit the air) amid rumors of physical and verbal abuse, crazy hotel sex parties and a reported photo of a threesome between Thomas, Kardashian and Kardashian’s fellow reality tv diva and big sis Kourtney.
Here’s a playlist for you… The World Is BMF Marathon Promotions Inc by Dj Magicmike-Spud
Here’s a playlist for you… The World Is BMF Marathon Promotions Inc by Dj Magicmike-Spud
CAST OF BMF WIVES KIM KARDASHIAN-EX DAMON THOMAS TEMPTED FATE W/ GJ TESTIMONY IN BMF CASE Here’s a playlist for you… The World Is BMF Marathon Promotions Inc by Dj Magicmike-Spud
0 notes
greatvacationvegas · 5 years
Here’s a playlist for you… The World Is BMF Marathon Promotions Inc by Dj Magicmike-Spud https://open.spotify.com/playlist/48hltzbPYwNi3iTjfSzxlj?si=-LN-GMHXTluoB6X38velmA
R&B music producer Damon Thomas, the ex-husband of the undisputed queen of reality television Kim Kardashian, gambled with his life 10 years ago when he cooperated with the FBI, DEA and IRS in helping the federal government bring down the notorious Black Mafia Family (aka BMF), America’s most prolific drug gang of the New Millennium. Thomas and Kardashian, now wed to hip-hop superstar Kanye West, were married from 2000-2004, at the peak of Thomas’ career as one half of the multi-platinum selling production duo The Underdogs (along with Harvey Mason, Jr.).
Back in the summer of 2005, Thomas testified at a grand jury proceeding against BMF co-founder Terry (Southwest T) Flenory, claiming he had conspired with Flenory to hide ownership of millions of dollars worth of jewelry from the IRS. Flenory and his brother and fellow BMF boss Demetrius (Big Meech) Flenory pled guilty in a wide-reaching narcotics-conspiracy and racketeering case in 2007 and both received 30-year prison sentences. This fall is the 10-year anniversary of their bust.
A protégé of R&B producer icon Kenneth (Babyface) Edmonds,Thomas went out on his own in 2000, joining forces with Mason, Jr. of megawatt late-1990s hip-hop producer Rodney Jerkins’ Darkchild crew, and together they went on to pump out hit records for Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, R. Kelly, Chris Brown, Tyrese, Jordin Sparks and Jennifer Hudson.
The Flenory brothers started the monolithic BMF narcotics organization in the early 1990 in their hometown of Detroit – one fated to grow to be the largest urban crime conglomerate in our country’s history. By the end of the decade, BMF had expanded across the United States, setting up hubs in Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Louisville, Memphis, Dallas and St. Louis while parading in the early 2000s as a fledgling rap-music label. The magnetic and boisterous Big Meech headquartered his activities out of Atlanta, the more subdued and low-profile Southwest T out of L.A, with their childhood friends Benjamin (Blank) Johnson and Eric (Slim) Bivens tasked with looking after gang affairs in the Motor City.
They were all indicted, along with more than two dozen of their subordinates, in October 2005, charged with distributing close to 3,000 kilos of cocaine nationwide per month. The feds wound up seizing almost 300 million dollars from BMF bank accounts and convicting 150 gang members or associates in a slew of superseding and branch-off indictments.
Big Meech & Southwest T
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Big Meech & Southwest T
Thomas, 45, met the Flenorys around 2003 when he was hired to produce music for BMF-sponsored rappers. He was unwittingly drawn into their case on July 11, 2005 after Southwest T and Slim Bivens were pulled over driving on an interstate expressway in Illinois en route to a St. Louis for a meet-up with well-known BMF associate and southern rap royalty Young Jeezy and confiscated 22 pieces of expensive designer jewelry totaling five million dollars in estimated value. Taken into custody and questioned by the DEA, Flenory told the agents that the jewelry belonged to Damon Thomas, his music producer who was getting ready for a Young Jeezy video he was directing and planned on using the bling bling as props in the shoot.
Southwest T felt he could successfully pawn off responsibility for the gaudy array of jewelry on Thomas because Thomas was already laundering money for him with other jewelry purchases through the famous New York diamond king Jacob Arabo, known to hip-hop fans everywhere simply as “Jacob the Jeweler,” name-checked in countless rap tunes and eventually embroiled in the BMF case himself, like Thomas, for aiding BMF in hiding their assets. Immediately following their release from custody, Southwest T and Bivens holed up in a luxury hotel in Cleveland and quickly made contact with Thomas and Arabo, corralling their cooperation in validating a cover story and filling them in on the details for how to pull it off.
Arabo told authorities he loaned the jewelry to Thomas and Thomas told them the same thing. Until he didn’t. Facing threats of indictment by the feds if they didn’t flip, Arabo didn’t fold, Thomas, fearing time behind bars, did, testifying in front of the grand jury in the fall of 2005 which led to the whole BMF ship crumbling into pieces a month later.
Jacob the Jeweler
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Jacob the Jeweler
Staying true its word, the government included Arabo in a superseding indictment in 2006 that ensnared another 16 BMF members and co-conspirators. Pleading out in the case before trial, Jacob the Jeweler did two years in prison and was released in 2010. Per FBI informants in January 2007, Thomas was taking safety precautions in anticipation of a possible retaliatory strike from Southwest T and his BMF bandits. Such acts of violence, weren’t necessarily a calling card for the gang, however were far from unprecedented.
In 1997, Big Meech was the No. 1 suspect in the murder of a one-time federal cooperator killed in a drive-by carried out on an Atlanta expressway on the day he was released from prison . In 2003, he was the prime suspect (arrested, charges dropped) in the double homicide of Anthony (Wolf) Jones and Lamont (Riz) Girdy outside the Atlanta nightclub Chaos: Jones was a childhood friend and favored bodyguard of hip-hop mogul Sean (Puffy) Combs, arrested with him in the infamous 1999 Club New York shooting in Manhattan along with actress-singer Jennifer Lopez, whom Combs was dating at the time .
The following summer, BMF’s de-facto consigliere and third-in-command, Fleming (ILL) Daniels killed Rashannibal (Prince) Drummond, execution style, in the parking lot of Atlanta’s Velvet Room after Daniels’ car almost struck Drummond’s Porsche and Drummond smacked the vehicle Daniels was driving with his fist in anger. He got 20 years on a manslaughter beef.
A trio of BMF members, led by reputed “new era” syndicate leader Darnell (Coo Coo) Cooley, beat a club patron to death in a vicious assault that took place in August 2009 at a suburban Detroit jazz club and is suspected of ordering the execution of the only witness to the beating (the victim’s best friend) weeks later on the eve of the witness getting ready to testify in front of a grand jury investigating the jazz club attack and “post-Meech & T” BMF activity in Michigan.
Big Meech, 47, and Southwest T, 45, weren’t on speaking terms at the conclusion of their epic reign atop the U.S. underworld, millionaires several times over and leaders of separate factions of the BMF syndicate, but at the end of the day they both stayed loyal to each other – refusing to turn and point the finger in the other direction in the face of getting slammed with stiff sentences. The Flenorys won’t be eligible for parole until 2032.
Kardashian and Thomas split in 2004 (a good three years before ‘Princess Kimberly’ and the rest of the Kardashian clan hit the air) amid rumors of physical and verbal abuse, crazy hotel sex parties and a reported photo of a threesome between Thomas, Kardashian and Kardashian’s fellow reality tv diva and big sis Kourtney.
Here’s a playlist for you… The World Is BMF Marathon Promotions Inc by Dj Magicmike-Spud
CAST OF BMF WIVES KIM KARDASHIAN-EX DAMON THOMAS TEMPTED FATE W/ GJ TESTIMONY IN BMF CASE Here’s a playlist for you… The World Is BMF Marathon Promotions Inc by Dj Magicmike-Spud
0 notes
digmagazineblr · 5 years
Here’s a playlist for you… The World Is BMF Marathon Promotions Inc by Dj Magicmike-Spud https://open.spotify.com/playlist/48hltzbPYwNi3iTjfSzxlj?si=-LN-GMHXTluoB6X38velmA
R&B music producer Damon Thomas, the ex-husband of the undisputed queen of reality television Kim Kardashian, gambled with his life 10 years ago when he cooperated with the FBI, DEA and IRS in helping the federal government bring down the notorious Black Mafia Family (aka BMF), America’s most prolific drug gang of the New Millennium. Thomas and Kardashian, now wed to hip-hop superstar Kanye West, were married from 2000-2004, at the peak of Thomas’ career as one half of the multi-platinum selling production duo The Underdogs (along with Harvey Mason, Jr.).
Back in the summer of 2005, Thomas testified at a grand jury proceeding against BMF co-founder Terry (Southwest T) Flenory, claiming he had conspired with Flenory to hide ownership of millions of dollars worth of jewelry from the IRS. Flenory and his brother and fellow BMF boss Demetrius (Big Meech) Flenory pled guilty in a wide-reaching narcotics-conspiracy and racketeering case in 2007 and both received 30-year prison sentences. This fall is the 10-year anniversary of their bust.
A protégé of R&B producer icon Kenneth (Babyface) Edmonds,Thomas went out on his own in 2000, joining forces with Mason, Jr. of megawatt late-1990s hip-hop producer Rodney Jerkins’ Darkchild crew, and together they went on to pump out hit records for Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, R. Kelly, Chris Brown, Tyrese, Jordin Sparks and Jennifer Hudson.
The Flenory brothers started the monolithic BMF narcotics organization in the early 1990 in their hometown of Detroit – one fated to grow to be the largest urban crime conglomerate in our country’s history. By the end of the decade, BMF had expanded across the United States, setting up hubs in Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Louisville, Memphis, Dallas and St. Louis while parading in the early 2000s as a fledgling rap-music label. The magnetic and boisterous Big Meech headquartered his activities out of Atlanta, the more subdued and low-profile Southwest T out of L.A, with their childhood friends Benjamin (Blank) Johnson and Eric (Slim) Bivens tasked with looking after gang affairs in the Motor City.
They were all indicted, along with more than two dozen of their subordinates, in October 2005, charged with distributing close to 3,000 kilos of cocaine nationwide per month. The feds wound up seizing almost 300 million dollars from BMF bank accounts and convicting 150 gang members or associates in a slew of superseding and branch-off indictments.
Big Meech & Southwest T
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Big Meech & Southwest T
Thomas, 45, met the Flenorys around 2003 when he was hired to produce music for BMF-sponsored rappers. He was unwittingly drawn into their case on July 11, 2005 after Southwest T and Slim Bivens were pulled over driving on an interstate expressway in Illinois en route to a St. Louis for a meet-up with well-known BMF associate and southern rap royalty Young Jeezy and confiscated 22 pieces of expensive designer jewelry totaling five million dollars in estimated value. Taken into custody and questioned by the DEA, Flenory told the agents that the jewelry belonged to Damon Thomas, his music producer who was getting ready for a Young Jeezy video he was directing and planned on using the bling bling as props in the shoot.
Southwest T felt he could successfully pawn off responsibility for the gaudy array of jewelry on Thomas because Thomas was already laundering money for him with other jewelry purchases through the famous New York diamond king Jacob Arabo, known to hip-hop fans everywhere simply as “Jacob the Jeweler,” name-checked in countless rap tunes and eventually embroiled in the BMF case himself, like Thomas, for aiding BMF in hiding their assets. Immediately following their release from custody, Southwest T and Bivens holed up in a luxury hotel in Cleveland and quickly made contact with Thomas and Arabo, corralling their cooperation in validating a cover story and filling them in on the details for how to pull it off.
Arabo told authorities he loaned the jewelry to Thomas and Thomas told them the same thing. Until he didn’t. Facing threats of indictment by the feds if they didn’t flip, Arabo didn’t fold, Thomas, fearing time behind bars, did, testifying in front of the grand jury in the fall of 2005 which led to the whole BMF ship crumbling into pieces a month later.
Jacob the Jeweler
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Jacob the Jeweler
Staying true its word, the government included Arabo in a superseding indictment in 2006 that ensnared another 16 BMF members and co-conspirators. Pleading out in the case before trial, Jacob the Jeweler did two years in prison and was released in 2010. Per FBI informants in January 2007, Thomas was taking safety precautions in anticipation of a possible retaliatory strike from Southwest T and his BMF bandits. Such acts of violence, weren’t necessarily a calling card for the gang, however were far from unprecedented.
In 1997, Big Meech was the No. 1 suspect in the murder of a one-time federal cooperator killed in a drive-by carried out on an Atlanta expressway on the day he was released from prison . In 2003, he was the prime suspect (arrested, charges dropped) in the double homicide of Anthony (Wolf) Jones and Lamont (Riz) Girdy outside the Atlanta nightclub Chaos: Jones was a childhood friend and favored bodyguard of hip-hop mogul Sean (Puffy) Combs, arrested with him in the infamous 1999 Club New York shooting in Manhattan along with actress-singer Jennifer Lopez, whom Combs was dating at the time .
The following summer, BMF’s de-facto consigliere and third-in-command, Fleming (ILL) Daniels killed Rashannibal (Prince) Drummond, execution style, in the parking lot of Atlanta’s Velvet Room after Daniels’ car almost struck Drummond’s Porsche and Drummond smacked the vehicle Daniels was driving with his fist in anger. He got 20 years on a manslaughter beef.
A trio of BMF members, led by reputed “new era” syndicate leader Darnell (Coo Coo) Cooley, beat a club patron to death in a vicious assault that took place in August 2009 at a suburban Detroit jazz club and is suspected of ordering the execution of the only witness to the beating (the victim’s best friend) weeks later on the eve of the witness getting ready to testify in front of a grand jury investigating the jazz club attack and “post-Meech & T” BMF activity in Michigan.
Big Meech, 47, and Southwest T, 45, weren’t on speaking terms at the conclusion of their epic reign atop the U.S. underworld, millionaires several times over and leaders of separate factions of the BMF syndicate, but at the end of the day they both stayed loyal to each other – refusing to turn and point the finger in the other direction in the face of getting slammed with stiff sentences. The Flenorys won’t be eligible for parole until 2032.
Kardashian and Thomas split in 2004 (a good three years before ‘Princess Kimberly’ and the rest of the Kardashian clan hit the air) amid rumors of physical and verbal abuse, crazy hotel sex parties and a reported photo of a threesome between Thomas, Kardashian and Kardashian’s fellow reality tv diva and big sis Kourtney.
CAST OF BMF WIVES KIM KARDASHIAN-EX DAMON THOMAS TEMPTED FATE W/ GJ TESTIMONY IN BMF CASE Here’s a playlist for you… The World Is BMF Marathon Promotions Inc by Dj Magicmike-Spud
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